HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003.10.14_Worksession Agenda 3. Discussion relating to Legislative Consortium Issues. Mr. Wiles Attachment #3 Discussion relating to Planning Items A. Rezoning Request B. Final Plat Mr. Cuthbertson Attachment #2 1. Call to Order Mayor Cochran AGENDA Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 PM on Friday, October 10,2003. / .... " ./ >>Vli ut '\)\J Timothy D. \.~~oney, Assistant cty Special October 14, 2003 6:00 PM Owasso City Hall III N. Main Street Main Conference Room TYPE OF MEETING: DATE: TIME: PLACE: PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL 7. Discussion Relating to Public Works Items: A. Neighborhood Traffic Calming Policy B. Stonn Debris Policy C. East 86th Street North and North 14Sth E. Avenue Mr. Carr Attachment #7 6. Discussion Relating to the Purchase of Fire Extrication Equipment. Mr. Fisher Attachment #6 5. Discussion relating to Police Department Items: A. Vehicle Maintenance Policy B. Vehicle Rotation Policy Mr. Yancey Attachment #5 4. Discussion Relating to Liability Insurance. Ms. Dempster Attachment #4 Owasso City Council October 14,2003 Page 2 9. Adjournment. ".."~-_.~--~~-~--- "---<-~.~__'~o___.__'~_~~______~______~~~ 8. RepOli from City Manager Mr. Ray Vision 2025 Discussion Briefing on Owasso Golf and Athletic Club Water Usage Owasso City Council October 14,2003 Page 3 ANALYSIS The purpose of the Bethel Baptist Church's rezoning request is to classify the property for commercial use so that the church may modify their sign along 86th St. North. The church wishes to improve their sign on 86th Street however, because the property is currently zoned RS-3 they are not allowed (according to the Owasso sign code) to have a large sign on the property. As a remedy, the church has two options: request a variance from the sign code that would allow them to make a one time change or rezone the SURROUNDING ZONING North: RS.:.3 (Residential. Sing1e;.Family District) South: RS-3 (Residential Single-Family District) East: CG (Commercial General), RS-3 (Residential Single-Family) West: CG (Commercial General), RM-l (Residential Multi-family) PRESENT ZONING RS-3 (Residential Single-Family District) SURROUNDING LAND USE North: Single-family residential South: Single-family residential West: Mexico Lindo and Apartments East: Larry's Fried Chicken, Post Office, and single-family residential EXISTING LANQJISE Church LOCATION Bethel Baptist Church is located in the northwest corner of Cedar St. and 86th St. N. CS (Commercial Shopping) Proposed Zoning Designation: RS-3 (Residential Single-Family) Current Zoning Designation: The City of a request applicant(s)/owner(s), approximately 5.11 more or less current designation of (Residential) to (Commercial). It is the intention of the property owner only to improve their signage. OZ 03-11 (Bethel Baptist Cimrch) STAFF REPORT CITY OF OW ASSO COMlVIUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ATTACHMENTS 1. General Area Map OZ 03-11 Rezoning Application... 3. Site Map 4. Legal Notice RECOMMENDA TION Staff recommends rezoning Bethel Baptist Church's southern most lot (on which the main structure is situated)adjacent to 86th Street North to CS (Commercial Shopping district) and rezoning lots 5-9 of block 10 in Ator Heights to OL (Office Light intensity district). Both zoning classifications would allow the church to place signs within their property. The CS zoned property along 86th St. will establish a consistent developable pattern along that corridor and the OL zoning on the northern lots would (along with allowing the sign) would provide a smoother transition in intensity from Commercial to Residential. Uses typical in OL zoned districts share similar characteristics to Residential zoning therefore the potential for conflict is minimized. Staff published legal notice of the rezoning request the September 17, 2003 edition the Owasso Reporter and sent notices to property owners within 300' of the property and posted a notification of a rezoning request sign on the property. Staff received one phone call concerning the potential use of the site. It was the concern of the caller that the rezoning would allow the church to sell the property in the future to commercial interest. He was mostly concerned with potential commercial development of the lots on the northern section of the churches property. Staff informed him that the intentions of the church at this time were only to modify their sign and that they gave us no indication they would sell their property to a commercial interest. The rezoning desired is consistent with the commercial pattern currently established along the north side of 86th Street North and this request is consistent with the Owasso 2010 Land Use Master Plan. However, the rear portion of the church property encroaches into a residential neighborhood to the north. If the property were ever to be developed as commercial there would to some established between the site and adjacent residential property. property to a classification that would allow signs. The church decided to request a rezoning to a designation that would allow a modification of their signage. 111 North Maln Stn>el: Ow''''''''. OK 74055 PH: (9111) 376.1500 www.cltJ/ofuwas$o.c"", NORTH Thlu map Is rCl!l' IntwmmUOlUll p~ t$'dy &nd Is trot Im~ t01~tn,em. lil:i"ll/l'CCUtM0 and tRUI seale we cfthlll ffl8p lis wMlwut w.nanly CSI f~0Mnt&af<m ~ the CUy c10WE<lli3 Ccmmunlty DewelopmMt D~lNl1 cf lhi a-eeumc/. City of Owasso Community Development Department Q 02: 03-11 Bethel Baptist Church General Area Map 9.22.03 11TH g~r :c u 0:: :3 9TH :I: as ~ ~ - 7TH ~I iE ~I 'lbr\\'\ \23RD I IW 21ST CT rl~ ..... ii5 I--~ I 20TH CT 0::: ~ 05 / 19TH 18TH ~ - 17TH 5T I 0::: <1:: Su 1111 ..16TH. I ~, T d - B91H 51 W J: I-- f' m w ~ !II 95TH PL - AG _ _(J) ~--~- -_. -- ----~ j.---~.-- A --[J z ,IlL RS-: ./,,"-'. -- ....". ",-. ~ --- {} ,i/''''- - ~\,-" /~,o I I E 14th ST '"" - I I- -- ..., , CJ) ~,"'" I G 'to , I! 'f(~ \\ 1 ------------ I V ~ I)\j (J7_n~ 4~J... I -- ~ ! ~- -', <: """'"'>II"" ~~ i ~ nilliFB . -- I ~ ~ I I .~ .~ I I RS~ I I I I I ~-- I Je- I z I I ~ I ~ii ~~ I "fj, G~~~ I 4 ~ CG I I c\'<- I I \'?J'S'~ I ~\ I CG I ~~ I - =-.---.-. ....- - ..- :/'- -~r:r1'2'f~-1 ! ~R6tILS.LN t ~ ~ \ \~G \ '\ I \ /~ '- E 11th 5T '... / ~,'k- z;/............ \ ""'- t=;% g ~ \. - I~ ...._'-_. - ___ _...._~ \-- !' ~ ([) _ r- 'P \- s: ~ \ ~ M ~ ~ ~ r- N ~ ~ H..i-..- ~ ~ ~ -- ~ f------------ ~ --- ~-- ~~ ~ 1914 r---- I- 1-----____ F e-et- ____ r-----------O 100 200 ________-- 1:- i BETHEL !)APTIST CHURCH l:';<o.,M'3T. N. AND CE:DAfZ '5T O~JASSc:JJ OK.LA. .ct'. Q!!>4.'''' ~rl1:lt"T N. J -4A.A,,-s ~-_ i ., f'llIw 'i'OlJWA fk. 3~O.~' I &~-- '1" I. : I I ~ I~ 1/ I~- GAI.-d i - .l.~!. i . r ~ I _ :( i _.p :0#-- I 14 1",'59--, t-- ._--- I I : I, - - - - '_ _ ,.- ~- ~ ;~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ;~~,~prUJ~ '-1)to dJ Q l) t- o f1j )l..lt -q C l1 ~i:;-..i ~; 0 ~~3:NlfO l"-: ~ ; - :: ~ If\ .:. ..:a:.... tl~ <\ ClO'.. I! '" j; ~!il ::12 o ,l'-:n";t ~ 0 C -I'.. <l l 111 Jc,: Qt "Ill " 1>."" .,;d.."'.-..~ , Jlf1ll!".. ~ J>oi/f~i ~ (\:!\1lIl i o () "'.a~. ~ c",""'i< ;.. ".,:=... z. :;t..:t.. J;\ ., "1;~. 0 () .~~lt-= -q .'" _-i ~ 1....!l 5l ()~ -l ~ ~ -~--- i I g ~ . "'%t- 1-- ,,' ...........1_ il ~ ! ;1 . " .- / j / / / / i I I I J <j J J I ~' n "'" ~S ~~ J I ) .- / / 'i"l / .!~-r ~~I 'Ok' I --,.--~_~_ : I I ' r -, - ~ P<7 I \ · ~, I ,; I ~ I I t I I f'----J-- 1/:; \ ~ - - -1' t 1:1 044_ Ii'"' r~ I or iif(---... ras I( ,: ... ... ~..... 1> 1"\ r~:t Ii I~_ ",' I \ -.~- --~-I;--~k " I ...1 I . Q "r ~ I ,~ I ~~ I. ,; i r II 1._ - I , I - --- JD~f. I ~ 7 I k&4ETV ! 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"~""--j )111 (')- r Of"1(f) r}> ~~ '-1. :iZ po.", 1 '^'n! ([) I till C 10 ;-J . I::' ;::u 0 n g. I ,~ ~I 1- OPC MEETING DATE APPROVED DENIED SUBMITTAL DATE FEE RECEIPT NUMBER Please submit the completed application foml and application fee along with a Certified 300' Radius Report (available rram an Abstract Company) to the Owasso City Planner on or before the Planning Commission submittal deadline as shown on the official City of OWasso calendar. The applicant and/or the applicant's cOl1sldtantshmdd attend the Planning Commission meetings at which the Supplemental Zoning wil! be reviewed. ..._mm...mmm . l\1<l~+-~ "-1 ') '1AC-.- ~ Dei 10- . +l.. '+:DDr~\ T1A-vL CD!lllltit\, - 0 e.+ 13 - <>- .,.,; C."+ Ii . I 0' 1.. 2. If..! It, '?i) - I . 'i LO--"""n ~.,!...... 'J(.<6 - UI. f'-' Fee Schedule 0- 0.99 acres $75 1- 4.99 acres 100 5-19.99 acres 150 20 + acres 200 DATE .2-,~ 2c -03 I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION HEREIN I SI2!."lA1:URE /2. t V / SUBMITTED IS COMPLETE, TRUE AND ACCURATE ...k;: J)/)!t/ n~~~_- -~=--===.~ Address or General Location of Subject Property .. 001/1; L) r. t\JcJf\,IH ,-$ CeDAR -;;r, CWAoS<!,-V C K LA. Name of person to be billed for publication Phone ??r:.TI-lE.L fbA n6-Ci-lJiZ6H 2/'2- '2.'z.'Zq Mailing Address RO'I7:;.6)( 176 DWp-.s6[)LOIO:__A_ 7,~[)Jj5 Name _and AClJC1n':$S of ReCord Owner l?E..HitOL P:>p..Y'lloS r eMU R,CI-i As applicant, wbat is your interest in this property? DPresent Owner DAgent for Owner DPurchaser 00ther DAHomey rOll" Owner LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF LAND UNDER APPLICATION (If by metes and bounds, attach plat of survey) THIi ~uiJTI-i 401)16 ff:tT CJf T?-tt. lNcL"r 330.otfet::T of THE '1i;J 14 Df THe 'St:: ~ cf THE -:Sf:. 14 o~ <Sce: le.oJ 1'1 Jd~>J,V'SJ11 ;21 t'iOFZ.TH R'.<-\jI.j6E t4 [;;A<7T 6~ THt' IN?II>'N t~D.'5f: AND ME/ZiDit><,t'-.J, TUt-4A C:')~Ji..J,~ -'STAlE Df OkLA.'........__(.3,Sf ?ic::tCZG.<S), __ /1 N Do- ~_.. - -~ . --- ~T<7 6, &, "7.8, AND "1, /?:'L,{.lGi<.IO} Arcr;z t-ti:'iGiHTS.. THIR.D AoolJ::JON ...1L.._ ..~t-J TH~_GfT::j._uF ()ltVA'7",,>U/ l1JL.c:;I':::"COrJt-JTY~ OKLA. (I'G~_(-i:;:-';;'.:;;) tiN v C'1:: iZ. '<;-r: loz- _ 1- LJ~o...c\ l i:.'Y!- - _JL..V I Duane Cuthbertson City Planner Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 17fd day of September, 2003. A map showing the proposed rezoning accompanies this notice. For more information on the proposed rezoning contact the Owasso City Planner, City Hall, 111 N. Main Street, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055, or phone (918) 376-1543. The City Council's review of the recommendation of the Planning Commission on the proposed rezoning shall be at a meeting time and place to be determined by the Council, said information to be available from the Owasso City Planner. In the event that such proposed rezoning is approved, in whole or in part, by the Owasso Planning Commission, said Planning Commission shall submit its recommendation to the City Council of the City of Owasso for its consideration and action, as provided by law. All persons interested in this matter may be present at the hearing and present their objections to or arguments for any or all of the above matters. To be considered is a rezoning of approximately 5.11 acres +/- from RS-3 (Residential High Density District) to CS (Commercial Shopping District). The property is further described as Bethel Baptist Church located in the NW corner of 86th St. N. and Cedar St. THE SOUTH 463.75 FEET OF THE WEST 330.0 FEET OF THE SW ~ OF THE SE ~ OF THE SE ~ OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST OF THE INDIAN BASE AND MERIDIAN, TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA; AND; LOTS 5p6p7,8 AND 9 BLOCK 10, ATOR HEIGHTS THIRD ADDITION A SUBDIVISION IN THE CITY OF OWASSO, TULSA COUNTY, OKLAlIOMA. that time and place, consideration will be given to the change the zoning classification of the following desclibed property: Planning at on Notice is hereby that a public hearing will be held Commission, the 2003. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC OF A HEARING ON A PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE ZONlNG ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OVVASS090~O~ The proposed final plat is satisfactorily meets the requirements established in the Owasso Zoning Code. Necessary (utility and drainage) easements have been established along the parameters and within the lots of the proposed plat to accommodate essential utility placement and facilitate drainage from lot 1 to the detention pond. The developer has been working diligently with the City of Owasso in regards to the widening of 86th Street North on the north side of the subject property, The needed Right-of-Way for 86th Street has been ANALYSIS The ROC Owasso ill final plat proposes two (2) lots on one ~l) block. The plat intends to accommodate commercial development fronting onto E. 86t I Street North. Commercial development on this property is compatible with the Owasso Master Plan and consistent with current development trends in the general area. Infrastructure is (or will be) adequate to accommodate this potential growth. SURROUNDING.ZONING North: AG South: RM-l (Residential Multi-Family) East: .. AG West: OM (Office Medium Density) PRESENT ZONING CS (Commercial Shopping) ~URROUNDING LAND USE North: Owasso Eighth Grade Center South: Residential Apartments (The Greens at Owasso) East: Vacant West: Owasso Medical Center LOCATION A PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (NE/4) OF TIlE NORTHWEST QUARTER (NW/4) OF SECTION 28, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST, CITY OF OW ASSO, TULSA, COUNTY, OKLAHOMA EXISTING LAND USE Vacant BACKGll.OUN}:! The City of Owasso has received a request from KMO Development for the review of a final plat for the III addition. The is located the southeast corner of N. 13 7th Ave. and E. 86th N., north of the apartments. The final plat contains two (2) lots, one (1) block and one (1) reserve area on approximately 3.149 acres, more or less, Copies of the final plat and a general area map have been attached for your information and review. OWASSOIDFINAL STAFF REPORT CITY OF OW ASSO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BECOMMENDA TION 1. Staff recommends approval the ROC Owasso III final plat. ATTACHMENTS 1. General Area Map. 2. ROC Owasso ill Final Plat. 3. ROC Owasso ill Final Plat Application. TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE The Owasso Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the final plat at the October 1, 2003 regular meeting. At that meeting, utility providers, as well as staff, are afforded the opportunity to comment on the plat and request any additions and/or concerns. There were no T AC recommendations. Finally, a area will established the southeast comer the platted area, The reserve area contains 0.376 acres and will be a pond<>like structure utilized stormwater detention as well as to aid the maintenance of the wetlands to the east of the property. To satisfy the ingress/egress requirements for the plat a Mutual Access Easement will be created within the development along the eastern boundmy of Lot 1. The easement will guarantee access to/from 86th Street North to both lots in the development. No other access points will be established along 86th St. N, At the present time (9/2003) there will also be no access granted to the' on the westEl111 edge of the plat established with the proposed plat and the developer has made arrangements for sidewalks and access points to be established satisfactorily. PH: (918) 376-1500 FAX: (918) 376-1597 www.cityofowasso.com III North Main Street P.o. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 ROC Owasso ill Final Plat CITY OF OW ASSO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT GENERAL AREA MAP9-22-03 y ~ ~i ~~~ ~ ()~ S?f 9 ' w r 5 It ~ It " I ", t;~ - cO~ 0I111 L '.." ~ ~.;I j" ','; ~ ii!~ 1 w.! L :r: g:< I ': ~ ~ ~ Iii I I'; I" .' 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'" ~<O ~01ji!N.<:~ i td'J atO .!Mi .;~w~~ ~~'S;:: OW u1 i5lO.,.Ea epJ! ~J: t; '0 ()- i~ 0'I.El rn~ u u n\..71\JIl"" OPC MEETDJG ZONING DISTRiCT APPROVFn T AC MEETING SUBMlTI AL FEE RECEIPT NU1vrBER I (We), the undersigned developer, do submit that this subdivision has had preliminary plat approval and that all cunditions of said preliminary PJat-~rov~ ha' been met or listed below as conditions protested/ / / ,,1// ' #' DEVELOPER SIG~A Tt'RE/ . / DA TE / V'..? I ; Vtt/tVE3'12J; ;r6-~ Conditions Protested Please submit the completed application Conn and application fee ($100 pIllS $.50 per lot over 100 lots), along with the completed Final Plat Checklist and all requirements thereof, to the Owasso City Planner on or before the Planning Commission submittal deadline as shown on the official City of Owasso calendar. All Final Plats are scheduled for review bytheTechnical Advisory Committeel3 days prior to the Planning Commission meeting at which the Final Plat will be reviewed. The applicant and/or the applicant's consultant should attend both the Technical Advisory Committee and Planning Commission meetings at which the Final Plat will be reviewed. - o Traffic-bound Swface Cowse J?f Asphaltic Concrete o Portland Cement Concft:te STREET SliRFACING o Disposal Plant o Septic Total Acres 3.261 ;rd-. ~ City Main % City Sewer SANITARY SEWER o o Washington Co. RWD3 o Rogers Co. RWD3 WATER SUPPLY Proposed Zoning j Proposed Use /f/CJ t~V6r;:: Ctll'l!il Ii1<CI/I L Number of Lots 2. l.'LAT I:'-iFORilIAT1ON Present Use V A?/f'NT 71!A~, Present Zoning CS TRAt.T XNFORJ\lATION I S 15eJo/tJ/2& waSi?!: 4 DEVELOPER KMtJ Ol3V? 6!Ztll!.8.. LNC, ENGlNEER/ARCIDTECT ~55~" IN"-, , .._ ADDRESS 5650 S. LavIS J((/e;, StllH:.;101;.7Zlt,t'A; ADDRESS 6(11 e,.32/yp f'L/ TlILsif" o1<..1~ ~HONE V~~~~~~FAX:J/ fl. 71-2-# %1_ Z#~PHONE-!!!:: tPb5' 3W~ GENERAL LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF 74055 (918) 272-2251 FAX (9tH) 272-4997 p.G 918 272 4997 Owasso Cammunlt~Dev. Se~ 26 01 08:33.3 It is the staff's opinion that arbitration decisions overturning disciplimllY or termination actions of municipalities may allow continued employment of individuals or render disciplinary actions meaningless when the individual has committed major infractions or has demonstrated a propensity for behavior that can be harmful to the public or co-workers or expose the municipality to liability. Decisions may also adversely affect the budget of municipalities, and if an award is made after the approval of a budget for a new fiscal year (which would be the typical case) it may cause the City to unlawfully exceed its spending limitations. Unfortunately, many arbitrators have come from the ranks Current Oklahoma law does not provide for an appeal to District Court of an arbitration decision in a police or firefighter grievance matter or interest arbitration. FIRE AND POLICE COLLECTIVE BARGAINING: 1) Fire and Police Collective Bargaining 2) Motor Fuel Tax Increase 3) Rural Water Districts Three issues have been brought to the staff's attention thus :fur by council members and department directors: At its November meeting, the consortium will receive and discuss issues that the members of the consortium bring that will be of importance during the upcoming legislative session in the spring. It is the staff's goal for the Owasso city council to discuss such issues in the October work session and :finalize them for presentation at the November work session. Owasso is a member of the Legislative Consortium, a group of eleven metropolitan area cities, Tulsa County, and INCOG. The Legislative Consortium monitors the activities of the Oklahoma Legislature each year, and elects to take positions on certain issues that are considered vital to the consortium's members. BACKGROUND: October 9, 2003 DATE: Wff,ES THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OWASSO MEMORANDUM A change in the tax rate would impact all motor fuel consumers in Oklahoma, particularly motor The advantage to changing the tax rate would be that it would provide a better transportation system in Oklahoma, allowing cities in this state to better compete with those in surrounding states for economic growth. Recent transportation improvements in Northwest Arkansas and Northeast Texas have witnessed marked economic expansion. Similar demographics in the Tulsa metropolitan area compared to cities in Northwest Arkansas and Northeast Texas suggest that transportation improvements to the highway system could stimulate similar economic expansion here, as well. The disadvantage to changing the tax rate would be that area consumers would be charged more for motor fuels. It is the staff's opinion that an upward adjustment of both motor fuel taxes would provide more revenue to the Department of Transportation with which to assist in making highways and bridges . safer. Oklahoma's gasoline tax is 17 cents per gallon, while the diesel tax is 14 cents per gallon. The seven states that border Oklahoma all have higher diesel taxes and only two (Missouri and New Mexico) have gasoline taxes as low as 17 cents per gallon. The national average is between 19 and 20 cents per gallon for both gasoline and diesel tax. According to studies conducted by the Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT), 25% of highway miles in Oklahoma need to be rehabilitated or replaced due to inadeqtmcies; 56% of accidents take place on inadequate roads. Oklahoma' percentage of interstates with poor ride quality is twice that of the national average, and 1,597 bridges in Oklahoma need to be rehabilitated or replaced. Increases in product and service costs have reduced ODOrs buying power while :funding has remained largely unchanged since 1982, resulting in less work performed on Oklahoma's highways today than that which occurred twenty years ago. MOTORElIEL TAX lNCREASE.1 This proposed change made it all the way to the floor the state senate this where it was defeated. There is some question as to whether the issue can be brought forward again in 2004 since it would be the same legislative session, however, the consortium's counsel suggests that it might be possible and, in any event, the counsel recommends examining this issue again this season. change the law would impact police, firefighters and rmmicipalities. Either would have opportunity to appeal an adverse arbitration ruling, change would likely more negatively affect umon arbitration rulings have appeared to more pro~union. The advantage to changing the law would be that it would allow municipalities to have a review of arbitration decisions that may undermine their ability to discipline or that may be dismptive to budget. A disadvantage would be the time required for Court action and possible subsequent appeals leaving uncertainty especially as it affects budget of unions are biased which leads to some unfavorable rulings. Legislative Consortium 2003 Issues ATTACHMENT:. The staff recommends that the Council consider the above legislative issues and any others as the Council may desire, in anticipation of forming consensus on the legislative issues at the October City Council Work Session. RECOMMENDATION: An opposition bill to the proposed change was defeated on the senate floor this year. A change in the law would impact rural water districts and municipalities. A change would likely more negatively affect rural water districts, which were set up to provide water to small and disperse rural populations, and not designed to have the capacity to serve growing areas. The advantage to changing the law would be that it would allow municipalities to develop with more unifonmty and have their entire areas build under the same waterline and fire flow standards. A disadvantage would be that municipalities wouJd have to serve larger areas with water, possibly causing an increase in capital costs to the municipalities for treating and distributing water. It is siaff's opinion that inadequate could ultirnately result in development densities lower than the market would otherwise develop, leaving a city's economic base diminished. Additionally, fire flow capacities lower than municipal standards result in safety hazards to constlITlers. requirements or Oklahoma law not require rural water districts to meet the waterline flow requirements municipality inside which the water district lies. The proposed tax increase died in conference this year. freight transportation companies. I ISSlJE II CATEGORY II STATUS I VIDEO ENFORCEMENT OF INTERSECTION VIOLATIONS: Support a new law that would authorize the issuance of an INITIATE Died in administrative citation for vehicle owners who are photographed Committee committing traffic signal violations. HB1384 - - - o__~ SPECIFIC USE PERlVIITS: Amend state statute to allow Planning Commissions to issue Specific Use Permits which authorize certain 11"'11'1' Signed by large cityvvide functions which may not comply with local zoning Vt:1UUr districts. SB0279 r== .- -- ~- -- = FIRE_AND POLICE COLLECTIVE BARGAINING: Provide legal H'Jl'I'IA TE review of fire and police grievance arbitration decisions and include Defeated! on the opportunity to present new evidence in support of the issues Senate floor under review. SB0259 AUTHORIZE COUNTY HIRING OF FULL-TIME HEALTH CARE PROVIDER - Amend Title 56 to amend the comprehensive INITIATE Signed! by salary code to create a compensation package more relevant for Governor professional medical positions, HB1145 CONDElVINATION - Amend statute to provide for the recovery of I INITlA ~] attorney fees only if jury award is 10% higher than the highest offer Not Heard or finding by appraisers. HB 1 700 in Commo COUNTY RETIREMENT CREDITS - Amend current law to prevent county employees from receiving credit for service as an INITIATE Signed by elected official if the service as an elected official nms concurrently Governor with the county employment. HB130l RURAL WATER DISTRICTS: Amend state statute providing that any loan or financial assistance that involves any water distribution SUPPORT Opposition line within the city limits must provide adequate water distribution bill failed systems for fire protection to meet the city's standards. HB 11 08 Senate floor OPEN RECORDS ACT: Amend the Open Records Act to exempt records pertaining to the seclJrjty()~safety of pers()n~,_s~ll.rctllresand SUPPORT Signed by fa.Cilities, -including locations, blueprints, designs or operations of ... Governor public water and sanitary sewer systems. HBl146, SB0395 POLICE REMOVAL FOR CAUSE: Amend state statute to remove the discharge only for cause provisions for probationary police SUPPORT Not Heard officers. in Comm. PARKING LOT DEFINITION: Amend state statute to change the definition of parking lot to allow arrests in privately owned parking SUPPORT Conferees lots for DUI, DWI, APC or reckless driving. SB0727 disagree MOTOR FUEL TAX INCREASE: SuppOli increase in motor fuel tax of diesel and gasoline and earmark increased funds for SUPPORT Died in maintenance for our area. HB1385. Conference LEGISLATIVE CONSORTIUlVI 2003 ISS1JES 6/3/2003 QUICK CLEARANCE: Amend state statute to allow quick clearance of vehicles from an accident scene quickly to prevent SUPPORT Signed by secondary accidents and allow traffic to move. HB 1782 Governor AJR SHED MODELING - Support funding request by ODEQ for air [::J shed modeling that will be required in the 8-hour compact with EP A SUPPORT HBl208 & others WATER QUALITY ~ Suppoli efforts to document, monitor, regulate or reduce the amount of phosphorous or other excess nutrients being '.PURT HB introduced into the Eucha/Spavinaw watershed HB 1 declares Signed by Blue Rv. Scenic, HB1728, HB1589, & SB0309, SB SB407 & ~ rUYlt:1 others - ~ - CONCEAL ,CARRY: Amend the concealed CatTY law that allows private investigators the same privilege that police and sheriffs IVIUCHTUK Signed bY] officers' have of bringing guns into the courthotlse.SB0834 Governor POLLUTION REDUCTION TAX CREDIT : Amendment to sales/use tax, property tax or income tax code to allow tax credit for MONITOR No Hearing business to install pollution reduction equipment not otherwise required to achieve a reduction in NOx emissions. SB0228, SB0330 MONITOR I - GARVEE BOND ,- Support a modified Gal"Vee Bond road package that addresses complex urban and large road projects using a needs- Died in based analysis for proj ect selection and prioritization.. HB 1386 Senate Comm. REALIGN TRANSPORTATION DISTRICTS: Provide for EJ realignment of transportation districts in order to achieve more SUPPORT equitable funding. (no bill) ELIMINATE SUPER MAJORITY REQUIREMENT ON COUNTY EJ AND SCHOOL BOND VOTES SUPPORT (no bill) I Arkansas River Toll Bridge - SB350 II INITIATE I Signed by Governor Vision 2025 Ballot Title Repair - HB1356 I INITIA TE I Signed by Governor As a result of the insurance companies' failure to provide reasonable quotes, staff is exploring the option of completely self-insuring vehicle liability, general liability, law enforcement liability and public official's liability, and carrying insurance for property only. Many major cities contain their costs and manage their risk in this manner. Tulsa, Edmond and Broken Arrow are three such cities. Broken AITOW has been self-insured for liability since 1984. City Attorney Staff believes the only way to control increases in insurance rates is to self-insure. During the fiscal year 2002-2003 budget process staff discussed how this could best be accomplished. Staff felt a gradual shift into self-insuring, would not only limit the City's exposure, but would allow time to build a fund balance. Therefore, quotes were requested for significantly higher deductibles. Staff' believed this vvollldmallow the City to be semi-self illsured the first year. Unfortunately, recent quotes have indicated significant increases in deductible do not necessarily translate into significant reduction in premiums. The lowest quote received would result in a $54,000 savings. However, this so called savings comes with the City completely self-insuring vehicle liability and increasing deductibles for property from $25,000 to $250,000 and increasing general liability, law enforcement liability and public official's liability deductibles from $5,000 to $250,000. The end result is the City significantly increases their exposure while still paying an exorbitant amount for premiums. COMMENTS: The City's liability coverage is renewed on an annual basis. Property, equipment, general liability, automobile liability, law enforcement liability, and public official's liability are all a part of the City's liability package, Due to a 44% increase in premiums quoted for last year's renewal, modifications were made to the City's coverage. Coverage was dropped for equipment, and the City became self-insured for equipment losses. Deductibles were increased in the remaining areas of coverage. Even with these coverage modifications the City still absorbed a 22% increase in premiums, paying out $185,000 in premiums. BACKGROUND: October 9, 2003 DATE: THE HONORABLE MAYOR MEMORANDUM Staff proposes discussing self~insuring general liability, automobile liability, enforcement liability, and public official's liability. The Fy 03~04 budget included combining funds budgeted for liability premiums into the Collision Self~Insurance fund, creating one fund for liability self- insurance, Staff believes funds budgeted for premiums can be used to pay claims over the next year, Monies not spent on claims will be used to build a reserve, This will result in an ability to more effectively manage the City's risk, not only from a liability standpoint, but also from the standpoint that the City will be less dependent on the fluctuations in the insurance industry. Staff discussion also includes continuing insurance coverage for propeliy due to the fact the City has properties valued at almost $24 million, and damaged or destroyed property can not be placed on the tax rolls. Michael Vanderburg will be present at the October 21 st work session to discuss with Council why Broken Arrow went to a self-insurance plan and how it has worked for them. Broken Arrow budgets for claims each year. If a claim or judgment is incurred in excess of the budgeted amount the claim is placed on the tax rolls and an annual assessment is made over a three year period. This method of assessment is allowed by State Statute. This allows judgments in excess of funds available to be assessed on property taxes, The purpose ofthis policy is to keep a vehicle in satisfactory operating condition, observe problems before a major breakdown occurs, and in so doing, keep safety a high priority and maintenance costs to a minimum. This policy has three (3) maintenance levels and they are as follows: @ Level A provides a more detailed maintenance check on the vehicle to be performed every 12,000 miles. l!l Level B provides a less detailed check on the vehicle. For example, oil change and filters are to be perfOlmed every 3,000 miles. @ Level C is designed to provide vehicle maintenance checks on vehicles. For example, Special Response Vehicles that are not used on a routine basis and require maintenance every 150 days. VEHICLE MAINTENANCE POLICY: The staff at the time assured the council that a policy would be developed before another vehicle purchase was made, After consulting with Support Services on their preferred maintenance schedule recommendations and after reviewing other city policies with regards to their vehicle maintenance and rotation standards, the attached policies were developed. During the FY 2002-2003 fiscal year, the police department purchased eight (8) Ford Crown Victoria's. At the time ofthat purchase members of the city council express concerned that the depmiment, and city as a whole, needed to prepare a policy to address the issue of how and when vehicles are rotated and maintained. BACKG,ROUND: October 14, 2003 DATE: DAN YANCEY CHIEF OF POLICE F'ROM: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF O'WASSO TO: lVIEMORANDUM 1. Vehicle Maintenance Policy 2. Vehicle Rotation Policy The purpose of this policy is to determine vehicle replacement in order to retain and provide the operations of the department with the most practical and suitable transportation needs necessary to perfonn the job functions and to adequately prepare the vehicle replacement pOliions of the City budget. This policy basically requires that once vehicles reach 100,000 miles and/or are at least 7 years old, the vehicle will be set for review and determined if it should continue service within the department or be transferred out. VEHICLE ROTATION POLICY: V. PROCEDURES: * Ensuring that all equipment assigned to the vehicle is present and in proper working order. Deficiencies will be reported to the member's supervisor and corrected by the member. * Maintain a copy of the vehicle registration and current insurance information in the vehicle. * Refueling the vehicle at the end of each shift or as needed. (Only approved fuel may be used.) * Keeping vehicles in a clean and serviceable condition. * Reporting needed repairs. Members assigned a vehicle are responsible for: IV. RESPONSIBILITY: E. Level C - Service performed every 150 days D. Level B - Service performed every 3,000 miles or service hours determined by vehicle maintenance C. Level A - Service performed every 12,000 miles or service hours determined by vehicle maintenance B. Vehicle - Owned by the City of Owasso, assigned or temporarily assigned to the police department A. Members - City of Owasso Employees HI. DEFINITIONS: It is the policy of this department to comply with the current maintenance standards set forth and recommended by the Support Services Division of the City of Owasso and to outline the responsibility of the employee as it pertains to procedures, inspections and equipment. II. POLICY: The purpose of preventative maintenance is to keep a vehicle in satisfactory operating condition, obser\'e problems before they become a major breakdown, and in so doing, keep safety a high priority and maintenance costs to a minimum. I. PURPOSE: The policy statement and the procedures thereunder are intended for Police Department only. The policies, procedures and regulations are for internal Police Department administrative purposes and are not intended to create any higher legal standard of care or liability in an evidentiary sense than is created by law. Violations of internal Police Department policies, procedures, regulations or rules form the basis for disciplinary action the Police Department. Violations of law form the basis for civil and/or criminal sanctions to be determined in a proper judicial setting, not through the administrative of the Police Chief of Police Dan M. Special Instructions 1 of 4 POLICY & PROCEDURE OWASSO POLICE DEPARTMENT * First aid kit * Biohazard protective equipment * Fire extinguisher * Flashlight these vehicles will additionally be equipped with the following safety equipment: * Blue and red emergency lights. * A siren or other audible device * Public address system (automobiles only) Each vehicle used in routine, general patrol, or traffic enforcement must be equipped with at least the following equipment in operational order: VIII. VEHICLE OPERA nONS: All equipment will be approved by the Chief of Police before being installed in or affixed to any Department vehicle. VII. AUTHORIZED EQUIPMENT: Monthly: Supervisors will perform monthly inspections of all vehicles assigned to their shift to insure that all vehicles are properly maintained, and kept in a clean condition. Damage should be compared against entries in the Vehicle Damage Log and appropriate action taken when unlisted damage is found, Damage found during a daily inspection will be immediately brought to the attention of the member's supervisor, forwarded to the Chief of Police. The officer shall complete the necessary documents or request an investigation as required for repOlting an accident. The member's supervisor will be responsible for any necessary repOlts and/or inquiries for umeported damage. Daily Inspection: Officers will perform an inspection prior to the use ofthe vehicle and ensure that the vehicle is fully operational. VI. INSPECTIONS: A Departmental vehicle that can be safely driven, but is in need of repair, will be taken to the City garage or to an authorized vendor for repairs. The Vehicle Maintenance supervisor will decide which is appropriate and then authorize the use of an outside vendor. Ifrequired, the City's contracted wrecker may be contacted to assist a disabled Department vehicle. The request shall be made to Vehicle Maintenance during regular hours and to Communications after hours. Vehicle defects will be promptly rep01ted to the member's immediate supervisor. A vehicle repair request shall be completed and submitted to the supervisor. The immediate supervisor of officer shall facilitate the repair of the vehicle through the Vehicle Maintenance Department. Chief of Police Dan M. Special Instructions Issued By 20f4 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE ~tandard Keference POLICY & PROCEDURE OWASSO POLICE DEPARTMENT 12,000 Miles Service (LEVEL A) - Same as 3,000 Service plus 1. Air filter(s) [replace if necessary] 2. Remove wheels & inspect brakes [pads, shoes, rotors, drums, master & wheel cylinders, lines, connections, as needed] 3. Engine oil filter, oil & lubricate fittings [lube, oil and filter] 4. Lube winch, PTO and Lift gate - if applicable Repair & Replace 1, Emission Certification expiration date/test as appropriate 2. Windshield, windows and mirrors 3. Lights [head, tail & stop, turn signals, license light, top light & etc.] 4, Decal condition & License plate 5. Accident damage 6. AlC / Heater / Condition ofInterior 7. Load test batteries 8. Alternator output & starter draw 9. Floor mats, shift boot(s), visors, etc. 10. Seat belts & seat controls 11. Door controls & lock operation 12. Fluid levels [coolant, engine oil, automatic transmission, brake, steering & washer] 13. Warning lights, buzzers, gauges & horn(s) 14. Check fire extinguisher - if applicable 15. Wiper & washer [blades, arms fluid] 16. Battery & charging system 17. Listen to starting operation 18, Radiator and AlC condenser for obstructions 19. Belts & hoses / Battery Terminals 20. Frame & suspension [shocks, bushings, etc.] 21. Mounts, brackets, linkages, u-bolts 22. Drive train [boots, uJcv-joints, yokes, nuts] 23. Check oil leakage from all PIT components 24, Exhaust system [leaks, corrosion & broken supports] 25. Steering action / operation & components 26. Rotate tires/Check air pressure & tire / spare condition (Tools in Trunk) 27. AFVs - Alternative Fuel System (Please fill tank before bringing vehicle in for service.) 3,000 MILES SERVICE (LEVEL B) Routine maintenance will be performed by the Vehicle Maintenance Department on a schedule established by that department. The Vehicle Maintenance Supervisor will work with the Lieutenant/Operations Commander or his designee to ensure that vehicles are serviced in a timely manner. IX. Chief Police Dan M. POLICY & PROCEDURE 30f4 OWASSO POLICE DEPARTMENT Those vehicles that are only utilized on a case by case basis and do not meet the requirements of Level A and B. 150 Day Service (Level C) 1. Engine Performance 2, Transmission and clutch operation 3, Steering action / wander 4. Braking action pull / grab / lockup 5, Rattles and unusual noises 6, Steering action / operation and components 7. Tune-up (Plugs, cap, rotor, PCV valve, etc., as necessary) Road Test 1. Replace air filter 2. Replace fuel filter 3, Clean Brake System [pads, shoes, rotors, mums] 4. Change automatic transmission fluid & filters Repair and Replace - Same as 3,000 Miles Service plus 1. Test engine coolant for freeze point & S.c.A.'s / Leaks 2. AlC system for proper operation 3. Fan operation [fan clutch, radial play, etc.] 4. Fuel system [carburetor, fuel injector, choke, etc.] 5. Check EGR & PCV Valve 6. Check wheel bearing adjustment Dan M. Yancey. Chief of Police Issued By I Special Instructions 40f4 POLICY & PROCEDURE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE OWASSO POLICE DEPARTMENT E. Any vehicle in excess ofthe 100,000 mileage or seven (7) year levels set will be reviewed and a determination made as to whether it should continue in service or be transfened to different duty. D. An annual analysis of maintenance costs for each vehicle will be conducted at the end of each calendar year. Any vehicle whose average yearly maintenance cost exceeds the standard deviation ofthe cost per year for its vehicle class, as published annually by the lCMA, will be examined more closely as to whether it would be more economical to replace it. C. Maintenance Costs will be established based upon direct costs as repOlted by the Vehicle Maintenance Facility. 100,000 miles or 7 years of age B. Mileage and age parameters for vehicle replacement will be: 1. Maintenance Costs 2. Mileage 3. Age A. Vehicles will be replaced using the following criteria (in order ofpriOlity) IlL VEHICLE REPLACEMENT SCHEDULE: It is the policy of this department to request vehicle replacements whenever the following policies set fOlth are met. Ilo POLlCXl The purpose of this policy is to determine vehicle replacement in order to retain and provide the operations of the department with the most practical and suitable transportation needs necessary to perform the job functions and to adequately prepare the vehicle replacement portions of the City budget. L PURPOSE: The policy statement and the procedures thereunder are intended for Police Department The policies, procedures and regulations are for internal Police Department administrative purposes and are not intended to create any higher legal standard of care or liability in an sense than is created law. Violations of' internal Police policies, regulations or rules form the basis for action the Police Violations of law form the basis for civil and/or criminal sanctions to be determined in a proper judicial not throu2:h the administrative procedures of the Police Chief of Police Dan M. Special Instructions OWASSO POLICE DEPARTMENT 10f2 POLICY & PROCEDURE c. All vehicles to be purchased under either process are to be reviewed by Vehicle Maintenance. Suitability and appropriateness for the job intended, balanced by cost, and efficiencies resulting from maintenance requirements and fleet standardization are primary considerations. B. Specialty vehicles and those not acquired through the state procurement process are purchased through the city procurement process. A. The city fleet will normally be purchased through the State of Oklahoma procurement process that lUllS each year from November 1 through June 30. Since it is the goal of the city to purchase the appropriate vehicles, Vehicle Maintenance will assist in their review of state contracts for applicability of new vehicle replacements. As soon as is feasible after the state contract is issued, orders shall be placed by the department for the anticipated replacements identified in the replacement program. VO ACQUISITION OF NEW VEHICLES: B. The Police Department will surplus the vehicle and draw a vehicle pool replacement. A. When a vehicle/piece of equipment is in for repairs, and it is determined that the repairs will exceed the economic value of the equipment, the Vehicle Maintenance Department will notify the Police Department of the situation. IVo UNSCHEDULED REPLACEMENT DUE TO MAINTENANCE COSTS: Vehicles that are over the age criteria and are in good condition will not normally be replaced, although they may be reassigned. L. High mileage vehicles that are in good condition will not normally be replaced, although they may be reassigned. K. Only vehicles designated as requiring replacement on the Vehicle Replacement Schedule will be scheduled for replacement in the Budget. 1. The Police Department will maintain a pool of 3 or 4 sedans to serve as backup or to be utilized in the Reserve Program. 1. All vehicles that have been surplused will be transferred to the Vehicle Maintenance Department for disposal. H, Vehicles that are replaced due to projected maintenance cost, mileage, or age will be surplused upon receipt ofthe replacement vehicle. G. By Febmary 15 of each year Vehicle Maintenance, working in consultation with the Police Department, shall publish a Vehicle Replacement Schedule that shall serve as the basis for the proposal of vehicle purchases in the next annual budget. F, Chief of Police Dan M. Special Instructions Issued By 20f2 OWASSO POLICE DEPARTMENT POLICY & PROCEDURE VEHICLE ROTATION POLICY Specifications for a new rescue tool and equipment system were developed and sent to manufactures in September of this year. One bid was received from Precision Fire Apparatus in the amount of $32,320.00. The bid amount is below the $33,000.00 that was budgeted for this project. Bid Review The staff evaluated the department's current rescue and extrication needs. It was determined that the Owasso Fire Department must continue to provide this service to the community. The service provided is currently very limited and not able to be utilized in a variety of rescue/extrication situations. The design and manufacturing of vehicles has changed drastically in the past sixteen years.mWith these changes, new tools/equipment and rescue techniques have been implemented throughout the fire service. In addition to the Jaws and cutting tools, additional equipment is needed to enhance the operations of the department. Evaluation The department currently utilizes a basic hydraulic extrication tool that is in excess of sixteen years of age, The tool consists of a spreader for prying open vehicle doors and a cutter for separating metal pieces. The power unit and hoses have a limited pressure capacity and have signs of aging. The set is extremely heavy and has to be operated by two firefighters. All ambulance services in the State of Oklahoma must have a written agreement from a fire depariment to perform extrication or must be able to perform exttications themselves. Backgrmmll, October 10, 2003 DATE: MEMORANDUM Specifications Equipment List Attachments equipment from Staff recommends City Council approval to purchase Precision Fire Apparatus in the amount of$32,320.00. In the 2003-2004 Ambulance Capital Fund, $33,000.00 was budgeted for purchasing new extrication equipment. Fm:Lding Proposed Neighborhood Traffic Call11il1gPro gral11_m ATTACHMENT: It is proposed that the program be administered by the Public Works Department. Implementation is requested to be January 1, 2004 in order to allow for development of the application and other applicable fOlms included in the program. Attached is a proposed program for residential traffic calming using speed humps. Background criteria for such installations are included in the program introduction, Also included is the procedure proposed for requesting installation and/or removal of speed humps and criteria to determine potential locations. BACKGROUND: October 8, 2003 DATE: NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC (SPEED HUMP INSTALLATIONS) THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY G:F OWASSO TO: MEMORANDUM Current City Practices The residential speed limit in the City of Owasso is 25 miles per hour. Initial attempts to provide traffic calming has centered around stop sign installations to affect speeding and cut-through drivers on collector and local residential streets. Since February 1995, the city has administered the Policy of Residential Neighborhood Traffic Control. This policy sought to discourage all traffic from traveling at excessive speeds through neighborhoods. As more multi-way stop signs are installed, there are fewer and fewer reasonably spaced locations for sign installations. Additionally, stop signs have not allows been effective and may present a greater risk due to It is the intention of the City of Owasso Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program to address- traffic problems and concerns on local streets and applies to all residential subdivision streets in the City of Owasso, While not intended to make streets play areas for children or adults, the Program is intended to generally improve safety for pedestrians, bicyclists and others who travel along or across these streets. @ Documentation ofthe problem and the need for traffic calming devices; @ The collection of field reconnaissance and traffic study data; @ Selecting the proper device to conect the problem; and @ Monitoring the effectiveness of solving the problem once the device(s) are installed. The use of traffic calming devices must be carefully documented so that they are not used inappropriately or too frequently. A four-phased procedure is typically used by which traffic calming devices are requested, evaluated for appropriateness and implemented: Traffic calming involves the application of engineering techniques to physically change the character of streets, improve pedestrian safety and encourage drivers to obey speed limits. A variety of physical devices can be used to alter the geometry ofthe street, along with more traditional traffic engineering techniques to slow traffic. Generally, a successful traffic calming plan is not a single device, but rather a series of integrated improvements to slow traffic and/or direct traffic to more appropriate routes. When concerns regarding traffic speeds, pedestrian safety and cuHhrough traffic arise in residential areas, it is often frustrating for both residents and traffic engineers. Neighborhoods often request a quick fix solution such as enforcement, reduction in posted speed limits or the addition of stop signs. This type of fix often increases the pressure to implement haphazard solutions that may not be in the best interests of the neighborhood, the city or the traveling public, Introduction Today, because of the increased dependency of vehicles for mobility, we see a dramatic increase in vehicle speeds and daily neighborhood traffic volume on local streets. Additionally, as delay on arterials has increased, some motorists have decided to bypass the congested arterials and use neighborhood streets to get from one arterial to another or as a ShOlicut to their destination. City of Owasso Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program Homeowners living along the affected street segment will be asked to complete petitions that account for their participation and either affirm or not affirm their support for the installation(s). The requester ofthe traffic calming device(s) will solicit the neighborhood(s) for signatures and submit the petition. Additionally, registered homeowner associations that are directly affected will be ask to complete a statement that acknowledges adjacent streets to the traffic calmed street may see an increase in traffic and/or speed. Public Involvement A successful traffic calming program must involve the public and clearly be understood by all participants. Participation by those living along the affected street and adjacent registered neighborhood associations is essential. Traffic Calmin~ Process Planning The traffic calming process is planned at the neighborhood level, but implemented on an uninterrupted street segment basis. Planning on a neighborhood-wide basis will help to identify if solving a problem on one street shifts it to another street. Additionally, an opportunity to plan for a comprehensive series of devices that will work together to improve the traffic operations of a neighborhood willbeused. Recommended Practices Based on cost, ease of constmction and availability of materials, the speed hump is recommended to be the primary traffic calming device for existing residential and collector streets in Owasso. In general, speed humps have been found to reduce traffic speed, volumes and accidents, In addition, they discourage through traffic from using a local street as an alternative route to inconvenient or congested arterial and collector streets. Experiences in other localities have shown that traffic calming is not a program that can be implemented under strict guidelines. Various solutions are often available and a successful program depends on staff and citizens that are willing to work together toward a common goal. proposed Traffic Calminglmplem~~Jltation Phm The Institute of TranspOliation Engineers (ITE) defines traffic calming in the following manner: "Traffic calming is the combination of mainly physical measures that reduce the negative effects of motor vehicle use, alter driver behavior and improve conditions for non-motorized street users. " Depending on the specific location and the residential street classification, the purpose of traffic calming is to restore streets to their intended function to provide combinations of mobility and accessibility. driver failure to stop. These guidelines provide city officials and residents with the opportunity to recommend, select, analyze and critique measures aimed at improving traffic conditions in and around local neighborhoods, Page 2 Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program Authority and ScoQe The Director of Public Works will administer the traffic calming program, In accordance with established procedures, the Director will have responsibility to develop application fOllliS, install or remove traffic calming devices. The effective date for the traffic calming program is January 1, 2004. Funding Traffic calming measures will be funded using approved capital funds included in the annual budget. Wan-anted and approved traffic calming measures will be identified and prioritized for installation according to the established criteria. The application date on approved installations will serve as secondary critella. Installation will commence and continue based on the availability of capital funding as outlined in the current and adopted budget. Page 3 Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program Ifthe requested street does not meet criteria and warrants, the requestor will be notified through the U. S. Postal Service. No further study action will be taken. o Develop Plan of Traffic Calming Measure If the street segment meets criteria and warrants for traffic calming, a sketch plan of the proposed traffic calming measure to be utilized will be prepared by Engineering Division staff. Data to determine wal1'ants for the installation ofthe speed hump will be collected by Engineering Division staff. A street will warrant traffic calming if it meets the following criteria: @ The street shall not have more than one traffic lane in each direction. The street shall have a regulatory speed limit of 25 mph or less. o The 85th percentile speed on the street section must be at least 10 mph over the regulat6i:yspeed lirl1i t. The street has more than 500 vehicles in a 24 hour period. o The average daily traffic must be less than 5,000 vehicles per day @ Collect Data/Verify Problem Engineering Division staff will commence with both data collection and review of existing operational and geometric characteristics ofthe street in question. Eligibility for a traffic calming installation will be verified by checking collected data to the warrants and a review ofthe operational and geometric characteristics of the street segment. o Define the study area/problem To be eligible for consideration, a street must serve areas that are primarily residential. On finding that the identified street meets this standard and is eligible for traffic calming, the Public Works Department Engineering Division staffwill identify the limits of the street to be subject to the study process, @ Acknowledgement will be sent to the individual (contact person) making the inquiry, That person must reside on the requested street segment within the boundaries defined on the traffic calming application, The acknowledgement will confirm that a study is underway and will indicate an anticipated completion date. Procedure Receipt of Traffic Calming Request (Application) Requests for traffic calming measures can be made by individual residents or neighborhood associations using an application available from the Public Works Department. In addition, City staff may identify an area as a problem and a sponsor resident must be detennined prior to the project proceeding forward in the manner described below. Page 4 Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program @ Ranking Traffic Calming Sites After meeting operational, geometric and general warrant criteria, traffic calming projects will be prioritized on a citywide basis. This action ensures proper allocation of city resources and it ensures an equitable process to citizens. The applicant will deliver the completed forms to the Public Works Department. Each form will be authenticated by Engineering Division staff. Homeowners Association Endorsement Registered neighborhood associations adjacent to the street segment area will be asked to sign a statement endorsing the traffic calming installation. If the subdivision does not have a homeowners association, then this endorsement is not applicable. If the petition is found to be invalid the complainant(s) will be given an opportunity to re-process the petition and submit it a later date, If a sufficient petition cannot be obtained the City will discontinue the traffic calming effortsmat th6location, Both property owners and renters are allowed to sign the petition. Each household and business address is entitled to one signature. Ifboth the owner of a propeliy and tenant submit a signature, the owner's signature will override the tenant's Verification Statement A verification statement confirming the signatures on the speed hump petition are valid and represent at least two-thirds (67%) of the households/businesses adjacent to the project street is required from the applicant. All properties within the affected area must be accounted for, either by signature and indication of preference (in favor or oppose) or by written statement by the contact person why a specific property was not represented. Requests with either no petition or with a petition that does not account for all properties will be considered incomplete and will not further the process. Petitiol1 The applicant(s) or other neighborhood representatives will be required to circulate a petition before the City takes any action to implement the speed hump installation plan, A petition from adjacent residents and business owners is required. The petition must document that at least two- thirds (67%) of all households and businesses adjacent to the project support the installation of speed humps, Notification/Evidence of Support Upon determination that a street meets the criteria for speed hump installation, the Public Works Department will notify the applicant of the status oftheir request. The applicant will be informed of the requirement for a supPOli petition, verification statement and Homeowners Association endorsement. The Public Works Depmiment will supply fOlms to the applicant, along with the sketch plan for the installation and a map to be used to show households and businesses that are to be included in the petition area Page 5 Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program Projects will be ranked for funding and installation according to assigned points on the basis of: 85th percentile speed, 24-hour traffic volume, @ Total number of reported crashes over a two'~year period, and o Proximity to special traffic generators. The street segment installation accumulating the greatest number of points will be considered to the highest priority, Among project installations with the same rank, higher priority will be given to the application with the earliest application date subsequent to the effective date the traffic calming program. Page 6 Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program Speed Hump Spacing and Location Speed humps will typically be placed 200 to 600 feet apart. Other spacing may be used upon based on engineering judgment. o On single short blocks (300 to 500 feet), a single speed hump will be positioned near the mid-point. On single blocks of moderate length (500 to 1,000 feet), a two speed hump configuration at third points will be llsed. Hump Location CmJlsiderations o The street shall provide access (via a driveway or on-street parking) to abutting residential and/or commercial properties (residential local or collector streets). Residential properties include multiple dwellings such as apartment complexes $ The street shall not have more than one traffic lane in each direction. The street shall have a regulatory speed limit of mph or less. o The 85th percentile speed on the street section must be at least 10 mph over the regulatory speed limit. " Speed humps should not be located in a horizontal curve, on vertical curves where visibility of the hump is restricted, or on the approaches to these curves, @ For speed hump installation, the street should have curb and gutter. Considerations may be given to streets without curb and gutter. In such cases, special care should be used to accommodate drainage and prevent vehicle nm-arounds, @ Street segment boundmies identified for traffic calming should be uninterrupted segments of street (i.e., no stop signs), If an applicant does identify a street segment with interrupted points, then the project plan may direct the existing intelTUpted points be removed, @ Speed humps will not be located in front of a driveway or within an intersection. Speed humps shall be kept a minimum of 100 feet from the near curb line of an intersecting street. o Speed humps will not be located over manholes or adjacent to a fire hydrant. @ Speed humps located near drainage inlets will be placed immediately downstream of the inlet. " Speed humps will be located as near as practical on property lines to minimize the intrusion of the speed hump on abutting property frontages. @ To the extent possible, speed humps will be located near existing mid-block street lighting.... .n...mun...n........... A speed hump will not be located in front of apropertYiftheoCcupaiifobjeCts fOits placement or, in the case of multiple dwellings, if a majority of the households on the property object to its placement. Fulfillment of this requirement is the responsibility ofthe applicant (contact person). " The average daily traffic must be less than 5,000 vehicles per day to qualify for speed humps. ~lI~mp InstallJ!tio!L~~d Criteria Page 7 Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program The specific street segment indicated on the removal application will be the basis to identify the speed humps for removal. Final determination for the removal will be at the discretion of the City of Owasso Public Works Department staff. Requests with either no petition or with a petition that does not account for all properties will be considered incomplete and will not further the process. " Notification / Evidence of SuppOli Subsequent to the application for speed hump removal on a segment, a map of the affected area will be prepared and a petition packet sent to the applicant (contact person) for documenting suppOli for the removal. All properties within the affected area must be accounted for, either by signature and indicatiol1_Qfpr~ference (in favor or oppose) or by written statement by the contact person why a specific property was not represented. There must be at least a 67 percent evidence of support to fmiher the process. " The removal request must originate from a resident, business, or entity whose property is within the affected segment area. The affected area will be determined by Public Works Engineering Division staff and will include primarily those properties facing or abutting the street segment on which speed humps are located. A property will be considered part of the affected area if its only ingress and egress route requires traveling over existing speed humps requested to be removed. The affected area will be determined by Public Works Department Engineering Division staff and will include primarily those properties facing or abutting the street segment on which speed humps are located. A property will be considered pmi of the affected area if its only ingress and egress route requires traveling over existing speed humps requested to be removed. Hump Removal " Citizens may request a street segment be reviewed for the possible removal of some or all ofthe existing humps. An application will be available from the Public Works Department. " On very long blocks (1,000 to 1,600 feet), three speed humps will be placed on approximate qumier points. On lengthy continuous street segments or segments comprised of a number of blocks, desirable interior speed hump spacing will be 400 to 600 feet. @ street segment or block must be at least 300 feet to qualify for speed hump installation. Page 8 Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program Design and constmction or removal of traffic calming devices along with associated pavement markings and signs will be the responsibility of the Public Works Department. Future maintenance of traffic calming devices will be the responsibility of the City of Owasso. Design Standards, Construction, and Maintenance The City of Owasso Public Works Depmiment will prepare and maintain current design standards and installation and removal procedures for speed humps and other traffic calming devices in accordance with cun'ent design practices and criteria. In addition, the city reserves the right to remove any traffic calming measure that is potentially unsafe and impairs the public safety and welfare. If speed studies conducted along the requested segment or portions of the segment show the 85th percentile speed is greater than or equal to 10 mph over the posted speed limit, then no hump removal will occur along the segment or portion ofthe segment represented by the study. Based on engineering judgment, the review process may recommend removal of none, some, or all ofthe speed humps, Factors considered, but not limited to, are: a. Existing speed hump locations and spacing b, Stop/yield signs along the segment c. Historical and existing traffic speed and volume information d. Collision History e. or absence of sidewalks, schools and parks Page 9 Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program Authenticate petition and other forms Prioritize installations for funding/installation Schedule work Close out project .. .. .. Close request .. Yes No Letter to applicant that plan was not aooroved Applicant completes petitions, verification form and Homeowners Association endorsement (if applicable) and returns to Public Works Department .. Prepare sketch plan of proposed speed hump installation .. Prepare map of area to be included in petitions .. Forward applicant plan, map and petition packet Close request Yes Letter to applicant I No that requested does not meet .. Acknowledge applicant Define study area/problem ., Collect data/verify problem Public Works receives Traffic Calming Application Neighborhood Traffic Calmin~ Proaram Procedure Section D-D Not to Scale T 6feet'l 2 - 1 0 feet 1-.02 6 feet~r .. D Curb and gutter SPEED HUMP SCHEMATIC. Not to Scale ~36 feet During or immediately following a storm event generating debris, an assessment of conditions to detern1ine extent of wind-related damage will be conducted at the direction of the City Manager, Assistant City Manager, Public Works Director, Police Chief or Public Works Field' Operations Manager. At the discretion of any of the above, if observed damage is viewed as having had a significant impact on the community, a verbal directive can be issued to open the yardwaste disposal area for public access, To ensure an adequate action plan is in place in the future to facilitate community-wide assistance, staff has developed the following procedures: Following the August storm event, no plan was in place that would enable the City of Owasso an automatic and systematic approach to assist residents during recovery from a significant debris- generating storm, As a result, necessary actions taken were initiated by the City Manager. PROPOSED ACTION PLAN: In addition to temporarily re-opening the disposal area, the Public Works Department Refuse Division provided additional curbside yardwaste collection services for residents unable to transport materials to the drop-off site. Consequently, approximately 1,200 cubic yards of stOllli- related debris was collected and/or delivered to the disposal area over a 6-day collection period. Immediately following the August 2003 stOllli event, a pOliion of the former yardwaste disposal area was temporarily re-opened to provide City of Owasso residents a no cost and convenient location for disposing limbs and debris. The yardwaste disposal area had been permanently closed in November 2001. The area has been re-opened twice for in April 2002 and April 2003 for the "Annual Spring Clean-Up Day". BACKGROUND: September 5, 2003 DATE: PLAN STORM~RELATED DEBRIS REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL JR,P"K If" THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF O\VASSO MEMORANDUM Re-opening the yardwaste disposal area and additional curbside collection of debris will be for a minimum of seven (7) working days following the stOl1ll event. Depending upon the magnitude of the event, extension of the designated time can be authorized at the discretion of the City Manager, Assistant City Manager, Public Works Director, Police Chief or Public Works Field Operations Manager. Only debris associated with tree damage will be accepted at the yardwaste area or curbside. Curbside collection of debris (limb and brush) will be provided to residents in lieu of receipt at the yardwaste area. All curbside debris must be bundled in confol1llance with established refuse collection policy. Only brush and limbs that are tied in bundles not to exceed four (4) feet in length and two (2) feet in diameter can be collected. The yardwaste area will be accessible only to City of Owasso residents and during normal Recycle Center operating hours, All residents desiring to dispose of stonn- related debris will be required to check-in with the Recycle Center Operator to receive load inspection prior to entering drop-off site. The operator (or on-call personnel) will open the 5th Avenue entrance to the disposal area and monitor the type of debris received for disposal. During nonnal City of Owasso Recycle Center operating hours (9:00am to 6:00pm Monday through Friday and 9:00am to 5:00pm on Saturday), the directive will be made by contacting the Recycle Center Operator (272-4991). After hours and on Sunday, the directive will be made through Dispatch to the on-call Street Division personnel. The CONTRACTOR shall do any work or furnish any materials which cannot reasonably be classified under any of the items of the contract by which may be found necessary in order to carry out and complete more fully the work herein agreed to be done and performed, when and as ordered by the ENGINEER. Construction around and to existing utilities and infrastructure resulted in unforeseeable circumstances and field changes. Accordingly, several modifications to the engineering drawings and changes in the work were performed to complete the intended design. These changes resulted in additional costs to the project contract amount. Paragraph 109.04, Extra Work, of the General Conditions states the following: CHANGE ORDERS: Progress payments have been made in the amount to $719,193.80. Pay Application No.9 in the amount of $73,909.13 was submitted on October 1, 2003 by the contactor as request for final payment. On October 10, 2003, Council awarded the construction contract to BECCO Contractors Inc. for the amount of$757,046.10. Final inspection was conducted on August 28,2003 and all items identified at the final inspection requiring conection to meet city standards are expected to be completed by October 21,2003. The contractor provided a one-year maintenance bond for the work as part of the Contract Documents. Included in the 1998 bond issue, this project involves the widening and signalization ofthe intersection at East 86th Street North and North 145th East Avenue, Engineellng design was initiated in early 1998 by CH2M-Hill and finished in October 2002. BACKGROUND: October 10, 2003 THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OW ASSO TO: MEMORANDUM ATTACHMENTS: A. Change Order Log B. Final Quantity Adjustment C. Change Orders No.1 - No.5 D. Pay Request No.9 - Final 2. Staff recommends Council acceptance of the East 86th Street North and North 145th East Avenue Intersection Improvements project and authorization for final payment to BECCO Contractors, Inc. in the amount of$73,909.13. 1. Staff recommends. CC>uncil approvctl()fChange Orders {Nl.imbers.1-6).in the amount ()f-- $36,056.83, and a revised total contract amount of$793,102.93. Contract Time is hereby extended by ten (10) days. RECOMMENDATION: Sufficient funds remain in the 1998 Bond Issue for this project. $ 757,046.10 $ 36,056.83 $ 793,102093 Original contract amount plus Change Orders Revised Contract Total FUNDING SOURCE: An adjustment in the contract will be required to reflect the following: The total cumulative amount for all Change Orders (Numbers 1-6) is $36,056.83. Additionally, adjustments to the bid quantities were necessary at final payment to reflect actual quantities provided during the construction of improvements. The contract was awarded as a unit price based on the best estimate of required quantities, Thus, it was anticipated that a quantity adjustment be made at final payment to reflect actual quantities provided. Change Order No.6 in the amount $14,326.74 is recommended to adjust pay quantities and provide final payment. Refer to Attachment B for details. A cumulative Contract Time increase often (10) days is also included in Change Numbers 1-5. A listing detailing each Change Order has been included in Attachment A and is summarized below: - Change Order No.1: Sewer Force Main Relocation $ - Change Order No.2: Gravity Sewer Encasement $ - Change Order No,3: Water Main Relocation and Encasement $ .-- Change Order No.4: Fire Hydrant Relocation (Sta 55+ 10) $ Change Order No.5: Fire Hydrant Relocation (Sta 50+60) .$. $ 3,635.03 3,465,94 10,743 3,003.84 881.93 21,730.09 Page 2 East 86th Street North and North l45th East Avenue Intersection Improvements LD z o I--j.:: Z<( <(U 0:::0 Cl..J >-W :co::: (f) (1) l- (1) 't:___ (1) C C ru ~~ iD _C '<T(1) '" l- uu::: c ruci. :SEui <oruc co l- ru 4-"><:- o CO 0.. l- 3: (1) ~(1):S Ol- :g c (f)'- l) (1)~ w.cCl) Z---::J 4- 0 --- 0 (1) ru c ---CO c.QI- ru ...... l- I- 0 Cl) -o::Jc .E' t; 3: Cl) c 0 I-O.c i;::l)CI) O)(1)C .!: :S ,Q Ul.cm 'X::= ..0 w3:.2 IfcA. 'r" CO CO ,0 (J) !;f) o o N -- (J) '" -- (0 >- I-- ZI-- ::::>ZZ 0<(0 Uo:::- enCl~ . >- U ffi:co C!)W..J OD::W o:::i:i:o::: 3: Cl) c (1)Cl)>, .cJ:..Q :;:(1)-0 O.c (1) ...... -0 C U c .Q Cl) (1) tl.!= E ::J ::J E J::::; 0' 0 (f) ~ l) g >, ~ l) C (f) (1) ::J ru .cO-o ---UCl) .c(f)+-' :t:::. (1) 3:(j)Q3 -0 0)-0 (1)0--- (j) 0::: g 't: '-0 (1) <0 C C'r"m .- Cl) ......l--o C ::J Cl) ro+-'...... I- 0 ru -0 ::J l) ~.l::; 0 .c(f)Q3 Cl) I- I- .!= 2 Cl)......: 4-ro..QCl) ~3:c2 t;E~V5 'x.8 ~ (j) W(f).ca. '<T IfcA. !;f) o o N -- co -- '<T !;f) I-- Zz -w <(:2: :2:w D::en W<( ~u s:ffi 1?(1) +-'.c-o 3: -;; _~ g 0 a3 ru -0 (f) o (1) ~ -+-' ~~ Q.., . ru (1) 'r" 0 l- u.2(f) ~ .!!?'E (1) c (f) 3: .- 0) o ro > -E> -Ol--O CCl)O) ru +-' c ru._ ~~(j) (f) Cl) ru -.-.: ,!: 01-0), c Cl) c (1) (1).2:wc Cl)::J = ..Q (J . l- - L (1) o '<T (1) ...... ......"'>ru c3:"33: 'm Cl) 0 Cl) ~CCl):S L..4-..c4- Cl) 0;;::: 0 ......COc ru 0 0 ~t5-g:g O)::JCl)o .!: J::; .c 0 en CJ) =.; -- ____ 'x g. 0 ~ WOCl)...... IfcA. !;f) o o N -- LD N -- !;f) N I-- Z w :2: D::w w~ s:u wz enw c .Q (1) 0:5 24-> .u:; 0 c-o o c ui 0(1)0) Cl) .c 3: .c '1::: -0 ...... 0 3:c~ o Cl)';:: =.cCl) ru +-' (1) o C C +-' 0-5> -o-oc Cl) (1) Cl) (f)...... ru ru (1) (J(J.c co..... Cl) - c CI).- (1).- c ..Q(j)3: .83:0 l-Cl).c (1) Cf.) (f) 3: ...... '" . 0 \J..I t c (f) (1) (f) .c.2: ru .:;: ::J 3: ruo-o rn~ c 0) '" ru C3:1:: :;::; Cl) ~ .!!? c_ x ""'. ::J Woo IfcA. !;f) o o N -- '<T N -- !;f) ~ Ll..W OWz C!)D::<( ZU:2: Q2ww w~u S:Ll..D:: 000 ..JULl.. Cl) (J l- Cl).8 .c ..><: -- (1) 4-(1) o l- cU .Q (1) tl (1) ::J tj:: . l- 0 (f) t)()[fj c - Ouia. l)cO) (1) ru c .c -'- .~ a. (j) ..cCl)(1) :!::::..cc 3: +-' .- C 0) -0'- C Cl) C (1) l- 3: (1) ~o.c 2-55~ c .- -- (f) C .~ ~ 3: ro c 0 E.- .c o..(f) 25 '0. 0 I- I- c .82(f) O)ruro c 3: 3: :;::; E c (j) \-.- 'x 0 ru wt)E IfcA. !;f) o o N -- '<T -- <:f) '1t: o U W ..J I-- j.:: z o en <( w 0:: F W o U w ~ Cl lr) lr) o "T t-- ~~ "-0 ;x: . o 0 CO ~ . ro o :s 0..;0 -- .:: <I) S <I) 1:: ::l ro .:: 0..(1) <I) >- ;;; 0 <: [l)Ul"d ~ ~ .:: ~8N O>tn ....?-<I) o.~ ~ c::o ..- .- '"10 U(5:;M == f;2 o Z Fi ~ ~ Fi \fJ :::e f-; \0 00 Fi \fJ < ~ J.- :z w -- --- Q)1anti1y NQ.,. r . Unit Unit Price AdJill;tment Iillill 4 temporary bale . . LF $ 2.50 (265.00) ( 662.50) -~.._-~_.~"~ ~--~-~--- .~__u~~~,~~~_~~~~ -"".~--~".~---- ._._..__.._._-~- 5 . T.J silt_ $ (19.00) (47.50) _._-----~ u~~,~~_~~_. _.---_._~--- 6 temporary sediment EA $ 50.00 (3.00) (150.00) Q ---,~~~~ _~~JU____ --_._------~---_.- -..-.-.--...---- 7 solid slab sodding $ 1.50 1,440.00 160.00 ~~~~~--- ~~~-~ -_.~-----~ $ -- - 8 seeding method C AC 800.00 (3.00) (2,400.00) $ -.- 9 vegetative mulching AC 800.00 (3.00) (2,400.00) 14 separator fubdc SY $ 0.80 166.00 132.80 -- 15 tack coat GAL $ 1.30 34.00 44.20 -- -. ~ ..- 16 prime coat GAL $ 1.30 5.00 6.50 -- 17 asphaltic concrete type A TON $ 24.00 4.00 96.00 (PG 64-22 OK) -- 18 asphaltic concrete type B TON $ 28.00 5.00 140.00 (PG 64-22 OK) 19 asphaltic concrete type C TON $ 32.00 (81.73) (2,615.36) (PG 64-22 OK) 25 class C concrete CY $ 175.00 (4.50) (787.50) 27 type I plain rip-rap TON $ 26.00 4.00 104.00 29 4" concrete sidewalk SY $ 34.00 239.00 8,126.00 30 manho Ie (4' diameter) EA $ 1,000.00 1.00 1,000.00 32 manhole frame and cover EA $ 265.00 1.00 265.00 33 inlet dci des 2 EA $ 1,800.00 2.00 3,600.00 34 inlet gpi type 2( des. 8) EA $ 2,500.00 1.00 2,500.00 35 cast iron curb inlet . EA $ 160.00 4.00 640.00 36 adjustment of existing EA $ 1,600.00 (2.00) (3,200.00) stmctures (inlets rebuilt) 37 15" stonn sewer pipe LF $ 33.00 65.00 2,145.00 (class III RCP) 38 18" stonn sewer pipe LF $ 35.00 35.00 1,225.00 (class III RDP) 40 18" PCES EA $ 560.00 (1.00) (560.00) 42 trench excavation CY $ 0.10 53.00 5.30 43 std. bedding material CY $ 0.10 5.00 0.50 48 removal of curb and gutter LF $ 2.00 15.00 30.00 49 removal of asphalt pvrnnt. SY $ 2.00 166.00 332.00 EAST 86TH STREET NORTH AND NORTH 14STH EAST AVENUE QUANTITY ADJUSTMENT City of Owasso Public Works Department 301 West 2nd Avenue P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 ATTACHMENT B . -- -~-- Item Quantity No, Description Unit Unit Price AQjustment Total 52 sawing pavement LF $ 1.50 320.00 480.00 - . -- !---- 1,251.00 63 1" PVC sch 40 plastic LF $ 9.00 139.00 conduit (' 1 .1) -...<.--.--> -~"~~._-- -~_._~.<-"._~-~~"-, -~-_._. 1..1/2" PVC sch 40 plastic $ 6.00 352.00 2,112.00 1 /. 1 .1) I 2" PVC sch 40 plastic ""~- $ _....~~~~--- --(800.00) 16.00 (50.00) 1 CpfYI"P{" 66 2" PVC sch 40 plastic __'~_"_nm~~~"~~._ -- LF $ 7,00 (66.00) (462.00) conduit (trenched) -- 67 3" PVC sch 40 plastic LF $ 20,00 34.00 680,00 conduit (bored) >-~- 68 3" PVC sch 40 plastic LF $ 10.00 6.00 60.00 conduit (trenched) 69 pull box size I EA $ 190.00 2.00 380.00 70 pun box size II EA $ 240.00 (1.00) (240.00) - ., " 71 structural concrete CY $ 1,300.00 (0.20) (260.00) - $" 72 reinforcing concrete LB 2.00 0.10 0.20 """ 77 roadway luminaries EA $ 250.00 (LOO) (250.00) 79 I1C No.6 A WG dec. LF $ 2.00 142.00 284.00 cndctr. 80 I1C No. 10 A WG dec. LF $ 0.70 294.00 205.80 cndctr. 83 loop detector wire LF $ 2.40 625.00 1,500.00 90 5/C traffic signal dec. LF $ 0.75 (856.00) (642.00) cable 91 7/C traffic signal dec. LF $ 0.90 (44.00) (39.60) cable 92 12/C traffic signal elec. LF $ 1.20 28.00 33.60 cable 150 93 15/C traffic signal dec.- n LF $ 1.60 (72.00) (115.20) cable 390 94 18/e traffic signal dec. LF $ 2.50 25.00 62.50 cable 150 95 2/C shielded loop detector LF $ 0.60 595.00 357,00 lead-in cable TOTAL $ 14,326.74 ATTACHMENT B Continued 3-/+"'Cl3 DATE 111 North Main ADDRESSu The City of Owasso OWNER 3~//-(JS DATE BY U.p Tulsa, OK 74157 BY !/k~ ~ {jA P.O. Box 9159 ADDRESS Becco Contractors, Inc. CONTRACTOR NOTE: This summary does not reflect changes in the Contract Sum Time which have been authorized by Construction Change Directive. (-L)days. $ 757,046.10 $ $ 757,046.10 $ 3,635,03 $ 760,681.13 The original contract sum was Net change by previously authorized Change Orders The Contract Sum prior to this Change Order was The Contract Sum will be (increased)(decreased)(unchanged) by this Change Order in the amount of The new Contract Sum including this Change Order will be The Contract Time will be (increased)(decreased)(unchanged) by The date of Sustantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is ~Q:i Not valid until signed by the Owner and Contractor =="'==="'==~=''''=''===F=''-=-=======,=======-~====,,--=&==-==================-= Force Main FOR: DATE: March 4, 2003 1 CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: Reroute 8" as follows: is The TO Secco Contractors, Inc. PROJECT: 86th Street North & 145th East Ave. Intersection Improvement CONTRACT DATE: December 4, 2002 CHANGE ORDER SECTION 00600 ATTACHMENT C ..- DATe 3-;J.~ '-03 Tulsa. OK 74157 111 North Main ADDRESS P.O. Box 9159 ADDRESS The City of Owasso OWNER Beeco Contractors. Inc. CONTRACTOR NOTE: This summary dOe$ not reflect oht'lnll€l$ In thill Contract Sum Time which hal/e been authorized by Construotion Change Directive. $ 757,046.10 $ 3.635.03 $ 760,681,13 $ 3.40'5.94 $ 764,"'147.07 The origInal contrnet sum WElS Net change by previously authorized Change Ordern The Contract Sum prior to this Ch!llngli:l Ordtilr was The Contract Sum will be (Ineroasad)(decreaSed)(uflctmnged) by thlt; Changl!J Order in the amount of The new Contmct Sum including lhi$ Change Order wm ba The Conlracf lime wll( !:Ie (InCMSsod)(deereased)(ul1cnangeclJ by "h~ tlali1l of 'Suswntla'l 'Completion as of th<'J tlate m'l:l"im Chanue Order therefore Is .~ C~}days. Not valid until signed by 0'113 Owner and Contractor sewer line. a new as Is Inc. Becco DATE: PROJECT: 66th Street North &. 145th East Ave. Interaectlonlmpro\lement CONTRACT DATE: December 4, 2002 :2 CHANGE ORDER NUM8ER: CHANGE ORDER SECTION 00600 DATE ~- ~:?-C)3 Owasso, OK 74055 111 North Main ADDRESS The City of Owasso OWNER 3-2~-o ? DATE BY Tulsa, OK 74157 ~ ~;~--- - BY P.O. Box 9159 ADDRESS Becco Contractors, Inc. CONTRACTOR NOTE: This summary does not reflect changes in the Contract Sum Time which have been authorized by Construction Change Directive. (-L)days. $ 757,046.10 $ 7,100.97 $ 764,147.07 $ 10,743.35 $ '774,890.42 The original contract sum was Net change by previously authorized Change Orders The Contract Sum prior to this Change Order was The Contract Sum will be (increased)(decreased)(unchanged) by this Change Order in the amount of The new Contract Sum including this Change Order will be The Contract Time will be (increased)(decreased)(unchanged) by The date of Sustantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is .. July 28. 2003 Not valid until signed by the Owner and Contractor 80 l.F of conflicting 12" The addition of lowering & DIP water line. The Contract is changed as follows: CONTRACT FOR: DATE: March 25,2003 3 CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: TO CONTRACTOR: Becco Contractors, Inc. PROJECT: 8601 Street North & 145th East Ave. Intersection Improvement CONTRACT DATE: December 4, 2002 CHANGE ORDER SECTION 00600 , ) DATE Owasso, OK 74055 111 North Main ADDRESS The City of Owasso OWNER L/~9-dJ DATE u,;:? BY Tulsa, OK 74157 P.O. Box 9159 ADDRESS Bacco Contractors, Inc. CONTRACTOR NOTE: This summary does not reflect changes in the Contract Sum Time which have been authorized by Construction Change Directive. (-L)days. $ 757,046.10 $ 17,844.32 $ 774,890.42 $ 3,003.84 $ 777,894.26 The original contract sum was Net change by previously authorized Change Orders The Contract Sum prior to this Change Order was The Contract Sum will be (increased)(decreased)(unchanged) by this Change Order in the amount of The new Contract Sum including this Change Order will be The Contract Time will be (increased)(decreased)(unchanged) by The date of Sustantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is . _~.2.Q.Q;2 Not valid until signed by the Owner and Contractor valve. 8" Fire and DATE: April 8, 2003 4 CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: and as is The PROJECT: 86th Street North & 145th Ave. Intersection Improvement CONTRACT DATE: December 4, 2002 CHANGE ORDER SECTION 00600 ~~~~~~f (~ .: ~f3 OA TE= 111 North Main ADDRESS The City of Owasso OWNeR DAm__ ~L! &J7~.3 BY Tulsa, OK 74157 P.O. SOl( 9159 ADDRESS Secco Contractors, Inc. CONTRACTOR . NOTE: 'ThIs lilUIl1mElry does not reflact d1aflgos in the Contmct Sum Timlil wh!eh have been m.lthortzed by Construction Ch3n9~ Ol~eth'(l. (~)day~, $ 8a1.1:J~ $ 778,776.19 $ 151,046,10 $ 20,848.16 $ 777,894.26 -==-~~ 1M original eonmtet sum was Nl,'li etu:mge by previously l'luthorl~i;ld Change Ordern The Contract Sum prigf to this CMnge Orc!erwas The Contract Sum will b" (im:::re::ilOled)(decreased](unel1angCld) by this Change Order In the ~mOuf1t of The flew Contract Sum fnerw:llng thrs Change Order will' [:)$ The Contmct T4mo will be rlncrea5e~tdet;;re~l;acl)(unehBnf:led) by 'fl1$ dat$ of SusYElntit11 Completion tlS of tho d-Jll3 of this Change Cider Ure1oe1(1f@ Is ~~ Not valid until signed by the Owner and Contractor Fire 8eth Street North and 14Sth Ee~!bt The DATE: JUM 19, 2003 5 CHANGE ORtlER NUMBER: as is Inc, Secco ~ROJECT: 86th Stre~t North 8. 145th East Ave.. Intersection Improvement DATE: 2002 CHANGE ORDER SE:CTION 00600 P.002/003 (FAX) 8184454836 ~ ,. Becco ,-IUN-18-200::J \ I HU) 17: 03 STATEMENT OF CONTRACT ACCOUNT: 1, Original Contract Amount ~046.10 2. Net Change by Change Orders $ 36,056.83 3. Contract Sum to Date (1 +2) $ 793,102.93 4. Total Completed and Stored to Date: $ 793,102.93 5. Retained Percentage.. A. _0_ % of Compleded Work B. _0_% of Stored Materials 8. Total Earned Less Percentage Retained (6-7-7a-7b) $ 793,102.93 9. Total Previously Paid $ 719,193.80 10. Total Due this Estimate: (8-9) $ 73,909.13 11. Balance to Finish, Plus Retainage $ (0.00) Continuaton sheet is attached, Application is made for payment., as shown below, in connection with the contract. CONTRACTOR'S APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT 86TH ST, N, & 145TH E. AVE, CONTRACT FOR: OWNER ARCHITECT CONTRACTOR ENGINEER INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENT PROJECT: DISTRIBUTION TO : BECCO CONTRACTOR'S, iNC. p, 0, BOX 9159 TULSA. OK. 74157 FROM: 09-01-03" 09,,'10-03 PERiOD TO : 10/1/03 APPLICATION DATE 11/"19/02 CONTRACT DATE CITY OF OWASSO 111 NORTH MAIN OWASSO, OK. 74055 TO: Page One of Three APPLICATiON AND CERTIFICATION FOR PAYMENT ATTACHMENT 0 Nolar~ Public Oklahoma OFFICIAL SEAL SHELLY BIBLE TUL.SA COUNTY COMMISSION 1100013874 Comm. Exp. 09-16-2004 My Commission Expires: q.- f w ~ ~ 001 ~~ Notary Public \ day of Subscribed and sworn to before me this TULSA COUNTY OF OKLAHOMA STATE OF DATE: ~_~l~o J By:~COi::Za \ I The undersigned Contractor certifies that to the best of the Contractor's knowledge, information and belief, the WORK covered by this Application for payment has been completed in accordance with the Contract Documents, that all amounts have been paid by the Contractor for WORK for which previous Certificates for Payment were issued and payments received from the Owner, and that current payment shown herein is now due, 36,056.83 $ Net Change by Change Orders $ 36,056.83 $ TOTALS Date 9/'1103 Approved '74 $ $ 1 Approved this month Number 6..FINAL OVER/UNDER $ 21,730.09 $ TOTALS Change Orders approved in previous months by owner DEDUCTIONS ADDiTIONS CHANGE ORDER SUMMARY: This certificate is not negotiable. The AMOUNT CERTIFIED is payable only to the contractor named herein. Issuance, payment and acceptance of payment without prejudice to any rights of the Owner or Contractor under this Contract, Date: By: ARCHITECT! ENGINEER: AMOUNT CERTIFIED $ __~_~~"_________~ (Attach explanation if amount certified differs from the amount applied for 0 ) In accordance with the contract documents, based on on-site observations and the date comprising the above application, the Architect! Engineer certifies to the Owner that to the best of the Architect's! Engineer!s knowledge, information and belief, the Work has progressed as indicated, the quality of the Work is in accordance with the Contract Documents, and the Contractor is entitled to payment of the amount certified. ARCHITECT'S I ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT 0::: 0::: <( IJJ (0 0::: W Q..I=~ <(:::>...J O:::C)~ ...J9::0/5W wO::: CO Ow WZ 0::: (i)...J 1--:::> 0 (f)::500J: LLQ..1JJ6Z ~'r"::?:0~ W>-O_ O:::I-O'<t'<t <D f-- co Ol 0 NNNNN W o ~ C) NN CO NN :::>0 ..l-..l-I- (f)ii <D<D::?: Oco NCOO6: 0 ~Lf. 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Units Total # Description Quant, Unit Cost Cost To Date To Date % 1 CLEAR & GRUBB 7.00 AC 1000.00 7000.00 7.00 7000.00 100 2 UNCLASS EXC. 8639.00 CY 5.50 47514.50 8639.00 47514.50 100 3 TY A SALVo TOPSOIL 1530.00 CY 5.50 8415.00 1530.00 8415.00 100 4 TEMP. BALE BARRIER 265,00 LF 2.50 662.50 0.00 0.00 0 5 TEMP. SILT FENCE 345,00 LF 2.50 862.50 326.00 815.00 94 6 TEMP, SEDI. BASIN 3,00 EA 50.00 150.00 0,00 0.00 0 7 SOLID SLAB SOD 3200.00 SY 1. 50 4800.00 4640.00 6960,00 145 8 SEEDING METHOD C 3.00 AC 800.00 2400.00 0.00 0.00 0 9 VEGETATIVE MULCH 3.00 AC 800.00 2400.00 0.00 0.00 0 10 TY A AGGRE. BASE 2128.00 CY 21.00 44688.00 2128.00 44688.00 100 11 SUBBASE SELECT 3670.00 CY 13.00 47710.00 3670.00 47710.00 100 12 LIME 263.00 TN 50.00 13150.00 263.00 13150.00 100 13 8" LIME TRT. SUBGR. 14884.00 SY 1.50 22326.00 14884.00 22326.00 100 14 SEPARATOR FABRIC 18471. 00 SY 0.80 14776.80 18637.00 14909.60 101 15 TACK COAT 1271.00 GAL 1. 30 1652.30 1305.00 1696.50 103 16 PRIME COAT 1911.00 GAL 1. 30 2484.30 1916.00 2490.80 100 17 TY A ASP. CONC. 64-22 4586.00 TN 24.00 110064.00 4590.00 110160.00 100 18 TY B ASP. CONC. 64-22 1839.00 TN 28.00 51492.00 1844.00 51632.00 100 19 TY C ASP. CONC. 64-22 115.00 TN 32.00 3680.00 33.27 1064.64 29 20 COLD MILL. PVMT. 147.00 SY 12.00 1764.00 147.00 1764.00 100 21 FABRIC-REINFORCEMENT 700.00 SY 3.00 2100;00 700; 00 -...2100.00 100- 22 CLSM BACKFILL 10.00 CY 57.00 570.00 10.00 570.00 100 23 CLASS AA CONC. 10.00 CY 400.00 4000.00 10.00 4000.00 100 24 CLASS A CONC. 198.00 CY 375.00 74250.00 198.00 74250.00 100 25 CLASS C CONC. 100.00 CY 175.00 17500.00 95.50 16712.50 96 26 REINF. STEEL 16400.00 LB 0.10 1640.00 16400.00 1640.00 100 27 TY 1 PLAIN RIP RAP 28.00 TN 26.00 728.00 32.00 832.00 114 28 COMB. C, & G. 2175.00 LF 9.00 19575.00 2175.00 19575.00 100 29 4" CONC. SIDEWALK 120.00 SY 34.00 4080.00 359,00 12206.00 299 30 MANHOLE 4' DIA. 2.00 EA 1000.00 2000.00 3.00 3000.00 150 31 MANHOLE 5' DIA. 1. 00 EA 1600.00 1600.00 1. 00 1600.00 100 32 MANHOLE FRAME/COVER 3.00 EA 265.00 795.00 4.00 1060.00 133 33 INLET CICI DES 2 2.00 EA 1800.00 3600.00 4.00 7200.00 200 34 INLET GPI TY 2 DES 8 1. 00 EA 2500.00 2500.00 2.00 5000.00 200 35 C.I.C.I. 4.00 EA 160.00 640.00 8.00 1280.00 200 36 ADJ. EX. STR. INLET REB 2.00 EA 1600.00 3200.00 0.00 0.00 0 --- SUB-TOTAL 526769,90 533321.54 BECCO Contractors, Inc. P.O. Box 9159 Tulsa, OK 74157-0159 CONTRACTOR: 757046.10 CONTI'.{ACT PRI CE : DESCRIPTION OF CONTRACT: 86TH ST, N. & 145TF! E INTER. IMP. INCLUSIVE 09/10/2003 TO: o 9 /0 1 / 2 0 0 3 FOR PERIOD: _ r- f rJ /i l.. CONTRACT: 172 PERIODICAL ESTIMATE FOR PARTIAL PAYMENT 4 OF 1 Sheet CITY OF OWASSO 198773.00 4950,00 18270.00 11046.00 2240.00 640,00 44.90 9.10 750.00 10360,00 3000.00 332.50 100.00 10632.00 560.00 800.00 2842.50 22000,00 351.00 396.00 195.00 13935.00 810.00 700.00 1728.00 11000.00 600.00 1881.00 5412.00 0.00 1638.00 6280.00 660.00 2280.00 240;00 15340,00 3614.20 3500,00 4000.00 4500.00 4700.00 750.00 1000.00 984.00 905.80 8000.00 1500.00 9900.00 736.00 2660.00 176 107 100 80 100 113 106 100 100 100 100 143 103 100 100 120 100 100 100 .100 100 100 100 100 100 100 299 164 o 78 112 110 120 50 98 100 100 100 100 100 75 100 141 129 100 100 118 100 100 150.00 522.00 263.00 4,00 1. 00 449.00 91,00 30.00 280.00 1. 00 3325.00 50.00 5316.00 280.00 4.00 1895.00 1,00 27,00 36.00 15.00 23225,00 9.00 4.00 10800.00 1. 00 6.00 209.00 902.00 0.00 234.00 314.00 66.00 12.00 1. 00 11.80 1807.10 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 3.00 1. 00 492.00 1294.00 1. 00 10.00 4125.00 8.00 7.00 190654.20 2805.00 17045.00 11046.00 2800,00 640.00 39.60 8,60 750.00 10360.00 3000.00 332.50 70.00 10300.00 560.00 800,00 2362.50 22000.00 351.00 396.00 195.00 13935.00 810,00 700.00 1728.00 11000.00 600.00 630.00 3300.00 800.00 2100.00 5600.00 600.00 1900.00 480.00 15600.00 3614.00 3500.00 4000.00 4500.00 4700.00 1000.00 1000.00 700.00 700.00 8000.00 1500.00 8400.00 736,00 2660.00 33,00 35.00 42.00 560.00 640.00 0.10 0.10 25.00 37.00 3000,00 0.10 2.00 2.00 2.00 200.00 1. 50 22000.00 13.00 11.00 13.00 0,60 90.00 175.00 0.16 11000.00 100.00 9,00 6.00 16.00 7.00 20.00 10.00 190.00 240~00 1300.00 2.00 3500.00 4000.00 4500.00 4700.00 250.00 1000.00 2.00 0.70 8000.00 150.00 2.40 92.00 380.00 SUB-TOTAL % '~.~~~"--~~._._-_.~-~-~~~~-~~-~-~.~._~=-~~ Total To Date 4 OF Units To Date 2 Sheet Est, Cost DETAILED ESTIMATE Unit Unit Cost LF Lj<4 LF EA EA CY CY L,F LF LS LF LF SY LF EA LF LS SF LF EA LF EA EA LF LS EA LF LF LF LF LF LF EA EA CY LB EA EA EA EA EA EA LF LF EA EA LF EA EA 85.00 487.00 263.00 5.00 1. 00 396,00 86.00 30.00 280.00 1. 00 3325.00 35.00 5150.00 280.00 4.00 1575.00 1. 00 27.00 36.00 15.00 23225.00 9.00 4.00 10800.00 1. 00 6.00 70.00 550.00 50.00 300.00 280.00 60.00 10.00 2.00 12.00 1807.00 1.00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 4.00 1. 00 350.00 1000.00 1. 00 10.00 3500.00 8.00 7.00 Quan t,. 15" ST. SEW. PIPE CL II 18" ST, SEW. PIPE CL II 24" ST. SEW. PIPE CL II 18" PCES 24" PCSE TRENCH EXC, STD, BEDDING !V1AT'L. RELAYING CULV. PIPE 8" PVC PIPE REM. STR. & OBSTR. 8'X3 REMOVAL - FENCE REMOVAL - C. & G. REMOVAL - ASP, PVMT. REMOVAL - EX. PIPE REMOVAL - SIGNS SAWING PVMT. MOBILIZATION SHEET ALUM. SIGNS 2" DIA. 3.65 G.S.POSTS DELINEATORS TY 1 CODE 3 TRAF. STRIPE 4" PL TRAF. STRIPE ARROWS PL. TRAF. STRIPE WORDS PL, TRAF. STRIPE PAINT TRAF. CONTROL R. & R. SIGNS 1" PVC SCH 40 PL COND.T 1 1/2" PVC 40 PL CONC. 2" PVC 40 PL CONDo BORE 2" PVC 40 PL CONC. TR. 3" PVC 40 PL CONC. BORE 3" PVC 40 PL CONC. TR. PULL BOX SIZE 1 PULL BOX SIZE II STRUCT. CONe. REINF. CONC. 32'MH POLE 35'TS/I0'LMA 32'MH POLE 40'TS/I0'LMA 32'MH POLE 45'TS/I0'LMA 32'MH POLE 50'TS/I0'LMA ROADWAY LUMINAIRE SERVICE POLE l/C #6 AWG ELEC.CNDCTR. l/C #10 AWG ELEC.CNDCTR VEH.ACT.SOL.ST.TRAF.SIG SOL.STE.DIG.IND.VEH.LP. LOOP DETECTOE WIRE PEDES, PUSH BUTTON lWAY 3SEC ADJ.SIG.HD. S Description 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 54 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 Item # 793102.93 61008.39 533321.54 198773.00 100 100 100 100 58 82 119 82 117 131 100 o 100 o o o 100 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 700.00 2100.00 1400,00 700.00 873.00 176.40 213.60 508,80 437.50 1509.00 2160.00 0.00 9000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 19500.00 3635.03 3465.94 10743.35 3003.84 881.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 % Total To Date 4 OF 1. 00 3.00 4.00 10.00 1164.00 196 . 00 178,00 318.00 175.00 2515,00 72.00 0.00 1,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1. 00 1,00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 _ 0.00_ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Units To Date 3 Sheet 757046.10 39622.00 526769.90 190654.20 700.00 2100.00 1400.00 700.00 1515.00 216,00 180.00 624.00 375.00 1152.00 2160.00 0.00 9000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 19500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00_ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 700.00 700.00 350,00 '70.00 0.'75 0.90 1.20 1. 60 2.50 0..60 30,00 0.00 9000.00 0.00 82000.00 0.00 19500.00 3635.03 3465.94 10'743.35 3003.84 881.93 20655.00 564.00 521. 00 1683.00 1913 ,00 356.00 1195.04 '7834.11 5646.56 1226.08 389.00 2195.00 2508.00 3094.00 3142.00 4837.00 GRAND TOTAL SUB-TOTAL Sheet 1 SUB-TOTAL Sheet 2 SUB-TOTAL LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS EA EA EA EA LS 1. 00 3,00 4.00 10.00 2020.00 240.00 150,00 390.00 150,00 1920.00 72.00 0.00 1. 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1. 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 LS LS LF LF LF LF SF LF EA EA EA EA LF Est. Cost DETAILED ESTIMATE Unit Quant. . Unit Cost 1WAY 5SEC ADJ.SIG.HD S- 1WAY SSEC ADJ.SIG.HD S- 2WAY 2SEC ADJ.SIG.HD S- BACKPLATE S/C TRAF, SIG.ELEC.CABL 7/C TRAF. SIG.ELEC.CABL 12/CTRAF.SIG.ELEC.CABLE 15/CTRAF.SIG.ELEC,CABLE 18/ CTRAF , S IG . ELEC . CABLE 2/C SHLD,LOOP DET.LEAD- MAST ARM MNTD. SIGNS AI, ALTERNATE 1 ALT #1 INS. S.S.PIPE/LI ALTERNATE 2 ALT #2 SUBST,LANE N.E.C ALTERNATE 3 ALT #3 TEMP.PAV.TRAF.PL REROUTE 8" SANI.SEWER ENCASING DIP S.S. LINE LOWER/ENCAS. 12"DIP W/L RELOCATE FIRE HYD. RELOCATE FIRE HYD. MAT'L. ON HAND CL A CON MAT'L. ON HAND 4' M/H MAT'L. ON HAND 5' M/H MAT'L. ON HAND IN.CICI- MAT'L. ON HAND IN.GPI2- MAT'L. ON HAND CICI MAT'L. ON HAND 15"RCP C MAT'L. ON HAND 18"RCP C MAT'L. ON HAND 24"RCP C MAT'L. ON HAND 18" PCES MAT'L. ON HAND 24" PCES 32'MH POLE 35'TS & 10'1, 32'MH POLE 40'TS & 10'1, 32'MH POLE 45'TS & 10'1, 32'MH POLE 50'TS & 10'1, MAT'L. ON HAND VEH.ACT. Description 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 961 97 971 98 981 99 COl C02 C03 C04 COS MH24 MH30 MH31 MH33 MH34 MH35 MH37 MH38 MH39 MH40 MH41 MH73 MH74 MH75 MH'76 MH81 Item if REMARKS: (Ti tle) (By) (Date) (Name) CERTIFICATE OF THE ENGINEERS We certify that we have verified this Periodical Estimate, and that to the best of our knowledge and belief it is a true and correct statement of work performed and materials supplied by the contractor, and that the contractor's certified statement of his account and the amount due him is correct and just, and that all work and materials included in this Periodical Estimate have been performed in full accordance with the terms and conditions of the corresponding construction contract documents and authorized changes thereto. . - 1'- ('~ (By) (Title) lo~/_'O ') (Date) L~ t---. /' (Contractor) I further certify that all claims outstanding against BECCO Contractors, Inc. for labor, materials and expendable equipment employed in performance of said contract have been paid in full in accordance with the requirements of said contract, except such outstanding claims as are listed below or on an attached sheet which statement contains all claims against the contractor which are not yet paid including all disputed claims and any claims to which the contractor has or will assert any defense. 73909,13 (e) Amount Due this Estimate 00..0.,... 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . 0 . 719193.80 (d) Total Previously Paid ,..........0....0.'........... 0 0 . , 793102,93 (c) Total Earned less Retainage .... ......... 0............ 0.00 (b) Retainage Percentage................................. 793102.93 (a) Total Amount Earned To Date,..... 0'" 0............ To the best of my knowledge and belief, I certify that all items, units, quantities and prices of work and material shown on the face of Sheet(s) 1 - 3 of this Periodical Estimate are correct, that all work has been performed and materials supplied in full accordance with the terms and conditions of the corresponding construction contract documents between The Owner and BECCO Contractors, Inc. , and all authorized changes to; that the following is a true and correct statement of the contract account up to and including the last day of the pe od cove by this estimate and that no of 'Amount Due this Estimate' has been received: CERTIFICATION OF CONTRACTOR 4 of 4 Sheet 21,2003. 7 R. Robertson Thank I a conflict Please cancel