HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003.11.18_City Council AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: November 18, 2003 TIME: 6 :30 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center 301 South Cedar Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted at City Ball 5:00 p.m. on Friday, November 14, 2003. JuliT! M. Stevens, Administrative Assistant 1 L Call to Order Mayor Cochran 2. Flag ,Salute 3. Roll Call 4. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the City Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Councilor may, however, remove an item from the Consent Agenda by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non - debatable.) A. Approval of Minutes of the November 4, 2003 Regular Meeting. Attachment #4 -A B. Approval of Claims. Attachment #4 -13 I- I:yAgcndasTouncilAIIIS03. doc Owasso City Council November 18, 2003 Page 2 L 5. Consideration and appropriate action relating to Council acceptance of the Lakerldgc Phase III sanitary sewer system. Mr. Cross Attachment #5 Staff will recommend Council acceptance of the Lakeridge Phase III sanitary sewer system. 6. Consideration and Appropriate Action relating to a request for the rezoning of property from CH (Commercial High Intensity ) to IL (Industrial Light). The subject property is located at 8 South Atlanta, Budget Industries. Mr. Cuthbertson Attachment #6 Staff will recommend Council deny the Rezoning Request. 7. Consideration and appropriate action relating to Council approval of the First Christian Church of Owasso final plat. The subject property is located in the northwest comer of N. Garnett Road and N. 101" East Avenue. Mr. Cuthbcrtson Attachment #7 Staff will recommend Council approval of the First Christian Church of Owasso Final Plat. If "AgendasVCo,,-fl'd 11803 doe Owasso City Council Novembcr 18, 2003 Page 3 8. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for annexation of approximately 1.71 acres, more or less. The subject property is located in the northwest comer of N. 105"' East Avenue and E. 98th Place North. Mr. Cuthbertson Attachment #8 Staff will recommend Council acceptance of the annexation request. 9. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for annexation of approximately 185 acres, more or less. The subject property is located %Z mile east and south of the N. 129th East Avenue and E. 76"' Street North intersection. Mr. Cuthbertson Attachment #9 Staff will recommend Council acceptance of the annexation request. 10. Report from City Manager. 11. Report from City Attorney. 12. Report from City Councilors. IL'Agcndas`Louncil \I 11803 doc Owasso City Council November 18, 2003 Page 4 13. New Business (New Business is any itcm of business which could not have been foreseen at the time of posting of the agenda.) 14. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for an executive session for the purpose of discussing personnel matters relating to the office of the City attorney, such executive session provided for in O.S. 25, Section 307(B)(1).A Mayor Cochran 15. Consideration and appropriate action relating to the appointment of a City Attorney. Mayor Cochran 16. Adj ournment. I I 4\gendns`Cou -il,11 1303 d- OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, November 4, 2003 The Owasso City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, November 4, 2003 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 5;00 p.m. on Friday, October 31, 2001 ITEM 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Cochran called the meeting to order at 6031 p.m. The invocation was offered by Pastor David Langley of Gospel Light Baptist Church. ITEM 3. FLAG SALUTE Police Chief Dan Yancey led the Flag Salute. i PRESENT ABSENT Gary Cochran, Mayor Susan Kimball, Vice Mayor Michael Helm, Councilor Craig Thoendel, Councilor Steve Cataudella, Councilor STAFF Rodney J. Ray, City Manager Stephen Gray, City Attorney A quorum was declared present. ITEM 5. EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH PRESENTATION Mr. Ray introduced Brian Dempster, Building Inspector in the Community .Development Department, as the City's Employee of the Month for November, 2003. Owasso City C01111cil November 4, 2003 ITEM 6. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. A. Approval of Minutes of the October 21, 2003 Regular Meeting. E. Approval of Claims. C. Approval and authorization for payment of a court: ordered workers' compensation settlement to Joey Smith and his attorney. Mr. Helm moved, seconded by Ms. Kimball, to approve the Consent Agenda with claims totaling $356,184.49, and payroll claims totaling $245,215.$3; and also to approve and authorize payment of a court ordered workers' compensation settlement of $30,410.00 payable to Joey Smith and his attorney in a lump sum amount of $11,376.00, eighty -two weekly payments of $237.00, and $847.28 payable to the Oklahoma Tax Commission, YEA: Kimball, Thoendel, Cataudella, Helm, Cochran NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 7. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE JIMMY R. ROBERTSON'S REQUEST FOR ENFORCEMENT OF O #335, AN ORDINANCE APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL 1984, ADOPTING THE ZONING CODE OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, This item was withdrawn by Mr. Jimmy R. Robertson. ITEM 8. REQUEST FROM MR. KENNETH YATES TO ADDRESS THE CITY COUNCIL. Mr. Kenneth Fates of 14007 E. 87"' Terrace Forth addressed the Council regarding stormwater drainage in his neighborhood. After his presentation to Council, Mr. Yates asked for any questions from Council. Mr. Helm asked Mr. Mates if he had consulted the design engineer, Mr. Ronald Tracy. Mr. Yates answered that he had called Tom Morris, Developer of the sub- division, quite some time ago and Mr. Morris and another gentlemen, assumed to be Mr. Tracy, came out to observe the area. Mr. Helm asked if Mr. Yates had contacted Mr. Morris regarding this meeting, and Mr. Yates said no. Mr. Helm also asked when Mr. Yates had become aware of the Chris Cross report, Mr. Yates answered approximately 3 months ago. Mr. Thoendel asked if the Homeowners Association had plans to dredge the detention pond. Mr. Yates said the Homeowners Association had not been officially apprised of this responsibility by the City. Mr. Cochran then called on Mr. Ray to inform Council of the Chris Cross Report. Mr. Ray responded by stating he will meet with the Public Works staff and will report back to Council and Mr. Yates in the near future. N Owasso City Council November 4, 2003 ITEM 9. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE APPROVAL OF THE FY 2002 CDBG ADA SIDEWALK REHABILITATION PROJECT. Ms. Stagg presented the item. Former Mayor John Groth asked if homeowner's street dedication included sidewalks. Mr. Gray answered that the normal street right-of-way included sufficient width for sidewalks. Mr. Helm asked if the City had used Rocket Construction before. Ms. Stagg answered no, but she had checked with INCOG and received a good recommendation from them. Ms. Kimball asked how far along the sidewalk project was and Ms. Stagg answered 114 to 1/2 way through. Mr. Helm moved, seconded by Mr. Cataudella, to award the contract for the FY 2002 CDBG sidewalk rehabilitation to Rocket Construction Services, LLC of Sand Springs, Oklahoma project in the amount of $98,276.00. YEA. Kimball, Thoendel, Cataudella, Helm, Cochran NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 10. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION APPROVAL OF THE FY03-04 STREET REPAIR PROGRAM PROJECT TO MAGNUM CONSTRUCTION, INC. OF BROX--EN ARROW, OKLAHOMA IN THE AMOUNT O. $98,378.00. Ms. Stagg presented the item. Mr. Cataudella moved, seconded by Mr. Thoendel, to award the contract for the FY 03 -04 street repair program project to Magnum Construction, Inc. of Broken Arrow, Oklahoma in the amount of $98,378.00. YEA: Kimball, Thoendel, Cataudella, Helm, Cochran NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. Owasso City Council November 4, 2003 ITEM 11. REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER Mr. Ray reported building permits issued for September and October were both record breaking months. Mr. Ray introduced `Deference' as November's Character Trait of the Month. ITEM 12. DEPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY None ITEM 13. REPORT FROM CITY COUNCILORS Ms. Kimball thanked David Warren and the entire Parks Department for their organization of the Harvest Festival that took place on October 24th. Ms. Kimball also mentioned that Mr. Cray's last meeting will be the November 18t" Council Meeting and would like to have a special reception for him at that time. ITEM 19. NEW BI_JSINESS None ITEM 20. ADJOURNMENT Ms. Kimball moved, seconded by Mr. Cataudella, to adjourn. YEA: Kimball, Helm, Thoendel, Cataudella, Cochran NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 7:53 p.m. Pat Fry, Minute Clerk 11 Cary Cochran, Mayor CITY OFDWASSO CLAIMS T08E PAID 1id003 VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT TREASURER PETTY CASH DEPOSIT REFUND 20.00 REFUND TOTAL -------- 2670-0 8AV'ONPR|NT|NG PRINTED FORMS 395.00 OK MUNICIPAL LEAGUE TRAINING-JACKSON 25.00 OK MUNICIPAL LEAGUE TRAINING-JACKSON 93.00 0KLA TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY PIKE PASS 8.70 MUNICIPAL COURT DEPT TOTAL 521.76 ROONEY, TIMOTHY D. TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 354.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH CITY MGR EXPENSE 18.06 CITY GARAGE CITY OFOWASSO VEH|CLEK4A|NT 83.87 FUELMAN FUEL 89.24 ALL COPY SUPPLIES PRINTER REPAIR 305.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH M|LEASE'DEMPSTER 108.28 OKLA TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY PIKE PASS 6.70 TREASURER PETTY CASH COUNCIL MEETING 05.41 TREASURER PETTY CASH STAFF TRAINING 8980 THE OKLAHOMA ACADEMY MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL-RAY 150.00 J0L|E. INC. DBA MAIL BOXES ETC NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING SUPPLIES 35�64 ALBERT8ON8 MEETING EXPENSE 32.51 TREASURER PETTY CASH EK4PRECUGN|T|0N 25.00 MANAGERIAL DEPT TOTAL 1`4i3.30 TREASURER PETTY CASH MEETING EXPENSE 21.00 FINANCE DEPT TOTAL -------- 21.00 XPEDX COPY PAPER 202.50 TREASURER PETTY CASH OFFICE SUPPLIES 4.00 IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS COPiERMA|NT 001.18 C|NTASCORPORAT|ON MAT SERVICES 27.80 VVAL,MARTCOMk8UN|TY k8A!NTSUPPL|E8 8.44 ARNOLD INK PRINTING PRINTING 208.00 MCAFEE&TAFT ATTORNEY FEES-OCT 1.052.06 TULSA COUNTY ELECTION BOARD ELECT|ONEXP 5.058.11 AMERICAN WASTE CONTROL REFUSE SERVICE 114.00 AEP/PSO 1003 USE 2.651.31 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 10/03 USE 280.74 PITNEY BOWES E0U|PK4A|NT 209.00 PITNEY BOWES POSTAGE METER 233.24 SOUTHWESTERN BELL 11/03PLEXAR 167.58 RESERVE ACCOUNT POSTAGE 2.000.00 URGENT CARE OF GREEN COUNTRY PRE-EMPLOYMENT TESTING 30.00 XPEDX COPY PAPER 178.20 TREASURER PETTY CASH CHARACTER COUNCIL 8.77 JOHNS0N.DAN CHARACTER INITIATIVE 1.070.00 ANZSIGNS BANNERS 815.00 VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT CHARACTER FIRST! MONTHLY BULLETINS 32512 INTEGRITY FOCUS CONSULTING 3'373.00 TULSA COUNTY CLERK FILING FEES 94.00 GENERAL GOVERNMENT DEPT TOTAL --20,425.15 TREASURER PETTY CASH COPY EXPENSE 18.00 BOCA|NTERNAT|(}NAL |NSP STICKERS/CODE MATERIAL 00.98 CITY GARAGE CITY OFOVVA880 VEH|CLEMA|NT 102.91 TREASURER PETTY CASH VEHICLE WASH 4.00 FUELMAN FUEL 191.52 0VVASSOREPORTER LEGAL NOTICE 46.73 BURR KANNADY MILEAGE-OCT 39.96 BURR KANNADY INSPECTION SERVICES-OCT 320.00 TULSA COUNTY MIS DIAL UPSERVICE-OCT 40.00 K8ETROCALL 10/03 USE 28.00 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT TOTAL --888.73 CITY GARAGE CITY (}FDWASSO VEH|CLEMA|NT 17.03 FUELyNAN FUEL 73.34 NATIONAL POWER WASH VEHICLE WASHING 15.00 METRDCALL 10/03 USE 7.09 ENGINEERING DEPT TOTAL ---11106� METROCALL 10/03 USE 7.12 INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPT TOTAL -------- IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS COP|ERMA|NT 504.60 RADIO SHACK REPA|R/MA|NTSUPPL|E8 6.48 LOVVESC0K8PAN|ES REPA|FUMA|NTSUPPL|ES 197.31 UN|F|RSTC0RP0RAT|DN UNIFORM RENTAL 80.90 CITY GARAGE CITY OFOWASS0 VEH|CLEMA|NT 78.15 FUEL[NAN FUEL 18788 FARM PLAN REPA|R/K4A|NTSUPPL|ES 23.85 OKLAHOMA LIGHTING DISTRIBUTORS REPA|RYK8A|NTSUPPL|ES 51.80 RED BUD AIR FILTER 33.35 DALE & LEES SERVICE A/C REPLACEMENT 3.173.00 FUELMAN FUEL 205.10 0KLA TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY PIKE PASS 3.08 US CELLULAR CELL PHONE USE 2828 METR0CALL 10/03 USE 7.12 SOUTHWESTERN BELL 11/03PLEXAR 13373 AT&T WIRELESS PHONE USE 54.93 SUPPORT SERVICES DEPT TOTAL --4,798.98 BAILEY EQUIPMENT MA|NT8UPPL|E8 2.70 AEP/PSO 10/03 USE 15.39 CEMETERY DEPT TOTAL ----18.09 XPEDX COPY PAPER 90.00 VYAL-MART COMMUN|TY OFFICE SUPPLIES 154.64 VENDOR DESCRIPTION AK�NT ONYX CORPORATION TONER CARTRIDGE 04.95 LYNN PEAVEY CO EVIDENCE COLLECTION 7175 VVAL-MARTC0k8K4UN|TY VIDEO TAPES 35.88 GTGSUPPLY GUN PARTS 41.00 A5HT0NPUMPK8AT|C EVIDENCE COLLECTION 105.80 OKLAHOMA POLICE SUPPLY TRAIN |NG/QUAL|F|CAT|0NAMMUNITION 2.825.00 CITY GARAGE CITY OFDVVAO3O VEH|CLEK8A|NT 2.922.07 FUELMAN FUEL 2.905.14 HOWARD STAMPER RETAINER 150.00 ACCURATE FIRE EQUIPMENT FIRE EXTINGUISHER SERVICE 50.00 STATE OFOKLA BOARD OFTESTS |NTOX|LYZERREPA|R 107.00 AEFYPSD 10/03 USE 1.820.03 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 10/03 USE 200.35 YALE CLEANERS UNIFORM CLEANING 1.56077 METROCALL 10/03 USE 142.41 SOUTHWESTERN BELL 1103PLEXAR 40.01 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES PH0NEUSE'YANCEY 112.98 SUPER 8MOTEL LODGING-Y0UNT 9130 TREASURER PETTY CASH PERD|EM-Y0UNT/ROSE 126.00 0KLA TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY PIKE PASS 11.90 POLICE DEPT TOTAL i3,662.39 ONYX CORPORATION LASER PRINTER DRUM 140.39 VVAL-MART COK4K8UN|TY PRISONER MEALS 107.96 K8ETR0CALL 10/03 USE 7.11 POLICE COMMUNICATIONS DEPT TOTAL ---- VVVVGRA|NGER k4A|NTSUPPL|ES 37.15 VVAL'MARTCOK8k8UN|TY CLEANING SUPPLIES 7.88 HILLS PET NUTRITION SHELTER SUPPLIES 93.00 CITY GARAGE CITY DFOVVASSD VEH|CLEK8A|NT 381.33 FUELK8AN FUEL 32.00 F|CKL|N. TIM VY. PHD &1K8P|TEST|NG 50.00 AEP/PSO 10/03 USE 253.11 K8ETR0CALL 10/03 USE 1424 SOUTHWESTERN BELL 11/03PLEXAR 40.80 ANIMAL CONTROL DEPT TOTAL 919.51 VVAL'MARTCOK8MUN|TY REPA|R/MA|NT8UPPL|ES 24.02 L0VVESCOK4PAN|ES REPA/R/MA|NTSUPPL|ES 240.08 CROW BURL|NGAME REPAIR SUPPLIES 268.59 CITY GARAGE CITY OFOVVASS0 VEH|CLEK8A|NT 748.80 LOVVE8COMPAN|E8 k4A|NT8UPPL|E8 10.48 C & H DISTRIBUTORS SHELVING 1.760.20 FUELk4AN FUEL 1.125.31 C&CMANUFACTURING GAUGE/PRESSURECAP 175.00 AEP/PGO 10/03 USE 843.36 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 10/03 USE 203.31 SAV-ON PR|NT|NG PRINTING 05.00 METR0CALL 10/03 USE 0.28 VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SOUTHWESTERN BELL 1103PLEXAR 181.83 TREASURER PETTY CASH PER DIEM 10.00 BEST WESTERN LODGING-DEK8AURO 224.04 THE DEATHERA8ECOMPANIES REGISTRATION-|RBY 200.00 BESTVVESTERN LODGING-BLEV|NS, 275.08 BEST WESTERN LODG|NG'PARR|S 275.00 0KLA TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY PIKE PASS 0825 FIRE DEPT TOTAL -------- 6.975.51 TREASURER PETTY CASH MEETING EXPENSE 45.00 AEP/YS0 10/03 USE 03.75 yNETR0CALL 10/03 USE 7.12 SOUTHWESTERN BELL 1103PLEXAR 21.42 0KLATRANSPORTAT|0N AUTHORITY PIKE PASS 14.85 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS DEPT TOTAL -------- FARM PLAN REPA|R/MA|NTSUPPL|EG 03.33 BAILEY EQUIPMENT MA|NTSUPPL|ES 13.75 A&A MATERIALS CO. ASPHALT 110.95 RAINBOW CONCRETE CONCRETE 1.015.00 BROWN FARMS SOD SOD 185.00 GEORGE & GEORGE SAFETY MA|NTSUPPL|EG 3.34 MILL CREEK LUMBER & SUPPLY REPA|R/MA|NTSUPPL|ES 243.83 VVAL-MART OOK8MUN|TY HATS 8.04 GEORGE & GEORGE SAFETY PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 35.88 CITY GARAGE CITY DFUVVASSD VEH|CLEMA|NT 1.23143 FUELMAN FUEL 721.34 FARM PLAN REPA|R/MA|NTSUPPL|EB 84.85 LOT MAINTENANCE HVVY100MOWING 1.625.00 JERRY TUCKER k80VV|NS 220D0 AEP/P8O 1003 USE 840.85 AERP80 STREET LIGHTING 3.520.08 BAILEY EQUIPMENT REPA/R/MA|NTSUPPL|E8 87.50 NATIONAL POWER WASH VEHICLE WASHING 20.00 BEE LINE TRAFFIC CONTROL S|GNALiZAT|ON 875.00 METROCALL 10/03 USE 56.02 US CELLULAR CELL PHONE USE 31.68 SOUTHWESTERN BELL 11/03PLEXAR 24.01 ADVANCED WARNING TRAFFIC STRIPING 1.77032 STREETS DEPT TOTAL -------- 1_.-_...- CINDY SIGNS BANNERS 180.00 ON-SITE SERVICES PORTABLE TOILET RENTAL 120.00 A,1 TENT RENTALS TENT RENTAL 550.00 LOVVESCOMPAN|ES LIGHTS/FUEL 88.05 FARM PLAN MA|NT8UPPL|ES 4.50 LOVVE8COK4PAN|ES CHAIN/ROPE 34.88 CRESCENT MACHINERY CD LIGHT TOWER RENTAL 71.00 DISPLAY SALES LIGHT BULBS 400.50 JUPITER JUMP GLENDAT0NEY RENTAL 100.00 VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT TREASURER PETTY CASH WINTER WONDERLAND 150.81 CITY GARAGE CITY OFOWASSO VEH|CLEMA|NT 103.37 FUELMAN FUEL 310.81 JOLYNDAMYERB RESTRO0MCLEAN|N8 225.00 LELANDBARTELD8ACL|P-N-SN|P ELM CREEK/RAY0LA PARK MOWING 400.00 AEFYPGO 10/03 USE 835.42 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 10/03 USE 141.85 K4ETROCALL 10/03 USE 21.35 SOUTHWESTERN BELL. 11N3PLEXAR 73.01 MISER ASPHALT CO SKATE PARK PAD 24.075.00 PARKS DEPT TOTAL. -------- _-.7-_�-_ CHARACTER FIRST! MONTHLY BULLETINS 325.12 MURPHY SUPPLY FLOOR CLEANER 500.00 FUELMAN FUEL 31.81 AEP/P8O 10/03 USE 883.12 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 10/03 USE 109.00 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES PHONEUSE 10.00 SOUTHWESTERN BELL 11/03PLEXAR 00.11 DELL MARKETING COMPUTERS 1'700.00 COMMUNITY CENTER DEPT TOTAL 3'794.50 AEP/PGO 10/03 USE 5.83 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 10/03 USE 35.60 SOUTHWESTERN BELL 11/03PLEXAR 20.59 HISTORICAL MUSEUM TOTAL ------- FUELW1AN FUEL 3124 R|DGVVAYS MAP LAMINATION 45.00 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTORY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECT 100.00 SAV-ON PR|NT|NG PRINTING 38.65 MPS|SYSTEK4S LOCATION EXPERT BASE RENEWAL 000.00 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DEPT TOTAL ---- GENERAL FUND TOTAL 97,100.94 PACE PRODUCTS AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 100.00 MEDICAL COMPLIANCE SPECIALITY B|O4NASTED|SP0SAL 74.00 ALLIANCE MEDICAL AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 3.127.17 GALLE8JEFFERYDO EMS AUDITS 250.00 BEST WESTERN TRADE WINDS LODGING-SM|THAATVVELL 110.00 AMBULANCE SERVICE FUND TOTAL --------- ,741.�' TOTAL RADIO K1A/NTCONTRACT 675.00 E'91i FUND TOTAL ----675.00 ===== TREASURER PETTY CASH TOBACCO EDUC PROGRAM 75.00 JUVENILE COURT FUND TOTAL ----75.00' ===== )LEND8OR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT BENHAM COMPANIES ATK|NSAMERICAS SERVICE AGREEMENTS 8/2002 47.338.00 8ECCOCONTRACTORS 80TH-120EAVE/145EAVE 232.481.45 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND TOTAL --i-8����5� ===== BECC000NTRACTOR8 8S8TN/145EAVE 7380913 ��� BOND PRC�JECTSFUN0��]TAL 7380813 ��� LOVVESCOK8PAN|E8 MA|NTSUPPL|ES 2.34 UN|F|R8TC0RPURAT|0N UNIFORM RENTAL, 132.05 B&Wl OIL COMPANY OIL/LUBRICANTS 041.11 LENOX WRECKER SERVICE REPAIR PARTS 87.00 PRECISION FLUID POWER REPAIR PARTS 034.95 AEP/P3O 10/03 USE 381.95 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 1003 USE 44.85 BLTTRANSPORTAT|DN TRAILER RENTAL 40.93 K8ETROCALL 10/03 USE 14.24 US CELLULAR CELL PHONE USE 28.28 SOUTHWESTERN BELL 1103 PLEXAR 119.08 CITY GARAGE FUND TOTAL -7.0 pER0NE. yNCG|VERN. REDEMANN. PLLC B04030 80.00 PERR|NE, KXCG|VERN, REDEK8ANN, PLLC B06109 888.00 PERR|NE'K8CG|VERN.REDEMANN.PLLC C11139 530.60 PERR|NE, K8CG|VERN, REDEMANN, PLLC J06172 993.50 PERR|NE.K8CG|VERN.REDEK4ANN.PLLC S07002 288.00 PPUG0LUT|ONS MEDICAL REVIEW FEES 201.84 CENTRAL STATES ORTHOPEDIC 007103 2.307.59 CENTRAL STATES ORTHOPEDIC S07082 180.00 OVVASS0 PHYSICAL THERAPY CLINIC P08283 374.20 OVVASGD PHYSICAL THERAPY CLINIC R08093 0.15 ASSOCIATED ANESTHESIOLOGISTS 007103 279.04 URGENT CARE OF GREEN COUNTRY T08043 145.10 TULSA BONE & JOINT ASSOC VVii141 110.76 OVVASGO PHYSICAL THERAPY CLINIC P08283 234.82 K1EDiCAPPHARMAC|E8 B10093 80.27 THIRD PARTY SOLUTIONS M08143 48.18 THIRD PARTY SOLUTIONS P08283 12.91 SUMMIT PHYSICAL THERAPY Y06133 100.00 ROBERTS, INC DBA0RTH0PED|C S10013 130.12 EASTERN 0K ORTHOPEDIC CENTER Y00133 75.16 MAYS DRUG C09303 00.82 MAYS DRUG J06172 105.82 MAYS DRUG J00172 40.54 MAYS DRUG Y06133 33.75 URGENT CARE UFGREEN COUNTRY C00303 58.80 URGENT CARE OF GREEN COUNTRY G00283 85.84 LKMENTERPR|SE8 J00172 920.64 CLEVELAND AREA HOSPITAL C07183 1.040.58 BROKEN ARROW ORTHOPEDICS D04122 172.17 CITY OF OWASSO CLAIMS TO BE PAID 11118/03 offiam- DES-CRIPT jQ N - AMOU-N I]f RAY, RODNEY REIMB-BRONZE STATUARY 9,130.00 MANAGERIAL DEPT ADDENDUM TOTAL 9,130.00 CITY OF OWASSO CLAIMS TOTAL 508,786.67 GRAND TOTAL WITH ADDENDUM 517,916.67 NORTHEASTERN DIAGNOSTICS JAMPETR0. TAMARA C/O CRAIG ARMSTRONG JAMPETR0. TAMARA C/O CRAIG ARMSTRONG WARREN, DAVID SMITH, JOEY CLEVELAND PHY&SURGEON BARTLESV|LLE PHYSICAL REHAB TREASURER PETTY CASH AON RISK SERVICES COLEMAN CONSTRUCTION CO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT E10123 31.78 TTD PAYMENTS 209.08 TTDPAYMENTO 269.08 W11141 3.880.80 807082 474.00 C07183 204.03 H07203 898.43 FILING FEES 150.00 WORKERS COMP FUND TOTAL. T5'GD7.44 PROPERTY INSURANCE 11031104 33.377.00 TORT CLAIM WINTER/SPRING 2003 1.050.00 TORT CLAIM 214.58 SELF INSURANCE FUND TOTAL --'i5-,441.58 ����� GRAND TOTAL 508,786.67 CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 11/1/03 Department Qvedtime-Expenses Total Expenses .Municipal Court _ 0 'Managerial 0.00 18,619.96 Fina'nce-, 0.00 General Government 0.00 660.35 ommunit y D I pf" eve.opme Engineering 0.00 9,762.02 ]n 6rmatibn §'ystems -69 Support Services 0.00 5,506.65 ;police 200 46 77,,38 .34`," Central Dispatch 176.77 7,153.73 'Inirdb,Contr I 6:16- 98J3 i Fire 998.80 mergency pare ,Pre ness, d 0 0 = 1,73 OA_ Streets 33.99 14,003.73 ?ark Maintenance : _ 0 0 Community-Senior Center 0.00 4,211.69 2 02_6`_x68.53 $2;1:10:02. U2. $ w.q FITST-3 i R Am, I Ambulance Fund Fund a 2' T Emeraencv 911 Fund MEMORANDUM NUM DATE: November 14, 2003 The subject 4 -lot residential development is located northwest of the E 86th Street North and N 129'h East Avenue intersection (see attached map). The water system, which is operated by the City of Owasso, has been in place approximately twenty years. The sanitary sewer system consists of approximately 369 linear feet of 8 -inch PVC sanitary sewer line. Design for the sewer system was reviewed and approved in August 2003. Construction was inspected by the Public Works Department. Final inspections for the sewer system were conducted on October 24, 2003. All items identified at the final inspection requiring correction to meet city standards have been completed. The construction contractor has provided the required one -year maintenance bond for the sanitary sewer system (see attached). 1 1 Staff recommends Council acceptance of the Lakeridge (Phase 1II) sanitary sewer system. �' V - 0 - 1. Location map 2. Maintenance Bond 3. ODEQ Permit lv f 1 � � 3 f , f tt I d r 1 '- 4 17 _. _ _.. ( a 1 € - N. 86TH ST N _._ i LOCATION MAP [L:A:KERIDGE SEWER EXTENSION CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION G: \lakcridge sr,�cr- ext- locatim�.d:vg, 10/27/2003 2:53:02 PM, \ \P%V_2 \PWLSR, Letter MXINTENANCE BOND I WHEREAS, the said Principal has heretofore entered into a contract with the Obligee above named for 300 FT. SEWER LINE EXTENSION, LA CE M, LOTS 3,4,5,6 and Now, THEREFORE, the condition of this obligation is such that, if said Principal shall, for a period of ONE YEAR from the date of acceptance by the Obligee, indemnify the Obligee against any loss of damage directly arising by reason of any defect in the material or workmanship which may be discovered within the period aforesaid, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise to be and remain in full force and effect, PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that in the event of any default on the part of said Principal, written statement of the particular facts showing such default and the date thereof shall be delivered to the Surety by registered mail, promptly and in any event within ten (10) days after the Obligee or his representative shall learn of such default-, and that no claim, suite or action by reason of default of the Principal shall be brought hereunder after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the end of the maintenance period as herein set forth. i jrffl By: (fVitness) D_ (PRINCIP fflF., 4 M1 . DILLS, ATTORNENJI" IN FACT oxL Axou« 5l8�N��TUO�PR)� DEPARTMENT mmnmx�°wmmm Executive Director OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY September 12, 2003 F. Robert Carr, Director Public Works City ofOwasso Post Office Box 188 Owasso, Oklahoma 74O55 Re: Permit No. SL0O0O72O3UQ1O Lakeridge U| Sanitary Sewer Line Extension S-21310 Dear Mr. Carr: BRAD HENRY Governor Enclosed io Permit No. SL000072030910 for the construction of 369 linear feet of eight (8) inch PVC sanitary sewer line and all appurtenances to serve the Lak*hdge ||| sewer line extension, City ufOwasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. The project authorized by this permit should be constructed in accordance with the plans approved by this Department on September 12, 2003. Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications affecting capacity, flow or operation of units must be approved, in writing, by the Department before changes are made. Receipt of this permit should be noted in the minutes of the next regular meeting of the City of Owasso, after which it should be made e matter nf permanent record. We are returning one (1) set of the approved plans to you, sending one (1) set to your engineer and retaining one (1) set for our files. Very truly yours, usaMyPKabariti, E. I. DVV3 Permit Section Water Quality Division Enclosure o: William E. Lewis, P.E. Rick Austin, R.S., Regional Manager, DEQ 07 NORTH N0|NSON P.1 BOX 1677, OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA 73l0l'l677 printod on racyclod paper mmsoy Ink �� DUANE CUTHBERTSON CITY PLANNER REZONING ,QUEST (OZ-03-12 — BUDGGET INDUSTRIES) BACKGROUND The City of Owasso has received a request from Budgget Industries (Henry Harker, Jr.), applicant(s)/owner(s), for the rezoning of property from its current designation of CH (Commercial High Intensity) to IL (Industrial Light Intensity). The property owner is not intending to change uses on the site just classifications. MM CH (Commercial High Intensity) IL (Industrial Light Intensity) Budgget Industries is located at 8 South Atlanta, in the southwest comer of Atlanta Street and Broadway Street. Light Manufacturing is currently performed on site. The surrounding land use consists of single-family residential to the north. An automotive repair shop is located on the south and cast side of the sublet property. Rail Yards occupy the western edge. Budgget Industries site is presently zoned CH (Commercial High Intensity District as is the property to the south and east. Across the railroad tracks to the west the property is zoned IL (Light Industrial) and the property to the north is zoned RM-1 (Residential Multi-Family). The property is located in the original town section of downtown Owasso. ANALYSIS Budgget Industries has been fabricating steel in Owasso for approximately 25 years. The subject property is currently zoned CH and according to the Owasso Zoning Code this Light Manufacturing is allowed by special exception granted by the Board of Adjustment. According to staff's records the Board of Adjustment first granted Budgget Industries a Special Exception in 1982 and with each physical expansion of the operations Mr. Harker received additional special exceptions. Henry Harker, Jr. of Budgget Industries is now requesting a rezoning change so that he may facilitate a transition of ownership. Mr. Harker is planning to move his operations and having an IL zoning designation for his current property will improve his ability to sell it. The current 2010 Land Use Master Plan calls for light industrial in the spaces that Budgget Industries occupies. However, the most recent planning document outlining the downtown area calls for a land use inconsistent and less intense than Industrial. The Owasso Downtown Development District Plan is a comprehensive set of goals and strategies intended to transition downtown Owasso into an attractive destination for the region. This plan was created with the guidance of the Owasso Economic Development Authority, the Owasso City Council, the Owasso Planning Commission as well as many citizens of Owasso. The plan identifies the subject property as a component of the Town Square District. The goal of the Town Square District is: "Develop a destination atmosphere based on a nnixed -use approach, including culturallhistorical, commercial and speciallcommunity activities, in an inviting and unique atmosphere". The plan specifically identifies the subject property as being utilized as Commercial or potential Cultural activities. The requested rezoning is not consistent with this most recent vision for downtown Owasso. In a recent occurrence consistent with the direction of the downtown plan, the citizens of the Tulsa region passed Vision 2025, up to a one penny increase in the county sales tax. With the Vision 2025 passage the City of Owasso is in line to receive approximately 1,000,000 (million) dollars to invest in the downtown area. This money is specifically earmarked to be invested in projects that enhance the image of the downtown area. Staff believes that granting an IL designation would work to counter the Vision 2025 effort. As the site is presently zoned CH the current owner is able to continue his operations legally as he possesses a Special Exception to do so from the Board of Adjustment. If the ownership of the property were to change hands the Special Exception would cease to exist as it does not transfer with ownership. This is critical to the Downtown Plan in that if the property were to remain CH, a new owner would have to request a Special Exception to continue industrial type operations and the city and the Board of Adjustment would have the ability to guide development of the site and require conditions necessary to assist the property's integration in a manner more compatible with the vision of the Downtown Owasso Plan. If the rezoning request is granted and the property is rezoned to IL, the owner or any new owner would be able to operate the property in any fashion allowable according to the Owasso Zoning Code. The uses and provisions allowed under IL zoning are not consistent with the vision set forth for Owasso's downtown. For example, outdoor storage is allowed in an IL district but wouldn't necessarily encourage "...an inviting and unique atmosphere..." as the plan states. In a related matter, a similar request was heard by the city in the recent past to allow an industrial use on the west side of the railroad tracks adjacent to downtown Owasso. That request was denied because of its proximity to downtown and the potential negative impact it would have had on downtown's ability to transform into the vision prescribed by the Downtown Plan. Furthermore, this particular applicant has had a history of non - compliance with the provisions outlined by the Board of Adjustment as conditions of his Special Exception. If the rezoning request were to be granted, the conditions would expire and the property (new or current) owner would be allowed to continue operations without regard to careful integration with the downtown district. For example: the applicant would be able to store industrial material outdoors and perform work outdoors. Staff believes that it is in the best interest of Owasso and the Owasso Downtown Development Plan to deny the rezoning request therefore leaving the zoning designation CH and maintain the ability to guide development on this site and in the downtown area. Staff published legal notice of the rezoning request in the October 16, 2003 edition of the Owasso Reporter and sent notices to property owners within 300' of the property and posted a notification of a rezoning request sign on the property, Staff received no phone calls concerning the potential use of the site. PLANNING COMMISSION The Owasso Planning Commission, at the November 10, 2003 regularly scheduled meeting, forwarded a non - recommendation to the City Council as the vote was recorded at 2 -2. Two rotes for approval of the requested rezoning and two votes for denial of the requested rezoning. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends denial of the request to rezone the subject property to IL (Industrial Light Intensity) therefore maintaining the CIS designation. E= P.O. BOX 180 OWASSO, OKLAHOMA 74055 (918) 272-2251 FAX (918) 272-4997 EA APPLICATION GENERAL LOCATION —'8 South Atlanta, Owasso, CK PRESENT ZONING ----R PRESENT USE__jAgbt_M, PROPOSED Z0NfNG—JJ PROPOSED USE Jaght Manufacture ik ____ LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF LAND UNDER APPLICATION (If by metes and bounds, attach plat of survey) LOT 1, BLK 20; LOT 2, BLK 20; W76.7 LOT 2, BLK 20; LOT 3 BLK 20; LOT 4, BLK 20; LOT 1, BLK 12; ALL BLK 37 OWASSO ORIGINAL TOWN LYING N OF N LN OF IsTAVE EXTENDED; PRT RR R/W BEG NWC LOT 1, BLK 12 ---Atta Name and Address of Record Owner As applicant, what is your interest in this property? ,F-]Present Owner ElAgent for Owner '(Purchaser [Other ElAttorney for Owner Address or General Location of Subject Property Name of person to be billed for publication I Phone Mailing Address I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION HEREIN SUBMITTED IS COMPLETE, TRUE AND ACCURATE Please submit the completed application form and application fee along with a Certified 300' Radius Report (available from an Abstract Company) to the Owasso City Planner on or before the Planning Commission submittal deadline as shown on the official City of Owasso calendar. The applicant and/or the applicant's consultant should attend the Planning Commission meetings at which the Supplemental ZOU!Dg will be Planning reviewed. Fee Schedule 0- 0.99 acres $75 1® 4.99 acres 100 5-19.99 acres 150 20 + acres 200 SUBMITTAL DATE FEE RECEIPT NUMBER-::��� OPC MEETING DATE APPROVED DENIED Residential fdeighborhood Sfabilizallcn Pedestrian Oriented Commercial Retail/ Office aMeighborhood Commercial M� Light IndustriaV City Services/ +Narehousmg Parks/ Open Space/ Trails Civic/ Government Pedestrian Oriented Commercial Retail/ Office aMeighborhood Commercial M� I Owasso Downtown Development District — Conceptual Plan & Implementation Strategy 4.3 Town Square District Goal- Develop a destination atmosphere based on a mixed-use approach, including cultural / historical, commercial and special community activities, in an inviting and unique atmosphere. The Town Square District is envisioned as special place that redefines Downtown Owasso and creates a sense of identity for the community, The focal point of this district is the creation of a "town square" that is pedestrian-oriented and has the character and appeal of a small town Main Street. Many of the civic components are in place or being constructed to reinforce this location as a community destination. The City/County Library, City Hall /Police Station, and Historic Society Museum provide the initial hub for activity. Critical to success is the creation of viable destinations in downtown. Considering this objective, it is important to maximize opportunities for new development, redevelopment or change of use. In general, development activities should focus on the continued development of specialty retail, restaurant, entertainment and downtown service commercial uses. As shown previously in Figure 10, this gedestrian- oriented Town Square is centered at the intersection of 76 and Main Street. Given the absence of substantial buildings at all but the southwest comer, significant new construction will be required. 56 Owasso Downtown Development District — Conceptual Plan & Implementation Strategy A mix of residential and office development in upper stories of buildings can help expand the level of use in downtown throughout the days A diverse array of commercial uses should be encouraged to locate in the Town Square District and most importantly in the first floor locations around the Town Square. Desirable businesses might include antiques, home furnishings / housewares, apparel and specialty retail, independent specialty foods / grocery / deli / sundries stores, arts and crafts, specialty toy or educational goods and gifts. Financial and legal services, as well as other business services and offices should be encouraged in other areas in second floor locations around a new town square. The town square incorporates the Owasso Historic Society building as well a large pavilion, historic elements, and landscaped areas. Additionally, residential use in this district should be encouraged and located on upper floors of the buildings in this district whenever feasible. Creating the desired destination quality will require redevelopment activities focused on providing opportunities that will enhance the downtown experience. This effort will require the assembly of property; the development of new architecture for uses that reinforce the destination qualities; creating both on- street and consolidated off- street parking opportunities; and creating a visual character based on traditional downtown streetscape elements. Future day-to -day business retention and attraction activities in this area should focus on developing a mixture of uses that will draw Owasso residents and out - of -town patrons. In addition to business activity, the proposed Town Square (west of Main between 1St Ave. and Broadway) should become the home for most community special events and festivals. Seasonal activities throughout the year should be encouraged to bring people to downtown. Community events, festivals and activities (such as a farmers market) can be enhanced with the creation of open space and buffering along the railroad right -of -way, the development of a town square and the reconfiguration of parking areas in the Town Square District. Where Town Square businesses are adjacent to industrial and other more intense uses, it will be important to create a sight -proof buffer through landscape plantings and fencing. Also important to the success of downtown will be the continuation and potential expansion of civic uses in the fitture. The library and Si I 0 ()%vasso Downtown Development District — Conceptual Plane Implementation Strategy Np,z 1,4mvp UlAqu ftO MUM- LaEt- AT -V -q) x M lorm Np,z 1,4mvp UlAqu ftO MUM- LaEt- AT -V -q) x M Owasso Downtown Development District — Conceptual Plan & Implementation Strategy Additionally, parking will be a primary necessity in this district. In addition to on- street parking, shared parking arrangements should be encouraged for public surface lots located in the Town Square District. Surface lots would incorporate aesthetic improvements that enhance the area, extend the building line along the block and better define the public and private space in downtown. Consolidating parking locations strategically in the district is highly desirable. (Current zoning for High Intensity Commercial districts allows a 1,000 ft. radius to meet parking codes. Consideration should be given to expanding this provision to the zoning code.) Town Square District - Proposed Elements Town Square Development: Create a new 'Town Square and redevelop the commercial area into a viable, pedestrian- oriented downtown. Develop a new cultural / heritage center. Develop the block northwest of Main / 1St Ave. into a 'sown Square with open space, plazas, a pavilion, and historic elements that enhance the Owasso Historic Society. Streetscape enhancements that unify the district with traditional character for furnishings, lighting, etc. Consider new community center and other civic facility north of new City Hall. ® Enhance and improve existing buildings and businesses that are retained within the redevelopment. W MEMORANDUM TO: Owasso Planning Commission YROM ' f�ichard Hall, Owasso City PLanner SUBJECT-- A request to build a building over a sewe�r easement DATE: May 15, 1989 1-n September of 1988 the Owasso Board of Adjustment heard a case OBOA-110, a request for a Special Exception of the Zoning Code to allow a light manufacturing business to expand in an area zoned CH (Commercial High Intensity District). The property is located at 8 South Atlanta, (The Southwest Corner of Broadway Avenue and Atlanta Street) and its size is 1501 x 199.7' (29,955 sq. ft.). The business had been expanded once before in January of 1982 after Board had granted a similar request. Before the most recent Board of Adjustment review of the matter, it was discovered that new building was proposed to be built over a sewer easement that had been granted to the city in April of 1953, At its meeting of September 21, 1988 the Board voted 5-0 to grant the Special Exception with the following stipulations: (1) All business and employee parking shall be on an all-weather dust-free parking lot surface that is not located on public street right-of-way. The size of the parking area shall be according to Zoning code standards: one space for each 800 sq. ft. of floor area of the manufacturing buildings and one space for each 300 sq. ft. of floor area of the office area. There shall be at least one loading-berth, (2) the building shall not be constructed on the public sewer easement or the sewer line shall be moved to a new location as approved by the Owasso City Enngr , iLe, g_ _ _ (3) all fabrication materials, equipment and products shall be stored inside enclosed buildings and all manufacturing activity shall take place inside closed buildings to Protect the neighborhood appearance and reduce or eliminate noise, (4) exterior lighting shall be aimed away from abutting homes to the north and east. Despite requirement two, the applicant has been trying to find a way to build his new structure over -the existing sewer easement so that it will connect with his existing building. At first we did not know if the sewer was being used. After die testing, however, OPWA employees determined that the Public Service Building was using the line. The City Engineer and i have visited many times with Mr. Harker, the applicant of the case and the owner of the business, to find a solution to his problem. We have discussed routing the sewer around his building so that the easement can be closed and his building plan may proceed. Mr. Harker claims that additional easements for the routing are not available and that -the alternative will be expensive. We discussed routing the PSO sewer line to -the south. across 76th Street North. Again Mr. Harker claims that alternative will be difficult, expensive and that PSO does not prefer that plan. Instead, Mr. Harker wants to encase the sewer in a sleeve and continue with his idea to build the structure over the line. he claims that if the line fails that it can be extracted from the sleeve, repaired and placed back in the sleeve. The City Engineer and I have repeatedly told Mr. Harker that we has staff cannot approve such a plan or allow the construction of the building over an easement for several reasons: 1. State laws and city ordinances prohibit such construction over an easement. 2. The Board of Adjustment ruled against the proposal, 3. If the line does fail, it will be extremely difficult for city crews to dig a pit, push the line out of the sleeve, repair the line and push it back into the sleeve under a building. PSO service would also be interrupted for the whole procedure. 4. We think that it would create a bad precedent to build future structures over easements. Nevertheless, Mr. Harker persists with his plan. The City Engineer and I informed him that since we, as staff, have no authority to allow the plan, his only recourse was to appeal to the City Council. Since the Harker proposal affects development in Owasso, I felt it appropriate to bring the matter before the Planning Commission for your recommendation to the Council. I plan to present the proposal to the Council on June 6, 1989 for its action. Attached for your review is a map of the property, a letter from Mr. Harker. I recommend denial of the proposal to build the structure over the sewer line and easement that are still in use. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER OZ-0342 Lots One (1), Two (2), Three (3) and Four (4), Block Twenty (20), ORIGINAL TOWN OF OWASSO, ©l County, State of Oklahoma, according to the Recorded Flat thereof, PH ALL of Block 12, GREENLEE'S ADDITION to Owasso, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, according to the Recorded Plat thereoL All that part of Block Thirty-seven (37), OWASSO, ORIGINAL TOWNSHIP, lying North of the Nor line of First Avenue extended. I li Information and maps showing the property location may be inspected in the office of the City Planner, 1I I North Main Street, Owasso, Oklahoma, 74055 or by calling 376 -1543. This is your only personal notification of this request, Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 13th day of November, 2003. Sincerely, Duane Cuthbertson City Planner MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: DUANE CUTHBERTSON CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: FILIAL PLAT ! VIEW - - -1ST CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF OWASSO DATE: NOVEMBER 12, 2003 BACKGROUND The City of Owasso has received a request from First Christian Church of Owasso, developer, for the review of a final plat for the First Christian Church of Owasso addition. The First Christian Church of Owasso final plat contains one (1) lot on one (1) block on approximately 21.4 acres, more or less. Because the proposed plat is one lot on one block the applicant may proceed straight to the final plat. Copies of the final plat and a general area map have been attached for your information and review. The property is located in the northwest corner of N. Garnett Rd. and N. 101St E. Ave. The site is currently vacant as are the properties to the north and west. Rural residential (low density) in Tulsa County occupies the property to the south and Single Family Residential is located to the east. The subject site is currently zoned RS-3 and part of PUD #16 (The Lakes at Bailey Ranch) as is the property to the north and west. The property to the south is zoned CS (Commercial Shopping) and the property to the east is zoned RS -3. ANALYSIS The First Christian Church of Owasso final plat proposes one (1) lot on one (1) block. The plat intends to accommodate a comprehensive church facility. A church facility is classified as use unit #5 (Community Services, Cultural and Recreational facilities) and is allowed by Special Exception on property zoned RS -3 as this site is however, the property is also part of the supplemental zoning designation PUD (Planned Unit Development) # lb, "The Lakes at Bailey Ranch ". PUD's are a specified set of guidelines adopted by the City Council in addition to or in some cases superceding the original zoning guidelines. PUD # 16 specifically calls for a church site in the area that the First Christian Church of Owasso proposes to locate, which makes the construction of a church on the subject site consistent with Owasso Zoning Code and a legal use of the land. Furthermore, the proposed church location is consistent with the Owasso 2010 Land Use Master Plan as it calls for Public facilities on the subject site. The site is within the City of Owasso's utility service district. It will be provided water, sewer and trash services by the City of Owasso. The proposed final plat satisfactorily meets the requirements established in the Owasso Zoning Code. Necessary utility easements have been established along the parameters of the proposed plat to accommodate essential utility placement and access. In addition to the easements the plat reserves 50' along its eastern border- to satisfy any fixture Right -of -Way expansion associated with Garnett Road. The applicant was notified during the review process that any development on the site would have to comply with the Owasso building, zoning and engineering codes which would include accel /decel lanes on Garnett Road and sidewalks along both Garnett Road, E. 101" St. N. and any other public roads associated with the site. A site plan review must take place before any building permits will be issued for the property and detention requirements will be addressed during any future site plan review. TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMI'T'TEE The Owasso Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the final plat at the October 29, 2003 regular meeting. At that meeting, utility providers, as well as staff, are afforded the opportunity to comment on the plat and request any additions and/or concerns. The following T AC recommendations were addressed: Sidewalks will be required along Garnett Rd., E. 101" St. N. and any other public roads associated with the site before any development is given final approval. Accel /dccel lanes will be required in conjunction with primary ingress /egress on Garnett Rd. Development on the site will be responsible for paying $50 per water tap to Washington County Rural Water District. PLANNING COMMISSION The Owasso Planning Commission, at the November 10, 2003 regularly scheduled meeting unanimously recommended approval of the request. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the First Christian Church of Owasso final plat. ATTACHMENTS 1. General Area Map. 2. First Christian Church of Owasso Final Plat. 3. First Christian Church of Owasso Final Plat Application. 4. Outline Development Plan for `The bakes at Bailey Ranch' PLAT NO PREPARED: R -14 —E EAST 106TH STREET NORTH � vuTrtn a T 8 21 AT 9.AC. w m. AST 9fiTH STREET NORtM L° Locatlon MBD offm PmRT .—AN DHUROI OF awn55o 1x]00 E 95TH STREET NGiM OWAS50. OKLAHOMA 14055 PHONE: (919) 313 -9551 Enginmr / SLINEPR _ SACK AND ASSOCIATES. NNC SANTA R DEPOT 11 SOUTH ELSIN AVENUE TUL50. OKIAHCMA )41]0 -1816 PHOHC: 010) 50 GC.A. NR. 1789 EXP. —t 30. J0. 3009) 9,IMNISCN CONTAINS 1 101 IN 1 BIOIX LOT 1 CONTAINS ]1.4089 ACRES ®8918 of Bearings ME BEASIN. SHOWN NEREDH ARE BASED 011 ME EASTERLY LINE C SECTON 10 NANNS 0.N ASSUMED NON - ASTRONOMICAL BEAR,No 0: SwTH onri5' EAST. Monumen4821on ALL CORNERS WERE SET USN. A J /IP— RUN PIN MM A YELLOW CAR STAAMMPEEDD,gSACK LS -W. ACC : ACCESS PERMITitO L. LIMItS OS NO ACCESS SHEET 1 OF 2 P.O. BOX 180 OWASSO, OKLA1­10MA 74055 (918) 272-2251 FAX (918) 272-4997 FINAL PLAT APPLICATION PROPOSED SUBDIVISION NAME FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF OWASSO GENERAL LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF TRACT SEE ATTACHED FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH DEVELOPER OF OWASSO ENGITNEERJARCMTECT SACK AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ADDRESS 12200 EAST 86TH STREET NORTH ADDRESS P.O. BOX 50070, TULSA, OK 74150 p® 272,9551 FAX--- pHONE 59204111 --FAX 592.422-9 TRACT Present Zoning Present Use Proposed Zoning I Proposed Use INFORMATION RS-3 VACANT RS-3 CHURCH PLAT Total Acres 'Number of Lots Average Lot 'Size INFORMATION 21 o 4 �2 0OP7 WATER SUPPLY City Main 0 Rogers Co. RW­D3 0 Washington Co. RWD3 0 Other__ SANITARY SEWER D4 City Sewer E] Septic E] Disposal Plant STREET SURFACING El Portland Cement Concrete El Asphaltic Concrete El Traffic-bound Surface Course Please submit the completed application form and application fee ($100 plus $.50 per lot over 100 lots), along with the completed Final Plat Checklist and all requirements thereof, to the Owasso City Planner on or before the Planning Commission submittal deadline as shown on the official City of Owasso calendar. All Final Plats are scheduled for review by the Technical Advisory Committee 13 days prior to the Planning Commission meeting at which the Final Plat will be reviewed. The applicant and/or the applicant's consultant should attend both the Technical Advisory Committee and Planning Commission meetings at which the Final Plat will be reviewed. I (We), the undersigned developer, do submit that this subdivision has had preliminary plat approval and that all conditions of said preliminary plat approval have been met or listed below as conditions protested. DEVELOPER SIGNATURE DATE A9 3-6 3 Conditions Proteste FOR. INT,E RNA TAC MEETING DATE SUBMITTAL DATE FEE RECEIPT NUMBER OPC MEETING DATE ZONING DISTRICT_ APPROVED DENIED 11 / r' .. _..,5���'.u:aY ._ '• 'ice .,°e _ _ .. _ - s! P ¢4r�r�arvg vga _ II �rA 9�a WA D.110.6 U a- E,U) th S4�Ye4t NthV _ s� Pb t8d.e _ 8i&3 B exavamaPV�%BJ Vdtl`�Ja9 O.Ma oft V "J, \ /�• ,. . p tso M-4 - y V� \ I I `�` e Cm. swlk 11 / r' .. _..,5���'.u:aY ._ '• 'ice .,°e _ _ .. _ - s! P ¢4r�r�arvg vga _ II �rA 9�a WA D.110.6 U a- _ s� Pb t8d.e s84.d a �amemwm�,paas» VJe�.aPo 8i&3 B exavamaPV�%BJ Vdtl`�Ja9 O.Ma oft "J, ,-L-fte Lakes at Bailey lunch m MEMORANDUM TO: THE I-IONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FRONT: DANE C UTHBERT SON CITY PLANNER SUBJECT- ANNEXATION REQUEST (OA -03-07 -- RANDIE LYN) DATE: NOVEMBER 12, 2003 BACKGROUND The City of Owasso has received a request from Kellogg Engineering, applicant, for the annexation of approximately 1.71 acres, more or less. It is the intention of the owners to develop the property with up to (8) eight single family homes. The subject property is located in the northwest corner of N. 105"' E. Avenue and E. 98"' Place North, on the northern edge of the Kelley Ann addition. Its existing land use is vacant, as is the land to the north. Single Family residential homes surround the subject property on its southern, western, and eastern sides. Currently the property is zoned AG in Tulsa County and the zoning will remain as such if the property is annexed. RS-3 zoning surrounds the property on all four sides. ANALYSIS The purpose of the applicant's annexation request is to bring the property to code so that single family homes may be constricted and serviced by the City of Owasso. The applicant has agreed to begin the planning process which at this point includes requests for annexation, rezoning, and platting of the property. The property is currently zoned AG (Agricultural General District) in Tulsa County and will remain this same classification upon annexation. Prior to any action relative to a rezoning request, a rezoning sign will be posted on the property and property owners within 300' will be notified as was the case with this annexation request. Any development that occurs on the subject property must adhere to all subdivision, zoning and engineering requirements including but not limited to paved streets and sidewalks. The annexation will require no significant expansion of utilities or infrastructure. A standard road (E. 98`x' Street North) servicing the property already exists on the southern property line. Residential sewer and water service will be provided by the City of Owasso. A copy of the Annexation Policy is attached for your information and review. While the subject property is not larger than 20 acres as preferred by Annexation Policy #1 the subject property (1.71 acres) is essentially a small strip, surrounded by property on three sides currently within the city limits and the annexation of said property will initiate a process that will eventually allow it to be developed in a viable productive manner that is consistent and compatible with the surrounding area. The subject property rnects the remaining requirements within the policy: 9-2 All properties should be contiguous to existing City limits #3 All properties should be annexed into the City limits as the lowest zoning classification, that is, Agricultural (AG). #4 All public infrastructures that do not meet City standards will not be improved by the City until brought to the City standard and accepted by the City Council. #5 Where a City limit boundary ends at a dedicated street, the boundary will not include the street right-of-way. #6 Properties that are rejected for annexation should not be considered for annexation for a six month period after rejection by the City Council. The annexation request and proposed single family residential development is consistent with the Owasso 2010 Land Use Master Plan as well as the current development trend in the area. Established residential developments are located to the south (Kelley Ann) and east (El Rio Vista) and a residential subdivision (Honey Creep) is currently under development to the west. The adjacent property to the north is part of the Lakes at Bailey Ranch PUD which calls for single family development on and near the site. Staff published legal notice of the annexation petition in the October 16, 2003 edition of the Owasso Reporter. Staff has received no phone calls or correspondence in opposition of the request. ANNEXATION COMMITTEE The Owasso Annexation Committee reviewed the request on October 29, 2003 and recommended approval with no negative concerns. PLANNING COMMISSION® The Owasso Planning Commission, at the November 10, 2003 regularly scheduled meeting unanimously recommended approval of the petition. If the request is approved by the City Council, an ordinance will be presented at the December 2, 2003 City Council meeting formally adopting the approval. COMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the request by Kellogg Engineering to annex the Randie Lyn property into the corporate limits of the City of Owasso. ATTACHMENTS 1. General Area Map(s) 2. Annexation request letter 3. Copy of Legal Notice 4. Annexation Policy 5. October 29, 2003 Annexation Committee Minutes L iy \ I E 97th PL N E 98th ST N W:51 E 96th PL N r m Ez 0 m a m \� z � g6th P� d m a L I E m" P✓ 66°06'77° ff ,�5'. �� • '�' �� l ..LP.65 °�6 Pi 12. Jr% .q 99.14 7 z. I di° - t r r r r t ' r r OS oj � r +l 1 (a r I I I � I I i I I I v I I ed Wdb I e EO �:OOZ Z�f °dDS I TLSL1E B 16 a 'ON XU-J DN I 9N I dA3H I9N-9 WOci_l BEFORE, THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OK PETETION FOR ANNEXATION The undersigned, constituting not less than three-fourth of the registered voters and owners of not less than three-fourths (in value) of the hereinafter described real estate situated in Tulsa County, Oklahoma, to wit: ATRACT OF LAND THAT IS PART OF THE NORTHEAs'r QUARTER (NE /4) OF' THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW/4) OF SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EASTOF THE I.B.& M., TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: SAID TRACT CONTAINS o,-2,sACRES MORE OR LESS. Being a territory adjacent and contiguous to the incorporated City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and not presently embraced within the Limits thereof, hereby petitions the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, to annex the aforementioned real estate into the City Limits of said City. its NOTICE OF HEARING BEFORE THE OWASSO PLANNING CON/RVIISSION CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHONJA PETITION FOR ANNEXATION The undersigned, constituting not less than three-fourths of the registered voters and being owners of not less than three-fourths (in value) of the hereiafler described real estate situated in Tulsa CoLuity, Oklahoma, to -writ: A TRACT' OF LAND TIM' IS PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (ne/4) OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW/4) OF SECTION 18, TOWNSFUP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST OF' THL I.B. & M., TULSA COUNTY, OKLRAOTMA, MORE PARTICULARY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: I Being -territory adjacent and contiguous to the incorporated City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and not presently embraced within the Limits thereof, hereby petitions the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, to annex the aforementioned real estate into the City Limits of said City. Dated this 19'h day of September 2003. Duane Cuthbertson City Phumer ANNEXATION POLICY The following annexation policy for the City of Owasso is provided as a guideline and should not be construed as inflexible requirements for annexation. 111YAWWRIENZWOMIN MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING Wednesday, October 29, 2003 5:00 PM Owasso City Hall Main Conference Room 1 1 1 N Main Street, Owasso, Oklahoma STAFF PRESEND` Duane Cuthbertson Dan Salts Rick DeArmond Rodney Ray 3. ANNEXATION REQUEST — OA 03-07 Randie L n - A request for the annexation of property by Kellogg Engineering (agent for the developer). The subject property contains 1.71 acres, more or less and is generally located in the northwest comer of N. 105'h E. Avenue and E. 98"' Pl. North. Duane Cuthbertson presented the annexation request. Mr. Cuthbertson stated the property would be accessed through 981h Pl. North from the Kelley Ann addition. Discussion turned to the quality of the street serving the property. Mr. Cuthbertson stated that the developer intended to round out the terminus in a form acceptable to the fire marshal and that it was a county road and built to their standards and did possess curb and gutters. Brent Colgan asked why the annexation would not require significant extension of infrastructure and Mr. Cuthbertson stated that most of the infrastructure, to include roads, sewer and water mains were already in place for the development and would not have to be publicly extended. Mr. Colgan motioned to approve the annexation request. Craig Thoendel seconded the motion. The motion carried 7-0. 4. ANNEXATION REQUEST' — OA 03-08 MePartland Trust - A request for the annexation of property by the Sue McPartland Trust which contains 200 acres, more or less. The general location of the property begins `/4 mile east of 129t" E. Ave. on the south side fo 76"' St. N. Mr. Cuthbertson presented the item. Discussion followed. about a potential regional detention system being adequate enough to serve the Crown Colony subdivision to the northwest being part of the development of the property. It was concluded that a regional detention system may be part of the development requirements. Eric Miles motioned to approve the annexation request. Mr. Looney seconded the motion. The motion carried 7-0. 5. ANNEXATION ATIO E TJEST -- OA 03 -09 Crown Cal®ny — A request for the annexation of the Crown Colony subdivision consisting of 1.3.12 acres and containing 47 lots on 4 blocks located V, mile east of 129"' E. Ave, on the south side of 76"' Street North. Mr. Cuthbertson presented the item. Robert Carr stated that Public Works does not have a file verifying that the subdivision was inspected by the city or meets city standards. Documentation from the county would be obtained to validify the subdivision standards. It was stated that the subdivision was lacking parameter sidewalks, handicap ramps on interior sidewalks and clear detention plans. Mr. Thoendel moved to table the item until adequate information was provided so that an informed decision could be made. Mr. DeArmond seconded the motion, The motion carried 7-0. 6. ADJOURNMENT — Mr. Rooney moved, seconded by Mr. Thoendel, for adjournment. The meeting was adjourned. at 6000 PM. MEMORANDUM TO. THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: DUANE CITITIDERTSON CITY PLANNER SUBJECT o ANNEXATION RI, QUEST (OA-03 -04 --- SUE MCPAWfLAND TRUST) Mull BACKGROUND The City of Owasso has received a request from the Sue McPartland Trust, applicant /owner, for the annexation of approximately 185 acres, more or less. The subject property is located % mile east and south of the N. 129th E. Ave. and E. 76th St. North intersection, also southeast of the Crown Colony subdivision. The property is currently vacant as is the property to the south. It is surrounded by rural residential development on the north, west and eastern sides with the exception of Crown Colony, a single family residential development to the northwest. The subject property is zoned AG (Agricultural District) in Tulsa County as is the property to the south. The land to the west and north are zoned RE (Residential Estates District) in Tulsa County. The property to the east is zoned RS (Residential Single Family) in Tulsa County. This application initially included the Crown Colony subdivision to the northwest making the total request 200 acres. After a review of the Owasso Annexation Policy, Crown Colony was detached from the request. The Sue McPartland Trust request currently consists of 185 acres of undeveloped land. ANALYSIS The purpose of the applicant's annexation request is to bring the property to code so that single family homes may be constructed and served by the City of Owasso. The applicant has agreed to begin the planning process which at this point includes requests for annexation, rezoning, and platting of the property. The property is currently zoned AG (Agricultural General District) in Tulsa County and will remain this same classification upon annexation. Prior to any action relative to a rezoning request, a rezoning sign will be posted on the property and property owners within 300' will be notified as was the case with this annexation request. Any development that occurs on the subject property must adhere to all subdivision, zoning, engineering and building requirements including but not limited to paved streets and sidewalks. Residential sewer and trash pick -up will be provided by the City of Owasso and water service will be provided by Rogers County Rural Water District. The property is connected to the regional transportation network by both E. 76th Street North and N. 145`x' E. Ave. As the property is developed all infrastructure directly serving the site should be extended or improved by the developer. A copy of the Annexation Policy is attached for your information and review. After reviewing the policy statements it is staff's understanding that the subject request meets all the following guidelines. #1 While there is no minimum tract size, properties of larger than 20 acres are preferable. 92 All properties should be contiguous to existing City limits #3 All properties should be annexed into the City limits as the lowest zoning classification, that is, Agricultural (AG). #4 All public infrastructures that do not meet City standards will not be improved by the City until brought to the City standard and accepted by the City Council. #5 Where a City limit boundary ends at a dedicated street, the boundary will not include the street right-of-way. #6 Properties that are rejected for annexation should not be considered for annexation for a six month period after rejection by the City Council. The annexation request and proposed single family residential development is consistent with the Owasso 2010 Land Use Master Plan which calls for single family development on and near the site. Staff published legal notice of the annexation petition in the October 16, 2003 edition of the Owasso Reporter. Staff has received no phone calls or correspondence in opposition of the request. ANNEXATION COMMITTEE The Owasso Annexation Committee reviewed the request on October 29, 2003 and recommended approval with no conditions or concerns. PLANNING COMMISSION: The Owasso Planning Commission, at the November 10, 2003 regularly scheduled meeting unanimously recommended approval of the petition. If the request is approved by the City Council, an ordinance will be presented at the December 2, 2003 City Council meeting formally adopting the approval. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the request by McPartland Trust to annex the 185 acres located % mile south and east of the N. 129th East Avenue and E. 76`x' Street North intersection into the corporate limits of the City of Owasso. ATTACHMENTS 1. General Area Map(s) 2. Annexation request letter 3. Copy of Legal Notice 4. Annexation Policy 5. October 29, 2003 Aiinexatlou Committee Minutes September 25, 2003 Mr. Eric Wiles Director of Community Development Owasso City Hall 1 1 1 North Main Owasso, OK 74055 Dear Mr. Wiles: This is to confirm that the Sue McPartland Trust consents to the annexation by the City of Owasso of the following described two hundred acres, which contains the Crown Colony Subdivision: Annexation 200 Legal and that the Trust owns a majority of said sold property. Very truly yours, Sue McPartland Trust � Hl, McPartland, Trustee {`Sue NOTICE OF HEARING BEFORE THE OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA PETITION FOR ANNEXATION The undersigned, constituting not less than three-fourths of the registered voters and being owners of not less than three- fourths (in value) of the hereinafter described real estate situated in Tulsa County, Oklahoma, to -wit: E 1 Being territory adjacent and contiguous to the incorporated City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and not presently embraced within the Limits thereof, hereby petitions the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, to annex the aforementioned real estate into the City Limits of said City. Duane Cuthbertson City Planner ANNEXATION POLICY The following annexation policy for the City of Owasso is provided as a guideline and should not be construed as inflexible requirements for annexation. MEMBER MW OWASSO ANNEXATION COMMITTEE MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING Wednesday, October 29, 2003 5:00 PM Owasso City Hall Main Conferctice Room 1 1 1 N Main Street, Owasso, Oklahoma STAFF PRE, SENT Duane Cuthbertson Dan Salts Rick DeArmond Rodney Ray The meeting agIt, enda was posted in Owasso City Hall, 1 1 1 N Main, at 12:00 PM on October 9, 2002. 1. CALL TO ORDER - Mr. Cuthbertson called the meeting to order at 5:15 PM. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM JUNE 25, 2003 MEETING — Tim Rooney moved, seconded by Robert Carr, to accept the minutes as presented. The motion carried 7-0. INEW 3. ANNEXATION REQUEST — OA 03-07 Randie !Jyn - A request for the annexation of property by Kellogg Engineering (agent for the developer). The subject property contains 1.71 acres, more or less and is generally located in the northwest comer of N. 105t" E. Avenue and E. 98'h Pl. North. Duane Cuthbertson presented the annexation request. Mr. Cuthbertson stated the property would be accessed through 981h Pl. North from the Kelley Ann addition. Discussion turned to the quality of the street serving the property. Mr. Cuthbertson stated that the developer intended to round out the terminus in a form acceptable to the fire marshal and that it was a county road and built to their standards and did possess curb and gutters. Brent Colgan asked why the annexation would not require significant extension of infrastructure and Mr. Cuthbertson stated that most of the infrastructure, to include roads, sewer and water mains were already in place for the development and would not have to be publicly extended. Mr. Colgan motioned to approve the annexation request. Craig Thoendel seconded the motion. The motion carried 7-0. 4. ANNEXATION REQUEST — OA 03-08 McPartland Trust - A request for the annexation of property by the Sue McPartland Trust which contains 200 acres, more or less. The general location of the property begins '/4 mile east of 129"' E. Ave. on the South side fo 76th 5t. N. Mr. Cuthbertson presented the item. Discussion followed about a potential regional detention system being adequate enough to serve the Crown Colony subdivision to the ID northwest being part of the development of the property. It was concluded that a regional detention system may be part of the developmcnt requirements. Eric Wiles motioned to approve the annexation request. Mr. Rooney seconded the motion. The motion carried 7-0. 5. ANNEXATION RE II T -. QA 03-09 Cro -wn Colony — A request for the annexation of the Crown Colony subdivision consisting of 13.72 acres and containing 4.7 lots on 4 blocks located 1/4 Haile east of 1291h E. Ave. on the south side of 76th Street North. Mr. Cuthberl:son presented the item. Robert Carr stated that Public Works does not have a file verifying that the subdivision was inspected by the city or meets city standards. Documentation fi -om the county would be obtained to validify the subdivision standards. It was stated that the subdivision was lacking parameter sidewalks, handicap ramps on interior sidewalks and clear detention plans. Mr. Thoendel moved to table the item until adequate information was provided so that an informed decision could be made. Mr. DeArmond seconded the motion. The motion carried 7 -0. 6. ADJOURNMENT — Mr. Mooney moved, seconded by Mr. Thoendel, for adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 6,00 PIS.