HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003.07.01_City Council Agenda_AddendumPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL The Owasso City Council will meet in regular session on Tuesday, July 1, 2003 at 6:30 PM at the Owasso Community Center, 301 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma, Notice of addendum filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 2:00 PM on Monday, June 30, 2003. 1111 The following is submitted as an addendum to the Agenda filed on June 27, 2003. Items numbered I through 5 shall remain the same. Items numbered 6 through 13 are now numbered 7 through 14, and a new item 6 is listed as follows: 6. Earl Clark Proclamation Mayor Cochran The Mayor will present a Proclamation to Mr. Earl Clark declaring July 14, 2003 as Earl Clark Day in the City of Owasso. The Proclamation will further announce a summer series of "Clark in the Park" concerts on July 14, July 28, August 11, and August 25, 2003. 0;k PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: July 1, 2003 TIME: 6:30 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted at City Hall 4:00 p.m. on Friday, June 27, 2003. Timothy D. Roofiey�,ssistant City '��Lger 1. Call to Order Mayor Cochran 2. Invocation Rickey Hayes 3. Flag Salute 4. Roll Call 5. Odyssey of the Mind Proclamation. Mayor Cochran The Mayor will present a Proclamation to the Odyssey of the Mind team from the 8"' Grade Center in Owasso for their recent achievements in World Competition. HAMARY-ALREMAGENDASTITY COUNC'11-\070103,DOC Owasso City Council July 1, 2003 Page 2 6. Recognition of Employee of the Month. Mr. Ray T he City Manager will recognize and make a presentation to the Employee of the Month. 7. Presentation of Drainage Report. Mr. Carr Mr. Carr will present a drainage report regarding concerns expressed at a previous Council meeting by Mr. McMartin. 8. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of the Consent Agenda. (All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the City Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Councilor may, however, remove an item from consent by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non - debatable.) A. Approval of Minutes of the June 17, 2003 Regular Meeting. Attachment #8-A B. Approval of Claims. Attachment #8 -B C. Action Relating to Ordinance No. 760 — OZ- 03 -08, a request to rezone property located North of East 116th Street North and East of Mingo Road from AG (Agriculture) to RS- 3 (Residential Single - Family High Density), containing 20 acres more or less. Attachment #8 -C The staff recommends City Council approval of Ordinance No. 760. I I \N[ARY ALRED \AGENDAS \•CITY COUNCIL•.070103. DOC Owasso City Council July 1, 2003 Page 3 D. Action Relating to Ordinance No. 761 — OZ- 03-09, a request to rezone property located Southwest of the Intersection of East 106`1' Street North and Mingo road from AG (Agriculture) to RS -3 (Residential Single - Family High Density), containing 106 acres, more or less. Attachment #8 -D The staff recommends City Council approval of Ordinance No. 761. 9. Report fi°om City Manager. 10. Report from City Attorney. H COUNCILA070103 A reception honoring the service of Marcia Boultwell as City Clerk will be held in the lobby of the Owasso Cornimij11ty Centel- immediately following the conclusion of the Owasso Public Golf ALlthority meeting. The public is invited to attend. CITY OF OWASSO, OKLA1--10MA WHE REAS, Team members Molli Matheny, Julie Etcldson, Tyler McClure, Lorraine Parkhurst, Courtney Bacon, Emily Allbritton, and Emily Herrington and their coach, Jennifer Herrington, have brought credit to their school, their families, their community, and themselves by their total team effort, NOW, THEREFORE, I, Gary Cochran, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Mayor of the City of Owasso, do hereby proclaim Saturday, July 5, 2003, as in our community, and do finther encourage all Owasso residents and businesses to express their thanks and congratulations to these students and their coach for their achievements. IN WITNESS THEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the City of Owasso to be affixed this I't day of July, 2003. 1", N ANA C. STAG G, P.E. ENGINEERING PROJECTS MANAGER SUBJECT. STORMWATER AND SANITARY SEWER DRAINAGE ISSUES CLAYTON MCMARTIN PROPERTY 9206 NORTH 134 T" EAST AVENUE, WINDSOR LAKE 11 DATE: June 25, 2003 On May 12, 2003, Mr. Clayton McMartin sent an e-mail to members of the City Council discussing drainage problems which he believes to exist on his property (see Attachment A). Mr. McMartin also followed up by presenting his concerns before the City Council on May 20 and June 17, 2003. Several discussions and meetings between Mr. McMartin and city staff have occurred over the past one and one-half years. Although city staff has engineered several possible solutions, no final decisions have been made to his satisfaction. Mr. McMartin believes the following issues remain to be addressed: 1) Raw sewage from a manhole located at 9206 North 135t' [134th] East Avenue is leaking onto his property; C� 2) Stornawater from 134th Street [North 134'h East Avenue] and 93rd Street is being collected and discharged openly into his backyard while no drainage easement has been granted; and 3) The existing drainage channel, transporting flows from the north, is not located within the ID drainage easement and that added runoff from the construction of the First Baptist Church resulted in increased ground water volumes which now percolate up on his property on a continuous basis. Page 2 Stormwater and Sanitary Sewer Drainage Issues 9206 North 134th East Avenue Sanitary Sewer Leakage (Item I On May 13, 2003, city staff sampled both the water pooled at the discharge of the stormwater drain pipe and soil at this location. The samples were tested by Sherry Laboratories on May 16th. Laboratory personnel reported that results indicate the fecal coliform bacteria count to be much lower and not consistent with those found in sanitary sewer systems. Furthermore, results indicated the contaminants found are consistent with values commonly found in yards containing a pet. It is thereby concluded that sewage is not leaking into the property. E istl Stormwater Drain Pipe and C�z °oundwater Seepage Iterri.21 The pipe is located along the McMartin's south property line within a designated utility easement and collects street flow from two curb inlets located on either side of North 134th ]East Avenue in front of the McMartin house (see Attachment B). In August 2001, an opinion offered by the City Attorney stated that the existence of the stormwater drain within a 66utility easement" does not violate the property owner's rights. The pipe terminates at what was originally the stream bank of an existing natural drainage channel through the backyards of five Windsor Lake II lots, as represented by a topographic map of the area in 1994 (see Attachment B). The intended original design for Windsor Lake II drainage was to leave the channel in its natural state and allow runoff naturally to occur. Since then, portions of the original drainage channel have been filled in; therefore, the drainage pipe currently terminates short of a natural relief point. Filling of the lower reaches of the channel and construction of fences across the channel have long been believed to restrict flows during rainfall events and allow no relief for evacuation of groundwater seepage which is predominant in the area. In 2001, City staff sited the filling of the channel as the cause for the observed drainage issue because it prevented the intended free discharge of storm runoff to the downstream storm inlet. On August 13, 2001, Mr. McMartin (Lot 7) and Mr. Bradley (Lot 8) were instructed by the Public Works Department to remove all fill placed in the original channel in accordance with the City of Owasso Code Ordinance, Section 10 -214 (see Attachment C and D). The ordinance states, in part, that: It is unlawful for any person to fall aap, deflect, or obstruct any gutter, waterway, water outlet, drain, stream, ditch, sewer or other water passage, either natural or artificial, by throwing or causing to be thrown any trash, rubbish, garbage, bush or other thing. No remedial actions were taken by either property owners in 2001. In June 2003, City staff contracted the services of a surveyor to determine current topographic conditions of the channel bank. Results from the survey indicate that the ground elevation has been raised — by as many as four feet in areas of Lots 7 (see Attachment E). Page 3 Stormwater and Sanitary Sewer Drainage issues 9206 North 134th East Avenue Photographs taken in April 22, 1995, portray the natural channel in the area before regrading occurred (see .Attachment Fl). Based on the findings from the surrey, coupled with photographs of recent rain events (see Attachment F2), it is concluded that grade modifications, along with construction of fences and other obstructions, are responsible for the water ponding and fence damage recently reported in the area During previous meetings with Mr. McMartin, city staff developed a project to extend the existing stormwater drain pipe and transport the flow south to a large stormwater inlet. This project also provided two inlets (one within the McMartin property and the other in a drainage easement located along the west side of the Nottingham addition) to collect runoff (see Attachment G). The cost proposed by a contractor in the Summer 2002 was for an amount of $13,300. Also, to assist Mr. McMartin, the contractor offered an option to upgrade the existing private `French drain" located in his back yard for an additional $360. The project was not budgeted and exceeded available funds. Increased Runoff from the First Baptist Pro y (item Construction of hard, impervious surfaces such as parking or roof areas (as opposed to grassland) increase the total volume of storm runoff. This increased volume of water is required to be held back (detained) such that the peak rate of flow for a 100 -yr° event or less is not increased. Although, the duration of discharge may be increased, the peak rate of flow is to be held at or below predevelopment levels to prevent flooding. The First Baptist Church property consists of 19.33 acres (842,000 square feet), of which 8.02 acres (349,000 square feet) slope north and 11.31 acres (493,000 square feet) slope south toward East 96th Street North. Of the area draining south, a total of 200,300 square feet are considered impervious (including an existing building, two parking areas, access roads and a proposed building to be constructed in the future). Both prior to and subsequent to construction of the First Baptist Church facilities, stormwater flows south through the Pleasant View and Windsor Lake 11 in the natural drainage channel (see Attachment FI). Per the design documents submitted on March 1, 2001, one hundred percent (100 %) of the runoff generated from the south area is to be directed to the stormwater detention pond, and the discharge was limited to the predevelopment flows. When constricted, however, a small fraction of runoff is allowed to flow to 96th Street undetained due to a reconfiguration of the parking area during constriction. City staff requested the constriction of concrete swales to divert this undetained flow to the detention basin as originally intended. The design engineer's calculations indicate the pre- versus post - development flows in cubic feet per second (cfs) are as follows: 1 Wilson, ember. "Draining Dilemma ", TuIsa PVorld (Community world), June 4, 2003, pg. Eastside 1 Page 4 Stormwater and Sanitary Sewer Drainage Issues 9206 North 134th East Avenue Storm FMue Pre - Development Post - Development /with Detention 5 -yr 41 cfs 39 cfs l0 -yr° 57 cfs 49 cfs 100myr° 102 cfs 75 cfs In June 2003, city staff contracted the services of an independent consultant to review the hydrology report submitted by First Baptist Church to obtain a third -party opinion. Based on preliminary modeling of the detention facility (as described in the design documents), the consultant concluded that no added runoff resulted from the construction of the First Baptist Church. FIowever, after surveying the pond, the consultant discovered that the detention facilities have not been constructed as shown in the design plans; therefore, preliminary modeling results were considered to be flawed (see Attachment 1). Further modeling, using as-built elevations of the detention pond, revealed the following; Storm Frequency Pre- Develo rat Post - Development (As -Built 5 -yr 41 cfs 39 cfs I O-yr 57 cfs 63 cfs 100 -yr 102 cfs 140 cfs In addition, the consultant reported the presence of a "bypass" swale (located east of the detention basin) which directs runoff away from the detention basin; thereby bypassing detention. Per the report, the presence of this bypass causes an increase in runoff during smaller (less or equal to 5 -yr storm) events. Construction of the pipe extension discussed above at a cost of about $13,300 (July 2002 price) can be accomplished. This project will not collect groundwater without installation of a subsurface collection system and will not redirect natural channel flows off of the McMartin property and into the Nottingham drainage easement. Regrading of Mr. Martin's backyard would be necessary to redirect flows away from the existing natural channel bank. The USGS quadrangle topographic map indicates an historic spring either at or in close proximity to the McMartin lot (see Attachment J). If this spring is still active, it may be a source of constant seepage. Page 5 Stormwater° and Sanitary Sewer Drainage Issues 9206 North 134th East Avenue Increased Runoff from the First Baptist Pronertv (Item 3 1. Construct an open concrete LT channel within the 10-foot easement and regrade of individual properties. The preliminary estimated cost of this option would be about $195,000 (see Attachment K). 2. Construct a dosed (pipe or boat culvert) system within the 10-foot drainage easement with intermittent inlets spaced to receive overland runoff from the east side of Windsor Lake II and the west side of Nottingham and regrade of individual properties. The preliminary estimated cost of this option would be about $200,000 (see Attachment Q. 3. Construct a smaller closed (p e or box culvert) system within the 10-foot drainage easement with an overlaying swale ditch to carry Windsor Lake II and Nottingham overland flows to the inlet box and regrade of individual properties. The preliminary estimated cost for this option would be about $190,000 (see Attachment M). Additionally, property owners have constructed decorative walls, gardens and other improvements along the drainage channel which would be impacted by the work. The estimated amounts do not include costs for acquiring temporary constriction and access easements, removing and/or replacing fences, and replacing trees and landscaping improvements. Finally, no communications have been initiated with upstream property owners regarding the acceptance of such improvements. These communications must be initiated prior- to the commencement of any work. Page 6 Stormwater and Sanitary Sewer Drainage Issues 9206 North 134th East Avenue ATTACHMENTS: A - McMartin electronic mail B - McMartin Property Drainage C - Stormwater Drainage Letter (9215 N 134"' E Ave property) D - Stormwater Drainage Letter (9211 N 1341h E Ave property) ` �' � ill ► �_ ".z_ , From- Clayton McMartin [cem @cfch.com] Sent: Monday, May 12, 2003 11:39 AM io: Cataudella @cityofowasso. com; gcochran(ia cityofowasso.com; MHelm@cityofowasso.com; Cc: SKimball@a cityofowasso.com; CThoendel@cityofowasso.com Subject: Rodney Ray Request for City Council Consideration Mayor Cochran and City Councilors, I am writing today requesting your assistance with a matter that I have repeatedly .brought to the attention of City Staff. The subject pertains to various drainage onto my residence, located at 9215 N. 134th East Ave. There are three separate drainage issues that are deficient and need to be addressed: 1. Raw sewage from a manhole located at 9206 N 135th East lave is leaking onto my property, 2. Storm water from 134th street, North of my property, and the adjoining 93rd street is gathered and discharged openly into my back yard. 3. Storm water from the new church located just North of 96th street is gathered in a retaining pond and subsequently routed across my back yard from North to South. Related to item #1, the services of a licensed surveyor and professional engineer were secured to evaluate each issue described in this letter. Upon investigation, Civil Design Services advised that there is high likelihood that raw sewage is leaking from the manhole encasement and /or from the joint seals of the sewage lines. Due to the city's lack of response on prior issues (described below), I have requested that Mr. Warren Strraatmann of Civil Design Services contact the city water department directly on my behalf concerning this item. The health, safety, and environmental implications demand an immediate response; which I hope it will receive from the City of Owasso. If necessary, I will contact agencies having proper authority to expedite a solution. Related to .item #2, the city has no drainage easement on my property. Furthermore the city of Owasso was cited in June of 2001 by the Tulsa County Health Department for an environmental health hazard caused by stagnated water resulting from this illegal drainage. Related to item #3, the city has no drainage easement on my property, yet drainage easement does exist, on average, within 15 feet of the current drainage. Additionally, the proper city authorities were notified of this concern well in advance of actual construction beginning at the church. The added runoff has increased the ground water volume, resulting in water now percolating up on my property on a continuous basis (this may also be related to item #1). It is regrettable that I must bring these issues to the attention of the _.Mayor and City Councilors, yet I have limited options available at this point. I have attempted to work with multiple city employees, with no results. Over the course of the last three (3) years I have worked, in good faith, to resolve these problems with Robert Carr, Ron Cates, Gerald Hoffman, Phil Lutr, Larry Mitchell, and most recently Rodney Ray. In the case of the current City Manager, Rodney Ray, I have documented thirty -seven (37) attempts to communicate with him, over the past 13 rnorrths. All toll, I have documented over eighty (80) attempts to cornrrnunisate with the entire list of city officials. Mr-. 1t,.3y, after visiting mY prOPOI'ty and acknowledging the problem, 1:r,rnmiLLOCI 10 MO on Apr[t l,a, 'Olt'. thst lie woul(I have a plan to solve the problem by the following Friday, and that the solution would be in place within 60 days, ' --Over 375 days have passed since that time, and Mr. Ray has refused to return any phone calls or e ®mails that I have sent since August of 2002. The lack of professional conduct in this matter is disappointing. Attached to this e-mail is a sequence of e-°mails, last sent to me by Mr. Ray on July 1, 2002. As you will see documented, Mr. Ray makes a commitment to solving issue #2 right away, and addressing issue U. Nothing has happened since this time. I would like to address the City of Owasso Council members directly on these matters, and would request that the issue be added as an agenda item to the next Council meeting. I understand that the Council provides direction to the City Manager, and strives to promote a positive and productive work relationship with the City Manager. Please recognize that the City Manager is employed through the taxes of the citizens and has certain responsibilities to the citizens. I appeal to you to give my case a fair hearing. You have my assurance that I will. be presenting the matter at the most professional level possible. I have a genuine interest in settling each of these issues and am open to working with the City of Owasso to advance an equitable solution. If you feel that there is a more appropriate forum to meet with the Council, please let me know. Please reply to this e-mail, acknowledging that you have received it, and provide your instructions on how to proceed, Most Sincerely, Clayton McMartin Homeowner 9215 N. 134th East Ave (918) 376 -2187 ----- Message- -°--- From: <rjray @cityofowasso.com> Sent: 7/l/2002 2 :26 PM To: cem @cfch.com; "'Clayton McMartin'" <cem @cfch.com> Subject: RE: Follow -up to Site Meeting (9215 N. 134th East Ave) Clayton In response to your e --mail of June 26, it certainly appears that your comments regarding item #1 (drainage from the street) are accurately reflective of the conversation we had at your home on Tuesday, June 25th. Additionally, we are reviewing the suggestions contained in your item 42 and will report to you as soon as that review is complete. Phil will contact you on Tuesday, July 2 with further information relating to the work schedule for item #1. Rodney J Ray -_- _Original Message---- - From: Clayton McMartin [mailto:cem @cfch.com] Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2002 9:38 AM To: rjr_ay @ci.tyofowasso.com Subject: Foll.owup to Site Meeting (9215 N. 134th East Ave) 2 UUY of Owasso 207 Soutil Cedar PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 August 13, 2001 Mr. Clayton McMartin 9215 North 134"' East Avenue Owasso, OK 74055 SUBJECT: Storm Water Drainage Windsor Lake 11 Dear Mr. McMartin: 1 (918) 272-22 FAX (918) 272-49JI It is unlawful for any person to fill up, deflect, or obstruct any gutter, waterway, water outlet, drain, stream, ditch, sewer or other water passage, either natural or artificial, by throNving or causing to be thrown therein any trash, rubbish, garbage, brush or other thing. The City Attorney's opinion is that the existence of the storm drain pipe within the designated utility casement constitutes no greater burden on the property owner than that Ofally other utilities. The true cause of the problem relates to the filling of the natural Channel. Therefore, the fill placed in the channel needs to be removed by the party responsible for placing the fill to allow free discharge of storm flows and any related seepage to the downstream storm inlet, This letter will also be directed to the owner of Windsor sake ll, Lot H. Jfyou require additional information, please contact this office at 272«4959° Sincerely, OWASSO PUBUC WORKS DEPARTMENT -eject Manager cc: Public Works Director City Manager City Attorney City 207 South Cedar PO Box i so Owasso, OK 74055 August 13, 2001 Mr. J. R. Bradley 9211 North 134" East Avenue Owasso, OK 74055 SUBJECT: Storm Water Drainage Lots 7 and 8, Block 3 Windsor Lake 11 Dear Mr. Bradley: ATTACHMENT D of Owasso BE=. It is unlawful for any persoll to fill tip, deflect, or obstruct any gutter, waterway, water outlet, drain, stream, ditch, sewer or other water passage, either natural or artificial, by throwing or causing to be thrown therciri ally trash, rubbish, garbage, brush or other tiling. T11cl-cf'ore, the 1-111 placed M the channel iiccds to be rcinoved by the party responsible for placing the 1-111 to allow free discharge of storm flows and any "chitc(I seepage to the dowustre,1111 stol-111 inlet. This dircetive has also been addressed by letter to the owner of Windsor Lake 119 Lot 97. if you require additional information, please contact this Office at 272-4959. cc: Public Works Director City Manager City Attorney r ;a x4 0 fAl !T f 1 . 1 �i Fi {' ii fvJ i h .a • II y_ � 4• w 424?IgS s- r !T f 1 . 1 �i Fi {' ii fvJ i h .a • II y_ � 4• w 424?IgS 1 �..� r n..,� .v, +mss �� _rr, / /1lf/ r� '��• %P Pao Yerie�. mgr - .►.- '-''°"� t.l is . _._ `, i 1 46 REINSTALL 6' PERFORATED FILTER 15' UE FABRIC ABRIC 4 DRAIN AT OWNERS EXPENSE CLEAN AGGREGATE FILL 6" PERFORATED PIPE FRENCH DRAIN NO SCALE PROPOSED AREA INLET---' 10 UE EXISTING STORM PIPE ------\) PROPOSED STORM DRAIN 10' UE. LLJ L0 DAYLIGHT IN THIS AREA W/ HEADWALL IF POSSIBLE EXISTING STORM INLET EXISTING 48" STORM PIPE-, 10' DRA.INAGE EASEMENT 46 FILTER FABRIC ABRIC 4 CLEAN AGGREGATE FILL 6" PERFORATED PIPE FRENCH DRAIN NO SCALE m 0 c= DETENTION AREAS STORM DRAIN awommolommmm STORM DRAINAGE AREA w-m mum PLEASANT I zmm CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION N"Ou LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL To: City or Owasso Project: First Baptist Church Public Works Department Project No. 11049535 Attention. F. Robert Carr, Jr., P.E. Date. June 19, 2003 �I cc: Barend Meiling By: Sue Tryon Form No. AB1 -5506 07/02 Atkins Benham, Inc. a 2488 B. 81st Street, Suite 6000 @ Tulsa OK 74137 a 918 - 492.1600 Fax Nos.: Admin. _.499- 1201; Industrial -- 499 -1222; Facilities -- 492 -8432; iransportationM/ater -- 492 -1031 A member of the WS Atkins group of companies City of Owasso Public Works Department Baptist Church Stormwater Detention Pond EXECUTIVE SUMMARY. The purpose of this report, is to present our findings, conclusions, and recommendations of a drainage study of the detention pond at First Baptist Church in Owasso. This study was uthori ed by the City of Owasso Public Works Department based can citizen's concern of receiving increased runoff after the church site was developed. Phase 1: This phase included the review of original hydrologic and hydraulic o for the detention Baptist findings were that the original calculations for the detention pond are M We developed a working HEC-1 mode from calculations :0uplicated the results of the original calculations by Mansur Daubert Strella, the project design engineer. B. Review of the Constructed Vii'.ions: The initial review was somewhat limited and not refined, as there was not enough time to get surveyors onsite to perform a proper survey. Therefore, a cursory survey performed by Atkins obtained only a limited number of elevations at the top of berm, floor of the detention pond, outlet pipe, and spillway, Horizontal measurements, likewise, were limited. Based on the detailed survey we observed the following- The top of the berm is on the average 1.5 feet lower than was planned. 0 Pond floor elevations are in most areas higher than planned: These differences are shown on enclosed drawings. We also include twc cross-sections through the pond, each showing the designed bottom and the as-constructed pond bottom. I Design As- Constructed Difference At Outlet (SE) 714 714 - SW Corner 715 717 +2.0 NW Corner 715 720 +5.0 NE Corner 714 715 +1.0 These differences are shown on enclosed drawings. We also include twc cross-sections through the pond, each showing the designed bottom and the as-constructed pond bottom. I These deficiencies a the following flood flow routing results: Stored a a. out h e pond earlier than planned 2. Pond has less storage capacity due to pond floor elevations being higher than planned. 3m Designed runoff' volume dons not enter into the pond due the bypass swalo In order to analyze the effects of the first two deficiencies we modified th HEC-1 model accordingly by updating the storage elevation discharge relationship for the pond based on the field original an assumption that either 25 percent or 50 percent of the flow would overflow into the existing ditch, thus bypassing the pond. I The calculated outflow results in efs are noted below in addition to t results from the 14 r Pre - gygll r ant 41 57 102 Planned ost- gyp10 � 39 4 75 The model for the as-built condition indicates that the spillway may overtop with the 5-year event. Peak flood flow discharges for the as-built condition are larger than those for pre-project conditions even with the detention pond in place, due to the configuration of a pond .' -. constructed. In order for the planned detention pond to function as it was designed, we recommend that . owner b. instructed t5: 0 Raise the berm to planned elevations and install spillway as planned. Deepen the swale and raise the berm along the east side of the property to force runoff o ^ into the pond. I By-pass As-Built 25% 50% 39 49 59 1 74 140 123 119 The model for the as-built condition indicates that the spillway may overtop with the 5-year event. Peak flood flow discharges for the as-built condition are larger than those for pre-project conditions even with the detention pond in place, due to the configuration of a pond .' -. constructed. In order for the planned detention pond to function as it was designed, we recommend that . owner b. instructed t5: 0 Raise the berm to planned elevations and install spillway as planned. Deepen the swale and raise the berm along the east side of the property to force runoff o ^ into the pond. I To prevent situations like this in the future when private facilities are constructed, we recommend that the City adopt a policy that the owner provide record drawings signed and sealed by the design engineer. This type of policy has been adopted by numerous communities throughout the United States, M FMSM F= M- M72 W�TEk A'lag a E ME e SCl1TN lME DF ME SIX1T@?Si WAR1pt Q SECIIDN 18. t -3f -N, a-ta -[ TD DEM 5 OC.l1'a5' W 04M ALL DTMEA BFMUGS oZRffie REAUih£ TIFRFTp, ALL UTan MO DRAAA2 Fw4LEWT5 SNDWR IE.REgJ ARE FRDat GENEAAy TO F)ePKF)OeD WAEytyS�ipi BFAi SURPt1E➢ TLE mfgoEAUnga, Pt FFLUESI[D ro 0o nnc �aa. o� s FEt� aFRE hYMWff APSE E cur mE oam crxxixAID �-roi s;aaa® strsae a -e. mAr — ui- -tmaA� n;iE GO.E SxAtFp t� -65- SAMTARY CAS StC.B —T— rElEPliNf E O SAFE 4 a SiREFE Stth ZI.R Fb51tt a �E RCS So Shag+ �— RCOKbED 0.Ydn1@ ATE (XAVfE SE c k wm r'F S4tE T-2 6.icr C 56 T -2f -k, k -I4-E FC10.D t' IRCM Pi4 O.EbAiHNmJd2D1 E AS -BUILT DETENTION POND FIRST B.APTiST CHURCH CITY OF OWASSO. OKLAHOMA PIIEPARO ltt RMK ENGINEERING, INC. 221D V. %¢L ftMRS QAREIW]TE. OX ]amJ b ®� m aum sr. 725 c �LD 720 Q) 715 _~ D � !30 ` 725 728 c � � 71,'5 m 9 "� 730 725 c V _ 720 + o � 715 710 730 725 720 c 715 710 705 / / / 705 0+00 8+40 8+80 1+20 1f60 2f00 2f40 2f'80 Stations N — S CROSS SECTION POND CROSS SECTIONS FIRST BApflST CHURCH CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA I j I k E I 728 726 ! E I i 1728 1726 72/ I 724 722 722 720 j I 1 j 1720 ! i 718 1 p TO DESI N BERM I CUR a s 718 I 1 715 i a] 716 I 7141 4-1 ! I 714 i 712 1 712 i 710 0 +00 I 1 ' 00 2 00 3 00 4 1710 00 5 00 P 6 6 00 P TOP OF POND PROFILE I FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH j CITY OF OWASSO, I j I -- r- ---' --i-- I OKLAHOMA g R�9p er DAW RMK ENGINEERING, INC. t296 44 ALL RCCQ2$ C>AREiIOM DIL ]s01) �m9 APPR.tM kIA r -r FltE BFRYPRDMF DALE B/1 ]/05 'P- f ALTERNATE�, #2 lu E:l ATTACHMENT L VcMARTIN PROPERTY DRAINAGE I PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION C .s I� I mil i C .s I� I mil OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, June 17, 2003 The Owasso City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, June 17, 2003 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, June 13, 2001 ITEM IIEM L CALL TO ORJ'-""PER Mayor Cochran called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. ITEM 2. INVOCATION The invocation was offered by Brian DeWitt of the First Baptist Church. City Councilor Mike Helm led in the flag salute. ITEM 4, ROLL CALL STAFF Rodney J. Ray, City Manager A quorum was declared present. Stephen Gray, City Attorney There were no representatives from the Odyssey of the Mind group in attendance. Mr. Ray said he would contact the group again and moved this item to the July I council meeting, Robert Carr presented this item in lieu of Ms. Stagg. Mr. Carr stated the final report would be available next week. Mr. Ray set a deadline of June 25, 2003 for receipt of final report. Mr. Clayton McMartin and Mr. Tom Whalen addressed council as property owners. Owasso City Council June 17, 2003 WIND E IF , I I Elvrflvmjll���� A. Approval of Minutes of the June 3, 2003 regular meeting and June 10, 2003 special meeting. B. Approval of Claims. C. Acceptance of street and storm drainage systems at the Honey Creek Subdivision. Mr. Helm moved, seconded by Ms. Kimball, to approve the consent agenda with claims in the amount of $359,145.99 and payroll claims in the amount oi'$275,733.12. AYE: Cataudella, Helm, Kimball, Thoendel, Cochran NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 8. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION #2003-08 ADOPTING A FY 2003-04 BUDGET FOR ALL FUNDS ADMINISTERED BY THE CITY. Ms. Bishop presented the item. Motion was made by Mr. Cataudella and seconded by Mr. Thoendel to approve adoption of Resolution #2003-08. AYE: Cataudella, Helm, Kimball, Thoendel, Cochran NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 9. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE #759 DESIGNATING THE CITY TREASURER AS THE "EX OFFICIO" CITY CLERK. Mr. Ray presented the item stating that effective date of appointment would be 30 days after publication of ordinance. Ms. Kimball moved, seconded by Mr. Cataudella, to approve adoption of ordinance #759. AYE: Cataudella, Helm, Kimball, Thoendel, Cochran NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 10. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING • OZ-03-08' REQUEST TO REZONE PROPERTY LOCATED NORTH • E. 116 ST NORTH AND EAST OF MINGO ROAD FROM AG TO RS-E. Ms. Kimball recused herself from discussion or voting on Item 10. Eric Wiles presented the item. Mr. Helm moved, seconded by Mr. Cataudella to approve OZ-03-08. IN Owasso City Council June 17, 2003 AYE: Cataudella, Helm, Thoendel, Cochran NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. ITEM I I o CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO OZ-03-099 REQUEST TO REZONE PROPERTY LOCATED SOUTHWEST OF THE INTERSECTION OF E. 106TH ST. NORTH AND MINCE O ROAD FROM AG TO RS-3. Eric Wiles presented the item. Mr. Cataudella moved, seconded by Mr. Thoendel to approve OZ-03-09. AYE- Cataudella, Helm, Kimball, Thoendel, Cochran NAY: None ITEM 12. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE FINAL PLAT OF COFFEE CREEK CONDOMINIUMS. Eric Wiles presented the item. Ms. Kimball moved, seconded by Mr. Cataudella to approve final plat. AYE: Cataudella, Helm, Kimball, Thoendel, Cochran NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 13. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE FINAL PLAT FOR OWASSO PROFESSIONAL SQUARE. Eric Wiles presented the item. Mr. Helm moved, seconded by Mr. Thoendcl to approve final plat. AYE: Cataudella, Helm, Kimball, Thoendel, Cochran NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. I Mr. Cataudella moved, seconded by Ms. Kimball to approve confirmation of all nominations as listed in the agenda by the Mayor. Councilor Helm submitted a written statement to be included in Minutes. AYE: Cataudella, Helm, Kimball,'Thoendel, Cochran NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 15. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO CITY'S PERSONNEL POLICIES AND PR*CEDURES, AYE: Cataudella, Helm, Kimball, Thoendel, Cochran NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Ray presented baseballs that had been signed by the 2003 Owasso High School Baseball team to each of the council members. Mr. Ray also stated Assistant City Manager Tim Rooney will be working on creating some type of signage in the city to advertise the school's championships. Mayor Cochran expressed appreciation of the Owasso High School Baseball Team for placing first in State Competition this spring. Mr. Cataudella also noted that Odyssey of the Minds team was very impressive. M Owasso City Council June 17, 2003 Ms. Kimball requested a reception for out -going City Clerk, Marsha Boutwell, to show appreciation for her work through the years. Reception will be held after July 1 council meeting. ITEM 19. NEW BUSINESS. None 1 MIME Mr. Cataudella moved, seconded by Ms. Kimball to adjourn. AYE: Kimball, Helm, Cataudella, Thoendel, Cochran NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 7: 12 p.m. Pat Fry, Minute Clerk 1 Gary Cochran, Mayor CITY OF0WA3SO CLAIMS TOBE PAID O70103 VENDOR REaGRIRIM AMOUNT TREASURER PETTY CASH DEPOSIT REFUND 20.00 REFUND TOTAL ------' 2O.O� OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 28.03 MUNICIPAL COURT DEPT TOTAL 26,M3 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 4.59 SAV-UN PRINTING INC. PRINTING 40.00 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 30.08 TREASURER PETTY CASH OFFICE SUPPLIES 8.03 REA8URS FILM PROCESSING 6.21 REASURS FILM PROCESSING 7.98 OK ASSOC OF MUNICIPAL. ATTORNEYS WORKSHOP-GRAY 75.00 REASORS MEETING EXPENSE 10.51 ALBERTSON8 W1EET|NGEXP 30.95 TREASURER PETTY CASH STAFF TRAINING 55.58 ARMSTRONG LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPING 1.000.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH EMPRECUGN/T|DN 25.00 MANAGERIAL DEPT TOTAL 1,312. 6 �� CRAVVFORD& ASSOCIATES PC ANNUAL AUDIT FYO2-03 2.520.00 FINANCE DEPT TOTAL 2,520.00 EXECUTIVE COFFEE SERVICES SUPPLIES 20.02 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 40.80 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 28.85 TREASURER PETTY CASH OFFICE SUPPLIES 0.13 OVVASGO COPIER SERVICE CENTER COP|ERK8A|NT 558.78 C|NTASCORP0RAT|ON MAT SERVICES 20.00 C|NTASCORPORAT|ON MAT SERVICES 26.00 SAK4SCLUB MA|NTSUPPL|E8 12.88 CONCENTRA PRE'EK4PTEST8 00.00 STEPHEN P GRAY, PC ATTORNEY ATLAW LEGAL SERVICES 1.94225 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 05/03 USE 25.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH RBK0B PETTY CASH 7.63 NEIGHBOR NEWSPAPER LEGAL NOTICE 721.35 SOUTHWESTERN BELL PH0NEUSE 1.405.75 RESERVE ACCOUNT POSTAGE 2.000.00 CHARACTER FIRST! CHARACTER BULLETINS 100.07 TREASURER PETTY CASH CHARACTERTRA|N|NG 14.75 TREASURER PETTY CASH LICENSE TAG 11.00 JPHOGANINSURANCE NOTARYBOND-SOLOSCHENKD 30.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH N0TARYFEE 20.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH NOTARY FEE 5.00 L0VVESCOMPAN|ES OFFICE EQUIPMENT 405.91 GENERAL GOVERNMENT DEPT TOTAL 7'843.87 CITY OFDWASSO CLAIMS TO BE PAID 07/01/03 ME ��� �O�Z OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 30.53 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 130.30 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 18.94 GAV-ON PRINTING INC. PRINTING 48.00 DDCA|NTERNAT|{}NAL CODE MATERIALS 128.00 UN|F|RSTCORPORAT0N UNIFORM RENTAL/CLEANING 43.68 TREASURER PETTY CASH VEHICLE WASH 4.00 NEIGHBOR NEWSPAPER ABATEMENT NOTICES 98.90 NEIGHBOR NEWSPAPER REVISED ORDINANCE PUBLISHING 182.60 J0L|E. INC DBA MAIL BOXES COLOR COPIES 9930 TULSA COUNTY MIS DIAL UPSERVICE-MAY 40.00 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT TOTAL 2.45 TREASURER PETTY CASH POSTAGE 14.42 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 181.41 RK4K ENGINEERING INC WINDSOR LAKE ||SURVEY 920.00 NATIONAL POWER WASH VEHICLE WASHING 15.00 ENGINEERING DEPT TOTAL --1,130.83 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 6.25 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 8.34 BAILEY EQUIPMENT K8|3C SUPPLIES 10.50 LOVVES COMPANIES INC K4A|0TSUPPL|ES 132.00 WAL'MARTCUMMUN|TY SUPPLIES 428 SAK83CLUB MA|NTSUPPL|ES 4271 UN|F|RSTCORPURAT|ON UNIFORM RENTAL 1574 RADIO SHACK COMPUTER CABLE 89.98 OKLAHOMA LIGHTING DISTRIBUTORS LIGHTS 71.00 FLYNN'S PEST CONTROL PEST CONTROL 05.00 MILL CREEK LUMBER &SUPPLY LUMBER 41.05 RAINBOW CONCRETE CO CONCRETE ` 1'035.00 BROWN FARMS SOD SOD 33.75 LOVVES COMPANIES INC MA|NTSUPPL|ES 304.54 F0RREST SHOEMAKER INC REPAIRS 817.05 FARM PLAN WATER FAUCET 20.08 LOVVEG COMPANIES INC K8A|NT8UPPL|E8 63.19 GRAYBAR COMPUTER WIRE &CONNECTIONS 100.08 F0RREST SHOEMAKER INC CITY HALL A/C REPAIR 341.00 SAMS CLUB OPERATING SUPPLIES 249.35 CHEROKEE BUILDING MATERIALS CEILING TILES 840.10 DEPARTMENT OFCORRECTIONS LABOR 08.85 SUPPORT SERVICES DEPT TOTAL 4'271.98 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 44.25 POLICE PETTY CASH RE|K8B PETTY CASH 3.43 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 121.11 XPEDX COPY PAPER 130.50 CITY OFOWA8SO CLAIMS TOBE PAID 07@103 MEN-D&OR AMOUNT OVVASSO COPIER SERVICE CENTER C0P|ERK8A|NT 495.52 APERTURE3|NC EVIDENCE PHOTOS 34A3 REASORS FILM PROCESSING 15J1 8|RCH|E FINGER PRINT LAB |NC FINGERPRINT SUPPLIES 158.60 LOVVES COMPANIES INC RANGE PREP SUPPLIES 57.40 SOUTHERN AGRICULTURE CANINE SUPPLIES 239.48 POLICE PETTY CASH RBMB PETTY CASH 270 SAMS CLUB MA|NTSUPPL|ES 45.84 GALL'S INC NYLON GEAR 3.243.80 P/TROLTECHN0LO8Y UNIFORM SHIRTS/BADGES 120.00 POLICE PETTY CASH RE|MB PETTY CASH 5.35 C[)NCENTRA MEDICAL TESTS 495.00 VVORKK4ED OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH PRE-EMPLOYMENT TEST 17.00 K8|CHAELDENTON REIMBURSE PHONE USE 48.17 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES PHDNEUSE-YANCEY 119.49 SOUTHWESTERN BELL PHONE USE 1.485.75 POLICE PETTY CASH UPS CHARGE 10.15 FBI NAA2003 CONFERENCE-YANCEY 325.00 POLICE PETTY CASH RE|MB PETTY CASH 14.70 POLICE PETTY CASH TITLE TRANSFER 11.00 DECATUR ELECTRONICS, INC RADAR UNIT 1,115.00 OKLAHOMA POLICE SUPPLY GUNS 2.40080 8|RCH|E FINGER PRINT LAB INC FINGERPRINT LIFTER 820.94 BT|-CO INDUSTRIES, INC ANTENNA 351.78 POLICE DEPT TOTAL 11'734.05� CDVV GOVERNMENT INC DVD RAM DISCS 252.00 ONYX CORPORATION PRINTER DRUM 84.95 BOB BARKER COK8PANY.|NC PRISONER BOARD SUPPLIES 43035 BOB BARKER COMPANY.|NC DETENTION BENCH 303.73 DEPT DF PUBLIC SAFETY OLETS RENTAL 35000 POLICE COMMUNICATIONS DEPT TOTAL GTRATHEVETER|NARY VET SERVICES 176.48 STRATHEVETER|NARY VET SERVICES 03.75 FARM PLAN SHELTER SUPPLIES 04.92 RADIO SHACK SUPPLIES -12.99 SAK4SCLUB /WA|NTSUPPL|ES 243.68 CITY OFTULSA EUTHANASIA SERVICES 144.00 ANIMAL CONTROL DEPT TOTAL --739.84' FIRE ENGINEERING SUBSCRIPTION 19.95 REASORS FILM PROCESSING 2.00 EMERGENCY MEDICAL PRODUCTS INC BUNKER GEAR BAGS 463.00 OKLAHOMA POLICE SUPPLY BADGES 217.50 THE IMAGE GROUP SHIRTS 475.58 GENUINE PARTS C0KJPANY-OKLA REPAIR PARTS 15.38 CITY UFUWASSO CLAIMS TO BE PAID 07/01/03 MEbLDUOR DESCRIPTIQN AMOUNT TREASURER PETTY CASH FUEL 13,45 BUILDERS SUPPLY REPAIR PARTS 103.10 TAYLDRMADE LOCK &KEY DOOR REPAIR 45.00 FIRE EQUIPMENT REPAIR SERVICE SERVICE AIR COMPRESSOR 26023 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES PHONE USE-CHIEF 113.94 SAV'0N PRINTING INC. PRINTING 352.05 BEST WESTERN L0DG|N84WAKLEY 847.20 BEBTVVE8TERN-k8U8KOGEE LODGING-K8CN|CHOL 220.00 FIRE DEPT TOTAL ------- L0VVES COMPANIES INC REPA|R/MA|NTSUPPL|ES 19.80 A&A MATERIALS CO. ASPHALT 52.88 EQUIPMENT ONE INC K8A|NTSUPPL/ES 17.80 BEE LINE TRAFFIC CONTROL TRAFFIC LIGHT BULBS 300.00 FLINT TRADING INC STRIPING MATERIAL 197.73 VVALMARTCOMMUN|TY OFF/CE/MA|NT8UPPL|ES 43.88 MAXWELL SUPPLY OFTULSA REPA|R/K8A|NT8UPPL|EB 2820 RAINBOW CONCRETE CO CONCRETE 1.228.00 UN|F|RSTC(}RPURAT|ON UNIFORM RENTALS 41.82 UN|F|RSTCORPORAT|0N UNIFORM RENTALS 41.82 GEORGE & GEORGE SAFETY PROTECT|VECL0TM|NE/SUPPL|ES 4141 TULSA COUNTY B0CC SIGNS/HARDWARE 102.44 BAILEY EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES 5.25 MAXWELL SUPPLY OFTULSA SMALL TOOLS 12547 C{)NCENTRA OSHA QUESTIONNAIRES 135.00 LOT MAINTENANCE INC RIGHT-OF-WAY iWOVV|NGS 1.625.00 J.B.ST|GALL MAIN STMOWING 05.00 JERRYTUCKER K4OVV|NG8 220.00 BAILEY EQUIPMENT REPA|F0MAiNT 34.30 NATIONAL POWER WASH VEHICLE WASHING 30.00 S|GNALTEK|NC S|GNAL|Z/A'|DN ` 520.95 PEGGYDAV|S MOVEFENCE 275.00 STREETS DEPT TOTAL ------- -'__-- MURPHY SANITARY SUPPLY RE8TR00K4SUPPLIES 82.90 LOVVES COMPANIES INC REPAIR SUPPLIES 124.22 LOVVES COMPANIES INC REPA|FUK4A|NTSUPPL|ES 42.51 BAILEY EQUIPMENT MOWER REPAIR 0828 A,1 FENCE INC FENCING SUPPLIES 78.70 MURPHY SANITARY SUPPLY RESTROOM8UPPL|EG 198.30 FARM PLAN K8|SCSUPPL|ES 1.33 BAILEY EQUIPMENT M|SC8UPPL|E8 5.81 ORPS ORPS MEMBERSHIP FEES 160.00 UN|F|RSTCORPORAT|ON UN|FORMRENTAUCLEAN|NG 50.00 WASHINGTON CO RURAL WATER DISTRICT WATER USE 17.00 WARREN DAVID RE|MB FOR LICENSE 50.00 SAFE HARBOR DOCKS COVERED BRIDGE-ELM CREEK PARK 12.020.00 CITY OF OWASSO CLAIMS TO BE PAID 07/01/03 VENDOR D ,RIPTION AMOUNT B & B ELECTRIC PUMP REPAIR 2,462.80 BLUE CROSS /BLUE SHIELD OF OK PARKS DEPT TOTAL 15,967.85 OFFICE DEPOT- OFFICE SUPPLIES 56.99 WAL -MART COMMUNI] Y FANS /CLEANING SUPPLIES 227.98 MURPHY SUPPLY DOOR MATS 288.00 RADIO SHACK MICROPHONE CORDS /STAND 100.89 MCCARTT, JASON C EAGLE SCOUT PROJECT' 164_.17 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES COMMUNITY CENTER DEPT TOTAL 838.03 TREASURER PETTY CASH MEETING EXPENSE 4.86 FIRE SERVICE TRAINING OKLA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DEPT TOTAL 4.86 -4.86 GENERAL FUND TOTAL HUMAN SKILLS & RESOURCES, INC JUVENILE COUNSELING 180.00 JUVENILE COURT FUND TOTAL 180.00 BLUE CROSS /BLUE SHIELD OF OK REFUND 483.00 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 15.18 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 191.02 ALLIANCE MEDICAL INC AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 922.84 NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH VACCINATIONS - GOSVENER 80.00 MEDICLAIMS INC MONTHLY SERVICES 2,465.63 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES PHONE USE - OTHERS 92.13 TULSA TECHNOLOGY CENTER BITS TEXT BOOK- ATWELL 55.00 FIRE SERVICE TRAINING OKLA TRAINING- KELLEY 25.00 ST JOHN MEDICAL CENTER TRAINING MANUAL 25.00 ST JOHN MEDICAL CENTER TRAINING -YORK -15.00 AMBULANCE SERVICE FUND TOTAL 4,339.80 DELL MARKETING COMPUTER 1,056.00 CDW GOVERNMENT INC MONITOR 455.11 E-911 FUND TOTAL 1,511.11 CINNABAR SERVICE COMPANY TITLE WORK 9,325.00 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND TOTAL 9,325.00 CINNABAR SERVICE COMPANY TITLE WORK 4,925.00 BOND PROJECTS FUND TOTAL 4,925.00 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 55.28 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 86.38 UNIFIRST CORPORATION UNIFORM RENTAL 64.76 NORTH STAR REPAIR PARTS 20.22 GREEN COUNTRY JOHN DEERE BACKHOE PARTS 284.00 TULSA NEW HOLLAND INC REPAIR PARTS 256.81 CITY OF0WASSD CLAIMS TO BE PAID 07/01/03 �KD-QR DESCRIPTION A-UMNIT T&VVTIRE TIRES 2.349.22 AFFORDABLE PRECISION GLASS REPAIR PARTS 423.00 OK TRUCK SUPPLY INC REPAIR PARTS 130.02 GENUINE PARTS COMPANY'DKLA REPAIR PARTS 158.29 CLASSIC CHEVROLET REPAIR PARTS 342.07 FRICTION PRODUCTS REPAIR PARTS 500.00 FORD OF TULSA REPAIR PARTS 103.63 GENUINE PARTS COMPANY-OKLA REPAIR PARTS 107.01 FRONTIER INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS REPAIR PARTS 39.42 B& M TIRE CENTER INC TIRES 12540 (}'RE|LLY AUTOMOTIVE INC REPAIR PARTS 878.94 AMERICAN HOSE &SUPPLY REPAIR PARTS 40.00 ATCFRE|(3HTL|NER VEHICLE REPAIR 226.15 MILEAGE MASTERS TIRE REPAIR 14.99 JUSTICE GOLF CAR CO INC REPAIR SERVICES 202.00 DELL MARKETING SERVER 2.387.00 CDVVGOVERNMENT INC MONITOR 455.11 CITY GARAGE FUND TOTAL �8 043�.30 � ORTHOPEDIC RESOURCES, INC W11141 29.00 8T FRANCIS HOSPITAL ATBA B02173 194.08 K4AYSDRU{) S07082 113.31 VV0RKK8ED OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH B03283 196.00 VVORKMED OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH B03283 08.91 VVORKMEO OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH E04043 123.74 VVDRM&4ED OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH G03283 158.58 VVORKMED OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH H04083 121.90 VVDRKK8ED OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH 008123 45.57 VVORKK4ED OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH S04143 178.04 VYORKyWED OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH T04103 361.30 ST JOHN MEDICAL CENTER T08242 30.13 CONCENTRA C05153 298.19 CONCENTRA C05153 98.38 CONCENTRA P05063 238.00 CONCENTRA P05003 51.12 WARREN CLINIC INC H05073 51.12 BODE DENISE OD C01 093 60.00 HARRIS JOSEPH SETTLE K4ENT-HO4202 474.00 WORKERS C[>K0P FUND TOTAL ------ �,936.` GRAND TOTAL -�22��� ����� CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 06/14/03 Uapartment Overfima-Exp�a� Total Expenses General Fund " ou 'Mu h , id Pat C rt 00 :2 4f&49 Managerial 0.00 14,737.12 General Government 0.00 673.82 Engineering 0.00 9,762.28 .... .......... .. Support Services 0.00 5,396.08 �� �0 33.18 6,424.58 Ambulance Fund wool, CITY OF OWASSO A/P TRANSFER REPORT VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT TRANSFERS CEMETERY CARE AMBULANCE CAPITAL FIRE CAPITAL OPGA COLLISION SELF INSURANCE REVENUE TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND REVENUE TRANSFER FROM AMBULANCE FUND REVENUE TRANSFER FROM AMBULANCE FUND TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND TRANSFERS TOTAL 18,597.02 S HONORABLE f i COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM. ® C WILES Smwe a ORDINANCE 760 — RE ZONIING NO Z-03-08 ATE. June 24, 2002 The City Council approved the rezoning of a tract of land from Ate Agricultural to RS -3 Single family Residential District on June 17, 2003, The property is located on the east side of 97'h East Avenue '/7 mile north of 116" Street North, Attached is a copy of Ordinance No. 760, formally adopting the City Council's action of June 17, 2003, ■ _ 4�' f �i i �'�. ORDINANCE REAS, public hearings have been held regarding the request for rezoning of the property herein described, and WHE AS, the Owasso City Council has considered the reconnagnendat °son of the Owasso Planning Cornrnission and all statements for or against the requested rezoning of application OZ- 03-08, NOW,THE REFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA. Section 1, The zoning classification of the following described property, to wit: PASSED AND APPROVED this I" day of July, 2003. Crary Cochran, Mayor Marcia 13outvwell, City Clerk PROVED AS TO FORM: Steven Crary, City Attorney APPROVED AS TO CONTENT- Eric Wiles, Community Development Director TO- THE, HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: ERIC WILES COMMUNITY DEVE LOPMENT DIRECTOR SUB JET r: ORDINANCE 761 — REZONING HOZ-03-09 DATE: June 25, 2003 U11 IN 12 W-1 am 041-JIM I The City Council approved the rezoning of a tract of land fiorn AG Agricultural to 12 S-3 Single Fan-1y Residential District on June 17, 2003. The property is located southwest of the intersection of 97th East Avenue and 106th Street North. Attached is a copy of Ordinance No. 761, formally adopting the City Council's action of June 17, 2003. The staff recommends Council approval of ordinance 761, �* I �-v s y, SAS, public hearings have been held regarding the request for rezoning of the property heroin described, and WHEREAS, the Owasso City Council has considered the recommendation of the Owasso Planning Cor innssion and all statements for or against the requested rezoning of application OZ- 03 -09, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL "s CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA. Section 1. The zoning classification of the following described property, to wit: PASSED AND APPROVED this 1 " day of July, 2003, Gary Cochran, Mayor ATTEST. Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM- Steven Gray, City Attorney Eric Wiles, Community Development Director