HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003.05.13_Worksession Agenda 3. Discussion Relating to Police Items. A. Uniform Cleaning Contract Extension B. Records Fees Chief Yancey Attachment #3 2. Discussion of Public Works Items A. Stormwater Management B. Street Repairs Bid C. Cemetery Fence Bid D. Other Items Mr. Carr Attachment #2 1. Call to Order Mayor Cochran AGENDA Hall bulletin on the and Notice and agenda filed in the office of the at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, May 9, 2003. Special May 13, 2003 6:00 p.m. Owasso City Hall Main Conference Room TYPE OF MEETING: DATE: TIME: PLACE: PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL 7. Report from Assistant City Manager. Mr. Rooney 6. Discussion Relating to Drainage Channel Bid. Mr. Rooney Attachment #6 5. Discussion Relating to Planning Items. A. INCOG Administrative Services Agreement B. Lot Splits (4) C. Rezonings (4) D. Site Plans (2) E. Preliminary Plat F. Final Plats (2) G. Other Items Mr. Wiles Attachment #5 4. Discussion Relating to Support Services Items. A. 800 Radio System Fleet Fuel Services Contract Mr. White Attachment #4 Owasso City Council May 13,2003 Page 2 9. Adjournment 8. Report from City Manager Interlocal Jail Agreement with Collinsville Review of Budget Issues CIP Report Other Items Council/Manager Owasso City Council May 13,2003 Page 3 The Phase II regulations require that the regulated community submit a Notice ofIntent (NOI) to apply for coverage under the Oklahoma Stormwater General Permit (OKR04) along with a Stormwater Management Program document (SWl.'vIP) that specifies for each MCM what Cities and counties included in this second phase of regulations (designated as the "Phase II" Stormwater program) must develop a comprehensive Stormwater Management Program and that six "Minimum Control Measures" (MCMs) must be addressed in implementing a successful program. These are: ill Public Education and Outreach ill Public Participation and Involvement III Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination III Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control III Post Construction Management in New Development and Re-Development III Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping Each Minimum Control Measure has a number of Best Management Practices (BMPs) that constitute the core activities pertaining to each. In 1990 the U.S, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) promulgated regulations for establishing water quality based municipal stormwater programs to address stonnwater runoff from municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s). These regulations were incorporated into the existing wastewater treatment permits under National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) rules. On December 8, 1999, EPA published regulations that required permitting of cities and towns under 100,000 population towns with at least 10,000 population and a minimum density of l,OOO people per square mile (designated as small MS4s)(refer to Attachment 1 for a summary of the requirements). Owasso was not originally included, but was evaluated using secondary criteria, such as discharge to sensitive waters, high growth or growth potential, high population density, contiguity to an urbanized area and significant contribution of pollutants to waters of the United States. As a result of this evaluation, the City of Owasso has been notified that the city meets the conditions to be designated as a regulated small MS4 (see Attachment 2). BACKGROUND: May 7,2003 DATE: FEE MANAGEMENT SCHEDULE RESOLUTION J,/, .' /) \ \ v"'-' / \ >>/'0vJ '- . .'\:! U ~A F. ROBERT CARR, JR., PUBLIC DIRECTOR FROM: TO: THE HONORABLE I\IIA YOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OW ASSO lVIElVJ ORAND UlVI Amounts of impervious area are expected to vary considerably between properties. Therefore, charges should generally be expected to vary from one parcel to the next. To a large degree, The proposed ordinance also includes establishment of a Stormwater System Service Charge. As defined in the ordinance, the service charge is based on the amount of impervious area on individual parcels of land. Typically, impervious areas cause water to run off the surface in greater quantities or at an increased rate of flow than was present under natural conditions, thus creating potential impacts of storrnwater. Types of areas include, but are not limited to, rooftops, asphalt or concrete sidewalks, paving, driveways and parking lots, walkways, patio areas and storage areas. STORMW ATER SYSTEM SERVICE CHARGE: As defined in the ordinance, the stormwater management fund is a special fund to be maintained for the purpose of identifying and controlling all revenues and expenses attributable to stormwater management services. All loans, grants or funds received for the administration, operation, construction and improvement of stonnwater management services are to be deposited in the fund. Disbursements for costs of data collection, planning, maintaining, operating and improving drainage services and/or facilities are proposed to be made from the fund. A Stormwater Management Program is proposed to be established by ordinance (see Attachment 3 - Proposed Ordinance 754). The ordinance includes creation of a stormwater management fund and stormwater system service charge. ~TORMW ATER MANAGEMENT FUND: In addition to the above, development and performance of a comprehensive Stormwater Master Plan is proposed for FY03-04. The plan is a critical element in data collection and is needed in portions of the Phase II program. Cost of preparing the master plan has been included in the FY03-04 Public Works Department Engineering Division budget in the amount of $l50,000. The plan is intended to include, but not be limited to, stonnwater collection system mapping, drainage area determination, projections of stormwater quantities by drainage basin, assessment of needed infrastructure, infrastructure requirements and development of a drainage capital improvements program. The Indian Nations Council of Governments (INCOG), working with other neighboring Phase II cities and counties, will provide regional services. Many of the INCOG services are listed as BMPs for each MCM, thereby enabling the City of Owasso to comply with specific program requirements using some regionalized infonnation and data. Work elements and proposed costs to be perfonned by in FY03-04 have been identified. Other work elements are also required to performed by the City Owasso. activities will be performed, measurable goals, implementation schedules and estimated annual costs. An Annual Report is to be submitted to the ODEQ that documents implementation and BMP effectiveness under each ofthe six MCMs. Page 2 Stormwater Management All applicable impervious area data for each individual City of Ow as so stonnwater customer are not presently available. Therefore, it is proposed that a phased program of service charge collection be implemented in accordance with the following schedule: The stormwater system service charge established in Resolution 2003-07 is $2.50 per month per Equivalent Service Unit. As data are collected, adjustment/refinement of this charge is expected. Each developed land parcel will be categorized and individually evaluated to calculate the amount of impervious area on the parcel and the total of ESUs appropriate to each property will be determined. A total of $l80,000 is proposed for stormwater management in the FY03-04 budget, including INCOG services and conducting stormwater master planning. Beyond the FY03-04 budget year, however, additional Phase II Best Management Practices and stormwater system improvements identified in the master plan capital improvements program will be needed on an on-going basis. The proposed charge will be included for the first time in the FY03-04 budget as a means to fund the work elements needed for compliance with Phase II Stormwater program requirements. The service charge will be included on water or sewer utility bills for all customers inside the city limits. The manner to collect the charge will be similar to that used to collect the ambulance fee. Rural water customers inside the city limits will be included. PHASED IMPLEMENTATION FOR THE SERVICE CHARGE: A Resolution adopting the rate to be charged is attached (see Attachment 4 - Resolution 2003- 07). In order to provide flexibility in modification of the rate without necessitating change(s) to the ordinance, the charge is established by resolution. To calculate monthly service charges an average residential property is defined in the ordinance as a base "Equivalent Service Unit (ESU)". Each ESU has been assigned a value of 3,000 square feet of impervious area. A typical residential parcel would have one (1) ESU. On the other hand, depending on the impervious area identified for a shopping center, there could be multiple ESUs associated with this type of use. The Stormwater System Service Charge is not to be imposed on the following types of property: Govermnent-owned highways, streets, rights-of~way, parks and space, and leased uses on goverrnnent-owned properties; (2) Privately-owned residential streets and rights-of-way, other driveways; parks and open space; (3) Railroad rights-of-way; (4) Undeveloped parcels of agricultural use consisting of five (5) or more acres and containing no habitable structures. smaller parcels, such as residential property, could be expected to contribute considerably less runoff than a shopping center. Page 3 Stormwater Management 1. Storm Water Phase II Final Rule - Small MS4 Storm Water Program Overview (EPA Fact Sheet 2.0) 2. Storm Water Phase II Letter of Designation from DEQ dated December 9,2002 ATTACHMENTS: Staff recommends Council approval of Resolution 2003-07 adopting a stormwater system service charge in the amount of $2.50 per month per Equivalent Service Unit and authorizes the Mayor to sign the resolution. Staff recommends Council approval of Ordinance 754 establishing a program for stormwater management, creating a stormwater system service charge, providing for a stormwater management fund and providing for the establishment of a stormwater fee schedule and authorizes the Mayor to sign the ordinance. RECOMMENDATIONS: In FY03-04, each water/sewer customer will be charged 1 ESU ($2.50 per month). The resultant revenue collected is projected to be approximately $220,000. CUlTent water utility billing data indicate the following customer count: - Residential: 6918 customers (within city limits) - Commercial 378 customers 7296 total customers POTENTIAL FY03-04 REVENUE GENERATION: Residential water/sewer customers will be charged 1 ESU All non-residential water customers to be charged based on determined ESU FY05-06: Residential water/sewer customers will be charged 1 ESU Non-residential water customers with meters exceeding will be charged based on determined ESU Non-residential water customers with meters less than 2-inch will be charged 1 ESU Each water/sewer customer will be charged 1 ESU Data will be collected to measure impervious surface area of non-residential developed real estate within the corporate limits of the City to determine the Equivalent Service Units to be assigned to such parcels. FY03-04: Page 4 Storm water Management I The Phase II Rule defincs a small MS4 storm water management program as a program comprising six clements that, when implemented in concert, are expected to result in significant reductions of pollutants discharged into receiving waterbodies, Implementation of the MEP standard will typically require the development and implementation of BMPs and the achievement of measurable goals to satisfy each of the six minimum control measures. operators of regulated small MS4s are required to design their programs to: o Reduce the discharge of pollutants to the "maximum extent practicable" (MEP); o Protect water quality; and o Satisfy the appropriate water quality requirements ofthe Clean Water Act. What Are the Phase II Small MS4 Program Requirements? Asmall MS4 is any MS4 not already covered by the Phase I program as a medium or large MS4. The Phase II Rule automatically covers on a nationwide basis all small MS4s located in "urbanized areas" (UAs) as defined by the Bureau ofthe Census (unless waived by the NPDES permitting authority), and on a case-by-case basis those small MS4s located outside ofUAs that the NPDES permitting authority designates. For more information on Phase II small MS4 coverage, see Fact Sheets 2.1 and 2.2. What Is a Phase n Small MS4? In 1990, EPA promulgated rules establishing Phase I of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) storm water program The Phase I prograrn for MS4s requires operators of "medium" and "large" MS4s, that is, those that generally serve populations of 100,000 or greater~ to implement a storm water management program as a means to control polluted discharges from these MS4s. The Storm Water Phase n Rule extends coverage of the NPDES storm water program to certain "small" MS4s but takes a slightly different approach to how the storm water management program is developed and implemented. Polluted storm water runoff is often transported to municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s) and ultimately discharged into local rivers and streams without treatment. EPA's Storm Water Phase II Rule establishes an MS4 storm water management program that is intended to improve the Nation's watexways by reducing the quantity of pollutants that storm water picks up and carries into storm sewer systems during stonn events. Common pollutants include oil and grease from roadways, pesticides from lawns, sediment from construction sites, and carelessly discarded trash, such as cigarette butts, paper wrappers, and plastic bottles. " ' When deposited into nearby watexways through MS4 discharges, these pollutants can impair the waterways, thereby discouraging recreational use of the resource, contaminating drinking water supplies, and interfering with the habitat for fish, other aquatic organisms, and wildlife. r r t !!1J I II h rm I EPA 833.F-00-002 January 2000 Fact Sheet 2.0 United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water (4203) 3.1 - Construction Rainfall Erosivity Waiver Industrial "No Exposure" 4.0 - Conditional No Exposure Exclusion for Industrial Activity 2.9 - Permitting and Reporting: The Process and Requiremen1s 2.10 - Federal and State-Operated MS4s: Program Implementation Construction Program 3,0 - Construction Program Overview 2.3 - Public Education and Outreach 2.4 - Public Participation! Involvement 2.5 - Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination 2.6 - Construction Site Runoff Control 2.7 - Post-Construction Runoff Control 2.8 - Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping Minimum Control Measures '-. Small MS4 Program 2.0 - Small MS4 Storm Water Program Overview 2.1 - Who's Covered? Designation and Waivers of Regulated Small MS4s 2.2 - Urbanized Areas: Definition and Description Overview 1.0 - Storm Water Phase II Final Rule: An Overview Storm Water Phase Ii final Rule fact Sheet Series Contact ~ U.S. EPA Office of Wastewater Management Phone: 202 260-5816 E-mail: SW2@epa.gov Intemet: www.epa.gov/owm/sw/phase2 Reference Documents ~ Storm Water Phase II Final Rule Fact Sheet Series lntemet: www.epa.gov/owm/sw/phase2 ~ Storm Water Phase II Final Rule (64 FR 68722) lntemet: www.epa.gov/owm/sw/phase2 Contact the U.S. EPA Water Resource Center Phone: 202 260-7786 E-mail: center. watcr-rcsource@epa.gov For Additional Information Permittees need to evaluate' the effectiveness of their chosen BMPs to determine whether the BMPs are reducing the discharge of pollutants from their systems to the "maximum extent practicable" and to determine if the BMP mix is satisfying the water quality requirements of the Clean Water Act. Permittees also are required to assess their progress in achieving their program's measurable goals. While monitoring is not required under the rule, the NPDES permitting authority has the discretion to require monitoring if deemed necessary. If there is an indication of a need for improved controls, permittees can revise their mix of BMPs to create a more effective program. For more infonnation on program evaluation/assessment, see Fact Sheet 2.9. What Kind of Program Evaluation/Assessment Is Required? rrhe rule identifies a number of implementation options for regulated small MS4 operators. These include sharing responsibility for program development with a nearby regulated small MS4, taking advantage of existing local or State programs, or participating in the implementation of an existing Phase I MS4's storm water program as a co-pennittee. These options are intended to promote a regional approach to storm water management coordinated on a watershed basis. the Implementation What or NOl, its chosen BMPs and mea..<;urablc goals for cach minimum control measure. To help permittees identify the most appropriate BMPs for their programs, EPA will issue a "menu," ofBMPs to serve as guidance. NPDES permitting authorities can modify the EP A menu or develop their own list. For more information on application requirements, see Fact Sheet 2.9. The Phase II program for 1\-IS4s is designcd to accommodate a general penn it approach using a Notice of Intent (NOI) as the permit application. The operator ofa regulated small MS4 mllst include in its pennit application, What Information Must the NPDES Permit Application Include? m Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping Developing and implementing a program with the goal of preventing or reducing pollutant runoff from municipal operations. The program must include municipal staff training on pollution prevention measures and techniques (e.g., regular street sweeping, reduction in the use of pesticides or street salt, or frequent catch-basin cleaning). ~ Post-C(mstruction Runoff Control Developing, implementing, and enforcing a program to address discharges of post-construction storm water runoff from new development and redevelopment areas. Applicable controls could include preventative actions such as protecting sensitive areas (e.g., wetlands) or the use of structural BMPs such as grassed swales or porous pavement. Cmestruction Site Runoff Control Developing, implementing, and enforcing an erosion and sediment control program for construction activities that disturb I or more acres ofland (controls could include silt fences and temporary storm water detention ponds). 4D Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Developing and implementing a plan to detect and eliminate illicit discharges to the storm sewer system (includes developing a system map and informing the community about hazards associated with illegal discharges and improper disposal of waste). Public Participation/Involvement Providing opportunities for citizens to participate in program development and implementation, including effectively publicizing public hearings and/or encouraging citizen representatives on a storm water management panel. Public Education and Outreach Distributing educational materials and performing outreach to inform citizens about the impacts polluted storm water nmoff discharges can have on water quality. The six MS4 program clements, termed "minimum control mcasures," arc outlined below. For more information on cach of U1Cse required control measures, see Fact Sheets 2.3 ~ 2.8. j'age 2 Fllct Sheet 2.0 - All Overview of the Small MS4 Storm Water Program ~ !ill>. _ t!\ ~ A~ ~& IIL_ L~ pdlllud on rtll;yc:lod pupm willi tioy IlIk n f _~ /01 NOR III RORINSON, P,O, BOX 1677, OKLAHOMA CI1Y, OKLAHOMA J:l1 () 1.16/ / The DEQ has completed its review ofthose cities located outside of an UA. We have determined that the City of Owasso meets the conditions to be designated as a regulated small MS4. This letter constitutes your notice that the City of Owasso will be required to obtain a small MS4 pennit. DEQ is currently developing a gcneral pcrmit for this purpose. After that permit is finalized, you must submit your application by June 9, 200:1. The Storm Water Phase II rules required evaluation ofthose cities, outside of an UA, with a 2000 Census population greater than 10,000 with a density of greater than 1,000 people per square mile. These cities were evaluated by criteria including discharge to sensitive waters, high growth or growth potential, high population density, contiguity to an urbanized area, significant contribution of pollutants to waters of the United States. " " Small MS4s are defined as those towns with at least a 10,000 population and a minimum density of 1,000 people per square mile or those MS4s, that are not regulated under the Phase I rules, located in an Urbanized Area. The regulations created two methods on determining what Small MS4s need to be permitted. Those cities that are located within an US Census Bureau Urbanized Area (VA) are automatically designated and are required to apply for a permit by March 10,2003. The second method is for the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to examine and designate those small MS4s that are located outside of an Urbanized Area. According to the 2000 US Census City of' Owasso has a population of 18,502 and a density of 1753.74. On December 8, 1999 the EP A published the Storm Water Phase II final rules. Phase II included several changes to the storm water program across the state. Under 'the new Phase II rules regulatory agencies were required to determine and designate those small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) that required permitting. Dear Mr. Brogdon Re: Storm Water Phase II, Letter of Designation 1 Owasso, Oklahoma 1 Mayor December 2002 rRANK KEATING Governor OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY STEVEN A, THOMPSON Execuliva Diraclor ~JO OKlAHOMA 01 PAUIMlIlI 01 I NVIRONMfNJAl OIIAIIIY ~ cc. Robert Carr, Public Works Director, City of Ow as so SW /MD/BR/sw Mark Dedchsweiler, Manager Watcrshed Planning and Storm Water Permitting Water Quality Division !." If you have questions or nee,d additional infonnation, feel free to contact Stephen Weber at (405) 702-8194 or by email at St92hcn.Wcb~illi;,p~ A Copy of the Phase II Designation Final Report and an EPA Fact Sheet on the small MS4 program arc enclosed. S/orm W(//('r/>!/(/s(' II, !-d/er (~f Designa/ion Pg, 2 Scoring: * Population - 1 point for every 10,000 people (rounded up to the nearest 10,000). * Density - 1 point for every 100 density increase above 1,000 (rounded up to the nearest 100). @ Previous change (percent) - 2 points for between 0 and 1 percent. 3 points for changes of 1-10%. 4 points for changes of 10-15%. 5 points for changes of 15- 20%. 6 points for changes of20-25%. 7 points for changes of25-30%. 8 points for changes of30-35%. 9 points for changes of35-40%. 10 points for 40+% @ Land Size - 5 points if Corporate Land Area is 10-50% larger than what is necessary to obtain a 1,500 density. 10 points if Corporate Land Area is 50+% larger than what is necessary to obtain a 1,500 density. * Contiguity to an Urbanized Area-15 points ifdirectIy adjacent. 10 points if the city boundaries are within 2 miles of an VA. 5 points if the city boundaries are within 5 miles of an VA. 1$ 303(d) listed strean1S - 20 points ifthe town would directly discharge to the listed stream. 10 points if the town is within 5 miles ofthe listed stream. @ HQW, ORW, SWS, Scenic River or ORW/SWS watersheds - 20 points ifthe city would discharge directly to a HQW, SWS, or Scenic River. 20 points ifthe city is located within a SWS watershed. 25 points if the city would discharge directly to an OR W or is located within an ORW watershed. OWq 550 (100) TOTAL: @ HQW, ORW, Scenic River, SWS, or ORW/SWS Watersheds (25) Discharge or Potential Discharge to Sensitive Waters @ 303( d) listed streams for Storm Water related pollutants (20). Contiguity to an Urbanized Area (15) (10) (10) @) Corporate Land Area or High Growth @) Change from Previous (10) (10) Density Population Small MS4 Grade Sheet 2. "Detention facilities" shall mean facilities designed to hold stormwater for a short period and then to release it to the natural watercourse. 3. "Developed real estate" shall mean re\ll property altered from its natural state by the addition to or construction of any impervious surface such that the hydrology of the property is affected. 4. "Director" shall mean the Public Works Director ofthe City of Owasso, Oklahoma or ms/her authorized representative. 5. "Equivalent service unit (ESU)" shall mean three thousand (3,000) square feet of impervious surface. 6. "Impervious surface" shall mean any hard surfaced area which prevents or retards the entry of water into the soil in the manner and to the extent that such water entered the soil under natural conditions, causing water to mn off the surface in greater quantities or at an increased rate of flow than was present under natural conditions, such as but not limited to rooftops, asphalt or concrete sidewalks, paving, driveways and parking lots, walkways, patio areas, storage areas, and gravel, oiled macadam or other surfaces which similarly affect the natural infiltration or mn-offpattems of real property in its natural state. 7. "Drainage Basin Plan" shall mean the plan adopted by the City for managing surface and stormwater facilities and features within an individual drainage basin. 8. "Service charge" shall mean the fee levied within the boundaries of the City for the use of the City of Owasso stormwater drainage facilities. For the purposes of this Section, the following terms shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them herein 1 1. "City" shall mean the City of Owasso, Oklahoma SECTION 18-101 DEFINITIONS CHAPTER 1 DEFINITIONS Chapter I. Definitions Chapter 2. Stormwater Management Program 18-201 Findings of Fact 18-202 Purpose Chapter 3 Stormwater System Service Charge 18-301 Introductions and exemptions 18-302 Rate Structure 18-303 Adjustment of Service Charge 18-304 Collection Chapter 4 Stormwater Management Fund Chapter 5 Stormwater Fee Schedule Section One: That Part 18, Stormwater Management of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, is hereby established by adopting the following provisions, same being codified as set forth below: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAl10MA, TO-WIT: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY OF OW ASSO CODE OF ORDINANCES BY CREATING PART 18, ESTABLISHING A PROGRAM FOR STORMWATER MANAGEMENT, CREATING A STORMWATER SYSTEM SERVICE CHARGE, PROVIDING FOR A STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FUND, PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A STORMWATER FEE SCHEDULE, REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH, AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ORDINANCE NO. 754 CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA Page 2 Ordinance #754 Stonnwater Management 1. In 1990 the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) promulgated regulations for establishing water quality based municipal stormwater programs to address stormwater runoff from municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s); 2. These regulations were incorporated into existing wastewater treatment permits under National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) rules. Urban runoff from stOllli events became regulated under the NPDES permitting requirements. 3. On December 8, 1999, EPA published final "Phase II" regulations and state regulatory agencies (which includes the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ)) were required to determine cities under 100,000 population and designate small MS4s that require permitting. The small MS4s are defined as those towns with at least 10,000 population and a minimum density of 1,000 people per square mile. 4. The City of Owasso has been notified that the city meets the conditions to be designated as a regulated small MS4. 5. Both the EPA and Oklahoma regulations require that the six Minimum Control Measures (MCMs) be addressed in implementing a successful Phase II Stormwater Management Program. Each Minimum Control Measure has a number of Best Management Practices (BMPs) that constitute the core activities pertaining to each. 6. A Stormwater Management Program document (SWMP) specifies for each MCM what activities will be performed, measurable goals, implementation schedules and estimated annual costs. 7. An Annual Report is to be submitted to the ODEQ that documents implementation and BMP effectiveness under each of six MCMs, which are: Q) Public Education and Outreach Q) Public Participation and Involvement Q) Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Q) Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control Q) Post Construction Management in New Development and Re-Development Q) Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping 8. A comprehensive approach to managing stormwater runoff and floodplain management is required to address existing and future needs. 9. The existing stormwater drainage facilities of the City of Owasso require continuous operation, maintenance, renewal and replacement. 10. Drainage conditions may be created by the cumulative effect of increase in impervious areas due to subdivision, commercial and institutional construction. 11. While the City does not own all drainage facilities within its jurisdiction, it does own or control a sufficiently comprehensive system in each of the major drainage basins so as to make a unified approach to stonnwater drainage issues a desirable and administratively achievable goal. The City of Owasso, Oklahoma makes the following findings of fact: ~lOtll1i::~~21 FINDINGS OF FACT CHAPTER 2 STORMW ATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 9. "Undeveloped real estate" shall mean real estate unaltered by the construction or addition of any impervious surface which would change the hydrology of the property from its natural state. 10. "Retention facilities" shall mean facilities designed to hold stormwater for a sufficient length of time to provide for it to be consumed by evaporation, infiltration into the soil or other natural means. 11. "Residential property" shall mean any property designed and used principally for residential single-family or duplex purposes and developed according to and meeting the bulk and area requirements for residential single-family or duplex zoned property as set forth in the Owasso Zoning Code at the time of development of such property. Page 3 Ordinance #754 Stoml\vater Management 3. The rates established herein shall become effective on July 1, 2003 for all areas within the City on that date. For areas annexed thereafter, the rates shall become operative within thirty (30) days following annexation by the City Council. 2. The impervious surface of all other lots, tracts, or parcels of developed real estate within the corporate limits of the City shall be measured to determine the Equivalent Service Units to be assigned to such lots, tracts or parcels. The developer shall calculate and report the p'roposed impervious area to the Director for each new development. The current Stormwater System Service Charge will be applied to each Equivalent Service Unit or portion thereof. 1. Single family, residentially used property within the corporate limits of the City is hereby assigned one Equivalent Service Unit for each developed lot, tract, or parcel of record with the County Clerk. For purposes of this section, agricultural property, which includes a single habitable structure shall be considered residential property, and agricultural property which includes more than one habitable structure shall be assigned one Equivalent Service Unit for each structure. Provided further, in case of duplex through quadplex developments with two (2) or more dwelling units on the same lot, tract or parcel, one Equivalent Service Unit shall be applied to each dwelling unit. The monthly Stormwater System Service Charge for all tracts with impervious area is determined as follows: SECTIONJ8~JQ2 RATE S,TRUCIlJRE There is hereby established a Service Charge for the use of the City of Owasso Stormwater System at rates hereinafter established; provided, however, that the Stormwater System Service Charge shall not be imposed on the following types of property: 1. Government-owned highways, streets, rights-of-way, parks and open space, and leased uses on government-owned properties; 2. Privately-owned residential streets and rights-of-way, other than driveways; parks and open space; 3. Railroad rights-of-way; 4, Undeveloped parcels of agricultural use consisting of five (5) or more acres and containing no habitable structures. SECTION 18-301 lNTRODllCTIONS AND EXEMJIJIQNS CHAPTER 3 STORMW ATER SYSTEM SERVICE CHARGE It is the purpose ofthis ordinance is to improve the promotion of public health, safety and welfare by providing for, acquiring, constructing, operating, equipping and maintaining within the City of Owasso a Stormwater Management Program and to provide a source of funding for the program. The Stormwater Management Program is intended to: 1. Protect human life, health, and property; 2. Minimize public and private storm and flood losses from stormwater runoff in the City; 3. Provide for development of a Stormwater Master Plan which will define the existing and future drainage system, identify drainage facilities improvements and project long-range capital improvements requirements; 4. Comply with the Phase II StOlmwater Management regulations of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality and the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System; PURPOSE SECTION 18-202 Page 4 nrrlinoY1C"> #7~4 Stom1wuter Management A special fund or funds shall be maintained for the purpose of identifying and controlling all revenues and expenses attributable to stonnwater management services. All loans, grants or funds received for the administration, operation, construction and improvement of stonnwater management services shall be deposited in such fund or funds. Disbursements for costs of data collection, planning, maintaining, operating and improving drainage services and/or facilities shall be made from the appropriate fund or funds. SECTION 18-401 FUNDS CHAPTER 4 STORMW ATER MANAGEMENT FUND 5. All of the proceeds of this Stormwater System Service Charge are deemed to be in payment for use of, and in receipt of benefits from, the City Stormwater Management Program by the real property on, and with respect to which, the charge is imposed to the owners. 4. The City may enter into contracts with other public, quasi-public or private utility companies for the cooperative collection of any or all of the City of Owasso Service Charges. 3. In the case of users of real estate who are not billed for water, sanitary sewer or collection of solid waste by the City, the owner of the real estate or agent of the owner shall be billed monthly for the Stormwater System Service Charges herein established. 2. In the event that any utility account shall become delinquent, water services or any other City utility service may be terminated until all delinquent charges for the use of the City of Owasso Stormwater System, solid waste service, sanitary sewer service and water service shall have been paid in full. The provisions for collection provided herein shall be cumulative to any rights or remedies, which the City may have under the laws of the State of Oklahoma. 1. The Service Charges herein established for use of the City of Owasso Stormwater System shall be billed to each user monthly, along with any bill for water, sanitary sewer, solid waste collection, or other utility services provided by the City, and such penalties as are now or may hereafter be established for the City of Owasso utility service bills. All collecting agencies authorized by the City to accept payment of any City utility bills are hereby directed to advise customers of the provisions of this section. In the event that any person, firm or corporation shall tender as payment of water service, sanitary sewer service, solid waste service, and/or Stormwater System Service Charge an amount insufficient to pay in full all of the charges so billed, credit shall be given first to the Service Charge for the use of the Stormwater System, second to the charges for collection of solid waste, third to the charge for sanitary sewer service and last to the charges for water service. S,ECTI01iJjU04 COLLEC1]QJ~ If any person considers the Stormwater System Service Charges to be inaccurate or erroneous, the owner of the parcel may request a review of the charges by the Director within thirty (30) days of the bill or statement in question. The Director shall respond to the request within fifteen (15) days. The property owner shall have ten (10) days to challenge the decision of the Director to the City Manager. All requests must be in written form ancl no notice of review shall delay payment by th(': due date. The Director or the City Manager may adjust a Stormwater System Service Charge and this action shall be accounted for on the next billing cycle. ADJUSTMENT OF SERVICE CHARGE SECTION 18-303 Page 5 Ordinance #754 Stormwater Management Stephen P. Gray, City Attorney APPROVED AS TO FORM: Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk By: Gary Cochran, Mayor ATTEST: CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA PASSED AND APPROVED this 20th day of May, 2003. Section Three: The provisions of this ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days from the date of first publication as provided by law. Section Two: The invalidity of any provision, clause or portion of this Ordinance or the invalidity of the application thereof to any person or circumstance shall not affect the remainder of this Part or the validity of its application to other persons or circumstances. Consistent with the requirements defined herein, the monthly storm water system service charge may be established by the City of Owasso Council by separate resolution for each Equivalent Service Unit assigned to a lot, tract, or parcel of real estate. SECTION 18-501 FEE SCHEDULE CHAPTER 5 STORMW ATER FEE SCHEDULE Iii. --a \l\1lI4t!f!.~~ l!lI~ Attorney Stephen P. Gray, APPROVED AS TO FORM: Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk ATTEST: Gary Cochran, Mayor APPROVED.AND ADOPTED this 20th day of May, 2003 by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. SECTION TWO: The rates hereby approved shall become effective on July 1, 2003. SECTION ONE: From and after the effective date of this Resolution (as hereinafter set forth), the charges by the City to its customers for the use of City's Stormwater System shall bc $2.50 per month per equivalent service unit, such rate established pursuant to Ordinance #754. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA THAT: $2.50 per month per equivalent service unit. The City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma desires to establish the following rate for the use of the City of Owasso Stormwater System: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ADOPTING A STORMWATER SYSTEM SERVICE CHARGE WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF OW ASSO, AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. RESOLUTION NO. 2003~07 CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA Under Oklahoma State law, award of a construction contract does not require award to the lowest bidder but to the "lowest responsible bidder". It is for the reasons stated above that staff do not consider JLT as the lowest responsible bidder and recommends award to the second low bidder (Magnum Construction, Inc.) in the amount of $85, 1 00.00. Magnum has successfully completed work for the city on previous street repair contracts. The large difference between the JL T Corporation total bid compared to the second low bid and Engineer's Estimate raises a concern as to JLT's ability to complete the work to bid specifications. Although JLT was the contractor for the FY01-02 Street Repair contract, we had much difficulty in completing some repair sites to the satisfaction ofthe city. $ 67,064.70 $ 85,100.00 $ 132,365.05 $ 85,950.00 JL T Corporation Magnum Construction, Inc. Horizon Construction, Inc. Apparent Low Second Low High Engineer's Estimate Bids were opened on April 28, 2003. Three bids were received (see Attachment D) with bid totals (base bid and additive) as follows: BID ANALYSIS: Public Works Department Engineering Division staff compiled street data pertaining to needed repairs in conjunction with the FY02-03 Street Division Capital Outlay budget Residential streets throughout the entire city were inventoried and evaluated using a street management computer program. Sites identified for repair were prioritized ranging from low, moderate to high priority. A total of275 sites were rated as high priority with an estimated repair cost of$1,155,000 (see Attachment A). Due to limited funding in the current year, only the highest rated sixteen (16) sites were adveliised for repair by contract (see Attachments B and C). BACKGROUND: May 9, 2003 DATE: OF I1'Y02-03 STREET REF AIR TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OW ASSO ANA MEMORANDUM High Priority Sites Map B. Contract Sites Maps Contract Sites List D. Bid Documentation Staff recommends Council approval to award the FY02-03 Street Repair contract to Magnum Constmction, Inc. of Broken Arrow, Oklahoma in the amount of$85,l 00,00. RECOMMENDATION: The FY02-03 Capital Improvement Fund Budget included $115,000 for street improvements. Of this amount, $23,396.50 has been expended by city crews for some of the smaller high priority repairs leaving a total of$91,603.50 remaining for contract work. PROJECT FUNDING: HIGH PRIORITY STREET REPAIRS CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION LEGEND PROPOSED 2003 REPAIR PROJECTS FUTURE REPAIR PROJECTS " 3: o <'i I ~ I U o ATTACHMENT A 11 !lm'H IfU ~t~' ~~lJ ATTACHMENT B-1 / HIGH PRIORITY STREET REPAIRS CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION <.:> ~ N I ~ I 13 o PROPOSED 2003 REPAIR PROJECTS 76TH ST N 81S1 _?1!!( " ,.. ~r. 86TH 5T N LEGEND '""' :T- 96TH 5T N 80m 81. 0:: o --1 <{ 52 o ::::1: w ::::1: ATTACHMENT B-2 HIGH PRIORITY STREET REPAIRS CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION HTP ,. (;~} ~ Cl <'i I ~ I U o PROPOSED 2003 REPAIR PROJECTS 96TH ST N LAKE RIOGE "I j:" 65111 i ~r:!" ;;", ~ I ALBEF?L,ONS (' " ''':::, 'j.~ 8,\111 ~ "", J~ ?;'IJ,"!~"'-r'"," 8:JIlO ~~, "'f.: , ',' laM CREEK ",G.l.<Y / tf I j' iEl '" THE GREENS APT. ,) /~~ V}ROST '); , ~?-/ ':( ,...,... ~II llBIL,) ',~.: f ~~ \/' ~ ~ .""~ -~ \ - / ,p()~'~ 82NO J:;"" c., "!i\\l./ /'> a2NO COPPEi'? c '),'" S'V~t81ST~' ~ 1(\ ~ ...... '\, .......< .;.},~ MEADO~I!::. ~'\'tf- --J;c!'~ ~ 81ST /Xc,' '\ ~ ,,,," J '. , , / ~s.J' ... 0/' ", {- , ,'~{:':,;,9 80m _./ 'l> /'\;(';~, q;, '1;' (~ t ' i ...../ '),CIJ .-- \ ,,\ / ,\'5' Bom:<- ' ilsr_ ~",-; ')i~ ':\11 ~-' "" ./ Dr ~ -- _ -'-(o'!!:""" - ,\r~ ""1i$1 ~~~w ,/ >.J l.()) I 'rc .1'J~:\/ '^ 'j.CIJ ~ /~ /"111 cr N I~( '.Co . ~"\ "'0'.<, ~'> ,/ . ~~ iE -- / '<1..7G1il _' ~",_-., ,~\...;;.{'/ ,.,lOr ''''). Tfl or l~~",:: ^ ~ ""'__'~___ ',~ ,~", N 19, - 'C! co 78m . 'j.CIJ~ ~} \3 [L>ROADMooe ': ~ "~1'\> ) \ \__."" "1/11 -1 N ;;! , 'HTS l~lH ", '" " I / '\ ---, ;'(1T~__fh~. .''''''"'1 HE/C" , '=J-e'pKs ~? :;'.."/ J i {. I '"','1\''''' 77TH ill ' ,,' L.._ 'f I \. 7m~1 '''''' ,ijjI ;::. ___ .. Im'l j ) '';;, "~'- "Ii' \; . ,_ '.'; ,() J hi~ p'V ''''\ 2011L$J..., '" ,. \ / \ -- ~">, , d~ , CIJ~ --. ,. 1i3 elf ,. , / r '( J.. '!:. ~ :" \0<.\\:....' '.'. . . J... Q '); .~ 1 \:-'iJ)L~" >ill.. ~ 76TH ST N ).".",/.._L.________.___ t -j.iJl/f] .. "\ . ~.:\ L___ J __ 1_ . ,.__ .~,__ ,__ ____ L~;:Jrf'1"-....."r-----rn'--;-- r r /-- ') 1'15111 PI.. ' }lL: --j I ' ~~.?:r':=:~';~ ,'I \ C" '\ 1 ,. 'I n,lO, 'Ci..( .n,..___,__ '",.. I tLl, Pl 1-1 pr?EST( U\KES 'j LEGEND ATTACHMENT B.-] HIGH PRIORITY STREET REPAIRS CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION '" ~ N I ~ I iJ '" PROPOSED 2003 REPAIR PROJECTS s z a:: -< o 5T N a a:: HALE Ae, GEJ 11 6TH 5T N 126TH 5T N 106TH LEGEND ''''l' -~ II.? \ ~V. ,...,/ ...." IJ; .1 OJ ~~- '"'" ' .~" --~. COUNTr?YS!Dr-..,~'/ ----( \ \ EST. i..JiLLS!OE ~ fJ) SJEED A TT ACHMENT C Description Route Back Route Ahead Segment 10 Deficiency N 95th EAve E 113th St N Cul-de-sac 122AS06 Potholes Multiple 8x12 -- ..- -" Advanced Cracking and N 108th EAve E 96th PI N Cul-de-sac 184AS04 Deterioration 61x6' ~-"-'" .. ..,- Alligator Cracking (15x15, E 98th St N N 107th EAve End of Subdivision 184A512 12x32) ~_.. ' N 109tl1 EAve _" 1 ~.." '~_" Rutting 4x45 E 98th 5t N N 108th EAve "0-_. ~-~~~~~_.~-- ~~--~-~~~---'-- Advanced L;ld\A\IIIY 3x30 4x40, Ash 14th 5t 16th 5t 194A503 23x55 ----.. 14th 5t ..~ 6th S~___~~"...."__..".. Potholes 2.x1, -2X2 Ash .~"""'~, -.. ......,,"- ~--"-"-- ,.. ....-"- Advanced & Alligator Cracking N 1 Hth EAve N 118th EAve E 83rd 5t N 291A504 12x18 ~..- ...... N 117th EAve N 118th EAve E 83rd 5t N 291A504 Pothole Multiple 5x9, 1x2, 2x3 Rutting (Severe Both Sides) N118thEAve E 815t 5t N E 82nd 5t N 291 A526 3x80 ~~5tN N 123rd EAve N 121st EAve 292A508 Advanced Cracking 24x34 Cracking (Advanced & Alligator) N 125th EAve N 124th E PI E 86th 5t N 292A511 8x40,4x40 N 125th EAve N 124th E PI E 86th 5t N 292A511 Potholes (2.5x4.5, 1x1) .., ..- N 125th EAve N 124th E PI E 86th St N 292A511 Rutting & Heaving (25 x5) N 125th EAve N 124th E PI E 86th 5t N 292A511 Utility Patch Failure (3x1) -- N 128th EAve E 85th 5t N E 86th 5t N 292A545 Alligator Cracks 4x28 N 128th EAve E 85th 5t N E 86th 5t N 292A545 Potholes (Multiple) 10x12 Rutting Near Multiple Potholes N 128th EAve E 85th St N E 86th 5t N 292AS45 3x45 Advanced Cracking 3x3, 3x18, E 78th St N N 117th EAve N 120th EAve 293A510 4x18,6x6,3x36 E 78th St N N117thEAve N 120th EAve 293AS10 Potholes 3x3 N 121stEAve Cul-de-sac E 78th 5t N 293AS20 Alligator Cracks 12x20 N 121st EAve Cul-de-sac E 78th St N 293AS20 Pothole 12x12 N 121st EAve Cul-de-sac E 78th St N 293AS20 Rutting 3x200 Advanced Cracking & Potholes N 120th EAve E 80th PI N E 82nd St N 293AS25 12x12 E 80th PI N N 118th EAve Cul-de-sac 293AS26 Potholes (Multiple) 12x14 E 80th PI N N 118th EAve Cul-de-sac 293AS26 Rutting Severe 3x150, 3x175 Advanced Cracking & Rutting N 1Hth EAve N 117th EAve Cul-de-sac 293AS31 (2x226) N117thEAve N 117th EAve Cul-de-sac 293AS31 Potholes Multiple 10x19 FY 2002m2003 STREET REPAIR PROJECT A TT ACHMENT D Q If) 0 0 }=oj 0 0 I:'- ~ If) d 0 \0 r.;;;;"J If) 0 I:'- 0\ \0 00 oo~ O\~ ~~ -< C'l "'"" I:'- ~I I Qf ~ fA fA 01) "0 (\) ...... ~ 0 ] :>. S 4-< 0 ..... 00 (\) ..0 00 (\) .~ ;S ro fr 0 ..... ~ ~~ ..... .d (\) ..... (\) .i:J ...... to (/) .- ...... (\) ~ i 8M8 ~ 000 ;::l 0 ~ u NON 0 ~ O~ 0 :>. N I ,:0 r.;;;;"J 13 OO~ ~ C'l 5 Cf.l ~~ N 0 0 ro 'ro Q Cf.l !-l ro ] (\) NO.,..., ,:0 Q t3: .d 1:: :>. C'l 8 !-H }=oj 0 0 P.. ro ~ ro tH ~ "0 -<:~~M::E~ Q 5 ~ ~ ,E ~ 0 0 .- z ...... 1-4 oB U 0 ro 0 ,:0 !:i :>. :> U :E ""'" 0 !:i~ ..... f-< .,..., 1-4 !:i Cf.l U 0 ~ P.. 0 0 ;::l If) .,..., ~ CI) If) I P.. .,..., ..... u ...... ~ ....... u - CI) 0 Ui >.. u Ii !:i~ (\) -< ~O Q) B ~ ~ 1:'-0 .. Q) "0,:0 en 0 Q) ....... .,..., Cf.l !:i ...... ;::l o .s 0 ~ ~ ..... Ul ,:0"0 !:i 0 ~ !:i 0 ro e 4-< Q) 0 u 0 ,:0 roOOO I U Of-< o [5 U 0 .~ ~::E""" \0 s fr ro (\) o ~ o~ I:'- 0 01);::::' 1-4 Vi Q .,..., !-l Q ...... Q) 8' Ul 0 ;::l 0 u 8 ..2 . 0 Ul M 0 .,..., u ..0 Q) U t.;:: >-<Z,:o~oo N Sb ro ro 8 5 S s S Ul ~ .t:: E-< '€ ::E Sb Q) t::::ot3:...... ro ...... 8' 0 Q) ;::l:;2 .";::: 0 Q) ro u';:::Zo:l~ ::r:: ::E .....l .,..., 0 u......A.402:- ,:0 >-, u -~ CI) ....: u Q) !:: o u "0 ~ Q) E o o ~ 00 M ("'~ fA The staffhas reviewed the submitted bids and the qualifications ofthe apparent low bidder. Based on that review and a check of references, Premier Crete Products, LLC appears qualified to perform the work. $ 65,700.00 $ 73,312.50 Superior Concrete Products (Arlington, TX) Premier Crete Products, LCC (Dallas, TX) In April 2003, contract documents and specifications were finalized, and the advertisement for bids was published in the Owasso Reporter on April 17, 2003. Bids were opened on May 8, 2003 from two (2) companies as shown below, with the lowest bidder listed first. ANALYSIS OF BIDS: As proposed, this project is intended to improve the image of the Fairview Cemetery and block the view of cemetery activities from the adjacent residential neighborhood by providing approximately 1,270 linear feet of six (6) foot high concrete fencing along the cemetery's east and north property lines. The new fence, which will be made to resemble red brick, is prefabricated in 4' -8" long x 1'-0" high x 2" wide sections that slide between slotted concrete posts. Panel sections can be replaced if they become damaged in the future. The contract documents provide for the bid to construct the new fence and to provide sufficient spare parts to replace one entire section (including panels, posts and required appurtenances). In 1994, an ornamental iron fence was constructed along the south and west boundaries ofthe cemetery. A similar project was planned at that time to include a screening fence along the east and nOlih boundaries that would replace the existing chain-link fence with a new ornamental fence. The screening fence was not constructed at that time. BACKGROUND: May 8, 2003 DATE: PRE-CAST MODULAR FAIRVIEW CEMETERY TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OW ASSO MEMORANDUM 1. Drawing 2. Fence samples 3. Bid Form Staff recommends Council award the contract for the Pre-Cast Modular Concrete Fence System at Fairview Cemetery to Premier Products, (Dallas, TX) in the amount $65,700.00. ATTACHMENTS: Funds for this project are included in the FY 02-03 Cemetery Care Fund (Line Item 22-l90- 54200). FUNDING SOURCE: Page 2 Bid Award Pre-Cast Modular Concrete Fence System at Fairview Cemetery SHEET 3 OF 3 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION CEMETERY fENCE PLAN IJ) () Co I () "'" (0 / ATTACHMENT 1 \ \ 25' (FENCE TO PROPERTY LINE) 20'~r (FENCE TO \ TELEPHONE LINE) \ , \ \ \ ~ \ \ f""-- \ \ ~ \ \ (t"\ \ ''-lJ \ \ \ \ +1 \ .==============="'--=~' t') o "- I"-- N "- t') ~ o W u z w u.. N o o N EXISTING FENCE - x- x- x- PROPOSED FENCE ~ \~1 I x I I ..-",,) ..- x ..- /' ~/'//' -L--x -x -x -x - -\ '\<v <<:- G<V~<V "- "- "- "- , "- PROPOSED FENCE "', :I:: 655' , , , , \ ,x \ I I / / / / / / / I I >< I >< I ~I ''----,-'\, "" x "- "- '\, '\, " " \ I , , " " " , "- "- , '- , If'.- I I \ I , I" '\ I ..... ,'~ I ~ i \ I.. I ,! I 1 I I '\ I I,' ----,-- I \' I' I' I ,I I II I 'I" 'I I \ I ! :1 [-- -- I 1------1 - ":-- --1-- --~+-~-_~II-;-- -r------~-----------l- - - - 'W -- 1 i ' I \ \ j<- .. ,,, t \ : I' i , I I' I 'I' \ ,/,,'!\ iL I J 'I I ' \ ' , ' )- "/1 \ I I I \ ( ) I I ~'__ ~ \' / \ I, W / ~ ~____L__L__,_',J-- . I \ L-LL -- J /~ f~17 ?_,_____\T ___~ I-----i~~~;uf _R lED TE LE P H ~,~-~-- LLi '\, \ I 10 . , " " ...... _ ' _, \, . I I IlL .... 1..). 1,4 , 1::l 1 b . 17 J 8 I'" \ I 2C T ____ _L~--[ r ~~F~, ~_~_:O, ~~~~H~~r L1~_~ \' \ \ \ \ \ EXISTING FENCE \ \ \ I \ I -x -x ...L.-.x t ( 76th STREET N \ \ ~ : \ I " / \'-..,~- () / - --________------ ---__ D '}..- ----- >< "- "- "- '", " ..... " A TT ACHMENT 2 .COMPLETE AND ATTACH THE NON-COLLUSION BID AFFIDAVIT TO BID ATTACH BID SECURITY BID OPENING: MAY 8, 2003@2:00 P.M. ~ 7d-~ . Phone 73., 8"';8 tf) '~\tQ/) \;:= '1"O~'1 \ Yf)\ eo\.~aJl L. * Address \ QJIJ,& l nQ-; '~ /)- +rem ~ fZ { u~A€.< K~oc\ h'- c~<s '" Name of Company ~(ti.~ 'I IQ~~_~. Signature \ ~:~ Title I hereby acknowledge that I have read the specifications and that I am legally bound by the statements on the Bid Proposal - Submittal Page. = ~ '"" ,.>> PRE~CAST MODULAR CONCRETE FENCE SYSTEM AT FAlRVIEW CEMETERY BID PROPOSAL - SUBMITTAL PAGE ATTACHMENT 3 1. Contract Extension Agreement ATTACHMENTS: Staff recommends that the City Council extend the contract with Yale Cleaners for uniform cleaning services for the Owasso Police Department for the period July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004, and that the Mayor be authorized to execute the Contract Extension Agreement. RECOMMENDATION: The Owasso Police Department is satisfied with all work performed by Yale Cleaners, and supports extension of the current contact for another year. Mr. Bill Rothrock has agreed to the extension and has executed the extension agreement. On June 19, 2001, the City Council approved a contract with Yale Cleaners for police department uniform cleaning for the pedod July 1, 2001 through June 30, 2002. That contract contains a provision that allows the contract to be extended for successive one~ year terms for a period of up to three years if agreed to by both parties in writing. There was also an extension approved by the City Council for July 1, 2002 through June 30, 2003. BACKGROUND: May 9, 2003 DATE: REQUEST EXTEND CI,EANING FOR THE POLICE DEPARTMENT M. THE HONORABLE AND CITY CITY OF MEMORANDUM Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk Date: ATTEST: Mayor By CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA The City of Owasso, Oklahoma agrees to an extension of the above referenced contract between the City of Owasso and Yale Cleaners for a period of twelve months between July 1, 2003 and June 30, 2004. C /{Jd1l.-..~....... William C Rothrock III Gt/17 /'7 Date:--1I~ () ~ YALE CLEANERS Pursuant to tenns a Contract Services between the City of Oklahoma, and Yale Cleaners, entered into on the 19th day June, 2001 for the period July 1,2001 through June 30, 2002 and extended for the period July 1, 2002 through June 30, 2003, my signature on this document will serve to fonnally and mutually agree to extend the aforesaid contract with the same terms and conditions contained therein for the period from July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004. UNIFORM CLEANING FOR THE n\tVASSO POLICE DEPARTMENT OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA CONTRACT EXTENSION AGREEMENT State law allows for a reasonable charge for research which is normally the cost of the employee's time. The cost ranged up to $17.50 per hour depending on the salary and benefit cost of employee doing the research. The cost of crime reports ranged from $0.25 per page to $4.00 for the first page and $0.25 for each additional page. The number of pages released varies depending on legal technicalities of the case involved. The cost of obtaining a traffic accident report ranged from $0.25 per page to $4.00 regardless of the number of pages. Usually, traffic reports are two or three pages in length. Insurance companies request a number of reports each month and they furnish a self-addressed stamped envelope to mail the transaction. A survey of the various fees charged by area police departments has been completed and we found that the Owasso Police Department charges less than the other departments for copies of reports and fingerprinting of citizens. The fees now charged by Owasso, Broken Arrow, Tulsa, Sapulpa, Sand Springs, Skiatook, Bartlesville, and Edmond Police Departments were compared. COMPARISON: The Open Records Act Oklahoma Statute T -5l-0S-24A.5 allows governmental agencies to charge certain fees for services rendered concerning duplication and research of records. As part of an annual review, the staff determined that the department's fee schedule is well below the normal for such services. To confirm the results of the review, the department surveyed other area law enforcement agencies in order to recommend an appropriate fee schedule. BACKGROUND: April 30,2003 DATE: FEES CHARGED BY POLICE RECORDS SUBJECT: DAN YANCEY CHIEF OF POLICE Fee Survey & Proposed Fee Schedule ATTACHMENT: Staff recommends approval of the proposed fee charges to bring the police department in line with other area departments and to offset the cost of providing the service. RECOMMENDATION: The request is for changes in the current fee schedule provided, however, the policy of waiving the fees for governmental agencies continue. REQUEST: Attached is a comparison of the fees charges by area law enforcement agencIes including the current fees charged by Owasso and the proQosed fee changes. The fee charged for the taking of fingerprint impressions ranged from $3.00 to $lO.OO with the Tulsa Police not providing this service. Taking fingerprint impressions is done at the request of citizens for various state and federal license requirements as well as passports. The Police Depaliment will continue to provide free fingerprinting to parents who wish to maintain a copy of their children's fingerprints for identification purposes. Notarized or certified copies of reports and background checks are universally $l.OO page. Background checks on individuals ranged from $3.00 to $5.00. Normally these are at the request of prospective employers and governmental agencies with the proper releases attached and require responses on departmental letterhead. ~ r;il ~ =l == == I I I I I 0 I ul u I O.l O.l ~r;il 0 0 0 ~ u 0 0 0 0 0 0 -- z -- c.. c.. M M M Z Z M Z ,Q ,Q =l~ E;I') E;I') E;I') E;I') :::l :::l 00 00 ~;a <U E=< 00 ZZ II II ~U Z""'" Z O.l O.l 't:l Oil Oil ~ ~ ~ :., 't:l ~ e.. c.. ~ O.l = = 0 U '" O.l O.l :., :., 0 ~ on U U 0 0 0 O.l O.l 0 r.: Z Z 0 c.. c.. c.. c.. c.. M Z ,..; o 0 ,Q ,Q on on E;I') E;I') . :., :::l :::l N N ~~ rJ'1 rJ'1 Q Q E;I') E;I') Gf') ~ = O.l C c.. ,Q = rJ'1 ~ = O.l C c.. ,Q :::l rJ'1 u Z u Z u Z O.l .c: O.l .,., .... .... O.l Oil 't'l c >. = :., o ..... ~ ~-tlO.l Cc..=", US 't:l O.l O.l = kcl e y ~ Z o If'l I""< (f2 o If'l ,..; (f2 o on .-i E;I') e'<l e'l = = = 5 :., O.l "0 O.l O.l <I) <I) ~ 0 0 o 10 .,., ;S c.. 0 e<l goo 0; 0 e.. 0 c.. o Oc",on one... 0 0 Oy 0,Q 0,Q ..,r ..,r.....O.lN Qkcl on:., M.-i II1kcl 111:::1 it1:::1 (f2 (f2c..~' (f20.l 1""<<1) E;I') (f2 E;l')0.l E;I')'" E;I')'" :::l~a c.. (f2c.. c..,J:::i c.. ~ ~ ,~ == == ~Jl ~Jl ;; "0 ~ ~ on~ 0 one<l 0 00 0 00; 0Q., oc.. MQ., 0 NQ., 0~,J:::i 0 OOy 0,Q 0,Q <> " <> <> n.n <>". <> "-" ""'" Ok I""< Ok 0,..;1", 0 F4 f"lk onW.i on&; (f2~, (f2 (f2 ~ (f2 (f2 ~ (f2 (f2 EJ"l ~ EJ"l ..e:: E;I') .c: .,., .... .~ .~ The Owasso City budget for FY -2003 included a capital outlay allocation to expand the radio system. With the City Council's approval of this budget, staff began preparation to expand the radio system and accommodate all City departments requiring two-way radio communication. During the next eight months the computer based format of the system was analyzed and revised. The new format allows the additional equipment to expand and improve security of the system. The existing radios were reprogrammed to accommodate the additional equipment and provide interoperability. This interoperability between departments will provide safety for all departments by making available direct radio access to the City's emergency services, and the necessary communications in time of a disaster. The new equipment would replace all emergency services, police officers and firefighters, mobile radios, and 70% of all portable radios, leaving l6 portable radios, which are three years old. These radios could be replaced next year with the implementation of a radio replacement policy. The radios removed from the On June 6, 2000, the City Council approved a lease agreement with Titan Towers LP, an Abilene Texas based company, for the construction of a 250-foot telecommunications tower on property owned by the City of Owasso and popularly referred to as the Water Storage Tank Site on 96th Street North. The scope of this agreement recognized the benefit to the City by virtue of its ability to co-locate antennas thereon, and thereby provided for three mounting surfaces in the lease agreement. In May of 2002, the relocation of the antenna system was completed making the system operational with optimal coverage. On February 16,1999, the Owasso City Council approved the purchase ofa new 800-megahertz radio system. The system consisted of five repeater base stations, which was a sufficient number to accommodate all City departments; however, at that time only hand held and mobile radios for the Police and Fire departments were purchased. By June of 1999, the radio equipment was operational with the radio system antennas located on the 100-foot Water Storage Tank on 96th Street North. This site provided marginal coverage, and areas were experienced where no radio communication was available. BACKGROUND: May 5, 2003 DATE: THE EXPANSION SYSTEM SUBJECT: & THE HONORABLE CITY MEMORANDUM Staff recommends that the Owasso City Council authorize purchase of the necessary radios and associated equipment in the amount not to exceed $100,000.00 from the following vendors: Motorola, Total Radio of Tulsa, and Hutton Communications. RECOMMENDATION: Since it has always been the City's intent to provide 800-megahertz radio capability to all city departments, staff requests approval for purchase of additional radio equipment to accommodate all departments. JillQUEST: It is recommended the funding for the additional radio equipment for the expansion to other city departments would be $25,000.00 from the E911 fund, and the balance, approximately $65,000.00, from the approved capital outlay budget for FY 2003. FUNDING: emergency services will then be used to expand the system and provide two-way radios for the Parks, Public Works, Utility Billing, Community Development, Support Services, and Vehicle Maintenance departments. The addition of other City departments is expected to increase the present number of radios by 4l %, which will bring the system to 49% of capacity or 198 radios. Presently, transition teams the affected departments are meeting to finalize plans for the implementation the expanded system. The expansion would not exceed the capital outlay $100,000.00. approved, the expanded system would be operational by August 2003. TWO-WAY COMMUNICATION SYSTEM MAY 5,2003 PAGE 2 Unless there are concerns from the Council, staff plans to place this item on the City Council agenda on May 20th, and will recommend that the City enter into a contract with Fuelman of Oklahoma for fleet fuel management services for FY 2003-2004 at a margin of 8.5~ per gallon for gasoline and diesel fuel. A contract is currently being prepared, and will be executed by Fuelman prior to the May 20th meeting. RECOMMENDATION: Section 7-107 (6) of the City of Owasso Code of Ordinances provides that competitive bidding is not required for "supplies, materials, equipment or contractual services when purchased at price not exceeding a price set therefore by the State purchasing agency or any other state agency hereafter authorized to regulate prices for things purchased by the State,"... . Fuelman holds the State contract for fleet fuel management services at a margin of 9.5~ per gallon, based on the OPIS average wholesale cost of fuel on a weekly basis. Staff was able to negotiate a contract with Fuelman at a margin of 8.5~ per gallon, the price currently being paid for fuel. In September of 1998, GO! Systems was purchased by Fuelman of Oklahoma. Fuelman honored the GO! Systems contract for the remainder of the fiscal year, and the fleet fuel management service was re-bid for the 1999-2000 fiscal year. Fuelman was the successful bidder, at a margin of 8.5~ per gallon. The contract contained a provision that allowed for the contract to be extended for successive one-year terms for a period of up to three years if agreed to by both parties in writing. Fuelman extended the contract for FY 2000-2001, FY 2001-2002, and FY 2002-2003. It is necessary that the fuel services contract be re-bid for the fiscal year beginning July 1,2003. The first contract for privatized fleet fuel services was awarded to GO! Systems on October 5, 1993, following the bidding practices required by law. Contract terms stated that GO! Systems would supply fuel for the city fleet twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, at a margin of7~ per gallon, based on the OPIS average wholesale cost of fuel on a weekly basis. The contract was re-bid each succeeding year through FY 1997-98, with GO! Systems awarded each bid. BACKGROUND: May 8, 2003 THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OW ASSO TO: MEMORANDUM Funding for the administrative services will be paid from the CDBG grant. FUNDING SOURCE: The cost for services is proposed to be an amount not to exceed $4,000. Administrative services to be provided by INCOG include the following: @ Assisting the City in grant documentation @ Conduct of public hearings @ Processing requests for payment @ Close-out of the project The attached agreement has been prepared in order to expedite completion of the project grant. Involvement by INCOG in the past has provided the expertise necessary to ensure meeting CDBG requirements. AGREEMENT PROVISIONS: The Indian Nations Council of Governments (INCOG) has provided administrative services for previous CDBG grants awarded to the City of Owasso. Attached is an agreement for services for the present award. The City of Owasso has received a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) in the amOlmt of $67,132 from the Oklahoma Department ofCornmerce Small Cities Set-aside. The grant for FY2002- 2003 is for construction of sidewalks, handicap ramps and curb repairs in an area generally bounded on the south by 5th Avenue, east by U.S. Highway 169, north by E. 86th Street North and west by the SK&O Railroad. pACKGROUND: May 8, 2003 DATE: THE HONORABLE AND MEMORANDUM 6, 1 0 Administrative The staffrecornrnends approval of the Administrative Services Agreement with INCOG in an amount not to exceed $4,000.00 and authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement. RECOMMENDATION: Attached you will find an administrative services agreement for the above referenced contract. The City has received an annual offer in the amount of $67,132 from the Oklahoma Department of Commerce (ODOC). The State's FY-02 Community Development Block Grant Small Cities Set-aside is the source of funding for the project. This agreement has been prepared in an effort to expedite the completion of the Small Cities Sidewalk Improvement Program. The Administrative Services Agreement will be paid from local funds in an amount not to exceed $4,000. This is the same contractual amount approved by the City to cover administrative activities under the current (FY-01) CDBG Program. In order to maintain progress on the CDBG Project it is the staff recommendation that the City Council consider the following action at the same City Council Meeting in which the ODOC/CDBG Contract is considered. The agenda item should be listed as follows: 1) Discussion and action on INCOG Administrative Services Agreement for 10629 CDBG 02. FEBRUARY 6, 2003 OWASSO CITY MANAGER AND CITY COUNCIL INCOG STAFF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR 10629 CDSG 02 "SMALL CITIES PROJECT" ERIC WilES, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR - - - cc: DATE: TO: FROM: RE: Subject to appropriation and disbursement of funds by the Oklahoma Department of Commerce, and upon presentation by INCOG cost The CITY agrees to pay INCOG as compensation for the services rendered in Attachment A the total sum not to exceed Four Thousand Dollars ------------($4,000.00). INCOG will be reimbursed on a monthly basis and will charge the CITY on an hourly basis for all services rendered. Such compensation shall be paid on the basis of the direct and indirect actual auditable costs incurred in performance of the Scope of Services as set forth in this AGREEMENT. INCOG personnel shall receive compensation at a rate established for each class of personnel as set forth in the approved INCOG Budget and Salary Schedule for the fiscal year 2002. Such compensation shall be subject to adjustment in the total contract amount where monitoring reviews or audits indicate that personnel services were compensated at greater than reasonable rate; or where salary increases for individual personnel are authorized by the INCOG Board of Directors. COMPENSATION TERMS AND CONDITIONS INCOG agrees to provide management assistance, oversight and coordination as specified in Attachment "A", Scope of Services, herein made a part ofthis agreement for the purpose of carrying out the FY-2002 (l0629 CDBG 02) Community Development Block Grant Small Cities Set-Aside Program". OF SERVICES This Agreement shall become effective on the execution date by the on this Agreement and shall remain in effect through the "Funding Period", including extensions, of the FY -2002 Community Development Block Grant 10629 CDBG 02 Small Cities Set-Aside Program between the Oklahoma Department of Commerce, State of Oklahoma and the CITY. This agreement between the City of Owasso, hereinafter referred to as and Indian Nations COlillCil Governments, hereinafter referred to as for the consideration hereinafter set forth, agrees as follows: AGREEMENT FOR ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2 In the event of any disagreement between the CITY and INCOG, relative to the provisions of this Agreement, the details of such disagreement shall be forwarded to the legal counsels of both parties for review and recommendation and such recommendation forwarded to the CITY Officers who shall make the final determination. INTERPRETATION, REMEDIES This contract is subject to modification as may be required by federal or state law or regulations. The work and services to be performed and the contract period may be modified only upon written agreement of both parties. MODIFICATIONS None of the work and services covered by this contract may be subcontracted without written consent ofthe CITY. Any work or services subcontracted hereunder shall be specified by written agreement and shall be subject to each provision ofthis agreement. SUBCONTRACT NOTIFICATION PROVISION GENERAL TERMS AND CONDrrIONS The CITY is contract representative, for the purposes of this agreement, shall be Rodney Ray. INCOG's representative, for the purpose of this agreement, shall be Andy Armstrong. CONTRACT REPRESENTATIVES vouchers and approval thereof by the CITY, the CITY will pay INCOG for the value of work performed for the completion of each month. It is expressly understood and agreed that in no event will the total compensation to be paid hereunder exceed the maximum sum of exceed Four Thousand Dollars ~-~---------($4,OOO.OO) for all services rendered unless written amendments to this AGREEMENT are entered into by the parties hereto for modification the Scope of as set forth I this AGREEMENT. fmal voucher claims arising under this shall submitted within thirty (30) days following the termination or expiration of this AGREEMENT. 3 a. INCOG represents that it has, or will secure at its own expense, all personnel required in performing the services under this contract. Such personnel shall not be employees of or have any contractual relationship with the CITY . PERSONNEL INCOG shall, within limitations placed on such entities by state law, save harmless the State of Oklahoma City of Owasso, their agents, officers, and employees from all claims and actions, and all expenses defending same, that are brought as a result of any injury or damage sustained by any person or property in consequence of any act or omission by INCOG. INCOG shall, within limitations placed on such entities by state law, save hannless the State of Oklahoma, City of Owasso, their agents, officers, and employees from any claim or amount recovered as a result of infringement of patent, trademark, copyright, or from any claim or amounts arising or recovered under Workers' Compensation Law or any other law. In an agreement with any subcontractor or any agent for INCOG, INCOG will specify that such subcontract or agents shall hold hannless the State and CITY. HARMLESS USE If any provision under tills contract or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity does not affect any other provision of this contract or its application that can be given effect without the invalid provision or application. INCOG shall not assign any interest on this Contract, and shall not transfer any interest in the same (whether by assignment or novation), without prior written consent of the CITY thereto: Provided, however, that claims for money by INCOG from the CITY under this Contract may be assigned to a bank, trust company, or other financial institution without such approvaL Written notice of any such assignment or transfer shall be furnished promptly to the ASSIGNABIL.lTY 4 No member of the governing body of the CITY, and no other officer, employee, or agent of the CITY, who exercises any functions or responsibilities in connection with the planning and carrying out of the program, shall have any personal financial interest, direct or indirect, in this agreement, and INCOG shall take appropriate steps to assure compliance. CONFLICT OF INTEREST The CITY may terminate this contract at any time by giving at least 30 days notice in writing to INCOG. If the contract is terminated by the CITY as provided herein, INCOG will be paid for the time provided and all allowable expenses incurred up to the termination date. TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE OF THE CITY Not withstanding the above, INCOG shall not be relieved of any liability to the CITY for damages sustained by the CITY by virtue of any breach of the contract by INCOG, and the CITY may withhold any payments to INCOG until such time as the exact amount of damages due the CITY from INCOG is determined. If, through any cause, INCOG shall fail to ful:fill in a timely and proper manner its obligations under this contract, or ifINCOG shall violate any of the covenants, agreements, or stipulations of this contract, the CITY shall thereupon have the right to terminate this contract by giving written notice to INCOG of such termination and spedfYing the effective date thereof: at least 3Q days before the effective date of such termination. In such event, INCOG shall be entitled to receive just and equitable compensation for any work satisfactorily completed hereunder. All finished or unfinished documents, data, studies, surveys, drawings, maps, models, photographs, and reports prepared by INCOG under this agreement shall become the property of the CITY . b. INCOG has full responsibility for payment of any workers' compensation insurance, unemployment insurance, social security, state and federal income tax and any other deductions required by law for its employees. c. All of the services required hereunder will be performed by INCOG or under its supervision and all personnel engaged the work shall be fully qualified and shall authorized or under state and to such 5 No reports, maps, or other documents produced in whole or in part under this contract shall be the subject of an application for copyright by or on behalf ofINCOG. COPYRIGHT INCOG shall comply with all applicable laws, ordinances and codes of the state and local governments, and INCOG shall save the CITY harmless with respect to any damages arising from INCOG's performing any of the work embraced by this contract in violation of any applicable laws, ordinances and codes of the state and local governments. COMPLIANCE WITH LOCAL LAWS INCOG shall furnish the CITY narrative reports and financial reports related to the elements of this contract in the form and at such times as may be required by the CITY or federal and state grantor agencies. INCOG, at such times and in such forms as the CITY may require, shall furnish the CITY such periodic reports as it may request pertaining to the work or services undertaken pursuant to the contract, the costs and obligations incurred or to be incurred in connection therewith and any other matters covered by this contract. INCOG covenants that it presently has no interest and shall not acquire interest, direct or indirect, in the project area or any parcels therein or any other interest which would conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of its services hereunder, INCOG further covenants that the performance no having any employed, INTEREST OF CONTRACTOR AND EMPLOYEES 6 b. INCOG will, in all solicitation or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of INCOG, state that all a. INCOG will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, creed, sex, color, national origin, handicap or familial status. INCOG will take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, sex, color, national origin, or handicap. Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the following: Employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of payor other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. INCOG agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, setting forth the provisions of this non- discrimination clause. INCOG shall comply with the following equal opportunity requirements as part of CDBG assurances: EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY INCOG shall comply with all applicable anti-kickback regulations covered under Department of Labor Regulations 29 CFR, Part III. ANTI-KICKBACK REGULATIONS INCOG shall comply with OMB circulars A-I10 and A-122 requirements, where applicable. The OMB circulars are hereby made a part of this contract. INCOG shall assist the CITY in retaining all books, documents, papers, records, and other materials involving all activities and transactions related to this contract for at least three (3) years from the date of submission of the final expenditure report or until all audit findings have been resolved, whichever is later. INCOG shall, as often as deemed necessary by the authorized representatives the and its Auditors, Department Housing Urban Development, or Department of Labor and the U.S. Comptroller full access to and the right to fully examine all such materials. RECORDS AND AUDITS 7 g. INCOG will include the provisions of paragraphs (a) through (g) in every subcontract or purchase order unless exempted by rules, regulations or orders of the Secretary of Labor issued pursuant to Section 204 of Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, so that such provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or vendor. INCOG will take such action with respect to any subcontract or purchase order as the CITY, Oklahoma Department of f. In the event of INCOG's non-compliance with the equal opportunity clauses of this Agreement or with any of such rules, regulations or orders, this Agreement may be canceled, terminated, or suspended in whole or in part and INCOG may be declared ineligible for further government contracts in accordance with procedures authorized in Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, and such other sanctions may be imposed and remedies invoked as provided in Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, or by rule, regulation, or order ofthe Secretary of Labor, or as otherwise provided by law. e. INCOG will furnish all information and reports required by Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, and by the rules, regulations and orders of the Secretary of Labor, or pursuant thereto, and will permit access to his books, records and accounts by the CITY, the Oklahoma Department ofCornrnerce, the U.So Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Secretary of Labor for purposes of investigation to ascertain compliance with such rules, regulations and orders. will comply with all provisions 11246 of September 24, 1965, and of the rules, regulations and relevant orders of the Secretary of Labor. c. INCOG will cause the foregoing provisions to be inserted in all subcontracts for any work covered by this Contract so that such provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor, provided that the foregoing provisions shall not apply to contracts or subcontracts standard supplies or raw materialso qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, creed, color, sex, or national origin. 8 1 0 The work to be performed under this contract is on a project assisted under a program providing federal financial assistance from the Department of Housing and Urban Development through the Oklahoma Department of Commerce and is subject to the requirements of Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, as amended, 12 U.S.C. 1701 u. Section 3 requires that to the greatest extent feasible opportunities for training and employment be given lower income residents of the project area and contracts for work in connection with the project be awarded to business concerns which are located in, or owned in substantial part by persons residing in the area of the projecL J. "Section 3" Compliance in the Provision of Training, Employment and Business Opportunities Under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, no person shall, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. 1. Civil Rights Act of 1964 INCOG shall comply with Section 109 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, which provides that no person in the United States shall on the grounds of race, color, religion, national origin, age or sex be excluded from participation, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity funded under the Acto 1 Housing and Community Development Section 109 Commerce, the U.So Department of Housing and Urban Development may direct as a means of enforcing such provisions including sanctions for non-compliance: Provided, however, that in the event !NCOG becomes involved in, or is threatened with, litigation with a subcontractor or vendor as a result of such direction by the CITY, may request the United States to enter into litigation to interest ofthe United States. 9 5. Compliance with the provisions of Section 3, the regulations set forth in 24 CFR Part 135, and all applicable rules and orders of the Department issued hereunder prior to the execution of the contract, shall be condition of the federal financial assistance provided to the project, binding upon the applicant or recipient for such assistance, its successors and assigns. Failure to fulfill these requirements shall subject the applicant or recipient, its contractor and subcontractors, its successors and assigns to those sanctions specified by the grant or loan agreement or contract through which federal assistance is provided, and to such sanctions as are specified by 24 CFR Part 135. 4. INCOG will include this Section 3 clause in every subcontract for work in connection with the project and will, at the direction of the applicant for or recipient of Federal financial assistance, take appropriate action pursuant to the subcontract upon a finding that the subcontractor is in violation of regulations issued by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development 24 CFR Part 135. INCOG will not subcontract with any subcontractor where it has notice or knowledge that the latter has been found in violation of regulations under 24 CFR Part 135 and will not let any subcontract unless the subcontractor has first provided it with a preliminary statement of ability to comply with the requirements of these regulations. will send to each labor organization or representative workers with which he has a collective bargaining agreement or other contract or understanding, if any, a notice advising the said labor organization or worker's representative of his commitments under this Section 3 clause and shall post copies of the notice in conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for employment or training. 2. The parties to this contract will comply with the provisions of said Section 3 and the regulations issued pursuant thereto by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development set forth in 24 CFR 135, and all applicable rules and orders of the Department issued thereunder prior to the execution of this contract The parties to this contract certify and agree that they are under no contractual or other disability which would prevent them fl.'om complying with these requirements. 10 (SEAL) Type Name and Title Type Name and Title Signature Signature ATTEST: ATTEST: Date Date , Chairman Signature Mayor Executed by: INCOG Executed by: City of Owasso INCOG shall comply with the provisions of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of handicap in any programs or activities receiving federal financial assistanceo REHABILITATION ACT OF 1973, SECTION 504 shall comply to the extent required with the provisions of Americans with Disabilities 1990 which prohibits discrimination on the basis of disabled status any publicly funded program and activity. INCOG shall comply with the provisions of the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of age in the delivery of services and benefits supported by federal :funds. AGE DISCRIMINATION ACT OF 1975 1 C. Coordinate and prepare the initial Performance and Expenditure Projection form for submittal to OODC as required and any revisions or modifications, as necessary, during the length of the project. B. Coordinate and prepare all quarterly narrative reports for submittal to ODOC as required. Assist the CITY staff in the preparation of monthly expenditure reports for submittal to ODOC as required. A Coordinate and prepare Requests for Payments to order funds for payment ofCDBG expenses. 3. Requests for Payments and Monthly Reports Eo Prepare and submit Request for Release of Funds and appropriate supporting documentation. Recommend a determination offinding(s) and level of impact to the City of Owasso City CounciL C. Prepare an Environmental Assessment of the project. B. NotifY appropriate authorities of the project such as State Historic Preservation Officer, State of Oklahoma Archeological Society, State of Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality, Environmental Protection Agency, etc.. A. Prepare and publish all public notices. Envirpnmental Review Record publish asSIst at public hearings necessary (as the event amendment). 1. Conduct Public Hearing1i staff will perform the tasks listed below, keeping the City of Ow as so apprised of program progress during all phases of the project. SCOPE OF SERVICES FOR GENERAL ADMINISTRATION ATTACHMENT A 2 A. A Residential Antidisplacement and Relocation Assistance Plan will be prepared in compliance with the Uniform Relocation Act and submitted to ODOC for approvaL 7. R~sid~t::ntial Antidisnlacement and Relocation Assistance Plan D. Assist the CITY in implementing a Fair Housing Program. C. Assist the CITY, if necessary, in responding to and resolving equal opportunity complaints. B Maintain record of public hearings and other opportunities for citizens to participate in program performance and completion. A. Develop and coordinate a continuing citizen participation/equal opportunity planning process. Citizen ParticipationiEqual Opportunity/Fair Housing Assist the CITY staff in maintaining compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local regulations in the project file:t A. Establish project files which contain all source documentation and assist the CITY staff in file maintenance. 5. ErQject File Assist the to ensure with accounting principles in bookkeeping. as Maintain Assist in the development and supervision of accounting procedures and maintenance of supporting source documentation including appropriate journals and ledgers. A. Assist in the monitoring offunds on hand with ODOC. 4. Finan~i<lLManagement 3 B. Assist the CITY in the resolution of audit questions, if any. A Assist the CITY in preparation and submittal of project close-out documents to ODOC, including Project Completion Report, Final Expenditure Report, Final Wage Compliance Report and Certificates of Completion. 9. Project Close-out J. Assist the CITY in ODOC monitoring visit related to project activities and provide assistance in resolving monitoring issues, if any. L Assist the CITY and project engineer with partial and final payment requests from construction contractor. H. Conduct on-site interviews and verifY results with payroll reports. Secure construction contractor's weekly payron reports and ensure compliance with wage rates. Monitor contractor compliance with applicable regulations, such as Davis-Bacon wage rates and equal opportunity. Assi<:;t the and project engineer conducting a preconstruction conference. Obtain in reviewing executed construction contracts for Assist the completeness. and include in bid packet. Secure wage rates ::from A. Assist the CITY staff in reviewing plans, specifications and contract documents to meet ODOC requirements. 8. Bidding/Construction Phase The staff recommends approval of OLS-03-02o RECOMMENDATION: The applicant is requesting this review in order to construct duplexes. The subject property is zoned RD Residential Duplex District. According to the City of Owasso Zoning Code, duplex uses are included within Use Unit 7 (Duplex Dwellings) and are permitted by right. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the proposed lot split at the Apri1301h regular meeting. At that meeting, utility providers and city staff are afforded the opportunity to comment on the application and request any changes or modifications. The Technical AdvisOlY Committee recommended approval of the lot split without condition. ANALYSIS: The legal description of the property is Lots 2 and 3, Block II, Hale Acres Addition. The property is approximately 4/5 acre in size. The existing land use is vacant for the subject property, as is land to the south. Property to the north is occupied by a duplex. Houses occupy land west of the site. Tracts to the east have developed for commercial purposes. PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS: Vines Properties, Inc. has submitted an application to the Planning Commission for approval of a lot split for two lots located on the east side of Hill East Avenue at its intersection with 113111 Street North. The applicant wishes to remove the two lots and create three lots in their place. A general area map is attached. BACKGROUND: May 7, 2003 DATE: MEMORANDUM 1. Case Map 20 Hale Acres Plat 3. Application ATTACHMENTS: PH: (918) 376-1500 FA. X: (918) 376-1597 www.cityofowasso.com III North Main Street P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 CITY OF OW ASSO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT o Vines Properties, Inc. OLS 03-02 GENERAL AREA MAP 4-24-03 j,i BR-'O' fiBE' ";R"3f' iy '~;::;"::'" .._.'_..._'...._....'~. ................._..._J. "I , ,... .... ' ' . ... . i; 'I .., ; , , ; 'I _---' :.....:' , ,-- ,:lTTT ' ; . - I ' I W-LLl" . 1......_A.-___-'.J._..-...J.. I I //:/ ~ r.::'=~ t..-rrrrEE:tJr=I~ r=j::~ ;=::~ --: (TT,-.-.--L~) i , t, ,!I o;('\: I-_.......j ,---I I I ! '. ". .::J ,...,..-( ',-ro" ',..+- ,--'I ' . ' ~ i /, c.<l j_....,_..J :=::-1 ,'-1 :..~ ::~'. \:--'~'..j._;.A,~L.--;... ,..._.c_.._-.-} I I 'I :1 '/j .;)~ r--.~_w~1 j-~ I ! :-L"'(; , r -r."..j f I I I. 1--- '__,__~~~,_'.l r 1 ! i; ,!~)'---"-_._-$ft,._--,---~~.,-u---r--'-I ;=T'\-c'-~" I ii~Lr'~I~~+--'?--'r~~t-l-~..-! --i._.._-"-:---.~.J}i ~;'~'fi-~rn-jJ I , 4 ,./ o.~ ,\0"'" "..--! I \ I ' , I ,I! 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"J' ?_'- .--- ;.)&: lh,x' 1./'7 I FOR CO,\IMISSIO;'I l'SE SL:SDIVI:;ION :HME LOCHION CODE:; T R. L. ",0 PHONE ,ADDRESS to") ...oL.>"t;. . { I certi f1' ~hat this infomlation is true anu corr~ct. PHOClE RPLlC\NT. WI.L\T IS YOUR INfERE1T IN THIS PROPER1Y'.' L2QPRESENT o\VNER LJ PURCHASER 0 ATTORNEY FOR OWNER D OTHER If othenhan present O\\11er. give name. I NAME I ADDRESS address md phone number of present owner, FT. X FT., SEWER SEPTIC OTHER STREET OR STREETS TRACT WILL FACE ~Q U"'-l --r.1- ~~ F1~ _c::: -u 1- c::;&;l ;;;Ji:::tl 0""" ~~ PROPOSED USE OF THIS TR,\CT I LOT SIZE Of PROPOSED TRACT CITY WELL OTHER 1YPE OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL TO BE AVAILAIlLE FOR THIS T1l.\CT SOURCE OF WATER:;UPPLY FOR THIS TRACT INST. RELEASED lEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED TRACT FT. X FT., CITY WELL OTHER n'PE OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL TO BE A V AILAIlLE FOR THIS TRACT i..,,JI J ~(" if.., I t:F .s {) ./':- f/ C F,-. ~.::i we .",..~ ~~ 1-C::: oW :::= ::;- PROPOSED USE OF THIS TRACT I LOT SIZE OF PROPOSED TR.\CT SEWER SEPTIC OTHER ,.REET OR STREETS TRACT WILL FACE SOURCE OF WATER SUPPLY FOR nlls TR.KT INST. RELEASED LEGAL DESCRIPTION Of PROPOSED TRA.CT FT. X FT. SOURCE OF WATER SUPPLY FOR THIS TRACT INST. RELEASED LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED TRACT .{o,riff 3J,],J i Pi'; LeT.l it/V'';} '}'I; if ./V ~.;<L1- t! :]]. J Y , L-L',T .] FQ UW ~';f. ~~ """c::: zY 8~ ~~ C#J~ PROPOSEU USE Ur THIS TRACT I LOT SIZE OF PROPOSED TRACT SEWER SEPTIC OTHER STREET OR STREETS TRACT WILL FACE CITY WELL OTHER 'TYPE OF SEIVAGEDISPOSAL TO BE AVAILABLE FOR THis TRACT FT, FT. X CITY WELL OTHER 1YPE OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL TO BE AVAIL.\8LE FOR THIS TRACT (G.i~' 2,/ JUt.. L&.&:? j c;:::: ~~ ""1 "',-11 - "'" v'.'.. I ~ E- .' ...~., I ~<<<f "",;.:~ r:~ ~tJ :r:W c:::::::: '. PROPOSED USE 01' THIS TRACT I LOT SIZE OF PROPOSED TRACT SEWER SEPTIC OTHER STREET OR STREETS TRACT WILL FACE SOURCE OF W A TER-SUPPL Y FOR TfllS TR.~C'{-."'~~~"''''.~'''''''''-~''''-'~ .u _ . __ _." ," LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED TRACT :\'OTE: Three copies ora sketch. plat ofsufvey or other type of drawing that will accurately depict the proposed split MUST BE attached to this application, LOT SPLIT APPUC.A TION ST R APPI.IC\TION ",0 CITY OF OW ASSO The staff recommends approval ofOLS-03-03. RECOMMENDATION: The applicant is requesting this review in order to construct duplexes. The subject property is zoned RD Residential Duplex District. According to the City of Owasso Zoning Code, duplex uses are included within Use Unit 7 (Duplex Dwellings) and are permitted by right. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the proposed lot split at the April 30th regular meeting. At that meeting, utility providers and city staff are afforded the opportunity to comment on the application and request any changes or modifications. The Technical Advisory Committee recommended approval ofthe lot split without condition. ANALYSIS: The property is approximately 4/5 acre in size. The existing land use is vacant for the subject property, as is .land to the north. Property to the south is occupied by a duplex. Houses occupy land west of the site. Tracts to the east have developed for commercial purposes. The legal description of the property is Lots 4 and 5, Block 11, Hale Acres Addition. PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS: Vines Properties, Inc. has submitted an application to the Planning Commission for approval of a lot split for two lots located on the east side of l1ih East Avenue between l1ih Place North and 113 t Street North. The applicant wishes to remove the two lots and create three lots in their place. A general area map is attached. BACKGROUND: May 7, 2003 DATE: MEMORANDUM 1. Case Map Hale Acres Plat 3, Application ATTACHMENTS: PH: (918) 376-1500 F A.'X: (918) 376-1597 www.cityofowasso.com 111 North Main Street P.O. Box 180 OW3SS0, OK 74055 CITY OF OW ASSO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT o Vines Properties, Inc. OLS 03-03 GENERAL AREA MAP 4-24-03 . :1 I' I: ,,/ ] ! . ~';/ ' -.' . ' . -~ . - -' . '" :::-~:--;.~~'" ..~ ,------.---.--..--.'---.-. ----J.; ~ROEER~ r ," ' '~ i I"I? b ".,~,i~~l~~=;0-_1fS~~D~H=: -;'n,~~:-~~.~~'~f i '. , I' n \$ 1--,.=1 "::=:I \ I \ Cll~" ,----, '-."."..", ,. . '--...-, L..., i .~~ i .Plt' '2"l-( F==~ ~~_:; :;-1 l:(o,~~"(.~---~-t~:~~(:-~::' ~-=:--:::=-~::~I i \. : i//T--"--~$(}-\-::~._'..---'L,~j 'l~nll'-'LI,.Lrril '1"'1--1 i'II"I-'1 II.J. -==r=..-::::;.=t ;,r;"",,, )' '-1 , 1. , ~V' ~ <J I I' "I I ,~ ; '---"i i ~. 1/ ~ -c.c.'13iliSt:N:.L..-~,L--~--'-"" , : I' I '~ I f i ,I , j "'-'-1 ["4-'-. I I . - i -.,.....r I I , '-T-,r'Cll: "1'----1 -----j .-j 'I' I !.I 1---1 Wi I I I U i q,;?' ! 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NO. 27 2 .. Z 7 ,-(') I ccrti fy that this infomlation is true and correct. 1'1I0NE ADDRESS PHONE nPLlC,\;-.JT, W~L\f IS YOUR IN'fERESr IN THIS PROPERTY? ~PRESENTOWNER LJ PURCHASER D ATTORNEY FOR OWNER D OTHER I f other than present owner, give name, I N,\,IE I ADORESS addrcss and phone number of present owner, FT. X FT. SEWER SEPTIC OTHER STREET OR STREETS TRACT WILL FACE E->=1 v~ ....""" 2:..t, E=*W "" 20 ~~ ~c:::l 00 (.;,E- PROPOSEO USE OF THIS TIl\CT I LOT SIZE OF PROPOSED TIl\CT CITY WELL OTHER TYPE OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL TO BE AVAILABLE FOR nllSTRACT SOURCE OF WATER SVPPL Y FOR nllS TRACT INST. RELEASED LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED TRACT FT. X FT. CITY WELL OTHER TYPE OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL TO BE A V AIL,\BLE FOR THISTRACT ,_<.;" f~ & c. tt i t: I:: j' cVTt.J ~ I _ ' """ ~ UE- ::.:;~ C~ ~y ~~ "::c:::l :;:; E- PROPOSED USE Of THIS TRACT I LOT SIZE OF PROPOSED TRACT SEWER SEPTIC OTHER STREET OR STREETS TRACT WILL FACE SOURCE Ur WATER SUPPLY FOR THIS TIl'\CT INST. RELEASED LEGAL DESCRiPTION OF PROPOSED TRACT FT, X SEWER SEPTIC OTHER STREET OR STREETS TRACT WILL FACe LiJj- .~' (n,/jt1 :) J; s j I 1:),- (r' ,I-H ]- ~dl J"" ":r't c jJ:YJ'~1 ,.} J.) '1 {) (- 1=>=1 u~ ~E- ~~ ~:; ",,- -::.J ~~ t:;::Q ~9 F' PROPOSED USE OF THIS TRACT I LOT SIZE UF PROPOSED TMCT CITY WELL OTHER TYPE OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL TO BE ,WAILABLE FOR THIS TMCT 1/ ._'1--~w J SOURCE OF WATER S!';PPL Y FOR nus TRACT INST, RELEASED LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED TRACT FT. X SOURCE OF w:lTER SUPPLY FOR n!lsTR.~c~~----~- INST. RELEASED ,~~~=-==~~~=~-~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED TRA,CT d Ii 1-' ;;:;....~.I.J. t- ".U~:r'Trr tt", \9 7 I) I' Gc,J 7/ JJ(.'U -,J ,..... ~ - "" ...::;:j l;:- ........ ~w ~~ ~y 'lJ~ ~= ~ LOT SI.';E Or PRUPOSED TRACT PROPOSED USE OF THIS T~\CT OTHER SEWER SEPTIC STREbT OR STREETS TRACT WILL FACE CITY WELL OTHER TYPE OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL TO BE.W.-\IL,\BLE FOR TI.lIS TMCT RECEIPT .\0 NOTE: Three copies 0 Ll sketch. plat of surveyor other type of drawing that will accurately depict the proposed split :VIUST BE attached to this application, LOT SPLiT APPLICATION STR .\I'PLlCA TlON \10 CITY OF OW ASSO The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the proposed lot split at the April 30th regular meeting. At that meeting, utility providers and city staff are afforded the opportunity to comment on the application and request any changes or modifications. The Technical Advisory Committee recommended approval of the lot split without condition. The applicant is requesting this review in order to construct duplexes. The subject property is zoned RD Residential Duplex District. According to the City of Owasso Zoning Code, duplex uses are included within Use Unit 7 (Duplex Dwellings) and are permitted by right. ANALYSIS: The property is approximately SY2 acres in size. The existing land use is vacant for the subject property, as is land to the south, east, and west. A single-furnily house lies north of the tract. A tract ofland situated in the north half of the SE quarter of section 9, township 21 N, range 14 E of the I.B.&M., Tulsa COIIDty, Oklahoma, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the SE comerofsaidN/2 SE/4; thence S SS044'4Q" Wand along the S line of said N/2 SE/4 a distance of709.0Z'; thence N 1"20'48" W to a point on the N line of the 8/2 8/Z NEJ4 SE/4 a distance of329.82'; thenceN 88044'40" E and along saidN line a distance 01'708.69' to a point on the E line of said N/2 8E/4; thence 8 1"24' IZ" E and along said E line a distance of329.82' to the point of beginning. The legal description of the property is as fonows: PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS: Owasso Land Trust, has submitted an application to the Planning Commission for approval of a lot split for a tract located on the west side of 14Sth East Avenue about Y-t mile north of 106th Street North. The applicant wishes to divide the tract into two properties. A general area map is attached. BACKGROUND: May 7, 2003 DATE: PLANNING COMMISSION MEMORANDUM 30 Application L RECOMMENDATION: The staffrecornrnends approval ofOLS.o03..04. PH: (918) 376..1500 FA.,'(: (918)376..1597 www.cityofowllilSo.com III North Main Street P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 NORTH Owasso Land Trust, L.L.C Q OLS 03-04 CITY OF OWASSO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT j \ j J I jJ . I / ij' \ iii' J . \. . \ I '1 \ I I , . j III '~~"'''''"T=='l "ct",,,,"J,"",:::,~::;;:,.:;- .. ^,. I .,.1' -- -, ," . .., .., .-- Ii' ! ,... . ~~-- c' -::-'c:. 7'".:- .... \ ) . .,W - \ \' , ' ro,2I-' . J! ~ .\ ~ i . '~i\l' /;:' I \,'. i: \1 f I ~ f JJ , .. I~ I~ I~ ./ .. :Ii~ ,,,ej i,~ 1'111- :I~ i~ ,I ;! 31 I :1 .'1 fil '! i 1 I i i 'I 'f 'I ; ! , ,....-- i i t i 1 GENERAL AREA MAP 4-24-03 @ ~ ~ ~Ii;~ ..1 ':~. "" .. ."..... rfiiJ'.of9l1'f!S??..,.".,.., ..,....j II -..111 Tulsq County . II'" "'l I li~ I ! I . I II' I' '" ,'! . ;; I ': i, ! ',I 'I 1 i ~_~~._~_~~.__.~___._J \~ I (\ --I r-.~---~-~-~~~---.lll '; j,!.., "'} I II :;' I' I' ! ! , " I Jl I j 'j I, 'IL.-...----- I ! L___._I ,~!tr.k:o:l!~_: II ~ '" I 1 ~ u/sa County II '--.---T'------! j' ,\, II i,'.r. ( \ ~, i ! t i 1"\ 'I I I 1 i . I I \ ; " .~ ...... . .....;,.1 ! I ; i . i" "Ii I i ijf' i 1 . I ' , . , I i f t. : i --I : r-I I---~ I ! / J ' I ~ I, I _.,:_" ',i~. ,j j.' i J i E.. l06th Sf.. N..l---L-o,-,t. L____, __~ , ..~~=--;...--!I-::=--;- ..--.:::..-..~::-.n p' ':"-~-i=="'-:'-::".-- Ii i I I I !! db 'I.-.--i----I--~-_.: ,'-'--; / CO\~ ~ I I , I I, J G"eP; , \ 1 I { ,\ T' Iii ! : :, / / I ....--.~-.-,:---'--....--'-.--...-'---..-.-I /. f'. i ;-u--l--~-r---.-j--~--r.~--'-:--.-l .'..J . I 1 I ',1 /' 0J::.Z, \\0 Oo.'i'i0 N'.. ~ !~i;1 ~ ~I'I II IS =B;;ib II !lI~S llt~ g~ bB~;1 !~ \lb=b IJ~ aD B~j~lI a3 i!~~ be! i~ Iii;; ~ j!I~! i Iii V ~ ,,~~;J ~ ~d~1 ~ 13 ~ 911 :;!ii ~1I bU~~ ; ;~: ! ~b ~"I:I! ~b ~.lI9 ~ ir ~ I~ !!~:~ g I~ ~~~;I ~ i Ii; I ~ ;!I ii!i~; :!I i;j;:; ; 9;! i i ~1I~ )1i~"~ B 5 li;~ !:;~3 8 g hll e ~ ] ~;8 a '1M S ! ;In i &~;! ~ u~ An ~ ~ :g. an I~" ell I 2 I =3i~i I =ti BlI~ I ! l! ~..., Ii! ft B t." "i'J ....~ A lib i I ! !!I illl! ; ~ mill!!; I!! ,!i ~ ! I ;!j 5;: M ~{l ~ Illl ! ~~llB f ~ ~ :lIh ! 5 ~~i'J!! ": ~ ~ ~~Il S 3, ~ J!=I I Ii!! i M: ~ iU! Jl Jdt> ilili 1 !! t ~ m ~Im ~1! it..( '1 ~ r b ~ I~il l~imU~i~ '" ~ si!i~t~i"~~~ .J $ Ii ,ZII'/1I2 JlI .,gp.flI!lJ M ~ 0-1 ~E5, l 'r-]--:' i j .'.., \' .....:. >..;' tti{.._ I ,~~ /1._ ~~ -- ~...!' ~ ----==t--- I - 113m IRXIN - ---...j....--- - ' ......' . I ---- -~ I ------------ I -f\'" -' """"'1m"'" I I ----~-_rl-- I I ~~-- I : i'- I I : \ I I ~ I! J J ~g b" I I l\ JM II""""?'" 1 ~ r---1 """,,'" 1 II I I ",,,,"" 1 I ,/"'-"'" I I I ",,/ ~/"..t' I ",,,,,,,, /"",,- I """'~/"'""t,,,,~\~// I ","" \ I "," ,p."p I,/'" % ?""",~o 1/ I//f" s /,,/1\ I ,," /' I ~>/ r"''''?"" ",'" ?"" ,#',;##""" 13 ,,/ I: \1 I .. I ~i" I "';:; i~ I "' I I I I \-.&L I {I I ~ I ~ I "' i;;~ ei:: ...iIJ " ,cQ ~ ~ _ e ~ \- ~ I \\ ./''\.- - "" j IF ~ i ... >> ~ J~ ~ w ~ z ~ :S ~ UTlblTV [AIia:.MI!NT N@:&:t.:U; I.......".. l!>T"'<<n ..,,"'... ""QU'''OC''~''H ACTION TAKItN mv THO: "'l.ANNING COMlMH'MiIIiON ACTION Ha:CDMM(NDItD TO THi: ?~d!,NN ING eOMtsh5li\HOM :ZONING M@:OUJ#9ml>4t9'I'<4Y o OTHER LOCATION C;:COr. Qi.T.A hfl,UmOIVISION NAME! !.. NO 1"50 LAND TR~sr; LtC [027;2-53:33" o .J!,,...,v 2. U /) I OwAC;:;;i) I OJ<- 7L,iOSS PHONE I certify thot this informotion is true ond correct. i'\~.k,v..\", If other than lJi'eHm ~, gi"", _. addreu and ~ numb!llr ot pqlK<lnt owner. "HONE o A TIORNEY FOR OWNER Fi FT, X 'N'I'E"Itl!T I.. TH'll> I'IIOI'EI'I'I''''' PRESENT OWNER bOT IUlE OF PI'IOI'OIU!:l 'l'IIACT PI'IO"<;I""I> U15!!: 0.. THI15 TIIACY FT, X NST. REl.EASED! !>ou",,,,,, <;I" ""A'I'IU' !!lUI'I'"v HII'i TMlffi TI'I"CT DeITY ...a U'" <(PO lilJ:~ ...... III %4.1 ...... ~... s;)0 "'po DWelL 0 OTHER ""''''t!. ell' I!IEI>II""I: Illll"CI!>AI.. TO 011: "w""."...." '01'1 THill 'l'1'i"CT o SEWER -.. SEPTIC 0 OTHER ..T'UtE,. OR 51"Rft&:TS TRAGY WILL. FACE F' l.EGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED TRACT LOT mn.E OF' PJAOPOtU:o yFtAC'f ~~apOSii:D uru; 0'- THIKII TJtACT SOU"C~ OY WA"fU;;W JilJP~I"V v@~ THIS TRACT o CITY 0 WELL 0 OTHER T""t!. ew 1111:1>1I"'''11: Ollll"ClSAb TO 1111: ..WAILAIlI..II: '0.. T"'lI T""'C1' D SEWER 0 SEPTIC 0 OTHER IITAE!!:T CIA lIiTl'ilU'I'!I TIIAC1' WILb '''CII: ...E U... .,g.( I!M:... .....: &:IY lilJ:'" _<lI % ...0 Po - - I logS FT. X 3~O $OUACg @f W&'i"EA f1UPIl:9t.,v FOR "WI!; ?n&i T DCITY 0 WELL mOTHER rzGU Ot:f 3 WI T...",!!: OF Ii 1&"".. "'It OIS"QlllAb TO WI: AV"'LAiIll.l& 'OR ""1$ 1'''''CT IN~T. I1EUASE lEGAL DESCRIPTION Or PROPOSED TRACT ba~Hi Jl! .....,POilliEO T"'C1 2.7t) FT, X 2, 7D F' N~T. IUU,A5E U:GAl DESCRIPTION OF PROPQSED TRACT "lA,~ .\ 1) l! ! 1 I po... :.... :':0 p I -UGAI. DESCRIPTION OF PROPosm TRAC! ~ &\\:/1) I 'f I If ...01 ~" I ,.g<t po~ ~y %... (jg, 4.1 "'0 ""'Po -~ NST. IUl.EASED, ""O"Ollttl T""'cr PAOPOSEC UiSlt OF 'TN Us 'fillJAF"'? PsD S(.!to~f.t~V) SEWER 0 SEPTIC 0 l!:Y OR "''fAItUI! TI....CT ""11..6 N I LJ.s~ r;; Ay ==""===~- vou Ii' .J)WD.SSO LaM '-T~LAs,,+ IJ-Lc. tf[c,h.L. Ofl:&CRIP"fION Of JOUSTING UNOIVIDED "i'fflAC'f. THAT h! == - NOH: Three copies of a sketch, plot of surveYor OIher type 01 drowing thot will accurotely depict the proposed split MUST BE JI"~"II:'''T NO otlcll:hed to this applicatIOn, _ :::::::: . - "'"--=.:; ,- ,j~ fOllOWING INfORMATION IS TO BE SUPI'LIED !I'( APPLICANT - ""....T I~ THE ....ESENT U"I: O. THE T""'cn ~ ~f')(]fOO$€ NAe,Alr Of R€COMO CH!JN[R THE lOT SPUT APPlICATION $ T " OL5 ..-'()3 ~o'l APJ:9l..lC.AfION NO '1,.,11 I .....i ....,,"#'i.;),:;)\J The applicant is requesting this review in order to accommodate commercial development. The subject property is zoned PUD/CS (Planned Unit Development/Commercial Shopping District). The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the proposed lot split at the April 30th regular meeting. At that meeting, utility providers and city staff are afforded the opportunity to comment on the application and request any changes or modifications. The Technical Advisory Committee recommended approval of the lot split without condition. ANALYSIS: The property is approximately :five acres in size, The existing land use is vacant for the subject property, as is land to the west. Houses lie east of the tract. Property to the south is occupied by a dental clinic and a church lies to the north. The legal description ofthe property is lots 1,2, and 3, Block 11, Preston Lakes Addition PROPERlY CHARAClERISTICS: Preston Lakes, LLC has submitted an application to the Planning Commission for approval of a lot split for three commercial tracts located on the east side of 1451h East Avenue about Y2 mile north of 86th Street North. The applicant wishes to simply adjust the boundaries of the three properties. A general area map is attached. BACKGROUNQ: May 7, 2003 DATE: MEMORANDUM 1. Map Copy of portion 3. Application ~ TT ACHM:.E1ffS: The staffrecornmends approval ofOLS-03~05. RECOMMENDA nON: PH: (918) 376-1500 FA-\:: (918)376-1597 www.cityofowasso.com III North Main Street P,O, Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 CITY OF OW ASSO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Q Preston Lakes, L.L.C OLS 03-05 GENERAL AREA MAP4-24-03 , , ! , i i ! l. 1;--1 H...----~-l-~----1---~---!.--...-I.'--.-..>-..T--- ,; , .; I 'i! ,~"~-, / I ! _,-.-J ': I I ! ; I I :"_1~~'"]:"~~:"~~;~-(<";;:\~=-~f~7L~l:,'~::jt~-:j,_.. 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L. ~ ._L,L!~Og~~S_C::~4JI!~h.c:L"",,-L__&:Ls;3 SUBJE CT ".__~" _.~'_ '_. ,:.'~. ..,.,."r., .. '.'., ''', "CityofOwasso i /' .. " , !~ ~ PROPERTY ~ ~ I .'. I / Ii ~.Lr I ;..1 I I 'I I I I I' i i ~~ ~ n1' I '\ ,or 1: l I Y ;: 1 )---'--_._- ~'(#\Ol l r: 11= ! i I ~; I~- I I ,I_ I '" I' I ~ !~ 11--,. I \---/~ ! //'i I; IL.. , " I. I,d i \ / ..." r-j .i i.r"- I '" l ~ I ~ ~. I I .-j E.. 86th':St.. N.. .... ...'OtyqfOw~,,': :r '~.. .....',"....m-.~...... ',...,."..,..-,...,.. ",,-,,'-"..l_~I-""'--'~"=--CrROgcrs'e:oUnVi.' '-...,....----r-..---c.=:-..:: . I C I} '1 /' Ii.. . -/ " / /1 , L__, I /....-....::~......; i ,. r';""'--:r---~ : : :--(,/ ~r~t)-. ! \1., ///i \ \ i-~ I 'i-'---\ \ "" \ (y I I /\ ! i-t ,';-1'-1"'-:":--': ~-r-(X \.J-, "--~I I i i I I I ._.~.i I I I ~\~ ~~.~ ,- , \ \ "if> lf9 g I ~ 0 ~ I~ .ti M i UJ I , 8~ I ~~ 1 ==--== ~ 0 l@ z r:---~ w I -~ ~ ~ .... 0 ~I"'il N . z I 0. _.n~ :::I~ p.; 1ft 1ft I r,!! !OO9-n~ w tn ..J 0::: I ~.en~ z w 15.71 $" i- f5: tlZE::: .,1 ::J OJ I r. 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'00.00 105.00 100.00 100 00 -- ~- ~ =- ~ """ AI 1::__1' . r:i IT' (- T '^ 0 L.r-o 11 n~ \rLA ~ +--\Jas~ ..- N - 8 .n C"O - <:) N ..... -\~ o . ~~ .... <<:lO <iO Z l t'n:~z Jmvv.oo.O$ a~U B: \IE: - 9U5 ~ j DAn ACTION 'fAKKN mv YH~ PL.ANNING CO"" "UlION ACiJON b':Qi:COMe.lllNDttO 1'0 'fHE ?~ANNIN(; C()MMtS~IOM Hti:Al. TH OIlF'T P<H!i.O~ Ul'Jbl1'V lKJUH.!::irU:NT NllltOts D A ITORNEY FOR OWNER iONlNG Mlt'HJ.~m>cl.a6~'f I. ..'" ADf'''''......... Pu tby..2.4C J ()WO ~SO!O I certify thot this information is true ond correct" o OTHER If orher thon lli'ewnf -.., giw name, Clddreu and ~ numbe. ot lli'lOUlnr """""'r, Fi, X 1", AS APPLICANT. WHAT 115 VCHJR INTKWKl!5T IN TH.$ P"ftOPI'JqTV? PRESENT OWNER D PURCHASER 1.0'1' tllU: (IF' I'1'I01"0l!;1I:0 TRACT I'ilOl"Ollll!:D UIIl!: 01" nUl!; TilACT &mO 1.1'" .cPO ..:~ ..... II< XU ~... g... 00 ..."" DeIlY DWELl.. Oonm~ '!"VI"l!:. 01" IIl1:WAGlI: OIIll'OIlAI. TO Ill!: AVAII.AIIII.l!: VOR '1'1<111 TRACT o SEWER 0 SEPTIC 0 OTHER lI'1'''IUn- 0811 IiITIIII!UII TIIIACT ""1.1. VACII: u ~ V'v\.~ Ire:. t 0. f' NSi. IUI..EASE~ 1I>0U!'ICl!: 01" ""AUIIIIIUI'I"I... 1"011I nus TRACT UGAl. DESCRIPTION OF PROPoSED TRACi 50cJ FT. X .::$bo F' bOT &\IZI( or PftOPOi\ICD 'fNACT p'ooaesoSIED umlll 0,. l'HIS TIfUIICT Lo+ t Blb~ 1\ I less Q,Y\cl ey::re,t- -Ih!2 N(}r~ g2.~8 I of -+he wP~ '2-00<< i>-t L('d~ 3<< B loJc.11 PrtrshY' Lctlc~ OOF Fi, X Co VV\...,.,4 rt:..lq ( 5@URJ:;l!: @I" ""AVgR 5UI""1. V 1'0'1 VWI5 "'''' T DWELL 0 OTHER TVI"e: @F IU:W"Ge: D'I!ll'O!l;"1. T@ !!lit INSi. JUUASE lEGAL DESCRIPTION of PROP05EO TRACT V..S 1.1", :~I Im>..: 1.1 ~ ""... -00l ::1:0 10>"" [] CITY 0 WELl.. 0 OTHER ~:~::WAOO~::~I; TO~~:~;!!ll.g Vow TWIS T'I"I:;T STftIU'!" Oft S'fIllI:US TIIACT WIl.l. VACl!: g 't-H1..sf N FT. X Zoo F J41 t,gy mn:.oc O.!f ~AOpa1bI'tO TRACT o ~ Lo't Noriv\ 8 g ef/) liYT 31 BfoLLlf LJ). be s /30 -, OF PROPOSED TRACT I LEGAl. DESCRIPTION tJS '"1he. N~r"~ <(1= e:~ 1\ + &:!lU S; I W4i'~+" ;;200 I "'Cl R ""1m> (' e. "S11J V\ =~= I.QT l1lDU OF "W@I"Ol1lUl 'TRACT ""OI"OlliIl:D UII>II: 01" T"'1!l '1'11I""" l1l@YI'lCr;; @W W"Tlll'l @,UI>I>I.V worn '1'14811> TrnA!;.. ,tzc~~~_~__~~~", ~I!.!:IW IlIl:WAt;t 01111'011."1. HI lit """'I.Al!Il.i& Hl~ TI<I~ 1'''''<::;'1' [1J.SEWER 0 SEPTIC 0 OTHER STOOItIl:T 000 S'fIllIte:TlI 'I'IIIACT W'-'1. F~- III Sth NST. - MOTE: Thrt'e cop"~S of d" sketch" plot of surveYor other type of drowong thot ",ill occ:ur~tely depIct the propmed split MUST BJI"~Cl!:II"T NO affoched to this applicatIon. ::::- -=- ~:~ THE FOllOWING INfOIlMA TION IS TO 8E SUPPLIED I!lY APPliCANT - =~ ~"'~o..\L~s L.L~ I."'~" ,"......","" 0".0..,,; Jl'"".",,"" """",,,", """"'0'"''''', ,.",,"" NO"""" '" ."" " ".W" "N 'N, '''0", "' 'N' '""",' "'"' ____ -\ L 6lo~::d:on LgJ:~G'''Y1+-1 ~____ LoJr LOT SPUT APPLICATION s v .. ^I"POl,.,tc::'A liON NO "'lFd1I'f1W""'~'bJJ~ ~ao II The tract is approximately 30.65 acres in size. The existing land use is vacant/agricultural for the subject property. Surrounding properties display a mixture of agricultural and residential uses. The subject tract is currently zoned AG AgriculturaL A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (NE/4) OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (NW/4) OF SEGnON SEVENTEEN (17), TOWNSHIP lWENTY -ONE NORTH (2 IN), RANGE FOURTEEN EAST (14E), TULSA COUNTY, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNIl'JG 550' SOUTH OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER (NE/4) OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (NW/4); THENCE WEST 395'; THENCE SOUTH 770'; THENCE EAST 395'; THENCE NORTH 770 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAlNlNG 6.98 ACRES, MORE OR LESS; AND BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (NW/4) OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (NE/4) OF SEGnON SEVENfEEN (17), TOWNSHIP TWENfY -ONE NORTH (21N), RANGE FOURTEEN EAST (14E), TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA THENCE SOUTH 1,322.72 FEET; THENCE EAST 330.63 FEET; l1IENCE NORTH 1,322.76 FEET; THENCE WEST 330.42 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAlNlNG 10.02 ACRES, MORE OR LESS; AND BEGINNING 395 FEET WEST OF THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (NE/4) OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (NW/4); THENCE NORTH 770 FEET; THENCE WEST 717 FEET; THENCE NORTH 550 FEET; THENCE WEST 28 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 1,320 FEET; THENCE EAST 745 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, ALL IN SEGnON SEVENTEEN (17) TOWNSHIP TWENTY-ONE NORTH (21N), RANGE FOURTEEN EAST (14E), TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, CONTAlNlNG 13.54 ACRES, MORE OR LESS; The legal description of the property is as follows: PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS: The Bailey Ranch Investment Group has submitted an application to the Planning Commission for a rezoning of property located on the south side of 106th Street North about 1;4 mile east of Gmnett Road. The property is proposed for RS-3 single family residential classification. A general area map is attached for review. BACKGROUND: May 5, 2003 DATE: ERIC WILES PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF OW ASSO MEMORANDUM 1. Case Map 2. Site Drawing 3. Notice of Public Hearing 4. Application ATTACHMENTS: The staff recommends approval of OZ~03-04. RECOMMENDATION: Staff has no or 1lJ, opposition the Letters were mailed to surrounding property owners on April 1 2003 and the legal advertisement was published in the Owasso Reporter on April 17, 2003. The Owasso 2010 Master Plan identifies the subject property as having a fhture land use of residential. Accordingly, staff finds to be consistent with the 2010 Master If the application is approved, the subject property would be zoned RS~3 (Residential Single Family Residential High Density District). Then, the property would be available for residential development. ANALYSIS: PH: (918) 376-1500 FAX: (918)376-1597 www.cityofowasso.com 111 North Main Street P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 CITY OF OW ASSO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Q Bailey Ranch Investment Group OZ 03~04 GENERAL AREA MAP 4-10-03 "O~""'1("'~""'ii'-- , T' C "-i"--:'~~ "r" ""," " , 'il Iii"! I i I: '! .-.'I'.-------------.-~ ' I q i ' \ 'I :I i 1 j i I II i !!' \i 'i ! I I I Ii' : I' I' ~~! 1------------l---.1 ---------,1.---'-----;----.1..+-----1..- ---1--------,,[ 'II . _.___on______._, .' I' I " ' I ---,---- ------.., -- , ' ' ~Il------..--i -------11-----,-------I---.------r----------1 : ~I'I ' p '--- _ --- _1____ __n , I "W' ,I ,I I : Tulsa County ! -- - __iL_u_ H_ , I ,- ----I '" " II, ' ____=,I,~__=_<'!3_ =:'{. <J ,ll ",,'I ",,'1 ~.).J .PI N..H I II !- ~ --- -[-------1 ! ;;;;.till I' \,' (Jty,o-P-Owasso: --n'""T-1 ]-r.--[..l-I-~-f"'~~: __I --- .. __..1 -- - c I'! =!!I,.,'.-!.-::LL/i'~~,.rL.!,U.LUJ.LL--,l-LLJJJ..!/,~' II 1-----11 ---I 1"':" ---']r ~illl[I~_ I-ul- i -11-II'-I~-:Ji-l':.JIj---)c::~II-I\-; II I II f-- -u-;7-----; ,i , ,1 I - ".I~ -- i r, I~ I I " , I I" [_ !.:-::p En-'v'/ ,) \~.....J J-.:~ -"';f:--r...~ [-1-1 ,=- '--,-i ,---- J -. -' I--! 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I I ' 'I j J,;' // /- \ ~l<-)JI '14 In,'}} ~_::.';l. in :\JF. i'i'::. .':~: \!\",'/ , , , ,/,// ,/,/ " " , , , . ,/ ,/,/ ,//~ / ,/ / ,/ ,/ , ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ / " /,/'/'/'///'/ 1, " " " " " " " ,//,/,/,/,/,// ,/,//'/'//'// ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ / ,/ ,,- / ' / / / / / / ,/,/,/,/,//,// ,,/,/,///// / ,/ / ,/ ,/ / ,/ " ,/ ,/ / ,/,/,/,/,/ ",//,/ ,,//" ,/,/"-'/ /1/ // // // ,/' / ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ / ,/ "","/ " ,/ / / ,/ ,/ ,/ / ,,/'/'" /,// ///////' ",/,,'//'/// / ,/ ,/ ,/ / " ,/ ,/ " ,,/ ,," ,/" // // t,/'/ ,,/ " " " ,/ ,/ " ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ /' ,/ ,/ ,/ / " / " ,/ ,/ ,," ,,/ ,,/ ,/,/ " " / ,,'/ ,," ,/,/ ,/ ,/ " ,/ ,/ " " ,/ // /"'s c.; . b /// :'1 / J I I ././'1..,/ I ,.j. i\ :' ,!:. ::~:r~\r';~ . )'''1..; ocl '"~ ~-. ~ 1 t'" ': ~ fW,43 ~~ ~ld / ~~ ~''fJ ~~ ill F123 '~h ~~lJ lj f r..f' "I}. " ~t ?r: talOn lOt ~X'~D~; The property is further described as lying approximately 1,320 feet east of the N. Garnett Rd. and 106th St. N. intersection. BEGINNING 395 FEET WEST OF THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (NE/4) OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (NW/4); THENCE NORTH 770 FEET; THENCE WEST 717 FEET; THENCE NORTH 550 FEET; THENCE WEST 28 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 1,320 FEET; THENCE EAST 745 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, ALL IN SECTION SEVENTEEN (17) TOWNSHIP TWENTY-ONE NORTH (21N), RANGE FOURTEEN EAST (l4E), TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, CONTAINING 13.54 ACRES, MORE OR LESS~ AND BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (NW/4) OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (NE/4) OF SECTION SEVENTEEN (17), TOWNSHIP TWENTY-ONE NORTH (21N), RANGE FOURTEEN EAST (14E), TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA THENCE SOUTH 1,322.72 FEET; THENCE EAST 330.63 FEET; THENCE NORTH 1,322.76 FEET; THENCE WEST 330.42 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 10.02 ACRES, MORE OR LESS; AND A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (NE/4) OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (NW/4) OF SECTION SEVENTEEN (17), TOWNSHIP TWENTY-ONE NORTH (21N), RANGE FOURTEEN EAST (14E), TULSA COUNTY, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING 550' SOUTH OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER (NE/4) OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (NW/4); THENCE WEST 395'; THENCE SOUTH 770'; TIffiNCE EAST 395'; THENCE NORTH 770 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 6.98 ACRES, MORE OR LESS; At that time and place, consideration will be given to the proposed change of the zoning classification of the following described property: Notice is that a public hearing will held the Planning Commission, the Owasso Community Oklahoma, at 7:00 on the 12th day of May, 2003. APPLICATION: OZ.03-04 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC OF A HEARING ON A PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA City of Owasso Community Development Department Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 10th day of April, 2003. A map showing the proposed rezoning accompanies this notice. F or more infonnation on the proposed rezoning contact the Owasso City Planner, City Hall, III N. Main Street, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055, or phone (918) 376-1543. The City Council's review of the recommendation of the Planning Commission on the proposed rezoning shall be at a meeting time and place to be detennined by the Council, said information to be available from the Owasso City Planner. the event that is whole or in part, by the Owasso Planning Commission, Planning Commission shall submit its recommendation to City the City of Owasso for its consideration and action, as provided by law. All persons interested in this matter may be present at the hearing and their objections to or arguments any or all the matters. To be considered is a rezoning of approximately 30.6 acres, more or less from AG (Agricultural General District) to RS-3 (Residential Single Family High Density District). OPC MEETING DATE APPROVED DENIED SUBMITTAL DATE_ FEE RECEIPT NUMBER Fee Schedule 0- 0.99 acres $75 1- 4.99 acres 100 5-19.99 acres 150 20 + acres 200 · ~ f OWN Please submit the completed application form and application fee alo'ng with a Certified 300' Radius Report (available from an Abstract Company) to the Owasso City Planner on or before the Planning Commission submittal deadline as shown on the official City of Ow as so calendar. The applicant and/or the applicant's consultant should attend the Planning Commission meetings at which the Supplemental Zoning will be reviewed. Name apd Address of Record Owner _, \'Y\ d<:e S h.ar p As applicant, what is your interest in this property? DPresent Owner DAgent for Owner fSdPurchaser DOther DAttomey for Owner ~~~~~=-====~~~ GENERAL PRESENT ' PROPOSED ./1()/ LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF LAND UNDER APPLICATION (If by metes and bounds, attach plat of survey) 0~i~~~:~;/~!~::.'~<~' , /....1 \ I.. -.', ~ /4'.;('-.J \~_'(~. "T. i f \. ~, _ ~\L~ '.: ". / :., ... ~ i*i \: ""'_\fr,[~ . j.* - : \ \:..$~~~/ i' "'-., -,/" , / ~~~?'~;~~~1~~\\~.- ' P.O. BOX 180 OWASSO, OKLAI-fOMA 74055 (918) 272-2251 FAX (918) 2724997 CITY OF OWASSO The tract is approximately 5.25 acres in size. The existing land use is vacant for the subject property, as is the land use for properties to the north and to the east. Land south of the site is occupied by apartments and land to the west holds a medical clinic. The subject tract is currently zoned AG Agricultural. BEGINNlNG AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID NE/4 NW/4, THENCE SOooOT 18"W ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF THE NE/4 NW/4, FOR A DISTANCE OF 550.00 FEET TO A POINT, SAID POINT BEING A NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 1, BLOCK 1, "THE GREENS AT OWASSO AND THE OWASSO GOLF AND ATHLETiC CLUB", AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OWASSO, STATE OF OKLAHOMA ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, THENCE FOLLOWING THE LOT LINE OF SAID LOT 1 FOR THE FOLLOWiNG 5 COURSES: N89"44'53"W FOR A DISTANCE OF 448.79 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE NOOOO7'26"E FOR A DISTANCE OF 465.21 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE, THENCE ALONG A 25.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE RiGHT, HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 90009'50" FOR AN ARC LENGTH OF 39.34 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENCY, THENCE S89042'44"E AND PARALLEL WITH THE NORTHERLY LINE OF THE NE/4 NW/4 FOR A DISTANCE OF 275.00 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE NODOl l' 16"E AND PERPENDICULAR TO SAID NORTHERLY LINE, FOR A DISTANCE OF 60.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY LINE, THENCE S89042' 44"E ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE, FOR A DISTANCE OF 148.52 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, SAID TRACT CONTAINING 5.25 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. A TRACT OF LAt'lD THAT IS PART OF THE NE/4 FO THE NW/4 OF SECTiON 28, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH. RANGE 14 EAST, OF THE ]NDlAN MERIDIAN, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOfv1A, SAID TRACT BEING MORE P ARTICULARL Y DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: The legal description ofthe property is as follows: PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS: Mr. Mike Myers has submitted an application to the Planning Commission for a rezoning of property located on the south side of 86th Street North aoout Y2 mile east of 129111 East Avenue. The property is proposed for CS (Commercial Shopping Center District) zoning classification. A general area map is attached for review. BACKGROUND: May 6, 2003 DATE: TO: MEMORANDUM 1. Case Map 2. Site Drawing 3. Notice of Public Hearing 4. Application ATTACHMENTS: The staff recommends approval of OZ-03~05. }lECOMMENDATION: Staff has received no phone calls or correspondence in opposition of the requesL Letters were mailed to surrounding property owners on April 10, 2003 and the legal advertisement was published in the Owasso Reporter on April 17, 2003. as a u~ wrrh 2010 identifies the su~ject finds to cOITIrnerciaL Master deveIopmenL the su~ject property would be If application is The subject property is located on a primary arterial road (86th Street North) and is served by municipal wastewater lines. PH: (918) 376-1500 F A.'X: (918) 376-1597 www.cityofowasso.com III North Main Street P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 CITY OF OW ASSO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT g Mike Myers OZ 03-05 GENERAL AREA MAP 4-10-03 J 1 il J. j J j J J ;1 J J 1 I '1 1 J j ~ 1 ! J ~ ()i'o, 000\ C\V,"o cyiJol>'i> ~e, ~c t>1)\ "':.0 ~J~ cSk3 1Y1Sl ~i';ii . --...j-r~ -:t.-'~ill-_~"""-'<;O'l~ ' "V :'1\~ (j-'(e/lJ ,\~e ~o.~~O .-."-,_.__.~ ~\\C o"\:v, ('(';.\j(),~'5. 00\'5 V. Sc~ =--. ~. ! ! .~ ~ c ! ,!~ljJrjl~,!,f,l];t cl~ f- f- - C ',P" , "',.' ,-, .",' . , . - '--w----,---~-'r;fJ Ij+-j!;;;l!~;~II~rl~f ~/\ E ) : u ex:: U)i'i~',:i;i>";":~i:T<' f i{~"O+ ' JlI\ ! ~ -' ~ }j~;:J2Lhr~~~;L{;;i ~ v 'I[~;, I <( 'I' ' "0,'",..,>____ , ~;n--~y~r~~~~=~==~~==:'=7='=--.=~ ~~~~!~!~~=====~- ,I. I \ ---~, ~--"" / I 'I, 'll ;Y\: I i ,II I I .11 I ,:. I I rI ~ I I ~ . .J..-..--~'----=~ ~ ~ ~ ..!t1drt.1l ,., . (' ilv I " -"0"," '~-~~~ b':~ i'V / I ~ >~. ,;, ) II fl.t'~ ! '~7- ", / J" i :'1.;::;:' : I 1/ i , . ~~..' it '_ _..:' t I /" I .... . I ~~llr,,;"~,.O I I O! \/, . I ~~ 'i:;lf' ,~j I I I ''\ '\ '~ '" I I,d ,,' ! ! i:1 I I " :It'')1 ~I i i ) I ;/ ~ ( , n 'I ",' " I ' 'f' I w/ j f I I. ~~ ;1.: ' ) ':,~ 00'e'" I I ( I V.' , I ~ II! iif %""~,, I "-..-/ II ' ", I 1 :jl __;; ; I I C) ~) ~ I ;J 1li ~ ! I I! ' I J ,( ...~ . ,i! ,: f:! I ,~ - .' I Ii 'Ii 'I ' I' V g IF' n, ,; o------.fll I: :\/1 ( ! !: ! ,~ ~~ c;: Xl '~ I I I ' 11_ ,I, ' \.. ~ -. ,-, I I Ill: II \1 IJ \ '- . _......1_______ 1._ __~i III; r 1-:-- r, ~ ~ LrJ ;o? ,I'. I I I ~ ----- --'--" tt-.----------------.--8-- (. .. II , J ':!i :~" I I -----..----.---.-----.-.-------'~----~--.---II I ' I 'I ' '. 'I' I ' . I ! :! ; }~ ~h I I I I I , : il If'ff I 1 ! I ; I 1 : i I ~ I WI"" i I i l' 11111 I ' , I I "lid i / Ii I I '11" "j' , /' I I I I I I II I I I ,! !III: Iii I I ! I: i ' ;1 -=- ' I I 'I' II" I ---.-- .-:;' / " I 1 I I II _~"---- ___/ I I ! I !II I I ~i i -----1- ------7-- /~l i ". I I r-<'~ r- ~~1' 'II Ir,,,, -",i,1 "u I --'~. ... /',,'/ I I II ."\.., , " ___ '''' / ",!..I, 'I' i '/'" "",p 1",;.---" :,,, ..' I ;i! I ,~i I I' I ';?~1::; ~~ __J~-::-I_ -1_ ----~-~---I /: I ili '~} ! :i! _H~}?--.-/- ~-::..:::..::::::...=~-:.:::::...\/--~- / <' o' i i If! ~i~-+'; t--' \___~...o~tlriL1i---~- -- ------1 '"'''' j;~, ,: I ill ~I III 1 .k.... -l: _ :.--r '''''~i', ill .. ~l~.! Ii: I ,..;'tt I '-'II~I / 'i :IIIC'J liil",.. .. " / I I I If ~jFci~: if! )'! A ! I . ,:! i ,~~";c;'c,,,,:,;. "',d~!~."?,C, "". ;';f~B'''f9'',~"'";~~;J:, L, . : o. '1IrfIT." I,r~"'..=~.=.,-.-.~ ~~ t ...} J) I I . I I il,1 I "'" ~ - t j ,;~ ij: I lllllj'l I ~~J ..// I '. iii 'I':, I /' j~ I ! ~ 11.:1 ,~ I'i: I i ( ) i L_~__.....~___ _ ,>~ ~[; : lltl I \ ' .- .- -. ~~d.L__~._c_____.__._-._____. - .-________ ______ _______ ___ __ __ __ _______.~._..J ~ i ! I I " l<. ~~ ~. ~~ a. aO .' ~~\: '--.;\< ('. " "-..' , u " J '" ~ ..J >, Q) > L :::l U1 :!: Co .2 % ~ " IE l- (\j ,/ The property is further described as lying approximately 2,640 feet east of the E. 861h St. N and N. 129111 E. Ave. intersection. BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID NE/4 NW/4, THENCE SOOoOT 18"W ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF THE NE/4 NW/4, FOR A DISTANCE OF 550.00 FEET TO A POINT, SAID POINT BEING A NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 1, BLOCK 1, "THE GREENS AT OWASSO AND THE OW ASSO GOLF AND ATHLETIC CLUB", AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OW ASSO, STATE OF OKLAHOMA ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, THENCE FOLLOWING THE LOT LINE OF SAID LOT 1 FOR THE FOLLOWING 5 COURSES: N89044'53"W FOR A DISTANCE OF 448.79 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE NOooOT26"E FOR A DISTANCE OF 465.21 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE, THENCE ALONG A 25.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE RIGHT, HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 90009'50" FOR AN ARC LENGTH OF 39.34 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENCY, THENCE S89042'44"E AND PARALLEL WITH THE NORTHERLY LINE OF THE NE/4 NW/4 FOR A DISTANCE OF 275.00 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE NOooIT16"E AND PERPENDICULAR TO SAID NORTHERLY LINE, FOR A DISTANCE OF 60.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY LINE, THENCE S89042'44"E ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE, FOR A DISTANCE OF 148.52 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, SAID TRACT CONTAINING 5.25 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. A TRACT OF LAND THAT IS PART OF THE NE/4 FO THE NW/4 OF SECTION 28, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST, OF THE INDIAN :MERIDIAN, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, SAID TRACT BEING MORE PARTICULARL Y DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: that time and place, consideration will be given to the proposed change of the zoning classification of the following described property: Notice is that a hearing will Planning Commission, the at 7:00 P.M. on the 12th day NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC OF A HEARING ON A PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA City of Owasso Community Development Department Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 10th day of April, 2003. A map showing the proposed rezoning accompanies this notice. For more information on the proposed rezoning contact the Owasso City Planner, City Hall, III N. Main Street, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055, or phone (918) 376-1543. The City Coundrs review of the recommendation of the Planning Commission on the proposed rezoning shall be at a meeting time and place to be determined by the Council, said information to be available from the Owasso City Planner. event that the shall submit City law. Planning All persons interested in this matter may be present at the hearing and present their objections to or arguments far any or all of the above matters. To be considered is a rezoning of approximately 5.25 acres, more or less from OL (Office Low Intensity District) to CS (Commercial Shopping Center District). OPC MEETING DATE APPROVED DENIED____ SUBMITTAL DATE FEE RECEIPT NUMBER Fee Schedule 0- 0.99 acres $75 1- 4.99 acres 100 5-19.99 acres 150 20 + acres 200 Please submit the completed application form and application fee along (available from an Abstract Company) to the Owasso City Planner on or efore the ning Commission submittal deadline as shown on the official City of Ow as so calendar. The applicant and/or the applicant's consultant should attend the Planning Commission meetings at which the Supplemental Zoning will be reviewed. ' I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE INFO SUBMITTED IS COMPLETE, TRUE AND ACCURAT DATE '3.2>}-.03 Ad,dress or General Location of Subject Property.L, A.-/ e Pf' Sf!i"ec,f4J~'- e 8b'F'M. A1 '" j2.q ~lfE;:: ~ Name of person to be billed for publication Pho!lc M H~ ~ IvV1 IEY2.S . . ~~_e. -1 '30 S" Mailing Address 'S>a~"';;;J<; OW As applicant, what is your ~e~ in this property? DPresent Owner QjAgent for Owner OPurchaser OOther OAttomey for Owner ~~~~=~~~=~~~~====---=.===~====-~~=~="-=,=,-=='" '=~~=~~==="=====-==-~~~ (If by metes and bounds, attach plat of survey) I' GENERAL PRESENT PROPOSED 74055 (918) 272-2251 FAX (918) 272-4997 d:/~~~~' ",,+oL . 0 "\ d< "', i' ~~ ( <? r!i~' \ ,(}", ", "", -', I * \\~'..:/ '* \'\' ~ ?J/ \ \\~-/I' \ "'~,' "'_ _.,j ,f I , '&-,' / /' ~., "'/ €'..y ~,p '{j O#' rttt! tw.\\" '" ""'~"'=.=Y~'G' CITY OF OWASSO L?~- b ~-:~ S ] The Owasso 2010 Master Plan identifies the subject property as having a future land use of residential. However, the plan also identifies the community's lack of medical facilities as a major issue to be addressed by the Planning Commission. If the application is approved, the subject property would be zoned OL (Low Intensity Office District). Then, the property would be available for office development. ANALYSIS: The tract is approximately 2.66 acres in size. The existing land use is vacant for the subject property. Land north, south, and east of the site is occupied by single-fumily houses and the property to the west holds Bailey Elementary School The subject tract is currently zoned AG Agricultural The subject property is located on a primary arterial road (96th Street North) and is served by municipal wastewater lines. A STRIP, PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND BEGINNING SE CORNER OF THE SOU1HWEST QUARTER. THENCE W 400', N 320', E 399.11', S 320' TO POINT OF BEGINNING, LESS THE S 30', THEREOF SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST, TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA; CONTAINING 2.660 ACRES, MORE OR LESS; The legal description of the property is as follows: PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS: Mr. Tim Siegfried has submitted an application to the Planning Commission for a rezoning of property located on the north side of 96th Street North aoout ~ mile east of Mingo Road. The property is proposed for OL (Office Low Intensity District) zoning classification. A general area map is attached for review. BACKGROUND: May 2003 DATE: MEMORANDUM 1. Case Map 2. Site Location Drawing 3. Notice of Public Hearing 4. Application ATTACHMENTS: The staff recommends approval ofOZ-03-06. RECOMMENDATION: Staff has received no phone calls or correspondence in opposition of the request. Letters were mailed to surrounding property owners on April 10, 2003 and the legal advertisement was published in the Owasso Reporter on April 17, 2003. The staff finds that this application dil'ectly meets the issue put forth by the plan. Accordingly, the stafffinds the proposal to be consistent with the Owasso 2010 Master Plan. Establish the region. Ensure adequate land area is available for developing medical facilities; identifY key corridors. Consider collaborations to stimulate medical research Support Chamber of Commerce initiatives in actively courting medical facilities to the area. area to of medical care Support local clinics and help quality Issue #9 Lack of medical facilities in the community. Excerpt/rom Owasso 20]0 Master Plan: PH: (918) 376-1500 F A.X: (918) 376-1597 www.cityofowasso.com III North Main Street P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 NORTH Tim Siegfried 1-' I' 0.. ....' , ; ~... m_.___.___ ,,::::-:~..:~l ,_;.. :1: . ...c... ;1' ili ~Sl :;;:I~ 5.1~ , U1G : ~''tY ! if iL~ IO~-",.. ....,..~;F-.......-. ..._m_ .m--V-Oi'-e;1...-,-----:::::::~::;""--"-;='- J i 11 i i i I ;z: :1 ~ ; ,---- m.~ ftfFftHB ~r--I ~.._. GENERAL AREA MAP 4-10-03 CITY OF OW ASSO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT g OZ 03-06 I I , " ; I " J '-f-- 01/20/2003 10:35 9182724742 KELLER WILLIAMS REAT PAGE 04 ~. \'" ~~ul4 ~Jk\i ~ , ! r~ ~G' _ lH':iXl h $ ~ a';f ~ J ~1-7- "- (:) () + v "" ~ ~, ~ '" ~, "" 1, ~ J., <{, """" '" r "''''' . f}f1J/of,. "" " <il - ilLV' &~ flm - Po ift 'UJJID 'i!l~ ~="'" City of Owasso rAll""tf1'VV'lltl~;hr nO"'!lla1A~1\.~~~-t n.a.~""1lrl%ll4J.o.i4I+- Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 10th day of April, 2003. A map showing the proposed rezoning accompanies this notice. F or more information on the proposed rezoning contact the Owasso City Planner, City Hall, 111 N. Main Street, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055, or phone (918) 376-1543. The City Council's review of the recommendation of the Planning Commission on the proposed rezoning shall be at a meeting time and place to be determined by the Council, said information to be available from the Owasso City Planner. In the event that such proposed rezoning is approved, in whole or in part, by the Owasso Planning Commission, said Planning Commission shall submit its recommendation to the City Council of the City of Owasso for its consideration and action, as provided by law. All persons interested in this matter may be present at the hearing and present their objections to or arguments for any or all of the above matters. To be considered is a rezoning of approximately 2.66 acres, more or less from AG (Agricultural General District) to OL (Office Low Intensity District). The property is further described as lying on the north side of E. 96th St. N., approximately 2,640 feet east of the N. 97th E. Ave. and E. 96th St. N. intersection. A STRIP, PIECE OR PARCEL LAND BEGINNING SE CORNER OF THE SOUlHWEST QUARTER, THENCE W 400', N 320', E 399.11', S 320' TO POINT OF BEGINNING, LESS THE S 30', TIIEREOF SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE l4 EAST, TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHO~ CONTAINING 2.660 ACRES, MORE OR LESS; to will classification following Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held before the Owasso Planning Commission, in the Owasso Community Oklahoma, at 7:00 on the 12th day 2003. APPLICA nON: Oz.,03-06 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC OF A HEARING ON A PROPOSED AM:ENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA OPC MEETING DATE APPROVED DENIED SUBMITTAL DATE FEE RECEIPT NUMBER Fee Schedule 0- 0.99 acres $75 1- 4.99 acres 100 5-19.99 acres 150 20 + acres 200 Please submit the completed application form and application fee along with a Certitied 300' Radius Report (available from an Abstract Company) to the Owasso City Planner on or before the Planning Commission submittal deadline as shown on the official City of Owasso calendar. The applicant and/or the applicant's consultant should attend the Planning Commission meetings at which the Supplemental Zoning will be reviewed. . 7L\O.~-.~ - Phone (118, 2:7'-\ ",-\~l~.:';- or lJeneral Location of Subject Property \ ~ 11 \ '5 r. ci to +" .~T ~ I D vJ j:'>, S SO,.S> K.. Name of person to be billed for publication -T\ i/Y) 0 l \; '1 S \ E:: G" F i2- \ C'D Mailing Address c.: Q ,-,'\-v, ,_ 1 0 \Q{ c... '(., Q l N ,Q~.C\ ",.so I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION HEREIN SUBMITTED IS COMPLETE, TRUE AND ACCURATE C(<:,. ILJO.:s.',S~ N~:5er~'1~d~~~s~~e2~r;!~<2~n;::,u,. . '. .,_ k,O uJ, ;?-'\J 'c, S'J;:. C.1-.)'A >os",, \:,)~ ;\....~ ,':, As applicant, what is your interest in this property? DPresent Owner DAgent for Owner ~Purchaser DOther DAHomey for Owner LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF LAND UNDER APPUCA TION (If by metes and bounds, attach plat of survey) .STIZ,)r P\FC.c(]\<:' ~J(l,\Lea \:'>1- L(~I\j'D P",E'011\..)i\Jli\)G ._SG c.O,ci\Jez ()~ (1'1(,,- sC'cnh:0,i.$'r ouA:2..Tl::'-e j -n-\eNLE 'Ai "-toe";) 1'1 .32..~' e3(1q,\\~ _'S ~2.L')1 . To COI/\j( ()y. C~fO:(O((\"'10IJ0ko L-f::S:S Iw'E--. .S ._:~[)' 'HER.EOr:' S:P~,'(OI0 tE'J TO,~r0"I.\\e 2.1 'l'JOIL.lH J R-AJ'~<?'E~ TI...ll-,SD.. O\)\..LI-.JTy) (C)/::.cr::\HolY\A " C ' A "'75.; -'- \. :J' ~:0NT::=jII\Jill)b L~(Q/;IO 'CI<.-"-::_: ;\.AciC..<:::, r<JL l):;:;'S,> PRESENT PROPOSED ZONING., N -~-~ P.O. BOX 180 OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA 74055 (918) 272-2251 FAX (918) 272-4997 loz-~P3-0~ CITY OF OWASSO The subject property is located on a primary arterial road (129th East Avenue) and will be served by municipal water, wastewater, police, fire, and EMS service. Both 129th East Avenue and 96th Street North, arterial roads in the property's vicinity, are listed as top priorities on Owasso's Capital Improvements Plan and widening projects for these two roads are planned to begin next year. The tract is approximately 12.61 acres in size. The existing land use is vacant for the subject property, as is land to the north and west. Properties to the south and east are occupied by churches. COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 20, THENCE 800001 '30"E ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SECTION 20 FOR A DISTANCE OF 765.08 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, THENCE CONTINUING SOooO I' 30"E ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID SECTION 20 FOR A DISTANCE 532.48, THENCE S89055'45"W A DISTANCE OF 841.17, THENCE NOoo03'25"W A DISTANCE OF 857.92 FEET, THENCE N82OZ6'29"E A DISTANCE 208.22 FEET, THENCE S34OZ0' 05"E A DISTANCE OF 208.66 FEET, THENCE 800003 '25"E A DISTANCE OF 180.00 FEET, THENCE N89056'35"E A DISTANCE OF 517.51 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, SAID TRACT CONT AlNING 12.61 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. A TRACT OF LAND THAT IS PART OF THE E/2 OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST OF THE JNDlAN BASE AND MERIDIAN, OW ASSO, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOfv1A, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOllOWS: The legal description of the property is as follows: PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS: The Home Depot has submitted an application to the Planning Commission for a rezoning of property located on the west side of 129th East Avenue aoout 118 mile south of 96th Street North. The property is proposed for CS (Commercial Shopping Center District) zoning classification. A general area map is attached for review. BACKGROUND: May 6,2003 DATE: COMMISSION MEMORANDUM The staff has received one phone call in opposition of the request. Letters were mailed to Accordingly, the stafffinds the proposal to be consistent with the Owasso 2010 Master Plan. Furthermore, as an update is currently underway for the Owasso 2010 Master Plan, which is a clear indication of changes in the development make-up of a city, city planners have already concluded that the site in question deserves a high-intensity commercial/office classification. Staff should also point out that any additional commercial growth would benefit the City of Owasso. Additional commercial growth provides for further spending opportunities for both Owasso residents and those who spend money in Owasso from outside the corporate limits. City staff would agree that the above described method of making future assumptions based on current situations is the best method to date to direct future growth. However, city planners can only assume what will happen in a particular area, but cannot determine other factors such as capital improvements, shifting development patterns and shifts in the market economy. Since the approval of the Owasso 2010 Master Plan~ the City of Owasso has seen tremendous growth in sales tax receipts and commercial development in the area of this application. Some estimates have concluded that the City's sales tax receipts were increased by 20% in 2000 and 15% in 2001. With an increase of sales tax receipts, the City has further opportunities to expand facilities and services. This expansion also tends to spill-over into capital improvement programming. The current Capital Improvements Committee is to approve an estimated $8 mlllion worth of street improvements in this area that include a $5.3 million improvement for the ex~ansion and widening ofN. 129th E. Ave. and an estimated $2.6 million improvement for the E. 961 St. N. and U.S. 169 interchange. These improvements clearly could not have been anticipated at the time the Owasso 2010 Master Plan was formulated or approved. Furthermore, and as the Master Plan states, the most important determining factors in deciphering future growth are transportation improvements, water and sewer service on-site and vacant land. All of these factors are present on this site and were more than likely a determining factor for The Home Depot in choosing this area. direction is by many factors, but probably the most ones are municipal utilities such as water and sewer service, transportation improvements, and vacant land. The Owasso 2010 Master Plan was developed makingfuture assumptions about the factors mentioned above and density and intensity of use are directly related to them. The Plan was developed based on the best available information about utilities, transportation improvements, and vacant land tracts available at the time. The Owasso 2010 Master Plan identifies the subject property as having a future land use of public/parks. However, the subject property is an anticipated growth area for the community. The master plan describes it differentiates between land uses and how anticipated growth area,:; are delineated graphically: If the application is approved, the subject property would be zoned CS (Commercial Shopping Center District). Then, the property would be available for commercial development. ANALYSIS: 10 Map Site Location Drawing 3. Notice of Public Hearing 40 Application staff recommends approval RECOMMENDATIONi surrounding property oVvners on April 10, 2003 and the legal advertisement was published in the Owasso Reporter on Aprill7, 20030 PH: (918) 376-1500 FA.'\:: (918)376-1597 www.cityofowasso.com III North Main Street P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 CITY OF OW ASSO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Q The Home Depot OZ 03-07 GENERAL AREA MAP 4-10-03 11 1! i ~ @ -'--10 <,/~v =/ ., I ~. ~ f/;" $' -//',' 'i i___.____~~ ~ /' ,'/ / /:c~?T L......,. / iT' I, __.___ ._-.~ ~ '.,/ j / I I ' ~ I",,). ,/ J'''',' SUBJECT i 1--' I ~ '.' " &__.~ .=-"' == ? /' . , F"r1 I 1 ~ ///'./,./" , : ~'~'i~;--I .,...J. ' ~/. /' I ,,::r--ri ~ ,'I'" /' PR' OPERTY ;'-~---'-----;-::..L.>;.Ll.), r:io\ /:%: ," , ---- --- -- -- /,)- L '_..L '_',~,.i""" --e ," y > ", I I, ;.."."/----' -,~..,I" , ,I' /' ,I \, I I' 1-- ---! ,,- "'; .-, ''" ;I 1 .-'.-.--.]' ",- ,'",.', ,N'i' -1 Z' ---- --~-~~" "" / / ~::~:-\~-,-r-:-~I\"~-~T-\l-f""1 ;-'''-C~-~L~ r-~-v'--;~/'~' ",~""',?..7 .-'-~-~--~~-~_:- , ., J; ., ' __.___,_L_~_ I, /"-~~'.I- "" I, ,(", X' '---1 I l ,/ / /'''-'';...-,' r-T7....;~ /~--~~-,,] !I'1"__~ ~-': ~ " -""';' ~;'-;-'jJ-'T--~ '-~(""'~ .',' \ ...;....., " ;:: '"'\' 11 $ ( / 1'-..../' /~~ !r--'--'i ",r' ,.,r '~-r.--i, j ,(.\ 1\' _ ~____.. i '..... ,,,' ... 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'.,'.' , .. - ~- - 0;- --1 .. / \S~-;i[ f'-+~.j r=j i:::::~(1 ~:: ;~\:;S:\:>r1~r-ln-j (-1 y~o.1J-_~----~ i (/ '- "- " .--'- j. ..L-~ L.E--'86tL'-S.t.O:::.~l\i.:T---"j' ; ,..----'------,--..,--,--. " I .-<< ...,,- --.~--,.-- -- . 1.i ---L.". .:::::::;-'-.-~~-'~~.-, l__ II ,/---""-''1 !-r--.:-TTrI<.\)'ld' '? l.//@..-----l ,"1"- ,-..-_.~-~ 1 ) I I ... I ! 1. t r _I, I I J .- /. L.__ . -: -U . L"\'\!h ;f=-) i,._d/ r'''m tj :iL":_ci'l---i---i !,. 1 I .....r~ \. . ., '/ I ;-..' , I"'....LL r I ' <.,. ,.___u____.....--.--~u.1 I I l! i-~1%1~~::~)>:::~::~/i~:2~:Fii~i /:c~~,/ '!:! . ~ i Tulsa County "CitY oj Qyf9S~o'i .' j ",e d.. r ~(}'(W"\ o'fJ(};,;,O - f t u P.O.B. SCALE:: 1 w = 200' P.O.C. N.E. COR.,P SEC. 20, f.21 N" R.14E., I.M., OWASSO, TULSA COUNlY OKLAHOMA MARCH 24, 2003 841.11' - S 89'55'45" W ~ ~ ~ ~ ..... 'Ii ..... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Cf) ~ V) I "C I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 60.00 ROW CROSS AREA 12.61 ACRES i: NET AREA 11.88 ACRES i: ~ 517.51 J - N 89'56'35" E ~ A ...... ~ ~ ~~~ !.ti ~ """- :k: ~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION THE HOME DEPOT TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA EXHIBIT "A" (2 of 2) , ~ I:::>~ c::\ ~." <;':j"':) oo~ -~ Cf) ~ 208.22 ' N 82"26'29" E ~ ~ 53 ~ ~ i ~ l'...: t2 ~ In the event that such proposed rezoning is approved, in whole or in part, by the Owasso Planning Commission., said Planning Commission shall submit its recommendation to the City Council All persons interested in this matter may be present at the hearing and present their objections to or arguments for any or all of the above matters. To be considered is a rezoning of approximately 12.61 acres, more or less from OM (Office Medium Intensity District) to CS (Commercial Shopping Center District). The property is further described as lying at the southwest comer of the E. 96th S1. N. and N. 129th E. Ave. intersection. COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 20, THENCE SOOo01 '30"E ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SECTION 20 FOR A DISTANCE OF 765.08 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, TE.IENCE CONTINUING SOoo01'30"E ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID SECTION 20 FOR A DISTANCE 532.48, THENCE S89055'45"W A DISTANCE OF 841.17, THENCE NOOo03'25"W A DISTANCE OF 857.92 FEET, THENCE N82026'29"E A DISTANCE 208.22 FEET, THENCE S34020'05"E A DISTANCE OF 208.66 FEET, THENCE SOoo03'25"E A DISTANCE OF 180.00 FEET, THENCE N89056'35"E A DISTANCE OF 517.51 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, SAID TRACT CONTAINING 12.61 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. A TRACT OF LAND THAT IS P ART OF THE E/2 OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHlP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST OF THE INDIAN BASE AND MERIDIAN, OW ASSO, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: that and place, consideration will to change of the zoning classification of the following Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will held Planning Commission, in the Community Oklahoma, at 7:00 P.M. on the 12th day 2003. APPLICATION: OZr03-07 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC OF A HEARING ON A PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE ZONlNG ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA City of Owasso Community Development Department Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 10th day of April, 2003. showing the . more infOImation on the proposed rezoning Owasso City Planner, City Hall, 111 N. Main Oklahoma 74055, or phone (918) 376-1543. The City Council's review of the recommendation of the Planning Commission on the proposed rezoning shall be at a meeting time and place to determined by the Council, said to available of the City of Owasso for its consideration and action, as provided by law. OPC MEETING DATE APPROVED DENIED SUBMITTAL DATE FEE RECEIPT NUMBER Fee Schedule 0- 0.99 acres $75 1- 4.99 acres 100 5-19.99 acres 150 20 + acres 200 Please submit the completed application form and application fee along with a Certified 300' Radius Report (available from an Abstract Company) to the Owasso City Planner on or before the Planning Commission submittal deadline as shown on the official City of Owasso calendar. The applicant and/or the applicant's consultant should attend the Planning Commission meetings at which the Supplemental Zoning will be reviewed. DATE I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THA. T THE INfORMATION HEREIN I SIGNATURE SUBMITTED IS COMPLETE, TRUE AND ACCURATE Address ar General Location of Subject Property so. OK SW Corner E. 95th Name of person to be billed far publication Spear & McCaleb S;o'_~ P. C. Mailing Address 815 W. Main OKC, OK 73106 Name and Address of Record Owner TYANN Dev. Co. Inc. PO Box 397 Owa As applicant, what is. your interest in this property? DPresent Owner DAgent for Owner DPurchaser [X]Other DAHomey for Owner St. & N, 129th Ave. Phone 405~232-~7715 ~=~~=~~~~--=-=~~~~~==<=, '-=~=~~=======-=== LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF LAND UNDER APPLICATION (Ifby metes and bounds, attach plat of survey) Vacant Con~ercial ~popping 6th PRESENT PROPOSED I FAX (918) 272-4997 CITY OF 0 I Oz-:f?~ ~ 07 The property's present zoning classification is RS-3 Residential Single Family. The subject property is located on an arterial road (Garnett) and will be served by municipal wastewater, police, fire, and EMS service. The tract is approximately 11.33 acres in size. The existing land use is vacant for the subject property, as is land to the east. Properties to the north, south and west are occupied by houses. COMMENCING AT THE SE CORNER OF THE SE/4 OF SAID SECTION 6; THENCE NOoo05' 14"E ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID SE/4, A DISTANCE OF 2,560.45 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUE NORTH ALONG SAID EAST LINE, A DISTANCE OF 70.48 FEET TO THE SE CORNER OF THE NE/4 OF SAID SECTION; THENCE NOoo05' 19"E ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID NE/4, A DISTANCE OF 558.01 FEET; THENCE N89039'43"W, A DISTANCE OF 485.00 FEET; THENCE NOoo05'08"E, A DISTANCE OF 100.00 FEET; THENCE N89039'43"W, A DISTANCE OF 176.76 FEET; THENCE SOoo06' 48"W, A DISTANCE OF 634.24 FEET; THENCE SOooO l' 50"W, A DISTANCE OF 294.08 FEET; THENCE S89041 '20"E, A DISTANCE OF 300.00 FEET; THENCE NOoo04'37"E, A DISTANCE OF 199.62 FEET; THENCE S89040"22"E, A DISTANCE OF 361.78 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, SAID TRACT CONTAINING 1 1.33 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. The legal description ofthe property is as follows: pROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS: DG&S Properties has submitted an application to the Planning Commission for approval of the final plat for the Country Estates VI Addition, a 37-10t residential subdivision located on the west side of Garnett Road aoout Yz mile north of 1161h Street North, A general area map is attached for review. BACKGROUND: May 7, 2003 DATE: PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF MEMORANDUM 10 Final Plat 2. Case Map 3. Application ATTACHMENTS: The staff recommends approval of the final plat for Country Estates VI. RECOMMENDATION: The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the proposed final plat at the April 30th regular meeting. At that meeting, utility providers city staff are afforded the opportunity to comment on the plat arld request any changes or modifications. The Technical the final plat without The applicant is requesting the review of this application in order to accommodate single family residential uses. The subject property is zoned RS-3 (Residential Single Family High Density District). According to the City of Owasso Zoning Code, single family residential structures are included within Use Unit 6 (Single Family Dwellings) and are permitted by right. ANALYSIS: tI il~, ~;~ 61 =f!JI~;lg t(~ ~Mfi~ ~1O~5 ~ ~~~t(~~=~~ i! ~II~I!':I *~ S;~;:'~i~ ~ illt~I~~ I~ ~:~!<Ieil ! ~i H~I~i~;t;i l:g !tl<liIllel'li~ ~ ~t; l's=!iQ~:tl:liBl ~ l'll" ~t;::Ja~-~..l'l i~ D~!~l'l!~ ~i ;~!:;I,~~ ~< >;,!!~ - I ~~~~~ .""....... nnn I ~S~ii ~m=~ iU!~1 i ~~;;~ -1 ~.,.~ ~, \ I r'-'-- r-'--'-.~- I \ ~ 8: : : \. II ~,_~ ....-1 ,:> & ~ ~ -A _..,....,L,'..J' -L ~~ ,poP""" r-------a- ,'. l.,/ ~~\/ : :~ 1 l' l t ~ ~ 1 ii if r---ji--~ ~ .It.- """,," II!J I g ," ""_ _'-", ~__A>.. -. " .I ~~7'" I I ~ " I , I , I " I , I , I 'J I I "'" I ~_~'V-([ " ' ,-'" ;,---) : :~:!~:~~r: , I ,.,--, ,:-: - , ' "c' c -+-., 'I ;.. : V /___~__c~' ." --. ' ~-~": ,,' ~. -., ,-" :: ~=""'''--- -, . ":' . / ,,_ _ ,rr---..,' ::l~ l~----J-i ~ ~ L :!: " i I iJ.~ ", " ,~: T=..;;:-"'r----L : .. -1-' ,_::;-,,",;;-'~.J i:i k ,I ~ '.' ~! . i tiS _' -.., ,. f+-;;'=~W;":'; - I I "'~ . ' . - : ' ' . __ _,m__'_' -" , '- " . , '. ' .. .. ' --J~, , i - '" " ': · ....' Iud, I l J~ t:i ~ iEl C a...... m s"" Ji .., t ail" .. :1. ! Iii j it li'fiB : ~ ]1 <iI!: Ib J h imHiiI i Ii ~ U ~ I'D If.l ~ ~ I W ~~ ,~ ~ If.l fI:>> .. o Olf.l ~~ ~~~ r:l ZO ~~~r4I~ o o-l' .....1'0 f= .-az~ ~ : ::r:: roM ~ ~ ~ ~ a~~ E l1l:X:O - ~ ~~I lz1;;o III If. ~ !l~i~ z<Ogj ~ ~i:J i:i ril . ell ~~I r:l Oil Ii< ~ ~ 8~ ",0 t'l .!l$ "" w \;!iJ d ~ "" ~ ~ ~I I~ <I ~ V) II ~ It~ -~ ~~J:~ ~f~ ~1 l!~ I I PH: (918) 37()..I500 FA,X: (918)37()..1597 www.cilyofowasso.com 111 North Main Street P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 CITY OF OW ASSO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEP AR TIvIENT Q Country Estates VI FP 03-05 GENERAL AREA MAP 4-17-03 ,ll :.........~,._ ...' _ __ -i--..--------- I "'-~, M._ = --'--""--., /;/' /...;., r.. _M__ , ,,/ , . _ .. '.." e<J --.--'-.-.-! i '/;' " I 1 ~ _.... I , n '1 _._.._._.=~_._ I "f 'c_ ."=..___ II 0. . ,: v- I fJ/J,! ,i I __.____, , 0 . _._' "',"" ' ,. S . __',,,,, , . L._... -"'-', ~ ~ "-r--' , , " rl<, , " _ ._,1 ---.. , " '" , ", -,. --- " .- ..~-- ','- I 'I ' 'i: , '0 z. , " \-- u--'c;c, ..,,_,,~~\ '-J, ' I : 'I ' 'I V CJ " , /, ," " Ii L' '.L', C' I ' , , I I I i I i ,ll i~ " ".' , -- ->~'~i..N;Ti Ll\~""--.i ,.,j'"" : , , I I , i ,'" 0 "'" v ,',' '.~-';~.:;c", <;, "ii) l~~:jl>:: ' , , , " , '" '" , . ',,-,-,rl " , , ,,~.,.~ ,.'> " __ : I ! i i l'_!_'_-L~'G'~ r'o~~ /' '~"':"'J'Ul-!,L'';'''~I+':'''''1 :-r]i.].l..U_:.", ~$J~Q.___ ._._..._._._._ ' ' L~__",,,_____,, ~ ""', '" '~L,.",~ =_ ~ "''v I "--:=",..----,.., , ''1 ,"J '~.--~TCO "II i 1 n , : I;~ ;:j.__....__...._j ;---1 1 ( i [ II ' !i i /'," '.''C;l''Ul.4".."Li-f-J nrr,T[ ,~'''' _~_M_ I ' I ! " " ,. ", , T-.I...L,.L.L/ ,J..w ' , , ! ! I LlJ '--LL~ _, ""O.~;::._"__"".' <,.. ~~ """ ,~, ' '. ".',., 'llJl IJ..L I ~- r'.....' 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I I J -.----.-- /' , 'I' <, ,~, 'U' ~~-c" __, "______, .. !' ----,.----/! i-- " i -2---'O"!iCi ,-:::j - , r c.:Ii :=. -" eel c,-,,-,, ,1:: --.-..-.- ,r- /: ,.}......j i.. ~<:.\\1JJ.nlJ> , , _< I '_j l-....!-'11_.1 \ ....___. , -- if ., ''Aiv'' "''''11'._, L'-4\_-I--<>-_i I, I ! -: - --. .-___/f i ,J.....'t '1'1;' .. J ri ,'TT C'., I ',__, ;-._, =l l--J ';, ! ...., , j. "',/, . 1\-.,dI:,,\ I I , ---I I ......" ',~ '-I I .. - -_. --I ' 1 ',L, c ","Lu. ~ 1--" , ";--~'1 H .N-- _.._. _ __ ,!...-.----.--i.:" ..1: r::::-;'-.:;'--;--=.;:=j I "':':'1'1' ~tb'-St: . &-_____-;-.. ._M__",-, 'I,' ( "I I , I" ''''.''''E u.. , . , E@ l26th St@ N" "-""--"-' .- --...._~--~. ~.~ -~ _ -. -_.- ._._~ ..~-~ --.", .-. _.. ...u,.h__ "_'_'_'~"__"_' OPC MEETING ZONING DISTRlCT_ APPROVED DE\! T AC IvfEETING SUBMITTAL FEE RECEIPT NUMBER ".R.''';I':'E!:'''''''111111.11II.IIIj.IIIIII'/lllllillll111/11'1";11/ [ il'i[1 Iii ffll ffi III ~fflTI ! I Ii" ,I I!! I, I I!! I, I ! I: I I11111111I11111111I11111I11I1111111II111111111I Please submit the completed application form and application fee ($100 plus $.50 per lot over 100 lots), along with the completed Final Plat Checklist and all requirements thereof, to the Owasso City Planner on or before the Planning Commission submittal deadline as shown on the official City of Ow as so calendar. A1l Final Plats are scheduled for review by the Technical Advisory Committee 13 days prior to the Planning Commission meeting at which the Final Plat will be reviewed. The applicant and/or the applicant's consultant should attend both tllt Technical Advisory Committee and Planning Commission meetings at which the Final Plat will be reviewed. I (We), the und~rsigned developer, Ht that this subdivision has had preliminary plat approval and that all condItIOns of said prel1mmary plat approJal have been met or lIsted below as condItIOns protested, (1,___~~_ DATE f- :2/- () 3, Conditions Protested DEVELOPER SIGNAT o Traffic-bound Surface Course o Disposal Plant g Asphaltic Concrete o Portland Cement Concrete STREET SURFACING o Septic Total Acres - II, gCity Main ZCity Sewer SA."lITARY SEWER Average Lot Size o Washington Co. RWD3 0 Other o Rogers Co. RWD3 WATER SUPPLY Present Use tLAttl~r Number of Lots g, PLAT INFORl\1ATION Proposed Zoning I Proposed Use Present Zoning /Jib TRACT INFORMATION DEVELO~ERVb r -6 PreopeJz:ru:!f;;; Lu:.. ENGINEER/ARCHITECT 1?ENNJ-G /h,7:Jt) __ ADDRESS p: 0, '"Bol?.tf:9I1 ~U/~!zl)ltLiE 7~t>?) ADDRESS_/Z321f e. 6~ ':57, ;1. J oWkf~79~ PHONE Wi-Z/i<?O FAX_ PHONE~FAX_~7/_770 SUBDIVISION / / l8) 272-225 I FAX (91:5) 272-~Si0'7 CITY OF OfVASSO The property's present zoning classification is OM (Office Medium Intensity District). However, assuming a positive recommendation by the Planning Commission and final review and approval by The subject property is located on a primary arterial road (l291h East Avenue) and will be served by municipal water, wastewater, police, fire, and EMS service. Both 129111 East Avenue and 96th Street North, arterial roads in the property's vicinity, are listed as top priorities on Owasso's Capital Improvements Plan and widening projects for these two roads are planned to begin next year. The tract is approximately 12.61 acres in size. The existing land use is vacant for the subject property, as is land to the north and west. Properties to the south and east are occupied by churches. COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 20, THENCE SOooOl '30"E ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SECTiON 20 FOR A DISTANCE OF 765.08 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, THENCE CONTINUING SOooO 1 '30"E ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID SECTION 20 FOR A DISTANCE 532.48, THENCE S89055'45"W A DISTANCE OF 841.17, THENCE NOoo03'25"W A DISTANCE OF 857.92 FEET, THENCE N82026'29"E A DISTANCE 208.22 FEET, THENCE S34OZ0'05"E A DISTANCE OF 208.66 FEET, THENCE SOoo03'25"E A DISTANCE OF 180.00 FEET, THENCE N89056'35"E A DISTANCE OF 517.51 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, SAID TRACT CONTAINING 12.61 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. A TRACT OF LAND THAT IS PART OF THE E/2 OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST OF THE INDIAN BASE AND MERIDIAN, OW ASSO, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, BEING MORE P ARTICULARL Y DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: The legal description ofthe property is as follows: lROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS: Spear & McCaleb Co. has submitted an application to the Planning Commission for approval of the final plat for The Home Depot, a one-lot commercial subdivision located on the west side of 129th East Avenue aoout 1/8 mile south of96tl1 Street North. A general area map is atlached fDr review. BACKGROUND: May 7, 2003 DATE: PLANNING COMMISSION OFOWASSO MEMORANDUM 1. Final Plat 2. Case Map 3. Application ATTACHMENTS: The staff recommends approval of the final plat for Home Depot conditioned upon the aforementioned requirements ofthe Technical Advisory Committee. RECOMMENDATION: The applicant is requesting this review in order to construct a hardware store. The subject property is zoned (Commercial Shopping Center District). According to the City of Owasso Zoning a hardware store falls within Use Unit 14 (Shopping Goods and Services) and is permitted by right. Technical reViewed proposed plat at the 30th At that meeting, utility providers and city staff are afforded the opportunity to comment on the plat and request any changes or modifications. The Technical Advisory COIllimttee recommended approval of the:final plat contingent upon the execution of two agreements that at the time had not been solidified~" 1) an agreement with Tyann Development, owner of property to the west, allowing Home Depot to use that off-site property for drainage detention, and 2) an agreement with Owasso Land Trust, owner of property to the north, allowing Home Depot to use that off-site property for access to 96th Street North. ANALYSI~: City Council, the site would be zoned CS (Commercial Shopping Center District). AI,,;t,mIJl)H-.,r6"tf:9 '" ,- I,-, :1 ?.;. ~~:Wl;Il\;"c;t'6(j\;OOZ.'~b/bO 'nM!'"tOd::lLOQj7\GS ->10\L00j7\: 8 \Y js ~ ~ ~ l~~ ~~_ ~~l~s ~ ~~ <!! ~sl~ !'l ~~ ~ ~~!~Q ~: ~s Vl e~]- "1 ,~~ ,1; lo.~ lu ~ , '1l"'R 1 ~ !U~ U tI! re' " ~,,11 !l; \\l I" 6 " ll! 6hg~ 1l!fl! 6~ ~ l;\ Ip"-l ~!i1 .p .. ~ ~~i(; ~ u ~ ~ ,,-I~t ~ ~ ~,1;~ ~ ~ ~~-,} ~ ~ sli ~~I~i i~ ~h ~'1l11~Jl ~~ lH ~thlu ..I'l ~~~ g rilt>j~}! "l ~ ~ ~l 1 '" 'i.1 i&~ il 1]-'!! ijl ~ . 86 2 ~ ~. ~ ~~! ~ 1 l~tll. lS.., l ]1 Ul :1 .~~~ l ~ ti.lil .J~~ J(~~.. ~ "- S P Jl pf'l' ~ ~ I . ij S'1l~M,,- ~i!!< ~J: f _pi! ~.l!: ~Vi~.. . ~s . 1;(1 "'~~ 1n ~l!l ~ ~ s S$l ~:5.!. ~i~~ .lll 11 ""-l! O!~.. "<~;l; tiS ~ !!i 1] di ffi~o'!i! . . ~~ 1 ~ -S' -,~ ~ <~ <4 b l '" ~lJls;" J~:; ~ ~s "I Ul ~ij 11~~ eul31l a n~ ~.!l ~ lijh... iJllllll5: 3 .h l.ll i t,&~. i'i....:h s~ ~ .8 l'Jo "if I~ I ~~ h! ~~~~l iJ~ ~ ....l!!~Silt IiiS h ~~ jll ~ 8 - j~ h", jtl~ ilKl . 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Sil::i~!l i!!dt ~~~ h, (jj ~~$l IU ~ ~S hd ~ h ~ '< ~l <> ~~ ~ d '6ij11 J . -l! ~~. E ./$tl~il ut~~ $l~lf ~g!la '6tU; h~ll .b'l! ~ ~~ Al./$I~ f~~'~l ~bha ~in~~ h,,-~l. tl'4~ $lB5'h ~~~~ I U~@~1i i!! ti~~~~ ~ lli,'lI I'i i'~ l ~ ~ ~a liS ! Ihl!~ i ~JJ~J~ g ~ ~~it~1 CD, CB0 j~q; j-. 1. Sl a ~ B ii ?~ 5~ Jt gl~p/i j" ~.D e "31 ~~ ~ ~;~ ~~ .~ ~ ~I l 1i ll~ 1 t ...i~ ~~ ~ 1 ~ 11 ~ I i~ ! ~ ~ 1 ~t~ '8 l~ cl1 s . ~ 10'6 ~ h i I ~ "I~~ ~ ~ ~ j ~ J~Jl ~ ~1i ~ ~O] ~ I~ ~... ~il ~ r ~.~ t~ij' '6i it I tii 8~ ~~ fj" ~ g t ~ ~ ~~ il j~ ~ li~ ~ f '6 ~ ~p is .~~ ~~ j ;H l ~U '6 1 ~~~ Ji~~ ~~ 5' ~ '6 ~~ ~ ~ ~~ [ "'~! '8 8~ ij s ~ ~ (};lS 'li ~ ] J ~ .ft! ~!i ~ ~ ~ 81~ ~ ~~l <I~s:li' ~ 1'1: tf ?&~~... l'jl~ ~ c5i~l ~ l'J ~ ltt ~ ~~ ~ ~ l'J. :g ~ '" H:I[ ~ ~~ ~ ~ i!H! ~! -< ,,~u ....-:~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ j '< -'i ~ li ii ~ ~ ~ '" ~ l ~ t.. - Ji~llS.~ l~I~~H '61<1 tg S ~., hh II 1~6h g g " J!~~lh~ I' ~ H gl~~ t ij '6 ~ ij~ ~Jljh~Jh ,Qij.~~ -ll l~iplt~1 lij tIh! -ll~jlJ~ iu ~~$l1~1~~! Ij~~i~l:j ~"'!.~<! qfi ~~~dh~:: ;s}~-ll ~g~& i!l~t\I~li!! s~J "lo.]"ll~~.l! 5~ ~.~~tt~i8~ ~~~l ~lll ;i~l~~li ! l!! Jlh;;l./l"~ ~i!! ';/ ...~~~!rl: ~~ !i!bl.e~~;&t ~ It''l~';/ Ii i ~ ~ .~ '6 '!i!~d ~! t hl~tn ~i5 Jlfl~~~~ll~ ~:o ~i.l1;...~-l;ij ~: &~~~~~p~ ~~ luh~~~ ~ !Q ~ -,.~ ~ ~ ; r,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ii\ .vtJ.Afaw ~ [ 1 i;:':':':':::-', ~ " ~ II ,," il!l~l!i i J~ ~' ~ '<. ~ i : ~~\jej i I ~ .~ I b____ il&~l! I I" t> ,______~-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_~~-_-_-_-_~_-_- ~j~i '\ ~ t,3 PH: (918) 376-1500 FAX: (918)376-1597 www.cityofowasso.com III North Main Street P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74Q55 NORTH CITY OF OW ASSO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT o The Home Depot FP 03-04 GENERAL AREA MAP 4-10-03 , --~T'----;'_.':"----l I ~ [ i; ..,~' __m~.____' ,-u..E....-96'tb. c+;t'-'N" " --~.~--~ .... ~ , @. q;,[ @'U @ I I I l j 1 ,':' !: .~~ I' / ':, 1 I / /,1: J 0/./ ___'1" /<.',</' i:L-~-lJ .~/ I / \ II ~ /' II I I \ :1 --' /'." I' \ ,1/ ;/.' ' II \ )Y., ,', I I I /~/ / I I '" 'Ifj' / I I.@ ~/ / \ I ....~ / . 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APPROVED DENIED~__ T AC MEETING SUBMIIT AL FEE RECEIPT NUMBER Conditions Protested I (We), the undersigned developer, do submit that this subdivision has had preliminary plat approval and that all conditions of said preliminary plat approval have been met or listed below as conditions protested. ,;~ 1/ / DEVELOPERSIGNATURE/~l-'l~__ DATE Y)II6',) Please submit the completed application form and " application fee ($100 plus $.50 per lot over 100 lots), along with the completed Final Plat Checklist and all requirements thereof, to the Owasso City Planner on or before the Planning Commission submittal deadline as shown on the official City of Owasso calendar. All Final Plats are scheduled for review by the Technical Advisory Committee 13 days prior to the Planning Commission meeting at which the Final Plat will be reviewed. The applicant and/or the applicant's consultant should attend both the Technica.l Advisory Committee and Planning Commission meetings at which the Final Plat will be reviewed. TMCT " Present Zoning Present Use Proposed Zoning Proposed Use INFORMATION CS & OM Vacant CS Commercial Shopping ~ PLAT ,Total Acres Nwnber of Lots Average Lot Size INFORMATION 12.61 1 12.61 WATER SUlPI"L Y !Xl City Main o Rogers Co. R WD3 o Washington Co. RWD3 o Other SANITARY SEWER IZl City Sewer o Septic o Disposal Plant STREET SURFACING ~ Portland Cement Concrete ~ Asphaltic Concrete o Traffic-boWld Surface Course DEVELOPER The Home Depot ENGINEERlARCIDTECT Spear & McCaleb Co.. P. C. ADDRESS 2800 Forrest Lane. Dallas TX75234ADDRESS~5 W. Main OKC. OK 73106 n " PHONEllZ-9374087FAX---737~937-4088___ PHONEA05-212=z]15m FAX 405~232-7859 ''''''''''''=======,"> '=""'-=======-=~-=====,=<== CITYOFOWASSO P.O. BOX 180 OWASSO, OKLAHOMA 74055 (918) 272-2251 FAX (918) 272-4997 The property's present zoning classification is OM (Office Medium Intensity District). However, The subject property is located on a primary arterial road (129th East Avenue) and will be served by municipal water, wastewater, police, fire, and EMS service. Both 129th East Avenue and 961h Street North, arterial roads in the property's vicinity, are listed as top priorities on Owasso's Capital Improvements Plan and widening projects for these two roads are planned to begin next year. The tract is approximately 12.61 acres in size. The existing land use is vacant for the subject property, as is land to the north and west. Properties to the south and east are occupied by churches. COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 20, THENCE SOooOI '30"E ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SECTION 20 FOR A DISTANCE OF 765.08 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, THENCE CONTINUING SOooOI '30"E ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID SECTION 20 FOR A DISTANCE 532.48, THENCE S89055' 45"W A DISTANCE OF 841.17, THENCE NOOo03 '25"W A DISTANCE OF 857.92 FEET, THENCE N82OZ6'29"E A DISTANCE 208.22 FEET, THENCE S34020'05"E A DISTANCE OF 208.66 FEET, THENCE SOoo03'25"E A DISTANCE OF 180.00 FEET, THENCE N89056'35"E A DISTANCE OF 517.51 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, SAID TRACT CONTAINING 12.61 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. A TRACT OF LAND THAT IS PART OF THE E/2 OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST OF THE INDIAN BASE AND MERIDIAN, OWASSO, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: The legal description of the property is as follows: PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS: Spear & McCaleb has submitted an application to the Planning Commission for approval of the site plan for The Home Depot. The plan proposes a 97,000 square feet store with a 35,000 square feet Garden Center, with the total covered area being approximately 140,000 square feet. A general area map is attached for review. BACKG1!Q..UND: May 7, 2003 DATE: PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OW ASSO MEMORANDUM 1. Site Plan 2. Case Map 3. Application ATTACHMENTS: The staff recommends approval of the site plan for Home Depot conditioned upon the aforementioned requirements ofthe Technical Advisory Committee. RECOMMENDATION: Technical Com:rnittee reviewed the proposed site plan at the meeting. At that meeting, utility providers and city staff are afforded the opportunity to comment on the plan and request any changes or modifications. Planning issues such as parking, easements, detention, setbacks, and bulk and area requirements were reviewed at the meeting and found to be acceptable. The Technical Advisory Committee recommended approval ofthe site plan. The applicant is requesting this review in to construct a hardware store. The subject property is zoned (Commercial Shopping Center District). According to the City Zoning a hardware store falls within Unit (Shopping and right ANALYSIS: assuming a positive recommendation by the Planning Commission and final review and approval by City Council, the site would be zoned CS (Commercial Shopping Center District). '\ '-~'~~~~" "^--,{ ~ ~ ~~i " ; & ~ I_I ~ ~! ~Zl ~I ~ jl!! ;88;t m ~ = If: I ;ltQ1 oj Ii.f ~ ~ s~ ';>> I I , I I I I ~] ~i@ r~ ~ dl d "=1. K q On ~ I U un ~ . ,I ~ e~ ~. m u ~\S Om u MIlI:iT I ~ ~I II~ BU I ~- ~~ 3~ll. ' ;~! I g ~~, > f; · ~ ~ ir i i d In ~ 11 ~ I' ~, tl I tt .1 I ~ I · ~ ; ~ ~ d D Ii I I~ m nil :i~~ ~ Q t I' · I C ~ll ~ _Q ~ ~ I ~ I l I q ~ ,11_ h ,- I II; =Q ~ a ; ~ B .'-11 ul-; I . II Q; I i l! ! 1m, llllj i l!i I I Ii ! ~ : i · ~11~~ I~! I~ .11 II RUg ij' ~ ~1~..Iil. ~ U -~ ~ ~I i i. ; ~'Ui i!~ i! II ~ : I ! n~ ! 11111 R5ij~ ill HBw 1& ~ II . Iilij! i B ~; ! ~ ~ !hh !iI UI ~! i ; II ! in d ~~ '\ /J!1t' 'j'1 ~ I J 1 i I J, I , \ I I II I I I !I I III 1\\1 1\11 11\1 I1II IIII 1 III ~;:;.!'i': ~TI_W_1 ~ ~Jli__~~;~ J I~ IbI A \ \ \ L"r',J",..,,~ ~ PH: (918) 376-1500 FAX: (918)376-1597 www.cityofowasso.com III North Main Streel P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 THIS MAP IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT INfENDEDTO REPRESENf AN ACCURATE AND TRUE SCALE. USE OF THIS MAP IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OR REPRESENfATIONBYTIlE OTY OF OWASSO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEP ARTMENf OF ITS ACCURACY. NORTH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT g The Home Depot SITE PLAN CITY OF OW ASSO GENERAL AREA MAP 4-10-03 I' J i , " ' I; // i"I: I ..,. , i _'1 ! '. ,<> :./ 1'1 L..} I; '-/ \ i~--~' . II \ ) / I' , /~;? , ; },,/ ,? ftf/f II'" /..;;~,;. I , "'S /:::,:~~~/// ./~/ \ -''''~i-'-:~'--''-'' ~./ /' / I I' _................- ._~~.... ..- ~ / ~..// /J-/" // l / \ \~ / \ _..~ ,. /." 1 / .'" , I (.,. =i' 2 ./;/;;:'<> SUB/Tv CT ) i r-L~~-:i [-I ~ / ,~, / itJ L I ~ \ '9 ~ /// /' , i I rl _.....1 , /. ,,/...1' /' I I, ji!O!Ij-r~' 'I" PROPERTY ~ ' _I ~ . .... J I' ; - ,-- --- - J.L' I ri~ .// ... ' ...".- ..._,./ .\.1 , I '..I ~""::--, I .., ~ ;' / / . J r '~.:: -~ c.: ~. j / / I // ,/ L J' I ' !. r I ;.1-.j1 :,-' ,.(- ;' J I ~ I I' /" ---..-.. ..,\ /'-..,' / .". J I. ",!,--lil../f, I <:;;) I, ./ . .-; "-1 _' .> I ~, ~-I I ...,.~ ~F , "J Z---------' /;, --'-"-1'1'" ~Tr' ""-r-T'!' / - ...., .. i ,,: . .,.. 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L=..-j I..L..._1 I' , 1 'f '1- I' '/ - '(' J +' ~ (~. \ I . . , , I . '. ."'-. 7. ". L_ ( ! ,i 1-- ......----..- ! : 1- -, -/") '-,i.... / /'....... '. 1 r--.. / I. I I 1'1 ! c31f; :it~.~! 1<-::'''/ \ J, ,J . -'i /-f,j/ I i I: I ! ! ! Tulsa County' I =, CitY ojOWassoj ....- ! :-:"~~-rT"--,_ .. ,n .. / .....-..-........ E 96th Sf "l\.T ~,..____~.m.__ -- @.--- . r-j @__l ~ @ ',j..iYS-\ ~a.c,,;,O' i II'IIII/I'P '1IIIIil'! 111111'11111'11'11'11111'1'111/[#11 PI q~"" ':&UlloF' '''\~'ll ius" "IPI 111l!1111111" Iljl/"/'ITi'I'!T I WI!' ; II II11 111111 I. .111 .I II ,III /IIfflMi, illillffllml Om ill 1111 m~illllllffll Ji , Iii .! !/II i !i,! ,Iilll!II,11 r~!!lil ope MEETING DATE ZONING DISTRlCT_ APPROVED DENIED - TAC IvfEETING SUBMITI AL FEE RECEIPT NillviBER sq,ft. Please submit the completed application form and $25 application fee, along with the completed Site Plan Checklist and all requirements thereof, to the Owasso City Planner on or before the Planning Commission submittal deadline as shown on the official City of Owasso calendar. All Site Plans are scheduled for review by the Technical Advisory Committee 13 days prior to the Planning Commission meeting at which the Site Plan will be reviewed. The applicant and/or the applkant's consultant should attend both the Technical Advisory Committee and Planning Commiss'on meetings at which the Site Plan will be reviewed. APPLICANT SIGNATlrR.Eu 2!./J'1 DATE h1b "3 sq.n. Todl Livability Space RESU>E:'I1TIAL I No. of SingleoFamily I No. of Duplex Dwellings IN FOR.'\1A TWN Dwellings 1 66 feet Handicap Access. Parking 16 =>=============~""===,-~-- - . "-==~~==~ DKVELOPE:R ' The Home Depot ~ENGL.~ER/ARCmTECT~& M~Ca]eb CQ.~p"C. ADDRESS 2800 Forrest Lane, Dallas, T~DRESS~ 81'5 W, Main, Oklahoma City PHOm 747~9374057 _FA..X Z27~~D74Q88 PHONEtJ,05-232-7715 _F..\1( 40?~232.::]~ ~ - -:..~" :: - LOT ' ?orontage , . Average Dep Lot Area INFOR.'HA TWN feet 532 feet ~ 841 Front Rear (from center of street) 140 feet Total Floor Area Total Standar, (non-residential) Parking 137.156 sq.ft. 631 SITE IN FOR.'lA TlON feet feet Loading Berths I No. of Signs Total Sign Area 517,493 sq.ft. I mlYes QNo Sides (If corner lot, from center of street) BWLDlNG S ETBACI{ ===-== NA."1E OF DEVELOP.:vfENT The Home Depot ---=====--=========-======= LEGAL DESCRIPTION A..:.'ID ADDRESS OF ~~~- Multi..,Family Planned Unit Development Other ~~...~--~ D D [J RetaiVCommercial Industrial [FiI o o 13) 2'12-4997 CITY" OF The applicant is requesting this review in order to construct an automotive center. The subject property is zoned CS (Commercial Shopping Center District). According to the City of Owasso Zoning Code, an automotive center falls within Use Unit 17 (Automotive and Allied Activities) and is permitted by right. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the proposed site plan at the April 30th regular meeting. At that meeting, utility providers and city staff are afforded the opportunity to comment on the plan and request any changes or modifications. Planning issues such as parking, easements, detention, setbacks, and bulk and area requirements were reviewed at the meeting and found to be acceptable. Sidewalks are being constructed as part of the intersection improvements along 86th Street North and ANALYSIS: The tract is approximately 0.61 acres in size. The existing land use is automotive for the subject property. Properties south and east of the site are occupied by houses. Land across 86th Street to the north is vacant, and mini-storages lie across Main Street to the west. Lot 7,8, and 9 of Block 1, Nichols Heights Additions The legal description of the property is as follows: PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS: Mr. Greg Wylie ha<; submitted an application to the Planning Commission for approval of the site plan for B&M Tire Center. The plan proposes a 5,850 automotive center on approximately 0.61 acres. The B&M Tire Center is located at the southeast comer of 86th Street North and North Main A general area map is attached for review. Il1\CKGR1)UND: May 7,2003 DATE: MEMORANDUM L Site Plan Case Map 3. Application The staff recommends ~MIVIENDffiON: Main Street. Sidewalks along 11 th Street are planned as part of a Community Development Block Grant Program Screening will be provided to visually separate the site from residential properties to the east. The Technical Advisory Committee recommended approval of the site plan. -:L I- rJ. a "1.' L -4 _.I fL ~ ~llJ_ lu\--I~ .~ m {. . , 1\ I , ~ ~+=' .J' '" .;;- ~_..-.;..' . , .......~ '" 7.. ~ )< ill t-. b,. 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" ., ~ :z !i ~: "tI! ,: ~"I (.:<>~I 'l' '~11 i- , . . ..,.. ..;..*~_.._--.--"1':.":--~._;~...~~-_..._....__....~.~.....9~h~.........._........................._... f ~ .~ 'i~ :\ j . 1m I 1 l~ i ~__.~_......"''''''.."...;.~J.,.... ,.. PH: (918) 376-1500 F A.X: (918) 376-1597 www.cityofowasso.com III North Main Slreet P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 "'1".j\. ! \ I \ I . , 1/1' ! 11 1 - f ,. 1 l' ,'" ,~, :"1 m. !i II CITY OF OW ASSO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Q B&M Tire Center SITE PLAN GENERAL AREA MAP 4-17-03 }... i . t " I i I I I I , i c. ~", : l!Py' ~' I ~5' .:\;{~OJ,,- i P' {to." , i ~- I ! i . 1 j \. "'~q=;~"%i~'~"_<ir""~""'FXTr:~~:~~~J~~~:=.~~:;~jl] ! i 1 :..__~________..,_...o.,_._.__~.J ' 1, ~l ~,;,'1- :,;;.:) \ . .j' "\ \. \. " ',...\ --86th , :'(1, , ~o;l\.c YJ~~,rtiJ Cpv-'I'i/b 00\\ '" J /'''-. /(~) " /I~'~~):) =--====- r" , I I AS~!>~ "~{~::' ._;;// {..~ '" ,./ ~. ,./ ' '/ llllfllll'jllfllll/ll" will :111'['II'IIIIIII"I'l'fl!it III ;I~tflll f~JUJI0FiJ 'I' Ill! iUS""!PI'/,IIII/II/1' II !:I l/, I'IT i!r'11 r 'I ' ; II I iii 1/111111, J! .I ,II mfflmi,illil fflffi1ll1l1lillilli/1I11 illHllml illJll1 .1, !Ilil! 11/,1111111111,11 illl Ili//! TAC MEETING DATE OPC MEETING DA TE_ SUBMITTAL DATE _ ZONING DISTRlCT FEE RECEIPT t-.lUMBER APPROVED ~~DENIED DATE l{-{5- 0;3 APPLICA1'lT SIGNATURE = j,-lcase SUDmn me completed application form and $25 application fee, along with the completed Site Plan Checklist and all requirements thereof, to the Owasso City Planner on or before the Planning Commission submittal deadline as shown on the official City of Owasso calendar. All Site Plans are scheduled for review by the Technical Advisory Committee 13 days prior to the Planning Commission meeting at which the Site Plan will be reviewed. The applicant and/or the applicant's consultant should attend both the Technical Advisory Committee and Planning Comxqission meetings at which the Site Plan will be reviewed. sq.fl. f RESIDENTIAL INFORMATION feet Handicap Access. Parking 'J4o feet /J 8 Front 8f",ii "'7'" Rear - H ~ .s T (from cenrer of street) feet Total Floor Area Total Standar, (non-resident:ial) Parking '0 sq.ft. 3 No. of Single-Family No. of Duplex Dwellings Dwellings - . SITE INFOR.'1AT10N ~ N/A YlE:r I Livability lIfU} IN S:r ~e.~ps /VIl!U!Ii!~ feet BWLDlNG SETBACK Lot Area Average Dep rentage lOT INFORJHATION 't DEm6PERGl'e51~-~~ENGiNEERJ.ARcinTEcT 'flU~~~ ~Rok ADDRESSLQ, Be.'t ~/~(j;;j S: ~ADDRESS~_ (bLe~[)eL ~~ PHONE~~.9rtl" _FA.X-27.;1.. 971 {fi}_PHONE .:;teeJ:J~37'3tt FAX3 ~l- C;'J;:;(J'j ~=~===--== Multi~Fami!y Unit Development Other [J o o Industrial ] FAX (918) 272-4997 CITY OF OJrASSO The applicant is requesting this review in order to construct a medium intensity office ANALYSIS: The tract is approximately 4.24 acres in size. The existing land use is vacant for the subject property, as is land to the north and west. A school and day care center occupy land to the sou~ while townhomes are being developed to the east. A tract ofland that is part ofthe north half of section 16, township 21 north, range 14 east of the I.B.&M., Tulsa County, Oklahoma, more particularly described as follows: Commencing from the SW comer of the NE/4 of section 16; thence N 1018'30"W along the west line of said NE/4 for 965.63' to a point on the northerly line of the right of way recorded in book 6473 at page 2560; thence N 66012'57" W along said right of way for 30.16 feet to a point on the centerline of an easement recorded in book 4277 at page 1741, said point being the point of beginning; thence N 39048'02" E along said centerline for 69 L 77 feet; thence S 24052' 54" E for 222.19 feet; thence S 48049'47" E for 123.82' to a point on said northerly line ofthe right of way recorded in book 6473 at page 2560; thence along a curve to the right along said right of way with a radius of370' for 4.35' to a point with a chord S 41055'45" W for 4.35'; thence S 42015'58" W along said right of way for 135.83 feet; thence along a curve to the left along said right of way with a radius of 500' for 137.6' to a point with a chord S 34OZ2'57" W for 137.16'; thence along a curve to the right along said right of way with a radius of224' for 43L25' to a point with a chord S 70008'29" W for 309.19'; thence N 66012'57" W along said right of way for 182.48' to the point of beginning. The legal description of the property is as follows: PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS: Owasso Land Trust, LLC has submitted an application to the Planning Commission for approval of the preliminary plat for the Coffee Creek Office Condominiums, a five-lot office subdivision located west of 13Sth East Avenue along 103n! Street North. A general area map is attached for review. BACKGROUND: May 7, 2003 DATE: CONDOMINIUMS PLANNING COMl\1IISSION OF OW ASSO MEMORANDUM 1. Case Map Application 3. Preliminary Plat A TIACHMENTS: The staff recommends acceptance ofthe preliminary plat for Coffee Creek Office Condominiums. RECOMMENDATION: condominium development within the approved Coffee Creek Planned Unit Development. The subject property is zoned PUD/OM (Planned Unit Development/Office Medium Intensity District). According to the City of Ow as so Zoning Code, office uses are included within Use Unit II (Office and Studios) and are permitted by right. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the proposed final plat at the April 30th regular meeting. At that meeting, utility providers and city staff are afforded the opportunity to comment on the plat and request any changes or modifications. The Technical Advisory Committee recommended approval of final plat without condition. PH: (918)376-1500 F A.'C: (918) 376-1597 www.cityofowasso.com III North Main Streel P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74<l55 Opp 03-05 CITY OF OW ASSO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEP ARTMENT GENERAL AREA MAP 4-21-03 i I I \ / I J 1 J , , i i! " ;: J ,I! j-1 , ;1 I . f i j ;. j @:A..'Wi''V'''''JlU!....jIoJ.",.,..r,wfjJ.li...-..._...TulsaCountyJ'>>'! 'h,'" ....u....... _ . ........._=:1~:.:,:::.=::=::.=:=:::.::;.:.':::.r;..:~::fr:~.::./-::/'~'.:"~.:."'::cc..:.':':::..i'2cjtFt;jO;:as~i.t';,.:..c:'" :.~: ,i .. I i J J ! i' i I ...... Tr...~~~:=.-~..-I...........-.~ III / i : , I I ! I' I I;' , . 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Pre~ent Zcning of Tract ~")M Pr~po~~d Ch~nge in Zoning Loc~tion Reldtiv~ to Qwassa City Limits (XJ Inside ( ) Ouhid~ ( ) ?art Inside, Pdrt Outsid~ Type of Water Su~p~y ~) CHy M<tin ( ) We 11 Trp~ of Sdnitation (X) Ci ty Sewer ( ). Septi b Tan ie ( ) Disposal Pldnt a~ V=l C~ Pn:::posed Use AI"~~ 1& Nflml:Jer of Lotsz _ ~,2..~ ..~A.;:;r~s Pr~sent Use of Tr~:t ~\IL\r,~~~~~ Averag€t Lot Size 3"Lo'i-; ~_~ G~nwral Legal D~~cr:ption of Tract: Enginwer Or Surv~yor. PrOPQ5ed SutJdivision N.a!1wn CoFY::$.~~OF~H:J2: C~N.Q~\N\VV\{\.=.S IThis certifies that th& indicated name is the nama Which is intended to b~ used for filing of the final pLatl ---, Dev~loper'l N..aH~: _O~~~a ~() \ ~~Ij L.\.-, c.'___~_ . ___^~, Develcper's Address .and Phones Ya,6-a~ ~C>>.>p.,s.<;tJ)()\L....,~5-( 1,,11;S~ at, and the following A~plic.ticn is hereby madl far apprava: at the attached preliminary intermation is hereby submitted. 0li'1 appl:caUon fee af $50.00 ::JIll" 050 Pt'!'" pl~t and filed nat latlF than 15.wcrking ,'l1eeti.n(j~ ",t ~Jhi:h time this plat will be Nct~l This ~PDlicmtiar. fflU~: b~ ~c:omp~nied by lot aver 100 lots and 20 coaies of tt1@ pro days pr~r;:~d::i1g the Ow",sso Pl&t1f1ing Ccmrni,\H;lOI1 review",u, [)t1 t I:!' : ~J;~LL.Q~ fOR PREL11lI~RY APPROVAL OF ~SUBltIyJSLQ1i OWASSO PLA~ING COMMISSION Ow,,~s(J City HaL 272-2251 1".2 818 <:72 4837 Owassc Cammunit~Dev. Rpr 11 01 08:08a Funds for the drainage channel improvements were included within the Capital Projects Department budget in the amount of $1 00,000. FUNDING: Due to the significantly low bid figures, staff would also like to include Alternate #2 in the project. This will allow for a sodded bottom of the drainage channel, as well as the seeding/mulching of all sloped areas. This will provide for a more polished finish at the time of completion of Phase I of the improvements. Phase II ofthe improvements will include additional plantings and channel aesthetics. A review of the bids submitted indicates than one company did not submit complete bid documents and that Carter Excavating of Sand Springs is the qualifying low bidder. Although not previously awarded a contract with the City of Ow as so for any type of improvement ofthis nature, a review ofthe references of Carter Excavating were positive, with work being completed recently in Broken Arrow and Tulsa. All bids were to be received by April 18, 2003 at 2:00 PM and due to the nature of the project, a mandatory pre-bid meeting was also required. A total of eight bid packets were picked up from the City Clerk's office and five companies submitted bids. A copy of the bid tally sheet is attached. In March, the Parks Department began the process of advertising for bids in order to provide for Phase I of the Rayola Park Drainage Channel Improvements. The bid packet was developed with a base bid and two alternative bid specifications. The base bid included final grading and excavation, concrete encasement along existing sanitary sewer crossing, and concrete slope walls on the existing culvert pipes. The first alternate included seeding and/or mulching of all excavated areas; while the second alternate included slab sodding the bottom of the channel and seeding/mulching of all sloped areas. BACKGROUND: The FY 2002-03 Budget included funding for Capital Improvement Projects for several different projects throughout the City of Owasso. Included in that project list was funding to provide improvements to the Rayola Park Drainage Channel. A total of$100,000 was budgeted for this improvement May 8, 2003 DATE: I DRAINAGE CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS ~ THE HONORABLE CITY MEMORANDUM Tally Sheet Advertisement Map Staff will recommend Council award Phase I of the Rayola Park Drainage Improvements to Carter Excavating, Inc., of Sand Springs, OK for $ 36,906. RECOMMENDATION: ,..~.~~~~~ ~ 0 <D t 0 0 d t:::l (\j I Cf:l ~ <D ~ 0 0 l(') 0 0 0 'P"'4 ~ C'! ~ 0 0 ~ 0 1.0 0 0 "0 ~ 0 M l(') 0 'F< an l(') ~ l(') CO I.O~ I.O~ M "*'~ Q) {',II'} {',II'} {',II'} €A- ....... Q) - a 'F< 0 eEl 0 t:::l Q)~ - OJ) ~ 0 1.0 0 0 "0 I<mI 0 0 0 0 <D ..-I 00 = ~ ~ 0 0 ~ ~ ~ 0 0 0 0 0 1.0 1.0 M C"l~ ~ Q) 00 <::l'I~ I.O~ I.O~ S < M C"l M l(') t'- :>-. Q) = {',II'} €A- €A- {',II'} S ;> 0 ~ I-< a 0 ....... CJ'J ~ <D - ..0 Q) <D m eEl ..t::: 0 U ....... Q) ~n ~ eEl t:::l ~ .F< .-I (\j ..-I .F< I-< Q) 1::: M o ~ d ~ Q) 0 ~ ..... <D 0 0 0 ~ ~ C"l ~ g ~ :>-. oon ~ CO~ 0 O~ 0 -E lZl ..... ~ .;g ""d (/r lZl Q)n I-< Q) ~ 01) cd I-< ..!:l ..-I o 0 .... d ~ 0 .- ~ ~ ~ ~ I-< .- 0 S 0 ~ ~ 1-1 "0 ~an~O 0. n d) ~ CJ:l d ~ ~ ~ ~ I<mI ""d ..-I . d 0 0 d) Z = ~ -. U ...... - 0 CI:ln n (\jn U 0 (\j CJ:l d C ;> U lZl CJ'J -. 0 n ~ t:::l 0 ~ d .- 1-1 d -. 0 U 0 an 0. t:::l 0 dn ~ ~ -. .- n CJ:l an ..... C/r 0 U ..-I 01) .-I CJ:l 0 ffi (ti ~ 0 1-1 .- d) -< "*'0 d e d) .... lZln ~ d) .- "0 0 ~ t'-O .. d) "'ClCO ~ ..... - ;:j 1-1 ~ ~ d) ....... .- lZl 'F< 1-1 Q) d ~an ~ if! CO "0 ~ d ;:j ....... "0 i:i 0._0 - ::J ~ d) 0 co lZl - 0 O~ r:: ..... 0 co (\j000' o d 0 U ;:j ~~- 1.0 U d) ~ d) 0 co .~ cd d) o ~ 6t'- 0 bJ) ::::::. I-< 0. (ti u:l s:: d) U l-< OCJ'JM .5'0 15 0 a'j 0 ~ l-< U '0 ;:j 0 1-1 0 - 11) t;::: 1-1 ..... ~ colfl,,-.., r:: r:: .. S r:: 11) N I-< Q} r:: '€ (\j cd f- <Xl 00 0 11) ;:j S ~..... 1::: '1: ~ r:: 11) -::O~- 11) 0 0 OJ) .... - 0. 0 ;:j .- .- <Xl 0 ..!:l 0 0 11) (\j u-~O~ ou~zco:3: u ::r:: u ~ u .- 0 CO Cf) _n CI] ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS 00100 - Page 10f2 0303 All BIDS must be made on the required BID form. ALL blank spaces for BID prices must be filled in, in ink or typewritten, and BID form must be fully completed and executed when submitted. BIDS carrying riders, alterations of construction time or qualifications which modify the amount of the BID as submitted can be rejected as irregular. BIDDER must fill out the BID forrnand other required documents for the bid opening. 111 MAIN I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IMPORT ANT: SURETY COMPANIES EXECUTING BONDS MUST APPEAR ON THE TREATURY DEPARTMENT'S MOST CURRENT LIST AND BE AUTHORlZED TO TRANSACT BUSINESS IN THE STATE WHERE THE PROJECT IS LOCATED. Attorneys-in-Fact who sign BID. PERFORMANCE AND MAINTENANCE AND STATUTORY PAYMENT BONDS must file with each Bond a certified and effective dated copy of their power of attorney. PERFORMANCE AND MAINTENANCE AND STATUTORY PAYMENT BONDS in the amount of 100 percent (100%) of the Contract. Price, with a corporate surety approved by the CITY OF OW ASSO, will be required for the faithful performance of the contract. Each Bid must be accompanied by a BID BOND payable to the CITY OF OW ASSO for Five Percent (5%) of the total amount of the BID. As soon as the BID prices have been compared, the CITY OF OW ASSO will return the BONDS to all except the three lowest responsible BIDDERS. When the Agreement is executed, the bonds of the two remaining unsuccessful BIDDERS will be returned. The BID BOND of the successful BIDDER will not be returned until the PERFORMANCE AND MAINTENANCE AND STATUTORY PAYMENT BONDS have been executed and approved. after which it will be returned. A certified check may be used in lieu of a BID BOND. Said improvements shall include items in the specifications. Separate sealed 1:>> Al-{K lJKAlNAU~ Ll1.f\l"ll'l~L llVlr KU II nlVlnl'\J 1 >JJ, ana appurtenances thereto, will be' received by the City of Owasso, Office of the City Clerk, at 111 North Main (pO Box 180), Owasso, Oklahoma 74055, (918) 376-1511 until 2:00 p.m. Central Daylight Time (2:00 p.mo CDT) on Apri118, 2003, and then at said City Han publicly opened and read aloud. A IYIANDATORY pre-bid conference will be held in the Main Conference Room at Owasso City Hall at 2:00 p.mo on April 9. 20030 A failure to attend the mandatory pre- bid conference will disqualify the bidder :from bidding on this project. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS SECTION 00100 I I I I I I I I I I I ADVERTISEMENT FOR I3ID~ 00100 - Page 2 of2 0303 BY: ~,w:;} ( rVpniwe-tt TITLE: (l~ r!1e-l~~ _ CITY OF OW ASSO Copies of the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS may be purchased at Owasso City Hall upon payment of Twenty Five Dollars ($25.00) for each set, which is the cost of reproduction and will NOT be refunded. Owasso City Han Office of City Clerk 111 North Main Owasso, OK 14055 (918) 316=1511 The CONTRACT DOCUMENTS may be examined at the following location: shall submit a nStatement time of the BID submittal. All forms are included. The CITY OF OW ASSO may waive any informalities or minor defects or reject any and all BIDS. Any BID may be withdrawn prior to the above scheduled time for the opening of BIDS or authorized postponement thereof. Any BID received after the time and date specified shall not be considered. No BIDDER may withdraw a BID within sixty (60) calendar days following the actual date of the opening thereof. Should there be reasons why the contract cannot be awarded within the specified period,. The time may be extended by mutual agreement between the OF OW ASSO and the BIDDER. jl g2 >+ o~l~ >f (J1~ u I J= "'I~ ~ .:i :51~ z ~ ......:) o t;j';2 01~~' ~ 1'2:2 <( "',~ :;.. o~ 6 ~tj u~ :::i~ cow :0 (L "- 0> + "- z :5.:5 Q.(J1 ., I; I:; 1/ {~ ~ III -':1 Ul I- :z w ~ffi 0:> ~o 0.,0: ~Q. ..J:;; 0- >-w ~~ 0:<:( Z ;;X tl: Q s If. j C. ~): ~}. \. '. ~;I , l in -'i. ~,_ _J'l~~.iFF;1," I 9:::: ~I;'/":;,:. X~."1';4,,';?~:\.' 'HW.I#V~iVN:",1F\.':iEf.;fl!(..~"~;"';.~~",~,,' y,;;.WJ;;"ll'l!-n....;;~.$,r,;;' ;., \"<'\ , ~ .., .,~, 'J ~ 1 \... . I ~J m ~~ ..~~ J~] ~~; im' ~w I~ f;~: 1 :~. . l, .fu b}. '~.' '"-p' Ji.1!