HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003.07.01_OPWA AgendaSTAT161,10% M-15 TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: July 1, 2003 TIME: 6:30 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted at City Hall at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, June 27, 2003. Timothy D. Roo ney, Assistant Cit Y'Manager I Call to Order Chairman Cochran 2. Flag Salute 3. Roll Call 4. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the Trustees to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Trustee may, however, remove an item from consent by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non-debatable. A. Approval of the Minutes of June 17, 2003 Regular Meeting. Attachment #4-A B. Approval of Claims. Attachment #4-B 11 'NIA RYA L RE D\A GENDAS` OP WA\070103 . DOC Owasso Public Works Authority July 1, 2003 Page 2 5. Consideration and Appropriate Action relating to a request for Trustee approval of OPWA Resolution No. 2003 -03 a resolution approving a Development Agreement between the Owasso Public Works Authority and Home Depot U.S-A., Inc. and authorizing the Mayor to execute documents relating to such agreement. Mr. Mayes Attachment #5 The Staff has prepared and negotiated a development agreement with Home Depot that requires dome Depot to construct and provide advance funding for street and wastewater improvements and requires the OPWA to reimburse Home Depot for those costs from the proceeds of sales tax collected from the beneficiaries of those improvements. The Staff will recommend 'Trustee approval of the resolution. 6. Consideration and Appropriate Action relating to a request for 'trustee rejection of Bids for the Residential Refuse Container Purchase Contract. Mr. Roberts Attachment #6 The Staff recommends Trustees to reject all bids for the refuse container purchase contract received on May 28, 2003 and authorize re-bidding following revisions to cart specifications. 7. Report from OPWA Manager. I1�,b1ARY ALRED`AGENDAS\OPWAA070103. DOC Owasso Public Works Authority July 1, 2003 Page 3 9. New Business. (New Business is any item of business which could not have been foreseen at the time of posting of the agenda.) 10. Adjournment. t!-UL\RY : \LRGD ?AGF_ND \S \OP \1'A \070103. DOC OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, June 17, 2003 The Owasso Public Works Authority met in regular session on Tuesday, June 17, 2003 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4 :00 p.m. on Friday, June 13, 2003. ITEM 1. C ALL TO OMUER. Mayor Cochran called the meeting to order at 7 :13 p.m. ITEM 2. FLAG SALUTE The flag salute was held during the City Council meeting preceding this meeting. ITEM 1 ROLL CALL, STAFF Rodney J. Ray, City Manager A quorum was declared present. ABSENT Stephen Garay, City Attorney ITEM 4. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL AGENDA. A. Approval of Minutes of the June 3, 2003 regular meeting and June 10, 2003 special meeting. B. Approval of Claims. C. Approval of Water Quality Report Certificate of Completion. Mr. Helm moved, seconded by Ms. Kimball, to approve the OPWA consent agenda with claims in the amount of $77,934.11 and payroll claims in the amount of $40,970.79. AYE: Cataudella, Helm, Kimball, Thoendel, Cochran NAY: Intone Motion carried 5 ®0. MATA 4 [011 Zi � 1 Owasso Puhlic Works Authority June 17, 2003 A FY" 2003 -04 OPWA BUDGET FOR ALL FUNDS ADMINISTERED BY THE OPWA. Ms. Bishop presented the item. Mr. Cataudella moved, seconded by Ms. Kimball to approve Resolution #2003 ®020 AYE: Cataudella, Kimball, Helm, Thoendel, Cochran NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 0, CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A CONTRACT TO PURCHASE WATER METERS. Chris Roberts presented the item requesting the trustees award a contract to Water Products of Oklahoma, Inc. Mr. Helm moved, seconded by Ms. Kimball that we award the contract to Mater Products of Oklahoma, Inc. AYE: Cataudella, helm, Kimball, Thoendel, Cochran NAY: None Motion carried 5 ®0. No report. N Owasso Public Works Authority ITEM 10. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Helm moved, seconded by Mr. Cataudella to adjourn. AYE: Kimball, Helm, Cataudella, Thocndel, Cochran NAY: None Motion ' Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting was adjourned at 7:19 p.m. Pat Fiy, Minute Clerk 3 Gary Cochran, Chair June 17, 2003 OPWA CLAIMS TO BE PAID 07/01/03 MENDQR MaMPTIQN AMD-U-N-1 CAMDEN PARK HOMEOWNERS ASSOC REFUND TAP FEE 500.00 REFUND TOTAL -------- OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 23.50 VVAL-MART COMK8UN|TY OFF|CE/KXA|0TSUPPL|E3 21.25 IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS CC)P|ERK8A|NT 81.52 LOVVES COMPANIES INC OUTDOOR LIGHTS 25.80 SAMS CLUB K8A|NTSUPPL|ES 173.87 TREASURER PETTY CASH LODG|NG'CARR 53523 ADMINISTRATION DEPT TOTAL 84 117 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 13.28 TREASURER PETTY CASH COLLECTION FEE 722 OL|NGHDU3E DAVID R. METER READINGS 221.40 TYR0NED|NK|NS METER READINGS 143.85 O0CARK4CLAUR|N METER READINGS 72.90 MARK MEYER METER READINGS 368.10 TECHNICAL PROGRAMMING SERVICES INC BILLING SERVICE 2,00O�10 � UTILITY BILLING DEPT TOTAL 3,432.85 WATER PRODUCTS INC REPA|R/MA|NTSUPPL|ES 604.80 WATER PRODUCTS INC METER SET MATERIALS 3.373.87 ARMY NAVY SURPLUS HIP WADERS-CHANDLER 38.09 UN|F|RSTCORP8RAT0N UNIFORM RENTALS 35.03 UN|F|RSTCORPOFAJ|UN UNIFORM RENTALS 47.03 GEORGE & GEORGE SAFETY PROTECTIVE CLOTH |NG/SUPPL|ES 41.41 A&A MATERIALS CO. K4A|NTSUPPL|EB 35.93 RAINBOW CONCRETE CO CONCRETE 444.00 WATER PRODUCTS INC HYDRANT REPAIR MATERIALS 43941 BROWN FARMS SOD SOD 110.00 WATER PRODUCTS INC METER REPLACEMENT MATERIALS 9.324.00 WATER PRODUCTS INC METER REPLACEMENT MATERIALS 1.662.00 FARM PLAN REPA|R/K8A|NTSUPPL|E8 1220 CITY OF TULSA UTILITIES SERVICES PURCHASED WATER 182'102.80 WARREN CLINIC IMMUNIZATIONS 111.00 CONCENTRA OSHA QUESTIONNAIRES 75.00 NATIONAL POWER WASH VEHICLE WASHING 15.00 ACCURATE TRAINING CENTER TRAINING-CHANDLER 255.00 WATER DEPT TOTAL -178,728.53- UN|F|RSTCORPORAT0N UNIFORM RENTALS 18.41 UN|F|RSTCORPORAT|ON UNIFORM RENTALS 18.41 C0NCENTRA OSHA QUESTIONNAIRES 75.00 VVVVTREATMENT PLANT DEPT TOTAL ---111.82 EQUIPMENT ONE INC MA|NTSUPPL|E8 70.00 SAKXSCLUB MA|NTSUPPL|ES 10.80 E8TES|NC WEED CHEMICALS 115.00 OPWA CLAIMS TO BE PAID 07/01/03 MEN-DOE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT UN|F|RSTCDRPORAT|DN UNIFORM RENTALS 4542 UN|F|R8TCDRPORAJ0N UNIFORM RENTALS 57.42 GEORGE & GEORGE SAFETY PROTECTIVE CLOTH |NG/SUPPL|ES 41.40 LUVVES COMPANIES INC REPA|R/MA|NTSUPPL|ES 57.30 CLIFFORD POWER SYSTEMS |NG LIFT STATION REPAIR 248.00 PACKING GASKETS &SEALS MECHANICAL SEALS 788.60 VVESCDD|ST REPA|FV&1A|NTSUPPL|ES 117.00 WATER PRODUCTS INC REPA|FDK8A|NTSUPPL|ES 138.01 BROWN FARMS SOD SOD 55.00 B&BELECTRIC PUMP REPAIR 2.143.51 WATER PRODUCTS INC SUPPLIES 25.00 WATER PRODUCTS INC SMALL TOOLS 25.11 FARM PLAN SMALL TOOLS 149.02 WARREN CLINIC IMMUNIZATIONS 60.00 CDNCENTRA OSHA QUESTIONNAIRES 75.00 ST FRANCIS HOSPITAL |K4K8UN|ZAT|0NS4/A|L 50.00 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 05/03 USE 283.53 NATIONAL POWER WASH VEHICLE WASHING 20.00 LOT MAINTENANCE INC MANHOLE REPAIR 5.77025 EQUIPMENT ONE INC RENTALS 145.60 VVEST|NHOTEL LODGING-CARR 110.00 k8CKN|GHT JOHNNY VVAYNE RE|MB FOR ELECTRICAL COURSE 150.00 ACCURATE TRAINING CENTER TRAINING-RUTHERFCJRD 255.00 WASTEWATER DEPT TOTAL -------' .-,---.-- IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS COP|ERkXA/NT 94.50 O'RBLLYAUTOK80T|VE INC OPERATING SUPPLIES 2.89 UN|F/RSTCORPORAT|ON UNIFORM RENTALS 26.06 UN|F|RSTCORPOFWkT|ON UNIFORM RENTALS 20.00 GEORGE & GEORGE SAFETY PROTECTIVE CLOTH }NG/SUPPL|ES 41.40 NATIONAL POWER WASH VEHICLE WASHING 150.00 REFUSE DEPT TOTAL 340.71 UN|F/RSTCORPORAT0N UNIFORM RENTALS 5.20 UN!F|RSTCORPORAT|ON UNIFORM RENTALS 520 WASTE MANAGEMENT UF[}K RECYCLE REFUSE 2.90722 RECYCLE DEPT TOTAL ---2,977.62' OPWAK]PERAT|NG FUND TOTAL 18792053 ��� BANK ONE TRUST CO NA FAP'01-0003-L 4.41024 BANK ONE TRUST CO NA FAP-82'0107'L 23.402.02 BANK ONE TRUST CO NA FAP'02-0107-L 2.525.07 BANK ONE TRUST CO NA ORF'01-0002'L 8.030.02 BANK ONE TRUST CO NA 0RF-02'0017-L 10.215.48 BANK ONE TRUST CO NA ORF-08-008-L 1.961.84 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND TOTAL --50,�6T�67 ��� OPWA CLAIMS TO BE PAID 07/01/03 BOELTE & ASSOCIATES,PLC BANK ONE TRUST CO NA BANK ONE TRUST CO NA D-EBLRUIP-1-IDN A M O-V -NT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2,120.00 1997 REV BONDS 43,415.15 1998 REV BONDS 94,960.20 OPWA SALES TAX FUND TOTAL 140,495.35 OPWA GRAND TOTAL 389,03665 OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE DEPARTMENT 06/141/03 OVERTIME TOTAL EXPENSES EXPENSES E0 Utility Billing 0 00 2 , 253.98 0&W-44A Refuse 22.74 5,541.77 m A/P TRANSFER REPORT VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT TRANSFERS GENERAL FUND TRANSFER FROM OPWA 16,666.67 COLLISION SELF INSURANCE TRANSFER FROM OPWA 2,500.00 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND TRANSFER FROM SALES TAX FUND 1,095,544.25 TRANSFERS TOTAL 1,114,710.92 1► %J -1/z 'N 1► :!� 'i 1 I TO- THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OASSO FROM: RICKE Y HIA&YES DIREcrOR OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT: HOME DEPOT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT a SOLUTION NO. 2003-03 DATE: June 26, 2003 BACKGROUND. In January 2003, staff was contacted by representatives from Dome Depot regarding their desire to locate a store near the corner of E. 96th Street North and N. 1291h E. Avenue on land owned by Tyann Development. To offset scheduling conflicts with previously planned construction of roadway improvements on North 129th E. Avenue, Home Depot offered to construct the roadway improvements in order to insure that the improvements would be completed when the store was ready to open for business, Some infrastructure improvements were also needed to get the site ready for construction, as well as dedication of several easements and rights-of-ways. The City of Owasso is to provide 300 feet of sanitary sewer line to the south side of the proposed Home Depot site. Home Depot's contractors would be responsible for the construction of the sanitary sewer line to the site, and the City of Owasso would reimburse expenses at a later date. The City of Owasso's Technical Advisory Committee and Planning Commission reviewed presentations from the Community Development Department and representatives from Home Depot regarding a request for rezoning, platting, and a site plan for the facility. The requests were unanimously approved by the Planning Commission and the City Council. A Development Agreement between the Owasso Public Works Authority and Home Depot has been prepared and is included within Resolution No. 2003 ®03 which is attached for your information and review. Three main projects are covered in the agreement: • Construction of 300 feet of sanitary sewer line to the site • Construction of a service road into the Home Depot property from East 96th Street N. • Construction and widening of N. 129th E. Avenue and signalization of the intersection and intersection improvements at East 96th Street N. and N. 129th E. Avenue The Development Agreement proposes all three projects would be completed by Home Depot and reimbursement would be made through the Owasso Public Works Authority. The formula for reimbursement will lump the service road entrance and the sanitary sewer construction into one project and the N. 129th E. Avenue widening and intersection improvements into another. The lei. 129th E. Avenue construction would be reimbursed, in full, if the Capital Improvements program receives voter approval in October. If the Capital Improvements program is not approved, theca the M 129th E. Ave. construction would be reimbursed with 2 of one cent of sales tax revenue generated by the development, at air interest rate of p "mine plus 1 °/ - e service plus V. A" AAC. L1 S road and sanitary sewer construction would be reimbursed by the same formula of r/2 of one cent of sales tax revenue generated by the development, regardless of voter action in October. Reimbursement is set to begin in January 2004. All of the public improvements constructed by Dome Depot's contractors would be subject to inspection and approval by City of Owasso staff inspectors from the Public Works and Community Development Departments. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Resolution No. 2003 -03, a resolution approving a Development Agreement between the Owasso Public Works Authority and Home Depot LISA, Inc. and authorizing the Mayor to execute documents relating to the agreement. ATTACHMENTS- Resolution No. 2003-03 ENCLOSURE: Proposed Development Agreement SO i0. WHEREAS, the City of Owasso, and in furtherance of encouraging the prosperity and welfare of the City of the citizens of Owasso, believes it is in the best interest of the citizens to encourage development within the City. WHEREAS, Home Depot USA, Inc., a Delaware corporation ( "Home Depot ") has expressed interest in developing and maintaining property, while doing business in the City of Owasso; WHEREAS, Home Depot desires to construct roadway and intersection improvements adjacent to their site to City of Owasso design and quality standards, and in a timely manner; WHEREAS, Home Depot entered into a Development Agreement with the Owasso Public "Trust Authority to accomplish the same and the Owasso Public "Trust Authority would agree to reimburse or pay back Home Depot over a period of time from a one -half cent . %2 of sales tax collected at the Home Depot site. NOW THERE, FORE be it resolved that the City of Owasso appreciates the work of Home Depot and the Owasso Public Works Authority in facilitating the building of the infrastructure as set forth in the Development Agreement. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Owasso believes that it is in the best interest of the citizens of Owasso for the Owasso Public Works Authority to payback, over time, pursuant to the terms of the Development Agreement, the cost of infrastructure improvement to Home Depot. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that though the City of Owasso is circumscribed by Article 10, Section 26 of the Oklahoma Constitution and cannot obligate the citizens of Owasso to debt beyond the fiscal year in which monies are appropriated, it believes the Development Agreement is the best way to legally accomplish infiastructive development under the circumstances. Hence it can make no assurances or guarantees as to the funding any particular fiscal year of the Owasso Public Works Authority. However, the City of Owasso will use its best efforts to encourage said authority to affirm the terns of the Development Agreement subject to any constraints imposed by the Oklahoma Constitution, Oklahoma caselaw, Oklahoma Statutes, and /or Attorney General's opinions. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this _ day of _, 2003 by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. Gary Cochran, Mayor Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk Stephen P. Gray, City Attorney 1i "MARY ALRED \RESOLUTION OF INTENT-NOME DEPOT.DOC 101?511MKVIIDII���111 � TO- THE HONORABLE CHAIR AND TRUSTEES OBASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY FROM: CHRIS ROBERTS PUBLIC WORKS FIELD OPERATIONS MANAGER SUBJECT- RE' JECTION OF BIDS — RE, SIDENTIAL REFUSE CONTAINER PURCHASE CONTRACT DATE: June 23, 2003 BACKGROUND: Annually, the Owasso Public Works Authority solicits bids for the purchase of plastic carts to be used in the residential refuse and yardwaste collection programs. The existing purchase contract with Williams Refuse Equipment is due to expire on June 30, 2003; therefore, the contract was bid to keep prices current. As in previous years, the specifications requested a cart (green for refuse and red for yardwaste) that is compatible with the semi-automated refuse collection system (a system enabling carts to be collected using a hydraulic lift) presently utilized by the City. The type of collection cart that has been used in the City of Owasso system for approximately the past 15 years is a 90-gallon container (Ameri-Kart 2000). The cart consists of a tub and lid mounted to an external tubular metal frame. To accommodate the existing lift system, carts must be designed with lift bars spaced 20-inches apart, which is considered nonstandard in the industry (standard spacing is 13-inches). BIDS RECEIVED: Following bid advertisement, two (2) bids were received on May 28, 2003. Williams Refuse Equipment submitted a bid for the Ameri-Kart 2000 container and Total Truck and Trailer Equipment submitted a bid for a cart that was not specified (Roll-A-Waste cart manufactured by Diakon Molding Inc.). A comparison of bid prices is as follows: Vendor Description Total Truck and Trailer Equipment (Norman, Oklahoma) Williams Refuse Equipment (Owasso, Oklahoma) Base Bid (Per Unit $52.00 (green cart) $52.00 (brown cart) $60.00 (green cart) $62.00 (red cart) Page 2 Dejection of Bids - Refuse Carts ID ANALYSIS: Although not specified, the bid submitted by Total Truck and Trailer does meet a majority of the specifications except for color and bar spacing requirements. The Roll -A ®'Waste cart design is based on the industry bar spacing standard. Due to the present design of our cart lifting devices, this cart system cannot be collected by our refuse vehicle fleet. In addition, the base bid included a brown cart (instead of red) for the yardwaste program. 'The manufacturer of the Doll -A- Waste cart system considers `bred' to be a custom color, but can be provided when carts are purchased in bulk quantities. Consequently, Total Truck and Trailer submitted an alternate bid item, which provides a unit price of $43.00 for carts purchased in truckload shipments. Through bulk purchasing the City would have the option to receive custom colors and discount pricing. Carts would have to be purchased in quantities of no less than 408 units per order. Coincidentally, at the same time as these bids were taken, a third cart supplier (Ultra Cart, Collinsville, OK) provided a sample of a cart similar to that bid by Total Truck and Trailer. They also made the City aware of an adapter that could be added to our existing lifts that would enable each vehicle to collect carts with standard bar spacing at minimal expense. As a result of the bid analysis, staff determined that cart systems designed around the industry standard are available at a significantly lower cost due to intense competition between vendors. Nonstandard cart systems are in low demand and available only through a limited number of suppliers. Consequently, these cart systems are typically more expensive. To take advantage of competitive pricing, the City would need to modify the existing cart lifts to accommodate standard cart systems. CONCLUSIONS: After contacting various cart lift manufacturers, a cost - effective method for accomplishing necessary cart lift modifications was developed. This method enables our refuse vehicles to collect both standard and nonstandard cart systems. Required modifications can be completed by the Vehicle Maintenance Department at a cost of $100 per lift. Modifications to two (2) refuse vehicles have been completed and tested by Refuse Division personnel. As a result of these developments, staff is prepared to make changes to cart specifications and re -bid the contract to allow all qualified vendors to bid. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Trustees reject all bids for the refuse container purchase contract received on May 28, 2003 and authorize re- bidding following revisions to cart specifications. 1. Bid Specifications (existing) 2. Bid Submittals SPECIFICATIONS FOR NINETY (90) GALLON FIJSE/YA WASTE CAN'T'S The Owasso public Works Authority is soliciting a unit price quote for the purchase of green carts with a minimum size of ninety (90) gallons; and a unit price for red carts with a minimum size of ninety (90) gallons. Both are being solicited to meet the requirements of the City of Owasso Public Works Authority for FY 2003 - 2004. (The Ameri -Kart Corp poly -Kart 2000 is presently being used.) * It is anticipated that carts will be ordered in fifty (50) unit quantities, however, the Owasso public Works Authority reserves the right to order whatever number and color of carts is needed at the time the order is placed. It is further anticipated that the Owasso Public Works Authority will purchase a total of approximately 1,000 green and 100 red carts. The purchase price shall be guaranteed for any orders placed during the period from the date of issuance of "Notice of Award" until June 30, 2004. * The cart shall have the "City of Owasso" text and an identification serial number stamped in the cart body. * The carts must be compatible with the collection system presently utilized by the City of Owasso Public Works Authority. ® The cart tub shall be constructed of a high - molecular, ultra - violet stabilized polyethylene. Applicable support frames and lift bars shall be constructed of 16 -guage galvanized steel (minimum) and all tub stress points supported by steel. ® The stress points of attachment for the top lift bar /support frame will have at least two (2) reinforcement plates measuring 4" x 4" x 1/8" mounted on the inside of the container body. ® The lift bars shall be spaced as follows: (1) Bottom lift bar shall be 13- inches from the ground, and (2) Top lift bar shall be 33- inches from the ground. The carts shall have 12 -inch diameter wheels with semi - pneumatic tires. ® The cart lid shall be fully hinged and shall have a high tension rubber wind latch. ® These specifications shall be interpreted as minimum requirements. ® The bidder shall include brochures with the bid submittal showing the cart specifications. The warranty for the carts shall be clearly stated. A sample cart shall be provided upon request. ® The bidder shall include a list of replacement parts and pricing. The purchase price of replacement parts shall be guaranteed for any orders placed until June 30, 2004. ® Delivery of the first 100 green carts will be accepted immediately, but no later than October 1, 2003. All carts shall be bid F.O.B. BID PROPOSAL - supyxrT NANETY (90) C' A CARTS UNIT PRICE PER CART, GR UNIT PRICE PER CART, RED Size, if other than 90 gi-01.1oris --, $60000 (MINIMUM SHIPMENT 100 CARTS) 862n00 (MINIMUM SHIPMEN" 100 CARTS) I hereby acknowledge that I have read the specifications and that I am legally bound by the statements on the Bid Proposal - Submittal Pages. Delivery Date of First 100 Green Carts: WILLIMS REFUSE EQUIPMENT COI_,t_ INC Compa 7--� A a X/ .,e 2z�— �__ SXnature PRESIDENT Title P.O BOX Address OTIASSO, OK 74055 • 45 da..N.;,s 4.R0 UNIT PI IC PER r'Aj�- BROWN $ 52.00 SEE ATTAC14ED Size, if other than 90 gallons I hereby acknowledge that I have read the specifications and that I am legally bound by the statements on the Bid Proposal ® Submittal Pages. TOTAL TRUCK & TRAILER EQUIPMENT Company Signature ROBERT J. STAVINOHA SALES Tit-le 720660 Address NORMAN, OK 730704500 1-800-580-3260 Phone Delivery Date of First 100 Green Carts: 30 DAYS ARO COMPLETE AND ATTACH THE NON-COLLUSION BID AFFIDAVIT TO Blit, TOTAL TRUCK & TRAILER EQUIPMENT P.O. Box 720660 A Div. Of D;Jr1 I IIIH Inc 405-329-3775 Norman, OK 73070-4500 FAX 405-329-8588 May 27, 2003 City of Owasso Owasso Public Works Authority 111 N. Main Owasso, OK 74055 Attn: Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk Total Truck & Trailer Equipment wishes to quote an alternate to your bid