HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003.02.11_Worksession Agenda 3. Discussion Relating to a Regional Park Proposal Mr. Wiles Attachment #3 2. Discussion Relating to Planning Items A. Zoning Request B. Other Items Mr. Moore Attachment #2 1. Call to Order Mayor Helm AGENDA Hall bulletin board and posted on the Notice and agenda filed in the office of the at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, February 2003. Special Februmy 11,2003 6:00 p,m, Owasso City Hall Main Conference Room TYPE OF MEETING: DATE: TIME: PLACE: PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL 7. Adjournment. 6, Report from City Manager A. Establishment of Veterans Memorial Fund B. Proposal for City Ownership of the Owasso Historical Museum C. Repeal of Ordinance #680 Relating to Golf Course Fees D. Other Items Mr. Ray 5. Discussion Relating to Financial Items A. Financial Reports Ms. Bishop Attachment #5 "_'_~'_~___,.v~_~__~___~____~____~~__~~~.~~__~~~_~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~__~_~>_~.~~~____~___ 4, Discussion Relating to Golf Course Fees Mr. Carlson Attachment #4 Owasso City Council February ll, 2003 Page 2 Additionally, staff has been made aware of changes that are to occur to the industrial property to the south. The property owner has informed staff that the potential for commercial rezoning requests along the south side of E. 76t11 N. are inevitable. Staff feels that commercial developments along E. 76tlt St. N. are far more appropriate than industrial uses serving as a "gateway" into the City of Ow as so. Staffhas also been informed by the Community Development Director that both the north and south sides of E. 76tlt St. N. are proposed for a combination of commercial and park / recreational uses in the current update of the Comprehensive Plan. Furthermore, this approval would seem to be more appropriate than the original 2010 Master Plan designation. Staff feels that the areas designated as park and recreational to the west of Mingo are more than sufficient to serve the recreational needs of the area and still allow for the construction of viable, sales-tax producing commercial sites. Therefore, staff would be in favor of a CG (Commercial General District) zoning designation rather than an IL (Industrial Light District). A commercial zoning designation would still allow retail and civic uses, but would limit the expansion of industrial uses to the west. The Owasso 2010 Master Plan identifies the subject property as having a future land use of park and recreational. The applicant's proposal would seem to be inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan in that the applicant is requesting an industrial zoning classification. However, staff feels that by the original approval of the construction of the Sertoma building, a change in the development pattern of the area has been created. ~ALYSIS: The City of Owasso has received a request for the review of a rezoning for approximately 5.01 acres, more or less. The subject property is located on the north side ofW. 2nd S1. approximately 1600 feet west of the W. 2nd St. and Main S1. intersection. The applicant is proposing to rezone the subject property from AG (Agricultural General District) to IL (Industrial Light District). In addition to civic functions, the applicant is proposing to utilize the facility for vatious auction and retail uses. A general area map and a complete legal description have been attached for your information and review. 5, ROBERT MOORE PLANNER FROM: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OW ASSO TO: MEMORANDUM 1. General Area Map. 2. Planning Commission StaffRepOli (w / attachments). ATTACHMENTS: Upon Plalming scheduled City Council 18, will The rezoning request will be heard by the City of Commission on Monday, 10,2003. Staffwill recommend request. PLANNING COMMISSION: The rezoning was reviewed at the JanuaIY 29, 2003 regular meeting of the City of Owasso Technical Advisory Committee. Staff or utility providers provided no comments. TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CONSISTENCY The Owasso 2010 Master Plan identifies the subject property as having a future land use of park and recreational. The applicant's proposal would seem to be inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan in that the applicant is requesting an industrial zoning classification. However, staff feels that by the original approval of the construction of the Sertoma building, a change in the development pattern of the area has been created. Furthermore, this approval would seem to be more appropriate than the original 2010 Master Plan designation. Staff ZONING REQUIREMENTS If the application is approved, the subject property would be zoned IL (Industrial Light District). According to the City of Owasso Zoning Code, auction houses and retail uses are permitted by right in the IL zoning district. SURROUNDING ZONING North: AG (Agricultural General District) South: IL (Industrial Light District) East: IL (Industrial Light District) West: AG (Agricultural General District) PRESENT ZONING AG (Agricultural General District) SURROUNDING LAND USE North: Vacant South: Industrial East: Industrial West: Vacant EXISTING LAND USE Civic LOCATION See attached legal description. City of Owasso has a request from Bill Williams, applicant on behalf the Sertoma Club, for the review a approximately 5.01 acres, more or The subject property is on the W. 2nd approximately 1600 feet west of the W. 2nd and Main intersection. 'The applicant is to rezone the subject property from AG (Agricultural General District) to IL (Industrial Light District). addition to civic functions, the applicant is proposing to utilize the facility for various auction and retail uses. A general area map and a complete legal description have been attached for your information and review. OZ-03-01 (Owasso Sertoma Club) STAFF REPORT CITY OF OW ASSO COlVIMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ATTACHMENTS 1. General Area Map. 2. 02-03-01 Application. 3. Legal Notice. 4. Letter to Surrounding Property Owners. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of 02-03-01, rezoning approximately 5.01 acres, from AG (Agricultural General District) to CG (Commercial General District). If this Commission approves the application, this item does require City Council approval. TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE The rezoning was reviewed at the January 29, 2003 regular meeting of the City of OW3SS0 Technical Advisory Committee. Staff or utility providers provided no comments. Staff has received no phone calls or letters regarding this zoning request. Staff does not anticipate public opposition to the request for the rezoning. Letters were mailed to surrounding property owners on January 10, 2003 and the legal advertisement was published on January 16,2003. The subject property was posted on January 16, 2003. Copies of both the letters to property owners and the legal advertisements are attached for your information and review. ANALYSIS As previously stated, the applicant is requesting the review of this application in order to utilize the site for retail purposes in addition to the civic functions currently underway. Additionally, staff has been made aware of changes that are to occur to the industrial property to the south. The property owner has informed staff that the potential for commercial rezoning requests along the south side 76t11 N. are inevitable. Staff feels that commercial developments along 761h N. are more appropriate industrialllses serving as a "gateway" into the Staff has also been informed by the Community Development Director that both the and south sides of 761h N. are proposed for a combination of commercial and park / recreational uses in the current update of the Comprehensive Plan. feels that the areas designated as park and recreational to the west of Mingo are more than sufficient to serve the recreational needs of the area and still allow for the construction of viable, sales-tax producing commercial sites. Therefore, staff would be in favor of a CG (Commercial General District) zoning designation rather than an II., (Industrial Light District). A commercial zoning designation would still allow retail and civic uses, but would limit the expan..sion of industrial uses to the west. PH: (918) 376-1500 FAX: (918) 376-1597 www.cityofowasso.com III North Main Street P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 CITY OF OW ASSO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Q OZ 03-01 OWASSO SERTOMACLUB GENERAL AREA MAP E~ 716TH ~III '<'"'" 0:::: <( 0 w u ~~ 0 0 0 3==14TH S 3RD CT' SUBJECT 8 I III 181ST o ~ -' w ?Nn . I 1111 PROPERTY \ 1ST I I ~I ST 80T I . . --r=-== ill ope MEETING DATE APPROVED DENTED SUBMITTAL DATE FEE RECEIPT NUMBER Fee Schedule 0- 0.99 acres $75 1- 4.99 acres 100 5-19.99 acres 150 20 + acres 200 Please submit the completed application form and application fee along with a Certified 300' Radius Report (available from an Abstract Company) to the Owasso City Planner on or before the Planning Commission mbmittal deadline as shown on the official City of Ow as so calendar. The applicant and/or the applicant's consultant should attend the Planning Commission meetings at which the Supplemental Zoning will be reviewed, DATE NATURE ~~ IDO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMA nON HEREIN SUBMITTED IS COMPLETE, TRUE AND ACCURATE .J'lJlme of person to be billed for publication .,\\ L~,\\,';vy\'s Mailing Address =? 0, ~oY..' 6>< I ------------- ~-- (J)..!asso lis applicant, what is your interest in this property? DPresent Owner DAgent for Owner DPurchaser DOther DAttomey for Owner Address or General Location of Subject Property Address of Record Owner !me! of Imd sIluated iI1l11a SW % of Sactioo 30, TowrnJhjp 21 Nruih. Range i4 East of II1a Indloo Bass md I\IIOOdimJ, TuIlla CoortIy, 3tme of Oklahoola. being room ~ 00llaib00 00 1'oII!:Iws. Io..-wit .&lgimingat tha~ccmeroflM~ pill!! of ~ Topekamd Sam! Fe/', an oomIim to IiJa City of Owasoo, T~ ~, 0It!ahcma, ~ to IiJa ~ p!nt~ ~ N fSJ59'14" '11II fulr14liOOfoot.lhememfP07'OO" ____~~~. Wfur 1550.241'o?i, Iheme ~ 49"56" E fulr210..41 ~ hmoo S fIKPoni6' E md ~Ihe 'Nest limofsmid.~ptsiol' ~ T~md~Hf', fur ~~~~~ 1401.00 f~ to the Point of~ md coolail1lng5.01 rn::res,1OOM or Ies$. _~~~~ attach plat of survey) PRESENT PROPOSED 405 1JJest 2nd Ave GENERAL PRESENT PROPOSED 74055 (918) 272~2251 FAX (918) 272-4997 CITYOFOWASSO J ~- In the event that such proposed rezoning is approved, in whole or in part, by the Owasso Planning Commission, said Planning Commission shall submit its recommendation to the City Council of the City of Owasso for its consideratioll and action, as provided by law. All persons interested in this matter may be present at the hearing and present their objections to or arguments for any or all of the above matters. To be considered is a rezoning of approximately 5.01 acres, more or less from AG (Agricultural General District) to IL (Industrial Light District). The property is further described as lying on the north side of W. 2nd S1. approximately 1600 feet west of the W. 2nd S1. and Main S1. intersection, Owasso, OK. BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE "AMENDED PLAT OF ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE", AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OW ASSO, TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, THENCE N 89059'14" W FOR l48.00 FEET, THENCE N 00'D7'56" E AND ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID "AMENDED PLAT OF ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE", FOR 1401.06 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 5.01 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. A TRACT OF LAND SITUATED IN THE SW ~OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST OF THE INDIAN BASE AND MERIDIAN, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, BEING MORE PARTICULARL Y DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, TO-WIT: that time and place, consideration will be given to the proposed change of the zoning classification of the following described property: Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held before the Owasso Planning Commissioll, in the Owasso Community Center, Owasso, Oklahoma, at 7:00 M. on the 10th day of February, 2003. APPLICATION: OZ~03-01 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC OF A HEARING ON A PROPOSED Al\1ENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA Robert Moore City Planner 10th day January, 2003. Dated at A map showing the proposed rezoning accompanies this notice. For more information on the proposed rezoning contact the Owasso City Planner, City Hall, III N> Main Street, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055, or phone 18) 376>~1543. The City Council's review of the recommendation of the Planning Commission on the proposed rezoning shall be at a meeting time and place to be determined by the Council, said information to be available from the Owasso Ci ty Planner. As all abutting or nearby property owner, you are being notified so that you may be able to express your views or concerns regarding this request. If you are unable to attend this meeting. please forward any comments you may have in writing to the Owasso Community Devefopment Department, PO Box 180, Owasso, OK 74055. These comments will be presented to the Owasso Planning Commission at the scheduled public hearing by the Community Development Staff. The property is further described as lying on the north side of W. 2nd St. approximately l600 feet \test of the W. 2nd St. and Main St. intersection, Owasso, OK. ... BEGNNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE "AMENDED PLAT OF ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE", AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OWASSO, TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, THENCE N 89059'14" W FOR 148.00 FEET, THENCE N 00007'56" E AND ALONG THE WESf LINE OF SAID "AMENDED PLAT OF ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE", FOR 1401.06 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 5.01 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. A TRACT OF LAND SITUATED IN THE SW y" OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE l4 EAST OF THE INDIAN BASE AND MERIDIAN, TULSA COUNTY, STAlE OF OKLAHOMA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, TO-\UT: Notice hereby given that a public hearing will be held before the Owasso Planning Commission in the Owasso Community Center, 301 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma at 7:00 PM m the 10th day of February, 2003. At that time and place, the Owasso Planning Commission will consider a request from Owasso Sertoma Club, applicant/owner, for a proposed change of the zoning classification of approximately 5.01 acres, more or less from AG (Agricultural General District) to IL (Industrial Light District). The subject property is described as follows: (918) 376-1540 FAX (918) 376-1597 Inspedions-376-1542 www.dtyofowasso.com III North Main Street P,UBox 180 Owa:sso, OK 74055 City of Owasso Department of Community Development Sincerely, Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 10th day of January, 2003. Information and maps showing the property location may be inspected in the office of the City Planner, l11 North Main Street, Owasso, Oklahoma, 74055 or by caning 376-l543. This is your only personal notification of this request. $ 900,000 to $l ,200,000 $ 10,000 to $15,000 $ 100,000 $ 150,000 to $300,000 1. Land Acquisition 2. Driving Range Construction 3. Driving Range Irrigation 4. Amphitheater ESTIMATED COST: The staff has prepared some very preliminmy cost estimates for the project. The cost estimate is broken down as follows: Tulsa County would construct, operate, and maintain the park. The Tulsa metropolitan area currently has an integrated network of parks and community centers. This proposal would address the need for a regional Tulsa County park in the Collinsville and Owasso area. The staff feels that such a regional facility is needed in the area, particularly south of Collinsville and north of Owasso, to provide passive recreational opportunities to Tulsa County residents. Those recreational opportunities could include a driving range, amphitheater, trails for pedestrians and equestrians, playground, Frisbee golf facilities, and a community center with facilities for senior citizens. To accommodate such a variety of uses, the park would need to be situated on a tract of at least 50 acres or more. JOINT EFFORT WITH COLLINSVILLE: The City of Owasso staff is participating with the City of Collinsville in developing the submittal of a proposal of a project for DialoglVisioning 2025. The proposal would be for a regional county park somewhere north of Owasso and south of Collinsville and it is hoped that through a cooperative effort, a successful project that would appeal to many voters will be placed on the ballot. BACKGROUND: Tulsa County and the City of Tulsa are partnering in an effort to enhance the Tulsa region in a variety of ways. This effort is being called DialoglVisioning 2025 and one of its results could be a bond issue to be considered by the voters next fall. DialoglVisioning 2025 seeks to improve the metropolitan area in avenues such as recreation, transportation, downtown vitality, and several others. PARK ERIC WILES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FROM: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OW ASSO TO: MEMORANDUM SUBMITTAL OF PROPOSAL: The staff is ready to prepare and submit the proposal to INCOG, the coordinating agency for DialoglVisioning 2025, unless there are concerns from the CounciL regional park and community center could serve to promote Owasso as a place to live and as a destination for travel, which in turn will promote the demand for growth and progress in the m'eao Regional and cultural events at the site would generate revenue directly, but would chiefly serve to promote tourism and generate additional sales tax revenues in and around Owasso. the It is not that the A Tulsa County bond issue would would participate in the cost directly 0 Total Cost: $ 1,530,000 to $ 2,265,000 $ 50,000 to $100,000 $ 5,000 to $10,000 $ 250,000 to $400,000 $ 25,000 to $40,000 $ 40,000 to $100,000 5. Walking Trails 6. Equestrian Trails 70 Community Center with Senior Citizens Facilities 8. Playground Equipment 9. Restroom Facilities $900.000 to $1,200,000 $10,000 to $l5,000 $100,000 $150,000 to $300,000 $50,000 to $100,000 $250,000 to $400,000 $25,000 to $40,000 $40,000 to $100,000 Total Cost: $1,525,000 to $2,255,000 1. Land Acquisition 2. Driving Range Construction 3. Driving Range Irrigation 4. Amphitheater 5. Walking Trails 6. Community Center with Senior Citizens Facilities 7. Playground Equipment 8. Restroom Facilities ESTIMATED COST: The cost estimate is broken down as follows: WHAT ENTITY WILL IMPLEMENT THEPROPOSAL: Tulsa County would implement the proposal. ISSUE OR NEED ADDRESSED: The Tulsa metropolitan area is promoted and enhanced through the development of an integrated network of parks and community centers. The need that is addressed by this proposal is the need for a regional Tulsa County park in the Collinsville and Owasso area. Such a regional facility is needed in the area, particularly south of Collinsville and north of Owasso, to provide passive recreational opportunities to Tulsa County residents. Those recreational opportunities would include a driving range, amphitheater, walking trails, playground, and a community center with facilities for senior citizens. To accommodate such a variety of uses, the park would need to be situated on a tract of at least 50 acres or more. Wiles Community City of Owasso P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 Ewiles@citYQfowasso.com CONI~CTThWORMATIO~ The cities of Collinsville and Owasso together to the following ml~ jointly submitting this proposal. The name and address information of proposal's contact NAME OF PROPOSAL: The nmne of this proposal is the Metropolitan Tulsa Regional Park. DIALOGUENISIONING 2025 PROPOSAL ThWORMATION PRIMARY PROPONENTS OF THE PROPOSAL: The communities of Collinsville and Owasso support an initiative for a regional park and community center, while the entire Tulsa metropolitan area stands to gain from the services that would be provided by such a facility as well as from the economic impact such a facility would generate. IS THE PROPOSAL A SHORT-TERM(2-5 YEAR). MEDIUM-TERM (5-10 YEAR). OR LONG-TERM (10+ YEAR) PRIORITY? CAN THE PROPOSAL BE PHASED: The proposal is a short-term priority. The acquisition and dedication of the regional park should be the initial phase and the development of community facilities should follow according to an appropriate time schedule. WHAT ADOPTED PLANS. PLANNING STUDIES OR FEASmILITY STUDIES SUPPORT TillS PROPOSAL: The Tulsa Metropolitan Trails Master Plan supports trail linkages between the communities of Owasso and Collinsville along railroad rights of way. The proposed park would either be linked to the railroad trail by other ancillary trails or would be located adjacent to the railroad trail. Both the Collinsville Comprehensive Plan and the 2010 Land Use Master Plan for Owasso call for large passive parks between 106th Street North and 136th Street North, the general area for the proposed project. IS ANY NEW STATE OR FEDERAL LEGISLATION REQUIRED FOR.TIDS PROPOSAL TO BE IMPLEMENTED: No new legislation is required for this proposal to be implemented. HOW WILL THIS PROPOSAL ACHIEVE THE GUIDING PRINCIPLES, VISION AND STRATEGIES FOR DIALOGNISIONING 2025: A regional park and community center would contribute to the attractiveness of the Tulsa metropolitan area, thereby enhancing the quality of life for Tulsa County. This enhancement of the area's quality of life could benefit the regional economy, resulting in reinvestment in the region and contributing to the economic base ofthe greater Tulsa area. ECONOMIC IMP ACTjLR BENEFIT IF TILE PROPOSAL IS IMPLEMENTEIt A regional park and community center would serve to promote the Tulsa Metro as a place to and work and as a destination fur travel, which in turn will promote the demand growth the greater Tulsa area. Regional and cultural events at the site would generate revenue would chiefly serve to promote tomism and generate additional sales tax revenues in the metropolitan area. LEVERAGE: The amount of other funds that will be leveraged to help pay for the project is yet undetemrined. It is anticipated that no new jobs will be created as a result of the project. FUNDING BY SOURCE: A Tulsa County bond issue would fund the project. However, donations and foundations would be solicited to buffet the cost burden. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Parcels 55 acres or more located within the Collinsville fenceline 2. Parcels 50 acres or more located within the Owasso fenceline PRIMARY OPPONENTS OF THE PROPOSAL: No opponents to the proposal are known at this time. ;>, <1:1 "0 CfJ ~ .a CU :3: CfJ V '" en i:: V V <1:1 U 15 CL, "'" <tl U'J CL, en .~'"" <1:1 - 'CU ~9 e.() CfJ 0\ 0 ~ {Ll ~ -- ~M....n..,..,,~ - - i::: <1:1 "'"'" ('f) o o N N N t:J) ~ o S ~ o 00 t:J) ~ ~ ~ an an tI.l ...... t:J) ~ ~ ~ ~ o . M ~ (1J ~ o ..- Q.; ~ ~ U ~ ~ ~ ~ '(fJ ~ ~MLri" (j) (j) (j) (j) ClJ ClJ ClJ ClJ L.. L.. L.. L.. U U U U <(<(<(<( 0'\~1.n0'\ 0'\0'\1.n\D mu5mct5 ",,1.n~\D N~~06 (j) (j) (j) (j) ~ ~ ~ ~ u~uu <(-<(<( OMO'\\D ~OOOOO c5mMm \D\D\D\D ~~ lZ ~H ~ r::: 0 E oS M 8 ~ ffi ~ .g ~ " .fi ~ $.w b!! 0 fij .g 'l5 fj "ill! lZm ~~ ~! .E ~ ~'E ~ Jll-a ..a~ z ~~ 1) ~ ~ Ul >- l!i 1) ... ~] J'.!8 Jl (f) UJ I-- ~ (f) UJ 0::: ~ .0 ~Z::E: <(a a..tn(5 .".,J:CU) <(to~ ZNU O~<( ~UJO 19u..U1 WOu.. ~:cO t-~ O==>UJ W~~ Vl ~ o a.. o ~ a.. ~ ~ 0 ?Q w w U) ~ Z Z ~ ..... 0 --I :;e:t=: , w t1i u ~6 w z --I Z UJ <CO :::J ...... L.L. a. --I ~ --I ~ \f1~OVf311\1 'N LI I I I I nL I ,~ ..,..., ..--I II ==='=1_ In 111111'j ~ 7' Ll :t:l O[J~ Ju=l~8 oN I J l oN PI 1 ru r::r I '= . I' -----t-1 =t= I It ---j .m._L :!d --, - Alf\lnoJ After serious analysis and discussions, it was determined the most appropriate course of action to improve Bailey's long telID position was to increase rounds and revenues for Prime Time (weekends and holiday's before 3:00 p.m.) and Twilight (weekdays and weekends after 3:00), and to increase the number of toumaments and other group outings. The toumaments will be the The initial review began with financial and operational figures for 2002 and previous years. Results showed total expenses for Bailey had decreased approximately 12% and total revenues had also dropped 8%. As noted in prior years, the largest expense for Bailey Ranch is the half- million-plus spent annually on debt service. Several financial scenarios were studied to determine which areas of the operations were the most profitable and which held the most promise for future profitability. For the fiscal year just completed, the highest percentage profits were derived from adult beverage sales, food and beverage, and group outings (tournaments, banquets, etc.). The highest total revenues were provided by golf services, including green fees, tournament fees, range services, and patron cards. REVIEW AND ANALYSIS: In an effort to determine what options may be employed in order to improve the financial condition of Bailey Ranch, the Director of Finance for the City and the Director of Golf decided to undertake a full review of operations and develop strategies. They decided to seek a fresh perspective on the situation and employed the services ofKmi Bishop, a management consultant with over 20 years of experience, who agreed to work without compensation. In September, 2002, year..end results for Bailey Ranch Golf operations clearly showed losses for the fiscal year that were unacceptable. Given the increased competition and decrease in rounds of golf played for the Owasso/Tulsa area, the loss though worse than expected was not completely surprising. BACKGROUND: February 6, 2003 DATE: RUSSELL CARLSON THE HONORABLE CHAIR TRUSTEES OW ASSO PUBLIC AUTHORITY TO: MEMORANDUM Assembly of a list, including contacts and channels of communication, of groups that meet the target market profile defined by the Bailey Ranch marketing team. The Initiation of the new Director of Marketing/Events, and launching of all appropriate activities defined in the job description and marketing plans associated with this position. III Bailey personnel efforts are cunently focused on normal cleanup, maintenance, and routine off-season fix-up of all facilities, as well as development of marketing materials needed to aggressively pursue the strategies defined in the marketing plan. The cunent list of key projects, other than typical maintenance items, within the Bailey Ranch Golf Club include: fill Over the past few years, there has been significant interest shown by groups for banquets, wedding receptions, and similar events at Bailey Ranch facilities. The majority of the interest, and potential for higher profits, has been from groups larger than our cunent facilities will support. Therefore, preliminary discussions are undelway to pursue expansion ofthe Bailey Ranch facilities to accommodate these larger groups (200-350 people). GOALS, OBJECTIVE~ AND STRATEGIES: Cun-ent analysis of the Owasso/Tulsa market shows the primary target customer for Bailey Ranch to be non-discounted customers who are serious about their game of golf. The secondary target market for Bailey is group outings, with tournaments showing the best potential for profit, because they increase revenue in areas of the organization (Golf Services, Food and Beverage, and Pro Shop). This plan was developed to support cmTent and future marketing efforts for Bailey Ranch, and includes the establishment of a new position for Director of Marketing/Events. The Director will be responsible for cunent and future efforts implementing and monitoring expansion of Bailey's customer base, as well as, increasing organizational profits. The next step included focusing our efforts on development of a comprehensive marketing plan for Bailey Ranch. The plan incorporates all tasks and functions related to marketing and expansion of Bailey Ranch Golf Club. The plan defines target markets available to Bailey Ranch, with analysis to determine the top 3-4 markets appropriate to extend revenues for the organization. The plan is being developed with an emphasis on expanding the business areas that show the most promise for producing profits in the future. best way of increasing rounds during the week without adversely affecting our primary customers who play on weekends. Toumament players also spend significant amounts in Food and Beverage and Pro Shop items. It also was decided to bolster the accounting methods used to track costs, especially for group events to ensure future revenues result in the anticipated profits. Management Update & Rates Proposal February 6, 2003 Page 2 The overall operational analysis has proven the need to build a loyal customer base, as well as becoming more competitive in the off-peak market. In order to grow our Patron Card program, as well as keep our reputation as a "Top Five" public course, it is imperative to keep rates high in prime time while allowing a nice discount for our Patron Cardholders. In order to become a full service golf course, it is important to offer a membership of varying types in limited quantities. FurthernlOre, the off-peak market is driven solely on cost, and it is proposed to lower the rates to attract more players. PROPOSAL: fill Our exhaustive accounting analysis confinns the need to increase revenues. Our analysis also has shown the most significant gains in profits are available via revenues obtained through Golf Services - green fees, range fees, cart fees, and tournament outings. The majority of Bailey Ranch's expenses are fixed, therefore it will be most advantageous to keep rates high when the market easily bears the expense, and do everything within reason to fill the course during off-peak times. Creation of methods and materials needed to begin detailed cost accounting for group events and related sales and marketing activities to ensure future profitability and generate data needed for detailed audits. Research and analysis of alternatives for expansion of Bailey Ranch facilities to better serve target markets, especially for group events. Funding and constmction of golf course restroom facilities. Initiation of meetings and related activities requested by management to enhance communications between the Bailey Ranch and City Management Personnel. Development of surveys and similar evaluation techniques to ensure our marketing strategies for target customers are effective. Establishment of marketing budgets for future advertising and promotional activities. Development of marketing materials and resources for expansion of primary, secondary, and tertiary markets, Development of detailed plans for contacting and pursuing groups in the Owasso/Tulsa area that meet our target market profiles. Cherokee Industrial Park is the first area we have selected for test-marketing of our new advertising campaigns. Management Update & Rates Proposal Febmary 6, 2003 Page 3 New New New New $200.00 per month $300.00 per month $400.00 per month $500.00 per month Individual Couple Family Corporate (Up to 5 members) MEMBERSHIPS Includes prepaid green fees, cart fees, range balls and tax. Participant must agree to 12- month contract and prior month billing. Same Same $100.00 per year $150.00 per year Individual Family PATRON CARDS Includes advance tee time privileges, green fee, merchandise, handicap and range club discounts. Same Same New $37.00 $42.00 $50.00 Weekday Weekend Weekend Primetime (Before 11 :00) TOURNAMENTS fees include green fee, cart fee, range balls $12.00 $15.00 Regular Cmi fee, one rider CART FEE Includes tax Proposed Current -- $45.00 $44.25 $30.00 $33.45 $38.00 77 $23.00 $30.00 $10.00 $10,00 $25.00 $30.22 $20.00 $25.90 Regular Weekend Patron Weekend Regular Weekday Patron Weekday Senior and Monday..Friday Junior (no cart) Twilight Regular Twilight Patron DAILY RATES fees include green fee, cart fee and tax Management Update & Rates Proposal February 6, 2003 Page 4 REVENUES: Taxes $ $ 01 $'1 57.90% Licenses & permits 201,517 346,000 58.24% Intergovernmental 15,054 109,765 204,000 53.81 % Charges for services 11 ,650 85,760 132,300 64.82% Fines & forfeits '15,430 91,186 189,000 48.25% Other 4,672 49,461 101,700 48.63% TOTAL REVENUES 1,004,096 6,639,577 11,510,800 57.68% EXPENDITURES: Personal services 689,868 3,526,396 6,091,525 57.89% Materials & supplies 33,752 247,189 500,635 49.38% Other services 71,587 497,172 1,064,575 46.70% Capital outlay 25,020 687,970 2,280,575 30.17%, TOTAL EXPENDITURES 820,227 4,958,727 9,937,310 49.90%, REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES 183,869 1,680,850 1,573,490 106.82%, TRANSFERS IN (OUT): Transfers in 600,513 3,957,357 6,840,000 57.86% Transfers out (875,769) (5,828,973) (10,070,875) 57.88% TOTAL TRANSFERS (275,256) (1,871,615) (3,230,875) 57.93% NET (91,387) (190,766) (1,657,385) FUND BALANCE - July 1, 2002 3,534,176 3,534,176 FUND BALANCE - January 31,2003 $ 3,343,410 $ 1,876,791 PERCENT YEAR MONTH CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND FISCAL YEAR 2002-2003 Statement of Revenues & Expenditures As of January 31,2003 59.55% 806,000 58.14% 862,200 56.45%, 463,000 55.61% 22,400 12.06% =-======-== 4,773,600 58.15% 1,139,355 58.02% 2,582,325 55.33% 698,240 60.06% 168,381 9.70% """"""='=== 4,588,301 55,04% 185,299 (200,000) 58.33% (14,701) 497,551 482,850 PERCENT 631,023 497,551 133,472 (16,667) (6,959) (116,667) , 250,139 9,708 351,874 661,001 1,428,894 419,353 16,325 120,014 185,618 45,357 885 '1 7 468,607 486,698 257,488 2,701 2,775,712 180,319 68,019 60,854 52,060 330 ~- 361,582 MONTH TO~DA TE YEAR WORKING CAPITAL - January 31,2003 WORKING CAPITAL - July 1,2002 NET INCOME (LOSS) TRANSFERS OUT REVENUES OVER EXPENSES OPERATING EXPENSES: Personal services Materials & supplies Other services Capital outlay Debt service TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES OPERATING REVENUES: Water Wastewater Refuse & recycle Other fees Interest & other TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES CITY OF OWASSO OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY - OPERATING FUND FISCAL YEAR 2002-2003 Statement of Revenues & Expenses As of January 31,2003 However, there is one concern/problem that, with the City's help, can be resolved in a manner that will save the committee both time and money. The design of the memorial is an ongoing process, with the assistance of an architect from Akins America, the same film that is designing the city's water system improvements. The site location process has nanowed the potential sites to three, and a decision reached by the end of March. Fundraising has been initiated, and $5000 has been banked, with another $26,000 pledged. Obviously, all three of the committee's prime initiatives are moving forward with good progress. Since November the committee, composed of Vice Mayor Cochran, Melinda Voss (citizen representative), Carroll Han'is (VFW), John McDaniels (American Legion), and Pete Kourtis (citizen representative), has met and initiated efforts in the areas of design, funding, and location. Their goal is to initiate construction of a memorial in July, with a completion and dedication of the memorial set for November 11 th ofthis year. On November 11, 2002, a group comprised of city officials, veterans organization representatives, and private citizens announced the creation of an "Owasso Veterans Memorial Building Committee," This announcement came after two months of preliminary discussions between the organizations, that resulted in an agreeable concept for planning, funding and constructing a veterans memorial in Owasso. BACKGROUND: February 7,2003 DATE: COUNCIL THE HONORABLE MAYOR CITY OF OWASSO TO: MEMORANDUM The staff has reviewed this matter and recommends Council approval of the creation of a special account for the Owasso Veterans Memorial Building Fund. RECOMMENDATION: 3. An unofficial understanding should be reached that no expenditures will be made without the consent ofthe committee. 2. Many donors will be more comfOliable ifthe City offers its stability to the effort. I. The City most likely will be the owner of the completed memorial, so there will be involvement from the City. COMMENT: After discussions with Ms. Bishop and the City Attorney, an option was developed that can utilize the City's status as a recipient of tax deductible donations. The City Council may approve the creation of a restricted city fund to which donations for the memorial can be made. Payment for expenses for the memorial could then be made from that fund with the approval of the City Council, as is required for any city funds. PARTIAL SOLUTION: The problem is the creation of an independent entity that can accept tax deductible donations (501(c)3), It appears that, in order for the committee to become eligible for such designation, it will cost fees of approximately $2500 and take up to two months in review time from the IRS. That cost and time is critical to the committee due to the fact that donations, if not accepted at the time of commitment, can be lost as donors make other commitments. In fact, there are currently $26,000 in pledges awaiting only the committee's ability to accept them as tax deductible. PROBLEM: Veterans Memorial Building Fund February 7, 2003 Page 2 In December and January, City staff began working with members of the Historical Society to look at ways in which the City might respond to their request for help in assuring the long-tel111 well-being of the Museum, expansion of its hours of operation, and eventually even the growth of its facilities. After some amount of discussion, it appeared to all involved that the simplest In November 2002, the Historical Society invited the City Manager to attend a meeting to discuss possibilities for the Museum's future. The Society members expressed serious concern about the future of the Museum. In the last three years, the Society has experienced declining revenues from its fundraising efforts. Also, the Society has long been working toward the goal of keeping the Museum open more than two days a week, but simply has not been able to do so. The operation of the Museum has become the ongoing responsibility of a relatively small number of dedicated people who would like to be able to keep it open, but who are simply not able to do so themselves and who have been unable to interest enough additional volunteers to reach that goaL The Museum sets on the original lot purchased in 19870 A few years later the Society also acquired from the City of Owasso the lot adj acent on the south. The Society still owes the City a balance of approximately $4600 for the south lot. The two lots combined measure 6300 square feet or .14 acres miL According to Society Board President Glen Gibson, the land and buildings are valued at approximately $80,000 to $90,000. In 1987 the Owasso Historical Society acquired the property at 26 S. Main. Over the next few years, the Society restored the historic Komma Building built on the property in 1928. Through donations, fundraising and volunteer labor, much of it provided by the Society's Board members, the building was transformed to become a fitting home for the long dreamed of Owasso Museum. Thanks to the valiant efforts of the Society, what was for many years a beloved but nonetheless sadly rundown sole remnant of old Owasso is now, for all practical purposes, a new building on the interior. Walls and ceilings, elechic, heat and air were all completely restored and/or installed. A brick sidewalk constructed of inscribed dedication bricks adds a crowning touch to the exterior and provides the visitor with initial evidence of the contribution and love of hundreds of friends of Owasso and the Museum. BACKGROUND: February 2003 RODNEY J. RAY CITY FROM: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OW ASSO TO: MEMORANDUM The Owasso Historical Society wants to accept the responsibility for input into the future operations and development of the Museum. The creation of a Museum Advisory Board provides for such participation. (It should be noted that such a concept of public ownership of museums and other cultural facilities is common in most cities. The provision of such amenities is of great value to the attractiveness of a community and the well-being of its residents, but is most often impossible without the funding cooperation of both the public and private sectors.) 5. The effective date of the change of ownership and assumption of responsibility on the part of the City be April 1, 2003. 4. The City of Owasso would require no further financial contribution from the Owasso Historical Society toward the operation, maintenance, or development of the Museum, other than that which the Society might voluntarily choose to contribute; 3, An Owasso Museum Advisory Board be created for the purpose of advising the City Council and Staff in decisions relating to the operation and development of the Museum, such board to be composed of the Mayor of Owasso, the President of the Owasso Historical Society, the President of the Owasso Arts and Humanities Council, and two other members of the Owasso Historical Society Board; The City of Owasso assume responsibility for all operating expenses and maintenance of the property and facilities and forgive the $5000 property debt; 1. The City of Owasso assume ownership of the Owasso Historical Society property and facilities; Based upon discussion with the Owasso Historical Society, stafTproposes that: PROPOSAL: and best option would be for the City to assume ownership of the Museum, including the property, building and contents. This solution would obviate difficulties inherent in any kind of joint "ownership" and would free the Historical Society to concentrate on the areas of their highest interest, such as artifacts collection and Museum exhibits, In exchange for assuming ownership, the City would accept entire responsibility for operating expenses, including the cost of utilities, maintenance, upkeep, insurance, etc, and would forgive the $5000 debt owed for the land that the bought from the addition, the City would agree to provide an employee to locate at the Museum, who would responsible for extending the operating hours and recmiting and coordinating volunteers. This employee would be assigned duties at the Museum, in addition to his or her existing responsibilities, adding no additional cost to the City budget. Historical Society Agreement Febmary 5, 2003 Page 2 As Oklahoma's fastest growing city, more and more of Owasso's population are relative "newcomers," without long-term Owasso roots. It can be estimated that as high as 87% of the cunent population falls into this categOlY. It is vital now, and will be even more so in the future, that the work so well begun by the Owasso Historical Society to make Owassans aware of their history be continued. A community that has been blessed with so much rich history and with such caring citizens as Yolanda Charney, Ruth Cooper, fonner Presidents, and Glen Gibson, COMMENTS: $1,640.00 1. Utilities & phone 2. Wireless Network 3. Furniture & Equipment (Print, fax, scan, copy) TOTAL $140.00 $500.00 $1000.00 In addition to operating costs, there would be startup costs as follows: As already noted, the proposal assumes the incUlTence of no additional labor costs by the city. Existing staff member(s) would be assigned to the Museum in addition to cunent duties. Staff anticipates that the city employee(s) so assigned would work detelminedly toward the goal of volunteer development for the Museum. 683.00 325.00 00.00 6336.00 Property Liability 1680.00 600.00 1200.00 2. Maintenance 3. Insurance: 1800.00 150.00 (currently $61) 140.00 (Currently $85) 50.00 Telephone Natural Gas Anticipated costs are as follows, based on increasing hours of operation from two days a week to six days a week: COSTS: Historical Society Agreement February 5, 2003 Page 3 Based on review of the facts involved, staff recognizes that the future development and long- term survival of the Owasso Museum is dependent upon the City of Owasso, and recommends that the Mayor and City Council approve an agreement between the Owasso Historical Society and the City of Owasso, such agreement to include transfer of ownership of the Owasso Museum and property to the City of Owasso and assumption by the City of Owasso of all operating responsibilities and expenses ofthe Owasso Museum, RECOMMENDATION: Partnering with the City would generate the support needed to maintain the continuity of its work. is the case in many other communities, the Society has had the vision to bring forth funds from the private sector for the benefit of the whole City, It is fitting that the build on this and keep the Society's work going so that the benefit may continue and current President, of the Owasso Historical Society, can only be fmiher blessed by continued awareness of the wisdom and work of its forebears. The Owasso Historical Society lacks the resources to continue and expand its vital work in the manner in which it would like. Historical Society Agreement February 5, 2003 Page 4 1. Ordinance #680 ATTACHMENTS: Ifthere are no objections, an ordinance repealing Ordinance #680 will be prepared and presented to the Council on February 18,2003 for action. On June 16, 2001, the Owasso City Council adopted Ordinance #680, an ordinance approving Resolution #2001-03 of the Owasso Public Golf Authority increasing green fees, cart rentals, and range fees at Bailey Ranch Golf Club. An ordinance is not necessary to establish those fees. Therefore, staffis requesting that the City Council repeal Ordinance #680. Normally rates and fees are not expected to be permanent. Most rates and fees do not need the enforcement power of an ordinance. (Utility rates are enacted by ordinance to provide greater enforcement authority.) A resolution is the best method to establish most operating fees. A resolution is defined to mean "a special or temporary act of a governing body which is declaratory of the will or opinion or a municipality in a given matter and is the nature of a ministerial or administrative act. A resolution is not a law and does not prescribe a pelIDanent rule of conduct or government." (Title 11, Section 1-102) An ordinance is defined by state law as "a formal legislative act of the municipal governing body which has the force and effect of a continuing regulation and a pennanent rule of conduct or government for the municipality." (Title 11, Section 1-102) BACKGROUND: Febmary 7, 2003 DATE: RODNEY J. THE HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OW ASSO TO: MEMORANDUM ~ s:) ~ ~ ~ K.. l 3}~:J '3"G ~~8 ~~ q 'i:..~~ "" C'\-: 'v ~,~ ~ ',~ By: ?rJa~ll<-If!av.c/4k& MaIY L 1 Barnhouse, Mayor CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA DATED this 16th day of June, 2001. Section Three: This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage and publication as provided by law. Section Two: The fees established by OPGA Resolution Number 2001~03 and referenced by this ordinance shall be implemented beginning July 1,2001. The green fees, CaIt rental and range fees as established by the Trustees of the Owasso Public Golf Authority pursuant to OPGA Resolution Number 2001.03 be, and the same hereby are, approved, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TO..WIT: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING RESOLUTION NUMBER 2001-03 OF THE OWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY INCREASING GREEN FEES, CART RENTALS, AND RANGE FEES, AS RELATES TO THE BAILEY RANCH GOLF CLUB AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY o en tt:I I.D co o ORDINANCE NUMBER 680 ...:t CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA Tulsa County Clerk - EARLENE WILSON Doell 01099463 Pgs 1 B/P 6590/0814-0814, Receipt # 533790 08/31/01 15: 48 : 2 4 111111I111111111\11111111111\111111\1111\111\111111111111111111111111\ Fee 13.00 *000533790006* PERiVIITS APPLIED FOR IN JANUARY 2003 ADDRESS BUILDER ADD/ZONE VALUE A.S.F. PE&"nT # DATE 10107 E 92,St No Fredrick Construction FW/RS-3 22,800 441 03-01Ol-X 1/3/03 13803 E 94 St No Hunter Pools NE/RS-2 25,000 564 03-0 I 02- P 1/3/03 GennPklCS 2,500 - 11215 N Garnett Rd Glory House of A: .I.o.Y<;;l 2500 03-0103-C 1/6/03 ,,-- ~- , , -~ ~---, 9701 N 98 EAve lPnnv Homes HC/RS-3 108,696 2588 03-0104-X 1/6/03 -~ f-.--- -~,--~ f--~~-~ 9824 E 97 PI No Denny Homes HC/RS-3 102,186 2433 03-0 105-X 1/6/03 -, ."'.~-= .' --~"--~- '-~~ --- -4 15329 E 89 PI No Capital Homes PL/RS-3 86,270 2054 03-0106- X 1/6/03 .~==,==--= -, . ~=~=~ ~-~ 8919 N 154 EAve Simmons Homes PL/RS-3 119,112 2836 03-0107-X 1/6/03 ,.. .. _......,~ ~~~_.._- ~,._.~" ., 9009 N 153 EAve Capital Homes PL/RS-3 82,700 1969 03-0108-X 1/6/03 - .=.== ----~ 'D= 15300 E 89 Ct No Capital Homes PL/RS-3 80,640 1920 03-0109-X 1/6/03 ==== ". 10404 N 143 E Ct Capital Homes CC/RS-3 142,800 3400 03-0110-X 1/6/03 --_.. '" 15009 E 89 St No Chumley & Associates PL/RS-3 61,068 1454 03-0111-X 1/7/03 15008 E 89 PI No Chumley & Associates PL/RS-3 63,063 1515 03-0112-X 1/7/03 10101 E 99 St No Premier Homes HC/RS-3 85,4 70 2035 03-0113-X 1/7/03 . 10806 N 98 EAve Keith Burd Homes MH/RS-3 84,210 2005 03-0114-X 1/7/03 , -. 8525 N 117 EAve Tim Miller Company TL/CS 25,000 2762 03-0115-C 1/8./03 9826 E 97 PI No JAMCO HC/RS-3 85,680 2040 03-0116-X 1/8/03 8308 N 101 EAve JAMCO SSL/RS-3 138,600 3300 03-01l7-X 1/8/03 10626 E 112 PI No Pelican Homes HA/RS-2 81,102 1931 03-0118-X 1/8/03 10875 E 112 St No Pelican Homes HA/RS- 2 83,580 1990 03-01l9-X 1/8/03 .. 10805 E 112 St No Pelican Homes HA/RS- 3 81,102 1931 03-0120-X 1/8/03 10215 N 140 E Ct Simmons Homes CC/RS-3 151,704 3612 03-0121-X 1/9/03 9918E92StNo Simmons Homes FW/RS-3 129,360 3080 03-0122-X III 0/03 9818 E 92 St No Simmons Homes FW /RS-3 105,168 2504 03-0123-X 1/10/03 9906 E 92 St No Simmons Homes FW/RS-3 132,846 3163 03-0124-X 1/10/03 12145 N 108 EAve Strategic Builders CE/RS-3 91,056 2168 03-0125-X 1/10/03 10758 E 121 Pl No Strategic Builders CE/RS-3 91,056 2168 03-0126-X 1/10/03 10762 E 121 PI No Strategic Builders CE/RS-3 91,056 2168 03-0127-X 1/10/03 10751 E 122StNo Willcox Construction CE/RS-3 111,720 2660 03-0128-X 1/ 10/03 14000 E 88 St No John Rodden SC/RS-2 4,000 160 03-0129-X 1/10/03 8700 N 125 EAve Butler Construction CEP/RS-3 109,200 2600 03-0130-X 1/ 13/03 10414 N 115 E Pl Stanford Homes SGP/RS-3 98,046 2163 03-0131-X 1/ 13/03 9818 E 97 Pl No Court Homes HC/RS-3 102,732 2446 03-0132-X 1/13/03 9802 E 98 E Ct Court Homes HC/RS-3 109,704 2612 03-0133-X 1/13/03 13301 E 91 St No Boos Builders CP/RS-3 99,330 2365 03-0134-X 1/14/03 11732 E 117 PI No Willcox Construction BFC/RS-3 l10,006 2643 03-0135-X 1/14/03 7924 N 125 EAve American Pools DO/RS-3 19,000 475 03-0136-P 1/16/03 9805 E III St No Sunwest Homes MH/RS-3 84,084 2002 03-0137-X lIl6/03 9905Ell1StNo Sunwest Homes MH/RS- 3 88,7 04 2112 03-0138-X 1/16/03 9901 E 111 St No Sunwest Homes MH/RS-3 92,232 2196 03-0139-X 1/16/03 138,039 Sq Ft $5,606,873.00 63 Building Permits 54 Single Family 5,468,073.00 130,058 Sq Ft 1 Residential Remodel 4,000.00 160 Sq Ft 2 Residential Additions 40,800.00 777 Sq Ft 2 Commercial-Remodel 27,500.00 5,262 Sq Ft 3 Pools 62,000.00 1,723 Sq Ft 1 Signs 4,500.00 59 Sq Ft 1 0004 E 1 00 PIN 0 JAMCO HC/RS-3 85,050 2025 03-0140-X 1/17/03 10005 E 100 PI No JAivfCO HC/RS-3 85,050 2025 03-0141-X 1/17/03 13821 E 91 St No Tom Morris Constructio NE/RS-2 155,820 3710 03-0142-X 1/20/03 9400 N 103 E Pl PMC Corporation FWExtlRS-3 133,812 3186 03-0143-X 1/21/03 9810 N 100 EAve Marathon Homes HC/RS-3 133,476 3178 03-0144-X 1/21/03 - 11725 E 96 St No Claude Neon Signs OM/CS 4,500 59 03-0145-S 1/21103 " 10006 E 97 Pl No Strategic Builders HC/RS-3 91,098 2169 03-0146-X 1/21/03 '''" "-- -~ ~~--' "=== - 9902 E 100 PI No Strategic Builders HC/RS.') 101,262 2411 03-0147~X 1/21103 =~=====~~=="'" " . 10004 E 99 St No Strategic Builders HC/RS-3 98,700 2350 03-0148-X 1/21103 ~>>-~~~- "~~~~68,166 ----- ~====.=~ ==~=_. 8907 N 148 EAve r} , ,y & Associates PLAmdlRS.J 1623 03-0149-X 1/21103 " , ,,' ==~~ 8904 N 148 EAve Chumley & Associates PLAmdlRS-3 61,068 1454 03,.0150-X 1/21/03 " ~~~- ~ '-===<<===-==. 8908 N 148 EAve Chumley & Associates PLAmdlRS-3 63,630 1515 03-0151-X 1/21/03 -- 8902 N 147 EAve Chumley & Associates PLAmdlRS-3 77,616 1848 03-0152-X 1/21103 11912E99StNo PelTY Hood Properties BRJRS-3 123,942 2951 03-0153-X 1/22/03 13805 E 94 St No Crosby Pools NE/RS-2 18,000 684 03-0154-P 1/24/03 -"- 11020 N 107 EAve Pavilion Homes CE/RS-3 81,186 1933 03-0155-X 1/28/03 406 N Birch Radco Construction RW/RS-3 18,000 336 03-0156-X 1/29/03 8933 N 155 EAve Capital Homes PL/RS-3 79,800 1900 03-0157-X 1/31/03 " " 10406 N 144 EAve Capital Homes CC/RS-3 136,920 3260 03."0158-X 1/31/03 10216 N 141 E Ct Capital Homes CC/RS-3 118,230 2815 03-0159-X 1/31/03 - 10105 N 102 EAve PelTY Hood Properties HC/RS-3 114,240 2720 03-0160-X 1/31/03 10005 E 97 Pl No PelTY Hood Properties HC/RS-3 93,240 2220 03-0161-X 1/31/03 13308 E 91 St No Perry Hood Properties CP/RS-3 123,942 2951 03-0162-X 1/31/03 13209 E 91 St No Perry Hood Propeliies CP/RS-3 157,542 3751 03-0163-X 1/31/03 TOTAL INSPECTIONS 627 Building 159 Mechanical 68 Electrical 175 Plumbing 193 Reinspection 32 Other Q NUMBER OF1NSPE.CT1Qf\JSEORTHE MONTH $88,059,00 519 TOTAL PERMITS j..600,00 Water Meter Deposits 17,275.00 33 Water Taps 26,400.00 Sewer Taps 0.00 o Reinspection Fees 37.50 3 Sign Permits Issued 8,900.00 58 Recreation Development 4,750.00 Plumbing Permits I 4,805.00 Electrical 4,605.00 Mechanical Permits Issued 8,060,00 59 Economic Development Total Fees 11,626,50 66 Building Permits Issued BUfLDINGlf1.S.PECI/ONS_DEPABTME..NT B_EEOR.IFOR JiANUARY 2003 # AVAl1ABLE 2 9 2 17 o 5 4 1 o 4 o 8 67 2 4 o 65 1 1 1 5 o 84 6 7 47 21 133 8 36 o 3 9 14 25 43 76 10 115 6 58 33 22 o 1085 79 79 43 20 63 15 24 2'1 69 44 6 46 12 14 6 19 229 44 20 63 25 4 7 62 4 2348 SUBDIVISION Bailey Ranch Est (2/95) Bailey Ranch Est II (6/99) Barrington Point HI (8/96) Bradfords at Silver Creek (2/98) Brentwood Estates (5/94) BrentllVood Village (6/99) Broadmore Heights ('10/92) Brookfield Crossing (11/02) ( 1 194 ) Ii (11/00) Central (2195) Central !! (7/97) Coffee Creek (04/01) Country Estates II (6197) Country Estates III (3/99) Country Estates IV (4/00) Country Estates V (01102) Double Oaks II (8192) Double Oaks III (8/93) Fairways at Bailey Ranch (8/95) Fairways II (1197) Fairways III (3/99) Fairways III Extended (6/99) Fairways IV (5/98) Fairways IV Extended (6/99) Fairways V (8/99) Fairways VI (12/00) Honey Creek (4102) Metro Heights (11/01) Metro Heights II (6/02) Nottingham Estates (11/94) Nottingham Estates II (3197) Nottingham Estates III (9/99) Nottingham Estates IV (8/01) Nottingham Estates V (3/01) Preston Lakes (12/00) Preston Lakes II (12/01) Preston Lakes Amended (12/01) Sawgrass Park (01/02) The Summit at Southern Links (6197) The Village at Silver Creek (09/02) Watercolors (12/02) The Willows at Silver Creek (1/00) Windsor Lake II Ext (10/93) TOTALS 80 84 43 104 69 22 71 42 202 52 42 46 15 23 20 44 272 120 30 178 31 62 40 84 4 3433 191 57 158 1 21 101 193 61 158 187 2 # DEVELOPED 116 124 30 66 51 51 CITY OF OWASSO RESIDENTIAL LOT INVENTORY 5T A TUS January 31, 2003 # OF LOTS 118 133 32 300 250 100 150 200 -'---'---~---~-'----- ,___ 0 Total L()~:__..__~~_~s De~~<:p~_~_._, 50 o ---r.~-~----~~--'----'._--r----------. The Village at Silver Creek (09/02) The Summit at Southern Links (6/97) SalNgrass Park (01/02) Preston Lakes Amended (12/01) Preston Lakes II (12/01) ~ Preston Lakes (12/00) J Nottingflam Estates V (3/01) ~=:J Nottingham Estates IV (8/01) ~ " Nottingham Estates III (9/99) ~~~i i Nottingham Estates II (3/97) ~ " Nottingham Estates (11/94) ! " Metro Heights II (6/02) ~ " Metro Heights (11/01) ! " Honey Creek (4/02) ! Fairways VI (12/00) J Fairways V (8/99)1 " Fairways IV Extended (6/99) ~ , Fairways IV (5/98) J Fairways III Extended (6/99) ! Fairways III (3/99) ) Fairways II (1/97) J Fairways at Bailey Ranch (8/95) J Double Oaks III (8/93) J Double Oaks II (8/92) ~ , Country Estates V (01/02) J Country Estates IV (4/00) , i Country Estates III (3/99) I Country Estates II (6/97) J Coffee Creek (04/01) ! " Central Park II (7/97) I Central Park (2/95) ! ~ Camcen Park II (11/00) ! , Camden Park (1/94) I i Brookfield Crossing (11 /02) ~ Broadmore Heights (10/92) ! Brentwood Village (6/99) J Brentwcod Estates (5/94) I Bradfords at Silver Creek (2/98) ! Barrington Point III (8/96) ! , Bailey Ranch Est II (6/99) I Bailey Ranch Est (2/95) 1 -, J :=J =:l ::II i I I i i 1m! ::=::=l ~ =:::J I ~~~~~===, ==:::=:1 ::::::l -. ::::::l !l'Ii!!l """",."..'" ~ Windsor Lake II Ex! (10/93) /!I The Willows at Silver Creek (1/00) - Watercolors (12/02) r=:::=:: CITY OF OWASSO Residential Lot inventory Status I . , 2003 1993 1991 $0 " 1989 2001 1997 1995 1999 :::::::.:.::.::::::: :~...... :~:: ..::.:::.~::::::.:::::.:::::::.::::::.:::::::::..:::..:::: \ .0..0.'..0......,..............0'.............,....,...o....~.~,..o...,... ._~ --~---~~......_--~----_. ~~--~-----~......_- ,~._--..---- --_...--_. ..... -------_..-~-_.._..------~------.._--~_._-- -_.~.~-,-_.. --~-- ~_._~------~- ---------~--------~~-- ----- -------.., ---- --~ iNew Construction Dollars Totals for Each Year c:: g u 2 ~ $13,125,000 a tJ ;;:: (!) Z $26,250,000 l2 !!: o o ,::; $39,375.000 $52,500,000 2003 1993 '----~.~~~-------------_._.._-------~----~---------~--~-~-.-- -----.--------......; l2 !!: $6,200,000 0 0 .5 $4,650.000 c:: g $3,100,000 u 2 u; $1,550,000 c:: 0 tJ $0 ;;:: en 1989 1991 z 2001 1997 1995 1999 --------, 1 , January Year to Date Dollars l 2003 : 1997 1995 1993 1991 2001 1999 , " -064 <lI> ~ en <J> :i!!48 I '~ , ~32 ]i g16 :E '" &: 0 1989 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS (NEW CONSTRUCTION COUNTS) Month 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 January 1 7 8 6 6 9 12 16 45 29 21 20 23 64 54 February 3 4 7 10 11 10 8 18 35 33 21 26 44 70 March 7 14 5 12 12 15 28 30 34 34 51 24 48 51 April 6 9 3 12 17 18 18 39 26 48 38 61 50 51 May 6 9 10 9 8 13 8 24 27 26 39 42 26 38 June 12 5 10 13 18 23 15 37 25 45 40 30 34 51 July 10 4 9 10 10 13 13 28 28 29 27 33 37 44 August 9 14 10 10 9 20 20 26 30 22 33 38 31 33 September 10 10 14 14 12 12 20 21 24 31 29 29 29 30 October 14 8 9 17 8 11 27 13 24 36 23 36 31 31 November 10 1 8 19 13 15 20 13 14 26 14 18 24 26 December 10 5 6 10 9 3 "]9 28 21 42 26 20 29 :15 Totals Year to Date ----------_.~~---~-----_.._-~----_._---_.^~_.~~_.~-~------- -_.~-------------------~~~~---,-~-.__._--~-_._------ ----_._-_._~-~----- 2003 1993 1991 1 l_____,___._ , __....__..,___........l $38,000,000 $28,500,000 $19,000,000 $9,500,000 $0 1989 2001 1999 1997 1995 . , . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l , f' New Construction Dollars Totals for Each Year ~,400,ooa I ~ $3,300,000 , 0 III .E Jg $2,200,000 Ul- 5 ~ $1,100,000 U $0 ~ Q) 1989 z 2003 1993 1991 2001 1997 1995 1999 January Year to Date Dollars 2003 1991 1993 1 995 1997 8- 6, 4 2 o 1989 2001 1999 I, I .2 . t; (f) :::I .... .... ~ .....= III 0 50 () $: (j) z 't:J (J) :;:;J III III Month 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 January 0 2 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 5 2 3 0 0 0 February 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 7 6 12 2 1 IVlarch 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 5 2 1 1 1 0 3 April 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 3 5 36 0 1 8 -1 May 0 1 1 1 2 2 3 0 1 4 0 2 2 4 June 0 2 0 0 2 5 3 0 1 3 3 0 5 0 July 1 1 0 1 0 0 5 1 1 1 2 7 0 1 August 3 -1 2 0 4 2 3 1 9 5 0 4 1 2 September 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 2 2 2 0 2 0 2 October 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 2 0 2 2 14 4 8 November 2 2 0 1 0 2 'I 2 1 0 '" 6 5 1 ;:) December 0 1 -1 0 0 1 1 2 4 0 5 0 0 a TOTALS Year to Date Includes Churches, Schools, and Government Facilities ~ January Year to Date Count COMMERCIAL Building Permits (New Construction Counts) OCCUPANCY PERMITS NAME ADDRESS STATUS APPLICATION OPENING COMPLETE DATE DATE ~"' ,______...,,~,.,w~ ~ JANUARY 2003 v ~ Shekinah Glory House of Prayer 11215 No Garnett, Suite A..1 New '1/3/03 2/1/03 No Kwik Nick's Convenience Store 9600 No Garnett New 1/7/03 1/21/03 No Owasso Family Churcll Daycare 507 E 2nd Ave New 1/14/03 2/17/03 No Kwik f<ar Wash 8091 Owasso Expressway New 1/15103 2/28/03 No Kevin Fitch Office 12811 E 86 PI No, #107 New 1/20/03 1/20/03 No American Rent to Own 209 E 2nd #4 New 1/27/03 2/19/03 No Bronie Tanz 12702 E 86 St No New 1/29/03 2/10/03 No