HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006.09.19_OPWA AgendaUGYKN ,a TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: September 19, 2006 TIME: 6:30 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Old Central Building 109 N. Birch Notice and agenda filed in the office of thety Clerk and posted at City Hall at 5:00 m. on Friday, September 15, 2006. Juliann M. Stevens, A ministrative Assistant AGENDA 1. Call to Order Chairman Stephen Cataudella 2. Flag Salute 3. Roll Call 4. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the Trustees to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Trustee may, however, remove an item frorn the Consent Agenda by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non - debatable. A. Approval of the Minutes of the September 5, 2006 Regular Meeting. Attachment # 4 -A B. Approval of Claims. Attachment # 4 -13 C. Acknowledgement of receiving the monthly FY 2006 -2007 budget status report. Attachment # 4 -C S'Ag- d,— OPPJA'000 0919 do, Owasso Public Works Authority September 19, 2006 Page 2 5. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Trustee approval to award a contract to Water Products of Oklahoma of Owasso, Oklahoma for the purchase of water meters. Mr. Stevens Attachment #5 Staff will recommend Trustee approval to award a contract to Water Products of Oklahoma, Incorporated of Owasso, Oklahoma for the purchase of 5/8" X 3/4" water meters at $102.00 each; 1" water meters at $182.00 each; 1 -1/2" water meters at $355.00 each; and, 2" meters at $489.00 each. 6. Report from OPWA Manager. 7. Report from OPWA Attorney. 8. New Business. (New Business is any item of business which could not have been foreseen at the time of posting of the agenda.) 9. Adjournment. ';A wndhs011V- v.,o060919doc OWASSO PUBLIC WOR1 ,,S AUTHORITY MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, September 5, 2006 The Owasso Public Works Authority met in regular session on Tuesday, September 5, 2006 in the Council Chambers at Old Central per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 5:00 p.m. on Friday, August 31, 2006. ITEM 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:55 p.m. ITEM 2. FLAG SALUTE The flag salute was held during the City Council meeting preceding this meeting. ITEM 3. ROLL CALL PRESENT ABSENT Steve Cataudella, Chair Brent Colgan, Vice Chair D.J. Gall, Trustee Wayne Guevara, Trustee Susan Kimball, Trustee A quorum was declared present. STAFF Rodney J. Ray, Authority Manager Julie Lombardi, Authority Attorney ITEM 4. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR TRUSTEE APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of Minutes of the August 15, 2006 Regular Meeting. B. Approval of Claims. Owasso Public Works Authority September 5, 2006 Mr. Colgan moved, seconded by Mr. Gall, to approve the OPWA Consent Agenda with claims totaling $1,263,569.76 and payroll claims totaling $71,931.50. YEA: Cataudella, Colgan, Gall, Guevara, Kimball NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 5. REPORT FROM OPWA MANAGER 2 A, r r� r r � 1 •r . None ITEM 7. NEW BUSINESS ITEM 8. ADJOURNMENT Ms. Kimball moved, seconded by Mr. Guevara, to adjourn. YEA: Cataudella, Colgan, Gall, Guevara, Kimball NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 7:56 p.m. Pat Fry, Minute Clerk N Steve Cataudella, Chairman UTILITY 11FROM: ROGER STEVENS SUPERINTENDENT SUBJECT: FY 2006-2007 WATER METER PURCHASE CONTRACT AWARD DATE: September 11, 2006 On an annual basis, the Owasso Public Works Authority purchases water meters through a bidding process. The Trustees last approved a water meter purchase contract with Water Products of Oklahoma on August 2, 2005. More than one year has passed since the previous contract was awarded; therefore, a new contract was bid to keep prices current. In FY 0506, work orders were processed for three hundred and ten (310) new water meter installations and the replacement of two hundred and sixty two (262) nonstandard meters. The FY 06-07 Public Works Department Water Division operating budget includes provisions for water meters for new service installations, zero -usage replacements, and replacement of nonstandard water meters. BID EVALUATION: Bid specifications were mailed to five (5) potential vendors and advertised on August 8, 2006 and August 15, 2006. Bids were opened on August 28, 2006. One (1) bid was received from Water Products of Oklahoma, Inc. (Owasso, Oklahoma) with unit prices as follows: Description 3/4" Meter 1" Meter 1- 1 /2" Meter 2" Meter Unit Price $ 102.00 $ 1 82.00 $ 355.00 4119.00 Since the last contract (dated August 2, 2005), unit prices for the various meter sizes have increased an average of I1 %. These changes can be attributed to an increase of 10% to 25% in the cost of raw materials (mainly copper) used in the manufacturing of the specified meters. It is worth noting, that Water Products has been the successful bidder since the City opted to purchase Neptune metering products in 1992, following the completion of a comprehensive pilot study. Standardization of equipment, by purchasing Neptune meters, reduces maintenance and replacement costs by providing interchangeability of spare parts, tools and training. Finally, the conversion of meters to a single Neptune technology enables the deployment of remote meter reading, producing savings in personnel services and /or contracts. FY 200692007 Water Meter Purchase Contract Award Page 2 of 2 DELIVERY OF NEW METERS: Delivery of the water meters will be in partial orders over the contract period, which guarantees unit prices for any orders placed until June 30, 2007. Orders are to be placed in quantities of no less than ten (10) meters per order. FUNDING SOURCE: The FY 06 ®07 Public Works Department Water Division budget includes sufficient funds to purchase the needed meters. RECOMMENDATIONo Staff recommends Trustees approval to award a contract to Water Products of Oklahoma, Incorporated of Owasso, Oklahoma for the purchase of 5/8" X 3/4" water meters at $ 102.00 each, 1" water meters at $182.00 each, 1 -1/2" water meters at $355.00 each, and 2" meters at $489.00 each. ATTACHMENTS: A. Bid Specification B. Bid Submittal ATTACHRAFN'ri- A, A I F I CA T 10 N FOR 5/8" X 3/4" NEPTUNE T-10 PRO-READ USG WATER METERS 1" NEPTUNE T @10 PRO -READ USG WATER METERS I V2" NEPTUNE T -10 PRO-READ USG WATER METERS 2 "" NEPTUNE T -10 PRO-READ USCG WATER METERS August 2006 ClTJ'Y OF OWASSO, OKLAII-10MA OWASSO PLJBLIC WORKS AUTHORY-ry PAR TI: GI?NI?IZALM,ISCRIPTION 1.1 'I'his proposal shall be for furnishing the OWa so I'Liblic WOH,` -� ;\W1101 -ity ncv11 water meters and related materials for cold water scl-vice III non- corr-osikle water for the period of ,Italy 1, 2006 throtigh June 30, 2007. A.4'atcr 11icters to be furnished under this specification will be magnetic drive, permanently sealed register, and positive displacement type meters, more specifically described in other parts of these specifications. PART 20 DELIVERY OF ITEMS 2.1 The quantities listed in the Bid Proposal - Submittal Page are the expected minimum to be purchased. Additional purchases are to be provided at the same unit cost under the terms of the specifications. 2.2 Items to be furnished under these specifications are to be delivered to the Owasso Public Works facility (301 West Second Avenue). 2.3 Delivery is expected to be in partial orders as needed, but in quantities of not less than 10 meters per order. 2.4 When a partial. order is needed, delivery must be received within five (5) working days from the date the order is placed. PART 3- CONTROLLING SPECIFICATIONS 11 Unless stated otherwise by this standard, the water meters to be furnished will equal or exceed the requirements of AWWA Standard C700 -90, or latest revision, with particular reference to flow capacity, displacement pressure loss, accuracy and physical dimensions. 12 The 5/8" or 5/8" x 3/�.'' meter type and model supplied shall be available concLirrently in 3 /4", 1 ", 1 1/2" and 2 3,3 Meter ri-iodels and designs shall have been con.tit),t?otisly nlanufac.tured in the U.S. for a i-ninizairin-I of five (3) years and meters being laid must have been approved by the City of Owasso prior to bid anrlounccmcnt. I11 A11Z'I~ 4 SP ( -'ff1 __REQ!j 3.1Ci E N T_S 4.1 'I'Ite nncler case shall be high -grade broj»e to equal or cxc.ced AW \17A. Standards. 'I,hc 'i /�; ", 3/4 ", 1 ", 1 -1 /2" and 2" meter cases shall be of the Frost- proof type. The frost bottom, if I'urnishcd, shall be of cast iron. (Plastic in- licu- ofcast iron must be in(licaled as an exception to th' specifications.) Ihc. joints ill the c <lS(; X11;; illhk vv.Boil ,I.,) All external bolts. nuts �_rncl shall be (&brass, bronze or stainless steel material and shall be designed for easy rcilroval alter long service. 4A The size and model number ol'thc meter and the direction of (lov.v shall be cast in raised letters on the outer surface of the case. A In all ufaeturcr's serial number will be die - stamped or molded on the register lid and the meter casing. 4.5 All meters shall be furnished with mini pro -read pads providing encoded readings directly from the internal odonncter. ['ads shall be compatible with visual and computerized hand -held readers. The pad shall be protected against internal moisture with a compatible liquid. The use of barriers or pulse accumulators shall not be allowed. The selected vendor shall have at least ten (10) years of experience in the manufacturer of such products. PART 5- SCOPE 5.1 All meters furnished shall conform to the "Standard Specifications for Cold Water Meters" C700, latest revision issued by the AWWA. The following requirements for specific details are made referring to the selection nunnbers contained in the AWWA specifications. PART 6e GENERAL AL 6.1 All meters shall consist of a bronze main -case with the serial number stamped on the main -case. 6.2 Only displacement meters of the flat nutating disc type vvill be accepted because of improved operation. 6.3 The size, capacity, accuracy and zncter lengths shall -be specified in the AWWA Standard ("700, latest revision. The maximum number of disc notations is not to exceed those specified in die AWWA. C700, latest revision.. PAP'F 7o METER MAINCASI ±; 7.1 MaIncascs shall be the removable bottom cap typc with the bot.torn cap scoured by four (4) bolts on 5/8" and 3/d sizes, six (6) bolts on the I" size, and eight (8) bolts on the 1 -1/2" and 2" sizes. Bottom caps shall be irltcrchangcablc; size for size, bctvVccll frost -- protected cast iron and non -frost protected (bronze) models. No meters utilizing h._ost plugs will be accepted. 7.? Frost-- protected meters shall have a cast iron bottom cap. Non - frost protected meters shall havc bronze or synthetic. polymer bottom cabs. The cross section ;Iri A1v h 'il gjhlc t„-d (o �1cc /jw plc stlrc, oI 0OO -- �i(i �. /111 rnaincasc bolts sh,lll he of _)C1() series st,_lirnless steel to prevent corrosion. kJottorrl cap halt lugs sh,lll be c-rncloscd in the maiiicasc and shall not havc extcl-nally exposed, threaded through holes. 91'ARY 8e t�.EGIS" EIZ 8.1 The register shall be oh the straight. reading sealed magnetic drive type and shall contain six (6) numeral wheels. Registers must be roll sealed and dry. All direct reading register lenses shall be flat, of high strength, and impact resistant glass to prevent breakage. The register retaining shall be designed to absorb impact from the register, 8.2 The register shall have the size, model and date of manufacture stamped on the dial face. The dial shall be of the center sweep pointer type and shall contain 1,200 equally divided graduations at its periphery. 83 The register must contain a low flow indicator with a 1:1 disc mutating ratio to provide leak detection. Register boxes shall be synthetic polymer or bronze. ID 8.4 All meters must be adaptable to encoder type registers without interruption of customer's service. 8.5 Registers shall be secured to the maineasc by means of a plastic tamper - .proof seal to allow for M. line service replacement. Seal screws will not be accepted. PART 9a MEASURING CHAMBER 9.1 The measuring chamber shall be of 2-piece snap -joint type. The chamber shall be made of non - hydrolyzing synthetic polymer, shall be smoothly and accurately machined and shall contain a removable molded diaphragm of the same materials as that of the chamber, No screws shall be used to secure the chamber together. 9.? The control bloc[, shall be the sainc material as the reasuring chamber and be n -lout -ited oil the charnber top 1.0 provide sand ring protection. The control block assembly shall be removable to facilitate repairing and allow for a greater disc sock(,( wcar surface for increased longevity. Coi1UO1 block asscnihIles shall be designed so as not to allow any niagrietic slippage that would 1- ("Skit ill a loss of'rcvcntu;. 9.3 The n)casurin", chun)bcr ol.ltict port shall be scaled to the nlaincasc outlet port by means ol'all -0- ring gasket to climin<ite ally cl-lairiber leak paths. i nn(;lhlly�, disc type. 111c 11,11 notating disc shall hu ()nc hiccc c�>n��ro�tion nl��ldcd ��Ia non- hvdrolyi.ing synthetic polymer and shall contain �1 kpc.. ')10 st�linl�_��s steel shindir. 'I he notating disc shall be cquiphcd with a synthetic holyrncr thrust roller located within the disc slot. The roller head shall roll on die, bottressed track provided by the diaphragm in the measuring clhanibcr located near the chambers outport. 10.1 All meters shall contain removable polypropylene plastic strainer screens. The strainer shall be located near the inlet maincase port before the measuring chamber and control block assembly. PAW1 1 a o PERFORMANCE, 11.'1 Registers must be guaranteed for at lest ten years. All meters will be guaranteed for at least one (1) year on material and worlinanship. 11.2 To ensure accuracy, each meter must be accompanied by a factory test tag certifying the accuracy at the flows required by AWWA C700 (low, intermediate, and full flow). 11.3 .Meters and meter pants shall be mant.ifactured in the Continental United States. 11.1 Manufacturers shall have a minimum of five (5) years of production experience with all sizes of the model quoted far model standardization. 1 l .5 Meter suppliers must have been rnanufacturing meters for at least ten (10) years. PART 12. SYSTEMS GUARUINTEE 12.1 All meters shall be guaranteed adaptable to the Neptune; ARB Encoder, Central Meter Reading (C:MR), 'Fri-con, Neptune Man_ttal Readcr (NMR), and the Unigiin Electronic Meter Reading Systems, (`ON'l R ,AC T FOIZ I:OUII'iVII�:�( "1 ')006 bemeen the y o l I5 !�ZI:LMhN I, made this (l�c�isso Public Works Authority (AU ITIORITY). and s, € u i _ (V[`.NI)OR). WITNESSETId: That for and in consideration of the su111 of $ per 5/8" x 3/4" meter; S i l per P meter; per I -% "meter; and per 2" meter, VENDOR will furnish to - AUTHORITY a minimum of 300 Neptune 5/8" X 3/4" T -10 Pro -Read USG Water Meters, 20 Neptune I" T ®10 Pro -Read USG Water Meters; 10 Neptune 1' /z" T -10 Pro -Read USG Water Meters; and 10 Neptune 2" T-10 Pro -Read USG Water Meters as indicated in the specifications. 2. VENDOR agrees that the quantities listed in the specifications are minimum, and that additional purchases will be provided at the same unit cost under the terms of the specifications. 3, The AUTHORITY shall pay the VENDOR upon acceptance of delivery of the water meters and following the submission of an invoice. 4. This Contract shall be binding upon all parties hereto and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, 5. This instrument, supplemented by the Contract Documents, contains the entire agreement between the parties, and no statement, promise or inducement made by either party, or the agent of either party, that is not contained in this written Contract shall be valid or binding, 6, This Contract shall not be enlarged, modified or altered except in writing, signed by the parties and endorsed hereon. 7, This Contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of Oklahoma both as to interpretation and performance, ATTEST: By Stephen Cataudella, Chairperson Sherry Bishop, Authority Secretary VENDOR AP13ROVED AS TO DORM & CONTENT: By Julie Trout Lombardi, Authority Attorney Title Nej)�tgm' 3/4", I -10 llrvo- Rerrcl (,M, (Nli €xifaaxx�x� c�h��� cr1 <1u6 €r�� �y — 300 UNI "I 1'RIC'I; I'[;1Z ;tii[,I I.:R lU"',On I'O �AL COST hC)R 300 N/11"hFRS 30600,00 Neptune V T-10 Pro-Read USG mater Meters ( iniximm expected quantity — 20 each) UNI T PRICE PER METER 182 TOTAL COST FOR 20 METERS 3640>00 Neptune 1-1/2" T -10 Pro-Read USG Water Meters (Mil ixaxmn expected quantit y —. 10 each) UNIT PRICE PER METER _3515. 00 TOTAL, COST FOR 10 METERS 3550 00 Ne tmie 2" T-10 Pro -Read USG Water Meters (MiRlimum expected quantity — 10 each) "rr PRICE PER METER 489.00 TOTAL COST FOR 10 METERS 489M0 YOTAL, METER BID HH'I I'roIu7'sal !ll\ lmlmd b\ IlIc m) Ill" P�Pl WaLer--ProdL[t:I,s Of 01.1 Company Name Signature —Erkai Title President P.O. Box 349 Address -Owasso- Oklahoma 74055 q1 ST 37100 Telephone BID OPENING. AUGUST 289 2006 (q- ,) 2.- 0 0 P. K OWASSO CITY HALL MAIN CONFERENCE ROOM Bid Proposal -- � ('( )i A 11" _Vc_rno nnderson _ oi� lawtnl age, being first duly sworn. on oath saes that (s)hc is the agent mithorircd by the bidder to submit the attached bid. Affiant further states that the bidder has not been a part of' any collusion among bidders in restraint of fi-eedozn of' competition by agreement to bid at a filed price or to refrain from bidding; or with State, County, or City officials or employees as to quantity, quality, or price in prospective contract, or any discussions between bidder and any State, County, or City official concerning exchange of money or other thing of value for special consideration in the letting of a contract; that the bidder /contractor has not paid, given or donated to any officer or cinployec of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, any money or other things of value, either directly or indirectly in the procuring of a contract pursuant to this bid. Water Products of ok= lahoma, Inc. Kidder -��— — — -- .F Signature Subscribed and sworn before me this 28th day of _ l�u use 2006° ERIN GRAHAM -- - ([ni.) Notary Public State of Oklahoma Commission Rt 060061350 Expires 7/27/09 1. \ /iy Con I.mi; sion..Expires: Y. Notary public Coinm_issi.on At 05006850 No Tl'. ('Oi�il'l,l� :l I I'l ll�, AI,I IDAVIT AND l- l"I'tWN Wl"1"11 1111) OPWA CLAIMS TO BE PAID /O VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT KELLY SERVICES TEMPORARY SERVICES 556.50 TRIAD PRINTING NAME PLATES 24.00 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 52.75 WORDCOM ASSORTED PAPER 72.55 UNIFIRST UNIFORM RENTAL /CLEANING 72.00 METRO COMPUTER SOLUTIONS REPAIR PRINTER 35.00 WAL -MART SUPPLIES /SUGAR 2.77 SAMS CLUB OPERATING SUPPLIES 147.87 IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS TONER CARTRIDGES 170.19 PSO 08/06 USE 1,195.62 ONG 08/06 USE 27.63 IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS COPIER MAINT 84.84 AT &T PHONE USE 131.44 OTA PIKEPASS TOLLS 4.70 CARD CENTER CONFERENCE -STAGG 675.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH PER DIEM /MEETING EXPENSE /STAGG 154.63 OKLAHOMA MUNICIPAL LEAGUE OC &T NEWSLETTER SUBSCRIPTION 15.00 AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION DUES -STAGG 130.00 OFFICE DEPOT HP OFFICEJET PRINTER/FAX 559.98 ADMINISTRATION DEPT TOTAL 4,112.47 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 16.75 DELL TONER -UB PRINTER 79.99 CHOICE PAY BILLING SERVICE 30.00 DAVID R. OLINGHOUSE METER READER 440.55 MARK MEYER METER READER 544.50 TYRONE EUGENE DINKINS METER READER 355.95 TOMMY G ARRINGTON METER READER 127.80 KATHLEEN A BALSIGER METER READER 282.15 TECHNICAL PROGRAMMING SERVICES BILLING SERVICE 1,047.39 UTILITY BILLING DEPT TOTAL 2,925.08 WATER PRODUCTS REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 3,876.71 GEORGE & GEORGE SAFETY REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 32.50 T -SHIRT EXPRESS T- SHIRTS \HATS 108.99 UNIFIRST UNIFORM RENTAL /CLEANING 151.34 ATWOODS WORK BOOTS- FARRIS /MORADOS /BARGAS 384.85 GEORGE & GEORGE SAFETY UNIFORM GEAR 30.09 TWIN CITIES READY MIX CONCRETE /SUPPLIES FOR CURB REPAIRS 1,085.50 WATER PRODUCTS REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 1,258.97 ATWOODS COUPLING 5.90 ANCHOR STONE GO REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 124.09 MILL.. GREEK LUMBER & SUPPLY FORM BOARD 11.06 SAMS CLUB OPERATING SUPPLIES 11.24 ACCURATE ENVIRONMENTAL.. FLUORIDE TEST SAMPLES 102.50 CITY GARAGE VEHICLE MAINT -PARTS 214.00 FUELMAN FUEL 1,330.02 ATWOODS SHOVEL /CHAIN 40.28 PSO 08/06 USE 622.26 CITY GARAGE VEHICLE MAINT - AUGUST 1,226.67 VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT DITCH WITCH OF TULSA EQUIPMENT TRAILER 13,786.00 WATER DEPT TOTAL 24,402.97 NORTH CENTRAL LABS LAB SUPPLIES 73.78 ATWOODS ADAPTER 16.67 SAMS CLUB OPERATING SUPPLIES 89.15 GEORGE & GEORGE SAFETY REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 32.50 LOWES AIR FILTERS 11.76 T -SHIRT EXPRESS T- SHIRTS \HATS 108.99 UNIFIRST UNIFORM RENTAL /CLEANING 147.93 GEORGE & GEORGE SAFETY UNIFORM GEAR 30.09 O'REILLY VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 19.98 FUELMAN FUEL 560.45 PSO 08/06 USE 14,997.19 CITY GARAGE VEHICLE MAINT - AUGUST 230.00 AT &T PHONE USE 23.76 OK DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY TEST /PRIDGEN 40.00 WW TREATMENT PLANT DEPT TOTAL 16,382.25 GEORGE & GEORGE SAFETY REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 32.50 T -SHIRT EXPRESS T- SHIRTS \HATS 108.99 UNIFIRST UNIFORM RENTAL /CLEANING 113.98 ATWOODS WORK BOOTS -EATON 124.95 GEORGE & GEORGE SAFETY UNIFORM GEAR 30.09 WATER PRODUCTS REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES - 178.57 ATWOODS NUTS /BOLTS /FITTINGS 140.56 JOHN K DAVIS, JR REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 200.00 CITY GARAGE VEHICLE MAINT -PARTS 128.00 FUELMAN FUEL 1,297.42 VVEC LIFT STATION USAGE 353.91 PSO 08/06 USE 3,907.57 COMMERCIAL POWER SOLUTIONS REPAIR /MAINT SERVICE 1,476.00 CITY GARAGE VEHICLE MAINT - AUGUST 613.33 AT &T PHONE USE 246.66 CARD CENTER CONFERENCE- STEVENS 875.00 WASTEWATER DEPT TOTAL 9,470.39 IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS FLIERS 37.09 ATWOODS NUTS/BOLTS /FITTINGS 4.55 WILLIAMS REFUSE EQUIPMENT REPAIRS /SUPPLIES POLYCARTS 4,380.57 GEORGE & GEORGE SAFETY REPAIR /MAINT SUPPLIES 32.50 T-SHIRT EXPRESS T- SHIRTS \HATS 109.01 UNIFIRST UNIFORM RENTAL /CLEANING 100.14 GEORGE & GEORGE SAFETY UNIFORM GEAR 30.09 CITY GARAGE VEHICLE MAINT -PARTS 4,707.00 FUELMAN FUEL 5,764.18 O'REILLY SMALL TOOLS 13.98 NATIONAL POWER WASH POWER WASHING - VEHICLES 150.00 CITY GARAGE VEHICLE MAINT - AUGUST 3,066.67 AT &T PHONE USE 4.75 TREASURER PETTY CASH PER DIEM /DOYLE 117.00 CARD CENTER UHAUL 109.40 REFUSE DEPT TOTAL 18,626.93 VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT UN|F|RST UNIFORM RENTAL/CLEANING 20.40 PSO 08/06 USE 186.80 AT&T PHONE USE 475 RECYCLE DEPT TOTAL 131.05 OPVVA OPERATING FUND TOTAL HOME DEPOT DEBT SERVICE MONTHLY PAYMENT 0 QPVVA SALE TAX FUND TOTAL 6'408J0 OPWA GRAND TOTAL 0 ,51W.74 ��� OWASSO PUBLIC AUTHORITY PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PA PERIOD ENDING DATE 9/2/2006 OVERTIME [DEPARTMENT EXPENSES r OPWA Administration 400.86 $14,`640.03 Utility Billing 72.00 4,772.57 Water 1311.92 15,271.63 ` Wastewater 796.57 12,005.05 Wastewater Collection 381.78 8,225.70 Refuse 1,135.18 13,101.66 Recycle Center 0.00 1,531.04 TOTAL- $4,098,31 $69,54713 CITY OF OWASSO OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY - OPERATING FUND FISCAL YEAR 2006 -2007 Statement of Revenues & Expenses As of August 31, 2006 MONTH YEAR TO -DATE TO -DATE BUDGET •` Water 353,016 668,882 3,200,000 Wastewater 85,497 195,138 1,260,000 Refuse & recycle 76,107 170,220 1,073,000 Other fees 42,905 86,255 545,500 Interest & other 2,423 4,080 25,500 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 559,948 1,124,575 6,104,000 OPERATING EXPENSES: Personal services 141,177 272,747 1,924,165 Materials & supplies 282,413 489,070 2,754,240 Other services 91,010 135,507 938,595 Capital outlay 853 1,414 162,000 Debt service - - w TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 515,453 898,737 5,779,000 REVENUES OVER EXPENSES 44,495 225,838 325,000 TRANSFERS OUT (27,083) (54,167) (325,000) NET INCOME (LOSS) - 17,412 171,671 WORKING CAPITAL - Beginning Balance 991,070 366,025 WORKING CAPITAL - Ending Balance 1,162,741 366,025 PERCENT 20.90% 15.49% 15.86% 15.81% 14.17% 17.76% 14.44% 0.87% 16.67%