HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002.01.08_City Council Agenda 5. Special Presentation Mayor Barnhouse 4. Roll Call 3. Flag Salute 2. Invocation Councilor Williams 1. Call to Order Mayor Barnhouse AGENDA Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted at City Hall 4:00 p.m. on Friday, January 2002. Regular January 8, 2002 6:30 p.m. Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center TYPE MEETING: DATE: TfME: PLACE: PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL The staff recommends City Council approval and authorization for the Mayor to execute the appropriate documents which approve the collection of E-911 funds and remittance of those funds to the City of Owasso. D. Action Relating to an Agreement With Sage Telecom for the Collection of E-911 Funds and Remittance of Same to the City of Owasso. Attachment #7-D . The staff recommends Council adoption of Resolution #2002-01. C. Action Relating to Resolution #2002'-01, a Resolution Calling a Non-Partisan Primary and General Election Pursuant to Provisions ofthe Owasso City Charter for the Purpose of Electing a Council Members for Wards 3 & 4. Attachment #7-C B. Approval of Claims. Attachment #7-B A. Approval of Minutes of the December 18, Regular Meeting and the December 21,2001 and December 27,2001 Special Meetings. Attachment #7-A 7. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of the Consent Agenda. (All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the City Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Councilor may, however, remove an item from consent by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non-debatable.) The City Manager will recognize and present certificates to members of the Public Works team who worked over the New Year's holiday to repair the Santa Fe Lift Station. 6. Recognition of Outstanding Effort by Members ofthe Public Works Team. Mr Ray Owasso City Council January 8, 2002 Page 2 The Owasso Annexation Committee and the Owasso Planning Commission have conducted hearings on this request and recommend Council approval of the requested detachment. The staff concurs with the recommendation. S K'\ 10. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Detachmen~f Land Containing 312 Acres, More or Less, Generally Located West of the ~~Railroad Right-of-Way and North of East 76th Street North, on the West Side of the City of Owasso. Ms Sonells Attachment #10 The staff will recommend Council approval of Resolution #2002-02 calling an election for the purpose of submitting to the Owasso voters Ordinance #699 for their approval or rejection. 9. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Resolution #2002-02, a Resolution Calling an Election for the Purpose of Submitting Ordinance #699 to the Voters of Owasso for Approval or Rejection. Mr Ewing See Attachment #8 The staff will recommend Council adoption of Ordinance #699, providing for a 3% Hotel/Motel Tax, and dedicating the revenue from such tax to promote economic development. The staff will also recommend Council approval of Resolution #2002-02 calling an election for the purpose of submitting to the Owasso voters Ordinance #699 for their approval or rejection. 8. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Ordinance #699, an Ordinance Providing for a 3% Hotel/Motel Tax, and Providing for the Use of Funds to be Dedicated to the Promotion of Economic Development. Mr Ewing Attachment #8 Owasso City Council January 8, 2002 Page 3 15. Adjoumment 14. New Business (New Business is any item of business which could not have been foreseen at the time of posting ofthe agenda.) 13. Report from City Councilors. 12. Report from City Attomey. 11. Report from City Manager. Owasso City Council January 8, 2002 Page 4 D. Action Relating to Acceptance of the Sanitary Sewer System Constructed to Serve Country Estates V C. Action Relating to Acceptance of the Water and Sanitary Sewer Systems Constructed to Serve Sawgrass Park at Bailey Ranch. B. Approval of Claims. A. Approval of Minutes of the November 30, 2001 Special Meeting, December 4, 2001 Regular Meeting, December 4, 2001 Special Meeting, and December 11, 2001 Special Meeting. ITEM 4: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. A quorum was declared present. STAFF Timothy Rooney, Acting City Manager Ronald D Cates, City Attomey Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk ABSENT PRESENT Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor - 16/1 Randy Brogdon, Vice Mayor - 17/0 Will Williams, Councilor - 16/1 Rebecca Armstrong, Councilor - 16/1 Michael Helm, Councilor - 17/0 ITEM 3: ROLL CALL The flag salute was held during the OPW A meeting preceding this meeting. ITEM 2: FLAG SALUTE Mayor Bamhouse called the meeting to order at 6:46 p.m. The Ow as so City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, December 18, 2001 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, December 14,2001. OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, December 18, 2001 A - 2 - Motion camed 5-0. AYE: Helm, Brogdon, Armstrong, Williams, Barnhouse NAY: None Ms Bishop presented the item. Funding for the employment agreement with the City Manager will necessitate a budget supplement for the full contract amount. Even though the one-year employment agreement and actual payments will occur during two different fiscal years, funding for the contract must be included in the budget. The total cost of all salary and benefits included in the proposed employment agreement is $110,600. Mr Helm moved, seconded by Mr Brogdon, to approve a supplemental appropriation to the General Fund, Managerial Department Budget in the amount of $110,600 for the purpose of funding an employment agreement with the City Manager. ITEM 5: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION TO THE GENERAL FUND BUDGET, MANAGERIAL DEPARTMENT, PERSONAL SERVICES, INCREASING SAME IN THE AMOUNT NECESSARY TO FUND AN EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITYQE O~LASSO, OKLAHOMA AND RODNEY J RAY. Motion calTied 5-0. AYE: Brogdon, Williams, Helm, Armstrong, Barnhouse NAY: Motion carried. The consent agenda included minutes of the November 30, 2001 Special Meeting, December 4, 2001 Regular Meeting, December 4, 2001 Special Meeting, and December 11, 2001 Special Meeting, by reference made a part hereto. Item B on the consent agenda included the following claims: (1) General Fund $115,419.69; (2) Ambulance Fund 158.20; (3) E-911 $6,311.15; (4) Capital Improvements $1,500.00; (5) Capital Projects $725.16; (6) Bond Projects $9,792.72; (7) City Garage $1 ; (8) Workers' Camp Self Insurance $875.90; (9) Collision Self- Insurance $1,200.00; (10) Payroll $212,736.92; (11) City Garage Payroll $5,233.09; (12) Ambulance Payroll $13,114.27; (13) E-911 Payroll $1,146.28; (14) Worker's Comp Payroll $1,927/7 4. Item C requested acceptance of the water and sanitmy sewer systems constructed to serve Sawgrass Park at Bailey Ranch. Item D requested acceptance of the sanitary sewer system constructed to serve Country Estates V. Item E requested acceptance of the sanitary sewer system constructed to serve Preston Lakes II. Mr Brogdon moved, seconded by Mr Williams, to approve the consent agenda. 13. Action Relating to Acceptance of the Sanitary Sewer System Constructed to Serve Preston Lakes II. December 18, 2001 Owasso City Council - 3 - Motion calTied 4-1. AYE: Brogdon, Helm, Williams, Barnhouse NA Y: AlTnstrong Mr Rooney presented the item. Resolution #2000-10, approved by the City Council on September 19, 2000, authorized Work Change Directives up to $25,000 total for the above- referenced project. Cowen Construction has submitted a complete list of Work Change Directives approved by former City Manager, Lany Mitchell, as well as back charges to and from subcontractors and the City of Owasso. Brazeal Masomy has also submitted a request for a Change Order, resulting from changing the materials for the loading dock and ramp from concrete stemwall to split faced block. The total amount of this request is $33,348. Mr Brogdon moved, seconded by Mr Helm, to approve Change Order #5, adding $33,348 to the cost of the project, generated by backcharges to and from contractors and the City of Owasso, and changes in materials used in the loading dock and ramp. ITEM 7: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO CHANGE ORDER #5, A CHANGE ORDER TO CONTRACTS BETWEEN THE CITY OF OW ASSO AND VARIOUS CONTRACTORS FOR THE CITY HALL/POLICE STATION PROJECT, ALL AS SPEGIEICALLY SET FORTH IN THE ACCOMPANYING MEMORANDUM. Motion carried 4-1. AYE: Helm, Brogdon, Williams, Barnhouse NAY: Annstrong Mayor Barnhouse requested approval of the above-referenced employment agreement as provided to the City Council for consideration. Mr Helm moved, seconded by Mr Brogdon, to approve an employment agreement contractually setting forth the appointment of Rodney J Ray as City Manager for the City of Owasso, establishing salary and benefits, and the term of that appointment. ITEM 6: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF OW ASSO AND RODNEY J RAY, SUCH AGREEMENT RELATING TO THE POSITION OF CITY MANAGER FOR THE CITY OF OW ASSO AND MR RAY'S APPOINTMENT THERETO; AND AUTHORIZATION FOR THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT. December 18, 2001 Owasso City Council '04- Mr Ewing presented the item. The Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) of 1991 provides funding through a 10% set-aside of the Surface Transportation Program for projects such as development of bicycle and pedestrian facilities, scenic beautification, hist0l1c preservation, and mitigation of water pollution resulting from highway runoff. These funds are ITEM 11: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF PARTICIPATION IN AN OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ROADWAY ENHANCEMENT GRANT PROGRAM. Motion carried 5-0. AYE: Brogdon, Williams, Helm, Armstrong, Barnhouse NAY: None Chief Allen said that the City of Owasso has a policy that insures that the citizens will always have an ambulance in good repair and ready to respond. On October 23,2001, sealed bids were opened for the purchase of one new advanced life suppOli ambulance. Bids were received on seven vehicles and have been reviewed by the fire department staff. All bids did not meet the specifications, and the lowest and best bid was submitted by Excellence Inc. Mr Brogdon moved, seconded by Mr Williams, to award the bid for the purchase of one new Excellence Golden Eagle Type I EHD Ambulance to Excellence Inc, Madison, AL, in the amount of $159,899.77, and authorize payment. ITEM 9: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE AWARD OF A BID FOR A NEW AMBULANCE. Motion carried 5-0. AYE: Helm, Williams, Armstrong, Brogdon, Barnhouse NAY: None Ms Bishop presented the item. The Ambulance Capital Fund includes $150,000 for the purchase of an ambulance. The recommendation to be presented to the Council under the next item is for the purchase of an ambulance for approximately $160,000. A budget supplement of $10,000 is needed before that contract for purchase is approved. Available unappropriated funds in the Ambulance Capital Fund are sufficient to increase the expenditures by $10,000. Mr Helm moved, seconded by Mr Williams, to approve a supplemental appropriation to the Ambulance Capital Fund budget, increasing expenses by $10,000 for the purpose of providing sufficient funds for the purchase of an ambulance. ITEM 8: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATIQNuTQ_THE_AMBULANCE CAPITAL FUND BUDGET. December 18, 2001 Owasso City Council - 5 - Motion calTied 5-0. AYE: Armstrong, Brogdon, Williams, Helm, Barnhouse NAY: None Mr Ewing presented the item. The City recently annexed a 3.94 acre parcel of land located on the east side of Highway 169, north of E 96th St N. The applicant had requested that the annexation carry over the CG (Commercial General) zoning previously approved by Tulsa County. The Owasso Zoning Code provides that properties annexed may retain their Tulsa County zoning. Due to an oversight, the property was zoned AG (Agriculture) when it was annexed. The applicant has requested that the annexation ordinance be amended to change the zoning back to CG. Because the Council had questions concerning the zoning that were unanswered, Ms Armstrong moved, seconded by Mr Brogdon, to table this item to the next regular City Council meeting (January 8, 2002). ITEM 12: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO ORDINANCE #693 AMENDED, MODIFYING THE ZONING SPECIFIED__IN ORDINANCE #693. Motion calTied 4-1. AYE: Brogdon, Helm, Williams, Bamhouse NAY: Armstrong allocated every two years, and funding for fiscal years 2003 and 2004 projects is currently under consideration. Proposals are now being solicited, with awards anticipated in the Spring of 2002. The Owasso Economic Development Authority has adopted a resolution supporting participation of the City of Owasso in this program. Items to be included would be two Gateway Monuments - one at the northwest corner of 76th St N & Highway 169 and the other at the southwest corner of 76th St N & the SK&O Railroad. The third item would be an extension of the decorative fencing on the west side of Highway 169 south to the Owasso corporate limits. The total project cost is expected to be approximately $303,000, with the City's share $61,000. The City's share can be a combination of direct funding and in-kind services. Councilor Armstrong asked if there had been any citizen input regarding this project. Mr Ewing said that the Gateway Monuments were identified in the Downtown Redevelopment Plan recently adopted by the City Council, and there were citizen meetings held prior to the adoption of that Plan. Mr Brogdon moved, seconded by Mr Helm, to approve City participation in the Oklahoma Department of Transportation Roadway Enhancement Program, and authorization for the Mayor to execute the Application for Enhancement funds. December 18,2001 Owasso City Council - 6 - A. FOP Lodge 149 and H Burl Cox v The City of Owasso, a Municipal Corporation, and LaITY Mitchell, City Manager, Case No CJ-2001-00379, Tulsa County District Court; . B. City of Owasso, Oklahoma v FOP Lodge 149, Case No CJ-2001-0389, Tulsa County District COUli; C. City of Owasso, Oklahoma v FOP Lodge 149, Case No CJ 2001-01986, Tulsa County District Court; D. FOP Lodge 149 and Michael Denton v City of Owasso, Oklahoma, a Municipal Corporation, and Larry Mitchell, City Manager, Case No CJ-2001-02094, Tulsa County District COUli; E. H Burl Cox v City of Owasso, City Council of Owasso, Oklahoma State Fraternal Order of Police, Owasso Lodge 149, Owasso City Officials, Owasso Police Department, The City of Owasso, ex reI, Case No CJ-2000-4474, Tulsa County District COUli; F. Notice of Tort Claim - H Burl Cox, Claimant v City of Owasso, Oklahoma and Mayor, Mary Lou Barnhouse; ITEM 18: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR AN EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING PENDING LITIGATION, GRIEVANCES, AND TORT CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA, AS WELL AS OFFICIALS AND OFFICERS THEREOF, SUCH BEING: None. ITEM 17: NEW BUSINESS. No report. ITEM 16: REPORT FROM CITY COUNCILORS. No report. ITEM 15: REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY. No report. ITEM 14: REPORT FROM MANAGER Because no action was taken on the previous item, it was unnecessary to take action on this item. ITEM 13: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE ATTACHMENT OF AN EMERGENCY CLAUSE TO ORDINANCE #693 AMENDED. December 18, 2001 Owasso City Council - 7 .. Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk Mary Lou Bamhouse, Mayor Motion canied 5-0, and the meeting was adjoumed at 7:56 p.m. AYE: Helm, Brogdon, Williams, Armstrong, Barnhouse NAY: None Mr Helm moved, seconded by Mr Brogdon, to adjourn. ITEM 20: ADJOURNMENT Motion canied 4-1. AYE: Brogdon, Helm, Williams, Barnhouse NAY: Armstrong Mr Brogdon moved, seconded by Mr Helm, to reject the last settlement offer of Mr Cox and Mr Denton. ITEM 19: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION TO BE TAKEN ON ANY OR ALL OF THE LISTED ITEMS AS A RESUL T ..i2E_..ltIE umFOREGOING EXECUTIVE SESSION. Motion canied 5-0, and the Council entered into executive session at 7:15 p.m. Out of executive session and the Mayor reconvened the regular meeting aat 7:55 p.m. AYE: Atmstrong, Helm, Williams, Brogdon, Barnhouse NAY: None Ms Armstrong moved, seconded by Mr Helm, to enter into executive session for the purpose stated. Section Discussions Allowed Pursuant to G. FOP Lodge No 149 and H Burl Cox and Michael Denton, FMCS Case Number 010424-09678-8; H. Notice of Tort Claim - Michael Denton, Claimant v City of Owasso, Oklahoma and Ronald Cates; L Notice of Tort Claim - Michael Denton, Claimant v City of Owasso, Oklahoma and Larry Mitchell, December 18,2001 Owasso City Council Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor Motion carried 3-0, and the meeting was adjoumed at 3:02 p.m. AYE: Brogdon, Armstrong, Barnhouse NA Y: None Mr Brogdon moved, seconded by Ms Armstrong, to adjoum. ITEM 3: ADJOURNMENT Motion calTied 3-0. AYE: Armstrong, Brogdon, Bamhouse NAY: None Ms Bishop presented a claim from K&T Tmcking & Site Clearing in the amount of $13,000. This was for the demolition of the old police station. Request for payment had been made to the construction manager, but had not been fOlwarded to the City for payment. Ms AlTIlstrong moved, seconded by Mr Brogdon, to approve the claim. ITEM 2: REQUEST APPROVAL OF CLAIMS. A quorum was declared present. STAFF Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk Sherry Bishop, Finance Director ABSENT Will Williams, Councilor 16/2 PRESENT Mary Lou Bamhouse, Mayor - 17/1 Randy Brogdon, Vice Mayor - 18/0 Rebecca Armstrong, Councilor - 17/1 Michael Helm, Councilor (alTived at 3 :02) - 18/0 Mayor Barnhouse called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. ITEM 1: ~ALL TO.0RDEE, The Owasso City Council met in special session on Friday, December 21, 2001 in the Main Conference Room at Owasso City Hall per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 19, 2001. OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING Friday, December 21,2001 A. FOP Lodge 149 and H Burl Cox v The City of Owasso, a Municipal Corporation, and Larry Mitchell, City Manager, Case No CJ-2001-00379, Tulsa County District Court; B. City of Owasso, Oklahoma v FOP Lodge 149, Case No CJ-2001-0389, Tulsa County District Court; C. City of Owasso, Oklahoma v FOP Lodge 149, Case No CJ 2001-01986, Tulsa County District Court; D. FOP Lodge 149 and Michael Denton v City of Ow as so, Oklahoma, a Municipal Corporation, and Larry Mitchell, City Manager, Case No CJ-2001-02094, Tulsa County District Court; E. H Burl Cox v City of Owasso, City Council of Owasso, Oklahoma State Fratemal Order of Police, Owasso Lodge 149, Owasso City Officials, Owasso Police Department, The City of Owasso, ex reI, Case No CJ-2000-4474, Tulsa County District Court; F. Notice of Tort Claim - H Burl Cox, Claimant v City of Owasso, Oklahoma and Mayor, Mary Lou Barnhouse; ITEM 2: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR AN EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING PENDING LITIGATION, GRIEVANCES, AND TORT CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA, AS WELL AS OFFICIALS AND OFFICERS THEREOF~ SUCH BEING: A quonlm was declared present. STAFF Rodney J Ray, City Manager Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk Sherry Bishop, Finance Director ABSENT Michael Helm, Councilor - 18/1 PRESENT Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor - 18/1 Randy Brogdon, Vice Mayor - 19/0 Will Williams, Councilor - 17/2 Rebecca Armstrong, Councilor - 18/1 Mayor Bamhouse called the meeting to order at 2:05 p.m. The Owasso City Council met in special session on Thursday, December 27, 2001 in the Main Conference Room at Owasso City Hall. Meeting called by the Mayor at 9:00 a.m. on Friday, December 21,2001, and Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, December 26,2001. OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING Thursday, December 27,2001 - 2 - Motion calTied 4-0. AYE: Armstrong, Williams, Brogdon, Bamhouse NAY: None Ms Armstrong moved, seconded by Mr Williams, to approve the settlement agreement between the City of Owasso and Michael Denton and between the City of Owasso and Burl and Lisa Cox, such settlement agreements represented by release of claims against the City of Owasso and various city officials. ITEM 4: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION TO BE TAKEN ON ANY OR ALL OF THE LISTED ITEMS AS A RESUL T OF THE FOREGOING EXECUTIVE SESSION. Ms Bishop told the Council that the total cost of the settlements and back salary amounts to $372,582 which, if approved, will require a supplemental appropriation to the General Fund Police Department budget. Ms Armstrong moved, seconded by Mr Brogdon, to approve a supplemental appropriation for the purpose of funding any agreement approved in the next agenda item. ITEM 3: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION TO THE GENERAL FUND POLICE DEPARTMENT BUDGET. Out of executive session at 3:08 p.m., and the Mayor recessed the meeting, reconvening at 3:20 p.m. Motion carried 4-0, and the Council entered into executive session at 2.06 p.m. AYE: A1mstrong, Williams, Brogdon, Barnhouse NAY: None Ms Armstrong moved, seconded by Mr Williams, to enter into executive session the purposes stated. Section 307-B(4); Such Discussions Allowed Pursuant to G, FOP Lodge No 149 and H Burl Cox and Michael Denton, FMCS Case Number 010424-09678-8; H. Notice of Tort Claim - Michael Denton, Claimant v City of Owasso, Oklahoma and Ronald Cates; L Notice of Tort Claim - Michael Denton, Claimant v City of Owasso, Oklahoma and Larry Mitchell, December 27, 2001 Owasso City Council - 3 - Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor Motion carried 4-0, and the meeting was adjourned at 3:22 p.m. AYE: Armstrong, Barnhouse, Williams, Brogdon NAY: None Ms Armstrong moved, seconded by Mayor Barnhouse, to adjourn. ITEM 5: ADJOURNMENT Mr Brogdon requested that the statement attached to and made a part of these minutes, be entered into the record. Motion carried 4-0. Ms Armstrong moved, seconded by Mr Brogdon, to direct the above-listed officers to cease any offensive or defensive challenges to the arbitrators award and the District Comi's decision thereon relating to items A through D of the above-listed matters discussed in executive session. AYE: Armstrong, Brogdon, Williams, Barnhouse NAY: None December 27,2001 Owasso City Council Respectfully, Randy Brogdon Vice Mayor The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God. I have heard that phrase all of my life, but now it has special meaning to me. The significance is, I made an extremely difficult decision based on what I now know to be less than the "whole truth". My decision as a council member to uphold the firing of two police officers was based on partial and inaccurate information. The lack of information led me into making what I now believe to be a wrong decision. Unfortunately, even as I write this, the city council has yet been provided with both sides ofthe story. I have personally been given vital infolTilation within the last few weeks that has caused me to reverse my decision in supporting the frring of the officers. Let me explain the change of my position. I had been on the council for only a short time when this police situation was brought before council in an executive session. I had every reason to believe that the information given to us was accurate complete. We were told: @ Mr. Cox abused a prisoner by "beating", "dragging" and "pepper spraying" @ Mr. Denton covered up the action by stealing the videotape or at least by not protecting it as @ The use of pepper spray in the situation was a direct violation of city policy. @ The use of pepper spray on a handcuffed prisoner was an abuse of power. @ These actions were a breach oftheil' training. @ Our officers are trained to a "higher standard" Based on this information I, along with the other councilors made the decision to uphold the firing of the two officers and the subsequent appeals. The city lost twice in the arbitration hearings, and in district court. Here is what I now know to be the truth according to written testimony: @ The "beating" was two blows to the stomach after the prisoner kicked Mr. Cox. @ The videotape had no pertinent information @ The use ofOC spray was not a violation of policy. @ Using OC spray on a handcuffed prisoner is permissible. @ The officers were responding to their training. @ The officers are trained by the CLEET standard, not a "higher standard", @ The Owasso Police Department has a certified CLEET trainer on staff. Even though I still may not have all of the facts, I have a clearer picture of both sides ofthe story. The reversal of my decision is simple; it is based on right and wrong. I can only wish that I had been given all the pertinent infolTilation concerning this case a year and a half ago. Mr. Denton said is his letter to the editor, "I hope citizens confronted by crime and needing help would rather call a trained cop instead ofLul'1'Y Mitchell or Randy Brogdon or the city council". I must agree! There is much that I could say about the personal disappointment I feel, for being inadvertently involved in so adversely affecting two of my fellow citizens. Please accept my support. November 17,2001 City of Owasso Claims 01108/02 Fund Department Total General Deposit Refunds 25.00 105 Municipal Court 25.65 110 Managerial 6,429.23 '120 Finance 1 9.95 150 General Government 1 160 Community Development 170 Engineering 412.14 175 Information Systems 70.44 181 Support Services 541.76 201 Police Services 4,135.93 215 Police Communications 1,387.16 221 Animal Control 627.26 250 Fire Services 4,371.77 280 Emergency Preparedness 15.55 300 Streets 10,400.57 515 Park Maintenance 1,089.90 550 Community Center 218.92 710 Economic Development 371.55 TOTAL 51,911.62 Ambulance Refunds 317.36 255 Ambulance 4,511.82 TOTAL 4,829.18 E-911 E-911 Services 50,755.00 TOTAL 50,755.00 Capital Improvements Computerization 4,994.50 TOTAL 4,994.50 Capital Projects Project Management 229.27 TOTAL 229.27 Bond Projects CityHall/PD 52,260.19 Project Management 43,857.57 TOTAL 96,117.76 OPGA Merchandise 2,879.36 Food and Beverage 3,505.30 605 Cart Operations 315.48 610 Golf Course Maintenance 2,233.65 670 Food and Beverage Operations 935.24 690 Golf Administration 3,101.88 800 Debt Service 38,934.43 TOTAL 51 OPWA 400 Administration 1 405 Utility Billing 2,519.76 420 Water 130,336.14 450 Wastewater treatment plant 2,333.20 455 Wastewater Collection 5,153.12 480 Refuse Collections 5,623.20 485 Recycle Center 5,659.37 TOTAL 153,251.02 OPWA Capital Improvements Debt Service 46,737.73 TOTAL 46,731.13 OPWA Sales Tax Debt Service 135,173.16 TOTAL 135,173.16 City Garage 185 City Garage 10,115.88 TOTAL 10,115.88 Workers' Camp Self Insurance 150 Workers' Comp 2,622.29 TOTAL 2,622.29 IClaims Total - ----_._~."--~-~-- 608,708.751 Fund Department Total Bond Projects City Hall/PO 4,864.00 TOTAL. 4,864.00 OPGA Daily Operating Account 1,518.89 TOTAL. 1,518.89 City of Owasso Claims 01/08/02 Addendum City of Owasso Jan 04, 2002 09: 28am Page Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Li ne I t em Number Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description -~~~~~ =~~~-~~- ~--~ -~~--- ~-~~------~~ ------~~ -~--~------- -------- ---------- ------------ ----------------------- 3013 1429 12/21/01 14601 3 01/08/02 100.00 100.00 WOOD DOORS-6/6/00 3194 750 12/05/01 CEPO 14599 1347B 01/08/02 3,730.58 3,730.58 PROGRAM MGMT 3/16/99 3194 750 09/05/01 CEPO 14604 1257B 01/08/02 18,392.39 18,392.39 PROGRAM MGMT 3/16/99 3194 750 10/05/01 CEPO 14605 1283B 01/08/02 7,847.19 7,847.19 PROGRAM MGMT 3/16/99 3194 750 10/05/01 CEPO 1l,606 1283 01/08/02 13,887.41 13,887.41 PROGRAM MGMT 3/16/99 3659 1502 11/09/01 14593 10 01/08/02 8,626.00 12,799.60 CASEWORK 6/6/00 07/31/01 11 4,173.60 3667 1515 12/07/01 14603 11 01/08/02 I. ,825.00 4,825.00 CONCRETE 6/6/00 4045 743 12/05/01 14597 6 01/08/02 10,917.00 28,672.50 ROCK BASE GRADING 6/20/00 12/05/01 RETAINAGE 17,755.50 5071 1846 12/17/01 14596 3 01/08/02 4,662.00 4,662.00 IRRIGATION/POND 6/6/00 5410 1689 12/15/01 14595 5 01/08/02 988.20 988.20 ALUMINUM FRAMES/GLASS 6/6/00 6872 129 12/10/01 14421 15118235 01/08/02 29.99 29.99 12 PHONE USE-WARREN 6873 129 11/24/01 14602 12124152 01/08/02 128.68 58.24 12 PHONE USE-ROONEY 70.44 PHONE USE-WILLSON 6875 1049 12/12/01 14l,14 121201 01/08/02 20.30 20.30 12 MCCARTY PARK WATER USAGE 6876 1952 01/01/02 14407 1152396 01/08/02 35.00 35.00 12 SECURITY MONITORING 6883 615 12/20/01 14525 2143030 01/08/02 30.00 60.00 PRE-EMPLOYMENT SCREENINGS 12/19/01 2141596 30.00 6887 627 12/13/01 14406 119909 01/08/02 210.00 210.00 12 COPIER MAINT 6889 939 01/01/02 14581 1/02 01/08/02 150.00 150.00 12 RETAINER 6890 766 12/03/01 14507 04-2208576 01/08/02 350.00 350.00 12 OLETS RENTAL 6960 38 12/11/01 14/,66 12-1 01/08/02 81.00 411.75 METER READINGS 12/20/01 12-2 330.75 6961 2075 12/18/01 14464 12-1 01/08/02 207.00 207.00 METER READINGS 6962 171 12/06/01 14463 12-2 01/08/02 151.80 338.10 METER READINGS 12/15/01 12-1 186.30 6963 264 12/10/01 14465 12-1 01/08/02 138.15 282.15 METER READINGS 12/20/01 12-2 144.00 6966 1065 11/30/01 14461 11/01 USE 01/08/02 122,594.35 122,594.35 PURCHASED WATER FY 01/02 6989 313 12/31/01 14480 34 01/08/02 420.00 420.00 INSPECTION SERVICES 6990 313 12/31/01 14479 35 01/08/02 38.44 38.44 MILEAGE 7013 7 12/17/01 14481 792738 01/08/02 177.68 132.33 12 COPIER RENTAL/MAINTENANCE 45.35 12 SUPPLIES/SERVICE 7021 360 11/26/01 14476 11258398 01/08/02 348.29 413.22 12 COPIER MAINTENANCE 07/30/01 11104293 33.24 09/26/01 11168156 31.69 7028 857 11/29/01 14428 D208488 01/08/02 2.99 20.51 REPAIR PARTS 12/17/01 D209682 17.52 5.72 REPAIR PARTS 12/14/01 0209521 5.72 7032 364 12/20/01 14437 170602 01/08/02 1,050.00 1,050.00 TIRE REPAIRS 7033 446 12/11/01 CEPO 14439 830115157 01/08/02 17.29 663.46 REPAIR PARTS 12/12/01 830115352 17.10 116.61 REPAIR PARTS 11/06/01 830109904 18.25 30.28 REPAIR PARTS 11/14/02 830111064 68.33 11/14/01 830111063 98.99 12/14/01 830115661 24.95 12/19/01 830116408 5.21 12/20/10 830116569 23.03 12/17/01 830116039 7.49 12/18/01 8730116221 10.38 12/17/01 830116082 20.99 12/14/01 830115627 2.49 12/17/01 830116085 83.88 12/14/01 830115675 5.21 12/07/01 830114546 4.99 11/30/01 830113554 1.64 11/30/01 830113546 35.94 12/12/01 830115295 56.99 12/11/01 830115224 77.65 12/12/01 830115326 31.22 12/12/01 830115359 63.94 11/27/01 830112948 47.89 12/14/01 830115603 15.99 11/24/01 830112590 8.92 11/26/01 830112789 13.56 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.8 Q*APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso J an Ol" 2002 09:28am Page 2 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ~w_~~~ ~~~___ ~~~____~ __~_ ____~_ ____________ ________ ____________ -------- -----~---- ------------ ----------------------- 12/14/01 830115590 5.76 12/10/01 830114989 8.68 12/12/01 830115351 11.18 12/17/01 830116023 24.95 12/17/01 830116095 -44.97 12/17/01 830116022 16.84 12/11/01 830115159 -22.00 12/14/01 830115588 -50.73 12/13/01 830115454 - 31. 28 12/19/01 830116394 15.54 12/04/01 830114111 12.39 12/19/01 830116400 10.89 12/1l,/01 830115695 12.99 12/19/01 830116389 77.79 '1034 591 12/13/01 14443 8240177906 01/08/02 9.78 63.78 UNIFORM RENTAL 12/13/01 8240177904 31.89 19.56 UNIFORM RENTAL 12/20/01 8240178'164 9.78 12/20/01 8240178762 31. 89 7050 1557 12/20/01 14462 53022 01/08/02 694.88 694.88 BILLING SERVICE 7097 255 12/21/01 14598 584856 01/08/02 29.95 29.95 12 SECURITY MONITORING 7114 239 12/06/01 14506 108140 01/08/02 l,1. 04 59.67 12 SAFETY SUPPLIES 12/11/01 108229 134.'14 59.6'1 12 SAFETY SUPPLIES 12/19/01 108741 122.56 59.67 12 SAFETY SUPPLIES 59.67 12 SAFETY SUPPLIES 59.66 12 SAFETY SUPPLIES 7203 785 12/10/01 14505 8649058081 01/08/02 60.67 278.48 REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 12/10/01 5689324787 217.81 7214 129l, 12/14/01 14546 500093816~02 01/08/02 155.95 30.59 12 CELL PHONE-ROBERTS 2 30.59 12 CELL PHONE-STAND BY 33.59 12 CELL PHONE-ON CALL 30.59 12 CELL PHONE-STEVENS 30.59 12 CELL PHONE-ON CALL 7262 129 11/24/01 14l,22 124l,9146 01/08/02 14.20 14.20 PHONE USE-SR VAN 7321 960 11/30/01 14474 11/01 11/30/01 100.00 100.00 12 ADVERTISING 7322 1044 01/01/02 14475 12874810067 01/08/02 224.05 224.05 12 COMMERCIAL REFUSE 7447 1382 09/18/01 14468 55 01/08/02 111. 95 111.95 MOW MEDIANS 7475 1015 12/20/01 14580 802117 01/08/02 275.85 8,136.10 OFFICE FURNITURE-3/20/01 12/14/01 802084 4,082.40 275.85 OFFICE FURNITURE 12/14/01 802085 3,931.20 12/21/01 802125 122.50 7520 591 12/13/01 14446 8240177907 01/08/02 39.72 153.44 11 UNIFORM RENTAL 12/13/01 8240177909 34.81 97.60 11 UNIFORM RENTAL 12/13/01 8240177910 57.93 141.56 11 UNIFORM RENTAL 12/13/01 8240177901 31. 93 219.53 11 UNIFORM RENTAL 12/13/01 8240177902 20.43 64.08 11 UNIFORM RENTAL 12/13/01 8240177908 5.20 20.80 11 UNIFORM RENTAL 12/06/01 8240177056 19.72 12/06/01 8240177058 22.81 12/06/01 8240177059 76.38 12/06/01 8240177050 27.53 12/06/01 8240177051 20.43 12/06/01 8240177057 5.20 11/29/01 8240176190 19.72 11/29/01 8240176192 34.81 11/29/01 8240176193 57.93 11/29/02 8240176184 26.81 11/29/01 8240176185 20.43 11/29/01 8240176191 5.20 12/20/01 8240178765 19.72 12/20/01 8240178767 22.81 12/20/01 8240178768 69.93 12/20/01 8240178759 31. 93 12/20/01 8240178760 20.43 12/20/01 8240178766 5.20 7595 1953 12/30/01 14579 12/01 01/08/02 212.52 212.52 CITY MGR EXPENSES 7664 961 12/02/01 14578 5227234-2 01/08/02 34.01 34.01 12 PHONE USE-MITCHELL 7666 1464 08/20/01 14415 467248 01/08/02 759.90 759.90 LOCATOR 7667 497 12/17/01 14383 42-247652 01/08/02 250.80 250.80 HANGING CLAMPS 7935 1075 09/10/01 14567 53855 01/08/02 40.04 162.88 BOOTS/SHOES-PEACOCK 12/24/01 56748 122.84 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.8 Q*APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Jan 04, 2002 09:28am Page 3 'Jnpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description w~~_~~ ~~_~~~ ~W~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~__~_~ _~~~~__~m~~_ _=~~A_W_ -----~-=---- --~---=- -=-----~-- -----------~ --=-------------------- 8040 366 12/04/01 14544 668140 01/08/02 6.59 192.34 REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 12/11/01 668832 14.05 12/13/01 668980 36.06 12/14/01 669081 61.18 12/12/01 68924 7.98 12/06/01 668335 3.16 12/03/01 668076 5.99 12/14/01 669068 2009 12/13/01 669043 55.24 8055 1340 12/13/01 14551 1952 01/08/02 80000 80.00 LODGING-O'BRIEN 8060 661 12/11/01 14554 S3942 01/08/02 225.00 225.00 TRAINING-O'BRIEN 81L,9 406 12/11/01 14424 213311128200 12/11/01 287.96 929092 OFFICE CHAIRS/COMPUTER 0 CART 12/07/01 11,5466212001 359.96 161.98 KEYBOARD/FILE CABINET 0 11/28/01 145066598001 161.98 107.98 INK CARTRIDGES 0 10/05/01 141347827001 729093 179.98 PRINTER/CABLE 0 10/05/01 141347824001 199099 359.96 CHAIR 0 8236 787 12/30/01 14570 1/02 01/08/02 250.00 250.00 10 EMS AUDITS 8256 33 10/12/01 1 L,508 1102473 01/08/02 145055 145.55 SHELTER SUPPLIES 8288 14 10/15/01 14385 197607 01/08/02 136000 136000 RADIO REPAIR 8394 296 11/06/01 14470 159246 01/08/02 150.00 150000 WELDING 8421 2301 12/04/01 14533 255982 01/08/02 226018 232046 OFFICE SUPPLIES 12/05/01 255990 3.20 3.23 OFFICE SUPPLlES 11/01/01 254975 13.70 4.55 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2084 OFFICE SUPPLIES 8492 601 01/01/02 14524 4157 01/08/02 1,417.67 1,4170678 RISK MGMT-11/01-06/02 8515 627 12/10/01 14420 119720 01/08/02 440000 440.00 COPIER MAINT 8557 1015 11/30/01 14541 802010 01/08/02 1,849049 1,849.49 OFFICE CHAIRS 8568 1044 12/18/01 14548 12847910069 01/08/02 2,371.12 4,254.10 RECYCLE REFUSE 12/01/01 12800310067 1 ,882 .98 8596 78 12/07/01 14445 206031-01 01/08/02 451.50 451.50 ENCLOSED BULLETIN BOARD 8615 371 12/14/01 14467 12-1 01/08/02 204030 568080 METER READINGS 12/10/01 12-2 364050 8664 2692 10/23/01 14417 12001-07638 01/08/02 50,755.00 50,755.00 SOFTWARE PACKAGE 7117/01 8683 66 11/21/01 14405 373057 01/08/02 72.28 786.15 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 11/20/01 372914 254.80 11/20/01 372869 30.70 11/19/01 372806 367.89 11/28/01 373451 60.48 8718 1044 12/18/01 14547 12832210061 01/08/02 212.89 212.89 REFUSE COLLECTION 8725 1029 12/03/01 14440 3265043 01/08/02 2,298.20 2,298.20 TIRES 8743 835 10/31/01 14416 100316 01/08/02 1,635.75 1,635.75 MONTHLY SERVICE FEE 8757 452 12/07/01 14374 44620 01/08/02 167.55 167.55 EVIDENCE COLLECTION SUPPLl ES 8783 1903 12/14/01 14553 1011460 01/08/02 896.44 896.44 MOTOR REPAIR 8790 2713 12/17/01 14552 11012699-02 01/08/02 3,529.75 1,808.24 GAS MONITOR 12/10/01 11012699-01 86.74 1,808.25 GAS MONITOR 8803 2722 11/30/01 14484 3649 01/08/02 4,994.50 4,994.50 NETWORK VIRUS PROTECTION 8814 1038 12/27/01 14573 9849 01/08/02 73.23 110.11 MAINT SUPPLIES 12/12/01 759 9.60 19.78 MAINT SUPPLIES 12/07/01 4441 47.06 8815 812 12/21/01 14574 1503081757 01/08/02 22.95 22.95 MAINT SUPPLIES 8816 857 12/27/01 14572 D210176 01/08/02 18.98 29.63 REPAIR/MAINT PARTS 12/19/01 D209827 2.78 12/04/01 D208822 4.69 12/28/01 D210250 3.18 8818 904 12/04/01 14571 56817 01/08/02 65.00 192.00 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 12/03/01 56807 37.00 12/18/01 56956 77.00 12/28/01 57065 13.00 8827 1193 12/05/01 14402 14659 01/08/02 326.25 326.25 CHECK STOCK 8847 829 12/10/01 14543 251546 01/08/02 7.50 275.23 MAINT/REPAIR SUPPLIES 12117/01 41995 7.50 12/12/01 251730 260.23 88L,9 1276 12/05/01 14555 239841-12 01/08/02 84000 84.00 BALLAST 8861 433 12/13/01 14438 1213470037 01/08/02 119.70 258.35 REPAIR PARTS CCSoAP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.8 Q*APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) r City of Owasso Jan 04, 2002 09:28am Page 4 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ~-~~~- -~---~ ~~------ ~--- ------ --~-~-~----~ -------- ------------ -------- ---------- ------------ -~--------------------- 12/03/01 1213370051 7.17 12/17/01 1213510047 131.48 8882 134 11/03/01 14409 6915 01/08/02 120.00 120.00 ELECTRICAL REPAIRS 8885 785 12/04/01 14384 8645291876 01/08/02 30.60 30.60 MAINT SUPPLIES 8886 647 12/05/01 14386 120501 01/08/02 293.00 293.00 SIGN POSTS 8889 18 12/12/01 14382 55363976 01/08/02 141. 89 141.89 FIRST AID KITS 8892 1038 12/12/01 14387 6682 01/08/02 89.64 89.64 JEANS-HOLT 8893 1491 12/14/01 11.469 27403 01/08/02 202.50 202.50 DOOR HANGARS 8901 929 12/16/01 14486 21850007711 01/08/02 5,957.75 1,465.19 TIPPING FEES 12/01/01 21850007608 866.26 4,631.99 TIPPING FEES 12/16/01 21850007716 598.93 1,325.76 TIPPING FEES 8903 602 12/17/01 14381 T15563 01/08/02 2,700.00 5,997.00 MACHINE RENTAL 12/17/01 T15564 5,997.00 2,700.00 CRACK SEALING MATERIAL 8904 2712 12/05/01 14545 010510001001 01/08/02 929. 18 3,051.67 TEMP STAFF-GRAHAM 12/18/01 010510001005 988.21 12/11/01 010510001003 1,134.28 8908 627 12/03/01 11,373 119529 01/08/02 194.00 97.00 7 COPIER MAINT 97.00 COPIER MAINT 8908 627 12/19/01 14472 120126 01/08/02 194.00 97.00 7 COPIER MAINT 97.00 COPIER MAINT 8909 1200 12/10/01 14418 72397 01/08/02 175.00 175.00 PROJECTOR REPAIR 8912 1849 12/07/01 14419 14400052852 01/08/02 64,50 114.00 PRINTING 12/12/01 579400124127 49.50 8925 1285 11/30/01 14394 14373 01/08/02 138.36 138,36 HEATER REPAIR 8926 770 12/07/01 14390 183561 01/08/02 81.00 81.00 MAINT SUPPLIES 8927 1.27 12/06/01 14393 31897 01/08/02 69.00 335.24 DOOR REPAIR 12/04/01 31745 266.24 8928 242 12/03/01 11,391 40839 01/08/02 298.55 586.55 FIRE PUMP TEST! NG/REPAI R 10/25/01 40829 144.00 10/25/02 40830 144.00 8929 384 12/03/01 14395 978413 01/08/02 940.50 940.50 INNOCULATIONS 8932 1075 12/12/01 14471 27930 01/08/02 197.98 197.98 SAFETY BOOTS-BURTON/MORADOS 8942 778 12/06/01 14392 12-7163 01/08/02 513076 58.76 SERVICE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS 8943 935 12/05/01 14412 120501 01/08/02 40.00 40.00 HEP B SHOT 8944 943 12/18/01 14408 24139 01/08/02 281.25 281.25 PRINTED FORMS 8953 2753 11/11./01 14399 142687742 01/08/02 3.71 3.71 J10121 8954 1563 11/30/01 14400 010724139288 01/08/02 125.00 125.00 ARBITRATION SERVICES 8955 141 12/10/01 14413 121001 01/08/02 255.00 255.00 WINTER WONDERLAND 8957 491 12/03/01 14403 120301 01/08/02 97.81 97.81 SUBSCRIPTION 8958 2076 12/10/01 14411 273696 01/08/02 276.00 276.00 EUTHANASIA SERVICES 8959 1850 11/14/01 14410 8119 01/08/02 125.40 125.40 REIMBURSEMENT-RADIO MOUNTS 8963 66 12/27/01 14575 375919 01/08/02 241.37 247.04 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 12/18/01 375316 5.67 8964 2754 12/17/01 14375 241414 01/08/02 774.63 774.63 UNIFORM SHIRTS 8967 1239 12/13/01 14485 EZ19894 01/08/02 393.54 393.54 LCD MONITOR 8968 162 12/13/01 14423 716731906 01/08/02 1,011.00 1,011.00 COMPUTER 8969 362 11/30/01 14378 35210 01/08/02 30.00 30.00 MEDICAL WASTE DISPOSAL 8970 1122 12/14/01 14539 20013338 01/08/02 1,780.00 1,780.00 EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION 8977 360 11/30/01 14436 11261751 01/08/02 99.22 99.22 COPIER MAINT 8978 496 11/09/01 14532 5692 01/08/02 6.82 7.53 REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 11/12/01 5718 0.71 16.14 REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 11/19/01 5780 16.14 8979 1144 11/26/01 14441 20653 01/08/02 217.43 485.87 COVERALLS/BOOTS 11/21/01 20438 140.17 11/21/01 20439 128.27 8980 359 12/17/01 14430 249471DOW 01/08/02 26.68 91.36 REPAIR PARTS 12/13/01 248933DOW 64.68 8981 2476 12/13/01 14431 1234 01/08/02 83,00 83.00 REPLACE WINDSHIELD 8982 819 12/12/01 14426 17618 01/08/02 51.56 732.54 TOWING FEE 12/14/01 17624 48.67 10/10/01 17230 63.12 10/22/01 17291 101. 36 10/30/01 17281 101.36 10/31/01 16644 114.00 11/13/01 16648 82.00 12/07/01 17589 60.90 11/01/01 17498 40.00 11/14/01 17474 69.57 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.8 a*APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) 1,560.00 REPAIR PARTS 157.50 COpy PAPER 340.09 EAGLE AWARD LUNCHEON 127.44 COPIER SUPPLIES 312.00 UNIFORM SHIRTS/PANTS 71.85 SUPPLIES 21. 74 11/01 USE 126.89 11/01 USE 14.48 11/01 USE 21.72 11/01 USE 194.00 11/01 USE 107.24 11/01 USE 2.30 11/01 USE 50.70 11/01 USE 7.25 11/01 USE 54.16 11/01 USE 7.24 11/01 USE 50.69 11/01 USE 21.74 11/01 USE 11..49 11/01 USE By SCOTT SHAD BOLT (SRS) 23.05 OFFICE SUPPLIES 41.78 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2.82 OFFICE SUPPLIES 97.16 OFFICE SUPPLIES 17.08 OFFICE SUPPLIES 12.48 OFFICE SUPPLIES 4.36 OFFICE SUPPLIES 23.96 MAINT SUPPLIES 178.42 CLEANING SUPPLIES 100.77 PAPER/MAINT SUPPLIES 268.89 PAPER/MAINT SUPPLIES 61.90 MAINT SUPPLIES 82.49 FIRE EXTINGUISHERS/MAINT SUPPLIES 12.80 MAINT SUPPLIES 12.81 MAINT SUPPLIES 12.80 MAINT SUPPLIES 4.65 MAINT SUPPLIES 109.10 MAINT SUPPLIES 179.17 PAPER/MAl NT SUPPLIES 13.96 MAINT SUPPLIES 102.97 MAINT SUPPLIES 9.95 SUBSCIPTION-MCELRATH 409.44 LODGING-GREENE/ALLEN/WI LLSON 386.74 REPAIR PARTS 131.34 OFFICE SUPPLIES 405.38 OIL/LUBRICANTS 260.85 TIRES 380.00 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 1,011.61 VEHICLE REPAIR 54.97 REPAIR PARTS 9.66 45.40 4.68 46.70 3.61 71.78 3.58 39.16 7.13 52.41 106.97 27.92 -4.06 -28.20 1,560.00 157.50 340.09 127.44 312.00 71.85 730.58 536.32 01/08/02 01/08/02 01/08/02 01/08/02 01/08/02 01/08/02 01/08/02 01/08/02 01/08/02 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.8 Q*APR083 14434 86236CVW 86292CVW 86395CV~J 86232CVW 86331CVW 86314CVW 86400CVW 85806CVW 86302CVW 86083CVW 86328CVW 86166CVW CM86292CVW CM86158CVW 14435 787830-1PNW 14442 8204190 14401 121401 14377 119766 14444 121401-07 14404 100230 14398 1007320-2 14528 12/01 1005 12/10/01 12/17/01 12/17/01 12/1 0/01 12/13/01 12/13/01 12/17/01 11/19/01 12/12/01 12/12/01 12/13/01 12/12/01 12/17/01 12/10/01 203 12/10/01 1143 12/11/01 1528 12/14/01 627 12/12/01 485 12/14/01 2688 12/17/01 826 12/08/01 2477 12/30/01 8994 8998 8999 9000 9001 9002 9003 8991 8989 8988 538 10/27/01 14531 97328263006 01/08/02 357.40 12/14/01 92048263008 15.98 12/14/01 06668263007 124.95 12/28/01 27578263003 26.88 12/28/01 65216342011 279.78 12/19/01 53118263009 242.77 19.87 35.10 24.79 -18.11 937.74 67.19 405.38 380.00 247.90 12.95 330.07 14432 36274 01/08/02 36264 14429 19823 01/08/02 19822 19774 19810 14433 204767 01/08/02 14427 7617 01/08/02 8353 7620 14425 146198097-00 01/08/02 1 ~__~~~ ~____~~~____ ________ ______~__=__ ________ __________ ____________ _n_____________________ P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Number Number Date Code Number Invoice# Line Item Amounts Claim Description Jan 04, 2002 09:28am Page 5 Invoice Disc Due Discount Amount Date Amount Full Amt Due Date ~~~---~~ 8983 3 12/14/01 12/13/01 8981. 2528 12/13/01. 12/13/01 12/04/01 12/12/01 8985 698 12/18/01 8986 865 12/13/01 12/11/01 12/14/01 8987 2307 12/13/01 City of Owasso Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order City of Owasso Jan 04, 2002 09:28am Page 6 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ~~~~~~ ~~--~- ~~~~~-~- --~- ------ ---~-----~-- ---~---- ------------ -------- -~-------- ------------ ----------------------- 35.94 11/01 USE 9006 197 12/17/01 14376 344051-00 01/08/02 207.85 207.85 8 EXIT SIGNS 9007 770 12/18/01 14397 184573 01/08/02 421.52 421.52 CLEANING SUPPLIES 9008 784 12/12/01 14509 3649 01/08/02 30.00 30.00 VEHICLE LETTERING 9012 1382 09/18/01 14510 56 01/08/02 256.95 256.95 9/13/01 MOWINGS 9013 1193 12/07/01 14478 14678 01/08/02 645.00 645.00 YEAR END FORMS UPGRADE 9014 2441 12/06/01 14594 8120601503 01/08/02 10400.00 10300.00 ANALOG STATION MODULE 1DO.00 TELEPHONE UPGRADE 9018 1075 12/18/01 14473 56598 01/08/02 40.04 40.04 SAFETY 800TS 9019 630 12/19/01 14569 206582 01/08/02 437.52 437.52 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 9021 1123 06/26/01 14389 223098 01/08/02 209.07 209.07 C06261 9022 2181 '10/12/01 14388 2205 01/08/02 377.20 377.20 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 9023 2184 11/07/01 14526 61689 01/08/02 333.68 333.68 F11071 9023 2184 11/07/01 14527 61346 01/08/02 266. 10 266.10 T11071 9025 1848 12/07/01 14477 4083571 01/08/02 2,000,,00 2,000.00 ADMINISTRATION FEE 9026 425 09/20/01 14396 17838 01/08/02 225.00 225.00 CONFERENCE-GRIMES 9032 863 11/30/01 14379 11/01 USE 01/08/02 721.. 54 68.09 11/01 USE 265.32 11/01 USE 388.13 11/01 USE 9034 2760 10/23/01 14482 102301 01/08/02 271.. 0 1 271.01 TORT CLAIM 9035 938 11/03/01 14380 11/01 PLEXAR 01/08/02 30657.15 11.66 11/01 PLEXAR 25.73 11/01 PLEXAR 25.65 11/01 PLEXAR 2,039.61 11/01 PLEXAR 110.75 11/01 PLEXAR 305.74 11/01 PLEXAR 27.29 11/01 PLEXAR 478.38 11/01 PLEXAR 15.55 11/01 PLEXAR 12.77 11/01 PLEXAR 218.51 11/01 PLEXAR 10.83 11/01 PLEXAR 73.86 11/01 PLEXAR 13.62 11/01 PLEXAR 72.24 11/01 PLEXAR 86.75 11/01 PLEXAR 13.75 11/01 PLEXAR 114.46 11/01 PLEXAR 9038 1574 12/06/01 14530 8514 01/08/02 372.00 372.00 PRINTING 9039 344 12/17/01 14529 150035173737 01/08/02 41.15 50.51 REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 8 12/18/01 150035273794 9.36 9040 1164 11/30/01 14483 12414 01/08/02 1,563.75 1,563.75 DATA/VOICE CABLING 9042 2761 12/06/01 14501 4388 01/0B/02 481.60 510.10 MOTOR STARTER/HEATERS 12/06/01 4390 28.50 9043 14 10/31/01 14500 197926 01/0B/02 78.00 120.00 PROGRAM RADIO/BELT CLIP 10/31/01 197927 60.00 78.00 PROGRAM RADIO/BELT CLIP 10/31/01 197928 60.00 9044 1056 11/06/01 14499 69837 01/08/02 28.00 28.00 REPAIR PART 9045 1329 11/16/01 14498 137257 01/08/02 72.60 72.60 MAINT SUPPLIES 9046 812 11/16/01 14496 1513081215 01/08/02 6.08 6.08 REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 11/23/01 1508081293 8.97 8.97 REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 11/19/01 1511081248 6.58 6.58 REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 10/05/01 1508080536 18.86 18.86 REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 9047 778 12/10/01 14495 12-7213 01/08/02 136.75 136.75 FIRE EXTINGUISHER INSPECTION 9050 857 12/05/01 14494 D208944 01/08/02 49.40 49.40 OIL DRY 9051 1038 12/10/01 14489 9597 01/08/02 55.76 55.76 SHELVING 9052 1143 12/13/01 14487 9213290 01/08/02 26.25 26.25 COPY PAPER 9053 406 12/18/01 14488 2133012814 01/08/02 94.27 18.04 OFFICE SUPPLIES 76.23 OFFICE SUPPLIES 9054 785 12/04/01 14493 8645233043 01/08/02 62.54 62.54 REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 9055 6 12/21/01 14497 195 01/08/02 55.00 55.00 SOD 9056 1494 12/14/01 14490 125141-4 01/08/02 39.00 39.00 PEST CONTROL 9057 1038 11/28/01 14491 4869 01/08/02 19.96 3.75 OFFICE SUPPLIES 12/18/01 7714 15.51 11.76 OFFICE SUPPLIES 19.96 OPERATING SUPPLIES 9059 1039 12/03/01 14549 374201 01/08/02 287.60 287.60 REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 12/10/01 374215 757.75 757.75 REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 9060 1404 12/14/01 14504 5541 01/08/02 744.00 744.00 ROAD BORES 9062 1075 12/17/01 14503 56563 01/08/02 124.64 124.64 SAFETY BOOTS-DUGAN 9064 1039 12/11/01 14550 374649 01/08/02 222.20 222.20 REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.8 Q*APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Jan 04, 2002 09:28am Page 7 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ =~~~~~~~ ~--~ ---~-- ------------ -------- ------------ -------- ---------- ------------ ----------------------- 9066 1329 12/14/01 14492 155175 01/08/02 178.94 89.99 SAFETY BOOTS-O'BRIEN 88.95 SAFETY BOOTS-CLAFLIN 9067 1038 12/15/01 14502 5287 01/08/02 143.40 143.40 MAINT SUPPLIES 9068 1098 12/16/01 14564 1039782-4 01/08/02 36.00 36.00 SUBSCRIPTION 9069 2776 12/07/01 14523 40857 01/08/02 200.00 200.00 TORT CLAIM 9072 808 12/10/01 14534 202193 01/08/02 229.27 229.27 MANAGEMENT ASSISTANCE 9073 1405 12/26/01 14576 10092287 01/08/02 47.60 47.60 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 9074 7 12/07/01 14566 791076 01/08/02 46.20 46.20 OFFICE SUPPLIES 9075 573 12/20/01 14568 FOCS772692 01/08/02 259.78 259.78 VEHICLE REPAIR 9081 1681 11/20/01 14565 112001 01108/02 25.00 25.00 REFUND BOA FEE 9083 818 12/30/01 '14536 1996-1/02 01/08/02 38,934.43 38,934.43 3 1996 REV BONDS 12/30/01 1997-1/02 42,933.80 42,933.80 3 1997 REV BONDS 12/30/01 1998-1/02 90,239.36 90,239.36 3 1998 REV BONDS 12/30/01 ORF-99-008-L 2,624.43 2,624.43 3 ORF-99-008-L 12/30/01 FAP-92-0107- 3,713.62 3,713.62 3 FAP-92-0107-L L 12/30/01 FAP-92-0107L 21. ,385.33 24,385.33 3 FAP-92-0107-L 12/30/01 FAP-01-0003- 5,843.33 5,843.33 3 FAP-01-0003-L L 12/30/01 ORF-01-0002- 10,171.02 10,171.0230RF-01-0002-L L 9084 2778 12/14/01 14535 121401 12/14/01 317.36 317.36 REFUND AMB PAYMENT 9085 1212 01/15/02 14563 31346 01/08/02 250.00 250.00 MEMBERSHIP FEES 9086 1105 12/12/01 14537 50010877-RR4 01/08/02 198.95 198.95 SUBSCRIPTION 9087 1062 12/28/01 14538 122 01/08/02 1,400.00 700.00 RETAINER 12/28/01 124 1,050.00 700.00 RETAINER 12/28/01 125 1,650.00 2,700.00 LEGAL SERVICES 9088 1002 12/30/01 14600 12/01 01/08/02 1,639.00 385.55 REIMB TRAVEL-CARR 163.92 CITY MGR EXPENSES 343.11 EMP RECOGNITION 50.75 REIMB TRAVEL-GREENE 11.04 C01139 153.00 EXAM FEE-TAYLOR 6.50 REIMB PETTY CASH 351.12 REFERENCE BOOKS 27.00 LICENSE TAG 3.00 REIMB PETTY CASH 7.55 POSTAGE 10.00 REIMB PETTY CASH 4.00 REIMB-PETTY CASH 10.00 REPAIR PARTS 2.32 C06261 1.50 003111 14.40 MAINT SUPPLIES 43.25 OFFICE SUPPLIES 50.99 EXAM FEE 9107 595 12/14/01 14577 48554 01/08/02 177.14 131.03 LINEN SERVICE 12/21/01 51680 96.89 403.42 LINEN SERVICE 12/14/01 49501 56.03 62.50 LINEN S~RVICE 12/17/01 51374 115.36 12/28/01 55462 74.87 12/28/01 54578 76.66 9116 812 12/14/01 14582 656081659 01/08/02 7.74 229.08 WINTER WONDERLAND 11/09/01 1518081107 4.95 4.95 MAINT SUPPLIES 12/14/01 1517081654 7.96 7.74 MAINT SUPPLIES 11/30/01 1517081426 155.72 12/21/01 1517081765 2.77 11/30/01 1512081422 16.26 12/07/01 1512081552 27.95 12/14/01 1512081652 16.43 12/21/01 1512081763 1.99 9117 792 12/03/01 14583 76456 01/08/02 9.60 14.16 MAINT SUPPLIES 12/12/01 76986 4.56 9118 1408 12/07/01 14584 3852 01/08/02 61.50 61.50 CONCRETE 9119 1058 12/15/01 14585 849909 01/08/02 19.19 19.19 SCREENINGS 9120 2784 11/21/01 14586 6978 01/08/02 300.00 300.00 MAINT SUPPLIES 9121 957 12/17/01 14460 476274 01/08/02 90.88 31.76 SNACKS 59.12 TOBACCO PRODUCTS 9122 2433 12/24/01 14587 7458508 01/08/02 40.00 40.00 7 PEST CONTROL 9123 336 12/28/01 14459 17055 01/08/02 48.56 48.56 SNACKS 12/28/01 17054 -48.56 12/14/01 16890 48.56 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 600.8 Q*APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Jan 04, 2002 09:28am Page 8 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ~-~~~~~~ ~~== ~--~-- ~----~-~~-== ----=~=- =~-------=-- -------- ---------- ---~-------- ----------------------- 9124 2785 12/06/01 14588 18769885 01/08/02 206.05 206.05 HEATER REPAIR 9125 981 10/03/01 14450 110030974 01/08/02 11.60 11.60 GROCERIES 9126 981 09/07/01 14449 109070724 01/08/02 165.94 165.94 GROCERIES 9127 981 08/15/01 14447 108150256 01/08/02 60.50 60.50 GROCERIES 9128 981 12/14/01 14458 112140210 01/08/02 388.31 1,869.41 GROCERIES 12/19/01 112190829 266.61 84.75 PAPER SUPPLIES 12/28/01 112280643 520.35 12/21/01 112210443 326.45 12/12/01 112120314 1.52.44 9129 2150 12/19/01 11,457 208236 01/08/02 199.85 508.02 GROCERIES 12/12/01 205762 205.58 12/27/01 210473 102.59 9130 2150 09/05/01 14448 169775 01/08/02 101.25 101.25 GROCERIES 9131 11,4 12/13/01 14589 307118 01/08/02 78.24 78.24 REPAIR PARTS 9132 678 12/19/01 14456 2022283 01/08/02 16.46 47.60 GROCERIES 12/18/01 2022228 31.14 9133 732 12/13/01 14455 58458666 01/08/02 31.75 277.95 BEVERAGES 12/31/01 58459461 155.23 31.75 PAPER SUPPLIES 12/24/01 58459144 122.72 9134 57 10/31/01 14451 6479035 01/08/02 -842.00 01/13/02 133.00 GOLF BALLS 11/14/01 1464314 780.00 01/13/02 15.36 11/12/01 1457602 195.00 01/13/02 3.84 9135 1491 12/04/01 14590 27351 01/08/02 115.00 115.00 PRINTED ENVELOPES 9136 300 12/10/01 14591 18009 01/08/02 106.78 302.78 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 12/10/01 18007 51.00 12/10/01 18008 120.00 12/07/01 18006 25.00 9137 1132 10/19/01 11,592 4021846 01/08/02 121. 96 121.96 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 9138 726 12/03/01 14/,54 947855 01/08/02 69.49 57.99 SHIRTS 11/14/01 C28496 -11. 50 9139 9 12/07/01 14453 98027785 01/08/02 262.22 01/09/02 5.24 1,175.56 GOLF CLUBS 12/06/01 98021634 184.07 01/09/02 3.68 12/05/01 98014556 639.82 01/09/02 12.80 11/28/01 97981157 89.45 9140 1321 12/04/01 14452 111839 01/08/02 66.83 66.83 GOLF CLUBS 9141 2786 12/11/01 14561 96366 01/08/02 51.92 51.92 GOLF PULL CART 9142 1233 01/01/02 14511 10696 01/08/02 1 ,750.00 1,750.00 ANNUAL MAINT AGREEMENT 9143 57 12/13/01 14560 1537329 01/08/02 874.97 01/09/02 17.28 867.95 GOLF BAGS/CLUBS/REPAIR 11/15/01 6486030 -353.00 11/27/01 1491680 81.80 01/09/02 1.54 11/29/01 1500205 66.79 01/09/02 1.25 11/29/01 1499196 172.73 01/09/02 3.36 11/19/01 1477547 24.66 9144 454 12/12/01 14559 547948 01/08/02 219.63 219.63 JACKET 9145 812 12/14/01 14512 656081661 01/08/02 11.98 12.70 MAINT SUPPLIES 12/17/01 656081700 0.72 9.99 MAINT SUPPLIES 12/12/01 655081627 9.99 9146 388 11/10/01 14556 41090846 01/08/02 78.86 78.86 SHOES 9147 17 12/14/01 14558 4607997 01/08/02 200.06 01/09/02 3.89 297.72 SHOES 12/12/01 4604830 97.66 01/09/02 1.86 9148 774 12/13/01 14513 371446 01/08/02 729.60 729.60 CHEMICALS 9149 265 11/30/01 14514 447 01/08/02 362.14 362.14 SAND 9150 645 12/11/01 14515 526166 01/08/02 10.82 32.78 SHOP TOWELS 12/18/01 528775 11.94 12/26/01 531301 10.02 9151 674 12/12/01 14516 444231 01/08/02 409.19 514.58 REPAIR PARTS 12/03/01 443109 38.83 12/04/01 443246 51.20 12/04/01 443247 15.36 9152 153 12/12/01 14517 10410361 01/08/02 227.68 227.68 REPAIR PARTS 9153 446 12/14/01 14519 830115669 01/08/02 6.64 40.83 REPAIR PARTS 12/18/01 830116200 34.19 9154 47 12/11/01 14520 161858 01/08/02 54.36 54.36 REPAIR PARTS 9155 40 12/27/01 14521 854959 01/08/02 35.74 35.74 REPAIR PARTS 9156 1053 12/12/01 14522 138085026 01/08/02 15.50 15.50 SAFETY SUPPLIES 9157 1038 12/18/01 14557 2717 01/08/02 44.79 44.79 MAINT SUPPLIES 12/05/01 4649 10.70 323.59 GROCERIES 12/08/01 2560 63.07 12/06/01 5377 45.76 12/15/01 1087 105.63 12/14/01 2921 26.40 12/05/01 4603 72.03 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.8 Q*APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) Line Item Amounts Claim Description Jan 04, 2002 09:28am Page 9 70.10 =o~~____.....__ ------.....--.... Discount Amount i ) " hol ~ '~;'J~ 608,778.85 ------------ ~=---------- Invoice Disc Due Amount Date :) ) .' Full Amt Due Date TOTAL 230 records listed Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Date Code Number Invoice# P.O. Vendor Number Number City of Owasso Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order City of Owasso Jan 04, 2002 09:28am Page Open Claims by GL Account Claim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 14565 1681 9081 112001 11/20/01 25.00 01/08/02 01-000-44101 25.00 14380 938 9035 11/01 PLEXAR 11/03/01 3,657.15 01/08/02 01-105-53610 25.65 14579 1953 7595 12/01 12/30/01 212.52 01/08/02 01-110-51700 212.52 14600 1002 9088 12/01 12/30/01 1,639.00 01/08/02 01-110-51700 163.92 141.24 1,06 8149 2133111282000 12/11/01 287.96 12/11/01 01-110-52001 161.98 1454662120010 12/07/01 359.96 1450665980010 11/28/01 161.98 1413478270010 10/05/01 729.93 1413478240010 10/05/01 199.99 14425 2307 8987 146198097-001 12/13/01 330.07 01/08/02 01-110-52001 23.05 14600 1002 9088 12/01 12/30/01 1,639.00 01/08/02 01-110-52050 351.12 14380 938 9035 11/01 PLEXAR 11/03/01 3,657.15 01/08/02 01-110-53610 11.66 14578 961 7664 5227234-2 12/02/01 34.01 01/08/02 01-110-53610 31..01 14602 129 6873 12124152 11/24/01 128.68 01/08/02 01-110-53610 58.24 14401 1528 8999 121401 12/14/01 340.09 01/08/02 01-110-53680 340.09 141. 13 141 8955 121001 12/1 0/01 255.00 01/08/02 01-110-53680 255.00 14539 1122 8970 20013338 '12/14/01 1,780.00 01/08/02 01-110-53680 1,780.00 14600 1002 9088 12/01 12/30/01 1,639.00 01/08/02 01-110-53680 343.11 14445 78 8596 206031-01 12/07/01 451.50 01/08/02 01-110-54150 451.50 14485 1239 8967 E219894 12/13/01 393.54 01/08/02 01-110-54400 393.54 14541 1015 8557 802010 11/30/01 1,849.49 01/08/02 01-110-54600 1,849.49 14600 1002 9088 12/01 12/30/01 1,639.00 01/08/02 01-120-52001 43.25 14402 1193 8827 14659 12/05/01 326.25 01/08/02 01-120-52010 326.25 14537 1105 9086 50010877-RR4 12/12/01 198.95 01/08/02 01-120-52050 198.95 14478 1193 9013 14678 12/07/01 645.00 01/08/02 01-120-53400 645.00 14600 1002 9088 12/01 12/30/01 1,639.00 01/08/02 01-120-53650 6.50 14425 2307 8987 146198097-001 12/13/01 330.07 01/08/02 01-150-52001 131.34 14533 2301 8421 255982 12/04/01 226.18 01/08/02 01-150-52001 4.55 255990 12/05/01 3.20 254975 11/01/01 13.70 14600 1002 9088 12/01 12/30/01 1,639.00 01/08/02 01-150-52001 4.00 14373 627 8908 119529 12/03/01 194.00 01/08/02 01-150-52070 97.00 14472 627 8908 120126 12/19/01 194.00 01/08/02 01-150-52070 97.00 14476 360 7021 11258398 11/26/01 348.29 01/08/02 01-150-52070 413.22 11104293 07/30/01 33.24 11168156 09/26/01 31.69 14404 2688 9002 100230 12/17/01 71.85 01/08/02 01-150-52100 71.85 14530 1574 9038 8514 12/06/01 372.00 01/08/02 01-150-52100 372.00 14400 1563 8954 010724139288 11 /30/01 125.00 01/08/02 01-150-53001 125.00 14525 615 6883 2143030 12/20/01 30.00 01/08/02 01-150-53001 60.00 2141596 12/19/01 30.00 14538 1062 9087 122 12/28/01 1,400.00 01/08/02 01-150-53001 3,400.00 124 12/28/01 1,050.00 125 12/28/01 1,650.00 14531 538 8988 97328263006 10/27/01 357.40 01/08/02 01-150-53400 23.96 92048263008 12/14/01 15.98 06668263007 12/14/01 124.95 27578263003 12/28/01 26.88 65216342011 12/28/01 279.78 53118263009 12/19/01 242.77 14532 496 8978 5692 11/09/01 6.82 01/08/02 01-150-53400 16.14 5718 11/12/01 0.71 5780 11/19/01 16.14 14380 938 9035 11/01 PLEXAR 11/03/01 3,657.15 01/08/02 01-150-53610 2,039.61 14396 425 9026 17838 09/20/01 225.00 01/08/02 01-150-53630 225.00 14600 1002 9088 12/01 12/30/01 1,639.00 01/08/02 01-150-53670 27.00 14482 2760 9034 102301 10/23/01 271.01 01/08/02 01-150-53780 271.01 14483 1164 9040 12414 11/30/01 1,563.75 01/08/02 01-150-54150 1,563.75 14580 1015 7475 802117 12/20/01 275.85 01/08/02 01-150-54150 8,136.10 802084 12/14/01 4,082.40 802085 12/14/01 3,931.20 802125 12/21/01 122.50 14594 2441 9014 B120601503 12/06/01 1,400.00 01/08/02 01-150-54150 1,300.00 14424 406 8149 2133111282000 12/11/01 287.96 12/11/01 01-160-52001 107.98 1454662120010 12/07/01 359.96 1450665980010 11/28/01 161.98 1413478270010 10/05/01 729.93 1413478240010 10/05/01 199.99 14425 2307 8987 146198097-001 12/13/01 330.07 01/08/02 01-160-52001 41.78 14403 491 8957 120301 12/03/01 97.81 01/08/02 01-160-52050 97.81 14564 1098 9068 1039782-4 12/16/01 36.00 01/08/02 01-160-52050 36.00 14479 313 6990 35 12/31/01 38.44 01/08/02 01-160-53001 38.44 14480 313 6989 34 12/31/01 420.00 01/08/02 01-160-53001 420.00 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.8 R*APZOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Jan 04, 2002 09:28am Page 2 Open Claims by GL Account Clairn# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 14380 938 9035 11/01 PLEXAR 11/03/01 3,657.15 01/08/02 01-160-53610 25.73 14398 826 9003 1007320- 2 12/08/01 730.58 01/08/02 01-160-53610 21. 74 14423 162 8968 716731906 12/13/01 1,011.00 01/08/02 01-160-54400 1,011.00 14424 406 8149 2133111282000 12/11/01 287.96 12/11/01 01-160-54600 179.98 1454662120010 12/07/01 359.96 1450665980010 11/28/01 161. 98 1413478270010 10/05/01 729.93 1413478240010 10/05/01 199.99 14580 1015 7475 802117 12/20/01 275.85 01/08/02 01-160-54600 275 .85 802084 12/14/01 4,082.40 802085 12/14/01 3,931.20 802125 12/21/01 122.50 14l,88 406 9053 2133012814 12/18/01 94.27 01/08/02 01-170-52001 18.04 14491 1038 9057 4869 11/28/01 19.96 01/08/02 01-170-52001 11.76 7714 12/18/01 15.51 14531 538 8988 97328263006 10/27/01 357.40 01/08/02 01-170-52100 1,.65 92048263008 12/14/01 15.98 06668263007 12/14/01 124.95 27578263003 12/28/01 26.88 65216342011 12/28/01 279.78 53118263009 12/19/01 242.77 14398 826 9003 1007320-2 12/08/01 730.58 01/08/02 01-170-53500 126.89 14383 497 7667 42-247652 12/17/01 250.80 01/08/02 01-170-54600 250.80 14602 129 6873 12124152 11/24/01 128.68 01/08/02 01-175-53610 70.44 14425 2307 8987 146198097-001 12/13/01 330.07 01/08/02 01-181-52001 2.82 14528 2477 8989 12/01 12/30/01 536.32 01/08/02 01-181-52100 9.95 1/,531 538 8988 97328263006 10/27/01 357.40 01/08/02 01-181-52100 179 . 17 92048263008 12/14/01 15.98 06668263007 12/1/./01 124.95 27578263003 12/28/01 26.88 65216342011 12/28/01 279.78 53118263009 12/19/01 242.77 14533 2301 8/,21 255982 12/04/01 226.18 01/08/02 01-181-52100 2.84 255990 12/05/01 3.20 254975 11/01/01 13.70 1/,443 591 7034 8240177906 12/13/01 9.78 01/08/02 01-181-52200 19.56 8240177904 12/13/01 31.89 824017876/, 12/20/01 9.78 8240178762 12/20/01 31.89 14528 2477 8989 12/01 12/30/01 536.32 01/08/02 01-181-52850 102.97 14436 360 8977 11261751 11/30/01 99.22 01/08/02 01-181-53001 99.22 14398 826 9003 1007320-2 12/08/01 730.58 01/08/02 01-181-53500 14.48 14380 938 9035 11/01 PLEXAR 11/03/01 3,657.15 01/08/02 01-181-53610 110.75 14425 2307 8987 146198097-001 12/13/01 330.07 01/08/02 01-201-52001 97.16 14442 1143 8998 8204190 12/11/01 157.50 01/08/02 01-201-52001 157.50 14533 2301 8421 255982 12/04/01 226.18 01/08/02 01-201-52001 232.46 255990 12/05/01 3.20 254975 11/01/01 13.70 14408 943 8944 24139 12/18/01 281.25 01/08/02 01-201-52010 281.25 14373 627 8908 119529 12/03/01 194.00 01/08/02 01-201-52070 97.00 14377 627 9000 119766 12/12/01 127.4401/08/02'01-201-52070 127.44 14406 627 6887 119909 12/13/01 210.00 01/08/02 01-201-52070 210.00 14420 627 8515 119720 12/10/01 440.00 01/08/02 01-201-52070 440.00 14472 627 8908 120126 12/19/01 194.00 01/08/02 01-201-52070 97.00 14374 452 8757 44620 12/07/01 167.55 01/08/02 01-201-52100 167.55 14531 538 8988 97328263006 10/27/01 357.40 01/08/02 01-201-52100 100 .77 92048263008 12/14/01 15.98 06668263007 12/14/01 124.95 27578263003 12/28/01 26.88 65216342011 12/28/01 279.78 53118263009 12/19/01 242.77 14444 485 9001 121401-07 12/14/01 312.00 01/08/02 01-201-52200 312.00 14529 344 9039 1500351737378 12/17/01 41.15 01/08/02 01-201-52400 50.51 150035273794 12/18/01 9.36 14378 362 8969 35210 11/30/01 30.00 01/08/02 01-201-53001 30.00 14412 935 8943 120501 12/05/01 40.00 01/08/02 01-201-53001 40.00 14581 939 6889 1/02 01/01/02 150.00 01/08/02 01-201-53001 150.00 14398 826 9003 1007320-2 12/08/01 730.58 01/08/02 01-201-53500 194.00 14380 938 9035 11/01 PLEXAR 11/03/01 3,657.15 01/08/02 01-201-53610 305.74 14594 2441 9014 B120601503 12/06/01 1,400.00 01/08/02 01-201-53610 100.00 14528 2477 8989 12/01 12/30/01 536.32 01/08/02 01-201-53650 409.44 14600 1002 9088 12/01 12/30/01 1,639.00 01/08/02 01-201-53650 50.75 14424 406 8149 2133111282000 12/11/01 287.96 12/11/01 01-201-54400 359.96 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.8 R*APZOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHADBOLT CSRS) City of Owasso Jan 04, 2002 09:28am Page 3 Open CLaims by GL Account CLaim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor lnvoice# I nvc D t Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 1454662120010 12/07/01 359.96 1450665980010 11/28/01 161.98 1413478270010 10/05/01 729.93 1413478240010 10/05/01 199.99 14410 1850 8959 8119 11/14/01 125.40 01/08/02 01-201-54500 125.40 14398 826 9003 1007320-2 12/08/01 730.58 01/08/02 01-215-53500 107.24 14507 766 6890 04-2208576 12/03/01 350.00 01/08/02 01-215-53500 350.00 14424 406 8149 2133111282000 12/11/01 287.96 12/11/01 01-215-54400 929.92 1454662120010 12/07/01 359.96 1450665980010 11/28/01 161. 98 1413478270010 10/05/01 729.93 1413478240010 10/05/01 199.99 1/.508 33 8256 1102473 10/12/01 145.55 01/08/02 01-221-52100 145.55 1 1.5:31 538 8988 97328263006 10/27/01 357.40 01/08/02 01-221-52100 178.42 92048263008 12/14/01 15.98 06668263007 12/14/01 124.95 27578263003 12/28/01 26.88 65216342011 12128/01 279.78 53118263009 12/19/01 242.77 14411 2076 8958 273696 12/10/01 276.00 01/08/02 01-221-53001 276.00 14380 938 9035 11/01 PLEXAR 11/03/01 3,657.15 01/08/02 01-221-53610 27.29 14566 7 9074 791076 12/07/01 46.20 01/08/02 01-250-52001 46.20 14390 770 8926 183561 12/07/01 81.00 01/08/02 01-250-52100 81.00 14392 778 8942 12-7163 12/06/01 58.76 01/08/02 01-250-52100 58.76 14397 770 9007 184573 12/18/01 421.52 01/08/02 01-250-52100 421.52 1/,573 1038 8814 9849 12/27/01 73.23 01/08/02 01-250-52100 110.11 759 12/12/01 9.60 4441 12/07/01 47.06 1/,574 812 8815 1503081757 12/21/01 22.95 01/08/02 01-250-52100 22.95 1/,600 1002 9088 12/01 12/30/01 1,639.00 01/08/02 01-250-52100 14.40 14375 2754 8964 2[,1414 12/17/01 774.63 01/08/02 01-250-52200 774.63 14473 1075 9018 56598 12/18/01 40.04 01/08/02 01-250-52200 40.04 14567 1075 7935 53855 09/10/01 40.04 01/08/02 01-250-52200 162.88 56748 12/24/01 122.84 14569 630 9019 206582 12/19/01 437.52 01/08/02 01-250-52200 437.52 14391 242 8928 40839 12/03/01 298.55 01/08/02 01-250-52470 586.55 40829 10/25/01 144.00 40830 10/25/02 144.00 1[,572 857 8816 0210176 12/27/01 18.98 01/08/02 01-250-52470 29.63 0209827 12/19/01 2.78 D208822 12/04/01 4.69 0210250 12128/01 3.18 14573 1038 8814 9849 12/27/01 73.23 01/08/02 01-250-52470 19.78 759 12/12/01 9.60 4441 12107/01 47.06 14376 197 9006 344051-00 12117/01 207.85 01/08/02 01-250-53400 207.85 1/.393 427 8927 31897 12/06/01 69.00 01/08/02 01-250-53400 335.24 31745 12/04/01 266.24 14394 1285 8925 14373 11/30/01 138.36 01/08/02 01-250-53400 138.36 14418 1200 8909 72397 12110/01 175.00 01/08/02 01-250-53400 175.00 14398 826 9003 1007320-2 12/08/01 730.58 01/08/02 01-250-53505 2.30 14481 7 7013 792738 12117/01 177.68 01/08/02 01-250-53505 177 .68 14380 938 9035 11/01 PLEXAR 11/03/01 3,657.15 01/08/02 01-250-53610 478.38 14600 1002 9088 12/01 12/30/01 1,639.00 01/08/02 01-250-53650 50.99 14380 938 9035 11/01 PLEXAR 11/03/01 3,657.15 01/08/02 01-280-53610 15.55 14381 602 8903 T15563 12/17/01 2,700.00 01/08/02 01-300-52100 2,700.00 T15564 12/17/01 5,997.00 14385 14 8288 197607 10/15/01 136.00 01/08/02 01-300-52100 136.00 14491 1038 9057 4869 11/28/01 19.96 01/08/02 01-300-52100 19.96 7714 12/18/01 15.51 14493 785 9054 8645233043 12/04/01 62.54 01/08/02 01-300-52100 62.54 14531 538 8988 97328263006 10/27/01 357.40 01/08/02 01-300-52100 82.49 92048263008 12/14/01 15.98 06668263007 12/14/01 124.95 27578263003 12/28/01 26.88 65216342011 12/28/01 279.78 53118263009 12/19/01 242.77 14543 829 8847 251546 12/10/01 7050 01/08/02 01-300-52100 275.23 41995 12/17/01 7.50 251730 12/12/01 260.23 14544 366 8040 668140 12/04/01 6.59 01/08/02 01-300-52100 192.34 668832 12/11/01 14.05 668980 12/13/01 36.06 CCS.AP Accounts PayabLe Release 6.0.8 R*APZOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Jan 04, 2002 09:28am Page 4 Open Claims by Gl Account Claim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# ! nvc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account Gl Amount 669081 12/14/01 61.18 68924 12/12/01 7.98 668335 12/06/01 3.16 668076 12/03/01 5.99 669068 12/14/01 2.09 669043 12/13/01 55.24 14382 18 8889 55363976 12/12/01 141.89 01/08/02 01-300-52200 141.89 14446 591 7520 8240177907 12/13/01 39.72 01/08/02 01-300-52200 153.4/, 8240177909 12/13/01 34.81 8240177910 12/13/01 57.93 8240177901 12/13/01 31. 93 8240177902 12/13/01 20.43 8240177908 12/13/01 5.20 8240177056 12/06/01 19.72 8240177058 12/06/01 22.81 8240177059 12/06/01 76.38 8240177050 12/06/01 27..53 8240177051 12/06/01 20.43 8240177057 12/06/01 5..20 8240176190 11/29/01 19.72 8240176192 11/29/01 34.81 8240176193 11/29/01 57.93 8240176184 11/29/02 26.81 8240176185 11/29/01 20.43 8240176191 11/29/01 5.20 8240178765 12/20/01 19..72 8240178767 12/20/01 22.81 8240178768 12/20/01 69.93 8240178759 12/20/01 31. 93 8240178760 12/20/01 20..43 8240178766 12/20/01 5.20 14506 239 711/. 108140 12/06/01 41..04 01/08/02 01-300-52200 59.67 108229 12/11/01 134.74 108741 12/19/01 122.56 14386 647 8886 120501 12/05/01 293.00 01/08/02 01-300-52220 293.00 14500 14 9043 197926 10/31/01 78.00 01/08/02 01-300-53001 78,00 197927 10/31/01 60..00 197928 10/31/01 60.00 14468 1382 7447 55 09/18/01 111.95 01/08/02 01-300-53100 11 L 95 14381 602 8903 T15563 12/17/01 2,700.00 01/08/02 01-300-53500 5,997.00 T15564 12/17/01 5,997.00 14398 826 9003 1007320-2 12/08/01 730.58 01/08/02 01-300-53500 50.70 14380 938 9035 11/01 PlEXAR 11/03/01 3,657.15 01/08/02 01-300-53610 12.77 14546 1294 7214 500093816-022 12/14/01 155.95 01/08/02 01-300-53610 33.59 14509 784 9008 3649 12/12/01 30.00 01/08/02 01-515-52100 30..00 14582 812 9116 656081659 12/14/01 7.74 01/08/02 01-515-52100 229..08 1518081107 11/09/01 4.95 1517081654 12/14/01 7.96 1517081426 11/30/01 155.72 1517081765 12/21/01 2.77 1512081422 11/30/01 16.26 1512081552 12/07/01 27.95 1512081652 12/14/01 16.43 1512081763 12/21/01 1.99 14583 792 9117 76456 12/03/01 9.60 01/08/02 01-515-52100 14.16 76986 12/12/01 4.56 14584 1408 9118 3852 12/07/01 61.50 01/08/02 01-515-52100 61.50 14585 1058 9119 849909 12/15/01 19.1901/08/02 01-515-52100 19.19 14428 857 7028 D208488 11/29/01 2.99 01/08/02 01-515-52470 5.72 D209682 12/17/01 17.52 D209521 12/14/01 5.72 14407 1952 6876 1152396 01/01/02 35.00 01/08/02 01-515-53100 35.00 14510 1382 9012 56 09/18/01 256.95 01/08/02 01-515.53100 256.95 14379 863 9032 11/01 USE 11/30/01 721.54 01/08/02 01-515-53200 265.32 14414 1049 6875 121201 12/12/01 20.30 01/08/02 01-515-53200 20.30 14398 826 9003 1007320-2 12/08/01 730.58 01/08/02 01-515-53500 35.94 14380 938 9035 11/01 PlEXAR 11/03/01 3,657.15 01/08/02 01-515-53610 86.75 14421 129 6872 15118235 12/10/01 29.99 01/08/02 01-515-53610 29.99 14532 496 8978 5692 11/09/01 6.82 01/08/02 01-550-52100 7.53 5718 11/12/01 0.71 5780 11/19/01 16.14 14582 812 9116 656081659 12/14/01 7.74 01/08/02 01-550-52100 4..95 1518081107 11/09/01 4.95 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.8 R*APZOCGl*RPT By SCOTT SHADBOlT (SRS) City of Owasso Jan 04, 2002 09:28am Page 5 Open Claims by GL Account Claim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 1517081654 12/14/01 7.96 1517081426 11/30/01 155.72 1517081765 12/21/01 2.77 1512081422 11/30/01 16.26 1512081552 12/07/01 27.95 1512081652 12/14/01 16.43 1512081763 12/21/01 1.99 14409 134 8882 6915 11/03/01 120.00 01/08/02 01-550-53100 120.00 14380 938 9035 11/01 PLEXAR 11/03/01 3,657.15 01/08/02 01-550-53610 72.24 14422 129 7262 12449146 11/24/01 14.20 01/08/02 01-550-53610 14.20 14600 1002 9088 12/01 12/30/01 1,639.00 01/08/02 01-710-52100 7.55 14563 1212 9085 31346 01/15/02 250.00 01/08/02 01-710-53001 250.00 14'+19 1849 8912 1'+'+00052852 12/07/01 64.50 01/08/02 01-710-53605 114.00 579/.00124127 12/12/01 1,9.50 FUND Total 51,977.62 14535 2778 908'+ 121/.01 12/1/./01 317.36 12/14/01 20-000-44279 317.36 1/,405 66 8683 373057 11/21/01 72.28 01/08/02 20-255-52100 786.15 372911, 11/20/01 254.80 372869 11/20/01 30.70 372806 11/19/01 367.89 373451 11/28/01 60.48 14571 904 8818 56817 12/04/01 65.00 01/08/02 20-255-52100 192.00 56807 12/03/01 37.00 56956 12/18/01 77.00 57065 12/28/01 13.00 1'+575 66 8963 375919 12/27/01 241.37 01/08/02 20-255-52100 2'+7.0'+ 375316 12/18/01 5.67 14576 1405 9073 10092287 12/26/01 47.60 01/08/02 20-255-52100 47.60 14568 573 9075 FOCS772692 12/20/01 259.78 01/08/02 20-255-52470 259.78 14395 384 8929 978413 12/03/01 940.50 01/08/02 20-255-53001 940.50 14416 835 8743 100316 10/31/01 1,635.75 01/08/02 20-255-53001 1,635.75 14570 787 8236 1/02 12/30/01 250.00 01/08/02 20-255-53001 250.00 1/,600 1002 9088 12/01 12/30/01 1,639.00 01/08/02 20-255-53650 153.00 FUND Total 4,829.18 14417 2692 8664 12001-07638 10/23/01 50,755.00 01/08/02 21-215-54400 50,755.00 FUND Total 50,755.00 14484 2722 8803 3649 11/30/01 4,994.50 01/08/02 40-150-54460 4,99/..50 FUND Total 4,994.50 14534 BOB 9072 202193 12/10/01 229.27 01/08/02 46-300-53001 229.27 FUND Total 229.27 14599 750 3194 CEPO 1347B 12/05/01 3,730.58 01/08/02 47-000-53001-019 3,730.58 14604 750 3194 CEPO 1257B 09/05/01 1B,392.39 01/08/02 47-000-53001-019 18,392.39 14605 750 3194 CEPO 1283B 10/05/01 7,847.19 01/08/02 47-000-53001-019 7,847.19 14606 750 3194 CEPO 1283 10/05/01 13,887.41 01/08/02 47-000-53001-019 13,887.41 14547 1044 8718 12832210061 12/18/01 212.89 01/08/02 47-000-54100-016 212.89 14593 1502 3659 10 11/09/01 8,626.00 01/08/02 47-000-54100-016 12,799.60 11 07/31/01 4,173.60 14595 1689 5410 5 12/15/01 988.20 01/08/02 47-000-54100-016 988.20 14596 1B46 5071 3 12/17/01 4,662.00 01/08/02 47-000-54100-016 4,662.00 14597 743 4045 6 12/05/01 10,917.00 01/OB/02 47-000-54100-016 28,672.50 RETAINAGE 12/05/01 17,755.50 14601 1429 3013 3 12/21/01 100.00 01/08/02 47-000-54100-016 100.00 14603 1515 3667 11 12/07/01 4,825.00 01/08/02 47-000-54100-016 4,825.00 FUND Total 96,117.76 14451 57 9134 6479035 10/31/01 -842.00 01/08/02 55-000-44901 133.00 1464314 11/14/01 780.00 1457602 11/12/01 195.00 14452 1321 91'+0 111839 12/04/01 66.83 01/08/02 55-000-44901 66.83 14453 9 9139 98027785 12/07/01 262.22 01/08/02 55-000-44901 1,175.56 98021634 12/06/01 184.07 98014556 12/05/01 639.82 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.8 R*APZOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Jan 04, 2002 09:28am Page 6 Open Claims by GL Account Claim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 97981157 11/28/01 89.45 141.54 726 9138 947855 12/03/01 69.49 01/08/02 55-000-44901 57.99 C28496 11/14/01 -11. 50 14556 388 9146 41090846 11/10/01 78.86 01/08/02 55-000-44901 78.86 14558 17 9147 4607997 12/14/01 200.06 01/08/02 55-000-44901 297.72 4604830 12/12/01 97.66 1/.559 1,54 9144 547948 12/12/01 219.63 01/08/02 55-000-44901 219.63 14560 57 9143 1537329 12/13/01 874.97 01/08/02 55-000-44901 867.95 61.86030 11/15/01 0,353.00 1491680 11/27/01 81.80 1500205 11/29/01 66.79 1499196 11/29/01 172 . 73 1477547 11/19/01 24.66 14561 2786 91/.1 96366 12/11/01 51.92 01/08/02 55-000-44901 51.92 14447 981 9127 108150256 08/15/01 60.50 01/08/02 55-000-44950 60.50 1441,8 2150 9130 169775 09/05/01 101.25 01/08/02 55-000-44950 101.25 14449 981 9126 109070724 09/07/01 165.94 01/08/02 55-000-44950 165.94 1/.450 981 9125 110030974 10/03/01 11.60 01/08/02 55-000-44950 11.60 14L,55 732 9133 58458666 12/13/01 31.75 01/08/02 55-000-44950 277.95 58459461 12/31/01 155.23 58459144 12/24/01 122.72 14456 678 9132 2022283 12/19/01 16.46 01/08/02 55-000-44950 47.60 2022228 12/18/01 31.14 14457 2150 9129 208236 12/19/01 199.85 01/08/02 55-000-44950 508.02 205762 12/12/01 205.58 210473 12/27/01 102.59 1/.458 981 9128 112140210 12/14/01 388.31 01/08/02 55-000-44950 1,869.41 112190829 12/19/01 266.61 1122806!t3 12/28/01 520.35 112210443 12/21/01 326.45 112120314 12/12/01 452.44 14459 336 9123 17055 12/28/01 48.56 01/08/02 55-000-44950 48.56 17054 12/28/01 -48.56 16890 12/14/01 48.56 14460 957 9121 476274 12/17/01 90.88 01/08/02 55-000-44950 31.76 14557 1038 9157 2717 12/18/01 44.79 01/08/02 55-000-44950 323.59 4649 12/05/01 10.70 2560 12/08/01 63.07 5377 12/06/01 45.76 1087 12/15/01 105.63 2921 12/14/01 26.40 4603 12/05/01 72.03 14460 957 9121 476274 12/17/01 90.88 01/08/02 55-000-44980 59.12 14512 812 9145 656081661 12/14/01 11.9801/08/02 55-605-52100 12.70 656081700 12/17/01 0.72 655081627 12/12/01 9.99 14591 300 9136 18009 12/10/01 106.78 01/08/02 55-605-53400 302.78 18007 12/10/01 51. 00 18008 12/10/01 120.00 18006 12/07/01 25.00 14522 1053 9156 138085026 12/12/01 15.50 01/08/02 55-610-52001 15.50 14512 812 9145 656081661 12/14/01 11.98 01/08/02 55-610-52100 9.99 656081700 12/17/01 0.72 655081627 12/12/01 9.99 14557 1038 9157 2717 12/18/01 44.79 01/08/02 55-610-52100 44.79 4649 12/05/01 10.70 2560 12/08/01 63.07 5377 12/06/01 45.76 1087 12/15/01 105.63 2921 12/14/01 26.40 4603 12/05/01 72.03 14513 774 9148 371446 12/13/01 729.60 01/08/02 55-610-52115 729.60 14514 265 9149 447 11/30/01 362.14 01/08/02 55-610-52160 362 . 14 14515 645 9150 526166 12/11/01 10.82 01/08/02 55-610-52200 32.78 528775 12/18/01 11.94 531301 12/26/01 10.02 14516 674 9151 444231 12/12/01 409.19 01/08/02 55-610-52450 514.58 443109 12/03/01 38.83 443246 12/04/01 51. 20 443247 12/04/01 15.36 14598 255 7097 584856 12/21/01 29.95 01/08/02 55-610-53250 29.95 14517 153 9152 10410361 12/12/01 227.68 01/08/02 55-610-53408 227.68 14519 446 9153 830115669 12/14/01 6.64 01/08/02 55-610-53408 40.83 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.8 R*APZOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Jan 04, 2002 09:28am Page 7 Open Claims by GL Account Claim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor lnvoice# lnvc Dt lnvoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 830116200 12/18/01 34.19 14520 47 9154 161858 12/11/01 54.36 01/08/02 55-610-53408 54.36 14521 40 9155 854959 12/27/01 35.74 01/08/02 55-610-53408 35.74 14592 1132 9137 4021846 10/19/01 121.9601/08/02 55-610-53408 121.96 14380 938 9035 11/01 PLEXAR 11/03/01 3,657.15 01/08/02 55-610-53610 13.75 14455 732 9133 58458666 12/13/01 31.75 01/08/02 55-670-52100 31. 75 58459461 12/31/01 155.23 58459144 12/24/01 122.72 14458 981 9128 112140210 12/14/01 388.31 01/08/02 55-670-52100 BIt . 75 112190829 12/19/01 266.61 112280643 12/28/01 520.35 112210443 12/21/01 326.45 112120314 12/12/01 452.44 14577 595 9107 48554 12/14/01 177.14 01/08/02 55-670-52100 131.03 51680 12/21/01 96.89 49501 12/14/01 56.03 51374 12/17/01 115.36 55462 12/28/01 74.87 54578 12/28/01 76.66 14588 2785 9124 18769885 12/06/01 206.05 01/08/02 55-670-53408 206.05 14589 144 9131 307118 12/13/01 78.24 01/08/02 55-670-53408 78.24 14577 595 9107 48554 12/14/01 177.14 01/08/02 55-670-53500 403.42 51680 12/21/01 96.89 49501 12/14/01 56.03 51374 12/17/01 115.36 55462 12/28/01 74.87 54578 12/28/01 76.66 14582 812 9116 656081659 12/14/01 7.74 01/08/02 55-690-52001 7.74 1518081107 11/09/01 4.95 1517081654 12/14/01 7.96 1517081426 11/30/01 155.72 1517081765 12/21/01 2.77 1512081422 11/30/01 16.26 1512081552 12/07/01 27.95 1512081652 12/14/01 16.43 1512081763 12/21/01 1.99 14590 1491 9135 27351 12/94/01 115.00 01/08/02 55-690-52010 115.00 14586 2784 9120 6978 11/21/01 300.00 01/08/02 55-690-52100 300.00 14379 863 9032 11/01 USE 11/30/01 721.54 01/08/02 55-690-53200 388. 13 1/.475 1044 7322 12874810067 01/01/02 224.05 01/08/02 55-690-53200 224.05 14577 595 9107 48554 12/14/01 177.14 01/08/02 55-690-53300 62.50 51680 12/21/01 96.89 49501 12/14/01 56.03 51374 12/17/01 115.36 55462 12/28/01 74.87 54578 12/28/01 76.66 14587 2433 9122 7458508 12/24/01 40.00 01/08/02 55-690-53330 40.00 14474 960 7321 11/01 11/30/01 100.00 11/30/01 55-690-53600 100.00 14380 938 9035 11/01 PLEXAR 11/03/01 3,657.15 01/08/02 55-690-53610 114.46 14511 1233 9142 10696 01/01/02 1,750.00 01/08/02 55-690-53670 1,750.00 14536 818 9083 1996-1/02 12/30/01 38,934.43 01/08/02 55-800-55000 38,934.43 1997-1/02 12/30/01 42,933.80 1998-1/02 12/30/01 90,239.36 ORF-99-008-L 12/30/01 2,624.43 FApc92-0107-L 12/30/01 3,713.62 FAP-92-0107L 12/30/01 24,385.33 FAP-01-0003-L 12/30/01 5,843.33 ORF-01-0002-L 12/30/01 10,171.02 FUND Total 51,975.44 14487 1143 9052 9213290 12/13/01 26.25 01/08/02 61-400-52001 26.25 14488 406 9053 2133012814 12/18/01 94.27 01/08/02 61-400-52001 76.23 14491 1038 9057 4869 11/28/01 19.96 01/08/02 61-400-52001 3.75 7714 12/18/01 15.51 14531 538 8988 97328263006 10/27/01 357.40 01/08/02 61-400-52400 268.89 92048263008 12/14/01 15.98 06668263007 12/14/01 124.95 27578263003 12/28/01 26.88 65216342011 12/28/01 279.78 53118263009 12/19/01 242.77 14538 1062 9087 122 12/28/01 1,400.00 01/08/02 61-400-53001 700.00 124 12/28/01 1,050.00 CCS.AP Accounts PayabLe ReLease 6.0.8 R*APZQCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Jan 04, 2002 09:28am Page 8 Open Claims by GL Account Claim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 125 12/28/01 1 ,650 . 00 14489 1038 9051 9597 12/10/01 55.76 01/08/02 61-400-53400 55.76 14490 1/.94 9056 125141- I. 12/14/01 39.00 01/08/02 61-400-53400 39.00 14380 938 9035 11/01 PLEXAR 11/03/01 3,657.15 01/08/02 61-400-53610 218.51 14398 826 9003 1007320-2 12/08/01 730.58 01/08/02 61-400-53610 7.25 14546 1294 7214 500093816-022 12/14/01 155.95 01/08/02 61-400-53610 30.59 14523 2776 9069 40857 12/07/01 200.00 01/08/02 61-400-53780 200.00 1i,425 2307 8987 146198097-001 12/13/01 330.07 01/08/02 61-405-52001 17.08 1M,63 171 6962 12-2 12/06/01 151.80 01/08/02 61-405-53070 338.10 12-1 12/15/01 186.30 14/,64 2075 6961 12-1 12/18/01 207.00 01/08/02 61-405-53070 207.00 14465 2M 6963 12-1 12/10/01 138.15 01/08/0261-405-53070 282.15 12-2 12/20/01 144.00 14t,66 38 6960 12-1 12/11/01 81.00 01/08/02 61-405-53070 i,1 1. 75 12-2 12/20/0'1 330.75 1/,L,67 371 8615 12-1 12/14/01 204.30 01/08/02 61-405-53070 568.80 12-2 12/10/01 364.50 14462 1557 7050 53022 12/20/01 694.88 01/08/02 61-405-53620 694.88 14545 2712 8904 010510001001 12/05/01 929.18 01/08/02 61-420-51001 3,051.67 010510001005 12/18/01 988.21 010510001003 12/11/01 1,134.28 14496 812 9046 1513081215 11/16/01 6.08 01/08/02 61-420-52100 6.58 1508081293 11/23/01 8.97 1511081248 11/19/01 6.58 1508080536 10/05/01 18.86 14499 1056 9044 69837 11/06/01 28.00 01/08/02 61-420-52100 28.00 14531 538 8988 9'7328263006 10/27/01 357.40 01/08/02 61-420-52100 12.80 92048263008 12/14/01 15.98 06668263007 12/14/01 124.95 27578263003 12/28/01 26.88 65216342011 12/28/01 279.78 53118263009 12/19/01 242.'77 14549 1039 9059 374201 12/03/01 28'7.60 01/08/02 61-420-52100 75'7.75 374215 12/10/01 757.75 14550 1039 9064 37/,649 12/11/01 222.20 01/08/02 61-420-52100 222.20 14446 591 7520 82401'77907 12/13/01 39.72 01/08/02 61-420-52200 97.60 8240177909 12/13/01 34.81 8240177910 12/13/01 57.93 8240177901 12/13/01 31. 93 82401'77902 12/13/01 20.43 82401'77908 12/13/01 5.20 8240177056 12/06/01 19.72 8240177058 12/06/01 22.81 8240177059 12/06/01 76.38 8240177050 12/06/01 27.53 8240177051 12/06/01 20.43 8240177057 12/06/01 5.20 8240176190 11/29/01 19.72 8240176192 11/29/01 34.81 8240176193 11/29/01 57.93 8240176184 11/29/02 26.81 8240176185 11/29/01 20.43 8240176191 11/29/01 5.20 8240178765 12/20/01 19.72 8240178767 12/20/01 22.81 8240178768 12/20/01 69.93 8240178759 12/20/01 31. 93 8240178760 12/20/01 20.43 8240178766 12/20/01 5.20 14492 1329 9066 155175 12/14/01 178.94 01/08/02 61-420-52200 88.95 14506 239 7114 108140 12/06/01 41.04 01/08/02 61-420-52200 59.67 108229 12/11/01 134.74 108741 12/19/01 122.56 14497 6 9055 195 12/21/01 55.00 01/08/02 61-420-52400 55.00 14549 1039 9059 374201 12/03/01 287.60 01/08/02 61-420-52400 287.60 374215 12/10/01 757.75 14600 1002 9088 12/01 12/30/01 1,639.00 01/08/02 61-420-52470 10.00 14461 1065 6966 11/01 USE 11/30/01 122,594.35 01/08/02 61-420-52900 122,594.35 14504 1404 9060 5541 12/14/01 744.00 01/08/02 61-420-53400 744.00 14398 826 9003 1007320-2 12/08/01 730.58 01/08/02 61-420-53505 54.16 14380 938 9035 11/01 PLEXAR 11/03/01 3,657.15 01/08/0261-420-53610 10.83 14546 1294 7214 500093816-022 12/14/01 155.95 01/08/02 61-420-53610 61.18 14600 1002 9088 12/01 12/30/01 1,639.00 01/08/02 61-420-53650 385.55 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.8 R*APZOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHAD BOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Jan 04, 2002 09:28am Page 9 Open Claims by GL Account Claim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 14552 2713 8790 11012699-02 12/17/01 3,529.75 01/08/02 61-420-54400 1,808.25 11012699-01 12/10/01 86.74 14425 2307 8987 146198097-001 12/13/01 330.07 01/08/02 61-450-52001 12.48 14496 812 9046 1513081215 11/16/01 6.08 01/08/02 61-450-52100 6.08 1508081293 11/23/01 8.97 1511081248 11/19/01 6.58 1508080536 10/05/01 18.86 14531 538 8988 97328263006 10/27/01 357.40 01/08/02 61-450-52100 61.90 92048263008 12/14/01 15.98 06668263007 12/14/01 '124.95 27578263003 12/28/01 26.88 65216342011 12/28/01 279.78 53118263009 12/19/01 242.77 14446 591 7520 8240177907 12/13/01 39.72 01/08/02 61-450-52200 141.56 8240177909 12/13/01 34.81 8240177910 12/13/01 57.93 8240177901 12/13/01 31.93 82/,0177902 12/13/01 20.43 8240177908 12/13/01 5.20 8240177056 12/06/01 19,72 8240177058 12/06/01 22.81 8240177059 12/06/01 76.38 8240177050 12/06/01 27.53 8240177051 12/06/01 20.43 8240177057 12/06/01 5.20 8240176190 11/29/01 19.72 8240176192 11/29/01 34.81 8240176193 11/29/01 57.93 8240176184 11/29/02 26.81 8240176185 11/29/01 20.1.3 8240176191 11/29/01 5.20 8240178765 12/20/01 19.72 8240178767 12/20/01 22.81 8240178768 12/20/01 69.93 8240178759 12/20/01 31.93 8240178760 12/20/01 20.43 8240178766 12/20/01 5.20 1/.492 1329 9066 155175 12/14/01 178.94 01/08/02 61-450-52200 89.99 14506 239 7114 108140 12/06/01 41.04 01/08/02 61-450-52200 59.67 108229 12/11/01 134.74 108741 12/19/01 122.56 14505 785 7203 8649058081 12/10/01 60.67 01/08/02 61-450-52400 278.48 5689324787 12/10/01 217.81 14495 778 9047 12-7213 12/10/01 136.75 01/08/02 61-450-53001 136.75 14486 929 8901 21850007711 12/16/01 5,957.75 01/08/02 61-450-53180 1 ,465 . 19 21850007608 12/01/01 866.26 21850007716 12/16/01 598.93 14380 938 9035 11/01 PLEXAR 11/03/01 3,657.15 01/08/02 61-450-53610 73.86 14398 826 9003 1007320-2 12/08/01 730.58 01/08/02 61-450-53610 7.24 14496 812 9046 1513081215 11/16/01 6.08 01/08/02 61-455-52100 8.97 1508081293 11/23/01 8.97 1511081248 11/19/01 6.58 1508080536 10/05/01 18.86 14498 1329 9045 137257 11/16/01 72.60 01/08/02 61-455-52100 72.60 14531 538 8988 97328263006 10/27/01 357.40 01/08/02 61-455-52100 12.80 92048263008 12/14/01 15.98 06668263007 12/14/01 124 .95 27578263003 12/28/01 26.88 65216342011 12/28/01 279.78 53118263009 12/19/01 242.77 14555 1276 8849 239841-12 12/05/01 84.00 01/08/02 61-455-52100 84.00 14446 591 7520 8240177907 12/13/01 39.72 01/08/02 61-455-52200 219.53 8240177909 12/13/01 34.81 8240177910 12/13/01 57.93 8240177901 12/13/01 31.93 8240177902 12/13/01 20.43 8240177908 12/13/01 5.20 8240177056 12/06/01 19.72 8240177058 12/06/01 22.81 8240177059 12/06/01 76.38 8240177050 12/06/01 27.53 8240177051 12/06/01 20.43 8240177057 12/06/01 5.20 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.8 R*APZOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) -::ity of OwassO Jan 04, 2002 09:28am Page 10 )pen Claims by GL Account Claim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 8240176190 11/29/01 19.72 8240176192 11/29/01 34.81 8240176193 11 /29/01 57.93 8240176184 11/29/02 26.81 8240176185 11/29/01 20.43 82[,0176191 11/29/01 5.20 8240178765 12/20/01 19.72 8240178767 12/20/01 22.81 8240178768 12/20/01 69.93 8240178759 12/20/01 31.93 82[.0178760 12/20/01 20.43 8240178766 12/20/01 5.20 14503 1075 9062 56563 12/17/01 124.64 01/08/02 61-455-52200 12/.. 64 14506 239 "7114 108140 12/06/01 41.04 01/08/02 61-455-52200 59.67 108229 12/11/01 134.74 108741 12/19/01 122.56 14[,96 812 9046 1513081215 11/16/01 6.08 01/08/02 61-455-52400 18.86 1508081293 11/23/01 8.97 1511081248 11/19/01 6.58 1508080536 10/05/01 18.86 14501 2761 9042 4388 12/06/01 481.60 01/08/0261-455-52400 510.10 4390 12/06/01 28.50 14600 1002 9088 12/01 12/30/01 1,639.00 01/08/02 61-455-52470 3.00 14500 14 9043 197926 10/31/01 78.00 01/08/02 61-455-53001 120.00 197927 10/31/01 60.00 197928 10/31/01 60.00 14379 863 9032 11/01 USE 11/30/01 721.54 01/08/02 61-455-53200 68.09 14553 1903 8783 1011460 12/14/01 896.44 01/08/02 61-455-53400 896.44 14398 826 9003 1007320-2 12/08/01 730.58 01/08/02 61-455-53610 50.69 14546 1294 721/. 500093816-022 12/14/01 155.95 01/08/02 61-455-53610 30.59 14551 1340 8055 1952 12/13/01 80.00 01/08/02 61-455-53650 80.00 14554 661 8060 S3942 12/11/01 225.00 01/08/02 61-455-53650 225.00 14415 1464 7666 467248 08/20/01 759.90 01/08/02 61-455-54400 759.90 14552 2713 8790 11012699-02 12/17/01 3,529.75 01/08/02 61-455-54400 1,808.24 11012699-01 12/10/01 86.74 14469 1491 8893 27403 12/14/01 202.50 01/08/02 61-480-52010 202.50 14494 857 9050 D208944 12/05/01 49.40 01/08/02 61-480-52100 [,9.40 14502 1038 9067 5287 12/15/01 143.40 01/08/02 61-480-52100 143.40 14531 538 8988 97328263006 10/27/01 357.40 01/08/02 61-480-52100 12.81 92048263008 12/14/01 15.98 06668263007 12/14/01 124.95 27578263003 12/28/01 26.88 65216342011 12/28/01 279.78 53118263009 12/19/01 242.77 14387 1038 8892 6682 12/12/01 89.64 01/08/02 61-480-52200 89.64 14446 591 7520 8240177907 12/13/01 39.72 01/08/02 61-480-52200 64.08 8240177909 12/13/01 34.81 8240177910 12/13/01 57.93 8240177901 12/13/01 31. 93 8240177902 12/13/01 20.43 8240177908 12/13/01 5.20 8240177056 12/06/01 19.72 8240177058 12/06/01 22.81 8240177059 12/06/01 76.38 8240177050 12/06/01 27.53 8240177051 12/06/01 20.43 8240177057 12/06/01 5.20 8240176190 11/29/01 19.72 8240176192 11/29/01 34.81 8240176193 11/29/01 57.93 8240176184 11/29/02 26.81 8240176185 11/29/01 20.43 8240176191 11/29/01 5.20 8240178765 12/20/01 19.72 8240178767 12/20/01 22.81 8240178768 12/20/01 69.93 8240178759 12/20/01 31. 93 8240178760 12/20/01 20.43 8240178766 12/20/01 5.20 14471 1075 8932 27930 12/12/01 197.98 01/08/02 61-480-52200 197.9 14506 239 7114 108140 12/06/01 41.04 01/08/02 61-480-52200 59.6 108229 12/11/01 134.74 108741 12/19/01 122.56 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.8 R*APZOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHAD BOLT (SR: .i_;<r:~-;. City of Owasso Jan 04, 2002 09:28am Page 11 Open Claims by GL Account Claim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 14398 826 9003 1007320-2 12/08/01 730.58 01/08/02 61-480-53500 21. 74 14486 929 8901 21850007711 12/16/01 5,957.75 01/08/02 61-480-53815 4,631.99 21850007608 12/01/01 866.26 21850007716 12/16/01 598.93 14470 296 839/+ 159246 11/06/01 150.00 01/08/02 61-480-54100 150.00 14446 591 7520 8240177907 12/13/01 39.72 01/08/02 61-485-52200 20.80 8240177909 12/13/01 34.81 8240177910 12/13/01 57.93 8240177901 12/13/01 31.93 8240177902 12/13/01 20.43 8240177908 12/13/01 5.20 8240177056 12/06/01 19.72 8240177058 12/06/01 22.81 8240177059 12/06/01 76.38 8240177050 12/06/01 27.53 8240177051 12/06/01 20.43 8240177057 12/06/01 5.20 8240176190 11/29/01 19.72 8240176192 11/29/01 31,.81 8240176193 11/29/01 57.93 8240176184 11/29/02 26.81 8240176185 11/29/01 20.43 8240176191 11/29/01 5.20 8240178765 12/20/01 19.72 8240178767 12/20/01 22.81 8240178768 12/20/01 69.93 8240178759 12/20/01 31. 93 8240178760 12/20/01 20.43 8240178766 12/20/01 5.20 1/+380 938 9035 11/01 PLEXAR 11/03/01 3,657.15 01/08/0261-485-53610 13.62 14398 826 9003 1007320-2 12/08/01 "130.58 01/08/02 61-485-53610 14.49 14486 929 8901 21850007711 12/16/01 5,95"1.75 01/08/02 61-485-53815 1,325.76 21850007608 12/01/01 866.26 21850007716 12/16/01 598.93 14548 1044 8568 12847910069 12/18/01 2,371.12 01/08/02 61-485-53815 1,,25/,.10 12800310067 12/01/01 1,882.98 14384 785 8885 8645291876 12/04/01 30.60 01/08/02 61-485-54200 30.60 FUND Total 153,251.02 14536 818 9083 1996-1/02 12/30/01 38,934.43 01/08/02 62-800-55000 46,737.73 1997-1/02 12/30/01 42,933.80 1998-1/02 12/30/01 90,239.36 ORF-99-008-L 12/30/01 2,624.43 FAP-92-0107-L 12/30/01 3,713.62 FAP-92-0107L 12/30/01 24,385.33 FAP-01-0003-L 12/30/01 5,843.33 ORF-01-0002-L 12/30/01 10,171.02 FUND Total 46,737.73 14536 818 9083 1996-1/02 12/30/01 38,934.43 01/08/02 67-800-55000 133,173.16 1997-1/02 12/30/01 42,933.80 1998-1/02 12/30/01 90,239.36 ORF-99-008-L 12/30/01 2,624.43 FAP-92-0107-L 12/30/01 3,713.62 FAP-92-0107L 12/30/01 24,385.33 FAP-01-0003-L 12/30/01 5,843.33 ORF-01-0002-L 12/30/01 10,171.02 14477 1848 9025 4083571 12/07/01 2,000.00 01/08/02 67-800-55500 2,000.00 FUND Total 135,173.16 14533 2301 8421 255982 12/04/01 226.1801/08/02 70-185-52001 3.23 255990 12/05/01 3.20 254975 11/01/01 13.70 14425 2307 8987 146198097-001 12/13/01 330.07 01/08/02 70-185-52100 4.36 14439 446 7033 CEPO 830115157 12/11/01 17.29 01/08/02 70-185-52100 116.61 830115352 12/12/01 17.10 830109904 11/06/01 18.25 830111064 11/14/02 68.33 830111063 11/14/01 98.99 830115661 12/14/01 24.95 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.8 R*APZOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) 830116408 12/19/01 5.21 830116569 12/20/10 23.03 830116039 12/17/01 7.49 8730116221 12/18/01 10.38 830116082 12/17/01 20.99 830115627 12/14/01 2.49 830116085 12/17/01 83.88 830115675 12/14/01 5.21 830114546 12/07/01 4.99 830113554 11/30/01 1064 830113546 11/30/01 35.94 830115295 12/12/01 56.99 830115224 12/11/01 77.65 830115326 12/12/01 31.22 830115359 12/12/01 63.94 830112948 11/27/01 47.89 830115603 12/1/;/01 15.99 830112590 11/24/01 8.92 830112789 11/26/01 13.56 830115590 12/14/01 5.76 830114989 12/10/01 8.68 830115351 12/12/01 110 18 830116023 12/17/01 24.95 830116095 12/17/01 -44.97 830116022 12/17/01 16.84 830115159 12/11/01 -22.00 830115588 12/14/01 -50.73 830115454 12/13/01 -31.28 830116394 12/19/01 15.54 830114111 12/04/01 12.39 830116400 12/19/01 10.89 830115695 12/14/01 12.99 830116389 12/19/01 77.79 14528 2477 8989 12/01 12/30/01 536.32 01/08/02 70-185-52100 13.96 14531 538 8988 97328263006 10/27/01 357.40 01/08/02 70-185-52100 109" 1 0 92048263008 12/14/01 15.98 06668263007 12/14/01 124.95 27578263003 12/28/01 26.88 65216342011 12/28/01 279.78 53118263009 12/19/01 242.77 14441 1144 8979 20653 11/26/01 217.43 01/08/02 70-185-52200 485.87 20438 11/21/01 140.17 20439 11/21/01 128.27 1/.443 591 703/. 8240177906 12/13/01 9.78 01/08/02 70-185-52200 63.78 8240177904 12/13/01 31.89 8240178764 12/20/01 9.78 8240178762 12/20/01 31.89 14439 446 7033 CEPO 830115157 12/11/01 17.29 01/08/02 70-185-52850 30.28 830115352 12/12/01 17.10 830109904 11/06/01 18.25 830111064 11/14/02 68.33 830111063 11/14/01 98.99 830115661 12/14/01 24.95 830116408 12/19/01 5.21 830116569 12/20/10 23.03 830116039 12/17/01 7.49 8730116221 12/18/01 10.38 830116082 12/17/01 20.99 830115627 12/14/01 2~49 830116085 12/17/01 83.88 830115675 12/14/01 5.21 830114546 12/07/01 4.99 830113554 11/30/01 1.64 830113546 11/30/01 35.94 830115295 12/12/01 56.99 830115224 12/11/01 77.65 830115326 12/12/01 31.22 830115359 12/12/01 63.94 830112948 11/27/01 47.89 830115603 12/14/01 15.99 830112590 11/24/01 8.92 830112789 11/26/01 13.56 830115590 12/14/01 5.76 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.8 R*APZOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) GL Amount Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Claim# Vendor City of Owasso Open Claims by GL Account Jan 04, 2002 09:28am Page 12 City of Owasso Jan 04, 2002 09:28am Page 13 Open Claims by GL Account Claim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 830114989 12/10/01 8.68 830115351 12/12/01 11.18 830116023 12/17/01 24095 830116095 12/17/01 -44.97 830116022 12/17/01 16.84 830115159 12/11/01 -22.00 830115588 12/14/01 -50.73 830115454 12/13/01 - 31 .28 830116394 12/19/01 15.54 830114111 12/04/01 12.39 8301161.00 12/19/01 10.89 830115695 12/14/01 12099 830116389 12/19/01 77079 14427 865 8986 7617 12/13/01 380000 01/08/02 70-185.52920 260.85 8353 12/11/01 247.90 7620 12/14/01 12.95 14l,28 857 7028 0208488 11/29/01 2.99 01/08/02 70-185-52920 20.51 0209682 12/17/01 17.52 0209521 12/14/01 5.72 1l,430 359 8980 249471DO\.J 12/17/01 26068 01/08/02 70-185-52920 91.36 248933DOW 12/13/01 64.68 14432 :3 8983 3627l. 12/14/01 19.87 01/08/02 70-185-52920 54.97 36264 12/13/01 35.10 14433 698 8985 204767 12/18/01 405038 01/08/02 70-185.52920 1.05 .38 14434 1005 8991 86236CVW 12/10/01 9.66 01/08/02 70-185-52920 386.74 86292CVW 12/17/01 45.40 86395CVW 12/17/01 4.68 86232CVW 12/10/01 46.70 86331CVW 12/13/01 3.61 86314CVW 12/13/01 71.78 86400CVW 12/17/01 3.58 85806CVW 11/19/01 39.16 86302CV\.J 12/12/01 7.13 86083CVW 12/12/01 52.41 86328CVW 12/13/01 106.97 86166CVW 12/12/01 27.92 CM86292CVW 12/17/01 -4.06 CM86158CVW 12/10/01 -28.20 14435 203 8994 787830-1 PN~J 12/10/01 1,560.00 01/08/02 70-185-52920 1,560.00 14438 433 8861 1213470037 12/13/01 119.70 01/08/02 70-185-52920 258.35 1213370051 12/03/01 7.17 1213510047 12/17/01 131.48 14439 446 7033 CEPO 830115157 12/11/01 17.29 01/08/02 70-185-52920 663.46 830115352 12/12/01 17.10 830109904 11/06/01 18025 830111064 11/14/02 68033 830111063 11/14/01 98.99 830115661 12/14/01 24.95 830116408 12/19/01 5021 830116569 12/20/10 23.03 830116039 12/17/01 7049 8730116221 12/18/01 10.38 830116082 12/17/01 20.99 830115627 12/14/01 2.49 830116085 12/17/01 83.88 830115675 12/14/01 5.21 830114546 12/07/01 4.99 830113554 11/30/01 1.64 830113546 11/30/01 35.94 830115295 12/12/01 56.99 830115224 12/11/01 77.65 830115326 12/12/01 31.22 830115359 12/12/01 63094 830112948 11/27/01 47.89 830115603 12/14/01 15099 830112590 11/24/01 8.92 830112789 11/26/01 13.56 830115590 12/14/01 5.76 830114989 12/10/01 8.68 830115351 12/12/01 11.18 830116023 12/17/01 24095 830116095 12/17/01 -44.97 830116022 12/17/01 16.84 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.8 R*APZOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.8 R*APZOCGL*RPT I ) ., ) LI,,'r L.,C L u r t1\~_ lJ ) .~ City of Owasso Jan 04, 2002 09:28am Page 14 Open Claims by GL Account Claim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor lnvoice# lnvc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 830115159 12/11/01 -22.00 830115588 12/14/01 -50.73 830115454 12/13/01 -31.28 830116394 12/19/01 15.54 830114111 12/04/01 12.39 830116400 12/19/01 10.89 830115695 12/14/01 12.99 830116389 12/19/01 77.79 11,440 1029 8725 3265043 12/03/01 2,298.20 01/08/02 70-185-52920 2,298.20 14600 1002 9088 12;01 12/30/01 1,639.00 01/08/02 70-185-52920 10.00 14398 826 9003 1007320-2 12/08/01 730.58 01/08/02 70-185-53500 21.72 '14426 819 8982 17618 12/12/01 51.56 01/08/02 70-185-53800 '732.54 17624 12/14/01 48.67 17230 10/10/01 63.12 17291 10/22/01 101.36 17281 10/30/01 101.36 16641. 10/31/01 114.00 16648 11/13/01 82.00 17589 12/07/01 60.90 17498 11/01/01 40.00 17474 11/14/01 69.57 14427 865 8986 7617 12/13/01 380.00 01/08/02 70-185-53800 380.00 8353 12/11/01 247.90 7620 12/14/01 12.95 14429 2528 8984 19823 12/13/01 24.79 01/08/02 70-185-53800 1,011.61 19822 12/13/01 -18.11 19774 12/04/01 937.74 19810 12/12/01 67.19 14431 2476 8981 1234 12/13/01 83.00 01/08/02 70-185-53800 83.00 14437 3M 7032 170602 12/20/01 1,050.00 01/08/02 70-185-53800 1,050.00 FUND Total 10,115.88 14388 2181 9022 2205 10/12/01 377.20 01/08/02 76-150-53001 377.20 14524 601 8492 4157 01/01/02 1,417.6701/08/02 76-150-53001 1,417.67 14389 1123 9021 223098 06/26/01 209.07 01/08/02 76-150-53750 209.07 14399 2753 8953 142687742 11/14/01 3.71 01/08/02 76-150-53750 3.71 14526 2184 9023 61689 11/07/01 333.68 01/08/02 76-150-53750 333.68 14527 2184 9023 61346 11/07/01 266.10 01/08/02 76-150-53750 266.10 14600 1002 9088 12/01 12/30/01 1,639.00 01/08/02 76-150-53750 14.86 FUND Total 2,622.29 Grand Total 608,778.85 Council Member Council Member Mayor January 8, 2002 APPROVED: Police Animal Control Streets 183.96 4,125.15 93,494.61 178.88 9,566.26 0.00 Community Development General Fund 12/15/01 CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE Council Member Council Member Mayor January 8, 2002 APPROVED: Worker's Camp Self-Insurance Fund Total Expenses Total Expenses Overtime Expenses Ambulance Fund Overtime Total CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 12/15/01 Council Member Council Member Mayor January 8, 2002 APPROVED: Information Police Animal Control 68.63 Streets 385.88 3,749.38 .96 159.46 14,519.51 0.00 Managerial General Fund 12/29/01 CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT. PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE Council Member Council Member Mayor January 8, 2002 APPROVED: T~laJl;:xpenses Worker's Comp Self-Insurance Fund Emergency 911 Fund Total Expenses Overtime Overtime 12/29/01 CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE The primary election is set by Charter and will be March 5, 2002. If a general election is necessary, it will be held on April 2, 2002. A general election will be held if one candidate in the primary election does not receive a majority of all the votes cast for that Ward. The elected councilor will be sworn in at the first meeting in May (May 7,2002). The filing period is February 4, 5, & 6, 2002. All candidates must file a Declaration of Candidacy with the Tulsa County Election Board between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on one of those days. Only qualified electors who have resided in Ward 3 for at least six months prior to filing a declaration of candidacy shall be qualified to hold the office of Ward 3 Council Member, and only qualified electors who have resided in Ward 4 for at least six months prior to filing a declaration of candidacy shall be qualified to hold the office of Ward 4 Council Member. All registered voters residing within the city limits of the City of Ow as so will be able to vote for the candidates. Staff has prepared Resolution #2002-01 which, if approved by Council, calls for an election to be conducted for these Wards and allows for proper notification to the Tulsa County Election Board. It also identifies the process that must be followed to meet all legal requirements. (H C "Will" Williams) (Mary Lou Barnhouse) Three Year Term Three Year Term Ward #3 Ward #4 Pursuant to the provisions of the Owasso City Charter governing the election of City Council members, the Council shall take action by Resolution to call any necessary Ward Elections. Such election is needed for the following Wards: BACKGROUND: January 2,2002 DATE: 3 4 THE HONORABLE MAYOR CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO MEMORANDUM 1. Resolution #2002-01 Staff recommends approval of Resolution #2002-01. RECOMMENDATION: Resolution to Call Elections January 2,2002 Page 2 Ronald D Cates, City Attorney APPROVED AS TO FORM: Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk ATTEST: Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor PASSED AND APPROVED this 8th day of January, 2002 by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. The filing period is from February 4, 2002 through FebrualY 6, 2002 for the Primary Election. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, hereby certifies to the Tulsa County Election Board that all precincts in Tulsa and Rogers Counties within the city limits of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma are to be opened. 3. Only qualified electors of the City of Owasso who reside in the respective ward shall be qualified to hold the office of Council Member. 2. That the General Election thereafter, if necessary, be held on April 2, 2002. 1. That a non-partisan Primal)' Election for City Council Members, as set out, be held on March 5, 2002. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA: WHEREAS, a General Election, if necessary, shall thereafter be held on April 2, 2002 to elect said Council Members. 3 years . 3 years 3 4 WHEREAS, a Primary Election shall be held on the 5th day of March, 2002 for the purpose of electing Council Members to the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, for Wards and tems as follows: NOTICE OF ELECTIONS AND CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION NO 2002-01 CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA 1. Agreement with Sage Telecom Inc ATTACHMENTS Staff recommends Council approval and authorization for the Mayor to execute the appropriate documentation which allows Sage Telecom Inc to provide service to Owasso citizens and to collect identified E-911 fees. RECOMMENDATION: The latest request is from Sage Telecom Inc, Allen, TX. The attached agreement authorizes that company to collect the E-911 service fees assessed on local access lines and remit same to the City of Owasso. The City of Owasso provides Emergency 911 service to Owasso citizens with specifically identified telephone prefixes. Agreements have been made with the telephone service providers that provide, in accordance with Ordinance #571, for five percent (5%) of the customer's telephone bill to be returned to the City of Owasso to aid in the support of providing this emergency communication service. Until September of 1998, Southwestern Bell Telephone was the only emergency provider for our customers. Since then several telephone providers have requested agreements with the City to provide telephone service to our citizens, and to collect the E-911 service fee assessed on local access lines and remit that fee to the City of Owasso. BACKGROUND: January 3, 2002 DATE: 1 MARCIA BOUTWELl, CLERK FROM: THE HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OW ASSO TO: MEMORANDUM (a) Identifying City's boundaries for police, fire and emergency medical services and providing this information to Southwestem Bell Telephone on the forms provided by Southwestem Bell. 3. The City will be responsible for implementation and ongoing administration of all E- 911 data management associated with its E-911 service. The City's responsibilities include: 2. Service is provided solely for the use and benefit of the City and the provision of such service shall not be interpreted or construed as creating any obligation of Sage toward, or any right of action on behalf of any third party or other legal entity. 1. As authorized by the Nine-Om~-One Emergency Number Act, 63 O.S. Supp 1996, Sections 2814 and 2815, as amended, and the City's Ordinance Number 571, Sage shall collect from service users and remit to the City the E-911 service fee assessed on local exchange access lines. For this service, Sage shall retain two percent (2%) of the total amount collected. NOW, THEREFORE, it is mutually agreed between the parties as follows: WHEREAS, Sage, through SWBT resale, is willing to furnish and maintain said features, subject to the tenns and conditions set forth, as well as those contained in its approved tariff. WHEREAS, Sage, offers its subscribers Enhanced Emergency Number (E-911) Service through resale of Southwestern Bell Telephone (SWBT) service; with SWBT providing the actual E-911 service including, but not limited to, the development of a Master Street Address Guide (MSAG), selective routing, Automatic Location Identification (ALI) and the Automatic Number Identification (ANI) services; and Sage providing the billing and collection of E-911 assessments from the end-users; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to its obligation to provide telecommunications services to its subscribers within its certified areas; and, Sage is a Telecommunications Service Provider as defined by Oklahoma Administrative Code 165:55, providing telecommunications services in the State of Oklahoma, and in the City of Owasso; and THIS AGREEMENT for Enhanced Emergency Number (E-911 Service) ("Agreement") is made and entered into as of the day of ~_" :r4!f:1)UQ.t'~ ' 2002, by and between Sage Telecom ("Sage"), a Texas company, having its pri ipal place of business at 805 Expressway South, Suite 100, Allen, 75013-2789, and the City of Owasso, Oklahoma having principal business at 111 N Main, Oklahoma 740550 AGREEMENT FOR ENHANCED EMERGENCY NUMBER (E-911) SERVICE Sage Agreement - Page 2 8. Sage shall not be liable to the City for damages arising out of errors, interruptions, defects, failures or malfunctions of E-911 Services, including but not limited to, damages arising from errors or defects of associated equipment and data processing systems. 7. While it is the intent of the City to renew this Agreement, the parties agree and understand that the City,' being a political subdivision of the State of Oklahoma, cannot be bound in this Agreement past its current fiscal year ending June 30, 2002. Therefore, the parties agree that the contract's term shall be from the date of execution through the end of the City's current fiscal year, and that the parties upon mutual agreement may renew this Agreement at the end of the contract term for successive one year periods. In no event shall the City be bound to any such renewal until and unless the City approves the renewal and it is executed by the authorized official of the City. In no event shall the City be obligated financially or otherwise or be subject to any penalty or damage for failure ofthe City to renew this Agreement. 6. Sage's Credit Records and Billing Records are confidential and proprietmy. The City will maintain the confidentiality of these records and will establish controls to ensure this information is used only in connection with City's provision ofE-911 Service. 5. The parties hereto further agree that, in the absence of any delay occasioned by events or factors which are beyond the control of Sage, the in-service date for the services covered by this Agreement shall be as soon as possible. 4. MSAG updates will be processed by SWBT as quickly as reasonably possible after receipt of information from the City. The ALI data file will be updated as quickly as reasonably possible following completion of the order for service. (b) Coordinating the accuracy of the Master Street Address Guide (MSAG) information used to update the Automatic Location Identification (ALl) data file and advising SWBT of any changes in street names, establishment of new streets, changes in address number used on existing streets, closing and abandonment of streets, changes in local jurisdictional boundaries, annexation, or any other matter that will affect the routing of any E-911 call to the City's . Changes, deletions, and additions which the City desires to have made in the MSAG file shall be submitted to SVVBT on an nas occurred" basis. SWBT shall provide MSAG End-User 911 records and updates to itself as documented in Section 4.3.2 of Appendix 911 ofthe Interconnection Agreement between the two companies. MSAG file changes are to be submitted by the City to SWBT. Sage Agreement - Page 3 The address to which notices may be given or made by either party may be changed by written notice given by such party to the other pursuant to this paragraph. Sage Telecom ATTN: ShAWn. S~/7e..- 805 Central Expy South, Ste 100 Allen, TX 75013-2789 To Sage City of Owasso Ronald D Cates, City Attorney PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 To the City: 13. All notices or other communications changes hereunder (other than MSAG file changes) shall be deemed to have been duly given when made in writing and delivered in person or deposited in the United States mail, postage paid and addressed as follows: 12. The City and Sage agree to comply with all applicable Federal, State and Local laws, regulations, and codes in the performance of this Agreement. 11. The failure of either party to enforce any of its provisions of this Agreement, or a waiver thereof in any instance, shall not be construed as a general waiver or relinquishment on its part of any such provisions, but at the same shall, nevertheless, be and remain in full force and effect. lO. the course implementing and administering the 1 Services, Sage provide the City certain confidential numbers and proprietary infOlmation, including non-published telephone numbers. The City agrees to keep such information confidential and to refrain from disseminating such information except to employees and agents of the City who, during the course of their employment need to have access to such data for the purpose of implementing and administering E-911 Services. When such information is no longer needed for that purpose, the City will return such information to Sage at Sage's reasonable request. 9. Neither party shall be held responsible for any delay or failure in performance under this Agreement to the extent that such delay or failure is caused by circumstances beyond the control of such party, including without limitation, fire, flood, explosion, war, acts of omissions of carriers and other similar conditions ("Force Majeure Condition"). If a Force Majeure Condition occurs, the party whose performance is affected shall notify the other party and shall resume performance as soon as reasonably possible. Sage Agreement - Page 4 (b) The City shall have the right to cancel this Agreement in the event of the violation by Sage of any terms and conditions hereof upon ninety (90) days written notice of cancellation to Sage and failure by Sage to cure such violation within such period. (a) Sage shall have the right to cancel this Agreement in the event of the violation of the City of any of the terms and conditions hereof upon ninety (90) days written notice of cancellation to the City and failure by the City to cure such violation within such period. 18. Sage and the City shall each have the right to cancel this Agreement as follows: 17. Sage further agrees that there will be no additional charges incuned by the City upon execution of this Agreement. 16. acknowledges that this Agreement is contingent upon availability funds provided by the assessment of emergency telephone fees imposed by the City in accordance with the Nine-One-One Emergency Number Act, 63 2811 et seq. Sage fmther acknowledges that this Agreement is subject to the appropriation of sufficient funds in each fiscal year for which E-911 Services are provided and, in the event of the failure of the City to appropriate funds as herein provided, this Agreement shall be null and void without further action by the City. (Oklahoma Constitution, Article 10, Section 26). 15. This Agreement contains the entire Agreement of the parties with respect to the service described herein, and no other Agreement, statement, or promises made by any party, or to any employee, officer, or agent, of either party, which is not contained in the Agreement shall be binding or valid. 14. The terms of this Agreement, and each of them, cannot be waived, altered or amended unless the same be consented to in writing by the palties hereto. Sage Agreement - Page 5 ~/YItl#h6<<l4'~ SAil~6M/ P('()~#;f biPW./@f~;'j+ ~ Sh.dA.wn 5 ~FU- of ATTEST: .)aPr\.e' 5 E. l!enl1eJ. 'I (f!'l.- - UP BUSJMSS Printed Name & Title (7 TELECOM Ronald D Cates, City Attorney APPROVED AS TO FORM & CONTENT: Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk Mary Barnhouse, Mayor THE CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said parties have caused this Agreement to be executed in their behalf as of the date indicated below. b. The City of Owasso, Oklahoma, is authorized to retain from the initial proceeds of the Hotel Tax an amount equal to the costs of the election concerning this Ordinance and bome by the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. a. All taxes collected pursuant to this Ordinance shall be set aside and used exclusively to encourage, promote and foster economic development and cultural enhancement, tourism and pursue regional promotion for the City of Owasso, Oklahoma; and the cost of enforcing this Ordinance. 7-613 Use of Funds. It is my understanding that there have been discussions by the Owasso Economic Development Authority since the opening ofthe Best Western Motelin@1 to institute a Hotel/Motel tax in the City of Ow as so for the purpose of funding economic dever<;pment. Since the adoption of the Downtown District Redevelopment Land Use Master Plan this fall, the OEDA has been looking at various implementation tools. The question ofthe hotel/motel tax has came to the surface again. OEDA Chairman Dee Sokolosky visited with hotel owners Robert and Sonny Patel in early December. The Patels' position was that they prefelTed to make a $60,000.00 annual donation to the City in lieu of the hotel/motel tax. The OEDA was concemed that the voluntary donation might go away and, subsequently, the potential loss of revenue. There was also concern by the OED A that when another hotel opens, the tax would be the only tool to accomplish expansion of the revenue. Subsequently, I met with Robert and Sonny Patel on two occasions regarding the proposed hotel/motel tax. At our last meeting, they agreed to the adoption of a 3% hotel/motel sales tax. They believe that this will still give them a competitive edge over Tulsa hotels and motels, all of which already have a 5% city tax. The anticipated annual revenue will be $60,000. The uses of the funds are as follows from the Ordinance: BACKGROUND: January 2,2002 DATE: REQUEST FOR ADOPTION THE FRAMEWORK FOR A HOTEL/MOTEL AND #2002-02 CALLING FOR AN ELECTION TO SUBMIT SUCH ORDINANCE TO THE OW ASSO VOTERS. THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO MEMORANDUM 1. Ordinance #699 2. Resolution #2002-02 ATTACHMENTS: The OEDA and the Staff recommend the City Council adopt Ordinance #699 establishing the mechanics of the Hotel/Motel Tax, such ordinance requiring ratification by amajority of the voters casting votes in the March 5, 2002 Primary Election; as well as adoption of Reso lution # 2002-02-calling for an Election for the purpose of submitting Ordinance #699 to the Owasso voters for their approval or rejection. RECOMMENDATION: The Council's approval of Ordinance #699 would outline the procedures to be followed in administering the Tax. Ordinance #699 can only be ratified by a majority ofthe citizens of Owasso participating in the election. Approval of Resolution #2002-02 by the City Council calls for the proposition to be place on the March 5, 2002 Primary election ballot. The request has been rushed in order to save the expense of a separate election that is estimated to be in excess of $10,000.00. Should the City Council choose to have a separate election in the future, the revenue from the tax can be utilized to pay for the election. The Owasso Economic Development Authority met in Special Session on Thursday, December 20,2001, and voted unanimously to support the proposition and request the inclusion of the proposition on the March 2002 Primary Election ballot c. In order to compensate an operator for keeping tax records, filing reports, and remitting the tax when due, the operator may retain a discount of one percent (l %) of the total collected taxes for the current tax period. The operator shall not be allowed the discount compensation set fourth in 7 -613 (c) for the payment for delinquent taxes. PROPOSED HOTEL/MOTEL TAX JANUARY 2,2002 PAGE 2 SHALL ORDINANCE NO. 699 RELATING TO PART 7, FINANCE AND TAXATION, OF THE CODE AND ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, CREATING CHAPTER 6, HOTEL/MOTEL SECTIONS 7-601 ET SEQ., LEVYING AND ASSESSING AN EXCISE TAX OF THREE PERCENT (3%) UPON THE GROSS RECEIPTS DERIVED FORM THE RENT FOR OCCUPANCY OF HOTEL/MOTEL ROOMS; PROVIDING FOR EXCEPTIONS; PROVIDING FOR ADMINISTRATION AND COLLECTION OF TAX; REQUIRING THE FILING OF RETURNS AND THE KEEPING OF RECORDS; PROVIDING FOR INTEREST AND PENAL TIES; AUTHORIZING THE CITY COUNCIL TO MAKE ADMINISTRATION AND TECHNICAL CHANGES AND ADDITIONS EXCEPT AS TO THE TAX RATE AND PURPOSE; PROPOSITION 1. SECTION 1. The Mayor of the City of Owasso, State of Oklahoma, is hereby authorized and directed to call for an election to be held in the City of Owasso, State of Oklahoma, on the day of March, 2002, for the purpose of submitting to the registered qualified electors of said City the following proposition, to-wit: NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OW ASSO, STATE OF OKLAHOMA: Whereas, it is deemed advisable by the City Council of the City of Ow as so, State of Oklahoma, to submit to the registered, qualified voters of said City, the question of whether Ordinance No. 699 of the City of Owasso, State of Oklahoma, adopted by the City Council the City of Owasso, State of Oklahoma, on the eighth day of January, 2001, should be approved. Whereas, the Owasso Economic Development Authority supports taxation which will encourage, promote, and foster economic development and cultural enhancement, tourism and pursue regional promotion for the City of Owasso, Oklahoma; and, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CALLING AND HOLDING OF AN ELECTION IN THE CITY OF OW ASSO, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, FOR TI-IE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO THE REGISTERED, QUALIFED VOTERS OF THE SAID CITY THE QUESTION IF CHAPTER 6 SECTIONS 7-601 ET SEQ., HOTEL TAX, SHOULD BE ADDED PART 7, FINANCE AND TAXATION OF THE ORDINANCES OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA, LEVYING AND ASSESSING AN EXCISE TAX THREE PERCENT (3%) UPON THE RECEIPTS DERIVED FROM ROOMS SHOULD BE APPROVED; CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA RESOLUTION NO. 2002-02 DATE: BY: TULSA COUNTY ELECTION BOARD RECEIVED: Ronald D. Cates, City Attomey APPROVED AS TO FORM: Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk ATTEST: Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor City of Owasso, State of Oklahoma Adopted and approved this the eighth day of Janumy, 2001. III. That a copy of this resolution shall be personally delivered to the office the County Election Board of Tulsa State of Oklahoma, at least forty.. (45) prior to the date of said election. SECTION II. That the City Council of the City of Owasso, State of Oklahoma, hereby states that all precincts within the City of Owasso, State of Oklahoma, shall be open for the purpose of the aforesaid election. REQUIRING THE APPROVAL OF THIS ORDINANCE BY THE MAJORITY OF REGISTERED VOTERS AT AN ELECTION HELD FOR SUCH PURPOSE AS PROVIDED BY LAW; AND FIXING EFFECTIVE DATE BE APPROVED. b. Occupancy shall mean the use or possession, or the right to the use or possession of any room or rooms in a hotel, or the right to the use or possession of the fumishings or the service and accommodation accompanying the use and possession of the room or rooms a. Hotel shall mean any building or buildings, structures, trailer or other facility in which the public may, for consideration, obtain sleeping accommodations, and in which five (5) or more rooms are used for the accommodation of such occupant whether such rooms are in one or several structures. The term shall include hotels, apartmental hotels, motels, tourist courts, lodging houses, inns, bed & breakfasts, rooming houses and dormitory space where bed space is rented to individuals or groups, apartments not occupied by "permanent residents", and all other facilities where rooms or sleeping facilities or space are furnished for a consideration. The term shall not include hospitals, sanitariums or nursing homes. As used in this ordinance: 7 -601 Definitions. SECTION 1. PART 7, FINANCE AND TAXATION, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, OF THE CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA, IS HEARBY AMENDED BY ADDING CHAPTER 6, HOTEL TAX, SECTION 7-601, ET SEQ., WHICH SAID SECTION TO READ AS FOLLOWS: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA, TO-WIT: AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PART 7, FINANCE AND TAXATION, OF THE CODE AND ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA, CREATING CHAPTER 6, HOTEL TAX, SECTIONS 7-601 ET SEQ., LEVYING AND ASSESSING AN EXCISE TAX OF THREE PERCENT (3%) UPON THE GROSS RECEIPTS DERIVED FROM RENT OF HOTEL/MOTEL ROOMS; PROVIDING EXCEPTIONS; PROVIDING FOR THE ADMINISTRATION AND COLLECTION OF REQUIRING THE FILING OF RETURNS AND KEEPING INTEREST AND PENALTIES; AUTHORIZING COUNCIL MAKE ADMINISTRATIVE AND TECHNICAL CHANGES AND ADDITIONS EXCEPT AS TO THE TAX RATE AND PURPOSE; REQUIRING THE APPROV AL OF THIS ORDINANCE BY MAJORITY VOTE OF REGISTERED VOTERS VOTING AT AN ELECTION HELD FOR SUCH PURPOSE AS PROVIDED BY LAW; AND FIXING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ORDINANCE NO. 699 b. Certificate of Exemption Required. Anyone claiming to be exempt from the tax must obtain a Certification from the City Manager, or designee, that the person, organization, association or corporation with which the a. Occupancy. The following shall be exempt from the tax levied in this ordinance: (1) Permanent residents; (2) Agents, employees and or officials of the United States Government or any agency or division thereof; (3) Agents, employees and or officials of the State of Oklahoma or any political subdivision. 7 -603 Exem.].tions. 7-602 Tax Rate. There is hereby levied an excise tax of three percent (3%) upon the gross proceeds or gross receipts derived from all the rent for every occupancy of a room or rooms in a hotel in this City, except that the tax will not be imposed where the rent is less than five dollars ($5.00) per day. 1. Tax shall mean the tax levied pursuant to this ordinance. h. Room shall mean any room or suite of rooms of any kind in any part or portion of a hotel which is available for or let out for use or possession for any purpose other than a place of assembly. g. Return shall mean any report filed or required to be filed as herein provided. f. Rent shall mean the consideration received for occupancy valued in money, whether received in money or otherwise, including all receipts, cash, credits, and property or services of any kind or nature, and also which credit is allowed by the operator to the occupant, without any deduction therefrom whatsoever. eo Permanent Resident shall mean any occupant who has or shall have the right of occupancy of any room or rooms in a hotel for at least ninety (90) consecutive days during the current calendar year. d. Operator shall mean any person operating a hotel within the City, included, but not limited to, the owner, proprietor, manager, lessee, sublessee, or mortgagee operating such hotel. c. Occupant shall be the person who, for a consideration, uses, possesses, or has the right to the use or possession of any room or rooms in a hotel under any lease, concession, permit, right of access, license to use, or other agreement. (3) The form of return shall be prescribed by the City Manager, or designee, and shall contain such information as may be deemed necessary for the proper administration of this Ordinance. The City Manager, or designee, may require amended returns to be filed within (2) Each operator shall fmiher file with the City Manager, or designee, a copy of their completed Oklahoma State Sales Tax fonn within ten (10) days after June 30th, September 30th, December 31 st, and March 31 st of each year following the effective date of this ordinance. (1) Every operator shall file with the City Manager, or designee, a report of occupancy and of rents, and of the taxes payable thereon for the period ending on the last day of each month following the effective date of this Ordinance. Such retum shall be filed within the first fifteen (15) days after the end of each such month. c. Returns. b. Records to be Kept. Every operator shall keep records of every occupancy and of all rent paid, charged, or due thereon and of the tax payable thereon in such form as the City Manager or designee, may by regulation require. Such records shall be available for inspection and examination at any time upon demand by the City Manager, or a duly authorized agent or employee of the City, and shall be preserved for a period of three (3) years. a. Operator Responsible for Collections. The operator shall be responsible for the collection of the tax from the occupant and shall be liable to the City for the tax, which shall be held in trust by the operator until paid to the City. The operator shall join the City as a party to any action brought by the operator to enforce collection of the tax. 7 -605 Dn.erators' Duties 7-604 Tax to be Separately Designated_9n Bill~. The operator shall separately designate, charge and show the tax on all bills, statements, receipts or other evidence of charge or payment of rent for occupancy issued or delivered by the operator. In the absence of a Celiificate of Exemption as specified above it shall be presumed that the rent on all occupancies is taxable, and the burden of proof shall be on the operator. occupant is affiliated is exempt from the tax. Prior to issuing such a Certificate, a certification from the said organization that the occupant is an agent, employee officer and that their occupancy of the room is required in connection with the affairs of said exempt organization, association or corporation. 7-606 Bond Required. Where the City Manager, or designee, believes that any operator is about to cease business, leave the state, or remove or dissipate assets, or for any other similar reason the City Manager, or designee, deems it necessary in order to protect revenues under this Ordinance the City Manager, or designee, may require such operator to file with the City a bond issued by a surety company authorized to transact business in the State of Oklahoma in such amount as the City Manager, or designee, may fix to secure the payment of any tax or penalties and interest due, or which may become due from such operator. In the event that the City Manager, or designee, determines that an operator is to file such bond, the City shall give notice to such operator specifying the amount of security required. The operator shall file such security as a performance bond or irrevocable letter of credit within five (5) days after the filing of such notice unless within such five (5) days the operator shall request in writing a hearing before the City Council, at which time the necessary propriety and amount of the bond shall be detelmined by the City Council. Such determination shall be final and shall be complied with within fifteen (15) days thereafter. In lieu of such bond, a cash or securities escrow, in an amount and under terms approved by the City Manager, or designee, may be deposited with the City Manager, or designee, who may at any time after (5) days notice to the depositor, apply them to any tax and/or any penalties eo Interest and Penalties. If any tax levied by this Ordinance becomes more than 15 days delinquent, the person responsible and liable for such tax shall pay interest on such unpaid tax at the rate of ten percent (10%) per month on the unpaid balance from the date of delinquency. In the case of failure or refusal to file within ten (10) days after wlitten demand has been served upon the operator by the City Manager, or designee, by registered or certified letter with return receipt requested, a penalty of twenty five percent (25%) may be assessed and collected. If any portion of the deficiency is due to fraud with intent to evade tax, a penalty of fifty percent (50%) shall be added collected and paid. d. PJ!Yment of Tax. At the time of filing a return of occupancy and of rents, each operator shall pay to the City Director of Finance, or designee, the taxes imposed be the Ordinance upon the rents included in such return. All taxes not paid with a timely return shall be delinquent. All the taxes for the period for which a return is required to be filed shall be due from the operator and payable to the City's Director of Finance, or designee, on or before the date fixed for the filing of the retum for such period without regard to whether a return is filed or whether the retum which is filed correctly shows the amount of rents and the taxes due thereon. twenty (20) days after notice and to contain the information specified in the notice. b. Determination and Hearing. Upon application for a refund the City Manager, or designee, may receive evidence with respect thereto, and make such investigation as is deemed necessary. After making a determination as to the refund, the City Manager, or designee, shall give written notice thereof to the applicant. Such determination shall be final unless the applicant, within ninety (90) days after such notice shall apply in writing to the City Council for a hearing. After such hearing the City Council shall give written notice of its decision to the applicant. a. Procedure. The City Manager, or designee, shall direct the refund or credit of any tax erroneously, illegally or unconstitutionally collected if written application to the City Manager, or designee, for such refund is made within six (6) months from the date of payment thereof. For like causes, and in the same period, a refund may be so made upon the initiative of the City Manager, or designee, subject to existing limits on the authority of the City Manager, or designee, as to amount. The City Manager, or designee, in lieu of any refund required to be made, may allow credit thereof on payments due from the applicant. Whenever a refund is made, the reasons therefore shall be stated in writing. Such application may be made by the person who has collected and paid such tax to the City Finance Director or designee; however, no refund of money shall be made to the operator until the operator has repaid to the occupant the amount for which the application for refund is made. Refunds 7-607 Assessment and Determination of Tax. If a return required by this Ordinance is not filed, or if a return when filed is incorrect or insufficient, the amount of tax due shall be assessed by the City Manager, or designee, from such information as may be obtainable and, if necessary, the tax may be estimated on the basis of external indices, such as number of rooms, location, scale of rents, comparable rents, types of accommodations and services, number of employees, minimum of sixty percent (60%) of full occupancy or other factors. Written notice of such assessments shall be given to the person liable for the collection and payment of the tax. Such assessment shall finally and irrevocably fix and determine the tax (a) unless the person against whom it is assessed, shall apply in writing to the City Council within ninety (90) days after the City gives notice of such assessment, for a hearing, or (b) unless the City Manager, or designee, decides to reassess the same. After such hearing, the City Council shall give written notice of its determination to the person against whom the tax is assessed and such determination shall be final. due and for that purpose the securities may be sold at private or public sale. 7-612 Certificates of Registration. Every operator shall file with the City Manager, or designee, a certificate of registration in a form prescribed by the City Manager within ten (10) days after the effective date of the ordinance, or in the case of operators commencing business or opening new hotels after such effective date, within three (3) days after such commencement or opening. The City Manager, or designee, shall, within five (5) days after such registration, issue, without charge, to each operator g. To subpoena and require the attendance of witnesses and the production of books, papers and documents to secure infOlmation pertinent to the perfOlmance and the enforcement of this Ordinance and to examine them in relation thereto. f. To administer oaths and take affidavits concerning any matter or proceeding under this Ordinance. e. To prescribe methods for determining the taxable and nontaxable rents. d. To assess, reassess, and readjust the amount of taxes (but not the tax rate) imposed by this Ordinance; c. To delegate functions hereunder to authorized designees for the City; b. To extend for cause shown the time for filing any return for a period not exceeding sixty (60) days; and for cause shown to waive, remit, or reduce penalties or interest; a. To make, adopt and amend mles and regulations appropriate to the execution ofthis Ordinance and for the purposes hereof; 7-611 General Powers of the City Manager. In addition to all other powers granted to the City Manager, the Manager is hereby authorized: 7-610 Remedies Exclusive. The remedies provided in this Ordinance shall the exclusive remedies available to any person for the tax liability imposed by this Ordinance. 7-609 Notices. Notices provided for under this Ordinance shall be deemed to have been given when such notice has been delivered personally to the operator or deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid, to the last known address of the operator. In the absence of written evidence received by the City to the contrary, the last known address shall be presumed to be the address shown on the Certificate of Registration as required by 7-.612. b. The failure by an operator 1) to file a security bond as required or 2) to register or to display the certificate of registration, or 3) to separately state a. The willful intent or refusal of any taxpayer to make reports and remittances therein required, or the making of any false and fraudulent report for the purpose of avoiding or escaping payment of any tax or portion thereof rightfully due under this Ordinance shall be deemed an offense and punishable as provided under the provisions of 1-108 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. 7 -615 Criminal Penalties. 7 -614 Records Confidential. The confidential and privileged nature of the records file concerning the administration of the Hotel Tax is legislatively recognized and declared and, in order to protect the same, the provisions of 68 O.S. (1991), Sec 205 of the State Sales Tax Code, and each subsection thereof and all amendments thereto, are hereby adopted by reference and made fully effective and applicable to the administration of the Owasso, Oklahoma, Hotel Tax as if here set forth. c. In order to compensate an operator for keeping tax records, filing reports, and remitting the tax when due, the operator may retain a discount of one percent (1 %) of the total collected taxes for the current tax period. The operator shall not be allowed the compensation set fourth in 7-613 (c) for the payment for delinquent taxes. b. The City of Owasso, Oklahoma, is authorized to retain from the initial proceeds of the Hotel Tax an amount equal to the costs of the election conceming this Ordinance and borne by the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. a. All taxes collected pursuant to this Ordinance shall be set aside and used exclusively to encourage, promote and foster economic development and cultural enhancement, tourism and pursue regional promotion for the City of Owasso, Oklahoma; and the cost of enforcing this Ordinance. 13 Use of Funds. a certificate of authority empowering such operator to collect the tax from the occupant and duplicates thereof for each additional hotel. Each certificate or duplicate shall state the hotel to which it is applicable. Such certificate of authority shall be permanently displayed by the operator in such manner that it may be seen and will come to the notice of all occupants and persons seeking occupancy. Such certificates shall be non- assignable, non-transferable, and shall be surrendered immediately to the City Manager upon the cessation business at the hotel named, or upon its sale or transfer. SECTION IV. The provisions hereof shall be cumulative, and in addition to any and all other taxing provisions of City Ordinances. The provisions hereof are several, and it is specifically declared to be the intention of the governing body and of the people to SECTION III. The people of Owasso, Oklahoma, by their approval of this Ordinance at the election, hereby authorize the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, by ordinances duly enacted to make such administrative and technical changes or additions in the method and manner of administration and enforcing this ordinance as may be necessary for proper efficiency and faimess except that the rate of the tax and purposes of the tax as herein provided shall not be changed without the approval of the qualified electors of the City as provided by law. SECTION II. The effective date ofthis Ordinance is the first day ofthe calendar month subsequent to the approval of this Ordinance by a majority of the voters of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. d. The City Manager may also authorize the City Attorney to institute an action in personam and in rem to enforce payment and collect any delinquent lodging taxes, penalties and/or interest. c. The City Manager, or designee, shall notify the person owing the tax by personal service or by certified mail that the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, will file such liens if any delinquent lodging taxes, interest and or penalties are not paid with fifteen (15) days ofreceiving such notice. b. The liens shall, upon proper filing, attach to the real estate and/or personal property then owned or thereafter acquired by the debtor, whether such property issued by the debtor in the operation of business or is under the authority of an assignee, trustee, or receiver for the benefit of creditors, from the date such taxes are due and payable as allowed by Title 68 O.S. 1981, Section 2704. a. Whenever any operator, occupant or other person shall fail to collect and/or pay over any tax, or to owe any tax, penalty or interest imposed by this chapter as herein provided, the Mayor may authorize the Director of Finance to file Notice of Liens on behalf of the City of Ow as so, Oklahoma against all franchises, property and rights to property, whether real or personal, then belonging to or thereafter acquired by the person owing the tax pursuant to Title 68 1981, Section 2701 and Section 2704. 7-616 Civil Remedies the tax on the bill or failure to collect such tax from the occupant shall be deemed an offense and punishable as provided under the provisions of 1- 108 ofthe Code of Ordinances of the City of Ow as so, Oklahoma. Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney APPROVED AS FORM: Marcia Boutwell, City ATTEST: Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor January 2002. this 8th PASSED by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, this 8th day of January 2002. collect the tax, notwithstanding any court ruling conceming the invalidity of other sections or subsections of the ordinance, 2. Detailed legal description, including overall acreage. 1. Written explanation of the reason for the detachment being requested. The Owasso Annexation Committee first reviewed the request at their August 30, 2001 special meeting and, at that time, postponed recommendation until additional information could be provided to the committee by the applicant. The annexation committee requested the following three items: The detachment petition was submitted by the Foundation on June 26, 2001. Upon receipt of the petition, a search was conducted to locate the original annexation ordinance. No annexation ordinance including the subject property is recorded. However, all maps produced by the Indian Nation Council of Governments (INCOG) show the area as lying within the corporate limits of Owasso. Prior to INCOG producing maps for the City of Owasso, the Tulsa Metropolitan Planning Commission (TMAPC) also showed the area within the City of Owasso on the map associated with the Owasso Comprehensive Plan 1978-2000, dated June 1978. Subsequently, Mr. Cates advised that without conclusive evidence that the property was not annexed and since, historically, our maps reflect it as in the City, the petition should be processed. The applicant was in agreement with this advice and indicated a desire to proceed. This application is being processed with an "Abundance of Caution", however, as the action will establish a new baseline for the property and resolve future questions regarding its status. Mr. Roy Cartright, Trustee, Larkin Bailey Foundation has submitted a petition to the City of Owasso for the detachment of a 312 acre parcel ofland , more or less, located north ofE. 76th Street N. and west ofthe SK&O Railroad. The subject property is zoned AG (Agriculture) and is vacant and undeveloped. The parcel is bound on the east by railroad right-of-way, and further by the Railroad Depot, Original Town of Owasso, and fmiher north, Southern Links; it is bound on the north by E. 86th Street N. and unincorporated rural residential/agricultural uses which also occur along the west ofthe property; and is bound on the south by E. 76th Street N. and fmiher by unincorporated rural residential/agriculture/flood plain. BACKGROUND January 2, 2002 DATE: LARKIN DONNA SORRELLS PLANNER HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO MEMORANDUM 1. Location Map 2. Boundary Map ATTACHMENTS Staff recommends approval of the detachment of 312 acres, more or less, as requested by the Larkin Bailey Foundation. RECOMMENDATIONS The Owasso Planning Commission reviewed the detachment request at the December 11,2001 regular meeting and unanimously recommended approval. The Owasso Annexation Committee reviewed the petition a second time on November 8, 2001 and, again, withheld recommendation until all requested information was received. The Committee reviewed the request a third time on December 6,2001, after receipt of all requested information and recommended approval. 3. Detailed descriptive boundary map. Owner: Larkin Bail~y Foundation "'''/--'-'-')(~ )"-,,,~ ~ . /~, ~,. <:=:-'::"rr':'" --==-Z"'" _""';~..~,;I . j ", , / \" /, i .~ " AI~~/-'_--'XJ >', cL, i . ,., ,'~ /,. ,(/J ) "'7/' o~' -.-Lw,;" '-;f' / . "-."..,,Roy Go Cartwnght, Trustee Dated the 26th day of June, 2001 Being territory located within the incorporated City of Owasso, Oklahoma, hereby consent to the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, to detach the aforementioned real estate from the City Limits of said Cityo See Exhibit "A" The undersigned, constituting no less than three~fourths of the registered voters and being owners of not less than three-fourth (in value) of the hereinafter described real estate situated in Tulsa, County, Oklahoma, to.. wit: THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA i ~ J ~dOI:S GOOG 'G 'uer 31111 ~ 1JV~lS8V VS1n1 Z 'd Zv09'oN November 15~ 2001 BPP JIG A Tract ofland in the Southwest Quarter of Section Thirty (30), Township Twellty~one (21) North. Range Fourteen (l4) East of the Indian Base and Meridian, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, according to the Uo S. Government SllrVey thereof and being mor€: particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest comer of the East half of the Southwest quarter; thence East 36831 feet; thence North 140L06 feet to the Southerly line of the A.T. & S.P. Right-of- Way line; thence Northwesterly along the railroad right of way to the West line of the East half of the Southwest quarter; thence South 1802.0 feet to the point of beginning AND All that part of Government Lots Two (2). Three (3) and Four (4) lying South and West. of the AT.& S.F. railroad Right-of-Way all in Section Thirty (30), Township Twenty- one (21) North, Range Fourteen (14) East of the Indian Base and Meridian~ Tulsa C01.mty, Sate of Oklahoma, according to the U. S. Govermnent Survey thereof. The E/2 of the NEl4 of the NEl41ying South and West of the Railroad Right-of-Way; and the 8/2 ofille SW/4 of the NE/4 oftheNE/4; and the SEl4 of the NEl4; and the SE/4 of TWenty-five (25), Township Twenty~one (21) North Range Thirteen (13) the Indian and Meridian, "f ()kl lln "m,,^ to Survey LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO BE DEANNEXED -~ .y"<>~-,,,,~~ '''~~~ TH ~4U~~~~ ~ S8TH sr. W wi 73 E i .... ... ..- aJ ffi 1'1ST =7 ... ..- 69TH. Si. o ~ Z 2 36 1 )'1.(,' li.~; I) .-,. \j.V ",.,."'" L1~ i1l,/AS:~ HILL "N' dole o Golf & Rcsurt Communilies. Land Planning. Zoning. & Clubhouse Design 17IN W. Granger Sl.. Brokcni\rrow. OK 74012 Phunc 018 355.H552 Fax 01H 355.83\)3 cc: Larkin Bailey Trust Trustees: Roy Cartwright Patsy Cravens J. N. Witt Also requested by the city is a cad drawing of the legal description. This drawing is to follow as soon as possible. The trust has agreed to donate a portion of this land to be de annexed to the Sertoma CI ub. This land falls in the southeast corner of the property. A small portion of this donated land is out of the floodplain and another portion of the land to be donated to the Sertoma Club is in the floodplain. This is the intent of the Larkin Bailey Trust. -, .J. It is the intention ofthe trust to place this land into a cattle grazing crop type of operation and the possibility of drilling some gas wells. 2. The land is more than 95% in the ranch creek floodplain and cannot be productive for any type of use other than an agricultural or mineral use. 1. The land owned by the Larkir. Bailey Trust north of 76th Street which is under rel}uest for deannexation is being requested for the following reasons: Gentlemen: City of Owasso Deannexation Committee A TTN: STAN EWING P.O. 180 Owasso, 74055 Via Fax 272A997 November 2, 2001 ""'71'1' -'"'\'>Ib , -~.~ 1 jl"~: . ~ , )1", j 1J71lClbr111@JlL j: -"P~()e ~~t1~--&~\S S 0 C L'\:f E :s;k-=-iNC:---