HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002.01.15_Worksession AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL, "TYPE OF MEETING: DATE; TIME PLACE Special January 15, 2002 6.00 arum Owasso City Hall Fain Conference Room Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Cleric and posted on the City Fall bulletin board at 2;30 p.m. on Friday, Januaryl 1, 2001 ar ~ Marcia outwell, City C et AGENDA 1. Call to Order Mayor Barnhouse 2. Discussion Relating to Construction, Operation and Funding of the Elm Creek Interceptor. Mr Carr Ms Bishop Mr Ewing Mr Ray Attachment #2 The discussion will include a staff briefing of the history, construction and funding of the project, and an analysis of the current status of the project. Owasso City Council January 15, 2002 Page 2 3. Discussion of Issues Relating to the Construction of Improvements to 86`1' St ITT, and the 76`" St N & Highway 169 Exchange. Mr Carr Attachment 93 The discussion will include a staff briefing on the current status of both project. 4. Report from City Manager Mr Ray Adjournment. MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CI'TE' OF ASS FROM: F. ROBERT CA RR, J R., X. PUBLIC DIRECTOR SUBJECT- ELM CREEK INTERCEPTOR DATE: January 109 2002 Attached are two (2) memoranda that may be used as the basis of discussion pertaining to issues relating to the Elm Creek Interceptor. The attachments include: Memorandum dated May 11, 2001 entitled "Wastewater Collection Issues", which includes a a Memorandum dated larch 109 1998 entitled "E1 Creek Interceptor9 . MEMORANDUM m TO- FROM. SUBJECT.- DATE: BACKGROUND. Larry Mitchell City Manager F. Robert Carr, Jr., P. E. Public Works Director WASTEWATER COLLECTION ISSUES May 179 2001 In December 1995, the City of Owasso entered into engineering services contract for the development of a wastewater collection master plan, On January 6, 1998, Owasso Public Works Authority Resolution No. 98®01 adopted the 1997 Wastewater Master Plan as a policy statement for the extension, expansion and development of privately-financed and publicly-financed improvements of the City of Owasso municipal wastewater collection and treatment system. As defined in the master plan, It has been only three (3) years since adoption of the master plan. Population and wastewater flow calculations included in the plan were based on land use and growth projections thought to be valid at that time. Data were evaluated for a 5-year, 10-year, 20-year and ultimate conditions. Attachment 1 identifies the area studied in the plane Page 2 Wastewater Collection Issues CURRENT SLTUATION, ISS S E E URTH.ER NSI TI N® Below are some policy issues that will affect future decisions pertaining to wastewater collection system needs and required improvements. The list is not intended to be all inclusive, but a starting point for discussions. ® update and/or expansion of the 1997 Wastewater Faster Plan is needed ® at study area should be evaluated? How does an increased area affect treatment plant capacity and needs for expansion? ® How does the capacity in the collection system get allocated? ® Should capacity be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis? ® How do we pay for common infrastructure improvements (i.e., lift station upgrading and/or additional pipeline capacity) not specific to any one development or parcel? Page 3 Wastewater Collection Issues Who should pay for collection system (sewer line) extensions? Should user rates be established that will collect sufficient funds for fixture system expansion? ® Should developers pay a reservation fec to ensure adequate capacity is available for future growth? Should the fees be allocated by drainage area or spread equally to all now development? ATTACHMENTS: 1. 1997 City of Owasso Wastewater Master Plan area 2e lm Creek Interceptor memorandum dated March 10, 1998 30 ®PWA Resolution 98-07 126TH ST. c f 116TH ST. iEIDOI RESTY IIFT STATION i F0 T6N I6~S~ 11 rH ST. 13 24 ~ ATOR WEIGHTS LIFT STATION ~i%/ it '°a I I ~ B J 16 I EC LIFT STATION 22 ®REN 000 LIFT STATION P 1 SERMCE RD. LIFT STATION :1: f \ ems' I I ~~R 1 34 68TH ST. 111 II7th LIFT STATION WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN ®A ® OKLAHOMA EXISTING DEVELOPMENT AND PROJECTED FUTURE GROWTH NIEXI0R---kNDL'NI TO: RODNEYJ. RAY CI` Y NIANAGE R FROM: F. ROBERT C RR, J R.. P.E. PUBLIC VVORKS DIRECTOR SUBJECT. aLNI EE INTERCEPTOR DATE-. March 10, 1998 RACKGR T aYS ELNi GF~~`V RE~111IREIV EN"i°~® As new development occurs in Owasso, wastewater collection system expansion is generally pr(). CCtCd to be divided into tv<o ( 2) rnajor collection zones. These zones are east of Hi~-,h'.tiay 1 09 and west of Highway 169. .Presently, all collected flow is ultimately transported to the Wastewater Treatment Plant. 4~ ti ~J d F:. Pai,e Elm Creek Interceptor flov,-~ from the east ~iJe ~-)['1-I ph"ay 1P,1~ are pumped to the plant through a hl"? ~t.ioie~n lc~~ateei It 1 17th E- A ,entle° near I st Street North The Master Plan indicates that a si~1nificant portion of the nature development that is projected to occur in the next D')- ears ti'A I contribute flow to the 1 17th E. Avenue Lift Station. The gr®wth that is projected on the eastern side of lfi«h~,%av 169 v ill rewire that some improvements are trade in order to allok% these hivyher tlov s to reach the main plant. In additions the Master Playa provides detail concerrrine, development in the lm Creels drainage basin as follows: Some development is expected to occur south of the Brentwood lift station thin the next To accommodate grovr-th as projected, the Master Plan incorporates scenarios that combine expansion ofgrav,ity interceptors, interim lift stations and force mains over a 20-year period. The 5- vear development plan (see Attacnine'nt 2 - Figure V- 13 from the Master Plan) includes extension ol`the interceptor to the north. flow diversion from the Brent"ood lit$ station and constp-r tion of tvtio (2) irrterirrt lift stations and l`orce plains. As development continues, the Iu-year de,,elopment plan Pa~?t' Elm Creek Interceptor includes elimination of the tvyo lift stations, extension of°the interceptor south to 7bth Street north and construction of another interim lift station and "orce slain ( see Attachment 2 - Fie.?ure V- ; t, ti <)r1? the Master Plan) Fhe '()-,,-ear de,, elopmeWnt plain (see Attachment ' Figure V-17 loom the Master flan) shotiLs the elimination of tbhe lift station and continuation ofthe interceptor south too and the 1 Fth E A,, enue lift station. Ultl nately. the Elm Creek basin will be served by a uravlty sewer interceptor systern. Three (3) interim lift stations and three (13) force mains will be removed or abandoned R® CQS"CS 'I° UC The interceptor would be sued and designed to carry additional flows for the total area to be served Wtirnately. As a result costs of construction should be allocated to appropriate undeveloped property in the basin in order to proportionately distribute construction expenses to present and future users of the interceptor. A detailed evaluation of construction costs has been performed by Craflon, Tull. Considerable effort was also expended to identify the extent of rock in along the route of construction in order to prepare a realistic cost estimate. As a result of this work, construction of the interceptor has been estimated as app roxintttte1v S I,52b,250 (see Attachment 4 m Engineer's Cost Estimate). page 4 Elul Creek Interceptor Users ofthe interceptor are e%:pec.ted to contribute to the construction based their contribution to the ,rrllOednt ot° v aste\,~ater venerated Staff believes that this contribution is directly attributed to de%eloprnent acreagle Therefore. the present elude,eloped interceptor drainaUle area has been i creep fled to determine a per acre char`-,e for the interceptor construction. A total of 1 9 undeveloped acres were identified (see attachment 3.). Present acid rlearaCrrrrt de~elo,relent tegltil Reimburse nient of project costs have been estimated as 1,107.53 per undeveloped acre. Based on present and near-ten-n development plans, approximately 909.6 acres (areas D, F, H, l., .l, K, L p, and ) are identified to develop relatively quickly. Reimbursable costs of 1,007,454,70 (appro rnately 66% of the total estimated project costs) are associated with these areas. Shon®terrn dc-veloment t~otential other 369.4 acres (areas , ,1 and N) can be expected to develop in the in the next few years. Reimbursable costs of 409,140.05 (or an additional 27% of the total estimated project costs) area associated with these areas. onran e vel®~rn n The remaining 99 acres (areas B, C and 0) are not expected to develop in the immediate future. Associated costs of $109,650.42 (7% of the total project) would regain uncollected until development occurs. Wastewater °Treatm~nt (~apab._ ilia The present Wastewater Treatment facility will have capacity to treat 2.15 million gallons per day (NIG13) at the completion of Phase I improvements presently under construction. Phase II improvements Nvill need to be operational in the year 21001 to increase capacity to 3 3 MGD (see Attachment 5 ® Phasing of Improvements). Future planning for additional capacity w111 need to be initiated in they %cai- 201'. Treated toaste%. ater tlo%%s to 0,.lasso Creek, there ultimately to Bird Creek. The discharge effluent gUality to the creek is modeled based on Bird Creek water quality criteria. Pa-,4e 5 Flm C°rcel,~ Interceptor An amendment to the Facillt-, Plan for the ` rite,' Ater 1 reatll ent Plain (prepared in S)eptell, J)ey I `?`)"i 1 iliG~,.~ates that the present [treatment plant] site may not be cost -etleer.ive for expansion beyond the proposed plarlrlin period [through the year 20 1 velar t o~~li ill Yn Dre thaol 1~ilalcr esl lcph~va~ 169 ie~ wfli h, as 2~ n sec~tld~plarlt tt~ eh~t rca rr~a~ rant to be raore c ~ost: effective than to pump the tlow top the present site for treatment. Further expansion of the existing site will require considerable amount of fill and flood protection. Constr°u ttion ofa ne ° facility on the east side ofl ighway 169 would be expected to be in the vicinity of the 117th E. Avenue lift station, since the station is the terminus of the gravity collection system and the proposed location of flow equalization. Discharge of treated wastewater from the facility would likely be to another location on Bird Creek. `hater quality modeling for this discharge would be performed by INCOG. Based on conversations with modeling personnel, it is anticipated that modeling will result in significantly higher treatment requirements for a new facility as well as for the existing plant. Advanced treatment to remove more org °cs, suspended solids and to include nutrient removal should be expected for both disch ges° Construction costs ofa new facility and needed retrofitting of the existing plant cannot be accurately determined until the level of treatment is defined. o°ever, the 1. 15 l expansion for Phase II improvements at the existing facility is projected to be approximately 6°7 million. If construction of a 2 MGD plant is needed on the east side of 11ighway 169. in year 2015, costs at that time can be expected to exceed 12 Ilion, A11AACHMENTS: 1. Resolution o.98-01 2. Elm Creekasin plans from 1997 Wastewater Master Plan 3. 'Elm-Creek Interceptor Drainage Area 4. Engineer's. Cost Estimate (Crafton, "Tull and .Associates, Inc.) dated March 9, 1998 5. Phasing of Improvements OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUT110RIT Y OWASSO, OKLAFIOMA RCSOLI.710N NO QS-0 I A TZES6)LUT°ION; ADOPTING `rITT; NV.\STr%-'.\TFR,.%1ASTrR PLAN AS S"r~k`rE.'\IENT° OF TIII: AUT°II(WI'ITY'S POLICY Folk 'I'lll: EXTENSION, EXPANSION ;\ND DEVELOPMENT O T"IIT; (PoiTY t)i ( NVASSO MUNICIPAL tiVAS`rFmvv'.k°IER 0)I.LECTION ,k.",I) TREATMENT SYSTEM. 1® HEItEASa the City of 0,xasso, oklttltoi9t~-t is ails 0(the f"IM St wrOMIIV, :0uiinitan ICS in the state, and, ltii P;i CIrtSCfifie 4~a III', @tla.'4et, the 1P711gel6;t gbt dl(it e'rSY\i'tIb pl1ictu1 st e rC'oSt t1c;il aig ,i6ii; bS i3ii 111C of the city, specifically on the wastewater collection system, and, WHEREAS, proper planning and developnient of infrastructure today will directly impact growth development tomorrow-, and, WHEREAS, it is the policy of the Owasso Public Works Authority to be proactive rather than reactive in matters of growth and development; and, WHEREAS, FHC inc was awarded a contract on December 5, 1995 to develop a wastewater master plan; and, and WHEREAS, a wastewater master plan, dated September 1997, has now been completed; WHEREAS, the Trustees of the Owasso Public Works Authority, Owasso, Oklahoma have reviewed the 1997 Wastewater Master Plan as developed by FHC (tic and desire to adopt the plan as a policy statement for the development, expansion and extension of privately financed and publicly financed improvements to the municipal wastewater collection and treatment system of the City of Owasso, NOW, THEREFORE, E IT RESOLVED X T TRUSTEES O T OWA SO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY, OWASSO, OKLAHOMA that the Trustees of the Owasso Public Works Authority hereby adopt the 1997 Wastewater Master Plan as a policy statement for the Authority. APPROV10 AS TO FORM: nald ® Oates, Authority Attorney VI A *A CI IN I ENT] 0 0 )I z I a n i'vMAIV .1- m- 6•°t.L a m P~ ~s ,UNno a :e7~;ie.i711 • iiif 1:an ~ W uv r5 w f' ~l 53 1 Y 0 V m 7 . rl OONI" lei I OW w 4 E 4 0 z I ( n gw GI ~ V1 " 1A CI IN I ENT 3 ' ; GI OF d' S O TF , LINE C I Tn d W i17rri ST. LIFT STATION T TH E SOS LINE F UNDSEY P ROPERTY JOB NO.-'. 97254,01 DATE., VMS (REV. ROCK COSTS 319198) BY, W. LANE ® iT ITEM DESCRIPTION UNITS QUA14. PRICE TOTAL 1 '24" PVC PIP !m V l 01_4 11 ~,®F® ; I m $24,000.00 ! 13" PVC PIPE 1 -1 2'TRENCH ' L F. 11,935 i 570®0 $638,960.00 3 EXTRA TR Pl H DEPTH t ~14' - i L.F. 4,620 a 4.00 $18480.00 4 EXTRA T NCH DEff Hi 4'mi ' i LaFe ,780 .00 1322, 4 .0 5 i EXTRA TRENCH DEPTH 1'®16' i LmF. 1,773 $12.00 321,276000 56 T ~N H TIC 1®~20' LmF, 532 ; 1, 0 0 38,512.40 7 q y ~ 6 Ts°~C H 2°~ LeF. 3C ~ g 32ef~ ® 57,6 .0 s TENCH ~~PTH ' L. 130 . 324.0® ~ 540320,00 ~9 ' ~ANHCL 0°®i H 1 ~ 32,fl00.0 5102,000.00 S1Q _ _ _ ;5` IA.. MANHOLE E 12' DEPTH V.F, 1~7 514aa 59,700.00 § 1 1 736' R®. R V.' CASING L.F, 122 ~,GO $32.330.00 1 1117TH T. L. S. MODIFICATION ' L.S. 1 ~ $100,000. 5100,000.00 13 iROCK L .F. 12,285 i $27,50 1 $337,837.50 TOTAL CONTRACT $1.526.245.50 Lli LIJ c~ U) LL- C) z _3 M Ld w I < ~ l ® ~F e E 6 y - 0-0 a MENOMM Somme ONES on OMM an MM OM amw am ww OM So C'4 C) SIN MMI II SVHd , f. SIRM 0~1d 113SVH SIN3Y d (ION 3MJ~V k'w"9' k I'8I%IVN, MEMORANDUM T® THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY ASS FROM: F. ROBERT CA RR, J P. E. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SUBJECT: STATUS REPORTS - ® A 6¢h STREET NORTH/MAIN ST RE ET INTERSECTION ® EAST 76"' STREET NORTH/U.S. HIGHWAY 169 INTERCHANGE DATE- January 10, 2002 This item will be a briefing of current status for the referenced projects. Information is not intended to all inclusive, but will update Council on the following: Present activities; Expected project construction schedules; and Other related issues.