HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002.02.19_City Council Agenda A. Approval of Minutes of the February 5, 2002 Regular Meeting and February 12, 2002 Special Meeting. Attachment #5-A 5. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of the Consent Agenda. (All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the City Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Councilor may, however, remove an item from consent by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non-debatable.) 4. Roll Call 3. Flag Salute 2. Invocation Vice Mayor Brogdon 1. Call to Order Mayor Barnhouse AGENDA on Hall 4:00 and at Notice and agenda filed Friday, February 15, Regular February 19,2002 6:30 p.m. Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center TYPE OF MEETING: DATE: TIME: PLACE: PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL The staff will recommend City Council acceptance of a grant from the Tulsa Area Agency on Aging in the amount of $24,451 to be used for the replacement of windows at the Community Center. 6. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Council Acceptance of a Grant to Fund Window Replacement at the Community Center. Ms Worley Attachment #6 The staff recommend Councils approval of the lot tieing agreement to allow the construction of a home across both lots. Action Relating to a Lot Tieing Agreement for Lots 12 and 13, Block 1 (12709 E 91 st St N), Central Park Addition. Attachment #5-D to accommodate an staff recommends Council approval attached garage constructed on the lot line. N 96th 4 and 5, Block 3 (11 Action Relating to a Lot Tieing Agreement East Hillside Estates Addition. Attachment Approval of Claims. Attachment #5-B Owasso City Council February 19, 2002 Page 2 The staff will recommend City Council approval of the above referenced agreement, in the amount of $27,810, to include additional engineering services for the East 86th Street North and North 14Sth East Avenue intersection project, to include additional lanes on the nOlih and east legs of the intersection, and authorization for the Mayor to execute the document. 9. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Amendment #4 to an Engineering Services Agreement Between the City of Owasso and CH2M Hill Inc. Mr Carr Attachment #9 The staff will recommend City Council acceptance of the above-referenced deeds, providing right-of-way for the East 86th Street North and 145th East Avenue intersection project, and authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute acceptance ofthe deeds. 8. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Acceptance of a Deed of Dedication from Kimball-Morris LLC to the City of Owasso, and from Preston Lakes LLC to the City of Ow as so. Mr Carr Attachment #8 The staff will recommend Council action to approve a supplemental appropriation to the General Fund Budget, ., wherein estimated revenues are increased by $24,451 and expenditures in the Community Center Department Capital Outlay line item are increased by $24,451. 7. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for a Supplemental Appropriation and Amendment to the General Fund Budget Community Center Capital Outlay Budget Ms Bishop Attachment # 7 Owasso City Council February 19,2002 Page 3 The staff will recommend approval of Ordinance #624 Amended. 12. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Ordinance #624 Amended, Correcting a Scrivener's Error in Ordinance #624. Ms Sorrells Attachment # 12 The staff will recommend Council acceptance of the work performed under the contract for FY2000 CDBG/ADA Sidewalk Rehabilitation, and that final payment, including retainage in the amount of $15,982.80 be authorized. 11. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Final Acceptance of Work Performed Under a Contract for Sidewalk Rehabilitation, Between the City of Owasso and Davis Construction Inc, and Authorization for Final Payment and Release of Retainage. Mr Carr Attachment # 11 the easement and adoption The staff approval #702. 10. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Ordinance #702, an Ordinance Providing for the Partial Closing of a 100' Drainage Easement Located on Lot 1, Block Owasso Market II. Mr Carr Attachment #10 Owasso City Council February 19, 2002 Page 4 The staff will recommend City Council approval of a Memorandum of Agreement clarifying the work schedule in Article 23 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement and authorization for the Mayo.r to execute an amendment to the Collective Bargaining Agreement. 15. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to an Amendment to an Agreement Between the City of Ow as so and Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #149. Mr Ray Attachment #15 The staff will request that the City Council declare the vehicles listed in the attached memorandum as surplus to the needs of the City, set a minimum value for each vehicle, and authorize staff to auction the vehicles on E-Bay. 14. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request to Declare Certain Vehicles Surplus to the Needs of the City, Set a Minimum Value for Each Vehicle, and AuthOlize Staff to Move FOlward With an E~Bay Auction of the Vehicles. Mr Rooney Attachment # 14 The Owasso Planning Commission has held a hearing on this request and recommends Council approval ofthe requested zoning. The staff concurs with that recommendation. 13. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to OZ-02-02, a Request to Rezone Propeliy Located Approximately 1/4 Mile East of NOlih Garnett Road, on the North Side of East 96th Street North, Immediately West of Owasso Market; from (Agriculture) to (Commercial Shopping Center), Containing More or Ms Sonells Attachment 3 Owasso City Council February 19,2002 Page 5 20. Adjournment 19. New Business (New Business is any item of business which could not have been foreseen at the time of posting ofthe agenda.) 18. Report from City Councilors. 17. from 16. Report from City Manager. Owasso City Council February 19, 2002 Page 6 B. Approval of Claims. A. Approval of Minutes of the January 22, 2002 Regular Meeting. ITEM6: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR APPROV AL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. Mayor Barnhouse read and presented a proclamation to John Cash, honOling Trails End Bar-B- Que as Business ofthe Quarter for the First Quarter of2002. ITEM 5: READING OF MAYOR'S PROCLAMATION. A quorum was declared present. STAFF Rodney J Ray, City Manager Ronald D Cates, City Attorney Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk ABSENT PRESENT Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor - 14/1 Randy Brogdon, Vice Mayor - 15/0 Will Williams, Councilor - 14/1 Rebecca Armstrong, Councilor - 14/1 Michael Helm, Councilor - 14/1 ITEM 4: Councilor Helm led in the flag salute. ITEM 3: FLAG SALUTE Support Services Director Jim McElrath offered the invocation. ITEM 2: INVOCATION to order at Mayor Barnhouse called the The Owasso City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, February 5, 2002 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, February 1,2002. OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, February 5, 2002 - 2 - Motion carried 5-0. AYE: Williams, Armstrong, Helm, Brogdon, Barnhouse NAY: None Mr Rooney presented the item. In November of2001, the City Council approved the annexation of a triangular tract of land containing approximately 3.94 acres, located adjacent to the east service road of U.S. Highway 169, between E 96th St Nand E 106th St N. The property was annexed zoned AG (Agriculture), which is the norm when the City annexes undeveloped property. The Owasso Zoning Code provides for propeliy to be annexed maintaining its Tulsa County zoning classification if the applicant desires. Due to staff error, the annexation was processed without the understanding that the applicant wanted to maintain the Tulsa County zoning of CG (Commercial General). Ordinance #693 Amended would change the zoning from AG to CG. Commercial zoning along a highway service road is not inappropliate, as a significant portion of property located along the existing service roads is already zoned commercial. Councilor Helm noted that he would be voting in favor of the amended ordinance, but only because the commitment to the CG zoning had been previously made. Mr Williams moved, seconded by Ms Armstrong, to approve the amended ordinance. JTEM 7: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO ORDINANCE #693 AMENDED, MODIFYING THE ZONING SPECIFIED IN ORDINANCE #693. Motion carried 5-0. AYE: Brogdon, Williams, Helm, Armstrong, Bamhouse NAY: Motion can1ed. consent agenda included minutes of the January 2002 Regular Meeting, by reference made a part hereto. Item B on the consent agenda included the following claims: (1) General Fund $54,749.57; (2) Ambulance Fund $5,648.68; (3) 11 $2,044.1 (4) Juvenile Fund .00; (5) Capital Projects Grant Fund $511.98; (6) Bond Projects $2,139.55; (7) City Garage $2,019.00; (8) Workers' Comp Self Insurance $4,361.51; (9) Payroll $195,985.02; (10) City Garage Payroll $4,580.74; (11) Ambulance Payroll $13,762.93; (12) E-911 Payroll $874.96. Item C requested acceptance of the water and sanitary sewer systems constmcted to serve Bradford Park II, Baptist Retirement Village. Item D requested approval of Ordinance #701, based on Council action on January 22, 2002 to approve the requested annexation and authorize an ordinance. Mr Brogdon moved, seconded by Mr Williams, to approve the consent agenda. D. Action Relating to Ordinance #701, an Ordinance Providing for the Annexation of a 4.5-Acre Tract of Land Generally Located North of East 96th Street North and C. Action Relating to Acceptance of the Water and Sanitary Sewer System Constmcted to Serve Bradford Park II, Baptist Retirement Village. Febmary 5, 2002 Owasso City Council - 3 - Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor Motion carried 5-0, and the meeting was adjourned at 6:40 p.m. AYE: Armstrong, Helm, Williams, Brogdon, Barnhouse NAY: None Ms Almstrong moved, seconded by Mr Helm, to adjourn. ITEM U: ADJOURNMENT None. ITEM 11:. NEW BUSINESS. None. No report. ITEM 8: REEQRTFRQMCIIY_MANAGER Febmary 5, 2002 Owasso City Council Mr McElrath presented background information on the Utility Rate Reduction Program, begun in 1980, reducing utility rates for Owasso's water and sewer customers who met specific criteria. The program was continued in 1992 by Resolution #92-03. Since that time, income guidelines provided by DHS have risen approximately 18%. Discussion centered on who will administer the program, how often it will be offered, and how often it will be advertised. Mr McElrath will ITEM 3: DISCUSSION RELATING TO REDUCED WATER RATES FQRLQW INCOME FAMILIES. Mr Ewing briefed the Council on the appeal to the City Council made by W A TCO Companies relative to the denial of a zoning request by the Planning Commission. W ATCO Companies has requested rezoning from Industtial Light to Industrial Medium on property west of the Public Works building in order to process and package waste metal for transpOliation by rail. The Planning Commission denied the application on January 17, 2002, citing the negative visual impact at one of the gateways to the community. City staff will provide specific information on the appeal at the March lih Work Session, and the appeal itself will be placed on the March 19th City Council agenda for action. ITEM 4: DISCUSSION RELATING TO THE SKO ZONING APPEAL. City Manager Rodney Ray introduced the candidates for Ward 3 & 4: Susan Kimball, Holly Cinocca, Larry Siegrist, George Shouse, & Gary Cochran. ITEM 2: INTRODUCTION OF COUNCIL CANDIDATES. A quorum was declared present. STAFF Rodney J Ray, City Manager Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk ABSENT Will Williams, Councilor - 14/2 PRESENT Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor - 15/1 Randy Brogdon, Vice Mayor - 16/0 Rebecca Armstrong, Councilor - 15/1 Michael Helm, Councilor - 15/1 Mayor Barnhouse called the meeting to at 6:04 The Owasso City Council met in special session on Tuesday, Febl11ary 12, 2002 in the Main Conference Room at Owasso City Hall per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 2:30 p.m. on Friday, Febl11ary 8, 2002. OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday, Febl11ary 12,2002 - 2 - Included in the $70,000 penalty assessed by the Department of Environmental Quality as a result of sanitary sewer overflows is $50,000 that may be "paid" through a supplemental environmental project. The DEQ requires that the amount be doubled if the SEP is utilized. The staff has compiled a list of possible projects to be submitted to DEQ for approval. After the approved list is returned, the City may select any of the approved projects and proceed with the remaining ITEM 8: DISCUSSION RELATING TO A SUPPLEMENTAL. PROJECT LIST CONNECTED TO THE DEQ ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER. A contract for the constmction of the Ator Relief Line was awarded to Sapulpa Digging in January 2001. Since mid-November various cleanup items have been completed and final inspection was conducted on Januaxy 23, 2002. Two change orders have been previously approved. A final change order to complete the project is needed to adjust pay quantities and incorporate Work Change Directives authorized during construction. The total amount of the change order is $4537.27. The staff will be requesting approval of this change order at the February 19th OPW A meeting, as well as release of retainage with the exception of $4500 that will be held until the sod can be installed. ITEM 7: DISCUSSION RELATING TO CHANGE ORDER #3 TO A CONTRACT WITH SAPULPA DIGGING INC FOR THE ATOR RELIEF LINE. Right-of-way donations have been received from Kimball~.Morris LLC and from Preston Lakes LLC for additional right-of-way needed for the 86th St N & 145th East Ave intersection project. Following City Council acceptance of the donations, utility companies will be able to begin utility relocations. Those relocations are expected to be completed by May 2002, and construction is expected to start by July 2002. This item will be on the Febmary 19th City Council agenda. ITEM 6: DISCUSSION OF ISSUES RELATING TO DEEDS"j)F _DEDICATION FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY AT 86TH ST N & 145TH EAST AVE. discussed the additional engineering Hill to include additional lanes on the north and east legs Nand N 145th East lanes were not included the original engineering design. additional services included field surveying, design, preparation of constmction plans and cost estimates for the additional lanes, curb and gutter, storm sewer, utility relocations, light-of-way, and modification of an existing reinforced concrete box culvert. Compensation requested for the additional services is $27,810. This request will appear on the February 19th City Council agenda. ITEM 5: DISCUSSION RELATING TO _AMENDMENT. TO ENGINEERING CONTRACT WITH CH2M HILL~, place this item on the February 19th City Council agenda, utilizing suggestions made by the Council regarding those three considerations. Febmary 12,2002 Owasso City Council - 3 - Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor Motion carried 4-0, and the meeting was adjourned at 9: 10 p.m. AYE: Helm, Armstrong, Brogdon, Barnhouse NAY: None Mr Helm moved, seconded by Ms Armstrong to adjourn. ITEM 11: ADJOURNMENT Mr Ray discussed several items of concern, including the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and the FOP relating to a change in work hours. ITEM 10: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER A. Memorandum of Understanding Between the FOP & City of Owasso B. Other Items Mayor Barnhouse recessed the work session at 7:55 p.m., reconvening at 8:05 p.m. Mr a list compiled by departments as no longer beneficial to remain in service because of age or condition. Staff will be requesting that the Council declare these vehicles surplus so that they may be listed on for auction. the past, surplus items have been auctioned locally, requiring much staff time and effort, as well as the expense of advertising, with velY little profit realized. The City of Edmond utilizes E-Bay, and has had much success with that avenue. Staff is in the process of determining a minimum bid for each vehicle through the Kelley Blue Book guideline. tasks. Staff plans to submit a list of nine possible proj ects. This list must be submitted to DEQ by March 1,2002. Unless Council has objections, staffwill submit the list to DEQ. February 12,2002 Owasso City Council AMOUNTS DEPT TOTAl EUNI2.:illI81. 100.00 100.00 156.25 73.00 229.25 320.00 47.71 3.97 46.86 111.60 28.79 38.00 145.20 49.86 72.79 205.20 280.00 37.20 67.35 55.00 1 ,840~ 3,349.53 74.83 910.24 985.07 Ell'lNGERS OFFICE SUPPL V OFFICE SUPPLIES TULSA OFFICE FURNISHINGS FILE CABINETS FINANCE DEPT MANAGERIAL DEPT ANNUAL LUNCHEON CITY MGR EXPENSES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES REFERENCE BOOKS FUEL PRINTING PRINTING PHONE USE-CITY RAV PHONE USE-ROONEY LODGING/P ARKING-ROONEV TULSA BUSINESS FORUM MILEAGE-BOUTWEI.L COUNCIL MEETING SIGN OUTDOOR FURNITURE OWASSO CHAMBER COMMERCE TREASURER PEITY CASH WAIAAART CARD CENTER TREASURER PEll'V CASH FUELMAN ARNOLD INK PRINTING SAV-ON PRINTING INC. AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY OSU BUSINESS EXTENSION TREASURER PETrY CASH TREASURER PEll'V CASH GARREll' SIGNS OI<LA CORRECTIONAL IND SAV-ON PRINTING INC. PRINTED FORMS TULSA OFFICE FURNISHINGS OFFICE FUR~~ITURE MUNICIPAL COUr~T DEPOSIT REFUNDS REFUNDS TREASURER PETTY CASH DETAIL DESCIPTION VENDOR NAME CITY OF OWASSO CLAIMS TO BE PAID 2/19/02 VENDOR NAME DETAIL DESCRIPTION AMOUNTS DEPT TOTAL EUtiIllQIAL JAVA DAVES SUPPLIES 23.95 ETTINGERS OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 13.36 IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS COPIER MAINTENANCE 543.04 IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS COPIER MAINTENANCE 348.29 OKLA LIGHTING DISTRIBUTORS INC MAINT SUPPLIES 105.00 XPEDX COPY PAPER 66.80 RONALD D CATES, ATTORNEY LEGAL SERVICES 1,745.00 RONALD D CATES, ATTORNEY RETAINER 700.00 WORKMED OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH PRE-EMPLOYMENT 95.00 51" FRANCIS HOSPITAL EAP SERVICES 07/01..06/02 492.00 PSO 01102 USE 1,082.53 OKl.AHOMA NATURAl. GAS 01/02 USE 1,536.53 PITNEY BOWES INC POSTAGE METER REI\ITAL 209.10 NEIGHBOR NEWSPAPER l.EGAl. NOTICE 739.20 NEIGHBOR NEWSPAPER LEGAL NOTICE 135.85 NEIGHBOR NEWSPAPER LEGAL NOTICES 190.05 SOUTHWESTERN BELL 01102 USE 187.95 TULSA COUNTY Cl.ERK FILING FEES 142.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH FILING FEES 62.00 JP HOGAN INSURANCE NOTARY BOND-MIl.LER 30.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH TORT CLAIM 454.00 I<BM CONSTRUCTION INC DROP BOX CONSTRUCTION 649.00 KBM CONSTRUCTION INC CONCRETE STATUE BASE 2,783.00 GARRY L ALLISON ACCESS DOORS 1,450.00 VERIZON SELECT SVC INC TELECOMMUNICATIONS 130.00 ARCHITECTURAl. SIGNS/GRAPHICS INTERIOR SIGNAGE 320.00 PORT ..A-JOHN OF TUl.SA MONTHLY RENTAl. 54.25 GENERAL GOVERNMENT DEPT ===~==~ 14,287.90 UNIFIRST CORPORATION UNIFORM RENTAUCLEANING 44.48 CITY GARAGE CITY OF OWASSO VEH MAINT 40.88 FUELMAN FUEL 110.97 BURR KANNADY INSPECTION SERVICES 340.00 BURR KANNADY MILEAGE 48.98 COMMERCE & l.EGAl. NEWS LEGAL NOTICE 98.35 TUl.SA COUNTY MIS DIAL-UP SERVICE 40.00 OK CODE ENFORCEMENT CONFERENCE-MCCORD 85.00 TULSA OFFICE FURNISHINGS OFFICE FURNITURE 73.00 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT 881.66 MAXWELL SUPPLY OF TUl.SA MEASURING WHEEL 101.26 FUELMAN FUEL 83.84 RMK ENGINEERING TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY 4,880.00 JARED T BATES REIMB..APPLlCATION FEE 80.00 ENGINEERING DEPT 5,145.10 TREASURER PETTY CASH OFFICE SUPPLIES 10.78 CARD CENTER PROFESSIONAl. SERVICES 361.80 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES PHONE USE-WILLSON 46.04 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 418.62 VENDOR NAME DETAIL DESCRIPTION AMOUNTS. DEPT TOT~ FUND TOTAL ROARK TRUE VALUE HARDWARE REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 36.32 CARD CENTER OFFICE SUPPLIES 109.98 LOWES COMPANIES INC REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 85.12 WAL-MART REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 39.25 SAMS CLUB BRC MEMBERSHIP FEES 155.00 ROARK TRUE VALUE HARDWARE REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 16.96 MILL CREEK LUMBER & SUPPLY MAINT SUPPLIES 47.13 UNIFIRST CORPORATION UNIFORM RENTAL 15.74 CiTY GARAGE CITY OF OWASSO VEH MAINT '1,691.88 FUELMAN FUEL 53.65 REDLEE INC JANITORIAL SERVICES 1,162.80 RED LEE INC JANITORIAL SERVICES 1,257.64 DIST II PROBATION/CORHECTIONS DOC WOHK PROGRAM 596.26 US CELLULAR CELL PHONE USE 50.54 SOUTHWESTERN BELL 01/02 USE 86.25 SUPPOI~T SERVICES DEPT 5,404.52 PSO 01/02 USE 15.15 CEMETERY DEPT 15.15 OWASSO FOP LODGE #149 LEGAL DEFENSE PLAN FY 02 94.50 TONY KLAHR TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 90.00 ETTINGERS OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES 77.80 MAILBOXES ETC BLUEPRINTS/SHIPPING TUBE 34.64 NEIGHBOR NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIPTION 29.65 CRUISER TECH HANDCUFFS 47.90 WAL-MART CLEANING/MAINT SUPPLIES 97.40 CDW GOVERNMENT INC CAMERA 910.98 PATROL TECHNOLOGY UNIFORM SHIRT 45.00 CITY GARAGE CITY OF OWASSO VEH MAINT 4,834.22 TOTAL RADIO INC REPAIR PARTS 5.20 FUELMAN FUEL 1,335.52 HOWARD STAMPER RETAINER 150.00 ADMIRAL SAFE COMPANY SAFE OPENING 135.00 PSO 01/02 USE 876.09 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 01/02 USE 1,212.80 INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS GROUP PRINTEH HEPAIR 75.00 YALE CLEANERS UNIFORM CLEANING 1,384.51 US CELLULAR PHONE USE CHIEF 30.63 US CELLULAR PHONE USE 271.04 SOUTHWESTERN BELL 01/02 USE 99.91 POLICE PETTY CASH POSTAGE 5.78 TREASUHER PETTY CASH POSTAGE 11.82 POLICE PETTY CASH TOLLS/PARKING 37.00 IAPE, INC MEMBERSHIP DUES-MOLINA 40.00 PEKAAR COMMUNICATIONS INC MOBILE RADIOS 345.85 POLICE DEPT 12,278.24 OK LA LIGHTING DIST INC MAINT SUPPLIES 148.59 THREE LAKES LAUNDRY BUNDLE LAUNDRY 27.34 POLICE COMMUNICATIONS DEPT 175.93 VENDOR NAME DETAIL DESCRIPTION AMOUNTS DEPT TOTAL FUND TOTAL THREE LAKES LAUNDRY BUNDLE LAUNDRY 55.20 SOUTHERN AGRICULTURE SHELTER SUPPLIES 19.98 BOOSTER FEED MILL SHELTER SUPPLIES 74.40 WAL-MART SHELTER SUPPLIES 54.66 TREASURER PETTY CASH SHELTER SUPPLIES 10.25 WAL-MART UNIFORM PANTS 49.38 CITY GARAGE CITY OF OWASSO VEH MAINT 47.84 FUELMAN FUEL 39.38 PSO 01/02 USE 396.67 SOUTHWESTERN BELL 01/02 USE 25.40 ANIMAL. CON1HOL DEPT 773.16 I<IMBAL.L. ACE HARDWARE MAINT SUPPLIES 25.88 WAL.-MART MAINTS SUPPLIES 101.14 TC DISTRIBUTORS UNIFORM SHIRTS 36.14 SHOE CARNIVAL. UNIFORM SHOES 149.94 WAL.-MART MAINT SUPPLIES 68.16 DRYSDAL.ES INC UNIFORM-SAL. TS/ARNOL.D 335.02 PAUL. CONWAY SHIELDS PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT 40.25 DEES UNIFORMS INC UNIFORM SHIRTS 327.80 CROW BURLINGAME REPAIR SUPPLIES 90.49 CRUISER TECH REPAIR PARTS 48.00 CRUISER TECH REPAIR PARTS 40.98 MACK TRUCK SAL.ES OF TUL.SA INC VEHICL.E REPAIR 382.64 FUEL.MAN FUEL 622.21 CHERI A BUSCHMANN PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 400.00 TUL.SA DEV PED & CTR FAM PSYCH EMPLOYEE EVAUTESTING 730.00 PSO 01/02 USE 390.22 OKLAHOMA NATURAL. GAS 01/02 USE 966.39 LOWERY AIR CONDITIONING INC PLENUM INSTALLATION 182.50 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES PHONE USE-ALLEN 124.99 SOUTHWESTERN BEL.L. 01/02 USE 118.10 BOCA INTERNATIONAL CLASS BOOKS-SAL. TS 121.00 THE DEATHERAGE COMPANIES TRAINING-SALTS 100.00 TREASURER PEITY CASH MILEAGE-ATWELL 10.60 TREASURER PEITY CASH MILEAGE-GOSVENER 65.10 TREASURER PETTY CASH PER DIEM-SAL. TS 42.00 ECONOMY LODGE LODGING-SAL. TS 40.00 FIRE DEPT 5,559.55 ';LENDOR NAME ~ AMOUNTS QEEllQIAl FUND TOTAL PSO 01102 USE 63.69 SOUTHWESTERN BELL 01/02 USE 12.70 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS DEPT 76.39 USABLE STEEL YARD REPAIR SUPPLIES 44.22 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE MAINT/REPAIR SUPPLIES 45.27 APAC-OKLAHOMA ASPHALT 33.39 ROARK TRUE VALUE HARDWARE REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 1.79 MILL CREEK LUMBER & SUPPLY REPAIR/MAl NT SUPPLIES 51.59 APAC-OKLAHOMA ASPHALT 122.04 BILL BASORE DIRT/HAUL CHARGES 480.00 THOMPSON'S GENERAL STORE SAFETY BOOTS-WILLIAMS 110.54 GEORGE & GEORGE SAFETY SAFETY SUPPLIES 69.42 FARM PLAN UNIFORM-WILLIAMS 52.85 WW GRAINGER INC MAINT SUPPLIES 147.66 CITY GARAGE CITY OF OWASSO VEH MAINT 2,103.94 TREASURER PETTY CASH VEHICLE WASH 5.00 FUELMAN FUEL 764.16 PSO 01102 USE 559.78 PSO STREET LIGHTING 1,822.85 BAILEY EQUIPMENT MAINT SUPPLIES 7.50 UNITED RENTALS RENTALS 271.11 EQUIPMENT ONE RENTAL EQUIPMENT RENTAL 425.60 EQUIPMENT ONE RENTAL EQUIPMENT RENTAL 29.12 SOUTHWESTERN BELL 01/02 USE 16.70 LITTLE FALLS MACHINE SNOW PLOW 12/4/01 6,810.00 ... STREETS DEPT 13,974.53 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE REPAIR SUPPLIES 37.78 BAILEY EQUIPMENT EQUIP REPAIR 34.61 UNIFIRST CORPORATION UNIFORM SERVICE-PARKS 173.75 T-SHIRT EXPRESS ETC UNIFORM CAPS 144.00 CITY GARAGE CITY OF OWASSO VEH MAINT 375.39 FUELMAN FUEL 194.51 BAILEY EQUIPMENT PRUNING ATTACHMENT 179.95 PSO 01/02 USE 569.13 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 01/02 USE 265.32 SOUTHWESTERN BELL 01/02 USE 59.00 A-1 FENCE INC SAFETY FENCE 1,608.49 PARKS DEPT 3,641.93 OI(LA LIGHTING DIST INC MAl NT SUPPLIES 129.44 ROBERTSON PLUMBING SUPPLY PLUMBING SUPPLIES 172.69 FUELMAN FUEL 18.99 PSO 01102 USE 424.84 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 01/02 USE 1,013.48 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES PHONE USE-SR VAN 11.50 SOUTHWESTERN BELL 01/02 USE 52.80 DALE & LEES SERVICE INC REPLACE HEAT EXCHANGER 2,675.00 COMMUNITY CENTER DEPT 4,498.74 17,170.12 71,956.77 FUND TOTAL 62.80 38.70 35.58 64.26 95.36 351.50 115.00 40.95 64.41 3.72 839.41 70.90 6,315.13 2,997.87 712.74 151.88 505.76 1,026.06 39.20 78.91 562.96 73.00 459.07 128.45 2.16 477.83 490.43 55.00 28.50 34.56 58.86 59.99 209.00 42.50 349.00 84.97 12.00 385.85 14.75 15.50 15.60 DEPT TOTAL 12.50 149.00 AMOUNTS REFERENCE BOOKS REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES REP,Il..IR PARTS CYLINDER RENTAL REPAIR SUPPLIES REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES UNIFORM RENTAL REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES CLEANING SUPPLIES REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS FUEL REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS TIRES REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS TIRES OIULUBRICANTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS 01/02 USE 01/02 USE REPAIR/MAINT SERVICES 01/02 USE CELL PHONE USE LODGING-MOODY/SMITH TIRE REPAIRS VEHICLE REPAIR VEHICLE REPAIR VEHICLE REPAIR GLASS REPLACEMENT OIL ANALYSES VEHICLE REPAIR CITY GARAGE FUND TREASURER PETTY CASH LOWES COMPANIES INC QU!KSERVICE STEEL WELSCO INC TREASURER PEHY CASH ROARK TRUE VALUE HARDWARE UNIFIRST CORPORATION WW GRAINGER INC TULSA CLEANING SUPPLIES RADIATOR SHOPPE INC PARTS ASSOCIATES INC FUELMAN LOWES COMPANIES INC OK TRUCK SUPPLY INC QUIKSERVICE STEEL WILLIAMS REFUSE EQUIP INC O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE INC FORD OF TULSA CROW BURLINGAME INl.AND TRUCK PARTS T&W TIRE TOTAL RADIO INC TUl.SA NEW HOl.l.AND INC B & M TIRE CENTER INC B & M TIRE CENTER INC B & M OIL COMPANY INC AMERICAN HOSE & SUPPLY TREASURER PETrY CASH PSO OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS PHOENIX RECYCLING SOUTHWESTERN BELL US CELLULAR COMFORT INN MILEAGE MASTERS TRUK'QUIP INC STEVES ELECTRONIC SERVICE RON'S WHEEL ALIGNMENT OWASSO GLASS TREASURER PETrY CASH CLASSIC CHEVROLET TREASURER PETrY CASH BUSINESS OF THE QTR QUINl.AN PUBLISHING GROUP SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DEPT GENERAl. FUND TOTAL DETAIL DESCRIPTION JLENDOR NAME 224,328.44 129,112.00 1,500.00 2,032.68 2,556.87 FUND TOTAL DEPTTOTAL 10,512.00 2,549.00 5,706.00 29,925.00 9,972.00 34,448.00 36,000.00 1,500.00 116.08 47.34 271.00 297.89 816.14 90.00 30.00 6.88 250.00 91.35 16.00 38.15 0.75 1,622.41 30.38 108.78 223.15 45.57 79.60 210.46 21.62 176.00 AMOUNTS CITY OF OWASSO FUNDS GRAND TOTAL BRAZEAL MASONRY INC MASONRY 6/6/00 SCHINDLER ELEVATOR ELEVATOR 6/6/00 EIFS SYSTEMS EIFS 6/6/00 NORTHEASTERN IRRIGATION LANDSCAPING 6/6/00 ENCOMPASS ELEC TECHNOLOGIES LIGHTNING PROTECTION SYS KBM CONSTRUCTION INC CONCRETE 6/6/00 FORREST SHOEMAKER INC MECHANICAL 6/6/00 CITY HALL-BOND PROJECTS FUND ENCOMPASS ELEC TECHNOLOGIES LIGHT FIXTURES/INSTALL E-911 FUND OK HEAL THCARE AUTHORITY REFUND #2756 WAL-MART OFFICE SUPPLIES PACE PRODUCTS OF TULSA INC AMBULANCE SUPPLIES PHYSIO CONTROL REPAIR PARTS ALLIANCE MEDICAL INC AMBULANCE SUPPLIES MEDICAL COMPLIANCE SPECIALITY BIO-WASTE DISPOSAL MEDICAL COMPLIANCE SPECIALITY BIO-WASTE DISPOSAL WAL-MART REPAIR PART JEFFERY GALLES DO EMS AUDITS AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES PHONE USE-OTHERS TREASURER PETTY CASH EMT CARDS AMBULANCE SERVICE FUND MEDICAL REVIEW FEES COPY EXPENSE MITF ASSESSMENT W11141 H11251 012301 J12171 J12171 012301 P08191 WORKERS' COMP FUND PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FELDMAN, FRANDEN, WOODARD, FARRIS & TAYLOR PPO SOLUTIONS TREASURER PETTY CASH OK TAX COMM SPECIAL TAX UNIT WARREN CLINIC INC RADIOLOGY CONSULTANTS TULSA EMERGENCY MED CENTER TULSA EMERGENCY MED CENTER TULSA EMERGENCY MED CENTER TULSA EMERGENCY MED CENTEn MAYS DRUG DETAIL DEscnlPTION )LENDOR NAME Council Member Council Member Mayor February 19, 2002 APPROVED: $5,224.24 $59.72 Garage Fund Total Police Animal Control Streets 3,806.92 General Fund 02/09/02 CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE Council Member Council Member February 19,2002 APPROVED: Worker's Camp Self~lnsurance Fund Total Overtime Expenses Total CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 02/09/02 The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the proposed agreement at the January 30, 2002 regular meeting. No comments were recorded. The Owasso Planning Commission reviewed the requested lot tie agreement at the February 12, 2002 regular meeting and unanimously recommended approval. The lot tie agreement does not affect any platted utility easements as there are none along the common lot line ofthe two subject lots. 4. All other improvements shall comply with all ordinances of the City of Owasso. 3. Neither lot may be sold separately in the future; and 2. The property owner shall have the right to use the combined lots as if they were a single lot of record; and 1. The property owner shall thereafter have the right to construct on the common lot line between Lots 4 & 5, Block 3, Hillside Estates; and Approval and granting of the lot tie agreement between the Stallings and the City of Owasso will ensure that the following occur: Mr. and Mrs. Stallings own both subject lots. An attached garage has been constmcted which lies on the property line. The Stallings were unaware of the need to file a lot tie agreement to, effectively, amend the property lines and the associated setbacks. However, application for a building permit would have brought the issue to staffs attention prior to construction. The issue of the encroachment was realized after the applicant was notified by the Building Inspector to acquire a building permit after significant construction had already occurred. The City of Owasso has received a lot tie request from Jim and Evon Stallings for two lots located at 11438 N. 96th E. Avenue. The two lots are described as Lots 4 & 5, Block 3, Hillside Estates. BACKGROUND F ebmary 13, 2002 DONNA SORRELLS HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIl; CITY OW ASSO MEMORANDUM 1. Map ATTACHMENTS Staff recommends approval of the Lot Tie Agreement between Jim and Evon Stallings and the City of Ow as so, effectively combining Lots 4 & 5, Block 3, Hillside Estates. RECOMMENDATIONS N.T.S. E. 106 STREET N. cf: if ~V1- ) M-(JdftJ :}!u'VJ- ) I fUJAA.flu c l.~ I IAA\ QkLk~ i'll" J..vJ.Uk.. ~d:J JJ;Jdz ~Q~~~~~~~ ' J; iLf ~ftLL ~"b,))Ju-ULij (3-)) ~~lv tc1JlzdiLlJ I 0fi1 ~ in- -JJ-Ult (l&-c~( A--taib. '2 Bk~fL~~0 b .~. ~ t2-LUu <~,0t.4-. 0tL~ 'b tuJ:tv cD Uu- ttJn-w.. ~wkJ G l''"''~~ I *lLoJ- -tj,u~ ~ ~ ()(j){~~ a ~~~J2 C'--~OJ'~ jflG -UW ;i+dL c6 Ot-1~cJ !J(Jw-i11.OA~ jjjH) ~f rrrJ_Ojl/~~ 'to,y--:ttv.u, f ~J.'.JJrJ ~ Id ()) ,./ ~ ~ ;I :d-/ 1 n' - :---.p:' / /.../7 d ~/<1J7 Y.} ~/ . 5' 1""'- ~/ff j i i ,-J G~:5 ';;;' / 1ft" _~ c-,~@n ~ c~(~'^ IJ;:;, r--l ,~-t 1+ JI I l\j G- ~ ( , cul2Jo<~ do 1lJ&""~6 wftU'd rI D ~I- 1[" ';;:"00';2- J Q ~) 4~, Jj ,~~ ~CVu0 ~ 'd I, Randall'R. Payne, the undersigned, a Professional Land Surveyor in the State of Oklahoma. do hereby certify that the elevations hereon were developed from a survey of the above described property, performed on the date shown, and that they accurately and truly depict the elevations as they existed on the date of the survey. The relative elevations os depicted hereon ore correct to the nearest 1/1 Oth foot. The elevations shown hereon may change subsequent to the date hereof, due to subsidence or upheaval of the soil, addition or removal of soil by the acts man, erosion by wind, water or other factors thereof. This survey may not accurately depict elevations of the above property after the date of survey. CERTIFICATION /2 ( , /~ ----- lVj J 7 ..::;r/ ~ ..s ~ / / / LOT 4 BLOCK 3 BLANKET R/W GRANT TO TEXAS PIPE LINE CO., RECORDED IN 8K. 818, PG. 562, ASSIGNED TO TEXAS EMPIRE PIPE LINE CO. IN BK. 85.3, PG. 277, ASSIGNED TO WILlIAMS PIPE LINE CO. IN BK. 4668, PG. .396, WAS PARTIALLY RELEASED IN BK. 4276, PG. 1962, WHICH RELEASES ALL BUT ~5' /!S SHOWN ON DRAWING. / Js / /OO~ / / , IS' ~J'6'. , CjSc-l1. ~6 , cJ\tr , , THIS PROPERTY IS LOCATED IN ZONES AE, X (SHADED), AND X (UNSHADED) pm FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP, # 400210 0228H, REVISED SEPTEMBER 22, 1999. 100 YEAR BASE FLOOD ELEVATION '" 651.00 FINISHED FLOOR OF HOUSE '" 654.24 FINISHED FLOOR OF GARAGE '" 653.67 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot 4 in Block 3 of HILLSIDE ESTATES, a Subdivision in Sectian 12, Township 21 North, Range 13 East of the 1.8.&M., Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, according ta the recarded Plat thereof. SCALE 1 "=30' PREP ARED FOR: JIM STABLINGS OKLAHOMA OUNTY STATE OF TULSA @NDRTH SURVEY VATION EL ,C'7 ~.')~ '.~ ~ i. ~ ~\) ""- " <1 <\ i', I , I 01 ~ I o w . :2 I o w "<t (JJ ~ I Ul ~ I I v~ I ~ LOCATION MAP '12}--1i'1 N R-13-E b) The right to use said Properties of the First Party as though said real properties constituted a single platted lot instead of two separately platted lots. a) The right to construct a single family dwelling on the common lot line of both the First and Second Properties; and 1) Subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth, the Second Party does hereby grant unto the First Party, their grantees, lessees, successors, and assigns the following: Now therefore, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, the parties hereto do hereby agree as follows: WHEREAS, the Second Party is willing to grant the aforesaid requests of the First Party, all upon the terms and subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth. WHEREAS, the First Party has requested the Second Party grant their application to join the First and Second Properties to permit the existence of a single family structure built over the common lot line of the First and Second Properties; and Lot Five (5), Block Three (3), HILLSIDE ESTATES, an addition in Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, according to the recorded plat thereof (hereinafter designated as "Second Property"); and Lot Four (4), Block Three (3), HILLSIDE ESTATES, an addition in Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, according to the recorded Plat thereof (hereinafter designated "First Property"); and WHEREAS, Jim 1,. and Evon Stallings, the record owner of the following described real property situation in the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, to-wit: made and entered into this TH day Stallings and Stallings, husband 1 arIa AGREEMENT 5) This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto and each of them, their respective successors and assigns. Upon the occurrence of the event described in subparagraph (a) ofthis paragraph 4, the second party shall, immediately upon the request of the then record owner of the above-described properties, execute in recordable form a release or mutual release of this Agreement. a) Upon the replatting of the above-described Properties into a single lot as required by law. 4) This agreement shall automatically terminate: 3) In consideration of the covenants and agreements of the Second Party herein contained, the First Pmty does hereby agree that so long as this Agreement is in force and effect they will not sell, mortgage or otherwise encumber Lot 4, Block 3 HILLSIDE ESTATES, an addition in Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma and Lot 5, Block 3, HILLSIDE ESTATES, an addition in Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, separate and independent of each other. b) That construction of buildings and other improvements on said properties of the First Party shall otherwise comply with all ordinances ofthe City of Owasso,Oklahomao That the aforesaid First Properties may be not be sold, mortgaged or otherwise encumbered separate apmt each other to 4, Block 3 ESTATES, an addition in State of Oklahoma, and Lot 5, Block 3, addition in Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma. 2) The rights granted by the Second Party under the provisions of paragraph (1) above are subject to the following conditions: "Second Party: Mayor City of Owasso, a Municipal Corporation "First Party" Block 3 and 5, Block 3, HILLSIDE ESTATES, an addition in Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma" fLMh, L/~~ Evon Stallings, Owner of Lot . , Block 3 and Lot 5, Block 3, HILLSIDE ESTATES, an addition in Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma \ witness the parties have executed first The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the proposed agreement at the January 30, 2002 regular meeting. No comments were recorded. The Owasso Planning Commission reviewed the requested lot tie agreement at the February 12, 2002 regular meeting and unanimously recommended approval with a strong recommendation to the applicant to have the dwelling footing surveyed and staked for construction to avoid any potential encroachment into the GRDA easement. The lot tie agreement does not affect any platted utility easements as there are none along the common lot line ofthe two subject lots. 4. All other improvements shall comply with all ordinances of the City of Ow as so. 3. Neither lot may be sold separately in the future; and 2. The property owner shall have the right to use the combined lots as if they were a single lot of record; and 1. The property owner shall thereafter have the right to construct on the common lot line between Lots 12 & 13, Block 1, Central Park; and Approval and granting of the lot tie agreement between Robert Benzel and the City of Ow as so will ensure that the following occur: Mr. Benzel owns both subject lots and wishes to construct a house across both. The Central Park lots located adjacent to the N. 1291h E. Avenue right-of-way are significantly affected by a 100' GRDA Easement across the rear of the lots. Lot 12, Block 1, Central Park is paliicularly affected. A plot plan showing the easement, both lots, and the dwelling to be constructed on the subject propeliies is attached for your review and information. The City of Owasso has received a lot tie request fTOm Robert Benzel for two lots located at 12709 91 sl Street N. The two lots are described as Lots 12 & 13, Block 1, Central Park. BACKGROUND February 13, 2002 DATE: HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OW ASSO MEMORANDUM 3. 4. I. Location Map ATTACHMENTS Staff recommends approval of the Lot Tie Agreement between Robert Benzel and the City of Owasso, effectively combining Lots 12 & 13, Block 1, Central Park RECOMMENDATIONS N.T.S. Attached 13 of Block 1 Respectfully, Rob E. Benzel This Letter is to request a lot tie of Lots is a site I)hm of the proposed dwelling. Benzel Real Estate SeH'Vices Rob E. Benzel 6309 N. l3lst E. Ave. Owasso, Olda homa 74055 /' --- ~~ II a::: 'SLr L .)f8 "1t'4S3 M/'d 400 L 17B . 'v.a.~.~ 01 ,,~ "-""~ <" ~ 11VM }40018 <"1.0 <"" ~ ('$). ...~ 'f) O,S 8 !j J m ~ m " o 99. r . - r- ~ n n b) The right to use said Properties of the First Party as though said real property constituted a single platted lot instead of two separately platted lots. a) The right to construct a single family dwelling on the common lot line of both the First and Second Properties; and 1) Subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth, the Second Party does hereby grant unto the First Party, their grantees, lessees, successors and assigns the following: NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, the parties hereto do hereby agree as follows: WHEREAS, the Second Party is willing to grant the aforesaid requests oft~ }4'irst Party, all upon the terms and subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth. WHEREAS, the First Party have requested the Second Party to grant their application to lot tie the First Property and the Second Property to permit the existence of a single family structure built over the common lot line of the First and Second Properties; and Lot 13, Block 1, Central an addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa tounty, State of Oklahoma, according to the recorded plat thereof LESS EXCEPT the E 40 feet Thereof. Lot 12, Block 1, Central Park, an addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, according to the recor~ed plat thereof LESS &. EXCEPT the E 40 feet thereof. is the record owner property situated in the City of Tulsa TillS AGREEMENT made and entered into this 19th day of February, by Benzel Real Estate Services, an Oklahoma Limited Liability Company (hereinafter, "Benzel") ( Benzel is hereinafter to 3!Y"First Party", and the of a AGREEMENT 5) This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto and each of them, their respective successors and assigns. Upon the occurrence oCthe event described in subparagraph (a) of this paragraph 4, the Second Party shall, immediately upon the request of the then record owner of the above des.cribed properties, execute in recordable form a release or mutual release of this agreement. a) Upon the replatting of the above described Properties into a single lot as required by law. 4) This Agreement shall automatically terminate: 3) In Consideration of the covenants and agreements of the Second Party herein contained, the First Party does hereby agree that so long as this Agreement is in force and effect they win not sell, mortgage or otherwise encumber Lot 12, Block 1, of Central Park, an Addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, according to the recorded plat thereof LESS & EXCEPT the 40 feet thereof and Lot 13, Block 1, of Central Park, an Addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, State ofOkIahoma, according to the recorded plat thereof LESS & EXCEPT the E 40 feet thereof., more particularly described as foHows: Beginning at the Southwest comer of said Lot 12, East 159.22 to the Southeast comer, North 207.94 to the Northeast corner, West 119.19 to the Northwest corner, South 99.76 to the Southwest corner, then curving Southerly to the right 74.57 to the point of Beginning, separate and independent of each other. b) That construction of buildings and imp:nli'Vements on said Pl'operties the First Party (ilhaU otherwise comply with all ordinances. of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. That the aforesaid First and Second Property may not be sold, mortgaged or otherwise encumbered separate and apart from each other, to-wit: Lot 12, Block of Central Park, a:n Addition to the Owasso, Tulsa County, State of Oklaboma, according the plat thereof & the E 40 thereof Block of Central an Addition County, State of Oklahoma, according the recorded plat thereof LESS & EXCEPT the E 40 feet tbereof., more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southwe(ilt corner of said Lot 12, East 159.22 to tbe Southeast cm.ner, North 207.94 to tbe Northea(ilt corner, West 119.19 to the Nortbwest comer, South 99.76 to the Southwe(ilt corner, then curving Southerly to the right 74.57 to the point of Beginning; and 2) The rights granted by the Second Party under the provisions of paragraph (1) above are subject to tbe following conditions: .9 2002. day of APPROVED this City Attorney APPROVED: City Clerk ATTEST: "Second Party" (Mayor) City of Owasso, a municipal corporation "First Party" Park Benzel Real Estate Services, an Oklahoma limited liability company IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement the day and year first above written. Staff will recommend that the City Council accept the grant of CENA funds from the Tulsa Area Agency on Aging in the amount of $24,451 for the purpose of replacing window systems at the Community Center, and authorize the City Manager to execute the grant document. RECOMMENDATION: Staff will request sealed quotes for the project, which is allowed by state statue on projects costing less than $25,000. The work must be completed by October 2002. All of the grant requirements have been met, and the application has been accepted and approved by CENA, with funds to replace all ofthe old existing window systems in the facility. The grant was approved in the amount of $24,451, and does not require matching funds. For the last three years, staff has received grants from the Tulsa Area Agency on Aging to replace equipment at the Community Center. The freezer, refrigerator, range, and tables have been replaced and a popcorn machine purchased. The Community Center staff made application for the 2002 CENA funds, with those funds being earmarked for building improvements. Community Center needs were assessed, and staff believes there is a need to replace the existing windows and window panes at the Center. BACKGROUND: February 13,2002 DATE: COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE GRANT 2002 CITY THE HONORABLE CITY OF OW ASSO TO: MElVIORANDUM Staff recommends City Council approval of a supplemental appropriation in the General Fund increasing grant revenues by $24,451 and increasing the Community Center Department expenditures by $24,451. RECOMMENDATION: There are no matching fund requirements, so the supplemental appropriation provides equal increases in both revenues and expenditures. This budget change would have no net effect on the financial condition of the City. The City of Owasso through the Community Center Department has been approved for a CENA (Community Enhancement of Nutrition Assistance) Grant in the amount of $24,451. The grant was not included in the current fiscal year 2001-2002 budget, so a supplemental appropriation is needed in order to utilize those funds. BACKGROUND: February , 2002 DATE: SHERRY BISHOP HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF O"VASSO TO: MEMORANDUM The most recent engineering estimate for the project is approximately $880,000 (prepared in December 2001). An additional expense to relocate a large natural gas pressure regulating station on the southwest corner of the intersection is anticipated in the amount of$250,000. The station is on a private easement in close proximity to the roadway, but will be within the reconstructed intersection right-of-way. Therefore, total estimated costs for the project is $1,130,000. PROJECT FUNDING: During right-of-way acquisition, the accepted design was expanded to include additional lanes on the north and east legs ofthe intersection. An estimate ofthe increased traffic volumes generated by anticipated or planned growth in the area had been included in design development. Baseline traffic counts used in the estimate were collected in 1998 and projections did not appear to adequately reflect development activity that has recently occurred at or near the intersection and specifically for Preston Lakes. At the September 4,2001 meeting, Council approved acceptance of final drawings and authorization to bid the project in order to enable initiation of right-of-way negotiations. Additional right-of-way was needed on the northeast (Preston Lakes, LLC) and northwest (Kimball-Morris, LLC) corners of the intersection. Included in the 1998 bond issue, this project involves the widening and signalization ofthe intersection at East 86th Street North and North 145th East Avenue. Engineering design was initiated in early 1998 by CH2MHill. BACKGROUND: February 13,2002 DATE: RIGHT -OF- WAY DEDICATIONS INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS - EAST 86TH STREET NORTH AND NORTH 14STH EAST AVENUE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND OF OW ASSO MEMORANDUM 1. Plan view 2. Deeds of Dedication ATTACHMENTS: Staff will recommend Council acceptance of the donation of right-of-way from Kimball-Morris, LLC and Preston Lakes, LLC and authorization for the City Clerk and Mayor to execute the deeds of dedication. RECOMMENDATION: Following acceptance, all utility companies will be able to start relocations. It is anticipated that relocations will be completed by May 2002. Deeds of Dedication have been received for both properties on the northeast and northwest comers. Sufficient right-of-way is being donated that will allow for expansion ofthe intersection in the future when needed. Attached are the dedications for each property. These properties were donated, resulting in no cost to the City of Owasso for the right-of-way. The amended budget is $1,150,000. sufficient funds are available to construct with the additional a however, to adequate are available, the extra east are as an .. Page 2 Deeds of Dedication East 86th Street North and North 145th East Avenue ~-===7'f'$ ; b g I n I \ ~ I ~ Ii ~ 1/1 ~ h ~ I I .,. 69. .~. . 1& \ .. ~ o;g. u ~ .BI 11..;1 , II" .~ I it-.;=-' \ ~ I . .. ... . 4 .. "t iii ~ 2S c;; iii& ~ "t ~ !N'3m<v" "" 1iO@ - W &IA! ~ . ..... eg City Clerk , 200)l Accepted by the City of Ow liS so, Ok1~Oll1!l, this_day of ~Gf~ o Public My Commission Expires: 9 -l. - ():3 Before me, the underSigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this ~ day of ~'iI'l. , 20Q1, personally appeared Thomas P. Morris, to me known to be the identical person who ~xecuted the foregoing instrument on behalf of Kimball-Morris, L.L.C. and acknowledged to me that he executed the S1lIl1e as his free and voluntary act and deed for the purposes wherein set forth. , IN WI1NESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my official signature and affIxed my seal the day and year last above written. STATE OF OKLAHOMA) ) SS ,COUNTY OF TULSA ) By: __ ~'p m~ Thomas P. Morris, Managing Member Kimball~Morris, L.LC 200.<<, :; day Signed aud delivered to have llud to hold said described premises unto the said City of OWllSSO forever. A tract of land more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point 16.50 feet North and 30.00 feet West of the Southeast Comer of Secliqn 21, Township 21 North, Range 14 East, thence westerly along a line parallel to the South line of said Section 21 !l distance of 529.00 feet, thence northerly along a line parallel to the East line of said Section 21 a distance of 43.50 feet, thence easterly along a line parallel to the South line of said Section 21a distance of 474.00 feet, thence northeasterly to a point 60.00 feet West of the East line of 6flid Section 29 and 85.00 feet North of the South line of said Section '29, thence northerly along a line pll1'llllel to the East line of said Section 29 a distance of 650.00 feet, thence easterly along a line parallel to the South line of Sllid Section 29 a'distance of 30.00 feet, thence southerly along a line parallel to the East line of said Section29a distance of 718.50 feet to the Point of Beginning, Sllld tract berr;g located in the County of Tulsa, State of Oklahoma, containing 1.0003 acre, more or less, KimballoMorris. L.L.C.. the rmdersigned, being the sole owner(s) of all interests, both legal and equitable, for and in consideratiou of the special benenta to the remainder of their property, accruing thereto upon this dedication, do hereby dedicate to the City of Owasso, for the lIse and enjoyment of the Public, the following described portion thereof, t(}.,wit: STATE OF OKLAHOMA) ) SS COUNTY OF TULSA ) DEED OF DEDICATION NO DOCUMENTARY STAMPS NECESSARY 68 O.S, 3202 (11) City of Owasso P.O.Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 Attn: City Clerk City Clerk ,200.. Accepted by the City of Ow as so, Oklahoma, this_day of Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said COllnty and State, on this ~day of ~".~ ,200t, personally appeared 1)4.4.LIJ ['~VI'\"~ to me known to be the i entical person who executed the foregoing instrument on behalf ofP ston Lakes L.L.C. and acknowledged to me that he executed the same as his free and voluntary act and deed for the purposes wherd 11 set forth. \\I\lIIIUlllll/ ' IN w~~'!~ I hereunto set my official signature and affixed my seal the day and year last abov~~I'l~. N ^ ..... d.~ ~.... d() \JI;....~~ ~..,/ <t- ~~ MYCO~~!~~ .: .~;;!.!,}.otD -2~ n,. ~ 6 '=; (J):.... ~ A' 1co i Nlltary Pub) . "9' ":V-s.: 0.(' ~ ,',\", ;: ri...OB'A ....,f -0........ ,.' ,If' 1;.6.......;0.. )~ '. . v r, \\\,1 '/!//Ill1lllll\\\ STATE OF OKLAHOMA) ) SS COUNTY OF TULSA ) BY:Mm"grngM';;,;b;; ";;'-,-~I . r _ PRESTON LAKES L.L.C. to have and to hold said described prcmises unto the said City of Ow as so forevcr. Signed and delivcrcd this day of J::1? f!J.m~ .200..i).(L A tract of land more particularly described as follows; Beginning at a point 16.50 feet North and 25.00 feet East of the Southwest comer of Section 22, Township 21 North, Range 14 East, thence northerly along a line parallel to the West line of said Section 22 a distance of 736.50 feet, thence easterly along a line parallel to the South line of said Section 22 a distance of 35.00 feet, thence southerly along a line parallel to the West line of said Section 22 a distance of 668.00 feet, thence southeasterly to a point 85.00 feet East of the West line of said Section 22 and 60.00 feet North of the South line of said Section 22, thence easterly along a line parallel to the South line of said Section 22 a distance of 515.00 feet, thence southerly along !I line p!lr!lll<llto the West line of suid Suction 22 u <.Iistunce of 43.50 feet, thence westerly along a line parallel to the South line of said Suction 22 il distance of 575.00 feet to the Point of BegilU1in~ said tract being located in the County of Rogers, State of Oklahoma, containing 1.1366 acre, more 01' less, [generally depicted on Exhibit ooA~ attached hereto] Prestol) Lakes, L.L.C" the undersigned, being the sole oWller(s) of all interests, both legal and equitable, for and in consideration of the special benefits to the remainder of their property, accruing thereto upon this dedication, do hereby dedicate 10 the City of Owasso, for the use llnd enjoymelll of the Public, the following described portion thereof, loowit: STATE OF OKLAHOMA) ) SS COUNTY OF TULSA ) DEED OF DEDICATION NO DOCUMENTARY STAMPS NECESSARY 68 O,S, 3202 (11) Owasso, OK 74055 Attn: City Clerk 86th STREET NORTH N 88037'16" E 540' 1""100' ~ l UJ ~ UJ :> "" ?- m "" UJ .cl of- Ii) 'IT N @ -, Z ~ (D ~ ~ ~ PERMANENT RIGHT-OF-WAY OWNER: PRESTON LAKES, L.l.C. lQCA T ION: PART OF THE SW '/4 SECTION 22. T-21-N, R-14-E (04 ) TRACT N EXHIBIT "Aft Compensation requested for the additional services is $27,810. CH2MHill was requested by staff to provide these services. " Providing additional field surveying, design, preparation of construction plans and cost estimates for an additional lane on the northeast quadrant of the intersection, including curb and gutter, storm sewer, utility relocations and right-of-way; and " Providing additional field surveying, design, preparation of construction plans and cost estimates to modify an existing reinforced concrete box culvert east of the intersection. Additional engineering services were provided in order to include these additional lanes in the contract documents. These services include: ADDITIONAL ENGINEERINGSERVICES: At the September 4,2001 meeting, Council approved acceptance of final drawings and authorization to bid the project in order to enable initiation of right-of-way negotiations. During right-of-way acquisition, the accepted design was expanded to include additional lanes on the north and east legs of the intersection. BACKGROUND: Included in the 1998 bond issue, this project involves the widening and signalization of the intersection at East 86th Street North and North 145th East Avenue. Engineering design was initiated in early 1998 by CH2MHill. DATE: February 13,2002 SUBJECT: AMENDMENT NUMBER 4 AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES ~ CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECTS (1998 BOND ISSUE) EAST 86TH STREET NORTH AND NORTH 14STH EAST AVENUE INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS THE HONORABLE CITY MEMORANDUM 1. Amendment to Engineering Services Agreement with CH2MHill ATTACHMENTS; Staff recommends Council approval of Amendment Number 4 to the Agreement for Engineering Services for East 86th Street North and North 14Sth East Avenue Intersection Improvements in the amount of$27,810. RECOMMENDATION; costs tor 1 Page 2 Additional Engineering Services East 86th Street North and North 145th East Avenue TUL \OWASSOIAMENDMENT 4B.DOC IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Amendment on the respective dates herein below reflected to be effective on the date executed by the Mayor of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. WHEREAS, CITY and ENGINEER entered into an Agreement for Engineering Services dated May 26,1998, for services as set forth in said Agreement; and WHEREAS, CITY desires to amend said Agreement for additional engineering and architectural services relating to the Intersection and Signalization Improvement Project- East 86th Street North and East 145th East Avenue, all a part of the Capital Improvement Bond Projects; and WHEREAS, ENGINEER, is prepared to provide such additional services as modified or identified in this Amendment. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises contained herein, the parties hereto agree to amend the Agreement as follows: 1. SCOPE OF SERVICES. Attachment B to the Agreement, shall be amended in accordance with Exhibit 1, ADDITIONAL SERVICES, attached hereto and incorporated by reference as part of this Amendment. 2. COMPENSATION. As compensation for services set forth in paragraph 1 of this Amendment, CITY shall pay ENGINEER in accordance with Exhibit 2, COMPENSATION, and further described in Exhibit 3, FEE/MANHOUR BREAKDOWN, which are attached hereto and incorporated by reference as part of this Amendment. THIS AMENDMENT, made and entered into this of .--.-J 2002, between the CITY OF OW ASSO, Oklahoma, a municipal corporation of the State of Oklahoma, hereinafter referred to as "CITY", and CH2M HILL, INC., hereinafter referred to as "ENGINEER"; WITNESSTH: AMENDMENT NO, 4 TO AGREEMENT 2 Mayor Date: TUI.\OWASSOIAMENDMENT 411,DOC City AttoTI1ey APPROVED FORM:" (SEAL) City Clerk APPROVED: CH2M HILL, INC A. Intersection and Signalization Projects A.l. Modify design of the East 86th Street North and North 145th East Avenue Intersection and Signalization project as follows: Provide additional field surveying, design, construction plans and cost estimates to modify (lengthen) the existing reinforced concrete box culvert east of the intersection to accommodate the expanded scope of the project including the widening of the road, curb and gutter, storm sewer, utility relocations and additional right of way. A.l.2. Provide additional field surveying, design, construction plans and cost estimates for an additional lane on the northeast quadrant of the intersection extending approximately 870-feet north and 350-feet east from the intersection including curb and gutter, storm sewer, utility relocations, and additional right of way. SCOPE OF SERVICES to as "ENGINEER") additional outlined herein on the Capital Improvement Projects the City of Owasso, Oklahoma (hereinafter referred to as "CITY"). Amendment No.4 to Agreement for Engineering Services City of Owasso, Oklahoma Improvement Additional Exhibit 1 EXHIBIT2-1 TUL \OWAsso\ExHIBIT2AMEND41J . DOC Intersection and Signalization Projects I East 86th Street North and North 145th East Avenue $ 27,810 Revised Contract Amount $ 721,038 Amendment No.4 - Additional Services Contract Amount - Amendment No.!> 1, :2 and :3 Fee Project De!>cription Project No. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS City of Owasso, Oklahoma Fee Amendment to CH2M as compensation Additional described A.I.1 and A.1.2. set forth in Exhibit 1, a total lump sum fee of Twenty Seven Thousand, Eight Hundred-Ten Dollars ($27,810.00). CH2M HILL shall submit invoices and will receive payments in accordance with Article 1 of the original Agreement for Engineering Services approved May 26, 1998. A breakdown of the lump sum amount to be billed for each of the projects is shown as follows: Exhibit 2 Amendment No, 4 to Agreement for Engineering Services City of Owasso, Oklahoma Capital Improvement (\j o o ~ III ~ o Cl z ~ o --' l/) a.. .g- ci ~ ~ X en (f)'~ m ~ PJ rn ft g~ .-~ a.. - zw I- ~:;; I- W I- m~8:C~lrl :::; ",<(S2S"" :J NLL~OO Oz<llloLLwlf 8Q~~ool- a:t5Ew~~lrl w:J!25wClla; ':;o--':cc.!J!!!Ci o..Owo..~c[--, :::;g:~~CIlll..~ Owa;wo:JO~ Oa:f-f-ll..CIlt- 6' o <D <F> <llI a. E o X .~ o o N <llI I I I I in 0- 1; o "' ~ al~I~I~I~I~I~ Ul ,~ ffi _ 2: "C 0 3l13J ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \'l :5 U ;; IT: 0 ~ a: E ~ <J) 0.. " co> Ul :J ..J a: e( 1;; f- I- 0 o Z 0 f- :J 3: III 0 '" :J ~a: ~ I- ~ ~ 0 i= :> ~ 1!? ffi ~ 5 (/)WO:I: wWo~ o~~.8 OOWf-j ':; x 0 ;:- o It I- ..... I 1~1~1~lgl~m 01"'10 U> '" ~ '" '" v:r: '" '" '" (/)..J We( (/)f- '" zo .5 WI- 0. 0. <: o 'iij <: 5~ 'iijw <: x 0) 0 xCD 0) w- c::tlJ o <ll C t::c ....l<ll 0)0 _....l .2:+:0 g!(ij (5.~.'!l g 5 xEl5:o:e Q:=E'C'C CDW::><l:'C 0080-:: tIt-;;-;; 0 ';.E .'l~ti3~;;ti3;; 1ii~a:a:ccO:cc 8&!Q)Q)Q)Q)Q) ~ .!!!.!!!.!!!.!!!.!!! .!l!~ijjijjijjii;fii Ollta:a:n:n:n: '" :r: ID .e. ~I~ ~ t3 tl)1:\:_: ~ ~ '" <> 3: C .!!!I~I'! Ni ~i _I Ni 01 <Dl '" 8liDY> !l: Iii I I I i I 1-1 I jl~rJ ~I ~I NI gl "'I ~I~ 4 III I il~11 ",I ~I ~I 001 ",I ~I~ 0..::; ~ is. E w (; '" ,2 1J it: ., ., .!l! '" c <) Oi . 'S: ~ ~ &!<)~ '"""w ~.!!.c c..l<- '" ;1: O_!f,! ~.gg~ -..1<.,:;:: ~:3~cl! Wmoa:; '"-- :::r 0 (J) ,g z;.:5 5o~ ~ u. 8 18 ~ MOl;'" It) ~~"'II"'I"r'''' '& ,,:"':.l)lqZl~~ .~::;. ~'C-a-a c ~~ ;h ~~ m~::! 6m';: Y}U) wm o_l!. .Q(J)<ll :J8~ ! [ j:J1J:t 1i ~I~I l"IOI~IOI-I<Dl'" .!!!U> 0 C\JIOI...-I,....IOI~I.q gl~lol~I"I~I~ t:: ",.lll ",0 ~ ~1l1 ~ The drainage channel blocks access to the property from North 119th E. Avenue; therefore, the lot is essentially land-locked. To enable access to the lot the applicant has proposed extension of the 60-inch Rep and filling the open channel. The extension is designed to collect all stormwater previously transported in the pipe and directed from the road inlets. EASEMENT REDUCTION: Stormwater runoff from the site has been designed to sheet flow to the drainage channel and the detention pond. Flow is directed to the southeast portion ofthe site. Presently, a 100-foot wide drainage easement has been recorded that sufficiently accommodates a drainage channel approximately 80-feet wide and 12-feet deep. The channel collects stormwater flow carried in an existing 60-inch reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) from of a portion ofthe Lowe's site and an area immediately north of Lowe's. In addition, an 18-inch RCP collects flow from two inlets in the road. The combined flow is then directed to a stormwater detention pond. Sack and Associates, Inc., serving as agent for the owner, has requested a partial closing of a drainage easement located within Lot 1, Block 2, Owasso Market II (filed by separate instrument in Tulsa County Book 6431, Page 520). An exhibit showing the portion of the easement requested to be closed is attached. (Note - A portion of the original easement was previously closed to accommodate constmction of the water tank for Lowe's.) BACKGROUND: February 14,2002 DATE: EASEMENT LOT 1, BLOCK OW ASSO MARKET ORDINANCE NO. 702 THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OW ASSO MEMORANDUM The Owasso Planning Commission reviewed the requested partial easement closure at the February 12, 2002 regular meeting and unanimously recommended approval, subject to conditions pertaining to the referenced drainage improvements remaining to be completed at Owasso Market II. (No reference was made to those items to conect damages to the outlets from both detention ponds constructed in for Owasso Market 1.) Additionally, correspondence to the developer indicated the need to correct damages to the outlets from both detention ponds constructed in the first phase (Owasso Market I). Work items requiring correction are: Completion ofthe approach and outlet aprons at the west pond; Correction of erosion that has undercut the outlet apron; Installation of energy dissipater baffle blocks (reinforcing bars to support baffle blocks protrude from the aprons, however, the blocks were never installed). Correction of erosion damage to the outlet works at the east pond. The structure is in danger of collapsing. The Staff Report concerning this partial easement closing request included reference to drainage improvements remaining to be completed at Owasso Market H. Two work items are listed: Remove silt deposits from the ... detention pond and construct trickle channels from the two pond inlets to the outlet works; and Open the junction box ... north of Lowe's and construct wing walls to direct runoff ... into the box and the existing 60-inch pipe. Correspondence to the developer dated Janumy 16,2002 fi.om Public Works Engineering (see attached Staff Report to the Planning Commission) indicated the need to complete and/or correct various work items. Listed items include work in both phases (Owasso Market I and Owasso Market II). With the exception of stonnwater inlets and piping in North 119111 E. Avenue, all drainage improvements at Owasso Market are private. To date, the City of Owasso has not formally accepted maintenance of the improvements within the public right-of-way. ADDITIONAL WORK ITEMS: the additional pipe is installed and the 80- foot wide the drainage easement reduced. design will enable reducing width the easement to 50-feet. pipe within the easement sufficient room Site drainage essentially is proposed to be unchanged. Stormwater will remain sheet flow to the southeast into the detention pond. Page 2 Partial Drainage Easement Closure Lot 1, Block 2, Owasso Market II 1. Ordinance No. 702 2. Planning Department Staff Report to Planning Commission .. Letter of request .. Location Map/Exhibit 'A' .. Legal Description .. Public Works Response Letter .. T AC comments ATTACHMENTS Staff recommends Council approval of Ordinance No. 702, contingent upon completion all indicated work items for Owasso Market I and Owasso Market II and authorization of the Mayor to execute the ordinance upon completion of all work items. RECOMMENDATION: . ~ The requested partial easement closure is needed to enable access to 1, Block 2, Owasso Market II. City of Owasso Ordinance No. 702 will fmmally adopt the action. As approved by the Planning Commission, closure is recommended subject to completing all indicated work items for Owasso Market II and Owasso Market I, ~ prior to the Mayor executing the ordinance. II Market I , 2000 were Page 3 Partial Drainage Easement Closure Lot 1, Block 2, Owasso Market II COMMENCING AT A POINT WHICH IS THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 1; THENCE SOl o15'27E ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 1 A DISTANCE OF 80.00 FEET; THENCE S88044'33''W PARALLEL WITH THE NORTHERL Y LINE OF SAID LOT 1 A DISTANCE OF 50.00 FEET TO THE POINT A TRACT OF LAND THAT IS PART OF LOT 1, BLOCK 2, OWASSO MARKET II, CITY OF OW ASSO, TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, BEING DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The following described drainage easement, be, and the same is hereby closed to the public use, to-wit: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT, COMMENCING AT A POINT WHICH THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 1; THENCE SOl o15'27E ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 1 A DISTANCE OF 80.00 FEET; THENCE S88044'33''W PARALLEL WITH THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 1 A DISTANCE OF SO.OO FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF SAID TRACT OF LAND; THENCE SOlolS'27"EPARALLEL WITH THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 1 A DISTANCE OF 510.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF AN EXISTING DETENTION EASEMENT; THENCE S88044'33''W ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE A DISTANCE OF 50.00 FEET; THENCE NO 1 0 15'27"W PARALLEL WITH THE EASTERL Y LINE OF SAID LOT 1 A DISTANCE OF 510.00 FEET; THENCE N88044'33''E PARALLEL WITH THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 1 A DISTANCE OF 50 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF SAID TRACT OF LAND. A TRACT OF LAND THAT IS PART OF LOT 1, BLOCK 2, OWASSO MARKET II, CITY OW ASSO, TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, BEING DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: WHEREAS, said drainage easement is described as follows: to it the City to public use a portion of a certain drainage easement; AN ORDINANCE CLOSING TO THE PUBLIC USE A PORTION OF A DRAINAGE EASEMENT LOCATED WITHIN LOT 1, BLOCK 2, OW ASSO MARKET II, AN ADDITION THE CITY OF OWASSO, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAI-IOMA, AND RETAINING UNTO SAID OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA, THE ABSOLUTE SAME WITHOUT EXPENSE MUNICIPALITY, AND REPEALING ALL IN CITY OF OW ASSO ORDINANCE NO. 702 Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney APPROVED AS TO FORM Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk ATTEST Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor City of Owasso, Oklahoma PASSED AND APPROVED this 19th day of February 2002. Section 3. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same, are hereby expressly repealed. ~,~cti2!L~ The municipality shall the absolute right to reopen the public: way or easement without expense to the municipality. Closing ofthe public way or easement shall not affect the right to maintain, repair, reconstruct, operate or remove drainage facilities of service therein, nor shall a closing affect private ways existing by operation of law unless released in writing by the owners thereof. OF BEGINNING OF SAID TRACT OF LAND; THENCE SOlo I 5'27"EPARALLEL WITH THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 1 A DISTANCE OF 510.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF AN EXISTING DETENTION EASEMENT; THENCE S88044'33''W ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE A DISTANCE 50.00 FEET; THENCE NO 10 15'27"W PARALLEL WITH THE EASTERLY LINE SAID 1 A DISTANCE OF 510.00 FEET; THENCE N88044'33''E PARALLEL WITH NORTHERLY LINE 1 A 50 1. Letter of request 2. Location Map/Exhibit 'A' 3. Legal Description 4. Public Works Response Letter 5. T AC Memorandum ATTACHMENTS a. Remove silt deposits from the west detention pond and construct trickle channels from the two pond inlets to the outlet works; and b. Open the junction box at the north perimeter (north of Lowe's) and construct wing walls to direct runoff from the north into the box and the existing 60- inch pipe. 1. Public Works requirements as stated below shall be completed prior to Council release ofthe easement closing: Staff recommends approval of the partial closing of the recorded drainage easement (Book 6431, Page 520) subject to the following conditions: RECOMMENDATION Upon review, staff has determined there will be no detrimental effect due the requested partial closing. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the proposed closing at the January 30, 2002 regular meeting. A memorandum detailing the comments received is attached for your information and review. The applicant has proposed the installation a 60iV concrete pipe and filling ofthe open channel. The drainage easement could then be reduced to 50' in width. Public Works has approved the piping ofthe channel subject to the developer Ow as so Market completing certain other requirements related to drainage. A copy of a letter sent to the developer by Public Works is attached for your infOlmation and review. ANALYSIS a or a aramage easement separate instrument 1, 520) located within 1, Market This closing request affects the remainder ofthe drainage easement not previously closed to accommodate Lowe's water tank:. An exhibit showing the area to be closed is attached for your review. CITY OF OW ASSO Planning DepaIiment PARTIAL EASEMENT CLOSING I,OT 1, BLOCK OW ASSO MARKET II Staff Report Donna Sorrells ,~ City Planner E120A (33) 2114.17 }E;J"1g cc: Chris Seay IThe Seayeo Group Endosuxe Smcerely, Sl:~;;f::::::JC. :::;:LueI Project: Manager Dear Ms. Sorrels: On behalf of the developer of the OWllSSO Market n project, The Seayco Group, Sack and Associates, Inc. requests the partial dosing of a poxhon of the 100' drainage easement granted by instrument and filed in book 6431, page 520. This will be the second partial dosing of this easement, The first portion was dosed to allow const1:uction of a water tower by Lowe's. Plans are currently being reviewed by the Owasso Public Works Dept. fox endosing the open channel that lies within the 100' drainage easement. Plans show const1:ucting a 6011 reinforced concrete pipe to carry the storm water the channel now carries. We request the remaining portion of the 1001 drainage easement be reduced to 50.00' in width. A drawing and legal description of that portion to be vacated are enclosed. OWASSO MARKET II 111 N, Main, OK 74055 Ms. Donna 2002 SACKANDAsSOCIATES, [Ne@ " ENGINEERING .. SURVEYING" PLANNING ID 111 South Elgin Avenue, Tulsa, OK 74120.J 816 P.O. Box 50070, Tulsa, OK 74J50.0070 Phone: 918.592.4111 Fax: 918,592.4229 E~mail: sai@sackandassociate~,{;om p, 002 TEL:9IB 592 4111 SAC!( 8< ASSOC,. 1 NC. J AN, - 2;)' 02 (WE D) 09:;) I - SACK AND ASSOCIATE$. INo. S4t'lIIJ YO Ofa.llt. 111 StxIUi O~ ,1...-.., Tulw. or..w.~ 7412.0-1816 FIt;918.597.411t Fo,.9U~.5'7.4:n.' !....n'\dCIU~W4ll:"I>C!{jlu..~M'i Cutil'.;'.Ji, 'It .\ul4u;LaIM.<l ~ 1)"83 (rlllJ_ J.m8 .10, lOOJ} Plil)ld: ttH100HW Or~ rnter1JA J<'l'I.U~ et>>>\'Ittlt s-el1-tf(l't T-SAlt Dre"",," Cil4l Of9ff: CUM P1!:e :1II4-.Jl' DrotWl: C ~4.ttw t:? O€C 2w1 ~ 0.1 ::> i in FI " I I I ) . /.~ ~~ ~ ~ --I/..4' o 100 f::::::. :=:,; .A SCALE III flT1 !'j ~ IS ., Z! iJiN ~ i i ~ V....Ci\l1ll!l I I I II I j Iii il ~ II ~I I" 51 II till II ~IIII <1111 I II WII'1 iE' I I mllll ::1 I, zllll I II ilO\ IU \-t L. ~~_.~.,.,., 1100111 ~A.ST 99TH STIlUT Local!oo Mall LOTi BLOCK i !i! li! NE CORNER OF WT~LOCU_~__~________ I-r-------~ E~U-9BIlis..TRE-EI.l-IORTH 1L ) F~~~~~~""'" .tf/ r--~----------- (~V /r- --- r . R-l~[ 50111 (( . ~ 106111 SlREEY Illl/,rn .. & ,...." -r "...., a ""'l"""""F'P-Y'''l IiI' , A z...., tJ I 'J,b.. I I t II \,.", I b~ P , J J 1.,,_ Ld' P. 004 TEL 918 592 4111 EXHIBIT 'A' r Ill' ViE I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I L__~_l!!l1.2:L._ 1.",,"" i- ~'~/l! :JTs88'44'J'!tif~f{bO" I 30' VIE I I I I 01 til ~I I ~ I :' I to c: ___...J~':""'_~~ 17.5' UIE 32.23' R""50.00' t \~ ~-J6:"OO' 5. rr5~ M~ . ~ II ~(;; II ~~ 'L_~OT4 N lil I I BLOCK 1 II 50' I L________ ~~~~~ '8 429.42' . I . S8a'44';S;S"W ~ ._*____________sourn U~~~2Z........... Lsou~~r~o~ER=~~~ STREET NORTH OF 'THE SW/4 OF SECTION 17, T-21-N. R-14-E ~ ~~ C:J~ <v~ ~O~ ......~~ >:J4;. LOTi BLOCK 2. ~ ::l PREVIOUSLY VACATED EASEMENT NBI'l'.j.4'33"E: ---- 306.09' ~----- 'J!:. ~8 !'t. f'oO ,-0 50 2:"- ~ JZ Ii i " [j ~ g <;' ir !I: @ :!i- f 15' U/E JAN. -23' 02IWED) 09 31 SACK & ASSOC., INC. EI20A (33) 12/12/01:JE:sky 2114.17 Owasso MarkiltII-Esml Vacatioil-W 50' &: E 2S'.doc STARTING AT A POINT THAT IS THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 1; THENCE S 01015 i 27'& E ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF LOT 1 FOR 80.00~, THENCE S 88"44w33'1 W PARALLEL WITH THE NORTHERLY LINE OF LOT 1 FOR 50.00 I TO THE "POINT OF BEG INNING tv OF SAID TRACT OF LAND; THENCE S 01"15'279i E PARALLEL WITH THE EASTERLY LINE OF LOT 1 FOR 510.00' TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF AN EXISTING DETENTION EASEMENT, THENCE S 88"44'33" W ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE FOR 50.00', THENCE N 01015"27" W PA.RALLEL WITH THE EASTERLY LINE OF LOT 1 FOR 510.00', THENCE N 88"44'33" E PARALLEL WITH THE NORTHERLY LINE OF LOT 1 FOR 50.00' TO THE "POINT OF BEGINNINGYU OF SAID TRACT OF LAND. DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWSg TO~WIT; A TRACT OF LAND 'I'HAT IS PART OF LOT 10 BLOCK 2p "OWASSO MARKET II" f A SUBDIVISION IN THE CITY OF OWAS TULSA. COUNTY f ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF'g BEING (WEST 501 OF 110' DIE) F;ASEMENT VACATION P. 003 TEL'918 592 4111 JAN. -23' 02(WED) 09'31 SACK & ASSOC., INC. Also, the outlet works structures for both detention ponds constructed in the Phase I development have been damaged by previous high flows. Attached are photographs that show the extent of damage. The approach and outlet aprons at the west pond were never completed and eroson has undercut the outlet apron. Reinforcing bars to support baffle blocks protmde from the aprons. The blocks were neyer installed. The outlet works at the east pond has been damaged by erosive flows to the extent that the stmcture is in danger of collapsing. Additional high flows may cause a total collapse, loss of the stmcture and flooding downstream. Rehabilitation of these structures must obtain your immediate attention and these items should be included with the work to be done at Owasso Market II. 1. Remove silt deposits from the west detention pond and construct trickle channels from the two pond inlets to the outlet works. 2. Open the junction box at the north perimeter (north of Lowes) and construct wing walls to direct runoff from the north into the box and the existing 60- inch pipe. As we discussed, there are two work items which were required in the Owasso Market II drainage plans which have not been completed. These are: This letter is a followup to our conversation last week concerning remaining work to done at Owasso Market II. Public Works Department personnel have reviewed and approved the stonnwater drainage revision submitted by Sack and Associates to extend the 60-inch drain pipe south to the detention pond. This approval is contingent upon completion of other drainage work. Dear Mr. Seay: SUBJECT: Owasso Market II, Stormwater Drainage Systems Chris Seay 101 North Main Street Bentonville, AR 727 2002 (918) 272-4959 FAX (918) Public Works Departnwlll 301 Wosl 2"<1 Avenue P.O. Box 180 Owasso, m< 74055 City ~f Owasso Sack and (Mr. cc: DEPARTMENT Sincerely, OW ASSO PUBLIC I fyour require fllrther information on this subject, please contact this office at 272-4959. 1. ONG - 30" cover required at south end. Coordinate directly with ONGo The Owasso Technical Advisory Committee reviewed your request for a easement closing on the above-referenced property at the January 30, 2002 regular meeting and the following comment was recorded: February 2002 2 Donna Jerry Emanuel MEMORANDUM Some grant money in the amount of$I,129 is left unexpended within the contract. These remaining funds will be applied to the City of Owasso administrative/inspection costs. Previous payments have been approved in the amount to $50,020.20. The remaining balance of $15,982.80 is for work completed and retainage (see attached pay request). All work has been completed. Final inspection was conducted on January 14,2002. No deficiencies were found. The contractor has provided a one-year maintenance bond for the sidewalks (see attached). ACCEPTANCE: On September 18, 2001, an initial sixty (60) calendar-day construction contract was awarded to Davis Construction Company in the amount of$55,578.00. The award left $11,554.00 remaining in the grant and a Change Order was approved by Council on December 4, 2001 for additional work in the amount of $ 10,425 and a 3 I-day time extension to Janmny 15,2002. The resulting total contract amount is $66,003.00. Locations for new sidewalks and handicap ramps were identified within the Old Town area (generally bounded by 76th Street North to 8th Street and U.S. Highway 169 west service road to Atlanta Avenue). Work included in this grant is intended to be the first of multiple phases of a sidewalk construction program developed for the area. City ofOwasso received an FY2000 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) in the amount of $67,132 for sidewalk rehabilitation. The project allows for construction of sidewalks in low income neighborhoods and in locations where handicap accessibility standards are not currently met. BACKGROUND: February 13, 2002 DATE: ACCEPTANCE FY2000 CDBG/ADA SIDEWALK REHABILITATION PROJECT THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY OW ASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY MEMORANDUM 1. Maintenance Bond Final Payment ATTACHMENTS: _ authorization amount Rehabilitation FY2000 FUNDING: Funds are Page 2 Finali\cceptance FY2000 CDBG/ ADA Sidewalk Rehabilitation Project THE CONDITION OF THIS BOND is such that the said Principal and Surety herein named do hereby agree and bind themselves unto and guarantee the OWNER that all work done under said contract, was constructed to conforn1 with specifications prepared by " and in such a manner that the same shall endure without need of any repmr arising from defective workmanship or materials for a period of one year from and after the formal acceptance of said project by the OWNER, and that at the expense of said Principal and/or Surety, all failures occurring and arising from any defect in material or workmanship within smd period of one year shall be promptly repaired, within ten (10) days after notice to said Principal by letter deposited in the United Stat4es mail, addressed to said Principal at 1575 N. 1.05tfi E. Avenue~ Tulsa, Oklahoma 7 116 and copied to said Surety; and it being further agreed that upon the neglect, failure or refusal of the Principal to make any needed repairs or backfills upon said project or any work connected therewith within the aforesaid ten (1.0) day period or other city negotiated period, that the said Principal and Surety shall jointly and severally be liable to the OWNER for the costs and . expenses of making such. repairs or backfills, or making good such defects or imperfections. of _ Nashville, TN as Surety. are jointly and severally, firmly held and bQUnd unto OWNER in the sum of Fifty Five Thousand Five"Hundred Seventy Bigot ?-nd no/lOa Dollars ($ 55,578.00 ) lawful money of the United States of America, same being the approximate cost of the Contract herein referred to, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. CGU INSURANCE COMPANY. and as Principal Tulsa ,"Oklahoma DAVIS CONSTRUCTION~ INC. THESE PRESENTS: That NOW, THEREFORE~ KNOW ALL MEN mentioned and described in said Contt:act, and to be performed by the undersigned strictly and . '. .' '\.' ,. . punctually in accordance with the" terIni~ conditions, plans and specifications thereof. the work including Sidewalk Rehabilitation 1. 19 16 CDBG , INC. MAINTENANCE BOND SECTION 00420 00420 - Page 2 of 2 0801 (Accompany the bond with a Power of Attorney) CGU INSURANCE COMPANY ~1YJ12j fuJn-L::(~ Attorney-in-Fact 1Rosemary Weaver (SEAL) DAVIS CONSTRUCTION~ INCo 2001. (SEAL) '.; (SEAL) 25 NOW, THEREFORE, if the said Pdncipal and Surety shall faithfully and securely keep and perfonn all of the obligations herein provided to be kept and performed by them, or either of them, then this obligation shall be null and void and of no force and effect, otherwise to be and remain in full force and effect at aU times, $ D.Dd $&d~J)Q3. 00 $ ~_QZO. 20 7. Less Previous Certificates for Payment 6. Total Earned Less Retainage (Line 4 less Line 5 Total) Total Retainage (Line Sa & 5b) b. % of Stored Material (Column F on Continuation Sheet) 0.00 5. Retainage: a. 0 % of Completed Work $ (Column D & E on Continuation Sheet) - FINAL $~_ 651 57 B. 00_ $__mnlO I Ll2S Q DO $_ (p~ I D03 · 00 $ lolo+mD03.00 4. Total Completed & Stored to Date (Column G on Continuation Sheet) Net Change by Change Orders 3. Contract Sum to Date (Line 1 & 2) 1. Original Contract Sum Application is made for as shown below~ in connection with the Contract Continuation sheet is attached. " CONTRACTOR'S APPUCATION FOR PAYMENT Contractor Engineer PROJECT: f) /I J /Iff'. f ~ ' r:-\f Jroo ePEe t4bt4 9!cUtAJaLIL IL<<VlUJtIlIIM CONTRACT FOR: gcUWoJJ:: ~i UiaHOVl fhJJ[~+ Contract Page One of e) (Owner) C I ~ 6r ()uJasSo 201 ~ QeJar o ,Ok: APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT .,,~~R~f1rl:?,~d and sworn to before me this ~{...fV\. day of ~..la...v:U\ .....' nA I, 111,' --t.-.::s~ · -.. ..... C'.... v ril.o ';of. '.~G" """ "'._&001"'..'8 U ';;, ~ ..":-...:c~.. ~..._".:~ ~ Dw0 0.: .......'1. G -"., .t>1~ ..-. ~ . '.. .. . . · .,"" ~. .5. '::~'''-i...tJe.Oq, '/'-.""~ ~ ::':"t.{,':.,... ~ ...~.~., ~ VL. ~ ~ -j i ~\,\~~^ ~~~< r. g t Public _u .. .... ... . .y..1U~_.~... ~ ~. :..... ~ ~"""': .r:: \; I :....~;61 . ...,.\(~., ...in Ex.pires: MY COMMISSION EXPln!:s NOVEMBER 17,2003 t;~ ,,-..u"" {'''.IV \~, .:./ 111 (:\ l\ "" \\"", 11,.. tl.. v t\ \\\ '11J/88 III 1\\\\\\ STATE OF OKLAHOMA ) ) SS COUNTY OF .:rliLSLx- ) Date:-.fl- 7 - 0_'- The Wldersigned Contractor c~rti.fies that to the best of the Contractors knowledge>> information and belief: the WORK covered by this Application for payment has been completed in accordance with the Contract Documents. that all amounts have been paid by the Contractor for Work for which previous Certificates for Payment were issued and payments received from the Owner, and. that current payment sho~ herein is now due. Net Change by Orders TOTALS Date Approved Approved this month Number I I I I I I. Balance to Finish, Plus Retainage (Line 3 less Line 6) $_ l~ Qe1. 60 8. CURRENT PAYMENT DUE -p;t~{ 2 0.(: '5 1- - This certificate is not negotiable, The AMOUNT CERTIFIED is payable only to the oontractCsr named herein, Issuance, paYment and acceptance of payment without prejudice to any rights the Owner or Contractor under this Contract I In accordance with the contract documents, based on on~site observations and the date comprising the above app1ication~ the Architect/Engineer certifies to the Owner that to the best of the ArchitectJslEngineer's knowledge, information and belief, the Work has progressed as indicated, the quality of the Work is in accordance with Documents, and Contractor is entitled to payment the certified, ARCHITECT'S I ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT pg<- 30+-5' NOTE: At bottom of each column, run totals. RETAINAGE BAI4NCE TO FINISH: (C-G) TOTAL COMPLETED AND STORED TO DATE HlH) R E) MATERIALS I'RESEN'rL Y STORED (NOTlN DO % (GlC) I - H WORK COMPLETED, mm PERIOD FROM PREVIOUS APPLICATION ITEM NO. SCHEDULED VALUE . DESCRIPTION OF WORK (cont) _ D C B I Application Application Number: Application and Certification for Payment, containing Contractor's signed Certification is attached, Page~Of~ CONTINUATION SHEET 1>>0t 4 of 5 I I r [ [ I I I I " NOTE: Strike out words not appropriate and sign appropriate signature line. Architect, Engineer approval is not required for Contractor or Supplier Affidavit. My Commission Expires: Notary Public 2001. day Subscribed and SWorn to before me this day 2001. mIKUrtII.r. . S . IR~ ~'.A ...~ I!!J if H A ~ .. . -..~- :f~ . ~n~ S ~~~ ffJffJQ ~ - qJJ~601!J~ 'S. ~7'f;;~ UBLlo,Jts. ~ S ',- !'''t.IN AHlJ fon?'" :.?' :: 0::. -:;-". ~ ""'ST.Jl<Pr:,,~ . "'l. ~~. . ::: <.;::. .J!." Va "It.; IJ.... .. .., ::: '*..?... ~-'l u.....,~,~... -'::'$ l'~ ~~.., ('II} lJ'lr,u _'11::"\ ~ d"~ <,.n '11"'11869"'",,_...:-\' ~.. "'~ 0./1 n"'\'~,'l. ....... , ""lI1'i Il. U \,; ..\...." IlllJll1l Hg~\' Architect, Engineer or other Supervisory Official My COmmission E:xp~es: MY COMMISSION EXPIRES NOVEMBER 17, 2003 Subscribed sworn to before me this - .-.---".~~~>> "''',",,\,;iUS or .. 'w --~~. .U.JU..uuu further that (s)he . no nor nor do'nated, or to pay, give, or donate, either directly or indirectlyv to any elected official, officerv or employee of the State, Countyy or City of money or other thing of value to obtain miyment or the award. of this contract Contractor or Supplier ) )S8 ) 8T ATE OF OKLAHOMA COUNTY CLAIM OR INVOICE AFFIDAVIT . ~v{ 5 of 5 ~. 1. Location Map , 2. Sanitary Sewer Easement (Book 6341, Page 0414) 3. Ordinance No. 624, Amended ATTACHMENTS Staff recommends approval of Ordinance No. 624, Amended, correcting scrivener's errors within the legal description contained in Ordinance No. 624. RECO~ENDATIONS Staffhas received a request from the office of Mr. Robert Parker, attorney for the owner, requesting noted scrivener's errors be corrected to allow for the proper vacation of a portion of the recorded utility easement through district court, permanently foreclosing the right of any utility provider to reopen the easement in the future. The subject partial easement closing was required due to the construction of a semi-detached garage over the existing easement and the sanitary sewer line within. The property owner relocated the existing sewer line from under the structure. The subsequent easement closing was approved on November 16, 1999, subject to the dedication of new easement to accommodate the relocated sewer line. Staffhas determined that a new easement was dedicated and recorded on March 21,2000, in the office of the Tulsa County Clerk as Book 6341, Page 0414. A copy ofthe recorded easement is attached for your review. Ordinance No. 624 was passed and approved by the Owasso City Council on November 16, 1999, and filed of record in the office of the Tulsa County Clerk as Book 6296, Page 0861 on November 19, 1999. BACKGROUND Februaxy 12,2002 DONNA SORRELLS PLANNER TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF OW ASSO MEMORANDUM I N.T.S. 169 ~=?' \ "M 1 ~\ -' j. .;Y~ \~ \. >-1 II)\ -r::. ~ ~'3JN I RM- TICS - ~I 1 ~~;:1 C ~ 1'l'('.. ~ i ~~ 1'-1r-r~ ~ ri <: _ ~ -{ rrrf}l::F ~'t\ ,~ ~ ~ t~~ v_IlK rS I II ,> ~~TIl0 '< ~2 ~ - II '{~ r l'<.~ RI ~ :;J~ ~ ~, o~" T 1IIIIIIIIlliWJL k -'II r~ I- 1= tfHEEfIB CGfJ =l ~ \\.-1 III I- 1= - ~ 17 ~/~ ~ []]]]]]J]J r--- l' ..... r- III II II IJIIII]]l] - (!) <../.. '7 j I ::;,.(" :::--c: "'", ~ I "" ,~ HlmHIffiB ;= JOOil;;;; ~ ~ ~ nIIIIIIIlIIlIIIII-RniTITF- ~ I ~ )h~ \ ;:::r:1 c~ cs D'~ AG _m~~ I \ RM-1 -'- ( r \- I--- CG G EJ86 STREET N. lEG bI - ~ ~~w "1~~ ~8riT .D LLLt I \::'1';" l--t rn "II ... uP. VI 'H ll1TTTT1 r1"~ ~ ~ I dt A ~ i ~ ~ Z tl:tl'DJY,1 II " E. .J~L LOCA.TION MAP '0 ; '.1i: . .~ .==-:. , , - , .j~ t I r..'t1ii' :'~,J:JjJ., . ~.~ 0330 :..._ ~_INl ~/~ /}4Uu/~ Muk Wllkm. M1~ ~!Jl' ~cm OPOWAS!O.Ol<l_.mi.~cK~lilllD. A'!'tlST: em OF QWA5$O. OfO..ulOMA ~lstlll. liP MIGUIJ U. W1 r..~'!.tA cO\RlTV MY~~ l~ -;,'1M L IN~ ~P., _ _.....,..~ "-tadaIIMI..~,"""",,..-III>!. mi ,..."",,-- ClIl'IClA\,UA J l... .;olW'!Y Of 'f1JUJ\ 1 . (1 1Ie_ 100. lil< .....~. . No4rr ~. .. ood 1'0. ,.;II c_ oul Sme. "" ~/. &'y .f _. ~t~j,.~. ~Iy '1'1""'''''' D.vla I!. ol\!I S...m", e......... """"" '" be...'-_ ,--./."". ""'_""'I~_""",__""'lllM""Y"_Il>e""''''''*- wI..,I.-.y ... "'" _ ,... <he.... ml ~ 1lm1ll ... _. :tfJ\'m OF O~ ~ '0 ! t:; ........... ""f>- ~~l ~..... OM .. ..g:5 "" OM'''' f:C:~ .......... :" ~ ~ '''''''''I''''l'''''61I''~'''''lOlllcrrvOI'(JWA3S0.~.",-.~--~ ''',In..... """"'....~. __ w<tllllll....._ ""'- ","",,""';0'" _. oul"- ""......,., of ~ ow em of' o'<(I\SSO. ~ l4oofl1oo... 'I!€"".~' ..-Illl 1"''''''''- c...,..:' "'"" iI. lI<t ri$l" "'..... """"..id ~l... "'" ,..;p .111l!1!I "'" me _ 1Ot~. .--'"<1 Iof. ".ma.~'~ ~.~"'" ........-13l<!_-. _Ior""-I""l"'" .1_lnilOleW4CfVOFOWIlSSO.llI<I_. ",.wMll'-"I-~~~"'''';'~ q><rn<J'" "",,_1l!1!I ~.I..,;, UM>fl' "'_. TO IYAvw;Afflj'i'O 1l0W__M<! ril>l"-$._y.......(:ITV OF owAlSO.~.;"- !'}I~.~. ~_ .>14..,U., &.1 of ,:;~? 'J;OOlJ. ~- , ~~ m.YW . C=. A ~. vi""" .. -' 01 t-. 1.-.y (t!lIlW i. w_. ~ ..l.m'fOlf!l'.!'O\Jf ()I). ~ Jk..,. m. ATOR >>!!IGHYS l'OtIllTM ADumolI. .... - '" ... Ci<y 01 ~, To!>< c..-.~. SAid I'fiIllrelns 10.00 1OO_.u. .,"'" ~ _.-~. c~ _.","",""llw _ UM .IU< )). 8_'. ""14""'t..m. m.n 1<<1_ of llw _'" """'" of """ U< ". ,."", ._ <1/ !lej!~'. ~ N 1~"lA'lr1' !! · dt:swm of n. US f.rel tfl \M ~ &f MrwrilMUGfl, S4j>IIT...mv SgwU ~ ",''ow A.U. MEN BY ~ w,,>:1l~' Tllo! Ill< "'*"'Il""l ~ l!. .l>l $_.... c..... Ollm O'WNI!Il.S.f... "'at.,.J ,~....... I. "'" wu.wi<<l......- .... ...... .lIIW"I "' T.... CoIIMv. 3m3 of fl!!bhOOl" 1'M..,d '" -- of d>n """ 01 0... ll1>11m' {$I.OOI ""'" 10 '""" pM liy ... crrv OF OWASSO. 0-. - - p>d IlOd w_ c~-' ...... of wlil<b ON D<,"" ~em. <II> ~ gi>O! .......".,., .- 1M ooM! r:lIT OP O'l!!AS50.~..~-~._'-""'-""~~I""I""Y- m~~~Cmwy.~ .3 M \&l .j <;;I .3' ~t'ult:m _, gOO~62~' ?w~a&* I> 429529 ILI>>O / Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney APPROVED AS TO FORM: Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor ATTEST: City ofOwasso PASSED AND APPROVED this 19t1' day of February, 2002. Section 2. That there be filed in the office of the County Clerk of Tulsa County, Oklahoma, a true and correct copy of this Ordinance, together with an accurate map of the territory hereby annexed. COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 34, THENCE WEST A DISTANCE OF 212.18 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N23012'52"E A DISTANCE OF 16.31 FEET; THENCE N59059'08''E A DISTANCE OF 98.21 FEET. A 20.00 FOOT WIDE STRlP OF LAND ON LOTS 34 AND 35, BLOCK 7, ATOR HEIGHTS FOURTH ADDITION, WHOSE CENTERLINE IS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That subsection (1) of Ordinance 624 be, and the same, is amended to provide as follows, to-wit: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA, COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 34, THENCE WEST A DISTANCE OF 212.18 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N23012'52''E A DISTANCE OF 16.31 FEET; THENCE N59059'08''E A DISTANCE OF 98.21 FEET. (1) A 20.00 FOOT WIDE STRIP OF LAND ON LOTS 34 AND 35, BLOCK 7, ATOR HEIGHTS FOURTH ADDITION, WHOSE CENTERLINE IS MORE P ARTICULARL Y DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: WHEREAS, the described land within Subsection (1) is COITectly described as follows: WHEREAS, the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, has deemed it necessary and expedient to correct this scrivener's error, and WHEREAS, Subsection (1) Ordinance No. 624 contained a scrivener's error in the in the described land included within the utility easement to be closed and Ordinance No. 624 Amended provides the correct legal description, and AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. 624 TO CORRECT A SCRIVENER'S ERROR WITHIN A LEGAL DESCRlPTION OF A PREVIOUSLY CLOSED UTILITY EASEMENT AS RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE TULSA COUNTY CLERK IN BOOK 6296, PAGE 0861-0862, DIRECTING THE FILING OF THIS ORDINANCE. CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA ORDINANCE NO. 624, AMENDED The Owasso 2010 Land Use Master Plan designates this land as low-intensity residential. However, it is apparent that the Comprehensive Plan shows a commercial boundary in the area of The applicant is requesting rezoning on a parcel of land, approximately 4.5 acres in area, from AG (Agriculture) to CS (Commercial Shopping). ANALYSIS The Council previously reviewed this request at the August 21, 2001 regular meeting and unanimously recommended approval ofOZ-01-04. The Council then approved Ordinance No. 684, formally adopting the rezoning action, at the September 4, 2001 regular meeting. There had, however, at that time been no annexation of the subject property into the corporate limits of the city. Council approved a subsequent petition for annexation at the January 22, 2002 regular meeting and formally adopted the action by Ordinance No. 701 at the February 5, 2002 regular meeting. Ordinance No. nsequently, not filed of record in the office of the Tulsa County Clerk. Therefore, this rezoning req - - 2\i{ approved, ~ and "1t'SaSSoclifecr (JrdiillUiCe will not be in conflict with another recorded instrument. The rezoning application OZ- 02-02 is identical to the previous case OZ-01-04. The subject property is currently vacant and undeveloped. The property is bound on the west by rural residential, zoned AG (Agriculture) and, further, by CG (Commercial General) at the northeast comer ofN. Garnett Road and E. 96th Street N.; on the north by rural residential, zoned AG (Agriculture) and, further by Bailey Ranch Estates, zoned RS-2/PUD (Residential Single- Family, High Density/Planned Unit Development); on the east by Owasso Market, zoned CS (Commercial Shopping); and on the south by rural residential and Oklahoma Natural Gas, zoned AG (Agriculture), and further east, by the RCB Center, zoned CS (Commercial Shopping). The Tulsa Teachers' Credit Union has requested approval of a rezoning application. The subject property is 4.5 acres, more or less, and is located north ofE. 96th Street N. and east ofN. Gamett Road, immediately west of Owasso Market II. The applicant is requesting rezoning on the subject property from AG (Agriculture) to Cs (Commercial Shopping). BACKGROUND February 13, 2002 DATE: COUNCIL HONORABLE MAYOR CITY OF MEMORANDUM 1. Location Map 2. Rezoning Application 3. Letter to Property Owners 4. Legal Notification ATTACHMENTS Staff recommends approval of OZ-02-02, rezoning the subject property from AG (Agriculture) to CS (Commercial Shopping). RECOMMENDATIONS The Owasso Planning Commission reviewed the rezoning request OZ~02-02 at the February 12, 2002 regular meeting and unanimously recommended approval. Letters were mailed to surrounding property owners on Jarmary 24, 2002 and legal notification the proposed rezoning was published in the January 25, 2002 edition of the Tulsa Daily Commerce and Legal News. Staff received no calls from citizens regarding this application. The proposed use for the south portion ofthe subject property abutting 96th Street No is a Tulsa Credit Union branch. is a low-intensity use which will provide a positive buffer the residential and Market. pOliion of the site will be future will access the new N. 11 existing detention facility. the subject property that conforms exactly to the first plat of Owasso Market. The subsequent addition of land and platting of Owasso Market II, established a precedence for the extension of the commercial to the west. The Comprehensive Plan shows commercial on the south side of E. 96th Street N. west to a point aligned with the west side of the subject property. It is staffs opinion, given these factors, that the requested rezoning is appropriate for this site. N.T.S. OZ-02-02 SUBJECT PROPERTY OPC MEETING DATE () 2. - 1'2. 0'2. APPROVED DENIED SUBMITTAL DATE FEE RECEIPT NUMBER_~_ Fee Schedule 0- 0.99 acres $75 1- 4.99 acres 100 5-19.99 acres 150 20 + acres 200 Please submit the completed application fonn and application fee along with a Certified 300' Radius Report (available from an Abstract Company) to the Owasso City Planner on or before the Planning Commission submittal deadline as shown on the official City of Owasso calendar. The applicant and/or the applicant's consultant should attend the Planning Commission meetings at which the Supplemental Zoning will be reviewed, --{)Z I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMA nON HEREIN SUBMITTED IS COMPLETE, TRUE AND ACCURATE Phone ou-to be billed for publication ~o MailiJg Addre~s As .ilpp1icant, what is your interest in this property? J '!present Owner ~gent for Owner DPurchaser )'l9ther DAttomey for Owner of Subject Property Address or General .""'=-.<;>=~~......-===-~="-~~= LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF LAND UNDER APPLICATION (Ifhy metes and bounds, attach plat of survey) P.O. BOX 180 OWASSO, OKLAHOMA 74055 (918) 272-2251 FAX (918) 272-4997 I OZ- fJ~ .oz_ I CITY OF OfVASSO Donna Sorrells City Planner ted at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 23rd day of January, 2002. ~~^ ,( ,,---~,y,~, A map showing the proposed rezoning accompanies this notice. For more information on the proposed rezoning contact the Owasso Community Development Department, City Hall, 207 S. Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055, or phone (918) 272-2251. This is your only personal notification of this request. As an abutting or nearby property owner, you are being notified so that you may be able to express your views or concerns regarding this request. If you are unable to attend this meeting, please forward any comments you may have in writing to the Owasso City Planner, PO Box 180, Owasso, OK 74055. Planning Staff will present these comments to the Planning Commission members at the scheduled public hearing. The City Council's review of the recommendation of the Planning Commission on the proposed rezoning shall be at a meeting time and place to be determined by the Council, said information to be available from the Owasso Community Development Director. In the event that such proposed rezoning is approved, in whole or in part, by the Owasso Planning Commission, said Planning Commission shall submit its recommendation to the City Council of the City of Owasso for its consideration and action, as provided by law. All persons interested in this matter may be present at the hearing and present their objections to or arguments for any or all of the above matters. North of E. 96th Street N. and east of N. Garnett Road (west of Owasso Market II) LOCATION The east four and one half (4 1/2) acres of the South Half (S/2) ofthe Southwest Quarter (SW/4) ofthe Southwest Quarter (SW/4) of Section 17, Township 21 North, Range 14 East ofthe Indian Base and Meridian, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, according to the U.S. Government Survey thereof. LEGAL DESCRIPTION At that time and place, the Owasso Plamling Commission will consider a request from Tulsa Teachers' Credit Union, applicant, for a proposed change of zoning classification from AG (Agriculture) to CS (Commercial Shopping). The subject property is described as follows: that a public hearing will held the Planning in the Owasso, Oklahoma, at 7:00 P.M. on the 12th day of Febmary, 2002. Notice is hereby Community wasso 111 North Main P.O. Box 180 OW<<ISSO, OK 74055 (91 S) 212w2251 FAX (918) 2724999 www.cityofowasso.lCom THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS LOCATED NORTH OF E. 96TH STREET N. APPROXIMATELY 1/4 MILE EAST OF N. GARNETT ROAD. . LOCATION THE EAST FOUR AND ONE HALF (4 1/2) ACRES OF THE SOUTH HALF (S/2) OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW/4) OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW/4) OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST OF THE INDIAN BASE AND MERIDIAN, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, ACCORDING TO THE U.S. GOVERNMENT SURVEY THEREOF. LEGAL DESCRIPTION At that time and place, consideration will be given to the proposed change of the zoning classification of the following described property: Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held before the Owasso Planning Commission, in the Owasso Community Center, Owasso, Oklahoma, at 7:00 P.M. on the 12th day of February 2002. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC OF A HEARING ON A PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE THE CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA . APPLICATION: OZ-02-02 11I1111I II / II I I I 111I III 111111 II I / II III II / II / II I II I I / I / / / I / 1/ I / I / I / III III / II I I III 11111I 111I III RE: Rezoning bill costs to: Sorrells City Owasso Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 (918) 376-1543 Please send Proof of Publication to: City of Owasso A TTN: Dorma Sorrells Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 (918) 376-1543 Please publish the following legal advertisement in the January 2.5, 2002 edition of the Tulsa Daily Commerce and Legal News. Donna Sorrells City Planner Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 23rd day of January 2002. A map showing the proposed rezoning accompanies this notice. For more information on the proposed rezoning contact the Owasso City Planner, City Hall, 111 N. Main, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055, or phone (918) 376-1543. the on the rezoning shall at a time place to be determined by the Council, said information to available from the Owasso City Planner. In the event that such proposed Rezoning is approved, in whole or in part, by the Owasso Planning Commission, said Planning Commission shall submit recommendation to the as All persons interested in this matter may be present at the hearing and present their objections to or arguments for any or all of the above matters. HEARING If the Council approves the minimum values established, the next step in the process would be for the City to schedule a public auction, usually on a Saturday, in order to get rid ofthe surplus items. This usually involves a considerable amount of time, effort, and expense... often times to net very little profit. @ 1993 Chevrolet Corsica = $300 I.!J 1992 Chevrolet Caprice = $750 @ 1992 Chevrolet Caprice = $750 @ 1990 Chevrolet Caprice = $750 @ 1985 Chevrolet S-lO Pick-Up = $200 @ 1979 Chevrolet Caprice = $500 @ 1965 Fire Truck = $1,000 Please note that some of the vehicles have no value to our organization and are actually more expensive to keep. Typically, when the City of Ow as so declares items surplus, an approximate worth for the individual items is submitted to the City Council along with the list for approval. Staffhas reviewed the vehicles contained within the list vs the Kelley Blue Book guideline (when possible), as well as our auction history. The following are minimum values that have been determined for each vehicle: @ 1993 Chevrolet Corsica with 98,384 miles ... Police Department @ 1992 Chevrolet Caprice with 101,938 miles.~ Police Department @ 1992 Chevrolet Caprice with 113,118 miles - Police Department @ 1990 Chevrolet Caprice with 118,211 miles - Police Department @ 1985 S-lO Pick-up with 100,977 miles - Public Works @ 1979 Chevrolet Caprice with 150,000 miles - Public Works @ 1965 Ford 600 Fire Truck with 121,013 miles - Parks Department )!ACKGROUNQ: The following list of vehicles has been compiled by various city departments as no longer beneficial to remain in service due to age and/or condition and is being recommended to be declared surplus by the City Council: I 1 2002 TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCR, CITY OF OW ASSO MEMORANDUM ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: III Several staff members in various departments have experience with sellinglbuying items on E-bay and are comfortable with E-bay as an auctioning technique. III During the determined auction period, prospective bidders may e-mail a staff member to ask any questions they may have after seeing the item and reading its description. III The item descriptions can be amended and/or corrected if necessary during the auction period. III Staff can determine minimum time frames for pick-up... 30 days for example. ~: E-bay charges $1 to list an item plus 1.5% (on average) of the final selling price. If the item does not sell, the City pays no fee. I!i1 Council declares vehicles (or other items) surplus and declares a minimum value for each item. I!i1 Staff takes digital pictures and writes descriptions for each item to be auctioned on E-bay. f!lI Staff determines length of auction (10 days is best ~ due to ability to have auction occur over a 2 weekend period) f!lI Staff includes acceptable methods of payment. Until such time that the City has the ability to accept credit cards, only cashier checks or cash would be accepted. III Staff would also determine whether the item can be shipped or would need to be picked up. If shipping, staffwould add shipping costs to fmal bid and list in the bidding specifications on E-bay. f!lI Item is then added to E-bay auction for set time period. Advertising of the auction and a link would occur on the City's webpage and for the first several times we utilize E-bay, a story would appear in the Owasso Reporter. f!lI At the close of the auction, E-bay notifies staff of the highest bidder and provides their e-mail address. f!lI Staff notifies highest bidder. Arrangements are made for shipping or pick-up of item once payment is received. During the summer of 200 1, former intern Lindsay Hammons, researched the ability and set up a City Owasso account on E-bay. The following is a step-by-step process that would be necessary to be followed by the City of Owasso in order to begin an auction on E-bay: to a can bid upon, we IS E-BAY AUCTIONS: Through discussions with the City of Edmond, staff has learned of the ability to auction items on E-Bay. E-Bay acts as an "auction broker." Both private individuals and public entities utilize E-Bay as a tool to often times obtain the highest resale or salvageable price for items they no longer utilize. The City of Edmond has been utilizing E-Bay for over a year and is extremely pleased (see attached email correspondence). Edmond has auctioned equipment, vehicles, and even used golf balls. 1. E-mail Correspondence from the City of Edmond <ll'J 1 )I':}j -- $300 <ll'J 1992 Chevrolet Caprice "'-= $750 <ll'J 1992 Chevrolet Caprice = $750 ~ 1990 Chevrolet Caprice = $750 <ll'J 1985 Chevrolet S-lO Pick-Up = $200 <ll'J 1979 Chevrolet Caprice = $500 <ll'J 1965 Fire Truck = $1,000 amounts as It is the opinion of staff that moving forward with an E-bay auction is the best manner in which to auction off surplus equipment by opening up the auction to a wider audience. It is also viewed as the most cost effective. If you are unfamiliar with E-bay, staff will be available prior to the Council n1eeting to show you the E-bay website. 1 Disclaimer: While this E-mail is the property of the City of Edmond, Oklahoma, the views and opinions expressed herein are the sender's and may not reflect the official position of the City of Edmond, City of Edmond, Oklahoma P,O, Box 2970 Edmond, Oklahoma 73083 405-348-8830 Hello there- Our Fleet Manager provides the minimums based on a combination of the fair market value and condition of the vehicle. Yes, selling on e~bay is working out really well for uSo All my departments want to sell their stuff this wayo :) Let m know if I can be of further assistance. Brenda >>> "Teresa Willson" <teresa@cityofowasso.com> 02/06/02 04:15PM >>> Brenda, my intern, Lindsay Hammons contacted you last summer to inquire about your procedures for auctioning surplus vehicles on ebay. I appreciate all the information you provided. We do have one more question, however. What source(s) did you use to arrive at a minimum bid price? Also, are you still satisfied with this method of selling surplus items? Thank you for all your help. . edmond . 0 k . us] Message~.'~~H~_.' Brenda Mayer [mailto:Brenda. 06, 2002 4:44 PM so. com vehicles on teresa@ ect: Re: ............-Or From: Sent: To: Teresa Willson Wednesday, February 06, 2002 4:57 PM Timothy Rooney FW: Surplus vehicles on ebay. From: Sent: To: Subject: Timoth While previously it was not the administration's policy to obtain Council approval of the "Memorandums of Agreement", I feel it is in the best interest of both parties for the City Council to ratify the "understanding" as an amendment to Article 23 that was discussed and negotiated between the City Manager and the FOP. The latest agreement, attached for your information and review, would amend Article 23, Work Schedule, of the Collective Bargaining Agreement by changing the shift hours of the Owasso Police Department from 10 hours to 12 hours. A review of the proposed change indicates that amending the work schedule from 10-hOlli" shifts to 12-hour shifts will result in the reduction of large amounts of overtime currently needed to maintain proper manning levels. There have been three "Memorandums of Agreement" relating to the FY 2001-2002 contract between the FOP and the City of Owasso. As stated above, through recent negotiations with the FOP and Management, staffis prepared to present this additional agreement between the entities. On April 1, 2001 the City Council approved an agreement between the Owasso FOP Lodge #149 and the City for FY 2QQl:OL~~tm! contained language in Article 23 that provided for a change from ten~ hour work shifts to tw~ve (12) hour work shifts (see attached Article 23 marked "CURRENT LANGUAGE). Since the change in work hours from 12-hour shifts to 10 hours shifts in the FY 2001-2002 Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City of Owasso and the FOP, there have been concerns expressed by both officers and management. The concerns center around overtime cost, manning levels and the availability of officers to work as needed. In an effort to address these concerns, a "Memorandum of Agreement" has been developed by both parties. If approved by the City Council, the "Memorandum of Agreement" (see attached) is, in effect, an amendment to the originally approved agreement. BACKGROUND: February 15,2002 DATE: AN OW ASSO AND FOP LODGE #149 AGREE MET BETWEEN THE CITY FOR FY 2001-02 AND COUNCIl, THE HONORABLE OF MEMORANDUM ATTACHMENTS: 1. Memorandum of Agreement dated January 25, 2002 Proposed Article 23 ofthe FOP Contract 30 Current Article of the FOP Contract. Agreement Bargaining Agreement staff recommends the the Mayor be authorized to execute an amendment to the the City of Ow as so and the Lodge #149. A copy ofthe Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Owasso and the FOP is attached for your information and review, as well as the current and proposed Article 23 of the Contract. MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FEBRUARY 15,2002 PAGE 2 Approved this;l.i.day of ::J;;f...q!-;".~ -,2002. The Employer and the Lodge agree that the attached article shall replace the existing language in the Collective Bargaining Agreement. AGREEMENT: is the intent of the parties to this memorandum of agreement to cladfy the work schedule of Article Work Schedule, of the Collective Bargaining Agreement. PURPOSE: RE: COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT ARTICLE WORK SCHEDULE The City of Owasso, OK . Mr, Rodney City MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT The Employer and the Lodge by these presents agree that subsequent to the effective date hereof, the Employer will be implementing a new shift scheduling system providing for ten -hour shifts, Prior to implementation of such new shift schedule the parties will agree on how the new shifts shall be implemented, Upon implementation of the new shifc scheduling system. the' scheduied work days and work hours set forth above shall no longer be applicable, Regardless of the new shift scheduling system. implementing ten hour shifts. the employees hours worked during the designated work period will remain at r'" J _ 1.." 1~ It;}" It. \ 'h"'''r<:> TO BE DELETED Squad Two ( Shift Two ~ight Shift) , Week 1: Scheduled Work Hours 1900 to 0700 Thursday, Friday. Saturday ,Scheduled Days Off Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, W OOnf:sday Week 2: Scheduled Work Hours 1900 to 07~O Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday Scheduled Days Off Sunday, Monday, Tuesday , Week 1: Scheduled Work Hours 0700 to 1900 Thursday, Friday, Saturday . Scheduled Days Off Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday , Week 2: Scheduled Work Hours 0700 to 1900 Wednesday, ,Thursday. Friday, Saturday Scheduled Days Off Sunday" Monday, Tuesday Squad Two I Shift One (Day Shift) Week 1: Scheduled Work Hours 1900 to 0700 Sunday. Monday. Tuesday . Wednesday , Scheduled Days Off Thursday>> Friday. Saturday Week 2: Scheduled Work Hours 1900 to 0700 Sunday. Monday, Tuesday Scheduled Days Off Wednesday, Thursday. Friday. Saturday Squad One I Shift Two (Night Shift) , , ' Week 1: Scheduled Work Hours 0700 to 1900 Sunday, Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday Scheduled Days' Off Thursday>> Friday, Saturday Week Scheduled Work Hours 0700 to 1900 Sunday, Monday~ Tuesday Scheduled Days Off Wednesday. Thursday>> Friday. Saturday Squad one I Shift One (Day Shift) a one WORK SCHEDULE ARTICLE 23 CURRENT LANGUAGE Section 6._If an employee is called back from scheduled time off, hours worked will be compensated at one and one-half (1 1/2) times the employee's regular hourly rate of payor compensatory time at the same rate, The type of compensation will be at the sole discretion of the Officer, Employees shall be guaranteed a minimum of two (2) hours pay at a rate of one and one-half (1 1/2) times their regular hourly rate of pay anytime the employee is called in to work other than regularly scheduled work hours. If an officer .."A..r.","h"-",-' ~"""""...... ~'h~,,~ 1 ~n hA11'W"tl At: r>r\rnMPn~~t,,"f"'{)' t';-rt"t~ thP rr<F'1nT'tPlr rtf f""f'\'f'rH"'l~Y1C'~t;f"\n Ch.:dl1-,pS\ Section 5._Any hours worked in excess of eighty-five and one half (85 1/2) hours per work period or any time worked in excess of the herein designated work week shall be compensated at the rate equal to one and one-half (11/2) times the employee's, regular hourly rate of payor compensatory time at the same rate. The type of compensation will be at the sole discretion of the Officer. It is agreed ~t an employee will not be required to take off from the regular working hours to avoid overtime compensation or compensatory time, If an Offi~er accrues more than 1.50 hours. of compensatory time, the manner of compensation shall be at the discretion of the Chief of Police until such time that the Officer's accrued compensatory time balance falls below 1.50 hours, Employees. upon approval by the Chief of Police, shall be allowed to trade a shift or partial shift with another employee as provided for by F.L,S,A. Ally employee requesting training opportunities may request and be granted~ by the Chief of Police. a change in their regular days off and/or work hours in order to attend such training opportunities. Detectives may. solely at their request. alter their work hours and/or work days. upon approval by the Chief of Police. due specifically to case load and/or investigative necessity. ,This does not include coverage for absent officers, D. Trainees~ while in Field Training Program. may be required to change shift hours and days off to accommodate, such training schedule. E. Lieutenants may. solely at their request. alter their work hours and/or work days. upon approval by the Chief of Police, due to assigned case load or operational demands of the department as determined by the Chief of Police. This does not include coverage for absent officers. F. Crime Prevention Unit officers may, solely at their request, alter their work hours, and/o~ workdays upon approval by the Chief of Police. due to assigned class, schedules during the school year. no are of this article. allowable under this agreement. Section 3. There shall be one and one half (1..5) hours per fourteen (14) day work period that may utilized as briefing time for the Patrol Division, Said briefing time shall contiguous with the regular sc~eduled work hours, as scheduled by the Chief computation of employ~e work hours~ at the discretion of the Chief of Police until such time that the Officer's accrued compensatory time balance falls below 1.50 hours, Section 4. The following exemptions shall apply to the work period criteria provided for in this article. Under no circumstances are any exemptions, other than those specifically designated in this section of this article, allowable under this agreement. Section 3. There shall also be one and one half (1.5) hours per fourteen (14) day work period that may be utilized as briefing time for the Patrol Division. Said briefmg time shan be contiguous with the regular scheduled work hours, as scheduled by the Chief of Police. Week 1: Scheduled Work Hours 1900 to 0700 Thursday, Friday, Saturday Scheduled Days Off Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Week 2: Scheduled Work Hours 1900 to 0700 Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday Scheduled Days Off Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Squad Two I Shift Two (Night Shift) Week 1: Scheduled Work Hours 0700 to 1900 Thursday, Friday, Saturday Scheduled Days Off Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Week 2: Scheduled Work Hours 0700 to 1900 Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday Scheduled Days Off Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Squad Two I Shift One (Day Shift) Week 1: Scheduled Work Hours 1900 to 0700 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Scheduled Days Off Thursday, Friday, Saturday Week 2: Scheduled Work Hours 1900 to 0700 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Scheduled Days Off Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday / Shift Two (Night Shift) Squad Week 1: Scheduled Work Hours 0700 to 1900 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Scheduled Days Off Thursday, Friday, Saturday Week 2: Scheduled Work Hours 0700 to 1900 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Scheduled Days Off Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday I Shift One (Day Shift) Squad Owasso Police will two shifts to Section L There is hereby designated by the employer a regular fourteen (14) day work period for aU employees that will corisist of eighty~five and one halfhours. ARTICLE 23 WORK SCHEDULE PROPOSED LANGUAGE Section 6. If an employee is caned back from scheduled t~me off, hours worked will be compensated at one and om~-half (11/2) times the employee's regular hourly rate of payor compensatory time at the same rate, The type of compensation will be at the sole discretion of the Officer, Employees shan be guaranteed a minimum of two (2) hours pay at a rate of one and one-half (1 1/2) times their regular hourly rate of pay anytime the employee is caned in to work other than regularly scheduled work hours, If an officer accrues more than 150 hours of compensatory time, the manner of compensation shall be at the discretion of the Chief of Police until such time that the Officer's accrued ~ compensatory time balance falls below 150 hours. /4 1'?;;1 Section 7, For computation of employee work hours, all vacation leave, sit/If.: t~""" ~ and compensatory time will be considered time actually worked, t7 " '" , Section 5. Any hours worked in excess of eighty-five and one half (85 1/2) hours per work period or any time worked in excess of the herein designated work week shall be compensated at the rate equal to one and one-half (I 1/2) times the employee's regular hourly rate of payor compensatory time at the same rate, The type of compensation will be at the sole discretion of the Officer. It is agreed that an employee will not be required to take off from the regular working hours to avoid overtime compensation or compensatory time. If an Officer accrues more than 150 hours of compensatory time, the manner of compensation shall be at the discretion of the Chief of Police until such time that the Officer's accrued compensatory time balance falls below l50 hours, Employees, upon approval by the Chief Police, shan be allowed to trade a shift or partial shift with another employee as provided for by requesting training opportunities request a change to attend training solely at their request, alter work days, upon approval by the Police, due specifically to case and/or investigative necessity. This does not include coverage absent officers, D, Trainees, while in Field Training Program, may be required to change shift hours and days off to accommodate such training schedule, E, Lieutenants may, solely at their request, alter their work hours and/or work days, upon approval by the Chief of Police; due to assigned case load or operational demands of the department as determined by the Chief of Police. This does not include coverage for absent officers, Crhne Prevention Unit officers may, solely at their request, alter their work hours, and/or work days upon approval by the Chief of Police, due to assigned class schedules during the school year, ARTICLE 23 WORK SCHEDULE Continued