HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002.03.12_Worksession Agenda PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL TYPE OF MEETING: DATE: TIME: PLACE: Special March 12,2002 6:00 p.m. Owasso City Hall Main Conference Room Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 2:30 p.m. on Friday, March 8, 2002. ~--icJ@p~ Marcia B utwell, City Clerk AGENDA 1. Call to Order Mayor Barnhouse Discussion Relating to the SKO Zoning Appeal. Mr Ewing Attachment #2 Mr Ewing will discuss issues relating to a zoning request denied by the Planning Commission, and the proposed resolution of the case. 3. Relating to VI astewater Master Plan Update Water Master Plan Expansion Mr Carr Attachment #3 Mr Carr will discuss the proposed Wastewater Master Plan update, and the Water Master expansion and system improvements design services Owasso City Council March 12, 2002 Page 2 4. Discussion Relating to Tech Center Interceptor Payback Issue Mr Ray Attachment #4 Mr Ray will discuss a proposed agreement with Coffee Creek Residential Group LLC for the Owasso Tech Center Interceptor improvements. 5. Discussion Relating to Sports Park Bleacher Covers & Asphalting Bids. Mr Rooney Bids have been received and opened for bleacher covers at the Sports Park, and will be opened for the asphalting project on Monday, March 11th. Mr Rooney will discuss those bids and the timetable for awarding the bids and getting the work done. 6. Discussion Relating to an Appointment to the Sales Tax Watchdog Committee. Mayor Barnhouse Attachment #6 A vacancy exists in the slot for Senior Citizen representation on the Watchdog Committee. Mayor Barnhouse will present for discussion the name of a Senior Citizen who has expressed interest in serving on that committee. 7. Discussion Relating to a Regional Concept for Water Treatment & Distribution. Mr Ray Mr Ray will discuss a concept for a regional water treatment plant with other municipalities and rural water districts. Owasso City Council March 12,2002 Page 3 8. Report from City Manager 1. Proposed Increase in City Manager's Spending Authority 2. Other Items Mr Ray 9. Adjournment. PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL TYPE OF MEETING: DATE: TIME: PLACE: Special March 12, 2002 6:30 p.m. Owasso City Hall Main Conference Room Notice of Addendum filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the city hall bulletin board at 4:30 p.m. on Monday, March 11, 2002. Marci&Boutwell, ADDENDUM TO AGENDA The following is submitted as an addendum to the Agenda filed on March 8, 2002. Items numbered I through 7 shall remain the same. Items numbered 8 and 9 are now numbered 9 and 10, and a new item 8 is listed as follows: 8. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of a Claim. Mr Ray A claim for pre - election expenses was received from the Tulsa County Election Board too late to be processed for the March 5'h regular City Council meeting. The Election Board must receive the expense check no later than March 18'h, which is one day prior to the next regular meeting. Staff will recommend approval and request authorization for payment in the amount of $1243.09 to the Tulsa County Election Board for pre - election expenses for the General Election. TT E #2 MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OW ASSO FROM: STAN EWING, DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT: SK&O RAILROADIW ATCO ZONING APPEAL DATE: March 7,2002 BACKGROUND: This is an appeal by W ATCO, Inc. to the Owasso Planning Commission's recommendation of denial of their request for IH (Industrial Heavy) zoning. The subject property is located immediately west of the Public Works facility on 76th St. N. within the rail yard. The proposed use is a metal recycling business that is unassociated with the SK&O railroad operations. The site is presently zoned IL (Industrial Light). The Planning Commission's recommendation of denial was based on their concern of having the proposed heavy industrial use at the 76th Street "Gateway" to the City. This is one of two "Gateways" identified in the recently adopted "Downtown Development District Plan." The new plan also identifies this site as Light Industrial/City Services/Warehousing. The plan also promotes "Parks/Open Space/Trails" along both sides of 76th Street. These combined elements are recommended in an effort to reduce the visual impact of industrial activities at this approach to the City. The Planning Commission was also concerned about the impact of noise on the residential uses immediately east of the railroad tracks. The Downtown District Plan promotes residential and cultural activities on the east side of the railroad tracks. The Staff strongly concurs with the Planning Commission's recommendation of denial. of the appeal hearing request, the on March 1 2002. The is attached. Notices of this hearing have sent to adjacent owners as well as to those who signed in at the Planning Commission meeting. No new materials have been received fi:om W ATCO for inclusion in the packet Attachments: L Denial Notice Letter to WATCO, Inc. (01/24/02) 2. Request for hearing from WATCO, Inc. (02/01/02) 3. Notification of Hearing Date and Time (02/07/02) 4. Memo to City Council (02/07/02) (Discussed at Work Session on 02/12/02) 5. Planning Commission Staff Report 6. Location Map 7. Rezoning Application 8. Boundary Map 9. Legal Description 10. Notice to Property Owners 11. Legal Notification 12. Planning Commission Minutes 13. Planning Commission Sign in Sheet City of Ow as so Community Development Department 111 North Main Street P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 (918) 376-1540 FAX (918) 376-1597 www.cityofowasso.com January 24, 2002 Brad Snow Watco Comranies 315 West 3f Street Pittsburg, KS 66762 By fax@620-231-0812 & Registered Mail wi Return Receipt RE: Denial ofRe-zoning Request Deal' Brad: This letter is a follow-up to an earlier conversation you had with Donna Sorrells of the Community Development Department regarding the Planning Commission's recommendation of "demal" on your 1M (Industrial Heavy) rezoning request (Case No: OZ-02-01). This denial took place in a Special Meeting on Thursday, January 17,2002, at 7:00pm in the Main Conference Room in the Owasso City Hall at 111 North Main Street The Owasso Municipal Code, Section 1530.3, Planning Commission Action on a Zoning Map Amendment, at sub-section b, provides that "An application recommended for denial shall not be considered further unless the applicant within 15 days from the date of the Planning Commission, files a written request with the City Clerk for a hearing by the City Council. Upon such request, the Planning Commission shall forthwith transmit the application and its report and recommendations to the City Council." an appeal will on Friday, February 1, Stan Ewing, Director Community and Economic Development Cc: Rodney Ray, City Manager Tim Rooney, Assistant City Manager Donna Sorrells, City Planner FEB. 1,2002 5:21PM WATCO COMPANlES - "-NO, 74 'p, 2-~ .- COMPANIES, INC. "'Your rr.msporlati'on $~J;jJI$ts" To the office of City Clerk: r ~:;:::2 C~FC. f\l.F~D I F F R = 1 2002 I ~ 2,Y:___~ J Please accept this letter as an appeal to Case No; OZ-02-01 regarding the Planning Commission's recommendation of denial on our 1M ( Industrial Heavy) rezoning - request. We feel like the business that is going in there was not clearly represented to the Planning Commission. We hereby request an opportunity to more accurately state our case and achieve reconsideration of oW' zoning request. I am faxing this letter as directed by Stan Ewing at 4:45pm Friday, February OL 2002. Please notify me of the next steps required under this process, Thank you~ Brad Snow Property M;mag~ Watco Comp;wjes~ InCL 620~231~2230 ""~~nli 315 West jra Stre~t Pittsburg, KS 66762 Fu: 620-231-0812 ity of wasso (918) 376-1500 FAX (918) 376-1599 www.cityofowasso.com 111 North Main PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 February 7, 2002 CERTIFIED RECEIPT 7099 3220 0000 5205 6426 Mr Brad Snow W A TCO Companies Inc 315 W Third Street Pittsburg, KS 66762 RE: ZONING APPEAL - OZ-02-01 Dear Mr Snow: The City of Owasso has received your fax dated February 1, 2001 requesting to appeal the Owasso Planning Commission's denial of your rezoning request on a portion of Lot 1, Block 1, Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Addition to the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. The request was submitted within the appeal period, which ended on February 1,2001. The Owasso City Council will hear your appeal at their regular meeting on March 19,2001. The meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. and is held in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center, 301 S Cedar. If you have any questions or have information you may want to distribute to the City Council, please contact me. My direct phone number is 918-376-1511, or I may be reached by email at!nboutwell@cityofowassQ.com. MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: Stan Ewing, Director of Community & Economic Development SUBJECT: SK&O RailroadlWatco Zoning Appeal OZ-02-01 DATE: February 7, 2002 BACKGROUND: There has been an application by W ATCO Companies Inc. requesting rezoning a portion of the SK&O Railroad property west of the Public Works facility. The proposed use of the property is to process and package waste metal for transportation by raiL The current zoning is IL (Industrial Light) which does not permit this use. The applicant has requested 1M (Industrial Medium) zoning to accomplish their goaL The Planning Commission denied the application on January 17,2002. Their concern was the negative visual impact of this use at this important "Gateway" to the City of Ow as so. This Gateway is identified on the adopted Owasso Downtown Development District Plan. W ATCO submitted an appeal on Friday, February 1, 2002, meeting the 15-day statutory cut-off date to appeal the Planning Commission decision. The appeal will be placed on the March 19th City Council meeting agenda. The time, date and location of the appeal will be provided to the applicant, adjacent landowners and those having spoken at the Planning Commission meeting. The Staff will provide specific information on the appeal for your March 12th Work Session in preparation for the March 19th meeting. L to WATCO H: \stan _ ewing\Plallning Comm\ W atcoMemo .doc CITY OF OW ASSO Planning Department OZ-02-01 Staff Report Donna S. Sorrells - City Planner BACKGROUND South Kansas & Oklahoma (SK&O) Railroad has requested the rezoning of approximately 5 acres generally described as a portion of Lot 1, Block 1, Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, located at 401 W. 2nd Avenue, from IL (Industrial Light) to IH (Industrial Heavy). A location map is attached for your information and review. ANAL YSIS The subject property is bound on the west by vacant, undeveloped rural property zoned AG (Agriculture), on the north and east by the SK&O right-of-way and, further, by a portion ofthe Bailey Ranch Golf Course and municipal neighborhoods, primarily residential, zoned RS-3 (Residential Single-Family, High Density), RM-1 (Residential Multi-Family, Low Density), and CH (Commercial Heavy). SK&O is requesting this rezoning to allow for the operation of a metals recycling business, unassociated with railroad operations, within the boundary of their property. The recycling operations are planned to occur within the confines ofthe rail yard, primmily between the two sets of tracks. Due to the proximity of the proposed rezone area to the existing residential and agricultural properties, as well as the western" gateway" as defined by the Downtown Development District Concept Plan, staff has requested the applicant retain IL (Industrial Light) zoning around the perimeter of the subject area. A plan showing the defined area is attached for your information and review, The Owasso 2010 Land Use Master Plan shows the subject property as Heavy Industrial, the rezoning to IH is compliance with the comprehensive plan. legal description submitted the applicant, legal notification is not, staffs opinion, acceptable for the ordinance that will be required if the Planning Commission and City Council approve this request Staff has requested the applicant submit a precise, detailed legal description, including bearings and precise acreage, and anticipates its receipt soon. Through discussions with staff, the applicant has agreed to provide screening ofthe metals recycling from E. 76th Street N., the future Sertoma Club to the west and the residences to the east, if required. Notification letters were mailed to surrounding property owners on December 26,2001 and legal notification was published in the December 27,2001 edition ofthe Owasso Reporter. No calls or comments have been received by staff regarding this request. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of 02-02-01, rezoning the subject property from IL (Industrial Light) to IH (Industrial Heavy. A TT ACHMENTS 1. Location Map 2. Rezoning Application 3. Boundary Map 4. Legal Description 5. Notice to Property Owners 6. Legal Notification LOCATION l\tIAP I oz- 012 ~o L 1 CITY OF OWASSO P.O. BOX 180 OWASSO, OKLAHOMA 74055 (918) 272-2251 FAX (918) 272-4997 REZONING APPLICATION GENERAL LOCATION qOt W,.;(!Ji Owa:'sso; OK PRESENT ZONING XL. PRESENT USE 'P.a,~ I r~&4d Of'efo.+ran.s PROPOSED ZONING :L H PROPOSED USE M.~-tc..t s. ~'ic.l r ;J LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF LAND UNDER APPLICATION (If by metes and bounds, attach plat of survey) l-J ame and Address of Record Owner ~()lb.th Kar'l5D,5 ~ QI<.lClboMc, :grid FOC.(~ As applicant, what is your interest in this property? DPresent Owner DAgent for Owner DPurchaser DOllieI' DAttomey for Owner Address or General ~ocation of Subject Property ijO( W, ;2 b,g, of erson to be billed for publication =I~~one . ~~~ d!'\ - Mtco~. o-Zl!-'ZZ- Mailing Address 3/S" W' 3~ I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMA nON HEREIN SIGNATURE SUBMITTED IS COMPLETE, TRUE AND ACCURATE DATE Please submit the completed application form and application fee along with a Certified 300' Radius Report (available from an Abstract Company) to the Owasso City Planner on or before the Planning Commission submittal deadline as shown on the official City of Ow as so calendar. The applicant and/or the applicant's consu.ltant should attend at the will be 0- 0.99 acres 1- 4.99 acres 5-19.99 acres 20 acres and above SUBMITIAL DATE <' I .. FEE RECEIPT NUMBER '2 OPC MEETING DATE APPROVED DENIED JAN. 11.2002 344PM WAiCU CUMrANlt) r. L f'WNO ~Cl. ~ Af T'l\UE OORNER ~ ~ 'ill.t ~ lftlfil fIfl ~ 5fI...1to..t4 A2a~~fu>al~PtAttl' ~fOOn. i'tHtG'ke. em ~WJ Pm t\B~ '00 160 :zeo I ~ 1-...\00' LEGEND @ CORNER fOUND CL iAACKS ~u-.~ fENCe: i'JU. je j 1J1V@~2 DON FlElJRY &: ASSOCIATES LJlND SfJRVJJ:'f1NfP Mfl) ENVIRoNMENTAl. SGRvreES Car'dficatlt of Authorlzotion No. CA2931 E)lpirqtjcn Dotll: .IYM :1!Q, 2003 113 ECllt Jrd Stroot l'ittl/l:lu~, KS 66762 PM: (ilzO)232-'-'<i>2 1-600-:34'3=9905 FA)(: (620}232-7geO EMAlU dta8urvsyOl<<:iBp.nfri: l" ~ fl " ~ fj I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I f I \ I I ~I i I I I I f I I I I I \ I I I \ I I I I I I I I -1 .J' o 1- " .!' o 1P SHEET 1 OF :2 5\iffrt'rlO ~..IS a_ m,!lJ~ ., "'f, () \l\ '1' -1- .... '1' I I I . I L,t m "I ;J I :?il' I I I I I I I ~ I f I I 5fj'~__1 --r m;"""WfI ~.1 'l&1H1,1li' :1000' .,,,"',, ...,0 W/-"'" .f~"Q;"'" . ._~ 76th SITU::!!:'!'" . .00.00' '" .......>!!. w' ~~..~...'~~ ~ <M= 1."""" __________..,.",. <=l2> ~ <=-- RlUIID_ Sf "". " '("4 iJfi:~W: .1'- 4 JAN. 1 i. 2002 3: djPM WA! CU CUMI)A~ it) Legal Description eOi' SKO Property to be Rezoned in Owasso, OK IVU. / t) / r. j A portion of Lot 1 of "The Amended Plat of Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe" llfl Addition to the City of Owuso, Tulsa County, Olclaho11'lll, according to the recorded plat thereot: being described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast comer of Lot 1; Thence North 00 De~es 07 .Minutes 56 Seconds West (A3sumed BeaMgs from the Recorded Subdivision Plat) along the East line of said Lot 1 a distance of 392.28 feet to the point ofbegi.nning: Tb.ence continuing North 00 Degrees 07 Minutes 56 Seconds East along said East line lI. distance of 14.00 rect:; Thence North S9 Degrees 18 Minutes 21 Seconds East along the Southeasterly line of said Lot 1 a distance of95.00 feet; Thence North 31 Degrees 37 Minutes 16 Seconds West a di.sw'lce of52S.00 feet; Thence North 23 Degrees 28 Minutes 57 Seconds West lI. distance of 344. 50 feet to the North line of said Lot 1; Thence Northwesterly along the North line of said Lot 1 on a ~ to the 1~ having a radius of3287.87 llfl arc distance of 40.00 feet, chord to !laid curve being 40.00 feet on a bearing of North 43 Degt'ee5 34 Minutes 38 Seconds Wes~ thence South 08 Degrees 20 Minutes 23 Seconds East away from said North line II distance of 337.92 feet; Thence South 00 Degrees 01 Minute 35 Seconds West a distance of 580.00 feet to a point b~ 392.28 feet North Qfthe South line of said Lot 1; thence South 89 Degrees 58 Minutes 25 Seconds East panllel with the South line of said Lot ll'l. distlUlce 0009.84 feet to the point ofbegiMing. This ~ contains 4.02 acres. SHEE.T 2 OF 2 E. Fleury LS 1452 OK January H), 2002 ity of wasso 111 North Main P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 14055 (918) 212w2251 FAX (918) 212-4999 www.cityofowasso.com NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER OZ-02-01 Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held before the Owasso Planning Commission, in the Owasso Community Center, Owasso, Oklahoma, at 7:00 P.M. on the ISth day of January 2002. At that time and place, the Owasso Planning Commission will consider a request from Watco Companies Inc. (South Kansas & Oklahoma Railroad), applicant, for a proposed change of zoning classification from IL (Industrial Light) to IH (Industrial Heavy). The subject property is described as follows: LEGAL DESCRIPTION A PORTION OF LOT 1, BLOCK 1, ATCHISON TOPEKA & SANTA FE AMENDED PLAT, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OWASSO, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OKLAHOMA DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER SAID LOT 1; THENCE NORTH AT A DISTANCE OF 393.28 FEET TO A STARTING POINT; THENCE WEST 310 FEET; THENCE NORTH 550 FEET; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY 375 FEET; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY 912 FEET AT V ARING DEGREES; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY 90 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 75 FEET. LOCATION 401 W. 2nd Avenue All persons interested in this matter may be present at the hearing and arguments for any or all the matters. their objections to or In the event that such proposed rezoning is approved, in whole or in part, by the Owasso Planning Commission, said Planning Commission shall submit its recommendation to the Council of the City of Ow as so for its consideration and action, as provided by law. The City Council's review of the recommendation of the Planning Commission on the proposed rezoning shall be at a meeting time and place to be determjned by the Council, said information to be available from the Owasso City Planner. As an abutting or nearby property owner, you are being notified so that you may be able to express your views or concerns regarding this request. If you are unable to attend this meeting, please forward any comments you may have in writing to the Owasso City Planner, PO Box 180, Owasso, OK 74055. Planning Staff will present these comments to the Planning Conunission members at the scheduled public hearing. A map showing the proposed rezoning accompanies this notice. For more information on the proposed rezoning contact the Owasso City Planner, City Hall, 111 N. Main, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055, or phone (918) 376-1543. This is your only personal notification of this request. JS:]SO 21st day of December 2001. Donna Sorrells City Planner Please publish the following legal advertisement in the December 279 2001 edition of the Owasso Reporter. Please send Proof of Publication to: City of Owasso A TIN: Donna Sorrells P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 (918) 376-1543 Please bill publication costs to: Brad Snow Watco Companies, Inc. 315 W. 3rd Pittsburg, KS 66762 RE: Rezoning / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / // / / / / / / / / / / / / /////// NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC OF A HEARING ON A PROPOSED AlVIENDlVIENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA APPLICATION: OZ~02-01 Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held before the Owasso Planning Commission, in the Owasso Community Center, Owasso, Oklahoma, at 7:00 P.M. on the 15th day of January 2002. At that time and place, consideration will be given to the proposed change of the zoning classification of the following described property: LEGAL DESCRIPTION COMMENCING AT THE 1; THENCE NORTH AT A DISTANCE 393.28 FEET A STARTING POINT; THENCE WEST 310 FEET; THENCE NORTH 550 FEET; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY 375 FEET; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY 912 FEET AT VA RING DEGREES; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY 90 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 75 FEET. LOCA TION 401 W. Second A venue HEARING All persons interested in this matter may be present at the hearing and present their objections to or arguments for any or all of the above matters. In the event that such proposed Rezoning is approved, in whole or in part, by the Owasso Planning Commission, said Planning Commission shan submit its recommendation to the City Council of the City of Owasso for its consideration and action, as provided by law. The City Council's review of the recommendation of the Planning Commission on the proposed rezoning shall be at a meeting time and place to be determined by the Council, said information to be available from the Owasso City Planner. A map showing the proposed rezoning accompanies this notice. For more information on the proposed rezoning contact the Ow as so City Planner, City Hall, 111 N. Main, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055, or phone (918) 376-1543. Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 21st day of December 2001. Donna Sorrells City Planner Oo/V ASSO PLANNING COI\tL'YHSSION I\tHNUTES OF SPECIAL I\tIEETING Thursday, January 17, 2002 Owasso City Hall III North Main, Owasso, Oklahoma I\tIEMBERS PRESENT Dewey Brown Charles Willey Bill Ellison MEMBERS ABSENT Ray Haynes Bill Williams STAFF PRESENT Donna Sorrells Stan Ewing Marsha Hensley The agenda for the special meeting was posted in the north entrance to City Hall, 111 North Main Street, on January 15, 2002 at 5:00 PM. 1. CALL TO ORDER - Vice Chairperson Charles Willey called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and declared a quorum present. 2. ROLL CALL 3. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 11, 2001 REGULAR MEETING, Bill Ellison moved to approve the minutes of the December 11, 2001 meeting, Dewey Brown seconded the motion. The vote on the motion was as follows: Bill Ellison ~ Yes Charles Willey., Yes Dewey Brown - Yes The motion carried 3-0. Annexation ~ Tulsa Teachers' Credit Union ~ A request for annexation of 4.5 acres, more or less, described as the east four and one half (4.5) acres of the South Half of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (S/2 SW/4 SW/4) of Section 17, Township 21N, The subject property is located at the north of Street N. and east N. (Ward 1) case to the property location. A rezoning, along with a plat and site plan request were approved at a previous meeting. It was then discovered that the subject property was never amlexed into the corporate limits of the City of Owasso. A letter was sent to Tulsa Teachers' Credit Union explaining the issue and the schedule of processes. This property is contiguous to existing city limits and the Annexation Committee reviewed and approved the request at their January 10, 2002 special meeting. Donna explained the process and stated that the City of Owasso will waive the fees for legal notifications which will be republished. No new action will take place regarding the final plat and the site plan since they did not require legal notifications. The Planning Conunission will hear the rezoning request at their regular scheduled meeting on March 12, 2002. It will then be presented to the City Council at the March 19, 2002 meeting. The building permit will be issued after review and approval, of the rezoning, by the City Council. Mr. Jerry Emanuel of Sack & Associates was present to answer questions regarding the annexation. Staff recommends OW ASSO PLANNING COl\;IlYHSSION January 17, 2002 Page No.2 approval of the annexation. Charles Willey moved to approve the annexation, Dewey Brown seconded. The vote on the motion was as follows: Bill Ellison ~ Yes Charles Willey - Yes Dewey Brown - Yes The motion carried 3-0. 5. OZ-02-01 - SK&O Railroad -. A request for rezoning approximately 5 acres from IL (Industrial Light) to IH (Industrial Heavy). The subject property is generally described as a portion of Lot 1, Block 1, Atchison Topeka & Santa Fe and located north orE. 76th Street N. and approximately 3/8 mile east of N. Mingo Road. (Ward 4) Donna presented the case and described the location of the property. This rezoning request is to allow for the operation of a metals recycling business. The operations are planned to occur primarily between the two sets of tracks. The Owasso 2010 Land Use Master Plan shows the property as Heavy Industrial. Staff has requested the applicant to submit a precise legal description, which includes bearings and precise acreage. The railroad has agreed to a buffer around the perimeter of the property. Notification letters were mailed and legal notification was published in the Owasso Reporter. No calls have been received by staff. Staff recommends approval of the rezoning from IL (Industrial Light) to IH (Industrial Heavy). Several surrounding property owners were present to express their concerns with the rezoning request. Mr. Jimmy Russell addressed the Commissioners, stating that he would like the Commissioners to review the type of business that is requesting approval, voiced objections to a junkyard on this property. advised Commissioners to tour this type of facility in other cities. stated that he and his family live there is not a of industrial in area. Mr. applicant, was not to answer questions. Randy Noonkester 404 2nd Street had concerns with heavy truck traffic in the area. Dewey Brown would like a better definition of metal recycle, such as, what type of metal. Charles Willey had concerns regarding the pollution, noise and the large trucks that a metal recycle business will create. Charles Willey moved to deny the rezoning, Bill Ellison seconded the denial. The vote on the motion was as follows: Bill Ellison - Yes Charles Willey - Yes Dewey Brown - Yes The motion for denial was carried 3-0. OW ASSO PLANNING COlVIMISSION January 17, 2002 Page No.3 6. Change of Limits of No Access -Exchange Bank - A request for review of a change to the platted Limits of No Access located along N. Mingo Road, Lot 1, Block 1, Exchange Bank Owasso I. The subject property is located at the northeast corner of N. Mingo Road and E. 86th Street N. (Ward 2) Donna presented the item and described the location. The 50' access defined by the approved plat was shown abutting the northern boundary of the subject property. The applicant is requesting to shift the access point 30' south which will create a 30' Limit of No Access north of the drive and 95' Limit of No Access south of the drive. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed this request at their December 26, 2001 meeting. Bill Lewis from Lewis Engineering was present to address concerns. Staff recommends approval of the requested amendment. Charles Willey moved to approve the requested amendment to the Limits of Access as shown on the final plat, Bill Ellison seconded the motion. The vote on the motion was as follows: Bill Ellison ~ Yes Charles Willey - Yes Dewey Brown ~ Yes The motion carried 3-0. OLS-02-01 - Sack & Associates A request for review of a Lot Split on Lot 1, Block 2, Owasso Market II. The subject property is located north 96th N. and west N. 1 1) described applicant is requesting 1, 2, n be split A is to approximately 4 acres and Tract Band C are proposed 2 acres more or less. The site is zoned (Commercial Shopping). The request was reviewed by the Technical Advisory Committee and no comments were made. All tracts will front N. 1 E. Avenue. Mr. Jerry Emanuel with Sack & Associates was present to address concerns. Staff recommends approval of Lot Split #0 LS-02-0 1. Bill Ellison moved to approve the lot split, Dewey Brown seconded the motion. The vote on the motion was as follows: B ill Ellison - Yes Charles Willey - Yes Dewey Brown - Yes OW ASSOPLANNING CONI1\rHSSION January 17, 2002 Page No.4 The motion carried 3-0. 8. Final Plat - Honey Creek at Bailey Ranch - Request for review of a Final Plat for Honey Creek at Bailey Ranch, a 62.33 acre, 202 lot subdivision located north of E. 96th Street N. and east of N. Mingo Road and generally described as a portion of the Southwest Quarter (SW/4) of Section 18, Township 21 North, Range 14 East. (Ward 1) Donna presented the item and described the location. Donna distributed an updated copy of the plat. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the plat at their December 26, 2001 meeting. Public Works had issues regarding drainage. Donna explained that the drainage issues have been resolved to the satisfaction of Public Works. Staff recommends approval of the final plat. Bill Ellison brought attention to three flag lots shown on the plat. There was discussion regarding flag lots in previously approved plats. Mr. Alan Ringle from Breisch & Associates was present and stated that he didn't remember discussion on flag lots at the time of approval on the PUD. He explained that it would be difficult to modify at this time and it will not happen again. Also, briefly discussed were the islands in the cul-de-sacs. There were concerns that the islands are protruding beyond the curb. Mr. Ringle assured the Commissioners that the islands will be behind the base of the curbs. Staff recommends approval of the Final Plat for Honey Creek at Bailey Ranch subject to the following conditions: 1. Siren fee be paid prior to forwarding the plat to City Council for review Charles Willey moved to approve the final plat subject to the above staff and T AC recommendation, Bill Ellison seconded the motion. The vote on the motion was as follows: The motion carried 9. Reports on monthly building permit activity. 10. Report on planning items previously forwarded to City Council. 11. Discussion of development in and near Owasso. 12. ADJOURNMENT - Dewey Brown moved, Charles Willey seconded, to adjourn the meeting. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Bill Ellison - Yes OW ASSO PLANNING COMl\HSSION January 17, 2002 Page No.5 Charles Willey - Yes Dewey Brown - Yes The motion carried 3-0 and the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM. ~~~~~ ...- r~? ",,/' /.'/ / . -4" e'/" /" / w-~;f/ '<',// /;";/;>;':<:"7// Secretary ~ 2fJdAJ.j lc-~dt7a;;< Date OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION Thursday, January 17,2002 NAME ADDRESS 1. JQ\--r-1 S lfIrt ;?v\ Li d - c;,e" k.. r b '> s..., ( t il s ct S. h, . Iv!) L 7i:h:.c 3. ;:~,~~.tA'v 4. ~)".. 'dL /! r &t6"L--L ~ " J ! . / .c~ 5. 12~/5i1f 6. KANt> 1 Iv tJcNilLs:lu_ 7. 8. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: F. ROBERT CARR, JR., P.E. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SUBJECT: WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE DATE: March 8, 2002 BACKGROUND: In December 1995, the City of Owasso entered into an engineering services contract for the development of a wastewater collection master plan. On January 6, 1998, Owasso Public Works Authority Resolution No. 98-01 adopted the 1997 Wastewater Master Plan as a policy statement for the extension, expansion and development of privately-financed and publicly-financed improvements of the City of Owasso municipal wastewater collection and treatment system. As defined in the master plan, As the City of Owasso's population increases and expands, the City's wastewater infrastructure will need to grow to keep pace with the demands placed upon it. Facilities will need to be sized and located to accommodate specific growth areas and population. The wastewater master plan will serve as a capital improvements planning and budgeting for the purpose recommending collection system improvements and providing estimated implementation costs. The plan will to development specific requirements associated with developments. CURRENT SITUATION: It has been four (4) years since adoption of the master plan. Population and wastewater flow calculations included in the plan were based on land use and growth projections thought to be valid at that time. Data were evaluated for a 5-year, 10-year, 20-year and ultimate conditions. Attachment 1 identifies the area studied in the plan. #3 MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIR AND TRUSTEES OW ASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY FROM: F. ROBERT CARR, JR., P.E. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SUBJECT: WATER MASTER PLAN EXPANSION AND SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS DESIGN SERVICES DATE: March 8, 2002 BACKGROUND: In February 2001, the City of Owasso formally adopted the 2001 Water Master Plan prepared by Montgomery-Watson as the policy statement for development, expansion and extension of publicly-financed improvements to the municipal water system. Details of the plan were based on expansion of service using the present source of wholesale water supplied by the City of Tulsa. Subsequent to the plan adoption, an alternative involving construction of a new regional water treatment facility using raw water from Lake Oolagah has been discussed and preliminarily evaluated. Presently, interest in participating in a regional facility has been expressed by the City of Owasso, City of CoHinsville, Rural Water District #3 Washington County and Rural Water District #3 Rogers County. means to develop a system is formative at water supply entity vary. Therefore, the ability to meet immediate water supply and distribution needs is somewhat limited. assure that needed improvements reflect the possibility of integration into a regional facility, however, expansion ofthe master plan is proposed that will evaluate source water feeding the distribution system from the north (rather from the south through the City of Tulsa system). Therefore, an initial action is proposed to include a new section to the master plan that will revise the recommended capital plan to reflect the potential for a regional water treatment facility. Page 2 Wastewater Master Plan Update Annexation and wastewater collection system growth has occurred or are planned that extend beyond the master plan study area. Specifically, areas along N. 145111 E. Avenue east of E. 86tl1 Street North (Preston Lakes), north of E. 106tl1 Street North (Coffee Creek, Lake Valley and Tulsa Technology Center) and around E. 116111 Street NOlih (Interchange Business Park, Robinson Business Park and Garrett Creek) have been included. Generally, as system expansion is proposed to handle growth for new development, wastewater collection service requirements have been determined as development engineering plans are submitted. Evaluation should include assessment of the needed size of the gravity collection line(s) and downstream lift station capacity. In some cases, however, areas not previously included in the master plan have been submitted for review; thereby requiring some judgments pertaining to the ability of the City of Owasso to provide service. Expansion of the study area and updating the wastewater master plan should provide tools to adequately address these points prior to development. PROPOSED MASTER PLAN UPDATE: To provide a comprehensive and timely update of the plan, work should be expected to be divided into the following phases: Phase I -- Expanded Elm Creek sewer basin (areas east of U.S. Highway 169) Phase II - Expanded basins west of U.S. Highway 169 Phase HI - Consolidation of an basins Phase IV - Analysis of wastewater treatment requirements ATTACHMENTS: 1. 1997 City of Owasso Wastewater Master Plan area EXISTING SERVED 10 YEARS 5 YEARS 20 YEARS I T---;~G ; ,/1['1" - / i ~ \! f ;4') \,(\~ ...... '\EA I ' " \, J I i ./ .l I ) J /} i \ / I' \. /" ./....\. n ~l~'-: \_-~ I \ I , '. ,___ /'- -7 ..~ .. ~~--c:.r~ . \ I ! -- i- - . \" I / / ",I )"''\. "''''. i ; "7 1~ \ ", ~ ~ / j ", "'. =~6 \' .,/ I i51 " (5)1 . '';' __~.._ ~ I __....1', ---J '" /" /' i?lAsm'VATiER MASTER PlJ\~-I OWASSO. OKlAHOMA 5, 10, & 20 YEAR PlAt~ Page 2 Water Master Plan Expansion and System Improvements Design Services IMMEDIATE NEEDS: The Master Plan evaluated the existing water distribution system to adequately provide water under present daily and peak flow demands and included projections for the years 2005,2010 and 2020. The evaluation determined the suitability of the water sources, pipelines, storage tames, pumps and control valves to provide adequate pressures and flows. As a result of low water pressures dming peak water demand periods, immediate needs were identified in the plan. Three (3) system components are needed: Elevated water tank (to achieve proper operating pressure to the entire water distribution system), Pump station (to pump water to the tank from t he Tulsa water supply points) and Transmission line (to move the water from the pump station to the tank site). These projects are indicated as Contracts 1-3 on the attachment Estimated construction costs and initial phasing of the projects are also shown. Construction of these system improvements is needed immediately to provide the needed level of service for the City of Owasso customers. A water tank is needed in either approach. Should a regional facility be constructed in the future, supply from the City of Tulsa system will be needed to provide redundancy, back-up and emergency supply. Investment in the pump station and transmission main improvements will be of long-term value. PROPOSED ACTION PLAN: The following plan is proposed: Expand the Water Master Plan to include analysis of a regional water supply and treatment facility L Diagram of Water System Improvements Projected Expenditures 3. Proposed Schedule of Ow as so Water System Improvements 1 30-lnch Transmission main 30 16,000 $ 2,496,000 2 16-lnch Transmission line replacing existing 10-lnch 16 13,300 $ 1,296,750 3 24-lnch Line Upgrade at 96th & Garnett 24 1,200 $ 156,000 4 16-lnch line replacing 8-lnch line on 116th Street 16 2,600 $ 253,500 5 New 12-lnch Transmission line 12 3,000 $ 156,000 6 12-lnch line on Mingo 12 5,280 $ 274,560 7 20-lnch line across 96th Street 20 8,300 $ 863,200 8 New 12-lnch line on 96th Street 12 5,300 $ 275,600 9 New 16-lnch line on 961h Street 16 1,000 $ 97,500 10 12-lnch line 12 2,500 $ 130,000 11 12-lnch line on 145th E. Avenue 12 5,280 $ 274,560 12 24-lnch line replacing 12 & 1O.lnch lines 24 8,600 $ 1,118,000 13 lO-lnch Line for National Steak & Poultry Fire Flow 10 900 $ 40,950 , 14 2.0 MG Elevated Storage Tank nla 2.0MG $ 2,080,000 15 200 HP Pump Station nla 200 hp $ 910,000 16 Additional Space In PS for Future Pumps nla nla $ 130,000 17 20-lnch PRY for lower pressure zone nla nla $ 26,000 18 16-lnch transmission main 16 1,400 $ 109,200 19 6-lnch line small pipe replacement 6 25,000 $ 830,500 20 New 24-inch Meter at Tulsa Take Point 24 nla $ 29,900 Total $ 11,548,220 Construction Contract #1 15 200 HP Pump Station nla 200 hp $ 910,000 16 Additional Space In PS for Future Pumps nla nla $ 130,000 17 20-lnch PRY for lower pressure zone nla nla $ 26,000 Total Contract Amount $ 1,066,000 , Ct:mstructifJ!! Contract #2 1 30-lnch Transmission main 30 16,000 $ 2,496,000 3 24-lnch LIne Upgrade at 96th 8, Gamett 24 1,200 $ 156,000 Total Contract Amount $ 2,652,000 Construction Contract #3 14 2.0 MG Elevated Storage Tank nla 2.0MG $ 2,080,000 Total Contract Amount $ 2,080,000 Construction Contmct #4 7 20-lnch line across 96th Street 20 8,300 $ 863,200 9 New 16-lnch line on 96th Street 16 1,000 $ 97,500 Total Contract Amount $ 960,700 Constmction Contmct #5 2 16-inch Transmission line replacing existing lO-lncl1 16 13,300 $ 1,296,750 Total Contract Amount $ 1,296,750 Cfmstructit:m Ccmtmd If} 12 24-lnch line replacing 12 & 10-lncl] lines 24 8,600 $ 'i,l18,000 Total Contract Amount $ 1,118,000 COflstmctwn COf!tmc~ Ir 4 16-lnch line replacing !l-Inch line on 1161h Street 16 2,600 $ 253,500 5 New 12-lncl1 Transmission line 12 3,000 $ 156,000 6 12-lnch line on Mingo 12 5,280 $ 274,560 8 New 12.lnch line on 96th Street 12 5,300 $ 275,600 Total Contract Amount $ 959,660 Constructlof! Contmct 18 10 12-lnch line 12 2,500 $ 130,000 11 24-lnch line replacing 12 8. 10-inch lines 24 5,280 $ 274,560 13 lO-lnch Line lor National Steak & Poultry Fire Flow 10 900 $ 40,950 18 16-lnch transmission main 16 1,400 $ 109,200 19 6-lnch line small pipe replacement 6 25,000 $ 830,500 20 New 24-lnch Meter at Tulsa Take Point 24 nla $ 29.900 Total Contract Amount $ 1,415,110 Total for all 8 Constmetion Contl'llets $ 11,548.220 '. nTHI;1;'I' NC:l'IH".I'll * JH r.1.... - -p'" -..... , ~ t 6' 6' - - 0 - - . --". C5 8 (IJ tJ tJ ~ UJ -~,J-) ()J (D M ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ !l) .q< M (I> (') "7 ...... 106T:f-lI: ST. NO. ~ ~ ui ~ B6T:K'lI: ST. NO. o w 00 > UJ a:: o (I) ....1 . ~ o ~':: ;,( ~ n C1 .:( o PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CllY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS (pHASE I AND D) i- ff II II II II II II II I,Jllttl,J!ifll,Jllfll,llifllJlllfllJIIIJIIJJlifllJJliIi Jul-01 ~M. If ~ i D II 1110- -. 'I I ! i f- - M- 0 ::E !.l> f- f- (f) (f) 0 ---- f-j- --I-- ~ II f-j- -=r - ~f I !.1l I en JIO - '< !!l. f-j.- f- ro :3 1- --f- f- a <::I .... 1- -l- I 0 i <<: ro 1-- -I-- I I,-I-- _, :3 I I iar j.- -I- 1- -1- ~ i I -l;r -- ! : -I-- 00 ! -1.- I ! ; --l- I I-- .- ---- -f- -I-- - T tILt - -I-- I-- --- - . -- ----1- -1- -f-. - .. -.- - - ~'A T f- .- . _m ~[ 1- _._. m. . --, .. ~- .- f-. -. -f- ... 1-. .-f- I- - 1-. --. I ..-' - .~, - 1 - - l- t- +.. .-- . ...- f- 1--. +-[-- I I- 1---- _. , 1 . T I .. .- I - --- I I I I I L ! ; I , I i- e--- ~r : I I , I ! I 1 1 I I . -I - I Aug-01 Sop-01 Oct-01 Nav-01 Dee-01 Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Ocl-02 Nav.02 Dee-02 Jan-03 Feb-03 Mar-03 Apr-03 May-03 Jlln~03 Jul-03 Aug-03 Sep-03 Oct-03 Nav-03 Dec-03 Jan-04 Fetl-04 Mar~04 Apr-04 May-04 Jun.04 Jul-04 Aug-04 Sep-04 Ocl.04 Nov-04 Dec-04 Jan-05 Feb-05 Mar-05 Apr-05 May-05 Jun-05 A ACHM # MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OW ASSO FROM: RODNEY J RAY CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: TECH CENTER INTERCEPTOR PAYBACK DATE: March 8, 2002 BACKGROUND: The developers of the Coffee Creek development (located generally on the southeast corner of E 116th St N and U.S. Highway 169) have requested an agreement between the development company (Coffee Creek Residential Group LLC) and the City of Owasso for the purpose of creating a "payback" for their construction of improvements to the City's wastewater collection system. A "payback" agreement is an often used tool that offers a method for developers to recover a portion of the initial cost of an improvement or expansion to the City's infrastructure system (generally the water system or the wastewater system). Most often, one of the prerequisites for a "payback agreement" is that the expansion or improvements to the system are required by the City to serve an area larger than the initial property to be developed. Thus, in effect, the first developer is building/expanding an infrastructure system that will eventually serve other developers or properties and increase property values of the area served. By allowing a "payback agreement", the owners or developers of those properties to be benefited will be to "reimburse" the initial developers a "pro-rata" share of the initial cost improvements. noted that properties in area are not required to pay cost until, property is to the system.) case developers of constructed approximately 8000 feet of 12<~inch gravity flow sewer line, 9800 feet of 8-inch forced main, and a one million gallon-a-day pump station to serve an area of approximately 715 acres. The developer constructed these improvements in compliance with a request from the City of Owasso Public Works Department. The City requested that the lines and pump station be "sized" so as to provide for the future development of715 acres, even though the developer planned to serve only the 150 acres they owned. While the certified costs are not completed (such certification must accompany any final agreement), it is estimated by the developer that the construction cost ofthe expansion will be approximately $1,000.000. TECH CENTER INTERCEPTOR PAYBACK MARCH 8, 2002 PAGE 2 NOTE: It should be noted that both the Owasso Public School System and the Tulsa Technology Center have joined the developer in providing funds to construct the improvements. The two education entities have put $590,000 in escrow to fund the proj ect. This proposed payback agreement, if approved, will also provide a repayment of those funds to the two schools. The proposed agreement will establish a total final cost (as certified by the Public Works Department) and will, if approved by the City Council, allow for a payback of $1000 per acre for any property that connects to the wastewater main line identified as the "Tech Center Wastewater Expansion Line". The agreement provides for the $1000 per acre payment to be collected by the City at the time a property is connected to the interceptor, and will be remitted to the Coffee Creek Residential Group LLC within a reasonable time after collection. The "payback agreement" proposed will terminate upon the collection of the certified cost of the line, minus the amount that the property owned by the developer (now or in the future) would pay for their share of the total cost (the developer's property is not excluded from sharing in the cost of the improvements) . ADMINISTRATION OF THE AGREEMENT: The administration of the agreement is proposed to be by the City staff. The staff initially proposed that the developer collect the payback and issue a letter to the City that would allow for a connection to the system. However, after further discussion, it appears that the City should actually administer the agreement inclusive of collecting the payback payment, remitting the payment and accounting for the "balance" of allowable payments. Such a system provides for a more acceptable system of accounting of the "balance" allowed by the agreement. is 715 acres. serves. , one Payback was not to define a area may significantly expanded the future. Therefore, the agreement, if approved, would require that anyone attaching to the interceptor, the pump station, or the forced main would be required to pay the $1000 per acre fee regardless of other required "paybacks" or payback areas. Thus, the agreement in effect will cover any property that connects to the line. That requirement simply protects the developer and ensures a level of fairness. TECH CENTER INTERCEPTOR PAYBACK MARCH 8, 2002 PAGE 3 SUMMARY: In summary, the developers of Coffee Creek development have requested a payback arrangement that would require the owners of property wishing to be served by the Tech Center Interceptor to pay a $1000 per acre reimbursement to the developers prior to their property being served by the line. The City would, under the agreement, administer the collection and disbursement of payments to ensure proper accounting of the "balance" due the developers. Finally, aU of the property served by the line must contribute equally to the cost of the project, including the property owned by the Coffee Creek Residential Group LLC (excluding only the property owned by the Owasso Public Schools and the Tulsa Technology Center, for a total of 40 acres). RECOMMENDATION: It is the staff recommendation that the City Council approve a payback agreement between the City of Owasso and the Coffee Creek Residential Group LLC for the Owasso Tech Interceptor Improvements. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Proposed Agreement 2. Map Showing Improvements & Served DRAFT 3/8/2002 ADOPTED ,2002 OW ASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY SAWTARYSEWERPAYBACKCONTRACT (ADAPTED FROM STANDARD FORM OF AGREEMENT) CONTRACTNO:~ NAME OF PROJECT: Tech Center Interceptor OWNER'S NAME: Owasso Land Trust, L.L.C. P. O. Box 240 Owasso, OK 74055 (918) 272~5338 LOCATION: North of 86th St. North along the east side of 14Sth E. Ave., heading northerly across 96th St. North and I06th St. North to the Southeast comer of U.S. Hwy. 169 and state hwy. 20 CONTRACT This agreement by and between the Owasso Public Works Authority, a Public Trust, first party, hereinafter called the "Authority", and Owasso Land Trust, L.L.c., an Oklahoma limited liability company, of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, second party, hereinafter called the "Owner" , WITNESSETH That for and in consideration of the terms, covenants, and conditions herein set forth, said parties have agreed and hereby agree as follows: ARTICLE I SANITARY SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM 1. Provisional Plan. Owner has prepared a plan and profile showing the design, specifications and location ofthe subject sanitary sewer collection system and other appurtenances of said system ("the System"), a copy of which plan is hereby attached, marked "Exhibit A" and made a part hereof. 2. Easements. Before commencing any of the work herein agreed upon, Owner shall, at its own expense, acquire good and sufficient indefeasible interest in rights-of-way, either by perpetual easements, dedication, or otherwise, of all lands necessary for the System shown in "Exhibit A". Said easements shall be granted to the City of Owasso or to the Public. All such instruments, other than final plats, shall be furnished the Authority in duplicate for approval, acceptance and recording. Recording fees shall be paid by the Owner. 3. Construction. Owner shall, in good and first class workmanlike manner, and at its own cost and expense, furnish all the materials, equipment and labor required, and construct the System in a manner conforming to the specifications, requirements, and plans as approved by the Authority, copies of said specifications, requirements and plans being attached hereto (Exhibit A) and made a part of this contract. Owner shall require the contractor constructing the System to provide a maintenance bond (Exhibit G) in the name of the Authority for a period of one year after acceptance of the System by the Authority in the amOlmt of 100 percent of the construction cost. Owner agrees to hold Authority harmless against any liability for damages or claims by reason of such construction. 4. Inspection. At all times during the progress of said construction, Authority shall have the right, at its own cost and expense, to inspect the materials, workmanship and all parts of the construction of the System, and all materials furnished and work done shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Authority. Any material furnished or work done not conforming to the ~)Wd.doc DRAFT 3/812002 specifications of Authority for said material or work shall be removed and replaced to the satisfaction of Authority at Owner's expense, and the extra cost of said work and materials replaced shall not be included as a part of the cost of the System. 5. Final Plan. Within a period of thirty (30) days after the completion of the construction of the System, the Owner shall furnish a reproducible and three blue line copies of record drawings of the completed project (Exhibit B), showing the correct location, depth, sizes and length of all lines, including all lift stations, manholes and other appurtenances thereto. Said record drawings shall be drawn to scale by a competent draftsman and shall bear the seal of a professional engineer registered in the State of Oklahoma. After approval of the record drawings by the Public Works Director and acceptance of the completed project improvements by the Authority, one copy of the record drawings shall be returned to the Owner and one copy shall be attached to and form a part of this agreement. 6. Costs. Within thirty (30) days after the completion of the construction, Owner shall furnish to Authority, in triplicate, a certified, Itemized Statement Of Cost of the System (Exhibit C), said statement to be in the form specified by the Authority, and shall show the separately itemized costs for the System; the total cost of said installation shall include cost of materials, excavations, backfill, and all other work incident thereto, including engineering fees of not to exceed five percent (5%) of construction cost. Said statement may also include: 1) the Owner's interest expense incurred on the funds borrowed to construct the System (assuming a straight-line 10 year amortization with an interest rate at New York Prime); and; 2) an amount charged by the owner for the General and Administrative Overhead (also known as General Conditions) for delivery of the System, said amount not to exceed five percent (5%) of the construction costs. Said statement shall not include attorney's fees, charges for installing sewer service connections and meters thereof, or any other charge not hereinabove mentioned. After said itemized statement has been approved by the Authority, the same shall be used as a basis for computing the Original Allowable Cost of said distribution system. 7. .original Allowable Cost. The Original Allowable Cost of the System shall consist of the sum of the amounts described in the preceding paragraph six, as approved by the Authority. Upon receipt and approval of Owner's certified statement of cost, the Authority shall prepare a statement of Original Allowable Cost, in triplicate, as to the costs described in the aforesaid paragraph six which shall be marked "Exhibit D", attached hereto, and made a part hereof. After approval and acceptance ofthe same by the Board of Trustees of the Owasso Public Works Authority, one copy shall be returned to the Owner and one copy shall be attached hereto and made a part of this contract, and shall be used as the basis for computing the cost of purchase of said distribution system by th~ Authority. ARTICLE II COLLECTION OF ASSESSMENTS AND CONVEYANCE OF SYSTEM 1. ILelivenr of Distribution ,System to Authority. Upon completion of construction of the System in a manner conforming to Authority's regulations, plans, and specifications, ,md upon Authority's formal acceptance thereof, Owner hereby grants, bargains, sells and conveys to Authority all right, title and interest in and to the System by Bill of Sale (Exhibit E), which shall be attached hereto with lien releases (Exhibit F) and made a part hereof. Authority shall thereafter have, hold, own, operate and maintain the same as a part ofthe Authority's sanitary sewer collection system. The Authority, consistent with its ownership ofthe System, shall have the exclusive right to install service connections and meters and to extend and enlarge the System to serve additional areas with sanitary sewer 2. Reimbursement: Compensation. Authority agrees to collect and pay to "Owner" each year during the term of this contract, as payment and compensation for the sale and delivery of the System to Authority (as set out in Article II, Section 1, above), a sum equivalent to one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) per acre for each and every acre, or fl:action thereof, that currently, or during the term hereof, seeks permission to discharge its sanitary sewage into or through any portion of the System. The Authority's source for funding all payments required by this Contract s.w.oPa)bW:..doc 2 DRAFT 3/812002 shall be a $1,000 per acre (or fraction thereof) assessment of lands that seek permission to discharge sanitary sewage into or through any portion of the System. For platted additions to be located inside the city limits of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma ("the City"), said per acre assessment shall be collected at the time the landowner/developer submits such plat to the City for Final Plat approval. For platted or unplatted subdivisions, if any, located outside the City's limits and which are otherwise permitted to discharge their sanitary sewage into or through the System, or authorized extensions thereof, said per acre assessment shall be collected prior to the subject landowner/developer physically connecting any ofits sanitary sewer apparatus into any portion of the City's sanitary sewer system. PROVIDED that the total of all payments paid by Authority to Owner at any particular time during the term of this contract shall not exceed the amounts collected by means of the per-acre assessments described immediately above. Furthermore, the total of such payments shall not exceed the Original Allowable Cost as defmed herein and as shown on Exhibit D, attached hereto. The base period to be used for the computation of annual compensation provided for herein shall be the twelve (12) months or portion thereof during which said distribution system is operated by Authority prior to June 30 of each and every year this contract remains in force and effect. It is expressly understood that none of the Owner's land is exempt from the snbject assessment described herein simply because of the Owner's advance payments of construction costs for the System. It is also expressly understood that both the Coffee Creek Addition lWd the Quik Trip Commercial Center #62R Addition are subject to such assessmtmt, same being due and payable upon the execution hereof, despite the fact that the final plats thereof have been previously approved by the City. 3. Failure of Authority to Pay Compensation. In the event Authority fails to pay the annual compensation herein provided during any period, Authority shall nevertheless continue to exercise all rights granted under this contract, and PROVIDED, FURTHER, that the term of this contract shall be extended by a period equal to the time in which Authority is in default of its compensation payments. 4. Maintenance. Authority agrees that it will operate and maintain the distribution system at its own expense after the expiration of the one-year maintenance bond period. 5. The Right to Suspend or Discontinue. Authority reserves the right to suspend or discontinue sanitary sewer service for any violation of any of the terms hereof, or in the event Authority shall determine that any customers connected to said distribution system shall be in violation of City of Owasso codes, ordinances, rules or regulations. Authority's decision to ration, limit, suspend or discontinue such services shall be final and conclusive, and in no event shall Authority be liable to Owner or to any customer for failure to supply such services. 6. Recovery of Allowable Cost. In the event Owner (or its permitted assignees) shall receive from Authority the entire Original Allowable Cost as herein defined at any time prior to the expiration of the term ofthis agreement, no further payments by the Authority shall be required. 7, Duty to Receive and Transfer Certain_payments, Owner and Authority lmderstand and acknowledge that the Tulsa Technology Center ("TIC") and the Owasso Public School System ("OPS) have each also contributed funds towal'd the construction of the System, Specifically, TTC paid $350,000,00 toward the and OPS paid $240,000,00 toward the System. After the Owner receives payments from the Authority in an arnount equal to the Original Allowable Cost less the combined amount of$590,000.00 contributed by TIC and OPS as described above, then, in that event, the Owner shall thereafter transfer all payments received by it during the remaining term hereof to TIC and OPS in the following maImer: 25/59 of any such payments to TTC; aIld 24/59 of any such payments to OPS It is understood that the Authority shall make all required payments hereunder directly to Owner and it is the Owner's duty to transfer all momes as appropriate to TIC and OPS as set forth above. The Authority shall be deemed to have completely fulfilled its obligations hereunder upon the transfer of momes to the Owner. Owner hereby warrants and represents that it will appropriately transfer all momes it may receive hereunder for the benefit of TIC and OPS directly to said parties in a timely manner as set forth above. It is understood that any rights that TIC and OPS may have hereunder shall cease upon the expiration of the term of this Contract, *"~ytw:k.d."x: 3 DRAFT 3/8/2002 as defined in Article IV, Paragraph 1 of this Contract. No monies shall be paid by the Authority for the benefit of any party after this Contract expires. 8. Specific Exemptions. The thirty acres owned by TTC in Section 9, Township 21 North, Range 14 East, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, is exempt from assessment hereunder. Also, the ten acres owned by the Owasso Public School System in Section 16, Township 21 North, Range 14 East, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma (now known as Northeast Elementary) is exempt from assessment hereunder. ARTICLE III EXTENSIONS AND CONNECTIONS 1. Extensions and Counections bv Authority. Authority shall have the right to make any extensions, connections or cross-connections deemed necessary by Authority between the sanitary sewer lines constructed by Owner pursuant to this agreement, and any other existing or future sanitary sewer line which may be constructed without the payment of any sum or allowance of any credit upon the Original Allowable Cost; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that said right shall be restricted to sanitary sewer lines constructed by Authority with public funds. 2. Connections or Extensions by Others. Authority shall have the right and privilege to permit the connection of other sanitary sewer lines to be constructed by parties other than Authority to the sanitary sewer lines and/or manholes constructed pursuant to this agreement upon the following terms and conditions: In the event the sanitary sewer discharge from such connection flows (by either gravity or pump, or a combination thereof) into or through any part of the System, then the land from which such sanitary sewer is discharged will be subject to the above-described per acre assessment throughout the term of this Agreement. ARTICLE IV MISCELLANEOUS 1. Term of Contract. Unless sooner terminated or extended as herein provided, this contract shall run from the date hereof until the expiration of ten (10) years from the first day of July next following the date on which the aforesaid distribution system is delivered to Authority as provided in Article II, Section 1 hereof. 2. Contract Documents. This contract consists of the following component parts, all of which are as fully a part of this contract as if herein set out verbatim, or if not attached, as if hereto attached. 1. Exhibit A: Approved Plans and Specifications of The System 2. Exhibit B: Record Drawings 4. Exhibit C: Owner's Certification ofItemized Statement of Cost 5. Exhibit D: Authority's Approved Statement of Original Allowable Cost 6. Exhibit E: Owner's Bill of Sale to Authority 7. Exhibit F: Lien Releases 8. Exhibit G: One- Year Maintenance Bond 9. This Instrument The contract documents constitute the entire agreement between the parties hereto. 3. Contract Nonassignable. Subject to Article II, paragraph 7 hereof, neither this contract, nor any of the rights hereunder shall be sold, assigned, or encumbered by Owner without the consent of the Authority first had and obtained in writing, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld. 4. of the parties. Successors. This contract shall be binding upon the heirs, successors, and assigns 5. Termination for Breach. It is mutually understood and agreed that said approval Sev.uPa)tqck.doI: 4 DRAFT 3/812002 by the Owasso Public Works Authority of the plan and itemized statement of cost to be submitted by the Owner shall be subject to the Owner truly and faithfully abiding by this contract, and each and every covenant, condition and part thereof; and if the Owner fails to cany out all obligations resting upon said Owner by the terms of this contract, specifications and regulations of the City of Owasso and the Owasso Public Works Authority, then this contract shall be null and void and without force or effect, and the Authority may close access to the System until such time as the Owner has complied with all of the terms of said contract, specifications and regulations to the satisfaction of the Authority. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said parties have executed this contract in triplicate, this_ day of , 2002. ATTEST: OW ASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORlTY, A PUBLIC TRUST Secretary By Chairman First Party APPROVED AS TO FORM: Attorney for Authority OW ASSO LAND TRUST, L.L.C., Title: Manager By Title: Member Second Party 5 SewcrPiyW..k.doc o IJ 0 R~140-E 11 6TH STREET NORTH t w 0Cl Iw~ ':r:;o c" CIl Z i ~ 8 ~ "::r: a CIlZ 1 06TH w ~ w :r:; ?- m C\l ~ :i 96TH .' ,cw CD [w --: t:r:;a ~ CIl :z ;:r:; n 'to 'f= , .q- ~ d . . z"z w w ::c CIl ST EIT NORTI-l ~ i o [ 8 f. ti ~ J~ '~ ~ Of,' Z f w !1 w ~ ::r: ~ CIl ~. ,~ ~ 86TI-l STREET NORTH DEVE O'PI\1ENT, .0. BOX 240 O,'TAS'SO, OK 74055 918~272-5338 " r nrf'f\nr\ T 21 N l M #6 MEMORANDUM TO: MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OW ASSO FROM: MARY LOU BARNHOUSE MAYOR SUBJECT: APPOINTMENT TO WATCHDOG COMMITTEE DATE: March 8, 2002 BACKGROUND: The Sales Tax Watchdog Committee was formed following the 1988 tax extension bond election for the purpose of maintaining a strong citizen participation effort throughout the life of the sales tax extension (10/1/07) and to insure the proper use of revenues generated. The Committee is comprised of 14 people representing news media (1 slot), economic development (1 slot), retail business (2 slots), education (2 slots), recreation groups (1 slot), financial institutions (1 slot), builders (1 slot), senior citizens (2 slots), and citizens-at-large (3 slots). Members are appointed by the Mayor with confirmation by the City Council, and are appointed for the life of the sales tax extension. A policy statement adopted by the Owasso City Council on May 21, 1991 establishes criteria for appointments to the Committee. There is currently one vacancy on the Committee created by the resignations of John Steiger, representing the senior citizen community. Mr Bob Barnes, who resides at 16150 E 120lh St N, an interest indicated a willingness to on the Committee. L POLICY STATEMENT OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA May 21, 1991 In order to ensure the integrity of the makeup of the Watchdog Committee as established by a vote of the citizens of Owasso, the City Council of the City of Owasso adopts the following criteria as guidelines for future appointments to the Owasso Sales Tax Watchdog Committee; 1. Each appointee must be a resident within the area defined as the Owasso fenceline and/or school district (herein referred to as the "service area"). 2. NEWS MEDIA APPOINTMENTS - an individual who conducts media-related activities within the service area as their pI1mary career or business. 3. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT APPOINTMENTS - an individual who is a member of an organized group designed to promote economic development activities within the defined servIce area. RETAIL BUSINESS APPOINTMENTS - an individual who operates a retail outlet, that being a business conducting direct sales to the public within the defined service area. 5. EDUCATION APPOINTMENTS - (a) one individual actively employed by an Owasso School as an administrator and residing within the service m"ea; and (b) one individual actively employed by an Owasso school in a teaching position and residing within the servIce area. 6. RECREATION APPOINTMENTS ,. an individual who is an active member of an organized group promoting the development of amateur sports and recreation within the servIce area. - an the 8, FINANCIAL APPOINTMENTS - an individual who is an officer or employee of a financial institution engaging in banking, the brokerage of stocks or bonds, or other major financial activity with the defined Owasso service area. 10. MEMBERS-AT-LARGE APPOINTMENTS - an individual who is a resident within the area defined as the Owasso fenceline and/or school district. OW ASSO SALES TAX WATCHDOG COMMITTEE FY 2001-2002 OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA MEMBERS NEWS MEDIA - One Slot Glenna Gay The Owasso Reporter 202 E Second Ave Owasso, OK 74055 272-1155 RECREATION GROUPS - One Slot Murray Adams 12822 E 10ih St N Owasso, OK 74055 371-9999 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - One Slot Tom Kimball Kimball's Hardware 8301 Owasso Expy Owasso, OK 74055 272-1146 FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS - One Slot Donnie Johns Bank of the Lakes PO Box 1017 Owasso, OK 74055 274-3535 RETAIL BUSINESS - Two Slots Danny Ewing Ewing's Fine Jewelry 12317 E 96th StN Owasso, OK 74055 272-7975 BUILDERS - One Slot Pat Woods PO Box 3 Owasso, 74055 272-4333 SENIOR Slots Pam Holt Countryside Flowers & Gifts 8751 N 11 ih East Ave Owasso, 74055 272-2283 Schools 13304 E 95th N Owasso, 74055 272-3836 (h); (w) Steve Holleman Owasso Schools 8810 N 134th East Ct Owasso, OK 74055 272-9287 (h); 272-6274 (w) Michael Philippi, Chairperson 7413 N 119th East Ave Owasso, OK 74055 622-8080 (w) Citizens-at-Iarge cont. Willard Mills, Vice Chairperson 2008 N Atlanta Ct Owasso, OK 74055 272-1760 SUPPORT STAFF Rodney Ray City Manager Vicki Tapp 12510 E 77th St N Owasso, OK 74055 272-6926 Sherry Bishop City Treasurer Marcia Boutwell City Clerk This committee was formed following the 1988 tax extension bond election for the purpose of maintaining a strong citizen participation effort throughout the life of the sales tax extension and to insure the proper use of revenues generated. The committee meets on the second Monday of January and July at 7:00 p.m. in the Community Center. Meetings are approximately two hours in length. Duties of the committee consist of reviewing aU financial records relating to the 1988 Sales Tax Extension and acting as a public information liaison. Members of the committee are appointed by the Mayor with Council confirmation for the life of the sales tax extension. Legally the term of office is defined as "throughout the life of the Sales Tax Extension (10/1/2007) or until resignation". Boards\ W atchdog.doc PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL TYPE OF MEETING: DATE: TIME: PLACE: Special March 12, 2002 6:30 p.m. Owasso City Hall Main Conference Room Notice of Addendum filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the city hall bulletin board at 4:30 p.m. on Monday, March 11,2002. ~~~;;twdL Marci outwell, Cit Clerk ADDENDUM TO AGENDA The following is submitted as an addendum to the Agenda filed on March 8, 2002. Items numbered 1 through 7 shall remain the same. Items numbered 8 and 9 are now numbered 9 and 10, and a new item 8 is listed as follows: 8. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of a Claim. Mr Ray A claim for pre-election expenses was received fi'om the Tulsa County Election Board too late to be processed for the March 5th regular City Council meeting. The Election Board must receive the expense check no later than March 18th, which is one day prior to the next regular meeting. Staff will recommend approval and request authOllzation for payment in the amount of $1243.09 to the Tulsa County Election Board for pre-election expenses for the General Election. 1. Location Map Utility Easements (Book 3926, Page 245-255). 3. Utility Provider Releases 4. Ordinance No. 705 ATTACHMENTS Staff recommends approval of Ordinance No. 705. Staff recommends approval of the closing of the recorded utility easements (Book 3926, Page 245- 255). RECOIHMENDATIONS If the requested closing is approved by Council, Ordinance No. 705 will formally adopt that action. The Owasso Planning Commission revie\ved the requested partial easement closure at the March 12, 2002 regular meeting and unanimously recommended approval. The Owasso Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the closing request at the FebnIal'j 2002 regular meeting. No comments regarding the easement closing were recorded. Each public utility provider has provided signed certificates stating they have no objection to the closing. Copies ofthe certificates of approval are attached for your information and review. The subject existing utility easements \vere recorded May 1970. The property at that time was unimproved and the motivation for the dedication is unclear. However, during the platting of Country Estates IV utility easements that are appropriate for the subdivision were dedicated. The subject easements to be closed have, apparently never contained facilities of any type. Chamey & Charney is requesting review of a closing of certain utility easements as recorded in the office of the Tulsa County Clerk in Book 3926, Page 245-255 and located within Country Estates IV, an addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma. The subject property is located north of E.116th Street . and west of N. Garnett Road. . BACKGROUND March 1 2002 HONORABLE IVIA YOR OF TO: l\tlEM ORAND UM N.T.S. IL E. 1126 STREF:l' N. Services, Inc. PHONf! (918) 141-&'7 t:"'\x; f9lA\ ':.:1L~'Y @~BenChmark S~ering "~n~nd ~ 1,01 NORTHlYNNRlG""'a-380lJt..EVNID Cl.A.n.~K)J{E, OKlAHOMA 7401 i C.:'\. "Uj--y}<>< DATL 2/12/01 "LE# 2114 0660 I I. '''01 '0802 14.10' N 74':28'49" W ,r" .'u ~,....~_~. '\C ,/'1 j(/ ~,:~""\,~~~'~~;',;~~,,, S 7170' EASEMENT TO BE VACATED (STRIP ;:I) ", ~', , 1 /~\. \y/'" I at e ent of Exhibit Feb. 12 2802 11:44PM F3 :]'-:;16867 FR/ ~IO. F,OiC' I BE0:01~IHPV SUR')Ec' j ~"G 9; ~fOJ'~.ffl@;_iN ooflGet$IIJMa. 0 Notcry ;>ubl..; ,''' "tIrl lor w..:: C:ou/'llY GnG 5:;:t~. or, ;n.s \. 't, "d- GOY of . .,. ".~.: ;"rt. ~. . 19.....1.0.. ;lerWf'll111y GP;>eorcd .1;"""" w. ..H.eid.l.,,.. :1.'1 p"''''''W1!nt of' ~~ .' . api tal company t rne. _. ro me .mow" to !Xl :i'IC ,C€n:.cc.. ;l~r!.O"_ wh" o"ewl"d ':.:.:::"",o""!"~' w",~~If...~.Jl""t one t%krI<l....l"cis;eci to me thc:~ l't"" - exec"tea :..... oem" C1 hi;; - .~.~::~~ 0l:1 ~ cie..qllor tn€ i>"r;>o$"~ ll""r"i... sel forth.. . \ '~.' .;.~~..fr41I1lll and vol.untary act and deed ~f sa.l.d eClrp~at.i()n ;'i'''~~:'Un~ my <'\Ond !U\d ~l 1"'1 aoy and Yllor :asf ~~Plr:<iln. ./ \ <....$...... .\. ~ - '\ . ' I ,~ M":~~T.~"lC,:::",...P'" ~_'" ,"'\d ....--......J.;. ,,:-.,,":''''\;>0. 't :\".,\,~ 'f ....,.,r...~Qft :;)9.r"$. '..\. ~ ' ~ -- -.-.-> . ., ~-_.-.- ":i. ._.., II)' i ;\.vtcry ?,,;:l...; V~~~._~.~">Oo/~. -'~ 55 J OKLAHOMA TUi:SA /S'f'A7li: Or'. CDUNiY OF Th!l' public is hereby giWl" aod gwnted p<:ls$euio.... of tn" 000"" a.:u:rooc" ;:>f",.,"....S fOf I"" :>ur;><l'''~ afore$Oid, and Ihfl l.M'Idef$lgned, for him:ielf. OtIC hi~ heifs, oaminlf,trCHof', .tit<;OU'}H. Cfla ass,gns, cove...ant. 'OO'\d'.O\:lflHi\\ tOOt no buildinIJ, strUCTure, Of olher above or belOW grCJlJ!'\d OOSIfUCIIOfl mc: WI.! Itllerrere w.lft Ihe pu~:!o aforesaid. will be plaCe<:!, erected. iN!oHe<!, Of 1Xl",,,ne<J u;lO" the coove ce$(;r,oe&1 ;:lrem'1es. and furtner COVl!!flOSIt$ and a<;;'el!s tho! in !"<II evenl Tne terms of 11'11$ por~'o;lh ore "IOIOlea ~y tne .."OIlI'$;gnl1d. Of ony perW<l in ptlVY w.lh him, $UGh VIOlaTIon ....ill 1:16 <::OfftKled o.fl<l ....""flaled .mtneCl.,,!elY u;>on 'ece,pT of nolice from the QOOV<1l m<lflllona&1 public uhllly. or Inof ...""tv lJ'Oa heVI! ,.;;in' fa correct end ell"""<4I" s..~h "Wlolion, cod wmel'$il;nea, his hllll'$, ~;:in'$lrators. $yCce:;wrs. (l.f'I.O O:i-$.;;"$. ~. ;')'om;>lly ;:>ay mlf aCI",,1 ~ ms!oof., . .' ~l:.- , TO:t:V-~.",NG TO HO:";::' wen eosemefl! "MO !i'le lxbh<; !Ofgv€r ,..~~<;;'6-,(r:""'~ ' Oqted thi~ '1 ~ ~ ooy of--~ " ~ 19-1.Q.. :. ".J ~.~ _ f ~~ (S'"<;AW: // ~/:.:>:.' .,",'. ,"'rho!, the: uM"r$ign",j ."wner "I Ih.. I",gal and @i:luiIOb!" IiI I" f" rhG 10110"""(; des",..",,,,, ,."t u:mc, '6( gjgidn..... ~i.:k'rtliiOfi'Of ';o11.I@'; f<N:Gived. the ,,,,,,,ipi at which is "",eby ~,,:krI<lwl@dged. . d""" h",eby graM ond ~"t;; the:.iWiiiic.:li;if;il:!I:1JLc;,,_\,~~fl'<IfOOI' OOMl",""'1 through, OVlllf, "nde'. QUID m;rO$$ Ihe followinll '~f~P~rty: -' ,~ . . ~'i~1;;;;'icllJl$t{ip o(j~hd iying in Section 6, "owl"uhlp 21 North, Rang", In:-;;$t 01 the IndIan OO$e'- :~~~i4Jcinin.Tul$(lCounty, OklonOtfla, according to Ih", United Slole~ Government SUfvey theTeof ~:.f~=;.~~~efli.ai1d'Wl}$lerliHn@rol',wnich is m<)!'tl portiGularly dlJl$cdbed 01 foll""'$: ' Comm'endng.1:ilt the' South OvOfter Corner of-said Section 0; thence North 390 .50' 54" We:$l (!10f\~ the ; ~th.line th~"o:' o. di$toru;/1J of 960.70 feef fO a po.nt on the Emler'i Ri'Jht-oi-Woy line af :hc Arch- i:ron,Trip~k(! and $onro'r@ i!oi!woy;thenc6 Nonn 15. 311 11W EC$t 01011g $oid Right-of-Way line (II di$h:mclJl of 1,260.28. feet to.gpoint of.CUf'oIlil1; th@nc@ (lIon" wid CUf"e to :l1e fi"hl, $Oid cu'V'" ! ,in,; <:In.i<3id Righl-of-Way 11""" :I(j.d curva.naving 0 rod,u$ of 5,679.65 it/Ilf, 0 (;/m il" 01 ",ngle of 09" 05' 19",@.dhtOflcliO oi 900.94 feet h::> i:lpOlnf 00 C!,!f'oIl!l, wid point being fhe ?.,litH or BEGINNING; Iher,ce '5OuthA4"':OO" ()Q" Eostac!is!tinc@ of 735.29 fmit to 0 poinl; fhence ~Ol'lh 53" 24' 25M Wen g distance , @': 15~12 i~@f to 0 point; thence' North 53" 24' 25" Eost 0 disto...u::e of 113.68 feet 10 0 point; thence ..~tlj 4(;,".00' 00" E@$todistofICltofo402.27 feet to the END of wid eO$etf\"nr. 'Wi:: ~'.pu~ 01 p;lfffllni.-.g IN COf\J!lfUCflCr. ;;Ii ;;.r.lI Ol'!rl c;:l ;lublic u,iloli@s, ."",.Iud,,,!;. but 00' i""'lil@<i 10. ~..~.~!Qry UiWIlf$. MIYfol gO$ aoo wQiQlr .;, ""'. l@!<l;>r~ onu el~tfic lif\Qll,. cGl)le~, <;o-noo.J'i$. Ofl<! pol@ .hf\:'!$,;'m:ii~ IhtOUgn. OVlIlf, UfId€Ir, om!.llcrou $G... pr~f1)I. logeln@r ""Ith all neclil1WIy &>d <;anveni",nf ~~/Ii$..INteto; Gi'.Q 10 uM! aoo maintain II'I<! .~. On<:! aflordi.-.g I~ ow",,,,r$ eM o;lemlon of lhl!! ~~I~ pW:il,: ~lil;lie$, :i'lsir oHicef$, oge/'\I$, employees. ami/or 01: ;>er~$ under COtlIfOCt wilh Inelm ,~..~t'to:.efl~er ~. ~..:i premiHs"om! strip of'!!U\d for 1M """paul oi 'WfV"'y....~. ""tClVO!&ng for. <;Ofi$Yrucling: ~mting. o::m(l ffl<li"""'<ling wen Yhli,y. ami far l",rmi"",l;ng wen u$e. f)RE5!':N'r$; \l'mSll' Wf..ME.\IT .. tlf ~ ~\1 ~ @1@ ~ I \.~~_ (""vG~'i Z-? I L (11 L 293 .'- .i;.. ueic,rc me, Ine I,.t(\GC:h ,:;ncd. a ~OrGfY Public In cnc for !.Cl(j C.Ju(Hy CU'l(J S:.:::.: ,In 7"'..),. \"'::1 ' ":::'Y of __~,__ ,.___,19.70, pers-ona"y O;;J;>eorcd JBJ1les W. HeJ.dler == , __~ . _'~__ .___=_''' _..__. to me known to DC 1n~ ,Ol.'r\:.,:_ "1,.'(~"::11 ~f\'" ~",.J\C(,.J':,1 .try.e.nome of the mo~cr fncrcof to the fOfct;Olng In~Jt~MCllr 0$ .u_-P..re.sident. ~ "'" .:;c...r....,w.~c;~~ 10 r"'1t tt'l?f ~ =-_ c"ccurcd the $omc 0$ h.l..~ trce ono vO.v.f".tG". ,:..;t ,~nJ ~':~d Of \.uCt\ .~fOf101l. fOt the u:,.cs OM pufPO';C;5j fhcft'!lf'l wf torHl. GIVEN undef my noN;! oN;! ,"'01 .he daY oN;! year I~Of.a~@ ""',,,en -\ , . '- /, . "~' \\ I \(J~ \:;" "'---"'- " "'"~t\ \--'\.... :;\\~" \\ My Comrrw"'G" E"plfc,,_"';'~.~_'_~L.b- -- ".-'- '. ~ , (.J J I " :--''''u'y ?~",,( ....rrEST (Sl::AW; if/-"" " ~~I"~~=""? ~:::.~~~ ST" TE OF _ ma,AHOMA. ~.~ $5 COUNTY OF-------'1.'!JLSA ___) B:.~~J{~ 1 9.2.2. "O'H~VE AND TO HOLD weh <<I",...e,,1 uflll) Ihe publ.c fO'''''''f, Oal<<d 1";$ \ "b"::.- ooy 0/ The pubhe H~ hereby 5pW!f1 and granfed pt)sses!i,of1 01 'fie above describer.: ;,Jr'\,"n..~~s. for ?Fle ;:)....f;')OS--(I!!t OfOYEsa,d. ond the uncer'b'gncd. 40r ntmsclf, and l>tlS kelrs, OdtTlIf\.~rrarof$. !l,uCCe~s.of~. C,f'\(j e5~.~ns, Cov~net1r~ and ogre@s thot no bUIlding, UfVCfure, or other above or beiow ~rou"d o::atruCfIOt'l tncr WOII .nterferE' I>>>.fh tne PYft)OUf"l OfOfttUJld, wdl be plQC~do mrC-Cied. I"~toi:ed. or p~ftY"Hed upon the ot)()Vt1 Gel-Cr.;jl?/O ;)reffill"~. and ftdnne, eov"nc.nn and ogr@@1 rhor In vhe @v@fnf the ferm$ or fnl!, porogfo.;H'\ ere vlol(}fea ::'Jy 'Me yr\c,er$.\;N@G. 01' eny perron in. privy with him, ~h violettlon. will be corfect~(j eM eiUT\If\ored l",fYI~C.GU'~IY u;>ol't rece';lt of t\Ofu:e ffOft"l the abOve menhon-ed public utl!tty, Of fnOr ufdjty $.hell have right fO correct end e:.ff'hflOfe !.uen violalion, and undeu.grntd, ".$ he.f$, odmini$lforofS, $ ucce""" '$, and a"'gn., moll p,om;;Hly pay",. CCI"ol ~th.m",l. fof' thtt PUfpo~.$ 01 p...r....U'an; U\~ construction Of er,'t one c:l i:h..O]'C utd'~le'S. Inch.Jd!n~. bur not IltTId'ed fo, ~tOffn and UU'litary $€W~:J). f1c,:.."r(:H ga~ and woter jtfte~. felepnOr\e ond elf~CftlC jll"'i''1, coole.!., conch.JltS. and }}O:e Ung~f thereon, tnrougr,. vV<S'f, 6(\....~r. and oerOi5 wu; ~(oPCrty. rCX;CfrU!f wlfn 0.. ncc:euary one C:CH'VenlerH ClPplJrtenonces InerelO, cr..:. 10 u~e and mClrHQIr'l :ne ~Qmc. Gnd affording fnt; .,'j<><:tnCf1. cna O;l~rc.ron, ot U'1~ O-bove f'f'\entlonec publiC ...d,ltflE''i, IOfHf offu:en, ager i". employees, anC:/or 011 oe(Wn~ uf'\Gter conuocr w.rM. rnem, th$ right to t.entef UpOr! Wta pferr'll~$ and Sfrlp of "lot\G ror the pufpos.e of SUrVe;'lflc;. cX(,uvQ'f,ng for. C014Su\JCYlng, ~rOlj"lJ. IlM fi'i(!.mo.fI"'9 such utililY, oN;! fOf 1",m,,"'t,n\1 ,,,ch "'\,e, at the South Quarler Comer 01 ~id Section 6; thence North 890 50' 54" W~,t cion;; ,he South II".. th",,@ol Cl di$tol'lc", 01 960.70 1"",/ f<J1 " paint on the Eo.rer! y Righi ~<lf- Way I ine of the AICh. ;:!<)n, Topeka and Santo Fe Railwoy; thern:.. N<>l'lh ] 5" 31' II" Eo,! alon9 soid Ri5h!~()1 -Way I in" Q dis- I<<mco:l of 1,260.23 f"",t 10 (j poinl 01 Gutv,,; thenc;:, 010n9 $<Jid GU,ve 10 th<l righI, ,,,id Gu've lying 0" roicl Right"'Qf=Way lirh', $Oid curv" having 0 rodiu. 015,679.65 I"el, (j c"ntr(jl ""gle of 1S. Ov' 06", '" d..l"mc.. ,,11,487.09 IMt to Ih" point 01 BEGINNING; thence Sooth 59" 23' 43" East a dimmcc 01 90.61 1.."tIO" poinl; then"" Soulh 44. 00' 00" E,ul" di'lonce of 1,010.95 leetto the END of UJid easement . <:itlhe Sooth Quarter Cmn"r 01 $O.d Secli"", 6; thence North 89" 50' 54" We~l along lh" S-th lin@ "clhlt::"'t:It< "I 960.10 II!!@t to" point on the Eos!"":t !'1'9hl-of~Woy iiM 0: 1M" Alch- i~, Topek@ and Santa Fa Railway; lhence North 15" 31' 11 M cm;t olong ~oicl Rigr;I--ot -Way i.r,,, 0 d.starn::@ of I, ] 11.85 l<let to th@ point of !lEGINNING, fhe"ce conlinuing North IS" 31' ; I" EO'I oloog roicl Right=of-W<:oy line d disfl:l'H::e 01 148.43 led 100 poinl of curve; t;,eflce olong said curve to tl'Mlright, \;gicl curVe lying 01' $l:lid Right=of-Way line, ~oicl cu,ve having G rodiU$ of 5,67\-.65 feef, t! ~.-mh'<:il ""gl@of 163 00' 21", {! cii$h:mc4!l af 1,586.63 f0e' to 0 pcinl of fO'(\genl; lhence No,th 31. 31' 3,2" E<:lst 01_9 $(lid Right=of-Woy lifWl 0 di$l<Jflcl!! of 319.40 feel 10 th.. END of UJid "memefH. AND; A 10 Illel widlii $trip of lond lying in Secti"", 6, ia",mmip 21 North, Rang" 14 East of :he Indian 3c:~" md ~kjj<:in In Tulsa Coonty, Oklohomo, occordi"g 10 Ihe United SIOte$ Governmenl Survey ;ne,eof, lhl'l S-1I"lM'lv Ii..." of whkh i~ I1"or" parlicuh:wly cl"$crib..cl <:is follows: owf\.-cy af th@ legal ond €Q\"H~QbJ@ 21tle to 1he h),IJOWH"9 deurd:)t>d iCO: e~~of~. fOf 'J'"1]jtMl?'r~N::@lv"~id9 111@ f'€l(;@jp~ (j~ wi.>jH:h .i> h"*;"w,oy <.i(;.kff"t<ViJi~og~d. O'Oet hei'l3oy gi'QfH ond 10!" pubJi-(;: UJ1Al~ Q peq;:'XNftVJ! €a.!tef~nf throu,ghc {w-&f, '"M~f, O,9'td ot:r02:.i thm if! Secfio" 6, T_m~h;p 21 North, R"'rlge 14 Eml or file In",;",n [lme t'>ccmdi"g 10 th" United Stot,,' Gove,nment SUfV"1' t"efeof, d"$;;fil:H~d 0$ 10110'#$: flY T'HESE 'PIUSENTS KNOW ALl", unUT1 LU!J<UrT -3!)26 ~ 24,\7 "J:~.~77 29L1 HKf ZZ 3 55 ~ blJa!l'l:. u& ~Q~~ lll.IL.i$ '::\lU€ilf'tfY r1LflJ . - '-."OF!' ~-- 2~ 0) ~ ;\..o:.:;ry ;'lwv..~: \.,1,11'\\" -- , ~ t:)_~ My Comm'~l.1ljot1 E~~irC'1>_.._'._.~~...},. ..'....Q~ /~ I . GIVEN lJ.fl.d.cr lV'~y hond ond '},col tYlC day ond yeol .O~f ocov@ \Nt. Hen oeir.rc f'Y".c. '''c ~,Gt.'1 '.. ;1'1\"0. 0 ~c.:.::o(V ;>,,,:;,,,c .n c.j,\~ tvf \.:;..-: (:.."'!\",r.%v "j(\cj 5:...:;~..~ ..1r. :r'I... '.'. ..May :9 70. pt.."...onv..y C;;';1l.'Gr.".'u James \4. lJe.ldler ~_._ _ . fO me I!l.nGWpfO Ot: Tn.:- .G,,'n: ~_ .),,"\..1n \"ono ......i':)~.:,.o.:'c tilt': r.o:-noe Qt Inc 1'1'\0-'0.(:1 tnctGor 10 tnc jOl~tjOlt'''<;' In\.lrt..om..:(U O~ 1''1> _.r::es1.dent ...; .:;,....""...... Q~ tr.cr he._ _. cuccu'ca fMe \.Orne ot. ..__ _~~_ __._ ._~, tft'!C cno vo"...r,fCI\ .'r cnu '-..:....'"0 fo;:) m~ (;Or;;>Ot'oflor., for tM@ YM:~ 0110 p..~f;>O$rC$ n.C'~ln s.Cf iottn ...... o~..:u 01 ~wcn ot "::':'y TO. HAVE AN::; TO HOL,:) .",en "".em"fi! urHo rhe pul>l.c fOfever. , <.~ \.. Oa'lild th,~ ,''*'- "oy ot . ___..!:!i!Y....__.__ -_.192Q... ATTEST e;~W Cl\_ROUSt;:~_q..1.).q:..,y, .s;;~/A..'JXJ' IN~ , '1 ai... ./Z.. ,'../ ____, / J . ~.~.. "_c -...... ....:. L __._ Uy ---l!/;V/ w-r:.--- ,..,.-- ,v< ..' .~. ~~....,~~;.5., "'-~ v,,/ ..'.. STATE OF__......QlU.JWOMA__._. 55 COUNTY O"__..-XlJLSA The public IS hCl(.';)y g.ven and grc.nlCGI :>OH~!.s"on 01 rnc COove (leser.Dce ;;1..:1. ."~1 lor (Me :J""t;)o<;c!t OIcH'@$OJd, Ond fh('f v.nacf!lo~gned. for nlmlleif, Ond h.~ he/n, C.;:;tn,fl.3.Uarors,. s,ucce)'wf'!J.. ..;.nc Cs.~.~n\.. eCV~f1cna and ogree$ rhor no bY4;(;h~. !orvucrur~. ar orher GDOve Of belOW .;rouf\C o:arrwcf.on :nc;: w... .r::ertefl?' w.U't ~r'.e purpeun afOf€t$g.a, wdJ be f)Joeeti, eref;red, 1f1$fo..eo, or ;>erf'F,dfCG >d~t1 rne ovove Cesc (,;jet; ;:He;.Y'.se:s, er,c lurrh,,, "o"e""".. <::.nd "9r""$ If"" .n .h" even. .ne r"rm, 0; Tn., ;>e;ra!;;rO;l;' G'e v.o.areG ~f 'ne ~ncer>.!;;r.ec. or any P€NM In pInt)' wirn "W"f~. ~YCh VIOlOflon Wll~ De corr~Cfe.j on(1 ehrn1nored lmmcc.cre.y l.t;)on reee,;>!' of nofu;@ from iRe Obove tnenf'Of"ted pu-bJ,c urlltry, or ff10f LlTlllry sholl hove f's;;hr ro carrec? end e1d'Y'\u"'O'i'e t,ycn "';OAofion, and Yfl.d.gn.Gn@d~ hH~ n@tn, Odf11ln'5tfofon, flUCCe$!.OfSo. Ofld OMIIg:n:!l, 1haH prom;>lIy ;:>c.y Ih~ C(t\"ol ~r rhereol. . tor rh. pUlPO'''~ 01 p,.. .."It,';; rr,,: CO''I<1IuO,O'' oj cr.', O"G G.. "wo"c ur';"'e>. ,nClud,ng, tJul no. ;,m"ea fa. SlcH"m and Ulnltory u=~....;~. f'l.G:"",ro. CO$ (Jfl(j Wr;,"IU Hf\.C}, telcpnon~ and eie'trlC :.ne$, Coole$, CanOulfS, and ;;Ole til"tCS, rher&Oll, rhro-ugr.. iYd~f'. t.<J~~r, and m;:rO:!.$ WIG ;)(operty. r~cfner With 011 necessory one COt1ven'enr Op.puffenonces tner@fo, ar~ H) \,JJ~d and ffl(jlfHCHrl foc ~ome. ond aHord'ng the ,:;,w''lct'$ one; Q;;>f'ratOf$ ot the ~e tTIeruionea pub.." w:611ilt~$. rhe,' officer$., ogcr a, emp;oyee~, ond/Of ell per'ii>Of\s, under canfron wd" them, vhe righr to t;'fifer uport lGHl prernf$4!'$ ond SHip of JOI".('; ror r"e ;Jurpo'5.C' of s.ufveYIl'~. ofX.L:Gvaflng tor, COt1$tn.,lCYIf'lQ. operofm9" (}.fl(j M-UinIO,i1.n9 1-t.A:h u,ddy. and 10f ICftrolt\oflng ~wCf1 y~t? Comm.."cinQ ot th@ S",-,th CltJI:>fI"'" Carn"" of wid S"dio" 6; Ih""<:,, North 89" 50' 54" W~\t alon~ .he Soulh line Ih.,,,,,m{ t! dislom::" of 960070 feet to 0 point 00 the EO'I"r!y R;ght~Q;~Way lin" of th" Atch~ i~, Topeka and Son/<:i F" R<:iilw<:iy; then<::" North 150 31' i I" Eml along :mid Ri9hf-O{~WGY Ii"" a di$~ I'tince of 1,260.28 {"et to 0 po,nt of curve; Ihence along said curve to the righI, mid curve Ii'ing On !laid Right-of-Way lin", wid <:....V<'l having 0 rodius 0; 5,679.65 ;"el, " e""tfO! ongl" o{ 150 Ov' 06", "dislo"",@ of 1,487.09 f",@! to ,h.. poin. of BEGINNING; Ih"Ylc" Soulh 59" 28' 43" Ea't a d.\tonce or 90.61 feet to a point; the...ce Soulh 44" 00' eN'" E"sl <l cli.Ion",,, o{ 1,010.95 {ecl to the END af ,,,id easemenl. ot ih@ :i_lh Qu""I"" Com"" of :mid S",eliCM'i 6; th""",@ No<lh 890 50' 54" W""t along Ih", I>!'@of" d"lrm",,,, of 960.701.."'110 a point on Ih" Eosh!"'ly Rj9f1t~of~Woy Ii"", or the Aleh- 'Wfl, and Sr:'M,t@ F<1IIt<lilw<:iy; 11-._<:<11 N06'fh J5" 31' 11" Eosl along $o.d Righl-a{-Woy line" dhmnc@of 1, Hl.aS ffJ.l01 10 Ih0 point of !lEGINNING; IhMc\c; cOOlinuin" Nonh 15" 31' i I" Eel$! 01009 $Old l!ight""tlf-Woy lifle (I dizt<me" of 1413.43 fe",r to 0 poinl of curve; I;""'"e(> along ,aid Cu'"" to t~ Fight, wid CUI'V<!! lying Of1wid Righl-of-Way Ii""" wid curve hoving 0 radius of 5,677..65 reel, o e'ltl1tr<:i1 el"gl", of lo@ 00' 21", <:i cli~Ionc'" of 1,586.63 (lilel to" p"im o{ Icngent; then",,, North 31" 31' 32'" EUM along l;<:Iid Righl_f-Way lifMi u di.lone" of 819.40 feel to th", END o{ wid eo'''01'''''I. AND; A 10 f"'@I wid@ strip @f I"md ly.n9 in $@ctiol1 6, TO"'''$hip 2J North, Rang" 14 E'l$! 0: Ih" IndirJr..3":$c ood Meridial1 in T"lro Coynly, Ok!ohoroo, oceording to Ihe United Stores Government Survei' :hereor, Ihe Sovlhf:ll'!y l!fI@ of which i~ 1mI<''' fl""t;eulgrly deu:rib",d 0$ follow$: In S~GHo.n au 21 l"...lorrhv l~onge 14 East oi ?he Indion BO'i.e rnecording 10 the Uniled Stare5 Governmenl SLn've, Ih"'"of, describ",d 0$ foll ow,: r;;f IMd 1:_...1)1, H_'of wh.eh '3 fl'Hl"" ~f of fhe legol and eqUitable ~Jlle to ~he follOWIng dCU:I'IOed f€QI eHcHe, for ~jtb@ f~aJv€d. ~h~ f~eJpt of WYHch l'b h{:!..~by oe:knowledgred, does. hereoy gfQ.f'1l' and fw public y$@. @ pef~hM)! ei3:Lern!2nl' YhiO~~t1j over. t.uwJer. 01W GlCr-Oitllb lh;& 1hr..: 'he !l;NOw AU MEN l$V' THESE PRESENTS. 7:~.~ ---;;'N U IltJ rf UHl1UT -~2G ~ 24i9 - III - ~ Gefate mc. the uf".Cj(:('.. ;nca, a Norory PubliC In end fot Sc.d County ano S:.:;~..:', ,Jf'I ~f'\,~ \ - ao;v of /'I~"_. ____, J 9,.lJl. pc,wno;:y c;:>peo,cd .I.arnes W. Ueidler as.J?re.sident of caro\\sel Cap.U{3..l..._~Qm.pdO~-Q---' fa me known to oc ,I"" lo\!n:.';~. .:x"wn. Wl"IO i......:acr..J.:C th~~~-ri\e..of,rt...c maacr rncrcot fO rho lOfClJOlng if1urumeol os ,r~J:..e..s..id.e.nt ~..; ..:1c.~n"'Va'I':CCco to me r~" ~ "he' ~ execured ths some O~ h.; q - free ond vO:unIGr\ .:;.:: cno a~~a of Suet'\ ~~~tIO~, f<?r ~".fj> vW$ Q6'\.O pv(poW$ fhl:fCln $.Cf fotfn. : ,~!VEN ~r ITI; ~o~d ond .eol the doy and ycM 10",.9.~"~O,Wf:t1"n" b ',' .'" '-", , "'~1-', ~.~, ,\:("""\- ':"'''''' My'Comn"..,"" E><poru::1 ",,",{ ,\ ::.c", .L~ __..:....L...,,_ .~,.. ) ..~ ....,,"' .---- . V ' ) l\;O:0ry ?WQIIC CAR-j10USEl> CA!:I""~'L...~J}i::-,-# BY_~,~-!~~ ....,.-..-""-'=~ -~ss _J STA.E OF OIU.AHOMJ\,. COUNTY OF----IllLSh ~~.=_.. -.. ." '. ~.;;., ,.r ./.. ~~~"':../ ~ A1"TQT (SCAL): The pUblic 1,$ hCf{'OY given and grof1red j'}Os~t.':~~.v(\ of y,..~ e-t.o,..t:' cc~e.r.o"c ;)r,J. ...~~ ~c.r me :Jv';)o~e~ olofes-cud. CH'\d Ine vnGcr~tgf\C-(j, for htn'1s4:if. and F\i'i. hc"~. can,.n.~:fG:Of\, Su"CiM)t'1... Gr..::; C~~,t;f1\. c.cvencnt~ a.nd agrees thor no but1d.ns;. struCfure, Of other ooov~ Of below <$fOUnc OO$.frvC1'0n U'\c;: ..."... .f".:Cffer12' w,rh ~rc Ch.4f1)Os,eS alorE-w'd. wdJ be p)Jocec, erect-ed. InilroiH~Q. Of petf'Y*..!:~G v;JOn t:"1e C:.JQvc: C"5.cr,;:h~C: ;H<t~'!.\H. .::r.C: further covenants ana CH;;ree:li tnor In the event lNt? ferm$. of rnu, ;JCfC;ta~n ore v.a.o:ee ;]J'( r:"l~ \a~':G'r~'l;;"o?d. or ony !')@t'$Qn an priVY with him, W(M. vlolaflon WtU be correCfea ana eilfnlnoted Irl'HYlec.Gfc.y bo;}cn rec:el;)f Of f\Or'CIJ ff~ fhit aoo"l! menfJonttd public utility. or tMot ufli.ry moll hove fight to correCt CAe ei,ff'hf\{Ue S,uCfi violation, and tM'ldfUSlgf1.€d.. ""$ heir:i, admlnisrrotofS. $ut:c::e'!.~n, aod (u$19n~. $holl ;)fom;::>fiy ~oy rhe CCluO; ~r lh..,eof. ~:'i..' , Te)' HAVE.~I',H) TO HOLD .w:h ..o",met'll ..,,10 I"" .publiC jOf"""'. \'''; 'v. .o.:.If<(j 1;';$ , - 001' 01 .Mal': . 19..1JL for the ;H.Jf;JO$C$ of p.. i. ..Hln~ :r.~ con':HructIOtl O~ cr.'" enG ~;. .'1"",,)..C U1iilt.C~. ,f\(i6>C:.,~.'.;. Ouf nor '''Y>..~C'C ~.1. $U.H"M and :u::lf'utcry U;".";:1J. f'\C:"""fO. ~OSJ ana wot\i'I ""'~". .cj':;:>f\OIl..~ ar"::;; Clccrr.~ ....~'~. c,::;O)...~ t:cp.:;~:., ';;''-~''; ;J=-..} linre3. ihff~. fhf'OW';F.. uVi!f. Ut-...:;,.,:r. end OCfO$!t Wl'~ ,::.ro;>eny. ro~(.'tnc ( worn c... Y\t.~ec~s.:;(y .::nc: 'Of'HJen.~nr appurtenance$. tf'lereto. &.~ l.,j u~.c ond motnrCUf1 tf\C ~Gmc. cne onCrrdd"~ tnc ..-""f"l\,."f\ QfiG O;J-Crcror~ of fhe above mentH}nea P6JO..c. "",ithrles. thel( ofbcers., ~C( ;~. cmtJ;oycC"~. onG Of ad ;>Cf\OfH wncer c.onrrOCI w.fn memo th~ fight to enter upon Uha premJ$es and Utlp of ~ct\a iOf the ;'h.,jrpo'loC of 1>6JrVevll')~. ~~k.,:,vohng fot. COi1\fruCill''\g. ~roti~ cm.d rnOinrOlf'hng iu-Ch util.lly. ortd for tCfmlnolJn~ ~u-CF\ '-"~ Commencing at the Sooth Quarler Corner of wid Section 6; thenc" North 890 ::'::' 54" W"" edoc., :h" South line thereof 0 d,donc@ of 960,70 feel to {j point on rhe Emferly Righr-or-Way line of :h" Alch- iwn, Topeka and Santo Fe Railway; thence North 150 :1 J' 11" Em! along sold Rish:-of -We! I in/! a dis- tance of 1,260.28 feet to 0 point of curve; then!:e along mid curve to rhe rl:Jhr, ,oid GUf'J" I/in~ an wid Righi=of=Woy line, wid !:lM''!!! having (l radius of 5,679.65 feel, a central angle of 15" 0;.;' 0:>", '" distance of 1,487.09 reet to lhe point or BEGINNING; thence South 59" 2a' 43" E<:~f c dlm>r.c,;- or 90.61 fe"llo 0 polf'll; thence Souln 44000' OG" Eost a di'lance of 1,010.95 rect to >he Ei':D 01 ,oid ea:iem~nt Q floe South.Quarter Corner of mid Sectioo 6; thence North 8)>@ 50' :}4" We~1 <:Jiano !he 111 didOfl<C" of 960.70 fe@t to @ on lhe ilflC: 0,' Ifl., Atch- '_1, t!fld Santa r@ Railway; th",rrc<I 31' 11M tml l<:l.d i1i\Jr'~~'oi..W"y iir,,,,,, digt(!~@ !, 111.85 feer to the point of 3fGINNING; thence continuing Nor,h 15" :j i' i I" E,m ",,!oog <<lid Right-of-Way lit'lG "di,tonce of 148.43 feet to a pulnt of cur"e; if.ence 010"9 ",id Curve t@ IfWll right, :!<'Jlid cur'll'! lying 00 said Right""<>r..Way line, ,old cu,ve having 0 ",diul of 5,67"1.65 feef, @ central angle of 16@ 00' 21", a dist"",::.. of 1,586.63 fe@1 to" p0int of ton9"nl; thence NOlth 310 ::II' 32" Eo,t 01(>119 $(jid Right_f..Woy Ii"", a dbtam:.. of 819.40 feet 10 fh" END or ",id "o,ement. AND; A 10 f<fllltwide strip of lond lying in SiJlctioo 6, Township 21 NO<'th, Range 14 East or :he IndjeJr\ dOS" o:md Akridirm in Tulro County, Oklahoma, m;cCl'ding to the United Stotcs Governmcnt Survey 'hereof, Ihe Sooth""l y line of which i$ mCl'@ p<:lrticulor I)' de~cribed 0$ follow,: of land iying In Sel:tjgn 6, Ti.Y#ll'bhip 21 r--~JC4.th~ Range 14 t.OSI of :h<t Indian ~cuC' Cou,.,'}', OldohOll1o, occt}fdif'l~. to the United Stol"" Governme:nl SUI""I theft'o!, of wh.ch '$ morl! !l<<ticulod V de%cnb"d o. follows: A- IS f_t w.d.<i) ~~.d;ol'l'l1l O"MncY at th@ legal on-d €'GuliOble fl~l~ 10 the IOllo"""f"I'] dCt>cr,Ded fcol Q..'UOVc, 40t vnh.MJ' 'r<<S1vlfd. in€.? r<<eq:ili 01 wnu;;h l~ hereby acknoWledged. o.oc~ hereDy grOfH Gnd f@J' ~Hc y~? 0 P"@ypchM'&! €-t1\MM-&U'H fhfcugh, ovt'u', under, {ul{j ocr-cu, 1he 10iIOWH'l.g Tho. 'h.@. KNOV# AU.. MEN !lV THESE P'USE""TS 7:1b.a "71 D 1.lJ1M.JM' ~r ~...J1Jr~ ~ ~A IS 312 (, P .:;t S f ;( HilT ZZ :3 55 fliNG!':!> ~~ Ct 9 BO!IfOl'<<I me, :he .......ce's.!;N<l. 0 :-';otory ?uDl.c .n en.:: fo' W.G Cou"'y Gnc 5:e:<1. on ,,,.s '," ~o.. cay of _ lo'-<!L. . i9.l!L.. ?/Irwnolly G::>;>cored~,,-liej.A.le.r as President Qf Ca..rQl1~~~4 Inc:. . 10 me .u><)wn 10 r>> In<! .cent.ce, ;;~:~- "'no e><ec"lea rh@ iorego0<;l ;.-....r\.JIr.~....1 om: QCM'\Owie<l!;ed TO me 11".0: he "",,,...Iee :ne wrr.~ e. -.h.i..s. fri'tl!l <:mG.1tOJ...,,;;:.,.,.:.m:,Y ~ cgeO/jor :1'1<'1 pu'pou. "'<'1'<<'" "'I form and:aa'th@ free mnd voluntary act and deed of said corporation ~VEN .....,,;<lr my I".<:n<:i om: !&OI ;I'l<< cay end y<<c;r IOU ~~. wMTen _~ ~~' \'\'1" -~,,::-\, -" " . "" -- .J <>...", ~~. .".. _. MyCAlmffl'u..r,.-. ~'H'~, ~ ~'\.-~ -~~-- '.<..--' "--- . ' I :'\,0:Cry ? >4;;}"';; r 55 J 01U.AHOMA TULSA STAn: OF COUNTY OF. Elv.~ ~,"', ATl"tST CSEAU: I . . {/ . ,,/ -Lor"'" . .+;; L~ ' ")I 0' \~~":>... ~I€rd ,his TO HAVE ANO TO ria;';:;' wch ~m ",!\fa TN plJtl..c forever, ~ public ill hereby giWln 0K\d granted ;)O$~5,ian of the Goove de~r,bec: ;;Jrefl'!.se$ for rne ;}yr:x;ses (jfonf~ 0K\d the UIldersigrntd, for kim14>U, 0K\d '''$ heml. MMtrl'!lfOlOfS, $uccessof$. eno oss.sns. CO."I"",n:t 0K\d ~~ ~r _ b....:di"!l. $l'fut:r""e, 0<' orhl'lr o~ or bek>w ground OO$uvCrion lM: ",.;1 .fIleti",re w,ln me ~ ofOl'~id, ""II be llk:lcm!, erected, ;fl$ICIU"d. or JUlrm.tted u;::>oft the a~ c;e:u:r.tl<<<! ;Jrerr.'MS. Cft" f~r ~"' and asre6s thor .n t~ 6VC!flf 1m t&fJ'fl$ of this jXlragr<lPN ar" vialarm! Oy In" uflCel1i''8''''ct, Of en,/, P0~ in privy ...rh him, :!Ucl'l violation ",iH be corrected of\d "Iim."aled ;m~C:'C1ely ..;:>o<'t re<:~.;;l' of not~ from rhl'l cWo"" Met11i<med public utility, Of rhaf .."Iiry $M.I MV," righl 10 <:ortecr end ",.m'nG'" ""-"" wioJofi&'a, ~ ~grntd. !>.iJ! hI'l.n;, odmi......<OfOtS. ...,;:c,,~wn, 000 0$'191'1$. sholl prompl;y ;;ay me Ge''''''' ~rhl'l~. . ~~~~~gned 1l~r of lhiJJ legol ond iJJquitoble tille to the follow,,,,, dl15l:fli:Hld feol "~tOI", fOf @;;"l@ .iR~mti&'a:of VoJ~ fllCfJi""d, th@ receipt of which ;$ hllreby ~ckrlowledged" doe, hereby gYMI end =~I~.~U:;:fO~:::~Jl~._....~~tp@luOl e1Jscmeflt through, OIl1lr, Uf'Ider, ami' aCrt;)$lI tM following .~'" _ ,~.;t5'~.t\li1~'~ll'ip or fMi:llyin[J in' S@ctioo or Towl1mip 21 North, Ronge 14 Ea~t of the Indian !leie- 'md~Ii:Ii.Cll'I.n.Tuli:-a;COIJnty ,Okloh()(flo, occo...::lif'lg to the United Stotes eovcrnmefl! Stwvey thereof, ~ ~Iy <md Wl1lstflrly lino of which i. rtu;we jXlfticul!l!fly described 0$ follows: C_lmt:lng l:!t thil'~lJth QutU'tllf Cot-nl!lf of wid S<!Jetion 6; themcl!l North 89" 50' 54" West along thl!l Sooth line lhMlIlOr a di.tanG@ of 960.10 fl!ll1lt to t:l p<:lint 00 the E(i$tlW: 'I it;;;~r"'"(lf-Woy line of the Atch- .wo, l~kcil::md'Sant(J F@ Railwoy; thl!lllc@ North 15" Jl' JlW Eo~t along ;oid Ri9ht"'"(lf~Woy !in!]! eI di.lwlelll or 1 ,:!60. 2B f@flt to @ point of curve; th""ce ,,10"9 $n,d eUfve 10 the yj ght, s.edd Gurve lying on'wid Riglw=of-WCllY linl!lu $!:lid curv€! hov,ng (:j rodius of 5,619.65 fee!, 0 centro! ongle of 09" 05' 19" (ll di$h:ll\Cll of 900.94 foet to a paint on curve, wid p<:li"t btling the point of BEGiNNING; thenc"l Sooth 44" 00' 00" Emt @ d'$k!nc:e of 135.29 f"'l!lt to 0 po'nt; thence South 53" 24' 25" We'5t @ distance of 15.12 le€lt to (J paiM; thence N@ifth S3" 241 2.5" E(J$t Cl di$temcl'l of 113.68 feel to p<:lint; thence _ North 46" .00' oo~ Emf (] cli.tom:o of 462.27 feet 10 the END of wid eO$cm"nt. for rhe ~. of D>""'&tling fM (:m1$lrue'lGJ' ~.; d".y one ,,;. ;>uhli.;: uril.!lll/$. .<>eludinQ. bur nol lim.ted to. .tMffl aM wnitmy M%W1llfJ!, _tyrol 9<:1$ aM water .:, ,a. I/!Il,,;:n'=.@ end elecln, l.nll/$. cag1e$, com:lwol$. and pole lina, I'h<'lrilOf!. fh~h. fiV<ilr, UIlder, and ccroJ!J! $0... ;mJperty. toge,her wilh ell ~es.w'Y GOO CO"ven,enf ~rt_" tNf<nO; GrId fO MM! 0K\d mou'Ilcin ff',* '''''''''. ",",c] affording the OWnef'$ OM operofOrs of rh" ~ m1Mf~ pub:.: ....!iliti&$. meir afficer$. agems. <ilmpleY"''''$, and/or aU per$Of'\$ unaer CMUOCf wilh the"'. I'h<'l right to enter ~, :,G11tI prel"ll\<iI$ 000 srrip 01 'lano for lhl'l ;>urpose 01 $urvey,r-s;. eXCQllol."!l for. COJ'ISlrUCI'''9, .rotillil. aM moimc;.tl."!l UJ<::h utIlity. orn:J for l<ilrm,nafi"lO $ucn ..$e. PRESENTS: 13'f ALl '73480 Uil!.lTY wnrn ~~ )1(0 _~ \ct y~~L '2( 00 &fO$'e ff'~. :ne ~..c.@'$I~f\eC, a ~tory ?utHiC 1(\ Cf\G tor s-:;.i: C:~vnfy cr..: ~:~:~ vr. ~''''.3 ~-~- c:;y gf ~v __. 19-1.9. ;)4jr$,Jrnlliy c;:>;:>o:creo.....J.amea.W. lieidll1l.LA.S l!:r..e:tiJient .~ ~~fI.HP~~Jll~~, r;1lpll.2.11 ~.omp;aftjLv.. 'Tnt:"'. . to me l\(\{}wfl ro De i:".~ ,.:Di:f\:.,:,:". ;~.v~v:'\ __ wr.v ~&~c,.,,:ea _~.~..;.,: ona ccM'tOWleOg4i1a 10 me tr.c:__ ..he___ ll"eCuhlG :,,~ \Ul".,: .::.~ ....J1.is :'f~ ~\J;;,i~'QC: ;:.J'\O Ge/llCl;/OI' 11\6 ;W~$ rn."".1'I ....: lot'" :!~~ Imd volunt.ary act. Imd deed of said cox:poraticm. ~'~:.'~:"'Gt~''''''.wmY fWJtta CM!l;@{3IIh@ ooy am; ytNJr iO~1 o1>ll'WI "".!le" ) ~ \ ~~:" .~:'~'.': ~;.~t.. :.0' . ~ '--\ \ ~ >.~./ J. '~~i'~i~~ires~ ""-~~~:J :....-~>:;..' -? \)\.\\",..~~- ~ I ". .' '.' ~" ' 'ot"f\' ~ ~ . I., _.v. ., lJ ."10 "". r"""",..", Cl:li~ 'ihi~ 'i~'V).'. > <ley Of - ;1" ~&AU: .~tih~L~' L>~_ ;;;;:" ~r' ,].. ~..!-. STATE OF',,-OXUHDMA COli r..'IY Or.......:mJ'.SA , 55 B ~ t:. ~_ - ~ May TO HA'II'E.ANQ-TO HO"';:' ~h ~@"t utlro m" p"bloc lorever. ""'" p...b.Ji<: i~ hc'eDy t;.~" 000 ;;fon!@d poucssion of trle <:100..... 0e!.l:f10CG ;:>'emls..s fa, me ;l,",';:>C~,,~ @~id, and tn., ~f1..~ned. for h.m$<lli. aM i'u~ hei,s, oamll'l.$lfOtOF$, $Ucce~m'$. (;t'G Glssl~m. C(!V"nefia 0fId O{lfH$ mot no !:l".ld'ng, SIrUCI"tll!. or Ol"~f ClOOve or DelolN grllW'O ~$lfUC!ion :nor ....I .metie,,, .",,'" the ~ oiorgw,d. ""ll ~ pIClCl!t!. erected, ;11$1oll..d, or .,ermlne<:! u;>on me Cloo...e c;el,{lf.o~c; ;:lrem.lel. Gfie: flMfMr CClYomrJJ'ltt one! cgf@(!$ 'Mol In the ""ent the te,ms or ,h,~ ptlrogrc:;:W\ 0'" v.;)IGtec; ::Jy IAe ...r.C;US'S;Al!G. Of MV ~f'SOft U1 pnvy \moth h~m, ~n violoflOfl wi': be eorrectecJ Clf\O ej~mlt\(;u:O l~(jlcre,y ~ re'e,~: @f Mt.ie0 from thtl abOve f'YUtf1fi().fle-d ;>tAblie utility. Cf :hof ~t~;,fy Shou i'\,Gve fl~f1f :0 CorreCf t::f\O tthtThnare ~n "~""'. 000 lM1den.gMt!. n'$ "<lin. ClGlmin.stfOlors, SY(;C<f!uor~. Gftd OS,,!;,''. ,""".J ;:lfom!)!ly ;my If", oct",,1 ~ fNtfOOf. lhe South Quarter ~l1&r of wid S@ction 6; thl!JflCIil N""th 89" SO' ,54" West olong th~ SoYth ~iMl ~@(Jf a di$tClI'1':;6 t:ll 960.70 I@@t t@ a poiM on lfl6 EO$t<l!fly ;!'gn:..;,f-W"y lin~ oi .l,t! Aleh- i$l.M1Q r~ W>d $Qnta FE! Railway; tnt1l!'1cl'l N""lfl 15@ 31' 11" East al01'l9 wid Right-of-Way lin.. 0 d'$~€:i!! of 1,260.28 fellf fO 0 ptlint or Cl,Jf'f@; thene@ 01009 said Cl,JfV@ 10 :hlll d,;hr, mid CUfve lying (}n wid 1t;!ilht"4:)f~Wal' line, wid ClJf'fill having C! fC!diU$ or 5,679.65 feilll, (> c!'U'ltfol engl", of 096 OS' 19ro @ dhtt;ml;;i!! of 900.94 f/!l@1 to t:! pt:lint t:l11 curve, stlid ptlil1t blling th/!l pt:linr oi !if GINNING; ~h"nc" SoYth .(,40 00' 00" tQ$t a distonelll of 735.29 IG@I to 0 poim; 111@f\ce St:llJth 33" 24' 25" Wfi$l ('j dillan<:11l @f 1.5.12 ffllt il:I <::! point; fl1.",.:;", N@rth 53" 24' 2.5" Emf 0 dist<'Jf1€:6 or ] 13.68 t@l:lt io (J! point; thcm::@ ~~th 460 00' 00" East t:! distarll::ll of 462.27 I@et 10 thll END of $Old emem,,"'. fw tI'Ml p.u~ oi Pi?fmming In@ constflJ{;lieA ~: :dl'f one: c!! .,ubiic tJ/llil"I!$, 'ffl:.I...<Jlng. but flOl hm,ree: 10. $f@fM ll-!'>d !>l:lt\ilary ~;if$. nol"fol gos ll-!'>d wtll@f ,;, J"'. l@ll!l;lt''''''''' 0t1d eleClflC l'rnls, cCllie$. cond".r~. ona ;xl;e 1",-. tMfeoo. thrOlJ!;h, over, umf@f, oM aemu $,G.., ;l'~tty. tOl:ief"llr wilh Clll nKeuary Grnl Crl""'enIlWf ~rt~e$ fn.,rero; <'1ftl1 fO ,,$6 GIld MI:!.nloi6'l ff'o<! ...nw. er.ri OHO/Cling !n.. O"'t'\t!f$ ond <l;lerarofs of fM ~ fi'l4mlion<<! publ.: dtilit;@$. ~t\eif efficllf$, oger.!s. empiDyells, OM/Of 0,1 ;ll1!'S(>>'S ""clef COfllrClC! wllh them. tI'Ml fight ro l1m!er YjX}r. >GIO pfeffliM~ 000 $ffip oflOl1<.l Tor the P"I'iX>MI 0# w..-y.r.". <l><COVCI"'t; 10'. CQtl$lF"Cti,,~. ~l'l.lting. end ffifiinrc,t\lfllJ iUCn ulllity. Clf',o fa, f~flY1lrn:llifllJ we.. ....re. -,he L'''d6r$ig....N:L ",""'liir @f th@ legel ",nd equilobl" lill.. to lh~ 10::0""t19 deS<:r'0<id '1101 guall1. io( 0fId in ~rnf"'" fll. ,,,,,IY4t ,~i~, lhe r€lc€lipt 01 wnie:!1 is n."ehy oclu'lowledged, OOes he,eby gronr and amwy ro IN' ~i;:, ~1"tk!l6'lf fh~h, ,;",,,0'. u~', &ui Ol;fO$$ Ii'll'! fallowin9 ~.~ ===......,'.-.. - -~ AI5:flli@hV.cl.$,$irip ofl~dlyil'lg.inc~etioo 6, TownWip 2] N!}ttn, Roni'J'* 1~ Eost or fl1;! Indian 60~- @fId_~i~m in Tub~ County I OkIMOO'!lJ, lJcc!}tdin9 fO the Unit~d 5role$ Government SlRv@y lh~eof, ~ ~I)' Md WasiMly lifi!@.of;hil::n 1$ ~e pm-tielJ10fly cl~$Cl'ibfld 0$ follows: PRESENTS; IZNON . unurr WMll1 {Y'\Jr--l 67-( t ~ 70 p.\t~ Date: vllV UI.J,.)Ih..J-....'U CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL (~ . I, official representative of lillh~l e:vJO/~l(illEf'L, , utility provider within the City of Owasso, hereby certify that we have no objection to th~ -- proposed closing of the utility easements as recorded in Book Page 5, and located within Oklahoma. Date: CERTIFICA TE OF APPROVAL .. I, _~f,! it Nt) ~________, ot1icial representative of Sf:!&.riP!e{~r;;L<!!;)_Otv,il S' utIlIty provIder wIthm the /Ityof hereby certIfy that we no objection to the proposed closing of the utility easements as recorded in Book 3926, , and located within Country , Owasso, Oklahoma. official representative within the City of Owasso, hereby ceriify that we have no of the utility easements as in Book to the 5, and located CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL . . ., ~ ,. official representative o{~;:L...~~~vvn)\;t\CGCfi'()v'~ utllrty provider wlthm the City of Owasso, hereby certl fy that we have 110 ObjectlOn to the proposed closing of the utility easements as recorded in Book 3926, 5, and within Oklahoma. CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL AND BEGINNING AT A POINT S36040'04"W A DISTANCE OF 70.86 FEET FROM THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE DETENTION AREA AT COUNTRY ESTATES IV; THENCE S59028'43"E PARALLEL TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE UTILITY EASEMENT DESCRIBED IN BOOK 3926 AT PAGE 247 A DISTANCE OF 76.96 FEET; THENCE S44000'00"E PARALLEL TO SAID SOUTHERLY LINE A DISTANCE OF 1003.20 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY BOl.JNDARY OF COUNTRY ESTATESIV; THENCE S46042'49"W ALONG SAID EASTERLY BOUNDARY A DISTAt'\TCE OF 10.00 FEET; THENCE N44000'OO"W ALONG SAID SOUTHERL Y LINE OF SAID UTILITY EASEMENT A DISTANCE OF 1001.72 FEET; THENCE N59028'43"W ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE A DISTANCE OF 75.61 FEET; THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT WITH A RADIUS OF 5664.65 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 00006'04" A DISTANCE OF 10.00 TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. A STRIP, PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND, 10 FEET IN WIDTH, SITUATED IN COUNTRY ESTATES IV, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OW ASS, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: AND BEGINNING AT A POINT S71010'46"E A DISTANCE OF 9.57 FEET FROM THE NORTHWEST COMTER OF LOT 15, BLOCK 3, COUNTRY ESTATES IV; THENCE S44000'OO"E ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF THE UTILITY EASEMENT DESCRIBED IN BOOK 3926, PAGE 245 A DISTANCE OF 719.18 FEET; THENCE N53024'25"E ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID UTILITY EASEMENT A DISTANCE OF 98.56 FEET; THENCE N46000'OO"E ALONG SAID WESTERL Y LINE A DISTANCE OF 462.27 FEET; THENCE S44000'00"E A DISTANCE OF 15.00 FEET; THENCE S46000'OO"W PARALLEL TO SAID WESTERLY LINE A DISTANCE OF 463.24 FEET; THENCE S53024'25"W PARALLEL TO SAID WESTERLY LINE A DISTAt"\lCE OF 114.65 FEET; THENCE N36035'35"W A DISTANCE OF 14.95 FEET; THENCE N44000'OO"W PARALLEL TO THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID UTILITY EASEMENT A DIST Ai'\fCE OF 711.36 FEET; THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT WITH A RADIUS OF 5664.65 FEET.AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OFOoo09'47" A DISTANCE OF 16.13 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. A STRIP, PIECE OR PARCEL OF 15 FEET IN WIDTH, SITUATED IN COUNTRY ESTATES IV, At'\) ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OW ASS, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OIGoAHOMA, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, MORE P ARTICULARL Y DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: said utility easements are described as follows: WHEREAS, the City of Ow as so, Oklahoma, has deemed it necessary and expedient to close to public use a portion of a certain drainage easement; AN ORDINANCE CLOSING TO THE PUBLIC USE CERTAIN UTILITY EASEMENTS LOCATED WITHIN COUNTRY ESTATES IV, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OWASSO, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, AND RETAINING UNTO SAID CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THE ABSOLUTE RIGHT TO REOPEN SAME WITHOUT EXPENSE TO THE MUNICIPALITY, A?\,TJ) REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR P AlUS OF ORDIN.A1\TCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. CITY OF OW ASSO ORDINANCE NO. 705 BEGINNING AT A POINT S36040'04"W A DISTANCE OF 70.86 FEET FROM THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE DETENTION AREA AT COUNTRY ESTATES IV; THENCE S59028'43"E PARALLEL TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE UTILITY EASEMENT DESCRIBED IN BOOK 3926 AT PAGE 247 A DISTANCE OF 76.96 A STRIP, PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND, 10 FEET IN WIDTH, SITUATED IN COUNTRY ESTATES IV, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OWASS, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: AND BEGINNING AT A POINT S71010'46''E A DISTANCE OF 9.57 FEET FROM THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 15, BLOCK 3, COUNTRY ESTATES IV; THENCE S44000'OO"E ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF THE UTILITY EASEMENT DESCRIBED IN BOOK 3926, PAGE 245 A DISTANCE OF 719.18 FEET; THENCE N53024'25"E ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID UTILITY EASEMENT A DIST At'\TCE OF 98.56 FEET; THENCE N46000'00"E ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE A DISTANCE OF 462.27 FEET; THENCE S44000'OO"E A DISTANCE OF 15.00 FEET; THENCE S46000'OO"W PARALLEL TO SAID WESTERLY LINE A DISTAi"JCE OF 463.24 FEET; THENCE S53024'25"W PARALLEL TO SAID WESTERLY LINE A DIST Ai"JCE OF 114.65 FEET; THENCE N36035'35"W A DISTANCE OF 14.95 FEET; THENCE N44000'OO"W PARALLEL TO THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID UTILITY EASEMENT A DISTANCE OF 711.36 FEET; THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT WITH A RADIUS OF 5664.65 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OFOoo09'47" A DISTANCE OF 16.13 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. A STRIP, PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND, 15 FEET IN WIDTH, SITUATED IN COUNTRY ESTATES IV, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OWASS, TlJLSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, MORE P ARTICULARL Y DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ~~tionl The following described utility easements, be, and the same is hereby closed to the public use, to-wit: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT, BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORJ\fER OF LOT 1, BLOCK 3, COUNTRY EASTATES IV; THENCE Nl5042'28"E ALONG THE WESTERLY BOl)NTIARY OF COUNTRY ESTATES IV A DISTANCE OF 135.82 FEET; THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT ALONG SAID WESTERLY BOlJ'NTIARY WITH A RADIUS OF 5743.83 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 15054'15" A DISTANCE OF 1594.38 FEET; THENCE N31031'32"E ALONG SAID WESTERLY BOUNDARY OF COUNTRY ESTATES IV A DISTANCE OF 7.81 THENCE S31 o31'32"W PARALLEL TO SAID WESTERLY BOUNDARY AI\'D PARALLEL TO THE WESTERLY Ll1\1'E OF THE UTILITY EASEMENT DESCRIBED IN BOOK 3926 AT PAGE 247 A DISTANCE OF 178.87 FEET; THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE LEFT THAT IS PARALLEL TO SAID WESTERLY LINE OF SAID UTILITY EASEMENT WITH A RADIUS OF 5664.65 AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 16000'21" A DISTANCE OF 1582.45 FEET; THENCE SI5031']]"W PARALLEL TO SAID WESTERL Y LINE A DISTANCE OF 148.43 FEET TO A POINT ON THE COUTHERL Y BOlJNDARY OF COUNTRY ESTATES IV; THENCE N74028'49"W ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY A DISTANCE OF 14.10 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. A STRIP, PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN COUNTRY ESTATES IV, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OW ASS, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, MORE P ARTICULARL Y DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney APPROVED AS TO FORM Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk ATTEST Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor City of Owasso, Oklahoma PASSED AI\TD APPROVED this 19th day of March 2002. Section 3. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same, are hereby expressly repealed. Section 2. The municipality shall retain the absolute right to reopen the public way or easement without expense to the municipality. Closing of the public way or easement shall not affect the right to maintain, repair, reconstruct, operate or remove drainage facilities of service therein, nor shall a closing affect private ways existing by operation of law unless released in writing by the owners thereof. BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST COAA'ER OF LOT 1, BLOCK 3, COUNTRY EASTATES IV; THENCE N15042'28"E ALONG THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY OF COUNTRY ESTATES IV A DISTANCE OF 135.82 FEET; THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT ALONG SAID WESTERLY BOUNDARY WITH A RADIUS OF 5743.83 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 15054'15" A DISTANCE OF 1594.38 FEET; THENCE N31 031 '32"E ALONG SAID WESTERLY BOU1\TDAR Y OF COtJNTRY ESTATES IV A DISTANCE OF 7.81 FEET; THENCE S31031'32"W PARALLEL TO SAID WESTERLY BOUNDARY AND PARALLEL TO THE WESTERLY LINE OF THE UTILITY EASEMENT DESCRIBED IN BOOK 3926 AT PAGE 247 A DISTANCE OF 178.87 FEET; THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE LEFT THAT IS P AIW"LEL TO SAID WESTERLY LINE OF SAID UTILITY EASEMENT WITH A RADIUS OF 5664.65 AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 16000'21" A DISTA1'\)CE OF 1582.45 FEET; THENCE S15031'11"W PARALLEL TO SAID WESTERLY LINE A DISTANCE OF 148.43 FEET TO A POINT ON THE COUTHERL Y BOUNDARY OF COUNTRY ESTATES IV; THENCE N74028'49"W ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY BOU1\TDARY A DISTANCE OF 14.10 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. A STRIP, PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAi\lD SITUATED IN COUNTRY ESTATES AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, MORE P ARTICULA1U~ Y DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ANTI FEET; THENCE S44000'00"E PARALLEL TO SAID SOUTHERLY LINE A DISTANCE OF 1003.20 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY OF C01.JNTRY ESTATESIV; THENCE S46042'49"W ALONG SAID EASTERI~Y B01..JNDAI~Y A DISTANCE OF 10.00 FEET; THENCE N44000'OO"W ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID UTILITY EASEMENT A DISTANCE OF 1 00 1.72 FEET; THENCE N59028'43"W ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE A DISTANCE OF 75.61 FEET; THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGHT WITH A R.A.DIUS OF 5664.65 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 00006'04" A DISTANCE OF 10.00 TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. FUNDING: Funding for this improvement is included within the Park Maintenance and Park Development Fund budgets. While it is the practice of the City of Owasso to award the bid based on meeting bid specifications and the most competitive price, it has also been customary to consider the local vendor vs. the out of town vendor. In this case, the difference between the two quotes is $374 or a total of 4%. Given the relatively small difference between the two quotes, it is the opinion of staff that awarding this bid to the local vendor would be more appropriate, thus having the City of Owasso do business with Owasso rather than Tulsa. A total of two bids meeting specifications were received and they are as follows: Allied Fence Co of Tulsa $8,766.00 Hollis Weatherl of Ow as so $9,140.00 The benefits of the safety covers are numerous. Not only are the bleacher covers recommended by our insurance provider due to safety concerns associated with foul balls, but they can also be beneficial in providing shade during extreme heat. These types of improvements are also beneficial in Owasso being successful in being selected to host baseball/softball tournaments like the Triple Crown Girls Fast Pitch qualifier to be held at the Sports Park May 31 st through June 2, 2002. A total of 40 teams could visit Owasso during that tournament alone. As previously communicated in the February 1 2002 City Manager's Report, staff has solicited bids for various improvements to the Owasso Sports Parle Among those improvements is the installation of safety covers for bleacher seating on fields 8-11. A location map identifying the four-plex where the bleacher covers will be installed is attached for your information and review. March 13,2002 1 L on Staff recommends the City Council award construction of the bleacher covers at the Owasso Sports Park to Hollis Weatherl of A~l Fence Company, Inc., of Ow as so, Oklahoma for the amount of$9,140. COMPLETE AND ATTACH THE NON-COLLUSION BID AFFIDAVIT TO BID. 1, i 'IFf' ill!) OrENIN(,;; l\L\ltCH 11, lotH ~2; 15 P.M. Fax Number Pholle' NllInh('r 918~272~3630 =~~==--~~-~~~~~~.=~==~ P. .~-~ Address OWASSO;OKLA. 74055 Title l'Pp.s. r~'-J~1?L~-> ~rhlK~ , Signature I am I hereby that I statements on the Bid Proposal - Submittal Pages. 91.40.40 FOR BLEACHER COVERS FOR FIELDS 8,9, lO, & 11 AT THE OWASSO SPORTS BID PROPOSAL - SUB MITT AL PAGE BID OPENING: MARCH 11,2002 @2:15 P.M. COMPLETE AND ATTACH THE NON.,COLLUSION BID AFFIDAVIT TO BID. rU&fi~ r-.iJJ-- -lit / if ~ C:I8)fcJ7 -_~O J3 P ne Number _(18) ~)7 ~ ~();5 ~ Fax Number ~- Signature' , ' '. _I!ls.",:% -~~~~-~~ I am o~ BLEACHER. COVERS FIELDS 8, 10, & 11 AT THE P AR]( BID PROPOSAL - BI1BlYUIIALPAGE '.~--..l 0 "" 0 ci ; I / \ 0 I I ~ /'~~~~ lilll III~ ..J w cd ow. If) G: _ r'J1.J..tJ")..- u.. .1. ~ ~ <( Q.. ) W <( ,.-: ,CD :i /' a. 0"" ~ W<.:l ....> z~ ci ~ (f) <(' Oz ex (f)<Xl <( Z WW Q.. ~o <( ...J(f) 0 (f) ~=i 0<: ~<( xci (f) 1- .... a. X <(:::J Ws: 0 Q..aJ o(f) (f) X (1- (f)<( w (f) CL 0 LLJ .W...J X(f)O W::JQ.. OWASSO SPORTS-PARK CITY OF O\JASSO, OKLAHOMA PUBLIC \JORKS DEPARTMENT 10/25/01 ENGINEERiNG DIVISION EX. FiELD "E" III 0.:. 02 0<:0 a..u <.:l<.:l ZZ ~~ ~O:: t- x<( 0 WQ.....J '-' Z S2 0<:.... <(0 a....J "-T-. o ...J W G: ~ <( X ::;;; m EX. FIELD "F" EX. FIELD "I" ,"'" [--F!.E~~-J~ I~:J A DL:LJ ----..-..-@..... [i]RES:~E::M FIELD "c" "Q:'_- I~i~p I IFIELD ) . "0" C~DJ. [:, -, I Fields 8,9,10, & 11 PARKING LOT 116TH STREET N ATTACHMENT A A TT ACHMENTS: 1. Location Map As discussed in the work session on Tuesday, March 12,2002, bids for these improvements will not be opened until Monday, March 18,2002. It is staffs intent to review any and all submitted bids and come to the City Council with a recommendation at the regular meeting on March 19,2002. The benefits of the walkways are numerous. Not only are the improvements needed for improved handicapped accessibility, but they are also beneficial in providing a cleaner, more polished appearance, resulting in less damage during wet conditions. These types of improvements are also beneficial in Owasso being successful in being selected to host baseball/softball tournaments like the Triple Crown Girls Fast Pitch qualifier to be held at the Sports Park May 31 5t through June 2,2002. A total of 40 teams could visit Owasso during that tournament alone. previously communicated in the February 15,2002 City Manager's Report, staff has solicited bids for various improvements to the Owasso Sports Park. Among those improvements is the installation of asphalt walkways in the most recently completed four-plex. A location map identifying the four-plex where the walkways are to be installed is attached for your information and review. March 13, 2002 DATE: ASPHALT W ALKW A Y IMPROVEMENTS OW ASSO SPORTS PARK THE HONORABLE OF OW ASSO MEMORANDUM i::l ~I:l ~~ l b:d<t ~~~ !::It'll: tf -- e I.::J ~ ~ !::l ~ 2s ~t- ~ <t!:::l a: l:L-i - e:t; !S~ I!sr;j Y/N~ / I F- tft u W J Cl 0::: CL W ;::) (/) (/) I--l r:::l Z "- Cl a ,:Q a - C\J N 133C:11S H.l. ",m 4J U ..... . ~ ~ ~ a """ ~ -i 'I!: ~ ~ 1':1 t;: _J L... ~ >( >( l... P.: 4j 4j >( ~ w ~~~ ~~ ~r;j~ n.t;:'II: "" ~ <l: r- , OJ ~ ~ Z 'V e IX: o w ~ < ~ ~z :t III 0... no tj to') ~~ Q I .....J ~S Ci5 0 :><: <l: to') f:l :;:: ;! ... o n..- to') ~ ::<: w~ 0... 0::: u:: d i=l 1':1 ~ >< <: 0 V') ti.. 0... V')I.::J J 4J I no V') :,,::i:s 0 <l: ~ ~e3 . 0 Cl Clw 't 1J l1JW.w ~z ~ 0 It.. u!@ ~ ID\ r" 0 Cl -*' l!!( :Jw ~ .....1':1 >- l<'l-i L~ ~ r- j:'q ~ . "'w ::l ~t' 0 .... u n.. " f1' "" CD ru "" " FUNDING: Funding for this improvement is included within the Park Maintenance and Park Development Fund budgets. Bids were opened at 2PM on Monday, March 18,2002. A total of four bids were received meeting bid specifications and the following is a reflection of the total bids with Alternative #1 and #2 included: Miser Asphalt Co., Owasso $16,850.00 JLT Corporation, Cushing $22,187.50 American Asphalt Co., Tulsa $22,500.00 Okie's Asphalt, Tulsa $23,781.00 Staff has reviewed all bids and is comfortable with the bid submitted by Miser Asphalt of Owasso. The bid specifications were developed to allow a base bid for the paving of the walkways, along with two alternatives. The first alternative included paving to the park office/shop entrance road. The second alternative provided for paving for parking in front of the park office. The benefits of the walkways are numerous. Not only are the improvements needed for improved handicapped accessibility, but they are also beneficial in providing a cleaner, more polished appearance, resulting in less damage during wet conditions. These types of improvements are also beneficial in Owasso being successful in being selected to host baseball/softball tournaments like the Triple Crown Girls Fast Pitch qualifier to be held at the Sports Park May 31 st through June 2, 2002. A total of 40 teams could visit Owasso during that tournament alone. BACKGROUND: As previously communicated in the February 15, 2002 City Manager's Report, staff has solicited bids for various improvements to the Owasso Sports Park. Among those improvements is the installation of asphalt walkways in the most recently completed four-plex. A location map identifYing the four-plex where the walkways are to be installed is attached for your information and review. March 19, 2002 DATE: ASPHALT WALKWAY OW ASSO SPORTS PARK TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OW ASSO MEMORANDUM ~TTACHMENTS: 1. Bid Tally Sheet Submittal 3. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the City Council award the bid for asphalt work at the Owasso Sports Park (including Alternatives # 1 and #2) to Miser Asphalt of Owasso, OK for the amount of $16,850. Signature: . .. C - OF --.- I Date: -~ I i 21)C)~ Certification: 3/1 Item: Sports Park Asphalting Number of Bids: 4 Bids Opened By: Marcia Boutwell Witness: Warren Witness: Bidders BaseBi,g Alt #1-Roadway Alt #2-Parkingj,&! rota~ Miser Asphalt Co Owasso, OK $10,650.00 $4,250.00 $1,950.00 $16,850.00 American Asphalt Co Tulsa, OK $10,800.00 $7,500.00 $4,200.00 $22,500.00 JL T Corporation Cushing, OK $11,237.50 $7~625.00 $3,325.00 $22,187.50 Okie's Asphalt Tulsa, OK $13,269.00 $7,182.00 $3,330.00 $23,781.00 CITY OF OW ASSO 111 North Main POBox 180 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 (918) 376~1500 COMPLETE AND A TT ACH THE NON-COLLUSION BID AFFIDAVIT TO BID. BID OPENING: Monday, March 18,2002 @2:00 P.M. (918) 272-7377 Fax Number (918) 272-5522 Phone Number m.JASSO~ OK. 74055 Title PeO.BOX 268 6606 N. MINGO JlALLEY EXPiJY. Address ~~).~~ Signature . " I hereby acknowledge that I have read the specifications and that I am legally bound by on the Bid - Submittal ALTERNATE #2 BID FOR AREA 4 - PARKS OFFICE PARKING LOT PARKS #1 FOR AREA 3 - 1 2~ 1 ., ASP HALTING AT THE OWASSO SPORTS PARK BID PROPOSAL - SUBMITTAL PAGE w ~ ~ 4J ~ . d 0- k k :!ll ~ >( d ~ w >( t:' d w t >( ~ n:~ I~ w ~ !;j...J!::l ~~'Il: !:I..l.. ~ n:~ ~4Jt.J n....'Il: l.. ~ n:!::l l::l4Jn'l It....'Il: l.. - - e C'l ~ t::::l .... !l. ~.... ~ '<tt:J Q; Il..-t - el:t: l:1"*' ISd ltt= Y/ II'J ~'*- / / F- U W J Cl ~ a... w :::) (/) (/) 1--1 * t=l " Z a Cl P=l a - N 1:33~lS H19H C\J ~ , co ~ X 'V ..... t- ~ B u:: L Z :t: < 0 w I( CJ., ::r: ~2: t::i l"l ~~ 0 Os <t f-CJ t::l <:: :I: . ..J ~..... Vl (/) ::.<: <tVl l"l ~ :1 n. ~ .... 0 n....... w~ ?'< ?'< < IX d t=ll=l ll.. 0., 9 V) V) V)t:J <t ::.<:~ . / ~ ~OI: OW 0 CI ~~ (/) LA.. (,):5 m CI _2: < >- ..Jw ~ f- IX1 0 .... :J U n.. " !1\ "- W ru "- " A TT ACHMENTS: 1. Resolution No 2002-03 2. Oklahoma Project 2002 Information RECOMMENDATION: Staffrecommends adoption of Resolution No 2002-03. Resolution No 2002-03, attached for your information and review, would officially enter the City of Owasso as a pmiicipant in the Oklahoma Project 2002. A copy of the packet of information sent to the City by the Oklahoma Department of Commerce is also attached. Because the information forwarded to staff highlights the importance of clean and landscaped recreational areas, staff is currently considering two different projects for nomination. Those projects are "Improvements to the Rayola Park Drainage and Trail System" and "Preston Lakes Centennial Park". Action on either item would require approvals by the City Council in the future, either through the allocation of funds in the FY 2002-2003 budget process or a final decision regarding Centennial Park. The final nomination/submittal is not due until November however, so there remains plenty of time. In order for the City to be considered for an award, we must pass a resolution stating our intent to apply and support the program prior to April 1 ,2002. Along with the resolution, an "Intent to Enter Form" must also be completed. Included within the "Intent to Enter Form" is the need to designate a project. BACKGROUND: The Oklahoma Department of Commerce has notified cities in Oklahoma of the availability for each to participate in the Oklahoma Project - 2002. The program is primarily a beautification effort on behalf of the Depmiment of Commerce. This is an annual program with each year having a different focus. In 2001, the focus was on Gateways while in 2003 the focus will be Legacies and the 2004 focus will be Celebrations. The 2002 focus is Parks. March 13, 2002 AND THE HONORABLE OW ASSO MEMORANDUM Ronald D Cates, City Attorney APPROVED AS TO FORM: Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk ATTEST: Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor PASSED AND APPROVED this 19th day of March, 2002 by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA that the City of Owasso, Oklahoma urges its citizens to join this effort and hereby declares this city to be an official entrant in the Oklahoma Project 2002. WHEREAS: the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma does herewith pledge its full suppOli, endorsement and cooperation in canying out the requirements of the Oklahoma Project 2002. the Oklahoma Project 2002, administered by the Oklahoma Department of Commerce, has been reviewed and found to be a means to improve our community; and WHEREAS: community needs can best be determined and solved through a cooperative effort between elected officials and the citizens they represent; and local municipal government must provide leadership for improving community development effOlis; and RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE OF OW ASSO, FOR PROJECT 2002 PROJECT 2002 RESOLUTION NO 2002-03 CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA Linda Stinnett Team Leader Community Technical Assistance Team , ~~\.0~ Brenda Williams Agency Deputy Director Office of Community Development Sincerely, Your success is very important to us as well as to your community. We look forward to receiving your Intent to Enter and Government Resolution by April 1, 2002. If your community's governing body meeting schedule prohibits your return of the Resolution, please send the Intent to Enter by April 1, 2002 and follow up with the Resolution as soon as possible and no later than May, 2002. The agency will host a series of workshops to give civic leaders and volunteers technical expertise on developing projects and the Community Technical Assistance Team is available to help you achieve your goal. A schedule of the workshops can be found in the enclosed information. If you have questions regarding the program or workshop schedule, please call Patricia Klein at (405) 815-5387. Enclosed you will find guidelines and entry forms for Project 2002 - Parks. We are very excited about this year's project and hope your community will participate. Clean and landscaped recreational areas are positive impressions to residents and visitors. Each Oklahoma community should take a serious and objective look at the message and image they are projecting. As a part of the program implementation, the Department of Commerce will present participating communities with a sign, certificate, statewide publicity, recognition, and perhaps an acrylic award depending on the level of participation. Project 2002 ~ Parks - A project to develop, expand, and/or enhance park and/or recreational facilities such as walking trails, biking paths, picnic areas, ball parks, etc. Project 2003 - Legacies - A project to restore and/or preserve any historic element ofthe community. Project 2004 ~ Celebrations - A project to establish a new or expand an existing community event that markets the community and brings attention and visitors to the area. beautification the progmm yt:ar:s, .I. Wt:lVt: VKHillOma communmes were their 2001 at an 3, progress for representatives to visit each of the project award~winning communities. selected for the upcoming years and are as follows: 4, 900 Nonh Stiles Avenue / P. O. Box 26980 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73126-0980 U.S.A. Tel: (405) 815-6552 Fax: (405) 815-5199 SlATE OF OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE 1. Any Oklahoma town or city with a population of under 30,000 may apply for participation in Project 2002. 2. Project 2002 property must be located within the corporate limits of the community and be publicly owned or leased or, if outside the limit, must be owned/leased by the community. The park's creation or enhancement must visibly enhance and beautify that area. 3. Project 2002 must be a new project or an enhancement of an existing project that is tangible, measurable and demonstrates a positive impact on the community. 4. Project 2002 must include diverse community involvement in both selection and implementation. 5. An Intent to Enter Form and Government Resolution must be completed and submitted by April 1, 2002. Criteria The completed Project 2002 will not only provide a community with an improved image, demonstrating local pride and sense of comrnunity, but it will also provide the following tangible benefits: 1. Certification of participation and recognition at the annual Community Development Conference. Signage identifying participation. 3. Statewide publicity and dignitary visitation events. 4. Website designation. Project 2002 - Parks is designed to develop, expand, and/or enhance park and/or recreational facilities such as walking trails, biking paths, picnic areas, ball parks and litter abatement. A community's park is an important asset and focal point for visitors and local citizens. An attractive community park conveys a message that the citizens care about the environment in which they live. An inviting park is a splendid chance to tell others about what it means to live and work in the communities of Oklahoma. 2 1. Hovaka Centennial Park, City of Hobart 2. Sheri Hall-Gordon Memorial Park, Town of Perkins 3. Rotary Park - Woodward, OK Communities considering participation may want to visit existing parks projects throughout the state. Examples of some such projects are as follows: Examples of Existing Parks Projects Communities are encouraged to hold their own celebrations and events commemorating the projects and to educate citizens about the projects and the volunteers' positive impact on the community. Community celebrations may be highligrlted with state dignitary visitation. Project Certificates and Awards will be presented at an annual Community Development Conference. The Department of Commerce will prepare statewide news releases identifying participants and award winners. demonstrate intent to enter the awards and recognition program, an Intent to Enter Form must be completed. Submitted with the Intent to Enter Form, is a Government Resolution, demonstrating support for the project. 80th forms are included in this packet and are due no later than 5:00 p.m. on April 1 , 2002. Under 500 ~ 1,500 '1 1 5,000 1 ~, For pur'poses of awards and recognition, population categories will be used. Awards will be presented in each category for 1 st, 2nd, and 3fd places. I n addition one project will be given special recognition for excellence in community enhancement. The categories are as follows: Project A wards Categories 3 2003 Awards and Recognition Presentation, Annual Community Development Conference November 1, 2002 Project Award Nominations due 415 Butler, Junction of Hwy. 33 and From Hwy 183 ~11 miles West on Butler Road From 1~40 Foss exit North to Hwy 44 10:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon Metro-Tech: Alpine Calypso Room 1900 Spring lake Drive\ Oklahoma City, OK 1 :00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. April 23, 2002 - 18, Muskogee Campus, Northeastern University 2400 W. Shawnee 10:00 a.m. until1L:UU noon Project Workshops: April '16, April, 2002 Intent to Enter and Government Resolution due April 1, 2002 Project Time Table 4 Patricia Klein Oklahoma Dept of Commerce 900 N. Stiles P.O. Box 26980 Oklahoma City, OK 73126-0980 Telephone 405-815-5387 Fax 405-815-5142 Completed Intent to Enter and Government Resolution should be mailed or delivered no later than 5:00 p.m. on April 1 , 2002, to the following: 8. Brief Description of Project: 7. E..Mail 6. 5. Telephone 3. Contact Person 2. t (lntent I ... o 1. Policy Statement 20 Watchdog Committee Members ATTACHMENT: I recommend that the City Council confirm the appointment of Mr Bob Barnes to the Owasso Sales Tax Watchdog Committee as a representative of the Senior Citizen community. RECOMMENDATION: There is cUlTently one vacancy on the Committee created by the resignations of John Steiger, representing the senior citizen community. Mr Bob Barnes, who resides at 16150 E 120tl1 St N, has expressed an interest and indicated a willingness to service on the Committee. The Sales Tax Watchdog Committee was formed following the 1988 tax extension bond election for the purpose of maintaining a strong citizen participation effort throughout the life of the sales tax extension (10/1/07) and to insure the proper use of revenues generated. The Committee is comprised of 14 people representing news media (1 slot), economic development (1 slot), retail business (2 slots), education (2 slots), recreation groups (1 slot), financial institutions (1 slot), builders (1 slot), senior citizens (2 slots), and citizens-at-large (3 slots). Members are appointed by the Mayor with confirmation by the City Council, and are appointed for the life of the sales tax extension. A policy statement adopted by the Owasso City Council on May 21, 1991 establishes criteria for appointments to the Committee. March 13, 2002 DATE: JVIElVIORANDUM 10. MEMBERS-AT-LARGE APPOINTMENTS - an individual who is a resident within the area defined as the Owasso fenceline and/or school district. 9. FINANCIAL APPOINTMENTS - an individual who is an officer or employee of a financial institution engaging in banking, the brokerage of stocks or bonds, or other major financial activity with the defined Owasso service area. 8. SENIOR CITIZEN APPOINTMENTS - an individual who has attained the age of 60 years or more and who resides within the service area. 7. BUILDING INDUSTRY APPOINTMENTS - an individual who conducts his/her primary construction and/or development business within the service area. 6. RECREATION APPOINTMENTS - an individual who is an active member of an organized group promoting the development of amateur sports and recreation within the servIce area. 5. EDUCATION APPOINTMENTS - (a) one individual actively employed by an Owasso School as an administrator and residing within the service area; and (b) one individual actively employed by an Owasso school in a teaching position and residing within the servIce area. 4. RETAIL BUSINESS APPOINTMENTS - an individual who operates a retail outlet, that being a business conducting direct sales to the public within the defined service area. 3. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT APPOINTMENTS - an individual who is a member of an organized group designed to promote economic development activities within the defined serVIce area. 2. NEWS MEDIA APPOINTMENTS - an individual who conducts media-related activities within the service area as their primary career or business. 1. Each appointee must be a resident within the area defined as the Owasso fenceline and/or school district (herein referred to as the "service area"). as established a adopts the following of the makeup of the Watchdog the Council of the of appointments to the May 21,1991 UW ASSO CITY COUNCIL OWASSO, POLICY STATEMENT CITIZENS-AT-LARGE - Three Slots Michael Philippi, Chairperson 7413 N 119th East Ave Owasso, OK 74055 622-8080 (w) Steve Holleman Owasso Schools 8810 N 134th East Ct Owasso, OK 74055 272-9287 (h); 272-6274 (w) John Groth 801 N Dogwood Owasso, OK 74055 272-5179 EDUCATION - Two Slots Dr Rayma Harchar Owasso Schools 13304 E 95th PI N Owasso, OK 74055 272-3836 (h); 272-5399 (w) Pam Holt Countryside Flowers & Gifts 8751 N 117th East Ave Owasso, OK 74055 272-2283 SENIOR CITIZENS - Two Slots BUILDERS - One Slot Pat Woods PO Box 3 Owasso, OK 74055 272-4333 RET AIL BUSINESS - Two Slots Danny Ewing Ewing's Fine Jewelry 12317 E 96th St N Owasso, OK 74055 272-7975 FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS - One Slot Donnie Johns Bank of the Lakes PO Box 1017 Owasso, OK 74055 274-3535 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - One Slot Tom Kimball Kimball's Hardware 8301 Owasso Expy Owasso, OK 74055 1146 MUlTay Adams 1 E 107th N Owasso, 74055 371-9999 Glenna The Reporter 202 E Second Ave Owasso, OK 74055 11 Slot Slot OKLAHOMA OWASSO SALES TAX WATCHDOG COMMITTEE FY 2001-2002 Boards\ Watchdog. doc Members ofthe committee are appointed by the Mayor with Council confirmation for the life of the sales tax extension. Legally the term of office is defined as "throughout the life of the Sales Tax Extension (10/1/2007) or until resignation". Duties of the committee consist of reviewing all financial records relating to the 1988 Sales Tax Extension and acting as a public information liaison. This committee was formed following the 1988 tax extension bond election for the purpose of maintaining a strong citizen participation effort throughout the life of the sales tax extension and to insure the proper use of revenues generated. The committee meets on the second Monday of January and July at 7:00 p.m. in the Community Center. Meetings are approximately two hours in length. N 74055 Sherry Bishop City Treasurer SUJ;>PORT _STAFF Rodney Ray City Manager Ci tizens-.at-large cont. \Villard Mills, Vice Chairperson 2008 N Atlanta Ct Owasso, OK 74055 1760