HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002.02.12_Worksession Agenda Mr McElrath will discuss details of a proposal to provide reduced water rates for low income families on the Owasso water system. 3. Discussion Relating to Reduced Water Rates for Low Income Families. Mr McElrath Enclosure 2. Introduction of Council Candidates. Mr Ray 1. Call to Order Mayor Barnhouse AGENDA fZ1t:Vu'~ ~~ Marci Boutwell, City CI rk bulletin on at Special February 2002 6:00 p.m. Owasso City Hall Main Conference TYPE OF MEETING: DATE: TIME: PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL Mr Carr will brief the Council on the intersection project and the need for acceptance ofthe right-of-way deeds. 6. Discussion ofIssues Relating to Deeds of Dedication for Right-of-Way at 86th St N & 145th East Ave. Mr Carr Attachment #6 Mr Carr will discuss the proposed amendment to the engineering contract with CH2Mhill relating to the bond issue projects. 5. Discussion Relating to Amendment to J;ngineering Contract with Ch2MHill Mr Carr Attachment #5 -~--'~~~"'-~-~.~~~-~~-~---~,~~-,--~-~-~~~-,~~~~-~~~~~_~'_~n_'_ Mr Ewing will brief the Council on issues relating to a zoning case denied the Planning and the appeals provided to the applicant. 4. Discussion Relating to the SKO Zoning Appeal. Mr Ewing Attachment #4 Owasso City Council February 12, 2002 Page 2 Mr Rooney will discuss a request to declare certain vehicles obsolete or surplus to the needs of the city, and a proposal to set a minimum bid so that the vehicles may be advertised for sale. 9. Discussion Relating to Vehicles Surplus to the Needs of the City. Mr Rooney Attachment #9 Mr Carr will present a list of projects to be considered as a part of the DEQ Administrative Order. 8. Discussion Relating to a Supplemental Project List Connected to the DEQ Administrative Order. Mr Carr Attachment #8 t" LV roA0i' :UVl:}L 7. Discussion Relating to Change Order #3 to a Contract With Sapulpa Digging Inc for the Ator Relief Line. Mr Carr Attachment #7 Owasso City Council February 12,2002 Page 3 11. Adjournment. 10. Report from City Manager A. Memorandum of Understanding Between the FOP & City of Owasso Other Items Mr Ray Attachment #10 Owasso City Council February 12, 2002 Page 4 4 1. Letter of Appeal 2. City Clerk's letter to W A TCO 3. Location Map ATTACHMENTS: W ATCO submitted an appeal on Fliday, February 1,2002, meeting the IS-day statutory cut-off date to appeal the Planning Commission decision. The appeal will be placed on the March 19th City Council meeting agenda. The time, date and location of the appeal will be provided to the applicant, adjacent landowners and those having spoken at the Planning Commission meeting. The Staffwill provide specific information on the appeal for your March lih Work Session in preparation for the March 19th meeting. There has been an application by W A TCO Companies Inc. requesting rezoning a portion of the SK&O Railroad property west of the Public Works facility. The proposed use of the property is to process and package waste metal for transportation by rail. The current zoning is IL (Industrial Light) which does not permit this use. The applicant has requested IM (Industrial Medium) zoning to accomplish their goal. The Planning Commission denied the application on January 17,2002. Their concern was the negative visual impact ofthis use at this important "Gateway" to the City of Owasso. This Gateway is identified on the adopted Owasso Downtown Development District Plan. BACKGROUND: February 7,2002 MEMORANDUM Fax: 620~231-08U 315 West 3rd Str;et Pittsburg, KS 66762 Thank you, Brad Snow Property Manager Watco Companies, Inc. 620-231-2230 as an No; 1 the Comrnission's recommendation of denial on our 1M (Industrial Heavy) rezoning request We feel like the business that is going in there was not dearly represented to the Planning Commission. We hereby request an opportunity to more accurately state our case and achieve reconsideration of our zoning request I am faxing this letter as directed by Stan Ewing at 4:45pm Friday, February 01) 2002. Please notify me of the next steps required under this process. eTR - 1 200Z r-- --.. COMPANiES, INC, '~Ur Tnm$porlatlr:m S1J~~if$ts"' ._~(). 14r- f 1-- WA~CO COVPA~;ES 1. Y;02 5 21PV r r - .. t j, Marcia Boutwell City Clerk Sincerely, The Owasso City Council will hear your appeal at their regular meeting on March 19,2001. The meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. and is held in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center, 301 S Cedar. If you have any questions or have information you may want to distlibute to the City Council, please contact me. My direct phone number is 918-376-1511, or I may be reached by email atmboutwell@cityofowasso.com. The City of Owasso has received your fax dated February 1, 2001 requesting to appeal the Owasso Planning Commission's denial of your rezoning request on a portion of Lot 1, Block 1, Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Addition to the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. The request was submitted within the appeal period, which ended on February 1,2001. Dear Mr Snow: ZONING APPEAL - OZ-02-0l Mr Brad Snow W A TCO Companies Inc 315 W Third Street Pittsburg, KS 66762 7099 0000 5205 2002 (918) 376-1500 fAX (918) 376-1599 www.cityofowasso.com ~~;~-;:s~ h:;:".?g~-=--=-:~~ Iro/~"~>'~' ~ - -(85~9\.~'7 , ~ ':..' i. :,. ~_' ~ '*, ) ,,-, i * I ( \~;t:)).if J ) \\ \ '\~"; / I \ \'7' --"'..;; .1). ' \'" "~">'/~' f ,'>., -u ,~ '" ~~.E2.-4"", \. ,~o: 1~lE 2~/ 111 North Main PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 City of Ow as so --~ , '-~"~") ""~"-- ' j ( rJ" "< E. 86 STREEl N. . '~ ~-~'~ \~ V \,~ -III: :~~ C[ /" =-1 :\ 'h ~ ffiI:Iffi :em ~ .r ~ ffiffiB I-H- ~ \ \. I.'\l _I, I' ffBlIr::: J II ::=::: I\=}, ,(-J I I L", i= ~ [ffiJi. ~I ~ ,/ ~ .~ ffiHB f.- ~~ T-<. 1= Ii;. ~ ~ ffiI1B. ~ ~~ y r ~ I ~1I1. ~- f "Q~ ~~ \ ~ II" ~G~ II II I lIE ~ CIJ:f:}< ~ " ~ ""-I III H I I r I I I I- '-11111 111~B~~rT ~ '\1111 H IT l H ~ ~ iliJ Bi iEl FJlF -V / \ I ~ (!iJ~mJF I~ ~ , ~ E!tj EJ~ p:rtl, J I . 16 STREET N. ~ \ ~rn~ ""1 )1 - =9J\' JJ:l gjg III I"'"' OZ.02-01 N.T.S. SUBJECT j PROPERTY LOCATION MAP 5 Compensation requested for the additional services is $27,810. CH2MHill was requested by staff to provide these services. .. Providing additional field surveying, design, preparation of construction plans and cost estimates for an additional lane on the northeast quadrant of the intersection, including curb and gutter, storm sewer, utility relocations and right-of-way; and .. Providing additional field surveying, design, preparation of construction plans and cost estimates to modify an existing reinforced concrete box culvert east of the intersection. Additional engineering services were provided in order to include these additional lanes in the contract documents. These services include: ADDITIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES~ At the September 4, 2001 meeting, Council approved acceptance of final drawings and authorization to bid the project in order to enable initiation of right-of-way negotiations. During light-of-way acquisition, the accepted design was expanded to include additional lanes on the north and east legs of the intersection. BACKGROUND: Included in the 1998 bond issue, this project involves the widening and signalization ofthe intersection at East 86th Street North and North 145th East Avenue. Engineering design was initiated in early 1998 by CH2MHill. February 7,2002 DATE: AVENUE ADDITIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICE:S INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS - EAST 86TH STREET NORTH AND NORTH 14STH THE HONORABLE AND MEMORANDUM 1. Amendment to Engineering Services Agreement with CH2MHill 1 costs Page 2 Additional Engineering Services East 86th Street North and North 14Sth East Avenue TUL \OW ASSO\AM EN OM ENT 48 .DOC IN WI1NESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Amendment on the respective dates herein below reflected to be effective on the date executed by the Mayor of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises contained herein, the parties hereto agree to amend the Agreement as follows: 1. SCOPE OF SERVICES. Attachment B to the Agreement, shall be amended in accordance with Exhibit I, ADDITIONAL SERVICES, attached hereto and incorporated by reference as part of this Amendment. 2. COMPENSATION. As compensation for services set forth in paragraph 1 of this Amendment, CITY shall pay ENGINEER in accordance with Exhibit 2, COMPENSATION, and further described in Exhibit 3, FEE/MANHOUR BREAKDOWN, which are attached hereto and incorporated by reference as part of this Amendment. WHEREAS, CITY and ENGINEER entered into an Agreement for Engineering Services dated May 26,1998, for services as set forth in said Agreement; and WHEREAS, CITY desires to amend said Agreement for additional engineering and architectural services relating to the Intersection and Signalization Improvement Project- East 86th Street North and East 14Sth East Avenue, all a part of the Capital Improvement Bond Projects; and WHEREAS, ENGINEER, is prepared to provide such additional services as modified or identified in this Amendment. THIS AMENDMENT, made and entered into this of _I 20021 between the CITY OF OW ASSO, Oklahoma, a mlmicipal corporation of the State of Oklahoma, hereinafter referred to as "CITY", and CH2M HILL, INC.I hereinafter referred to as "ENGINEER"; WI1NESSTH: AMENDMENT NO.4 TO AGREEMENT 2 Mayor Date: TUL low ASSOIAMENDMENT 48. DOC City Attorney FORM: APPROVED AS (SEAL) City Clerk APPROVED: CH2M HILL, INC A. Intersection and Signalization Projects A1, Modify design of the East 86th Street North and North 145th East Avenue Intersection and Signalization project as follows: A,l.l. Provide additional field surveying, design, construction plans and cost estimates to modify (lengthen) the existing reinforced concrete box culvert east of the intersection to acconunodate the expanded scope of the project including the widening of the road, curb and gutter, storm sewer, utility relocations and additional right of way. A,1.2, Provide additional field surveying, design, construction plans and cost estimates for an addiliona11ane on the northeast quadrant of the intersection extending approximately 870-feet north and 350-feet east from the intersection including curb and gutter, storm sewer, utility relocations, and additional right of way. SCOPE OF SERVICES (hereinafter to as "ENGINEER") has performed the outlined herein on the Capital Improvement Projects for the City of Owasso, Oklahoma (hereinafter referred to as "CITY"). Amendment No.4 to Agreement for Engineering Services City of Owasso, Oklahoma Improvement Additional Exhibit 1 EXHIBIT2-1 TUL \OW Asso\ExHIBIT2AM END4B. DOC Intersection and Signalization Projects I East 86th Street North and North 145th East Avenue $ 21,81(1 Revised Contract Amount $ 121,038 - Amendment No.4 - Additional Services $ 693,228 Fee Project Description Project No. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS City of Owasso, Oklahoma Fee Amendment agrees to pay CH2M as compensation for Additional Services described under A.l.l and A.l.2. set forth in Exhibit 1/ a total lump sum fee of Twenty Seven Thousand, Eight Hundred-Ten Dollars ($27/810.00). CH2M HILL shall submit invoices and will receive payments in accordance with Article 1 of the original Agreement for Engineering Services approved May 26,1998. A breakdown of the lump sum amount to be billed for each of the projects is shown as follows: Amendment No.4 to Agreement for Engineering Services City of Owasso, Oklahoma Improvement Compensation 2 s o '" fF> @ C- .S o ~ EO o o '" @ <II C- .S o X en :g ~ '" z '" IJJ g~ ~~ x~ zw .-'en~~1- EU(9o.frl ~L::iIiSa @ofE@a: (/)2000.. .9- <{ z Z I- ;,w<{<{u 816 w (/) ~ mlJ: ~ ~ i5 ~~t;8:<1! a:wO:>1- 1-1-0. (/)0 I- I~IIII (9 z ~ --' a. d" z en (/) w U o a: a. I- z w ::; :> Uz 00 0_ i= a:u w:> 1-0 :>0 o.n: ::;0. Ow un: Ui 's '0 '" ~lgl*I~lglgl~ (\j o o (\j l?i ~ o c: Q) - "0 0 ~ Q) :J ,_ co e 1:5 a. Q) - ,~ S "0 0 g "'11'-1"'101"'10 mt--.<Offi.I"'--...... ~LOf'-. t'JCO c5 '1'""-""; 4 r-: ..- YT YT ..- C\J fF> fF> fF> c Q) l! Q) a. ..,. '" <II :J --' a: <C 1;; I- f-a o Z U I- :J;< tll 0 <Il :J ::; n: (/) <{ <II (f) f- Q) ~ ~ ~ > a: <II a: )-~ W Z a (f) W 0 I W W CJ '- OL1....J,g en C <t lU ... W ... -' :>><0- OU:I- c: .g <Il (; C. )( W " o '" '" 'l: ,5 ~ 2: .0 zffi:E>U)~ wlu >. ~ E 'iU cS:~:S:J.~ ~ffi:SU)8.2 rncn~-g.~~ I-!W '" :J :t: 0 () C ';': e tU Q.) ~U5~CJ'=" -I- 0:> Zo (f)...I W<C (f)1- ZO wI- D.tll x:J w(f) b~ Wz "'w OD. n:x D.w I-oc Uo Wco f!:<{ 0...1 c: o 'u; c: Q} gx 'u; w c: >< Q} 0 xOJ Q} W _ c: <lJ o ro c: 1iig =j 1:: ~ ~-a3 ::J co: en 0 c: 0,5-""0 E c: ,- ,- X (]) "C."t::::: o=E-o-o ~~B-~~ 2.800$0 ~~~~~~ ro t1l t1l 0:0: 0: Cll Cll Cll Cll Q} en en cn en en 'S; 'S; ':; 'S; os; Cll Cll Cll Cll Q} a: a: a: a: a: <II $I'~ <II <II 8 .~ ~~ '"I'" - c: ~u: c: :! Il) [ E'I'" .- flJ'd' 0""... .50 IJ: ~ - " o "'10 .~ ~::h ~ '" D.::a ~ ~ - " <.> "I'" .~.5 <'J a '" Y} ~ c: 0..", r--1 ~ '" ,~ ~I'" ~'~ ;;t 0: '" t: .~ .,,0 "00 '21:;: ~'5~ '" I- '" '" ,.. o C. E W ~ a c: .g '" .g 'iij <II '" (j '" '" o 1ii , """ m @ ~EJt OC 0 , ~'<::UJ J2,!g.c ,,""- "";::~~ ii.g~v: ,- '" <fl Z '<:""'oll dl l!!;:: , rooz '-*=,p; ::loCi) o "'.<: E=:u; ..U", ::;; OJ .. !l. "'101]]_101..,.1..,. - --' .s ~ .9 0 ..01- :J III UJ :J CO (f) "" a: (Jl 0 <ll III I- <C ...I ~t~ OOI..-Iv-ICOIN ~1~I"'tgt"'I~I~ -~H NI~~I~~INIOI(D11j;) gl~tol~t..,.t;:l;: # The amended project budget is $1, IS0,000. Therefore, sufficient funds are available to construct the project with the additional lanes. As a precaution, however, and to aid in ensuring adequate bond issue funds are available, the extra north and east lanes for the intersection are included in The most recent engineering estimate for the project is approximately $880,000 (prepared in December 2001). An additional expense to relocate a large natural gas pressure regulating station on the southwest corner of the intersection is anticipated in the amount of $250,000. The station is on a private easement in close proximity to the roadway, but will be within the reconstructed intersection right-of-way. Therefore, total estimated costs for the project is $1,130,000. PROJECT FUNDING: During right-of-way acquisition, the accepted design was expanded to include additional lanes on the north and east legs of the intersection. An estimate of the increased traffic volumes generated by anticipated or planned growth in the area had been included in design development. Baseline traffic counts used in the estimate were collected in 1998 and projections did not appear to adequately reflect development activity that has recently occurred at or near the intersection and specifically for Preston Lakes. At the September 4,2001 meeting, Council approved acceptance of final drawings and authorization to bid the project in order to enable initiation of right-of-way negotiations. Additional right-of-way was needed on the northeast (Preston Lakes, LLC) and northwest (Kimball-Morris, LLC) corners ofthe intersection. BACKGROUND: Included in the 1998 bond issue, this project involves widening and signalization of the intersection at East 86th Street North and North 14Sth East Avenue. Engineering design was initiated in early 1998 by CH2MHill. February 7,2002 DATE: INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS - EAST 86TH STREET NORTH AND NORTH 14STH EAST AVENUE THE HONORABLE OF MEMORANDUM 1. Plan view 2. Deeds of Dedication ATT ACHMENTS: Following acceptance, all utility companies will be able to start relocations. It is anticipated that relocations will be completed by May 2002. Bidding the project can be performed conculTently and construction can be expected to start by July 2002. Attached are the dedications each property. Formal acceptance ofthese documents will be included on the City Council agenda on February 19,2002. corners. Sufficient the future when needed. the bid documents as an altemate. Although unforeseen at this time, the additional can be removed fi'om the project ifbids funding availability. Page 2 Deeds of Dedication East 86th Street North and North 145th East Avenue ffi ~ ~ 5 ~ ~ ~ ) ~ 'I- 59- ..1 ,.- ~ G .... "! ;;; ;;; "!b " UI! ;;; "! 1 ~J II ! ~ 'I I~ O~_ " 1')1 -111 ~ I :MAl ~ JJJYl3AVd AO 3003 . 3dA! ~ 1i1N3A1J J.SV3 l.iHiItT ES City Clerk , 200)1 Accepted by the City of Ow as so, Okla]1oma, this_day of tt:At1M~ Gf~ o Public My Commission Expires: 9- J. - ().3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my official signature and afflxed my seal the day and year last above written. Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this ~ day of ~'II'I , 20Qll, personally appeared Thomas P. Morris, to me known to be the identical person who /yxecuted the foregoing instnunent on behalf of Kimball-Morris, L.L.C. and acknowledged to me that he executl:d the same as his free and voluntary act and deed for the purposes wherein set forth. STATE OF OKLAHOMA) ) SS .COUNTY OF TULSA ) By: __ J~ p (Y)~ Thomas P. Morris, Managing Member Kimball-Morris, L.L.Co 200.l Signed and delivered this ;Zq day to have and to hold said described premises lmto the said City of Owasso forever. A tract of land more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point 16.50 feet North and 30.00 feet West of the Southeast Corner of Section 21, Township 21 North, Range 14 East, thence westerly along a line parallel to the South line of said Section 21 a distance of 529.00 feet, thence northerly along a line parallel to the East line of said Section 21 a distance of 43.50 feet, thence easterly along a line parallel to the South line of said Section 21 a distance of 474.00 feet, thence northeasterly to a point 60.00 feet West of the East line of said Section 29 and 85.00 feet North of the South line of said Section 29, thence northerly along a line parallel to the East line of said Section 29 a distance of 650.00 feet, thence easterly along a line parallel to the South line of said Section 29 a. distance of 30.00 feet, thence southerly along a line parallel to the Ea.st line of said Section 29 a distance of 718.50 feet to the Point of Beginning, said tract being located in the County of Tulsa, State of Oklahoma, containing 1.0003 acre, more or less, Kimball-Morris, LL.C., the undersigned, being the sole owner(s) of all interests, both legal and equitable, for and in consideration of the special benefits to the remainder of their property, accruing thereto upon this dedication, do hereby dedicate to the City of Owasso, for the use and enjoyment of the Public, the following described portion thereof; to~wit: STATE OF OKLAHOMA) ) SS COUNTY OF TULSA ) DEED OF DEDICATION NO DOCUMENTARY STAMPS NECESSARY 68 O.S. 3202 (11) City of Owasso P.O.Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 Attn: City Clerk Mayor City Clerk ,200f. Accepted by the City of Ow as so, Oklahoma, this_day of Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this ~day of , 200t> personally appeared Tla...u.lJ [.(,..ltIo.YI'\"~ to me known to be the identical person who executed the foregoing instrument on behalf of Pr ston Lakes L.L.C. and acknowledged to me that he executed the same as his free and voluntary act and deed for the purposes wherein sellllrlh. 1\\\\I~~~!?!!!tI~ IN W&.~$~l, I hereunto set my official signature and affixed my seal the day and year last abov~~rittgIl:""';i~'~):;, ~ ~1>. 'V}\\~~ ff'1/ ~.()~~ 1 J ~ My Co~V;!~ . : ,do;;).,.}tlo.::;> - ~(j)\~~"" . jClJ~ NOtar~ : Y"?+, O..c- ~ /'\ S ('i'"Op.? A .... i -0........ .... ~ I,. .:....; ),.... '. lilT', 11,1 IIUII/IIII1I1\\I\ STATE OF OKLAHOMA) ) SS COUNTY OF TULSA ) PRESTON LAKES L.L.c. 200t.I>.I:L day Signed and delivered this to have and to hold said described premises unto the said City of Ow as so forever. A tract of land more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point 16.50 feet North and 25.00 feet East of the Southwest corner of Section 22, Township 21 North, Range 14 East, thence northerly along a line parallel to the West line of said Section 22 a distance of 736.50 feet, thence easterly along a line paralle! to the South line of said Section 22 a distance of 35.00 feet, thence southerly along a line parallel to the West line of said Section 22 a distance of 668.00 feet, thence southeasterly to a point 85.00 feet East of the West line of said Section 22 and 60.00 feet North of the South line of said Section 22, thence easterly along a line parallel to the South line of said Section 22 a distance of 515.00 feel, Ihence southerly along <I line 1'"1't\1Ie1 to the Weslline uf said Sectiun 22 a dislance 01 43.50 feet, thence westerly along a line parullello lhe South line of said Section 22 a distance of 575.00 feel 10 the Point of Beginning, said lract being localed in the Counly of Rogers, State of Oklahoma, containing 1.1366 acre, more or less, [generally depicted on Exhibit wAw attached hereto] ~J L.L.C., the undersigned, being the sole owner(s) of all interests, both legal and equitable, for and in consideration of the special benefits to the remainder of their property, accruing thereto upon this dedication, do hereby dedicate to the City of Owasso, for the use and enjoyment of the Public, the following described portion thereof, to-wit: STATE OF OKLAHOMA) ) SS COUNTY OF TULSA ) DEED OF DEDICATION NO DOCUMENTARY STAMPS NECESSARY 68 O.S. 3202 (11) Owasso, OK 74055 Attn: City Clerk 86th STREET NORTH N 88037'16" E SECTION CORNER ~ 540' .1 A~~_ , j ~I 1 . 1366 AC. / /'. lr> PROP 60' R/W ~~;~~~~~ _/. / . ..L . EXST 16.5'R/W L\ - -- ----," - 1 w=lOO' ~ ~ IV) C1'l U) PERMANENT RIGHT-OF-WAY OWNER: PRESTON LAKES, L.L.C. LOCATION: PART OF THE SW ~4 SECTION 22, T-21-N, R-!4-E 4) TRACT NO. EXHIBIT mlAIf!I ill :::> z ill :> o<t: .... IJ) o<t: ill .bl .,.. It) '<I" . U) It) (\J " -, z ;;;: 7 A Change Order #2 (approved by the Trustees on December 11, 2001) This change order ratified the approval of payment for three items included under the $2S,000 project allowance, including: Creek crossing stabilization on McCarty property Additional 18" ductile iron pipe Relocation of existing 12" water line $5,160.00 $8,680.00 $9,673.S3 $23,513.53 Total Cost Change Order # 1 (approved by the Trustees on August 16, 2001) This change order extended the initial Construction Deadline by 81 days from August 25, 2001 to November 15, 2001. In exchange, the Contractor agreed not to ask for any additional payment for changed conditions due to hard rock being encountered. There was no change to the contract amount. Two change orders have previously been approved by the Trustees. These are listed below: PREVIOUSLY APPROVED CHANGE ORDERS: Over the period of mid-November through January various cleanup items were completed that included: hauling excess trench material, final grading, seeding, fencing, replanting of trees and shrubs, removal ofthe old lift station, creek crossing embankment stabilization, rebuilding of golf course tee boxes and installation of a service line to the Mills residence. Final inspection was conducted on January 23,2002. The construction ofthe Ator Relief Line eliminated the Ator Lift Station by installation of 6,700 LF of 18-inch gravity sewer line. This project was constructed to comply with an Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) consent order to eliminate sanitmy sewer bypasses in the north central section ofthe City. The construction contract was awarded to Sapulpa Digging, Inc. in January 2001 in the amount of$818,270.00 (which includes a $25,000 project allowance for additional work items encountered during construction). On November 14, 2001 substantial completion was achieved when the gravity line became operational. BACKGROUND: February 7,2002 3 THE HONORABLE CHAIR AND TRUSTEES OW ASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY TO: MEMORANDUM These adjustments reflect a net increase in the amount of $3,036.38. Funding for the project has been a loan from the Oklahoma Water Resources Board. Staffwill explore the means that the additional costs should be able to be included in the final loan documents. $818,270.00 - $2S,000.00 $23,499.11 $3,400.00 $1.137.27 $821,306.38 Chiginal contract amount less project allowance plus Change Order #2 plus Change Order #3 - quantity adjustments plus Change Order #3 - Work Change Directives Revised Contract Total An adjustment in the contract will be required to reflect the following: FUNDING SOURCE: Therefore, the total requested to be approved for Change Order #3 is $4,537.27. $250.00 $406.50 Service tap on McCarty property (to replace existing tap not included in contract dmwings) Labor and material for tap on McCarty property 3 trees on Mills property (to replace trees removed during construction) Irrigation pipe (golf course hole #2 tee box) $30S.77 Total Work Change Directives $1,137.27 $175.00 The following items were authorized as Work Change Directives for items required during construction: :.t? ,000. 00 $3,400.00 added to contract to 4'~on diameter manhole not used Total Quantity Adjustments contract: on are following A final change order to complete the project is needed to adjust pay quantities and incorporate Work Change Directives authorized during construction. These items will be included in Change Order #3. ADDJIIOl'S"AL CHANG~ORDER: Page 2 Ator Relief Line Number 3 1. Change ATTACHMENTS; will installation is 3000 to cannot installed. be following installation ofthe sod. Delay completing this ofthe is no fault the contractor. Therefore, a request to release the retainage in the amount of $40,244.25 will be presented. All other work items have been completed. Typically, following submittal of a final pay request the final project inspection, contract pay adjustments, acceptance ofthe maintenance bonds, release ofthe retainage ofthe will be performed. item to RET AINAGKRED!I{;l1Ql'i;, Page 3 Ator Relief Line DATE DATE BY BY P.O. Box 180. Owasso. OK74405 ADDRESS P.O. Box 1105. Sapulpa, OK 74067 ADDRESS Owasso Public Works Authority OWNER Sapulpa Digging CONTRACTOR Note (1): See attached spreadsheet for calculation. $818,270.00 $0.00 $818,270.00 $3,036.38 (1) $821,306.38 o DAYS November 14, 2001 1he original Contract Sum was Net change by previously authorized Change Orders The Contract Sum prior to this Change Order was The Contract Sum will be increased by this Change Order in the amOlmt of The new Contract Sum including tins Change Order will be The Contract Time will be increased by The date of Substantial Completion was Not valid until signed by the and Incorporation of Work Items No.4 through 7 into the project under the Contact Allowance and adiustment of quantitieji to Bid Items 6aD~ 10. The Contract is changed as follows: Sapulpa 1nc PD. 1105 Sapulpa, OK 74067 FOR: Elimination of January 2001 DATE: January 30, 2002 DATE: CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: 3 Ator Re1iefLine PROJECT: CHANGE ORDER ooy=~ooo 00..- .OM oom~00 ~g~..-.~g c6u1riT'"'ri~ ..-NN N OO~ 00 Y7Y7'h WY7 E'5~~~ ~tIDCiia; t)~'O'O'O .!2roOOO C c:: Q) Q) Q) 000>0>0> U""ccc .- ell ell ell -'O..c:..c:..c: ~16uuu :~ 0 0 '0 15 0""'.><:..>::- (!) 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C:CbL.b..CX) rnroQ)Q)Q)N .c:.cuuu"., UUOOOfij E~~~~E c c: c: c c ro oorororo"'" ~ :J::i J:: J:: J:: 4- ~~OUUo t;::t;:: >-.>.>-.CIl ~:z::;..o.o.oro ~~'O'O'O'2 ~,*,,",(1)<DQ)~ CJ) CIl > > ::> CJ) (j)Q)ooOQ) :J :J b.,. b b ::J 0-0-0..0..0..0- (l)Q)a.o.o..Q) b.L.roOOrob DATE OWNER AUTHORIZED BY: DATE ENGINEER RECOMMENDED BY: DATE CONTRACTOR REQUESTED BY: ITEM DESCRIPTION COST TOTAL TO DATE Materials Previous WDC Labor Trees and piping $712.27 Equipment 0 Total with this WD Payroll Additive & 0 Overhead@ 30% Subtotal 0 Profit 10% 0 TOTAL $712.27 Add'l Calendar Date to begin work: December 10,2001 Justification or Goal: The trees will s~y Ms. Mill that no p-roperty value is lost and no mention of replacing full size trees ~ade in the contract. The irrigation piring will allow the golf course to irrigate tee boxes on hole number 2 and no mention of replacing this piping was made in the contract or are In 1. Installation of 3 trees to replace trees removed during construction at estimated cost of $450. ,m 2. Purchase of irrigationlllillng and fittings for golf course at estimated cost of $305. 77 'H'~~~~mm_ DATE: WORK DIRECTIVE CHANGE NO. H Based on the indicated schedule, a list of possible projects is to be submitted to ODEQ for approval by March 1,2002. It is our understanding that the list will be reviewed to determine projects that will qualifY as a "Supplemental Environmental Project". The reviewed/approved list will then be retumed. The city can select any ofthe approved projects and proceed with the remaining tasks. Task Date Submit proposed project list March 1, 2002 Submit an approvable engineering report June 1, 2002 Submit approvable plans and specifications August 1, 2002 Start construction November 1, 2002 Complete construction November 1, 2003 Tasks and deadlines included in the Administrative Order relating to the SEPs are listed below: The Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) issued an Administrative Order October 2001 as a result of sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) during a period of time between November 9, 2000 and January 8, 2001. City staff negotiated an agreement with ODEQ, which included an Administrative Penalty in the amount of $70,000. The OPW A Trustees approved the Administrative Penalty on December 17, 2001 (see attached). Included in the $70,000 penalty was $SO,OOO to be assessed through a Supplemental Environmental Project(s) (SEP). The SEPs shall cost a minimum of$I00,OOO. BACKGROUND; February 8, 2002 DATE: THE HONORABLE CHAIR AND TRUSTEES OW ASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY 10: MEMORANDUM PROJECT ESTlMATED COST 1. !JI!date W aEiJ;~~1&L{;illl~~:Y'stem Master Plan $175,000 A Wastewater Master Plan was prepared in September Anticipated gf.mrth of the service area has occulTed beyond that defined in the study. The study area needs to be expanded and the plan updated to ensure adequate collection system capacity and improvements are defined. ... - 2. Brentwood Lift Station Removal and Gravity Re1iefLine $100,000 A defined project in the 1997 Wastewater Master Plan. This project involves elimination ofthe Brentwood Lift Station and installation of950 linear feet of 12- inch gravity line. Construction of the reliefline eliminates continued operation of a lift station and redirects the flow from an interceptor that was determined to have peak flow hydraulic restrictions. .~ 3. :l{indsor Lake Lift Station Removal and Gravity Relief Line $100,000 This project involves elimination of the Windsor Lift Station and installation of 800 linear feet of 8- inch gravity line. Construction of the relief line eliminates continued operation of a lift station and redirects the flow from an interceptor that was determined to have peak flow hydraulic restrictions. 4. North 117tll E. Ave. Lift Station Upgrade $250,000 A defined project in the 1997 Wastewater Master Plan. This project involves installation of new pumps and motors, motor control center, valves and other miscellaneous component upgrades. Growth projected in the master plan indicated a need to increase pumping capacity in order to allow flows to reach the wastewater treatment plant. 5. Three Lakes Drainage Channel Improvements $100,000+ Drainage channel realignment and erosion control. The original drainage channel has shifted over time, resulting in encroachments and damage on private property, sedimentation in drainage structures and restricted hydraulic capacities. Improvements would be designed to be constructed in phases following assessment of drainage hydrology. 6. Owasso Lake Sediment Removal $120,000 Owasso Lake serves as a retention pond within the confines of Bailey Ranch Golf Course. Development activity around the pond has resulted in accumulation of sediment that has restricted the hydraulic capacity of the pond. Dredging is needed to increase capacity and provide for proper retention. _. - The following is a list ofprojects that are proposed to be submitted as Supplemental Environmental Projects: PROPOSED PROJECTS~ Page 2 ODEQ Consent Order Supplemental Environmental Projects List $100,000 10,000 $125,000 COST This project is a compilation of various improvements within the park, to include additions to ball field lighting, parking lot, walkways and the water system. 9. Qwasso Sports Park Improvement~ restroom facilities at the construction of a new restroom park users. 8. Elm Creek Pond serves as a retention pond within the confmes of Elm Creek Addition. Development activity around the pond and within the drainage area has resulted in accumulation of sediment that has restricted the hydraulic capacity of Dredging is needed to increase capacity and provide proper retention. 7. PROJECT l 'd A complete copy ofthe negotiated Administrative Penalty is attached for your information and review. The terms of the Administrative Penalty are required to be approved by the OPW A prior to the processing ofthe initial payment of $5,000. Additionally, in order to provide the necessary funds to make the first two payments in January and April, an amendment to the OPWA Administration Department budget increasing expenses by $10,000 would also need to be approved. Mr. Cates has reviewed the Administrative Penalty and is comfortable with the terms negotiated. Both Mr. Cates and Mr. Carr will be in attendance Tuesday evening to answer any questions of a legal and technical nature. After receiving the Administrative Order, the City ofOwasso requested a hearing with DEQ officials. As a result of requesting a hearing, both parties agree to waive the filing of a petition and agree that it is in their best interest to resolve the matter. The hearing with DEQ was held in November and attended by Mr. Ron Cates, Mr. Robert Carr, Mr. Roger Stevens, and fOImer City Manager Larry Mitchell. At that hearing, an Administrative Penalty in the amount of $70,000 was negotiated. The terms of the Administrative Penalty are as follows: ' 1. The OPWA shall pay the DEQ the sum of$20,000 as a cash penalty. This is to be paid in four payments of $5,000 each. Payments would be due in January, April, July, and October, 2002. 2. The remaining $50,000 is to be assessed through a Supplemental Environmental Project(s). The SEP's shall cost a minimum of$100,000. The OPW A cun-ently has several budgeted projects that will accomplish this requirement The Owasso Public Works Authority received notification on October 9, 2001 of an Administrative Order filed by the Department of Environmental Quality, The Administrative Order was issuea by DEQ as a result of wastewater bypasses during a time period between November 2000 and January 8, 2001. BACKGROUND:. THE HONORABLE CHAIR AND TRUSTEES OW ASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY MEMORANDUM !~~ti-jSXi{)() ) j. . J '6 0 J / ~/ . . Staff recommends Trustee approval the Administrative Penalty, outlining payment and project construction requirements as negotiated within the Administrative Hearing and contained within the Administrative Penalty, RECOMMENDATION #1: " \ \ T H Through discussions with the City of Edmond, staffhas learned of the ability to auction items on E-Bay. E-Bayacts as an "auction broker," Both private individuals and public entities utilize E-Bay as a tool to often times obtain the highest resale or salvageable price for items they no longer utilize. The City of Edmond has been utilizing E-Bay for over a year and is extremely pleased (see attached email conespondence). Edmond has auctioned equipment, vehicles, and even used golfbalIs. E-BA Y AUCTIONS: Typically, when the City of Ow as so declares items surplus, an approximate worth for the individual items is submitted to the City Council along with the list for approvaL The next step in the process would be for the City to schedule a public auction, usually on a Saturday, in order to get rid ofthe surplus items. This usually involves a considerable amount of time, effort, and expense... often times to net very little profit. Staff is still compiling approximate value figures for each of the vehicles listed through the Kelley Blue Book guideline (if possible) and will be presented to you in the future. Some of the vehicles have no value to our organization and are actually more expensive to keep. 1993 Chevrolet Caprice with 93,082 miles - Police Depaliment 1993 Chevrolet Caprice with 93,384 miles - Police Department 1992 Chevrolet Capirce with 101,938 miles - Police Department 1992 Chevrolet Caprice with 113,118 miles - Police Department 1990 Chevrolet Caprice with 118,211 miles - Police Department 1988 S-1O Pick-up with 100,977 miles - Public Works 1988 Lodal with 97,496 miles - Public Works 1979 Chevrolet Caprice with 150,000 miles - Public Works 1974 Ford Dump Truck with 244,256 miles - Public Works 1965 Ford 600 Fire Truck with 121,013 miles - Parks Department llll ill I!lI ill IilI ill III IilI ill III The following list of vehicles has been compiled by various city departments as no longer beneficial to remain in service due to age and/or condition and is being recommended to be declared surplus by the City Council: BACKGROUND: 2002 THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND OF MEMORANDUM RECOMMENDATION: Staff is prepared to request that City Council declare the above listed vehicles as surplus with a determined value and that the City move forward with an E-bay auction of the vehicles. !IJ Several staff members in various departments bave experience witb sellinglbuying items on E-bay and are comfortable with E-bay as an auctioning technique. ill During the detennined auction period, prospective bidders may e-mail a staff member to ask any questions they may have after seeing the item and reading its description. !IJ The item descriptions can be amended and/or corrected if necessary during the auction period. ill Staff can detennine minimum time frames for pick-up... 30 days for example. ADDrnONAL INFORMATION: E-bay charges $1 to list an item plus l.5%(on average) of the final selling price. If the item does not sell, the City pays no fee. FEES: -- !IJ Council declares vehicles other items) surplus and declares a minimum value for each IiJI Staff takes digital pictures and writes descriptions for each item to be auctioned on E-bay. i1J Staff determines length of auction (10 days is best - due to ability to have auction occur over a 2 weekend period) !IJ Staff includes acceptable methods of payment. Until such time that the City has the ability to accept credit cards, only cashier checks or cash would be accepted. IiJI Staff would also determine whether the item can be shipped or would need to be picked up. If shipping, staff would add shipping costs to fmal bid and list in the bidding specifications on E-bay. !IJ Item is then added to E-bay auction for set time period. Advertising of the auction and a link would occur on the City's webpage and for the first several times we utilize E-bay, a story would appear in the Owasso Reporter. !IJ At the close of the auction, E-bay notifies staff of the highest bidder and provides their e-mail address. IiJI Staff notifies highest bidder. Arrangements are made for shipping or pick-.up of item once payment is received. following is a to an The City can establish a minimum bid that we will accept on E-bay, thus the guarantee that if an item is bid upon, we would at least receive the minimum. E-bay would open ow' auction to a wider audience, lengthen the auction period, and limit the stafftime involved in preparation for an auction. 1. Disclaimer: While this E-mail is the property of the City of Edmond, Oklahoma, the views and opinions expressed herein are the sender's and may not reflect the official position of the City of Edmond. City of Edmond, Oklahoma P.O. Box 2970 Edmond, Oklahoma 73083 405~"348-.8830 Hello there'~' Our Fleet Manager provides the minimums based on a combination of the fair market value and condition of the vehicle. Yes, selling on e-bay is working out really well for us. All my departments want to sell their stuff this way. :) Let m know if I can be of further assistance. Brenda >>> "Teresa Willson" <teresa@cityofowasso.com> 02/06/02 04:15PM >>> Brenda, my intern, Lindsay Hammons contacted you last summer to inquire about your procedures for auctioning surplus vehicles on ebay. I appreciate all the information you provided. We do have one more question, however. What source(s) did you use to arrive at a minimum bid price? Also, are you still satisfied with this method of selling surplus items? Thank you for all your help. Message.-- From: Brenda Mayer [mailto:Brenda. cLedmond.ok.us] Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2002 4:44 PM To: teresa@ so. com Subject: Re: Surplus vehicles on Teresa Willson Wednesday, February 06, 20024:57 PM Timothy Rooney FW: Surplus vehicles on ebay. From: Sent: To: Subject: Timoth 1 A Staff is prepared to place this item on the February 19, 2002 Council agenda and recommend its ratification. RECOMMENDATION: A copy of the Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Owasso and the FOP is attached for your information and review, as well as the current and proposed Article 23 of the FOP Contract. While previously it was not the administration's policy to obtain Council approval of the "Memorandums of Agreement", I feel it is in the best interest of both parties for the City Council to ratify the "understanding" as an amendment to Article 23 that was discussed and negotiated between the City Manager and the FOP. The latest agreement, attached for your information and review, would amend Aliicle 23, Work Schedule, of the Collective Bargaining Agreement by changing the shift hours of the Owasso Police Department from 10 hours to 12 hours. A review of the proposed change indicates that amending the work schedule from 10 hour shifts to 12 hour shifts will result in the reduction of large amounts of overtime currently needed to maintain proper manning levels. There have been three "Memorandums of Agreement" relating to the FY 2001-2002 contract between the FOP and the City of Owasso. Through recent conversations with the FOP and Management, staff is prepared to present an additional agreement between the entities. Since the change in work hours from 12 hour shifts to 10 hours shifts in the FY 2001-2002 Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City of Ow as so and the FOP, there have been concerns expressed by both officers and management. The concerns center around oveliime cost, manning levels and the ability for officers to work as needed. In an effOli to address these concerns, a "Memorandum of Agreement" has been developed by both parties. BACKGROUND: February 2002 AND TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OW ASSO MEMORANDUM ATTACHMENTS: I. Memorandum of Agreement dated January 25, 2002 Proposed Article 23 of the FOP Contract 3. Current Article of the FOP Contract. . Approved this;;tL day of . :J-;;~4kJ v 'J ~, 2002, The Employer and the Lodge agree that the attached article shall replace the existing language in the Collective Bargaining Agreement. AGREE1VIEN-Il It is the intent of the parties to this memorandum of agreement to clarify the work schedule of Article 23, Work Schedule, of the Collective Bargaining Agreement, pURPOSE: SCHEDULE FOP Lodge #149 The City of Owasso, OK Ray, City Manager MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT The Employer and the Lodge by these presents agree that subsequent to the effective date hereof, the Employer will be implementing a new shift scheduling system providing for ten -hour shifts. Prior to implementation of such new shift schedule the parties will agree on how the new shifts shall be implemented. Upon implementation of the new shift scheduling system, the scheduled work days and work hours set forth above shall no longer be applicable. Regardless of the new shift scheduling system, iniplementing ten hour shifts, the employees hours worked during the designated work period will remain at eighty-five and one half (85 V2) hours. TO BE DELETED Week 1: Scheduled Work Hours 1900 to 0700 Thursday. Friday, Saturday Scheduled Days Off Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Week 2: Scheduled Work Hours 1900 to 0700 Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday Scheduled Days Off Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Squad Two I Shift Two (Night Shift) . Week 1: Scheduled Work Hours 0700 to 1900 Thursday, Friday, Saturday Scheduled Days Off Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Week 2: Scheduled Work Hours 0700 to 1900 Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday Scheduled Days Off Sunday, Monday. Tuesday Squad Two I Shift One (Day Shift) Week 1: Scheduled Work Hours 1900 to 0700 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Scheduled Days Off Thursday. Friday, Saturday Week Scheduled Work Hours 1900 to 0700 Sunday. Monday, Tuesday Scheduled Days Off Wednesday. Thursday, Friday. Saturday Squad One I Shift Two (Night Shift) Week 1: Scheduled Work Hours 0700 to 1900 Sunday, Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday Scheduled Days Off Thursday, Friday. SatUrday Week Scheduled Work Hours 0700 to 1900 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Scheduled Days Off Wednesday. Thursday, Friday, Saturday Squad one I Shift One (Day Shift) two e:mp10yer a one WORK SCHEDULE ARTICLE CURRENT LANGUAGE Section 6._If an employee is called back from scheduled time off, hours worked will be compensated at one and one-half (1 1/2) times the employee's regular hourly rate of payor compensatory time at the same rate. The type of compensation will be at the sole discretion of the Officer. Employees shall be guaranteed a minimum of two (2) hours pay at a rate of one and om~-half (l 1/2) times their regular hourly rate of pay anytime the employee is called in to work other than regularly scheduled work hours. If an officer accrues more than 150 hours of compensatory time, the manner of compensation shall be Section So_Any hours worked in excess of eighty-five and one half (85 1/2) hours per work period or any time worked in excess of the herein designated work week shall be compensated at the rate equal to one and one-half (11/2) times the employee's. regular hourly rate of payor compensatory time at the same rate. The type of compensation will be at the sole discretion of the Officer. It is agreed th~t an employee will not be required to take off from the regular working hours to avoid overtime compensation or compensatory time. If an Officer accrues more than 150 hours of compensatory time, the manner of compensation shall be at the discretion of the Chief of Police until such time that the Officer's accrued compensatory time balance falls below 150 hours. Employees, upon approval by the Chief of Police, shan allowed to a shift or partial shift with another employee as provided for by EL.S.A. Any employee requesting training opportunities may request and be granted. by the Chief of Police, a change in their regular days off andlor work hours in order to attend such training opportunities. Detectives may, solely at their request, alter their work hours and/or work days, upon approval by the Chief of Police, due specifically to case load and! or investigative necessity. This does not include coverage for absent officers. D. Trainees. while in Field Training Program. may be required to change shift hours and days off to accommodate such training schedule. E. Lieutenants may. solely at their request, alter their work hours andlor work days, upon approval by the Chief of Police, due to assigned case load or operational demands of the department as determined by the Chief of Police. This does not include coverage for absent officers. F. Crime Prevention Unit officers may, solely at their request, alter their work hours, andlor workdays upon approval by the Chief of Police, due to assigned class schedules during the school year. Section There shall be one and one half (1.5) hours per fourteen (14) day work period that may be utilized as briefing time for the Patrol Division. Said briefing time shall be contiguous with regular scheduled work hours, as scheduled by the Chief of 1& compensatory For computation employ~e work time actually worked. at the discretion of the Chief of Police until such time that the Officer's accrued compensatory time balance falls below 150 hours. Section 4. The following exemptions shall apply to the work period criteria provided for in this article. Under no circumstances are any exemptions, other than those specifically designated in this section of this article, allowable under this agreement. Section 3. There shall also be one and one half (1.5) hours per fomieen (14) day work period that may be utilized as briefing time for the Patrol Division. Said briefing time shall be contiguous with the regular scheduled work hours, as scheduled by the Chief of Police. Week 1: Scheduled Work Hours 1900 to 0700 Thursday, Friday, Saturday Scheduled Days Off Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Week 2: Scheduled Work Hours 1900 to 0700 Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Satmday Scheduled Days Off Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Squad Two I Shift Two (Night Shift) Week 1: Scheduled Work Hours 0700 to 1900 Thursday, Friday, Saturday Scheduled Days Off Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Week 2: Scheduled Work Hours 0700 to 1900 Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday Scheduled Days Off Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Squad Two I Shift One (Day Shift) Week 1: Scheduled Work Hours 1900 to 0700 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Scheduled Days Off Thursday, Friday, Saturday Week 2: Scheduled Work Hours 1900 to 0700 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Scheduled Days Off Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Satmday Squad One / Shift Two (Night Shift) Week I: Scheduled Work Hours 0700 to 1900 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Scheduled Days Off Thursday, Friday, Saturday Week 2: Scheduled Work Hours 0700 to 1900 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Scheduled Days Off Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday Shift) / The Patrol Division of the Owasso Police Department will be organized into two squads squad into two shifts to scheduled hours each period as follows: Section L There is hereby designated by the employer a regular fourteen (14) day work period for all employees that will consist of eighty-five and one half hours. ARTICLE 23 FORK SCHEDULE PROPOSED LANGUAGE Section 6. If an employee is called back from scheduled time off, hours worked will be compensated at one and one-half (1 1/2) times the employee's regular hourly rate of payor compensatory time at the same rate. The type of compensation will be at the sole discretion of the Officer. Employees shall be guaranteed a minimum of two (2) hours pay at a rate of one and one-half (1 1/2) times their regular hourly rate of pay anytime the employee is called in to work other than regularly scheduled work hours. If an officer accrues more than ISO hours of compensatory time, the manner of compensation shall be at the discretion of the Chief of Police until such time that the Officer's accrued . d compensatory time balance falls below 150 hours. If/tl j;, fht1~?:/ Section 7 . For ~ompu~ation of e:nploye~ work hours, all vacation leave, s~L.I, :i. ~~- ~_ and compensatory tlme w1l1 be consIdered tlme actually worked. p y '--- Section 5. Any hours worked in excess of eighty-five and one half (85 1/2) hours per work period or any time worked in excess of the herein designated work week shall be compensated at the rate equal to one and one-half (1 1/2) times the employee's regular hourly rate of payor compensatory time at the same rate. The type of compensation will be at the sole discretion of the Officer. It is agreed that an employee will not be required to take off from the regular working hours to avoid overtime compensation or compensatory time. If an Officer accrues more than 150 hours of compensatory time, the manner of compensation shall be at the discretion ofthe Chief of Police until such time that the Officer's accrued compensatory time balance falls below ISO hours. A.. Employees, upon approval by the Chief of Police, shall be allowed to trade a shift or partial shift with another employee as provided for by F.L. Any employee requesting training opportunities request and be granted, by the Chief of Police, a change in their regular off and/or work hours order to attend such training opportunities. may, solely at their request, alter their work and/or days, upon approval by the Chief of Police, due specifically to case load and/or investigative necessity. This does not include coverage for absent officers. Trainees, while in Field Training Program, may be required to change shift hours and days off to accommodate such training schedule. Lieutenants may, solely at their request, alter their work hours and/or work days, upon approval by the Chief of Police; due to assigned case load or operational demands of the department as determined by the Chief of Police. This does not include coverage for absent officers. Crime Prevention Unit officers may, solely at their request, alter their work hours, and/or work days upon approval by the Chief of Police, due to assigned class schedules dming the school year. ARTICLE 23 WORK SCHEDULE Continued 2. In addition to this update, a change in implementation policy might also be appropriate. Since the last update of this program, a local United Way agency has come into being that has as one its primary missions the channeling of community resources to assist Owasso area residents who are in need. This agency, Volunteer Network Owasso ("VNO"), operates and oversees a community fund, "Owasso Cares", that exists solely for the relief of residents who need help with utilities, prescriptions, etc. It is funded by gifts, private donations, and monies provided by local churches. Also, Volunteer Network Owasso has for a number of years administered the "Giving Tree" program that is housed out of RCB Bank. In addition VNO administered FEMA funds last year in the amount of$7,000 for emergency assistance for utility bills. VNO's involvement in these programs, as well I. Since 1992, income guidelines as provided by the Department of Human Services income guidelines for Food Stamps, Aid for Dependent Children and various other income assistance programs have risen approximately 18%. In order to keep intact the intent of the Trustees to help those citizens most truly in need of assistance, it is necessary to adjust the OPW A guidelines to correspond with the Federal Guidelines, since it is those that provide the comparison for approval for participation in the program. In addition, in order to avoid having to continually update this program simply on the basis of outdated income criteria, it would also be helpful to tie the OPW A's program guidelines to the annual update of the Federal Guidelines that are published in October of each year. In 1980 the 0 PW A approved Resolution 80-09 reducing utility rates for Owasso' s water and sewer customers who met specific income criteria. The intent of this program was to assist those who are financially challenged in meeting basic requirements and necessities for a healthy home environment. In 1992, Resolution 92-03 provided for continuation of the program. The 1992 resolution reduced the amount of the discount from 25% to 20%, provided more detailed policies for implementation, and designated the Director of the Community Center to handle applications for the program. Once again, if only to update income criteria, it is appropriate to re-examine this program and its policies. BACKGROUND: 8,2002 JIM McELRATH CHAIRPERSON AND TRUSTEES OW ASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY TO: MEMORANDUM Based upon discussion of the Trustees at a previous work session, as well as conversations since that time, it is clear that the Council agrees that the program should be continued and re-adveliised. One issue, however, that was raised previously was whether to make the program more of a one-time or limited number of CONSIDERATIONS: In order to keep with the intent of the Trustees to help those truly in need, it would be helpful to specify as a part of any resolution the frequency and normal means of advertising the existence of the program. Now that the OPW A has the possibility of printing regular notices on the utility bill, perhaps the most effective form of adveliisement would be placing such notices in that venue. 3. The third area that bears some consideration by the Trustees concerns that of adveliisement of the program to the public. Since 1992, other than through word-of- mouth, the program has received no public advertisement. And even this initial advertisement consisted only of a one-time aliicle in the Owasso Reporter. As a result, the number of persons paliicipating in the program was initially fairly low and has since dropped in number from about twenty to three. can be seen by the history detailed above, has assumed in the Owasso community the role of being the single agency most in touch with the areas and levels of need of Owasso residents. At the time that the Utility Rate Reduction program was extended in 1992, the Director of the Community Center administered the Federal Emergency Commodities program for the Owasso area. This program no longer exists, at least in the Tulsa/Owasso area, with the result that the Director of the Community Center no longer maintains the kind of awareness of those in need that existed at that time. In addition, in recognition of this fact, when Mr. McElrath, who was director of the Community Center in 1992, relinquished that position in order to become Director of the Support Services Department, Rodney Ray, City Manager at that time, asked Mr. McElrath to continue administration of the program due to the personal awareness and expeliise he had developed in this area. Also, by that time the Community Center Director no longer administered the Commodities program and no longer maintained simply by virtue of job position the former level of awareness of those applying for assistance. as its ongoing contact with residents inquiring about help of various kinds, has served to place it in a good, perhaps unique, position to be aware of community needs. In addition, the utilization ofVNO by the churches and other organizations as a kind of "central clearing house", has served to help avoid duplication of effOlis and also decreased the possibility of duplication of giving to the same recipients by different groups. Finally, in its administration of the Owasso Cares funds, VNO normally follows the same Federal Guidelines in determining the needs of applicants as the does in the Utility Rate Reduction Program. MEMORANDUM UTILITY RATE REDUCTION PROGRAM DATE: February 8, 2002 PAGE: 2 $905 $1219 $1533 $1848 $2162 $2476 $2790 $3104 +$31S 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 Add'l person Monthly Maximum Gross Income Household Size Staff recommends Trustee adoption of Resolution #2001- _continuing the effect of Resolution No 92-03 and specifying updated income eligibility guidelines, such guidelines to be further updated annually on an automatic basis in accord with the issuance of updated Federal guidelines in October of each year by the Federal Food Stamps Program. The cunent aggregate income guidelines (as of 10-1-00) for all members of a given household that shall be used in determining the eligibility are as set out below: RECOMMENDATION: differences of remain on this issue, staff proposes an approach that would effectively the time for discussion of this issue but still allow for the continuation of the program as the Trustees agree is desirable. Due to the fact that number of households taking advantage of the current program has dwindled to only three in number, for all practical purposes, the program, although a continuation, would vhiually be statiing anew. Staff proposes that the Trustees reinstitute and re- advertise the program as proposed during the months of April and October 2002. This would effectively provide a kind of trial to see how many participants there would be, and what their demographics are. Then, prior to April 2003, the Trustees could analyze the program and its effects and determine whether the program should be limited or modified. If, at that time, the Trustees should decide to limit any or all eligible participants to one renewal or even no renewals, the ordinance could be revised to that end. times "emergency" type of help instead of an indefinitely renewable one. One counselor suggested a variation on this approach that would make the program available on an on-going basis to qualifying senior citizens but limit the number of times that others could apply, effectively making it a kind of "emergency" help for those who are not seniors. Another actually suggested just the opposite - that the limitations be on the seniors and not on working households. MEMORANDUM UTILITY RATE REDUCTION PROGRAM DATE: February 8, 2002 PAGE: 3 1. Attachment A 20 Sample Application for Utility 3, Copy of Fax from detailing cunent Food Stamp Guidelines 4, Copy of Resolution 92~03 Persons meeting the above criteria and upon approval of their application as provided for in "Attachment A" and made a portion of the Resolution by reference, would be granted a 20% discount from their water, wastewater and refuse rates. MEMORANDUM UTILITY RATE REDUCTION PROGRAM DATE: February 8, 2002 PAGE: 4 a. If applicant does not receive Food Stamps, Aid for Dependent Children, or Medicaid, household income shall be verified by furnishing two of the following three items for validation: 2. "SUBJECT TO REVIEW": THROUGH QUALIFICATION BASED ON INCOME LEVEL a. Food Stamps - An Active/current Certification Card must be furnished b. Aid for Dependent Children.- Active/Current Case Number must be furnished c. Medicaid - Active/Cun'ent Case Number must be furnished If applicant is currently certified for one of the following programs, approval is automatic upon verification of documentation requested: 1. "AUTOMATIC": THROUGH CERTIFICATION FROM OTHER ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS B. ELIGIBILITY: Upon completion of the review, the Director of VNO shall determine the status of the application as to approval or disapproval. Once the status has been determined, the name of the applicant shall be transmitted to the Utility Billing Department. If the application is denied, the Director ofVNO shall notifY the applicant in writing, briefly outlining the reason(s) for denial. 2. Applications and any required supporting documentation must be returned to the office ofVNO or to the Utility Billing office. Applications shall remain confidential for review by the Director ofVNO for accuracy in reported income and household size. As part of the review, the applicant may be asked to meet with the director ofVNO, either at the VNO office or at City I-Iall, to verify identity and discuss supporting documentation. 1. Applications may be obtained during the enrollment months of April and October at the office V olunteer Network Owasso 207 Cedar or at Owasso Hall Utility Billing Department or at other venues designated Manager. Policies and Procedures for implementation and maintenance of City of Owasso Reduced Utility Rates: ATTACHMENT A REDUCED UTILITY RATES February 8, 2002 PAGE 1 1. If application for re-certification is not received and validated by April 30 or by October 31, Utility Billing effective upon the next billing cycle will automatically terminate the customer's discount utility rate. In order to help ensure accuracy, VNO shall supply Utility Billing with an updated list of all approved applicants or re-applicants the week following the close of the application period. Do REAPPLICATION OR TERMINATION 2. If the application is denied, applicant may appeal to the City Manager or his designee(s), whose decision shall be final. 1. The notification of approval or denial shall be sent to the applicant within five days of submission. If approved, reduced rates will be effective on the next billing cycle following April 30 or October 31, depending upon the respective time of application. Co NOTIFICATION AND APPEAL d. Other income: all other sources, including but not limited to, disability benefits, cash withdrawn from savings, interest/dividends, income from estates/trusts/investments, regular contributions from persons not living in the household, net royalties/annuities/net rental income, any other income including gifts of cash c. Pensions/Retirement/Social Security: pensions, supplemental social security income, retirement income, veteran's payments, social security (2) Welfare/Child Support/Alimony: public assistance payments, welfare payments, alimony, child support payments unemployment self-.owned (1) Earnings from work: wages/salaries/tips, strike compensation, compensation, net business or farm and contract labor payments Household income shall include all of the following sources: (1) Three (3) consecutive months bank statements (2) Three (3) consecutive months payroll check stubs (3) Previous year income tax retum (either Federal or State) ATTACHMENT A REDUCED UTILITY RATES February 8, 2002 PAGE 2 " "Reduced Utility Rates are available to water and sewer customers who meet specific income criteria. further information, contact Volunteer Network Application must the The following or similar notice shall be placed on utility bills on the billing cycles immediately prior to the months of April and October: E. ADVERTISEMENT ATTACHMENT A REDUCED UTILITY RATES February 8, 2002 PAGE 3 (revISed 02108/02) Signature Status Approved_DlSaJ>proved_ Account Number Date reviewed and sent to Utility Billing FOR OFFICE USE ONLY DATE X SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER (If different) SIGNA TURE OF ADULT HOUSEHOLD MEMBER x SIGNA TURE AND SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER: I certifY that all of the above information is true and correct and that all income is reported. I understand that this information is being given for the receipt of a utility discount from the City of Owasso and that City officials or their designees may verifY the information on the application. Any deliberate misrepresentation of the information may subject me to prosecution under applicable Local, State and Federal Laws. E - CERTIFICATION *PRIV ACY ACT STATEMENT: Provision of a social security number is not mandatory, but if a social security number is not given or an indication is not made that the signer does not have such a nwnber, the application cannot be approved. The social security number may be used to identifY the household member in carrying out efforts to verifY the correctness of information stated on the application. These verification efforts may be carried out through program reviews, audits, and investigations and may include contacting employers to determine income, contacting a food stamp or welfare office to determine current certification for receipt of food stamps or AFDC or Medicaid benefits, contacting the State Employment Security Office to determine the amount of benefits received and checking the documentation produced by household members to prove the amount of income received. These efforts may result in a loss of discount or legal actions if incorrect information is provided. GROSS MONTHLY INCOME SOCIAL SECURlTY NUMBER (If different) NAME SECTION D _w INCOME REPORTING lfyou do not automatically qualify under SECTION B, please complete this section. Fill out names of ALL persons who bring income into the household. MAXIMUM GROSS INCOME $905 $1219 $1533 $1&48 $2162 $2476 $2790 $3104 $+315 HOUSEHOl.D SIZE I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Add'l persOllS SECTION C - INCOME REQUIREMENTS In order to meet the income requirements, your total income may no! exceed the levels listed below: 3. Medicaid Case Number 2. AFDC Case Number l. Food Stamp Certification Card Eligibility for reduced City utility rates is based on income levels. lfthe total income for all household is less than the amounts shown in SECTION C below, you can be approved for a 20% reduction on water, wastewater and refuse charges, 9E if you are cUlTently approved for food stamps. Aid for Dependant Children. or Medicaid. you can automatically qualify by listing your current certification card or number ~ be re~L~~~~~~<~_._~~~~~.~"~~-d-o_~~~~.~..~ SECTION B - AUTOMATIC QUALIFICATION Social Security Number Residence Telephone Street Address Name of Person Responsible For utility payment (Please Print) SECTION A - GENERAL INFORMATION APPLICATION FOR REDUCED UTILITY RATES OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORlTY ** If application for re-certification each year is not received and validated by April 30 and by October 3i, the customers discount utility rate will be terminated effective upon next billing cycle. E. TERMINATION If approved, reduced fates will be effective on the first billing cycle following approval of application. I). AFFROV AL a. Earnings ITom work: wages/salaries/lips, strike benefits, unemployment compensation, worker's compensation. net income from self.owned business or farm IUld contract labor payments b. Welfare/Child Support/Alimony: public assistance payments, welfare payments, alimony, child support payments c. Pensions/RetiremenliSocial Security: pensions, supplemental seeurity income, retirement income, vetel'llll's payments, social security payments d. Other income: Disability benefits, ...h withdrawn from savings, interest/dividends, income from eslates/trusts/investments, regular contributions from persons not living in the household, net royalties/annuities/net rental income, any other income including gifts of cash 2. Household income shall include all tho following ,ourees: n. Three (3) conseemiv. months bank statements b. Three (3) consecutive months payroll check stubs c. Previous ye.. incomo tax rctul11 (either Fede",' or Slllte) I. If applicam does not receivo Food Stamps, Aid for Dependent Children, or Medicnid, household income shall be verified by furnishing 1mL..of th. following th.... items for validation: C. ELIGIl.llLITY BY QUALIFYING UNDER MAXIMUM INCOME LEVELS n. Food Stamps. Certification Card and evidence of cUlTent st.lUS must be furnished. h. Aid for Dependent Children - AClive/Current Case Number and evidence of cUlTent stalus must be furnished. c. Medicaid. Active/Cumml Case Number and evidence of cUlTent slatus must be furnished. I. If applicant is currently certified for one of the following programs, approval is automatic upon verification of documentation requested: B. ELIGIBlLrlll TImOUGH CERTIFICATION FROM OTHER ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS h. lflh. application is denied, the appliClUlt shmll be notified and given tho rOllSOllS lor th. denial. Appeal may be mode to the City Manager or his designec(s). e. If approved, . certification of approval shall 1:>. immediately !r.l!1Smitled to the Ulility Billing supervisor. notil'ying them of that approval. 5. Upon completion of the revicw, Ihe Director of Volunteer Network OWllSSO shall detennine the S!a!:IlS of Ih. application, **4. APPLICATiON MUST BE RE-SUBMITTED AND RE.VALIDATED BETWEEN APRIL 1 AND APRiL 30 AND AGAIN BETWEEN OCTOBER 1 AND OCTOBER 31 OF EACH YEAR. Applicalions muSI he returned 10 eilher of the above for verification and approval. Applic.tions may be picked up at the Owasso City Hall. III N. Main, Owasso. OK or Volumeer Network Owasso, 207 S. Cedar. Owasso. OK. The Director of Volunteer Network Owasso shaU review each application for accuracy in reported income and household size and may interview applicants to verify identity and/or discuss supporting material. A. APPLICATION PROCESS INFORMATION OW ASSO PUBLIC WORKS A UTHORfTY ow ASSO, OKLAHOMA Date: 10/23/2000 Time: 02:50:08 PM li1HEN 'rHE HOUSEHOLD'S NET FOOD STAMJ? INCOME IS HORE THAN 0 lvruL'I'IPLY THE NE'l:' FOOD STAMP INCOME :BY 30%, ROUND CEl,\JTp UP '1'0 THE NEXT DOLT.,AR AND SUBlJ:1RACT TaB ANSWER FROM THE MAXIMUM FOOD STAMP At.t,OTMEN'l' FOR I!'HE HOUSE[{OLD SIZE 0 EXAMPLE: W~ HAVE A POUR PERSON HOUSEHOLD WITH A N~T FOOD STN4P INCOME OF $37 H 37 X .30 "" 11.10 (ROt(ND UP TO 12) W'k <1 PERSON lYf..AXIMDM ALt,OTMEN'l~ 34,' $12 "" ~422 FOOD STAMP ALLOTMENT DIN: AP~NC3 0001 PAGE 001 HH JV1,AX NET I'L;J{ NET SIZE ALLOT. INCOME (NON" SAP) INCOME ( SAP) 1 130 69 G 1149 " 238 938 1547 L, 3 341 U80 1946 4 434 1421 2345 5 515 1663 2744 6 618 1905 3142 7 683 2146 354,1 8 781 2388 3940 ADD. PERSON +98 +315 '10242 t399 MAXIMUM FOOD STAMP BENEFIT ALLOTMENTS AND STANDARDS FOR DEDUCTIONS, MAXIMUM INCOMF.. AND UTILITIES EFFECTIVE DATEg~ob~r 1, ~) APPNC3 Page: 1 Document Name: untitled ~e Buchanan, Secretary ATTEST: Persons meeting the above criteria and upon approval of their application as provided for in "Attachment A" and herein made a portion of this Resolution by reference, shall be granted a 20% discount from their water, wastewater and refuse rates. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS tltt DAY OF~, 19.92. $ 738 $ 996 $1,254 $1,512 1 2 3 4+ Monthl)[ln~me HQusehQ1d_Size NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE OW ASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA: That persons included within the following table be granted a 20% discount from their water, wastewater and refuse charges and in determining the eligibility for the 20% discount herein allowed, the aggregate income of all members of the household shall be used in determining the eligibility according to the terms of the schedule and tables hereinbelow set out: said citizens are entitled to relief so that basic minimum necessities of water, wastewater and refuse can be met, WHEREAS fmancial assistance in the form of reduced utility payments is an acceptable method of assisting financially challenged citizens to provide water, wastewater and refuse to their homes and family members, and A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR A TWENTY-PERCENT (20%) REDUCED UTll.ITY.RATE FOR WATER, WASTE- WATER AND REFUSE FOR CERTAIN PERSONS WHO MEET SPECIFIC CRITERIA . RESOLUTION NO. 92-03 OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY .if! STAFF ACTION: Based on a review of the available options, I have directed our workers' compensation attorney, Vic Seagle, to try and settle this matter with a joint petition. The workers' compensation table places a value of around $21,600 to Mr. Smith's injury. I have given Mr. Seagle the perimeters not to exceed $23,000 to settle this case. It should be noted that any settlement offer (Joint Petition) would have to be approved by the City Council. This memorandum is to inform you of the action taken attempting to resolve this three-year-old case and avoid a continuous cycle of payments. THE ISSUE: Once the 52 weeks have been paid, the judge could order us to pay an additional 52 weeks. This cycle could continue until we reach a settlement. In order to avoid a continuing payment and reduce the City's long term cost a monetary settlement with Mr. Smith is a viable option. Thus the issue is, should the City seek a joint petition wherein the City and Mr. Smith's attorney negotiate an agreement and ask the Workers' Comp Court to approve the agreed upon settlement as a final and complete payment? In July of 2001 the City Council approved Judge Salyer's order to pay Mr. Smith temporary total disability of $8,407.84, plus $323.12 per week not to exceed 52 weeks beginning July 3,2001. We have currently paid 24 weeks and have 28 weeks remaining on the initial order. BACKGROUND: On January 1 1999 Ted Smith, formerly of the refuse department, reported an injury his shoulder. It was deemed that this injury was a result of the repetitive motion involved in placing polycarts on the refuse truck lift and climbing in and out of the truck. Surgery was performed on September 1999. Mr. Smith was cleared to return to work with certain permanent restrictions. Unfortunately, these permanent restrictions prevented Mr. Smith from being able to fulfill the essential functions of his job and his employment was terminated on April 6, 2000. '7, J. CITY Nell MEMORANDUM