HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002.06.04_City Council Agenda B. Approval of Claims. Attachment #5-B A. Approval of Minutes of the May 21,2002 Regular Meeting. Attachment #5-A 5. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of the Consent Agenda. (All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the City Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Councilor may, however, remove an item from consent by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non-debatable.) 4. Roll Call 3. Flag Salute 2. Invocation ;f~t;Mtlf.tat;eri~Bept. I} td f1!,' fA) fl 1. Call to Order Mayor Brogdon AGENDA Hall 4:00 on Clerk and posted at Notice and agenda filed in the off1ce the Friday, May 31, 2002. Regular June 4, 2002 6:30 p.m. Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center TYPE OF MEETING: DATE: TIME: PLACE: PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL The staff will recommend Council approval of the dedication of a utility easement to the public, such easement located at the Owasso Sports Park, for the purpose of serving the Hale Acres Extended subdivision; and authorization for the Mayor to execute the document. 8. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to the Dedication of a Utility Easement. Mr Lutz Attachment #8 Pastor Rankin will request City Council approval for the Owasso Ministers' Fellowship to hold a public fireworks display in celebration of Independence Day. The staff is in the process of reviewing plans for the event and will be prepared to make a recommendation during the meeting. 7. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of a Public Fireworks Display. Pastor Andrew Rankin Attachment #7 The staff will recognize Mr Marty Cooper, manager of the Owasso Wal-Mart, and will recommend City Council acceptance of the donation from the Wal-Mart Foundation in the amount of $1200; and request approval of a supplemental appropriation increasing revenues by $1200 in the General Fund and increasing expenditures in the Police Department and Fire Department by $600 each. 6. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Council Acceptance of a Donation From the Wal-Mart Foundation, and the Approval of a Supplemental Appropriation. Mr Rooney Attachment #6 Owasso City Council June 4, 2002 Page 2 12. Report from City Attorney. 11. Report from City Manager. The staff will present the FY 02-03 budget to the City Council and recommend Council approval of a request to conduct a public hearing on the Budget and that such hearing be scheduled for June 11,2002 at 6:30 p.m. in the Owasso Community Center. 10. Presentation to the City Council of the Proposed FY 2002-03 Budget, and Request for Council Approval to Conduct a Public Hearing to Solicit Public Comments Relative to the Proposed Budget. Mr Ray Ms Bishop Marquis vehicles Tulsa authorization The staff will recommend the of two 2002 Auto Group, Tulsa, OK the amount $20,701.00 each, total amount of$41,402.00. 9. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request to Purchase Two Vehicles for the Police Department. Chief Greene Attachment #9 Owasso City Council June 4, 2002 Page 3 15. Adjournment could not New Business (New at the time of posting 1 l3. Report from City Councilors. Owasso City Council June 4, 2002 Page 4 D. Action Relating to the Extension of a Contract for the Purchase of Gasoline and Diesel Fuel for City Vehicles. C. Action Relating to the Election of Three Trustees to the Oklahoma Municipal Assurance Group, and Authorizing the Mayor to Execute the Official Ballot. B. Approval of Claims. A. Approval of Minutes of the May 7,2002 Regular Meeting and the May 14,2002 Special Meeting. ITEM 5: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. A quorum was declared present. Ronald D Cates, City Attorney STAFF Rodney J Ray, City Manager Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk ABSENT Rebecca Armstrong, Councilor - 12/2 PRESENT Randy Brogdon, Mayor - 13/1 Michael Helm, Vice Mayor - 13/1 Susan Kimball, Councilor - 3/0 Gary Cochran, Councilor - 3/0 ITEM 4: ROLL CALL Mayor Brogdon led in the flag salute. ITEM 3: FLAG SALUTE Vice Mayor Helm offered the invocation. ITEM 2:. INVOCATION Mayor Brogdon called the meeting to order at 6:30 The Owasso City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, May 21, 2002 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m, on Friday, May 17,2002. OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, May 21, 2002 - 2 - Motion canied 3-0. AYE: Helm, Cochran, Brogdon NA Y: None The consent agenda included minutes of the May 7, 2002 Regular Meeting and the May 14, 2002 Special Meeting, by reference made a part hereto. Item B on the consent agenda included the following claims: (1) General Fund $61,878.74; (2) Ambulance Service Fund $1,750.33; (3) E- 911 Fund $2,038.85; (4) Juvenile Comt Fund $75.00; (5) Park Development Fund $15,000.00; (6) Bond Projects Fund $36,653.41; (7) City Garage Fund $11,634.52; (8) Workers Comp Fund $332.77; (9) Interfund Transfers $5,401.35; (10) Interfund Transfers $16,416.66; (11) Payroll $190,626.78; (12) City Garage Payroll $5,378.00; (13) Ambulance Payroll $14,262.96; (14) E- 911 Payroll $872.91; (15) Workers Comp Payroll $620.48. Item D recommended that the Council cast votes for Ryan Adams, Sand Springs Finance Director; Stanley Alexander, Mayor of the Village; and Chris Harden, Mayor of Shawnee as Trustees for the Oklahoma Municipal Assurance Group, and authorization for the Mayor to execute the ballot. Item D requested a one- year extension of a contract with Fuelman of Oklahoma to provide gasoline and diesel fuel through June 30, 2003 at a bid margin of 8.5~ per gallon over the Oil Price Index, and authorization for the Mayor to execute the extension agreement. Item E requested approval of Ordinance #707. Item F requested approval of Ordinance #708. Item G requested approval of Ordinance #709. Item H requested acceptance of the water and sanitary sewer systems constructed to serve Metro Heights II. In order to avoid the appearance of any conflict, Ms Kimball recused herself from voting on the item because of a claim on the claims list for items purchased from Kimball's Hardware prior to her being sworn in as a city councilor. Mr Helm moved, seconded by Mr Cochran, to approve the consent agenda. H. Action Relating to Acceptance of the Water and Sanitary Sewer Systems Constructed to Serve Metro Heights II, an Addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. Action Relating to ordinance #709, an Ordinance Providing for a Planned Unit Development on Property Located South of East 116111 Street North Between 129111 East Ave and U.S. Highway 169, Containing 126.05 Acres, More or Less. Action Relating to ordinance #708, an Ordinance Providing for the Rezoning of Property Located South of East 116111 Street North Between 129111 East Ave and Highway 169, from AG (Agriculture) to .05 of (Residential Single Family High Intensity), and 16.46 Acres to (Commercial Shopping Center); With 86.54 of the Tract Remaining E. Action Relating to Ordinance #707, an Ordinance Providing for the Partial Abandonment of 15 Acres Located Within OPUD-01-01, Generally Located at the Southeast Corner of East 116111 Street North and North Mingo Road. May 21,2002 Owasso City Council '" - .J - Motion canied 4-0. A YE: Kimball, Helm, Cochran, Brogdon NAY: None Chief Greene presented the item. He said there have been complaints about the loud noises being emitted from large trucks when they are braking. Many large trucks are equipped with a Jacobs Engine Brake to assist in the process of slowing the vehicle. This process causes the vehicles to emit a loud noise unless the exhaust is properly muffled. This problem isn't specifically addressed in the City of Owasso Code of Ordinances, and an amendment is needed to add provisions regarding vehicle brakes which create an excessive or unusual noise. Ordinance #710 addresses the issue, and contains language making it unlawful to operate a Jacobs Engine Brake or other exhaust or engine device without a muffler or with a malfunctional muffler. Ms Kimball moved, seconded by Mr Helm, to approve Ordinance #710. ITEM 7: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO ORDINANCE #710, AN ORDINANCE PERTAINING TO JACOBS ENGINE BRAKES OR SIMILAR DEVICES WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF WOASSO, OKLAHOMA. Motion calTied 4-0. AYE: Helm, Kimball, Cochran, Brogdon NAY: None Chief Greene said that the eleven-year-old animal control facility is in need of a complete repainting of the entire shelter. Four local vendors were contacted for the purpose of requesting sealed quotes. Two vendors responded to the request. One quote was received from Davis Custom Painting in the amount of $10,545 and one from Bell Painting in the amount of $7860. Although the Davis quote is higher, staff recommended that their proposal be accepted. Their proposal contains better surface preparation, including caulking and filler, and they are proposing to use water base epoxy and semi-gloss wall enamel. Mr Helm moved, seconded by Ms Kimball, to award a contract to Davis Custom Painting Inc, Owasso, OK, in the amount of $10,545 for the painting of the animal control facility. ITEM 6: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE AWARD OF A BID FOR THE PAINTING OF_~IlIE~ANIMAL CONTROL FACILITY. May 21,2002 Owasso City Council - 4 - Mr White presented the item. In 1999 the City purchased a new 800-megahertz radio system, with the equipment being located on the water storage tank on 96th St N. Coverage was marginal and in June 2000, the City Council approved a lease agreement with Titan Towers, an Abilene, TX-based company, for the construction of a 250-foot telecommunications tower on property owned by the City of Owasso. Authorization for these improvements was not received from the Federal Communication Commission until April of 2002. Because of weather conditions in this ITEM 10: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST TO PURCHASE EQUIPMENT NECESSARY TO RELOCATE THE RADIO SYSTEM ANTENNAS. Motion carried 4-0. AYE: Kimball, Helm, Cochran Brogdon NAY: ~m~nmg Ms Bishop presented the item. E-911 fees are collected by telephone service providers and remitted to the City. Funds are used to pay the monthly service charges for the 911 system, with remaining funds used for dispatcher salaries and other emergency communications needs. To complete the radio communications system, staff will recommend that the City Council authorize an expenditure of $17,000. Funds are available for that expenditure, but have not been included in the budget. A supplemental appropriation is needed for that purpose. Ms Kimball moved, seconded by Mr Helm, to approve a supplemental appropriation to the E-911 Fund, increasing expenditures by $17,000. ITEM 9: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR A SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION TO THE E-911 FUND. Motion carried 4-0. AYE: Helm, Cochran, Kimball, Brogdon NAY: None Mr McElrath said that Resolution #2002-05 will provide direction and authority for the City Council and staff to begin the process to develop and implement the City of Character program. program brings all groups within the city together to promote and emphasize one character trait per month. It is anticipated that a Character Council will be developed to guide and direct the character initiative program. Mr Helm moved, seconded by Mr Cochran, to approve the adoption of Resolution #2002-05. ITEM 8: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO RESOLUTION #2002-05, A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE INTENT TO INITIATE AND SUPPORT THE CITY OF OWASSO BECOMING A CITY OF CHARACTER. May 21,2002 Owasso City Council - 5 - Mr Rooney presented the item. The City has received a request to close a portion of a utility easement described as the northeasterly five feet of the southwesterly 11 foot utility easement ITEM 12: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO ORDINANCE #711, AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE PARTIAL CLOSING OF A UTILITY EASEMENT LOCATED WITHIN LOT 33, BLOCK 5, COUNTRY ESTATES IV 00756 E 120TH STN). Motion canied 4-0. AYE: Cochran, Helm, Kimball, Brogdon NAY: None Mr White presented the item. The design of the 800-megahertz radio system provides for the Owasso system to interface with the Tulsa system. The inter-operability of the Tulsa system with the two radio systems on the State and Regional Mutual Aid Frequencies will allow the Owasso Public Safety personnel to communicate with the City of Tulsa Public Safety entities, as well as the Tulsa County Sheriff, OHP, and other communities. The Owasso Fire and Police Departments and the City of Tulsa's Telecommunication Department have agreed to the anangement and, with the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Owasso, the City of Tulsa, and the Oklahoma Department of Public Safety, this inter-operability may be achieved. Mr Cochran moved, seconded by Mr Helm, to approve the Memorandum of Understanding for the 800 MHz radio system inter-operability, and to authorize the Mayor to execute the document. ITEM 11: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING REGARDING INTER-OPERABILITY BETWEEN THE CITY OF OW ASSO, THE CITY OF TULSA, AND THE OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY. Motion carried 4-0. AYE: Helm, Kimball, Cochran, Brogdon NAY: None area, staff believes that an emergency back-up generator is needed at the site. A 30 KW generator which the Public Works Department has removed from service is available and can be retrofitted to meet our needs. Total cost, including concrete pad, power transfer switch, wiring and ice protection should not exceed $8300. Relocating of telephone lines, site controllers, five repeater base station, installation of two antennas, and all associated equipment should bring the total cost to an amount not to exceed $17,000. Funding is available from E-911 funds. Mr Helm moved, seconded by Ms Kimball, to authorize an expenditure not to exceed $17,000 to Total Radio Inc and Clifford Systems for the purchase and installation of the necessary equipment to relocate the City's communication system equipment to the Titan Tower location. May 21, 2002 Owasso City Council - 6 - Motion carried 4-0. A YE: Cochran, Kimball, Helm, Brogdon NA Y: None Mr Cochran moved, seconded by Ms Kimball, to approve the final plat for Cross Timbers, subject to the four staff requirements. Mr Rooney said that a request has been received for the review of a final plat for Cross Timbers addition. Cross Timbers is located immediately west of Northeast Elementary School and the Coffee Creek addition. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the final plat at their meeting on May 1, 2002 and requested four additional items on the plat. All of those items were addressed prior to the plat being forwarded to the City Council. The Owasso Planning Commission reviewed the request at their May 13, 2002 meeting gave unanimous approval. Staff recommended four additional requirements: 1. Add sidewalks along the E 103rd St N frontage. 2. Prior to obtaining signatures on the final plat, the Elm Creek Interceptor Payback Fee in the amount of$1580 per acre ($1469.50 for the property) must be paid. 3. The applicants must address a payback fee to Owasso Land Trust, the entity that extended the sewer lines from the Elm Creek Interceptor, in the amount of $1000 per acre ($930 for the property). 4. A Storm Siren fee of $16 per acre must be paid prior to obtaining signatures on the final plat. ITEM 13: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING FOR CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A FINAL PLAT FOR CROSS TIMBERS, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OW ASSO, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA Motion carried 4-0. Helm, Kimball, Cochran, Brogdon NA Y: None located on Lot 33, Block 5, Country Estates IV addition. No utilities are located within that pOliion of the utility easement that the applicant is seeking to have closed. The applicant is seeking patiial closure of the easement in order to construct an in-ground swimming pool in the rear yard. The request was taken to the Technical Advisory Committee on May 1,2002, and no comments were received. The Owasso Planning Commission unanimously approved the request at their May 1 2002 meeting. Ordinance #711 formalizes the partial easement closing. Mr Helm moved, seconded by Ms Kimball, to approve the requested utility easement closing and adoption of Ordinance #711. May 21, 2002 Owasso City Council - 7 - Motion canied 4-0. A YE: Kimball, Helm, Cochran, Brogdon NAY: None Mr Ray presented the item. On September 4, 2001, the City Council approved Resolution #2001-11 as part of the application process requesting financial assistance from the Oklahoma Department of Commerce under the FY 2001 Small Cities set-aside funding. The application was specifically directed toward improvements relating to the Americans With Disabilities Act. The intent is to improve access ramps and sidewalks throughout the expanded CDBG district. Staff received notice on May 9, 2002 that funding in the amount of $67,132 has been approved Ms Kimball moved, seconded by Mr Helm, to accept the grant and authorize the Mayor to execute the appropriate documents. ITEM 15: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO ACCEPTANCE OF CDBG FUNDS, AND AUTHORIZATIQN FOR THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE THE APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTS. Motion canied 3-0. AYE: Helm, Cochran, Brogdon NAY: None Prior to Rooney presenting the item, Ms Kimball stated that she was recusing herself from discussion or voting on this item because a company she has an interest in is purchasing some lots in this development. Mr Rooney said that the City has received a request to review the final plat for Metro Heights located north of E 106th St N and east Mingo Road, immediately south of Metro Heights. The Owasso Planning Commission reviewed the final plat at their regular meeting in December of 2001. The unanimously approved the final plat subject to the developer being responsible for the installation of privacy fencing along the rear property lines of those lots that are adjacent to the railroad track. All Technical Advisory Committee comments and concerns have been addressed. Mr Helm moved, seconded by Mr Cochran, to approve the final plat for Metro Heights II. ITEM 14: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A FINAL PLAT FOR METRO HEIGHTS II, AN ADljITION TO THE CITY OF OWASSO, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF: OKLAHOMA. May 21, 2002 Owasso City Council - 8 - No report. ITEM 18: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER Motion calTied 4-0. AYE: Kimball, Helm, Cochran, Brogdon NAY: None Mr Ray said that the City and FOP Lodge #149 have reached an agreement on a contract for FY 2002-03. The proposed contract increases the cost to the City in the amount of $95,543.12. The Lodge has accepted and executed the document, and staff recommend Council approval of the contract. Ms Kimball moved, seconded by Mr Helm, to approve a contract between the City and FOP Lodge #149 covering FY 2002-03, providing for wages, benefits and other working conditions. ITEM 17: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A CONTRACTJ?ELWEEN TB~CITY_D_E__OWASSQ_AND FOP LODGE #149 (POLICE. Motion carried 4~0. AYE: Cochran, Kimball, Helm, Brogdon NAY: None Mr Ray said that Rural Water District #3 Washington County, Rural Water District #3 Rogers County, the Collinsville Municipal Authority, and the City of Owasso have been discussing the feasibility of Joining together in a single water treatment facility, centrally located to more effectively serve a large area and to provide long-term solutions to other problems being experienced by each of the separate entities. The group contacted the offices of Representative John Sullivan and Representative Brad Carson to seek assistance in funding a feasibility study. The type of study needed would cost approximately $250,000. A model resolution was developed to submit to the governing bodies of the four entities requesting funding assistance from the Congress in the form of a special appropriation. Resolution #2002-006 approves the submittal of the Joint resolution to the Office of Congressman Brad Carson and Congressman John Sullivan for the purpose of requesting a special appropriation in the amount of $250,000 for the funding of a feasibility study relating to the construction of a regional water treatment facility, and authorizes the Mayor to execute the Joint resolution on behalf of the City of Owasso. Mr Cochran moved, seconded by Ms Kimball, to approve Resolution #2002-06. ITEM 16: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO RESOLUTION #2002-06, A RESOLUTION REQUESTING FUNDING FOR A REGIONAL WATER TREATMENT FEASIBILITY STUDY. May 21, 2002 Owasso City Council - 9 - Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk Randall C Brogdon, Mayor Motion calTied 4-0, and the meeting was adjourned at 7:13 p.m. AYE: Helm, Kimball, Cochran, Brogdon NAY: None Mr Helm moved, seconded by Ms Kimball, to adjourn. ITEM 22: ADJOURNMENT None. ITEM 21: NEW BUSINESS. Councilor Helm commented on the City of Character program. Mayor Brogdon read a letter he had received from the purchaser of one of the vehicles sold the City on complimenting Mr Rooney on the professional way in which the auction was conducted. JTEM 20: REPORT F:ROM CITY COUNCILORS. No report ITEM 19: REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY. May 21,2002 Owasso City Council AMOU~TS DEPITOTAL EUNOIOIAL 25.00 535.00 =="'=af=~== 560.00 242.07 300.00 80.00 199.99 822.06 330.12 107.75 80.41 471.40 45.25 325.10 622.08 2,507.92 ===-"====== 4,490.03 49.93 55.11 ===== 105.04 272.50 31.90 135.00 5.38 25.75 302.60 3,101.42 114.00 85.00 160.00 95.41 - 4,328.96 75.00 57.55 43.68 430.00 75.92 192.00 35.00 - 909.15 205.00 NEW HORIZONS COMPUTER LEARNING CTR TRAINING-WILLSON BADGE REPLACEMENT INK CARTRIDGES UNIFORM RENTAUCLEANING INSPECTION SERVICES MILEAGE TEST FEE-DEMPSTER LICENSE RENEWAL-MCCORD PATROL TECHNOLOGY OFFICE DEPOT INC UNIFIRST CORPORATION BURR KANNADY BURR KANNADY TREASURER PETTY CASH OK STATE DEPT OF HEALTH AL LICENSE DIVISION COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT XPEDX OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE DEPOT INC OFFICE SUPPLIES TREASURER PETTY CASH PAPER-BUDGET ROARK TRUE VALUE HARDWARE REPAIR/MAl NT SUPPLIES CINTAS CORPORATION MAT SERVICES SKIATOOK STATUARY SPLASH GUARDS TULSA COUNTY ELECTION BOARD POST ELECTION EXPENSES AMERICAN WASTE CONTROL INC REFUSE SERVICE CARRIER COMPANY AlC REPAIR CARRIER COMPANY MOVE THERMOSTAT SCHINDLER ELEVATOR EQUIP REPAIR GENERAL GOVERNMENT DEPT OFFICE DEPOT INC OFFICE SUPPLIES TREASURER PETTY CASH MILEAGE-BISHOP FINANCE DEPT CITY MGR EXPENSES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING CORPORATE CHALLENGE PRINT FRAMING OFFICE FURNISHINGS COUNCIL CHAIRS MANAGERIAL DEPT TREASURER PETTY CASH ETTINGERS OFFICE SUPPLY OFFICE DEPOT INC SAV-ON PRINTING INC. TULSA EXPO CENTER HOBBY LOBBY ART IN BLOOM OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT INC OFFICE SUPPLIES MATT BAILEY BAILIFF DUTIES 07/01-06/02 OMCCA DUES-STEVENS/JACKSON OFFICE DEPOT INC FAX MACHINE MUNICIPAL COURT DEPT REFUND FOR LOT TIE REFUND PAYMENT REFUND AMERICAN HEARTLAND AMERICAN RED CROSS DEIA1L. DESCRIPTIOf\,! VENDDRNA_ME CITY OF OWASSO CLAIMS TO BE PAID 6/4/02 AMQUf\JTS DEPT TOTAL FUND TOTAL 552.50 16.21 773.71 2.99 29.44 54.41 15.74 154.56 250.00 38.00 76.25 30.59 ,===-= 651.98 49.90 ======== 49.90 87.50 98.99 223.43 60.00 175.00 81.80 32.15 274.54 325.00 1,925.50 1,860.67 5,144.58 144.26 34.00 383.94 181.37 - 743.57 121.77 328.00 150.00 5.30 - 605.07 17.35 141.00 122.14 1,119.16 346.50 74.65 25.00 750.00 30.63 81,629.14 REPAIRJMAINT SUPPLIES CONCRETE UNIFORM RENTAL STREET SIGNS STREET SIGNS/HARDWARE EQUIPMENT REPAIRS REPAIRJMAINT SUPPLIES SIGNALIZATION CELL PHONE-ON CALL STREET REPAIRS 9/18/01 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE RAINBOW CONCRETE CO UNIFIRST CORPORATION TULSA COUNTY BOCC TULSA COUNTY BOCC BAILEY EQUIPMENT KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE BEE LINE TRAFFIC CONTROL US CELLULAR JL T CORP INK CARTRIDGE/OFFICE SUPPLIES STORAGE CABINET HYDRANT TOOL REPAIR PART FIRE DEPT OFFICE DEPOT INC ALFAX FURNITURE INC C & C MANUFACTURING TREASURER PETTY CASH SHELTER SUPPLIES SHELTER SUPPLIES SHELTER SUPPLIES CLEANING SUPPLIES ANIMAL CONTROL DEPT THOMPSON'S GENERAL STORE WORLEYS GREENHOUSE INC PAWS DEPOT SAMS CLUB LEGAL DEFENSE PLAN FY 02 TONER CARTRIDGE OFFICE SUPPLIES COPIER MAINT BATTERIES CLEANING SUPPLIES PHONE USE CHIEF PHONE USE SUPERVISORS/DET. LODGING-BARNES LIGHT REPAIR SQUAD ROOM FURNITURE POLICE DEPT OWASSO FOP ONYX CORPORATION OFFICE DEPOT INC WESTERN BUSINESS PRODUCTS INC CRUISER TECH SAMS CLUB US CELLULAR US CELLULAR RAMADA INN PSO OFFICE DEPOT STEVES WHOLESALE INC SAND CEMETERY DEPT OFFICE SUPPLIES REPAIRJMAINT SUPPLIES CLEANING SUPPLIES UNIFORM RENTAL JANITOHIAL SERVICES CITY HALL MOWING PEST CONTHOL DOC LUNCHES CELL PHONE USE SUPPORT SERVICES DEPT ETTINGEHS OFFICE SUPPLY ROAHK TRUE VALUE HAHDWARE SAMS CLUB UNIFIRST COHPORATION REDLEEINC LELAND BARTEL DBA CLlP-N-SNIP FLYNN'S PEST CONTHOL TREASUREH PETTY CASH US CELLULAH INFINITE TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS INC NETWORK CONSULTATION TREASURER PETTY CASH MILEAGE-WILLSON INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPT DETAIL DESCRlPTION VENDOR NAME 18.64 186.90 60.38 39.95 6.17 64.76 941.87 294.00 70.77 302.45 360.10 180.00 51.98 6,832.13 1,295.48 AMOUNTS DEPT TOTAL. FUND TOTAL 4,397.00 ~ 88,652.57 64.64 11.32 79.00 2.00 80.00 80.00 19.10 29.99 9,140.00 9,506.05 27.25 22.51 164.00 222.38 125.00 117,903.81 113.60 68.00 243.00 499.67 681.17 2,851.11 4,456.55 1,522.00 1,522.00 1,306.33 1,306.33 REPAIR/MAl NT SUPPLIES CLEANING SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES CLEANING SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES UNIFORM RENTAL. REPAIR PARTS VEHICLE REPAIR REPAIR PARTS OIL-LUBRICANTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS ROARK TRUE VALUE HARDWARE PACE MARKETING ETTINGERS OFFICE SUPPL. Y SAMS CLUB OFFICE DEPOT INC UNIFIRST CORPORATION O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE INC RON'S WHEEL ALIGNMENT OK TRUCK SUPPLY INC B & M OIL COMPANY INC AMERICAN HOSE & SUPPL. Y EAST TULSA TRUCK PARTS TULSA NEW HOLLAND INC UNITED ENGINE INC WASTE RESEARCH INC FHC INC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BOND PROJECTS FUND DELL COMPUTER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND PRISSCIL.LA COOP REFUND OVERPAYMENT #3181 PHUONG TRAN REFUND AMB PAYMENT ALLIANCE MEDICAL INC AMBULANCE SUPPLIES ALLIANCE MEDICAL INC AMBULANCE SUPPLIES ALLIANCE MEDICAL INC AMBULANCE SUPPLIES MEDICLAIMS INC MONTHLY SERVICE CHARGE-APRIL AMBULANCE SERVICE FUND XPEDX OFFICE SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT ONE INC TILL.ER RENTAL MURRAY WOMBLE INC DOOR REPAIR LOWES COMPANIES INC LANDSCAPING MATERIAL US POSTMASTER RENEWAL FEE COMMUNITY CENTER DEPT GENERAL FUND TOTAL LANDSCAPING MATERIAL REPAIR SUPPLIES UNIFORM CLEANING-PARKS FUEL MCCARTY PARK MOWINGS ATOR PARK MOWINGS MCCARTY PARK WATER USAGE PHONE USE-WARREN BLEACHER COVERS 3/19/02 PARKS DEPT FARM PLAN ROARI< TRUE VALUE HARDWARE UNIFIRST CORPORATION TREASURER PETTY CASH LELAND BARTEL DBA CLlP-N-SNiP J B STiGAL.L WASHINGTON CO RURAL WATER AT&T WIREL.ESS SERVICES ,11.-1 FENCE INC MIDWESTERN EQUIP CO CONVEYOR SPREADER STREETS DEPT VENDORNAME DEIALLDES_CRIPTIQN 2,467.60 410.64 89.76 92.65 190.00 285.00 45.00 129.02 140.39 30.38 452.51 34.25 568.00 12,644.99 81.60 558.47 12.08 34.56 79.99 102.50 1 A~MO_UJ'JTS DEPIIDJAL EUN0 TQTAL C!TY OF OWASSO FUND GRAND TOTAL FELDMAN, FRANDEN, WOODARD, PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FARRIS & TAYLOR OWASSO PHYSICAL THERAPY CLINIC P09131 TULSA BONE & JOINT ASSOC T04012 EMERGENCY CARE INC M11081 TONI ENGLAND, PHD 012301 TONI ENGLAND, PHD 012301 DENISE BODE, 00 W03262 MAYS DRUG 003212 TULSA HILLCREST 003222 HILLCREST MEDICAL CENTER S12121 EASTERN OK ORTHOPEDIC CENTER P09131 OU MEDICAL CENTER M03151 WORKERS' COMP FUND REGIONS INTERSTATE BILLING REPAIR PARTS TULSA BRAKE AND CLUTCH REPAIR PARTS STEVES WHOLESALE INC SMALL TOOL US CELLULAR CELL PHONE USE MILEAGE MASTERS TIRE REPAIRS LENOX WRECKER SERVICE INC TOWING FEE ALSUMA TRUCK REPAIR INC VEHICLE REPAIR CITY GARAGE FUND VENDQESJ'lAME DEJAI L. DES_CBJEIIQN Council Member Council Member Mayor June 4,2002 APPROVED: $5,366.17 $0.00 Garage Fund Total General Fund 05/18/02 CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE Council Member Council Member June 4, 2002 APPROVED: Worker's Camp Self-Insurance Fund Total Expenses Emergency 911 Fund Total Expenses Overtime Ambulance Fund Overtime Expenses Total CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 05/18/02 1. Letter from Mr. Marty Cooper. ATTACHMENTS: Staff recommends City Council acceptance of the donation from the Wal-Mart Foundation and the approval of a supplemental appropriation in the General Fund. The supplemental appropriation would increase revenues by $1,200, as well as increase the Police Department and Fire Department expenditures by $600 each. RECOMMENDATION: Mr. Cooper will be in the audience on Tuesday evening should you have any questions. There are no matching fund requirements, so the supplemental appropriation provides equal increases in both revenues and expenditures. This budget change would have no net effect on the financial condition of the City. The City of Owasso has received a donation from the Wal-Mart Foundation through the assistance of Mr. Marty Cooper. The donation is in the amount of $1,200 and is to benefit local police and fire departments. Mr. Cooper requested that the donation be divided equally between the police and fire departments. As the grant was not included in the current fiscal year 2001-2002 budget, a supplemental appropriation is needed in order to utilize those funds. BACKGROUND: May 30, 2002 DATE: TIMOTHY ROONEY ASSIST ANT HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OW ASSO TO: MEMORANDUM TIM, ENCLOSED IS A CHECK THAT I HAD TALKED TO YOU ABOUT FOR THE POLICE DEPT. AND FIRE DEPT. THIS IS A SPECIAL CHECK FOR LOCAL POLICE AND FIRE DEPTS. FROM WALMARTS FOUNDATION. PLEASE DISTRIBUTE $600.00 TO EACH DEPT. SO THEY CAN GET ANYTHING THAT THEY MIGHT NEED FOR THEIR PEOPLE. THE CHECK IS MADE OUT TO THE POLICE DEPT., BUT PLEASE DIVIDE EQUALLY. City of Owasso Code of Ordinances relating to fireworks ATTACHMENT: Because all of the issues relating to safety concerns have not been finalized, the staff will withhold a recommendation until the time of the City Council meeting. RECOMMENDATION: NOTE: The sponsors have met with representatives of the Police Department to coordinate the event and address safety concerns. It appears that those issues concerning public safety are being addressed. Pastor Rankin will address the Council relative to plans for the celebration, which will be similar to those held the last two years, and request Council approval for the fireworks display. The staff has received a request from Pastor Andrew Rankin of Freedom Baptist Church for an item to be placed on the City Council agenda for consideration to approve a city wide fireworks display sponsored by the Owasso Ministers' Alliance and Owasso Chamber of Commerce. City Code requires approval from the City Council for any public display of fireworks within the city celebrating Independence Day. Attached is a copy of that section of the Code. BACKGROUND: May 30, 2002 DATE: RODNEY,J COUNCIL THE HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY OF OW ASSO MEMORANDUM Page 10-16 b. The event must be open to the public, free of charge; a. The group organizing the event and igniting the fireworks must obtain the city council's specific approval for the event; 2. The city counei} may, for the common good, approve and sponsor a public display of fireworks within the city celebrating Independence Day. The public display of fireworks must meet each of the following requirements: 1. The firing, igniting or lighting of the following are exempt from the prohibition contained in Subsection A of this section: sparklers, fountains, pinwheels and all such types of fireworks that are not explosive or noise making in character and are stationary. Not included in this exception are . Roman candles, bottle rockets and sky rockets; B. The following are exceptions to the prohibitions in Subsection A: A. Except as provided in Subsection B of this section the sale, use, display, firing, igniting, lighting or discharge of fireworks within the city is unlawful and an offense. FIREWORKS PROHIBITED SECTION 10-304 It is unlawful for any person to utter, publish, distribute or circulate any literature or language within the corporate limits of the city that casts profane ridicule on any deity, or any religion, which in its common acceptance is calculated or where the natural consequence is to cause a breach of the peace or an assault. (Prior Code, Sec. 14-59) LITERATURE OR LANGUAGE RIDICULING RELIGION SECTION 10-303 (Prior Code, Sec. 14-58) 2. The language or literature, in its common acceptance, is calculated to cause a breach of the peace or an assault. A natural consequence of the language or literature is to cause a breach of the peace or 1. an assault; or B. It is unlawful for any person to willfully use, utter, publish, circulate or distribute any profane, violent, abusive, or insulting language or literature where: A. It is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation within the city to display any sign, emblem, badge, flag or device, which in its common acceptance is insulting, profane, or abusive to the citizens of the city, and which is calculated, or of which the natural consequence to cause a breach of the peace or an assault. INSULTING SIGNS, LITERATURE OR LAI'{GUAGE SECTION 10-302 (Prior Code, Sees. 14-41, 14-42, 14-55, 14-56) public. 10. Committing any other act in such a manner as to unreasonably disturb or alarm the Offenses and Crimes Page I 0-1 7 A. It is unlawful and an offense for any person to have in his possession a loaded air rifle or pistol, or similar instrument in which the propelling force is a spring or air, within the city. AIR RIFLES PROHIBITED SECTION 10-308 It is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to display or exhibit in any show window, or shop window, in the city any pistol, revolver, dirk, bowie knife, dagger, slingshot, billy, brass, iron or other metal knuckles, or any similar dangerous or deadly weapon capable of being carried concealed about the person. (Prior Code, Sec. 14-65) DISPLAY OF GUNS UNLAWFUL SECTION 10-307 State Law Reference: State firearms act, 21 O.S. Sections 1289.1 et seq.; similar provisions, 21 O.S. Section 1272; authority of city to prohibit carrying of weapons, 11 O.S. Section 22-110. B. Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection A of this section, persons shall be permitted to carry within the city shotguns, rifles or air guns which are not concealed, if within a reasonable time they are carried from the city, or being carried for the purpose of having them repaired, or for the purpose of using the same in a public muster or military drills, or returning from hunting trips. (Prior Code, Secs. 14-62, 14- 63, 14-64) A. It is unlawful for any person, except those persons authorized by law, to carry upon or about his person or in his vehicle or automobile any pistol, revolver, weapon of the kind usually known as air pistol or air gun, or weapon of the kind usually known as slingshot, bowie knife, dirk knife, switchblade knife, spring-type knife, knife having a blade which opens automatically by hand pressure applied to a button, spring or other device in the handle of the knife, loaded cane, billy, metal knuckles, or any other offensive or defensive weapon. CARRYING WEAPONS;J>XCEPTIONS SECTION 10-306 It is unlawful for any person to store or keep within the city any nitroglycerin, dynamite, gunpowder, or any other highly explosive material or substance, except that gunpowder may be kept in quantities of not to exceed five (5) pounds where the same is securely kept. STORING OR KEEPING EXPLOSIVES SECTION 10-305 State Law Reference: Bottle rockets prohibited by state law, 68 O.S. Section 1624; State fireworks licenses, 68 O.S. Sections 1621 et seq.; municipal power to regulate, 11 O.S. Section 22-110. 13-101, Code, L d. The group(s) organizing the event and igniting the fireworks must indemnify and hold the city harmless for any damage caused by the event and provide an insurance policy, with the city named as an insured, covering and protecting the city from liability to the extent it is not immune by state law. Code, 8-17; Ord. No. 7/1 c. The use, display, firing, ignition, lighting and discharge of the fireworks must be done in the presence of an authorized representative of the city fire depaltment; and Offenses and Crimes 1. Location map 2. Easement and site map ATTACHMENTS: Staff recommends Council approval of the dedication of a utility easement to the public, such easement located at the Owasso Sports Park; and for the purpose of serving the Hale Acres Extended subdivision; and authorization for the Mayor to execute the document. RECOMMENDATION: Sports Park personnel have reviewed the proposal and have no objections. Additionally, it appears that a gravity main at this location may enable gravity service to the restroom at the east park perimeter currently being served by a lift station. The lift station could be eliminated, which will save the city operation and maintenance costs. The sewer will also provide access to future utility installations should additional facilities be constructed at the north side of the park. The Hale Acres Extended subdivision is being constructed by Vines Propeliies, Inc. on East 114111 Street NOlih, immediately east of the Owasso Sports Park and south of east 116tl1 Street North (see attached location map). In order to provide sanitary sewer service to the site, a utility easement is needed to extend a gravity main north to connect to an existing line on the nOlih side of East 1161h Street North. Mr. Vines has been unable to obtain any response from the owner of unplatted propeliy immediately north of the subdivision; therefore, he has requested to extend the sanitary main across the east side ofthe Sports Park property (see attached easement and site map). BACKGROUND: May 28, 2002 DATE: OW ASSO SPORTS PARK PHIL ENGINEERING COUNCIL THE HONORABLE MAYOR CITY OF OW ASSO MEMORANDUM MA Y 28, 2002 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ENGINEERING DIVISION LOCATION MAP OWASSO SPORTS PARK UTILITY EASEMENT I ~ [t o z , ./ , ,- , ./ , ,- , "" ",,,./,, ./ '" ./ , / " " ./ " " "~~' ./ ./ , " , """//,,,/ '//// 1;""///"" ///'/ ;' /' ,/ ," /' /' /' " ,I' ,,' /' ~ ," ,,' ,,/ ,,'" /' /"/,,,///; ///;/' ./ , ;' ;' " , " , "'~ """"" ./ ,',/,//,,'//,/// ///'/,,'/, ""/""~ /",,11', ",,"/'/... 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COUNTY OF TULSA STATE OF OKLAHOMA ) ) ss Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk A TrEST: Randall C. Brogdon, Mayor (SEAL) CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA 2002 Dated this _ day TO HAVE AND TO HOLD such easement and right~of-way unto the said City of Owasso, Oklahoma, its successors and assigns, forever. It is further understood and agreed that the said City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and its officers, agents, employees, and other persons associated with construction of the sanitary sewer and other utilities which mayor may not be maintained by the City shall have the right during the construction of said sanitary sewer and other utilities to use an additional strip of land described as west of and abutting the permanent easement, fifteen (15) feet wide, for the purpose of operating machinery, depositing soil from excavation in the construction of said sanitary sewer line or other utilities and for all other necessary and reasonable uses in connection with the constmction of utilities. for the purpose of construction and perpetual maintenance of a sanitary sewer line and other utilities deemed necessary thereon through, over, under and across said property, together with all necessary and convenient appurtenances thereto; and to use and maintain the same and of affording the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, its officers, agents, employees and other persons associated with constmction of utility lines which mayor may not be maintained by the City, the right to enter upon said premises and strip of land to do any and all convenient things to such construction, operation, repairing, and maintaining of such sanitary sewer and other utilities. A strip of land twenty (20) feet wide parallel to and twenty~five (25) feet west of the N/S half-section line of Section 7, Range 14 East, Township 21 North, beginning approximately fifty (50) feet south of the north section line and extending approximately six hundred and twenty (620) feet south and a strip of land twenty (20) feet wide extending twenty~five (25) feet east from the termination of the 620-foot strip, terminating at tbe NW comer of the Hale Acres Extended subdivision. That the undersigned, City of Owasso, Oklahoma, the owners of the legal and equitable title to the following described real estate situated in Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, do hereby dedicate to the public as a perpetual easement, through, over under and across the following property, situated in said county, towit: Know All Men By These Presents: UTILITY EASEMENT OWASSO SPORTS PARK UTILITY EASEMENT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY Of OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ENGINEERING DIVISION MAY 28. 2002 BRASS CAP MONUMENT -~-ROW-'~~-~' NORTI--l T --SECTION UN N ~I""- "'- N J-o QIW J-o '<!- u tf51~ I I' U W (j') STR 1 1 6Tr-1 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / " " / / :,/:,/ ,,/' // " ,,/' 1"/',/ /' ,,/ /' /' ,/' " " ." "./' /,/ ,,,' / / ,/ ,;I' / / / / / / / / / / / / / / ./ /' /' /' / / /' /' / ,,/' ,,/' ,//' // / ,,/' /// ,20"125' ~ U/E o If) A T G 3: o c..i o -' ~ :::; U1 w I U1 w a:: () <( I w -' <( I ,/ Z o ;::: <{ () o -' ,/ IX w I f- o ,/ The 2002 Oklahoma State Contract bid price held by Joe Cooper Ford of Oklahoma City is $21,097.00 for the Ford Crown Victoria. The City of Tulsa contract bid price for the Ford Crown Victoria is $19,573.80. The 2002 production year for the Ford Crown Victoria has ended and none are available. A 2002 Mercury Marquis (the Mercury version of the Ford Crown Victoria) can be purchased for $20,701.00 from existing stock. These vehicles are standard cars that can be used as unmarked units. Tulsa Auto Group will sell these vehicles to the City of Owasso applying a $3,000.00 rebate that is now available. Normally, the Tulsa Auto Group applies a $1,800.00 government assistance program rebate to each vehicle. The fleet sales manager for Tulsa Auto Group at 550 North Memorial in Tulsa has been contacted concerning the possible purchase of new police vehicles by the City of Owasso. The Tulsa Auto Group currently has a contract with the City of Tulsa to provide a variety of vehicles to include police cruisers. Tulsa Auto Group has a practice of selling vehicles to other govemmental agencies at the City of Tulsa contract price. Currently the Owasso Police Department has a 1993 Dodge Dynasty in the Detective Division that is in poor condition and is in need of replacement. With this replacement in mind and due to the recent and future personnel changes, the department is requesting one additional vehicle. With the purchase of these two requested vehicles, the 1993 Dodge will be retired from service. In an effort to obtain the best possible price, the department sought prices from various vendors to include state contractual bid price. After reviewing the options the department was able to obtain the most competitive price from the Tulsa Auto Group. BACKGROUND: May 30, 2002 DATE: VEHICLES NEW THE HONORABLE MAYOR CITY COUNCIL OF MEMORANDUM City of Tulsa and Tulsa Auto Group Contract Invoice for 2002 Mercury Marquis ATTACHMENTS: Staff recommends that the Owasso City Council approve the purchase and authorize payment of $41,402.00 to Tulsa Auto Group in Tulsa, Oklahoma for two 2002 Mercury Marquis vehicles. The police department is requesting to purchase two 2002 Mercury Marquis 4.<"door Tulsa Group at a cost of$20,701.00 The 2001-2002 operating budget for the Owasso Police Depmiment contains $43,678.64 m funding for the purchase of police vehicles. REQUESJ:l FUNDING: NEW POLICE VEHICLES MAY 30, 2002 PAGE 2 EXH!B!T "A" 8 STREET APPEARANCE: PACKAGE (OPTION CODE SOS): ..;:../ ONE (t) OR MORE VEHICLES ~1A Y BE REQUIRED IN WHITE OR A FACTORY COLOR. THESE VEHICLES WiLL BE USED IN ADMINISTRATIVE AND/OR UNDERCOVER ASSIGNMENTS_ SO AS NOT TO BE ID~NTIFIED AS A POLICE OR. FLEET VEHICLE. TIrE FOLLOW1NO COMPONENTS ARE TO BE DELETED: 1. SPOTLIGHT :..,./' 2. HUe CAPS, RE:PLACE: WITH FULL WHEEL COVERS (OPTION CODE 645) -.-- 3. ADDITIONAL INTERIOR LIGHT (OPTION CODE 513) ;:......- 4. FRONT.BUCKET SEATS (REQUIRES CLOTH BENCH) ~ OPTION 2. s ~ D!SCOUNT OR 5 ADO EACH OR ~ NO CHANG::: IN SHIPMENTS OF 2S VEH!CLES EACH MONTH: EACH OPilON 1 MAKE AND MODEL "- 81DDING: ~",e..b EACH C'L 4:10 ~~~ 00 .....- $____ ~ ~ !(9{; c;2. ,;;. ~.s-~ oC BlOOER AGREES TO FURNISH SEVENTY&FIVE (75) OR MORE POLICE: PURSUIT AUTOMOSJLES'IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MINIMUM SID $PEā‚¬IFICATIONS -ro THE cny OF TULSA AT THE UNIT PRICE SHOWN: .TULSA AUTO COLLECTION' Vendor Name: 745 WEST 51 ST STREET D~t~: ~Ci. JLJ~"7 OK 74107 ~~ .~~ Mrrv/: :::Jiil/\ G-~~~ -- d-./~ .::::JW . .0. .... F;(oJA..', l-AfLILL( HealD .~ SClC:. ~ 7 rr .2.. Price Sheet Summary , .... I4J 001 CITY OF TULSA PlffiCHASING 05/31/2092 10:20 FAX 918 596 7560 9 C, POWER AO,IUSTAElLE ACCELERATOR AND BREAK PEQALS (OPTlON S8H) B, AM/FM /-\. CRUISE CONTROL, (OP"i[ON COOE:; 525) Q.fI!QN~, ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT MAY BE REQUIRED ON SOME WHl"Ti: flOLlCE PACKAGE VEHICLES TO INCLUDE: e:'iC , ADOITIONAL EQUIPMENT REQUrRED; i. CRUISE CONTROL, FACTORY fNSTALLED (OPTION CODE 525) 2. FRONT CLOTH SPUT BENCH SEAT (OPTION CODE P) 3. CASSETTE PLAYER IN AM/FM STEREO RADIO (OPTION CODE S8H) 4, OPERATIONAL REAR DOOR LOCKS FROM REAR SEAT '-,~ 5. OPERAi'tONAL WlNDOWS FROM 14J 002 r: ~L.o~ -- M (!. -S/C) :' .'. 1/2002 10:20 FAX 918 596 7560 :,~,,<"":..'- . / , . {.::~ TULSA AUTO C~CTION . 745WEST51~.....4EET TULSA, OK 74107 5. EQUIPMENT WlR1NG PACKAGE OPTION 2LCONTINUEDj CITY OF TULSA PURCHASING FDN'ilMDA ~ LF.i~ .......,. A lHVOl<J , In ASseSSMENT '~. """'",. MOUnA.O< PLAN 0f.Aj.11~'i . "" C'OSf 270.0 725.00 230.00 22746,00 22503.00 <v<::> .' - ,00 715,00 22185.00 SOLD TO 0~~ Tulsa Auto Group 670306 ~(J ~~ p,O, BOX 470210 Tulsa OK 74147 ~~ SHIP TO (IF OTHER THAN AllOvEl 67751 Tulsa Auto Group " 9607 S, Memorial Tulsa OK 74133 INVOH:F It ~JNH lOENflFICArrON NO I FINN. ASSEMat v P'OlN r I FINANCE (()P,AP ANY ANO/C)Q SANK 2MEFM74N~'Xh4~~~R <::1" I"WnML\,<:: ~n~rl Mn+n~ r~orll+ nn(1IH11 TIilS INVOIce MAY NOf IIfflECf THE FINAl COST 01' THE 'A:HIa.e IN \flew 01' THE I'OSSllllllTY Of FUTUfI1! I!etlATeS, AllOWANceS, (lfSCOLNTS AND INCl!NY1Vf AWM/OS FI10M FOlIO MOTOl1 COMPANY TO !}tI! DEAlEU. f ~ 7fJ!, I Keyless Code Key Code_ Receipt Date_ (I) 5;)t{() /~ ~- Stk.# 24845: 00 . . , , . , , . 13 U,S. GAL GAS FACTORY PRICED DORA BATCH-IO 2A18114108 N RC 2X PRICE LEVEL 240030M74 SHIPPING HEIGHT 3775 LBS. VIN: 2MEFM74H62X6~356B 26: CHI , , , ..v.\;.:J....... . 22415: 00 , , , I , , . , , I , , , , , I , , I I . NC' NC: NC: 178.00 un; 00 22700'00 705: 00 , I , , . , , , , TOTAL FOR VEHICLE SUCGl:3feu '. om.. I I 23820: 00 , , I , , , , , I I I I , , I . , , . , I NC' /IIC: /IIC: 200' 00 120:00 24140' 00 705: 00 2002 GRAND MARQUIS GS 40R SON LIGHT ICE BLUE CLEARCOAT MET DEEP SLATE BLUE CLOTH KEY STANDARD EQUIPMENT .ORDER CODE 100A .CHROME CROSS SPOKE LOCKING we .ILLUMINATEO ENTRY SYSTEM .PASSENGER AIR BAG .FRONT SEAT POUCH .ANTI=LOCK BRAKES H/TRAC CNTL .CARGO NET OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT .4.6L OHC SEFI va ,ELECTRONIC AUT .P225/60R16 ALL- TRUNK ORGANIZER CONVENTIONAL SPARE TIRE TOTAL VEHICLE & OPTIONS DESTINATION & DELIVERY SCHEDULE A (MEMO) .00 lS BR --