HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002.02.19_OPWA Agendaim ),.W I TYPE OF MEETING- Regular DATE: February 19, 2002 TIME: 6:30 p.m. PLACE- Council Chambers, (J"wasso Cornmunity Center Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk- and posted at City Hall at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, February 15, 2001 —N"uwell,' aAutl Marcia utwell, Authorit Secretary 1. Call to Order Chairman Barnhouse 2. Flag Salute 3. Roll Call 4. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the Trustees to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Trustee may, however, remove an item from consent by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non-debatable. A. Approval of the Minutes of February 5, 2002 Regular Meeting. Attachment #4-A Owasso Public Works Authority February 19, 2002 Page 2 B. Approval of Claims, Attachment #4-B Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to OPWA Resolution #200201, Providing for a Twenty Percent Reduced Utility Rate for Water, Wastewater and Refuse for Certain Persons Who Meet Specific Criteria. Mr McElrath Attachment #5 The staff will recommend City Council approval of OPWA Resolution #2002 -01. 6. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Change Order #3, a Change Order to a Contract Between the Owasso Public Works Authority and Sapulpa Digging Inc for the Construction of the Ator Relief Line, and Authorization for Release of Retainage. Mr Carr Attachment #6 The staff will recommend Trustee approval of Change Order #3, in the amount of $4,537.27, representing $3,400.00 for adjustments of quantities for additional boring and 36" steel encasement to avoid a gas line, and $1,137.27 authorized as Work Change Directives for items required during construction; and authorization for release of retainage in the amount of $40,240.65. M. Owasso Public Works Authority February 19, 2002 Page 3 & Report from C)PWA. Attorney 90 New Business, (Now Business is any item of business which could not have been foreseen at the time of posting of the agenda,) 10, Adjournment. The Owasso Public Works Authority met in regular session on Tuesday, February 5, 2002 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, February 1, 2001 ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Chairman Barnhouse called the meeting to order at 6:40 p.m. ITEM 2: FLAG SALUTE The flag salute was held during the City Council meeting preceding this meeting. Mary Lou Bainhouse, Chair Randy Brogdon, Vice Chair Will Williams, Trustee Rebecca Armstrong, Trustee Michael Helm, Trustee STAFF Rodney J Ray, City Manager Ronald D Cates, Authority Attorney Marcia Boutwell, Authority Secretary =C113 ITEM 4: REQUEST APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. A. Approval of the Minutes of January 22, 2002 Regular Meeting. B. Approval of Claims. The consent agenda included minutes of the January 22, 2002 regular meeting, by reference made a part hereto. Item B on the consent agenda included the following claims: (1) Owasso Public Works Authority $60,393.03; (2) OPWA Capital Improvements Fund $100,952.53; (3) OPWA Sales Tax Fund $133,173.16; (4) Payroll $36,995.47. Mr Williams moved, seconded by Mr Helm to approve the consent agenda AYE: Williams, Helm, Armstrong, Brogdon, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. Owasso Public Works Authority No report. ITEM 6: REPORT FROM OPWA ATTORNEY, No report. ITEM 7: NEW BUSINESS, None. ITEM 8: ADJOURNMENT Mr Helm moved, seconded by Mr Williams to adjourn, AYE: Helm, Williams, Armstrong, Brogdon, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 5-0, and the meeting was adjourned at 6:41 p.m. Marcia Boutwell, Authority Secretary -2- January 22, 2002 Mary Lou Bamhouse, Chair OPWA CLAIMS TO BE PAID 2/19/02 VENDOR NAME MAILBOXES ETC WAL -MART XPEDX TUCKER JANITORIAL RONALD D CATES, ATTORNEY PSO OKLAHOMA NATURAL. GAS IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS SOUTHWESTERN BELL PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION DETAILe.(].I~SCRIPTION BLUEPRINTS OFFICE SUPPLIES COPY PAPER CLEANING SUPPLIES LEGAL SERVICES 01/02 USE 01/02 USE COPIER MAINTENANCE 01/02 USE OSCAR MCLAURIN METER READINGS BRANDON HAMILTON METER READINGS TECHNICAL PROGRAMMING SVC BILLING SERVICE UTILITY BILLING DEPT OWASSO STAFFING, LLC CUNNINGHAM PLUMBING INC WATER PRODUCTS INC WATER PRODUCTS INC CROW BURLINGAME GEORGE & GEORGE SAFETY WATER PRODUCTS INC WATER PRODUCTS INC TREASURER PETTY CASH ROARK TRUE VALUE HARDWARE SUPERIOR READY MIX MILL CREEK LUMBER & SUPPLY COOPER SUPPLY CITY GARAGE CITY OF OWASSO FUELMAN FARM PLAN CROW BURLINGAME CITY OF TULSA UTILITIES SVC PSO SOUTH KANSAS & OKLA RR SOUTHWESTERN BELL SOUTHWESTERN BELL WATER DEPT MILL CREEK LUMBER & SUPPLY WAL -MART ROARK TRUE VALUE HARDWARE BRENNTAG- SOUTHWEST INC GEORGE & GEORGE SAFETY KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE CITY GARAGE CITY OF OWASSO FUELMAN HARP ELECTRIC CO WASTE MANAGEMENT OF OK PSO SOUTHWESTERN BELL LOWE'S HOME CENTER WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT TEMP STAFF METER SETS 6/19/01 WATER METERS 6/19/01 METER SET MATERIALS REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES SAFETY SUPPLIES REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES REPAIR SUPPLIES REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES CONCRETE REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES HYDRANT REPAIR KIT VEH MAINT FUEL TOOLS TOOLS PURCHASED WATER -01/02 01/02 USE RIGHT OF LEASE LEASE NON- PLEXAR 01/02 USE REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES MAINT SUPPLIES REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES CHEMICALS SAFETY SUPPLIES REPAIR SUPPLIES VEH MAINT FUEL EMERGENCY LIGHT INSTALL TIPPING FEES 01/02 USE 01/02 USE CONST MATERIALS a - 3.98 6.97 78.75 37.85 700.00 659.29 367.30 53.56 190.80 126.90 151.65 933.81 1,096.98 6,521.42 3,740.00 141.91 5.91 69.42 2,693.00 623.89 10.00 8.04 338.50 36.33 82.68 180.24 438.15 78.79 69.54 117,284.05 262.68 268.00 71.83 16.70 23.74 9.96 5.29 1,186.50 69.42 68.31 590.88 64.33 160.75 858.76 6,848.19 65.38 1,784.03 2,098.50 1,212.36 134,038.06 11,735.54 FUND TOTAL VENDOR NAME DETAIL -DIESLRIEION AMOUNTS DEPT j-QIA-I FARM PLAN MAINT SUPPLIES 14.25 WAL-MART CHEMICALS 28.24 GEORGE & GEORGE SAFETY SAFETY SUPPLIES 69.41 LOWE'S HOME CENTER BUILDING SUPPLIES 18.45 WATER PRODUCTS INC REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 65.99 WW GRAINGER INC SUMP PUMP 105.57 BROKEN ARROW ELECTRIC REPAIR PARTS 880.99 HAJOCA CORPORATION REPAIR SUPPLIES 154.74 CITY GARAGE CITY OF OWASSO VEH MAINT 353.89 TREASURER PETTY CASH VEHICLE WASH 9.00 BAILEY EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT REPAIR 95.27 FUELMAN FUEL 209.74 PHILLIPS WASTEWATER INC TV INSPECTION 790.00 ONYX INDUSTRIAL SERVICES INC VACTOR TRUCK RENTAL 2,806.00 ONYX INDUSTRIAL SERVICES INC VACTOR TRUCK RENTAL 2,403.50 ERS VACTOR TRUCK SERVICE 975.00 PSO 01/02 USE 1,661.19 B & B ELECTRIC PUMP REPAIR 1,156.00 HARP ELECTRIC CO REPAIR ASSESSMENT 690.00 SOUTH KANSAS & OKLA RR RIGHT OF WAY LEASE 260.00 UNITED RENTALS SUMP PUMP RENTAL 300.00 SOUTHWESTERN BELL NON-PLEXAR 366.55 WASTEWATER COLLECTIONS DEPT 13,413.78 GEORGE & GEORGE SAFETY SAFETY SUPPLIES 69.41 CITY GARAGE CITY OF OWASSO VEH MAINT 8,717.69 FUELMAN FUEL 909.25 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF OK TIPPING FEES 4,835.62 LOWE'S HOME CENTER BUILDING SUPPLIES 68.34 EQUIPMENT ONE EQUIPMENT RENTAL 48.16 REFUSE COLLECTIONS DEPT 14,648.47 PSO 01/02 USE 56.44 SOUTHWESTERN BELL 01102 USE 12.70 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF OK RECYCLE REFUSE 2,590.22 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF OK RECYCLE REFUSE 2,224.32 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF OK TIPPING FEES 1,406.48 RECYCLE CENTER 6,290.16 OPWA OPERATING FUND TOTAL GARVER ENGINEERS SYSTEMS IMPROVEMENTS 15,870.00 LAMAR INDUSTRIES CONST-WWTP 11116/01 19,129.32 SAPULPA DIGGING INC ATOR RELIEF LINE 1/16/01 11,200.00 OPWA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND FIRST BANK OF OWASSO ELM CREEK NOTE 23,000.00 OPWA SEWERLINE EXT FUND FUND TOTAL 183,436.87 46,199.32 23,000.00 OPWA FUND GRAND TOTAL 252,636.19 OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT 111"IMMITImm 02/09/02 OVERTIME TOTAL EXPENSES EXPENSES inis ra ion-:, ... .. ...... 8'M,81' Utility Billing 0.00 1,855.73 Wastewater 133.69 8,122. I OMNI On= 11h. Refuse 36.60 4,341. 0 UK N r0ATA A I ld"]Ijrkrli 111) i Nux"V11-111FAM111 TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIR AND TRUSTEES OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY FROM. JIM McELRATH DIRECTOR OF SUPPORT SERVICES SUBJECT: UTILITY RATE REDUCTION PROGRAM DATE- February 139 2002 101��-H 2. To enhance accessibility of the program to those in need, advertisement of the program will be made on a regular basis on the utility bill and/or in other venues deemed most suitable by the City Manager. 3. The applications will be made available at City Hall Utility Billing and at other locations deemed appropriate by the City Manager and reviewed for approval by the City Manager or his designee(s). February 13, 2002 PAGE 2 RF-COMMEN .AT N Staff recommends Trustee adoption of OPWA Resolution #2002 -01 continuing the spirit of Resolution #9203 and specifying annually - updated income eligibility guidelines, in accord with the issuance of updated Federal guidelines in October of each year by the Department of Human Services. A TAC MEN`D`S 10 OPWA Resolution #2002-01 2. Attachment "A" Current Food Stamp Guidelines 3. Attachment "F3" Application Procedures I W= N Man as w" a Mary Lou Bamhouse, Chairperson ATTEST: Marcia Boutwell, Trust Secretary Ronald D. Cates, Trust Attorney As provided by the State of Oklahoma Department of Human Services FY 02, Household Size *Monthly_-Lnqome 1 $ 931 2 $1,258 3 $1,585 4 $1,913 5 $2,240 6 $2,567 7 $2,894 8 $3,221 Add'l person +$328 *as determined and stated in FS Guidelines APPNC3 — MAXIMUM FOOD STAMP BENEFIT ALLOTMENTS AND STANDARDS FOR DEDUCTIONS, MAXIMUM INCOME, AND UTITIES EFFECTIVE DATE: October 1, 2001. ATTACHMENT "B" Policies and Procedures for implementation and maintenance of City of Owasso Reduced Utility Rates. A. APPLICATION PROCEDURES 1. Applications maybe obtained at Owasso City Hall Utility Billing Department or at other venues designated by the City Manager. 2. Applicants may be asked to meet with the City Manager or his designee(s) to verify identity and discuss supporting documentation. B. ELIGIBILITY: 1. "AUTOMATIC". THROUGH CERTIFICATION FROM OTHER ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS If applicant is currently certified for one of the following programs, approval is automatic upon verification of documentation requested: a. If applicant does not receive Food Stamps, Aid for Dependent Children, or Medicaid, household income shall be verified by furnishing two of the following three items for validation: (1) Three (3) consecutive months bank statements (2) Three (3) consecutive months payroll check stubs (3) Previous year income tax return (either Federal or State) b. Household income shall include all of the following sources: (1) Earnings from work: wages/salaries/tips, strike benefits, unemployment compensation, worker's compensation, net income from self-owned business or farm and contract labor payments ATTACHMENT "B" APPLICATION PROCEDURES PAGE 2 (2) Welfare /Child Support /Alimony: public assistance payments, welfare payments, alimony, child support payments (3) Pensions /Retirement /Social Security: pensions, supplemental social security income, retirement income, veteran's payments, social security (4) Other income: all other sources, including but not limited to, disability benefits, cash withdrawn from savings, interest /dividends, income from estates /tr-usts /investments, regular contributions from persons not living in the household, net royalties /annuities /net rental income, any other income including gifts of cash R S 1. If approval status is granted, the name of the applicant shall be transmitted to the Utility Billing clerk. If the approval is denied, the applicant shall be notified in writing, briefly outlining the reason(s) for denial. 2. Notification of approval or denial shall be sent to the applicant within five days of submission. If approved, reduced rates will be effective on the next billing cycle. 3. If the application is denied, applicant may appeal to the City Manager, whose decision shall be final. In order to continue on the reduction program, the customer is responsible to re-certify eligibility twice yearly m_ during the months of April and October. Failure to do so shall result in automatic termination of the reduced rates upon the next billing cycle. In order to ensure accuracy, Utility Billing shall be supplied with an updated list of all approved re- applicants during the first weeks of May and November, respectively. The necessity for the first time of re-certification may be waived if the initial application is made within three months of the first re-certification period. SUBJECT. AT OR RELIEF LINE CHANGE ORDER NUMBER 3 AND RELEASE OF RETAINAGE DATE- February 13, 2002 Over the period of mid-November through January various cleanup items were completed that included: hauling excess trench material, final grading, seeding, fencing, replanting of trees and shrubs-, removal of the M-bf ILFTO*f�, r-Amid1ii-mptif PxW course tee boxes and installation of a service line to the Mills residence. Final inspection was conducted on January 23, 2002. V W - AMORMNI-ItU &SOJUP-0,21MIL INK-%VE91 xrg- This change order extended the initial Construction Deadline by 81 days from August 25, 2001 to November 15, 2001. In exchange, the Contractor agreed not to ask for any additional payment for changed conditions due to hard rock being encountered. There was no change to the contract amount. Change Order #2 (approved by the Trustees on December 11, 200 1) This change order ratified the approval of payment for three items included under the $25,000 project allowance, including: Creek crossing stabilization on McCarty property $5,160.00 Additional 18" ductile iron pipe $8,680.00 Relocation of existing 12" water line JE673.53 Total Cost $23,513.53 Page 2 Ator Relief Line A final change order to complete the project is needed to adjust pay quantities and incorporate Work Change Directives authorized during construction. These items are included in Change Order 9-3. The following items are adjustments of quantities based on unit prices bid for items included in the contract: Boring and 36" Steel Encasement (20 feet added to contract to avoid gas line) Deduct 4'-0" diameter manhole not used - 3 .,00 0. 0 0 Total Quantity Adjustments $39400.00 The following items were authorized as Work Change Directives for items required during construction: M!3111511 111 !111 1 -s - I =I sM Original contract amount $818,270.00 less project allowance - $25,000.00 plus Change Order #2 $23,499.11 plus Change Order #3 - quantity adjustments $3,400.00 plus Change Order #3 - Work Change Directives ---�IJ37,27 Revised Contract Total $821,306.38 These adjustments reflect a net increase in the amount of $3,036.38. Funding for the project has been a loan from the Oklahoma Water Resources Board. Staff will explore the means that the additional costs should be able to be included in the final loan documents. Page 3 Ator Relief Line RETAINAGE REDUCTION: Typically, following submittal of final pay request and the final project inspection, contract pay item adjustments, acceptance of the maintenance bands, release of the retaina e and closing of the contract will be performed. One contracted work item remains to be completed, however. RECOMMENDATION #1® Staff recommends `trustee approval of Change Order #3 to the contract with Sapulpa Digging Inc, in the amount of $4,537.27 resulting in a revised total contract of $821,3060384 Digging, Inc. and authorization for payment. 1. Change Order b. 2. Work f' 3. Pay Request • release of retainag* PROJECT: Ator Relief Line TO CONTRACTOR: Sapulpa Digging Inc P.O. Box 1105 Sapulpa, OIL 71067 The Contract is changed as follows: DATE: January 30, 2002 CONTRACT DATE: January 16, 7001 CONTRACT FOR: Suer Line Upgrade and Elimination of Lift Station Into oration of Work Items No.4 throu h 7 into the ro'ect udder the Contact Allowance and adjustment of cluaniities to Bid Items 6 and 10. Not valid until signed by the Owner and Contractor Note (1): See attached spreadsheet for calculation. Sa ul a Digging CONTRACTOR ADDRESS IMIM Owasso Public Works Authority OWNER Im DATE DATE Unit of Quantity Contract Amount Contract Amount Measure Billed Unit Price billed Amount LS 1 $ 175.00 $ 175.00 request ratification by Change Order #3 LS 1 $ 250.00 $ 250.00 request ratification by Change Order 93 LF 662 $13.09 $ 8,665.58 approved by Change Order #2 CY 43 $ 120-00 $ 5,160-00 approved by Change Order #2 LS 1 $ 9,673.53 $ 9,673.53 approved by Change Order #2 allow. 1 $ 25,000.00 $23,924.11 requested as of January 28,2002 invoices Nursery invoice - trees for Ms. Mills LS 1 $ 406.50 $ 406.50 (not billed yet) request approval by Change Order #3 Irrigation Piping for golf course LS 1 $ 305.77 $ 305.77 (not billed yet) request approval by Change Order #3 ,712.27 to be requested in final invoice item Description 6 Boring and 36" Steel Encasemenj 10 4'-0" diameter manhole Right of Way Restoration - Option 16 No. 2 - Solid Slab Sodding Unit of Contract Contract Variance Total Quantity From Contract Amount DoHar Variance Measure Quantifly Bid Price Amount Billed Contract billed from Contrac LP 200 $ 320.00 $64,000.00 220 20 $70,400.00 $ 5,400.00 EA 1 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 0 -1 $ - $ (3,000.00 SY 6000 $ 1.50 $ 9,000.00 3000 -3000 $ 4,500.00 $ (4,500.00 Original Contract Sum $818,270.00 less allowance for additional work of $ (25,000.00) plus additional work of Change Order #2 $ 23,499.11 plus additional work of Change Order #3 1,137.27 ;*llus quantity adjustment • Change Order #3 $ 3,400.00 $821,306.38 11 0 DATE: 12-1-2001 PROJECT- ATOR RELLEF LINE OWNER OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY ENGINEER- GARVER ENGINEERS CONTRACTOR: SAPULPA DIGPING fl!LC. The following work or other items are requested for implementation in accordance with- 1. Installation of :33 trees to replace trees removed duriqg-gggs cti ®� at est° aced cost of X450° 2. Pure e at estimated cost of $305.77. Justification or Goal: The trees will sati-f-A s. Mill that !niq-��valu�eis lostand �no mention t. mention of Ue pg thi qg wa� made in the contract. Dlac' -ITS p1pil _— Date to begin work: December 10, 2001 Addl Calendar Days: 0 ITEM DESCRIPTION COST TOTAL TO DATE Materials Previous WDC Labor Trees and W in $712.27 Equipment 0 Total with this VVD Payroll Additive & 0 Overhead @ 30% Subtotal 0 Profit 10% 0 T ®TAI. X712.27 REQUESTED BY: CONTRACTOR DATE RECOMMENDED BY: ENGINEER DATE AUTHORIZED BY: OWNER DATE FROM (Contractor): Sapulpa Digging, Inc P.O. Box 1105 Sa-oul_-oa, OK 74-067 PROJECT� Period To-.— 2/12/02 Distribution To: CON" RACTFOR: Owasso Wastewater Collection System Improvement ,t - TOR Releif Line Owner Architect Contractor En-W incer Application is made for payment, as shown below, in comiection with the Contract Continuation sheet is attached. L - Original Contract Sum $111-1 9270 -00 2. Not Change by Change Orders _ —__j L �36 - �9 1 Contract Sum to Date (Line I & 2) $ 821,306.78 4. Total Completed & Stored to Date 90 (Column G on Continuation Sheet) j r& 5. Retainage: a.—% of Completed Work (Column D & E on Continuation Sheet) - FINAL b,% of Stored Material (Column F on Continuation Sheet) Total Retainage (Line Sa & 5b) 0 6. Total Earned Less Retainage $ 'Vo (Line 4 less Line 5 Total) 7V 7. Less Previous Certificates for Payment $__17 5, P41:1 ® 4 6 AGREEWNT 099 � 00300 - 8 of 13 9. Balance to Finish, Plus Retainaae (Line 3 less Line 6) CHANGE ORDER SUMMARY: $ ® / 7 S 7, T 57 0 0, 0 0 Cheinge Orders approved in previous months by OWWER T 39036.3 Approved this month Nurnber Date Approved 1/19/02 TOTALS $ 3,036. �8 Net change by Change Orders 0 DEDUCTIONS 0 $_2s,036.311 M 2, belief, the WORK covered by this Application for Payment has been completed in accordance with the Contract Documents, that all amounts have been paid by the Contractor for Work for which previous Certificates for Payment were issued and payments received from the Owner, and that current payment shown herein is now due. CONTRACTO - By: Date:— 2/12/02 STATE OF OKLAHOMA ) tA )SS COUNTY OF 1 1) Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12t)dayof February 202-1. MY Commission Expires:—J---6 — AGREEMENT 003 00 - 9 of 13 CONTINUA MN SHEET Page of 7 Application Number: a Application Date: Period To: 2112102 In tabulations below, amounts are stated to tbe'nem-est dollar. Use Colurym I on Contracts where variable retainage for line items may apply. D --AKnt- -- (cont) F — G — H I — MATERIALS TOTALCOMPLUMI) % BALAN AINAGE PRESENTLY STORED AND STORED TO FINISH (NOT IN D OR E) TO DATE (C-0) (D+E+P) 0 TO i r AGREEWNT 0599 00300 - 11 of 13 In accordance with the contract documents, based on on�R 1k xrml- the above application, the Architeaffingincer certifies to the Owner that to the best of the Architect's/Engineer's knowledge, information and belief, the Work has Progressed as indicated, the quality of the Work is in accordance with the Contract Docurnents, and the Contractor is entitled to PaYment of the amount certified. AMOUNT CERTWMD (Attach Explanation if amount cep fifeWd differs from the amount applied for.) ARCWTECT / ENGINEER: BY: -- 9- � end �u I I �— & —n/& Date:-a=LL �,�9�9 This cerfificm-IS nOt negotiable. The AMOUNT CERTHqM is payable only to the contmtor named herein. Issuance, payment and acceptance Of PaYment without prejudice to any lights of the Owner or Contractor under this Contsma 00300 - 10 of 13