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2011.12.13_Worksession Agenda
PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL TYPE OF MEETING: Special DATE: December 13, 2011 TIME: 6:00 p.m. PLACE: Old Central Building 109 N. Birch Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 6:00 PM on Friday, December 9, 2011. J,�Aann M. Stevens, D puty City Clerk AGENDA 1. Call to Order Mayor Doug Bonebrake 2. Presentation of the FY 2010 -2011 Audit Ms. Hess Attachment #2 3. Discussion relating to Administrative Items Ms. Bishop Attachment #3 A. Bid Review - Public Works Roof B. Resolution for City Council Election (Ward 1 &2) C. Multi- Hazard Mitigation Plan (no memo) 4. Discussion relating to Operational Items Mr. Lehr Attachment #4 A. Surplus Poly Karts B. Acceptance and Final Payment - Waste Water Treatment Plant C. Acceptance and Final Payment - Meadowcrest Relief Line D. Proposed Engineering Agreement - Recycle Center Master Plan E. Proposed Zoning Definition Amendments F. Proposed Easement and Right of Way Closure Process 5. Discussion relating to City Manager Items Mr. Ray Attachment #5 A. Tulsa's Future - Budget Amendment B. Proposed Assessment Fee - 76th Street Sanitary Sewer Interceptor C. City of Tulsa Water Rate Increase D. City Manager Report - 1. Sales Tax Report 2. FY 2012 Street Rehabilitation Program 6. Report from City Councilors 7. Adjournment The City Wit out Limits. TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: Angela Hess Finance Director SUBJECT: Fiscal Year 2010 - 2011 Audit Report DATE: December 9, 2011 BACKGROUND: The City of Owasso has contracted with the firm of Cole & Reed, P.C. as external independent auditors for the past six years. They perform audit services for the city and its trust authorities. Mike Gibson and Julie Jungman from Cole & Reed, P.C. met with members of the City of Owasso's Audit Committee on December 2, 2011. The Audit Committee members currently serving include, Mayor Doug Bonebrake, John Manning, Kevin Cavanah, Guion Nightingale, and Dennis Phillips. Mr. Gibson presented the audit report and responded to questions from the committee. The committee was provided time to meet with Mike Gibson independent of staff during the audit committee meeting. Mr. Gibson will present the audited financial statements during the December 13, 2011 work session, Guion Nightingale will represent the Audit Committee and both will respond to questions from Council members regarding the FYI 1 audit findings. AUDIT COMMITTEE: As part of the Council's desire to fulfill its governance obligations to the community, Council approved an ordinance on August 6, 2006 requiring an Audit Committee. The Audit Committee members are appointed by the Mayor and the City Council based on their experience and expertise in accounting, finance and related fields. The members report to Council as an independent citizen advisory committee. Their responsibility is to oversee the integrity of the City's financial operations and reporting. The City of Owasso's Audit Committee has been structured to provide independent oversight of the City's annual audit, and to enhance the citizens' confidence in the audit process. The auditor is required to file the audit with the Office of the State Auditor and Inspector; therefore the City Council does not "approve" the audit. "Receipt" of the audit will be listed on the consent agenda of the December 20th City Council regular meeting in order to create a record in the minutes. ATTACHMENT: Correspondence dated December 9, 2011 from the Audit Committee. The 9ci W ii, h, out Limits. TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: Guion Nightingale Audit Committee SUBJECT: Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Audit Report DATE: December 9, 2011 BACKGROUND: The firm of Cole & Reed, P.C. has provided audit services to the city and its trust authorities for the past five years. Mike Gibson from Cole & Reed, P.C. met with members of the City staff and the City of Owasso's Audit Committee on December 2, 2011 to review and accept the annual audit for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2011. Members of the Audit Committee are Bryan Stovall, John Manning, Kevin Cavanah, Guy Nightingale, and Dennis Phillips. The Audit Committee received the auditor opinion, management letter and annual financial reports. Additionally, the committee met independent of staff with Mike Gibson to discuss any further questions or concerns regarding the audit findings. The Audit Committee was satisfied with the reports and related information. The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) is prepared annually as part of the state - required audit by an independent, certified and municipally licensed auditor. In Owasso, the auditor reports to the Audit Committee established by the Council. Cole and Reed provided an unqualified opinion and found no reportable conditions related to the audit to include in the management letter for fiscal year 2010 -2011. The Audit Committee acknowledges the City is responsible for completeness and accuracy of the annual report. The necessary auditor reports are included in the audit presented by Cole and Reed. The audit attests to the City's compliance with Oklahoma State Law and federal reporting requirements. Financial highlights included in the FY 2010-11 audit, indicate that the City remains in a good financial position. Net assets for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011 increased by $5,945,932 or 5.5% from the prior year. Additional financial and activity highlights can be found on page 4 of the audit under Management's Discussion and Analysis. The Audit Committee was advised that the final draft of the City's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (the "CAFR ") will be prepared and submitted to the City's Financial Management Team for submittal to the City Council at their meeting on Tuesday, December 20, 201 1. RECOMMENDATION: The Audit Committee recommends acceptance of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for FY 2010-11 and staff concurs. ii�t�ii�:� ✓ Guion Nightingale City of Owasso Audit Committee, Chair g4�_—J Thy City Wit7aut Lirni t s. TO: The Honorable Chairman and Trustees Owasso Public Works Authority FROM: Larry White Support Services Director SUBJECT: Public Works Roof Replacement Project DATE: December 9, 2011 BACKGROUND: The roof on the Public Works Building is over 11 years old and has numerous leaks. Repairs have been required frequently during the past few years. The roof requires replacement. A Notice to Bidders was published in the appropriate manner beginning on Thursday, October 27, 2011. A Mandatory Pre -Bid site visit was conducted with each bidding contractor on Wednesday, November 16, 2011. Prospective bidders were advised to provide bids for a new roofing system and any preparatory work required. They were also advised to provide separate bids for complete tear off of the existing roof. Bids were publicly opened on Monday, November 28, 2011, at 11:30 a.m. at the Owasso City Hall. ANALYSIS OF BIDS: Five (5) bids were received. They were examined for any improper or incomplete bids. Two bids were incomplete and disqualified. The following three (3) bids were qualified: Additional Bid Complete Base Bid (overlay) Tear Off of Existing Roof CCRS, LLC $61,382.75 $17,861.25 Type of System: Elastomeric Acrylic Roofing System - Hydro Stop Brand Action Roofing Inc. $44,140.00 (tear off of roof included in this amount) Type of System: Carlisle thermoplastic polyolefin (TPO) Membrane Roofing System Service Solutions Inc. $36,810.59 $6,588.35 Type of System: Carlisle thermoplastic polyolefin (TPO) Membrane Roofing System Support Services and Public Works Staff are currently reviewing the bids. Staff plans to make a recommendation to City Council at the regularly scheduled City Council meeting on December 20, 2011, concerning the bids received on this project. PROJECT FUNDING: Funding for this project is included in the FY 2012 Owasso Public Works Authority capital outlay budget. The City Wit aut Lirnits, TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: Juliann M. Stevens Deputy City Clerk SUBJECT: Resolution No. 2011 -12, City Council Election DATE: December 9, 2011 BACKGROUND: Pursuant to the provisions of the Owasso City Charter governing the election of City Council members, "the Council shall take action by Resolution to call any necessary Ward Elections." In 2012, such election is required for Wards 1 and 2, each for a three -year term. The staff has prepared Resolution No. 2011 -12 which, if approved by the City Council, calls for an election to be conducted for City Council Wards 1 and 2. In addition, the proposed resolution identifies the process to be followed in order to meet all legal requirements and allows for proper notification to the Tulsa County and Rogers County Election Boards. Please note that the purpose of requesting City Council action at this time is to allow for the required notice to the Tulsa County Election Board. The filing period for interested candidates will be February 6, 7, and 8, 2012. All candidates must file a Declaration of Candidacy form with the Tulsa County Election Board between the hours of 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM on any of these dates. Only qualified electors who reside within the ward shall be qualified to hold the office of City Council Member for that ward. The primary election is set by the City Charter and will be held on March 6, 2012. All registered voters residing within the city limits of the City of Owasso may vote in the election. Should one of the candidates not receive the majority of all votes cast for the particular ward, a general election will be held. The general election, if necessary, will be held on April 3, 2012. The elected City Councilors will be sworn info office at the May 1, 2012 regular meeting of the City Council. REQUIRED ACTION: A resolution calling for an election to be conducted for the purposes of electing City Council representation for Wards 1 and 2 requires City Council approval. The staff anticipates placing an item on the December 20, 2012 City Council consent agenda for appropriate action. ATTACHMENT: 1. Proposed Resolution No. 2011 -12 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA RESOLUTION NO. 2011 -12 NOTICE OF ELECTIONS AND CERTIFICATION WHEREAS, a Primary Election shall be held on the 6th day of March, 2012 for the purpose of electing an Owasso City Council Member, for the ward and term as follows: WARD NO. TERM 1 3 years 2 3 years WHEREAS, a General Election, if necessary, shall thereafter be held on April 5, 2011 to elect said Council Member. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA: That a non - partisan Primary Election for City Council Members, as set out, be held on March 6, 2012. 2. That the General Election thereafter, if necessary, be held on April 3, 2012. 3. Only qualified electors of the City of Owasso who reside in the respective ward shall be qualified to hold the office of Council Member. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, hereby certifies to the Tulsa County Election Board that all precincts in Tulsa and Rogers Counties within the city limits of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma are to be opened. The filing period is from February 6, 2012 through February 8, 2012 for the Primary Election. PASSED AND APPROVED this 20th day of December 2011 by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. Douglas Bonebrake, Mayor ATTEST: Sherry Bishop, City Clerk Approved as to Form: Julie Lombardi, City Attorney V The city, out Limits. TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: Warren Lehr Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: Establish Minimum Value of Surplus Items and Authorize eBay Auction DATE: December 9, 2011 BACKGROUND: The following Items have been deemed by the Public Works Department as no longer needed to remain in service due to age and /or condition and are being recommended to be declared surplus by the City Council: 3,250 - "Poly Kart" 90 gallon Waste Handling Containers, by Ameri -Kart Corp Typically, when the City of Owasso declares an item surplus, an approximate worth for the individual items are submitted to the City Manager (if valued at less than $500) or City Council (if valued at $500 or greater), along with the list for approval. Staff has reviewed the Finance Department's "Book Value" of the vehicles /items, and auction history to determine a minimum value for each item. The following is the minimum value that has been determined for the Items: ➢ "Poly Kart" 90 gallon Waste Handling Containers, by Ameri -Kart Corp. - $5.00 each These containers have been replaced and have little or no value to our organization. This brand and style of container was purchased from 1992 through 2003 and were used on Refuse Routes from 1992 through 2009. Beginning in 2003, the Refuse Division began purchasing a new style container. The change was beneficial for a couple of reasons. Initially the change reduced the cost per container purchased from $110 each for the "Poly Karts ", to $54 each for the new style taller containers. Secondly, the change in container style allowed for, in 2009, a transition to fully automated refuse collection. The change in container style and the purchase of automated refuse trucks has increased productivity from 500 pickups per day per truck to over 750 pickups per day per truck; has reduced the number of employee injuries; and has assisted greatly in cost control of the refuse collection service. eBay AUCTION: eBay is an online auction tool used by the City to obtain the highest resale or salvage price for items that have outlived their useful lifespan and have no foreseeable value to the City of Owasso. Auctioning surplus equipment on eBay has been used periodically since first approved by the City Council in 2002. lM*1 Ai i7r*1 City Council declares items surplus and declares a minimum value for each item. ➢ Staff gathers identification information, writes descriptions, and takes digital pictures for each item to be auctioned. ➢ Staff also determines whether the item can be shipped or will need to be picked up by the purchaser /buyer. If the City is responsible for shipping, staff will add shipping cost into the bidding specifications on the auction site. ➢ Items are placed on auction for 10 days (allowing the auction to occur over two weekends). ➢ When the item is added to the eBay auction site, advertising of the auction is also done on the City of Owasso's webpage and through other appropriate social media. ➢ During the auction period, prospective bidders may e -mail the designated staff member to ask any questions they may have about the items being auctioned. The questions and answers are posted on the item's auction page, and item descriptions can be amended and /or corrected during the auction. ➢ At the close of the auction, eBay notifies the designated staff member of the highest bidder and provides their e -mail address. ➢ Staff notifies the highest bidder, and arrangements for payment by credit card, check, or cash are handled through the Utility Billing Window, and /or through the internet using "PayPal ". ➢ Arrangements are made for pick -up or shipping of the item once a deposit has been made. Items are released or shipped once payment is received. ➢ A deposit is normally required within 2 business days; payment in full is required within 7 days; and item removal and /or shipping arrangements must be completed within 21 days of the auction close. eBay FEES: Listing Fee $ 2.00 10 day listing $ .10 Reserve Fee $ .90 Extra pictures $ 1.00 Estimated total cost $ +/- 3.00 per listing (A listing will consist of 50 -100 containers) PROPOSED ACTION: City Council approval to declare 3,250 "Poly Kart" 90 gallon waste receptacles as surplus to the needs of the City of Owasso is required. ATTACHMENT: A. Item Description 90 gallon Wheeled Refuse Containers, Manufactured by - Ameri -Kart Corp. "Poly Kart" Brand, ID # green 13801, External metal frame two wheels w/ lid and closure strap. 1456 Karts - manufactured between 1992 and 1996 1794 Karts - manufactured between 1997 and 2003 3250 Karts - Total V The City witraut Limits. TO: The Honorable Chair and Trustees Owasso Public Works Authority FROM: John W. Feary Project Administrator SUBJECT: Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion & 1 17th Street Pump Station Upgrade Project Acceptance and Authorization to Issue Final Payment DATE: December 9, 2011 BACKGROUND: In 2005, the City of Owasso commissioned an update of its 1997 Wastewater Master Plan. The updated plan provides a 20 -year guide for the prioritization and construction of upgrades to the City's conveyance and wastewater treatment infrastructure. Among the immediate needs identified, the plan recommends the investment of approximately $10 million for the upgrade of the Wastewater Treatment Plant and the 1 17th Street Pump Station. These recommended improvements were designed to increase the average treatment plant capacity to 4.2 MGD, which is anticipated to meet wastewater treatment demands for the next five to seven years. Similarly, the recommended improvements to the 117th Street Pump Station were designed to upgrade existing facilities by increasing the pumping capacity to accommodate present and future needs. In August 2007, OPWA Trustees approved an Engineering Services Agreement with Greeley and Hansen for the preparation of construction documents for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion and 117th Street Pump Station Upgrade for a sum not to exceed $545,000. On October 7, 2009, the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality approved the engineering design, and issued the required permit to construct the improvements. Advertisements for bids were published in October 2009 to solicit bids for the construction of the upgrade. Four bids were received and opened on November 11, 2009. BRB Contractors was determined to be the lowest responsive, responsible bidder with a bid amount of $8,465,500. The engineering estimate for construction provided by Greeley and Hansen was $8,835,411 Prior to and during construction, two (2) administrative change orders were necessary to be compliant with both Federal and State mandates. Change Orders #1 and #2 were for the inclusion of the Davis Bacon Wage requirements and for the statutory 100% bonding requirement in the State of Oklahoma. Change order #1 in the amount of $478,395 was approved by the trustees in conjunction with the bid award in November of 2009. Additionally, on April 27, 2010, change order #2 in the amount of $19,713 was approved by the trustees. Change Orders #3 & #4 were field changes discovered during the construction of the upgrade and necessary to complete the intended design of the plant. Change order #3 in the amount of $18,452 was approved July 30, 2011 and change order #4 in the amount of $117,055 was approved by this body on September 2, 2011. The original contract amount summed with the four change orders results in a revised and final contract amount of $9,099,116.39. COMPLETION OF PROJECT: Substantial completion of this project was obtained on September 27, 2011 with final completion on December 1, 2011. BRB Contractors has completed the project in its entirety and upon inspection by staff, the design engineering firm, and the inspection firm, the project has been found to be acceptable and in accordance with the design engineer's intent. 111,1ikilkl ii Funding for this project has been obtained from the Oklahoma Water Resources Board (OWRB) via a loan from the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund. PROPOSED ACTION: Acceptance of the Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion and 117th Street Pump Station Upgrade and authorization to issue final payment to BRB Contractors of Topeka, KS would require Trustee approval. ATTACHMENT: A. Location Map B. Final Pay Request C. Certification of Project Completion WWTP & 117TH LS 1 = 752 ft LOCATION MAP 1.2107/2011 V L This map represents a visual display of related geographic information- Data provided hereon is not a guarantee of actual field conditions. To be sure of complete accuracy, please contact Owasso staff for the most up-to-date information. ORF -121A 2/28/00 CERTIFICATION OF PROJECT COMPLETION This is to certify that: 1.) The Publicly Owned Wastewater Treatment Works known as The Owasso Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion & 117th Pump Station Upgrade Project, Project Loan No. ORF- 09 -0003- CW (200913 WWTP) owned by the Owasso Public Works Authority is fully operable and has been completed in accordance with the approved Plans and Specifications and applicable laws, rules and regulations. 2.) The design life of the project is to the year 2022 *. 3.) The date of construction completion for the above referenced project is December 1, 2011. 4.) All items of construction are acceptable to the owner of the treatment works. 5) All requests for Construction loan proceeds have been drawn as shown on Payment Request No. 23. 6) The OWRB is authorized to de- obligate any remaining loan proceeds. [USE THIS PARAGRAPH ONLY IF ALL LOAN PROCEEDS WILL NOT BE UTILIZED!] (Authorized Representative) Signature: Title: Chairman, Owasso Public Works Authority Date: (* Note: Repayment terms of a loan made from the State Revolving Fund may not exceed the lesser of 20 years from construction completion, or the useful life of the project.) CITY OF OiVASS€i AS 1'EW � 'I TER REA7TMENI. �' PLANT EXPANSION ANSION 117TH STREET PUMP STATION OWASSO, OKLAI OMA PAY ESTIMATE E NO.21 PERIOD: Thursday, September fit, 2011 to Friday, September 3f), 2011 CONTRACTOR: BR-13 Contractors, Inc.; P. O. Box 750494, Topeka, K.5 66675 BID Ah1OUTN-T OF ORIGINAL CONTRACT: CONTRACT ADJUSTMENTS- ADJUSTED BID AMOUNT: $5,465,544.00 .$633,616.39 X9,499,11 6.39 TOTAL COMPLETE WORK: $9,499,116,39 MATERIALS STORED (Per attached tabulation): $4.44 $9,499,116.39 TOTAL EARN.-ED: 59,499,116.39 PERCENTAGE OF PROJECT COMPLETION: 100.0% LESS PREVIOUS PAYMENTS: S8,593,949.16 AMOUNT DUE um ESTIMATE- $543,167.23 The undersigned Con"cior ccrtif)es that to t)c best of tie Contractor's knowledge, inforn)ation and belief the Work covered by this payinetlt Fstirliate has beet) Completed in accordance, pith Contract Doruments, that. all .1)7)0h)nts have been p tid by the Contractor for Viori£ which previous Payment Estimates here issued and payments received front the 0tvner, alit that current payment shown bercin is nose- due. BRB CONTRACTORS. INC BY: � /W /l Date Andrew Rkfi�r, as, djeci; a taper State vf: Kay Co unty of: Shawnee Subscribed to d aworr: to before me this 5th day of December, 2011 C Notary Public viv Commission E xpi:-es: , < C Recormnended for — Approved ?01, Payment by: Hate C'itv of Owasso 'late 0 r » t-s � a ff) C-01 x a a � d CITY OF OWASSO WASTE%VKrER TREATMENT PLANT EXPANSION AND 117TI1 STREET PUMP STATION PAY ESTIMATE NO. 2:1 Amount Last j !Am�ount Thi ""is Estimate �(r i 1, L i o �n _0, Estimate Estimate To D ate C:r1;z;isi Page 2 of 12 MOBILIZATION I MOBILIZE too PC 100 PC $280,292.00 $ 280,292.00 $ $ 280,292.00 2 DE'MOBILIZE 100 PC 100 PC $10,000.00 s 10,000.00 $ ll.q 10,000.00 1 001,1�� 3 BONDS &L INSURANCE 100 PC 100 PC $256,341.00 $ 256,341.00 $ $ 256,341-00 100'i;, 4 START-UP 100 PC 100 PC $25,000.00 $ 22,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 25,000,00 SITEWORK 5 INSTALL EROSION CONTROL 100 PC 100 PC $29,295.50 $ 29,295-50 $ - $ 29,29-5.50 0 1; 6 EROSION CONTROL INSPECTIONS 18 MO 18 M0 $18,000.00 $ 18,000.00 $ $ 18.000.00 7 SITE DENTO (ASPf I A L'I'St. CONCRETE) 1,00 PC 100 PC $75,500.00 $ 75,500.00 $ $ 75,500.00 10 100° %, 8 DEMO FENCE 100 PC 100 PC $2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ $ 2,500.00 10001, 9 INSTALL FENCE 100 PC 100 PC $5,2.10.00 t 5,210.00 $ $ 5,21.0.00 100' %„ 10 SEEDING 100 PC 100 PC $3,000.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 3,000.0(-') It CURB & GUTI'ER 100 PC 100 PC $18,000.00 $ 18,000mo $ - Is 18,000.00 12 STRIP ' 'SJ'OCKPILEJ'0PSOIL 100 PC 100 PC $29,850.00 $ 29,850.00 $ - $ 29.850M, I 00�:; 13 FIN G E RADE 100 PC 100 PC $10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ - $ 10,000.00 100"i. 14 SUBGRADE FOR ASPHALT PAVING 100 PC 100 PC $55,630.00 $ 55,630.00 $ $ 15 CRUSHED ROCK SURFACE 100 PC 100 PC $4,000.00 $' 4,000,00 $ - - $ 55,630.00 16 ASPHAL. T'PAVING 100 PC 100 PC, $68,423.00 $ 68,423.00 $ 4,000.00 jno,�,, J(yv,' 17 SIDEWALKS 100 PC 100 PC $4,700.00 $ 4,700.00 $ - $ 9J00,00 18 BY-PAS-S PUMPING FOR TIE -INS ON YARD PIPING, 1.00 PC 100 PC $20,000.00 8 20,000.00 S $ YARD PIPING - 20,000,00 19 20 3" LINE 493 LF 493 LF $37,150.00 $ 37,150.00 $ - 1113 37,150M 21 4" LINF 6" LINE 881 LF 881 LF $65,035.00 $ 65,035.00 $ $ 65,035,00 22 8" LINE 690 LF 690 LF $50,805.00 8 50,805.00, $ $ 50,805.00 10 {1;: 23 10" L . I N E� 625 LF 625 LF $61,335.00 $ 61,335.00 $ - $ 61,3305.00 1001/1f, 24 12" LINE 20 LF 20 LF $2,480.00 $ 2,480.00 $ - $ 2,480.00 100`:, 2 5 [6" LINE 537 LF 537 LF $59,840.00 $ 59,840.00 $ - $ 59,840.00 10011,11, 26 1911 LINE 331. LF 331 1,17 $36,095.00 $ 36,095.00 $ $ 36,095.00 1000,(*, 20 LF 20 LF $7.555.00 $ 7,555.00 $ $ '7,555.00 101)" ,o Page 2 of 12 CITY OF OWASSO WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT EXPANSION AND 1. 17TH STREET PUMP STATION PAY ESTIMATE NO. 21 Pay Contract Units Estimated Amount La si Amount This l'aT d Tef 27 Description 20N Units To Date Cost stimate Estimate To ld e Com PI 28 4" LINE 2"IE 20 LF 20 LF $11,428,00 $ 11,428.00 $ $ 111429 00 29 30" LINE 1264 LF 1264 LF $234,695.00 $ 234,695.00 $ $ 234,695.00 30 24" RCP 45 337 LF 337 LF $96.337.00 $ 96,337.00 $ $ 96 337,00 100 PC 1.00 PC $500,00 $ 500.00 $ $ 500.00 ()0' 31 30" RCP PIPE 440 LF 440 LF $20,530.00 $ 20,530.00 $ $ 20,530.00 /Q 32 STAINLESS STEEL PIPING 100 PC 1.00 PC $80,150.00 $ 80,150.()0 $ $ 80,150.0() 33 YARD HYDRANT',' 10 EA 1.0 FA $20,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ $ 20,000,00 34 41 klANHOLES 113 VF 113 VF $22,825.00 $ 22,825,00 $ $ 22,825.00 101 35 61MANI [OLES 27 VF 27 VF $12,190,00 $ 12,190.00 $ $ 12,190.00 1001.1 36 8' MANHOLE 15 VP 15 VP $1.3,545.00 $ 13,545.00 $ - $ 1.3,545.00 1.00016 RELIEF PUMP STATION 37 DE1vIO/PLiMP5/COi\"['[\)()[,,c', 100 PC 100 PC $3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ - $ 3,000,00 N0001 38 PRECASI'M AN HOLE PUlvJPSTATION 100 PC 100 PC $40,150.00 $ 40,150.00 $ - ,,q Pump STATION EQUIPNI.ENT 100 PC 100 PC $37,575.00 $ 37,575.00 $ $ 37,575.00 1.0011111; 40 EXCAVA-TION 100 PC 100 PC $14,500.00 $ 14,500.00 $ $ 14,500.00 41 SHORING, 1"ROTECTION 100 PC 100 PC $17,700.00 1$ 17,700.00 $ $ 1 7,700.00 MAIN FLOW STRUCTURE 42 EXCAVATION 1,00 PC 100 PC $2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ $ 2,500,00 43 DEMO 100 PC 100 PC $3,500.00 $ 3,500.00 $ $ 3,500.00 4.4 CONCRETE 100 PC 100 PC $10,000.00 $ 1(),000,()0 $ $ 10,000.00 1001"", 45 BACKFILL 100 PC 1.00 PC $2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ $ 2,500,00 iOui,,<) 46 SLIDE GATES SLG-AlIPS-1 THRU SLG-MPS-4 100 PC 100 13C $35,855,00 $ 35,855.00 $ $ 35,855.00 iiii STREET PUMP STATION 47 CONCJ ETE 30 CY 30 Cy $24,000.00 $ 24,000.00 $ $ 24,000.00 48 DOORS to HARDWARE 100 PC 100 PC $1.0,100.00 $ 10,100.00 $ $ 10,100.00 49 HOIST & CRANE 100 PC 1.00 PC $10,785.00 $ 10,785.00 $ $ 10,785.00 50 PIPING & VALVES 100 PC wo PC $88,500.00 $ 88,50(),00 $ S 88,500,00 1000110 51 NEW NIANSARD ROOF 100 PC 100 PC $17,500.00 $ 17,500,00 $ - $ 17,500.00 1 52 ODOR CONTROLSYST0d 100 PC 100 PC $58,300.00 $ 58,300.00 $ - $ 58,300.00 1 53 DENIO-GEN ERATOR/ EXHAUST 100 PC 100 PC $2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ - $ 2,500.00 to(pl 54 II)EN-10- I" CW S17RVICE 100 PC 100 PC $1,520,00 $ 1,520.00 $ - IV, 1,520.00 1 001�X: Page 3 of 12 CITY OF OWASSO WASTEWATER TRENIVENT PLANT EXPANSION AND 1. 17TIl STREET PUMP STATION PAY ESTIMATE NO. 21 PC y Intm laits Cl o lul In, t Lals t Aniount This Ear S LL ,55 Dc�scription _L_Units BY-PASS PUIN4PING nN -,., To Date ,,....l -- Cost L LAm Estimate Es'l-irl-Int. E, 'LinaL $ � pj 56 DEMO - PUMPS (lq PIPING 57 1 N STA L L P U &I PS 58 NEW 2" CW 59 NEW WKFER NIETFR/MAINHOL.L? 60 BUILDING.T.71NISFIES DIGESTER I EXCAVA"FION 62 SUBGRADE/SELECT FILL 63 CONCRETE 64 DEMO AREATION IN DEGESTER2 65 AERATION IN NEW DIGES'IER & DIGESTER 2 66 STAIR k. LANDING 67 SLIDE GATE DSO PUMP STATION 68 EXCAVATION 69 NEW PUN'lP S'J'ATI0N/VALJLT 70 CONCRETE PAD 71 BACKFILL BLOWER BUILDING 72 CONCIZFTE '73 PIPING & VALVT ; 74 13LOVVER/lIOUSING� EXISTING A.ERAT'ICINTANK 75 DEN11-0- PIPING & SPLIT TER BOX 76 CONCREIT 77 NEW EVE NSION/I.N11SC METALS 78 D1 N40 EXT,'.3TING AERATION 79 NEW AM,,'ATION FINAL CLARIFIER 80 STRUCTURAL EXCAVAJJON S 26,550.00 1000"; 1.00 PC 100 PC $13,150.00 $ 13,150.00 $ - $ 13,150.00 (KI'l 100 PC 100 PC $141:286,00 $ 141,286.00 $ - $ 14 1. 28 0 0 100 PC 100 PC $1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 $ - $ 1,800.00 100 PC 100 PC $4,700.00 $ 4,700.00 $ - $ -4,700.0o, 100 PC 100 PC $2,400.00 $ 2,400.00 $ - $ 2.400.00 100 PC 100 PC $25,500.00 $ 25,500.00 $ $ 25,500,00 100 PC 100 PC $17,520.00 $ 17,520.00 $ $ 17,520.00 366 CY 366 CY $311,100.00 $ 311,100,00 $ $ 311.,100.00 100 PC 100 PC $8,500m $ 8,500.00 $ $ 8,50U.00 100 PC 100 PC $488,000.00 $ 488,000.00 $ 488,000.00 100 PC 100 PC $34,145.00 $ 34,145.00 $ $ 34,14 5.00 100 PC 100 PC $6,500,00 $ 6,500.00 $ $ 6,1-500,00 100 PC 100 PC" $5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ $ 5,000J)o 100 PC 100 PC $52,520.00 $ 52,520.00 $ $ 5 2,5 2 0. 0 0 001; 1,00 PC 100 PC $3,500,00 $ 3 ;500.00 $ $ 3:500.00 i 0001;1 100 PC 100 PC $3,500,00 $ 3,500.00 $ $ 3,500.00 OM";, 100 PC 100 PC $3,500.00 $ 3,1500.00 $ $ 3,500.00 100 PC 100 PC $4,100,00 $ 4,100.00 $ $ l.. 100.00 1 001` ;i 100 PC 100 PC $60,641.00 $ 60,641.00 $ $ 60,641-00 100 PC 100 PC 818,750.00 $ 18,750,00 $ $ 18,750,00 15 CY 1.5 Cy $12,750.00 $ 12,750,00 $ $ 12,750,00 100 PC 100 PC $4,685.00 $ 4,685.00 $ $ 4,685,00 100 PC 100 PC $30,000.00 $ 30,000.00 $ $ 30,000.00 100x'; 100 PC 100 PC $586,150.00 $ 586,150.00 $ $ 586,150.00 10011, 100 PC 100 PC $47.,960,00 $ 47,960.00 $ $ 47,960.00 Page 4 of 12 CITY OF OWASSO WASTEWATER TREKI'MENT PLANT EXPANSION AND I I 7TH STREET PUMP STATION PAY ESTIMATE NO, 21 Rii: L Contract U Units _ $E� F Amount Last si I F- 11- - A 81 Description U .. C To D, te C Cost E F Estimate E I To Date c compi 8 Page 5 of 12 CITY OF OWASSO WASTEWATERTREATMENT PLANT EXPANSION ANT) 117TI-I STREET PUMP STATION PAY ESTIMATE NO. 21 109 NIISCvAE"I'Al..SZGRA.TINGZWALJ<WAY ACTIVATED SLUDGE PUMP STATION NO.? 1-10 S17RUCTURE EXCAVA110N III BACKFILL 112 CONCRETE 113 PRECAST 1 -:1031..,1..,071"1' CORE: SLABS 11.4 DAj\,11'P1-'\00FING 115 ROOF BLOCKING 116 ROOFING SYSTEM 117 DOORS &- H ARDWARE , 118 BLJI.LDING FINISf IES 119 HOIST &- CRANE 120 INSTALL PUMPS RASP-[ & 2 121 PUNIPS BPFl-l-1 k, 2 122 PLINWIS Gj:3:1,'FP 123 PROCESS PIPING cox: Vl-%df,,-VES 124 STAIR to LANDING CONTROL, BUILDING 1.25 '1\/IILLWORK 126 DO( RS & HAR DWA 127 BUILDING FINISHES 128 DRYWALL,/ METAL S'TUDFRAMING 129 TILE FLOOR 130 ACOUS'.1"ICAL CEILING ACTIVATED SLUDGE PUMP STATION NO. 1 1.31 PUMPS/R.ATLS 132 DEMO- WAS PUMPS/ PIPING/ RAILS 133 NEW FLANGED PIPING PROCESS EQUIPMENT -Tmourit ft-cin 100 PC Units inits Estima Estimated Alount Las Las Aniount This F Earned $ 108 Description CONCRETE Units I nn To D ate I nn ne, Cc Cost e— . ,-- Estimate - EstimaVc. .1 To Date Coz-ni, 1 109 NIISCvAE"I'Al..SZGRA.TINGZWALJ<WAY ACTIVATED SLUDGE PUMP STATION NO.? 1-10 S17RUCTURE EXCAVA110N III BACKFILL 112 CONCRETE 113 PRECAST 1 -:1031..,1..,071"1' CORE: SLABS 11.4 DAj\,11'P1-'\00FING 115 ROOF BLOCKING 116 ROOFING SYSTEM 117 DOORS &- H ARDWARE , 118 BLJI.LDING FINISf IES 119 HOIST &- CRANE 120 INSTALL PUMPS RASP-[ & 2 121 PUNIPS BPFl-l-1 k, 2 122 PLINWIS Gj:3:1,'FP 123 PROCESS PIPING cox: Vl-%df,,-VES 124 STAIR to LANDING CONTROL, BUILDING 1.25 '1\/IILLWORK 126 DO( RS & HAR DWA 127 BUILDING FINISHES 128 DRYWALL,/ METAL S'TUDFRAMING 129 TILE FLOOR 130 ACOUS'.1"ICAL CEILING ACTIVATED SLUDGE PUMP STATION NO. 1 1.31 PUMPS/R.ATLS 132 DEMO- WAS PUMPS/ PIPING/ RAILS 133 NEW FLANGED PIPING PROCESS EQUIPMENT Page 6 of 12 100 PC 100 PC $1.0,000,00 $ 10,000.00 $ $ 10,000.00 100 PC 100 PC $56,000.00 $ 56,000,00 $ - $ 56,000.00 100 PC 100 PC $27,000.00 $ 27,000.00 $ - $ 27,000.00 616 CY 61.6 CY $554,400.00 $ 554,400.00 $ - $ 554,400.00 1.00 PC 100 PC $19,180.00 $ 19,180.00 $ - $ 19,180.110 100-1. 100 PC 100 PC $3'300.00 $ 3,300.00 $ - $ 3>300.00 1 100 PC 100 PC $1,325.00 $ 1,325.00 $ - $ 1,325.00 1 100 PC 100 PC $9,850.00 $ 9,850.00 $ - $ 9,850m I OW11"i 100 PC 100 PC $10,750.00 $ 10,750,00 $ - $ I0,7 50.00 11)0,; 100 PC 100 PC $Swoo $ 500m $ - $ 500.00 1 100 PC 100 PC $10,750.00 $ 10,750,00 19 $ 10;750.00 1 1.00 PC 100 PC $3,500.00 $ 3,500.00 $ 3,500.00 100".i 100 PC 100 PC $17,500.00 $ 17,500.00 $ $ 17,500.00 100 PC 100 PC $17,500.00 $ 17,500.00 $ $ 17;500.00 100 PC 100 PC $36,266.00 $ 36,266.00 $ $ 36,266.00 100 PC 100 PC $23,251.00 $ 23,251.00 $ - $ 23,251.00 100 PC 100 PC $3,290.00 $ 3,290.00 $ - $ 3,290.00 100M, 100 PC 100 PC $5,180.00 $ 5,180.00 $ - $ 5,1.80.00 10011/;' 1.00 PC 100 PC $500.00 $ 500.00 $ - $ 500,00 100 PC 100 PC $3,500.00 $ 3,500.00 $ - $ 3,500.00 100 PC 100 PC $2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ - S 2,500.00 1 100 PC 100 PC $1,500m $ 1,500.00 $ - $ 1,50c).00 1.00 PC 100 PC $45,250.00 $ 45,250.00 $ - 511) 45,250,00 1001"';! 100 PC 1.00 PC $2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ - $ 2,500,00 11111;,, 100 PC 100 PC $2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ - $ 2,000.00 i O(Y"""' Page 6 of 12 CITY OF OWASSO WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT EXPANSION AND 11.7TI1 STREET PUMP STKrlON PAY ESTIMATE NO. 21. Pay - - ntract Units Estimated - Am -uni East Amount --C Earnel *8_417.00 Item D escription U nits To Date F C o' Estimate Estimate $ $ 134 St)B.Nilb..RSIBI.,1.C,f3-1".I:,-.L71�D rCA,,lfx,''rv-1n2 100 PC 100 PC $26,495.00 $ $26,495.00 $ 135 SCREW CENTRIFUGAL PUJNvlPS 11.312 ELECTRICAL SUB 136 K11OBILIZE/ BOND 137 suBma-FALS/CLOSEOUT 138 DEN101-J"I"ION 139 'TEMP POWER 140 1.1r I'l I PUMP S,TAJON 141 DIGESTER 142 FINAL CLARIFIER 1.113 EFFLUENT UV & CASCADE AERATOR 144 SLUDG 3E THICKENING IN'[PROVEMENTS 145 AC-FIVAl"fiM SLUDCE PUMP STATION 2 1.46 CONTROL BUILDING 147 DU(.-f." BANK./DISTRIBU'I.'ION 148 MY17URES 1.49 DRIVES 1.50 SAA,'ITCH GEAR 151 GENERATORS/ ATS/FUEL 152 RELIEF PUTMP STATION 15:3 ACTIVATED SLUDGE PUMP STATION I PLUMBING & HVA.0 154 BOND 117FFT STREET PUMP STATION .155 EXHAU, 'F 156 HVAC 157 'PIPING 158 SUNNI' Pi 159 CONTROLS BELT PRESS BUILDING 160 EXHAU15F - -..- - - —, .11 1-1— 1 I'll 19 ' 0'-r 1. 1 .uv "> - ii *8_417.00 1 00111 100 PC 100 PC $50,602.50 $ 50,602.50 $ $ 50,002.50 100 PC 100 PC $26,495.00 $ $26,495.00 $ $ 26,495.00 i 100 PC 100 PC $10,000.00 $ 9,500.00 $ 500.00 $ 10'000.00 10011111 100 PC 100 PC $6,200.00 $ 6,200.00 $ - $ 6,200,00 1001X(l 100 PC 100 PC $12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ - $ .12,000.00 1 100 PC 100 PC $91,400.00 $ 91,400.00 $ - 141) 91,400,00 10011•� 100 PC 100 PC $30,400.00 $ 30,400.00 $ - $ 30,400,00 1001%111 100 PC 100 PC $9,300.00 $ 9,300.00 1 ' ', - $ 9,300.00 100`.:: 1.00 PC 100 PC $14,100.00 $ 13,395.00 $ 705,00 '$ 14,100.00 0011111, 100 PC 100 PC $47,300.00 $ 47,300,00 $ - $ 47,300.00 001XI 1.00 PC 100 PC $90,600.00 $ 90,600.00 $ - $ 90,60o.00 001yr, 100 PC 100 PC $13,700,00 $ 13,700.00 $ - $ 1.3,700.00 1.00%; 1,00 PC 100 PC $268,360,00 $ 268,360,00 $ - $ 263,360.00 i 00%, 100 PC 100 PC $16,600.00 $ 16,600.00 $ - $ 16,600.00 10110111 100 PC 1.00 PC $98.50o.00 $ 98,500.00 $ - $ 98,500.00 100 PC 100 PC $122,900.00 $ 1.22,900.00 $ - $ 122,900,00', 00 100 PC 100 PC $256,800.00 $ 256,800.00 $ $ 256,800.00 100 PC 100 PC $8,840.00 $ 8,840.00 $ - $ 8,840.00 10o °;: 100 PC 100 PC $6,200.00 $ 5,580.00 $ 620.00 $ 6,200.00 100111�� 100 PC 100 PC $3,562.00 $ 3.562.00 $ - $ 3,562.00 100'; 100 PC 100 PC $7,819.00 $ 7,819.00 $ - $ 7,819.00 100 PC 1.00 PC $1.1,316.00 $ 11,316.00 $ - $ 11,316.00 100 PC 100 PC $3,607,00 $ 3;607,00 $ - $ 3,607.00 100 PC 100 PC $8,769.00 $ 8,769.00 $ $ 8,769.00 100 PC 100 PC $5,300.00 $ 5,300.00 $ $ 5,300.00 100 PC 1.00 PC $5,871.00 $ 5,871,00 $ - $ 5,871,00 10 {}`,,, Page 7 of 12 CITY OF OINASSO WASTEWATER TRENIVENT PLANT EXPANSION AND 117TH STREET PUMP STATION PAY ESTIMATE NO, 21 ACTIVATED SLUDGE PUMPSTATION NO. 2 .1.62 EXI lAusT 163 HVAC' 164 SUMP PLI.kIPS 1, (55 EXCAVATION 166 UNDER GROUND PLUMBING 167 DON4ESTJC WATER 168 Fixt-URE'S/DRAINTS 169 INSULATRANN 170 CONTROLS CONTROL BUILDING, 171 EXHAUST 1.72 HVAC 173 EXCAVATION 174 UNDER GROUND PLUMBING, 11-5 DON,,lES-rjc WATER 176 FIXTURES ' /DRAINS /DRAINS 177 INSULATION 178 CONTROLS MASONRY 179 AC'FIVAT'EE)S[-,UF)GI3l:"IJN,'IFSTA."I'ION NO. 2 180 11717H STREET PUMP STATION 181 CONTROL BUILDING 1.82 STONE NlATERIAL 183 PAINTING INSTRUMENTION 184 017FICE SCADA SOF-FWARE 185 SYSTEM PROGRAMN-IING 1 Contrac 1 1! =itsEs I i m Amount La i P ,stimaLte F—�AT-t—lotl his Earned Description CONTROI-S --lits I U, I W1 Or, To Date )ate Cost Estimate Estimate To Da�( C o n, _ L__ ACTIVATED SLUDGE PUMPSTATION NO. 2 .1.62 EXI lAusT 163 HVAC' 164 SUMP PLI.kIPS 1, (55 EXCAVATION 166 UNDER GROUND PLUMBING 167 DON4ESTJC WATER 168 Fixt-URE'S/DRAINTS 169 INSULATRANN 170 CONTROLS CONTROL BUILDING, 171 EXHAUST 1.72 HVAC 173 EXCAVATION 174 UNDER GROUND PLUMBING, 11-5 DON,,lES-rjc WATER 176 FIXTURES ' /DRAINS /DRAINS 177 INSULATION 178 CONTROLS MASONRY 179 AC'FIVAT'EE)S[-,UF)GI3l:"IJN,'IFSTA."I'ION NO. 2 180 11717H STREET PUMP STATION 181 CONTROL BUILDING 1.82 STONE NlATERIAL 183 PAINTING INSTRUMENTION 184 017FICE SCADA SOF-FWARE 185 SYSTEM PROGRAMN-IING zti 2. VUU. 00 1000"; loo PC 100 PC $12,800.00 12,800.00 $ $ 12,800,00 100 PC too PC $13,701.00 $ 13,701.00 $ $ 13,701.00 10 "1 100 PC 100 PC $17,018.00 $ 17,018.00 $ $ 17,018,00 1.00 PC 100 PC $3,300.00 $ 3,300.00 $ $ 3,300.00 1001"'o 100 PC too PC $16,300.00 $ 16,300,00 $ $ 16,300.00 10M""') 100 PC 100 PC $3,700.00 $ 3,700,00 $ 3,700.t')0 1.00 PC 100 PC $1,200.00 $ 1,200.00 $ $ 1,200.00 1 100 PC 100 PC $700.00 $ 700.00 $ - $ 700.00 1001)'o 1.00 PC 100 PC $7,000.00 $ 7,000.00 $ - $ 7,000.00 100 PC 100 PC $6,400.00 $ 6,400.00 $ $ 6,400.00 10011", 100 PC 100 PC $7,851.00 $ 7,851.00 $ $ 7,851,00 i 0CIA1, 100 PC too PC $700.00 $ 700.00 $ $ 700.00 100,•�, 100 PC 100 PC $11,301.00 $ 1,301.00 $ i ; 3011,00 100 PC too PC $1,005.00 $ 1,005.00 $ IT, 1,00S.00 01"Y". too PC 100 PC $1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ $ 1,zl00.00 '0001;, 100 PC 100 PC $400.00 $ 400.00 $ $ 400,00 1 100 PC 100 PC $2,800,00 $ 2,800.00 $ $ 2, 800,00 1001!1, 1.00 PC too PC $70,580.00 $ 70,580.00 $ 70,580.00 1 00 ,": 100 PC 100 PC $6,000,00 $ 6,000.00 $ 67000.00 100 PC too PC $2,500.00 $ 2,500,00 $ - $ 2.500.00 t Of 100 PC 1.00 PC $27,792-00 $ 27,792.00 $ - 27,792.00 100 PC 100 PC $134,980.00 $ 134,980.00 Z - $ 134,980.00 1.00 PC 100 PC $25,000.00 $ 25,000.00 $ $ 25,000.00 1004, 100 PC 100 PC $26,000.00 $ 26,000.00 s $ 26,000.00' Page 8 of 12 CITY OF OWASSO WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLAINT EXPANSION AND 117TH STREET PUMP STATION PAY ESTIMATE NO. 21 pwy Contractl Units Fstimalcd r�amount Last 012"'t Las, Amount This Earned Rein 1.86 Description COMPUTEI� HARDWARE-OFIj( E Units To Date Cost Estimnate Estimate To Date 100 PC too PC $9,000.00 $ 9,000.00 $ - 187 AC 1-1VATED SLUDGE PI ..0 PANEf., 100 PC 100 PC $35,000.00 $ 35,000.00 $ - $ 35,000-00 188 AC TIVATED SLUDGE REmari.,s PLC PANEL 100 PC loo PC $15,500.00 $ 15,500.00 $ $ :1-5,50om 189 I 117FH IS PLC PANEL 100 PC 100 PC $12,500.00 $ 12,500.00 - $ $ 12,500M 1 Q 0 190 NETWORK HARDWARE 100 PC 100 PC $8,000m $ 8,000.00 - $ $ 8,000.00 I.91 MAIN PUMP STATION PAM'il 100 PC 100 PC $25,250.00 $ 25,250.00 - $ $ 25,250.00 192 PLC PROGRAPvTMING SOFFWARE loo PC 100 PC $9,500.00 $ 9,500.00 $ $ 9,500.00 1001!4' 193 FIBER MODULES AND SPARES 100 PC 100 PC $22,250.00 $ 22,250.00 $ $ 2272SO.00 100031 194 sysTEXI INTERGRATION AND PROGRAMM.ING 100 PC 100 PC $86,000,00 $ 86,000.00 $ 1001"I'll 1.95 95 FE/FIT--20)5 (PLANT ENFLUINT FLOW TO HEADWORKS) 1,00 PC 100 PC $32,491.53 $ 32,491,53 $ $ $ 86,000,00 32,491.53 100'X" 1.96 rE/Frr-all (I'INAL CLARIFIER NO. 1-3 EFFLUENT TO UV) 100 PC 100 PC $32,491.53 $ 32,491.53 $ 1001, 1,97 Fli /FFF-912 (FINAL CLARIFIER 4 EFFLUENT FLOW TO UV) 1.00 PC 100 PC $32,49 1.53 $ 32,491-53 $ $ 32,491.53 01Y. 198 FE/F1'.1-A 170 (DISCHARGE OF I l7u-i ST. Pmof` STATION) 100 PC 100 PC $35,654.03 $ 35,654.03 $ $ 32,491.53 199 FE/FIT-653 FINAL CLARMER NO 4 RAS FLOW) 100 PC too PC $6,64534 $ 6,645,74 $ 35;654.03 200 FE/171'17-860 (B.PF PUMP DISCHARGE LINE TO BEL:T'PRESS 1) 100 PC 100 PC $4,389.87 $ 4,389,87 $ $ $ 6,645.7f 4 4,389.87 201 FE/FFF-1.210 2(WAS PUMPS FEED -1-0 GBT NO 1) 100 PC 100 PC $4,389.87 $ 4,389.87 $ $ 4,389,87 ' 202 FE /Fl '.I.'-1240 (FINASP DIS(TIARGE LINE 1.0 DIGESTER) 100 PC 100 PC $3,938,26 $ 3,938.26 $ $ 1011 ";, . 203 1 E/FIT-310 (AIR L1NEf`0 DIGESTER NO 1) 100 PC 100 PC $8,696.88 $ 8,696,88 $ - ;#? 3,938,26 8,696.88 1001V 204 FF/FrF-320 (AW LINE TO DIGES'I'ER NO 2) 100 PC 100 PC $7,527.13 $ 7,527.13 $ - $ 77527.13 205 FE/11 'f--3311 (AIR LINE TO DIGESTER SLUDGE SFORAGE) 100 PC 100 PC $6,653.90 $ 6,653,90 $ $ 206 AE/ AIT-711 (DIGESTER NO I AS SI IOWN) 100 PC 100 PC $5,559.68 1$ 5,559.68 - $ $ 6,653.90 5,559.68 1 00111-2' 207 AE/AIT-7-12 (DIGE'ST'ER NO 2 AS SHOWN) 100 PC 100 PC $5,559M $ 5,559.68 - $ $ 1000`6 208 AE/AIT-713 (DIGESTER NO 3 AS SHOWN) 100 PC 100 PC $5,433.18 1$1 5,433.18 - $ - $ 5,559.68 5,433.1.8 IOC 209 LE/LIT-103(Rf!,PT....ACE EXISTING AERATION TRANSNIFT.TER) loo PC loo PC $1,977.01 $ 1,977.01 $ $ J 00•," 210 LE/1 JT-104. (REPLACE EXISTING HOLDING BASIN TRANS) 1.00 PC 100 PC $1,977.01 $ 1,977.01. - $ - $ 1,977.01 1,977.01 211 LE/LIJ'-1171.(11+7T'H ST, PS LEVEL TRANSMITTER) 100 PC 100 PC $1,702.12 $ 1,702,12 $ $ 212 LE/'LIT-1.172(1.1.7--I-H ST. PS LEVEL TRANSMITTER) 100 PC 100 PC $1,702.12 $ 1,702.12 - $ $ 1,702.12 21.3 LSL- I 1741(LEVEL 5WF-FCH,FLOA'T' SWITCH) 100 PC 100 PC $710.93 $ 710.93 - $ 1,702.12 - $ 710,93 CHANGE ORDERS 214 CHANGE ORDE16 NO 11DAVIS, BACON ACT WAGES) 1.00 PC 100 PC $478,395.00 $ 478,395.00 $ $ 478,395.00 Page 9 of 12 CITY OF OWASSO WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT EXPANSION AND 117TIl STREET PUMP STATION PAY ESTIMATE NO. 21 Pav I Contract. Estimated Annourit Last This ription 215 C:I-I A NGE ORDERS NO 2(BOND I NCR EASE,) Units 100 PC To To Date t' Cost Estimate =Aniount Fstimate 'J.o Da.tc CHANGE' ORDER NO 3 (COS UPROPOSALS 1 THRU 8) 1.00 PC $19,713.00 $ 1.9, 7 13. Ou 101077 DIGESTER GRATING 100 PC 100 PC 1€ ( }t;0 f)) $ (20,000.00) $ 1$ (20,000,00) I0 0.s" FLOOD INSURANCE DEf.)U(-'T loo PC 100 PC 00) $ (26,900.00) $ $ (26.900.00) 1000111'% AER ATfON GRIDS CHANGE IN SCOPE 100 PC 100 PC ($106-8,30,001 $ (106,830.00) $ $ (100,830,00) OlVTlT RLT-AINING 11 AI- AND ADD TO DRYING BED WALL 100 PC 1.00 PC ($7,31 _�_Soj $ (7,312.50) $ $ MODIFIED SUf%4P PU NLPS IN METER MANHOLES 100 PC 100 PC $ (5,000.00) $ $ (7,312.50) 0'0`1,' REMOVAL OF BRICK AT ASPS#2 100 PC 100 PC 9, 14(11J. (Y)l $ (19,400.00) $ $ (19,400.00) BREAK ROOM CHANGES 100 PC 100 PC ($1 ") 08'(110) $ (1,108.00) $ $ (1,108.00) Cklij WALL REINFORCEMENT 100 PC 100 PC $9,4130.19 $ 9,480.19 $ $ 9,480, 19 100111", RELOCATE AERATION LINE 100 PC 1.00 PC $5,732.64 5,732.64 $ 5,732,6,1 1 oo�", RELOCATE RPS CP#6 1.00 PC 100 PC $120,483.86 $ 120,483,86 $ - S 120,483.86 100`:4 FLOVV C(,)N'FROL STRUCFURE OBSTRUCTIONS 1.00 PC 100 TIC $12,142,01 $ 12,142.01 $ - $ 12,142.01 ENLARGED MANHOLES 73.25 VP 73.25 VF $1.2,266.65 $ 12,266.65 $ - $ 12,266 65 DROP MANHOLES 19.7 VF 19.7 VF $ 15,625,22 $ 15,625,22 $ - $ 15,62.5,22 !'Uol) LLN4 CREEK FORCEMAIN LENGTH 102 LF 102 LF $29,272.73 $ 29,272.73 $ - $ 29,272.73 1 0 21.6 CHANGE ORDER #4 FC#6 12" LINE I EA I EA $4,421.63 $ 4,421.63 $ 4,421.63 PAVING TO EAST GATE I EA I EA $7,085.29 $ 7,085.29 $ 7,085.29 1 00111:1 1 17TH 3R PANEL 1 EA I EA ($3,00I.),00j s (3'000m) $ (3,000,001 100 ,31, 8"GBTFEED AND 12" RATS RELOCATION 1. EA I EA $4,464.80 $ REMOVAL OF BURIED STRUCTURES I EA I EA $3,634.99 4,464.80 $ 4,464.80 REMOVE FLANGE AT MAIN PLANT PUMP STATION 1 EA I EA $1,637.44 $ 3,634.99 $ 3,634.99 8" DRAIN TO NEW MANHOLE I EA 1. EA $481.39 $ 1,637.44 $ 1,637.44 EXISTING 24" FCE TO UV I EA I EA. ($3, 55 4. 0 0) $ $ 481.39 $ 481-3() BOUP DOWN Re-%,C, 1, 17TIJ SUCTION BELL, ETC I EA I EA $10,298. 12 (3,554,00) $ (3,554,00) SCADA RECONFIGURE 117TII 1 EA 1 EA $5,583.47 $ 10,298.12 $ 10,298,12 $ 5,583.47 $ 5,583.47 10M"' GUTTER DRAIN I EA I EA $4,272.89 $ 4,272.89 $ I,272.89 1003Fi ADDITIONAL FENCING I EA I EA $8,607.07 $ 8,607.07 $ 8,607.07 FIBER OPTIC CABLE 100 PC 100 PC $37,985.00 37.985.00 $ 37,985.00 SIDEWALK & MOW STRIPS I EA 1. EA $22,253.96 $ 22,253.96 $ 22,2,. >;:3.96 !'00i,,' Page 10 of 12 CITY OF OWASSO WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT EXPANSION AND 117TH STREET PUMP STATION PAY ESTIMATE NO. 21 P,y Units Estimated Amount Last "trac., Ur M!1�=] Earn'," Amo -int This Earned Description F %, Units To Date Cost Estimate li i I Estimate "Pc) Date Con. r( E=, COLLARS & MANHOLE RINGS I EA I EA $765.81 $ 765.81 ( h REROUTE 8" DRAIN FROM BELTPRESS BUILDING I EA I EA $3,507.81 I EA I EA $8,609.92 $ 3,507,81 8,609.92 $ 3,507,8 8,609.92 9,099, t 26.39 $ 8..966,063.30 $ 133,053,09 $ 9,099,116.39 Page 11 of 12 Iffl, WASTYWATE RITEATME NT PLANT EXPANSION I I TrFl F1111"AFT PUMP STATION UPGRADE ONVASSO, OKLAROMA. l A ^11 mvom%,- CERIAL NIATEP tALS ON SITE D LASY APPLICATION VUS APPLICATION M, ERIAUSUSEI; MATERIALSON SITE 7HISAPPI, IUM APMWATWN . ......... TOTAL 0.00 0 10 The City W €t aut LirnitS. TO: The Honorable Chair and Trustees Owasso Public Works Authority FROM: John W. Feary Project Administrator SUBJECT: Meadowcrest Gravity Sewer Relief Line Project Acceptance & Authorization to Issue Final Payment DATE: December 9, 2011 BACKGROUND: In January of 2011, the Owasso Public Works Authority awarded the construction contract for the Meadowcrest Gravity Relief Line to Ira M. Green Construction of Claremore, OK. The project was implemented to facilitate the expected residential and commercial growth in the northwest section of the city over the next 5 - 15 years. Installation of the line allows sewer access to approximately 530 acres of undeveloped land, provides sanitary sewer access for future phases of the sports park and eliminates electrical, mechanical, and maintenance costs associated with keeping the 35 year old lift station in operation. An added benefit of the project is the reduced possibility of wet weather sanitary sewer overflows in that part of the city. The project consisted of the removal of the existing lift station and all equipment associated with it along with the installation of 5,900 feet of 8 ", 12" & 15" PVC sewer pipe. The contract was awarded in the amount of $449,337.80 of which Owasso Land Trust would contribute $180,000 towards the project for the added capacity to the system by the Maple Glen Subdivision. Construction began on this project in March of 2011 and was substantially complete in October of this year. FUNDING: The project is funded through a public /private partnership. Public funding for this project is available in the Wastewater Collection Budget. Private funding in the amount of $90,000 was provided to the Authority once the project was 50% complete. The remaining private funds will be reimbursed to the Authority once this project is accepted. Additionally, a per -acre assessment fee will be administered once the final project cost is determined upon completion of construction phase. PROPOSED ACTION: Acceptance of the Meadowcrest Gravity Sewer Relief Line Project and authorization for issuance of the final payment in the amount of $66,333.78 to Ira M. Green Construction for a total and completed contract price of $443,962.80 would require Trustee approval. ATTACHMENTS: A. Pay Request #5 B. Final Pay Request for Refainage C. Location Map EXHIBIT "A" Meadowcrest Gravity Sewer Relief Line Extension Project PAY ESTIMATE N0. _5 PERIOD: CONTRACTOR BID AMOUNT OF ORIGINAL CONTRACT: $ �#q33T.go CONTRACT ADJUSTMENTS: ADJUSTED BID AMOUNT: $ M 3M m0 TOTAL COMPLETE WORK: $ q43, g4A,$d MATERIALS STORED (per attached tabulation): $ -0- $ g413 U,2, ?0 LESS 10% RETAINAGE: TOTAL EARNED LESS I0% RETAINAGE: $ 3qq PERCENTAGE OF PROJECT COMPLETION: Z,40 y0 ' LESS PREVIOUS PAYMENTS: Recr�>rc� 7'e 9fi�fr1 3�t8,� %G.4�o Ou�staad %ng g/ �' S 14,,s� • �.2 AMOUNT DUE THIS ESTIMATE: S 1,, 75, The undersigned Contractor certifies that to the best of the Contractor's knowledge, information and belief the Work covered by this Payment Estimate has been completed in accordance with contract documents, that all amounts have been paid by the Contractor for Work which previous Payment Estimates were issued and payments received from the Owner, and that current payment shown herein is now due. CONTRACTOR NAME: B 1 Project Manager State of lOk(2�C1�n� County of: Subscribed & swo o before me this. 1$ day of N 01/ , 20 It btary Public y Commission Expires: Reco ded for en by: i of O ` so 110;5;, Date Approved for Payment by: City of Owasso Date I2I 0 AGREEMENT 00300 - Page 8 of I4 CONTINUATION SHEET Page I a Application and Certification for Payment, containing Contractor's signed Certification is attached. Application Number: 5 Application Date: Period to: 11-1/- U In tabulations below, amounts are stated to the nearest dollar. Use Column I on Contracts where variable retainage for line items may apply. A B C D E (cont) ITEM DESCRIPTION SCHEDULED WORK COMPLETED NO. OF WORK VALUE PROM PREVIOUS WORK COMPLETED APPLICATION THIS PERIOD I. �cMo�r'1•y. //�3mo �� � I�,�aS.' —$ � `Fo75 =. �?• Sfo►�N► l.[1 �sr �rCdEn%i9�tAmD � Ib JS 9212 o ` Jr �✓egc (anlYet �© Conntc2` T ex;sT,•nc / ri•.e � �Z � to 9 Sv Y�f1•sn1,s/'f �51'i�'' � 1, /7� •• as" t F Jrf1, and (con ) R E) MATERIALS PRESENTLY STORED (NOT IN DO TOTAL COMPLETED ANDSTORED TO DATE (D +E +0 NOTE: At bottom of each column, run totals. 109 BALANCE (G /C) TO FINISH RETAINAGE (C -G) 1210 AGREEMENT 00300 - Page 10 of 14 CONTINUATION SHEET Page a_ of 2_ Application and Certification for Payment, containing Contractor's signed Certification is attached. Application Number: 5 Application Date: Period to:. In tabulations below, amounts are stated to the nearest dollar. Use Column 1 on Contracts where Variable retainage for line items may apply. A B C D E (cont) ITEM DESCRIPTION SCHEDULED WORK COMPLETED NO.. OF WORK VALUE FROM PREVIOUS WORK COMPLETED APPLICATION THIS PERIOD y Z 1Am -7,'6 2 ko r %s.) Basin. ,� Z60e, do t. u er ;ce &mlety l900 a9 Lua Ioo jD De /e Tr loLF ea24" SDR3 ,e AUA , a i /fit eel NOTE: At bottom of each column, run totals. 7ete, 1 Pa { ! I /9,375 1210 AGREEMENT 00300 - Page 10 of I4 (cont) F G H I R E) MATERIALS TOTAL COMPLETED PRESENTLY STORED AND STORED BALANCE (NOT IN D O TO DATE (GEC) TO FINISH RETAINAGE (D + E + f) (C -G) NOTE: At bottom of each column, run totals. 7ete, 1 Pa { ! I /9,375 1210 AGREEMENT 00300 - Page 10 of I4 APPLICATION and CERTIFICATE for PAYMENT To: City of Owasso Owasso Public Works Authority P. O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 From: Ira M. Green Construction P. O. Box 813 Claremore, OK 74018 Contract For: Sec 7& S12, T21 N, R14E Tulsa Co Project: Meadowcrest Gravity Sewer Relief Line Extension Project Via Architect: Application No: 5 App. Date: November 11, 2011 Period to: November 11, 2011 Project Nos: Contract Date: January 18, 2011 Distribution to: ❑ OWNER ❑ CONSTRUCTION MGR. ❑ ARCHITECT ❑ CONTRACTOR ❑ OTHER CONTRACTOR'S APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT The undersigned Contractor certifies that to the best of the Contractor's knowledge, Application is made for payment, as shown below, in connection with the Contract. information and belief the Work covered by this Application for Payment has been completed Continuation Sheet, G703, is attached. in accordance with the Contract Documents, that all amounts have been paid by the Contractor for Work for which previous Certificates for Payment were issued and payments 1. ORIGINAL CONTRACT SUM 44 9 received from the Owner, and that current payment shown herein is now due. ,337.80 2. Net Change By Change Orders - 5,375.00 3. CONTRACT SUM TO DATE 443,962.80 4. TOTAL COMPLETED AND STORED TO DATE 443,962.80 5. RETAINAGE: a. 10% of Completed Work b. of Stored Material TOTAL RETAINAGE 6. TOTAL EARNED LESS RETAINAGE 44,396.28 0.00 44,396.28 399,566.52 7. LESS PREVIOUS CERTIFICATES FOR PAYMENT L-- 377,629.02 8. CURRENT PAYMENT DUE L 21,937.5 9. BALANCE TO FINISH, INCLUDING RETAINAGE 44,396.28 CHANGE ORDER SUMMARY ADDITIONS DEDUCTIONS Total changes approved in previous months by Owner 0.00 0.00 Total approval this Month 0.00 5,375.00 TOTALS $ 0.00 $ 5,375.00 NET CHANGES by Change Order 1 -$ 5,375.00 TORGO SOFTWARE hltp: /lvnvw.torgo.net 01998 -2007 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED CONTRACTOR: it M. Green Construction By: Date: November 11, 2011 Joan Gre n, vp State of: OXIahoma County of: Rogers Subscribed and sworn before me this 11th day of November , 2011 Joanne Green, VP, personally appeared before me, the undersigned notary public, and o" " " " " " " "'��, provided satisfactory evidence of identification to be the person who signed this document i Q-5sc-Ty�,; my presence and swore or affirmed to me that the contents of this document are truthful attil accurate to the bes of his /her knowledg and belief. _ u02003422 n EXP, 04Mi4 Q Notary Public ` y Commission expires: f3L P�0 ox ARCHIT CT'S CE FI FOR PAYMENT In accordance with the Contract Documents, based on on -site observations and the data comprising this application, the Architect certifies to the Owner that to the best of the Architect's knowledge, information and belief the Work has progressed as indicated, the quality of the Work is in accordance with the Contract Documents, and the Contractor is entitled to payment of the AMOUNT CERTIFIED. AMOUNT CERTIFIED (Attach explanation if amount certified differs from the amount applied for. Initial all figures on this Application and on the Continuation Sheet that are changed to conform to the amount certified.) ARCHITECT: By: Date: This Certificate is not negotiable. The AMOUNT CERTIFIED is payable only to the Contractor named herein. Issuance, payment and acceptance of payment are without prejudice to any rights of the Owner or Contractor under this Contract. CONTINUATION SHEET G703 PROJECT: Meadowcrest Gravity Sewer Document G702, APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT, containing Contractor's signed Certification is attached. Use Column I on Contracts where variable retainage for line items may apply. Ira M. Green Construction Page 1 of 2 APPLICATION NUMBER: 5 APPLICATION DATE: November 11, 2011 PERIOD TO: November 11, 2011 PROJECT NUMBER: A B C D E F G H I Item # Description of Work Scheduled Value Work Completed Materials Stored & Used Prior + Current Total Completed and Stored To Date % Balance to Finish R-eta agage From Previous Application(s) This Period 1 2 3 4 5 Mobilization /De- Mobilization Storm Water Pollution Prevention Construction Staking Trench Safety System Traffic Control & Warning Signs 16,300.0 14,000.0 10,000.0 11,000.0 5,000.0 12,225.00 10,500.00 10,000.00 11,000.00 0.00 4,075.0 3,500.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 16,300.00 14,000.00 10,000.0 11,000,00 5,000.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,630.00 1,400.00 1,000.00 1,100.00 500.00 6 Insurance and Permits 5,000.0 5,000.00 0.0 5,000.00 100.00 0.00 500.0 7 8 2828 LF 15" SDR26 @ $33 installed 80 LF 15" DI /MJ Sewer line @ $100. 93,324.00 8,000.00 93,324.00 8,000.0 0.0 0.0 93,324.00 8,000.00 100.00 1 00.00 0.00 0.00 9,332.40 800.00 9 10 1003 LF 12" SDR26 Sewer Line @ $27. 1967 LF 12" SDR35 Sewer Line @ $24 27,081.00 47,208.00 27,081.00 47,208.00 0.0 0.0c 27,081.00 47,208.00 - 100.-0-9 100.001 0.00 0.00 2,708.10 4,720.8 11 80 LF 12" DI /MJ Sewer Line @ $95. 7,600.00 7,600.00 0.0c 7,600.00 100.00 0.00 760.00 12 28 LF 8" SDR35 Sewer Line @ $35. 980.00 980.00 0.0c 980.00 100.00 0.00 98.00 13 248 LF 24" Steel Casing @ $48. 11, 904.00 11,904.00 0.0 11,904.0 100.00 0.00 1,190.40 14 48 LF Bore for 24" Casing @ $296. 73,408.00 73,408.00 0.0 73,408.00 100.00 0.00 7,340.80 15 Std 4' Dia Dog House Drop Manhole 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.0 2,500.0 100.00 0.00 250.00 16 Std 4' Dia Dof House Manhole 1,700.00 1,700.0 0.0 1,700.00 100.00 0.00 170.00 17 Std 4'Dia Drop Manhole 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00 2,500.0 100.0 0.0 250.00 18 Std 4' Dia. Manhole 18 Ea @ $1950. 35,100.00 35,100.0 0.00 35,100.0 100.0 0.0 3,510.00 19 Extra Depth Manhole Wall 129 VF $160. 20,640.00 20,640.00 0.00 20,640.00 100.00 0.00 2,064.0 20 Connect to Existing MH & plug Existing 1,500.00 0.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 100.00 0.00 150.0 21 1213CY Type "A" Agg Base @ $39. 8,307.00 8,307.00 0.001' .00 8,307.00 100.00 0.001 830.70 PAGE 1 TOTAL: 1 403,052.04 388,977.00 14,075400 403,052.00 100.00 0.00 A =Line Item Number B =Brief Item Description C =Total Value of Item D =Total of D and E From Previous Application(s) (if Any) E =Total Work Completed For This Application F= Materials Purchased and Stored for Project G =Total of All Work Completed and Materials Stored for Project H= Remaining Balance of Amount to Finish 1= Amount Withheld from G TORGO SOFTWARE htlp: /Mww.torgo.net 01998.2007 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED CONTINUATION SHEET G703 PROJECT: Meadowcrest Gravity Sewer Document G702, APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT, containing Contractor's signed Certification is attached. Use Column I on Contracts where variable retainage for line items may apply. Ira M. Green Construction Page 2 of 2 APPLICATION NUMBER: 5 APPLICATION DATE: November 11, 2011 PERIOD TO: November 11, 2011 PROJECT NUMBER- A Item # B Description of Work C Scheduled Value D E Work Completed F Materials Stored & Used Prior + Current G Total Completed % and Stored To Date H Balance to Finish From Previous Application(s) This Period 22 23 24 25 26 69SY Type 'B' Asphalt @ $75. 12" Rip Rap 37 CY @ $62. 19,696 SY Installation of Seed @ $.80 6280 SY Slab Sod @ $2.00 Reclamation of Overflow Basin Area 5,175.00 2,294.00 15,756.80 12,560.00 2,600.00 0.00 2,294.00 15,756.80 12,560.00 0.00 5,175.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,600.00 5,175.00 2,294.00 15,756.80 12,560.00 2,600.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 27 28 29 30 Demo & Reclamation of Lift Station Installation of Existing service Connect Final As- Builts Delete 51-F from line 9 @ $27.00 3,600.00 1,900.00 2,400.00 - 135.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,600.00 1,900.00 2,400.00 - 135.00 3,600.00 1,900.00 2,400.0 - 135.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 0100 0.00 31 Delete 10 LF from line 10 @ $24.00 -240.0 -240.0 -240.001 100.00 1 0.00 32 Delete line 5 not used - 5,000.0 - 5,000.00 -6,000.001 100.001 0.00 517. 229, 1,575. 1,256. 260. 360. -1 -500. PAGE 2 TOTAL: 40,910.80 30,610.80 10,300.00 40,910.8 100.00 0.00 4,091,08 GRAND TOTAL: 443,962.80 419,587.801 24,375.Od 443,962.8d 100.Od 0.001 44,396.28 A =Line Item Number B =Brief Item Description C =Total Value of Item D =Total of D and E From Previous Application(s) (if Any) E =Total Work Completed For This Application F= Materials Purchased and Stored for Project G =Total of All Work Completed and Materials Stored for Project H= Remaining Balance of Amount to Finish 1= Amount Withheld from G TORGO SOFTWARE httpl www.torgo.net 01996 -2007 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT In accordance with the contract documents, based on on -site observations and the date comprising the above application, the ion , er., - that to the best of the Ira M. Green Construction certifies to the Owner the Work has progressed as indicated, the quality of the Work is in accordance �with the Contract Documents, and the Contractor is entitled to payment of the amount certified. AMOUNT CERTIFIED $_q36 (Attach explanation if amount certified differs from the amount applied for.) Brian J Green By: n'ul'^'._. -_ Date: l �t t This certificate ' not negotiable. The AMOUNT CERTIFIED is payable only to the contractor named herein. Issuance, payment and acceptance of payment is without prejudice to any rights of the Owner or Contractor under this Contract. 0 1210 AGREEMENT 00300 - Page 9 of 14 CLAIM OR INVOICE AFFIDAVIT STATE OF OKLAHOMA ) COUNTY OF )SS The undersigned (Architect, Contractor, Supplier, En age, being first duly sworn, on oath says that this (Invoice, Claim orContract) is true official), and corral Affiant fizrther states that the (work, services or materials) as shown by this Invoice or Claim have been (completed or supplied) in accordance with the plans, Specifications, orders or requests famished to the Affiant_ Affiant further states that (s)he has made no payment, nor given, nor donated, or agreed to pay, give, or donate, either directly or indirectly, to any elected official, officer, or employee of the State, County, or City of money or any other thing of value to obtain payment or the award of this contract. Ira M. Green Construction Contractor or ,ipplier Brian J Green Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15 day of "01 Bather , -loll . ' F Notary Public Commission # My Commission Expires: Architect, Engineer or other Supervisory Official Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of Notary Public Commission # My Commission Expires: .�`t`ttttAA unn�o 0 02003422 3422: c' t'tF8l<<,'r�`? NOTE: Strike out words not appropriate and sign appropriate si ature Engineer approval is not required for Contractor Supplier Affidavit. Architect, 1210 AGREEMENT 00300 - Page 11 of 14 EXHIBIT "A" Meadowcrest Gravity Sewer Relief Line Extension Project PAY ESTIMATE N0. PERIOD: CONTRACTOR BID AMOUNT OF ORIGINAL CONTRACT: CONTRACT ADJUSTMENTS: ADJUSTED BID AMOUNT: $ y43 9(07..80 TOTAL COMPLETE WORK: S yy.3 q -741 MATERIALS STORED (per attached tabulation): S ; o LESS 10% RETAINAGE: S din TOTAL EARNED LESS 10% RETAINAGE: PERCENTAGE OF PROJECT COMPLETION: Tv i,7yla lt'tce'ided J3qY,1474.0 LESS PREVIOUS PAYMENTS: PAygS1 --#4 .14, 16.1, 62 o Toral 3 �. AMOUNT DUE THIS ESTIMATE: � �-f-Q inc}oJ� dat $ y939G.a8 The undersigned Contractor certifies that to the best of ttie Contractor's knowledge, information and belief the Work covered by this Payment Estimate has been completed in accordance with contract documents, that all amounts have been paid by the Contractor for Work which previous Payment Estimates were issued and payments received from the Owner, and that current payment shown herein is now due. CONTRACTOR NAME: ProJect Manager State of County of Subscribed & swo o before me this tgr, ay of N 20 U Owasso Approved for Payment by: City of Owasso Date:�r ary Public Commission Expires: z Date Date 1210 AGREEMENT 00300 - Page 8 of 14 CONTINUATION SHEET Page I ofd_ Application and Certification for Payment, containing Contractor's signed Certification is attached. Application Number: Application Date: 11 Period to: F,',.) In tabulations below, amounts are stated to the nearest dollar_ Use Column I on Contracts where variable retainage for line items may apply. A B C D E (cont) ITEM DESCRIPTION SCHEDULED WORK COMPLETED NO.. OF WORK VALUE FROM PREVIOUS WORK COMPLETED APPLICATION THIS PERIOD (cons) F R E) MATERIALS PRESENTLY STORED (NOT IN D 0 G TOTAL COMPLETED AND STORED TO DATE (D +E +fl NOTE: At bottom of each column, run totals. H I BALANCE (G /C) TO FINISH RETAINAGE (C -G) I210 AGREEMENT 00300 - Page 10 of 14 CLAIM OR INVOICE AFFIDAVIT STATE OF OKLAHOMA ) COUNTY OF R P r5 )SS ) The undersigned (Architect, Contractor, Supplier, Engineer or Supervisory Official), of lawful age, being first duly sworn, on oath says that this (Invoice, Claim or Contract) is true and correct. Affiant further states that the (work, services or materials) as shown by this Invoice or Claim have been (completed or supplied) in accordance with the Plans, Specifications, orders or requests furnished to the Affiant. Affiant further states that (s)he has made no payment, nor given, nor donated, or agreed to pay, give, or donate, either directly or indirectly, to any elected official, officer, or employee of the State, County, or City of money or any other thing of value to obtain payment or the award of this contract. Ira M. Green Construction Contractor o�plier Brian J Green .Subscribed and sworn to before me this _ 15_n day of vu,raC� 'o, otary Public J � Ryh�l` #02 oosaa2 Commission # o oya z P.p4106 "' My Commission Expires: 14101. Architect, Engineer or other Supervisory Official Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of Notary Public Commission # My Commission Expires: NOTE: Strike out words not appropriate and sign appropriate signature line. Architect, Engineer approval is not required for Contractor or Supplier Affidavit. AGREEMENT 1210 00300 - Page 11 of 14 CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT In accordance with the contract documents, based on on -site observati comprising the above application, the ons and the date that to the best of the Confer certifies to the Owner f ra M. Green Construction knowledge, information and belief, the Work has progressed as indicated, the quality of the Work is in accordance with the Contract Documents, and the Contractor is entitled to payment of the amount certified. AMOUNT CERTIFIED (Attach explanation if amount certified differs from the amount applied for.) Brian 1 Green B, Date: This certificate is not negotiable. The AMOUNT CERTIFIED is payable only to the contractor named herein. Issuance, payment and acceptance of payment is without prejudice to any rights of the Owner or Contractor under this Contract. 1210 AGREEMENT 00300 - Page 9 of 14 iiy firr: may[ ■rj�! cs' �WpMinn y: -•'j`• .� 'ht4,_ R..f1! - «i1L.: 1 `� 91itfi r: 'J� w -fir'.' �''�!��t�ii�`� I 9F IMF NOR 0" Owpoi ANN - r. _.. of MW i ` g 2k� MEADOWCREST RELIEF SEWER SITE MAP 1/6/11 0 Legend E f MEADOWCREST RELIEF SEWER LINE North 3 N., s CITY OF OWASSO I l 1 N. Main Street P.O. Box 180 O«rasso, OK 74055 918.376.1 500 The City Wit aut Limits. TO: Honorable Chair and Trustees Owasso Public Works Authority FROM: H. Dwayne Henderson, P.E. City Engineer SUBJECT: Agreement for Engineering Services 2011 Recycle Center Master Plan DATE: December 9, 2011 BACKGROUND: The City of Owasso constructed the original recycle center in 1988 that has provided valuable services to the citizens of Owasso. The recycle center currently accepts aluminum, paper, glass, plastics, and several other materials and items. As Owasso has grown, the usage of the recycle center has grown, but the facilities have not grown with demand. The center has exceeded capacity on the 0.50 acre site and could relocate to a site immediately south of the existing facilities. In FY 2012, the OPWA initiated funding of a new Recycle Center Master Plan to help plan for and meet the current and future needs for recycling in Owasso. Based on the information compiled from 2011 Recycle Center Monthly Reports, the following traffic counts were generated by the Center: Month /Year Vehicales Avg. Vehicles Per Day Peak Day Jan 2011 7,146 231 733 Feb 2011 4,823 172 1,183 Mar 2011 10,216 330 1,070 April 2011 13,325 444 1,339 May 2011 12,003 397 1,135 June 2011 13,380 446 1,093 July 2011 9,176 296 785 Aug 2011 9,035 291 877 Se t 201 1 11,262 375 1,180 Oct 2011 10,031 324 918 Nov 2011 8,977 299 764 Monthly Avg. 9,943 328 1,007 An average trip through the center is 10 minutes for a customer. If the customer base exceeds the facility capacity, then 20 minutes is an average time. The existing recycle center can accommodate 12 cars at a time. Twelve cars X six cycles per hour = 72 cars per hour X 8 hours a day = 576 cars per day capacity. It is apparent that on peak days, the Center exceeds the current capacity and needs to be expanded. CUSTOMER SURVEY: Owasso Public Works asked Owasso citizens to compete an on -line survey to provide opinions about the existing Recycle Center and Waste Disposal Area services, as well as their opinions on the future of the Center. Here are some highlights of the survey results: • When asked for an overall impression about recycling, 91% of respondents were favorable to recycling. Owasso averages 10,000 customers per month at the Recycle Center. • When asked about the familiarity of the benefits of recycling, only 43% of respondents were very knowledgeable, which indicates more education of the Owasso customer base is needed. • When asked if their family recycled at home on a regular basis, 70% of respondents answered in the affirmative. The following table lists the frequency of use at the Recycle Center by the respondents: • The next table summarizes the question of what items are currently recycled at home: Cooking Oil How often to How often do How often do Antifreeze you use the you use the you use the Motor Oil Recycle Center refuse disposal yard waste area Plastic Bottles 74.1% roll -offs 64.2% Once a year 23.2% 71.6% 76.5% Once a month 35.8% 22.4% 14.6% 2 -3 Times per month 30.0% 5.2% 4.1% Once a week 9.1% 0.9% 4.4% 2 -3 times per week 2.0% 0% 0.3% Once a day 0% 0% 0% • The next table summarizes the question of what items are currently recycled at home: Cooking Oil 5.2% Glass 59.1% Antifreeze 3.4% Other Paper 48.7% Motor Oil 21.0% Cardboard 65.0% Plastic Bottles 74.1% Aluminum Cans 64.2% Newspaper 65.3% Tires 3.1 Rechargable Batteries 9.1 When asked what factors keep them from recycling, the following responses were documented: o 64.5% mentioned lack of curb -side recycling o 39.3% said that they had no room to store the recyclables at home 0 18.6 % didn't know where to bring the recyclables o 16.3% said that recycling was too much of a hassle 0 10.1 % said that they didn't have the time to recycle 0 1.5% indicated that recycling wasn't that important to them • When asked which methods respondents would prefer for recycling, opinions were: o 47.2% like utilizing the free drop -off center o 33.2% preferred curb -side recycling with all -in -one container disposal 0 19.7% preferred paying for multi- stream curb -side recycling (customer sorted in multiple containers) • When asked about remote disposal locations, 70.8% said that they would use such sites. Lastly, customers were asked if the City should invest in a larger recycling facility? 80.9% were in favor and 19.1 T were not in favor. Based on the results of the survey, support for Recycle Center Expansion and the addition of curb -side services are a desire of the citizens of Owasso. LETTERS OF INTEREST: Letters of Interest were solicited from professional engineering firms around the country that would be interested in working with Owasso on a Recycling Center Master Plan. The Scope of Work is to develop a master plan based on 20 -year growth and make recommendations for phased expansion to increase the capacity of the recycling facilities. The project, as a minimum, shall include a site assessment of the current and future designated site, determination of the ultimate capacity based on the Owasso Comprehensive Plan, discuss regionalization of the center for adding neighboring communities as customers, adding curb -side recycling to our services, and the incorporation of a materials recovery facility "MR!'" or a dirty materials recovery facility "dirty MRF" to the center. It would also review the potential for a composting facility. The master plan will be presented to the Recycle Center Master Plan Committee, the Owasso Capital Improvement Committee, and a number of public forums for public input. The firm shall also plan to conduct polls to get additional feedback from the customers. The ideal firm(s) would have experience in conducting and assessing solid waste master planning with emphasis on recycle centers. In addition, the successful team shall be licensed to practice engineering in the state of Oklahoma. QUALIFICATIONS BASED SELECTION PROCESS: In November 2011, Staff received Letters of Interest from three (3) engineering firms. The three firms, A & M Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc, Tulsa, Oklahoma; SAIC, Inc., Tulsa, Oklahoma'; and Cardinal Engineering, Inc., Norman, Oklahoma submitted responses. A detailed Request for Proposals was sent to the three (3) firms. All three firms have until 5:00 p.m. Central Standard Time (CST) on December 12, 2011 to respond with their proposals. Each proposal is required to contain extensive documentation outlining their understanding of the scope of the master plan, strategy for successfully completing the master plan, experience with similar planning projects, and staff qualifications. Public Works will review and grade the proposals using the criteria identified in the Request for Proposal. Based upon the submitted proposals, the selected firm will be presented at the council meeting on December 20, 2011. 101k"IQIi! 3i Funding for this project is included FY 2011-2012 Recycle Center Budget. PROPOSED ACTION: An agreement for engineering services and authorization for the Chairman to execute the agreement would require Trustee approval. The e City Wit'aut Limits. TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: Bronce L. Stephenson City Planner SUBJECT: Proposed Zoning Code Amendments - Definitions for Amenity and Accessory Dwelling Unit DATE: December 9, 2011 BACKGROUND: The Owasso Zoning Code is a document that requires updating and /or clarification on a periodic basis. In working with applicants and developers, staff has discovered that the terms Amenity and Accessory Dwelling Unit are not defined within the Owasso Zoning Code. An amenity is a very important aspect in development of new commercial and residential properties and should be clearly defined to avoid confusion or misunderstanding. The term accessory dwelling unit is important to define within the Zoning Code because it is used frequently in language designed to protect single - family neighborhoods by promoting uniformity within these neighborhoods where necessary. There is currently a definition for Accessory Uses or Structure and for Dwelling Unit, but not a specific definition for Accessory Dwelling Units. In order to clarify certain requirements and assist applicants, citizens, and staff when interpreting text, these additions and updates to the Zoning Code are needed. Staff does not anticipate any great changes due to these additions, but they will assist staff in ensuring that development is performed responsibly within the City of Owasso. PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE ZONING CODE: The proposed amendment to the City of Owasso Zoning Ordinance will amend Chapter 14, Definitions, by adding a definition for Amenity and Accessory Dwelling Unit. The proposed definitions are as follows: Amenity. Any tangible benefit to a piece of a property, especially those that increase its attractiveness or value or that contribute to the comfort or convenience of the nearby residents. Tangible amenities might include park areas, swimming pools, tot lots, or playgrounds, disc golf course, walking trails or bike paths, tennis courts, basketball courts, picnic areas, or similar facilities that allow people to recreate, gather and socialize. The Administrator shall determine if an amenity meets the intent of this language. In most cases, parking should be provided for the amenity. Accessory Dwelling Unit. A subordinate residential unit incorporated within, attached to, or detached from a single - family residential unit and having its own sleeping and sanitation facilities. This term shall refer to guest suites, mother -in -law quarters, and similar type uses. Such subordinate unit shall not be otherwise segregated in ownership from the principal residential unit and shall not be used for rental purposes. PLANNING COMMISSION: The Owasso Planning Commission reviewed this item at their regular meeting on September 12, 2011. At that meeting, the Planning Commission suggested that staff add language regarding approval for proposed amenities being decided by the Administrator from the Community Development Department. The Planning Commission also requested that staff review the definition for accessory dwelling unit to ensure compliance with all applicable building codes and subdivision regulations. Staff made the requested modifications and brought these definitions back to the Planning Commission for additional review at their November 7, 2011 meeting. After reviewing the requested changes, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the additions to Chapter 14, Definitions. PROPOSED ACTION: Amendments to the Owasso Zoning Code requires City Council approval. ATTACHMENTS: Excerpts from Chapter 14 of the Owasso Zoning Code, Definitions CHAPTER 14 DEFINITIONS 1400 Definitions SECTION 1400 DEFINITIONS Abutting: in the context of a screening or enclosure requirement, abutting shall mean contiguous or separated there from only by a non - arterial street. In other instances, abutting shall mean contiguous. Accessory Uses or Structure: A use or structure on the same lot with, and of a nature customarily incidental and subordinate to, the principal use or structure. Alley: A permanent public way providing a secondary means of access for service and emergency vehicles, and not intended for general traffic circulation. Arterial: A street designated on the Major Street Plan as a primary arterial or secondary arterial. Board of Adjustment: The Board of Adjustment of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. Building: A structure which is permanently affixed to the land, and has one or more floors and a roof, and is bounded by either another building with a common party wall, open air, or the lot lines of a lot. Building Height: The vertical distance measured form the average ground elevation at the building wall to the highest horizontal point of the structure. Building Setback: The horizontal distance, from the point of measurement, such as the centerline of an abutting street or the boundary line of an abutting zoning district to the nearest building wall. Care Home: Premises used for the housing and caring for the aged or infirmed, and includes convalescent homes, homes for the aged, and nursing homes. Cemetery: Land used or intended to be used for the interment of human remains and dedicated for cemetery purposes, including crematories, mausoleums and mortuaries when operated in conjunction with and within the boundary of such cemetery. Dwelling: A building or structure used in whole or in part for human inhabitation. Dwelling, Duplex: A building containing two dwelling units, designed for occupancy by not more than two families. Included are all forms of manufactured duplex dwellings but excluding mobile homes. Dwelling, Manufactured: A structure designed and intended for human occupancy on a year -round or temporary seasonal basis which has ;undergone at least partial prefabrication or preassembly under indoor factory conditions, excluding dwellings utilizing only prefabricated or preassembled sublements such as roof trusses, floor trusses, plumbing trees, or wiring harness. Included are the following sub - classes: a. Pre -cut - a manufactured dwelling involving no preassembly but alt components have been cut and fabricated and then assembled on -site; b. Panelized - a manufactured dwelling partially preassembled into roof, wall, floor, and ceiling components (which may range from exposed wood to having all finishing completed) which are assembled on -site, and constructed to national building code standards; C. Sectionalized or Modular - a manufactured dwelling partially preassembled into two or more sections, none of which are habitable individually, permanently joined together and, utilize customary residential siding and roofing materials, built to national building code standards and are either: 1) Wood frame units designed to be transported by flat -bed truck and installed on conventional permanent foundations, or, 2) Chassis /under- carriage units designed to be towed or structurally capable of being towed on wheels and installed on permanent foundations after all hitches, running gear and chassis have been removed, d. Mobile Home - a manufactured dwelling, either a portable or mobile living unit used or designed for human occupancy, having been manufactured to the Federal Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards and bearing a HUD label red in color, identifying the home as a "Manufactured Home." Dwelling, Multifamily: A building containing three or more dwelling units. Included are all forms of manufactured multifamily dwelling but excluding mobile homes. Dwelling, Single Family: A building, other than a mobile home, containing one dwelling unit designed for occupancy by not more than one family, and certified as complying with the building code of this jurisdiction whether constructed on or off site. Dwelling Unit: A room or group of rooms arranged, intended, or designed as a habitable unit, containing kitchen, bath, and sleeping facilities, for not more than one family living independently of any other family. Family: One or more persons occupying a single dwelling unit, provided that unless all members are related by blood, marriage, or other domestic bonds, no such family shall contain over three persons, but further provided that domestic servants may be housed on the premises without being designated as a family. Floodplain: The land area adjoining a watercourse or drainage way which would be inundated by the floodwater of the regulatory flood based on full urbanization of the watershed. Ftoodway: The channel of a watercourse or drain way and those portions of the adjoining ftoodplain which are reasonably required to carry and discharge the regulatory flood. Floodway Fringe: Those portions of the floodplain which are not reasonably required to carry and discharge the floodwater of the regulatory flood. Floor Area: The sum of the gross horizontal areas of the several floors, including basements, of a building measured from the exterior faces of the exterior walls or from the centerline of walls separating two buildings. Provided that for the purpose of determining compliance with the permitted floor area, the floor area of enclosed required off - street parking areas shall not be included. Floor Area Ratio: The floor area of a building or buildings on a lot divided by the lot area. Foster Home: A dwelling used in whole or in part as living quarters for three (3) persons who are not members of the family occupying said dwelling, but are under their supervision. Frontage: The lineal measurement of a lot boundary which abuts a public street or the lineal measurement of the building setback line when the boundary of the lot abuts a curbed nonarterial street or cul -de -sac. OCity mits. TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: Bronce L. Stephenson City Planner SUBJECT: Proposed Zoning Code Amendment - Closing of Easements and Rights -of -Way DATE: December 9, 2011 BACKGROUND: Staff discovered that there is currently not a codified process for the closing of rights -of -way and easements in the Owasso Zoning Code. Closing a right -of -way or easement removes the ability for the City to enter into the easement and removes the right -of -way from being used by the public. Though the correct procedure has been used in the past, staff is bringing forward an official closing process for inclusion in the Subdivision Regulations of the Owasso Zoning Code, so that there is no ambiguity in how the closing of easements and rights -of -way are handled in the future. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING CODE: The proposed amendment to the City of Owasso Zoning Ordinance will amend the Subdivision Regulations, by adding a section for the closing of rights -of -way and easements as "Section 3.5.5 Easement and Rights -of -Way Closure Process" and would read as follows: Section 3.5.5 Easement and Rights -of -Way Closure Process All requests for the closing of any public way or easement within the City of Owasso shall be submitted, with the appropriate documentation as outlined in this article, to the Community Development Department. Prior to the closing of a public way or easement, a public hearing shall be conducted by the City Council. Written notice of any proposed closing of public way or easement shall be provided to any holder of a franchise or other entity determined to have special rights or privileges granted by the legislative body. Notice shall also be sent to property owners abutting the subject right -of -way or easement to be closed or abutting the subject property on which the closing is proposed. The required notice shall be given at least thirty (30) days prior to the public hearing. The closing of any public way or easement shall only be allowed through an ordinance passed by the City Council. The City of Owasso shall retain the right to reopen any public way or easement without expense to the City. The public way or easement may be reopened by ordinance when: 1. The City of Owasso City Council deems it necessary, or 2. An application of the property owners owning more than one half in area of the property abutting the public way or easement to be closed is filed with the City of Owasso Community Development Department and is subsequently reviewed by the City Council. It is also suggested that applicants vacate the public way or easement by proceeding through district court. A public way or easement can only be vacated after the City Council approves the closing ordinance and the ordinance is taken to the court. Vacating the public way or easement forecloses on the City's right to reopen the public way or easement. No permit may be issued for any development in the easement or right -of -way of an area unless the easement or right -of -way has been closed and vacated. PLANNING COMMISSION: The Owasso Planning Commission reviewed this item at their regular meeting on September 12, 2011. At that meeting, the Planning Commission voted 5 -0 to recommend that the City Council approve the text amendment with minor changes to the proposed language. Staff made those changes and ensured that the language reflect Oklahoma State Statute regarding the closing of easements and rights -of -way. Staff brought this item back to the Planning Commission at their November 7, 2011 meeting after making the requested changes. After reviewing the requested changes, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the addition of Section 3.5.5 of the Owasso Subdivision Regulations. PROPOSED ACTION: Amendments to the Subdivision Regulations of the Owasso Zoning Code requires City Council Approval. ATTACHMENTS: Oklahoma State Statute Section Regarding Closing of Rights -Of -Way and Easements Oklahoma State Statute Title 11, Chapter 1 Article Article XLII - Vacating Plats and Public Ways Section 42 -110 - Power to Close Public Ways or Easements by Ordinance - Reopening - Rights of Utilities. A. The municipal governing body by ordinance may close to the public use any public way or easement within the municipality whenever deemed necessary or expedient. The procedure for closing a public way or easement shall be established by ordinance or resolution adopted by the municipality. B. The municipality shall give written notice of any proposed closing of a public way or easement to any holder of a franchise or others determined by the governing body to have a special right or privilege granted by ordinance or legislative enactment to use the public way or easement at least thirty (30) days prior to passage of any ordinance providing for closing of a public way or easement. C. The municipality shall retain the absolute right to reopen the public way or easement without expense to the municipality. The public way or easement may be reopened by ordinance whenever: 1. The municipal governing body deems it necessary; or 2. An application of the property owners owning more than one -half in area of the property abutting on the public way or easement previously closed is filed with the governing body. D. Closing of the public way or easement shall not affect the right to maintain, repair, reconstruct, operate or remove utility, public service corporation, or transmission company facilities of service therein, nor shall a closing affect private ways existing by operation of law unless released in writing executed by the owners thereof. The City, wit out Limits. TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: Chelsea M.E. Harkins Economic Development Director SUBJECT: Hotel Tax Fund - Budget Amendment Tulsa's Future II DATE: December 9, 2011 BACKGROUND: On March 15, 2011, the Owasso City Council voted to participate in the Tulsa Metro Chamber Tulsa's Future II economic development program and approved an FY 2011 budget amendment of $15,000. Tulsa's Future II identifies economic development trends and needs for the region. The program is broken into five -year campaigns with specific goals and outcomes for each. The second phase of the program is a five -year comprehensive plan to attract new employers; retain and expand existing businesses; cultivate entrepreneurs and small businesses; advocate for business incentives and regional cooperation; and seek capital investment for community development. The Tulsa Metro Chamber has targeted all regional cities and Chambers of Commerce as investors of Tulsa's Future II. Funds are available in the Hotel Tax Fund but a supplemental appropriation requires council approval. This fund is restricted for purposes "to encourage, promote and foster economic development and cultural enhancement, tourism and pursue regional promotion for the City of Owasso, Oklahoma." The Tulsa's Future II program fits within the purpose of the Hotel Tax Fund. FUNDING: The City Council approved an appropriation for the expenditure of $15,000 for the Tulsa's Future II program for FY 2011. The invoice for participation in the program was not received until after the close of the City's 2011 fiscal year, so the 2011 participation has not been paid. Because the invoice was not paid during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011, the monies are still available in the Hotel Tax Fund but they are not appropriated for the current Fiscal Year 2012. A supplemental appropriation in the Hotel Tax Fund is needed for the expenditure of these funds. PROPOSED ACTION: A budget amendment increasing the appropriation for expenditures in the Hotel Tax Fund by 15,000 requires City Council approval. OCi ty Wiut Limits. TO: The Honorable Chair and Trustees Owasso Public Works Authority FROM: Angela Hess Finance Director SUBJECT: East 76th Street North Sanitary Sewer Interceptor Assessment Fee DATE: December 9, 2011 BACKGROUND: On January 6, 2009 the OPWA Trustees approved City Ordinance No. 935 which provided for the following: • Establishment of the 76th Street Sewer Interceptor Assessment Area • Assessment of a mandatory fee for connection to the 76th Street Sewer Interceptor • Authorization of an assessment fee to be established by Resolution of the OPWA upon completion of the project and after final costs were known The drainage basin to be served by the sewer interceptor and specified in the ordinance per Exhibit "A" included 3,843 net acres, 2719 net acres were designated as undeveloped and 1,124 net acres were designated as previously developed with access to sewer through the 76th Street Sewer Interceptor. A review of the assessment area determined that some of the acreage within the basin area could never be developed. This analysis resulted in a total deduction of 307 acres. Deductions taken into consideration include 147 acres of land included in the golf course area, 121 acres of the Stone Canyon Lake and 39 acres located in the basin that are part of the quarry mining operation. The final net acres of the assessment area are 3,536 acres, which are reflected as 1,124 previously developed acres and 2,412 undeveloped acres. Additionally, properties not located within the Assessment Area, were authorized by Ordinance No. 935 to have the ability to request connection to the 76th Street Sewer Interceptor. Properties which have already been developed and that are approved to tie into the interceptor will be required to pay the same assessment fee upon connection. SANITARY SEWER SERVICE: The interceptor line was designed and installed to facilitate the growth in northwest Rogers County and the southeastern region of Owasso which includes the highway 169 corridor to 193rd East Avenue. During the late 1970's and early 1980's, city staff had a strategic plan in place which allowed for construction of the Elm Creek Interceptor and Ranch Creek Interceptor. As a result of such foresight, the City of Owasso had the ability to grow from 3,000 residents to our 29,000 in the past 30 years. In addition, commercial construction has grown throughout the City. In the last 2000's, city staff had the same foresight to realize the need for a sewer interceptor that could potentially service over 2,400 acres of non - developed property within the basin, which in turn puts the city in a position to provide service access to an additional 8,000 new residents. Increases in population within the city will ultimately attract larger retailers and businesses to the City of Owasso while generating additional sales tax for the city. The 761h Street Sewer Interceptor has been designed to gravity flow all connections from the structure (home /building) to the sanitary sewer interceptor. Long term, this design will provide the most cost effective method for the City of Owasso and users of the sewer interceptor far into the future. Gravity flow does not require any mechanical and /or electrical components. Therefore, reducing the overall maintenance cost by 70% over the next 50 years. There are approximately 650 existing households who could potentially tap in to this sewer line. These households are currently on septic or aerobic systems which generally require a 1,000 gallon septic tank and approximately 300' of field line. Prices for these systems can vary widely depending on location and the current cost of materials. Installing /replacing a conventional septic system (including the tank) averages $2,000 - $5,000. Enhanced, engineered or alternative septic systems that use mounds, sand /peat filters, aerobic systems can cost $10,000 to $20,000 or more. Aerobic system pumps generally need to be replaced every three to seven years. Residents in the interceptor assessment area will now have a viable alternative to their current septic system should they choose to pay the assessment fee and tap into the 76th Street Sewer Interceptor. By choosing this option, the resident is no longer responsible for the costly ongoing maintenance and operation of a private sewer system. In considering the differences of sanitary sewer and storm water drainage, it is important to understand that sanitary sewer drains are designed to drain waste water and sewage from inside our homes. The sanitary sewer drains lead to the sanitary sewer system and ends up at a wastewater treatment plant. Unlike storm water runoff from yards, streets, parking lots, etc., sanitary sewer in this system is treated before being discharged into a natural water body which is a comparatively costly process. PROPOSED ACTION: The construction phase of the 76th Street Sewer interceptor project was completed on October 12, 2011. Final acceptance of the project was approved by Council on October 18, 2011. The OPWA Trustees are being asked to consider the following payback calculation for properties that are within the Assessment area, and approved to tie into 76th Street Sewer Interceptor. Payment of this assessment is mandatory and assessment fees will be due upon the approval of a final plat or connection to the sanitary sewer system The total number of acres included in the Assessment Area 3,536 acres, with the total cost of the project coming to $4,741,293. Total costs include acquisition of land, construction costs, professional fees, interest and all other lawful and authorized fees per the approved Ordinance. As such, the mandatory assessment fee has been calculated to be $1,341 per acre. Trustees are being asked to consider approval of a resolution establishing the required mandatory assessment fee for connection to the 76th Street Sewer Interceptor. A Resolution establishing the per acre assessment fee of $1,341 per acre for the 76th Street Sewer Interceptor per the City of Owasso Code of Ordinance, 935, Section 17 -301 requires Trustee approval. ATTACHMENT: A. Assessment Area Map CITY OF OWASSO ASSESSMENT AREA OF NET ACRES 3536 THE "76TH STREET SEWER EiR 111 N. Main Stroct P.O. Box 180 INTERCEPTOR UN-DEVELOPED Owasso, OIL 74055 2412 ACRES North 918.376.1500 12/6/1 Amoft The City Wit7out Limits. TO: The Honorable Chair and Trustees Owasso Public Works Authority FROM: Angela Hess Finance Director SUBJECT: Water Rate Increase DATE: December 9, 2011 BACKGROUND: The Owasso Public Works Authority purchases treated water from the City of Tulsa. As a part of their annual budgetary process and rate review, Tulsa adopted a water rate increase intended to become effective October 1, 2011. The water service contract between the City of Owasso and the City of Tulsa requires a 180 day written notice of rate increases be provided by the City of Tulsa. Tulsa did not provide timely notice according to the contract, therefore the effective date of the increase will be March 1, 2012. Rates for water purchased by the OPWA from the City of Tulsa will increase from $2.42 to $2.59 per 1000 gallons. In order for water rates to recover the cost of service in the OPWA, that seventeen cent rate increase should be passed on to the OPWA water customers. The last water rate increase was October 1, 2010. At that time, Tulsa increased rates by fourteen cents and the OPWA increased rates by twenty -eight cents providing additional operating funds for the OPWA. Staff proposes a rate increase of seventeen cents per 1000 gallons of water usage to customers inside the city limits and a twenty cent increase to customers outside the city limits. The rate increase would offset the seventeen cent increase from Tulsa. In 1999, OPWA Trustees established by resolution and ordinance that water rates to customers residing outside the Owasso city limits would be 20% more than the rate inside the city. The proposed new rate would increase the base minimum fee for 1000 gallons of water from $10.84 to $11.01. The volume charge per 1000 gallons of water usage would increase from $4.27 to $4.44 for customers inside the city The monthly cost of the proposed rate increase to the average city customer who uses 7000 gallons of water per month is $1.19. The annual increase would be $14.28. The proposed new rate for rural customers would increase the base minimum fee for 1000 gallons of water from $13.01 to $13.21. The volume charge per 1000 gallons of water would increase from $5.12 to $5.32. Rate changes require the approval of the OPWA Trustees and the approval of the City Council. They are enacted by Trustee Resolution and by City Council Ordinance. Proposed Action: Staff will propose a City ordinance and an OPWA resolution that would increase water rates by seventeen cents per 1000 gallons of water usage for customers inside the city and would increase water rates by twenty cents per 1000 gallons of usage for customers outside the city.