HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002.05.21_OPWA AgendaTYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: May 21, 2002 TIME: �< 6:30 p.m. PLACE: Counci I Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted at City Hall at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, May 17, 2001 AJiUAd'Il, Auth itv����� Marci Boutwell, Auth ity Secretary Call to Order Chairman Brogdon 2. Flag Salute 3. Roll Call 4. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the Trustees to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Trustee may, however, remove an item from consent by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non-debatable. A. Approval of the Minutes of May 7, 2002 Regular Meeting. Attachment #4-A Owasso Public Works Authority May 21, 2002 Page 2 B. Approval of Claims. Attachment #4-13 5. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Change Order 41, a Change Order to a Contract Between the Owasso Public Works Authority and Lamar Industries, Shawnee, OK, for Phase 1113 Improvements to the Wastewater Treatment Facility, Mr Carr Attachment #5 The staff will recommend Trustee approval of Change Order #1, incorporating Work Directive changes IA, 213, 3, 4, & 5, utilizing $21,154.99 of the remaining $60,000.00 project allowance, and no increase in the contract time 6. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Final Acceptance of Work Performed Under a Contract for Construction of the Ator Relief Line, Between the Owasso Public Works Authority and Sapulpa Digging Inc, and Authorization for Final Payment. Mr Carr Attachment #6 The staff will recommend Trustee acceptance of the work performed under the contract for construction of the Ator Relief Line, and that final payment in the amount of $4500 be authorized. 7. Report from •PWA Manager. Owasso Public Works Authority May 21, 2002 Page 3 Report from C P A Attorney, New Business, (New Business is any item of business which could not have been foreseen at the time of posting of the agenda,) 10. Adjournment A OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING A Tuesday, May 7, 2002 The Owasso Public Works Authority met in regular session jointly with the Owasso City Council and the Owasso Public Golf Authority on Tuesday, May 7, 2002 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 2, 2002. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barnhouse called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. ITEM 2: INVOCATION Councilor Michael Helm offered the invocation. ITEM 3: FLAG SALUTE Mayor Barnhouse led in the flag salute. ITEM 4: ROLL CALL STAFF Rodney J Ray, City Manager Ronald D Cates, Authority Attorney Marcia Boutwell, Authority Secretary A quorum was declared present. Lo M gaftlrmll A. Approval of Minutes of the April 16, 2002 Regular Meeting and April 23, 2002 Special Meeting. B. Approval of Claims. Owasso Public Works Authority May 7, 2002 C. Action Relating to A Request for an Amendment to the Minutes of December 18, 2001 to Include Item #10 of the December 18, 2001 Owasso City Council Meeting, Which Was Inadvertently Left Out of the Approved Minutes as a Result of a Scrivener's Error. AYE: Armstrong, Brogdon, Helm, Williams, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. The OPWA consent agenda included minutes of the April 16, 2002 Regular Meeting, by reference made a part hereto. Item B on the consent agenda included the following claims: (1) OPWA Fund $150,318.50; (2) OPWA Capital Improvements Fund $266,008.89; (3) OPWA Sales Tax Fund $133,721.44; (5) Payroll $36,582.29. Ms Armstrong moved, seconded by Mr Brogdon, to approve the OPWA consent agenda. AYE: Armstrong, Brogdon, Helm, Williams, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. -2- Owasso Public Works Authority May 7, 2002 The OPGA consent agenda included minutes of the April 16, 2002 Regular Meeting, by reference made a part hereto. Item B on the consent agenda included the following claims: (1) OPGA Fund $61,500.43; (2) Payroll $20,054.32. Ms Armstrong moved, seconded by Mr Williams, to approve OPGA consent agenda. AYE.- Armstrong, Williams, Helm, Brogdon, Barnhouse NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 8: OATH OF OFFICE ADMINISTERED TO COUNCILOR-ELECT COCHRAN AND COUNCILOR-ELECT KIMBALL. City Attorney Ron Cates administered the oath of office to Councilor-elect Kimball and Councilor-elect Cochran, who then took their seats at the council bench. ITEM 9: ELECTION OF MAYOR/OPWA CHAIR/OPGA CHAIR. Vice Mayor Brogdon presided and called for nominations for Mayor/OPWA Chair/OPGA Chair. Mr Helm nominated Mr Brogdon for Mayor and Chair of the OPWA and OPGA, seconded by Ms Armstrong. AYE: Helm, Armstrong, Cochran, Kimball, Brogdon NAY: None Mayor Brogdon called for nominations for Vice Mayor/OPWA Vice Chair/OPGA Vice Chair. Mr Cochran nominated Mr Helm for Vice Mayor and Vice Chair of the OPWA and OPGA, seconded by Ms Kimball. ATE: Cochran, Kimball, Helm, Brogdon NAY: Armstrong Motion carried 4-1 and Mr Helm was elected Vice Mayor/OPWA Vice Chair/OPGA Vice Chair. Mayor Brogdon announced that a reception honoring retiring councilors Barnhouse and Williams, newly-seated councilors Kimball and Cochran, and the newly-elected Mayor and Vice Mayor would be held immediately following the Council meeting. Owasso Public Works Authority May i, 2002 ITEM 11: CONSIDERATION AND • R • RELATING-!Q-A-REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A -- -- _ _ r 12,20 02 AS lei •' .. _. MEMORIAL SCHOLARHIP FUND DAYS IN • OKLAHOMA. It was determined that this was not an item needing approval. Ms Armstrong read the proclamation, which recognized the contribution the Jennifer Gibson Scholarship Fund has made to the education of the community's softball athletes. Lynn and Ilan Gibson accepted the proclamation, which was signed by all members of the council. ITEM 12: REPORT FROM CITE MANAGED No report. : ITEM 14: REPORT FROM CITE" COUNCILORS. No report. ITEM 15: NEW BUSINESS. am Mr Cochran moved, seconded by Ms Kimball, to recess to the activities room for a reception honoring retiring councilors Barnhouse and Williams, newly - seated councilors Kimball and Cochran, and the incoming Mayor and Vice Mayor, with the meeting to be adjourned when there was no longer a quorum. Meeting recessed at 6 :45 p.m. �r • The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. due to lack of a quorum. Marcia Boutwell, Secretary m4® Randy Brogdon, Chair OPWA CLAIMS TO BE PAID 5/21/02 VENDOR NAME DETAIL DESCRIPTION AMQUNT!j DE�PTIZOTAL EUND ]QTAL YV8L4uART CLEANING SUPPLIES 25.82 KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE SINK AND FAUCET 33.88 SAMSCLU8 CLEAN|N8/MA|NT8UPPL|E@ 122.84 LIBERTY FLAGS, INC. FLAGS 23.90 RONALD DCATE0 RETAINER 700.00 PSD 04/02 USE 358.99 DALE & LEES SERVICE INC AIR CONDREPAIR 105.00 SOUTHWESTERN BELL 03/02PLEXAR 277.21 TULSATECHNOLVGY CENTER BITS CONFINED SPACE TRAINING 168.00 LARRY WHITE MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 0242 TREASURER PETTY CASH TRAVEL,CxRR 282o0 OpWA ADMINISTRATION DEPT -------- 2.181.07 DAVID ROL|NGMOUSE METER READINGS 82.35 MARK MEYER METER READINGS 654J5 O8CARMCLAUR|N METER READINGS 128.60 BRANDON HAMILTON METER READINGS 100.20 SHANE HALE METER READINGS 842.75 TYRONE0NK|wS METER READINGS 35370 UTILITY BILLING DEPT -------- 1.723.35 WATER PRODUCTS INC METER CAN 132.08 WATER PRODUCTS INC METER CANS/LIDS 454.30 WATER PRODUCTS INC WATER METERS/LIDS 0/1SN1 4'196.52 WATER PRODUCTS INC METERS/L|DGV/19/Oi 4.540.00 GAMSCLU8 REPx|R/MA|NTSUPPL|EG 18J5 R0ARK TRUE VALUE HARDWARE REFw|FoMA|NT8VPPL|ES 35.22 TREASURER PETTY CASH BATTERIES 4.95 GEORGE & GEORGE SAFETY SAFETY SUPPLIES 78.72 VVAL-MART SAFETY SUPPLIES 1242 BROWN FARMS SOD SOD 55.08 WATER PRODUCTS INC FROST FREE HYDRANTS 66.00 WATER PRODUCTS INC MA|NT/REPA|R0UPPL|ES 457.93 ROARK TRUE VALUE HARDWARE REPA|R/MA|NTGUPPL|ES 76.42 MILL CREEK LUMBER &SUPPLY REPA|R/MA|NTGUPPL|ES 5222 CITY GARAGE CITY OFOVVAG8O VEHMA|NT 1.95835 CITY GARAGE CITY 0FOVVAG80 VEHMA|NT 100.10 TREASURER PETTY CASH VEHICLE WASH 10.00 FUELMAN FUEL 718.14 ROARK TRUE VALUE HARDWARE REPA|R/MA|NT8UPPL|ES 27.87 WATER PRODUCTS INC PUMP 57.00 WARREN CLINIC IMMUNIZATION-CLAFL|N 111.00 PO0 04/02 USE 220.87 SOUTHWESTERN BELL NON'PLEXAR 68.30 SOUTHWESTERN BELL 03/02PLEX*R 24.45 AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION DUES 07/02-07/03 89.00 WATER DEPT -------- 13.049.73 VENDOR NAME DETAIL DESCRIPTION AMOUNTS DEPT TOTAL FUND TOTAL SAMS CLUB REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 16.06 SAMS CLUB PAPER SUPPLIES 130.49 ROARK TRUE VALUE HARDWARE MAINT SUPPLIES/TOOLS 176.34 TROJAN TECHNOLOGIES REPAIR SUPPLIES 37.50 BRENNTAG- SOUTHWEST INC CHEMICALS 783.55 CIBA SPECIALTY CHEMICALS CORP CHEMICALS 2,293.20 BRENNTAG- SOUTHWEST INC CHEMICALS 483.55 GEORGE & GEORGE SAFETY SAFETY SUPPLIES 78.72 CITY GARAGE CITY OF OWASSO VEH MAINT 109.36 CITY GARAGE CITY OF OWASSO VEH MAINT 65.00 CITY GARAGE CITY OF OWASSO VEH MAINT 23.79 FUELMAN FUEL 31.48 RED EARTH ENVIRO -LAB INC BIOMONITORING ANALYSIS 1,000.00 PSO 04/02 USE 5,045.70 SOUTHWESTERN BELL 03/02 PLEXAR 107.12 DEQ MUNICIPAL FEES 2002 3,780.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH LICENSE FEE 64.00 WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT DEPT 14,225.86 SAMS CLUB REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 18.75 FARM PLAN REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 16.63 GEORGE & GEORGE SAFETY SAFETY SUPPLIES 78.73 WW GRAINGER INC PROTECTIVE EQUIP 29.55 LOWE'S COMPANIES INC CHAIN 85.55 CLIFFORD POWER SYSTEMS INC MAINT SUPPLIES 147.98 ROARK TRUE VALUE HARDWARE REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 8.08 MILL CREEK LUMBER & SUPPLY MAINT SUPPLIES 8.55 CITY GARAGE CITY OF OWASSO VEH MAINT 639.70 CITY GARAGE CITY OF OWASSO VEH MAINT 83.95 CITY GARAGE CITY OF OWASSO VEH MAINT 22.15 FUELMAN FUEL 282.05 CROW BURLINGAME REPAIR PARTS 18.33 FARM PLAN DEPT 77175 SMALL TOOLS 31.58 PSO 04/02 USE 1,448.98 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 4/02 USE 52.43 WHITE STAR PUMP 179.75 SOUTHWESTERN BELL NON - PLEXAR 184.80 WASTEWATER COLLECTIONS DEPT 3,337.54 SAMS CLUB REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 18.75 GEORGE & GEORGE SAFETY SAFETY SUPPLIES 78.73 CITY GARAGE CITY OF OWASSO VEH MAINT 8,670.94 CITY GARAGE CITY OF OWASSO VEH MAINT 2,732.91 CITY GARAGE CITY OF OWASSO VEH MAINT 4,607.51 CITY GARAGE CITY OF OWASSO VEH MAINT 2,958.84 FUELMAN FUEL 1,285.85 REFUSE COLLECTIONS DEPT 20,353.53 PSO 04/02 USE 41.69 A -1 FENCE INC CHAIN LINK FENCE 541.50 SOUTHWESTERN BELL 03/02 PLEXAR 20.56 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF OK RECYCLE REFUSE 2,876.05 A -OK SIGNS SIGN LETTERING 150.00 VENDOR 2NAME DETAIL DESCRIPTION MILL CREEK LUMBER 8SUPPLY MANTSUPPLE8 no*wn TRUE VALUE HARDWARE REPA|R8NANT8UPPUE8 x-OK S|SNS SIGNS ANCHOR PAINT PAINT RECYCLE DEPT OPVVA OPERATING FUND TOTAL &MODUNTS 0EPT Z0AL EUND ZOTAL 11/O at1@ 35.00 58.92 370710 8ARVERENG|NEERG SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS 12-7-9m 14.700.00 BANK ONE ADM|N FEES 18g3A8 75100 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND TOTAL, -------- 15,450.00 FIRST BANK OFOVVASSV ELM CREEK NOTE 23.800.00 QPvVA8EVVERL|NEEXTFUND -------- 23,000.00 OPWA FUND GRAND TOTAL ma"m TRANSFERS CITY GARAGE WORKERS'COMP SELF-INS GENERA. FUND TRANSFERS TOTAL CITY OF OWASSO OPWA A/P TRANSFER REPORT mmmum 6,916.67 3,841.67 36,833.33 OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE DEPARTMENT 05/04/02 OVERTIME TOTAL EXPENSES EXPENSES Wastewater 148.50 8,119.18 Refuse r 433.05 5,363.45 L��l znlmo� IN OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY FROM- Ewa ROBERT R`I CAI 9 JR., P.E. PUBLIC WORKS DI CTOR � SUBJE CT, WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT IMPROVEMENTS (PHASE II B) CHANGE ORDER 141 DATE- May 9, 2002 Over the past five years, the Wastewater Treatment Facility has been expanded and improved to meet increased wastewater flows and more stringent water quality criteria. Phase I improvements, completed in 1998, increased the flow capacity to 2.15 million gallons per day (MGD). Phase II was divided into two sub - phases. Phase IIA improvements (completed in March 2001) involved construction of sludge dewatering facilities, sludge digestion, and modifications to the influent structure, ultraviolet disinfection system, and main lift station. Currently, Phase I113 improvements are under construction and include expansion of the treatment facility to handle additional hydraulic flow and organic loading. Upon completion, the plant will be expanded from 2.15 MGD to 3.3 MGD with construction of the third clarifier, a new blower building and additional aeration to convert the oxidation ditch to conventional activated sludge. Phase II13 was awarded by the Trustees to Lamar Industries, Shawnee, Oklahoma on October 30, 2001 in the amount of $1,838,373.00. Construction started in December 2001 and is anticipated to be complete by mid - September 2002. Work in this contract anticipated some unforeseen circumstances would occur that would require modification to the engineering design drawings and changes in the work to be performed. These changes were expected to result in additional or deductive costs on the project. The General Conditions to the contract state such changes require an official Change Order process. A Change Order is defined as: A written order to the Contractor authorizing an addition, deletion, or revision in the work within the general scope of the Contract Documents, or authorizing an adjustment in the contract price or contract time. Page 2 Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements (Phase IIB) Change Order #I In accordance with Oklahoma Statutes, contract changes are subject to compliance with provisions of the Oklahoma Public Completive Bidding Act of 1974, Chapter 61; paragraph 121 entitled "Change orders or addendums" indicates the following: Change orders or addendums to public construction contracts of over One Million Dollars ($1.,000,000) shall not exceed the greater of One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000) or ten percent (10 %) cumulative increase in the original contract amount. Any change orders or cumulative change orders which exceed these limits shall require readvertising for bids on that part of the contract, Change Orders in any amount shall be formally approved by the governing body of the public agency involved and the reasons therefore recorded in the permanent records. Change Orders are to be processed through the Contractor, Resident Engineer, and the Owner for authorization. For this project, the Owner is the City Council acting as the Owasso Public Works Authority, therefore, all Change Orders are to be approved by the Authority. WORK CHANGE DIRE, CTIVES. Typically, due to the nature of this work, it is necessary to make changes as construction proceeds or with little lead time due to the schedule of construction. The time required to receive, review, and process a Change Order for approval could take as long as 30 to 45 days, depending on occurrence of an OPWA meeting. In some cases, conditions such as timing constraints, construction sequencing and availability of manpower may make it difficult to delay work. In most cases, it is beneficial to the city to proceed with construction rather than delay and potentially be faced with higher incremental costs. In addition, costs of making some of the changes can be expected to be relatively small in relation to the total project cost. Good business practice is to find means to expedite authorization for these types of changes. Under these conditions, provision has been allowed in the contract for the use of a "Work Change Directive.99 The Work Change Directive was developed for use in situations involving changes in the contracted work which, if not processed expeditiously, might delay construction. These changes are often initiated in the field and may affect the contract price or the contract time. The directive provides authorization to proceed with work that would be included in a subsequent Change Order. The Resident Engineer initiates requests for work changes, including a description of the tasks involved and attachments. Based on information transferred between the Engineer and Contractor, the Engineer will complete and sign a Work Change Directive form and copies are to be sent to the Owner for authorization. The Engineer alone does not have the authority to authorize changes in price or time. Page 3 Wastewater Treatment Plant improvements (Phase II13) Change Order #I Once the work covered by the directive is completed or a final cost and time is determined, the Contractor will submit documentation for inclusion in a Change Order. The Change Order will be submitted to the Trustees for review and consideration. On June 17, 1997, the authority approved authorization for the Public Works Director to act as a representative of the authority for Work Change Directives not to exceed $5,000, A maximum cumulative total of $20,000 was also authorized prior to submittal of a Change Order for the Directives. Once work covered by the directive is completed or a final cost and time determined, the Contractor will submit documentation for inclusion in a Change Order. The Change Order will be submitted to the Trustees for final review and consideration. A Change Order has been submitted for Trustees approval representing the summary of authorized Work Change Directives numbers 1 -3, as shown below: Work Directive No. 1 - A: deleted 18'x12' sectional overhead door at the existing storage building. B: Replaced the bottom section of the existing sectional overhead door at the storage building. C: Added one 110 Volt, single phase door opener at the existing overhead door of the bobcat barn. D. Replaced the existing 3'x7' steel door, frame and hardware. Work Directive No. 2 - Modified the telephone system so it could be connected to system at City Hall in the future. Work Directive No. 3 - Credit given for difference in price of industrial valves requested to be used by Contractor versus AWWA valves specified. $41.55 (No additional days) $146.04 (No additional days) ($2,196.00) (No additional days) TOTAL WORK CHANGE DIRECTIVES ($2008.41) (No additional days) Each of these directives is below the maximum established for authorization by the Public Works Director. Work Directive No. 3 is a credit, resulting in a net credit for all three directives. Page 4 Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements (Phase 11B) Change Order #1 Two additional items are included in the Change Order that exceed the authorization under a Work Change Directive. These items are as follows: Item I - Provide and install a new 60 horsepower (HP) variable frequency drive (VFD) Item 2 - Match paint on mansard of existing sludge press building. Sand and paint mansards of new blower building, existing office building, and existing blower/lift- station building. $15,106.00 (No additional days) $8,057.40 (No additional days) TOTAL PROPOSED CHANGES $23,163.40 (No additional days) Item I allows for installation of a new variable frequency drive (VFD) motor operator at the Main Lift- Station, A VFD allows the pump motor to turn at variable speeds enabling varying pumping rates. The new VFD will match two (2) existing VFD units that were installed in Phase 11A. The unit to be installed is the last remaining unit in the lift station and is presently inoperable. Replacement of this VFD will provide equipment consistency for all motors. Item 2 is to paint the top portion (mansard) of three (3) buildings on the treatment plant site. Each of the buildings have similar block wall construction with sheet metal mansards. Each building is proposed to be painted to match the sludge press building built in Phase ITA in order to provide a uniform appearance on the plant site. (Additionally, the Animal Control Facility, adjacent to the treatment plant, will be painted; however, this cost is not included in the Change Order.) The total net cost of Change Order Number I is $21,15499. A total of $38,845.01 remains in the project allowance should other changes be needed. Funding for construction is included in a loan from the Oklahoma Water Resources Board. A $60,000.00 "Project Allowance" was included in the total construction contract award for the project. All change order costs are proposed to be included under the project allowance for this contract; therefore, there is no increase in the contract amount. Staff proposes the Trustees authorize the use of a portion of the project allowance in the amount of $21,154.99 for items included in Change Order No. 1. Funds in the amount of $38,845.01 will still be included in the project allowance. Page 5 Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements (Phase JIB) Change Order #1 At the present tune, funds have been obligated on the project in the amount of $1,799,532.99 (the total contract award of $1,838,378.00 less the $38,845.01 remaining project allowance following Change Order No. 1)0 9 CO EdND AL f LION Staff recommends the "trustees authorization to use a portion of the remaining $60,000.00 project allowance for the Wastewater 'treatment Plant Phase I113 Improvements to pay for Change Order No. I to include a $21,154.99 increase in the contract obligation and no increase in the contract time. i I I ' 1. Recommendation letter from Garver Engineers 2. Change Order Number I (with supporting documentation) 1 OPWA Resolution 9701 ent 8y: HUB INC ; Fngirnani .9411 S. 125th Eauk Avei Suit.. 301 Tulma, OK 7,1146-6206 C FAY. qt$- 250-;29 wworg rverirtc.com M iy 8, 200 Fa Robeit Carr Public Works Director city of Owasso PO f3ox 180 Owasso, Off. 4055 Re. Wastewater Treatment Plant hi- provement.q _e Phase EM Dear Tvin Carr. 9186827811; May -8 -02 4:15PM; Page 2/4 This letter is to provide ii-i Formation and our recommendation concerning Change Order No. 1 on the above rofe renced prgjec;t, Change Order No. l incorporates five () Work Direai vcs (1 A, 2A, 3, 4, arid. '5) into the, construction contract with Lamar lrrdust:rie , The total cast of they work directives is $21,154.99. P�)Y '-11t fnr° fi-wtq work will he rnade fr-OM the "t)rqiect allowance" included in the cuntruc;t, No C; an irr the c`lrrtract ri gill . r r�ircd. No increaw in the project completion time is required. An explanation of each work directive is as fbllows> .._. o. Cost Iie�orr Di- ni--d, TH - Fay-0-0k:, ^,n ® 1 luntbvillo, AL - Littio Rath, ^,R n MS5 - Tc, k:_a, VCS ® Tulsa, t'1K ent By: HUB INC a 91868278'11; May -8 -02 4:16PNls Page 314 mr, Carl, May 8, 2002 Bags 2 5 Painting of me tal mansard on 5 buildings: The project site, teas .O buildings all constructed under separate c; ontrac tx. The metal mansards do not match dale to various aas asLa l'aYi #.s A'& d'' a Gtivslor 6aAv., -YIC,u arkd fad;ns.. (64- -- aataaC71 dc"I I- W10AI-A 0 f$`4Sfin protect. inspccto) Thy work directive will sand and repaint. all 5 n-ians r-d r to mawh. Two (2) coats of paint will be applied. No cost Anvw ,n ,q could be achieved by obtaining an unpainted mansard for the 'fi'`4evv blower buitdirarg- Eitwe all P:inelsti Ure x`a-aftnLaf`�.>.rbila.ar0d in -Qo- 1.e, en?nr. We have reviewed the scope of woy -k on mll work directives Lind the assmiat d costs. We r€:r:omr•nr;nd yap royal of Chgnge Order Nfl. 1. Sincerely, EE GINEE S Tay If di ke Vice P Sid U cc Jamd Putca Richard Flood mt By: HUB INC 9186827811; May-8-02 8: 31 AM; Page 4/4 f . ........ .. ------ W M-" 0 PROJECT- Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements w phase UB TO CONTRACTOR, Lamar Industries P.O. Box 3078 Shawnee, OIL 74802 SECTION 00600 CHANGE ORDER CHANGE ORI.)ER NO 1 DATE, 05/061/'02 CONTRACT DATE: 10/06/0:1 CONTRACT FOR- Phase 1113 The Contract is changed as follows: To Incorporate Work Directive Changes 1A., 213, 3, 4, and 5 as attached. NOT VALID UNFIL, SIGNED BY THE OWNER AND COIF "TRACTOR. The original Contract Sun was 1,$38,378,00 Net change by previously authorized Change Orders $ 0.00 The Contract Sum prior to this Change Order was $ 1,838,378.00 The Contract Sure will be unchanged by this Change Order in the amount of $ 0.00 The new Contract Sum including this Change Order is $ 1,838,378.00 The Contract Time will be unchanged (0) days The date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order is still November 5, 2002. Lamar Industries • • • • lid. P • Box 3078 Shawn; e, • A 1.. M Owasso Public Works Authority OWTVEi2 P.O. Box 180 INNER IM DATE DATE Summary of Work Directives Change Order No. 1 Owasso Wastewater Treatment Plant improvements Phase I B Work Directive Amount Pur ose JA $41.55 Modify door replacement schedule 2A 146.04 Modify phone system 3 (2,196,00) Modify 6° air valves on aeration basin air supply lines 4 15,106°00 Replace failed variable speed drive on Main Pump Station to match 2 new V °s on other two pumps 5 8,057.40 lie -paint metal mansard on 5 buildings to match Total Additional Cost $21,154099 Amount Applied to .Allowance $21,154.99 Total .Allowance Remaining $38,845.01 Date to begin work: Labor 4A Payroll Additive & Overhead @ 30% mm��: M MI-M mm NAI Fcbnuwy 14, r� 4j .� -1 �� m3 LABOR Modify r opening to l einew concrr t ar Ia TOW Lftzr 1 MATERIALS New oar ® and hadware Oft att ) $792.00 yep L °Tat t Oa�fl f SUBCONTRACTS x T Tula & . . , ► Chap, Total Subconmes $634.65 O. B A. 204 - 74802-3078 &1, (406)275-3374 -h (405)27kS-3376 fax coNrR-ACTOR: LAMAP, INDUSTRIES The following work or other items are requested or implementation in accordance with: A 11,9ib ?I fla Justification or Goal: M — 0 Date t® be work: ---4 Add1 Calendar Days:—hk-- ,oam From-LAMAR INDUSTRIES Febmary 14, 2002 405-275-3316 T-230 P-03/05 F-480 WORK DIRECTIVE CHAINGE #2 Description: At the, request of the OwIler, modify the new jelephon ye es q grnas de=iffiad on the a, bed list of materials form F31S Communications, SUBCONTRACTS M—M—Communicationsnet eban esee attac bed l $102.12 Total Subcontracts $102.12 P.O.Box 3076 A 204 N. LoulSa A Shawnee, OK A 74802-3076 A (405)275-3374 A (40!5)275-:3376 fax From-LAMAR INDUSTRIES 405-2753376 T-230 P-04/05 F-480 0 Instaued Pu O Pdce $6,052.13 Breakdown of Cbangm: Deleted 3 EMOWus Curdless Phones $1,512.00 Deleted I AnWog Stdion Cud $ 1,280M Added I T7316 Digital Set $ 240-00 Added 2 Analog Terminal Adaptors S 400.00 No orstar 9 12 bullulow A0652667 compad Yes XSU (LS/DS) I A0782067 COMpWA ICS RwWaW WWWig raM 1 IU652672 XS/DS AiWag Tnwk CaW I A0790981 Flash Void Aftil Lite (12 WOM 1, ,M409172 U7310 Sot 2 ftGeniva 2.4 O'HZ Cm&m TrAcphme 2 "BDOAL93 AnAug TOWnd Adaptor 2 Instaued Pu O Pdce $6,052.13 Breakdown of Cbangm: Deleted 3 EMOWus Curdless Phones $1,512.00 Deleted I AnWog Stdion Cud $ 1,280M Added I T7316 Digital Set $ 240-00 Added 2 Analog Terminal Adaptors S 400.00 aCS 41 Standard Q 2 t» and Auto »2222» »«22 «G ^ ~ ' » :m», Prompts dam. M Labor Common E i wt ^ 2%° 2! ;» /! Runs ■ The following work or other items are requested for implementation in accordance with: Justification or Goal: WORK DIRECTIVE CHANGE NO. DATE: PROJECT- WASTEWA ER TRE-AIMENT: ,LANTIMPRGy�h pR �MEMr�S �ASE 11B� OMTNER. 0, L,NGLT,,FEER: GARVER E'NQMERS-,,jNQ, CONTRACTOR: L AR INDUSTRMS The following work or other items are requested for implementation in accordance with: Justification or Goal: March 25, 2002 Mthr. Jay Up Rke, P. E. Graver, Inc. 5411 S. 125"' East Avenue Tulsa, 01dahoma 74,146-6206 limit US (11scusslons on UV, a credit of Two Thousand One Hundred and Ninety Six Dollars ($2,196) for using ABZ wafer butterfly valves in lieu of MH valves on the referenced project. This credit h� based on a thirty six dollar difference in the two valves multiplied by sixty-one total valves. Price quotations and information on the valves are attached. 1001 is, Er ti= III III !III Jill lII 11111 !111 11111111111 111111111 111 Lr-U [93 C�7 T 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . PRECISION BUILT e. 1. This valve, like the entire ABZ line, is completely universal on the top -side dimension and face to face. 2. The phenolic backed seat is non - collapsible, stretch resistant and blowout proof, 3, The figure 396/397 has a series of molded in owrings that give extra protection around the stem area, This helps prevent the possibility of sterna leakage, 4> This valve has graphite `T"eflon bushing, This is a self-Jubricating, wear resistant bushing that won't seize life the bronze bushings, 5, The 396/397 is rated to 200 psi close off, and 150 psi for dead end service, The ABZ figure 396/397 is designed for complete adaptability to utilize various actuators for throttling. They may be used with handles, gear operators, pneumatic or electric operators. As requirements change or demand arises, actuators can be changed without changing the valve. See the attached ABZ drawing for further material specifications and all dimensional data. )N`, C ABZ VALVES & A Division of ABZ Manufacturing, Inc. CONTROLS, ABZ ( 1 P.O. Box 157 o 224 West Gain ® Madison, KS 66660 (316) 437 -2440 ® FAX (316) 437 -2435 website: www,abzvalve.com - e -mail: abzvalvo@madtel.net This brochure presents data which is meant for general Information only, The compatibility or acceptability of these products K 101 Effi-WE NOTES: E is disc chordal dimension at valve face. item No. (6) 2"-5" requires I taper pin. 6"-12" requires 2 taper pins. N, SECTION Water Body I 2 Qisc —Eern 3 4 I Seat VALVE DIMENSIONS 5 Bushing 6 Taper Pin A 7 8 Seal s Key D SECTION TOP VIEW VALVE DIMENSIONS Size A B C D E F G H K Key Size Weigh% Top Plate Drilling S.M H� Hw 2' 2 ---i 3112 5112 11/8 11/8 4 1 1;18 3'j. 4 "I"S 2112- 1 4' /p® 6 7— 4 1'/� T1. 4 E 3" 3 4"A 674 1114 2/s6 4 1114 37. 4 4- 4 51/8 7 2 35 /a 4 11/< 13 _ , Th 4 7. 5" 5 T/s 7'12 7p `la 27. 4 I �If '14 72 -- 77.5 31//® —4 6. 51A 811S -� 5'/2 4 1 iA 7� — — --T— 19 — 4 8 71/4 101/4 91/2 27, -7 7'12 1114 719 34 5 —4 9f i8 10" �12 91h 12"he I ?'hs I UIA 10'/' �TA3 2112 27 gig/ 2 15/e — — Ih X11. 45 5 —4 12" 113/, 17431.' 1 11 9/;G 6 —2 11/a — li� X11, Re—rks SUBASSEMBLY PART NUMBER Trim P rt Size Figure No. Style ABA MANUFAGTUF�NG, INC. 2 %12° Figure 396 Vatve Standard Water Pattern A8Z BODY* Flangeless w/360* Top Plate CVALIVE DISC: Standard . ..... I STEM: One Piece wlFlats/Keyway BY DATE DESCRIPTION SEAT. EEastorner REV IONS Date August 1, 2000 Dra-ing No- ED 416 900 NOTCH PLATE BOLT Oil m BY DATE DESCMP SUBASSEMBLY PART NUMBER pX Tdm part 800 320 �Xxx L xxx ABZ MANUFACTURING INQ -I B m BY DATE DESCMP SUBASSEMBLY PART NUMBER pX Tdm part 800 320 �Xxx L xxx ABZ MANUFACTURING INQ -I P. 02 March 22, 2002 The Mice for the M&H 6" afor butterfly v l -ve is 2 6� -4. Factory. 1i ®fit 13roadwsY ® Broken Arrow, Oklahoma 4012 ® (91 ) 6EJ -222 Fax OWNER OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY ENGINES, R: GARVER ENGINEE JN CONTRACTOR: LAMAR INDUSTRfES The following work or other items are requested for implementation in accordance with: Date to begin work.- k5bA-A — Add'l Calendar Days: DESCRIPTION AMMU; TOTAL TO DATE Materials Previous WDC 1 T) —1, Equipment 7 otal wit t is 51 .......... Payroll Additive & Overhead @ 30% l; Subtotal TOTAL____ APPROVED BY: OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY DATE 05-01-02 11 :20all Frorri-LAW-P INDUSTRIES 405-275-3376 T -519 P,01/05 F-T57 March 7, 2001 Mi. Richard Flood chaver, Inc. 5411 '& 125" Fast Avenue Tulma OkWwwa 74146-6206 VIA FAX (918) 274-0257 RE OWASSO WASTEWAMR PLANT — PHASE TIB REQUESTED PRICES FOR ADDITIONAL WORK Attached are workshects "Wing the ®e for addidomal work requested by the Owner at the referenced project. The price for the work has been calculned as set forth in Spcoffication 1 ®105 oft he con do vs, Tho prkw for the requested items are m follows: ProAde and hwall 60 bp VFD at main puipp station $15,106M ED kilfral-w''M 91 111111 IgIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III b �� .' '� • ` � 11 mil. ,`' � ix � ;I,�, Fr s if n i i 05-01-02 11 :Zzam From-LAW INDUSTRIES March 14� 2002 P,e&mnco-. Owam WWTP — PIMM OB Subject Bleabiod Addiflom m 405 -275. °3376 T-5 I � -P.05/05 F-757 4057275-3374 FAX 405-275-3376 F iiiJigil; JlJlilJillJ�J JJJJJJJJ Jill 11 lill lJ 111�111 11 1 OWNER OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY- ENGE',4-E-ER: GARVER ENGINEERS, INC. Date to begin work:--46Alc-hl (' � q �k `. folm" APPROVED BY: OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY DATE 05-01-02 11 :20am From—LAWR INDUSTRIES T-519 P-01105. F-M MaTch 7� 2001 Mix. Mo➢-ard Flood Graver, Inc 5411 & 125t"' East Avenue T uLq-d, OklaWnja 74146-620C) VIA FAX (918) 274-0257 M OWASSO WASTEWAMR PLANT - PILASE UB REQUESTED PRICES FOR ADDITIONAL WORK Altached are workshects showing the pite for addidoml work requested by the Owner at the referenoed projwL The price for the work has been calcifted as set fbith in Speoificatbn I ° 1® of the contrdol doements, The priom for the requested its are as follows: ox 3076 &* 204 N -Louisa A Shawnee, OK A. 74802-3078 A (406)275-3374 A (405)275-3376 tax DESQUPTMN ()F PRMWD WORM AT THE FiEMEST OF rrE OVMER, FURINM PRICING TO PAINT E)OSMNG BUILDING FAMA PANBS SO THAT THE OMM.OF ALL FASCIA PANELS W AT THE PLANT MATCK V"X INCLUDES POMR WASHIING� SAN(k AND APPLYING TM COATS OF . *IEFMNWLUAMS DTM ACRYLJC LAM PAWAT FACH BUILDING gaS7 90 05-0102 1 1 : 2 1 R14 F r urri-LAMP I N D U S T R I E S WD AMMICA PAINTING, IN o C 20 3 1 s 24'rH ST W MUSKOCEL OK 74401 9 1 8.6821 986 Fax 918-682-6968 RK'o OW"So WASTEWATER TWA-rmENT PLAw OWA"o, OK T-5 I Q P 03/05 F-TH SCOPE OF WORK POWER INASH; SAND6 AM APPLY TWO COATS OF SHERMN-WILLIAMS OTM ACRYUC LATEX EM'nM MANSARD ON DOG POUND BLta $750-00 EXISTINO MANSARD-ON SLUCM FUM Eqj= S,2,61s.00 EXISTM MANSARai ON OFPCE BLDG WoG44.00 EXISTM MANSARD ON "WEWLWT STATION $1,740.00 NeW MAN"RO ON BLCMIEN BLDG $1.927.00 OP WA RESOLUTION NO 97-01 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TRUSTEES OF THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY THAT: APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of June, 1997 by the Trustees of the Owasso Public Works Authority. D Cates, Trust Attorney OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY OPWA RESOLUTION NO 97-01 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TRUSTEES OF THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY THAT: M��� TO- THE HONORABLE CHAIR AND TRUSTEES OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY FROM, F. ROBERT CARR,,YR., P.E. PUBLIC WORKS DI CT SURIECT. ACCEPTANCE OF WORk.AND FINAL PAYMENT ATOR RE, LIEF LINE The construction of the Ator Relief Line eliminated the Ator Lift Station by installation of 6,700 LF of 18-inch gravity sewer line. This project was constructed to comply with an Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) consent order to eliminate sanitary sewer bypasses in the north central section of the City. The construction contract was awarded to Sapulpa Digging, Inc. in January 2001 in the amount of $818,270.00. Through Change Orders, the revised contract sum was increased to $821,306.38. Substantial completion was achieved November 14, 2001 when the gravity line became operational. Over the period of mid-November through January various cleanup items were completed that included: hauling excess trench material, final grading, seeding, fencing, replanting of trees and shrubs, removal of the old lift station, creek crossing embankment stabilization, rebuilding of golf course tee boxes and installation of a service line to the Mills residence. Final inspection was conducted on January 23, 2002. By Trustee action at the February 7, 2002 meeting, release of the retainage was approved. One contracted work item remained to be completed for installation of sod on the tee boxes of hole number 2 at Bailey Ranch Golf Course. Golf course maintenance personal needed to install an irrigation system before the sod was laid. The irrigation system was installed in April and the Contractor installed the sod the first week of May. This work item has been invoiced for payment. All deficiencies identified during the final inspection have been corrected to the satisfaction of the City of Owasso. Golf course personal have indicated satisfaction with the sod installation. The project is considered complete. Page 2 Ator Relief Line Final Acceptance and Authorization for Final Payment The Contractor has provided a one -year maintenance bored which will be effective upon acceptance of the work (see attached), FUNDING SOURCE: Funding for the project has been a loan from the Oklahoma Mater Resources Board. RECOMMENDATION. Staff recommends final acceptance of construction of the Ator Relief Tine and authorization for final payment to Sapulpa Digging, Inc., Sapulpa, Oklahoma in the amount of $4,5000000 ATTACHMENTS. 1. Final Pay Request 2, Maintenance Bond APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT TO (Owner): Owasso Public 1,0orks 207 C-dar Owasso, OK 74055 Page One of Contract 6101 Application Date:-- FRUM (Con tractor): Sa-ou-1-pa Digging, Inc. Period To: 5/2 102 P.O. Box 1105 S-anuj,-na, OK 7406'7 Distribution To: Owner Architect PROJECT: Owasso 'Sastewater Collection System Contractor Tm-o:roveinents - ATCR Releif Line CONTR ACT FOR- Application is made for payment, as shown below, in connection with the Contract. Continuation sheet is attached. AGREEMENT 0599 00300 - 8 of 13 9. Balance to Finish, Plus Retainaae (Line 3 less Line 6) CHANGE ORDER SUMMARY: ADDITIONS Change Orders approved in previous months by OWNER TOTALS Approved this month Number $ Date approved 1/19/0-2 TOTALS $--3, 0 76 -,j) P� Not change by Change Orders 0 nn DEDU(7rJONS I The undersigned Contractor certifies that to the best of the Contractor's knowledge, information and belief, the WORK covered by this Application for Payment has been completed in accordance with the Contract Documents, that all amounts have been paid by the Contractor for Work for which previous Certificates for Payment were issued and payments received from the Owner, and that current payment shown herein is now due. CONTRACTOR- By: Date: 5/2/02 STATE OF OKLAHOMA ) A t, ) SS COUNTYOFig' Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2-nd day of May ,2002 . My Commission LC Notary Public AGREEMENT 0599 00300 - 9 of 13 In tabulations below, amounts are stated to the nearest dollar. Use Column I oil Contracts where variable retainage for line items may apply. A B C ITEM DESCRIPTION SCHEDULED WORK COMPLETED WORK COMPLETED NO. OFWORX VALUE FROM PREVIOUS THIS PERIOD (NOT IN D OR E) TO DATE APPLICATION 821 9X06-38- 916,806 ®78 4,500.00 8- A,1 UAiAllka, payment of the arnount certified. AMOUNT CERTIFIED $ t�,S, 0 o (Attach Explanation if amount certified differs from the amount applied for.) ARCHITECT / ENGINEER: �j as, By: Date. 4 1 TWs certificate is not negotiable. The AMOUNT CERTIFIED is payable only to the contractor nanied herein. Issuance, payment and acceptance of payment without prejudice to any rig of th ,hts e Owner or Contractor under this Conti-act. AGREFIvMNT 0599 00300 ® 10 of 13 Les Gregg P.O. Box 1105 Sapulpa, Ok. 74067-1105 918-321-3952 Owasso-ATOR Relief Lm'e 207 So. Cedar Owasso, Ok. 714055 Attu; Phil Lutz �1 CA DATE INVOICE 5/1/2002 1-821 PROJECT ITEM DESCRIPTION QTY RATE AMOUNT 16 ROW Sodding/ Bailey Golf Course 3,000 1.50 Total 4,500.00 $4,500,00 J-"l to 114U ® ; ul\l - I Z) ID u MAINTENANCE BOND 0599 MAINTENANCE BOND 00420 - I of 2 NOW,.` HEREFORE, if the said Principal and Surety shall faithfully and securely keep and perform all of the obligations herein provided to be kept and performed by there, or either of there, then this obligation shall be null and void and of no force and effect, otherwise to be and remain in full force and effect at all times. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED this day of �������� .��9 20--Q1. Title Merchants nding Goner Y (Mutual) Surety (SEAT.) % S APULPA DIGGING INC. Contractor (Principal)ti» Title Les G � (SEAT.,) (Accompany the bond with a Power of Attorney) 0599 pviAiNTENANCB BOND 00420 - 2 of 2 Know All Persons By These Presents, that the MERCHANTS BONDING COMPANY (MUTUAL), a corporation duty organized under the laws of the State of Iowa, and having its principal office in the City of Des Moines, County of Polk, State of Iowa, hath made, constituted and appointed, and does by these presents make, constitute and appoint Tort Le Courtney, Vicky L. Courtney of Tulsa and State of Oklahoma its true and lawful Attornoy4n -Fact, with full power and authority hereby conferred in its name, place and stead, to sign, execute, acknowledge and deliver in its behalf as surety any and all bonds, undertakings, recognizances or other written obligations in the nature thereof, subject to the limitation that any such instrument shall not exceed the amount of: ONE MILLION ($1,000,,000.00) Dollars and to bind the MERCHANTS BONDING COMPANY (MUTUAL) thereby as fully and to the same extent as if such bond or undertaking was signed by the duly authorized officers of the MERCHANTS BONDING COMPANY (MUTUAL), and all such acts of said Attorney -in -Fact, pursuant to the authority herein given, are hereby ratified and confirmed. This Power -of- Attorney is made and executed pursuant to and by authority of the following Amended Substituted and Restated By -Laws adopted by the Board of Directors of the MERCHANTS BONDING COMPANY (MUTUAL.) on October 3, 9992. ARTICLE 11, SECTION B. — The Chairman of the Board or President or any Vice President or Secretary shall have power and author- ity to appoint Attorneys- in-Fact, and to authorize them to execute on behalf of the Company, and attach the Seal of the Company thereto, bonds and undertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, ARTICLE 11, SECTION 9. -w The signature of any authorized officer and the Seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any Power of Attorney or Certification thereof authorizing the execution and delivery of any bond, undertaking, recognizance, or other suretyship obligations of the Company. and such signature and seal when so used shall have the same force and effect as though manually fixed. In Witness Whereof, MERCHANTS BONDING COMPANY (MUTUAL) has caused these presents to be signed by its President and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed, this 21st ft of August , 1998, Oil W Ira *J �1 0 . MERG14ANTS BONDING COMPANY (MUTUAL) go On this 21st day of August , 1998 , before me appeared Larry Taylor, to me personally known, who being by me duly sworn did say that he is President of the MERCHANTS BONDING COMPANY (MUTUAL), the corporation described in the foregoing instrument, and that the Seat affixed to the said instrument is the Corporate Seat of the said Corporation and that the said instrument was signed and seated in behalf of said Corporation by authority of its Board of Directors. In Testimony Whereof, 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal at the City of Des Moines, Iowa, the day and year first above written. ® ®��a Mo A ® ® � o Qo,®aa®oo ® _ 7 ® Notary Public Polk Gounly, Iowa ® IOWA ! „` 4t ^! 1, William Warner, Jr., Secretary of the MERCHANTS BONDING COMPANY (MUTUAL), do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the POWER -OF- ATTORNEY, executed by said MERCHANTS BONDING COMPANY (MUTUAL), which is still in force and effect. Ily "ell