HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002.05.21_City Council Agenda B. Approval of Claims. Attachment #5-B A. Approval of Minutes of the May 7, 2002 Regular Meeting and the May 14, 2002 Special Meeting. Attachment #5-A 5. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of the Consent Agenda. (All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the City Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Councilor may, however, remove an item from consent by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non-debatable.) 4. Roll Call I'OC do?' He\yy\ 3. Flag Salute Invocation :fim tvfcBlTItth w"I C ; I M ~t 1. Call to Order Mayor Brogdon AGENDA Hall 4:00 p.m. on Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted at Friday, May 1.7,2002. Regular May 21,2002 6:30 p.m. Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center TYPE OF MEETING: DATE: TIME: PLACE: PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL G. Action Relating to Ordinance #709, an Ordinance Providing for a Planned Unit Development on Propeliy Located South of East 116111 Street North Between 129111 East Ave and U.S. Highway 169, Containing 126.05 Acres, More or Less. Attachment #5-G The staff recommends Council approval of Ordinance #708, and has listed this item in the consent section of the agenda based on Council action on April 16, 2002 to approve the rezoning and authorize an ordinance. F. Action Relating to Ordinance #708, an Ordinance Providing for the Rezoning of Property Located South of East 116111 Street North Between 129111 East Ave and U.S. Highway 169, from AG (Agriculture) to 23.05 Acres of RS-3 (Residential Single Family High Intensity), and 16.46 Acres to CS (Commercial Shopping Center); With 86.54 Acres of the Tract Remaining AG. Attachment #5-F The staff recommends City Council approval of Ordinance #707, and has listed this item in the consent section of the agenda based on Council action on April 16, 2002 to approve the partial abandonment and authorize an ordinance. E. Action Relating to Ordinance #707, an Ordinance Providing for the Partial Abandonment of 15 Acres Located Within OPUD-OI-Ol, Generally Located at the Southeast Corner of East 1 16tl1 Street NOlih and North Mingo Road Attachment #5-E The staff recommends Council approval of a one year extension of a contract with Fuelman of Oklahoma to provide gasoline and diesel fuel through June 30, 2003 at a bid margin of 8.5~ per gallon over the Oil Price Index Service, and that the Mayor be authorized to execute the extension agreement. D, Action Relating to the Extension of a Contract for the Purchase of Gasoline and Diesel Fuel for City Vehic1es. Attachment #5-D The City may cast a ballot in the annual election for trustees to the OMAG. The OMAO is our liability insurance carrier and is comprised of a pool of Oklahoma cities joined together to ensure municipal insurance coverage. The staff recommends the Council cast votes for Ryan Adams, Sand Springs Finance , Stanley Alexander, Mayor of The Village; and Chris Harden, Mayor of Shawnee. C Action Relating to the Election of Three Trustees to the Oklahoma Municipal Assurance Group, and Authorizing the Mayor to Execute the Official Ballot. Attachment #5-C Owasso City Council May 21,2002 Page 2 The staff will recommend Council approval of Ordinance #710, prohibiting the use of a Jacobs Engine Brake or other exhaust or engine device without a muffler or with a malfunction muffler, as braking power or to slow down a vehicle's rate of speed in the City of Ow as so. 7. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Ordinance #710, an Ordinance Pertaining to Jacobs Engine Brakes or Similar Devices Within the City Limits of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. Chief Greene Attachment #7 The staff has requested and received sealed quotes to paint both the inside and outside of the Animal Control Facility, and will recommend that a contract be awarded to Davis Custom Painting Inc, Owasso, OK, in the amount of$1O,545. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to the A ward of a Bid for the Painting of the Animal Control Facility. Chief Greene Attachment #6 The staff recommends Council acceptance of the infrastructure improvements. Action Relating to Acceptance of the Water and Sanitary Sewer Systems Constructed to Serve Metro Heights an Addition to the of Owasso, Tulsa Oklahoma. Attachment #5-H The staff recommends City Council approval of Ordinance #709, and has listed this item in the consent section of the agenda based on Council action on April 16, 2002 to approve the PUD and authorize an ordinance. Owasso City Council May 21, 2002 Page 3 The staff will recommend City Council authorization for an expenditure not to exceed $17,000 to Total Radio Inc and Clifford Power Systems for the purchase and installation of the necessary equipment to relocate the City's communication equipment to the Titan tower. 10. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request to Purchase Equipment Necessary to Relocate the Radio System Antennas. Mr White Attachment #10 The staff will recommend City Council action to approve a supplemental appropriation to the E-911 Fund, increasing expenditures by $17,000. 9. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for a Supplemental Appropriation to the E-911 Fund. Ms Bishop Attachment # 9 #2002-05. staff will adoption 8. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Resolution #2002-05, a Resolution Declaring the Intent to Initiate and Support the City of Owasso Becoming a City of Character. Mr McElrath Attachment #8 Owasso City Council May 21, 2002 Page 4 The Owasso Planning Commission has conducted a hearing on this request and recommends Council approval of the final plat for Cross Timbers, a .93 acre, one-lot subdivision located on the south side of E l03rd St N, immediately west of the Northeast Elementary School. The staff concurs with the recommendation. 13. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for City Council Approval of a Pinal Plat for Cross Timbers, an Addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma. Mr Rooney Attachment # 13 The staff will recommend approval of the easement closing and adoption of Ordinance #711. 1 Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Ordinance #711, and Ordinance Providing for the Partial Closing of a Utility Easement Located Within Lot 33, Block 5, Country Estates IV (10756 E 120tl1 St N). Mr Rooney Attachment #12 The staff will recommend City Council approval the Memorandum of Understanding for the 800 MHz radio system inter-operability, and authorization for the Mayor to execute the document. 11. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Inter-Operability Between the City of Owasso, the City of Tulsa, and the Oklahoma Department of Public Safety. Mr White Attachment #11 Owasso City Council May 21, 2002 Page 5 The staff will recommend City Council adoption of Resolution #2002-06, authorizing the Mayor to execute a joint resolution with Washington County Rural Water District #3, Rogers County Rural Water District #3, and the City of Collinsville requesting a special appropriation in the amount of $250,000 for the funding of a feasibility study relating to the construction of a regional water treatment facility, and submission of the joint resolution to the offices of Congressman Brad Carson and Congressman John Sullivan. 16. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Resolution #2002-06, a Resolution Requesting Funding for a Regional Water Treatment Feasibility Study. Mr Ray Attachment # 16 The City of Owasso has received notification from the Oklahoma Department of Commerce of the award of a CDBG - Small Cities grant in the amount of $67,132. The staff will recommend City Council acceptance of the grant, and authorization for the Mayor to execute the appropriate documents. 15. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Acceptance of CDBG Funds, and Authorization for the Mayor to Execute the Appropriate Documents. Mr Ray Attachment # 15 The Commission has conducted a hearing on request and recommends Council approval of the final plat for Heights a 15 acre, 44-10t subdivision located north of E 106th N, immediately east of Mingo Road. The staff concurs with the recommendation. 14. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for City Council Approval of a Final Plat for Metro Heights II, an Addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma. Mr Rooney Attachment # 14 Owasso City Council May 21,2002 Page 6 21. New Business (New Business is any item of business which could not have been foreseen at the time of posting of the agenda.) 20. Report from City Councilors. 19. Report from City Attorney. 18. Report from City Manager. The staff will recommend approval of a contract between the City and Lodge #149 (police) covering 2002-2003, providing for wages, benefits and other working conditions, such contract negotiated by representatives of the parties and ratified by the FOP Lodge #149. 17. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Contract Between the City of Owasso and FOP Lodge #149 (Police). Mr Ray Attachment #17 Owasso City COllncil May 21, 2002 Page 7 22. Adjournment Owasso City Council May 21,2002 Page 8 B. Approval of Claims. A. Approval of Minutes of the April 16, 2002 Regular Meeting and April 23, 2002 Special Meeting. ITEM 5: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR APPROV AL OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONSENT AGENDA. A quorum was declared present. STAFF Rodney J Ray, City Manager Ronald D Cates, City Attorney Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk PRESENT ABSENT Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor, Chair Randy Brogdon, Vice Mayor/Vice Chair Will Williams, Councilor/Trustee Rebecca Armstrong, Councilor/Trustee Michael Helm, Councilor/Trustee Susan Kimball, Councilor/Trustee-Elect Gary Cochran, Councilor/Trustee-Elect ROLL CALL ITEM 4: Mayor Barnhouse led in the flag salute. FLAG SALUTE ITEM 3: Councilor Michael Helm offered the invocation. INVOCA nON ITEM 2: Mayor Barnhouse called the meeting to order at 6:30 The Owasso City Council met in regular session jointly with the Owasso Public Works Authority and the Owasso Public Golf Authority on Tuesday, May 7, 2002 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 2,2002. OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, May 7, 2002 - 2 - Motion carried 5-0. AYE: Armstrong, Brogdon, Helm, Williams, Barnhouse NAY: None The OPW A consent agenda included minutes of the April 16, 2002 Regular Meeting, by reference made a part hereto. Item B on the consent agenda included the following claims: (1) OPWA Fund $150,318.50; (2) OPWA Capital Improvements Fund $266,008.89; (3) OPWA Sales Tax Fund $133,721.44; (5) Payroll $36,582.29. Ms Armstrong moved, seconded by Mr Brogdon, to approve the OPW A consent agenda. ITEM 6: REQUEST APPROVAL OF THE OPW A CONSENT AGENDA. Motion carried 5-0. AYE: Armstrong, Brogdon, Helm, Williams, Barnhouse NA Y: None The consent agenda included minutes of the April 16, 2002 Regular Meeting and April 23, 2002 Special Meeting, by reference made a pmi hereto. Item B on the consent agenda included the following claims: (1) General Fund $85,033.23; (2) Ambulance Service Fund $4,232.68; (3) Juvenile Court Fund $75.00; (4) Capital Improvements Fund $2,195.00; (5) Bond Projects Fund $30,140.63; (6) City Garage Fund $6,471.92; (7) Workers Comp Fund $6,596.17; (8) Payroll $185,419.35; (9) City Garage Payroll $5,331.27; (10) Ambulance Payroll $13,834.45; (11) E-911 Payroll $874.54; (12) Workers Comp Payroll $1,215.75. Item C requested approval of an amendment to the December 18,2001 minutes to include an item inadvertently left out of the approved minutes of that meeting, to include the purchase of a 2002 Chevrolet Silverado service truck from Classic Chevrolet, Owasso, OK in the amount of $32,891.46, and authorization for payment. Item D requested approval of Resolution #2002-04 and authorization for the City Treasurer to deposit $546,250 (a decrease in the City's local matching fund requirement) with ODOT for the 86th St N & Main intersection project. Ms Armstrong moved, seconded by Mr Brogdon, to approve the City Council consent agenda. Action Relating to a Request for Approval of Resolution #2002-04, a Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Project Maintenance and Finance Agreement Between the Oklahoma Department of Transportation and the City of Owasso for Intersection and Street Reconstruction and Traffic Signalization at 86th Street North and Main Street; and Authorizing the City Treasurer to Deposit Funds in the Amount of $546,250 With the Oklahoma Department of Transportation as Required by the Agreement. C. Action Relating to A Request for an Amendment to the Minutes of December 18, 2001 to Include Item # 10 of the December 18, 2001 Owasso City Council Meeting, Which Was Inadvertently Left Out of the Approved Minutes as a Result of a Scrivener's Error. May 7, 2002 Owasso City Council ,." - .J - Mayor Brogdon announced that a reception honoring retiring councilors Barnhouse and Williams, newly-seated councilors Kimball and Cochran, and the newly-elected Mayor and Vice Mayor would be held immediately following the Council meeting. Motion carried 4-1 and Mr Helm was elected Vice Mayor/OPW A Vice Chair/OPGA Vice Chair. A YE: Cochran, Kimball, Helm, Brogdon NA Y: Armstrong Mayor Brogdon called for nominations for Vice Mayor/OPW A Vice Chair/OPGA Vice Chair. Mr Cochran nominated Mr Helm for Vice Mayor and Vice Chair of the OPW A and OPGA, seconded by Ms Kimball. ITEM 10: ELECTION OF VICE MA YOR/OPW A VICE CHAIR/OPGA VICE CHAIR. Motion carried 5-0 and Mr Brogdon was elected Mayor/OPW A Chair/OPGA Chair. AYE: Helm, AIIDstrong, Cochran, Kimball, Brogdon NAY: None Vice Mayor Brogdon presided and called for nominations for Mayor/OPW A Chair/OPGA Chair. Mr Helm nominated Mr Brogdon for Mayor and Chair of the OPW A and OPGA, seconded by Ms Armstrong. ITEM 9: ELECTION OF MA YOR/OPW A CHAIR/OPGA CHAIR. City Attorney Ron Cates administered the oath of office to Councilor-elect Kimball and Councilor-elect Cochran, who then took their seats at the council bench. ITEJVilt OATH OF OFFICE ADMINISTERED TO COUNCILOR-ELECTCQCBRAN AND COUNCILOR~ELECT KIMBALL. Motion calTied Williams, Brogdon, NAY: The OPGA consent agenda included minutes of the April 16, 2002 Regular Meeting, by reference made a part hereto. Item B on the consent agenda included the following claims: (1) OPGA Fund $61,500.43; (2) Payroll $20,054.32. Ms Armstrong moved, seconded by Mr Williams, to approve OPGA consent agenda. ITEM 7: REQUEST APPROV ALDF THE OPGA CONSENT AGENDA. May 7, 2002 Owasso City Council - 4 - Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk Randy Brogdon, Mayor The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. due to lack of a quorum. ITEM 17: ADJOURNMENT Mr Cochran moved, seconded by Ms Kimball, to recess to the activities room for a reception honoring retiring councilors Barnhouse and Williams, newly-seated councilors Kimball and Cochran, and the incoming Mayor and Vice Mayor, with the meeting to be adjourned when there was no longer a quorum. Meeting recessed at 6:45 p.m. ITEM 16: RECESSTO COMMUNITY CENTER RECREATION ROOM FOR RECEPTION. None. ITEM 15: NEW BUSINESS. No repOli. ITEM 14:, REPORT FROM CITY COUNCILORS. No report. ITEM 13: REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY. No report. It was determined that this was not an item needing approval. Ms Armstrong read the proclamation, which recognized the contribution the Jennifer Gibson Scholarship Fund has made to the education of the community's softball athletes. and Gibson accepted the proclamation, which was signed by all members of the council. ITEM 11 : CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A PROCLAMATION DECLARING MAY 10, 11 & 12,2002 AS JENNIFER GIBSON MEMORIAL SCHOLARHIP FUND DAYS IN OW ASSQ, OKLAHOMA. May 7, 2002 Owasso City Council Chief Green said that there have been complaints about the loud noises being emitted from large trucks when they are braking. Many large trucks are equipped with a Jacobs Engine Brake to assist in the process of slowing the vehicle. This process causes the vehicles to emit a loud noise unless the exhaust is properly muffled. This problem isn't specifically addressed in the City of Owasso Code of Ordinances, and an amendment is needed to add provisions regarding vehicle ITEM 4: DISCUSSION RELATING TO A JAKE BRAKE ORDINANCE. Jim McElrath introduced Mr Chuck Coker, who gave a detailed presentation regarding the City of Character program. A resolution declaring the intent of the City Council to initiate and support with program, was discussed. This item will appear on the May 21 st agenda for action. ITEM 3: CITY OF CHARACTER PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED RESOLUTION DECLARING OW ASSO A CITY OF CHARACTER. Councilor Armstrong read a prepared statement and requested that it be entered into the minutes. The statement is attached and made a part of these minutes. Following her prepared statement, she fmiher stated that she does not intend to resign from the council, and that she is giving serious consideration to running for the state senate seat being vacated by Grover Campbell. ITEM 2: REQUEST TO ADDRESS THE COUNCILEQRTBE PURPOSE OF MAKING A STATEMENT. A quorum was declared present. STAFF Rodney J Ray, City Manager Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk ABSENT PRESENT Randy Brogdon, Mayor - 15/1 Michael Helm, Vice Mayor ~ 15/1 Rebecca Armstrong, Councilor -- 15/1 Susan Kimball, Councilor - 2/0 Gary Cochran, Councilor - 2/0 Mayor Brogdon called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. The Owasso City Council met in special session on Tuesday, May 14, 2002 in the Main Conference Room at Owasso City Hall per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, May 10, 2002. OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday, May 14, 2002 - 2 - Mr Rooney discussed some easements that were dedicated to the City without the knowledge or acceptance of the City. He is currently looking into the matter to determine if any action needs to be taken. ITEM 8: DISCUSSION RELATING TO RURAL WATER DISTRICT DEEDS OF DEDICATION. Mr Carr discussed work change directives and two other items included in a proposed change order for the work on the wastewater treatment plant. The total net cost of the change order is $21,154.99, however, a project allowance of $60,000 was included in the total construction contract award, and staff proposes to use a portion of the project allowance for the items included in the change order. ITEM 7: DISCUSSION RELATING TO A CHAnGE ORDER FOR THE WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT CONSTRUCTION. The other item will be a request for council approval of an Inter-Operability Memorandum of Understanding with the State of Oklahoma and the City of Tulsa, which will provide the ability to interface the Owasso radio system with the two radio systems on the State and Regional Mutual Aid Frequencies of the Tulsa system. This will allow for better communication with public safety entities. Mr White discussed two issues relating to the 800 MHz radio system. One item related to the need to relocate the antenna system to the Titan telecommunication tower. The scope of work would include the purchase and installation of the equipment necessary to relocate the antenna system and provide an emergency power source. Staff plans to have an item on the May 21 st agenda for the council to take action to authorize an expenditure not to exceed $17,000 for the project. ITEM 6: DISCUSSION RELATING TO ISSUES WITH TITAN TOWERS. Chief Greene discussed the need to paint the animal control facility inside and out. Several local painters were contacted for quotes, and all estimates exceeded $5000. Vendors were then contacted to submit sealed quotes. quotes were received - one from Davis Custom Painting in the amount of $10,545 and one from Bell Painting in the amount of $7860. Although the Davis quote is higher, their proposal contains better surface preparation, including caulking and filler. They are proposing to use water base epoxy and semi-gloss wall enamel. The staff will be recommending Davis for the work based on the better proposal. ITEM 5:. DISCUSSION RELATING TO QUOTES IQ.PALNTHE ANIMAL CONTROL FACILITIY, brakes which create an excessive or unusual noise. Ordinance #710 addresses the issue, and will be on the May 21 st agenda for action. May 14,2002 Owasso City Council ^' - .J - Several other items were briefly discussed by the City Manager. Mr Ray also announced that he will be out of the city from noon Thursday until Sunday evening, and any issues should be directed to Mr Rooney. ITEM 13: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER Mr Ray and Ms Bishop briefly discussed the proposed budget. Plans are for the budget to be to the Council on Friday, May 17th, with a presentation on June 4th, a public hearing on June 11th, and adoption of the budget on June 18th. ITEM 12: DISCUSSION RELATING TO FY 2002-2003 BUDGET. Mr Ray discussed a proposed resolution that would authorize the Mayor to execute a joint resolution with Rogers County Rural Water District #3, Washington County Rural Water District #3, and the City of Collinsville, requesting funding assistance from Congress in the form of a special appropriation, to be used to fund a feasibility study relating to the construction of a regional water treatment facility. The offices of Congressman Brad Carson and Congressman John Sullivan are assisting in the effort. IT_EM It QlSCUSSION OF ISSUES RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION #2002-06, A RESOLUTION REQUESTING FUNDING ASSISTANCE IN THE AMOUNT OF $250,000 FROM THE CONGRE_SSOF THE UNITED STATES. Mr Ray discussed briefly the proposed agreement between the City of Owasso and FOP Lodge # 149. Councilors have received a copy of the agreement, and it will be on the May 21 st agenda for action. Ms Boutwell presented a list of 15 nominees to fill three positions on the OMAG Board of Directors. Staff has reviewed the biographical sketches of the 15 nominees, and feels comfortable in making a recommendation to the Council relating to the election. Councilors indicated no the process. ITEM~ DISCUSSION RELATING TO ELECTION OF TRUSTEE~_ FOR THE OKLAHOMA MllNICIP AL ASSURANCE GROUP. May 14,2002 Owasso City Council - 4'0 Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk Randy Brogdon, Mayor and the meeting was adjourned at 8.47 AYE: Cochran, Brogdon, Armstrong, Kimball, Helm None Mr Cochmn moved, seconded by Mayor Brogdon to adjourn. ADJOURNMENT ITEM 14: May 14, 2002 Owasso City Council 01'2 1-'AllYlr-;lAP A ."'t'"\'")c.-t."'n"nn '--..-VU,.l.1~'.l.1\..lL .1 kL.J...U.L.H...I..VL.1b Sincerely, Y{ou knov'.! ifT had one wish granted, it would be that the city council could actually work wgether as one, but 1 can say that will never happen. 1 can at least say that 1 was elected because 1 didn't have "],'.d" Ii Ii. ~ ld' h h 11 b . l' , any ul(1 en agen_.as an-. t!1at 1 CotL n t _e _ong_J y any specIa_ Imerest groups, not everyone can say that though. I will not sit around and watch the rest of the council conduct business behind closed d~--~ !l-..l n-al,~ d.~~~-~on~ 1..~r-__~ ,-1_~_. n-'~r- -.. ~ --.~~"~.1a l~k'- '-l__y' d~d ~.- TueN..l~-. 'rl__ _..1..1~_ ...:11 b- UUl~ u.lIU 11 1\..t:: C;~1;::jl)1 ~ UCIUIC Lile)' al11~fC (:it it lllClCtl1. b ! t UIe U Ul1 ~UilY" lIlt:; lJUUllL: VV111 C nn'n~^ :f'+J..:n J..n~~A~n hnAnnnA T ,,,:11 :~f'A~ +J..^~ nn^~ :f'+I...A~^ :n n~ n~~nn~n~^^ ^{-':+ <..t.VV(H\,.I)j lltJ0 tJU}-'l-,,,..tJ10 lJ~v(-t.U0v j VVllI '1IIVtIJj lll\.,.,tJIi, VV\,.IU IJ t II""" 1 'v h) CUI u1-'lJ\v(..t..,tU.'I\,J\..... VI Il-~ 1 am recei ving hints that the rest of the city council would like for me to resign. Sometimes 1 even getting the same feeling from you. If this is the case, it would be more appropriate if the council would let me know instead of acting like they are. The emails are uncalled for and I would appreciate it and respect the councilors more if they had the guts to state this instead of being two-faced. I am still (Oon"irlf'rino rl'."ionino hllt T will m::lkf' ::In ::Innrmnrf'mf'nt on Tl1f'<:rhv nioht. ],onf'fllllv thf' mf'di::l will h~ - - --- - -- - - ---0 - - - -0-----0:> - -- - - -. --- ---~--- - .--- -----.- ---- -' - --- '- --- - -- - -, -- -' -- "--.,J ---0-- -;. -- - ..- -'- --";"'-01 ___ _ ___ _' __ ___ _. ___ _ _ present. T.c~_.~~.., ~1~__,.....,1._11_~~~._. .~.._..,.- --.......~~.I.:~.~.~ .-"~ _~.~...,~<...,..,_.~..$...~ ._.__....,~~u>_,,~._..,~ 4-1...:~ -C__l ..C'..,---..__ +.~ .___~11 ~..,...,.., ',{7~ .-1~ .____._...1-i-__ II yuu ;'IU..JUIU 1!a.V~ Q.ny YUC~tH)ll;' Ul t..:tJl!l!l!C!lt:., \;'\}!H.;-CIIHUg till::', !C:Ct !lC~ lU ~'a.1! !lH;9 VVC U\} !!C~lJ Lt.} have a long sit-down talk over lunch sometime though. T f.;~"'~ ~~/~~:+<ira tn "\ri""11 rr'~1I~"'Pi4n11jO' t.111 ~IT)r:1~l~l r ~l"p.r_p~l'\i"f..-:d frU""i111 T'vfr C\lrlli"Qi1 f A Mill V'd hul~ 'V J ')M _vuLvuuu~ MU CHAM ~ A _VV 0 v,, U 'u ,d~. ~vvud."u. . ~~M+n:~nrl A~ :~rl:~n~+ +J..~~A+ HOnn H~ h~~~.~:~" ~f'A A:f.,,, j~," T h~l:~~o^ +1..n+ +h:n:n H~^njJ~rl +'~.. ",....\jfi{(.t.jjjV\J (Ui l.ij\JiiV'Yi:. l-111L.<(.t-\. VV<-h) l,-i~t~UV'L.,o'1..JJtJifiD \j~ (,I \'.IJI-:; !\.Jl;, B t.J,-,jl~V\.._... ~.iD(J.i,_ till,"') l~-' \11'l\...J0-11V\..t J\.Ji and 1 am tired off this. 1 am considering faxing a copy of the latest email from Mr. Cochran to the Owasso Reporter and the Tulsa World. That would not be a good thing considering all the negative publicity that Owasso has received over the past 6 months. I am appalled at the fact that our IIleadersi' (Mr. Brogdon and :Mr. Helm) feel that they are above m;lkino::l tf'lf'nhnn~ c::Ill to trv ::Inrl rf"mlvp thp rljq"~ntion thM pxi"t \;vithin the: citv rOl1nriL Tt annears to -"'---------0 -- -'--'--'r--'----- --'--- -- .-.; _....0.___ --'-'----. -' ---,-' -.---'-'..;..------ ----.'-0 -...---- ..------- --'-";"~ ---.,J -'- ---- __ r,t m.e that their ego is entirely too big. Our city is not big enough and doesn't deserve this kind of actions .c.~._......... .-.~~~,' ,....:.4-~_ ,-_._.~_~.1.,._...,'"'.....,__.... T ---......... ~ ...+....~~.......... -'"'---1_r_.__.....~-!-...-.. __.C'-!-1......__ ,-,.;-1-;~~.......,-. ~~,.......l .C.___,---.ol ,4.1"'....~ .J_1___. -'"':-!-:~.~"....,.., 1",__~_""" .-.. ..:,.....1....4_ 11U1J.1 UU1 L-H.Y gUVCl!lHlC::l1L 1. dll.L a ~UU1Io dt.!V\J~cttc:: U1. UIG t..!!LiL.Gi13 dlitllGC:l U.lttL tHe: L.IUL.GU.~ IH:lVC; d 11g1U. to know what is going on, if fact they have a right to recall the entire council for our actions. There is no one councilor that is better than other; and no one councHor should be judged as to whether or not they are qualified for the position of mayor or vice mayor, we were all elected by the people and by jtldging one l18 sends a message to the citizens that the)' made a bad mistake in \?\rho they "voted in as councilor. I fcel that the city council needs to have someone come in and conduct a vvorkshop on the ethics of ..1 ~1 1 1 1 J 1 oJ1 11 Tl. 1 11 1 1 11 1 J1" 1" 1 l"1 1 . . . tIle CUUIICll (lIIU IHJ\V LO get along VVi111 OIlt: cUIUUler. lll~ uepluraOle l!llil LIlli:) l'llIIU 01 Oe'IltlVlUr l~ gUIIlg on from a couple of councilors. I didn't feel in my heart that Mr. Brogdon was the best choice for Mayor, but I did vote for him because I made an agreement. I am sony that Mr. Brogdon doesn't keep his word. I am a person that believes that a man's word is as good as gold, unlike other people I know. I have lost all respect for Mr. Brogdon, 1\1r. Helm, and Mr. Cochnul. It would have even helped if Mr. P.l.I.....nrlr..n 1.0rl AnnllfTl, l<lClC"1-""\A0t .rr\.~ 1'"1-,0. fn. Q"'{TAl-'l rllc:1111-"Y\Oo 01!r1 pv.t'''\lD11'"1 1,11;:"1 .r:'\f"lt;rn,C1 1"11+ T (,11000 h;Cl o.nA rur'tc trv, .A..J!J.Vb~'\J.l.J. A.I.~"'-4- _J..lVl>A.O.LJ. .l.......ul-'''V'Vl.. .J..VA ALA.""" \..V .,... 1I VA.... ......'~.I.J. A..l.l.V ~J..I.~ VL't..1:-'.I.~.I..lA Jl..lAt..J tA-V"J.'-'.4.J.>J~ LI"-A.-t.. A 6U-VloJl-J A..LI_'" ""6v ,,'vt,..t.u :t.-lIoJV big to do this. liJ:e tl1at tIle conterlts From: "Rebecca Annstrong" <rannstrong@cityofowasso.com> Reply~To: <rannstrong@cityofowasso.com> Thu~ 9 1\/fay 2002 1 ? 16:.54 0.0700 ~.q~~~==--= Ori gi na1 ~v1essage =~~===~__==m'MM===~~~<n='=~~~.==~==~._~~~ D~tc: Thu, 9 :viay 2002 19:17:33 --0700 Subject: FiNO: emaii from councilor From: "Rebecca Armstrong" <rarmstrong@cityofowasso.com> To: <rebeccaarmstrong@junocom> 11 :25 PlvI ........ ......r"'-n,....... I..... If 01 I I .A..,J, .i-.VV":'--, T ... ,. i ,,r-.... . . i '\... i " ... JllnO e,~tnal1 lor reoeccaar.rnSlrong(~Jllno.com prlntect on lYlOl1C1ay, IVlay AMOUNTS DEPT TOTAl. FUND TOTAL 291.00 28.64 28.58 34.00 211.90 29.99 139.00 42.60 99.99 22.12 135.00 107.00 951.99 - 2,121.81 663.47 ~~ 663.47 75.80 210.00 73.50 34.53 25.75 25.90 96.30 492.00 1,120.00 700.00 114.00 180.26 86.80 8.50 938.74 248.49 500.00 137.00 5,000.00 2,754.24 109.50 290.77 - 13,222.08 4.65 9.01 232.50 4.00 221.80 PHOTO PROCESSING VEH MAl NT VEH MAINI' VEHICLE WASH FUEL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES HANDICAP SIGNS EASEL SUPPLIES OKLAHOMA STATUTES STAPLE CARTRIDGE SUPPLIES MAT SERVICES COUNCIL NAME PLATES FLAGS EAP SERVICES LEGAL SERVICES RETAINER REFUSE SERVICE 04/02 USE 04/02 USE EMPLOYMENT ADS PHONE SERVICE 03/02 PLEXAR CONSULTING FILING FEES SETTLEMENT REASORS CITY GARAGE CITY OF OWASSO CITY GARAGE CITY OF OWASSO TREASURER PETTY CASH FUELMAN GENERAL GOVERNMENT DEPT JAVA DAVES WEST GROUP IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS SAMS CLUB CINTAS CORPORATION SUBURBAN OFFICE SUPPLY LIBERTY FLAGS, INC. ST FRANCIS HOSPITAL RONALD D CATES RONALD D CATES AMERICAN WASTE CONTROL INC PSO OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS NEIGHBOR NEWSPAPER SOUTHWESTERN BELL SOUTHWESTERN BELL INTEGRITY FOCUS TULSA COUNTY CLERK M. CLEVELAND, S. DAVIS, J. EDWARDS D.JONES,R.PARSLEY,D.RENFRO, C.STONE GEO SYSTEMS ENGINEERING INC SETON NAME PLATE CO TREASURER PETTY CASH CDW GOVERNMENT INC MONITOR FINANCE DEPT TREASURER PETTY CASH CITY MGR EXPENSES CITY GARAGE CITY OF OWASSO VEH MAl NT FUELMAN FUEL SAV-ON PRINTING INC. SIGN LAMINATING AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES PHONE USE-RAY AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES PHONE USE-ROONEY ALBERTSONS COUNCIL MEETING TREASURER PETTY CASH COUNCIL MEETING KIMBALL ACE HARDWARE CITY HALL ARTWORK REASORS PHOTO PROCESSING CUSTOM CRAFT AWARDS PLAQUE/ENGRAVING FINE HOST CORPORATION CORPORATE CHALLENGE SUPPLIES MATHIS BROTHERS FURNITURE OFFICE FURNITURE MANAGERIAL DEPT .DETAIL DESCRIF'IIDN VENDOR NAME CITY OF OWASSO CLAIMS TO BE PAID 5/21/02 AMOUNTS .l2EELIQT AL FUND TOr AL 40.00 511.96 24.64 10.50 9.70 9.12 71.85 120.00 245.81 14.39 108.91 ~ 123.30 26.94 32.28 41.52 23.90 123.49 5.38 126.85 15.74 61 .49 654.15 63.96 1,162.80 136.93 94.05 2,500.00 60.00 - 5,129.48 12.30 129.98 15.14 - 157.42 48.39 281.97 11.94 182.70 35.62 57.03 7.39 103.51 1,008.66 983.16 1,067.66 1,726.66 1,625.02 150.00 296.00 OFFICE SUPPLIES TONER CARTRIDGES OFFICE SUPPLIES EVIDENCE COLLECTION BAGS PHOTO PROCESSING COFFEE/CLEANING SUPPLIES REPAIR/MAl NT SUPPLIES MAINT/CLEANING SUPPLIES VEH MAl NT VEH MAINT VEH MAl NT VEH MAINT FUEL RETAINER TRANSCRIPTION SERVICES SUBURBAN OFFICE SUPPLY ONYX CORPORATION WAL-MART LYNN PEAVEY CO REASORS SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB WAL-MART CITY GARAGE CITY OF OWASSO CITY GARAGE CITY OF OWASSO CITY GARAGE CITY OF OWASSO CITY GARAGE CITY OF OWASSO FUELMAN HOWARD STAMPER BRYANT REPORTING FLAGS MAl NT SUPPLIES 04/02 USE CEMETERY DEPT HEPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES REPAIR/MAl NT SUPPLIES REPAIH/MAINT SUPPLIES FLAGS PHONES REIMB PETTY CASH SAFETY SHOES UNIFORM RENTAL HEPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES FUEL JANITORIAL SERVICES JANITOHIAL SERVICES VAN RENTAL 03/02 PLEXAR USED VAN PURCHASE STORAGE EQUIP LIBERTY FLAGS, INC. BAILEY EQUIPMENT PSO SUPPORT SERVICES DEPT SAMS CLUB STANDARD AUTO SUPPLY WW GRAINGER INC LIBERTY FLAGS, INC. OFFICE DEPOT INC TREASURER PETTY CASH GELLCO SAFETY SHOES UNIFIRST CORPORATION BAILEY EQUIPMENT FUELMAN REDLEE INC REDLEE INC TREASURER PETTY CASH SOUTHWESTERN BELL OWASSO GOLDEN AGERS QUALITY MATERIAL HANDLING CO TREASURER PETTY CASH ACCESS FEE AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES PHONE USE-WILLSON INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPT SHIPPING CHARGES COPIES VEH MAINT VEH MAINT FUEL PF~INTING ENGINEERING DEPT MAILBOXES ETC TREASUHER PETTY CASH CITY GARAGE CITY OF OWASSO CITY GARAGE CITY OF OWASSO FUELMAN RIDGWAYS TULSA COUNTY MIS DIAL-UP SERVICE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT DETAIL DESCELE'IIQbl VENllORf\1,11,ME 84.08 3,091.62 2,100.51 383.90 11,847.87 l\MQUf\LIB. DEPTTOIl\L LU_ND TOTAL 18.75 1.00 63.63 20.45 50.75 30.17 218.40 19.00 153.00 195.00 903.42 350.00 330.25 436.04 46.00 30.68 131.93 196.98 10.99 12.99 114.65 30.56 8.99 16.05 199.30 54.94 69.60 262.75 20.00 162.06 42.63 1,095.00 33.90 350.00 1,254.02 221.43 115.20 1,343.91 938.75 40.91 3.94 50.00 294.00 REPAIRfMAINT SUPPLIES REPAIR PART SAMS CLUB CROW BURLINGAME PSO 04/02 USE SOUTHWESTERN BELL 03/02 PLEXAR EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS DEPT FLAGS REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES PRINTING REPAIR PARTS REPAIRfMAINT PARTS WINDSHIELD FUEL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 04/02 USE 04/02 USE 04/02 USE DOOR REPLACEMENT PHONE USE-ALLEN 03/02 PLEXAR FIRE DEPT LIBERTY FLAGS, INC. RADIO SHACK SAV-ON PRINTING INC. CROW BURLINGAME CROW BURLINGAME DISCOUNT GLASS FUELMAN CHERI A BUSCHMANN PSO OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS HUGHES LUMBER CO AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES SOUTHWESTERN BELL SAMS CLUB REPAIRfMAINT SUPPLIES RADIO SHACK REPAIRfMAINT SUPPLIES THOMPSON'S GENERAL STORE SHELTER SUPPLIES ROARK TRUE VALUE HARDWARE SHELTER SUPPLIES ROARK TRUE VALUE HARDWARE CLEANING SUPPLIES CITY GARAGE CITY OF OWASSO VEH MAINT CITY GARAGE CITY OF OWASSO VEH MAl NT FUELMAN FUEL THREE LAKES LAUNDRY BUNDLE LAUNDRY STRATHE VETERINARY VET SERVICES CITY OF TULSA EUTHANASIA SERVICES PSO 04/02 USE SOUTHWESTERN BELL 03/02 PLEXAR OKLA CORRECTIONAL INDUSTRIES BENCHES ANIMAL CONTROL DEPT WAL-MART PRISONER MEALS DEPT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OLETS RENTAL POLICE COMMUNICATIONS DEPT 04/02 USE 04/02 USE RADIO REPAIR UNIFORM CLEANING PHONE SERVICE 03/02 PLEXAR POSTAGE IRAI N lNG-BARNES/CUNNI NGHAM PER DIEM-BARNES POLICE DEPT PSO OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS TOTAL RADIO INC YALE CLEANERS SOUTHWESTERN BELL SOUTHWESTERN BELL TREASURER PETTY CASH OKLA CHILDRENS HEALTH FOUNDATION Tr~EASURER PETTY CASH DET~ILDESGRIPIION YENDOJlNAME 13,219.42 90.28 274.65 83.13 126.58 11.24 23.90 8.19 301.06 101.80 1,128.96 177.16 80.00 80.00 160.00 240.00 630.00 140.85 726.00 775.43 112.26 74.52 247.70 11 0.72 100.00 307.50 54.85 33.52 64.84 3.98 78.72 547.32 90.00 4.77 107.49 967.81 2,765.81 812.65 3.00 559.14 39.90 114.00 1,850.00 200.00 300.00 223.90 598.15 2,187.43 63.91 221.11 24.45 517.00 REPAIRfMAINT SUPPLIES RESTROOM SUPPLIES REPAIRfMAINT SUPPLIES REPAIR SUPPLIES REPAIR SUPPLIES FLAGS VEH MAINT VEH MAINT VEH MAINT VEH MAINT FUEL MCCARTY PARK MOWINGS ATOR PARK MOWINGS MCCARTY PARK MOWINGS ATOR PARK MOWINGS RAYOlA PARK MOWINGS VETERANS PARK MOWINGS ELM CREEK PARK MOWINGS 04/02 USE 04/02 USE 03/02 PlEXAR KIMBAll ACE HARDWARE TUCKER JANITORIAL HUGHES lUMBER CO ROBERTSON PLUMBING SUPPLY INC ROARK TRUE VALUE HARDWARE liBERTY FLAGS, INC. CITY GARAGE CITY OF OWASSO CITY GARAGE CITY OF OWASSO CITY GARAGE CITY OF OWASSO CITY GARAGE CITY OF OWASSO FUElMAN lEE BARTEL DBA CLlP-N-SNIP J B STIGAll lEE BARTEL DBA CLlP-N-SNIP J B STIGAll SCOTT SIMMONS TlC LAWN CARE SCOTT SIMMONS TlC lAWN CARE lEMASTERS lAWN SERVICE PSO OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS SOUTHWESTERN BEll SIGNAGE ROCK HAUL CHARGES CONCRETE MAINTIREPAIR SUPPLIES REPAIRlMAINT SUPPLIES ASPHALT MAINT SUPPLIES SAFETY SUPPLIES REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES SIGNS REPAIRfMAINT SUPPLIES VEH MAINT VEH MAl NT VEH MAl NT VEH MAINT VEHICLE WASH FUEL SMAll TOOL EASEMENT MOWINGS EXPRESSWAY MOWING 3/19/02 lAKERIDGE EASEMENT MOWINGS THREE lAf(ES EASEMENT MOWING MEDIAN MOWINGS 3/19/02 04/02 USE STREET LIGHTING REPAIR SUPPLIES WELDER RENTAL 03/02 PlEXAR STREET STRIPING MATERIALS STREETS DEPT AMOUNTS DEE'TTDTAL EU_NDImAL DEIAILDESCRIETJQN VANCE BROS INC ANCHOR STONE CO Bill BASORE TRUCKING & EXCAVATION SUPERIOR READY MIX MIL.l CREEK L.UMBER & SUPPLY ROARK TRUE VALUE HARDWARE A&A MATERIALS COMPANY ANCHOR PAINT GEORGE & GEORGE SAFETY MICHAEL TODD COMPANY A-OK SIGNS ROARK TRUE VALUE HARDWARE CITY GARAGE CITY OF OWASSO CITY GARAGE CITY OF OWASSO CITY GARAGE CITY OF OWASSO CITY GARAGE CITY OF OWASSO TREASURER PETTY CASH FUELMAN WW GRAINGER INC J B STIGAll MARTY TILSON BRUSH HOG SERVICES LEE BARTEL. DBA CLlP-N-SNIP LEE BARTEL DBA CLlP-N-SNIP SCOTT SIMMONS TLC lAWN CARE PSO PSO WW GRAINGER INC RENTAL. SERVICE CORP SOUTHWESTERN BELL UNITED RENTALS INC VENDQRl'JAME AMOUNTl3. DEPT TQI6L EUNIJTQJAL 1,850.00 - 7,196.01 65.90 56.85 60.10 27.55 75.00 75.00 299.59 181 .23 13.30 61.89 ~ 916.41 863.59 863.59 61,878.74 40.84 90.00 283.26 60.00 360.93 247.82 272.00 141.01 65.00 15.00 174.47 - 1,750.33 2,038.85 2,038.85 75.00 ~ 75.00 15,000.00 - 15,000.00 18,058.21 4,000.00 12,933.60 678.60 983.00 - 36,653.41 11.88 282.13 64.76 139.50 53.84 REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES SAFETY SHOES-SMITH/LIVINGSTON UNIFORM RENTAL UNIFORMS FUEL SAMS CLUB GELLCO SAFETY SHOES UNIFIRST CORPORATION T-SHIRT EXPRESS ETC FUELMAN M L JONES ACOUSTICS INC DRYWALL 6/6/00 M L JONES ACOUSTICS INC ACOUSTICAL CEILING 6/6/00 ROBINSON GLASS ALUMINUM FRAMES/GLASS 6/6/00 TREY WATERPROOFING WATERPROOFING 6/6/00 CLIFFORD POWER SYSTEMS INC GENERATOR RENTAL BOND PROJECTS FUND TOTAL MISER ASPHALT CO ASPHALT 03/19/02 PARK DEVELOPMENT FUND TOTAL HUMAN SKILLS & RESOURCES, INC DRUG ASSESSMENTS JUVENILE COURT FUND TOTAL SOUTHWESTERN BELL E-911 E-911 FUND TOTAL PSI PHARMACEUTICAL SYSTEMS AMBULANCE SUPPLIES MEDICAL COMPLIANCE SPECIALITY INC BIO-WASTE DISPOSAL PSI PHARMACEUTICAL SYSTEMS AMBULANCE SUPPLIES MEDICAL COMPLIANCE SPECIALITY INC BIO-WASTE DISPOSAL TULSA FREIGHTLlNER VEHICLE REPAIR CUMMINS SOUTHERN PLAINS, INC VEHICLE MAINT ROBERTSON TIRE INC TIRES AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES PHONE USE-OTHERS COMFORT INN LODGING-PEACOCK TREASURER PETTY CASH FEE-ATWELL TREASURER PETTY CASH TRAINING-PEACOCK AMBULANCE SERVICE FUND TOTAL TULSA CO ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES PLAN COPYING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DEPT GENERAL FUND TOTAL TUCKER JANITORIAL CLEANING SUPPLIES WAL-MART PAPER SUPPLIES LIBERTY FL.AGS, INC. FL.AGS FUEL.MAN FUEL ACCURATE FIRE EQUIPMENT INC FIRE EXTINGUISHER INSPECTION CLASSIC ELECTRIC INC LIGHT REPAIR PSO 04/02 USE OKLAHOMA NATURAL. GAS 04/02 USE AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES PHONE USE-SR VAN SOUTHWESTERN BELL 03/02 PLEXAR COMMUNITY CENTER DEPT ASPHAL. T 03/19/02 PARKS DEPT MISER ASPHALT CO nET AJLDESCRI PTI ON VENDQELNAME VENDOR NAME DETA1LDESCEJPTI0f\1 AMOUNTS DEE'T_TOTAL fJJND_TOI Al TREASURER PETTY CASH FUEL 28.89 AMERICAN HOSE & SUPPLY REPAIR PARTS 129.25 B & M Oil COMPANY INC OIL-LUBRICANTS 204.96 O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE INC REPAIR PARTS 163.41 CROW BURLINGAME REPAIR PARTS 36.30 FORD OF TULSA REPAIR PARTS 534.20 T&W TIRE TIRES 2,380.88 WILLIAMS REFUSE EQUIPMENT CO INC REPAIR PARTS '177.34 O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE INC REPAIR PARTS 161.90 AMERICAN HOSE & SUPPLY REPAIR PARTS 28.85 B & M TIRE CENTER INC TIRES 891.53 CLASSIC CHEVROLET REPAIR PARTS 6'76.55 C & H SOL T & SUPPL Y REPAIR PARTS 25.60 PRECISION FLUID POWER INC REPAIR PARTS 4,143.75 TRUK'QUIP INC REPAIR PARTS 31.00 PSO 04/02 USE 311.23 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 04/02 USE 99.36 SOUTHWESTERN BEll 03/02 PLEXAR 43.92 MILEAGE MASTERS TIRE REPAIRS 238.94 LENOX WRECKER SERVICE INC TOWING FEE 167.91 AFFORDABLE PRECISION GLASS GLASS REPLACEMENT 293.40 CLASSIC CHEVROLET VEHICLE REPAIR 189.75 OFFICE DEPOT INC PHONES 123.49 CITY GARAGE FUND TOTAL 11,634.52 TULSA HilLCREST EMERGENCY H01262 241.79 SPOON DRUG D04122 26.88 MEDICAP PHARMACIES W03262 42.65 WORKING RX 012301 21.45 WORKERS' COMP FUND TOTAL 332.77 CITY FUND GRAND TOTAL 129,363.62 5,401.35 40.63 4,538.34 822.38 REVENUE TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND REVENUE TRANSFER FROM AMBULANCE FUND REVENUE TRANSFER FROM AMBULANCE FUND TRANSFERS TOTAL CEMETERY CARE AMBULANCE CAPITAL FIRE CAPITAL AMOUNT VENDOR AlP TRANSFER REPORT CITY OF OWASSO ~~-16,416.66 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND AMOUNT DESCRiPTION AlP TRANSFER REPORT CITY OF OWASSO TRANSFERS TOTAL CITY WORKER'S COMP SELF iNS TRANSFERS VENDOR Council Member Council Member Mayor May 21,2002 APPROVED: $5,378.00 $0.00 Garage Fund Total 05/04/02 CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE Council Member Council Member Mayor May 21,2002 APPROVED: ~I ota!J::1<penses Total Expenses Overtime Ambulance Fund Overtime CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDIN DATE 05/04/02 This year there are three trustees "up" for election for terms ending on June 30, 2005. The nominating process has produced 15 candidates for those two positions (see attachment). As a member of OMAG, Owasso may cast votes for three of the 15 candidates. Members of OMAG must have their ballots returned by May 31, 2001 in order for their vote to be included in the final count. Upon completion of the count, the three nominees with the highest vote totals will be declared the winners and will be seated effective July 1, 2001. As an Interlocal Cooperative Agency, the OMAG is governed by a Board of Trustees elected by the membership. Elections are held annually for a prescribed number of trustees. There are seven trustees serving terms of three years. Trustees must be elected from the officers and staff of member cities through a nomination and election process detailed in the organization's by- laws. Since its formation, the agency/trust has evolved to a full service insurance provider for its members and cunently offers liability, property, workers compensation, auto and specialty insurance coverage to its members. Although the City of Owasso no longer purchases insurance from OMAG, the city is a full member of the OMAG, with the voting rights accorded such membership. The Oklahoma Municipal Assurance Group (OMAG) is an Oklahoma "Interlocal Cooperation Agency" formed in 1977 by the Oklahoma Municipal League and approximately 35 individual cities. The group was created in response to a crisis created by the withdrawal of municipal insurance coverage by most Oklahoma insurance companies. Finding themselves without liability coverage prompted the cities to join together to form what is best termed as a "modified self insurance program" for its members. BACKGROUND: May 15,2002 DATE: ELECTION ASSURANCE GROUP COUNCIL THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY OF OWASSO MEMORANDUM 1. Official Ballot ATTACHMENTS: staff recommends Council approval of an ballot that casts three votes for Mr Ryan Adams (Finance Director, Sand Springs), Mr Stanley Alexander (Mayor, The Village) and Ms Chris Harden (Mayor, Shawnee), and that the mayor be authorized to execute the official ballot on behalf of the city. lVir Alexander and Ms Harden are currently serving as OMAG Board members. The staff has reviewed the biographical sketches of the 15 nominees, and feels comfOliable in making a recommendation to the Council relating to the election, Annual OMAG Ballot May 15,2002 Page 2 (OVER) GUY MCELROY, Councilrnember, Ada. Married, three (3) children. Served on many Boards including Mayor of Ada, Ada School Board, President of East Central Blood Institute, Past President of Ada United Way; former Director of Ada Chamber of Commerce. Director of Science and Natural Resources, graduate of Leadership Oklahoma; Member of Gov. Keating's International team. (Ada participates in the Life & Health Plan and the Municipal Liability Protection Plan .) lVllKE KADLECIK, City Manager. Broken Arrow. Has been a City Manager for 35 years, with the last three and one- half (3 lh) years as Broken Arrow's City Manager. He has served in communities from 8,000 to 100,000 and has dealt with insurance and workers' camp in all these situations. He has a Master's Degree in Public Administration. (Broken Arrow participates in the Life and Health Plan.) . CHRIS HARDEN. Mayor, Shawnee. OMAG Board Member since 1999. Chris has served on Shawnee City Commission since 1992, Mayor since 1996 when she replaced the late Mayor Pierre Taron. Harden holds a bachelor's degree in Education with a minor in Business from Northeastern State University. She directs a four county senior nutrition program as director of Project H.E.A.R. T. (Shawnee participates in the Municipal Liability Protection Plan .) DAVID GLENN, Council member, Walters. 3'd term as Councilmember/Mayor and Vice-Mayor; 9-years on Walters School Board; 2-terms President/First President of the Walters Education Foundation! 20-years Volunteer Fire Dept/l0-years Local Pension Board; Chairman of the First United Methodist Church Trustees; Employed 35-years at Cotton Electric Cooperative/currently Supervisor of Cotton Electric Services Inc. (Walters pmiicipates in the Municipal Liability Protection Plan, Municipal Propeliy Protection Plan and Life and Health Benefits Plans.) KENNETH FERREIRA, City Manager, Waurika. Ken was in the Air Force 1960-1964, Furniture Appliance and Electronics Store Owner 1970-1983, Certified Police Officer 1983-1985, Police Chief 1985-1989, Public Works Director 1989-1999, City Manage~ 1999-present for Waurika. Flood Plain Administrator for Waurika and holds water, sewer: and gas license and mechanical contractors license. (Wam:ika participates in the Municipal Liability Protection Plan.) JANICE L. CAIN, City Administrator, Marlow. Served in Municipal Govemment in various positions since 1975. Served as City Manager for three (3) communities; Comanche, Lindsay and since 1998 for the City of Marlow. Participates in local civic clubs and committees. Participates in state associations for the City Management Association of Oklahoma, Board Member: Municipal Electric Systems of Oklahoma, secretary/treasurer. (Marlow participates in the Workers' Compensation Plan, the Life & Health Plan, the Municipal Liability Protection Plan and the Municipal Propeliy Protection Plan.) WILT BROWN. City Manager, Hobart. Fourteen years experience as City Manager currently serving in Hobart, Oklahoma. I am the current President of the City Management Association of .Oklahoma. It is my desire to be of further service to the cities of Oklahoma and offer good sound advice in the area of Municipal Insurance needs. (Hobart participates in the Municipal Liability Protection Plan and the Workers; Compensation Plan.) STANLEY W. ALEXANDER, Mayor~ymage. OMAG Board member since 1985, past Chairman of the Board, current Secretary. Started Alexander: & Strunk Insurance Agency in 1972, licensed property-casualty, life, health agent since 1963; member, City Council of the Village since 1970; Mayor 7 terms; Member of the House of Representatives of the 37th Oklahoma Legislature. Village paliicipates in the Municipal Liability Protection Plan and the Workers' Compensation Plan.) RYAN L. ADAMS, Finance Director, San~d Springs. Before appointed Finance Director, Mr. Adams practiced law specializing in products liability and insurance defense. He received his B.B.A. in Finance & Economics from NSU and his J.D. from OU. He is a member: of Rotary, GFOA and lIMe. (Sand Springs participates in the Municipal Liability Protection Workers' Compensation Plan and the Municipal Propeliy Protection PIano) The biographical sketch for each nominee was written by the persons who made the nomination. Nominees are listed in alphabetical order. YOU MAY VOTE FOR THREE (3) NOMINEES, OKLAHOMA MUNICIPAL ASSURANCE GROUP 2002 Election of Three Trustees BALLOT PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THE FAILURE TO PROPERLY SUB:MIT TIllS BALLOT WILL INVALIDATE THE BALLOT! Your Ballot must be returned by certified mail to the Oklahoma Municipal Assurance Group, 4130 N. Lincoln Blvd, Suite A, Oklahoma City, OK, 73105-5209, and must be post-marked no loJer than May 31. 2001. Clerk ,2001 Attested: Date: Mayor Signed: Ballot cast for the governing body of the municipality LEO WILLEY, Police Chief, BartlesviUe. I have 32 years experience in municipal government; 8 years as a Chief of Police and 2 years as a Human Resource Director. I am a graduate of the FBI National Academy. I have a Bachelors Degree in Police Management and 29 hours of Post Graduate work in Public Administration. (Bartlesville participates in the Life and Health Plan, the Workers' Compensation Plan and Municipal Property Protection Plan.) STEVEN WHITLOCK, City Manager, Coweta. Education: B.A. from Oklahoma State University/Master of Administration from Oklahoma University. Mr. Whitlock currently serves as City Manager for the City of Coweta, a position he has held for approximately seven (7) years. Previous employment with the City of Drumright, City of Mustang, City of Owasso and the City of Collinsville. (The City of Coweta participates in the Wod::ers' Compensation Plan, the Municipal Liability Protection Phm and the Municipal Property Protection Plan.) JIM WHITLOCK, City Manager, Marmford, Has served as a city manager for over 30 years in a number of communities in Oklahoma and Arizona. Previous experience includes membership on the Board of Directors of Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund; Arizona Municipal Risk Retention Pool; Oklahoma Municipal League and City Management Association of Oklahoma. (Mmmford participates in the Municipal Liability Protection Plan.) pENIS WE$l" City ClerkITreasurer, Piedmont. Denis West has been in Municipal Government four (4) years. He has expertise in government finance, human resources, public works and municipal record keeping. Prior experience: 27 years with the U. S. Department of Health, including CEO of Financial Affairs for the Mid-west Region. Current Memberships: MTA, OMC, T&FOA and GAO. (piedmont participates in the Municipal Liability Protection Phm and the Municipal Protection Plan.) ROBERT W. W A TIS, City Manager, Madill. Robert has served as City Manager for Madill for 4 years. Also served as City Manager for Madill from 1990 to 1992. Robert graduated from the University of Oklahoma with a BBA in money and banking. Robert has served on Madill Housing Authority Board, Murray State College Foundation Board, Director of Madill Chamber of Commerce, Madill School Board, Madill Industrial Foundation and numerous other civic positions. He presently serves as board member for SORD and SODA for this area of Oklahoma. (Madill participates in the Workers' Compensation Piano) EARLENE WADE. City Clerk/Treasurer, Durant. Risk Manager for City. Administers fully insured and partially sel f- funded programs. 19 years with the City, six (6) years as City Treasurer with two (2) years as Clerk/Treasurer. Personnel Director, serves on Accident Review Board, Labor negotiating committee. Chairman of Employee Awards Committee. Past President of local civic club. (Durant participates in Municipal Liability Protection Plan.) 1. Contract Extension Agreement ATTACHMENTS: Staff recommends that the City Council extend the contract with Fuelman of Oklahoma for fleet fuel management services for FY 2002-2003 at a margin of 8.5~ per gallon for gasoline and diesel fuel, and that the Mayor be authorized to execute the Contract Extension Agreement. RECOMMENDATION: Fuelman did extend their contract for FY 2000-2001 and FY 2001-2002, and Fuelman management has executed a Contract Extension Agreement indicating their willingness to extend the contract through June 30, 2003. This will be the third contract extension, and it will be necessary to bid the fuel services in early spring 2003. In September of 1998, GO! Systems was purchased by Fuelman of Oklahoma. Fuelman honored the GO! Systems contract for the remainder of the fiscal year, and the fleet fuel management service was re-bid for the 1999-2000 fiscal year. Fuelman was the successful bidder, at a margin of 8.5~ per gallon. The contract contained a provision that allows for the contract to be extended for successive one-year terms for a period of up to three years if agreed to by both patiies in writing. The first contract for privatized fleet fuel services was awarded to GO! Systems on October 5, 1993, following the bidding practices required by law. Contract terms stated that GO! Systems would supply fuel for the city fleet twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, at a margin of7~ per gallon, based on the OPIS average wholesale cost of fuel on a weekly basis. The contract was re-bid each succeeding year through FY 1997-98, with GO! Systems awarded each bid. MCKGROUND: May 15,2002 MARCIA BOUTWELL CITY THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO TO: MEMORANDUM Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk ATTEST: Randy Brogdon, Mayor CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA The City of Owasso, Oklahoma agrees to an extension of the above referenced contract between the City of Owasso and Fuelman of Oklahoma for a period of twelve months between July 1,2002 and June 30, 2003. By .. Jeri~6h "- Senior Customer Service Representative FUELMAN OF OKLAHOMA Oklahoma, and 1999~2000, my the aforesaid July 1, Pursuant to terms a Contract for Services between the City of Fuelman Oklahoma, entered into on the 20th day of April, 1 signature on this will serve to formally and mutually to contract the same terms through FUEL MANAGEMENT SERVICE CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA CONTRACT EXTENSION AGREEMENT 1. Ordinance No. 707 2. Subject Map ATTACHMENTS: Staff recommends Council approval of Ordinance No. 707. RECOMMENDATION: Attached is a copy of Ordinance No. 707 which formally adopts the City Council's action of April 16, 2002. The subject property is located within the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NE/4, NW/4) of Section 7, Township 21 North, Range 14 East. The subject property is located south of E. 116th Street North and east of Mingo Road. At the April 16, 2002 meeting, the Owasso City Council approved a request to amend OPUD-01- 01 by abandoning a portion of the property contained within the PUD, thus removing the PUD designation. BACKGROUND: TIMOTHY ROONEY ASSISTANT CITY FROM: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OW ASSO TO: MEMORANDUM Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ATTEST: Randall C. Brogdon, Mayor PASSED AND APPROVED this 21" day of May, 2002. Section 3. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby expressly repealed. BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT 1; THENCE SOUTH 89030'08" EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SECTION 7, 1634.21 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 15052'09" WEST ALONG THE AT&SF RIGHT-OF-WAY, 789.01 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89032'48" WEST 1418.77 FEET; THENCE NORTH 0001'25" EAST ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SECTION 7,761.92 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, LESS ASS EXCEPT THE WEST 667.8 FEET THEREOF., A PART OF GOVERNMENT LOT ONE (1) (NW/4 NW/4) AND PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (NE/4 NW/4) OF SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST OF THE INDIAN BASE AND MERIDIAN, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, ACCORDING TO THE US GOVERNMENT SURVEY THEREOF, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the zoning map of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma be amended to reflect the partial abandonment of OPUD-Ol-Ol, thus removing the supplemental designation of PUD (Planned Unit Development) on the following described property, to wit: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA; WHEREAS, the Owasso City Council has considered the recommendation of the Owasso Commission and all statements for and against the requested amendment to OPUD-Gl.01, WHEREAS, public hearings have been held regarding the request for approval of an amendment to Planned Unit Development #OPUD-OI-Ol concerning the property herein described, and, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION NO. OPUD-OI-Ol, PROVIDING FOR THE PARTIAL AMENDMENT OF THE PUD ON A TRACT OF LAND CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 15 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST, OWASSO, TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. CITY OF OW ASSO ORDINANCE NO. 707 _\oSU fr ~.: ":. . . ~ AG ~o ~1'.~\ ~v o i)~ ~ .AG OWASSO SPORTS-PlEX 1. Ordinance No. 708 2. Subject Map ATTACHMENTS: Staff recommends Council approval of Ordinance No. 708. RECOMMENDATION: Attached is a copy of Ordinance No. 708 which formally adopts the City Council's action of April 16, 2002. At the April 16, 2002 meeting, the Owasso City Council approved a request to rezone property located within the West Half (WI2) of Section 9, Township 21 North, Range 14 East from AG (Agriculture) to RS-3 (Residential Single-Family High Density) and CS (Commercial Shopping Center). The subject property is located west of the Owasso Expressway, south of E. 116th Street North. BACKGROUND: May 14, 2002 NO. TIMOTHY ROONEY ASSIST ANT FROM: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OW ASSO TO: MEMORANDUM A TRACT OF LAND SITUATED IN THE W/2 OF SECTION 9, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST OF THE I. B. & M., TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRlBED AS FOLLOWS; COMMENCING AT A POINT 60.00 FEET SOUTH OF THE NORTH LINE AND 50.00 FEET EAST OF THE WEST LINE OF SAID W/2, THENCE N 88044'40" E AND PARALLEL TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID W/2 A DISTANCE OF 559.33 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N 88044'40" E A DISTANCE OF 290.00 FEET; THENCE S 01015'20" E A DISTANCE OF 175.48 FEET; THENCE S 32051'54" E A DISTANCE OF 377.77 FEET; THENCE S 01010'39" E A DISTANCE OF 142.85 FEET; THENCE N 88049'21" E A DISTANCE OF 75.00 FEET; THENCE S 27039'42" E A DISTANCE OF 134.07 FEET; THENCE N 88049'21" E A DISTANCE OF 110.40 FEET; THENCE S 01010'39" E A DISTANCE OF 93.20 FEET; THENCE S 62024'11" W A DISTANCE OF 119.54 FEET; THENCE S 64008'37" W A DISTANCE OF 50.16 FEET; THENCE S 60009'57" W A DISTANCE OF 26.43 FEET; THENCE S 88049'21" W A DISTANCE OF 69.37 FEET; THENCE S 01010'39" E A DISTANCE OF 80.48 FEET; THENCE S 28012'53" W A DISTANCE OF 154.74 FEET; THENCE S 57036'24" W A DISTANCE OF 75.76 FEET; THENCE N 77023'36" W A DISTANCE OF 77.78 FEET; THENCE S 12036'24" W A DISTANCE OF 77.78 FEET; THENCE S 57036'24" W A DISTANCE OF 100.00 FEET; THENCE S 28005'55" W A DISTANCE OF 54.42 FEET; THENCE N 61054'05" W A DISTANCE OF 55.00 FEET; THENCE S 28005'55" W A DISTANCE OF 145.38 FEET; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 150.00 FEET FOR A DISTANCE OF 35.39 FEET TO A POINT WHICH HAS A CHORD BEARlNG OF S 51002'43" E FOR A DISTANCE OF 35.30 FEET; THENCE S 42020'46" W A DISTANCE OF 151.74 FEET; THENCE S 01 015'21" E A DISTANCE OF 260.00 FEET; THENCE S 88044'39" W A DISTANCE OF 359.84 FEET; THENCE N 01010'38" W A DISTANCE OF 54.80 FEET; THENCE S 88049'22" W A DISTANCE OF 145.00 FEET; THENCE N 01010'38" W A DISTANCE OF 585.89 FEET; THENCE N 88044'40" E A DISTANCE OF 468.00 FEET; THENCE N 01010'39" W A DISTANCE OF 782.34 FEET; THENCE N 48021 '11" E A DISTANCE OF 154.19 FEET; THENCE N 32051'54" W A DISTANCE OF 48.72 FEET; THENCE N 01015'20" W A DISTANCE OF 278.25 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 23.05 ACRES MORE OR LESS, Section 1. The zoning classification of the following described property, to wit: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA. the Owasso City Council has considered the recommendation of the Owasso Planning Commission and all statements for or against the requested rezoning of application OZ-02-03. public hearings have been held regarding the request for rezoning of the property herein described, and AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ZONING APPLICATION NUMBER OZ-02-03 CHANGING THE ZONING OF PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE WEST HALF OF SECTION 9, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST, TULSA COUNfY, OKLAHOMA, FROM AG (AGRICULTURE) DISTRICT TO RS-3 (RESIDENTIAL SINGLE-FAMlLY HIGH DENSITY) DISTRICT AND CS (COMMERCIAL SHOPPING CENTER) DISTRICT, AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA ORDINANCE NO. 708 Section 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby expressly repealed. be, and the same is hereby zoned from AG (Agriculture) District to CS (Commercial Shopping Center) District. A TRACT OF LAND SITUATED IN THE W/2 OF SECTION 9, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST OF THE 1. B. & M., TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; COMMENCING AT A POINT 60.00 FEET SOUTH OF THE NORTH LINE AND 50.00 FEET EAST OF THE WEST LINE OF SAID W/2, THENCE N 88044'40" E AND PARALLEL TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID W/2 A DISTANCE OF 849.33 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N 88044'40" E AND PARALLEL TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID W/2 A DISTANCE OF 420.09 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF U.S. HIGHWAY NO. 169; THENCE S 1013'58" E A DISTANCE OF 40.00 FEET; THENCE N 88044'34" E A DISTANCE OF 168.59 FEET; THENCE S 77013'15" E A DISTANCE OF 103.08 FEET; THENCE S 81028'29" E A DISTANCE OF 735.69 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF U.S. HIGHWAY NO. 169; THENCE SOUTHERLY ON A CU,RVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 1220.92 FEET FOR A DISTANCE OF 185.58 FEET TO A POINT WHICH HAS A CHORD BEARING OF S 05038'12" E FOR A DISTANCE OF 185.41 FEET; THENCE S 78036'03" W A DISTANCE OF 166.35 FEET; THENCE S 31043'51" W A DISTANCE OF 316.17 FEET; THENCE S 46051'45 W A DISTANCE OF 60.00 FEET; THENCE N 43008'15" W A DISTANCE OF 76.63 FEET; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 230.00 FEET FOR A DISTANCE OF 119.91 FEET TO A POINT WHICH HAS A CHORD BEARING OF N 28012'05" W FOR A DISTANCE OF 118.56 FEET; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ON A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 25.00 FEET FOR A DISTANCE OF 34.34 FEET TO A POINT WHICH HAS A CHORD BEARING OF N 52036'42" W FOR A DISTANCE OF 31.70 FEET; THENCE S 88002'32" W A DISTANCE OF 11.92 FEET; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ON A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 225.00 FEET FOR A DISTANCE OF 190.98 FEET TO A POINT WHICH HAS A CHORD BEARING OF S 63043'33" W FOR A DISTANCE OF 185.30 FEET; THENCE S 39024'34" W A DISTANCE OF 115.48 FEET; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 250.00 FEET FOR A DISTANCE OF 215.60 FEET TO A POINT WHICH HAS A CHORD BEARING OF S 64006'58" W FOR A DISTANCE OF 208.99 FEET; THENCE S 88049'21" W A DISTANCE OF 3.75 FEET; THENCE N 01010'39" W A DISTANCE OF 50.00 FEET; THENCE S 88049'21" W A DISTANCE OF 110.40 FEET; THENCE N 27039'42" W A DISTANCE OF 134.07 FEET; THENCE S 88049'21" W A DISTANCE OF 75.00 FEET; THENCE N 01010'39" W A DISTANCE OF 142.85 FEET; THENCE N 32051'54" W A DISTANCE OF 377.77 FEET; THENCE N 01015'20" W A DISTANCE OF 175.48 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 16.46 ACRES MORE OR LESS, AND be, and the same is hereby zoned from AG (Agriculture) District to RS-3 (Residential Single-Family High Density) District. Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney .APPROVED AS TO FORM: Randall C. Brogdon, Mayor ATTEST: PASSED AND .APPROVED this 21st day of May, 2002. ! I \ I r I 1'-~~-1 I I ~ ----....w".,.-;;;:;r-~~ ~ I ,~ ~ h · r 'I : " J !JORiH .129TI-I EAST A VENUE L____!L._,_~'"".. .~ii' ~---< ---=- -~-- 1 ~, . . z I l~ C!:l 0 <: \) L~<I-m i : a: ,I ~ " --- '''..~ "...~J \ \ L \__ ~ _~ ~STATEHlGHilYAL1!'J~_ ~ ~~ ~~ IlIl -- - -- A~.l~ I r . linil I J .. . z C!:lo< <I-~ w a: (!)Ot( <1-00 a: C!:loro <1-0. C/) LlJ I- <( (3 I- C/) z LlJ Z 0 ~ N LlJ en ~'~I .I~' ) LlJ C!lO a: ~o 111.1 =j -. lij -~- 1 (j a7 ~gh! j t-,N I- UJ 0: 0: <( (!) 1. Ordinance No. 709 2. Subject Map ATTACHM:ENTS: Staff recommends Council approval of Ordinance No. 709. RECOMMENDATION: Attached is a copy of Ordinance No. 709 which formally adopts the City Council's rezoning action of April 16, 2002. At the April 16, 2002 meeting, the Owasso City Council recommended approval of a supplemental zoning designation of PUD (Planned Unit Development) on a 126.05 acre tract of land located in the West Half of Section Township 21 North, Range 14 East. The subject property is described as being located west of the Owasso Expressway, south of E. 1 16th Street North. BACKGROUND: May 14, 2002 DATE: NO. TIMOTHY THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO TO: MEMORANDUM BEGINNING AT A POINT 60.00 FEET SOUTH OF THE NORTH LINE AND 50.00 FEET EAST OF THE WEST LINE OF SAID W/2; THENCE N88EM4'40"E AND PARELLEL TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID W/2 A DISTANCE OF 1269.42 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF U.S. HIGHWAY 169; THENCE S0l813'58"E A DISTANCE OF 40.00 FEET; THENCE N88EM4'34"E A DISTANCE OF 168.59 FEET; THENCE S77813'15"E A DISTANCE OF 103.08 FEET; THENCE S 81828'29"E A DISTANCE OF 735.69 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF U.S. HIGHWAY 169; THENCE SOUTHERLY ON A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 1220.92 FEET FOR A DISTANCE OF 264.37 FEET TO A POINT WHICH HAS A CHORD BEARING OF S07827'37"E FOR A DISTANCE OF 263.85 FEET; THENCE S13839'49"E A DISTANCE OF 388.32 FEET; THENCE S048i2'33"E A DISTANCE OF 641.16 FEET; THENCE S01818'02"E A DISTANCE OF 1107.01 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (NW/4) OF SAID SECTION; THENCE SOl618'02"E A DISTANCE OF 892.29 FEET; THENCE S03G15'37"W A DISTANCE OF 616.66 FEET; THENCE S1l812'59"W A DISTANCE OF 1056.44 FEET; THENCE S88844'40"W A DISTANCE OF 195.31 FEET; THENCE S83002'57"W A DISTANCE OF 100.10 FEET; THENCE NOl814'Ol"W A DISTANCE OF 100.50 FEET; THENCE N83001'59"E A DISTANCE OF 94.95 FEET; THENCE N88944'40"E A DISTANCE OF 120.00 FEET; THENCE N1l812'59"E A DISTANCE OF 969.17 FEET; THENCE N03815'37"E A DISTANCE OF 605.72 FEET; THENCE NOl918'02"W A DISTANCE OF 888.38 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NW/4 OF SAID SECTION; THENCE S88944'39"W A DISTANCE OF 1317.97 FEET; THENCE N0181O'39"W A DISTANCE OF 435.65 FEET; THENCE S888i4'39"W A DISTANCE OF 1000.00 FEET; THENCE N01810'39"W A DISTANCE OF 940.89 FEET; THENCE N88EM4'40"E A DISTANCE OF 468.00 FEET; THENCE N0181O'39"W A DISTANCE OF 782.34 FEET; THENCE S88944'40"W A DISTANCE OF 468.00 FEET TO A POINT 50.00 FEET EAST OF THE WEST LINE OF SAID WI2; THENCE N01610'39"W AND PARALLEL TO SAID WEST LINE A DISTANCE OF 419.66 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 126.05 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. A TRACT OF LAND SITUATED IN THE WEST HALF (W12) OF SECTION 9, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST OF THE INDIAN BASE AND MERIDIAN, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the zoning map of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma be amended to reflect the supplemental designation of PUD (Planned Unit Development) on the following described property, to wit: the Owasso City Council has considered the recommendation of the Owasso Planning Commission and all statements for and against the requested approval of OPUD..02-02, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA; WHEREAS, public hearings have been held regarding the request for approval of a Planned Unit Development concerning the property herein described, and, AN ORDINANCE APPROVING PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION NO. OPUD-02-02, PROVIDING FOR THE SUPPLEMENTAL DESIGNATION PUD ON A TRACT OF LAND CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 126.05 ACRES, LOCATED IN THE WEST HALF OF SECTION 9, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST, TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. CITY OF OW ASSO ORDINANCE NO. 709 Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ATTEST: PASSED AND APPROVED this 21st day of May, 2002. Section 3. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby expressly repealed. Section 2. The City Council hereby authorizes development upon such tract in accordance with the provisions of the Outline Development Plan submitted with the application, as well as all amendments or modifications thereto, as required by the City Council, same being hereby made a part of such Outline Development Plan and included therewith. z c)o< <.-~ w a: I - I Z I' \l C)O<: \J \b<'-~ ; I a:" L_,..,:.: ,::_J ,- \ \ '- j r I I~~~ I I ~ ------~--I i I 1 · \ \ ", J NO.!2!H~~TH EAST AVENU1L L__~-,-~,".... om..'} _~ L -- C)of.( <I-Cf.) a: (!)oro <.-0, {;nul I J oj I 5;;~ A~A~ \ ==-..-.> ==== ~ ======== - ~= STATE HIGHWAY == ====== ~ <= W UJ r- <( -. r- CJ WUJ ~ } . _ "';':':'ij:!:'! ! "- 0 ___ ..... ".... '., " ill ~~ ;!lijir. --- .1 il"'lijl~l~ll 9;; z!i1 -,~- '!~~~'!I!I~ili~'11 iji!i!i!nMillhl: V :3 0( _ !aa;,illlii "... . . \Y') I ff) g; ATTACHMENTS: 1. Location Map 2. ODEQ permit letters 3. Maintenance bonds Staff recommends Council acceptance of the Metro Heights II water and sanitary sewer systems. RECOMMENDATION: The contractor has provided one-year maintenance bonds for the water and sanitary sewer systems (see attached). A final inspection on the sanitary sewer was done on May 10, 2002 and a final inspection on the water system was done on March 13,2002. The systems have passed all required tests and all defects discovered during the inspections have been cOlTected. FINAL INSPECTION: The subject project is located at the northeast corner of north Mingo Road and East 106th East Avenue (see attached location map). The water system consists of 1,740 LF of8-inch, 1,140 LF of6- inch and 1,650 LF of 4-inch lines. The sanitary sewer system consists of 3,040 LF of 8-inch lines. Designs were reviewed and approved by the Public Works Depariment and pelmitted by the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (see attached permit letters). Construction inspection was conducted by the Public Works Depariment. BACKGROUND: DATE: May 15,2002 SUBJECT: ACCEPTANCE OF WATER AND SANITARY SEWER SYSTEMS METRO HEIGHTS II MEMORANDUM METRO HEIGHTS II LOCATION MAP PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY Of OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ENGINEERING DIVISION r- r- w z cr <( NO. MAY 15. 2002 106TH. ST. I r- " ()) w w N --r r~-'l . 1 -I prilllod nn rll\~Vclod pnpor with soy'ink n f"'lpfb 707 NORTH ROBINSON, PO BOX 1677, OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA 7310 1-1677 c: Brian K. Kellogg, P.E., Kellogg Engineering, Incorporated Rick Austin, R.S., Regional Director, DEQ Enclosure RWC/HJT/so Very truly yours, ~~ DWSRF/Construction Permit Section Water Quality Division We are returning two (2) sets of the approved plans to you, sending one (1) ,set to your engineer and retaining one (1) set for our files. Receipt of this permit should be noted in the minutes of the next regular meeting of the City of Owasso, after which it should be made a matter of permanent record. The project authorized by this permit should be constructed in accordance with the plans approved by this Department on March 6, 2002. Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications affecting capacity, flow or operation of units must be approved, in writing, by the Department before changes are made. Enclosed is Permit No. SL000072020109 for the construction of 3,040 linear feet of eight (8) inch PVC sanitary sewer line, plus all appurtenances to serve the Metro Heights (Phase II) sewer line extension, City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. Dear Mr. Carr: Re: Permit No. SLOOOO'72020109 Metro Heights (Phase II) Sewer Line Extension S- 21 31 0 March FRANK KEATING Governor OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY OKLAHOMA D[P/'PlMElH Of ENVfPOflMENJAI QUAIIIY MARK COLEMAN Executive Director printed on recyclod peror with soy Ink '" t.~~ 707 NORTH ROBINSON, P.O. BOX 1677, OKlAHOMA CITY, OKlAHOMA 73101-] 677 Enclosure c: Brian K. Kellogg, P.E., Kellogg Engineering, Incorporated Rick Austin, R.S., Regional Director, DEQ Tulsa DEQ Office Nathan Kuhnert, Planning & Management Division, OWRB RWC/HJT Iso Rocky Che'FY, P.E. DWSRF/Construction Permit Section Water Quality Division Very truly yours, We are returning two (2) sets of the approved plans to you, sending one (1) set to your engineer and retaining one (1) set for our files. Receipt of this permit should be noted in the minutes of the next regular meeting of the City of Owasso, after which it should be made a matter of permanent record. The project authorized by this permit should be constructed in accordance with the plans approved by this Department on March 6, 2002. Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications affecting capacity, flow or operation of units must be approved, in writing, by the Department before changes are made. Enclosed is Permit No. WL00007.20201 for the construction of 1,740 linear feet of eight (8) inch, plus 1,140 linear feet of six (6) inch, plus 1,650 linear feet of four (4) inch PVC water line, plus all appurtenances to serve the Metro Heights (Phase II) water line extension, City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. Dear Mr. Carr: Re: Permit No. WL0000720201 Metro Heights (Phase II) Water Line Extension PWSID No. 3002718 5 2002 March FRANK KEATING Governor OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUAlITY MARK COLEMAN Executive Director 301200 Oil IIWl$) ~~ --.-/ M'J:l.ffillY'm~ ~~u~,~, President " " '~~iW ' 19 2002 A]2ril day of .l9.th SIGNED, ~Ioo and dated tills / I . ~ t , TIw Obligoo, by and tilrough 1m proper rop~, mall 11M! tile Principal and tt!a Surety writtlm llotlCl! of all mpalrs roquirmJ tC?JlJlfm~ tllrms of this malntenanCfl lIuafal1tlla; and 1M said Principal and Surety sMll. after mcalpt of any such notlCfl, !:la' allowOO a nl<lSOlWOO period !It ~!1ll1lfllmlch to make any such repairs. ' / / NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITiON Of' THIS OBUGA OON IS SUCH. that. If the said Principal sMllmalntlin said impfll)WJ~ ftlr a Period of ()'I1P year(s) against any fallum due to d~ workmanship or materialS. $aldene ~:"~s) p@riod to begin with the datll of complation and aCCflptllnCfl of such complmlld ImprowlTIllnts dllSClibOO ll!wWI. tillln this oblipljoo $ha.~ b3imll Mti WlliS, , ofuerwis.e to remain in full force Md effed, sUbjl!ct oo'o'l0Wlrto tho following IDCpress pf01lis/on: . . " , , " ',I Which said Improwments haw balln construdOO to conform with specifications pmparmJ by I ", f WHEREAS tt!a said Prim:lpal has atrtaln improWlllWlrt1! ~bOO is rollllWil: Metro Heights II (Stom', Water., & Sewer Systems) 110th St. No. & Mingo _, OI:v-asso. Oklahoma ONE HUNDRED THIRTY EIGHT THOUpAND. In tile penal sum of' THREE ~b-Vi Ii ND SO /1 OO--------:.~-------~~ '~ Dollml (S J.. .;;10 . .,).1 L . ::> u ), lawful mOlley of thelJnitlld S~ of Amilril;.a, fortt!a ~ of whim. woll and lrulyto bt! mMl'l, " our Ijllirn,~rn, admillist~ors, SUCCflSSorn llnd assigns, Jointly Illld ~m1Iy. firmly by ~ P~. _ lIS Obi/gOO, ~=~, llnd OKLAHOMA SURETY COMPMl1f, 00 OkJallon'l<! hailing itllllrindpal of bllSil1llSS ill tile City @f Tulsa of Owasso & D, N. Sokol:osky lIS Surety, am h!lld and firmly bound TODD HINDMAN. INC, THAT WE, PRESENTS: KNOW AU llJEN ~y BOND NUMBER BOND OKLAHOMA SURETY COMPANY Box 1409 TULSA, OKLAHOMA 74101 Staff has contacted the Tulsa SPCA and the animal shelter for the City of Collinsville, both of whom have indicated they will house any animals in our facility if the project is approved by the Council. Staff also plans to request assistance from other area cities. This project scope of work includes painting the animal shelter both inside and out, removal of the 14 individual heating units in the kennel area that are not operational, and painting of the outside soffits but not the fascia. The outside fascia of the facility is already on contract with a painting company doing other city work and will be painted to match the other city buildings in the area. The animal control officer contacted several local painters and obtained estimates for this project. All painting estimates were in excess of six-thousand dollars for the scope of work. Because the projected costs exceeded five-thousand dollars, four local vendors were contacted for the purpose of requesting a "sealed quote". Two vendors responded, and the quotes were opened by the City Clerk on Tuesday, May 14th. The Owasso Animal Shelter is approximately eleven years old and is in need of various repairs. One such need is a complete repainting of the entire facility both inside and out. Over the course of the years, city staff has repainted pmis of the shelter, however the paint used was not of a "commercial" quality and the painting was not professionally done to where the area is first stripped, refinished, and then repainted. BACKGROUND: May 15,2002 DATE: FACILITY COUNCIL THE HONORABLE CITY OF OW ASSO MEMORANDUM 1. Quote from Davis Custom Painting Quote from Bell Painting ALT ACHMENTS:. Staff will recommend that a contract be awarded to Custom Painting OK, the amount of $10,545 for the purpose of preparing the surface and repainting the interior and exterior ofthe Animal Control Facility. If this request is granted and the facility is repainted, funding is available for this project within the FY 2001 - 2002 Animal Control operating budget. That funding was originally intended for the construction of an incinerator, a project no longer considered a priority due to a more cost effective process for the disposal of animals. FUNDING: PAINT ANIMAL CONTROL FACILITY MAY 15,2002 PAGE 2 BID SUBMITTED TO:Kelly Hopkins 272-4964 698-8556 341-8493 Horne 341-8211 War BID SUBMITTED BY:DARRELL DAVIS DAVIS CUSTOM PAINTtNG, INC. 9422 N.182nd E. Ave_ OWASSO, OK. 74055 272-7449 $1,89(\.00 Bid includes materials and labor JOB COST: Exclude the metal facia,cap, and sofit from bid. PAINTING 1. Apply one finish coat paint to all doors and windows. 2. Apply one finish coat paint to all block siding. e paint by scraping 3. Remove PREP 1. Pressure wash all b walls Exclude the metal facia,cap and sofit. 2. Caulk around all possible water intrusion points Such as door jambs,windows,electrical fixtures 1 painting to include the JOB DESCRIPTION: Exter Animal Control Center 500 S. Main Owasso, OK JOB LOCATION: May 07,2002 32602--1 Revised BID #: DAVIS CUSTOM PAINTING,INC. BID SHEET BID SUBMITTED TO:Kelly Hopkins 272-4964 698-8556 BID SUBMITTED BY:DARRELL DAVIS DAVIS CUSTOM PAINTING, INC. 9422 N.182nd E. Ave. OWASSO, OK. 74,055 272-7449 Total for materials and labor; $ 8655.00 JOB COST: Kennel Area: Apply one coat water based epoxy to metal around kennels. Materials and Labor $730.00 Office and Storage rm Walls: Apply one coat semi- gloss wall paint. Materials and Labor $1,650.00 Concret Floor (kennel Area): Apply a water base epo to all painted floor. Materials and Labor $1,275.00 Doors & Jambs: Paint doors and jambs with a Rust Inhibitor Oil paint. Repair bottom of jambs with bondo type filler. Materials and Labor $1,250.00 Block Walls: (kennel Area) Sand and apply one coat water based epoxy. Prime any bare block Materials and Labor $2,550.00 Ceiling: Paint deck and exposed structure. Paint only that area which is currently painted. Materials and labor: $1,200.00 JOB DESCRIPTION: Interior Painting JOB LOCATION: Animal Control Center 500 S. Main Owasso, OK March 26,2002 32602~2 BID if: DAVIS CUSTOM PAINTING, INC. BID SHEET IS a May 10, 2002 To: Whom it may concem From: Bell Painting, inc. ~ Authorized Signature All material is guaranteed to be as specified. All work to be completed in a workmanlike manner according to standard practices. Any alteration or deviation from above specifications involving extra costs will be executed only upon written orders, and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate. All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond our control. Owner to carry fire, tornado and other necessary insurance. Our workers are fully covered by Workman's Compensation Insuranca. Date of Acceptance: Signature Acceptance af J1rapozal- The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized Signature to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above. days. Note: This proposal may be withdrawn by us if not accepted within .~~\Y) ~ Payment to be made as follows: Ld1uh hereby to furnish material and labor - complete in accordance with above specifications, for the sum of: . '-r aLdJ LD dollars ($ ---J J). iMe 'rllPO!3~ ...................................................................................................................................r.tl(1ig~L<a.l.....?t'"1.;.d...........L~:...b.e{~~.........:::::....~...4:.l..'.1..~.Q...~............................................. ~~.=~::~~~:-::_:::--~~;:;;i~;?;:~~J:~~~:~~_~:!:I_~~~:~~c:~_'~:~~::~ ........................................................................................................................................................m~~.~f.:...J......~...d........L.s.b..Q...................=....~.t..L~.Q......~...~...................................... I. r'. ".~~"Li:l!:6h:!ldLlf'c.GT{eJr]Q\!eL!,)aJ.Lp"fu:_ , , I I I j~, . 1.. ~ " We hereby submit specifications and estimates for: PHONE JOB LOCATION J{ome: 274..7385 @l Ce[[; 951-7743 @l Cell: 852..7772 Pages of Page No. U'rnpnzal A. (}3e{{ CFaintingJ Inc. Quafity Custom (Painting ~siaentia[ Specialist ;T- ~ It is not the intent of this legislation to outlaw or prohibit the use of the Jacobs Engine Brake, as it definitely helps a truck stop much more quickly than the truck's regular brakes do. Without the use of a Jake Brake, the truck will need many more feet in order to come to a stop. The device reduces the danger involved by allowing a truck to stop more quickly in the event of an unexpected emergency. Anti-Jake Brake ordinances are commonly found in cities with hilly or mountainous terrain, as the truckers are always downshifting in order to slow down or stop. Staff researched some of these ordinances and found one in the City of Branson, Missouri that properly addresses this problem. While the addition of a Jake Brake is very helpful in slowing a vehicle, the exhaust must be properly muffled. In trucks that have mufflers in good condition and are properly functioning, there is no problem with noise. In trucks that are operating with either defective mufflers or are running "straight pipes", the noise can be extremely loud, hence the complaints. Recently, Owasso citizens have been complaining to the police department and the Office of the City Manager about the extremely loud noises that large trucks are emitting when they are braking. Many large trucks are equipped with a mechanical device commonly known as a "Jake Brake". The Jacobs Engine Brake is a device that mounts on the engine overhead. The device changes the action of the truck's exhaust valves, turning the engine into a giant air compressor. When the truck driver is downshifting in order to slow and brakes the vehicle, the Jake Brake assists in the process. The problem is that once the engine is reversing its compression power, the truck emits a very loud sound. Councilor Cochran has experience with this method of braking, and he has requested that the staff review city ordinances and, if necessary, develop an ordinance prohibiting "unmuffled Jake Brakes". Pursuant to that request, the staff has developed an "enforceable" ordinance relating to the use of unmuffled trucks utilizing Jake Brakes (see attached). ~ACKGROUND: May 9, 2002 DATE: 710 JIM GREENE CHIEF CITY THE HONORABLE OF OW ASSO TO: MEMORANDUM 1. Ordinance #710 2. Traffic Literature addressing the use of Jake Brakes from the State of Maine ATTACHMENTS: The staff recommends City Council approval of Ordinance #710, amending Part 15, Chapter 3, of the City of Owasso Code of Ordinances, relating to the use of a Jacob Engine Brake or other exhaust engine device without a muffler or with a malfunctioning muffler. RECOMMENDATION: While the City of Owasso does have "vehicle equipment" and "noise" ordinances already on the books, it does not have an ordinance that is specific to this problem. To address that specific issue, the staff has developed an ordinance that models the Branson, Missouri ordinance. This ordinance, if approved, will amend Part 15 Traffic and Vehicles, Chapter 3 Vehicle Equipment, of the Code of Ordinances of the of Owasso, Oklahoma, by adding provisions regarding vehicle brakes which create an excessive or unusual noise (Jacobs Engine Brake or other exhaust or engine device without a muffler or with a malfunctioning muffler). The recommended solution to the noise problem is to ensure that a truck equipped with this device has a muffler in good working condition. ORDINANCE #710 - JAKE BRAKES MA Y 9, 2002 PAGE 2 Ronald D Cates, City Attorney APPROVED AS TO FORM: Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk By: Randall C Brogdon, Mayor ATTEST: CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA PASSED AND APPROVED this 21st day of May, 2002. Section Two: The provisions of this ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days fi'om the date of first publication as provided by law. For the purpose of this sub~section, a Jacobs Engine Brake is a hydraulic-electric engine attachment that converts a diesel engine into an air compressor by changing engine exhaust valve operation. B. It shall be unlawful to operate or use a Jacobs Engine Brake, or other exhaust or engine device without a muffler or with a malfunctional muffler, as braking power or to slow down a vehicle's rate of speed in the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, except in emergencies. A. Every motor vehicle shall at all times be equipped with a muffler in good working order and in constant operation to prevent excessive or unusual noise and annoying smoke. No person shall use a muffler cutout, bypass or similar device upon a motor vehicle on a street. No person shall modifY the exhaust system of a motor vehicle in any manner which will amplifY or increase the noise or sound emitted louder than that emitted by the muffler originally installed on the vehicle. That Part 15 ~o Traffic and Vehicles, Chapter 3 Vehicle Equipment, Section 15-304 Mufflers: Modifications Prohibited of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, is hereby amended to provide as follows, to-wit: HE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF' THE CITY OF OW ASSO, TO-WIT: AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PART 15, TRAFFIC AND VEHICLES, SECTION 15-304, MUFFLERS: MODIFICATIONS PROHIBITED, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA, AMENDING SAME BY ADDING THERETO PROVISIONS REGARDING VEHICLE BRAKES WHICH CREATE AN EXCESSIVE OR UNUSUAL NOISE, DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATK ORDINANCE NUMBER 710 CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA 5/8/2002 http://www.state.me.us/mdotJplanning/csdJjakebrake.htm "Jake Brake@" is a registered trademark of Jacobs Vehicle Systems™. The term "Jake Brake" is sometimes incorrectly used to refer to compression release type engine brakes irr.g~n~r?L The term correctly refers to all of Jacobs Vehicle Systems retarding products, including their line of Exhaust Brakes and Driveline Brakes....... as well as Jacobs Engine Brakes. 2. What is a Jake Brake? Many towns around Maine have started erecting "No Jake Brake" signs (or something similar) in hopes of "controlling" the engine noise from downshifting trucks. Many residents are conscious of the noise and want the town "to do something" about the noise. Depending on your town and the cooperation of truckers, the results may be positive or they may be negligible. 1. What they are and can a town control the truck engine noise? 7. The MDOT response 6. What can a town do? 5. Wh~tj~Lth~J]:~41lp'roblem? 4. Can our town pass an Qrdinance to "control" the noise'! 3. WhatJlretbebeneftt~tQfusing.J}3ake brake"? What is a Jake Brake? 1. What they are and .can a town control the truck engine noise7. "Jake Brakes" rfRAFFIC ISSUES r i N E MMUN .....,1,. Page 1 of4 jakebrake ')/~/?nO? 'httn'//WVJ\-II c~t:ltp mp 11<:/mnrl1-lnhl11nln(Y/rc:r1/1~1<f'>'hr:lk-p htrr1 At best, the success of an ordinance will probably be voluntary compliance from Enacting a traffic ordinance to deal with "jake brakes" under 30-A g 3009 may seem like a kind and responsive reaction to engine noise, but is safety of the public being compromised?? Engine brakes al'e very effective at reducing the speed of heavy trucks on a downgrade, but what if the trucker had to stop quickly for a child or elderly person or an entering vehicle, and only use his regular brakes?? In most cases, the stopping distance will be longer without the engine braking system and this could lead to disaster at the bottom of the hilL First of all, erecting a sign or two without an ordinance has no legal authority. As with any regulatory traffic issue, a traffic ordinance must be in place to "enforce" the actual signs, or the sign is advisory only. 4. Can our town pass an ordinance to "control" the noise? @ Enhanced driver confidence. @ Less vehicle downtime. @ Lower vehicle maintenance costs. @ Reduced wear on engine, tires, and service brakes. @ Faster, steadier, more efficient braking performance. A "jake brake" can provide: What are the benefits using a "jake brake"? The signs around Maine are probably lmfairly using the company trademark, because they are brand-specific. The term '''Jake Brake" also refers to the company's nearly silent exhaust brakes and d:dveline brakes, so these signs don't make sense for all Jake Brakes.. .... and don't target the root problem of illegal exhaust systems. Therefore, any sign or ordinance should avoid use ofthetenn "jake brake". When it a staccato sound. When on a vehicle with a poorly muffled or un~muffled exhaust (straight pipes for example), the sound can be quite loud..... which is what citizens will complain about. According to the Jacobs Company, the real problem here is the illegally modified or defective exhaust systems. The Jacobs Engine Brake is a device that mounts on the engine overhead. The principle behind the Jacobs Engine Brake ™ engine retarder is simple. It changes the action of the exhaust valves, turning the engine into a giant air compressor. It makes a distinctive sound while in operation, and converts a power-producing diesel engine into a power-absorbing retarding mechanism. It is typically used on class 7 and 8 vehicles and can be activated or deactivated at the flip of a switch or foot on the pedal. Further details can be seen on the company's website: Page 2 of 4 jakebrake 5/8/2002 http://www.state.me.us/mdot/planning/csd/jakebrake.htm The MDOT will not erect these signs on state roads. The only way that a sign will appear 7. The MDOT response If a town does not adopt an ordinance and simply puts up a sign or two, the signs have no legal authority or enforceability. If the town decides to enact a traffic ordinance under 30-A ~ 3009, it probably is best to hope for voluntary compliance, but who will do the enforcement? Another ordinance without enforcement possibilities is relatively useless. Be sure to use the white-on-black signs and try to avoid the term "jake brake". . .. maybe use "quiet zone ahead", or "reduce engine noise ahead". Most states, including Maine, already have a law on the books that prohibits operating a motor vehicle on a public highway without a serviceable muffler (MRSA 29-Ag 1912). The real noise offenders, those with straight stacks or gutted mufflers, are operating in violation of this law. Have your local police stop noisy vehicles and check them for muffler integrity. Cite those that are not in compliance. This is a fairly easy step that should produce a noticeable improvement in the quality of life of your community. 6. What can a town do? The regulations on vehicle noise relating to engine/muffler systems need to be enforced. Otherwise, a town would be fining for using engine brakes (sometimes being used justifiably) and not fining for the illegal muffler system. The federal government has required all vehicles manufactured since 1 to meet noise requirements when delivered to the customer. Today, trucks are required to emit less than 80 dBa of noise when they drive by, as measured at 50 feet. So trucks have been required to meet noise requirements when they leave the dealership as new vehicles for quite some time. In many "noisy truck" areas, the l'eal problem is modified m' defective exhaust systems. There is a good chance that the noisy trucks are running with straight stacks or gutted mufflers. Some are poorly maintained vehi91es, while others have drivers who simply enjoy making noise. In any case, the use ofthe engine brake may not be the problem: The re~l problem in this noise issue is the illegal exhaust systems in many trucks. At other times, it may be the engine braking system, which is being used by the driver who has not tried to slow down in advance of a hill or traffic signal. is tl11ckers. Some truckers may be sensitive to their truck noise and will try to reduce the noise, while others may intentionally try to make it worse, especially if a "squeaky wheel" citizen is emphatic about the noise problem. If a town passes a specific "jake brake ordinance", is the "No Jake Brake" sign or "Quiet Zone" sign a black lettering-on-white regulatory type sign.... or is it (wrongly) on a black-on-yellow warning sign?? If the local police get into the action of enforcement, are they going to check the actual engine braking system installed on each truck, or have a decibel meter to measure the noise level? What if the trucker says he had to stop quickly for a pedestrian? the car in front of him stopped quickly? Page 3 of 4 jakebrake 1-,'H.".." ' I!rf. r<.n,y 7 0+.'"\+0 "t'Y"lC< "f1C'!,,:.y,rlr..tl-f-<>,1r,'n'n~",",<NIr>t:'~/;,",1ro1"'1'4>"11r~ l-d-YY1 t\/'X/')nn') ....~"~,....~.,~..._~......_~~~~,~~.^"~_...,,,~~~~~.N=~m~.~".~~,~~~~ "~""~~_q"'~~~~""",_,~=~~~u=~~,"-~"",,,w,~~~~~",~,^~~~,,~~,-=-~__~6~~",u-""'V'~W~~~'''4'''~''~~_~m''",h"'w.''~~v''~, '''~'''''4'''~~'''''"'''''~~'''~''~'v,','",,,v~v~,,,,_,, Reviewed and edited by MMA Legal Division (October, 2000) is if a town officially adopts an ordinance and erects the signs themselves. Then the town will be responsible for enforcement, sign maintenance, or any liability issues. Page 4 of 4 jakebrake 1. Resolution No. 2002-05 ATTACHMENT: The staff supports this effort and recommends adoption of Resolution No. 2002-05. RECOMMENDATION: It is anticipated that, if Resolution 2002-05 is adopted, there will be an effort to bring various community groups and organizations together to support the program. The development of a "Character Council" is the anticipated second step. Beyond that point, the Character Council would guide and direct the character initiative and program with assistance from the City and various other parties. The program targets youth and families with a strategy that has the City, the schools, civic groups, churches and other groups join together to promote and emphasize one character trait per month. Some successful programs include traits such as attentiveness, truthfulness, gratefulness, self-discipline, personal morality, punctuality, forgiveness, and resourcefulness. Resolution 2202-05, if adopted, will provide direction and authority for the City of Owasso Council and staff to initiate a process that would result in the City of Owasso developing and implementing a program that brings the community together to promote positive "character traits." Such programs are currently being developed or are actually in place in approximately 150 cities throughout the country. BACKG~OUND: MaylO,2002 DATE: INTENT TO INITIATE AND SUPPORT BECOMING A CITY OF CHARACTER THE HONORABLE OF MEMORANDUM WHEREAS: the City of Owasso now has an opportunity to benefit from the ideas and experience of those other towns and cities by participating and joining in the Character Cities Program. WHEREAS: other towns and cities have developed programs with a city-wide emphasis on character, which includes teaching character in public schools, emphasizing character in business, promoting character in churches and homes, and proclaiming character qualities on billboards and in the media; and WHEREAS: the emphasis of positive character qualities in every sector of society can only occur as individuals commit themselves to exemplifying character in their personal lives and inspiring others to do the same; and WHEREAS: encouraging employees by recognizing positive character qualities has resulted in an increase in workplace morale, employee safety, and corporate profits; and WHEREAS: a growing number oftowns and cities have experienced an amazingly high rate of success in rehabilitating juvenile delinquents and others by practical time-proven programs emphasizing character traits; and WHEREAS: the City of Owasso, Oklahoma has experienced an increase in juvenile crimes being committed by younger and younger juveniles, and crimes of a more serious nature; and WHEREAS: there is a need for more positive role models among our young people to help prevent juvenile delinquency and violent behavior; and WHEREAS: lack of commitment and irresponsibility have resulted in an increasing number of family problems causing personal, social, and financial consequences to individual family members and to this city as a whole; and WHEREAS: we recognize that individuals are responsible for their actions and that daily decisions should be based upon objective moral standards that are the basis of universally-recognized character qualities, including obedience, honesty, truthfulness, diligence, generosity, kindness, loyalty, and courage; and WHEREAS: we desire to build upon our heritage and make our city a place where families are strong, homes and streets are safe, education is effective, business is productive, neighbors care about one another, and citizens are free to make wise choices for their lives and families; and WHEREAS: the people of the City ofOwasso recognize the importance of honorable character qualities based upon the moral standards held by our Founding Fathers on which they established our nation and legal systems; and A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA DECLARING THE INTENT TO INITIATE AND SUPPORT THE CITY OF OW ASSO BECOMING A CITY OF CHARACTER IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CHARACTER CITIESo RESOLUTION NO 2002-05 CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA Ronald D Cates, City Attorney APPROVED AS TO FORM: Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk ATTEST: Randall C Brogdon, Mayor Council of the City of PASSED AND APPROVED tIJis 21't day of May, 2002, by the Owasso, Oklahoma. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA that the Mayor of the City of Owasso and the City Council, as leaders of city government, are fully committed to the promotion of positive character qualities throughout the city and especially within city government and shall actively seek to promote character in our city government, schools, businesses, homes, places of worship, and other community groups and to pursue the resources and programs that are available to make our city a City of Character participant. Staff recommends City Council approval of a supplemental appropriation in the E - 911 Fund increasing expenditures by $17,000. RECOMMENDATION: In order to complete the radio communications system, staff will be recommending that the City Council authorize an expenditure of $17,000. Funds for this purpose are available in the E - 911 Fund but are not included in the budget. A supplemental appropliation is needed for this purpose. The E - 911 Fund of the City is used to account for the emergency service fees charged on all telephone bills in our service area. These fees are collected by telephone service providers and remitted monthly to the City. Funds are used to pay the monthly service charges for the 911 system. Remaining funds are used for dispatcher salaries and other emergency communications needs. BACKGROUND: May 17, 2002 DATE: MEMORANDUM Consideration has been given to the weather conditions inherent to this region, the probability for the disruption in power service, and the fact the entire communication backbone for the Police and Fire Department relies on the radio equipment to be located at this tower site based on these considerations. It has been realized that an emergency back-up generator is required at our radio communication site. A 30 kW generator which the public works department has removed from service is available and could be retrofitted to meet this need. This would involve some repairs and alteration, the installation of a concrete pad, power transfer switch, wiring and ice protection for the equipment. The total cost to install the emergency power generator should not exceed $8,300. In July of2000 funds for the installation ofa new antenna system were encumbered, and the Federal Commination Commission documents were filed for the improvement of the City's antenna system. These improvement have not been completed due to the unforeseen delay of the FCC authorization. This authorization was received April 30 2002, which allows us to move forward with this project. On June 6, 2000 the City Council approved a lease agreement with Titan Towers LP; an Abilene Texas based company, for the construction of a 250-foot telecommunications tower on property owned by the City of Ow as so and popularly referred to as the Water Storage Tank Site on 96th Street North. The scope of this agreement recognized the benefit to the City by virtue of its ability to co- locate antennas thereon and thereby provided for three mounting surfaces'in the lease agreement. On February 16, 1999, the Owasso City Council approved the purchase of a new 800-megahertz radio system. The system consisted of fifty hand held, fifty mobiles, five repeater base stations, and associated equipment. By June of 1999 the radio equipment was operational with the radio system antennas located on the 100-foot Water Storage Tank on 96th Street NOlih. This site provides marginal coverage, but does not provide the best possible coverage available. BACKGROUND: 5/1 0/2002 DATE: HONORABLE CITY OF OWASSO MEMORANDUM Equipment Invoice - Total Radio Incorporated Quote - Clifford Power Systems ATTACHMENT: Staff recommends that the Owasso City Council authorize the expenditure of not to exceed $17,000 to Total Radio Inc. and Clifford Power Systems for the purchase and installation of the necessary equipment to relocate our communication equipment on the Titan tower. RECOMMENDATION: Since it has always been the City intent to locate the antennas for the 800-megahertz radio system on Titans telecommunication tower, the staff requests the approval for the purchase and installation of the equipment neceSSal'y to relocate the antenna system and provide an emergency power source. REQUESTl Funding is available for the relocation of this system from the E911 line item. FUNDING: . Installation of antennas . Repairs to the 30 kW generator . Construction of a concrete pad and protection for the generator . Installation of generator and a 100 amp automatic transfer switch . Mounting brackets and . Two 800 megahertz antennas . 7/8" helix transmission The scope of this relocation project would include the relocating of telephone lines, site controllers, five repeater base station, and related communication equipment. In addition, the installation oftwo 800-megahertz antennas, 550 feet of coaxial line, 30 kW diesel generator, and all associated equipment. The total cost of the relocation to the 250-foot Titan Tower should not exceed $17,000 for the following items: WWW.cliffordpower.com info@cliffordpower.com THANKS, LARRY MILLS SERVICE SALES MANAGER CLIFFORD POWER SYSTEi'v1S INC. 11; YOU I fA VE ANY QUESTIONS Rl:-:GUi\RlJrNG Tl ns PLEASE FERL FREE TO CAl.L ME. 'fHI\NKS AGAIN FOR ALLOWING CLIFFORD POWER TO B1n ON YOUR PROJECT. NOT": >l< TlIlS PRICE MAY CHANGE IF THERE ARE ANY OTHER PROBLEMS '1'J (AT ExrST WITH GENERATOR. THAT IS POl1ND AFTER UNIT IS DELIVERED TO SHOP FOR REPAIRS. TO POUR CEMENT SLAB INSTALL NEW 100 AMP NEMA:3 1 PH 120/240 VOLT AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH WITH ENGINE EXOSIZER TIMER. INSTALL NL:W \VIRF TO AC PANEL AND WIRE IN A'1'8, HOOR UP GENERATOR AND PERFORM START UP AT SITE. FILL FUEL CELL FIRST TIME_ BUILD AND INSTALL ICE BRIDGE OVER GENERATOR AND A ONE~ YEAR SEMI~ANNUAL PREVENTIVE MAINTIANCE AGREEMENT .PARTS AND LABOR WOULD RUN APPROX $4.852.41. FOR A TOTAL COST OF APPROX.$ 8,167.68 TO PICK UP UNIT DELIVER TO SI lOP INSTALL NEW BELTS, HOSPS, BLOCK UE.1\TER, SILICONE HEATER HOSES, CLAMPS, WATER rUMP, THERMOSTAT, fUEL HOSES. OIL FILTER, AIR FILTER. FUEL FILTERS, BATTRIES, BATrERY CI\BLES. ENGINE COOLANT. ENGINE. OIL, REMOVE REPAIRE AND CLEAN RADIATOR. I~EPAIR ROJ.JENT DAMAGE TO WIRING, REWIRE GENERATOR TO 120/240 VOLT. MAKE ALL NESSARY ADJUSTMENTS TO GOVONERS AND VOLTAGE REGULATORS TO MATCH VOLTAGE CHANGE. RUN 21!R 100 % RESESTIVE !.OAD BANK. AND DELIVER AND SET ON CEMENT PAD AT TOWER SITE PARTS AND LABOR WOULD RUN APPROX $3315.27 .L 9310 East 46th Street North Post Offioe Bol<. 581807 Tulsa. OK 74158-1807 (918) 836-0066 Fax (91B) 836-0094 Toll Free '.'800-324-0068 'fI'CLIPPORD' Power Systems, Inc. 14J02 04'26'2U02 11:59 ~~X 9188346124 ";l/' 00/C0' ,If ';I,;:GO GGG~ 2LZ 8tG ~ JNI Ola~d l~lOl 0 j ... en CD I I~ E 0 ~ ! >. - ~ 'E :::II 0 (.) ... dI III Ii ~ 51 e III O(\)Il) ;:) ~n~ c: m@ ~ I 't:1 ._ 0. ,g .' C,.H( (.) N 0. I !E 0 l- I 0 ::0.. ~:= ~ c: C'lI 'fflC'llC'll Co -ELk E Ww 0 0 I I I ti ~ a ~ d1: 0 ~ ~ en S j a. ~ !II ~ !II @II ~ ::ll U .5 """ f3J ~ !@ III f3J ~ @II III '0 ~ :::II @ Q" z~ J!: ~~ ~ ~l~'~ _ >-n 51f;~ o(lJl- ,,~A, If; ~ Ji!. .- .- &: Q 00 e ..... ~ g z o , -..., !.t::> fi.UO :li0~ <...l0 w~w ff~O o.O~ OF . I-~;Z 0:;:..0 ~ UA!tiF U>> ~o~ 0: ~F:i ~ ~~t: o 00000 ... UAe & ~ Z....O w :iog Z 2~W o 00'" F Cii~o :i! mu.... w ~:iiO ~ CJ)wz .... z ... - ~ ~~~ W I-(I)~ 15 [;oo~~ ... ~q;-z ~ w (J)~ 02~"",: ~ (if ~w ~ffi<<<!l m ()w<<~ rol-;:;r: lA.I O;:(I)G::i ...~(/)O ~ F ~f2t;ti.. ZNW?5 Ci! 41( -,,:li::_~;:;;J"'0 z: U ...I.....OOzooo..J4( 8 9 ~~~;t::q;w:;~8f3 _ U! "....oeo:z.... (l)...J....l fit ~ ~ 0 << ~ ~ cr 9 z w.... i) 0 ...r-;uCl & _<(1)-0::< ~ F ~.{~N~~(!)<OOCl.l U W :It:~~m~....z:zl-""~ ::B.... CJ. .co_o~zc::cr::..... u 0 "'1.I;Iu.m~z""woo"" t . a. ~&! 9 ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ 5 5 g ~f&~'%?~~!;:___ Ifi - m '0 ~ o cee <<::> eee Iri o~o lK.l CQ}1jJ m N~!;ll ~ .~ <:) ..... &3 tQ 3t ti~8;rot");;g8g ~a~~~~..og<rlg NMN~m""~Nmi$ &.~ ~~~.~ ~~ M ~a= Q,- ro e ~E W!rW -IC'lI,- g"5~ 01-13 E ~ 1'5 !!I ~ 1: €II :ill a @Il ~ at ~ e ~8 sn~ ~s co G[8 .. ON ::OeJ II ~ g ti ~ o U ~ Z ~ -- d>.... ...~ ~ e OC\! ~ i .! '4' -- (f.I (i) o ~ ~" ~~ .... <it e- . @ )( W'q'~ -J ~;~ <00'- .... o 0 L....: ..... ~ . r- 'OM O (f.I -m :8.mo1, 8- M~e " ~ ns ~ :5 o US ~ g o @ z II <F<I o [il N <J:J Inter-Operability Memorandum of Understanding ATTACHMENT: Staff recommends that the Owasso City Council authorize the Mayor to execute the attached Memorandum of Understanding. RECOMMENDATION: The staff requests City Council approval of an Inter-Operability Memorandum of Understanding with the State of Oklahoma and the City of Tulsa. REQUEST: On February 16, 1999, the Owasso City Council approved the purchase of a new 800-megahertz radio system. The system consisted of fifty hand held, fifty mobiles, five repeater base stations, and associated equipment. The design of this two-way radio system provided for the ability to interface the Owasso radio system with the radio system for the City of Tulsa. This inter-operability of the two radio systems on the State and Regional Mutual Aid Frequencies of the Tulsa system will allow the Owasso Police and Fire Departments to directly communicate with not only the City of Tulsa Public Safety entities but with Tulsa County Sheriff, OHP, and other communities. This would mean that a police officer could directly contact other agencies before he or she enters their jurisdiction. On the other hand, the fire departments could communicate directly with each other when called upon to provide mutual aid. In addition to the inter-operability between agencies, the mutual aid frequencies of the Tulsa system would provide redundancy in our communication system. If the unanticipated would render our system inoperative, we would have the ability to use the systems in Tulsa for our local communications. The Owasso Fire and Police Departments and the City of Tulsa's Telecommunication Department have agreed to the anangement, and with the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Ow as so, the City of Tulsa, and the Oklahoma Department of Public Safety this inter-operability may be achieved. BACKGROUND: LARRY WHITE FROM: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL ClTYOFOWA.~ TO: MEMORANDUM C. Public Safety Agency: Governmental and public entities or those non-governmental, private organizations which are properly authorized by the appropriate governmental authority whose primary mission is providing public safety services, B. Priority Access: An assigned level of system access that determines the choice of access to the Radio System between two or more Radio Units seeking use simultaneously; A. Primat:)f Dispatch System: The primat:)f communications system upon which the User or its agents rely on to provide radio communications or radio transmissions among its Radio Units; For purposes ofthis Agreement, the following definitions apply: I. Definitions NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration ofthe mutual covenants, agreements, and benefits to all parties, it is agreed as follows: WHEREAS, the City/State desire to accommodate additional Radio units on their TRS and to effectuate the usage ofthe system for Public Safety Inter-operability and emergency purposes of both the City/State and desires'to utilize TRS for Public Safety inter-operability WHEREAS, emergency purposes; WlfEREAS, The City and State each have a trunked 800 Megahertz Radio System ("TRS") and are duly licensed by the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") for the operation of same; is made and entered into and executed by and between the City of Tulsa, a 'ml1niC'l'r\>ll C'nrnnra1ion ("Cihr") th"" ofPu'b1i,.., SQfp>h.r a p"blic c'af'""" Qgen"y of'+he ................,. a....'V !"''''''.... '>J"'...y............ l>~ A \ AI.,J AJ.'\d .l. A.. .!.l.V U.!."-....LJ;l U A ~ .1.\JI,J (..t.;:> .l V 1. Ll!_ ("State") a public safety agency " m.. - .., MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING 800 MHz Radio System Inter-Operability STATE OF OKLAHOMA/CITY OF TULSA Rev. C 0511 OiD:2 Page 2 or 7 F. Provide User with copy of City's Emergency Radio Broadcast Procedures Provide the same level of Priority Access to the TRS for owner of the TRS. E. as that afforded the D. Upon being notified that one or more of 's Radio Units has been lost or stolen, City of Tulsa will take all reasonable actions to prevent any of 's lost or stolen Radio Units from gaining access to TRS (including attempting to disable the lost or stolen Radio Unit) C. Observe and abide by all applicable statutes, laws, rules and regulations, including, but not limited to, those enforced by the FCC, as well as those applicable administrative rules of City/State that are now in effect or that may become effective during the teIm of this Agreement. Further, the User acknowledges that, should any of these statutes, rules, regulations, or administrative rules change during the term of this Agreement and if this change necessitates a modification ofthe Agreement, the modification may be effectuated by the other party without incUIl'ing any liability for such modification. B. Provide with programming services to program a Systems Code Identification Number to provide access to the TRS, thereby providing Inter-Agency Inter-operability for Emergency Public Safety Communications. A list ofthe current units is attached; A. Allow __ access to TRS for the sole pu.rpose of Public Safety Emergency Communications inter-operability among Radio Units; The City/State agrees that during the telm ofthis Agreement, the City/State shall: II. City/State Obligations F. System Code Identification Number: An identification number that allows Radio Units to gain access to the Radio System thereby enabling the Radio Units to communicate among themselves at certain airwave frequencies. Radio Unit: Mobile, stationary, or portable radio communications devices communicating among themselves at certain air wave frequencies; and D. Radio System: A trunked Simulcast! SmaIiZone 800 Megahertz Public Safety Radio System owned by The City and the State, and licensed by the FCC and that enables the engagement ofradio communications via Radio Units in accordance with technical specifIcations; Rev. C 05/J 0/02 Page .\ or 7 E. Observe and abide by all applicable statutes, laws, rules and regulations, including but not limited to those of the FCC, as well as those applicable administrative rules of the City/State that are now in effect, specifically the Emergency Radio Broadcast Procedures published by the City, or that may become effective during the term of this Agreement. Further, the User acknowledges that, should any of these statutes, rules, regulations, or administrative rules change during the term of this Agreement and if this change necessitates a modification of the Agreement, the modification may be effectuated by the City/State without incurring any liability for this modification. Should any change in the applicable statutes, rules, regulations, or administrative rules necessitate modification of D. Use the System Code Identification Number described in this Agreement to access the TRS to engage in radio communications for the sole purpose of Public Safety Emergency Communications inter-operability among Radio Units; D. Notify the City of Tulsa by telephone (918) 591-4200 and email (Kshoemaker@ci.tulsa.ok.us) that one or more of its Radio Units have been lost or stolen within twenty-four (24) hours of knowing or having reasons to know that the Radio Units have been lost or stolen; Give the City of Tulsa at least ten (10) days prior wlitten notice of its intent to increase, decrease or otherwise change the number of Radio Units that have access to the Radio System. Upon execution of this agreement User will provide the City of Tulsa with a complete listing of all radio units covered by this agreement. Radio unit information provided shall include the Radio unit Fixed Asset or ID #, Model #, and Serial Number. Assume all cost and responsibility for providing the Radio Units that will have access to the TRS to include the following required feature sets: 1. SmaliNet II Signaling SmartNet / SmartZone Software 3. Dynamic Regrouping Selective Inhibit 5. Valid 6. Using Push-To-Talk Identification 7. Required programming of State Mutual Aid and Regional Mutual Aid Talkgroups within the first two zones/personalities respectively in all Public Safety Radio Units 8. Required Programming of five (5) NPSPAC Conventional Mutual Aid Channels 9. A valid unique authorized, System Code Identification Number programmed into each authorized radio unit (NO Duplicate ID's). . During the term of this Agreement, the User agrees to: HI. User Obligations Rc\'. C 05/1 0/02 Page 4 or 7 All notices and communications permitted or required to be given under this Agreement are to be mailed by certified mail, return-receipt requested, to the following addresses: VIH . Notice It is expressly understood and agreed that one hundred per cent (100%) coverage of allY area at all times is improbable. There may be adverse transmission conditions such as short tenn, unpredictable meteorological effects and sky wave interferences from distant stations that can inten'upt the Radio System at times. Likewise, there are other causes beyond reasonable control of City/State, including but not limited to, motor ignition and other electrical noise that may be minimized by conective devices at the User's expense. Any surveys, studies, research or other measures taken to ensure the adequacy of coverage provided to the User by this Agreement shall be the sole responsibility and expense of the User. VII. Disclaimer Should any party fail to perform as provided under the terms of this Agreement, the other party's sole remedy shall be to terminate this Agreement. VI. Default B. Upon any paliy giving the other parties thirty (30) days prior written notice of its intent to telminate. Immediately if all or substantially an of the authorizations held by the owner of the TRS or the User are revoked by the FCC or its successor agency; or The term ofthis Agreement shall be one (1) year from the date this Agreement is executed by the parties hereto. This Agreement will automatically renew for an9ther one (1) year term unless terminated by any of the pmiies providing wlitten notice to City/State/User of its intent to terminate. Notice of termination by one pmiy shall be given to all other parties not less than sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of the term of this Agreement in effect at the time the notice of termination is given. Notwithstanding the preceding provisions, this Agreement shall terminate: It is expressly understood and agreed that in consideration the mutual benefits delived from this Agreement between the City/State and .~____, no fee will be assessed for access to nor for programming Mutual Aid" and Mutual talkgroups in units. IV. Consideration this Agreement, the City/State shall notify the User of any such change within 30 days of such date that the City/State becomes aware ofthe change. Rev.C 05/10/02 Page 5 or 7 FOR THE USER: Telecommunications Manager Phone: (405) 425-2231 Fax: (405) 425-2029 Single Point Contact: Department of Public Safety, Telecommunications Division 3600 N. M.L. King Ave. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73136 Attention: Gene Thaxton FOR THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA: Radio Services Manager Phone: (918) 591-4226 Fax: (918) 591..4205 Single Point Contact: Department Information 911 Center Tulsa, Oklahoma 74103 Attention: Director ofTISD with a C01JV to: City of Tulsa, TISD Radio Services Division 3411 N. Columbia Tulsa, Oklahoma 74110 Attention: Radio Services, Resources Support Coordinator FOR THE CITY OF TULSA: Rc\', C 05/10/02 Pagc6of'7 This instrument contains the entire Agreement between the parties relating to the rights herein granted and the obligations herein assumed. Any modifications concerning this Agreement shall XI. Entire Agreement This Agreement is governed and .construed according to the laws of the State of Oklahoma. The venue for any action or claim arising out of this Agreement for agencies located in Osage, Washington, Nowata, Rogers, Craig, Ottawa, Delaware, Mayes, Wagoner, Okmulgee, Tulsa, and Creek Counties is Tulsa County, Oklahoma.. The venue for any action or claim arising out of this Agreement for agencies located in all other counties shall be Oklahoma County, Oklahoma. X. Venne The User agrees to not assign this Agreement unless it receives the prior written consent from both the City of Tulsa and State of Oklahoma. Assignment These addresses can be changed upon giving prior written notice to all parties. All mailed notices and communications are deemed given and complete upon deposit in the United States Mail. ~~~._--~".~~-~"~-~~'-~~-~~~,,--~"..~._~~~~^"~~,~~_u_,_,_,~_~__~___ '~~~-~--_'_~~~n~__~~~_~_~.~_..____~ Title: Single Point Contact for the User: Rl'v. C 05/10/02 P~lgl' 7 of 7 Date: Title: Printed Name: By: FOR THE USER: Date: Manager, Telecommunications Department of Public Safety FOR THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA: , Telecommunications TULSA: THE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this: Agreement is hereby executed as follows: be of no force and effect unless in writing and executed by all parties hereto, except for those modi fications effectuated pursuant to the provisions of Paragraphs II (C), III (E), above. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Copy of the Country Estates IV plat 2. Copy of Mortgage Inspection Certificate 3. Copy of Site Plan 4. Ordinance No. 711 RECOM:MENDATION: Staffrecommends Council approval of Ordinance No. 711, thus closing the northeasterly 5 feet of the southwesterly 11 foot utility easement on Lot 33, Block 5, Country Estates IV. On Monday, May 13, 2002, the Owasso Planning Commission unanimously approved the request to close the northeastern most 5' of the southwesterly 11' utility easement on Lot 33, Block 5, Country Estates IV. Ordinance No. 711, attached for your review, would allow the Council to close that portion of the utility easement. Requests for input from the Technical Advisory Committee were sent via the T AC Agenda packet to SW Bell, Cox Cable, AEP, and ONG; as well as city utilities. The TAC meeting was conducted on May 1, 2002 at 2:00 PM in the Main Conference Room at City Hall. No comments were received regarding the partial easement closing at that meeting other than the proposed pool maintaining the required setback of 6 feet from the rear property line. The applicant is seeking partial closure of the easement in order to construct an in..ground swimming pool in the rear yard. The site pIan, also attached for your information and review, indicates that an eyebrow of the kidney shaped pool would encroach into the platted 11 foot utility easement. Please note, however, that the in-ground pool must remain a minimum of 6 feet from the rear property line, meaning that only 5 feet of the utility easement could be closed. BACKGROUND: The City of Owasso has received a request for the closing of a portion of a utility easement described as the northeasterly five feet of the southwesterly 11 foot utility easement located on Lot 33, Block 5, Country Estates IV Addition. The subject property is currently developed with a single-family dwelling; however no utilities are located within that portion of the utility easement that the applicant is seeking to be closed. A location map has been attached for your information and review. May 15, 2002 DATE: TIMOTHY ROONEY ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OW ASSO TO: MEMORANDUM 0 REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR'S MORTGAGE ECT I ON CERTIFICATE ® LEGEND 11 UIE - UU:Ity Eaa ®manI 8,L • Bulding Ll- DIE • Dralnag® E ... rn —t Elee. • E1_10c Cov'd - Covered o � For - Guaranty Abstract Company W.O. 13807 Bk. 01-209 Pg. 56 Invoice Nom 20900 File No. E- 133061 Lender - Crews Mortgage Company Note - Five foot underground electric easement from electric main to metering point at service entrance to dwelling. Note - Subject Property lies in Unshaded Zone X according to the FIRM Community Panel Nb 4014360228 ®H Dated- 9-22 -99. Owner- Catherine S. Fisher Address- 10756 East 120th Court North., Collinsville, Oklahoma 74021 Description. Lot Thirty-three (33) , B" oc:k Five (5) , COUNTRY :r..STATFS !V; an Addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, according to the Recorded Plat thereof. Prat No, 5427 MORTGAGE INSPECTION CERTIFICATE:: 1, RODGER G. P.AGSDALE, A PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS MORTGAGE INSPECTION CER'rIFiCA :rE IS PREPARED FOR: Guaranty Abstract Company /Crews mortgage Company AND THAT THIS 1:3 NOT A LAND OR BOUNDARY SURVEY PLAT, AND THAT THIS PLAT 13 NOT TO BE RELIED UPON FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF PENCE. BUILDING: OR OTHER FUTURE IMPROVEMENT LINFS. FENCES, IF SHOWN, ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY, ACTUAL LOCATIONS REQUIRE A BOUNDARY SURVEY. NO EFFORT HAS BEEN MADE TO SEARCH THE RECORDS OF THE COUNTY CLERK'S OR OTHER GOVERNMENT OFFICE. ANY EASEMENT OR RIGHTS OF WAY SHOWN OR NOTED IS PER SUBDIVISION PLAT OR A SPECIFICALLY PROVIDED BY THE LENDER TO THE UNDERSIGNED. 1 FURTHER CERTIFY THAT THE IMPROVEMENTS ON THE AB Y ABOVE DESCRIBED PARCEL OF LAND, ON THIS DATE, EXCEPT UTILIT CONNECTIONS AND FENCES, ARE ENTIRELY WITHIN THE PARCEL, EXCEPT AS SHOWN, THAT THERE ARE NO ENCROACHMENTS UPON THE DESCRIBED PREMISES BY IMPROVEMENTS ON ANY ADJOINING PREMISES, EXCEPT AS INDICATED, AND THAT THEN, rj%JSI,Nq APPARENT EVIDENCE OR SIGN OF ANY EASEMENT CROSSING OR BURDENING ANY PART OF SAID PARCEL. EXCEPT AS SHOWN. a`aa�t WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL THIS 3rd DAY OF Al1gllSt 2001 -- � •RODGGR C.v`'' a e-_ RAGSi11 LE ASSOCIATED SURVEYORS, L.L.C. % ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ®• ®® ��< 237 South 71st lust Avenue Tulsa, Oklahoma 74112_ Ph.(918) 663 -2425 Fax(918)834-7368 Rodger G. Rag dale, P.L. i H436 Scal ~ ~ III - 1 " \ . 0 \\ - ~ 0- ::r ". "- II ~77C \-- \b ~ tff') \(.), ~ I I TN&: PLAT BOOK _ TULSA COUNTY - COPYRIGHT :WOO ROY MAL.f$:RNEe:, CiTY MAP SERViCe: TUL.SA, OKLAHOMA I"e:OERAL L.AW PROHIBiTS R€PROOUCTION "'OR ANY PURPOSe: WITHOUT P€RMISSION OF' COPYRIGHT OWN€R IOU S ~4~1''>>' \'I ;tlN !JOJ'S':s,a"w 1M"'"'IOe I I , .J' i' ' 1 1/ 5427 NM"10',.r( OJ 121Yl':HI" 19 II 0<1,..,',,' \'I t184'et'$8" l\J S U'4TSC" r , 15~T10' 'OJ Sl3"WJGOl1 h>>~'J>1'( i 1I'1J1 ,~. v >>.11 J~_OO M <)1"2"90> ( )$:M 1~~6d.,g""__~.*"',t!l:I~~_<!$ .........~$_._--"":l!F..- 1lD<iZiI"" . ,."...,,_....-LJ..L......, 1"'N;=:tcJIIl!l:-~ll&-=d~""'''- t~~.~~~--tw6el_-::a~ ~- ::'1iI1;':':: :......1hl... ~"T.i ,0 .J:lfL f.. "~__T \t~:: :::.:=; ......~- ,," . ..~. ~. ':,':.i::"ob;," .,.,c;F:'izlU.~A~ \\,4'1)"U"&l" ,,~ onv<<l" ,..." ...., "'.. 110.69 t01,13 "1.14 ".,. .." '''' lea.O) ,,,. ,.,. ".,. ".OJ au ,... UH,l "f" 10.0' "'1 M al"'W l[ "_1>> "lit sra'1e'II''U 27," t4 ,n.n.," ~ NU'U'll"( I1ssa t;l1\y41'j3"f I;lU"Y'lSo,r 18.n M 111"$4'"' \!;l 'lru'u"( wll"'4-f'n"W w l!J"'3.S'N"W 11.91 >>1)'36'1)$"" nUl tJ;r:r.",,"( M.st \l71'.a'11"w u lr4O"340 VI U.8J SN'u"".W 'n.n s 1t5Y1$" VI aUj 1f1t"!t'uog It ans'toOI ~,.. g ans'N4 fI ~co S cn1'4e~ w 1),00 5 Ci"4Yt.e4 1'1 2'1.00 lJ !i1'4Y4t4 "II >>.00 11 Ui"'l't'llo\:1 >>00 umTWe "u SSt71't{jO[ usnl'<<)'<< 0JnY( OCUI!, Irt.,.U" e;r "~'H" C3 e;t,,'U" 3'1'11'1,' 12'.00 2n)l'll" 7100 21.'3 IIo'H'le' 2$00 "'" 1$.00 3U1 >>t<O >>2' nM '>>.21 11'00 >>w n.oo 23.10 .." 14'"21)1," 02",lt:U4 C'l8 u")O'~. 8'r)I'W ll1'W'cn' ~"",.. ell) 01t4'W CII W3l't)l' :n~l"O'I' ~'ttfOO' C24 00'00"'00" tl(l WWOO" CJl) ~'WOO" 01 00'00'00" eJJ '1'00'"' e.H Ur'Ol1"1-O" lure ltU! CllRTIFICATl! :n.u noo 41.04 !Mal.) 244.>9 "CO "CO ~aaJ I]U$ .. "CO "CO '7~1l.) 1S!J4~ "CO ",'44'tot' <<T1)'If( "'$4'U' 13'H"U' ..." ~~to"'" 10'1",)3" 03')&"Y" eo 1Ia')4'40' t:10 34'01'1'" 32'308.1)' )1'3l5'u' '''' IMo.OO 'n07 "CO '"'' '9";1,$"'" >>'\11'2'" ll:i'"OO'U" l1"1fN' ".CO 1250a $2.U ,.... 3!OGf M19eJ I1nr.l!' 2'00 1t7'''15" nno &a.4(l"M4 2"3.00 n u 711'",ru" 2'00 USI UJ<<;(Hl fi(AM><<: ~~ )~l$ S~'.,ow !lB4! S 03'\)'1~ 1'1 36,'1 It 53'<<1'>>" I: "'" '''''''' "" (;:!.mV(t>ll.fA SCALE, t EN{; II\!!EEP. CANTREl.L AND ASSOCIA rES, INC. lOl EAST SEC()H![). sum'! I/O OWASSO. Of( ;r1,(JiJi!fi 44.57 fiE!laOf'ER A a W l.AND DEVELOPMENT; INC. Po O. BOX 1 DWASSO, Of( 71,(JiJi!fi 9/1M!12-!26J AN ADDITION TO niE C1TY or OWASSO. OKLAHOMA. BEING A PART or niE So 1/2 or Sl':CllON 6. T-21-N, R-14-E, ruLSA COUNTY. OKLAHOMA T~ I ' COUNTRY ESTATES IV PLAT NO. 5427 Tuha County Clerk - JOAM IlASTlM08 00024552 I'p> ] IIn 63]1/0902-0902 ""=>J'l It 421393 03/10/00 15:3B:39 25.00 DATE FILED March 10,2000 Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ATTEST: Randall C. Brogdon, Mayor City of Owasso, Oklahoma PASSED AND APPROVED this 14th day of May, 2002. Section 3.All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby expressly repealed. Section 2. The municipality shall retain the absolute right to reopen the public way or easement without expense to the municipality. Closing of the public way or easement shall not affect the right to maintain, repair, reconstruct, operate or remove utility, public service corporation, or transmission company facilities of service therein, nor shall a closing affect private ways existing by operation of law unless released in writing by the owners thereof. The northeastern most 5' of the southwesterly II' utility easement of Lot 33, Block 5, Country Estates IV Addition to the City of Owasso. Section 1. The following described utility easement, be, and the same is hereby closed to the public use, to-wit: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT, WHEREAS, the above holders of franchise or purported holders of a franchise that may purport to have a special right or privilege to use said utility easement have waived their objections to the closure of said easement, if any. WHEREAS, pursuant to Title n, Oklahoma Statutes, Section 42-110, the only holders of a franchise or purported holders of a franchise that may purpOlt to have a special right or privilege to use said utility easement are Public Service Company of Oklahoma, and/or Oklahoma Natural Gas Company, and/or Southwestern Bell Telephone Company, and/or TCI Cable Television Company; and, Block 5, The northeastern most 5' of the southwesterly II' utility easement of Lot Country Estates IV Addition to the of Owasso. said utility easement is described as follows: the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, has deemed it necessary and expedient to close to public use a portion of a certain utility easement; AN ORDINANCE CLOSING TO THE PUBLIC USE A PORTION OF A UTILITY EASEMENT LOCATED WITHIN LOT 33, BLOCK 5, COUNTRY ESTATES IV ADDITION, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF OWASSO, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, AND RETAINING UNTO SAID CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THE ABSOLUTE RIGHT TO REOPEN SAME WITHOUT EXPENSE TO THE MUNICIPALITY, AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. CITY OF OW ASSO ORDINANCE NO. 711 There are no construction plans regarding this subdivision as development on the site will be tapping into existing infrastructure as a result of the Northeast Elementary School and the Coffee Creek Addition. There are, however, four additional requirements that were recommended by staff regarding this plat and they are listed below: 1. Sidewalks will need to be added along the E. l03rd Street North frontage. 2. The Elm Creek Interceptor payback fee would need to be paid by the applicants prior to obtaining signatures on the final plat. The Elm Creek Interceptor payback fee is The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the final plat for the Cross Timbers Addition at their May 1, 2002 regular meeting. At that meeting, area utility companies have the opportunity to request additional service easements, as well as staff also being provided opportunities to comment and/or require corrections. The following comments were submitted regarding the Cross Timbers plat: 1. Add Limits of No Access to the street frontage of the plat to match up with that which is being proposed on the site plan. (see next agenda item) 2. Add 2.5 feet to the northerly 17.5 foot utility easement, thus creating a total easement of 20 feet. File same as separate instrument with rights to Washington County Rural Water District #3. 3. In Section I, subsection D of the Deed of Dedication, add wording that includes Washington County Rural Water District #3 as they are the water supplier to the subject property. 4. Add the address of 13620 E. l03rd Street North to the plat. The plat contained within your packet has addressed all of the above concerns. BACKGROUND The City of Owasso has received a request from Donald and Debbie Williams to review a preliminary plat for Cross Timbers Addition. Cross Timbers Addition is located immediately west of Northeast Elementary School and the Coffee Creek Addition, east of the Owasso Expressway between 96th Street North and 106tl1 Street North. A location map is included on the plat contained within your packet. The proposed plat is a one-lot, one-block addition that would contain .93 acres, more or less, and is zoned CG (Commercial General). Because this is a one- lot, one-block addition, staff is reviewing this request as a final plat. May 15,2002 DATE: TIMOTHY ROONEY THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COIJNCUd CITY OF OW ASSO TO: MEMORANDUM ENCLOSURES 1. Final plat for Cross Timbers ATTACHMENTS 1. 8 1/2 X 11 copy of Cross Timbers plat Letter from Mr. Pete Kourtis RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends Council approval of the final plat for Cross Timbers. There is a Storm Fee $16 per acre that would need to be applicants. alllOunt to 88. $1,580 per acre, or $1,469.40 for the subject property. 3. In addition to the Elm Creek Interceptor payback fee, the applicants must also address a payback fee to Owasso Land Trust, the entity that extended the sewer lines from the Elm Creek Interceptor. The applicable fee for that payback is $1,000 per acre, or $930 for the subject property. Cross rimJJ.ers .\",.;-, il ")>'V',') Ol'(~-~-~ '../.' xii 1J.!<$ ~'1AJ. <$ \W;:: W! ).!!.Q;( Sl<:iHllR~ IS NOT lY.,:Q.'SB) $Y M OW an:x. lU,~ ,l.lJl'IfSOFl\(lolGCUS n-if~~~KOWlY~R\CUrsOFVUtOJUlt~OIl~s:) ~J>JIYPOR1'll:<<OFTH(~1YI'<IWlnl!llO.N:lSCtSQlA1tl)"''UlIlrsrPNOAccas''(UlA) ON t>>$PUT. 9.G.t$$t\\a; A5.00FOOTS'IRlP.eooa2.~F'tEl'D1W(Il:St:E:orAlJM:~Fll'OUTHf:NtA$I;!S1'CASIlAi!1 00 IUS ~W':t TO l'l;t ~TOFUs.ot;tl,.OC.l.Tfil ('t.ll>>(~Si'-ll. ~Dlt!lYU GRMTUI A$ ,lJ1~T.~TOlli(Sl.1P'FUEROTSAlaSVMet. c..~EG'i:[SSAl<<)""-'UWAl'3 Cl:f<Sti1!JCToefI or .I.CaJ.OUlOO'll..},N(S,. 0E:<:nLRAlX:<< WltS }#J SOE\lI.!.l.J(S SWJJ. 1St C<<iA..E1lD, !IY 1);[ ~ \\1n-m 1W: I'v!UC C<<tCAllOIl .ll..ON4 [AST I~ sm[tr IiMm. .lS RlCUJ<W OY}"v:J Iii ..u:COOO>><C:lt >:1m mt STMO..:WS O;l THt CITY 01 O>fASSO. O. '<I"'lVIl#J v,,'llTAAYsotN l).I<.['!I !li( O'<*m s""~ &1; RiSI'<lNSUE roo 'Il<< l'l(Q!iC'l'.aI OF ''''.\TEll: ,l.'S) $l.'>lT.IJN ~ ~i3. J.Cl'Ml'Y '>MOl c,;1tRFf:l<O Yolnl SJJO Uk€S t:!I ~m1. "'JIlJ.!. "ATE1t OrSmc111O.. J W l/ASnIiG!CiI Cl),fjTY o.q ITS S1J~ S!IIJJ..H"'YEP~iT01.1CC(S$ J.'iO Et': ~Sl!l.L Tefl. O;WJiAAYlJ.....HU{AAQ'; ('ffVJJl)k('S. IW.crfam:;vl'/.Ul>>3l'UrV.l.$~STror~aN~m CERTIFICATE OF FINAL PLAT APPROVAL NO~\.IC IlY~OO~ avmu_"'XRuYl{I..'<'J}ffl MAl.n<s; o AYm))"(J..'" l.A$T 1.WJ\'l:ll!'jliDL W'OI"<!Il(, T'rlt~. AIiOT-'JIiTF\.'a.JCJi I)f)fM s.<.o ccm<1'I AI<iI STA:rt, (Ii lh1-.,OAY 01"--.-.------. 2002, Pi:lISCfiJ.U,Y.lF9u.n:1 KfWl II. h(\IUN, ro m: KkO'lM TO 6t l)l[ lb!Iil';C.l\. ~ "*'0 OZOJTfil Tk( ~ffi\>.I A.'lO FCR!GOI<<l i.~5J'll:UUlNT. :":Wor:::f Sj "" 1((W-j1.l1<!"lltlJH CK\.J.l<QlJ4 RW5TVl!D WlQ 9.~~\i;'JO'l 112.3') llll'MUI4YHAAtI AAO WL.nu_MY 01_. 2<<I1. ~~~~...~l.tl/'DSOI\~I!tC. c.A 2U! (I,.S) 0$. ~JJ.O/~ sa:noNL STR!fTSANOUT1UtY~ 1.Kl'Wi1l.~ARtGlsttn.ol..lhD~I1itl1C!TATlOil~kfnllYOOI1!1YrnAT I JiM"~. Sl./SOiV!OEO JJ<O PUTTm Tl'If: AS<M: TFlACT O!s:c;NAT'ED AS CltOSS nll!1!Rs, m ACOITlOO TO 1lit OTY OF <:1IfASSO, l1JI.SI. co.JHTY, STAT( OF ClIQ..AIiOUA. 'lli( A~VC PUT 13 An ACCl..I!tIll1 !!lJ>il'aVITAIIOH CI sm !mM'Y. CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY ~ """""""''''''''' Q'l'ml'l"lCDl uYlWID m} WJ.1H<< DAY#i) 'rVJl v.ST J.JKJV(,'<sRIfitH, WMtut. M~. Al<OrAAYrua;c", o\.l;OFmlW!) CWli1'lWIJ $1'AlY,OIl ~AY l,}f_ 2002,~Y#'nMmO<:\'l1'JU)Al.j-S 1KJcme>l'UUJAl/3,l1JIl!KWJmf TO IlE 1H! I&l4l'1C1J. ~ U\O D:E:ClJl[l) nit: 'oIS1Wl UIO F'OOEGO!I{J I'iSmwort. 1'li!O'/Ih:(}Ilo!A$C/.IJS(l)mt!J,U(TO!l(9J!M"\1D,ST...-.:m,f'l.A11V)~&.'6CN<<DiI<TOlOT!,~ P:tWYD,lJ><O smm AS ~ lI'f'ME ACCa./PANYm F\AT In} ~ ThfRfCo", AAJJ V4-IlOl F1..AT lS/JAo.tAPA..tT~1J<<JI1i[C'MWlHASCM:Hl'OSAlOl'I..Ar1}l!w.JJCOT'c.wssT'tJiWl-s", mJJXllWolTOnltClTYor~lU.SACOI>>+TY.~A. :':Wcq=A!$S "" ~ ~~~&P~~~~s!4lf~~~~~~~):~~~S ~....IIaltP.l.R~Y~ASI'Ol.J.OW!: "" l<liCfirAU.UlDtSYrnm~ TlIAT(RO$$ ~s.Ile:R(llW'TtlI SOI.I('IM;S CJ.U1l) .0'~'.15 tm; O'M<illllj FU ~ or ~ ~~ RW.tsTAlE l'l1lJA'lID ii ThI!: ClTYIJI ~ASSQ, I\iW 00JIfN. STATE: 01 CII<.l../.l!OO.... ,..., Deed of DedIcation OWNER'S CERTIFICATe "'" ~ Rffl on WI' 0f,9'(o,<~06 .so: =<01 1<<./& st:/~ ml14 I"O\.'lTOf ee~~"*l //~'" / ~/ SUWVl5:I1'1COIHA!.'iS I ~IlY 111l.CCX lorAl.. I-!l~k O"9~ ..tWl:S Location Mop ~l'~N-:v. o IS,'j.~ ro ~ ~~ 1 ,~,/ ~ OWNER/DEVELOPER: Don & Debbie Williams 13722 North 16tst East AvenUG Collrnsville. OklahomCl 74021 Phon.: (918) 371-1850 g).RVEYOR: Benchmark Surveying & Land Services, Inc. .3028 East 5th AwnU6 Owasso. Oklahoma 74055 Phon.: (918) 274-9081 R 14 E EAST 1 OOTH STR~ET NORm ~)I! )/J ~ J'<f.! pi i __....";/ ~ F / /-."('" ",,:;} \ '= I '- ',/in i ,"_ "" ~~/' /1,6 -~. ~ 21 . ~ ;1l /' I~ '" S.cole: 1"""30' AN ADDITION TO lliE Cl1Y Cf' OWASSO ruU;A COUNTY, OKLAHOMA ~ lLjj Final Plat Cross Timbers All of the Technical Advisory Committee comments/concerns have also been addressed by the developer. Please note that development of any kind on the commercially zoned lot would require a site plan review by the Planning Commission. Again the plat was unanimously recommended for approval by the Owasso Planning Commission at their regular scheduled meeting in December of 2001. There is one item that is lacking on the final plat contained within your packet - addresses. Staff has provided the developer with addresses for the lots contained within the Metro Heights II plat and those addresses are contained on the copies of the plats that have been submitted to the City Clerk for signature and recordation. DEQ has issued that Water and Wastewater permits for Metro Heights II and both the water and wastewater improvements are contained on this meeting's agenda for acceptance. Other improvements that will be required with this addition are the installation of sidewalks along the arterial street frontage (both Mingo Road and E. 106th Street North) as well as acceleration/deceleration lanes along Mingo Road. A Siren Fee of $ 16/acre, or $246.72 will also be assessed. The Owasso Planning Commission reviewed the final plat for Metro Heights II Addition at their regular meeting in December of 2001. At that meeting, the Planning Commission unanimously approved the final plat for Metro Heights n subject to the developer being responsible for the installation of privacy fence along the rear property lines of those lots that are adjacent to the railroad track. The City of Owasso has received a request from DM Sokolosky to review a final plat for Metro Heights n Addition. Metro Heights n Addition is located immediately south of the Metro Heights Addition, immediately north of E. 106th Street North and east of Mingo Road. A location map is included on the plat contained within your packet. The proposed plat contains 40 residential lots zoned RS-3 (Residential Single-Falilily High Density) and one commercial lot zoned CG (Commercial General) and totals 15.42 acres, more or less. BACKGROUND May 15,2002 DATE: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COlJNCIL CITY OF OW ASSO MEMORANDUM ENCLOSURES 1. Final plat for Metro Heights n 3. ATTACHMENTS L 8 V2 X 11 copy Minutes Staff recommends Council approval the final Metro Heights RECOMMENDATION f I<<OTl___ - ---- ..___.. ..: . !"t".~.~!. ~ij "01 i!. R ~ ~ ~ I w<< I '",- /1 Ii I ~ I'. , I " h I "--' I I I I, f I I ., I I @J W" _ f : ~ l.__mA':';:i:::;;::::::::~ ~!!I- 11" ~ 100P />"M.0 L " i ' . H- I' . '%~ Preliminary Plat ~ Crossroads Business Park - A request for review of a preliminary plat for Crossroads Business Park, a 39.92 acre, 12 lot subdivision located south of E. 116th Street N. (State Highway 20) and west of N. 14Sh E Avenue and generally described as a portion of the Northeast Quarter (NE/4) of Section 9, Township 21 North, Range 14 East. The subject property is located within the Interchange Business Park PUD (OPUD-21). (Ward 1) L 6. The motion carried 5-0. Ray Haynes - Yes Bill Williams - Yes B ill Ellison - Yes Charles Willey ~ Yes Dewey Brown ~ Yes Ray Haynes moved to approve the final plat subject to staff and T AC recommendations. Also, subject to the requirement of the developer, to construct a privacy type screening fence, Charles Willey seconded the motion. The vote on the motion was as follows: Donna presented the case and described the property. She explained that an area of open space has been provided between the residential and commercial portion of the site for which will accommodate detention. Upon review of the preliminary plat several surrounding property owners expressed concerns regarding drainage. A neighborhood meeting was held so the applicant could inform those citizens about the drainage engineering proposed. The Owasso Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the final plat at the November 28, 2001 meeting. Staff recommends approval of the final plat for Metro Heights n. 5. Final Plat - Metro Heights n - A request for review of a final plat for Metro Heights II, a 15.42 acre, 38 residential and 1 commercial lot subdivision located at the northeast comer of E. 106th Street N. and N. Mingo Road and generally described as a portion of the West Half (WI2) of the Southwest Quarter (SW/4) of Section 7, Township 21 North, Range East. (Ward 1) The motion carried 5-0. Haynes - - Yes : " motion. The vote on the inotion was as follows: " OW ASSO PLANNING COMMISSION December 11,2001 Page No.2 r" .. ~ .. ~~~, .u,,,_ .. ..... ...>>h ......" :...l.. 707 NORl H ~OBINSON, ro. uox 1677, OKLAHOI'M CITY, OKlAHOMA 1310 \. lot 7 Enclo6ure e: Brian K. K611ogg, P.::., Kellogg Engine6rin~, Incorporated Rick Austin, I1.S., Regional Director, DEO Tulsa DEO Office Nathan Kuhnert, Planning &. Management DivIsion, QWRB ~WC/HJT Iso V~rv truly yours, ':~ DWSRF/ConstructioFi Permit Section Water Quality Division We are returning two (2) aets of the approved plans to YOll, sending one (1) !Set to your Brigineer and ri\lt~ir)ing one (11 set for our files. Receipt of this pem"llt should be noted in the minutes of the next regular meeting of the City c'r Owas$O, after which it should be made El lTl<ltter or permanent rltlcord. The project authorized by this. ptllrmit should be constructed in accordance with the plllHi$ approved by thi~ Department on March 6, 2002. Any deviatioi1$ from the apptov(!Jd plans and specifications affecting c~pl;lcitYJ flow or operation of Uf'litil must be approved, In writing, by the Department bl!1fore change$ are made. !:rlf::lossd ;$ Permit No. Wl.Ooaon.020108 ror the construction of 1,740 linear' feet of sight (8) inch, plus 1,140 linear feet or six (6) inch, plus 1,650 linear feet of fOLlr (iL) inch pve water line, plus ~!I appurtenanCt.'l$ to serve the Metro Heights (Phase 10 water line extension, City of OWM~CJ, Tulsa County, Oklahoma" O~ar Mr. Carr: fie: Permit No. Wl",000072020108 Metro FlBight$ (Phase II) Water Line Extension PWSID No, 3002718 F, Jr" P.Ii, Public Work$ Dir~ctor City of Owauo, Public Works Post OffiCe! Box 180 Ow<!sso, Oklahoma '4055 6, FiiANK KEATING Governor OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUAUff MARK COLEMAN Exewtive Diroctor 0KlA;;OMA (W',~i"'.;~'~~ O~ ~t~1fI~I)NMfN1tt! ;;IWIT'i .' Ap).. 23 2002 09: 59AM P2 FA>< HO, : 9182757171 FROM : f<ELLOGG ENG I HEER I HG I He 707 NORTH ROBINSON, P.O. BOX 1677, OKLAHOMA 01'1, OKlAHOMA 73101.1677 c: Brian K. Kellogg, P.E., Kellogg Engineering, Incorporated Rick Au~tli'1, R.S., Regional Director, DEG Enclosure RWC/HJT/so Very truly yours, ~d2-- Rocky &~, P,E. DWSRF/Constructlon Permit Section Watllll' Qualh:y Division We are returning two (2) sets of the approvf'ld plans to you, ~ending one (1) .set to your Iilngineef and fGtaining one (1) set for our files. Receipt of thhs permit should be noted in the minutes of thl\l next regular meeting of the City of OW/;,'!$SO, after which it should be made ill m<atter of permanent record. The proj~C'l: authorized by this permit $hould bl1J constructed in accordance with the plans approved by this Department on Mi!lrch 6, 2002. Any deviations from the approv~d plans and specifications affecting capecity, flow or operation of units must be i1lpproved, in writing, bV the Department before changes are made. ~clo~ed is Permit No. SL000072020109 for construction of 3,040 linear f$otJt of eight (El) inch fiVe sanitary Sl3wer line, plus till appurtenariC6s to :serve the Metro Heights [Phase II) sewer line 6XtClIiSior\, City of OWBS30, Tulsa County, Okl~homa. Detlf Mr. Carr: R!'S: P'ermit No. SLOOO072020109 Metro Height(IJ (Phase II) Sewer Una Extension 5021310 M~fCh 6, 2002 FRAN K KEATING Governor OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUAlJTY MARK COLEMAN EXllrutive Director o K l A H () hi ,. lHI'I.OMi,;Ni (H fNVliWHMkNiAl <)i.'^~lIf ,: ,.. Apr. 23 2002 09:59AM P1 FAX NO. :9182757171 FROM :KELLOGG ENGINEERING INC 1. ODOC Notification Letter ATTACHMENTS: Staff recommends that the City Council accept the Small Cities set-aside grant from the Oklahoma Department of Commerce, and authorize the Mayor to execute the acceptance letter and all appropriate documents. RECOMMENDATION: On September 4, 2001, the Owasso City Council approved Resolution #2001-11 as part of the application process requesting financial assistance from the Oklahoma Depaliment of Commerce under the FY 2001 Small Cities set-aside funding. The application was specifically directed toward improvements relating to the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA). The intent is improve access ramps and sidewalks throughout the expanded CDBG district. An inventory of existing sidewalk facilities was conducted, and recommended improvements were presented at a public hearing on September 4, 2001. Staff received notice on May 9, 2002 that funding in the amount of $67,132 has been approved. BACKGROUND: May 14, 2002 DATE: COUNCIL THE HONORABLE & MEMORANDUM U.S. Senator Jim Inhofe U.S. Senator Don Nickles U.S. Representative Brad Carson U.S. Representative John Sullivan REB/jb c: Senator Grover Campbell Senator James R. Dunlap Senator Stratton Taylor Representative Joe Eddins Representative John Smaligo Chief Elected Official Accept Sincerely, ~~~ Ronald E. Bussert Executive Director Decline We look forward to working with you in the coming months. Should you have any questions or if we may be of further assistance to you, please contact D. Scott Myers at 405/815-5356. "" FE! Number A contract cannot be written without the submission of the above information. Please understand that acceptance of this offer does not constitute your authority to expend funds or make any commitments of funds relative to the project until execution of the contract. Please indicate your acceptance of this offer by returning the following information within sixty (60) days: 1. A signed copy of this letter. 2. Federal Employer Identification (FEI) Number in the space provided below. 3. Projected Project Completion Dates: Release of Funds: Engineering: Construction: The Oklahoma Department of Commerce/Office of Community Development (ODOC/OCD) has completed its review of your FY 2001 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) - Small Cities Award. ODOC/OCD is pleased to inform you that your application under the Small Cities set-aside has been approved for funding. The award provides funding in the total amount of $67,132. Should this award be accepted, it will be memorialized in contract number 10286 CDBGOl. Mayor Barnhouse: Mary May 7, 2002 900 N0I1h Stiles Avenue I P. O. Box 26980 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73126-0980 U.S.A. Tel: (405) 815.6552 Fax: (405) 815.5199 STATE OF OKLAHOMA DEPARThlENT OF COMMERCE The group has benefited from the assistance of the Adkins-Benhim Engineering Group in its preliminary discussions. Based on a preliminary study by that engineering firm, it appears that the construction of a single treatment facility to serve the approximate 65,000 users of the four systems is both a realistic and fiscally responsible project. The representatives of the four entities have, based on the results of that preliminary study, agreed to proceed to the next step, that of performing a more in-depth feasibility study designed to provide detail information and data for the purpose of further decision making. The vision of this approach is that it may be feasible for a single water treatment facility, centrally located, to more effectively serve a larger area and provide a long-term solution to (1) treatment issues, (2) concerns relating to rising cost, and (3) efficiencies in production and distribution, as well as provide a venue for relationship building. The latter being important to well planned and coordinated solutions to the tremendous growth this area is experiencing. This request is the result of four water treatment and distribution systems (Rogers County Rural Water District #3, Washington County Rural Water District #3, the City of Collinsville and the City of Owasso) joining together to form a consortium that, if successful, could create water system operating efficiencies, and may reduce the cost of construction and operation of those systems for Owasso customers. Additionally, the history of relations between rural water districts and municipalities, including the City of Owasso, has generally not been one to encourage partnering of the two types of providers. Historically, in high-growth metropolitan areas throughout the nation, the disputes between the rural water districts and cities have become divisive, forcing customers to fund the construction and operation of redundant and parallel treatment and distribution systems at a cost significantly higher than most analysis find really necessary. During the past fifteen years the area of Northern Tulsa County, Eastern Rogers County and Southern Washington County has become one of the fastest growing regions in the State of Oklahoma. Those growth trends have had an especially strong impact on the area's water treatment and distribution systems. Even though most of those systems have made short-term improvements, the growth of the area has caused most water providers to focus on keeping up with demand rather than the comprehensive planning necessary to produce long-term solutions. BACKGRQUND: May 1 RODNEY ,J RAY CITY THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OW ASSO TO: MEMORANDUM 1. City of Owasso Resolution #2002-06 2. Joint Resolution 3. Correspondence to Congressman Sullivan & Congressman Carson ATTACHMENTS: The staff has reviewed the resolution and recommends Council adoption. RECOMMENDATION: This request is for City Council adoption of City of Owasso Resolution #2002-06, and authorization for the Mayor to execute the joint resolution and forward such to Congressman Sullivan and Congressman Carson. REQUEST: Adoption of this resolution does not require any appropriation or expenditure of funds from the City. .FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: During the last meeting of the consortium, a model "Resolution" was developed for submittal to the governing bodies of the four entities. That "draft" resolution is attached for your review and consideration. If adopted, the resolution requests funding assistance from the Congress in the form of a special appropriation. Both of the Congressmen's offices have indicated a willingness to support such an appropriation. As a note, the group has met with officials of the Oklahoma Water Resources Board, as well as State Senator Stratton Taylor and State Representatives John Smilago and Joe Eddins for the purpose of briefing them on this regional concept. All have expressed their support of the effort and indicated they are available to provide assistance. However, such studies are expensive and require the appropriation of funds from each of the four entities. It is in regard to such funding that prompted the group to contact the offices of Congressman Sullivan and Congressman Carson to seek assistance in the area of funding the feasibility study. It appears that the type of study needed to provide the necessary level of detail and data would require a funding in the amount of approximately $250,000. Since most of the group is already the final completion stages of budget preparation, the ability to move forward with the feasibility study a manner hampered unless funding from some other source is found. REQUEST FOR ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION MAY 10, 2002 PAGE 2 Ronald D Cates, City Attorney APPROVED AS TO FORM: Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk Randall C Brogdon, Mayor ATTEST: PASSED AND APPROVED this 21st day of May, 2002, by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. Section 2. The Mayor is authorized to execute the joint resolution on behalf of the City of Owasso. Section 1. The City Council approves the submittal of the joint resolution to the Office of Congressman Brad Carson and Congressman John Sullivan for the purpose of requesting a special appropriation in the amount of $250,000 for the funding of a feasibility study relating to the construction of a regional water treatment facility. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA: WHEREAS: the unique nature of this multi-jurisdictional project could well serve as a model for other areas of growth within the State of Oklahoma. WHEREAS: funding for a feasibility study for such a project is needed as a first step in this process; and WHEREAS: the four entities of Washington County Rural Water District #3, Rogers County Rural Water District #3, The City of Collinsville, Oklahoma and the City of Owasso, Oklahoma desire to pursue the construction of a jointly-owned water treatment facility; and WHEREAS: the issues relating to providing water service to the citizens of the area must transcend issues of boundaries and politics; and WHEREAS: municipalities and rural water districts often share common boundaries; and WHEREAS: the availability and delivery of large volumes of water is vital to the continued Economic Development ofthe region; and wm:REAS: the treatm.ent and distribution of safe, clean water is critical not only to sustain growth, but al.so to serve existing citizens; and WHEREAS: the area of Northern Tulsa County, Western Rogers ComIty, and Southern Washington County is experiencing a tremendous growth in population; and A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA APPROVING THE SUBMITTAL OF A JOINT RESOLUTION REQUESTING FUNDING FOR A FEASIBILITY STUDY RELATING TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF A REGIONAL WATER TREATMENT FACILITY, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SUCH JOINT RESOLUTION" CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA RESOLUTION NO 2002-06 Senator Taylor was candid and forthright in his assessment of the difficulty relating to the acquisition of water rights and agreed to "give the issue some thought" before the group determined a strategy. However, during the discussion he offered valuable insight to the process and some of the issues that would be faced. In respect to the impact of the joint effort, Senator Taylor quickly recognized the magnitude and potential of the project and commented on the possibility of it becoming a model for the rest of the state's urban/rural water areas. In response to Mr. Kimball's request for state assistance in funding a feasibility study for the project, Senator Taylor also offered to contact the Oklahoma Water Resources Board Executive Director to set-up a meeting with us to discuss the possibility of such funding. Unfortunately, the two top executives of the OWRB were out of the state attending a multi-state water conference, however, Senator Taylor did get a meeting set for the group to meet with Mr. Joe Freeman, the OWRB's Financial Director. Jeny Gammill, Chuck Burns, Jim Summerlin, Tom Kimball, Rodney Ray, and Randy Brogdon attended the meeting with Senator. Several topics were discussed that ranged from funding to the acquisition of water rights. Additionally, the issue of participation by the City of Claremore was raised. Generally, however the three specific areas of discussion centered on the need to secure the needed water rights, the potential impact on the area for the four entities to come together in a joint venture, and the funding of the feasibility study. BACKGROUND: During the last meeting of the consOliium it was decided that a representative group would try to meet with Senator Stratton Taylor, President Pro-Temp of the Oklahoma State Senate for the purpose of briefing the Senator relative to the groups efforts to jointly fund, construct and operate a regional water treatment facility. Pursuant to that direction, Mr. Kimball made contact with the Senator and scheduled a meeting for Wednesday April lOth. April 22, 2002 DATE: FEASABILITY STUDY FUNDING TO: THE WATER CONSORTIUM WASHINGTON COUNTY WATER DISTRICT #3 ROGERS COUNTY WATER DISTRICT #3 CITY OF COLLINSVILLE OF MEMORANDUM I look forward to seeing each of you tomorrow at 9:00am for a discussion of this latest step in our project. If, in the meantime you have questions, please call me. Therefore, the purpose of this memorandum is to brief you on the status of the meeting with Senator Taylor and to propose a resolution for each of our boards and councils to consider as a request for a special appropriation by the Congress of the United States. I have attached a model resolution that we may want to consider during tomon'ows meeting. Please note that there is no pride of authorship and any changes we, as a group, or your individual group, may want to make are certainly appropriate. Mr. Ray has followed~up on that idea by contacting both Congressman Sullivan and Congressman Carson's office to determine if such a request would be favorably received. While no commitments were given it does appear that both congressmen would be receptive to a joint request for funding for the feasibility study. Both of the staffs however have indicated that a joint resolution :from the four participating groups would be helpful in supporting the congressmen's effort on our behalf. Mr. Freeman Mr. Hodge, a projects called Mr. with a funding that may have merit. Generally, Mr. Hodge suggested that Congressman Watts (Oklahoma's Fourth District Congressman) had been successful in securing "Special Appropriations" for Lawton and Ardmore for unique water related projects and studies. He suggested that the consortium might want to contact our Congressman and attempt to do the same. Special Appropriations are a vehicle for a Congressman to fund certain unique and needed projects for his district or state. The appropriations process is generally . completed in October, however in order to be considered the initial request are generally due in by April. After the meeting with Senator Taylor, Mr. Gammill, Mr. Kimball, Mr. Ray and I did in fact meet with Mr. Freeman and discussed several funding options for the project and for the feasibility study. Mr. Freeman also seemed impressed with the project concept and agreed to get several dates when his superiors would be available for a follow-up meeting to further discuss funding and water rights. WATER CONSORTIUM MEMORANDUM FUNDING FOR FEASABILITY STUDY PAGE 2 Date Date City of Owasso City of Collinsville Date Date Rogers County R WD #3 Washington County RWD #3 PASSED AND APPROVED. SECTION 1. The above named entities approve the submittal of this joint resolution to the Office of Congressman Brad Carson and Congressman John Sullivan for the purpose of requesting a special appropriation in the amount of $250,000 for the funding of a feasibility study relating to the construction of a regional water treatment facility. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF WASHINGTON COUNTY RURAL WATER DISTRICT #3 AND ROGERS COUNTY RURAL WATER DISTRICT #3, AS WELL AS THE COUNCn..S OF THE CITY OF COLLINSVILLE AND OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA AS FOLLOWS: WHEREAS, the unique nature of this multi-jurisdictional project could well serve as a model for other areas of growth within the State of Oklahoma. WHEREAS, ftll1ding for a feasibility study for such a project is needed as a first step in this process; and WHEREAS, the four entities of Washington Country Rural Water District #3, Rogers County Rural Water District #3, and the Cities of Collinsville and Owasso, Oklahoma, desire to pursne the construction of a jointly owned water treatment facility; and WHEREAS, the issues relating to providing water service to the citizens of the area must transcend issues of boundaries and politics; and WHEREAS, municipalities and rural water districts often share common boundaries; and . WHEREAS, the availability and delivery oflarge volumes of water is vital to the continued Economic Development of the region; and clean water is critical not to the treatment and distribution of sustain growth but also to serve existing citizens; and the area of Northem Tulsa COlll1ty, Westem Rogers County and Southern Washington COlll1ty are experiencing a tremendous growth in population; and A RESOLUTION BY W ASIDNGTON COUNTY RURAL WATER DISTRICT #3, ROGERS COUNTY RURAL WATER DISTRICT #3, THE CITY OF COLLINSVILLE AND THE CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA The vision held by these four entities is that a single water treatment facility, centrally located, could more effectively serve the area and provide a long-term solution to treatment issues, concerns relating to rising cost, efficiencies as well a provide a venue for relationship building. The latter being important to well planned and coordinated solutions to the tremendous growth this area is experiencing. This request is the result of four water treatment and distlibution systems (Rogers County Rural Water District #3, Washington County Rural Water District #3, the City of Collinsville and the City of Owasso), joining together to form a consortium that, if successful will create water system operating efficiencies, and, it appears, reduce the cost of construction and operation ofthose systems for your constituents and our customers. Additionally, the history of relations between rural water districts and municipalities has generally not been one to encourage partnering of the two entities. In high-growth metropolitan areas, the disputes between the rural water distIicts and cities have become divisive, forcing customers to fund the construction and operation of redundant and parallel treatment and distribution systems at a cost significantly higher than necessary. The purpose of this cOlTespondence is to solicit the assistance of your office in an endeavor that could well serve as a model for other growth areas. As you know, the area of Northwest Tulsa County, Eastern Rogers County and Southern Washington County has become one of the fastest growing regions in the State of Oklahoma. Recent growth trends have had an especially strong impact on the area's water treatment and distIibution systems. Even though most of those systems have made short-term improvements, the growth of the area has caused most providers to focus on keeping up with demand rather than the comprehensive planning necessary to produce long-term solutions. BACKGROUND: 2002 CONGRESSMAN JOHN SULLIVAN FIRST DISTRICT OF OKLAHOMA UNITED STATES HOUSE OF' REPRESENTATIVES TO: MEMORANDUM The members of this Consortium thank you for your past assistance and for your attention to this request. If I can be helpful in further explanation of the concept or issues please contact me at (918) 376-1512, or contact any ofthe persons listed on the attachment. For your information the following persons represent the four entities. Jeny Gammill representing Washington County Rural Water District #3, Chuck Bums representing Rogers County Rural Water District #3, Jim Summerlin is providing legal counsel for the organizing of the Public Trust, Richard McClanathan represents the City of Collinsville with Randy Brogdon and Tom Kimball representing the City of Owasso. A list of these members and their telephone numbers are attached. During the last meeting of the consortium a model "Resolution" was approved for submittal to the governing bodies of the four entities. That "draft" resolution is attached for your review and information. While time restraints have not allowed each group to take official action on the resolution, the representative of each of those groups have indicated their belief that their governing bodies will ultimately approve the language. As a note, the group has met with officials of the Oklahoma Water Resources Board as well as State Senator Stratton Taylor, State Representatives John Smilago and Joe Eddins for the purpose of briefing them on this regional concept. All have expressed their support of the effort and indicated they are available to provide assistance. We have taken the first and in some ways the most difficult step that of putting aside those historical differences and have come together to support a concept that will be a win-win for everyone. Now, we need the help of our Congressional Delegation and specifically the help of you and Congressmen Carson. Your assistance in securing a "special appropriation" in the next federal budget in the amount of $250,000 could well make this concept a reality and help several thousand Oklahoma citizens. as you well know, such studies are expensive and require the appropriation funds from each the four entities. It is in regard to such funding that prompted this group to contact your office. It appears that the type of study necessary to provide the level of detail and data will require a funding level of approximately $250,000. Since most of our members are already in the final completion stages of budget preparation, our ability to move fOlward in a timely manner may be hampered. The consortium has benefited from the assistance of the Adkins-Benhim Engineering Group in our preliminmy discussions. Based on that preliminary study, it appears that the construction of a single treatment facility to serve the approximate 65,000 users of the four systems is both a realistic and fiscally responsible project. The members of the Consortium have, based on the results of the preliminary study agreed to proceed to the next step, that of performing a more in-depth feasibility study designed to provide detail irlfoffilation alld d.ata for the of fUr1~11er decision making~ WATER CONSORTIUM MEMORANDUM FUNDING FOR FEASABILITY STUDY PAGE 2 The vision held by these four entities is that a single water treatment facility, centrally located, could more effectively serve the area and provide a long-term solution to treatment issues, concerns relating to rising cost, efficiencies as well a provide a venue for relationship building. The latter being important to well planned and coordinated solutions to the tremendous growth this area is experiencing. This request is the result of four water treatment and distribution systems (Rogers County Rural Water District #3, Washington County Rural Water District #3, the City of Collinsville and the City of Owasso), joining together to form a consortium that, if successful will create water system operating efficiencies, and, it appears, reduce the cost of construction and operation of those systems for your constituents and our customers. Additionally, the history of relations between rural water districts and municipalities has generally not been one to encourage partnering of the two entities. In high-growth metropolitan areas, the disputes between the rural water districts and cities have become divisive, forcing customers to fund the construction and operation of redundant and parallel treatment and distribution systems at a cost significantly higher than necessary. The purpose of this correspondence is to solicit the assistance of your office in an endeavor that could well serve as a model for other growth areas. As you know, the area of Northwest Tulsa County, Eastern Rogers County and Southern Washington County has become one of the fastest growing regions in the State of Oklahoma. Recent growth trends have had an especially strong impact on the area's water treatment and distribution systems. Even though most of those systems have made shOli-term improvements, the growth of the area has caused most providers to focus on keeping up with demand rather than the comprehensive planning necessary to produce long-telm solutions. BACKGROUND: April CONGRESSMAN BRAD CARSON SECOND CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT OF OKLAHOMA UNITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES TO: MEMORANDUM The members of this Consortium thank you for your past assistance and for your attention to this request. If I can be helpful in fmiher explanation of the concept or issues please contact me at (918) 376-1512, or contact any ofthe persons listed on the attachment. For your information the following persons represent the four entities. Jerry Gammill representing Washington County Rural Water District #3, Chuck Bums representing Rogers County Rural Water District #3, Jim Summerlin is providing legal counsel for the organizing of the Public Trust, Richard McC1anathan represents the City of Collinsville with Randy Brogdon and Tom Kimball representing the City of Owasso. A list of these members and their telephone numbers are attached. During the last meeting of the consortium a model "Resolution" was approved for submittal to the goveming bodies of the four entities. That "draft" resolution is attached for your review and information. While time restraints have not allowed each group to take official action on the resolution, the representative of each of those groups have indicated their belief that their goveming bodies will ultimately approve the language. As a note, the group has met with onicia1s of the Oklahoma Water Resources Board as well as State Senator Stratton Taylor, State Representatives John Smi1ago and Joe Eddins for the purpose of briefing them on this regional concept. All have expressed their support of the effOli and indicated they are available to provide assistance. We have taken the first and in some ways the most dinicult step that of putting aside those historical differences and have come together to support a concept that will be a win-win for everyone. Now, we need the help of our Congressional Delegation and specifically the help of you and Congressmen Sullivan. Your assistance in securing a "special appropriation" in the next federal budget in the amount of $250,000 could well make this concept a reality and help several thousand Oklahoma citizens. well are expensive and require the appropriation funds each of the four entities. It is in regard to such funding that prompted this group to contact your office. It appears that the type of study necessary to provide the level of detail and data will require a funding level of approximately $250,000. Since most of our members are already in the final completion stages of budget preparation, our ability to move forward in a timely manner may be hampered. The consortium has benefited from the assistance of the Adkins-Benhim Engineering Group in our preliminary discussions. Based on that preliminary study, it appears that the construction of a single treatment facility to serve the approximate 65,000 users of the four systems is both a realistic and fiscally responsible project. The members of the Consortium have, based on the results of the preliminary study agreed to proceed to the next step, that of perfonning a more in-depth feasibility study designed to provide detail infonnation and data for purpose further decision making. WATER CONSORTIUM MEMORANDUM FUNDING FOR FEASABILITY STUDY PAGE 2 SUMMARY: The proposed contract increases cost to the City in the amount of$95,542.12, an amount that is within the parameters set in the FY 2002-03 budget proposal. It is the result of both a collective bargaining process and a mediation process that worked. ~ The proposed contract represents, on average, a 6.5% pay increase for members of the bargaining unit. ~ The proposed contract provides a greater separation in pay between the different levels of supervision in the Police Department. There is now a greater separation in Sergeant and Lieutenant pay to coincide with greater responsibility and accountability for those positions. ~ The proposed contract represents a favorable change in the uniform portion of the contract. The change no longer requires the City to replace uniforms. This change resulted in an increase in the dollar amount the City pays officers, but yet an overall decrease in the cost to the City. CONTRACT HIGHLIGHTS: The following are the three major areas that represent changes in the proposed contract: As is generally the case with contract negotiations, the proposed contract is a consensus agreement that did not provide for everything that both parties wanted to achieve. Both the City and Lodge had goals that were not 100% attainable in a collective bargaining environment. However, on the whole, the proposed contract appears to be a good compromise that produces a "win-win" for the City, Lodge #149 members, and citizens. BACKGROUND: The City and the FOP Lodge # 149 have reached a tentative agreement on a contract for FY 2002-03. The contract is enclosed for your information and review. May 9, 2002 DATE: HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OW ASSO TO: MEMORANDUM #1 the 1. Proposed contract RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends Council approval the contract and that the Mayor authorized to execute the document on behalf of the CounciL FOP ACTION: The FOP Lodge # 149 met on Friday, May 3,2002, to consider ratification of the agreement. The President ofthe Lodge has informed the City that, at that meeting, the proposed agreement was accepted and that the Lodge representatives were authorized to execute the contract document. Additionally, item #14 is a request for final plat approval for Metro Heights II. Councilor Kimball is an owner of a company that has contracts to purchase several lots in the subdivision. Therefore, even though there is not a legal prohibition against her voting on the issue, Councilor Kimball has chosen to avoid the appearance of conflict by not voting on the issue. FYI - The reason for the recuse on the City and OPW A Consent Agenda is because both claim list each contain a claim for Kimball Ace Hardware in the amount of $90.28 (Parks Dept) and a claim for $33.99 in the OPW A claims list (Administration Dept). While both purchases were made PRIOR to Councilor Kimball's actual swearing-in as a member of the City Council, it is the Councilor's position that, in order to avoid even the appearance of a conflict it would be better to simply not vote on those claims. She has asked to be recognized for the opportunity to recuse herself from the discussion and voting on those items immediately after the agenda item is called and prior to any discussion or staff presentation. Councilor Kimball has informed me that she intends to recuse herself from voting on items #5 (Consent Agenda) and #14 (Pinal Platt for Metro Heights II) on the City Agenda and item #4 on the OPW A agenda, both due to the potential of an appearance of a conflict of interest. BACKGROUND: May 21, 2002 DATE: FROM VOTING THE HONORABLE MAYOR CITY OF OW ASSO TO: MEMORANDUM