HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002.06.18_OPGA AgendaTYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: June 18, 2002 TIME: 6:30 p.m. PLACE: C ounei1 -1L amuers, Owasso Community Ceriter Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted at City Hall at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, June 14, 2001 � Authority Secretary Marci Boutwell, &U121W.11 1. Call to Order Chairman Brogdon 2. Flag Salute 3. Roll Call 4. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the Trustees to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Trustee may, however, remove an item from consent by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non -debatable. 4 A. Approval of the Minutes of June 8, 2002 Regular Meeting and the June 11, 2002 Special Meeting. Attachment #4®A Owasso Public Golf Authority June 18, 2002 Page 2 13, Approval of Claims. Attachment #4-B 5. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Trustee Adoption of OPGA Resolution #2002-01, a Resolution Adopting a FY 2002-2003 OPGA Budget for All Funds Administered by the Owasso Public Golf Authority. Ms Bishop Attachment 45 The staff will recommend Trustee adoption of OPGA Resolution #2002-01, and that the staff be directed to make the appropriate filings of such resolution and budget documents, E= � 7. Report from •' Attorney. 8. New Business. (New Business is any item of business which could not have been foreseen at the time of posting of the agenda.) Owasso Public Golf Authority Juno 18, 2002 Page 3 Adjournment. OWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, June 4, 2002 The Owasso Public Golf Authority met in regular session on Tuesday, June 4, 2002 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, May 31, 2002. ITEM 1: CALL To ORDER Chairman Brogdon called the meeting to order at 1:36 p.m. ITEM 2: FLAG SALUTE The flag salute was held during the City Council meeting preceding this meeting. ITEM 3: DOLL CALL PRESENT Randy Brogdon, Chair Michael Helm, Vice Chair Susan Kimball, Trustee Gary Cochran, Trustee STAFF Rodney J Ray, City Manager Marcia Boutwell, Authority Secretary A quorum was declared present. ABSENT Rebecca Armstrong, Trustee Ronald D Cates, Authority Attorney ITEM 4: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. A. Approval of the Minutes of the May 21, 2002 Regular Meeting. B. Approval o. The consent agenda included minutes of the May 21, 2002 regular meeting, by reference made a part hereto. Item B on the consent agenda included the following claims: (1) Owasso Public Golf Authority $56,199.54; (2) Payroll $21,439.99. Mr helm moved, seconded by Ms Kimball, to approve the consent agenda. AYE: Helm, Kimball, Cochran, Brogdon NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. No report. Owasso Public Golf Authority No report, ITEM 7: NEW BUSINESS. None. rrEM 8: ADJOURNMENT Mr Helm moved, seconded by Ms Kimball, to adjourn, AYE: Helm, Kimball, Cochran, Brogdon NAY: None Motion carried 4-0, and the meeting was adjourned at 7:37 p.m. Marcia Boutwell, Authority Secretary June 4, 2002 Randall C Brogdon, Chair -2- OWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday, June 11, 2002 The Owasso City Council, The Owasso Public Works Authority, and The Owasso Public Golf Authority met in a joint special meeting on Tuesday, June 11, 2002 at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Public Hearing and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, June 7, 2002 ITEM CALL TOO RDER. Mayor Brogdon called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. PRE -SENT Randy Brogdon, Mayor/Chair Michael Helm, Councilor/Trustee Susan Kimball, Councilor/Trustee ABSENT Rebecca Armstrong, Councilor/Trustee STAFF Rodney J Ray, City Manager Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk/Authority Secretary A quorum was declared present. Also present were approximately 22 citizens and staff. ITEM 2: PRESENTATION AND OPEN DISCUSSION, INCLUDING PUBLIC COMMEN]:, OF THE FISCAL 2002-2003 BUDGET. Mr Ray presented the proposed FY 2002-2003 budget, and budget summary. He outlined goals for the coming fiscal year. Following the presentation, opportunity was provided for questions and comments from the public. The proposed budget will be considered for action by the City Council, OPWA, & OPGA at the June 18, 2002 regular meeting. Mayor Brogdon adjourned the meeting/hearing at 7:05 p.m. Randall C Brogdon, Mayor/Chairperson Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk/Authority Secretary w, OPGA CLAIMS TO BE PAID 6/18/02 VENDOR NAME DETAIL DESCRIPTION AMOUNTS DEPT iOTAIU�IDiOTAL `I" ITLEIS T GOLF CLUBS 494.45 CALLAWAY GOLF GOLF CLUBS 280.40 OAKLEY INC SUNGLASSES 56.34 MAXFLI GOLF WARTS 646.38 CALLAWAY GOLF CLUBS 650.66 TEXOMA GOLF INC TEES 261.71 TITLEIST GOLF BALL/CLUBS 524.34 WEST COAST TRENDS, INC GOLF BAG 172.81 POLO RALPH LAUREN SHORTS 377.61 GOLF MERCHANDISE u�r-- - 9 3,464.70 SYSCO FOOD SERVICE GROCERIES 499.15 GREAT PLAINS COCA COLA BEVERAGES 1,366.11 ALBERTSONS GROCERIES 124.85 STANDARD DISTRIBUTING CO GROCERIES 79.58 SYSCO FOOD SERVICE GROCERIES 643.70 ALBERTSONS GROCERIES 18.76 STANDARD DISTRIBUTING CO GROCERIES 55.22 LANCE INC SNACKS 68.92 STANDARD DISTRIBUTING CO TOBACCO PRODUCTS 63.00 STANDARD DISTRIBUTING CO TOBACCO PRODUCTS 183.15 BGR DAILY ACCOUNT REIMB PETTY CASH 907.80 SYSCO FOOD SERVICE PAPER SUPPLIES 192.55 GREAT PLAINS COCA COLA PAPER SUPPLIES 63.50 ALBERTSONS CLEANING SUPPLIES 6.59 SYSCO FOOD SERVICE PAPER SUPPLIES 73.02 UNITED LINEN LINEN SERVICE 417.81 FOOD AND BEVERAGE DEPT 4,763.71 JUSTICE GOLF CAR CO INC REPAIR PARTS CART OPERATIONS DEPT OWASSO STAFFING, LLC ESTESINC WATER PRODUCTS INC PORT-A-JOHN OF TULSA PSO OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS SOUTHWESTERN BELL GOLF COURSE MAINTENANCE DEPT WORKMED OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH WASTE MANAGEMENT OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS PSO UNITED LINEN ROARK TRUE VALUE WESTERN BUSINESS PRODUCTS INC MARLIN LEASING CORP TEMP STAFF CHEMICALS REPAIR PARTS MONTHLY RENTALS 05/02 USE 05/02 USE 04/02 PLEXAR PRE -EMPLOYMENT SCREENINGS COMMERCIAL REFUSE 04/02 USE 05/02 USE LINEN SERVICE REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES COPIER REPAIR DIGITAL PLAYER -CONTRACT 300.00 718.23 260.74 195.00 65.00 379.32 32.22 21.27 90.00 184.19 208.31 693.63 90.40 23.17 195.00 100.00 300.00 1,671.78 VENDOR NAME SOUTHWESTERN BELL DETAIL DESCRIPTION 04/02 PLEXAR GOLF ADMINISTRATION DEPT CITICAPITAL CART LEASE DEBT SERVICES OPGA FUND TOTAL AMOUNTS DEFT TOTAL EUN-D-IOTAL 157.32 1,742.02 4,138.04 4,T3-E-04 _'-T69-08025 CITY OF OWASSO OPGA A/P TRANSFER REPORT VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT nomignum WORK ERS'COMIC SELF -INS TRANSFER FROM OPGA 608.33 TRANSFERS TOTAL 08.33 d�*®2s22 2�■»2 y 22 ■ » 2 » «:», » .. ;42 INyi m Foy & Beverage m SITMA � from M-T � d m]m2 June 18,2002 OVERTIME TOTAL EXPENSES EXPENSES 0.00 2,373.85 0.00 4,3 82.57 TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIR AND TRUSTEES OWASS O PUBLIC GOLF AUTHoRiTy FROM: SHERRY BISHOP FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT- RESOLUTION #2002-01 FISCAL YEAR 2002-2003 BUDGET DATE: June 14, 2002 BACKGROUND: Pursuant to statutory and Charter provisions, an annual operating budget for the General Fund, OPWA Fund, ®PGA Fund and other funds has been developed and transmitted for your review. On June 6, 2002, legal notice of a public hearing was published in the Owasso Reporter, and such hearing was conducted on June 11, 2002. The public hearing provided opportunity for citizen comment and questions relating to the proposed budget. In addition, copies of the proposed budget have been available for public review. State statutes require adoption of an annual budget by resolution. OPGA Resolution #2002-01 provides for the adoption of a fiscal year budget for the Owasso Public Golf Authority. The staff recommends Trustee approval of Resolution #2002-01 adopting a fiscal year 2002-2003 budget for the ®PGA. Resolution #2002-01 �� Viz•. ,`It � �"• A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ADOPTIONOF AN ANNUAL OPERATING t BUDGET O OWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY; fi Oi EACH FUND; ESTABLISHING ti AS PROVIDED BY STATUTE; AND ESTABLISIHNG AN EFFECTIVE WFFEREASo It is the intent of the Owasso Public Golf Authority to adopt an operating budget for fiscal year 2002-2003; and WHERE.AS- The adoption of such budget is vital to the continuation of services to the citizens of Owasso; and WHEREAS. Public access to the adopted budget is desired; and WHEREAS. Certain publication and filing requirements are mandated by State Statutes. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TRUSTEES OF THE O ASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY: THAT. The revenues, expenditures and transfers as shown bu adopted: Revenue and 'Transfers In $1,387,500 Personal Services Expenditures $589,700 Material & Supplies Expenditures $77,045 Other Services & Charges Expenditures $135,220 Capital Outlay Expenditures $-0- Debt Service Expenditures $583,495 Transfers Out $®Om TEIAT- The effective date of this Resolution shall be July 1, 2002. PROVED AND ADOPTED this 18`h day of June, 2002 by the Trustees of the Owasso Public Golf Authority. Randall C Erogdon, Chairperson Marcia Eoutwell, Authority Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ronald D. Cates, Authority Attorney