HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002.06.11_Worksession AgendaNOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING AND PUBLIC HEARING JOINT SPECIAL SESSION OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY AND THE OWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY TYPE OF MEETING: DATE: TIME: PLACE: Special June 11, 2002 6:30 p.m. Owasso Community Center Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, June 7, 2001. 1. Call to Order Mayor Brogdon :• AGENDA PUBLIC HEARING 2. Presentation and Open Discussion, Including Public Comment, of the Fiscal 2002 -2003 Budget. Mr Ray Ms Bishop The staff will make a presentation of the proposed budget and answer questions, as well as accept for consideration any public comments offered. 3. Adjournment. CQIVh. 1 1 1 ~\-5 I t 10. PLEASE SIGN IN PUBLIC HEARING FY 2002-2003 BUDGET JUNE 11,2002 - 6:30 P.M. Name Address Phone ! / I 1. 2. 3. 4. (.,,'" 5. I) ;/ i, () I I If 6. 7. 8. Ih \t, 15 ' . I 20. 19. 18. 17. 16. 15. 14. 13. 12. 11. 10. 9. Phone Address Name PUBLIC HEARING FY 2002-2003 BUDGET JUNE 11,2002 - 6:30 P.M. PI-iEASE SIGN IN o a ~ Q o ~ ~ N ~ g N ~ ~ < ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ < u ~ 00. Z ~ Z ~ < 1 @ Various facility and equipment projects @ $2,900,000 capital improvement program. '" Engineering for street projects . 86th Street East . 129th between 76th and 96th . 96th between Owasso Market and Garnett . 96th and 169 Interchange @ Water distribution system engineering . Booster pump . Water towel' . Line work Budgetary Goals for FY 2002-03 Capital Improvements Addition of four Police Patrol Officers. Final payment for s Truck Improvement software Reduce "'lost revenues" with a water meter replacement program Lower commercial refuse permit fees Fund a citywide "Character" initiative Fund a comprehensive planning position Budgetary Goals for FY 2002-03 2 BUDGET SUMMARY GENERAL, OPW A, OPGA & OTHER FUNDS FY 2002-2003 ~roJeclea Kevenues I=xpenoltures Net prOjecte Beginning & & Budget Ending Balance Transfers In Transfers Out Total Balance General 3,100,000 18,350,800 19,644,350 (1,293,550) 1,806,450 OPWA 760,000 16,331,100 15,834,595 496,505 1,256,505 OPGA (200,000) 1,387,500 1,385,460 2,040 (197,960) City Garage 339,700 339,700 Ambulance Service 290,000 454,000 465,995 (11,995) 278,005 Ambulance Capital 108,000 99,350 22,000 77,350 185,350 Fire Capital 156,000 164,025 140,000 24,025 180,025 E-911 34,000 119,000 117,800 1,200 35,200 Cemetery Care 79,000 875 78,000 (77,125) 1,875 Emergency Siren Fund 26,000 5,500 20,000 (14,500) 11,500 Juvenile Court Fund 49,000 11,000 5,000 6,000 55,000 Hotel & Motel Tax Fund 60,000 60,000 60,000 Capital Improvements 1,670,000 1,180,000 2,350,000 (1,170,000) 500,000 Park Development 330,000 65,000 150,000 (85,000) 245,000 Capital Projects Grant Fund 67,132 67,132 Workers' Camp. Self Insurar 1,060,000 172,000 250,000 (78,000) 982,000 Collision Self Insurance 100,000 10,600 15,000 (4,400) 95,600 Bond Project Fund 1,065,000 1,065,000 (1,065,000) Totals $8,627,000 $38,817,582 $41,950,032 ($3,132,450) $5,494,550 Budget Page 1 1,335,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 80,000 75,000 100,000 Citywide Streets, Drainage 8. Sidewaiks Streets - $450,000 Dminage "$88,000 Sidewalks" $42,000 CEQ Project Three lakes Drainage Channel Sports Park Parking lot Rayola Drainage Improvements/Beautification Elm Creek lake Dredging Project Storm Sirens Street Sweeper Park Picnic Shelter Radios 100,000 580,000 Budgetary Goals for FY 002-03 3 Licenses & Permits 2.28% Charges for Sen;jc 6.92% D Taxes iii Licenses & Permits iii Intergovernmental \ D Charges for Service iii Utility Fees Taxes D Golf Fees 52.42%, D Fines & Forfeitures D Miscellaneous (1,293,550) 10,045,875 19,644,350 9,598,475 6,840,000 -- 18,350,000 11,510,800 $3,100,000 - 1\liscellaneous 0.98% Golf Fees 6.38% Fines & Forfeitures TOTAL REVENUES ALL FUNDS PROJECTED ENDING BALANCE EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES Total Transfers Out TOTAL FUNDS TO BE EXPENDED Total Pl'Ojected Expenditures Total Transfers In TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE PROJECTED BEGINNING BALANCE Total Pl'Ojected Revenues GENERAL FUND 4 $1,256,505 PROJECTED ENDING BALANCE 496,505 EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER EXPENSES 15,834,595 TOTAL FUNDS TO BE EXPECTED 8,498,000 Total Transfers Out 7,336,595 Total Projected Expenses 16,331,100 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE 5,873,100 10,458,000 Total Projected Revenues Total Transfers In $760.000 PROJECTED BEGINNING BALANCE OPWA FUND BUDGET SUMMARY - FY 2002-2003 Information Systeml Emergency Preparedness & Cemetery 0.96% / Police Services 27.54% Police Communications 2.25% Animal Control 0.95% Support Sen'ices 3.141% Fire Services IS.97o/t} _________-------Community Development 3.61 % A _------Engineering 3.30%) Streets 8.801% ..________General Government .t.51 tI/o Economic Development 1.31 % Community/Seniors Center 1.60% I ~I\1anagerjaI4.51 O/iJ _____ _____Finance & l'r'Iunicip:li Court 4.28'10 Park 3.351Yo TOTAL EXPENDITURES ALL FUNDS 5 Purchased Water 25.90'% Debt Service 37.66% Refuse & Recycle 10.83% Utility Billing 2.14% Wastewater Division 11.00% Administrative 4.87% Water Division 7.590;;. ~ OPW A EXPENSES Water 47.76'1., Water & Wastewater C1P Fees 15.83"1., Sewer ExI. Connection Fees 2.210;;) Recycle & Convenience State Fees 2.11% ~ \Vastc,vater 17.38'/';) Refuse 12.57% Other OPW A 2.13% OPWA REVENUE 6 Tournaments 14.97tYtI Driving Range 4.61 'Yo Green Fees 38.39% Other Golf Shop Fees 1.92% Cart Rentals 18.810;', Merchandise Sales 5.60% Food & Beverage Sales 14.78% '" Interest & Misc. 0.92% OPGA REVENUES PROJECTED ENDING BALANCE ($197,960) EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER EXPENSES ______2,040_ TOTAL FUNDS TO BE EXPENDED 1,385,460 Total Transfers Out 0 Total Projected Expenses 1,385,460 TOTAL FU~IDS AVAILABLE j ,387,500 Total Transfers In - General Funcl ~SJQQ.. Total Projected Revenues 1,302,500 PROJECTED BEGINNING BALANCE ($200,000) OPGA FUND 7 . Budgets 15 "other funds" . Funds are not available for appropriation to any use other than as an investment or for the specific purpose for which they are reserved OTHER FUNDS Food & Beverage 9.95'10 Golf Cart Operation ----------- 4.19'10 / General & Administrative 6.24%, Golf Course Maintenance 23.87'10 Debt Service 42.12%,- Golf Shop 13.63'\1,. OPGA EXPENSE 8 :It Staff has projected an 8.85% increase over current sales tax receipts for the 2002-03 fiscal year ASSUMPTIONS OTHER FUND .! . Projected Revenues Expenditures Net Projected Beginning 8< 8< Budget Ending Balance Transfers In Transfers Total Balance City Garage 0 339,700 339,700 0 0 Ambulance Service 290,000 454,000 465,995 (11,995) 278,005 Ambulance Capital 108,000 99,350 22,000 77,350 185,350 Fire Capital 156,000 164,025 140,000 24,025 180,025 E.911 34,000 119,000 117,800 1,200 35,200 Cemetery Care 79,000 875 78,000 (77,125) 1,875 Emergency Siren Fund 26,000 5,500 20,000 (14,500) 11,500 Juvenile Court Fund 49,000 11,000 5,000 6,000 55,000 Hotel-Motel Tax Fund 0 60,000 0 60,000 60,000 Capital Improvements 1,670,000 1,180,000 2,350,000 (1,170,000) 500,000 Park Development 330,000 65,000 150,000 (85,000) 245,000 Capital Projects Grant Fund 0 67,132 67,132 0 0 Workers' Compo Self I m;uranl 1,060,000 172,000 250,000 (78,000) 982,000 Collision Self Insurance 100,000 10,600 15,000 (4,400) 95,600 Bond Project Fund 1,065,000 0 1,065,000 (1,065,000) 0 Totals $4,967,000 $2,748,182 $5,085,627 ($2,337,445) $2,629,555 9 . This amount is based on historical data and retail sales projections ASSUMPTIONS equals $810,000 of $450,000 is fund appropriati ons ASSUMPTIONS 10 . Assumption is based on a formula for projecting revenue from the sale of water, wastewater and refuse services. 3.17% over fiscal ASSUMPTIONS for OPW A fund the 2001 ASSUMprrIONS 11 . Budget contains a request for expenditures totaling $23,347,782 for all operations and funds. SUMMARY FY 2001 This' a decrease or 13 SUMMARY 12 Establishing priority objectives and staying with those priorities Proven Management Techniques The development of an entrepreneurial attitude as a management sty Ie. This proposal reflects a strong commitment to: SUMMARY is obj this to to address multiple improve cost of expand improve services, and better manage the taxpayers' resources through a commitment to the continuous improvement of those services and processes. SUMMARY 13 $2,064,349 2, 1.85(;1;) 51,372,442 16.63'V" (53,440,740) -36.94% (53,520,337) -32.43% (5260,435) -16.66% ($l65,509) -10.67% 5191,216 14.29';'0 (51,328,503) -20.73% (51,445,610) -6.67% (53,632,457) -13.46% Percent of Change Increase (Decrease) $20,215,332 $23,347,732 $1,528,932 $5,027,252 $1,302,500 $1,385,460 $5,873,100 $7,336,595 $9,593,475 $11,510,800 Fiscal Year 2002-2003 Expenditures $8,226,033 OPWA Revenues $9,313,840 Expenses 510,857,432 OPGA -.- Re,'enues $1,562,935 Expenses $1,550,969 OTHER FUNDS Revenues $1,337,716 Expenditures $6,345,755 TOTAL - ALL FUNDS -- Revenues $21,660,942 Expenditures 526,980,239 S9,446A5 i Revenues GENERAL FUND Fiscal Year 2001-2002 Summary Proposed Budget FY 2002-2003