HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002.09.17_OPWA AgendaTYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: September 179 2002 TIME: 6:30 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted at City Hall at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, September 13, 2002. MarckaAutwell, Author ty Secretary�� Nufflem, 1. Call to Order f Chairman Brogdon 2. Flag Salute 3. Roll Call 4. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the Trustees to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Trustee may, however, remove an item from consent by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non-debatable. A. Approval of the Minutes of September 3, 2002 Regular Meeting. Attachment #4-A Owasso Public Works Authority September 17, 2002 Page 2 B. Approval of Claims. Attachment #4-13 bddev%4" o� "i eova b,5" Report from OPWA Manager. q,,A Report from OPWA Attorney. New Business. (New Business is any item of business which could not have been foreseen at the time of posting of the agenda.) 'IX. Adj ourm-nent. TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: September 17, 2002 TIME: 6:30 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice of Addendum filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the city hall bulletin board at 3:00 p.m. on Monday, September 16, 2001 City Cl k Marci B outwell, Ciiv C41 rk ADDENDUM TO AGENDA The following is submitted as an addendum to the Agenda filed on September 13, 2002. Items numbered I through 4 shall remain the same. Items numbered 5 through 8 are now numbered 6 through 9, and a new item 5 is listed as follows: 5. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Change Order 92, a Change Order to a Contract Between the Owasso Public Works Authority and Lamar Industries, Shawnee, OK, for Phase JIB Improvements to the Wastewater Treatment Facility. Mr. Carr Attachment #5 The staff will recommend Trustee approval of Change Order #2, utilizing a portion of the remaining $38,845.01 project allowance to include a $26,646.40 increase in the contract obligation, and no increase in the contract time. A OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY A MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, September 3, 2002 The Owasso Public Works Authority met in regular session on Tuesday, September 3, 2002 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 29, 2001 ITEM 1: CALL TOO RDER Chairman Brogdon called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. ITEM 2: FLAG SALUTE The flag salute was held during the City Council meeting preceding this meeting. ITEM 2: ROLL CALL STAFF Rodney J Ray, City Manager Ronald D Cates, Authority Attorney Marcia Boutwell, Authority Secretary ITEM 4: REQUEST APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. A. Approval of the Minutes of August 20, 2002 Regular Meeting. B. Approval of Claims. The consent agenda included minutes of the August 20, 2002 regular meeting, by reference made a part hereto. Item B on the consent agenda included the following claims: (1) OPWA Operating Fund $230,064.67; (2) Debt Service $60,090.92; (3) Capital Improvements Fund $202,784.41; (4) Sales Tax Fund $137,218.08; (5) Payroll $36,895.80. Mr. Helm moved, seconded by Mr. Cochran, to approve the consent agenda. AYE: Helm, Cochran, Kimball, Armstrong, Brogdon NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. Owasso Public Works Authority September 3, 2002 OPWA FUND BUDGET, Ms. Bishop presented the item. At the August 20, 2002 OPWA meeting, the Trustees approved the purchase of a refuse collection vehicle in the amount of $144,701. 'The refuse vehicle was included in the current fiscal year budget at an estimated amount of $ 130,000, which is $ 14,701 less than the actual purchase price. A budget supplement is needed for the purchase, and will be funded .from the OPWA reserves. Ms. Armstrong moved, seconded by Mr. Kelm, to approve a supplemental appropriation in the Defuse Department capital outlay budget in the amount of $ 14,701. AYE: Armstrong, Helm, Cochran, Kimball, Brogdon NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 6: REPORT FROM OPWA MANAGER No report. ITEM 70 REPORT FROM OPWA ATTORNEY. No report. I Ms. Kimball moved, seconded by Mr. Helm to adjourn. AYE: Kimball, Helm, Armstrong, Cochran, Brogdon NAY: Done Motion carried 5 -0, and the meeting was adjourned at 7:04 p.m. Marcia Boutwell, Authority Secretary -2- Randall C. Brogdon, Chair VE-ND0RN&ME- &��� DBPITOTALL. BUBl TQ"[AL. TREASURER PETTY CASH DEPOSIT REFUND 50.03 REFUND 50.00 XPEDX COPY PAPER 54.50 OPF|CEDEP0T|NC OFFICE SUPPLIES 10.10 LOVVE8 COMPANIES INC REPA|R8NA|NTSUPPL|ES 2031 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 8/02 USE 20.48 IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS COPIER MA|NT 91J6 TERM|N|X PEST CONTROL 38.00 DALE & LEES SERVICE INC AIR CONDITIONER REPAIR 114.36 US CELLULAR CELL PHONE USE 30.03 TREASURER PETTY CASH RBMB PETTY CASH 6.50 ADMINISTRATION DEPT 340.84 OSCxRMcLAUR|N METER READINGS 131.40 BRANDON HAMILTON METER READINGS 1$0.20 SHANE HALE METER READINGS 168.00 TYROwED|wK|NS METER READINGS 344.25 TEaRxNCER&Y METER READINGS 185.80 DAVID ROUNGHQUSE METER READINGS 81.00 MARK MEYER METER READINGS 675.00 HARRIS COMPUTER SYSTEMS ANNUAL LICENSE FEE 1.735.00 UTILITY BILLING DEPT 3.520.45 OFFICE DEPOT INC OFFICE SUPPLIES 21J2 WATER PRODUCTS INC METER SET SUPPLIES 2.500.05 T-SHIRT EXPRESS ETC HATS 8320 Uw|F|RSTCORPORAT|ON UNIFORM RENTAL 154J6 BROWN FARMS SOD SOD 62.84 MILL CREEK LUMBER & SUPPLY REPA|R/mA|NTSUPPL|E8 88.25 WATER PRODUCTS INC METER SET MATERIALS 165a2 CITY GARAGE CITY OFOVVA88O VEH|CLEMA|NT 2.045.81 TREASURER PETTY CASH VEHICLE WASH 18.00 FUELMxw FUVL 375.34 CITY OpTULSA LEAK DETECTION/WATER TEST 200.00 BAILEY EQUIPMENT EQUIP RENTAL 15.50 US CELLULAR CELL PHONE USE 612e SOUTHWESTERN BELL wOw'PLExxR 68.30 VERMEER SALES 0F0KLA BORING MACHINE 5.395.68 WATER DEPT 11.849.03 OFFICE DEPOT INC OFFICE SUPPLIES 21.72 ROBERTSON PLUMBING SUPPLY INC TOILET REPAIR KIT 14.52 HACHC0MPANY LAB SUPPLIES 77.00 C|BA SPECIALTY CHEMICALS CORP CHEMICALS 2.29320 ZEP MFG CO CHEMICALS 332.70 T-SHIRT EXPRESS ETC HATS 81J0 UN|F|RSTC0RPORAT0N UNIFORM RENTAL 145.68 6ELLCO SAFETY SHOES SAFETY BOOTS 547J8 CAnLTON'BATeSCOMPANY FUSES FOR EQUIP 43.15 VEN��&AME QEjALDEaaRj2jLQN AMOUNTS QEPTZOTAL BUNZOOTAL CITY GARAGE CITY OFVVVA8SO VEM|CLEMANT 17170 PUELMAN FUEL 100,38 SHERRY LABORATORIES |NG SLUDGE ANALYSIS 20.00 RED EARTH EwY|R0~L4BINC PLAN PREPARATION 2.000.00 RAMEY TESTING LABORATORY TEST|NG'PLANTCONST 818.7* WASTE MANAGEMENT TIPPING FEES 507.63 WATER ENVIRONMENT FEDERATION MEMBER8H|P'N|CHOLSON 88.00 TRUK QUIP INC TOMMY GATE 1.367.00 WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT DEPT 8.830.99 OFFICE DEPOT INC OFFICE SUPPLIES 14.48 VVWGRA|NGERINC PADLOCKS/SIGN 80.00 T-SHIRT EXPRESS ETC HATS 78.03 VN|RRGTCDRPOn/T|0m UNIFORM RENTAL 194.52 VvVvGRA|NGERINC DEHUMIDIFIERS 331.50 GRxY84R HEATERS 55.38 CLIFFORD POWER SYSTEMS INC AIR FILTER ' 40.40 BILL 8ASORE TRUCKING &EXCAVATION, DIRT 400.00 WATER PRODUCTS INC REPAIR SUPPLIES 30.13 CITY GARAGE CITY OFDWAS8O VEH|CLEMA|NT 1.457.56 FUELMAN FUEL 310.46 BAILEY EQUIPMENT EQUIP RENTAL 15.50 US CELLULAR CELL PHONE USE 30.63 SOUTHWESTERN BELL NON'PLEXAR 184.80 -------- WASTEWATER DEPT 3.23945 T-SHIRT EXPRESS ETC SIGN 110.00 S/A/ON PRINTING INC. LAMINATED COPY 2.50 OFFICE DEPOT INC OFFICE SUPPLIES 18.10 T-SHIRT EXPRESS ETC HATS 8070 UN|F|R8TCORPDRAT|QN UNIFORM RENTAL 108.68 CITY GARAGE CITY Op0VVA930 VEM|CLEMA|NT 12.287.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH VEHICLE WASH 3D0 FUELMAN FUEL 1.382.98 C|8CO'EAGLE|wC 8TORAGEC0NTA|NER/B|m 750.69 WASTE MANAGEMENT TIPPING FEES 5.060.88 -------- REFUSE DEPT 19.815.33 T-SHIRT EXPRESS ETC HATS 8.67 UN|F|R8TC0nPOnAT|ON UNIFORM RENTAL 20.80 WASTE MANAGEMENT RECYCLE REFUSE 3.508.87 WASTE MANAGEMENT TIPPING FEES 1.823.88 WASTE MANAGEMENT RECYCLE REFUSE 2.877.33 ANCHOR PAINT PAINT/ROLLER 6078 RECYCLE DEPT 8.306.4: 0PVVA OPERATING FUND TOTAL 55.852.32 FIRST BANK OFOvvx3SO ELM CREEK NOTE 23.000.00 DEBT SERVICES 23.000.00 OPVVA GRAND TOTAL 78.952.32 PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 09/07/02 DEPARTMENT OVERTIME ToTAL EXPENSES EXPENSES Wastewater 37.80 10,538.16 Refuse 719.12 6,892.96 rATLOJ if a TRANSFERS GENERALFUND A/P TRANSFER REPORT DESCRIPTION TRANSFER FROM OPWA Uillum 06- TRANSFERS TOTAL 16,6 .63 SUBJE CT: WASTEWATER TRE AT ANT PLANT IMPROVEMENTS (PHASE 11B) CHANGE ORDER 92 DATE- September 169 2002 Work in this contract anticipated some unforeseen circumstances would occur that would require modification to the engineering design drawings and changes in the work to be performed. These changes were expected to result in additional or deductive costs on the project. The General Conditions to the contract state such changes require an official Change Order process. A Change Order is defined as: A written order to the Contractor authorizing an addition, deletion, or revision in the work within the general scope of the Contract Documents, or authorizing an adjustment in the contract price or contract time. Page 2 Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements (Phase I113) Change Order #2 In accordance with Oklahoma Statutes, contract changes are subject to compliance with provisions of the Oklahoma Public Completive Bidding Act of 1974, Chapter 61, paragraph 121 entitled 66Change orders or addendums" indicates the following: Change orders or addendums to public construction contracts of over One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) shall not exceed the greater of One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000) or ten percent (10 %) cumulative increase in the original contract amount. Any change orders or cumulative change orders which exceed these limits shall require readvertising for bids on that pant of the contract. Change Orders in any amount shall be formally approved by the governing body of the public agency involved and the reasons therefore recorded in the permanent records. Change Orders are to be processed through the Contractor, Resident Engineer, and the Owner for authorization. For this project, the Owner is the City Council acting as the Owasso Public Works Authority; therefore, all Change Orders are to be approved by the Authority. Typically, due to the nature of this work, it is necessary to make changes as construction proceeds or with little lead time due to the schedule of construction. The time required to receive, review, and process a Change Order for approval could take as long as 30 to 45 days, depending on occurrence of an OPWA meeting. In some cases, conditions such as timing constraints, construction sequencing and availability of manpower may make it difficult to delay work. In most cases, it is beneficial to the city to proceed with construction rather than delay and potentially be faced with higher incremental costs. In addition, costs of making some of the changes can be expected to be relatively small in relation to the total project cost. Good business practice is to find means to expedite authorization for these types of changes. Under these conditions, provision has been allowed in the contract for the use of a "Work Change Directive." The Work Change Directive was developed for use in situations involving changes in the contracted work which, if not processed expeditiously, might delay construction. These changes are often initiated in the field and may affect the contract price or the contract time. The directive provides authorization to proceed with work that would be included in a subsequent Change Order. The Resident Engineer initiates requests for work changes, including a description of the tasks involved and attachments. Based on information transferred between the Engineer and Contractor, the Engineer will complete and sign a Work Change Directive form and copies are to be sent to the Owner for authorization. The Engineer alone does not have the authority to authorize changes in price or time. Page 3 Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements (Phase IIB) Change Order 42 Once the work covered by the directive is completed or a final cost and time is determined, the Contractor will submit documentation for inclusion in a Change Order. The Change Order will be submitted to the Trustees for review and consideration. On June 17, 1997, the Authority approved authorization for the Public Works Director to act as a representative of the Authority for Work Change Directives not to exceed $5,000. A maximum cumulative total of $20,000 was also authorized prior to submittal of a Change Order for the Directives. Once work covered by the directive is completed or a final cost and time determined, the Contractor will submit documentation for inclusion in a Change Order. The Change Order will be submitted to the Trustees for final review and consideration, Change Order Dumber 1 in the amount of $23,163.40 was submitted and approved by the Trustees on May 21, 2001. A $60,000.00 66Project Allowance" was included in the total construction contract award for the project; therefore, following authorization of the Change Order, a total of $38,845.01 remained in the project allowance should other changes be needed. CHANGE ORDER NUMBER 2: A Change Order has been submitted for Trustees approval representing the summary of authorized Work Change Directives numbers 2-6, 2 -7 and 2 -11, as shown below: Work Directive No. 2 ®6 Provide and install emergency lights and exit signs $1,015.00 at Blower Building (safety /code compliance issue) (No additional days) Work Directive No. 2 ®7 Add disconnects on existing VFD on sludge return PUMPS $2,492.00 Provide disconnect and conduit as needed (No additional days) (operation, maintenance and safety /code issue) Work Directive No. 2 -11 Re-route electrical circuits to aeration basin lights $4,537.00 as required that were disconnected during (No additional days) installation of air piping (safety and maintenance issue) TOTAL WORK CHANGE DIRECTIVES $8,044.00 (No additional days) Each of these directives is below the maximum for individual work change directives established for authorization by the Public Works Director. Page 4 Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements (Phase IIB) Change Order #2 Construction of the improvements is nearing completion. As a result, five (5) additional items are included in the Change Order that have not been previously authorized as a Work Change Directive. Each item individually is below the maximum established for authorization by the Public Works Director for individual work change directives established; however, when combined with the items listed above would exceed the $20,000 authorization for Work Change Directives. These items are as follows Item 2 -1. Modify area settled between the existing clarifiers $4,780.00 to drain (to prevent surface water from ponding (No additional days) and draining through the backfill area) Item 2 -4 Provide and install a work platform at the Blower $2,060.80 Building to enable filter removal/maintenance (No additional days) (filters are inaccessible) Item 2 -8A Relief Lift Station piping modifications to replace 4 -inch with 6 -inch discharge piping and X3,469.20 appurtenances (increase pumping capability of lift (No additional days) station) Item 2-813 Add crossover piping and valve to Relief Lift $3,417.40 Station discharge to enable in back - flushing (No additional days) pumps for cleaning Item 2 ®8C Spare pump for Relief Lift Station (serves as back- $4,875.00 up in high flow conditions) (No additional days) TOTAL PROPOSED ADDITIONAL TI'EMS $18,602.40 (No additional days) The total cost of Change Order Number 2 is $26,646.40. (Some proposed items 2 -2, 2 -3, 2 -9A, 2 -9B and 2 -10 were eliminated from consideration during processing of the Work Change Directives. These items are not included in the total authorization being requested.) Funding for construction is included in a loan from the Oklahoma Water Resources Board. A $60,000.00 "Project Allowance" was included in the total construction contract award for the project. All change order costs are proposed to be included under the project allowance for this contract; therefore, there is no increase in the contract amount. Page 5 Wastewater 'Treatment Plant Improvements (Phase IIB) Change Order #2 A total of $38,845.01 remains in the project allowance following Change Order dumber 1. Staff proposes the Trustees authorize the use of a portion of the project allowance in the amount of $26,646.40 for items included in Change Order No, 2. Funds in the amount of $12,198.61 will still be included in the project allowance. At the present time, funds have been obligated on the project in the amount of $1,826,179.40 (the total contract award of $1,838,37.00 less the $12,198.61 remaining project allowance following Change Order Flo. 2). RECOMMENDATION- Staff recommends the Trustees authorization to use a portion of the remaining $38,845.01 project allowance for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Phase 1113 Improvements to pay for Change Order loo. 2 to include a $26,646.40 increase in the contract obligation and no increase in the contract time. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Change Order Number 2 2. Work Change Directives with supporting costs documentation 3. OPWA Resolution 9701 TO CONTRACTOR: Lamar Industries P.O. Box 3078 Shawnee, OK 74802 The Contract is changed as follows: CONTRACT DATE: October 6, 2001 CONTRACT FOR: Phase 1113 Incorporate Work Change Directives 2-1, 2-4, 2-6, 2-7, 2-8A, 2-8B, 2-8C, 2-11 Not valid until signed by the Owner and Contractor The original Contract Sum $1,838,378.00 Net change by previously authorized Change Orders $0.00 The Contract Sum prior to this Change Order was $1,838,378.00 The Contract Sum will be unchanged by this Change Order in the amount of $0.00 The new Contract Sum including this Change Order will be $1,838,378.00 The Contract Time will be increased by 0 days The date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is still November 5, 2002 Note: This summary does not reflect changes in the Contract Sum which have been authorized by Construction Change Directive. Lamar Industries CONTRACTOR P.O. Box 3078 Shawnee OK 74802 ADDRESS PIM Owasso Public Works Authority OWNER P.O. Box 180 Owasso-OK , 74405 ADDRESS 191614 DATE DATE OWNER OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY ENGMER- GARVER ENGINEERS ITjQ CONTkACTOR: LAMAR INDUSTRIES The follo ,,)ying work or other -items. are requested for implementation in accordance with: S SM OWNER OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY ENGINEER: GARVER ENGINEERS INC. CONTRACTOR- LAMAR INDUSTRIE- S in accordance with: Date to begin work: Add'l Calendar Days: ITEM DESCRIPTION COST TOTAL TO DATE Materials Previous WDC Labor Equipment Total with this WD Payroll Additive & Overhead @ 30% Subtotal Profit 10% TOTAL REQUESTED BY: - ------- LANLAR INDUSTRIES DATE RECOMMENDED BY: GARVER ENGINEERS, INC. DATE APPROVED BY: OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY DATE WORK DIRECTIVE CHANGE NO. DATE: '7-// PROJECT, S - PHASE IM OWNER OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY FN(3 M, E R o GARVER ENGINEERS, INC. CONTRACTOR, LAMARINDUSTEffi- The followingiWOrk Or Other itcms are requested for implementation in accordance with- Justification or Goal: OWNER OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY .LNG ER: GARVER ENov NEERS Q. CONTRACTOR: LAMARIND UST RIES The following wo)k orothcr items are requested for ini&xnegtation in accordance with: Date to begin work-, Add'I Calendar Days: rM, 'Ur /-M �M Will 1, L,W-JWAg- -,% WORK DIRECTIVE CHANGE N(,,.,? �4 DATE: W—I—rz- Date t® begin work: AddI Calendar Days: LAN4AR INDUSTRIES DATE GARVER ENGINEERS, IN-C. DATE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY DATE Date t® begin work: Add'l Calendar Days: mmm .� .M LAMAR INDUSTRIES DATE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY DATE OWNER OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY ENGINEER: GARVER ENGINEERS INC CONTRACTOR: LAMAR INDUSTRIES The following work or other items are requested for implementation in accordance with: 0% Date to begin work: Add'l Calendar Days: ITEM DESCRIPTION COST TOTAL TO DATE Materials Previous WDC Labor Equipment Total with this WD Payroll Additive & Overhead @ 30% Subtotal Profit 10% TO TAL REQUESTED BY: LAMAR INDUSTRIES DATE RECOMMENDED BY: GARVER ENGINEERS, INC. DATE APPROVED BY: OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY DATE OWNER OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY ENGINEER: CARVER ENGINEERS,, INC. CONTRACTOR: L,AMAR I%ID S'TRIES The following work or other items are requested for imple nentation in accordance with: Q INDUSTRIES, INC. eL p @9 T® I WOW DIRECMVE T G H T �T B� 4cY 8— Z 4 1 li, 4 i a c r � c .R CL a ,.. .. � vet::..' '• y;;a 'a � :( ,. . ;, ry �;;1n. =: 7t' k � �� .;i r jpr tr e�, • t ►a �. tia �. ► ►r -.�. ,.. i t . t o-, WIN w'? � ' ..... .,: �_. .., x, .. _... .ter . '.M<•+u- +N,Yro,. +sA'�ak+nrfm/vn4 -=,. =� .2ti:;[anG:w :.,. w,. M... � :.�,w.c_. >Sai �v'^.L"+'.k >ib'�>�h.�,; _.., ._. „... ..., r 6� i a c r � c .R CL a OPWA RESOLUTION NO 97-01 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TRUSTEES OF THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY THAT; APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of June, 1997 by the Trustees of the Owasso Public Works Authority. MO alci D Cates, Trust Attorney