HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002.09.03_OPWA AgendaTYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: September 3, 2002 TIME: 6:30 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted at City Hall at 4:00 p.m. on R M w ay, August _%, 2002. Th-mb 9A Marci Boutw 11, Aut4hoityy secretary _ W0jWNW L Call to Order Chairman Brogdon 2. Flag Salute 3. Roll Call 4. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the Trustees to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Trustee may, however, remove an item from consent by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non-debatable. A. Approval of the Minutes of August 20, 2002 Regular Meeting. Attachment #4-A Owasso Public Works Authority September 3, 2002 Page 2 B. Approval of Claims. .Attachment #4 -P 5. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for a Supplemental Appropriation and Amendment to the OPWA fund Budget. Attachment #5 The staff will recommend Trustee action to approve a supplement appropriation to the OPWA Fund, Refuse Collections Capital Outlay budget in the amount of $14,701, the remainder of funds necessary for the purchase of a refuse vehicle. 6. Report from OPWA Manager. 7. Report from OPWA Attorney. 8. New Business. (New Business is any item of business which could not have been foreseen at the time of posting of the agenda.) Owasso Public Works Authority September 3, 2002 Page 3 Adjournment. OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, August 20, 2002 The Owasso Public Works Authority met in regular session on Tuesday, August 20, 2002 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, August 16, 2002. ITEM 1: CALL TOO ER Chairman Brogdon called the meeting to order at 6:34 p.m. ITEM 2: INVOCATION The invocation was offered by Pastor Charles Curran, First Christian Church. am Mayor Brogdon led in the flag salute, followed by a musical offering of "God Bless America" by Chris & Mike Cleveland. ITEM 4: ROLL CALL PRESENT Randy Brogdon, Chair Michael Helm, Vice Chair Susan Kimball, Trustee Gary Cochran, Trustee STAFF Rodney J Ray, City Manager Marcia Boutwell, Authority Secretary A quorum was declared present. ABSENT Rebecca Armstrong, Trustee Ronald D Cates, Authority Attorney ITEM 5: REQUEST APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. A. Approval of the Minutes of July 16, 2002 Regular Meeting. B. Approval of Claims. The consent agenda included minutes of the August 6, 2002 regular meeting, by reference made a part hereto. Item B on the consent agenda included the following claims: (1) OPWA Operating Fund $90,570.30; (2) Debt Service $23,000.00; (3) Payroll $43,178.57. Mr Helm moved, seconded by Ms Kimball, to approve the consent agenda. AYE: Helm, Kimball, Cochran, Brogdon NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. Owasso Public Works Authority August 20, 2002 RESOLUTION 92002 -04 A RESOLUTION INCREASING RATE FOR WATER PURCHASED FROM THE AUTHORITY AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE FOR SUCH INCREASE. Ms Bishop presented the item. The OPWA purchases treated water from the City of Tulsa. Notice was received that, effective October 1, 20029 water rates will increase by .12 per 1000 gallons. In order to maintain an adequate operating budget in the OPWA, that rate increase needs to be passed on to the OPWA water customers. Staff recommended a rate increase to water customers within the city limits of .15 per 1000 gallons of water usage, with the additional three cents dedicated to the OPWA Capital Improvements Fund. This fund is used to construct capital projects for the water and sewer utilities or to pay debt service on those projects. The proposed new rate would change the base minimum fee for 1000 gallons of water from $7.50 to $ 1.65. The volume charge per 1000 gallons of water would change from $3.20 to $3:35. In 1999, the City Council and OPWA Trustees established water rates to customers residing outside the Owasso city limits at 20% more than the rate inside the city. The proposed new rate for rural customers would change the base minimum fee for 1000 gallons of water from $9.00 to $9.18. The volume charge per 1000 gallons of water would change from $3.84 to $4.02. OPWA Resolution #2002-04, by reference made a part hereto, provides for the rate increase. Ms Kimball moved, seconded by Mr Cochran, to approve OPWA Resolution 4-2002 -04, providing for an increase in water rates beginning with October 2002 usage as reflected by the November 2002 billing, and earmarking revenues. AYE; Kimball, Cochran, Helm, Brogdon NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. 0 -3 - OPWA CLAIMS TO BE PAID 9/03/02 VENDOR NAME DETAIL DESCRIPTION AMOUNTS DEPT TOTAL FUND TOTAL OFFICE DEPOT VFF|CESUPPUBs 187.06 oAMnCLUB CLEANING SUPPLIES 112.09 WORLD CLASS SECURITY LOCK REPAIR 70.00 GREENWOOD PERFORMANCE SYSINC SUPERVISOR TRAINING 296.00 Pao 07/02 USE 945.e3 IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS CENTRAL 00T COP|EHMA|NT 128.90 ME[RocALL 07/02 USE 14.38 VVORKMED OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH PRE'EMPU»YMENTTEST|NG oo�un ADMINISTRATION DEPT 1.80eoe OFFICE DEPOT FAXCARTR|DaE 26.50 DAVID ROL|NoHoUoE METER READINGS 175.e5 MARKMEYER METER READINGS nmsoa OSoARMCLAUR|N METER READINGS 7e.65 TYRONE0NK|Na METER READINGS 147.90 TREASURER PETTY CASH METER READINGS 'RAY 175a0 MARK MEYER METER READINGS 210.60 oSCARMCLAUR|N METER READINGS 261o0 BRANDON HAMILTON METER READINGS 145u0 SHANE HALE METER READINGS 211o0 TYRONE0NK|NS METER READINGS 180o0 TECHNICAL PROGRAMMING SVSINC BILLING SERVICE 248956 UTILITY BILLING DEPT 4.*70.11 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES 12.67 FARM PLAN MANTaUPPL|Ee 2e.94 FARM PLAN MA|NTaUPPL|Bs 3.47 WATER PRODUCTS INC METER SET MATERIALS 3.151o1 WATER PRODUCTS INC METER SET MATERIALS 7Y11610z 4.904.32 FARM PLAN UN|FORM'RABER 55.85 GEORGE & GEORGE SAFETY PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 57.63 WATER PRODUCTS INC REPA|R/MA|NTSUPPL|EG 618.e4 U]VVEa COMPANIES INC REPA|R/MA|NToUPPL|ES 7.08 WATER PRODUCTS INC WATER METERS/PADS 7//amo 3.740o0 WATER PRODUCTS INC WATER METERS 7Y10oo 3'740.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH VEHICLE WASH 5.00 CITY OF TULSA uT|L|T|EoSERVICES PURCHASED WATER 200.5*3.23 GREENWOOD PERFORMANCE aYoINC SUPERVISOR TRAINING 296.00 CITY QFTULSA LEAK DETECTION 400.00 METROCALL 07/02 USE 79.25 DEq TEMPL|oENaE-MDRADoS 40.00 DBQ L|cENaETEeTCLAFL|N 20.00 DEQ TEMPL|oENaEy-CoRDRAY 80.00 WATER DEPT 217.784ae 8/28/2002 opvVxCLx|Mo PAGE 1oFu VENDOR NAME DETAIL DESCRIPTION AMOUNTS DEPT OFFICE SUPPLIES 46.46 FISHER SCIENTIFIC LAB SUPPLIES 32173 LOVVES COMPANIES INC RERNFVMA|NTSUPPL|ES 67.e6 aAMeCLUB CLEANING SUPPLIES 103u3 GEORGE & GEORGE SAFETY PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 57.63 FARM PLAN BEDMATDODaE 67.e3 CARLTON'RATEsCOMPANY FUSES FOR EQUIP a}.om FARM PLAN REPA|R/M8|NTSUPPL|ES 28.77 GREENWOOD PERFORMANCE SYSINC SUPERVISOR TRAIN] N8 148o0 TREASURER PETTY CASH LICENSE-ADR|DGE 54.00 METRooALL 07/02 USE 7.1e FORESTRY SUPPLIES, INC SOLAR WEATHER STATION 810J1 WASTEWATER TREATMENT DEPT 1.813.50 FARM PLAN REPA|FVMA|NTSUPPL|ES 16.03 LoVVEa COMPANIES INC REpA|FVMA|NTSUPPL|ES 31.87 FARM PLAN MA|NTSUPPL|ES 86a6 GEORGE & GEORGE SAFETY PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 57.63 FARM PLAN MA|NTSUPPUES 3.60 GPM COMPANY INC PUMP SEALS 1.11675 ASSOCIATED PARTS &SUPPLY REFRIGERATION OIL 59.05 HARP ELECTRIC Co HEATER INSTALLATION 54.30 oRoVVDURL|NGAME PUMP REPAIR PARTS 31.05 VVVVGRA|NGERINC REPA|R/MA|NTSUPPL|ES 91.50 WATER PRODUCTS INC REPA|R8WA|NTeUPPL|ES 384.00 GREENWOOD PERFORMANCE SYo|NC SUPERVISOR TRAINING 14e.00 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 07/02 USE 223.02 PSQ 07/02 USE 414.91 HARP ELECTRIC oO HEATER INSTALLATION 180.00 PACE PRODUCTS OF TULSA INC CYLINDER RENTAL 90.00 EQUIPMENT ONE INC EQUIP RENTALS 30.24 METROCALL A/R CORP. ACCTS 07/02 USE 43.1* DEQ TEMPL|CENSE-MoRADoS 40o0 DEQ L|CENaETEST'oLAFL|N onon DEQ TEMPL(oENGSS'VA|L oonu WASTEWATER DEPT 3.202o4 GAVoN PRINTING INC. CART HANGERS 284.50 TULSA CLEANING SUPPLIES PRESSURE WASHER WAND 26.00 GEORGE a GEORGE SAFETY PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 57.63 TREASURER PETTY CASH VEHICLE WASH 000 GREENWOOD PERFORMANCE SYaINC SUPERVISOR TRAINING 148o0 NATIONAL POWER WASH POWER WASHING VEHICLES 1*0u0 METRooALL 07/02 USE 33.86 REFUSE DEPT 692.e9 SAMSoLU8 CLEANING SUPPLIES 14a9 LoVVEa COMPANIES INC REPA|R/MA|NToUPPL|BS 61.41 FARM PLAN CHAIN 20.90 HARP ELECTRIC Co HEATER INSTALLATION 180o0 METRocALL 07/02 USE 14.38 RECYCLE DEPT 291.68 oPvVA OPERATING FUND TOTAL FUND TOTAL 8/28/2002 oPVVxnuwMo PAGE 2oFo M 2r16 0 wr_ BANK ONE FAP -01- 0003 -L BANK ONE FAP -92- 0107 -L BANK ONE FAP -92- 0107 -L BANK ONE ORF -01- 0002 -L BANK ONE iORF-99 -008 -L BANK ONE CORF -01 -0004 CW BANK ONE %ORF-01 -0004 CW DEBT SERVICE GARVER ENGINEERS SYS IMPROVEMENTS 10102101 LAMAR INDUSTRIES CCONST WWTP 11/16/01 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND BANK ONE 1997 REV BOND BANK ONE 1998 REV BOND SALES TAX FUND ®PWA GRAND TOTAL AMOUNTS DEPT TOTAL FUND TOTAL 4,802.62 22,420.14 2,458.99 8,611.84 1,857.95 12, 808.15 7,136.23 60.090.92 21,720.00 181.064.41 43,482.08 93,736.00 202,784.41 8/28/2002 COPWA CLAIMS PACE 3 OF 3 DEPARTMENT 08/24/02 OVERTIME TOTAL EXPENSES EXPENSES r F��. #$.+�D 6iE$TC ....., ...a��' t._: Ji �.. y. s, - �� t�t3.,x. �' .,;.. `"a fZYP� .. �'`Y, '�i0>�..,.��.� ,.,.n�s, 7 b6•w�fia....s i ,,,,:i .,.,o�.��r/,,hr ><� ,� 5 ¢, r,.�,.,.... ,.a= ._ , «t, k� o,,, _, o✓ �4 . , .�.� C�...e„ w >i :. , f J.�a, ,,.13 +. ,,, ur Utility Billina 0.00 1 x771094 ffifflim Refuse 829.96 5,656.93 �� 5✓:is Nkti%LSrf j6 i ��� r,�it"v.,,� y, ^cr uF-x"'. F�, zs�s'� '�c kfi ""c'iJ�''c4`t�y` ;L4. -� 3%`✓�� . pg TO: HONORABLE CHAIR AND TRUSTEES OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AU FROM- SHE BISHOP FINANCE DIRE, EC OR SUBJECT. BUDGET SUPPLEMENT DATE: September 4, 2002 11 i � ,, I I �, � W 11 IN) 0 Staff recommends Trustees approve a supplemental appropriation in the Refuse Department capital outlay budget for $14,701.