HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002.11.19_City Council AgendaIII Jill TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: November 19, 2002 TIME: 6:30 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Owasso Community Center Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted at City Hall 4:00 p.m. on Friday, November 15, 2001 Ma+rciB`ou—tw�ell, City Clerk �—� 1. Call to Order Mayor Helm 2. Invocation Pastor Page Cole First Baptist Church Family Minister 3. Flag Salute 4. Roll Call 5. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Resignation by the Ward I Councilor. Mayor Helm Attachment #5 Mayor Helm will present, for City Council acceptance, a letter of resignation from Councilor Randy Brogdon and request that the Council declare a vacancy to exist in Ward 1, and that the City Manager be directed to initiate the adopted process to fill that position by appointment. Owasso City Council November 19, 2002 Page 2 6. Election of Mayor 7. Election of Vice Mayor 8. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of the Consent Agenda. (All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the City Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Councilor may, however, remove an item from consent by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non-debatable.) A. Approval of Minutes of the November 5, 2002 Regular Meeting, and the November 129 2002 Special Meeting. Attachment #8-A B. Approval of Claims. Attachment #8-13 C. Action Relating to Ordinance #724, an Ordinance Providing for an amendment to the OMRF Thrift Plan to Define Base Wages. Attachment #8-C The staff recommends Council approval of Ordinance #724 as requested by OMRF. D. Action Relating to a Request for Deferred Retirement. Attachment #8-D The staff recommends approval of the applications of Charles Nicholson and Ronnie Flick for deferred retirement. Owasso City Council November 19, 2002 Page 3 9. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Renewal of Liability Insurance. Ms. Dempster Attachment #9 The staff will recommend City Council approval of the renewal of a contract with Specialty National Insurance at an annual premium amount of $185,092 for property damage, wind & hail damage, general liability, public officials liability and auto liability, increasing the deductibles, and discontinuing coverage for equipment. 10. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Ordinance #725, an Ordinance Amending Part 1, Chapter 2, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Owasso, Establishing Ward Boundaries. Mr. Rooney Attachment #10 The staff will recommend City Council approval of Ordinance #725, redefining ward boundaries for the City of Owasso. 11. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Ordinance #726, an Ordinance Providing for the Closing of a Utility Easement Located Within Lots 7 & 8, Block 1, Nichols Heights Addition. Mr. Moore Attachment #11 The staff will recommend approval of the easement closing & adoption of Ordinance #726. Owasso City Council November 19, 2002 Rage 4 12. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to the Award of a Bid for East 86th Street North and North 145`' East Avenue intersection Improvements, Mr. Carr Attachment # 12 The staff has completed the bidding process, reviewed the bids received, and will recommend. the Council award the bid for 86t' St N & N 145t' East Ave Intersection Improvements to Becco Contractors Inc., Tulsa, OK in the amount of $757,046.10, which includes the base bid and add alternates 1 &I The staff will recommend approval of Ordinance #727, repealing the waste collection permit fees required by the above-referenced code. 14. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to the Attachment of an Emergency Clause to Ordinance #727. Mr. Ray See Attachment #13 The staff will request the attachment of an emergency clause to Ordinance #727. Owasso City Council November 19, 2002 Page 5 15. Report from City Manager. 16. Report from City Attorney, 17. Report from City Councilors. 18. New Business (New Business is any item of business which could not have been foreseen at the time of posting of the agenda.) 19. Adjournment } TO- THE HONORABLE MAYOR & ciTy COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM: RODNEY J. RAY CITY MANAGER SUBJECT o COUNCI VACANCY DATE: 3 November BACKGROUND It is anticipated that Councilor I3rogdon will resign his Ward 1 council position effective November 19 "'. In April of 1993 the City Council adopted a policy relating to a process that should be employed in the event the Council wishes to fill a vacancy on the City Council. That policy is attached for your review. Should the City Council desire to appoint a person to serve the remainder of Councilor Brogdon's term, it is recommended that the adopted policy be utilized to make that appointment. Since 1993, the process explained in the policy has been used five time (according to the records available) and, in four of those, a successful appointment was the result. Attached for your review is a copy of that policy and a proposed "Notice" to be distributed to the newspaper and any interested parties. Clearly, the process the City Council uses for such an appointment is solely the prerogative of the Council. The attached policy may be changed by the Council if such changes are desired. If you have questions, please call me. EIVNIFITIM11" 11 1. Policy Statement 2. Proposed Notice It shall be the Policy of the Owasso City Council to fill vacancies in its membership, when such vacancies occur after the close of a regular filing period for candidates for Council and the unexpired term of the vacancy extends beyond the time when the terms for Council members elected that year begin, utilizing the following process: Section A n- A vacancy in the Council membership shall be declared upon the receipt of a properly submitted resignation from a member of the Council in writing setting forth an effective date, or by a vote of the Council if such vacancy is caused by appropriate Council action pursuant to law; or by a vote of the Council if such vacancy is otherwise created wherein such written resignation is not received, but an obvious vacancy is created. Section C - The notice of vacancy shall be written and published in a manner to communicate, at a minimum, the following information: 1. The number of the Ward(s) wherein the vacancy has occurred. 2. A map of the Wards of the City and a general description of the political boundaries of the Ward(s). 3. A statement of qualifications as stated in Section 2 -1 of the Owasso City Charter. 4. The address of the City Clerk and the manner of marking the envelope containing the "letter of interest ". 5. The beginning date and ending date and ending time that "letters of interest" are to be accepted. 6. A request for information relative to the address of the interested citizen, the voting precinct of the interested citizen, and any other information the interested citizen should wish to include in his /her submittal, provided, however, that such submittal shall not exceed ten total pages of standard 8!/2" x I l" size paper or copies. 7. A tentative date, established by the Council, for action on filling the vacancy to be taken as an agenda item of the City Council, notice to clearly state that such date is tentative and, due to various reasons, could be altered to a later date. Section D - All "letters of interest" shall be received by the City Clerk or designee and thereupon shall be noted the date and time of receipt, as well as the name of the person receiving the submittal. Such notations to be directly upon the "letter of interest" and not on the envelope in which the letter was contained. Section E - Upon receipt of a "letter of interest", the City Clerk or designee shall consult a Ward map or other instrument to determine if the address listed as the citizen's residence is within the boundaries of the Ward in which the vacancy is declared to exist. In all cases, such verification shall be noted directly upon the original "letter of interest" in a manner to denote whether or not the listed address is or is not considered to be within the affected Ward. In all cases wherein the initial determination by the Clerk or designee is that the listed address is not within the Ward which has been declared to be vacant, a follow-up verification by the City Planner or designee is required before such is noted on the "letter of interest". Section G - The City Clerk or designee shall, at the close of business (5:00 p.m.) each day during the ten day acceptance period, deliver to the remaining Council members all submittals received during that day. In no event shall any submittal be delivered to any Council member on any date other than the date the submittal is received. Provided, however, that in the event a remaining Council member has notified the City Clerk that the delivery of submittals to him/her received on a certain day should be delayed due to his/her request, such request to be noted in the master file maintained for each vacancy. The original of each submittal shall be retained by the Clerk or designee in a master file containing all notices, documents, publications, notes, and submittals of the selection process from its inception. Section H ® The Council shall direct the City Clerk to place an item on the Council agenda for action within fifteen days of the date of the close of accepting "letters of interest". In the event actual action on the item is not taken by the Council, such item shall either be continued to a date specific or shall be continued to the next regularly scheduled Council meeting. Section I ® Upon action by the Council and the successful selection of a successor to the position, such person shall immediately be administered the oath of office and seated as a member of the City Council. Adopted May 4, 1993 NOTICE OF CITY COUNCIL VACANCY No letter will be accepted after 5:00 p.m. on December 10, 2002. The Owasso City Council expects to take action at the December 17, 2002 City Council meeting to fill the Ward I vacancy. Upon appointment by the Council, the person selected shall immediately be administered the Oath of Office and seated as a member of the City Council. OWASSO CI'T'Y COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, November 5, 2002 The Owasso City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, November 5, 2002 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Mall bulletin board at 4;00 p.m. on Friday, November 1, 2002. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Mayor Brogdon called the rneeting to order at 6:34 p.m. ITEM 2: INVOCATION The invocation was offered by Pastor Bruce McCarty of the Owasso First Assembly of God Church. ITEM 3: FLAG SALUTE Boy Scout Troop #80 presented the colors and led in the flag salute. Following the flag salute, Scoutmaster Ken Henry introduced the six members of his troop who were present. ITEM 4a ROLL CALL STAFF Rodney J. Flay, City Manager Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk Stephen P. Gray, City Attorney A quorum was declared present. A. Approval of Minutes of the October 15, 2002 Regular Meeting. B. Approval of Claims. C. Action Relating to Ordinance #718, an Ordinance Providing for the Annexation of Approximately 292.22 Acres Located Between Memorial and Mingo and East 96 `" Street North and East 116x" Street North. Owasso City Council November 5, 2002 D. Action Relating to Ordinance #719, an Ordinance Providing for the Rezoning of Property Located at the Northwest Corner of East 96th Street North and North 97th East Avenue, from to CS (Commercial Shopping) and CG (Commercial General) to RS -3 (Residential Single. - Family High Density). E. Action Relating to Ordinance #720, an Ordinance Providing for a Planned Unit Development on Property Located at the Northwest Comer of East 96th Street North and North 97th East Avenue, Containing 10 Acres, More or Less. F. Action Relating to Ordinance #721, an Ordinance Providing for a Minor Amendment to OPUD -11 (Ram Plaza) Relative to Businesses that Raise, Keep, or Breed Animals. G. Action Relating to Ordinance #722, an Ordinance Providing for a Minor Amendment to OPUD -I I (Ram Plaza) Relative to health related uses. H. Action Relating to Ordinance #723, an Ordinance Providing for the Rezoning of Property Located East of North Mingo Road and South of East 116th Street Forth, from IL (Light Industrial) to RS -3 (Residential Single - Family High Density). I. Action Relating to Acceptance of the Water and Sanitary Sewer Systems Constructed to Serve Owasso First Baptist Church. Vice Mayor Helm recused himself from voting on item #5 because he is in a leadership position at First Baptist Church (Item #54). The consent agenda included minutes of the October 15, 2002 regular meeting, by reference made a part hereto. Item B on the consent agenda included the following claims: (1) General Fund $138,097.38; (2) Ambulance Service Fund $4,127.26; (3) E -911 Fund $9,000.00; (4) Juvenile Court Fund $415.00; (5) Capital Improvements Fund $31,773.38; (6) City Garage Fund $5,873.73; (7) Workers Comp Fund $6,566.80; (8) Bond Projects Fund $280.00; (9) Payroll $209,587.29; (10) City Garage Payroll $4,366.25; (11) Ambulance Payroll $9,988.32; (12) E-911 Payroll $2,832.01; (13) Workers Comp Payroll $1,474.88. Item C requested approval of annexation ordinance #718 authorized by Council on October 15th. Item D requested approval of rezoning ordinance #719, authorized by Council on October 15th. Item E requested approval of PUD ordinance #720, authorized by Council on October 15th. Item F requested approval of ordinance #721 amending OPUD -11 to allow businesses that raise, keep, or breed animals and authorized by Council on October 15th. Item G requested approval of ordinance #722 amending OPUD ®11 to allow health related business and authorized by Council on October 15th. Item H requested approval of rezoning ordinance #723 authorized by Council on October 2, 2001. Item I requested acceptance of the water and sanitary sewer systems constructed to serve Owasso First Baptist Church. Ms. Armstrong moved, seconded by Ms Kimball, to approve the consent agenda. AYE: Armstrong, Kimball, Cochran, Brogdon NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0. -2- Owasso City Council November 5, 2002 AGREEMENT BETWEEN STEPHEN P. CRAY AND THE CITY OF O`NASSO FOR THE PROVISION OF LEGAL SERVICES TO THE CITY OF OWASSO. Mr. Ray presented the item. He said that in September, City Attorney Ron Cates submitted his resignation. Subsequently, the City Council authorized the advertisement of a vacancy in that position and solicited resumes. They then reviewed the applications and selected applicants to be interviewed. Following the interviews, the City Council authorized the City Manager to negotiate an agreement with Stephen Gray. An agreement, which will be in effect until the end of the current fiscal year, has been proposed. The agreement requires the City to pay Mr. Cray a retainer of $ 1400 per month. Mr. Gray will attend all regularly scheduled meetings of the City Council, special meetings as requested, review all City contracts, draft ordinances as requested, and respond to staff telephone calls relating to information and questions. The City will provide medical insurance to Mr. Gray and his family, however, the cost of that insurance will be deducted from the retainer amount. For matters not covered by the retainer, Mr. Gray will be paid $100 per hour. For work done by Mr. Gray's office staff, $65 per hour will be paid for the services of an associate attorney and $25 per hour for paralegal work. At the end of the fiscal year, the agreement will be reviewed. Ms. Armstrong moved, seconded by Ms. Kimball, to approve the agreement for legal services between the City of Owasso and Stephen P. Gray, AYE; Armstrong, Kimball, Cochran, Helm, Hrogdon NAY: None Motion carried 5-0. ITEM 7: RECOGNITION OF SGT. JIM LEIGH UPON THE OCCASION OF HIS RETIREMENT. Mr. Ray, assisted by Chief Greene and Chief Yancey, recognized Jim and Mary Leigh for the many years of service Jim has given to the Owasso Police Department. Jim was presented with a plaque in recognition of his time with the City and was honored by those present. Mr. Ray recognized Chad Williams, a new employee in the engineering department. He also reminded everyone of the United Way campaign currently under way. No report. ITEM 10: REPORT FROM CITY COUNCILORS. -3- Owasso City Council M November 5, 2002 Ms. Trish Bailey of A & V Signs, presented a plaque to Chief Yancey and the Police Department as a special thank you for being allowed to do the art work on the new police vehicles. Mr. Ray recognized Ms. Bailey for donating one of the City of Character banners each month. 1TEM 120 ADJOURNMENT Ms Armstrong moved, seconded by Ms. Kimball, to adjourn. AYE: Armstrong, Kimball, Cochran, Helm, Brogdon NAY: None :Motion carried 5 -0, and the meeting was adjourned at 6;51 p.. Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk -4- Mayor OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday, November 12, 2002 The Owasso City Council met in a special meeting on Tuesday, November, 2002 in the Main Conference Room at Owasso City Hall per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, November 8, 2002 ITEM 1: CALL, TO ORDER. Mayor Brogdon called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. PRE SEND Randy Erogdon, Mayor — 16/0 Michael Helm, Vice Mayor — 16/0 Susan Kimball, Councilor — 16/0 Gary Cochran, Councilor — 142 STAFF Rodney J Ray, City Manager Stephen Gray, City Attorney Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk A quorum was declared present. ABSENT Rebecca Armstrong, Councilor — 14/2 1 r Ms. Dempster briefly discussed the liability insurance renewal for2002 -2003. Quotes were solicited from several carriers. OMAG and Trident declined to quote because of excessive claims over a five-year period. Coregis did not respond to the request for a quote. Our current carrier, Specialty National submitted a quote to continue our current coverage with an annual premium increase of $68,205. A review of the City's five -year claim history indicates that 75% of all claims between 1997 and 2002 were contained in only three cases, all police related. In an effort to reduce the premium increase, staff will be recommending an increase in the deductibles and dropping equipment coverage. The equipment policy covers replacement of equipment loss through natural disasters and accidents. Since the majority of equipment covered by the policy has a value of less than $5000, the City is not assuming a large risk by dropping the coverage. This item will be on the November 19`h City Council agenda for action. Ms. Dempster also discussed a change in the OMRF Thrift Plan document that will modify the City's plan document to match current practice and intent. Upon implementation of the plan, it was intended that the employee contributions and the City's matching contribution be calculated on base wages without the inclusion of overtime or extra pay items. This is what has been done, however, it is not indicated in the plan document. An ordinance will be presented on November 19'h that will modify the plan document definition of compensation. ITEM 3: DISCUSSION RELATING TO PLANNING ITEMS. Mr. Moore discussed two annexations and an easement closing approved by the Planning Commission on November llt". The easement closing will be presented to the Council on Owasso City Council November 12, 2002 November 19`h for action, while the annexations will be on the December 3 "d agenda. Mr. Moore discussed at some length the proposed changes to the sign ordinance. Staff will incorporate Council comments and present the proposed ordinance to the Planning Commission on December 9`h. Planning Commission comments and recommendations will be considered, and the proposed ordinance again presented to the Council at the December 10`h Work Session. The ordinance will not be considered for action until after the first of the year, ITEM 4o DISCUSSION IZELATING TO PUBLIC WORKS ITEMS. S6ph 145' Intersectio did _ B. Other Items ITEM 5: DISCUSSION RELATING TO FINANCIAL REPORTS. Ms. Bishop discussed the loan for the wastewater treatment plant improvements. Construction has been completed and the construction loan will need to be replaced with permanent financing. Documents are being prepared so that the Council may take action on the financing. She also distributed and discussed the financial reports for the month of October. ITEM 6: REPORT Fr A Mr. Ray discussed the adopted council policy relating to filling vacancies on the council, as well as what the Charter states relating to the election of a mayor and vice mayor when a vacancy occurs in those offices. 4= NJ Inge, -14 2031 O Em No 1 LIE MANAGER AND FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING LITIGATION AGAINST THE CITY OF OWASSO SUCH EXECUTIVE PROVIDED FOR IN O.S. 25, SECTION 307(B)(1) AND SECTION 307(B)(4). An executive session was not requested. There was no discussion regarding litigation. The review and discussion of the City Manager's contract was done in open session. 2 Owasso City Council November 12, 2002 Mr. Cochran moved, seconded by Ms. Kimball, to adjourn, Motion carried 4-0, and the meeting was adjourned at 9:25 p.m. Mayor Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk INNIT"ft OT N�� )LENDOR NAME DETAIL DESCRIPTION �QU0S DEPT TOTAL TREASURER PETTY CASH DEPOSIT REFUND 50.00 REFUNDS 50.00 |NN000RP.|NC E|P PROGRAM AID 512.00 OMCCA CONPERENCE'STEVENSUACKSDN 130.00 MUNICIPAL COURT DEPT 642.00 COUNTRYSIDE FLOWERS QGIFTS SYMPATHY-HELM 41.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH CITY MGR EXPENSES 101.86 TREASURER PETTY CASH CITY MGR EXPENSES 140.00 OvxASSVREPORTER SUBSCRIPTION-RAY 29.65 CITY GARAGE CITY OrOVVA8So VEH|CLEMmNT 34.16 WAL-MART CDMwUN|TY PC MODEM 38.96 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES PHONEUSE'RAY 153.34 TREASURER PETTY CASH MILEAGE-GRIMES 14.00 HOBBY LOBBY FRAMING 07.82 UNITED RENTALS INC BARRICADES-BLOCK PARTIES 331.60 MANAGERIAL DEPT 9e2.89 OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY LODGING-BISHOP/JACKSON 261.60 TREASURER PETTY CASH RE|MBTRAVEL'B|OMOP 108.75 FINANCE DEPT '- ' 370.3* EXECUTIVE COFFEE SERVICES SUPPLIES 54.75 s'NBL DIRECT MAIL INC OFFICE SUPPLIES 117.08 -rKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS CENTRAL C0P|ERMA|NT 372.66, GREENWOOD PERFORMANCE SYSTEMS SUPERVISOR TRAINING , 422.nO JAY CBAKER LEGAL SERVICES 1.oOo.00 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 10/02 USE 32820 WORLD PUBLISHING COMPANY EMPLOYMENT ADS 220.58 NEIGHBOR NEWSPAPER LEGAL NOTICES 21229 NEIGHBOR NEWSPAPER EMPLOYMENT ADS 62.25 WORLD PUBLISHING COMPANY EMPLOYMENT ADS 123.44 SOUTHWESTERN BELL 1002pLEXAR 171.48 TREASURER PETTY CASH POSTAGE 1.80 ANZSIGNS CHARACTER BANNERS 550.00 INTEGRITY FOCUS TRAINING FEES 2.875.00 CHARACTER FIRST! CHARACTER BULLETINS 249J7 TREASURER PETTY CASH SUPPLIES 8.67 JpH0GANINSURANCE AUTO POLICY CHANGES 113.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH NOTARY RENEWALS 30.00 GENERAL GOVERNMENT DEPT 11.5114.48 UN|F|R8TCORPORAT|ON UN|F0RMRENTAUCLEAN|mG 43.08 TREASURER PETTY CASH VEHICLE WASH . 4.00 CITY GARAGE CITY OF0vVASSO VEH|CLEwx|NT 81.60 NEIGHBOR NEWSPAPER LEGAL NOTICE 33.30 VENDOR NAME DETAIL DESCRIPTION AMOUNTS DEPT TOTAL RURRKANNADY INSPECTION SERVICES 280.00 aURRKANNADY MILEAGE 28.83 TULSA COUNTY ASSESSOR FILING FEE 28.00 TULSA COUNTY MIS DIAL UPSERVICE 40.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH MILEAGE-WILES 33.95 COMMUNITYDEVELOPMENTDEPT 553.36 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN OFFICE SUPPLIES 253.89 0AV'ON PRINTING INC. PRINTING 70.00 R|DGVVAY0 OFFICE SUPPLIES 140.28 CITY GARAGE CITY OF0VASSO VEM|CLGMA|NT 314.08 0ANESTRAVEL AIRFARE-ALEXANDER 425o0 AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOC TRAINING-ALEXANDER 595.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH LODGING--ALEXANDER 318u0 TREASURER PETTY CASH PERD|EM'ALEXANDER 126D0 TREASURER PETTY CASH RBMaTn^VEL-xLExANOER 22.00 tDVV GOVERNMENT INC COMPUTER MONITOR 300.32 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN OFFICE SUPPLIES 8e.e8 ENGINEERING DEPT 2.728.76 LOVYES COMPANIES INC REPA|R/MA|NT8UPPL|E0 51.64 UN|RRSTCoRP0pn\T|ON UNIFORM RENTAL 31.48 CITY GARAGE CITY 0FOwmSSO VEH|CLEMA|NT 930.10 DEPARTMENT OFCORRECTIONS LABOR 121.00 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES PHONEU8E4wH|TE 50.08 EQUIPMENT ONE INC EQUIPMENT RENTALS 42.58 SOUTHWESTERN BELL 10/02PLEX4R 104.55 SUPPORT SERVICES DEPT 1.332.07 HORIZON CONSTCOINC COLD M|LUPAVEMENT1o«VO2 41.072.97 RAINBOW CONCRETE CO BASE MATERIALS 10902 10.190.50 OVVA8S0 STAFFING, LLC TEMP PERSONNEL-TRAFFIC CONT 992.02 HORIZON CON8TtOINC PAVING FABRIC 1O/9/02 10.317.82 MAXWELL SUPPLY OFTULSA PAVING FABRIC iO/9/02 4.425.00 CAPITAL PROJECTS DEPT 66.998.31 OVVA88O FOP LODGE #14nPOLICE LEGAL DEFENSE FYOo 07.50 MEm|wDEX|NC OFFICE SUPPLIES 28.99 SAv-0N PRINTING INC. LETTERHEAD/ENVELOPES 150.55 WEST GROUP PAYMENT CTR OK STATUTES 24.00 0KLHOMA POLICE SUPPLY POWER SUPPLY 185.00 nExS0R8 FILM PROCESS |wGvmEET|NGSUPPLIES 47.98 OLYMPIC TROPHY &ENGRAVINGS EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION 218.20 GUTHLABORATOR|ES |NT0X|LYZERPART8 80.08 DAVIS & STANTON POLICE AWARDS AWARDS 175.50 OKLHOMx POLICE SUPPLY UNIFORM-DAVIS 74.80 PATROLTECHN0L0GY UNIFORMS/GEAR 1.459.50 CITY GARAGE CITY OpOvvA8GD VEH|CLEMA|NT 11.608.35 HOWARD STAMPER RETAINER 150.00 vVORKMED OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH MEDICAL TESTING 1e0.04 GENERAL WIRE &SUPPLY K-S DOG RUN 431.01 VENDOR NAME DETAIL DESCRIPTION AMOUNTS DEPT TOTAL IPMA WRITTEN EXAMS 346.00 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 10102 USE 189.27 SOUTHWESTERN BELL 10/02 PLEXAR 41.44 DAYS INN LODGING -4 OFFICERS 900.00 OK ASSN OF CHIEFS OF POLICE TRAINING CONFERENCE• - GREENE 125.00 TREASURER PE I TY CASH CERTIFICATION FEE 20.00 TOTAL RADIO INC RADIOS 9/17/02 13,293.25 A N Z SIGNS VEHICLE STRIPING 3,350.00 m POLICE DEPT 33,245.06 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INC SOFTWARE SUPPORT RENEWAL 8,247.00 � =�T POLICE COMMUNICATIONS DEPT 8,247.00 SOUTHWESTERN BELL 10/02 PLEXAR 41.91 ANIMAL CONTROL DEPT 41.99 OFFICE DEPOT CARD PLAN OFFICE SUPPLIES 108.04 WAL -MART COMMUNITY MAINT SUPPLIES 88.16 DRYSDALES INC WORK BOOTS- MCNICHOLS 89.99 DE WILLIAMS SHIELDS HELMET SHIELD REPLACEMENTS 761.00 HEIMAN FIRE EQUIP HELMETS 246.85 CASCO INDUSTRIES INC PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 9,839.00 CROW BURLINGAME REPAIR PARTS 26.69 GENUINE PARTS COMPANY-OKLAHOMA OIL/FLUIDS 26.30 JIM LANGS UPHOLSTERY REUPHOLSTERY OF SEATS 545.00 MACK TRUCK SALES OF TULSA INC VEHICLE REPAIR 577.97 CITY GARAGE CITY OF OWASSO VEHICLE MAINT 120.00 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 10/02 USE 306.77 LOWES COMPANIES INC REPAIR SUPPLIES 1,112.17 FIRE EQUIPMENT REPAIR SERVICE AIR COMPRESSOR TEST /REPAIR 399.00 OWASSO GLASS GLASS PARTITION 295.33 HARP ELECTRIC CO ELECTRICAL REPAIR 367.27 AT &T WIRELESS SERVICES PHONE USE -CHIEF 169.70 SOUTHWESTERN BELL 10/02 PLEXAR 182.31 FIRE SERVICE TRAINING OKLAHOMA TRAINING - BISHOP /ATWELL/MCNICHOLS 75.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH PER DIEM - STUCKEY 105.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH PER DIEM - FISHER 105.00 LOWES COMPANIES INC STORAGE CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS 786.27 LOWES COMPANIES INC PAINT /PRIMER 46.80 FIRE DEPT 16,379.62 ROGER VOSS REIMB FOR REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 115.24 CHEROKEE BUILDING MATERIALS CEILING TILES 96.96 SOUTHWESTERN BELL 10/02 PLEXAR 20.87 OK MUNICIPAL LEAGUE TRAINING- MOTTO/VOSS 170.00 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS DEPT 403.07 OWASSO STAFFING, LLC TEMP STAFFING 1,042.40 OWASSO STAFFING, LLC TEMP STAFFING 1,537.52 WAL -MART COMMUNITY REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 16.76 BROWN FARMS SOD DIRT /SOD 45.00 RAINBOW CONCRETE CO STORM DRAIN PROJECT 236.25 VENDOR NAME DETAIL DESCRIPTION AMOUNTS 0EPIZOTAL APAC-OKLAHOMA |NG ROCK6AGPHALT 30.05 MAXWELL SUPPLY OFTULSA REPA|R/MA|NTSUPPL|ES 125.52 vvELDR|LPRODUCTS ICE MELTING CHEMICALS 1.000.08 L&8TRUCKING DIRT/ROCK/SAND 400.00 T-SHIRT EXPRESS ETC WORK CAPS 25.50 A-OK @|GNS S|GNAGE 300,00 BROWN FARMS SOD MA|N770UPPL|ES 110.00 L@STRUCKING DIRT/SAND/ROCK 400.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH VEHICLE WASH 10,00 CITY GARAGE CITY OFOVVA03O VEH|CLEMA|NT 3.634J1 BEE LINE TRAFFIC CONTROL WIRE REPAIR 541.00 0GNxLTeK|NC 5|GNAL|ZAT|ON 097.98 EQUIPMENT ONE |NG EQUIP RENTALS 112.00 SOUTHWESTERN BELL 10/02PLEXAR 24.71 TREASURER PETTY CASH L|CENSE'MC6|LL 72.00 STREETS DEPT 10,481.98 0VvAS8O STAFFING, LLC TEMP STAFFING 480.48 0VVASSO STAFFING, LUC TEMP STAFFING 389.36 OVVASSO STAFFING, LLC TEMP STAFFING 443.04 HUGHES LUMBER CO REPAIR SUPPLIES 13152 FARM PLAN ANTIFREEZE 43.02 FARM PLAN UN|FDRMS'SMADB0LT 199.08 UN| FIRST CORPORATION UN|FORMRENTAUCLEAN|NG 47.45 CITY GARAGE CITY OFOvV&S3O VEM|CLEMA|NT 544.79 HUGHES LUMBER CO DRILL 149.55 SOUTHWESTERN BELL 1002 PLEXAR 0776 x-1 FENCE INC SAFETY FENCE 9,177.00 PARKS DEPT 11.683.05 OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 10/02 USE 2e4.82 SOUTHWESTERN BELL 1002PLEXAR 76.20 COMMUNITY CENTER DEPT 370.88 CITY GARAGE CITY OFOvvASSO VsH|CLEmA|wT 27J1 |EDC |EDtMEMGERSH|P'HAYE3 237.87 |soc PUBLICATIONS 380.03 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES PHONEV8E'HxYES 101.38 TREASURER PETTY CASH PERD|EM-HAYE3 186.00 R|CKEYHAYES LODGING REIMBURSEMENT 589.40 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DEPT 1.512.39 JOYCE CANAFAX REFUND OVERPAYMENT #30OS 492.82 AETNA REFUND OVERPAYMENT #4248 58.70 ALLIANCE MEDICAL INC AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 74.80 VVAL'MARTCOMMUw|TY MA|NTSUPPL|E8 3.88 PACE PRODUCTS 0F TULSA INC AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 191.00 TAYLORMADE LOCK &KEY LOCK'REKEY|NG 40.00 MEDICAL COMPLIANCE SPECIALITY . B|O4wASTED|SPOGAL 60.00 OKLHOmA POLICE SUPPLY REPAIR PARTS 23.00 TULSA FREIGHTLINER VEHICLE REPAIR 470.50 YENDOR NAME DETAIL DESCRLPTION JEFFERYGALLE8UO EMS AUDITS xTmTVNRELESSSERV|CE8 PHONE USE-OTHERS AAMBMLANCE SERVICE FUND SOUTHWESTERN BELL E'911 */E_9i1FUND MONTGOMERY WATSON AMERICAS ' WATER MASTER PLAN EXPANSION /CAPITAL CAPUTAL IMpROVEMENTS FUND PARTS ASSOCIATES INC REPAIR SUPPLIES UN|F|RGTCORP0RAT|ON UNIFORM RENTAL DU|K8EmV|CESTEEL REPAIR PARTS T&VvTIRE TIRES WARREN CAT REPAIR PARTS B&M TIRE CENTER INC REPAIR PARTS LOVVES COMPANIES INC REPA|n/MA|NTSUPPL|ES B&M OIL COMPANY INC OIL/LUBRICANTS AMERICAN HOSE &SUPPLY REPAIR PARTS 0'RE|LLY AUTOMOTIVE INC REPAIR PARTS TREASURER PETTY CASH REPAIR PARTS WILLIAMS REFUSE EQUIPMENT CO REPAIR PARTS OK TRUCK SUPPLY INC REPAIR PARTS GENUINE PARTS COMPANY-OKLAHOMA REPAIR PARTS FORD OFTULSA REPAIR PARTS OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS 10/02 USE SOUTHWESTERN BELL 1002PLEXAR JERRY WOODS VEHICLE REPAIR HOWARD STAMPER RADIO INSTALLATION JERRY WOODS WELDING SERVICES MILEAGE MASTERS TIRE REPAIR '�� w�/TY GARAGE FUND UNITED SAFETY & CLAIMS INC mOKMGMT PPOS0LUT|0NO MEDICAL REVIEWS CLAIMS RESEARCH SERVICES, INC S07002 JOEY L SMITH CITY GARAGE MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT VVORKMED OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH M07232.1307312 mED|C4PPHARMxQES W11141 FELDMAw.FRAmoEN.VvOODxRo M11O1o.C1113S OVVAS8D PHYSICAL THERAPY CLINIC J06172 CENTRAL STATES ORTHOPEDIC 807082 WARREN CLINIC INC S04102 FELDMAN.FnANDEN.VVO0CmRD M03151 0VVA86O PHYSICAL THERAPY CLINIC J00172.008122.Ro8292 TULSA BONE & JOINT ASSOC T08242 MAYS DRUG V10002 TED SMITH SETTLEMENT-8O1138 JOSEPH HARRIS SETTLEMEmT'HO420o TREASURER PETTY CASH So1no FILING FEE vWOmKER3 COMP FUND AMOUNTS DEPT TOTAL 250.00 91.20 1,755.86 2,064.49 2,064.49v-^ 7.8O4.40 ---------- 7.604.40 21723 129.52 367.80 oouO 173.43 592.84 20.16 953,40 37.10 845.07 16Ar 212.44 91.91 10.01 341,63 159.49 46.67 875.00 975.00 45.00 1/#7.6r 1,500.00 141/62 228.61 141.69 184.00 306.96 151.01 125.45 32.00 753.10 143.68 1522 25,000.00 nzon ~/ 30.744.46~ VENDOR NAME DETAIL UIES-CRIPTION AMOUNTS DEPT TOTAL PAVEYS PAINT & BODY SF° OP // VEHICLE BODY REPAIR 1,517'.44 i COLLISION SELF-INSURANCE � 18517°44,- INCOG MANAGEMENT ASSISTANCE � y � 373.38 /CAMTAL PROJECTS GRANTS 37138 CITY OF O ASSO FUND TOTAL 2111,493048 CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 11/02/02 aQ,p.a_rtment Overtime Expensed ]Lo�talExnse� General Fund 4 nicip-i'i' ourt,' 2,1 ,9 Managerial 0.00 13,493.70 Community Development 0.00 10,423.40 , 0.00 2,271.00 Police 2726 .6 2 82,758.3� Community-Senior Center 0.00 4 - 301.82 General Fund Total $3,434.15 $227,179.75 Garaqe Fund Total $0.00 $4,284.38 APPROVED: November 19, 2002 1= CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 11/02/02 Overtime Expenses Total Expenses Ambulance Fund Overtime Expenses Total Expenses Emergency 911 Fund Total Expenses APPROVED: November 19, 2002 TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM-. MICHELE DEMPSTER HUMAN RESOURCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: OMRF THRIFT PLAN AMENDMENT DATE: November 13, 2002 plan document to designate what we consider to be base wages. Approval of the proposed Joinder Agreement and Ordinance #724 would only change the plan definition of compensation to include the following: "Compensation for this purpose shall be defined as base wages only according to the personnel policies for the City of Owasso and will exclude such items as overtime pay, holiday pay, uniform expenses and other similar reportable wages. " This change will modify our plan document to match current practice and staffs original intent. The proposed ordinance has an effective date of July 1, 2002, enacting the plan document modification retroactive to the beginning of this fiscal year. Staff recommends approval of the revised OMRF Master Defined Contribution Plan Joinder Agreement and Ordinance #724 modifying our plan document definition of compensation effective July 1, 2002. Ordinance 4724 OMRF Master Defined Contribution Plan Joinder Agreement A AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ORDINANCE NO. 724 Fil , 11' 11 V ill l[Sli Section 1. The Employee Retirement System, Defined Contribution Plan, of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, is hereby amended as reflected on the attached Exhibit "A", which is incorporated herein and adopted by reference. These amendments shall become effective on July 1, 2002. Section 2. The City Clerk and Mayor be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute the amended Retirement System Plan documents and to do all the other acts necessary to put said amendment into effect and to maintain IRS qualification of the Plan. The executed amended document attached hereto as Exhibit "A" is hereby ratified and confirmed in all respects. Section 3. If, regardless of cause, any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, or clause of this ordinance, including the System as set forth in Exhibit "A" is held invalid or to be unconstitutional, the remaining sections, subsections, paragraphs, sentences, or clauses shall continue in full force and effect and shall be construed thereafter as being the entire provisions of this ordinance. Section 4. Any ordinance inconsistent with the terms and provisions of this ordinance is hereby repealed; provided, however, that such repeal shall be only to the extent of such inconsistency and in all other respects this ordinance shall be cumulative of other ordinances regulating and governing the subject rnatter covered by this ordinance. Section 5. The provisions of this ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days from the date of first publication as provided by lave. The foregoing ordinance was introduced before the City Council on the day of and was duly adopted and approved by the Mayor and City Council on the day of , - _ -__ , after compliance with notice requirements of the Open Meeting Law (25 ®SA, Section 301, et seq.). W A II ! ;I: T City of Owasso, a city, town, agency, instiurnentality, or public trust located in the State of Oklahoma, with its principal office at Owasso, Oklahoma, hereby establishes a Defined Contribution Plan to be known as City of Owasso Plan (the "Plan ") in the f nn of the Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund Master Defined Contribution Plano Except as otherwise provided herein, the definitions in Article 11 of the Plan apply, 1® abates® This instrument is a, new plan effective 2. Employee. The word "Employee" shall mean: Any person who, on or after the Effective Date, . The word "Employee" shall not include: Any person who is currently accruing benefits under any other state or local retirement system. Any person who 3. Ell gibffltya Employees shall be eligible to participate in the Plan: (Select only one) _ months (any number of months up to twelve) after the later of the Employee's Employment Commencement Date or the date the definition of Employee shown above was met. X On the Employee's Employment Commencement Date. (If the Employer has opted out of Old Age and Disability Insurance (O I), this option must be elected). M- � Pick-up Option. Each Employee shall be required to contribute to the Plan 1/o (not to exceed 10%) of his or her Compensation. These contributions shall be picked up and assumed by the Employer and paid to the Fund in lieu of contributions by the Participant. No Participant shall have the option of receivinF the contributed amounts directly as Compensation. X Thrift Plan Op ion. X The Employer shall contribute to the Fund an amount equal to 50% of the total Mandatory Contributions contributed by Participants. N The Employer contribution together with amounts forfeited, if any, shall be allocated in the proportion which the Mandatory Contributions of each such Participant for such Valuation Period bear to the total Mandatory Contributions contributed by all such Participants for such Valuation Period. The Employer shall not contribute to the Fund a percentage of the total Mandatory Contributions contributed by Participants. The Employer intends to make a contribution to the Plan for the benefit of the Participants for each Valuation Period. The contribution may be varied from year to year by the Employer. (Select one option below) The Employer contribution together with Amounts Forfeited, The Employer contribution together with Amounts Forfeited, if any, shall be allocated in the proportion which the Compensation of each such Participant for such Valuation Period bears to the Compensation paid to all such Participants for such Valuation Period. N 5e Other Participant Contribution Options. [ ] Voluntary Nondeductible Conta°ibutions by Participants shall be allowed under the provisions of Section 4.5 of the Mara (but not exceeding 15% of Compensation). j A Participant may not withdraw Voluntary Nondeductible Contributions, Participants shall not contribute to the Plan. m Self-Directed Investments. [ j Are permitted. C Are not permitted. 7. Allocation of Forfeitures Available. j Shall be added to Employer conta°ibutiono ] Shall reduce the Employer contribution, 9 Valuation Date. -4- 10. Vesting. For purposes of vesting under Section 6,4 of the Plan, the Employer hereby elects the following Option: a Option A Nested Forfeited Fears of Service percentage Pereenta e less than 1 0% 100% at least 1 but less than 2 10% 90% at least 2 but less than 3 20% 80% at least 3 but less than 4 30% 70% at least 4 but less than 5 40% 60% at least 5 but less than 6 50% 50% at least 6 but less than 7 60% 40% at least 7 but less than 8 70% 30% at least 8 but less than 9 80% 20% at least 9 but less than 10 90% 10% 10 or more 100% 0% [ Option Vested Forfeited Years of Service Percentage Percentage less than 3 0% 100% at least 3 but less than 4 20% 80% at least 4 but less than 5 40% 60% at least 5 but less than 6 60% 40% at least 6 but less than 7 80% 20% 7 or more 100% 0% C Option C Vested Forfeited Years of Service Percentage Percentage less than 5 0% 100% at least 5 but less than 6 50% 50% at least 6 but less than 7 60% 40% at least 7 but less than 8 70% 30% at least 8 but less than 9 80% 20% at least 9 but less than 10 90% 10% 10 or more 100% 0% -5- [ X ] Option D The Schedule indicated below.- 11® Participant Loans. X Participant loans shall be offered pursuant to Section 6014 of the Plan. Participant loans shall not be offered. m 12. Committee. The Committee, consisting of the following members, agrees to administer the Plan pursuant to the provisions thereof, Rangy_BrocLdon Name (Please print) Signature Michael Helm Name (Please print) Signature Rebecca Name (Please print) Signature Susan Xiinball Name (Please print) Signature Gary Cochran Name (Please print) Signature Name (Please print) Signature Name (Please print) Signature Name (Please print) Signature Name (Please print) Signature Name (Please print) Signature -7- Ityl 3 �h 3 TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM- MARCIA BOUTWELL CITY CLERK SUBJECT- REQUEST FOR DFFF D , TIRF,MENT ATE- October 13, 2002 I ,, Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund (OMRF), the retirement plan for non - police and fire employees, requires the City Council acting as the OMRF Retirement Committee to approve applications for retirement. There are three different types of applications for retirement. The first is normal retirement, age 65 or older. The second is early retirement, between ages 55 and 65, and the third is deferred retirement. An employee is eligible to apply for deferred retirement if upon leaving employment he /she is fully vested in the City's retirement plan and is under the age of 65. Upon turning the age selected by the individual (between age 55 and 65), he /she will begin receiving monthly checks from OMRF. November 1, 2002 was the last day of employment for Charles Nicholson and Ronnie Flick. Mr. Nicholson and Mr. Flick were employees of the City in excess of five years. Therefore, both Mr. Nicholson and Mr. Flick are fully vested in our retirement plan. Mr. Nicholson and Mr. Flick have elected to apply for deferred retirement. Staff recommends approval of Charles Nicholson's and Ronnie Flick's application for deferred retirement. TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR & crry COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM-. MICHELE DEMPSTER HUMAN RESOURCE DIRE CTOR SUBJECT- LIABILITY INSURANCE RENEWAL FOR 2002-2003 DATE. November 13, 2002 BACKGROUND- The City of Owasso, through its use of a variety of insurance products, programs and training seeks to minimize the City's exposure to risk. The single most important component of a Risk Management Plan is the comprehensive municipality liability product. The comprehensive liability package includes Property, Wind & Hail, Equipment, General Liability, Automobile Liability, Law Enforcement Liability, and Public Official Liability. IN"QUIL191 Our local agent Moe Hogan, an affiliate of Rich & Cartmill, has attempted to solicit quotes from various insurance carriers who write property and liability insurance for municipalities. Two carriers, OMAG and Trident declined to quote due to excessive claims over a five year period. A third company, Coregis, did not respond to the request for a quote. Our current carrier, Specialty National submitted a quote to continue our current coverage with an annual premium increase of $68,205. It should be noted that a staff review of the City's five year claim history indicates that 75% of all claims between 1997 and 2002 were contained in only three cases. One was a $254,376 court ordered payment stemming from a 2001 lawsuit filed by ten police officers; another was a $114,954 payment relating to a 1999 lawsuit filed by a police officer, and the third $40,000 payment to Jesse Honeycut relating to an "unlawful arrest" in 2000. That data indicates the bulk of the "excessive claims" (used to justify the higher premiums) are unique in nature and not representative of the "norm". Additionally, rates have been affected by the nationwide increase in coverage due to the events of September 11, 2001. However, the City must have insurance protection and all efforts to convince the insurance carriers to consider the unique nature of the claims has failed to gain a reduction in the premiums. Therefore, in an effort to reduce this increase staff has reviewed deductibles for each type of coverage. The deductibles that are currently in place are as follows: $1,000 for property Damage $2,500 for Wind &flail Damage $1,000 for Equipment $2,500 for General Liability $2,500 for Law Enforcement Liability $2,500 for Public Officials Liability $2,500 for Auto Liability Staff has determined that increasing deductibles would be an effective method of managing this overall increase. Also, in an attempt to manage this increase, staff recommends dropping Equipment coverage. This policy covers replacement of equipment loss through natural disasters and accidents, The majority of equipment covered by this policy has a value of less than $5,000. Therefore, we are not assuming a huge amount of risk by dropping coverage instead of increasing the deductible to $5,000. Staff recommends the following deductibles: Currently annual premiums are $151,831, without any changes in deductibles or coverage the premiums for the upcoming year would be $220,036. However, the premiums based on the recommended increases in deductibles and discontinuing Equipment coverage would be $185,092. Staff recommends the following: Renew our contract with Specialty National; ® Increase deductibles for Property Damage and Wind /flail Damage to $25,000; ® Increase deductibles for General Liability, Law Enforcement Liability, Public Officials Liability and Auto Liability to $5,000; and ® Discontinue coverage through an outside carrier for Equipment. I I j V 02 114, M NNOTHIF-1191 TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM4 RODNEY J. RAY CITY MANAGER SUBJECT. PROPOSED CHANGE IN WARD BOUNDARIES, ORDINANCE 9725 DATE: November 15, 2002 State Statutes (I I O.S. Article XX, Section 20101 requires that: "As soon as practical following each federal census, the municipal governing body shall review the wards and ward boundaries of the municipality. The governing body shall change the boundaries.... if necessary... so that the wards are formed of compact and contiguous territory and are substantially equal in population. Detailed data from the 2000 Federal Census became available to local governments in the early part of 2002. Since that time the staff has reviewed the existing ward boundaries in relation to the population numbers provided by the census. Based on that review, a determination was made that the ward boundaries should be changed to reflect the changing population density and better distribute the city's population throughout the five wards. That effort has resulted in the attached map showing the proposed wards. This proposal represents a significant amount of analysis on the part of the staff and three separate reviews by the City Council. 1,01 As required by law, the proposed change in ward boundaries was included in a public notice in The Owasso Reporter on October 17, 2002. During the thirty-day notice period, only one comment/question was received. PROPOSED WARD BOUNDARIES NOVEMBER 15, 2002 PAGE 2 POPULATION- Based on a census tract count that was updated as of 2002, the wards as proposed contain the following populations: Ward I - 2,063 Ward 11 - 3,603 Ward III m 4,011 Ward IV - 3,800 Ward V ... 5,000 It should be noted that growing cities have traditionally attempted to avoid having to regularly change ward boundaries by recognizing that specific growth areas will gain population over the corning ten-year period. As a result, those areas are generally assigned smaller population numbers to allow for growth. Such is the case in this proposal. Ware One, as proposed contains fewer people than the other wards, but also has the greatest potential for growth. additionally, Ward Two is also a growth areas It should also be noted that a strong effort has been made, when possible, to keep neighborhoods within a single ward. This effort should make it significantly easier for a citizen to quickly recognize in which ward they reside. The staff recommends City Council adoption of Ordinance #725. 1. Ordinance #725 2. Proposed Ward Map WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Title 11, Section 20• -101, et. Seq, of the Statues of the State of Oklahoma, the City of Owasso following each federal census shall review ward boundaries and, if necessary, shall change the boundaries so that the wards are formed of compact and contiguous territory and are substantially equal in population; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Owasso conducted such a review and found it necessary to change ward boundaries; !!" THEREFORE, OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA; SEC. 1-201. WARDS AND BOUNDARIES The boundaries of the Wards of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma shall be as follows: WARD ONE: A tract of land beginning at point of the intersection of the centerline of N. 97' E. Avenue and the AT & SF railroad right-of-way, thence southwest along the west right-of-way boundary of the AT & SF railroad right-of-way to the north right-of- way line of E. 96' Street North, thence west along the north right-of-way line of E. 96' Street North for a distance of 662 feet to a point, thence north one mile to the south section line of Section 12, thence west 673.32 feet, thence continuing west along the south section line of Section 12 to the centerline of Memorial Drive, thence north along the centerline of Memorial Drive one quarter of a mile to a point, thence east one quarter of a mile, thence south one quarter of a mile to the south section line of Section 12, thence east to the northwest corner of the NE /4 of the NW /4 of the NE /4 of Section 13, thence east along the north section line of Section 13 for 292 feet to a point, thence south for 658 feet to a point, thence east for 381 feet, thence south for 658 feet, thence east for 661 feet, thence north for 673 feet, thence east for 616 feet to the point of beginning; and A tract of land beginning at a point of the intersection of the centerlines of N. 97' E. Avenue and E. 106`h Street North, thence north one half mile to a point along the north boundary of the Metro heights Addition, thence east to the west right-of-way of the AT & SF railroad, thence southwest along the west right -of -Way of the AT &SF railroad right -of -way to the centerline of E. 106' Street North, thence west along the centerline of E. 106' Street North to the point of beginning; and A tract of land beginning at the southwest corner of the intersection of E. 116' Street North and N. 97' E. Avenue, thence west and continuing along the boundary of the Hillside Estates Addition to the centerline of N. 97' E. Avenue, thence north to a point one eighth of a mile south of E. 116' Street North, thence east to the west right -of -way Pane of the AT & SF railroad, thence northeast along the west right -of -way line of the AT & SF railroad to the centerline of E. 116' Street North, thence west along the centerline of E. 116` Street North to the point of beginning; and A tract of land beginning at the centerline of E. 106' Street North, one half mile west of N. Garnett Road, thence north one half mile to a point, thence east 660 feet to a point along the west boundary of the Meadowerest Addition, thence south and east along the boundary of the Meadowcrest Addition to a point along the centerline of N. Garnett Road, thence north along the centerline of N. Garnett Road to a point equal to the southern boundary of the German Acres Addition, thence cast along the southern boundary of the German Acres Addition to the southeast corner of said addition, thence north and west along the boundaries of said addition to the centerline of N. Garnett Road, thence north along the centerline of N. Garnett Road to a point equal to the south boundary of the Burlingame Center Addition, thence cast along the south boundary of the Burlingame Center Addition to the southeast corner of said addition, thence north along the east boundary of said addition to the centerline of E. 116' Street North, thence cast along the centerline of E. 116' Street North to a point equal to the southeast corner of the Brookfield Crossing Addition, thence north along the cast boundary of the Brookfield Crossing Addition to the northeast corner of said addition, thence west and south along the north and west boundaries of said addition to the centerline of E. 116" Street North, thence west along the centerline of E. 110 Street North to the centerline of N. Garnett Road, thence north along the centerline of N. Garnett Road to a point equal to the north boundary of Country Estates V Addition, thence west along the north boundary of the Country Estates V Addition to the cast right-of-way line of the AT & SF railroad right-of-way, thence southwest along the AT & SF right-of-way to a point one half mile south of E. 116'h Street North, thence cast 384 feet to a point, thence south one half mile to the centerline of E. 106' Street North, thence east along the centerline of E. 106' Street North to the point of beginning; and A tract of land beginning at the intersection of the centerlines of E. 116" Street North and N. 129' E. Avenue, thence south approximately 490 feet to a point, thence east 534 feet to a point, thence south 702 feet to a point, thence west 534 feet to the centerline of N. 129' E. Avenue, thence south to a point one half mile south of E. 116' Street North, thence east 1320 feet to a point, thence south 600 feet to a point, thence cast 1047 feet to a point, thence southwest parallel to US 169 to the centerline of E. 106' Street North, thence east 100 feet to a point, thence north one mile parallel to US 169 to the centerline of E. 116'h Street North, thence west along the centerline of E. 116' Street North to the point of beginning; and A tract of land beginning at the intersection of the centerlines of E. 116' Street North and N. 145' E. Avenue, thence west along the centerline of E. 116' Street North to the cast right-of-way line of US 169, thence south along the east right-of-way line of US 169 to a point 1319 feet north of E. 106' Street North to a point, thence cast to the centerline of N. 145' E. Avenue, thence south along the centerline of N. 145" E. Avenue to the centerline of E. 106' Street North, thence west along the centerline of E. 106' Street North to the east right-of-way of US 169. thence southwest along the east right-of-way line of US 169 to the half section line of Section 16, thence east along the half section line of Section 16 to the centerline of N .145' E. Avenue, thence north along the centerline of N. 145' E. Avenue to the centerline of E. 106' Street North, thence east along the centerline of E. 106' Street North one half mile to a point, thence north one half mile to a point, thence west one half mile to the centerline of N. 145' E. Avenue, thence north along the centerline of N. 145' E. Avenue to the point of beginning. (EXHIBIT A) WARD TWO: A tract of land beginning at a point along the west right-of-way line of US 169 and the centerline of E. 8' Street, thence west along the centerline of E. 8' Street to the centerline of N. Cedar Street, thence north along the centerline of N. Cedar Street to the centerline of E. 86' Street North, thence west along the centerline of E. 86' Street North to the centerline of N. 97' E. Avenue (Mingo Road), thence north along the centerline of N. 97' E. Avenue to a point equal to the southern boundary of the Hale Addition, thence east, north, and west along the boundaries of the Hale Addition to return to the centerline of N. 97' E. Avenue, thence north along the centerline of N. 97' E. avenue to the centerline of E. 96' Street North, thence west one eighth of one mile along the centerline of E. 96' Street North, thence north one eighth of a mile to a point, thence east one eighth of a mile to a point along the centerline of N. 97' E. Avenue, thence north along the centerline of N. 97ffi E. Avenue to the centerline of E. 106' Street North, thence east along the centerline of E. 106' Street North to the centerline of N. Garnett Road, thence south along the centerline of N. Garnett Road to a point equal to the northern boundary of the Sawgrass at Bailey Ranch Addition, thence east and south along the north and west boundary of the Sawgrass at Bailey Ranch Addition, thence south and east following the existing city limit lines to the centerline of N. 129" E. Avenue, thence south along the centerline of N. 129' E. Avenue to a point along the west right-of-way line of US 169, thence southwest along said west right- of-way line of US 169 to the point of beginning. (EXHIBIT B) WARD THREE: A tract of land beginning at a point along the east right-of-way line of US 169 and the centerline of E. 96"' Street North, thence southwest along the east right-of-way line of US 169 to a point equal to the northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 4, Three Lakes III Addition, thence east along the rear lot lines of Lots I thru 17 of the Three Lakes III Addition to a point along the rear property line of Lot 2, Block 2 of Lakeridge Third Addition, thence north along the rear property line of Lot 2, Block 2, of Lakeridge Addition to the northwest corner of said lot, thence southeast along the north property line of Lot 2, Block 2 of Lakeridge Third Addition to a point on the centerline of N. 123`d E. Avenue, thence south along the centerline of N. 123`d E. Avenue to the centerline of E. 86' Street North, thence east along the centerline of E. 86 " Street North to the centerline of N. 129' East Avenue, thence south along the centerline of N. 129" East Avenue to a point equal to the southern boundary of the Copper Meadows Addition, thence east along the southern boundary of the Copper Meadows Addition and the existing city limits line to the east section line of Section 28, thence north along the east section line of Section 28 to the centerline of E. 86`" Street North, thence east along the centerline of E. 86 " Street North to a point one - eighth of a mile west of N. 16156 E. Avenue, thence north and east along the existing city limits line to the centerline of N. 16151 E. Avenue, thence north and west along the existing city limits line to the centerline of N. 146"' East Avenue, thence west and north along the existing city limits line to the centerline of E. 96`' Street North, thence west along the centerline of E. 96' Street North to a point equal to the southeast corner of the First Baptist Church of Owasso Addition, thence north and west along the existing city limit lines to the east right- of-way line of US 169, thence southwest along the east right-of-way line of US 169 to the point of beginning. (EXHIBIT C) WARD FOUR: A tract of land beginning one -half mile south of E. 76' Street North and adjacent to the west right-of-way line of US 169, thence north approximately one mile along the west right-of-way line of US 169 to a point equal to the rear property line of Lots 12 thru 17 of Three Lakes Industrial Park Phase II and Lots 7 and 8, Block 5 of Three Lakes Addition; thence east along those rear property lines to a point at the southeast corner of Lot 6, Block 5 of Three Lakes Addition, thence north along the rear property lines of Lots 1 thru 6 of Block 5 and Lots 26 thru 38 of Block 4 of the Three Lakes Addition, thence east along the rear property lines of Lots 12 thru 24 and Lots 3 and 4 of Block 4 of the Three Lakes Addition, thence north along the east property lines of Lots 1 and 2 of Block 4, Lot 16 of Block 1, and Lots 1 thru 12 of Block 1 of the Three Lakes Addition to the centerline of E. 86°i Street North, thence east along the centerline of E. 86"' Street North to the centerline of North 123rd East Avenue, thence north along the centerline of North 123`d East Avenue to a point equal to the northeast property line of Lot 2, Block 2 of Lakeridge Third Addition, thence northwest along said property line to the northwest corner of Lot 2, Block 2 of Lakeridge Addition, thence South along the western property line of Lot 2, Block 2, of Lakeridge Addition to the northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 2 of Lakeridge Addition, thence west along said property line of Lot 1, Block 2 of Lakeridge Addition, continuing west along the rear property lines of Lots 1 thru 17 of the Three Lakes III Addition to a point along the west right -of -way line of US 169, thence south along the west right -of -way line of US 169 to a point along the centerline of E. 8' Street, thence west along the centerline of E. 8"' Street to a point intersecting the centerline of N. Cedar Street, thence north along the centerline of N. Cedar Street to a point along the southern right -of -way line of E. 86' Street North, thence west along the south right-of- way line of E. 86"' Street North to the east right- of-way line of the AT & SF Railroad, thence south and east along the east right -of -way line of AT & SF Railroad to a point equal to three- fourths of a mile west of the west right -of -way line of US -169, thence south from that point to the centerline of E. 76' Street North, thence south and east along the existing city limit line to the point of beginning. ( EXHBIT D) WARD FIVE: A tract of land beginning at a point along the east right-of-way line of US 169 that is 1/8 of a mile south of E. 76t" Street North, thence east and north along the existing city limit line to a point along the centerline of Section 32, thence south and east along the centerline of Section 32 and the existing city limit line to a point along the centerline of N. 129' E. Avenue that is one half mile south of E. 76" Street North, thence north along the centerline of N. 129' E. Avenue to a point along the centerline of E. 86`h Street North, thence west along the centerline of E. 86' Street North to a point equal to the east lot line of Lot 1, Block I of the Three Lakes Addition, thence south along the cast property lines of Lots I thru 12, and Lot 16 of Block 1 and Lots I and 2 of Block 4 of the Three Lakes Addition, thence west along the rear property lines of Lots 3 and 4 and Lots 12 thru 24 of Block 4 of the Three Lakes Addition, thence south along the rear lot lines of Lots 26 and 28 thru 38 of Block 4 and Lots I thru 6 of Block 5 of Three Lakes Addition, thence west along the rear lot lines of Lots 7 and 8, Block 5 of Three Lakes Addition and Lots 12 thru 17 of Three Lakes Industrial Park to a point along the cast right-of-way line of US 169, thence south along the cast right-of-way line of US 169 to the point of beginning. (EXHIBIT E) SEC. 1-202. WARD BOUNDARIES MAP The boundaries of the Wards of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma as described in See. I- 201 of this Chapter are general in nature, and the Owasso Ward Boundaries Map of the City of Owasso attached hereto is the official map for determining the official boundary lines of said Wards. In the event that the description of the Ward boundaries in Sec. I- 201 of this Chapter are at variance with the official Owasso Ward Boundaries Map, then the Ward Boundaries as defined by the official Owasso Ward Boundaries map on file in the office of the City Clerk shall prevail in the determination of the official Ward Boundary Lines for the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. (EXHIBIT F) SECTION 2. The official Owasso Ward Boundaries Map shall be on file at the office of the City Clerk of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma for public review. PASSED AND APPROVED this 19'h day of November, 2002. Michael Helm, Mayor Wam�iaBoutwell, City Clerk 0359r • • • flm Stephen P. Gray, City Attorney x € � 1 12 i 1 TOe T14E HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM ROBERT MOO CITY PLANNER SUBJECT. EASEMENT CLOSING REQUEST LOT (S) 7 & 8, BLOCK I, NICHOLS HEIGHTS ADDITION ORDINANCE NO. 726 DATE. November 129 2002 BACKGROUND: The City of Owasso has received a request for the closing of a utility easement from Greg Wyley, applicant, on behalf of Bob Ary, owner. More specifically, the applicant is requesting to close a utility easement described as the eastern 5' utility easement of Lot 8, Block 1, and the western 5' utility easement of Lot 7, Block 1, Nichols Heights Addition. The subject property is located on the southeast corner of the 86th Street N. and Main Street intersection. A general area map is included with your packet. f. The applicant is requesting this easement closure in order to demolish the existing structure and construct a new automotive facility on the subject property. Staff feels that it is in the best interest of the City to approve the easement closure and welcome the opportunity to revitalize this high intensity commercial corner. And, although the City's Public Works Department had maintained the easement for purposes of locating a sanitary sewer line, the line has been abandoned. Included with your packet is a letter from the City Engineer stating that the line located within the easement has been abandoned by the City of Owasso. Requests for input from the Technical Advisory Committee were sent via the TAC Agenda packet to SW Bell, Cox Cable, PSO, and ONG; as well as City utilities. The TAC meeting was held on October 30, 2002 at 2:00 p.m. in the Main Conference Room at City Hall. No comments were received regarding the easement closing at that meeting. EASEMENT CLOSING REQUEST NOVEMBER 12, 2002 PAGE 2 PLANNING COMMISSION: On Monday, November 11, 2002, the Owasso Manning; Commission unanimously approved the request. Ordinance No. 726, attached for your review, would allow the Council to close the above., described utility easement. COMMENDATION Staff recommends Council approval of Ordinance Igo. 726, thus closing the eastern 5' utility easement of Lot 8, Block 1, and the western S' utility easement of Lot 7, block 1, Nichols Heights .Addition subject to the following condition: 1. The applicant provides a copy of the official easement closure prior to the issuance of building Permits. ATTACHMENTS: EIS TS: 1. general Area Map. 2. Basement Closure Petition. 3. Planning Commission Staff Report. 4. Letter from Public Works. 5. Ordinance Rio. 726. NIC HOLS' HEIGHTS, 98911 AN ADDIi'WN TO WA55 TUU5A C0,0KLA, t LOCATION MAP �9 �d T. ®R T H T. 204.5 �5 `� /18 75 l 1p 29 {{ V' 4,.9 3 28 3 3 °14 .( r s 4 e 2T 4 NI s zs e AI .dJ 4 5 7 s 24 i " P r� 23 .I o a ee k" . C° .:,r t ® 1 :7) — f 9 4 —V, 2 s I m r,r l a ®® B � id 20 6� !2 a A 13 V 1743 EAST 71ST STREET TULSA, 0](LAHONIA 74136 -5108 1,EE 1, LEVINSON DANNY C. WILLIA1,IS E. ROBERT BUSS KATRfNA S. BODEN IAiMER OF COUNSEL. KENNETH I). $ODE;NixAib ER Kr,:N dY JOE SMITH October 1, 200 Mr. Robert Moore City planner City of Owasso Via Band Delivery ICED Vacation of Platted Easement in Nichols Heights Bob Any Dear Mr, Moores TELEPHONE (918) 492-4433 FAX (918) 492-6224 rbtxss@sbeglobal.net Pursuant to our discussions, please accept this letter as our request for an ordinance closing the platted utility easement lying on the East side of Lot 8 and the West side of Lot 7, dock 1, Nichols Heights addition. Enclosed for your reference you will find a copy of the flat and $25.00 application fee. Greg Wylie will provide you with a copy of a boundary survey depicting the location of the easements. It is my understanding the Mr. Wylie has discussed this matter with Phil Lutz and that the City does not have any objection to closing these easements. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, Bodenhamer & Levinson, P.C. E.-Roberi BLISS E /dj h enc. cc: Bob Ary, w/o enc. CITY OF OWASSO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT EASEMENT CLOSURE (Greg Wylie) STAFF REPORT BACKGROUND D The City of Owasso has received a request from Greg Wyley, applicant, on behalf of Bob Ary, owner, for the closing of the western 5' utility easement of Lot S, Block 1, and the eastern 59 utility easement of Lot 7, block 1, Nichols Heights Addition. The subject property is located on the southeast corner of the 86`" Street N. and Main Street intersection. A site plan and a general area map are included with your packet. LOCATION The subject property is located on the southeast corner of the S6`" Street N. and Main Street intersection, further described as Lots 7 & 8, Block 1, Nichols Heights, Owasso, Old. EXISTING LAND USE Detail - Automotive Center SURROUNDING L A USE North: Vacant South: Residential - Single Family Fast: Residential - Single Family Nest: Vacant - (Future mini - storage units) PRESENT ZONING CG (Commercial General District) SURROUNDING ZONI G North: CG (Commercial General District) South: RS -3 (Residential Single Family District) East: RS -3 (Residential Single Family District) West: CG (Commercial General District) ZONING REQUIREMENTS The subject property is zoned CG (Commercial General District). According to the City of Owasso Zoning Code, an automotive center falls within Use Unit 17 (Automotive and Allied Activities) and is permitted by right. ANALYSIS The applicant is requesting this easement closure in order to demolish the existing structure and construct a new automotive facility on the subject property. Apparent to staff is the fact that without the approved easement closure, the proposed structure would encroach the existing easenent. Staff feels that it is in the best interest of the City to approve the easement closure and welcome the opportunity to revitalize this high intensity commercial corner. ,staff has consulted with interested City departments concerning the easement closure. And, although at one time the City's Public Works Department did maintain the easement for purposes of locating a sanitary sewer line, staff has been informed that the line has been abandoned. For your information and review, 1 have attached a copy of a letter sent to the applicant by the City Engineer. If approved by the Planning Commission, this item does require City Council fiction. ATTACHMENT S 1. General Area Map 20 Easement Closure Application 30 setter from Mr. Phil Lutz, City of Owasso Engineer Public Works Department NE O 301 West 2' Avenue p ¢ �� (918) 272 -4959 P.O. Box 180 `: y. FAX (918) 272 -4996 Owasso, OK 74055 ' October 1, 2002 Gregg Wylie Construction SUBJECT: Vacation of Utility Easement Block 1, Lots 7 & 8 Nichols Heights, Owasso, Oklahoma Dear Mr. Wylie. This letter is to inform you that vacation of the five - foot -wide utility easements at the east perimeter of Lot 7 and the west side of Lot 8 is acceptable to the city. The existing sanitary sewer line currently_ located within the Lot 7 easement has been abandoned. There are no other utilities within the Lot 8 easement. ly, SO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARMENT Phri°ru "tz, Engineeri Project Manager cc: Public Works Director WHEREAS, the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, has deemed it necessary and expedient to close to the public use a portion of a certain utility easement; WHEREAS, said utility easement is described as follows: The eastern 5' utility easement of Lot g, Mock 1, and the western 5' of Lot 7, Block 1, Nichols Heights Addition, an Addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. VMEREAS, pursuant to Title II, Oklahoma Statutes, Section 42-110, the only holders of a franchise or purported holders of a franchise that may purport to have a special right or privilege to use said utility easement are Public Service Company of Oklahoma, and/or Oklahoma Natural Gas Company, and/or Southwestern Hell Telephone Company, and/or Cox Communications Company, and; WHERE AS, the above holders of franchise or purported holders of a franchise that may purport to have a special right or privilege to use said utility easement have waived their objections to the closure of said easement, if any. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CI'T'Y OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT, .. Section 1. The following described utility easement, be, and the same is hereby closed to the public use, to -wit: The eastern 5' utility easement of Lot S, Block 1, and the western 5' of Lot 7, Block 1, Nichols Heights Addition, an Addition to the City of -Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. Section 2. The municipality shall retain the absolute right to reopen the public way or easement without expense to the municipality. Closing of the public way or easement shall not affect the right to maintain, repair, reconstruct, operate or remove utility, public service corporation, or transmission company facilities of service therein, nor shall a closing affect private ways existing by operation of law unless released in writing by the owners thereof. Section 3. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby expressly repealed. PASSED AND APPROVED this 19' day of November, 2002. l:"lTMIN CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA Marcia 13outwell, City Clerk Mayor Stephen P. Gray, City Attorney TOe THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROMa F. ROBERT CA RR, JR., P.E. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SUBJECT. BID AWARD INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS — EASI' 86r11 STREE°I NORTH AND NORTH 145TH EAST AVENUE DATE- November 12, 2002 Included in the 1998 bond issue, this project involves the widening and signalization of the intersection at East 86th Street North and North 145th East Avenue. Engineering design was initiated early in 1998 by CH2MHi11. In 2002, a large natural gas pressure regulating station was found to be located on a private easement in close proximity to the proposed roadway. Relocation of the pressure regulating station was authorized at a cost of $222,031. The most recent engineering estimate for the project is approximately $880,000 (prepared in December 2001). The project budget has been amended to $1,150,000 The project was advertised in October 2002, and three bids were received on November 11, 2002 as summarized in the attachment. The apparent low base bid was submitted by Eecco Contractors Inc. (Tulsa, Oklahoma) in the amount of $728,546.10. Additive alternates for eliminating the lift station at Hodgson Elementary School and temporary paving that will enable keeping 86th Street open during all phases of construction in the amount of $28,500 have been added to the project total. Sufficient budget remains to include all lanes on the northeast corner of the intersection; therefore the deductive alternate has not been included in the project total. Bid Award E. 86th Street North and N. 145`" E. Avenue Intersection Improvements Becco Contractors has met all requirements of the bid process. Additionally, under contract with the Oklahoma Department of Transportation, Becco is currently constructing improvements at East 76th Street North and US Highway 169. Although not proceeding as originally scheduled, their work has been found to be acceptable. FUNDING SOURCE- Sufficient funds remain in the 1998 bond Issue for this project. RE COMMENDATION- Staff recormriends Council award a contract for construction of the E. 86th Street North and N. 145t" E. Avenue Intersection Improvements Project (including Alternates 1 and 3) to Becco Construction, Inc., Tulsa, Oklahoma in the total amount of $757,046.10. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Bid Tabulation Summary BASE BID BID TABULATION SUMMARY PAGE 1 OF 3 i BECCO CONTRACTORS, INC. COMPANY, INC. APAC - OKLAHOMA, INC. ITEM NO SPEC. i0l­­ UNIT DESCRIPTION -clearing QNTY. TOTAL EACH TOTALEACH COST TOTALEACH ITEM and an- in 7 - 86.00 -- 1,302.00 CY­ -unclassified excavation 8,639 5.50 13.00 112,307.00 3 205 CY type A salvaged topsoil 1,530 1 16,830.00 - 4 222 LF temporary bale barrier 265 2.50 662.50 Z50 -66-26-0- -2.50 662Z0 5_ 6 223 LFF- Je-por-r�vsdw fence 345 2.50 -86250 -150.00 1 .0 348A5 1.20 41 00 4� 225 EA temporary sediment basin 3 50.00 125.00 375.00 260.00 - , - ------ 780.00 7 8 230(A) solid slab sodding 3,200 -1.50 -4,80000 1,85 - ---- 1.42 4,544.00 9 232(0) 2303 3 (A) AC seeding method C 3 800.00 2,400.00 600.00 1,800.00 2,358.0,0 10 3 CY 3 -, 80000 2,400.00 400.00 1,200.00 2,358.00 a qreaate base tvnp A 128 --------- 21,00 44,688.00 25.00 3�2qo.00 30 64,691-20 11 12 306 307(A) CY subbase (select) Lime 3,670 - 13.00 ­47,710.00 - _5� -.40 ___14.18 20.30 -85.00 _74,501.00 13 307(8) SY 8" lime treated subg de na 2 3 14,884 50.00 13,150-00 87.40 22,986.2O 22,355.00 14 325 SY-- separator fabric 1.50 22,32600 2.90 43,163.60 260 -- --- ---- 38,698.40 15 407 --GAL 18,471 0.80 14,776.80 0.85 15,700-35 0.82 -k.-23 15,146.22 16 ___tack coat 1.271 1.30 1,652.30 1.13 1,4 0.94 1,194.74 17 408 411 (A) GAL TON- __-f __ prime coat _ phaltic co -a -s- ncrete type A (PG 64-22 OK) 1,911 4586 '0" 1.30 -2400 2,484.30 110,064.00 --- - ---- - - 1.49 2,847.39 2.50 2&84 4,777.50 18 411(B) -- ON- _?sphaltic concrete type B (PG 64-22 OK) '39 28.00 51 49200 132,260.24 31 31.14 57,266.46 3425 142,166.00 19 411(C) TON asphaltic concrete type C (PG 64-22 OK) - -----�q - 1 5 15 --32.06- - 32.07 05 35.25 4,053.75 21 21 Sy pavement -12.0-0 -1,7646-o _3,688 - - - 800, 1 189.23 6-90 22 420(A) S Y fabric reinforcement fill 700 '00 3�00_ 2,100.00 - 1.55 4.15 --5-7-.66- 2,905.00 --- -- _501 50,19(A)-- CY class AA concrete a 1 0 10 57.00 - 570.00 76J1 767.10 --- 570.00 24 509(A) class A concrete :417 0 10 11 -198 400 M 400000 30 30 60 � 1 3,361.30 2,850.00 25 509(B)­ class C concrete 375.00 74,250.00 316.77 62,720.46 277.00 -2-45-.0-0- 54,846.00 -2-4,500.6-6 26 511 u forcin--- e, �n 'eintorcingsteel 100 175.00 17,500�00 237.07 23,iO-7-00- . ...... - - 27 Dol(A)_ e I pia' type 0 16,400 i 0 :� 0.10 -- 1,640.00 _728-.00 0.54 8,856.00 0.55 -19.61 _8 -47.0 , 9,020.00 28 ­ 609(B) _TON --- LF _111-� combined curb & (6" barrier) 2 28 8 2 5 175 1 7 2 2&00 9.00 0 1,316.00 29 610( _ A) SY-- .gutter 4 concrete sidewalk 19,575.00 10.33 2 46T 111.60 25,230.00 30 611 (A) manhole (4' diameter 0 120 34 34.00 4,080.00 26.78 _-3,213.60 3,060.00 31 61-- 611(A) EA (5'diameter) �12 2 2 1,000.00 1 '000 2,000.00 1,130.99 2,261.98 1,260.00 --- -- - - 2,520.00 32 611(D) EA _manhole manhole frame and cover 1 1,600.00 1' 600 1,600.00 1,443.56 1,443.56 1,575.00 - - - 1,575.00 33 34 35 611(E) 611 (E) 611 (K) _EA EA inlet cici des 2 I type 2(cies. 8) cast iron curb inlet 3--- 3 -2 2 1 265,00 2 5 �8OO 00 2 ' 500 2,500.00 795, 00 3 00:00 '6 ::: 2,500.00 82 210.00 1,211.02 2,422.04 2,275.00 - -- 2 - _Z122 46 __2,122-46 2,520.00 630.00 4,550.00 2,520 `00 36 6-12(F)_ _EA EA of existing structures (inlets rebuilt) 4 1 0 160.00 640.00 354.85 1,419.40 105.00 420.00 -3,860,00 37 613(6) LF _adjustment -1-5--- storm sewer pipe (class III RCP) 821 ------------------- 85 5 1,600 �.00 3,200.00 - 1,063.04 2, 126.08 1,930.00 -- - ---- -- 38 613(B) LF 18" storm sewer pip) (class III RDP) i_ _ 487 33 33.00 3500 2,805.00 17,045.00 24.98 2,123-30 32.55 2,668-A-0 -3-3.-60- 2,766.75 39 40 41 613(6) 613(M) 613(M) LF EA 24" storm (class 18-PCES 24" PCES 263 5 42.00 560.00 640.00 11,046.00 2,800.00 640.00 26.30 32.61 8,576.43 43!00 474.38 2,371.90 440.60 558.16 558.16 514.00 16,363.20 11,309.06 2,200.00 514-00 42 613(S CY trench - n - ch excavation -010 39,60 - 4.95 1,960.20 12.60 4,989,60 43 613(T)_ qY std bedding 86 -010 860 -2,516.3-4- -21 -1,806.00 44 4 _Matemw1 - -30 --76-0-00 29.19 _V1 1.16.11 -1 relaying culvert pipe -280- -- 25.00 36 340-.86 52.00 1,560.00 45 46 615(C) 619(A) LF.­ LS 8" PVC pipe ----F--- i� oo iowo-oo --3-,3-6-5- - 28.35 12.02 7,938-00 removal of structures & obstructions (8'x3' RCB) �3060�-60 8,184.96 --- 8,184.96 . ..... 2,465.50 2,465.50 PAGE 1 OF 3 i ZT-RUNI ITEM NO, SPEC._ UNIT LF DESCRIPTION QNTY. BECCO CONTRACTORS, INC. HORIZON MNSTPUCTION COMPANY, INC. APAC - OKLAHOMA, INC. UNIT COSTJ TOTALE CH ITEM TOTAL EACH TOTALEACH UNIT COST ITEM UNIT COST I ITEM -- 1.42 4,721.50 2 20 7,315-00 47 _ 619(B) _ removal offence 3,325 33250 48 LF removal of curb and gutter 35 2.00 s 70.00 2.84 99AO 5.25 183.75 49 _619(4) 619(8) Sy removal of asphalt pvmnt. 5,150 2.00 10,300.00 1.92 9,888.00 1.55 7,982-50 , - --------- 50 51 _619(B) 6190_ _LF EA -removal of existing pipe removal of signs 280 4 2.00 200.00 560.00 80000 6.89 1,929.20 3.5 0 980.00 294.45) 195.00 780.00 ..... 52 .. 619(q)_ LF sawing pavement 1,575 11.50 2,362.50 __ 284 4,473.00 -- 2.40 - 3,780.00_ 53 641 LS mobilization 1 22,000.00 22,000.00 30,245.41 30,246-41 9,000.00 9,000.00 54 -850-(A) SF sheet aluminum siqns 27 13.00 351.00 15.75 425.25 15.75 425.25 55 (B) LF 2" dia. 365 q. sti. posts 36 11.00 396.00 15.75 567.00 567.00 ------ ----- 56 853(C) EA delineators - type 1 code 3 15 13.00 195.00 18.90 283.50 18.90 283.50 57 855(A) LF traffic stripe (plastic) 4" wide 23,225 0.60 13,93500 0.47 10,915.75 0.47 10,915.75 58 855(B) EA traffic stripe (plastic) (arrows) 9 810.00 47.25 425. 25 48.00 432.00 59 60 LF traffic stripe (plastic) (words) construction traffic stripe (paint) 4 10,800 .90.00 175.00 0.16 _ 70000 1,728.00 - - 157.50 630.00 158.00 - 632.00 0.13 -1,404.00 0.13 1,40400 61 .856(A) 880 LS construction traffic control 1 11,000.00 11,000.00 13,652.10 13,652.10 13,650.00 13,650.00 62 961.33 EA remove and reset signs 6 100.00 600.00 85.00 510.00 263.00 1,576.00 63 802 (B)_ LF ___LF 1" PVC sch 40 plastic conduit (trenched) 70 9.00 630.00 3.15 220.50 9.00 64 _802 (B) 1 -112" PVC sch 40 plastic conduit (trenghed)___ 550 -6-0-0 3,300.00 3.68 2,024.00 6.00 3,300.0O 65_ 802 (B)_ LF 2" PVC sch 40 plastic conduit (bored) 50 16.00 800.00 9.45 472.50_ 16.00 - 800.00 66 802 (B) LF 2" PVC sch­49 LF - b) p() 2530568 802 (B) 3" PVC sch 40 stic conduit (trenched) 60 10.00 60000 1050 630.00 10.00 600.00 69 803 EA pull box size 1 10 190.00 1,900.00 10500 1,050.00 184.00 1,840.00 70 803 EA pull box size 11 2 240.00 48000 157.50 31500 240.00 480.00 71 - 804 (A)__ CY structural concrete 12 1,300.00 15.600.00 315.00 3,780.00 1,260.00 15,120.00 72 804 (B) LB reinforcing concrete 1,807 2.00 3,614.00 1.05 1,897.35 2.10 3,794.70 73 806 (A) EA 32'MI_H pole, 35' TS 10' LMA (q. stI.) 1 3,500.00 3,500.00 4,305.00 4,305.00 3,465.00 3,465.00 74 806 (A) EA_ _32'MH pole, 40'TS 10'LMA (q. sti.) 1 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,830.00 4,830.00 3,885.00 3,88500 75 806 CA)_ EA_ 32'MH pole, 45'TS 10'LMA (q. stQ 1 4,500.00 4,500.00 5,302.00 5,302.00 4,410.00 4,410.00 76 806 (A) EA 32'MH pole, 50' TS 10'LMA (q. sti.) 1 4,700.00 4,700.00 5,775.00 5,775.00 4,515.00 4,515.00 77 809 -EA .... .. roadway luminaries 4 250.00 1,000.00 262.50 11050.00 247.00 98&00 78 810(A)_ service pole 1 1,000.00 1,000.00 262.50 945.00 945.00 79 811 LF I/C No. 6 AWG elec. cndctr. 350 2.00 700.00 0.89 311.50 2.10 735.00 80 - 81 - 1 LF VC No. 10 AWG elec. cndctr. 1,000 0.70 700.00 0.42 420.00 0.65 650.00 81 825 EA veh. act. so[. st. traf. sig. con. Asm 1 8,000.00 8,000.00 7,612.50 7,612.50 7,875.00 7,87 .00 82 828 (A) EA soLste. digital ind. veh. Ip. det. 10 150.00 1,500.00 131.25 1,312.50 141.00 1,410.00 83 828 (B)__ LF loop detector wire 3,500 2.40 8,400.00 2.63 9,20500 2.30 8,050 00 84 85 86 87 830 831 831 831 EA EA EA EA pedestrian push button 1wav 3 sec. adj. signal head (s-6) 1wav 5 sec. adj. signal head (s-17)R Tway 5 sec. adj. signal head (s -19) 8 7 1 3 92.00 380.00 700.00 700.00 736.00 2,660.00 700.00 2,100.00 78.75 630.00 9000 720.00 378.00 2,646.00 368.00 2,576.00 630.00 1 630.00 683.00 683.00 787.50 i 2,362.50 883.00 2,049.00 88 831 EA 2wav 2 sec. adj. ped. sig. head (s-20) 4 350.00 1,400.00 630.00 2,520.00 340.00 1,360.00 89 83 3 EA backplate 10 70.00 700.00 - 78.75 787.50 6&00 680.00 90 834 (A) LF 5/C traffic signal elec. cable 2,020 0.75 1,515.00 0.68 1,373.60 0.74 1,494.80 91 834 (A) LF 7/C traffic signal elec. cable 240 0.90 216-00 0.79 189.60 O 85 204 00 92 834 (A) LF -12/C trafficc signal elec. cable 150 150 1.20 180.00 1.58 1- 1 2 1 0 18000 i PAGE 2 OF 3 ­; s ­,V, , W mi . It 1111111itli It I BID TABULATION SUMMARY BASE BID ITEM NO. SPEC. UNIT LF DESCRIPTION 15/C traffic signal elec. cable 390 QNTY. —15-0 390 BECCO CONTRACTORS, U T UNIT COST 11 60 60 TOTAL EACH ITEM i24 00 HORIZUR-MRSTRUCTI COMPANY, N INC. APAC - OKLAHOMA, INC. TOTAL EACH UNIT COST ITEM UNIT COST 216 819 1.50 00 TOTAL EACH ITEM 585.00 93 834 (A) 94 834 LF.1— 18/C traffic stqnal elec. cable 150 —2.5-0 —375.0-0 2 --- .31 ---- 346.50 2.40 360.00 95 96 834 ( 1 850 (C) _ LF SF 2/C shielded loop detector lead-in cable - mast arm mounted signs alum. 19 1,920 0 60 0.60 1,152.00 0 63_ 1,209.60 0.58 1,113.60 2,088.00 0 00 1 72 30 00 2,160.00 26.25 1,89000 29.00 BASE BID SUBT )T TAIL S 728,546.10 781,781.81 $ 910,308.76 ITEM NO. SPEC UNIT —_ ALTERNATE #1 - ADD DESCRIPTION —a—Iternate QNTY. UNIT COST TOTAL EACH ITEM _-_M UNIT COST TOTAL EACH ITEM UNIT COST TOTALEACH ITEM 97 SPCLL , . Ls— I #1: provide all materials for and install —sanitary --- sewer pipe and eliminate lift station --9,-00-0 0() .00 ---9,000 8,303.75 8:309 15,225,00 - 15,225 ALTERNATE #2 - DEDUCT -_.1 —sub—tract - - 98 ALTERNATE f spa Ls alternate lane from northeast corner 1 ----8-2,000.00 (82,000) 72,000.00 (72,000) 83,827.77 (83,828) #3 -ADD 99 SPCL. LS alternate #3: provide temporary paving plan and all materials, installed, to allow I Way traffic during construction hours and 2 way traffic at night on 86th St. N. Ave. and 1454h E. 1 19,50000 19,500 11,250.00 11,250 2,560.00 2,560 City of Owasso Public Works Department Engineering Division November 11, 2002 Base Bid $728,546.10 Alternate 1 $9,000.00 Alternate 3 $19,500.00 Subtotal $757,046.10 ONG Relocation $222,031.00 VVEC Underground $9,793.99 Total $988,871.09 Amended Project Budget $1,150,000.00 Remaining $161,128.91 PAGE 3 OF 3 TO. THE HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO FROM- RODNEYJ.RAY CITY MANAGER SUBJECT- RE, QUEST FOR ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE 9727, COMMERCIAL WASTE COLLECTION PERMIT DATE: November 14, 2002 BACKGROUND- On April 4, 2000, the City Council adopted Ordinance #638 (attached), such ordinance for the purpose of establishing a commercial waste collection permit and applicable fees for that permit. The ordinance was adopted in an effort to remedy a concern that the City Attorney had relating to the legality of the "exclusive" contract method the City had previously utilized to collect commercial waste within the boundaries of the city. Generally, Ordinance #638 established a fee of $3.50 per yard of collected commercial waste to be paid to the City on a monthly basis. That fee was adopted based on calculations performed by the Public Works Department. Those calculations were accomplished utilizing data from the City's contract during the previous year and supplemental information supplied by other "haulers" on a voluntary basis. It appears that one goal of the new ordinance was to ensure that the fees generated by the "permit fee" were equal to the revenue collected from the "contract" system then in use. However, the actual impact of the fee permit was to significantly increase revenues to the City. That increase eventually served to call attention to the fee by local businesses and one of the permit holders, American Waste Control. Then, on August 31, 2001, American Waste Control filed a lawsuit in District Court against the City of Owasso, claiming that Ordinance #638 is illegal and void due to law that prohibits the imposition of a "licenses tax" on waste collection, as well as claiming that the ordinance exceeds the "police powers" granted the City by the State. Additionally, the lawsuit claimed that Section 17206 of Ordinance #638 is in violation of Oklahoma Statutes (47 O.S. section 1148) in that the ordinance exceeds the City's authority to prohibit the use of city streets (inadvertently, the ordinance prohibited the transport of any trash on any city street unless the transporter had a city permit, thereby making it illegal for a hauler to pick up trash in another city or from a non-city resident and then transport that refuse through the city to a disposal site, very clearly exceeding the authority of the City). It should be noted that American Waste Control, as of August 31, 2001, has not collected from their customers nor paid COMMERCIAL, WASTE COLLECTION LAWSUIT NOVEMBER 14, 2002 PAGE 2 to the City the fees required of the permit even though there have been demands for payments as per Ordinance 9-638, Subsequently, there have been legal maneuvers by both the City and American Waste Control, Additionally, other "haulers" have expressed concern that they were placed at a disadvantage by continuing to collect the required fee while American Waste Control had ceased collecting from its customers, .After employing Mr. Gray as City Attorney, he reviewed this case in the context of preparing an answer to the Plaintiffs Motion for Summary Judgment." Mr, Gray's review lead to the conclusion that the City has, in fact, enacted an ordinance that lacks a defendable position, Based on discussions with the City Attorney and a requirement for an immediate response to the Plaintiffs Motion for Summary Judgment, I authorized Mr. Gray to meet with attorneys for .American Waste Control to determine our available options, Mr. Gray also appeared before Judge Wiseman to request time for a possible negotiated settlement of the matter, 179HURITTERVE =1 The Oklahoma Statutes, 11 O.S. Article XIV, Section 14 ®103, allow for the attachment of an "emergency clause's to ordinances when, in the opinion of the City Council in order to protect the interest of the citizens, an ordinance should become effective imrriediately upon passage. In the case of this ordinance, the staff believes that the attachment of an emergency clause is critical to the settlement of the pending legal action. COMMERCIAL, WASTE C(OL,L,ECTION LAWSUIT NOVEMBER 14, 2002 PAGE 3 R-ECOMMENDATION- The staff' recommends City Council adoption of Ordinance #727, such ordinance repealing the fee required of commercial waste service companies; and that the City Council also attach an emergency clause providing for the immediate enactment of the ordinance, 1. Proposed Ordinance #727 2. Ordinance #638 t BE IT 01WAIN D BY THE CITY COUNCIL, OF THE CITY OF O ASSO, OKLAHOMA, TO-WIT. Section One. That Part 17 — Utilities, Chapter 2 Garbage and refuse Collections, Article`—B, Section 17m203B, Permit Application Requirements, Issuance, Denial, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, is hereby amended to provide as follows, to -wits Section Two: The provisions of this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage and publication as provided by state law. PASSED AND APPROVED this 191h day of November, 2002. Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk Stephen P. Gray, City Attorney By. Mayor 1 co kD Qi Dart.,* 000468-55 "Ts 4 B/P 6361/0754 ®0757 gg Receipt # 439235 05/08/00 11:05:25 ®0 ®4�9a5 ®1� re� 14.00 CITY OF O d7ASSO, OKLAHOMA ORDINANCE NUMBER 639 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT, TO-WIT: Section One: Part 17, Utilities, Chapter 2, Garbage and Refuse Collection, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, be and same are hereby amended as follows, Section 17 ®202 shall be amended by deletion therefrom of the words "or commercial"; SectipU Two There shall be adopted as new law and codified as indicated the following provisions; ARTICLE B COLLECTOR WASTE r , rr [ice 5. "Vehicle" means any truck, trailer, semi - trailer or other equipment used to collect, remove, transport or dispose of solid waste, and over any public way, street, avenue, road, alley or highway. SECTION 17 ®202 WASTE COLLECTOR PERMIT There is hereby authorized to be issued to any qualified person, under the terms and conditions hereof, a Waste Collector Permit which shall specifically authorize such person possessing the permit to, under the control and supervision of the City, collect, remove, transport and/or dispose of commercial solid waste and/or construction and demolition waste from within the City. SECTION 17 ®203 PERMIT APPLICATI ®N ItEQUIREMAENT°S ISSUANCE DENIAL. A. The waste collector permit, as referenced above, shall be issued by the Office of the City Clerk of the City. Applications for such permit shall include the following information: Lr) to I, Name and home address of the applicants r— CD 20 Business name and address, any 3. Business and home phone numbers 4e Make, model and year of each tank; 10. Name of liability insurance company and policy numbers and, 110 Any other information deemed necessary by the Director of Public Works of the City. �. 11111111111111111 1 111 �, -1 W to C -) 1 D. No person shall collect any solid waste inside the corporate limits of the city within six hundred (600) feet of any residential building unless it is after 6:00 A.M. and before 10:00 P.M. C. Any vehicle used in the collection, removal, transportation or disposal of solid waste shall: 1. Be constructed and maintained in such a manner as will prevent any solid waste from spilling, falling or blowing out of the vehicle on to any public way, street, avenue, alley, highway, road, or any other public or private place, except when being loaded or unloaded and shall be completely and securely covered to preclude any spill, fall or blow out from the point of collection to the point of final disposal; 2. Be parked at least one hundred (100) feet from any residential budding, if parked over six (6) consecutive hours, while containing a partial load of solid waste; 3. Be required to be reasonably clean and sanitized if the vehicle is declared to be a health hazard by the City - County Health Department or its duly authorized representative; and, 4. Comply with all other requirements and restrictions imposed pursuant to the rules and regulations of solid waste management adopted by the City Manager or City Council of the City. D. Every licensed waste collector shall maintain a full, true, current and legible list of all commercial customers that are provided waste collection services, which shall include an itemization o the customer's names, service address, waste container size or sues, the frequency of service measured in days per week, and a brief description of the type of customer or client being served, such as: 1 e Office building It is unlawful and a public offense for any person to haul or transport any trash, refuse, rubbish, garbage and/or waste upon or over any of the streets, alleys or highways of the City unless such person shall first have procured a permit as herein provided. _SectionThrw. 'I'lie provisions of this ordinance will be implemented beginning May 1, Im • N lam ng FW I ReAgm D. Cates, City Attorney 27BOA03.ord waste cal permit By: Mark Wilken, Mayor