HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012.01.17_OPGA AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: January 17, 2012 TIME: 6:30 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Old Central Building 109 N. Birch A Notice of the meeting and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted at City Hall at 6:00 p.m. on Friday, January 13, 2012. qJUv \ ann iStevens, Deputy CitkyC q1e r AGENDA 1. Call to Order Chairman Doug Bonebrake 2. Roll Call 3. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the Trustees to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Trustee may, however, remove an item from the Consent Agenda by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non -debatable. A. Approval of the Minutes of the January 3, 2012 Regular Meeting and the January 10, 2012 Special Meeting Attachment # 3-A B. Approval of Claims Attachment # 3-B C. Acknowledge receipt of the monthly FY 201 1-2012 monthly budget status report Attachment # 3-C 4. Consideration and appropriate action relating to items removed from the Consent Agenda 5. Report from OPGA Manager 6. Report from OPGA Attorney 7. New Business (New Business is any item of business which could not have been foreseen at the time of posting of the agenda) 8. Adjournment OWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, January 3, 2012 The Owasso Public Golf Authority met in regular session on Tuesday, January 3, 2012 in the Council Chambers at Old Central per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 29, 2011. ITEM 1 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Bonebrake called the meeting to order at 6:41 p.m. ITEM 2 ROLL CALL PRESENT ABSENT Doug Bonebrake, Chairman None Bryan Stovall, Vice Chairman Steve Cataudella, Trustee Charlie Brown, Trustee Patrick Ross, Trustee A quorum was declared present STAFF Sherry Bishop, Assistant Authority Manager Julie Lombardi, Authority Attorney ITEM 3 CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR TRUSTEE APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of Minutes of the December 20, 2011 Regular Meeting B. Approval of Claims Mr. Ross moved, seconded by Mr. Stovall to approve the Consent Agenda with claims totaling $4,687.95. Also included for review was the payroll payment report for pay period 12/17/11. YEA: Cataudella, Stovall, Ross, Brown, Bonebrake NAY: None Motion carried 5-0 ITEM 4 CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA No action was required on this item ITEM 5 REPORT FROM OPGA MANAGER No report ITEM 6 REPORT FROM OPGA ATTORNEY No report Owasso Public Golf Authority January 3, 2012 ITEM 7 NEW BUSINESS None ITEM 8 ADJOURNMENT Mr. Brown moved, seconded by Mr. Ross, to adjourn the meeting. YEA: Ross, Cataudella, Brown, Bonebrake, Stovall NAY: None Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting was adjourned at 6:42 p.m. Ashley Hickman, Minute Clerk Doug Bonebrake, Chairman OWASSO CITY COUNCIL, OPWA, AND OPGA MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 2012 The Owasso City Council, Owasso Public Works Authority, and Owasso Public Golf Authority met in a special meeting on Tuesday, January 10, 2012 in the Council Chambers at Old Central, 109 N. Birch Street, per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 6:00 PM on Friday, January 6, 2012. ITEM]: CALL TO ORDER Mayor Doug Bonebrake called the meeting to order at 6:03 PM. PRESENT Doug Bonebrake, Mayor Steve Cataudella, Councilor Charlie Brown, Councilor Patrick Ross, Councilor A quorum was declared present ABSENT Bryan Stovall, Vice Mayor ITEM 2: DISCUSSION RELATING TO ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS A. IT Equipment Purchase Mr. Lehr presented the item, explaining that bids will be opened on January 20, 2012. It was further explained that staff anticipates placing this item on the February 7, 2012 agenda for consideration and appropriate action. ITEM 3: DISCUSSION RELATING TO OPERATIONAL ITEMS A. Street Sweeper Bid Review B. ODOT 2011 Tree Grant Program Mr. Lehr presented each item and discussion was held. It was further explained that each item will be placed on the January 17th agenda for consideration and appropriate action. ITEM 4: DISCUSSION RELATING TO CITY MANAGER ITEMS A. CDBG Process Review B. Street Rehabilitation Plan C. Meadowcrest Assessment Fee Ordinance D. ED Strategic Plan A) Mr. Fritschen presented the Community Development Block Grant process and tentative schedule for identifying future projects eligible for CDBG funding. B) Mr. Stevens presented the proposed street rehabilitation priorities for FY2012 and discussion was held. C) Angela Hess presented a proposed ordinance establishing a mandatory assessment fee related to the Meadowcrest gravity sewer relief line and discussion was held. D) Ms. Harkins presented the Economic Development Strategic Plan. It was further explained that Items B and C will be placed on the January 17th agenda for consideration and appropriate action. Owasso City Council January 10, 2012 ITEM 5: Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for an executive session for the purpose of discussing: a. Personnel matters relating to the Office of the City Manger, such executive session provided for in O.S. 25, Section 307(B) (1); and b. Confidential communications between the City Council and the City Attorney concerning pending litigation as provided for in the O.S. 25, Section 307(B) (4) Mr. Brown moved to enter into executive session, seconded by Mr. Cataudella. YEA: Ross, Bonebrake, Cataudella, Brown NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. The City Council entered executive session at 7:30 pm. At 8:10 pm, the City Council returned from executive session. ITEM 6: REPORT FROM CITY COUNCILORS No Report. ITEM 7: ADJOURNMENT Mr. Cataudella moved for adjournment, seconded by Mr. Brown YEA: Cataudella, Ross, Brown, Bonebrake NAY: None Motion carried 4-0. Meeting adjourned at 8:11 pm. Doug Bonebrake, Chairman Juliann M. Stevens, Deputy City Clerk Claims List 1/17/2011 Budget Unit Title Vendor Name Payable Description Payment Amounl OPGA JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WALMART-FOOD 89.24 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WALMART-FOOD 78.40 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK REASORS-FOOD 27.75 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WALMART-FOOD 75.94 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WALMART-FOOD 6.86 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SYSCO-CREDIT -19.89 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK REASORS-FOOD 175.25 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK REASORS-FOOD 31.73 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK REASORS-FOOD 24.74 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK REASORS-FOOD 5.58 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK REASORS-FOOD 4.79 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TRAVIS MATHEW-MERCHANDISE 1,108.50 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SYSCO-FOOD 376.49 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OAKLEY-MERCHANDISE 101.56 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OAKLEY-MERCHANDISE 66.56 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SYSCO-FOOD 289.35 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK REASORS-FOOD 23.16 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK REASORS-FOOD 30.35 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WALMART-FOOD 52.88 BGR DAILY ACCT. REIMB PETTY CASH 704.05 BGR DAILY ACCT. REIMB PETTY CASH 633.50 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SYSCO-FOOD 281.73 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK REASORS-FOOD 16.74 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK GRT PLAINS COLA -BEVERAGE 91.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WALMART-BEER 42.94 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TEXOMA GOLF -MERCHANDISE 256.03 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OAKLEY-MERCHANDISE 81.56 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OAKLEY-MERCHANDISE 21.56 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK EXECUTIVE COFFEE -BEVERAGE 135.79 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK BUSH NELL-MERCHANDISE 648.57 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK REASORS-BEER 45.98 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK PING -MERCHANDISE 1,815.10 TOTAL OPGA 7,323.79 CART OPERATIONS JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ROBERTSON TIRE -TIRES 139.94 WESTERN GOLF INC RANGE BASKETS 154.42 TOTAL CART OPERATIONS 294.36 COURSE MAINT UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP TOWEL SERVICE 15.21 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP UNIFORM SERVICE 11.57 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP JANITORIAL SERVICE 22.05 AT&T CONSOLIDATED PHONE BILL 47.99 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ATWOODS-HITCH BALL 11.28 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK PROF TURF -BALL JOINT 82.42 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP SHOP TOWEL SERVICE 10.21 Page 1 Claims List 1/17/2011 Budget Unit Title Vendor Name Payable Description Payment Amouni COURSE MAINT... UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP UNIFORM SERVICE 10.85 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP JANITORIAL SERVICE 5.06 INTERNATIONAL SPORTS TURF RESEARCH SOIL ANALYSIS 1,425.00 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP TOWEL SERVICE 10.21 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP UNIFORM SERVICE 10.85 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP JANITORIAL SERVICE 13.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OREILLY-HYDRAULIC HOSE 115.57 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OREILLY-SPARK PLUGS 27.86 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OREILLY-GREASE FITTINGS 11.98 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK EQUIPMENT ONE -TRENCHER 330.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES-IRRIGATION SUPPLIES 55.52 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LUBER BROS-BRAKE TUBE 139.08 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OREILLY-VALVE STEMS 1.50 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OREILLY-HYDRAULIC HOSE 33.25 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OREILLY-BRAKE CLEANER 10.16 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OREILLY-RESPIRATOR 5.65 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OREILLY-BATTERY 35.96 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK AMC -QUICK COUPLERS 175.13 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK GEMPLER-SHIPPING SAVER 39.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK GEMPLER-FIRST AID KIT 35.65 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK GEMPLER-WIRE FLAGS 29.47 ONEOK, INC OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS NATURAL GAS USAGE 156.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES-TOOL BOX 19.98 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES-IRRIGATION FITTINGS 5.28 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK P&K EQUIPMENT -PARTS 130.82 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ALL BATTERY -BATTERY 85.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ALL BATTERY -BATTERY 107.30 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ALL BATTERY -BATTERY 96.20 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK BROWN FARMS -SOD 190.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOCKE SUPPLY -SUPPLIES 25.58 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK RADIOSHACK-FUSES 3.19 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK HOLLIDAY SAND -BUNKER SAND 239.51 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES-STAKES/SUPPLIES 52.52 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES-IRRIGATION SUPPLIES 19.27 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK P&K EQUIPMENT -STRAPS 103.98 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK PROF TURF -PARTS 595.11 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOCKE-ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 15.36 TOTAL COURSE MAINT 4,566.58 FOOD & BEV JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WALMART-SUPPLIES 30.15 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WALMART-SUPPLIES 39.61 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SYSCO-SUPPLIES 282.08 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK REASORS-SUPPLIES 5.58 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WALMART-SUPPLIES 14.68 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WALMART-SUPPLIES 21.00 Page 2 Claims List 1/17/2011 Budget Unit Title Vendor Name Payable Description Payment Amount FOOD & BEV... JPMORGAN CHASE BANK HOBBY LOBBY -CARDS 16.97 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SYSCO-SUPPLIES 143.8E JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OFFICE DEPOT -SUPPLIES 2.9E TOTAL FOOD & BEV 556.95 GOLF ADMIN AT&T CONSOLIDATED PHONE BILL 217.90 THE ROCK DOCTOR, LLC CARPET CLEANING 145.00 WASTE MANAGEMENT QUARRY LANDFILL REFUSE SERVICE 310.38 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SUMOTEXT-TEXT SERVICE 79.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK COURSETRENDS-HOSTING 355.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK COX -CABLE 57.74 ONEOK, INC OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS NATURAL GAS USAGE 521.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ALL MAINT SUPPLY -SUPPLIES 482.80 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TULSA CITY -PERMIT FEE 305.70 TOTAL GOLF ADMIN 2,474.52 FUND GRAND TOTAL 15,216.2 OPGA GRAND TOTAL $15,216.20 Page 3 OWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 12/31/2011 Department Payroll Expenses Total Expenses Golf Shop Operations 2,383.54 3,630.21 Cart Operations 764.31 858.17 Golf Course Operations 7,186.48 10,369.39 Food & Beverage 3,328.31 4,165.00 General & Administration 3,184.22 4,667.67 FUND TOTAL 16,846.86 23,690.44 CITY OF OWASSO OWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY FISCAL YEAR 2011-2012 Statement of Revenues & Expenses As of December 2011 and 2010 OPERATING REVENUES: Golf shop fees Merchandise sales COS -- merchandise Food & beverage COS -- food & beverage Interest & other Transfer from General Fund TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES OPERATING EXPENSES: Personal services Materials & supplies Other services Capital outlay Debt service TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES December 30, 2011 December 30, 2010 Month Year Percent Month Year Percent To -Date To -Date Budget of Budget To -Date To -Date Budget of Budget 18,465 241,947 463,500 52.20% 12,118 185,234 643,500 28.79% 9,057 67,058 185,000 36.25% 8,274 59,217 185,000 32.01 % (7,284) (49,754) (140,000) 35.54% (6,959) (45,455) (140,000) 32.47% 10,207 83,919 185,000 45.36% 3,606 46,132 205,000 22.50% (4,455) (44,022) (72,000) 61.14% (2,045) (23,931) (72,000) 33.24% 1,570 9,407 39,800 23.64% 5,058 19,782 54,800 36.10% - 3,270 3,600 90.83% - - - 27,561 311,825 664,900 46.90% 20,052 240,979 876,300 27.50% 51,173 363,744 611,150 59.52% 43,020 333,646 626,338 53.27% 4,081 78,177 101,160 77.28% 7,161 79,781 93,060 85.73% 12,442 125,127 128,290 97.53% 8,840 78,228 128,540 60.86% - 24,224 24,300 99.69% - 108,829 55,000 197.87% - - - 2,357 14,140 28,280 50.00% 67,696 591,272 864,900 68.36% 61,378 614,624 931,218 66.00% NET INCOME (LOSS) (40,136) (279,447) (200,000) (41,326) (373,645) (54,918)