HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001.12.18_City Council Agenda A. Apprpval of Minutes of the November 30, 2001 Special Meeting, December 4, 2001 Regular Meeting, December 4, 2001 Special Meeting, and December 11, 2001 Special Meeting. Attachment #4-A 4. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for Approval of the Consent Agenda. (All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the City Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Councilor may, however, remove an item from consent by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non-debatable.) 3. Roll Call 2. Flag Salute 1. Call to Order Mayor Barnhouse AGENDA on 4:00 posted at office of the Notice and agenda filed Friday, December 14,2001. Community Center Regular December 18,2001 6:30 p.m. Council Chambers, TYPE OF MEETING: DATE: TIME: PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL The staff will request Council approval of a supplemental appropriation to the General Fund Budget in the amount of $110,600, for the purpose of funding the above-referenced employment agreement. 5. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Supplemental Appropriation to the General Fund Budget, Managerial Department, Personal Services, Increasing Same in the Amount Necessary to Fund an Employment Agreement Between the City of Owasso, Oklahoma and Rodney J Ray. Ms Bishop Attachment #5 The staffrecommends Council acceptance ofthe infrastructure improvements. Action Relating to Acceptance of the Sanitary Sewer System Constructed to Serve Preston Lakes n. Attachment #4- E The staff recommends Council acceptance ofthe infrastructure improvements. Action Relating to Acceptance of the Sanitary Sewer System Constructed to Serve Country Estates V. Attachment #4-D staff recommends Council the infrastructure improvements. Action Relating to Acceptance the Water and Sanitary Sewer Systems Constructed to Sawgrass Park at Bailey Attachment B. Approval of Claims. Attachment #4- B Owasso City Council December 18, 2001 Page 2 The staff will request Council approval of a supplemental appropt1ation to the Ambulance Capital Fund Budget, increasing expenses by $10,000 for the purpose of providing sufficient funds in the budget for the purchase of an ambulance. 8. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Supplemental Appropriation to the Ambulance Capital Fund Budget. Ms Bishop Attachment #8 The staff will recommend Council approval of Change Order #5, adding $33,348 to the cost of the project, generated by backcharges to and from contractors and the City of Owasso, and changes in materials used in the loading dock and ramp, as set forth in the attached memorandum. 7. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Change Order #5, a Change Order to Contracts Between the City of Owasso and Various Contractors for the City Hall/Police Station Project, All As Specifically Set Forth in the Accompanying Memorandum. Mr Rooney Attachment #7 The Mayor will present and recommend an employment agreement for Council approval, such agreement contractually setting forth the appointment of Mr Ray as City Manager for the City of Ow as so, establishing salary and benefits, and the term of that appointment. 6. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to an Agreement Between the City of Owasso and Rodney J Ray, Such Agreement Relating to the Position of City Manager for the City of Owasso and Mr Ray's Appointment Thereto; and Authorization for the Mayor to Execute the Agreement. Mayor Barnhouse Attachment #6 Owasso City Council December 18, 2001 Page 3 The staff will recommend City Council approval of participation in the project, and authorization for the Mayor to execute the Application for Enhancement Funds. 11. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to City Council Approval of Participation in an Oklahoma Department of Transportation Roadway Enhancement Grant Program. Mr Ewing Attachment #11 The staff has completed the bidding process, reviewed the bids received, and will recommend that the Council award a bid for a Chevrolet Silverado C3500 service truck to Classic Chevrolet, Owasso, OK, in the amount of $32,891.46; and authorization for payment. 10. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to the Award of a Bid for a Service Truck for the Street Department. Mr Roberts Attachment # 1 0 the bids received, and will Golden Eagle I amount 77; and The staff has completed the bidding recommend that a bid Ambulance to Excellance authorization for payment. 9. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to the Award of a Bid for a New Ambulance. Chief Allen Attachment #9 Owasso City Council December 18, 2001 Page 4 16. Report fl:om City Councilors. l5. Report from City Attorney. 14. Report from City Manager. The staffwill request the attachment of an emergency clause to Ordinance #693 Amended. 13. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to the Attachment of an Emergency Clause to Ordinance #693 Amended. Mr Ewing See Attachment #12 The staff will recommend approval of Ordinance #693 Amended, changing the (Agriculture) zoning to (Commercial General), as previously zoned in Tulsa County. 12. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to Ordinance #693 Amended, Modifying the Zoning Specified in Ordinance #693. Mr Ewing Attachment #12 Owasso City Council December 18, 2001 Page 5 Such Discussions Allowed Pursuant to 25 OS, Section 307-B(4); Mr Cates A. FOP Lodge 149 and H Burl Cox v The City of Ow as so, a Municipal Corporation, and Larry Mitchell, City Manager, Case No CJ-2001-00379, Tulsa County District Court; City of Ow as so, Oklahoma v FOP Lodge 149, Case No CJ-2001-0389, Tulsa County District Court; City of Ow as so, Oklahoma v FOP Lodge 149, Case No 2001--01986, Tulsa County Distlict Court; D. FOP Lodge 149 and Michael Denton v City of Owasso, Oklahoma, a Municipal Corporation, and Larry Mitchell, City Manager, Case No CJ-2001-02094, Tulsa County District Court; E. H Burl Cox v City of Owasso, City Council of Owasso, Oklahoma State Fraternal Order of Police, Owasso Lodge 149, Owasso City Officials, Owasso Police Department, The City of Owasso, ex rel, Case No CJ-2000-4474, Tulsa County District Court; F. Notice of Tort Claim - H Burl Cox, Claimant v City of Owasso, Oklahoma and Mayor, Mary Lou Barnhouse; G. FOP Lodge No 149 and H Burl Cox and Michael Denton, FMCS Case Number 010424-09678-8; H. Notice of Tort Claim - Michael Denton, Claimant v City of Owasso, Oklahoma and Ronald Cates; 1. Notice of Tort Claim - Michael Denton, Claimant v City of Owasso, Oklahoma and Larry Mitchell, 18. Consideration and Appropriate Action Relating to a Request for an Executive Session for the Purpose of Discussing Pending Litigation, Grievances, and Tort Claims Against the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, as well as Officials and Officers Thereof, Such Being 17. New Business (New Business is any item of business which could not have been foreseen at the time of posting ofthe agenda.) Owasso City Council December 18, 2001 Page 6 20. Adjournment 19. Consideration and Appropriate Action to be Taken on Any or All of the Listed Items as a Result of the Foregoing Executive Session. Mr Cates Owasso City Council December 18,2001 Page 7 The Owasso City Council will participate in a holiday party immediately following the City Council/OPW A/OPGA meeting on December 18, 2001. No business will be conducted nor will any action will be taken on any item. AGENDA bulletin at 4:00 on the the office the City Clerk and p.m. on 2001. Special December 18, 1999 Approximately 8:00 p.m. 12129 E 84th St N TYPE OF MEETING: DATE: TIME: PLACE: PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor Vice Mayor Brogdon called a special meeting for 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December4, 2001 at the Community Center, immediately following the regular meeting. There was no quorum, therefore a meeting was not held. STAFF Timothy Rooney, Interim City Manager Ronald D Cates, City Manager Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk ABSENT Mary Lou Bamhouse, Mayor H C "Will" Williams, Councilor Rebecca Armstrong, Councilor PRESENT Randy Brogdon, Vice Mayor Michael Helm, Councilor 8 p.m. Brogdon called the meeting to order at The Owasso City Council met in special session on Friday, November 30, 2001 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center, per public meeting and agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 28,2001. OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING Friday, November 30,2001 Mr Helm moved, seconded by Mr Brogdon, to enter into executive session for the purpose stated. Before voting, the floor was opened for comments. Councilor Armstrong stated that she is outraged by two members of the council going out and soliciting a city manager without full council approval. Ms Holly Cinocca, a local attorney, addressed the council, stating that she is concerned about the process being used to hire a new city manager. She is concerned that the procedure is improper, that meetings are being set improperly, and that agendas are being set improperly. She stated the councilors should listen to their constituents and do a search. She also stated that the council is being influenced by persons who have no accountability. John Groth, a former mayor, said that he believes the Council/Manager form of government has been flawed, except when Mr Ray was city manager. He suggested it might be time to look at another form of goveriunent. Melinda Voss, a former council member, stated that she is concerned about the direction the council is taking. She said good leadership is important, and the council needs to know what the capabilities of a city manager are. That doesn't always show up on a resume or ITEM 3: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR AN EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING MATTERS CONCERNING THE HIRING AND APPOINTMENT OF RODNEY J RAY TO THE OFFICE OF CITY MANAGER, SUCH EXECUTIVE SESSION PROVIDED FOR IN O.S. 25, SECTION 307(B)(l). A quorum was declared present. STAFF Timothy Rooney, Interim City Manager Ronald D Cates, City Manager Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk ABSENT PRESENT Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor .. 14/1 Randy Brogdon, Vice Mayor - 15/0 H C "Will" Williams, Councilor - 14/1 Rebecca Armstrong, Councilor - 14/1 Michael Helm, Councilor - 15/0 Mayor Barnhouse called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. The Owasso City Council met in special session on Tuesday, December 4, 2001 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center, per public meeting called by the Vice Mayor at 6:59 p.m. on Friday, November 30, 2001, and notice and agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 8:00 a.m. on Monday, December 2001. OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday, December 4,2001 - 2 - Mr Brogdon moved to appoint Rodney J Ray as City Manager for the City of Owasso, and that details of the ~ employment agreement be listed on the next regular city council agenda for consideration. Motion seconded by Mr Helm. ITEM 5: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF OW ASSO AND RODNEY J RAY, SUCH AGREEMENT RELATING TO THE POSITION OF CITY MANAGER FOR THE CITY OF OW ASSO AND MR RAY'S APPOINTMENT THERETO; AND AUTHORIZATION FOR THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE THE CONTRACT. This item was withdrawn from the agenda. ITEM 4: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION TO THE GENERAL FUND BUDGET, MANAGERIAL DEPARTMENT, PERSONAL SERVICES, INCREASING SAME IN THE AMOUNT NECESSARY TO FUND AN EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA AND RODNEY J RAY. Motion carried 5-0, and the council entered into executive session at 7:35 p.m. Mayor Barnhouse reconvened the open meeting at 9:40 p.m. AYE: Brogdon, Helm, Armstrong, Williams, Barnhouse NAY: None in an interview. Jerry Howard, a citizen, said that he is in favor of the council hiring Rodney Ray - that he has seen what Mr Ray has done for the city, that Mr Ray knows the city and knows the problems. Councilor Brogdon responded that the Mayor tried to appoint a search committee when Mr Mitchell resigned and could not get a majority of the council to agree on the make up of such a committee. He stated that when executives sessions were called, some councilors voted against going into executive session, and that when special meetings were called, some councilors did not show up. said that there are certain things, including the hiring of a city manager, that may be discussed in executive session and those things will not be discussed with general public. Brogdon said that he personally know but that other councilors have expressed an interest in him. Councilor Williams stated that he did not refuse to go into executive session - that he has been ill and unable to attend meetings. Councilor Armstrong stated that the special meetings called were not convenient for anyone except the Vice Mayor and another councilor. Councilor Helm asked Mr Cates if the council violated any laws by posting any executive session. Mr Cates said that all laws were followed in the calling and posting of all meetings. Mayor Barnhouse asked Mr Cates if there is a procedure the council should follow in the hiring of a city manager. Mr Cates said that there is no specific procedure. All the Charter calls for is that the person selected possess the qualifications for the position. With no other requests to address the council, the Mayor called for a vote to enter into executive session. December 4, 200l Owasso City Council - 3 - Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor Motion carried 5-0, and the meeting was adjourned at 9:42 p.m. AYE: Brogdon, Helm, Armstrong, Williams, Barnhouse NAY: None Mr Brogdon moved, seconded by Mr Helm, to adjourn. Motion canied 3-2. Councilor Williams stated that he wanted the record to reflect that, through the interview process, he is comfortable with Mr Ray's ability to do the job; however, he is opposed to the process used to a city manager, AYE: Brogdon, Helm, Barnhouse NAY: Armstrong, Williams December 4, 2001 Owasso City Council C. Action Relating to Ordinance #697, an Ordinance Providing for the Rezoning of ~Property Located Approximately 1/4 Mile South of East 116th Street North Between U.S. Highway 169 and North 145th East Ave; from AG (Agriculture) to OM (Office Medium), CS (Commercial Shopping Center), CG (Commercial General) and IL (Light Industrial), Containing 89.3 Acres, More or Less. B. Approval of Claims. A. Approval of Minutes of the November 6, 2001 Recessed Meeting, November 20, 2001 Regular Meeting, and November 27,2001 Special Meeting. ITEM 4: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. A quorum was declared present. STAFF Timothy Rooney, Interim City Manager Ronald D Cates, City Attomey Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk ABSENT PRESENT Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor ~ 13/1 Randy Brogdon, Vice Mayor - 14/0 Will Williams, Councilor - 13/1 Rebecca Armstrong, Councilor - 13/1 Michael Helm, Councilor - 14/0 ITEM 3: ROLL CALL The flag salute was held dming the OPW A meeting preceding this meeting. ITEM 2: FLAG SALUTE Mayor Barnhouse called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. The Owasso City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, December 4, 2001 in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, November 30, 2001, and Addendum to Agenda posted on the Hall bulletin at 8:00 a.m. on Monday, December 2001. OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, December 4,2001 - 2 - Motion carried 5-0. AYE: Helm, Williams, Armstrong, Brogdon, Barnhouse NAY: None Mr Cates presented the item. Recent changes in State Law have increased the authority of municipal courts to assess maximum fines of $500. Language for some offenses has also been modified. Ordinance #696 separates offenses according to their severity and assesses the appropriate monetmy amounts for the violations. Because these changes have already taken effect under State Law, an emergency clause has been added so that the City may begin collecting the new fines immediately upon publication of the ordinance. Mr Helm moved, seconded by Mr Williams, to approve Ordinance #696. ITEM 5: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO ORDINANCE #696, _AN ORDINANCE UPDATING THE CITY OF OW ASSO CODE OF ORDINANCES RELATING TO CHANGES IN STATE LAW CONCERNING OFFENSES AND TRAFFICuCODE, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion carried 5-0. AYE: Brogdon, Helm, Armstrong, Williams, Barnhouse NAY: Motion carried. The consent agenda included minutes of the November 2001 November 20, 2001 regular meeting, and November 2001 special meeting, by reference made a part hereto. Item B on the consent agenda included the following claims: (1) General Fund $57,368.23; (2) Ambulance Fund $198.90; (3) E-911 $5,821.82; (4) Capital Improvements $366,988.83; (5) City Garage $4,865.52; (6) Workers' Comp Self Insurance $5,522.69; (7) Payroll $180,908.92; (8) City Garage Payroll $5,126.34; (9) Ambulance Payroll $12,375.45; (10) E-911 Payroll $857.81; (11) Worker's Comp Payroll $1,009.44. Item C requested approval of Ordinance #697, based on Council action on November 20, 2001 to approve the requested rezoning and authorize an ordinance. Item D requested approval of Ordinance #698, based on Council action on November 20,2001 to approve the requested PUD and authorize an ordinance. Item E requested acceptance of the sanitary sewer system constmcted to serve QuikTrip #2R. Mr Brogdon moved, seconded by Mr Helm, to approve the consent agenda. System Constructed to E. Action Relating to Acceptance of the Sanitary Serve QuikTrip D, Action Relating to Ordinance #698, an Ordinance Providing for a Planned Unit Development on Property Located approximately 1/4 mile south of East 116[11 Street North between U.S. Highway 169 and North l45th East Ave, and Containing 89.3 Acres, More or Less. December 4, 2001 Owasso City Council - 3 - Mr Bates presented the item. The City of Owasso has received a grant in the amount of $67,132 for sidewalk rehabilitation in low income neighborhoods. A contract was awarded in September in the amount of$55,578. The contract award leaves $11,554 in grant funds that can be used for additional work. Change Order # 1, in the amount of $10,425, would allow additional sidewalks at bid item prices within the original work area, repair vandalism to the sidewalk surface already layed, & replace a call signal loop at 76th St N & Main where a non-conforming handicap ramp is being removed and replaced. Also included is a time extension of 31 days. Mr Helm moved, seconded by Mr Brogdon, to approve Change Order #1 to a contract between the City of Owasso and Davis construction for sidewalk improvements, adding $10,425 to the contract utilizing funds remaining in the grant, and adding 31 days to the contract time to allow for additional work. ITEM 8: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO CHANGE ORDER #1, A CHANGE ORDER TO A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF OW ASSO AND DAVIS CONSTRUCTION, TULSA, OK, FOR SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS. Motion canied 5-0. AYE: Williams, Armstrong, Helm, Brogdon, Barnhouse NAY: None Mr Roberts said that the Street Division budget includes funds for the purchase of a new 11,.foot, heavy-duty snow plow. The plow attachment will be the primary piece of equipment used to remove snow from main arterial roads. Bid documents were developed and sent to three prospective vendors in October. Two of those vendors responded with bids. Both bids met all the required specifications, with the low bidder being slightly more than $1000 below the other bidder. Mr Williams moved, seconded by Ms Armstrong, to award a bid for the purchase of a power reversible snow plow to Little Falls Machine Inc, Little Falls, MN, in the amount of $6810, and authorization for payment. ITEM 7: CONSIDERATION AND .APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING._TO THE AWARD OF A BID FOR A SNOWPLOW. Motion carried 5-0. Helm, Brogdon, Armstrong, Williams, Barnhouse None Mr Helm moved, seconded by Mr Brogdon, to approve the requested emergency clause. ITEM 6: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO THE ATT ACHMENT OF AN EMERGENCY CLAUSE TO ORDINANCE #696. December 4, 200 1 Owasso City Council - 4 - Ms Holly Cinocca requested that she be allowed to address the Council regarding the hiring of Rodney Ray as City Manager. Mr Cates informed her that this did not constitute new business since it is not something that wasn't known prior to the posting of the agenda. She was told that there would be opportunity for her to address the Council during the special meeting following this meeting. " ITEM 13: NEW BUSINESS. No report. ITEM l2: REPORT FROM CITY COUNCILORS. No report. ITEM 11: REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY. No report. ITEM 10: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER Motion carried 5-0. AYE: Helm, Brogdon, Armstrong, Williams, Barnhouse NAY: None Boutwell presented the item. Section 2-204 of the City of Owasso of Ordinances provides that the city council shall hold regular meetings of the first and third Tuesday of each month. The council is given the option of changing, by motion, the date, time or place of any regularly scheduled meeting. The first Tuesday in January, 2002, falls on January 1, a holiday. With five Tuesdays in January, staff is requesting that the January city council meetings be held on the second and fourth Tuesday nights. Planning staff has agreed to move the Planning Commission meeting to the third Tuesday and Board of Adjustment to the fifth Tuesday. Mr Helm moved, seconded by Mr Brogdon, to change the January, 2002, city council meeting dates to the second and fourth Tuesdays. ITEM 9:. CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A CHANGE OF MEETING DATES FOR THE MONTH.OF JANUARY, 2002.. Motion carried 5-0. AYE: Helm, Brogdon, Armstrong, Williams, Barnhouse NAY: None December 4,200 1 Owasso City Council - 5 - Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor Motion cauied 5-0, and the meeting was adjourned at 6:50 p.m. AYE: Brogdon, Helm, Williams, Armstrong, Barnhouse NAY: None Mr Brogdon moved, seconded by Mr Helm, to adjourn. ITEM 17: ADJOURNMENT This item was withdraw from the agenda by the Mayor. ITEM 1:s,~ ~ONSIDERATION . AND . APPROPRIATE AC:TION RELATING TO, THE MATTERS SET FORTH INTHE FOREGOING EXECUTIYE ~IiSSION. This item was withdrawn from the agenda by the Mayor. ITEM 14: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR AN EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING PROCEDURES RELATING TO THE HIRING OF A CITY MANAGER, SUCH. EXECUTIVE SESSION PROVIDED FOR IN O.S. 25, SECTION 307(B)1.. December 4, 2001 Owasso City COLlncil Motion carried 5-0, and the Council entered into executive session at 5:45 p.m., returning to open session at 6:40 p.m. AYE: Helm, Brogdon, Armstrong, Williams, Barnhouse NAY: None Mr Helm moved, seconded by Mr Brogdon, to enter into executive session for the purpose stated. ITEM 2: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR AN EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING AN AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES BETWEEN RODNEY J RAY AND THE CITY OF OW ASSO, SUCH EXECUTIVE SESSION PROVIDED FOR IN O.S. 25, SECTION 307ill)1. Chief Allen discussed the bids received for a new ambulance. Seven bids were submitted and have been reviewed. Request for authorization to award the bid will be on the December 18th Council agenda. ITEM 3: DISCUSSION RELATING TO BIDS RECEIVED FOR NEW AMBULANCE. A quorum was declared present. STAFF Timothy Rooney, Acting City Manager Ronald D Cates, City Attorney Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk ABSENT PRESENT Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor - 15/1 Randy Brogdon, Vice Mayor - 16/0 Will Williams, Councilor - 15/1 Rebecca Armstrong, Councilor - 15/1 Michael Helm, Councilor - 16/0 at 5 called the to The Owasso City Council met in special session on Tuesday, December 11, 2001 in the Lower Level Conference Room at Owasso City Hall per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 2:30 p.m. on Ftiday, December 7,2001. OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday, December 11,2001 Motion carried 5-0, and the Council entered into executive session at 5:45 p.m., returning to open session at 6:40 p.m. AYE: Helm, Brogdon, Armstrong, Williams, Barnhouse NA Y: None Mr Helm moved, seconded by Mr Brogdon, to enter into executive session for the purpose stated. ITEM 2: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR AN EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING AN AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES BETWEEN RODNEY J RAY AND THE CITY OF OW ASSO, SUCH EXECUTIVE SESSION PROVIDED FOR IN O.S. 25, SECTION 307m2!. Chief Allen discussed the bids received for a new ambulance. Seven bids were submitted and have been reviewed. Request for authorization to award the bid will be on the December 18th Council agenda. ITEM 3: DISCUSSION RELATING TO BIDS RECEIVED FOR NEW AMBULANCE. A quorum was declared present. STAFF Timothy Rooney, Acting City Manager Ronald D Cates, City Attorney Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk PRESENT Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor - 15/16 Randy Brogdon, Vice Mayor ~ 16/16 Will Williams, Councilor - 15/16 Rebecca Armstrong, Councilor - 15/16 Michael Helm, Councilor - 16/16 at 5 to Mayor The Owasso City Council met in special session on Tuesday, December 11,2001 in the Lower Level Conference Room at Owasso City Hall per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 2:30 p.m. on Fliday, December 7,2001. OW ASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday, December 11, 2001 - 2 - Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor Motion carried 4-0, and the meeting was adjourned at 7:27 p.m. AYE: Brogdon, Williams, Helm, Barnhouse NAY: None Mr Brogdon moved, seconded by Mr Williams, to adjourn. ITEM 7: ADJOURNMENT Mr Rooney updated the Council on each of the above-listed items. a. Change Order #5 - City Hall/Police Station b. FOP Litigation c. Water System Improvements d. Financing for Water System Improvements e. Ward Boundary Redistricting f. Centennial Park (Preston Lakes) g. StOlID Siren System Replacement h. Tulsa Technology Center Sewer Paybacks i. ODOT Grant Application j. Hotel/Motel Tax ITEM 6: DISCUSSION RELATING TO THE FOLLOWING ITEMS~ Councilor Armstrong out at 7:10 p.m. agenda was withdrawn This Mr Cates discussed the payment of penalties assessed as the result ofDEQ Administrative Order, Case No 01".901. This item will appear on the regular agenda on December 18th. ITEM~ DISCUSSION RELATING TO DEQ_AJ2MllilSTRK11YE ORDER. December 11,2001 Owasso City Council City of Owasso Claims 12/18/01 Fund Department Total General Deposit Refunds 15.00 105 Municipal Court 182.00 110 Manageria! 120 Finance 15.00 150 Genera! Government 160 Community Development 987.99 170 Engineering 339.87 181 Support Services 1 ,190.87 190 Cemetery 85.14 201 Police Services 22,983.31 215 Police Communications 3,275.24 221 Animal Control 380.47 250 Fire Services 3,368.98 280 Emergency Preparedness 293.63 300 Streets 58,288.45 515 Park Maintenance 1,295.75 550 Community Center .1,269.30 TOTAL 115,419.69 Ambulance 255 Ambulance 2,158.20 TOTAL 2,158.20 E-911 E-911 Services 6,311.15 TOTAL 6,311.15 Capital Improvements Computerization 1,500.00 TOTAL 1,500.00 Capital Projects Project Management 725.16 TOTAL 125.16 Bond Projects CityHall/PD 4,392.72 Project Management 5,400.00 TOTAL 9,792.72 OPGA Merchandise 984.01 Food and Beverage 3,330.16 605 Cart Operations 15.40 610 Golf Course Maintenance 1,332.27 670 Food and Beverage Operations 1,471.43 690 Golf Administration 1,291.36 800 Debt Service 4,138.04 TOTAL OPWA 400 Administration 2,192.95 405 Utility Billing 4,713.93 420 Water 450 Wastewater treatment plant 6,986.65 455 Wastewater Collection 5,249.29 480 Refuse Collections 16,721.36 485 Recycle Center 5,163.78 TOTAL 55,957.28 OPWA Capital Improvements 450 Wastewater Treatment Plant TOTAL OPW A Sewer Line Extension Debt Service 23,000.00 TOTAL 23,000.00 City Garage 185 City Garage 12,973.45 TOTAL 12,913.45 Workers' Comp Self Insurance 150 Workers' Camp 875.90 TOTAL 815.90 Collision Self-Insurance 150 Collision Self-Insurance 1,200.00 TOTAL 1,200.00 IClaims Total 248,758.121 City of Owasso Dec 13, 2001 03:53pm Page Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ~~~~~_~~ ___~ =00____ _~__________ ________ _~__________ ________ __________ ____________ =______________________ 3194 750 12/06/01 CEPO 14201 22 12/18/01 5,400.00 5,400.00 PROGRAM MGMT 3/16/99 6868 591 12/06/01 14114 8240177054 12/18/01 22.80 91.20 12 UNIFORM CLEANING-PARKS 11/22/01 8240175333 22.80 11/15/01 8240174460 22.80 11/29/01 8240176188 22.80 6879 1098 11/18/01 14267 2589298 12/18/01 267.14 267.14 ADVERTISING 6880 474 12/06/01 14103 11551 12/18/01 1.9"7 56.33 MEDICAL REVIEW FEES 12/06/01 11552 ".01 11/28/01 11532 50.35 6883 615 10/19/01 14098 2030815 12/18/01 30.00 90.00 PRE-EMPLOYMENT SCREENINGS 11/09/01 2068252 30.00 10/29/01 2048445 30.00 6884 1171 11/30/01 14118 797154 12/18/01 100.00 100.00 DIGITAL PLAYER-CONTRACT 6887 627 11/30/01 14088 119506 12/18/01 125.68 97.00 12 COPIER MAINT 28.68 COPIER MAINT 6888 1294 11/14/01 14079 500197307-02 12/18/01 201.49 28.06 12 PHONE USE CHIEF 0 173.43 12 PHONE USE SUPERVISORS/DETECTIVES 6889 939 12/01/01 14085 11/01 12/18/01 150.00 150.00 12 RETAINER 6960 38 12/01/01 14122 12-3 12/18/01 211.05 211.05 METER READINGS 6961 2075 11/28/01 14120 12-3 12/18/01 343.20 343.20 METER READINGS 6962 171 12/01/01 It,119 12-3 12/18/01 351.90 351.90 METER READINGS 6963 264 12/01/01 14121 12-3 12/18/01 117.1.5 117.45 METER READINGS 6989 313 11/30/01 14039 32 12/18/01 420.00 420.00 INSPECTION SERVICES-NOV 6990 313 11/30/01 14038 33 12/18/01 46.50 46.50 MILEAGE-NOV 6992 591 12/06/01 14113 8240177052 12/18/01 10.92 43.68 UNIFORM RENTAL/CLEANING 11/29/01 82t.O 176186 10.92 11/15/01 8240174t.58 10.92 11/22/01 8240175331 10.92 6994 554 12/03/01 14112 3975 12/18/01 t,O.OO 40.00 DIAL-UP SERVICE 699"7 1059 12/0t./Ol 1409"7 4398 12/18/01 150.00 150.00 INSPECTION STICKERS/CODE MATERIAL 7010 362 12/05/01 14108 35247 12/18/01 90.00 90.00 12 BIO-WASTE DISPOSAL 7013 7 11/20/01 1 t,002 787550 12/18/01 176.58 1"76.58 12 COPIER RENTAL/MAINTENANCE 0.00 12 SUPPLIES/SERVICE 7017 642 11/30/01 14106 200-11/01 12/18/01 37.97 1,427.77 12 UNIFORM CLEANING 11/30/01 202-11/01 51.80 11/30/01 203-11/01 58.80 11/30/01 204-11/01 27.96 11/30/01 205-11/01 5.95 11/30/01 206-11/01 65.45 11/30/01 207-11/01 83.30 11/30/01 208-11/01 65.45 11/30/01 209-11/01 32.02 11/30/01 210-11/01 41.65 11/30/01 211-11/01 65.94 11/30/01 212-11/01 26.77 11/30/01 213-11/01 77.35 11/30/01 214-11/01 57.47 11/30/01 215-11/01 53.55 11/30/01 218-11/01 40.25 11/30/01 220-11/01 14.87 11/30/01 221-11/01 66.46 11/30/01 222-11/01 27.96 11/30/01 223-11/01 53.55 11/30/01 224-11/01 61.18 11/30/01 225-11/01 35.70 11/30/01 227-11/01 74.86 11/30/01 232-11/01 18.02 11/30/01 234-11/01 124.07 11/30/01 235-11/01 34.47 11/30/01 236-11/01 53.55 11/30/01 237-11/01 23.80 11/30/01 238-11/01 47.60 7020 399 11/27/01 14000 860150 12/18/01 220.00 220.00 12 LEGAL NOTICES 7032 364 11/21/01 14237 170090 12/18/01 59.99 59.99 TIRE REPAIRS 7033 446 12/03/01 CEPO 14261+ 830113945 12/18/01 45.84 1,736.00 REPAIR PARTS 11/29/01 830113395 16012 59.09 REPAIR PARTS CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.008 Q*APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) :ity of Owasso Dec 13, 2001 03: 53pm Page 2 Jnpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due- Discount Line Item ~umber Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~_w~~__ ~~~~ ~____~ __w__~~_~___ ___~____ ____w_~_~_~_ ________ __________ ____________ ~____________~_____~~__ 12/03/01 830113977 6.62 11/29/01 830113384 16.12 12/03/01 830114005 -19.18 12/04/01 830114137 -16.00 12/04/01 830114149 757.88 1 '1/03/01 830113465 4.33 11/02/01 830113254 72.99 11/27/01 830113074 370.17 11/28/01 830113328 22.65 11/29/01 830113352 8.34 11/30/01 830113461. 34.39 12/07/01 830114532 24,,57 11/27/01 830113070 120 . 12 11/27/01 830113043 35.94 11/26/01 830112769 16.25 11/28/01 830113235 8.31, 12/03/01 830113944 267.61 11/28/01 830113297 1099 703/. 591 11/29/01 14265 8240176189 12/18/01 9.78 63.78 UNIFORM RENTAL 12/06/01 82/,0177055 9.78 19.56 UNIFORM RENTAL 12/06/01 8240177053 31.89 11/29/01 8240176187 31089 7035 1050 11/30/01 14238 44952 12/18/01 60.85 45.64 CYLINDER RENTAL 15.21 CYLINDER RENTAL 7049 938 11/17/01 14037 91801B002032 12/18/01 2,070.15 2,070.15 12 E-911 02 7050 1557 12/10/01 14204 53921 12/18/01 2,490.11 2,490.11 BILLING SERVICE 7090 89 12/05/01 14080 2 12/18/01 4,138.0/. 4,138.04 12 CART LEASE 7096 717 12/01/01 14035 69525-12/01 12/18/01 23,000.00 23,000.00 12 ELM CREEK NOTE 7114 239 11/27/01 14155 107856 12/18/01 134.74 199.80 12 SAFETY SUPPLIES 11/16/01 107689 101.76 47.30 12 SAFETY SUPPLIES 11/20/01 107744 71.05 47.30 12 SAFETY SUPPLIES 11/20/01 107731 81.45 47.30 12 SAFETY SUPPLIES 47.30 12 SAFETY SUPPLIES 7121 360 11/26/01 14152 11254166 12/18/01 88.17 88.17 COPIER MAINTENANCE 7138 1038 12/01/01 14202 5736 12/18/01 1,1.69 41.69 OFFICE SUPPLIES 7143 1329 11/02/01 14163 130804 12/18/01 87.1.5 87.45 UNIFORM JEANS 7143 1329 11/26/01 14220 144051 12/18/01 62.70 62.70 REPAIR SUPPLIES 7169 212 12/03/01 14107 11/01 12/18/01 91.00 91.00 LEGAL DEFENSE PLAN FY 02 7220 794 11/28/01 14219 2898571 12/18/01 167.35 167.35 LAB SUPPLIES 7322 1044 12/01/01 14117 12611010062 12/18/01 186.73 186.73 12 COMMERCIAL REFUSE 7371 785 10/29/01 14158 8642399912 12/18/01 232.39 123.59 VACUUM 108.80 COMPRESSOR 7382 1056 11/07/01 14179 69851 12/18/01 201060 229.60 RENTALS 11/06/01 69843 28.00 0.00 RENTALS 7418 107 11/01/01 14182 67350 12/18/01 46.21 51.46 REPAIR SUPPLIES 11/15/01 67615 3.50 0.00 WEED TRIMMER 12/06/01 678979 L75 7473 1512 11/15/01 14087 30958 12/18/01 3,219.00 3,219.00 EXHAUST FANS 7488 1952 11/19/01 14041 99427579 12/18/01 422.00 1,022.00 SECURITY SYSTEM-7/17/01 11/19/01 99427583 600.00 7531 1361 12/13/01 14136 11/15-12/13 12/18/01 180.00 180.00 44 BAILIFF DUTIES 07/01-06/02 7663 2492 11/30/01 14124 12-3 12/18/01 75.45 75.45 METER READINGS 7735 65 11/30/01 14092 8673-001 12/18/01 52.00 52.00 TRAINING-ALLEN/ROSS 7877 162 10/21/01 14166 676094899 12/18/01 13,024.00 13,024.00 COMPUTERS 9/4/01 7924 1039 11/01/01 14195 371956 12/18/01 16.30 1,121.30 WATER METERS/GAUGE 11/01/01 371628 1,105.00 8040 366 11/14/01 14164 666589 12/18/01 109.24 228.38 REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 11/28/01 667696 46.85 11/01/01 665406 5.16 11/01/01 665333 57.33 12/03/01 668057 9.80 8070 2574 11/29/01 14086 LT - 304-1 12/18/01 3,242.10 3,242.10 POLICE DEPT RELOCATION 8072 2574 12/08/01 14227 LT-321-1 12/18/01 4,650.00 4,650.00 CITY HALL RELOCATION 8142 412 11/23/01 14100 961054 12/18/01 290.00 597.95 BADGES 11/16/01 958453 307.95 8150 857 11/06/01 13999 D206998 12/18/01 100.22 102.72 MAINT/REPAIR SUPPLIES 11/30/01 D208603 2.50 8189 812 10/05/01 14175 1501080534 12/18/01 4.97 127.10 MAINT/REPAIR SUPPLIES 11/09/01 1510081102 36.93 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.8 Q*APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) 61.66 CALENDARS 84.40 LAMP/OFFICE SUPPLIES 62.68 COpy PAPER 101.93 CALENDARS 152.10 BINDERS/CASH BOX 15.18 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,310.00 STORAGE CABINETS 292.50 STORAGE CABINETS 217.50 STORAGE CABINETS 2,409.00 RECYCLE REFUSE 1,104.75 MAINT/REPAIR SUPPLIES 13.86 DESK CALENDAR 3,200.00 COPY MACHINE 22.86 OFFICE SUPPLIES 165.00 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 45,478.69 STREET REPAIRS 9/18/01 30.66 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 81.99 CARHARTTS-RABER 321.50 MECHANICAL SEAL 215.73 ELEC LOCK-OUT CENTER 29.97 REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 3,870.00 LIGHT FIXTURE 50.62 P09121 1,200.00 VEHICLE REPAIR 69.31 MAINT SUPPLIES 24.76 OFFICE SUPPLIES 47.04 TOOLS/EQUIP 112.49 PARTS WASHER 1,059.25 REPAIR SUPPLIES 30.59 CELL PHONE USE 817.90 TV INSPECTIONS-SEWER 140.42 COUPLINGS/DUCTILE IRON 448.26 STORAGE FACILITY EQUIP 420.60 STORAGE FACILITY EQUIP 206.62 STORAGE FACILITY EQUIP 49.25 SIGNS 250.00 10 EMS AUDITS 32.06 MAINT SUPPLIES 3.50 MAINT SUPPLIES 1.98 MAINT SUPPLIES 2,107.05 STREET LIGHTING 65.00 10 MONTHLY RENTALS 24.44 SOD 30.56 SOD 2,300.00 SYSTEMS IMPROVEMENTS 12/7/99 3,982.50 SYSTEMS IMPROVEMENTS 12/7/99 13.91 OFFICE/MAINT SUPPLIES 49.90 SOFTWARE 134.50 586.50 AIRLINE TICKETS-WILLSON/B.ALLEN /GREENE 1 ,500.00 MON ITOR 34.49 CELL PHONE USE Line Item Amounts Claim Description Dec 13, 2001 03:53pm Page 3 2,409.00 68.00 68.00 968.75 1 , 820 . 00 817.90 98.02 42.1+0 47.04 112.49 120.38 637.40 144.44 15.60 141.43 45,478.69 30.66 81. 99 321.50 215.73 29.97 3,870.00 50.62 1,200.00 29.80 10.14 9.92 24.76 19.45 43.00 77.00 45.00 3,200.00 295.92 218.75 65.08 2,284.81 3,982.50 2,300.00 250.00 3.50 1.98 32.06 2,107.05 65000 5:5000 85.20 49.25 1,075,48 Invoice Disc Du~ Discount Amount Date Amount 12/18/01 12/18/01 12/18/01 12/18/01 12/18/01 12/18/01 12/18/01 12/18/01 12/18/01 12/18/01 12/18/01 12/18/01 12/18/01 12/18/01 12/18/01 12/18/01 12/18/01 12/18/01 12/18/01 12/18/01 12/18/01 8568 1044 11/18/01 14223 12528010064 8599 1408 11/17/01 14162 3752 12/04/01 3834 11/21/01 3773 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.8 Q*APR083 14178 107748 14185 102901 14194 637483 369416 It,181 D209108 14176 144054 14187 371349 371348 371629 371627 372067 14225 2 14145 10091735 14198 145172 14196 1098 14157 8646402373 13997 126800 14105 3582 14138 2576205 14214 111501 14006 6251 4117 9127 8322 1947 14003 56512 56632 56615 14089 119348 14260 144634757-00 1 144007936-00 1 14261 941582085-01 12/18/01 1 12/18/01 12/18/01 12/18/01 12/18/01 12/18/01 12/18/01 12/18/01 12/18/01 12/18/01 Full Amt Due Date It,268 11/01 14192 7 '14153 11 13996 12/01 13998 1505081292 1500081290 1503081291 14036 11/01 USE '14084 72288 14159 167 1510081213 14217 8643594172 8649614023 239 11/20/01 1954 10/29/01 1039 10/01/01 10/25/01 857 12/07/01 1329 11/26/01 1039 11/14/01 11/07/01 11/02/01 11/01/01 11/16/01 2628 12/06/01 1405 12/10/01 1329 11/28/01 902 10/10/01 785 11/02/01 1329 10/24/01 2652 11/16/01 543 09/12/01 2655 12/15/01 1038 11/29/01 11/30/01 11/05/01 11/01/01 11/08/01 904 11/08/01 11/20/01 11/19/01 627 11/28/01 2307 11/22/01 11/08/01 1294 12/02/01 787 12/01/01 812 11/23/01 11/23/01 11/23/01 1084 11/30/01 475 11/01/01 6 12/04/01 263 12/05/01 263 08/27/01 2477 11/30/01 11/16/01 785 11/03/01 10/10/01 8565 8526 8530 8523 8379 8383 8392 8393 8396 8415 8478 8489 8491 8509 8358 8370 8377 8354 8355 8325 8266 8276 8284 8299 8299 8324 8236 8238 8232 P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Number Number Date Code Number Invoice# City of Owasso Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order :i ty of Owasso Dec 13, 2001 03:53pm Page 4 Jnpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item lumber Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ~~---- -~~-~-~- ~~-- --~--- ------------ -------- ------------ -------- ----=----- ------------ =---------------------- 8600 100 11 /28/0 1 14183 500034 12/18/01 1,125.00 1,765.00 DIRT/HAULING CHARGES 11/28/01 500031 640.00 8615 371 11/30/01 14123 12-3 12/18/01 642.15 642.15 METER READINGS 8618 1f,17 11/06/01 14008 2011024034 12/18/01 53.00 53.00 PRINTING 8619 556 11/27/01 14099 11296 12/18/01 1,840.00 1,840.00 BATTERIES 8620 2686 11/09/01 14134 110901 12/18/01 29.49 29.49 M11081 8645 2409 11/13/01 14033 1280 12/18/01 350.00 350.00 VEHICLE REPAIR 8646 555 11/10/01 11.007 111001 12/18/01 85.00 85.00 LOCK/KEY CHANGES 8647 573 11/12/01 14001 949248 12/18/01 66.27 66.27 REPAIR PARTS 8650 261 11/26/01 14188 99481 12/18/01 653.80 653.80 SAND 8653 649 11/30/01 14174 14015 12/18/01 119.94 99.95 5 DUFFLE BAGS 19.99 DUFFLE BAG 8665 2567 10/23/01 14180 150029670637 12/18/01 2.96 1,801.04 BUILDING SUPPLIES 10/23/01 150029670638 1.96 10/24/01 150029770666 -2.96 10/24/01 150029770667 -1.96 11/08/01 150031271561 10.48 11/08/01 150031271576 162.26 11/09/01 150031371624 26.29 11/12/01 LRAOOO022875 -197.57 11/14/01 150031871914 21.44 11/15/01 150039171949 8.20 11/19/01 150032372204 1,765.91 11/20/01 150032472248 -19.96 11/20/01 150032472249 23.99 8697 892 11/20/01 14004 IV862054 12/18/01 279.00 279.00 REPAIR LIFE PAK 8710 1038 11/08/01 14040 9711 12/18/01 139.89 176.19 TV CART/MAINT SUPPLIES 11/26/01 9209 36.30 8711 406 11/30/01 14034 2133119157 12/18/01 25.98 443.41 OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/15/01 2133122588 443.41 104.28 OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/15/01 2133116543 104.28 25.98 PAPER SUPPLIES 8716 729 11/30/01 14191 T12672 12/18/01 3,610.00 5,560.00 METER SETS-6/19/01 08/27/01 T12560 1,950.00 8717 511 11/05/01 14221 553940 12/18/01 1,106.00 1,106.00 CLEAN WET WELLS 8718 1044 11/01/01 14193 12313310067 12/18/01 401.26 457.72 REFUSE COLLECTION 11/18/01 12510610061 56.46 8734 538 11/28/01 14234 64208263007 12/18/01 87.89 54.95 CLEANING SUPPLIES 32.94 CLEANING SUPPLIES 8741 66 11/21/01 14005 373111 12/18/01 381.06 381.06 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 8755 2121 07/13/01 14212 24937027 12/18/01 50.62 50.62 H07131 8773 1276 11/15/01 14190 694336-18 12/18/01 26.83 26.83 LIGHT BALLAST 11/20/01 238284-12 556.47 11/19/01 240031-12 -556.47 8774 1038 11/20/01 14222 7427 12/18/01 35.76 35.76 2 SPACE HEATERS 8775 1056 11/16/01 14218 70050 12/18/01 51.52 297.92 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 11/09/01 69892 56.00 12/05/01 70449 28.00 11/03/01 69805 162.40 8777 812 11/09/01 14045 1517081106 12/18/01 91.79 449.81 MAl NT/REPAIR SUPPLIES 11/16/01 1517081217 90.35 11/20/01 1517081267 47.92 11/23/01 1517081299 137.64 11/02/01 1512080980 33.92 11/09/01 15120811 04 35.95 11/16/01 1512081214 9.25 11/23/01 1512081296 2.99 8778 792 11/19/01 14046 75934 12/18/01 5.88 29.92 MAl NT/REPAIR SUPPLIES 11/06/01 75073 11.80 10/26/01 74522 1.49 10/26/01 74517 1.16 10/26/01 74478 9.59 8779 2711 12/01/01 14184 120101 12/18/01 50.00 25.00 CORPORATE MEMBERSHIP 25.00 CORPORATE MEMBERSHIP 8780 1329 11/28/01 '\.4197 145172 12/18/01 145.98 145.98 CARHARTTS-CLAFLIN 8781 2712 11/20/01 14177 9 12/18/01 497.20 497.20 GRAHAM-WEEK ENDING 11/19/01 11/13/01 7 198.88 198.88 GRAHAM-WEEK ENDING 11/11/01 8782 500 11/26/01 14224 69277 12/18/01 99.99 99.99 POWER SUPPLY 10/22/01 66039 3.99 3.99 MAINT/REPAIR SUPPLIES 8784 406 11/26/01 14102 145460525-00 12/18/01 1,109.63 1,109.63 OFFICE FURNITURE 1 :CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.8 Q*APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Dec 13, 2001 03: 53pm Page 5 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc DUe~ Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ~~-~~~ ~---~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~-~ -~-~--~~~--~ ~~~~~~~- --~~-~--~-~- -----~-- ---~------ ------------ ----------------------- 8786 1404 11/27/01 14189 5476 12/18/01 516.00 516.00 ROAD BORE 8787 929 12/01/01 14154 21850007605 12/18/01 6,173.91 513.44 TIPPING FEES 11/16/01 21850007493 6,669.67 10,117.71 TIPPING FEES 11/16/01 21850007496 513.44 2,725.87 TIPPING FEES 879!, 552 12/15/01 14205 121501 12/18/01 1,620.00 1,620.00 EMPLOYEE APPRECIATION 8795 1056 11/19/01 14077 70102 12/18/01 80.64 80.64 CHAIR RENTAL 8796 568 11/27/01 14093 159060 12/18/01 157.70 157.70 PAPER GOODS 8797 316 11/26/01 14047 67145528 12/18/01 15.31 15.31 BREAKER BOX 8799 812 11/16/01 14104 1516081216 12/18/01 0,,30 26.65 MAINT SUPPLIES 1'1/02/01 1516080981 26.35 7.96 MAINT/REPAIR SUPPLIES 11/28/01 656081384 7,,96 2,,99 MAl NT/REPAIR SUPPLIES 11/26/01 1511081297 2,,99 5..35 MAl NT/REPAIR SUPPLIES 10/13/01 1511080674 0,,40 3,,96 MAl NT/REPAIR SUPPLIES 10/25/01 1511080859 1,.95 3,,94 MAINT/REPAIR SUPPLIES 11/23/01 1513081298 0,,99 11/09/01 1513081105 2.97 11/09/01 1507081101 3,,94 8801 1567 11/30/01 14091 29044 12/18/01 19,,95 19.95 OFFICE SUPPLIES 8802 !,05 11/19/01 14090 2011-11-18 12/18/01 60,,00 120"00 2 MEMBERSHIPS-GREENE/MaTT 0 11/19/01 2011-11/18 60.00 8806 1709 11/30/01 1!,042 44612 12/18/01 251040 251,,40 EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION 8807 808 11/13/01 14101 202152 12/18/01 725.16 725" 16 14ANAGEMENT ASS I ST ANCE 8809 476 11/21/01 14245 8888DE 12/18/01 23,,00 23,,00 REPAIR PARTS 8810 159 10/31/01 14096 62439 12/18/01 2,505,,50 2,505,,50 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 8811 2723 10/26/01 14208 010905158228 12/18/01 350,,00 350"00 ARBITRATION SERVICES 8812 1661 10/05/01 14095 6101991 12/18/01 89.63 89,,63 OFFICE SUPPLIES 8817 897 11/20/01 11.094 1937 12/18/01 291053 297" 48 UN I FOR14S 10/23/01 1213 5"95 8819 1287 09/19/01 14146 15701060195 12/18/01 214,,90 214,,90 P09131 8820 615 10/23/01 14149 298-136 12/18/01 144"12 144,,12 A07231 8821 935 09/18/01 14135 345200 12/18/01 105"75 105,,75 S09181 8822 2183 11/25/01 14213 20010625 12/18/01 33,,99 16.22 1411141 8"00 H11191 9"77 1411141 8825 2724 09/25/01 14147 168501 12/18/01 68"58 68,,58 M03151 8826 2725 06/26/01 14148 4165-0110001 12/18/01 70.88 70,,88 C06261 1 8828 27 11/28/01 14078 422582 12/18/01 301022 301.22 EMPLOYEE APPRECIATION 8829 2688 12/03/01 14083 98641 12/18/01 73.85 73.85 MAINT SUPPLIES 8830 406 11/29/01 14082 2133118928 12/18/01 24"97 8,,99 OFFICE SUPPLIES 15"98 OFFICE SUPPLIES 8831 1062 11/28/01 14081 103 12/18/01 1,400,,00 700,,00 RETAINER 11/28/01 112 3,066.00 700.00 RETAINER 11/28/01 113 550,,00 3,720,,00 LEGAL SERVICES 11/28/01 114 670000 566,,00 LEGAL SERVICES 8832 1038 11/29/01 14125 3500 12/18/01 107"88 107.88 TV/CALCULATOR 12/06/01 9079 9096 9,,96 MAINT/REPAIR SUPPLIES 1211 0/01 8748 14001 49.62 GROCERIES 10/19/01 2549 70.31 8.93 OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/02/01 1275 8093 19.52 MAINT SUPPLIES 15018 MAINT SUPPLIES 8833 543 11/15/01 14150 2584505 12/18/01 50062 50,,62 P09131 8835 877 11/06/01 14109 43534 12/18/01 92,,00 148.40 VEHICLE MAINT 11/06/01 43540 56.40 8836 66 12/04/01 14110 374155 12/18/01 345.91 345,,91 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 8837 943 12/04/01 14111 24095 12/18/01 24.86 24,,86 OFFICE SUPPLIES 12/04/01 24097 4.00 4.00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/20/01 24062 7.19 7.19 OFFICE SUPPLIES 8838 1084 11/30/01 14115 11/01 12/18/01 11 ,759.58 1,233011 11/01 USE 195,,68 11/01 USE 15014 11/01 USE 654.64 11/01 USE 127.40 11/01 USE 322.78 11/01 USE 63.63 11/01 USE 63.20 11/01 USE 511,,11 11/01 USE 308,,43 11/01 USE 261.58 11/01 USE 5,077.60 11/01 USE CCS"AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0,,8 Q*APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Dec 13, 2001 03:53pm Page 6 Jnpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.o. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description -~~~-- ----~- -~--~~-- ~--- ------ -----g---~-- -------- ------------ -------- ---------- =----------- --------------=----==-- 1,068.24 11/01 USE 28.91 11/01 USE 582.67 11/01 USE 297.24 11/01 USE 309.09 11/01 USE 639.13 11/01 USE 8839 1002 12/18/01 1t,203 121801 12/18/01 869.53 13.00 VEHICLE WASH 3.00 VEHICLE WASH 40.23 WINTER WONDERLAND 210.00 PER DIEM-STAFF 3.16 CLEANING SUPPLIES 28.71 CITY MGR EXPENSES 6.50 REIMB PETTY CASH 51.49 EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION 54.21 DOC LUNCHES 31.43 COUNCIL MEETING EXP 4.00 REIMB PETTY CASH 15.00 SUBSCRIPTION 91.00 PER DIEM-O'BRIEN 146.03 PER DIEM-MCELRATH 20.00 SMALL TOOLS 28.00 PER DIEM-MORTON 63.00 PER DIEM-CARR 12.00 REPAIR PARTS 13.38 SHELTER SUPPLIES 6.00 TIRE REPAIR 10.00 PRINTED FORMS 2.39 REIMB PETTY CASH 15.00 PERMIT REFUND 2.00 CHECK FEE 8840 814 12/04/01 1 t.207 28442 12/04/01 7.70 65.83 FILM PROCESSING 11/14/01 27164 10.35 7.70 FILM PROCESSING 11/16/01 28042 19.09 11/26/01 28049 3.52 11/26/01 28050 32.87 8841 485 11/30/01 14131 113001-07 12/18/01 69.00 69.00 RAIN COAT 8842 574 11/13/01 14132 2116 12/18/01 7.05 7.05 BUNDLE LAUNDRY 11/29/01 2188 20.55 20.55 BUNDLE LAUNDRY 8843 1041 11/20/01 14199 800597181 12/18/01 44.00 44.00 OKLAHOMA STATUTES 8844 417 11/29/01 14130 32286 12/18/01 243.98 93.99 TONER 149.99 PRINTER DRUM 8845 722 10/09/01 14129 530 12/18/01 29.50 29.50 UNIFORM 8846 823 12/03/01 14168 55972 12/18/01 20.56 20.56 FUSES 8848 1329 11/09/01 14172 134178 12/18/01 27.93 27.93 CHAIN/TENSION BAR 8850 765 11/06/01 14173 35386 12/18/01 161.00 161.00 REFRIGERANT 8851 1038 11/14/01 14186 6825 12/18/01 29.84 5.55 OFFICE SUPPLIES 12/05/01 6899 24.75 4.85 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1.97 FIRST AID SUPPLIES 6.47 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1.97 FIRST AID SUPPLIES 1.97 FIRST AID SUPPLIES 1.97 FIRST AID SUPPLIES 29.84 OIL 8853 812 10/25/01 14127 1510080858 12/18/01 20.97 20.97 SHOVEL 11/27/01 655081363 19.99 48.19 MAINT/REPAIR SUPPLIES 11/27/01 655081368 1.38 12/03/01 655081482 26.82 8854 1086 12/12/01 14128 12/18 12/18/01 52.63 5.14 CIRCUIT BREAKER 2.16 MAINT SUPPLIES 24.00 PARKING FEES 3.19 CALCULATOR 1.95 POSTAGE 16.19 SAFETY GEAR 8855 1038 11/02/01 14200 8964 12/18/01 5.94 109.60 MAINT/CLEANING SUPPLIES 11/05/01 469 4.17 82.00 EVIDENCE REFRIGERATOR 11/06/01 1453 13.94 62.30 SHELTER SUPPLIES 11/14/01 1347 82.00 12/14/01 2054 28.60 11/16/01 7513 34.69 11/27/01 4303 -1.97 11/27/01 7664 5.67 11/27/01 331 47.16 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.8 Q*APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Dec 13, 2001 03: 53pm Page 7 Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ~__~~~ ~~~~__ _~~_~~_~ ~_~_ ~_~___ ____________ ________ _____u______ ________ __~_______ __~_________ ____________~_~________ 11/23/01 6189 33.70 8856 1143 11/30/01 14242 8110890 12/18/01 384.00 384.00 COPY PAPER 8857 648 12/04/01 14239 2215 12/18/01 3,033.40 3,033.40 VEHICLE MAINT 8858 467 11/30/01 14240 27564 12/18/01 507.75 507.75 REPAIR PARTS 8859 1'18 11/15/01 14226 1022 12/18/01 192.50 342.50 VEHICLE REPAIR 12/04/01 1023 150.00 8860 1199 11/29/01 14266 5865 12/18/01 291.00 495.00 VEHICLE REPAIR 11/26/01 5857 20.00 11/14/01 5838 184.00 8862 865 11/27/01 14262 7504 12/18/0'1 456.00 4,56.00 T I RES 8863 '1005 '12/03;01 1/.235 CVW86087 12/18;01 43..90 215.55 REPAIR PARTS 12/06/01 CVW86158 62.99 12/0:5/01 CVW86081 58.92 12/03/01 CVW86078 49.74 88M 573 11/28/01 14256 FOW3260 12/18/01 35.70 110.44 VEHICLE REPAIR 11/21/01 FOCS760898 74.74 504.48 VEHICLE REPAIR 11/21/01 GF8W955297 244.60 11/20/01 GF8W954792 259.88 8866 224 11/14/01 14255 27393 12/18/01 50.00 833.49 REPAIR PARTS 11/14/01 27396 80.00 11/09/01 27264 703.49 8867 2320 11/09/01 14258 15-29116 12/18/01 177.33 799.08 REPAIR PARTS 11/12/01 15-29149 284.41 11/15/01 15-29238 337.34 8868 698 11/27/01 142M3 203863 12/18/01 555.56 555.56 OIL/LUBRICANTS 8869 344 11/30/01 14263 150033472758 12/18/01 140.42 226.80 MAl NT/REPAIR SUPPLIES 12/03/01 150023778912 38.40 208.74 SMALL TOOLS 12/03/01 150033771933 76.80 16.78 MAINT SUPPLIES 12/10/01 150034473337 1.56 11/30/01 150033472764 110.04 11/27/01 112701 208.7/. 12/05/01 150033973066 16.78 11/30/01 150033472762 "'140.42 8870 476 12/03/01 142/.4 R4396253 12/18/01 1.86.40 424.02 REPAIR PARTS 12/05/01 1266244 -62.38 8871 77 11/27/01 14247 1-30675-0 12/18/01 163.96 163.96 REPAIR PARTS 8872 789 12/01/01 14259 1.331 12/18/01 4,511.53 355.64 FUEL 597.34 FUEL 32.85 FUEL 111.88 FUEL 92.71 FUEL 224.74 FUEL 1,319.01 FUEL 88.63 FUEL 48.38 FUEL 400.31 FUEL 35.62 FUEL 167.00 FUEL 955.64 FUEL 23.44 FUEL 58.34 FUEL 8873 764 11/30/01 14257 11/01 12/18/01 12,543.83 3,793.76 VEH MAINT 838.66 VEH MAINT 3,828.13 VEH MAINT 35.82 VEH MAINT 1,508.17 VEH MAINT 1,292.63 VEH MAINT 508.53 VEH MAINT 171.47 VEH 14AINT 16.91 VEH MAINT 549.75 VEH MAINT 8874 227 11/28/01 14243 544908 12/18/01 86.52 86.52 REPAIR PARTS 8875 3 12/03/01 14246 35971 12/18/01 377.05 599.80 REPAIR PARTS 11/28/01 35853 61.80 11/28/01 35854 160.95 8877 1196 10/29/01 14241 10938 12/18/01 1,005.25 1,005.25 REPAIR PARTS 8878 2476 12/03/01 14236 1220 12/18/01 209.00 209.00 WINDSHIELD REPAIR 8884 778 11/09/01 14169 11-6651 12/18/01 69.10 69.10 FIRE EXTINGUISHER INSPECTION 8895 594 10/30/01 14165 21855065-001 12/18/01 99.00 99.00 BLADE 8896 83 11/28/01 14167 23760 12/18/01 500.00 500.00 ICE MELT 8898 497 12/11/01 14156 42-247272 12/18/01 70.14 70.14 PLOTTER PAPER CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.8 Q*APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Dec 13 I 2001 03: 53pm Page 8 Jnpaid Claims by Purchase Order P.O. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Full Amt Invoice Disc Due Discount Line Item Number Number Date Code Number Invoice# Due Date Amount Date Amount Amounts Claim Description ~--~~~-~ -~~- -~~--- ---------~-- -----~-- ------------ -------- ---------- ------------ ----------------------- 8900 1329 11/21/01 14171 140573 12/18/01 214.44 214.44 CARHARTTS/SAFETY BOOTS-ALDRIDGE 8902 2750 11/16/01 14170 97093967 12/18/01 463.61 463.61 16 RCP PIPE 8904 2712 11/27/01 14160 11 12/18/01 304.54 304.54 TEMP STAFF~GRAHAM 8905 1329 11/28/01 14161 145128 12/18/01 47.50 47.50 CARHARTTS-BAKER 8906 475 11/01/01 14116 72287 12/18/01 65.00 65.00 MONTHLY RENTAL 8910 1354 12/07/01 14211 120701 12/18/01 400.00 400.00 8 HOLIDAY HOME TOUR 8911 2751 12/03/01 14210 364901 12/03/01 400.00 400.00 CITY HALL PAINTING 8913 1098 11/29/01 14209 974127"1 12/18/01 82.80 82.80 SUBSCRIPTION 8914 863 11/30/01 1/.137 11/01 USE 12/18/01 1,912.72 425.38 11/01 USE 11.02 11/01 USE 605.07 11/01 USE 171t.65 11/01 USE 11.4.53 11/01 USE 439.28 11/01 USE 112079 11/01 USE 8915 1037 12/05/01 14206 2911400100 12/18/01 '10.00 70.00 CEMETERY USAGE 12/05/01 1511418000 230.00 230.00 CIVIL DEFENSE USAGE 8916 938 11/29/01 14133 11/01 NON-PL 12/18/01 242.00 66.00 11/01 NON.PLEXAR EXAR 1'16.00 11/01 NON"PLEXAR 891'7 17 11/20/01 14270 457'1822 12/18/01 107.38 12/19/01 2.15 107.38 SHOES 8918 17 11/15/01 1411,4 4571724 12/18/01 217.01 12/19/01 16.9/, 291.40 BELTS/RAIN GEAR 11/30/01 4589664 74.39 12/19/01 1.1,9 8919 9 11/15/01 14269 9793343/, 12/18/01 184.07 12/19/01 3.50 184.07 GOLF CLUB 8920 314 11/2?/01 14143 5440153 12/18/01 314.14 314.14 GOLF CLUB 8921 27 11/21/01 14142 421457 12/18/01 111.10 111.10 SHIRTS 8922 2150 12/05/01 14141 202855 12/18/01 223.98 919.74 GROCERIES 11/14/01 195941 369.52 61.53 PAPER SUPPLIES 11/13/01 195263 157.58 11/30/01 201207 100.81 11/21/01 198360 129.38 8923 957 11/13/01 14139 473524 12/18/01 '11.61 233.59 SNACKS 12/07/01 475500 169.84 106.12 TOBACCO PRODUCTS 11/20/01 474165 98.26 8924 981 11/14/01 14140 111140331 12/18/01 241. 30 1,384.80 GROCERIES 12/05/01 112050320 428.89 83.66 PAPER SUPPLIES 12/07/01 11207073'1 293.96 80.66 PAPER SUPPLIES 11/30/01 111300435 385.79 11/21/01 111210300 199.18 8930 595 12/07/01 14216 S0046978 12/18/01 66.26 466.65 LINEN SERVICE 11/30/01 S0042145 88.65 82.00 LINEN SERVICE 11/30/01 S0043805 204.91 204.91 LINEN SERVICE 11/16/01 S0036056 102.02 11/09/01 S33841 42.79 11/16/01 S0037587 44.63 11/23/01 S0039154 79.76 12/07/01 S0045395 124.54 8931 732 11/12/01 14151 58457087 12/18/01 142.63 453.92 BEVERAGES 12/11/01 58458524 -20.00 88.00 PAPER SUPPLIES 12/11/01 58458523 124.48 11/24/01 58457648 -22.18 11/27/01 58457772 66.53 11/24/01 58457647 158.76 12/07/01 58458332 91.70 8933 678 11/12/01 14233 2022252 12/18/01 11.30 38.38 GROCERIES 11/21/01 1821144 27.08 8934 500 12/06/01 14228 70277 12/18/01 25.98 2.29 MAINT SUPPLIES 11/16/01 68036 2.29 25.98 MAINT SUPPLIES 8935 144 11/28/01 14232 305925 12/18/01 14.76 166.24 KITCHEN EQUIPMENT 12/07/01 306558 151. 48 353.74 KITCHEN EQUIPMENT 12/07/01 306560 213.95 12/06/01 306497 139.79 8937 1151 11/26/01 14229 9472 12/18/01 84.35 84.35 COFFEE 8938 336 12/07/01 14230 16773 12/18/01 47.16 59.64 SNACKS 11/30/01 16666 12.48 8939 2433 11/26/01 14231 45457626 12/18/01 40.00 40.00 PEST CONTROL 8945 645 12/04/01 14250 523658 12/18/01 8.82 26.46 SHOP TOWELS 11/27/01 520554 8.82 07/17/01 470412 8.82 8946 266 12/04/01 14251 747498 12/18/01 110.32 110.32 TI RES 8947 40 12/06/01 14252 848467 12/18/01 133.24 133.24 REPAIR PARTS CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.8 Q*APR083 By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) 445.00 FUEL 58.00 TOOLS 7.44 11/01 USE 24.18 11/01 USE 30"?9 11/01 USE Line I tern Amounts Claim Description Dec 13, 2001 03:53pm Page 9 Gwl ~ {Lsc: . r) ) ~ ,) " 24.08 248,782.80 --==~==----- .~=~===-====- 445.00 58.00 7.44 24.18 30.79 Invoice Disc Due Discount Amount Date Amount 12/18/01 12/18/01 11/23/01 Full Amt Due Date 14253 97777 14254 41.2327 14271 6399-11/01 6398-11/01 6397-11/01 TOTAL 218 records listed 46 12/06/01 674 11/26/01 881 11/23/01 11/23/01 11/23/01 8948 8949 8961 P.o. Vendor Invoice Hold Claim Vendor Number Number Date Code Number Invoice# City of Owasso Unpaid Claims by Purchase Order :ity of Owasso Dec 13, 2001 03: 53pm Page Jpen Claims by GL Account :laim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# I nvc D t Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 14203 1002 8839 121801 12/18/01 869.53 12/18/01 01-000-42290 15.00 14203 1002 8839 121801 12/18/01 869.53 12/18/01 01-105-52001 2.00 14136 1361 7531 11/15-12/13 12/13/01 180.00 12/18/01 01-105-53001 180.00 14078 27 8828 422582 11/28/01 301.22 12/18/01 01-110-51700 301.22 14203 1002 8839 121801 12/18/01 869.53 12/18/01 01-110-51700 68.94 14211 1354 8910 120701 12/07/01 400.00 12/18/01 01-110-51700 400.00 14082 406 8830 2133118928 11/29/01 24.97 12/18/01 01-110-52001 8.99 14111 943 8837 24095 12/04/01 24.86 12/18/01 01-110-52001 4.00 24097 12/04/01 4.00 24062 11/20/01 7.19 11,260 2307 8530 141,631,757- 00 1 11/22/01 295.92 12/18/01 01-110-52001 13.86 144007936-001 11/08/01 218.75 11.259 789 8872 4331 12/01/01 511.53 12/18/01 01-110-52500 32.85 14203 1002 8839 121801 12/18/01 12/18/01 01-110-53650 6.50 14203 1002 8839 121801 12/18/01 869.53 12/18/01 01-110-53657 31.43 '14042 1709 8806 1.4612 11/30/01 251.40 12/18/01 01-110-53680 251.40 14082 406 8830 2133118928 '11/29/01 24.97 12/18/01 01-110-53680 15.98 14203 1002 8839 121801 12/18/01 869.53 12/18/01 01-110-53680 51.49 14205 552 8791, 121501 12/15/01 1,620.00 12/18/01 01-110-53680 1,620.00 14210 2751 8911 364901 12/03/01 400.00 12/03/01 01-110-53680 400.00 14203 1002 8839 121801 12/18/01 869.53 12/18/01 01-120-52050 15.00 14095 1661 8812 6101991 10/05/01 89.63 12/18/01 01-150-52001 89.63 14242 1143 8856 8110890 11/30/01 384.00 12/18/01 01-150-52001 384.00 14260 2307 8530 144634757-001 11/22/01 295.92 12/18/01 01-150-52001 22.86 144007936-001 11/08/01 218.75 14088 627 6887 119506 11/30/01 125.68 12/18/01 01-150-52070 28.68 13998 812 8238 1505081292 11/23/01 3.50 12/18/01 01-150-52100 1.98 1500081290 11/23/01 1.98 1503081291 11/23/01 32.06 14083 2688 8829 98641 12/03/01 73.85 12/18/01 01-150-52100 73.85 14203 1002 8839 121801 12/18/01 869.53 12/18/01 01-150-52100 3.16 11.234 538 8734 6l.208263007 11/28/01 87.89 12/18/01 01-150-52100 54.95 14081 1062 8831 103 11/28/01 1,400.00 12/18/01 01-150-53001 4,420.00 112 11/28/01 3,066.00 113 11/28/01 550.00 114 11/28/01 670.00 14096 159 8810 62439 10/31/01 2,505.50 12/18/01 01-150-53001 2,505.50 14098 615 6883 2030815 10/19/01 30.00 12/18/01 01-150-53001 90.00 2068252 11/09/01 30.00 2048445 10/29/01 30.00 14208 2723 8811 010905158228 10/26/01 350.00 12/18/01 01-150-53001 350.00 14115 1084 8838 11/01 11/30/01 11,759.58 12/18/01 01-150-53200 1,233.11 14137 863 8914 11/01 USE 11/30/01 1,912.72 12/18/01 01-150-53200 605.07 14000 399 7020 860150 11/27/01 220.00 12/18/01 01-150-53600 220.00 14267 1098 6879 2589298 11/18/01 267.14 12/18/01 01-150-53600 267.14 14086 2574 8070 LT-304-1 11/29/01 3,242.10 12/18/01 01-150-54150 3,242.10 14227 2574 8072 LT-321-1 12/08/01 4,650.00 12/18/01 01-150-54150 4,650.00 14034 406 8711 2133119157 11/30/01 25.98 12/18/01 01-160-52001 25.98 2133122588 11/15/01 443.41 2133116543 11/15/01 104.28 14125 1038 8832 3500 11/29/01 107.88 12/18/01 01-160-52001 9.96 9079 12/06/01 9.96 8748 12/10/01 14.01 2549 10/19/01 70.31 1275 11/02/01 8.93 14207 814 8840 28442 12/04/01 7.70 12/04/01 01-160-52001 7.70 27164 11/14/01 10.35 28042 11/16/01 19.09 28049 11/26/01 3.52 28050 11/26/01 32.87 13998 812 8238 1505081292 11/23/01 3.50 12/18/01 01-160-52100 3.50 1500081290 11/23/01 1.98 1503081291 11/23/01 32.06 14097 1059 6997 4398 12/04/01 150.00 12/18/01 01-160-52100 150.00 14113 591 6992 8240177052 12/06/01 10.92 12/18/01 01-160-52200 43.68 824Q176186 11/29/01 10.92 8240174458 11/15/01 10.92 8240175331 11/22/01 10.92 14203 1002 8839 121801 12/18/01 869.53 12/18/01 01-160-52470 4.00 14257 764 8873 11/01 11/30/01 12,543.83 12/18/01 01-160-52470 16.91 14259 789 8872 4331 12/01/01 4,511.53 12/18/01 01-160-52500 111.88 14038 313 6990 33 11/30/01 46.50 12/18/01 01-160-53001 46.50 14039 313 6989 32 11/30/01 420.00 12/18/01 01-160-53001 420.00 :CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.8 R*APZOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Dec 13, 2001 03:53pm Page 2 Open Claims by GL Account Claim# Vendol' PO# Hold Vendol' lnvoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 14112 554 6994 3975 12/03/01 40000 12/18/01 01-160-53500 1,0000 11.125 1038 8832 3500 11/29/01 107.88 12/18/01 01-160-54600 107.88 9079 12/06/01 9.96 8748 12/1 0/01 14.01 2549 10/19/01 70.31 1275 11/02/01 8.93 14156 497 8898 42-247272 12/11/01 70.14 12/18/01 01-170-52001 70.14 14186 1038 8851 6825 11/14/01 29.84 12/18/01 01-170-52001 5.55 6899 12/05/01 24.75 11,257 764 8873 11/01 11/30/01 12,543.83 12/18/01 01-170-52470 171 J,7 14259 789 8872 4331 12/01/01 4,511053 12/18/01 01-170-52500 92071 14260 2307 8530 144634757"' 00 1 11/22/01 295092 12/18/01 01-181-52001 61.66 144007936-001 11/08/01 218.75 14234 538 8734 64208263007 11/28/0'1 87089 12/18/01 01-181-52100 32.91, 11,268 2477 8324 '11/01 1'1/30/01 2,284.81 12/18/01 01-181-52100 49.90 14265 591 7031, 8240176189 11/29/01 9.78 12/18/01 01-181-52200 19056 8240177055 12/06/01 9.78 8240177053 12/06/01 31089 8240176187 11/29/01 31.89 14257 764 8873 11/01 11/30/01 12,543083 12/18/01 01-181-52470 508.53 14259 789 8872 4331 12/01/01 4,511053 12/18/01 01-181-52500 221, 0 74 14263 344 8869 150033472758 11/30/01 140~42 12/18/01 01-181-52850 208074 150023778912 12/03/01 38.40 15003377?933 12/03/01 76.80 150034473337 12/10/01 1.56 150033472764 11/30/01 110.04 112701 11/27/01 208.74 150033973066 12/05/01 16078 150033472762 11/30/01 -140.42 14203 1002 8839 121801 12/18/01 869053 12/18/01 01-181-53480 54021 14261 1294 8325 941582085 - 0 1'1 12/02/01 65.08 12/18/01 01-181-53500 30059 14115 1084 8838 11/01 11/30/01 11,759.58 12/18/01 01-190-53200 15014 14206 1037 8915 2911400100 12/05/01 70000 12/18/01 01-190-53200 70.00 1511418000 12/05/01 230.00 14107 212 7169 11/01 12/03/01 91.00 12/18/01 01-201-51480 91.00 14091 1567 8801 29044 11/30/01 19.95 12/18/01 01-201-52001 19095 14128 1086 8854 12/18 12/12/01 52063 12/18/01 01-201-52001 3019 14130 417 8844 32286 11/29/01 243098 12/18/01 01-201-52001 243098 14260 2307 8530 144634757-001 11/22/01 295.92 12/18/01 01-201-52001 84040 144007936-001 11/08/01 218.75 14203 1002 8839 121801 12/18/01 869.53 12/18/01 01-201-52010 10.00 14199 1041 8843 800597181 11/20/01 44000 12/18/01 01-201-52050 44.00 14088 627 6887 119506 11/30/01 125.68 12/18/01 01-201-52070 97000 14099 556 8619 11296 11/27/01 1,840.00 12/18/01 01-201-52100 1,840.00 14200 1038 8855 8964 11/02/01 5094 12/18/01 01-201-52100 109.60 469 11/05/01 4017 1453 11/06/01 13094 1347 11/14/01 82000 2054 12/14/01 28.60 7513 11/16/01 34.69 4303 11/27/01 -1.97 7664 11/27/01 5067 331 11/27/01 47.16 6189 11/23/01 33.70 14207 814 8840 28442 12/04/01 7070 12/04/01 01-201-52100 65.83 27164 11/14/01 10.35 28042 11/16/01 19.09 28049 11/26/01 3.52 28050 11/26/01 32.87 14228 500 8934 70277 12/06/01 25.98 12/18/01 01-201-52100 2029 68036 11/16/01 2029 14104 812 8799 1516081216 11/16/01 0.30 12/18/01 01-201-52400 26.65 1516080981 11/02/01 26.35 656081384 11/28/01 7.96 1511081297 11/26/01 2.99 1511.080674 10/13/01 0.40 1511080859 10/25/01 4095 1513081298 11/23/01 0.99 1513081105 11/09/01 2.97 1507081101 11/09/01 3094 14128 1086 8854 12/18 12/12/01 52.63 12/18/01 01-201-52400 2.16 11,128 1086 8854 12/18 12/12/01 52.63 12/18/01 01-201-52470 5.14 14257 764 8873 11/01 11/30/01 12,543083 12/18/01 01-201-52470 1,292.63 CCSoAP Accounts Payable Release 6.008 R*APZOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Dee 13, 2001 03:53pm Page 3 Open Claims by GL Account Claim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 14259 789 8872 4331 12/01/01 4,511.53 12/18/01 01-201-52500 1,319.01 14085 939 6889 11/01 12/01/01 150.00 12/18/01 01-201-53001 150.00 14115 1084 8838 11/01 11/30/01 11,759.58 12/18/01 01-201-53200 654.64 14106 642 7017 200-11/01 11/30/01 37.97 12/18/01 01-201-53470 1,427.77 202-11/01 11/30/01 51.80 203-11/01 11/30/01 58.80 204-11/01 11/30/01 27.96 205-11/01 11/30/01 5.95 206-11/01 11/30/01 65.45 207-11/01 11/30/01 83.30 208-11/01 11/30/01 65.45 209-11/01 11/30/01 32.02 210-11/01 11/30/01 41.65 211-11/01 11/30/01 65.94 212-11/01 11/30/01 26.77 213-11/01 11/30/01 77.35 211.- 11/01 11/30/01 57.47 215-11/01 11/30/01 53.55 218-11/01 11/30/01 40.25 220-11/01 11/30/01 14.87 221-11/01 11/30/01 66.46 222-11/01 11/30/01 27.96 223-11/01 11/30/01 53.55 224-11/01 11/30/01 61.18 225-11/01 11/30/01 35.70 227-11/01 11/30/01 74.86 232-11/01 11/30/01 18.02 234-11/01 11/30/01 124.07 235-11/01 11/30/01 34.47 236-11/01 11/30/01 53.55 237-11/01 11/30/01 23.80 238-11/01 11/30/01 47.60 14079 1294 6888 500197307-020 11/14/01 201.49 12/18/01 01-201-53610 201.49 14268 2477 8324 11/01 11/30/01 2,284.81 12/18/01 01-201-53610 134.50 14128 1086 8854 12/18 12/12/01 52.63 12/18/01 01-201-53615 1.95 14128 1086 8854 12/18 12/12/01 52.63 12/18/01 01-201-53650 24.00 14203 1002 8839 121801 12/18/01 869.53 12/18/01 01-201-53650 210.00 14268 2477 8324 11/01 11/30/01 2,284.81 12/18/01 01-201-53650 586.50 14090 405 8802 2011-11-18 11/19/01 60.00 12/18/01 01-201-53670 120.00 2011-11/18 11/19/01 60.00 14166 162 7877 676094899 10/21/01 13,024.00 12/18/01 01-201-54400 13,024.00 14200 1038 8855 8964 11/02/01 5.94 12/18/01 01-201-54400 82.00 469 11/05/01 4.17 1453 11/06/01 13.94 1347 11/14/01 82.00 2054 12/14/01 28.60 7513 11/16/01 34.69 4303 11/27/01 -1.97 7664 11/27/01 5.67 331 11/27/01 47.16 6189 11/23/01 33.70 14102 406 8784 145460525-001 11/26/01 1,109.63 12/18/01 01-201-54600 1,109.63 14128 1086 8854 12/18 12/12/01 52.63 12/18/01 01-215-52100 16.19 14132 574 8842 2116 11/13/01 7.05 12/18/01 01-215-53090 7.05 2188 11/29/01 20.55 14092 65 7735 8673-001 11/30/01 52.00 12/18/01 01-215-53650 52.00 14089 627 8526 119348 11/28/01 3,200.00 12/18/01 01-215-54400 3,200.00 14132 574 8842 2116 11/13/01 7.05 12/18/01 01-221-52100 20.55 2188 11/29/01 20.55 14200 1038 8855 8964 11/02/01 5.94 12/18/01 01-221-52100 62.30 469 11/05/01 4.17 1453 11/06/01 13.94 1347 11/14/01 82.00 2054 12/14/01 28.60 7513 11/16/01 34.69 4303 11/27/01 -1.97 7664 11/27/01 5.67 331 11/27/01 47.16 6189 11/23/01 33.70 14203 1002 8839 121801 12/18/01 869.53 12/18/01 01-221-52100 13.38 14129 722 8845 530 10/09/01 29.50 12/18/01 01-221-52200 29.50 14131 1,85 8841 113001-07 11/30/01 69.00 12/18/01 01-221-52200 69.00 14259 789 8872 4331 12/01/01 4,511.53 12/18/01 01-221-52500 58.34 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.8 R*APZOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Dec 13, 2001 03:53pm Page 4 Open Claims by GL Account Claim# Vendor PO# l10ld Vendor Invoice# I nvc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 14115 1084 8838 11/01 11/30/01 11,759.58 12/18/01 01-221-53200 127.40 14008 1417 8618 2011024034 11/06/01 53.00 12/18/01 01-250-52001 53.00 14034 406 8711 2133119157 11/30/01 25.98 12/18/01 01-250-52001 104.28 2133122588 11/15/01 443.41 2133116543 11/15/01 104.28 14111 943 8837 24095 12/04/01 24.86 12/18/01 01-250-52001 24.86 24097 12/04/01 4.00 24062 11/20/01 7.19 13997 1329 8415 126800 10/24/01 29.97 12/18/01 01-250-52100 29.97 13998 812 8238 1505081292 11/23/01 3.50 12/18/01 01-250-52100 32.06 1500081290 11/23/01 1.98 1503081291 11/23/01 32.06 1't>OO6 1038 8509 #.....F'o'l 11/29/01 29.80 12/18/01 01-250-52100 69.3'j OC;)I 4117 11/30/01 10.14 9127 11/05/01 9.92 8322 11/01/01 24.76 1947 11/08/01 19.45 14094 897 8817 1937 11/20/01 291.53 12/18/01 01-250-52200 297.1,8 1213 10/23/01 5.95 1/,100 412 8142 961054 11/23/01 290.00 12/18/01 01-250-52200 597.95 958453 11/16/01 307.95 13999 857 8150 0206998 11/06/01 100.22 12/18/01 01-250-52470 102.12 D208603 11/30/01 2.50 14001 573 8647 949248 11/12/01 66.27 12/18/01 01-250-52470 66.27 14033 2409 8645 1280 11/13/01 350.00 12/18/01 01-250-52470 350.00 14203 1002 8839 121801 12/18/01 869.53 12/18/01 01-250-52470 6.00 14259 789 8872 4331 12/01/01 4,511.53 12/18/01 01-250-52500 597.34 14115 1084 8838 11/01 11/30/01 11,759.58 12/18/01 01-250-53200 322.78 14137 863 8914 11/01 USE 11/30/01 1,912.72 12/18/01 01-250-53200 425.38 14007 555 8646 111001 11/10/01 85.00 12/18/01 01-250-53400 85.00 14002 7 7013 787550 11/20/01 176.58 12/18/01 01-250-53505 176.58 14203 1002 8839 121801 12/18/01 869.53 12/18/01 01-250-53650 28.00 1/,115 1084 8838 11/01 11/30/01 11,759.58 12/18/01 01-280-53200 63.63 14206 1037 8915 2911400100 12/05/01 70.00 12/18/01 01-280-53200 230.00 1511418000 12/05/01 230.00 14186 1038 8851 6825 11/14/01 29.84 12/18/01 01-300-52001 1,,85 6899 12/05/01 24.75 14159 6 8284 167 12/04/01 55.00 12/18/01 01-300-52100 30.56 14162 1408 8599 3752 11/17/01 68.00 12/18/01 01-300-52100 1,104.15 3834 12/04/01 68.00 3773 11/21/01 968.75 14164 366 8040 666589 11/14/01 109.24 12/18/01 01-300-52100 228.38 667696 11/28/01 46.85 665406 11/01/01 5.16 665333 11/01/01 57.33 668057 12/03/01 9.80 14165 594 8895 21855065-001 10/30/01 99.00 12/18/01 01-300-52100 99.00 14167 83 8896 23760 11/28/01 500.00 12/18/01 01-300-52100 500.00 14170 2750 8902 97093967 11/16/01 463.61 12/18/01 01-300-52100 463.61 14175 812 8189 1501080534 10/05/01 4.97 12/18/01 01-300-52100 127.10 1510081102 11/09/01 36.93 1510081213 11/16/01 85.20 14178 239 8565 107748 11/20/01 1,820.00 12/18/01 01-300-52100 292.50 14182 107 7418 67350 11/01/01 46.21 12/18/01 01-300-52100 51.46 67615 11/15/01 3.50 678979 12/06/01 1.75 14183 100 8600 500034 11/28/01 1,125.00 12/18/01 01-300-52100 1 ,765.00 500031 11/28/01 640.00 14186 1038 8851 6825 11/14/01 29.84 12/18/01 01-300-52100 31.81 6899 12/05/01 24.75 14188 261 8650 99481 11/26/01 653.80 12/18/01 01-300-52100 653.80 1419/. 1039 8355 637483 10/01/01 98.02 12/18/01 01-300-52100 140.42 369416 10/25/01 42.40 14220 1329 7143 144051 11/26/01 62.70 12/18/01 01-300-52100 62.70 14238 1050 7035 44952 11/30/01 60.85 12/18/01 01-300-52100 15.21 14155 239 7114 107856 11/27/01 134.74 12/18/01 01-300-52200 199.80 107689 11/16/01 101.16 107744 11/20/01 71. 05 107731 11/20/01 81.45 14161 1329 8905 145128 11/28/01 47.50 12/18/01 01-300-52200 47.50 14163 1329 7143 130804 11/02/01 87.45 12/18/01 01-300-52200 87.45 14174 649 8653 14015 11/30/01 119.94 12/18/01 01-300-52200 99.95 14257 764 8873 11/01 11/30/01 12,543.83 12/18/01 01-300-52470 1,508.17 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.8 R*APZOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) :ity of Owasso Dec 13, 2001 03: 53pm Page 5 Jpen Claims by GL Account :laim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 14259 789 8872 4331 12/01/01 4,511.53 12/18/01 01-300-52500 355.64 14127 812 8853 1510080858 10/25/01 20.97 12/18/01 01-300-52850 20.97 655081363 11/27/01 19.99 655081368 11/27/01 1.38 655081482 12/03/01 26.82 14176 1329 8370 144054 11/26/01 112.49 12/18/01 01-300-52850 112.49 14182 107 7418 67350 11/01/01 46.21 12/18/01 01-300-52850 0.00 67615 11/15/01 3.50 678979 12/06/01 1. 75 14217 785 8232 8643594172 11;03/01 49.25 12/18/01 01-300'.52850 41.8.26 8649614023 10/10/01 1,075.48 14115 1084 8838 11/01 11/30/01 11,759.58 12/18/01 01-300-53200 511. 11 1/.036 1084 8266 11/01 USE '11/30/01 2,107.05 12/18/01 01-300-53210 107.05 '1/.115 '1084 8838 11/01 11/30/01 11,759.58 12/18/01 01-300-53210 63.20 14169 778 888/, 11-6651 11/09/01 69.10 12/18/01 01-300-53400 69.10 14218 1056 8775 70050 11/16/01 51.52 12/18/01 01-300-53500 297.92 69892 11/09/01 56.00 70/.49 12/05/01 28.00 69805 11/03/01 162.40 14178 239 8565 107748 11/20/01 1,820.00 12/18/01 01-300-54200 1,310.00 14225 2628 8379 2 12/06/01 45,478.69 12/18/01 01-300-54210 45,478.69 14045 812 8777 1517081106 11/09/01 91.79 12/18/01 01-515-52100 1,49.81 1517081217 11/16/01 90.35 1517081267 11/20/01 47.92 1517081299 11/23/01 137.64 1512080980 11/02/01 33.92 1512081104 11/09/01 35.95 1512081214 11/16/01 9.25 1512081296 11/23/01 2.99 14046 792 8778 75934 11/19/01 5.88 12/18/01 01-515-52100 29.92 75073 11/06/01 11.80 74522 10/26/01 1.49 74517 10/26/01 1.16 74478 10/26/01 9.59 14047 316 8797 67145528 11/26/01 15.31 12/18/01 01-515-52100 15.31 1/.203 1002 8839 121801 12/18/01 869.53 12/18/01 01-515-52100 2.39 14257 764 8873 11/01 11/30/01 12,543.83 12/18/01 01-515-52470 35.82 1/.259 789 8872 4331 12/01/01 4,511.53 12/18/01 01-515-52500 88.63 14114 591 6868 8240177054 12/06/01 22.80 12/18/01 01-515-53100 91.20 8240175333 11/22/01 22.80 8240174460 11/15/01 22.80 8240176188 11/29/01 22.80 14115 1084 8838 11/01 11/30/01 11,759.58 12/18/01 01-515-53200 582.67 14111 943 8837 24095 12/04/01 24.86 12/18/01 01-550-52001 7.19 24097 12/04/01 4.00 24062 11/20/01 7.19 14260 2307 8530 144634757-001 11/22/01 295.92 12/18/01 01-550-52001 62.68 144007936-001 11/08/01 218.75 14077 1056 8795 70102 11/19/01 80.64 12/18/01 01-550-52100 80.64 14093 568 8796 159060 11/27/01 157.70 12/18/01 01-550-52100 157.70 14259 789 8872 4331 12/01/01 4,511.53 12/18/01 01-550-52500 48.38 14040 1038 8710 9711 11/08/01 139.89 12/18/01 01-550-53100 176.19 9209 11/26/01 36.30 14115 1084 8838 11/01 11/30/01 11,759.58 12/18/01 01-550-53200 297.24 14137 863 8914 11/01 USE 11/30/01 1,912.72 12/18/01 01-550-53200 439.28 FUND Total 115,419.69 1/,003 904 8523 56512 11/08/01 43.00 12/18/01 20-255-52100 165.00 56632 11/20/01 77.00 56615 11/19/01 45.00 14005 66 8741 373111 11/21/01 381.06 12/18/01 20-255-52100 381.06 14006 1038 8509 6251 11/29/01 29.80 12/18/01 20-255-52100 24.76 4117 11/30/01 10.14 9127 11/05/01 9.92 8322 11/01/01 24.76 1947 11/08/01 19.45 14108 362 7010 35247 12/05/01 90.00 12/18/01 20-255-52100 90.00 14110 66 8836 374155 12/04/01 345.91 12/18/01 20-255-52100 345.91 14145 1405 8383 10091735 12/10/01 30.66 12/18/01 20-255-52100 30.66 14109 877 8835 43534 11/06/01 92.00 12/18/01 20-255-52470 148.40 43540 11/06/01 56.40 13996 787 8236 12/01 12/01/01 250.00 12/18/01 20-255-53001 250.00 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.8 R*APZOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Dec 13, 2001 03:53pm Page 6 Open Claims by GL Account Claim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 14004 892 8697 IV862054 11/20/01 279.00 12/18/01 20-255-53001 279.00 14034 406 8711 2133119157 11/30/01 25.98 12/18/01 20-255-53605 443.41 2133122588 11/15/01 443.41 2133116543 11/15/01 104.28 FUND Total 2,158.20 14037 938 7049 91801B00203202 11/17/01 2,070.15 12/18/01 21-215-53610 2,070.15 14041 1952 7488 99427579 11/19/01 422.00 12/18/01 21-215-54400 1,022.00 99427583 11/19/01 600.00 14087 1512 7473 30958 11/15/01 3,219"00 12/18/01 21-215-54400 3,219"00 FUND Total 6,31 '1.15 11.268 2/,77 8324 11101 11/30/01 2,284.81 12/18/01 40-000-54400-007 1,500,,00 FUND Total 1,500.00 14101 808 8807 202152 11/13/01 725.16 12/18/01 46-300-53001 725.16 FUND Total 725.16 14201 750 3194 CEPO 22 12/06/01 5,400.00 12/18/01 47-000-53001-019 5,400.00 14105 2652 8478 3582 11/16/01 3,870.00 12/18/01 47-000-54100-016 3,870.00 14116 475 8906 72287 11/01/01 65.00 12/18/01 47-000-54100-016 65.00 14193 1044 8718 12313310067 11/01/01 401.26 12/18/01 47-000-54100-016 1,57.72 12510610061 11/18/01 56.46 FUND Total 9,792.72 11.142 27 8921 421l,57 11/21/01 111.10 12/18/01 55-000-44901 111.10 1l,143 31l, 8920 5440153 11/27/01 314.14 12/18/01 55-000-44901 314.14 1414l, 17 8918 1.571724 11/15/01 217.01 12/18/01 55-000-44901 291.l,0 4589664 11/30/01 74.39 14269 9 8919 97933434 11/15/01 184.07 12/18/01 55-000-44901 184.07 14270 17 8917 4577822 11/20/01 107.38 12/18/01 55-000-44901 107.38 14125 1038 8832 3500 11/29/0.1 107.88 12/18/01 55-000-44950 49.62 9079 12/06/01 9.96 8748 12/10/01 14.01 2549 10/19/01 70.31 1275 11/02/01 8.93 14139 957 8923 47352l, 11/13/01 71.61 12/18/01 55-000-44950 233.59 475500 12/07/01 169.84 474165 11/20/01 98.26 14140 981 8924 111140331 11/14/01 241.30 12/18/01 55-000-44950 1,384.80 112050320 12/05/01 428.89 112070737 12/07/01 293.96 111300435 11/30/01 385.79 111210300 11/21/01 199.18 14141 2150 8922 202855 12/05/01 223.98 12/18/01 55-000-44950 919.74 195941 11/14/01 369.52 195263 11/13/01 157.58 201207 11/30/01 100.81 198360 11/21/01 129.38 14151 732 8931 58457087 11/12/01 142.63 12/18/01 55-000-44950 l,53.92 58458524 12/11/01 -20.00 58458523 12/11/01 124.48 58457648 11/24/01 -22.18 58457772 11/27/01 66.53 58457647 11/24/01 158.76 58458332 12/07/01 91.70 14229 1151 8937 9472 11/26/01 84.35 12/18/01 55-000-44950 84.35 14230 336 8938 16773 12/07/01 47.16 12/18/01 55-000-44950 59.64 16666 11/30/01 12.48 14233 678 8933 2022252 11/12/01 11.30 12/18/01 55-000-44950 38.38 1821144 11/21/01 27.08 14139 957 8923 473524 11/13/01 71.61 12/18/01 55-000-44980 106.12 475500 12/07/01 169.84 474165 11/20/01 98.26 14104 812 8799 1516081216 11/16/01 0.30 12/18/01 55-605-52100 7.96 1516080981 11/02/01 26.35 656081384 11/28/01 7.96 1511081297 11/26/01 2.99 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.8 R*APZOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) : i ty of Owasso Dec 13, 2001 03:53pm Page 7 Jpen Claims by GL Account :laim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor lnvoice# lnvc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 1511080674 10/13/01 0.40 1511080859 10/25/01 4.95 1513081298 11/23/01 0.99 1513081105 11/09/01 2.97 1507081101 11/09/01 3.94 1l,271 881 8961 6399-11/01 11/23/01 7.44 11/23/01 55-605-53200 7.44 6398-11/01 11/23/01 24.18 6397-11/01 11/23/01 30.79 14127 812 8853 1510080858 10/25/01 20.97 12/18/01 55-610-52100 48.19 655081363 11/27/01 19.99 655081368 11/27/01 1038 655081482 12/03/01 26.82 1l,250 645 8945 523658 12/04/01 8.82 12/18/01 55-610-52105 26.46 520554 11/27/01 !3.82 l,70412 07/17/01 8.82 '14254 674 8949 442327 11/26/01 58.00 12/18/01 55-610-52450 58.00 14253 l,6 8948 97777 12/06/01 445.00 12/18/01 55-610-52500 445.00 14084 475 8276 72288 11/01/01 65.00 12/18/01 55-610-53100 65.00 14115 1084 8838 11/01 11/30/01 11,759.58 12/18/01 55-610-53200 309.09 14137 863 891l, 11/01 U5E 11/30/01 1,912.72 12/18/01 55-610-53200 112.79 14271 881 8961 6399-11/01 11/23/01 7.44 11/23/01 55-610-53200 24.18 6398-11/01 11/23/01 24.18 6397-11/01 11/23/01 30.79 14251 266 8946 747498 12/04/01 110.32 12/18/01 55-610-53408 110.32 1l,252 40 8947 848467 12/06/01 133.24 12/18/01 55-610-53408 133.24 14125 1038 8832 3500 11/29/01 107.88 12/18/01 55-670-52100 15.18 9079 12/06/01 9.96 8748 12/10/01 14.01 2549 10/19/01 70.31 1275 11/02/01 8.93 14140 981 892l, 11114033'1 11/14/01 241.30 12/18/01 55-670-52100 83.66 112050320 12/05/01 42!3089 112070737 12/07/01 293.96 111300435 '11/30/01 385.79 111210300 11/21/01 199.18 14141 2150 8922 202855 12/05/01 223.98 12/18/01 55-670-52100 61053 195941 11/14/01 369.52 195263 11/13/01 157.58 201207 11/30/01 100.81 198360 11/21/01 129.38 14151 732 8931 58457087 11/12/01 142.63 12/18/01 55-670-52100 88.00 58458524 12/11/01 -20.00 58458523 12/11/01 124.48 58457648 11/24/01 - 22.18 58457772 11/27/01 66.53 58457647 11/24/01 158.76 58458332 12/07/01 91.70 14203 1002 8839 121801 12/18/01 869.53 12/18/01 55-670-52100 12.00 14216 595 8930 50046978 12/07/01 66.26 12/18/01 55-670-52100 204.91 50042145 11/30/01 88.65 50043805 11/30/01 204.91 S0036056 11/16/01 102.02 533841 11/09/01 42.79 S0037587 11/16/01 44.63 50039154 11/23/01 79.76 50045395 12/07/01 124.54 14232 144 8935 305925 11/28/01 14.76 12/18/01 55-670-52100 166.24 306558 12/07/01 151.48 306560 12/07/01 213.95 306497 12/06/01 139.79 14125 1038 8832 3500 11/29/01 107.88 12/18/01 55-670-52800 19.52 9079 12/06/01 9.96 8748 12/1 0/01 14.01 2549 10/19/01 70.31 1275 11/02/01 8.93 14232 144 8935 305225 11/28/01 14.76 12/18/01 55-670-52800 353.74 306558 12/07/01 151.48 306560 12/07/01 213.95 306497 12/06/01 139.79 14216 595 8930 50046978 12/07/01 66.26 12/18/01 55-670-53500 466.65 50042145 11/30/01 88.65 S0043805 11/30/01 204.91 50036056 11/16/01 102.02 :CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.8 R*APZOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHADBOLT (5R5) City of Owasso Dec 13, 2001 03: 53pm Page 8 Open Claims by GL Account Claim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount S33841 11/09/01 42.79 S0037587 11/16/01 44.63 S0039154 11/23/01 79076 S0045395 12/07/01 124.54 14217 785 8232 8643594172 11/03/01 49.25 12/18/01 55-690-52001 49.25 8649614023 10/10/01 1,075.48 14140 981 892l, 111140331 11/14/01 241.30 12/18/01 55-690-52100 80.66 112050320 12/05/01 428.89 112070737 12/07/01 293.96 111300435 11/30/01 385079 111210300 11/21/01 199.18 14209 1098 8913 974127-1 11/29/01 82.80 12/18/01 55-690-52100 82..80 14'115 1084 8838 11/01 11/30/01 11,759.58 12/18/01 55-690-53200 639.13 ll,117 1044 7322 12611010062 12/01/01 186..73 12/18/01 55-690-53200 186.73 14271 881 8961 6399-11/01 11/23/01 7.44 11/23/01 55-690-53200 30..79 6398-11/01 11/23/01 24.18 6397-11/01 11/23/01 30.79 142'16 595 8930 50046978 12/07/01 66.26 12/18/01 55-690-53300 82.00 S0042145 11/30/01 88.65 50043805 11/30/01 204.91 50036056 11/16/01 102.02 533841 11/09/01 1.2.79 50037587 11/16/01 44.63 50039154 11/23/01 79.76 50045395 12/07/01 124.54 14231 2433 8939 45457626 11/26/01 40.00 12/18/01 55-690-53330 1.0.00 14118 1171 6884 797154 11/30/01 100000 12/18/01 55-690-53600 100.00 14080 89 7090 2 12/05/01 4,138.04 12/18/01 55-800-55300 4,138..04 FUND Total 12,586.75 14125 1038 8832 3500 11/29/01 107.88 12/18/01 61-400-52001 8.93 9079 12/06/01 9.96 8748 12/10/01 14.01 2549 10/19/01 70.31 1275 11/02/01 8.93 14186 1038 8851 6825 11/14/01 29.84 12/18/01 61-400-52001 6.1,7 6899 12/05/01 24.75 14202 1038 7138 5736 12/01/01 41.69 12/18/01 61-400-52001 41.69 14260 2307 8530 144634757-001 11/22/01 295.92 12/18/01 61-400-52001 101..93 144007936-001 11/08/01 218.75 14263 344 8869 150033472758 11/30/01 140.42 12/18/01 61-400-52400 226.80 150023778912 12/03/01 38.40 150033771933 12/03/01 76.80 150034473337 12/10/01 1.56 150033472764 11/30/01 110.04 112701 11/27/01 208.74 150033973066 12/05/01 16.78 150033472762 11/30/01 -140.42 14081 1062 8831 103 11/28/01 1,400.00 12/18/01 61-400-53001 1,266.00 112 11/28/01 3,066.00 113 11/28/01 550.00 114 11/28/01 670.00 14115 1084 8838 11/01 11/30/01 11,759.58 12/18/01 61-400-53200 308.43 14137 863 8914 11/01 U5E 11/30/01 1,912.72 12/18/01 61-400-53200 144.53 14152 360 7121 11254166 11/26/01 88.17 12/18/01 61-400-53400 88.17 14260 2307 8530 144634757-001 11/22/01 295.92 12/18/01 61-405-52001 152.10 144007936-001 11/08/01 218.75 14228 500 8934 70277 12/06/01 25.98 12/18/01 61-405-52100 25.98 68036 11/16/01 2.29 14119 171 6962 12-3 12/01/01 351.90 12/18/01 61-405-53070 351.90 14120 2075 6961 12-3 11/28/01 343.20 12/18/01 61-405-53070 343.20 14121 264 6963 12-3 12/01/01 117.45 12/18/01 61-405-53070 117.45 14122 38 6960 12-3 12/01/01 211.05 12/18/01 61-405-53070 211.05 14123 371 8615 12-3 11/30/01 642.15 12/18/01 61-405-53070 642.15 14124 2492 7663 12-3 11/30/01 75.45 12/18/01 61-405-53070 75.45 14204 1557 7050 53921 12/1 0/01 2,490.11 12/18/01 61-405-53620 2,490.11 14160 2712 8904 11 11/27/01 304.54 12/18/01 61-420-51001 304054 14177 2712 8781 9 11/20/01 497.20 12/18/01 61-420-51001 696.08 7 11/13/01 198.88 14104 812 8799 1516081216 11/16/01 0.30 12/18/01 61-420-52100 2..99 1516080981 11/02/01 26035 656081384 11/28/01 7.96 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.8 R*APZOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) : i ty of Owasso Dec 13, 2001 03: 53pm Page 9 Jpen Claims by GL Account :laim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 1511081297 11/26/01 2.99 1511080674 10/13/01 0.40 1511080859 10/25/01 4.95 1513081298 11/23/01 0.99 1513081105 11/09/01 2.97 1507081101 11/09/01 3.94 14157 785 8396 8646402373 11/02/01 215.73 12/18/01 61-420-52100 215.73 14178 239 8565 '107748 11/20/01 1,820000 12/18/01 61-420-52100 217.50 1 L,186 1038 8851 6825 11/14/01 29.84 12/18/01 61-420-52100 1097 6899 12/05/01 24075 14190 1276 8773 694336-18 11/15/01 26.83 12/18/01 61-420-52100 26.83 238284-12 11/20/01 556.47 240031.12 11/19/01 -556.47 14195 1039 792J. 371956 11/01/01 16.30 12/18/01 61-420-52100 1,121.30 371628 11/01/01 1,105.00 11+ 155 239 711L, 107856 11/27/01 134074 12/18/01 61-420-52200 L.7.30 107689 11/16/01 1010 76 107744 11/20/01 71.05 107731 11/20/01 81.45 14174 649 8653 14015 11/30/01 119.94 12/18/01 61-420-52200 19.99 14197 1329 8780 145172 11/28/01 145.98 12/18/01 61-420-52200 145.98 14104 812 8799 1516081216 11/16/01 0030 12/18/01 61-420-52400 5035 1516080981 11/02/01 26.35 656081384 11/28/01 7.96 1511081297 11/26/01 2.99 1511080674 10/13/01 0.40 1511080859 10/25/01 4.95 1513081298 11/23/01 0.99 1513081105 11/09/01 2097 1507081101 11/09/01 3094 11.159 6 8284 167 12/04/01 55.00 12/18/01 61-420-52400 24.44 14187 1039 8377 371349 11/14/01 120.38 12/18/01 61-420-52400 1,059.25 371348 11/07/01 637.40 371629 11/02/01 144.44 371627 11/01/01 15060 372067 11/16/01 141.43 14224 500 8782 69277 11/26/01 99.99 12/18/01 61-420-52400 99.99 66039 10/22/01 3.99 14203 1002 8839 121801 12/18/01 869.53 12/18/01 61-420-52470 13000 14257 764 8873 11/01 11/30/01 12,543.83 12/18/01 61.420-52470 3,828.13 14259 789 8872 4331 12/01/01 4,511.53 12/18/01 61-420-52500 400.31 1L,217 785 8232 8643594172 11/03/01 49025 12/18/01 61-420-52850 420.60 8649614023 10/1 0/01 1,075048 14191 729 8716 T12672 11/30/01 3,610.00 12/18/01 61-420-53075 5,560.00 T12560 08/27/01 1,950.00 14115 1084 8838 11/01 11/30/01 11,759058 12/18/01 61-420-53200 261058 14189 1404 8786 5476 11/27/01 516.00 12/18/01 61-420-53400 516.00 14179 1056 7382 69851 11/07/01 201060 12/18/01 61-420-53505 0.00 69843 11/06/01 28.00 14133 938 8916 11/01 NON-PLEXAR 11/29/01 242000 12/18/01 61-420-53610 66000 14203 1002 8839 121801 12/18/01 869.53 12/18/01 61-420-53650 154.00 14184 2711 8779 120101 12/01/01 50000 12/18/01 61-420-53670 25000 14219 794 7220 2898571 11/28/01 167.35 12/18/01 61-450-52100 167.35 14155 239 7114 107856 11/27/01 134.74 12/18/01 61-450-52200 47030 107689 11/16/01 101.76 107744 11/20/01 71.05 107731 11/20/01 81.45 14171 1329 8900 140573 11/21/01 214.44 12/18/01 61-450-52200 214.44 14104 812 8799 1516081216 11/16/01 0.30 12/18/01 61-450-52400 3.96 1516080981 11/02/01 26.35 656081384 11/28/01 7.96 1511081297 11/26/01 2.99 1511080674 10/13/01 0.40 1511080859 10/25/01 4.95 1513081298 11/23/01 0.99 1513081105 11/09/01 2.97 1507081101 11/09/01 3.94 14168 823 8846 55972 12/03/01 20.56 12/18/01 61-450-52400 20.56 14181 857 8358 0209108 12/07/01 47004 12/18/01 61-450-52400 47.04 14257 764 8873 11/01 11/30/01 12,543.83 12/18/01 61-450-52470 549.75 14259 789 8872 4331 12/01/01 4,511.53 12/18/01 61-450-52500 35.62 14158 785 7371 8642399912 10/29/01 232.39 12/18/01 61-450-52850 123.59 14154 929 8787 21850007605 12/01/01 6,173.91 12/18/0161-450-53180 513.44 :CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.8 R*APlOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHAD BOLT (SRS) City of Owasso Dec 13, 2001 03:53pm Page 10 Open Claims by GL Account Claim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 21850007493 11/16/01 6,669.67 21850007496 11/16/01 513.44 14115 1084 8838 11/01 11/30/01 11,759.58 12/18/01 61-450-53200 5,077.60 14173 765 8850 35386 11/06/01 161.00 12/18/01 61-450-53400 161.00 14184 2711 8779 120101 12/01/01 50.00 12/18/01 61-450-53670 25.00 14172 1329 8848 134178 11/09/01 27.93 12/18/01 61-455-52100 27.93 14186 1038 8851 6825 11/14/01 29.84 12/18/01 61-455-52100 1.97 6899 12/05/01 24.75 14155 239 7114 107856 11/27/01 134.74 12/18/01 61-455-52200 47.30 107689 11/16/01 101. 76 107744 11/20/01 71.05 107731 11/20/01 81.45 14198 1329 8392 145172 11i28/01 81.99 12/18/01 61-455-52200 B 1. 99 14158 785 7371 8642399912 10/29/01 232.39 12/18/01 61-455-52400 108.80 1/+ 196 902 8393 1098 10/10/01 321.50 12/18/01 61-455-52400 321.50 14222 1038 8774 7/,27 11/20/01 35.76 12/18/01 61.455-52400 35.76 14203 1002 8839 121801 12/18/01 869.53 12/18/01 61-455-52470 3.00 14257 764 8873 11/01 11/30/01 12,543.83 12/18/01 61-455-52470 838.66 14259 789 8872 4331 12/01/01 4,511.53 12/18/01 61-455-52500 167.00 14217 785 8232 8643594172 11/03/01 49.25 12/18/01 61-455-52850 206.62 8649614023 10/10/01 1,075.48 14185 1954 8354 102901 10/29/01 817.90 12/18/01 61-455-53001 817.90 14221 511 8717 553940 11/05/01 1,106.00 12/18/01 61-455-53001 1,106.00 14115 1084 8838 11/01 11/30/01 11,759.58 12/18/01 61-455-53200 1,068.24 14137 863 8914 11/01 USE 11/30/01 1,912.72 12/18/01 61-455-53200 11.02 14179 1056 7382 69851 11/07/01 201.60 12/18/01 61-455-53505 229.60 69843 11/06/01 28.00 14133 938 8916 11/01 NON-PLEXAR 11/29/01 242.00 12/18/01 61-455-53610 176.00 1 1,104 812 8799 1516081216 11/16/01 0.30 12/18/01 61-480-52100 3.94 1516080981 11/02/01 26.35 656081384 11/28/01 7.96 1511081297 11/26/01 2.99 151108067/, 10/13/01 0.40 1511080859 10/25/01 4.95 1513081298 11/23/01 0.99 1513081105 11/09/01 2.97 1507081101 11/09/01 3.94 14186 1038 8851 6825 11/14/01 29.84 12/18/01 61-480-52100 1.97 6899 12/05/01 24.75 14155 239 7114 107856 11/27/01 134.74 12/18/01 61-480-52200 47.30 107689 11/16/01 101. 76 107744 11/20/01 71.05 107731 11/20/01 81.45 14257 764 8873 11/01 11/30/01 12,543.83 12/18/01 61-480-52470 3,793.76 14259 789 8872 4331 12/01/01 4,511.53 12/18/01 61-480-52500 955.64 14154 929 8787 21850007605 12/01/01 6,173.91 12/18/01 61-480-53815 10,117.71 21850007493 11/16/01 6,669.67 21850007496 11/16/01 513.44 14180 2567 8665 150029670637 10/23/01 2.96 12/18/01 61-480-54100 1,801.04 150029670638 10/23/01 1.96 150029770666 10/24/01 -2.96 150029770667 10/24/01 -1.96 150031271561 11/08/01 10.48 150031271576 11/08/01 162.26 150031371624 11/09/01 26.29 LRAOOO022875 11/12/01 -197.57 150031871914 11/14/01 21.44 150039171949 11/15/01 8.20 150032372204 11/19/01 1,765.91 150032472248 11/20/01 -19.96 150032472249 11/20/01 23.99 14115 1084 8838 11/01 11/30/01 11,759.58 12/18/01 61-485-53200 28.91 14154 929 8787 21850007605 12/01/01 6,173.91 12/18/01 61-485-53815 2,725.87 21850007493 11/16/01 6,669.67 21850007496 11/16/01 513.44 14223 1044 8568 12528010064 11/18/01 2,409.00 12/18/01 61-485-53815 2,409.00 FUND Total 55,957.28 14153 263 8299 11 12/05/01 2,300.00 12/18/01 62-450-53001 2,300.00 14192 263 8299 7 08/27/01 3,982.50 12/18/01 62-450-53001 3,982.50 CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.8 R*APZOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) : i ty of Owasso Dec 13, 2001 03: 53pm Page 11 lpen Claims by GL Account :laim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount FUND Total 6,282.50 14035 717 7096 69525-12/0'1 12/01/01 23,000.00 12/18/01 65-800-55000 23,000.00 FUND Total 23,000.00 14245 476 8809 8888DE 11/21/01 23.00 12/18/01 70-185-52001 23.00 14224 500 8782 69277 11/26/01 99.99 12/18/01 70-185-52100 3.99 66039 10/22/01 3.99 14238 1050 7035 1.4952 11/30/01 60.85 12/18/01 70-185-52100 1.5.64 142l.4 1,76 8870 R4396253 12/03/01 486.40 12/18/01 70-185-52100 424.02 12662l,4 12/05/01 "'62.38 '14260 2307 8530 144634757 "001 11/22/01 295.92 12/18/01 70.185.52100 15.18 1/.4007936-00'1 11/08/01 218.75 1/.263 3l,4 8869 150033l.72758 11/30/01 140.42 12/18/01 70.185.52100 16.78 150023778912 12/03/01 3lUO 150033771933 12/03/01 76.80 150034473337 12/10/01 1.56 150033472764 11/30/01 110.04 112701 11/27/01 208.74 150033973066 12/05/01 16.78 150033472762 11/30/01 -140. l,2 14264 446 7033 CEPO 830113945 12/03/01 45.84 12/18/01 70-185-52100 59.09 830113395 11/29/01 16.12 830113977 12/03/01 6.62 830113384 11/29/01 16.12 83011 L,005 12/03/01 -19.18 830114137 12/04/01 -16.00 830114149 12/04/01 757.88 830113465 11/03/01 4.33 830113254 11/02/01 72.99 830113074 11/27/01 370.17 830113328 11/28/01 22.65 830113352 11/29/01 8.34 830113464 11/30/01 34.39 830114532 12/07/01 24.57 830113070 11/27/01 120.12 830113043 11/27/01 35.94 830112769 11/26/01 16.25 830113235 11/28/01 !:U4 830113944 12/03/01 267.61 830113297 11/28/01 1.99 14265 591 7034 8240176189 11/29/01 9.78 12/18/01 70-185-52200 63.78 8240177055 12/06/01 9.78 8240177053 12/06/01 31.89 8240176187 11/29/01 31.89 14259 789 8872 4331 12/01/01 4,511.53 12/18/01 70-185-52500 23.44 14203 1002 8839 121801 12/18/01 869.53 12/18/01 70-185-52850 20.00 14268 2477 8324 11/01 11/30/01 2,284.81 12/18/01 70-185-52850 13.91 14235 1005 8863 CVW86087 12/03/01 43.90 12/18/01 70-185-52920 215.55 CVW86158 12/06/01 62.99 CVW86081 12/03/01 58.92 CVW86078 12/03/01 49.74 14240 467 8858 27564 11/30/01 507.75 12/18/01 70-185-52920 507.75 14241 1196 8877 10938 10/29/01 1,005.25 12/18/01 70-185-52920 1 ,005.25 14243 227 8874 544908 11/28/01 86.52 12/18/01 70-185-52920 86.52 14246 3 8875 35971 12/03/01 377.05 12/18/01 70-185-52920 599.80 35853 11/28/01 61.80 35854 11/28/01 160.95 14247 77 8871 1-30675-0 11/27/01 163.96 12/18/01 70-185-52920 163.96 14248 698 8868 203863 11/27/01 555.56 12/18/01 70-185-52920 555.56 14255 224 8866 27393 11/14/01 50.00 12/18/01 70-185-52920 833.49 27396 11/14/01 80.00 27264 11/09/01 703.49 14256 573 8864 FOW3260 11/28/01 35.70 12/18/01 70-185-52920 504.48 FOCS760898 11/21/01 74.74 GF8W955297 11/21/01 244.60 GF8W954792 11/20/01 259.88 14258 2320 8867 15-29116 11/09/01 177.33 12/18/01 70-185-52920 799.08 15-29149 11/12/01 284.41 15-29238 11/15/01 337.34 14262 865 8862 7504 11/27/01 456.00 12/18/01 70-185-52920 456.00 ;CS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.8 R*APZOCGL*RPT By SCOTT SHAD BOLT (SRS) By SCOTT SHADBOLT (SRS) CCS.AP Accounts Payable Release 6.0.8 R*APZOCGL*RPT oJ) , - r ,j J -- ~i)1 r ,1 ;S,L City of Owasso Dec 13, 2001 03:53pm Page 12 Open Claims by GL Account Claim# Vendor PO# Hold Vendor Invoice# Invc Dt Invoice Amount Due Date GL Account GL Amount 1/,264 446 7033 CEPO 830113945 12/03/01 45.84 12/18/01 70-185-52920 1 ,736.00 830113395 11/29/01 16.12 830113977 12/03/01 6.62 830113384 11/29/01 16.12 830114005 12/03/01 -19.18 830114137 12/04/01 -16.00 830114149 12/04/01 757.88 830113465 11/03/01 4.33 830113254 11/02/01 72.99 830113074 11/27/01 370.17 830113328 11/28/01 22.65 830113352 11/29/01 8.34 830113464 11/30/01 34039 830114532 12/07101 2t,.57 830113070 11/27/01 120.12 830113043 11/27/01 35.94 830112769 11/26/01 16.25 830113235 11/28/01 8.34 830113944 12/03/01 267.61 830113297 11/28/01 1.99 14115 1084 8838 11/01 11/30/01 11,759.58 12/18/01 70-185-53200 195.68 14137 863 8914 11/01 USE 11/30/01 1,912.72 12/18/01 70-185-53200 174.65 14261 1294 8325 941582085-011 12/02/01 65.08 12/18/01 70-185-53610 34.49 14203 1002 8839 121801 12/18/01 869.53 12/18/01 70-185-53650 146.03 14226 118 8859 1022 11/15/01 192.50 12/18/01 70-185-53800 342.50 1023 12/04/01 150.00 14236 2476 8878 1220 12/03/01 209.00 12/18/01 70-185-53800 209.00 It,237 364 7032 170090 11/21/01 59.99 12/18/01 70-185-53800 59.99 14239 648 8857 2215 12/04/01 3,033.40 12/18/01 70-185-53800 3,033.40 14256 573 8864 FOW3260 11/28/01 35.70 12/18/01 70-185-53800 110.44 FOCS760898 11/21/01 74.74 GF8W955297 11/21/01 244.60 - GF8W954792 11/20/01 259.88 14266 1199 8860 5865 11/29/01 291.00 12/18/01 70-185-53800 495.00 5857 11/26/01 20.00 5838 11/14/01 184.00 FUND Total 12,973.45 14103 t,74 6880 11551 12/06/01 1.97 12/18/01 76-150-53001 56.33 11552 12/06/01 4.01 11532 11/28/01 50.35 14134 2686 8620 110901 11/09/01 29.49 12/18/01 76-150-53750 29.49 14135 935 8821 345200 09/18/01 105.75 12/18/01 76-150-53750 105.75 14138 543 8489 2576205 09/12/01 50.62 12/18/01 76-150-53750 50.62 14146 1287 8819 15701060195 09/19/01 214.90 12/18/01 76-150-53750 214.90 14147 2724 8825 168501 09/25/01 68.58 12/18/01 76-150-53750 68.58 14148 2725 8826 4165-01100011 06/26/01 70.88 12/18/01 76-150-53750 70.88 14149 615 8820 298-136 10/23/01 144.12 12/18/01 76-150-53750 144.12 14150 543 8833 2584505 11/15/01 50.62 12/18/01 76-150-53750 50.62 14212 2121 8755 24937027 07/13/01 50.62 12/18/01 76-150-53750 50.62 14213 2183 8822 20010625 11/25/01 33.99 12/18/01 76-150-53750 33.99 FUND Total 875.90 14214 2655 8491 111501 12/15/01 1,200.00 12/18/01 77-150-52470 1,200.00 FUND Total 1,200.00 Grand Total 248,782.80 Council Member Council Member Mayor December 18, 2001 APPROVED: 14,202.11 9,216.78 1,830.06 1.11 12/01/01 CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE Council Member Council Member December 18, 2001 APPROVED: Worker's Camp Self-Insurance Fund Total Overtime EXl?enses Total Expenses Emergency 911 Fund Fund Overtime CITY OF OWASSO PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 12/01/01 ATTACHMENTS: 1. Location map 2. .ODEQ pel111its 3. Maintenance bonds RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance of the Sawgrass Park at Bailey Ranch water and sanitary sewer systems. The contractor has provided one-year maintenance bonds for the water and sanitary sewer systems (see attached). FINAL INSPECTION: A final inspection on the water system was done in August 2001. The system passed all required tests and all other punch list items have been conected. A final inspection on the sanitary system was held on December Ith and 13th. The system passed all required tests and there were no other punch list items noted. BACKGROUND: The subject development is 10cated east of north Garnett Road immediately north ofthe Bailey Ranch addition (see attached location map). Initially, the development was known as Bailey Ranch III. City water service covers about half of the addition with the other half serviced by District 3, Washington County. The city portion consists of about 6,770 lineal feet of 4- and G..inch lines. The sanitary sewer system consists of 13,600 lineal feet of 8-inch gravity lines. The sewer system discharges west into the 1 O-inch Bailey Ranch off-site line. System designs were approved by the Public Works Depmiment and permitted by the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (see attached permit letters). December 13, 2001 DATE: ACCEPTANCE OF WATER AND SANITARY SEWER SAWGRASS PARK AT BAILEY RANCH HONORABLE AND CITY MEMORANDUM B~IL Y R Npf--/ 1 ['S I A T -_ ~ ! 8~li \/ RL~NCfl' i L 1-\/ L Y t r\ j - L,S /~ -rL~S /I LOCATION MAP SAWGRASS PARK CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION date: 12/200'1 () vV)\ ~~' ~=;' () /v! /\ F? l( E-T 96th St. N. ~ ~I ~ OJ N LLJ PAR I I I \ ,A\^/ A , \ LJJ 106th St. N. prlntod on rocyclad papor wllh ooy Ink .~ 'l..J 707 NORTH ROBINSON, P.O. BOX 1677, OKLAHOMA Cln', OKLAHOMA 73101 "1677 c: Dennis L, Hodo, P.E., DLH Engineering, Incorporated Patrick Rosch, P.E., WPC District Engineer, DEQ Rick Austin, R.S., Regional Director, DEQ Bartlesville DEQ Office Enclosure RWC/HJT Iso Very truly yours, ~~- DWSRF/Construction Permit Section Water Quality Division We are returning one (1) set of the approved plans to you, sending one (1) set to your engineer and retaining one (1) set for our files. Receipt of this permit should be noted in the minutes of the next regular meeting of the City of Owasso, after which it should be made a matter of permanent record. The project authorized by this permit should be constructed in accordance with the plans approved by this department on July 2001. Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications affecting capacity, flow or operation of units must be approved, in writing, by the Department before changes are made. Enclosed is Permit No. SL000072010608 for the construction of 1 597 linear feet of six (8) inch PVC sanitary sewer line, plus all appurtenances to serve the Sawgrass Park @ Bailey Ranch sewer line extension, City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. Dear Mr. Carr: Re: Permit No. SL000072010608 Sawgrass Park at Bailey Ranch Sewer Line Extension 5-21310 F. Robert Carr City of Owasso Post Office Box 180 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 July 22, 2001 FRANK KEATING Governor OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY MARl( COLEMAN Executive Director prlnlod on rocyclod papar wllh BOY Ink ... ~,,~ 707 NORTH ROBINSON, P.O. BOX 1677, OKLAHOMA UIY, OKLAHOMA 73101-1677 c: Dennis L. Hodo, P.E., DLH Engineering, Incorporated Mary Randolph, PWS District Representative, DEQ Rick Austin, R.S., Regional Director, DEQ Bartlesville DEQ Office Nathan Kuhnert, Planning & Management Division, OWRB Enclosure RWC/HJT Iso Rocky ctfen, P. E. DWSRF/Construction Permit Section Water Quality Division ~ Very truly yours, We are returning one (1) set of the approved plans to you, sending one (1) set to your engineer and retaining one (1) set for our files. Receipt of this permit should be noted in the minutes of the next regular meeting of the City of Owasso, after which it should be made a matter of permanent record. The project authorized by this permit should be constructed in accordance with the plans approved by this department on July 2001. Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications affecting capacity, flow or operation of units must be approved, in writing, by the Department before changes are made. Enclosed is Permit No. WL00007201 0607 for the construction of 5,764 linear feet of six (6) inch, plus 1,004 linear feet of four (4) inch PVC water line, plus all appurtenances, to serve the Sawgrass Park at the Bailey Ranch water line extension, City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. Dear Mr. Carr: Fle: Permit No. WL000072010607 Sawgrass Park at Bailey Ranch Water Line Extension PWSID No. 18 F. Robert Carr City of Owasso Post Office Box 180 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 July 22, 2001 FRANK KEATING Governor OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT Of ENVIRONMENTAL QUMIIY MARK COLEMAN Executive Director OI\l(iWM!1 ,~. ~mllY-m.:act ' ~-/I<f''1 ~///, ~iden,t' ~ , .,/, ,,/ / c')' , . . .' , ,..' ... " Michael' Tedford ,\ Princi~l 19 2001 August - day of 27th SIGNED, ooaIed and dated this The Obligee, by and througl1lts proper rep~, shall glw th'., Principal and Ihe Surety wrltt.,n notl~ of alll'l'lpairs required to fulfilllhe terms of this maintenan~ guarantlle; and IhI.l said Prindpai and Surety shall, lriter I'llCOlpt of any sucl1 noti~, 00 allowed 1I ~e periml of time in whicl1 to make any sucl1 I'l'Ipairs. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDn'lON OF mls OBlIGATION IS SUCH, that, If the said Principai sMll maint!in said improvllrrnmts for a period of one ~s) ~ any fallul'll dUll to dm~ worki1iansl1ip or matllrials, said 0119 yea.r(s) period to begin with the datll of rom~n and ~ of sucl1 complated improvements descriOOd al:lova, tI100 this obligation sl1all 00 null and void, otherwise to remain in full fora! and 6ffect. sulljed ~r to the following express provision: , ' , Whicl1 said improwments haw ~ to~ to conform with spadfications prepared by ,Water Supply _System. Bailey Rancb~states III 'R14E~T21N9S171,Nwl49 Tu'1sa County Garnet Road ,&"106th:. St? 0 N .'~ Owasso. Oklahoma ---- . \ ,~ " 1',.\. d~ribOO ~ follows: !'ms WHEREAS IhI.l said ONE HUNDRED ~~NTY FOUR THOUSAND, in the penal sum of FT"lE ~<<iD5;'EViNTY F-OURli, /NO'-O()~~~~~-~..:.~ Dolllus ($ LL. ~. ~ /<'L ()() ~). lawful money of 1M United ~ of~, ~rtM ~@f~. WtlII andtfulyto oo~, Wffl bind Oil~, oorlmlrli. W<llWtors, administrators, su~rs and assigns, loimiy and ~mllY, firmly by ~ p~. ~ Obligee, CITY OF OWASSO & OWASSO LAND TRUST DEVELOPMENT LLC ---- -~_._._---- --------- ==--: .--~--.~----------;o-- ===== as Surety, are hald and firmly !round ullto_ ~"_'" as Principal. of Tulsa Me! State of Oklahoma, of business if! full having its principal M OIdahOmll and OKLAHOMA SURETY THAT WE, PRESENTS: KNOW All MEN ~V BOND NUMBER BOlD OKLAHOMA SURETY COMPANY Box 1409 TUlSAg OKLAHOMA 14101 \. I.. . \ ," ( I':, <., I:'f.' ,J /_ ," '{ {. 'f ',' -"1 i}.l~ Olll (~) I, Atro~flld , Princlp.4J -;-, > & . / ~~/'1 I'd ~/ ' -11""(7-0'1 . " v President l!L_~~Ol August !lay of llih SIGNED. SMlad Me dared this The Obligoo. by and through Its propar rnp~. shall giwl ttia Principal and the Surety writton notice of all rnpairs flIQuirnd to fulfill tho tllrms of this maintenance guarantoo; Md the said Principal Md Surety sItall, after rncatpt of any such notice, 00 allowed a ~Ie pariod of time In which to make any such rnpairs. NOW. THEREFORE. THE CONDmON OF THIS OOUGAT1ON IS SIJCH. that. If the said Principal sItall maintain said improlfllmllnts for a panod of . I"'Inp YtW(s) against any failuro dlUl to ireflldive workmanship or materials. said one year(s) panod to begin with the date of completion and aC't:8ptMce of such com~ improvemllnts described allow. thoo this obligation shall 00 null and wid, otherwiSll to rnmain In full force and f1Itm:t, subjed OOWlMf to the following IDqlfllSS provision: Which said improWlments haw IleeI1 construdOO to comOlm with spac:ffications preparnd by /"J Oklahoma 74055 'Sanitary Sewer System.' , Bail~y Ranch Est'ates ~tI, 106th St. No & Garne.tt. Owasso. \1 ' > ~folm: WHEREAS the said Principal ms eonstrudOO ~n TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND 9 THREE , inthllpanalsumof HUNDRED FIFTY EIG'f.lT8.~r'I :nn!lon--~'.:..__~_______ " DoI!m(S 225._5 ), lawful money of the United StIW; of ~rita, forfuf! ~ of~. ~ /WI truly to 00 mmIe. We blmhl!J~. Ollr Ilelrs. Il)(~rs. administrators. SUCCtlSSors and assigns. jointiy am! ~rally. firmly by ~ p~. . . ~ Obligee. LAND TRUST DEVELOPMENT. LLC CITY OF OWASSO & ~ Surety. are held and firmly bound as Plincipal, of Tulsa and State of Oklahoma, of businl'lS-s ill the an Oklahoma ilnd IRA M. GREEN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY THAT WE, PRESENTS: KNOW All MEN BY OK~00346Lf[,( BOND NUMBER DEFECT BOND OKLAHOMA SURETY COM,PANY Box 1409 TULSA, OKLAHOMA 74101 " ,/ ,I, " ' ." ': ..: .. .', ATTACHMENTS: 1. Location Map 2. ODEQ pennit 3. Maintenance bond Staff recommends Council acceptance of the Country Estates V sanitary sewer system. RECOMMENDATION: A final inspection was completed on December 7,2001. The system passed all required tests and all punch list items identified at the inspection have been con-ected. The developer has provided a one- year maintenance bond (see attached). FINAL INSPECTION: The subject subdivision is located west of North Garnett Road and north and about ~-mile north of 116th Street North (see attached location map). The sewer system consists of9,000 lineal feet ofS- and 10-inch gravity lines. The system flows through Country Estates IV to the IS-inch Northside Interceptor. Water service is provided by District 3, Washington County. The system design was approved by the Public Works Department and permitted by the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (see attached permit letter). BACKGROUND: DATE: December 13,2001 SUBJECT: ACCEPT ANCE OF SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM COUNTRY ESTATES V LUTZ, ~Nl- ENGINEERING PROJECT MANAGER UM LOCA TION MAP COUNTRY EST. V CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA PUBUC WORKS DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION 12-11-01 I SHEET 1 OF 1 DATE: I --T----~----------- -- ------r- I j " ,--j ST. N. 1 16TH i i LL>~ -- '\.:-F':~ // ~r> I . LJ i\!-r No ST. 126TH , W I-- : I '" (j') OJ w ~ z ::> 0 u /' Ii. <( ::>: z 0 i= () 0 -1 /' II:: W ::c I- 0 /' z ~ C) z in /' (f) ~ w ~ /' ~ , w ~ printed on rocyclod paper with aoy Ink ,. 'to.' 707 NORm ROBINSON, P.O. BOX 1677, OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA 73101.1 Enclosure c: Dennis l. Hodo, P.E., DLH Engineering, Inc. Phillis Stevens, WPC District Representative, DEQ Rick Austin, R.S., Regional Director, DEQ Tulsa DEQ Office RWC/HJT Iso Very truly yours, ~~ DWSRF/Construction Permit Section Water Quality Division We are returning two (2) sets of the approved plans to you, sending one (1) set to your engineer and retaining one (1) set for our files. Receipt of this permit should be noted in the minutes of the next regular meeting of the City of Owasso, after which it should be made a matter of permanent record. The project authorized by this permit should be constructed in accordance with the plans approved by this department on June 8, 2001. Any deviations from the approved pians and specifications affecting capacity, flow or operation of units must be approved, in writing, by the Department before changes are made. Enclosed is Permit No. 10444 for the construction of 5,941 linear feet of eight (8) inch, plus 3,087 linear feet of ten (10j inch PVC sanitary sewer line, plus all appurtenances, to serve the Country Estates V sewer line extension, City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. Dear Mr. Carr: Re: Permit No. SL000072010444 Country Estates V Sewer Line Extension S-21 310 F. Robert Carr, Public Works Director City of Owasso 207 South Cedar Post Office Box 180 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055-0180 June 8, 200" FRANK KEATING Governor OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY OKLAHOMA DLPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAl QUALITY MARK COLEMAN Execulive Director Title (seal) Landco Construction Company, LLC Prinicipal: SIGNED, SEALED AND DATED THIS 17th DAY OF May ,2001. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH that, ifthe Principal shall indemnify the Obligee for all loss that the Obligee may sustain by reason of any defective materials or workmanship which become apparent during the period of One year(s) from and after completion of contract then this obligator shall be void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. WHEREAS, the said contract has been completed, and was approved on WHEREAS, said contmct provides that the Principal will furnish a bond conditioned to guarantee for the period of One year(s) after acceptance by the City of Owasso, by the owner, against all defects in workmanship which may become apparent during said period, and for Sanitary Sewer To Serve Country Estates V dated WHEREAS, the said Principal entered into a contTact with the DG&S Properties as Obligcc,in the penal sum of One Hundred Four Thousand Six & OO/HlO..-----..........-....,.,..." -.......,.-........--..----......'----.0- ($164,026000) representing 1 00% of construction costs of improvements, to which payment well and truly to be mad we do bind ourselves, our and each of our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assign jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. as Principal, and VICTORE INSURANCE COMPANY as Surety,are held and firmly bound unto City of OK KNOW ALL MEN BY TIH1:SE PRESENTS, That we Landco Construction Company, LLC Bond #15220 MAINTENANCE BOND ATTACHMENTS: 1. Location Map 2. ODEQ Permit 3. Maintenance Bond RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance ofthe Preston Lakes II sanitary sewer system. FINAL INSPECTION: A final inspection was conducted on December 12, 2001. The system passed all required tests and all punch list items identified at the inspection have been corrected. The contractor has provided a one-year maintenance bond for the sewer line (see attached). The subject subdivision is located north of 86th Street North about Y4-mile east of 145th East Avenue (see attached location map). The sewer line consists of 15,500 lineal feet of8-, 10- andl4-inch inch gravity lines. The system flows through Preston Lakes I to the 21-inch Elm Creek Interceptor. Water service is provided by District 3, Rogers County. System design was approved by the Public Works Department and permitted by the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) (see attached pelmit letter). DATE: December 13, 2001 SUBJECT: ACCEPTANCE OF SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM PRESTON LAKES II MEMORANDUM LOCATION MAP PRESTON LAKES II CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION ~ CD ~ r Ul <C .- w r Ul . W date: 12/2001 ~.r~ , "" / "<::>/ ;::: l 86TH ST. N. r (f) <C w LD ~ II ~.~, LAKE 1~1-1 1~. N. ~ b . w 1J printed on recycled paper wllh soy Ink n '?~~ 707 NORTH ROBINSON, P.O. BOX 1677, OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA 73101-1677 c: Dennis L. Hodo, P. E., DLH Engineering, Incorporated Rick Austin, R.S., Regional Director, DEQ Enclosure RWC/HJT Iso Very truly yours, ~~ DWSRF/Construction Permit Section Water Quality Division We are returning two (2) sets of the approved plans to you, sending one (1) set to your engineer and retaining one (1) set for our files. Receipt of this permit should be noted in the minutes of the next regular meeting of the City of Owasso, after which it should be made a matter of permanent record. The project authorized by this permit should be constructed in accordance with the plans approved by this department on November 2001. Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications affecting capacity, flow or operation of units must be approved, in writing, by the Department before changes are made. Enclosed is Permit No. SL00007201 0963 for the construction of '1,629 linear feet of fourteen ('14) inch, plus 2,290 linear feet of ten (10) inch, plus 11,659 linear feet of eight (8) inch PVC sanitary sewer line, plus all to serve the Preston Lakes II sewer line extension, Rogers County, Oklahoma. Dear Mr. Carr: Re: Permit No. SL000072010963 Preston Lakes II Sewer Line Extension S-21310 F. Robert Jr., P.E., Public Works Director of Owasso 207 South Cedar Oklahoma 74055 November 5, 2001 FRANK KEATING Governor OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAl OUAlITY MARK COLEMAN Executive Oi rector 3.12()Q os (~) KlAHQMA SURETY COMPANY U Y ~~~ . Attl.'IfMY.;rrl'ad Principal /~M~ ~~ President 2001 19_ December day of 12th SIGNED, sealoo lII1d datlld this The Obligllll, by and through lis propar representative, shall gMl th'e Princlpallll1d the Surety written notice of all repairs required to fulfill the terms of Ihis maintenance guarantee; and the said Princlpallll1d Surety shall, after receipt of any such notice, 00 allowed a reasooaJ:lle pariod of time in which to make any such repairs. NOW, THEREFORE, THE amomoN OF THIS OBUGA 1"ION IS SUCH, that, If the said Principal shall maintain ~id improvemants for a period of one year(s) against any faJlure due to d~ worlcmanship or materials, said 0 e year(s) period to ~in with Ihe dato of complmion lII1d aOOlptance of such completoo Improwmams deserib0d ~, thllfl this obligation shall 00 nulllll1d \!Oid, olherwise to remain in full force lII1d flffect, subject hOWiMlr to Ihe followinllllXpmsll provision: Which said improvements have boon construdlld to conform with spaclficalioM prepared by '1 Sanitary Sewer System Preston Lakes II near Owasso9 Oklahoma . WHEREAS the iUlld Principal has construdlld ctll1llJn improvemllnts d~OOd lil'j mllmw: lil'j Obligllll, inthepenaJsumof~HT~ EIGHT :r;HonSi'\ND, 1\TINR HTINllRED. TIVENTY 4 NCb6Jlars(S~), lawfUl montJy oUhe Unitoo States of Ament:;!!, for the payt'IUlnt of which, welllll1d truly to 00 made, Wil bim! ou~ &u;l heirs, llXocutors, administrators, SUOOlssors and assigM. jointly and ~rally, firmly by ~ PmsIlnts. as Surety. are held llnd firmly bound as Principal. of Tulsa lII1d Stlte of Oklahoma, of ilusil1tlSS in the lII1 Oklahoma and OKLAHOMA SURETY THAT WE, PRESENTS: KNOW AU MEN BY BOND NUMBER DEfECT BOND OKLAHOMA SURETY COMPANY Box 1409 TUlSA9 OKLAHOMA 74101 Staff recommends City Council approval of a supplemental appropriation to the General Fund, Managerial Department budget in the amount of $110,600. RECOMMENDATION: Funding for the employment agreement with the City Manager will necessitate a budget supplement for the full contract amount. Even though the one-year employment agreement and actual payments will occur during two different fiscal years ,funding for the contract must be included in the budget. The total cost of all salary and benefits included in the proposed employment agreement is $110,600. The Municipal Budget Act, (Title 11, O.S. Section 17-201) prohibits any expenditure or authorization for an expenditure that exceeds the appropriation in that fund. Consequently, funds must be included in the budget before City Council approves a contract or purchase. BACKGROUND: December 14, 2001 DATE: SUPPLEMENTAL MANAGERIAL DEPARTMENT SHERRY BISHOP FINANCE DIRECTOR FROM: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OW ASSO TO: MEMORANDUM Proposed Employment Agreement ENCLOSURE: Memorandum from Rodney Ray dated December 10, 2001 ATTACHMENT: Section 8 (B), Vacation, Sick and Miscellaneous Paid Leave. The proposed agreement contains a "banking" of 240 hours sick leave. Additionally, it contains language specifying that the City Manager will accrue no additional sick leave until such time has passed as he would have accrued the Oliginal 240 hours. In addition to the items enumerated on the attached memorandum from Mr Ray, the following item has been added: Enclosed for your review is an Employment Agreement between the City of Owasso, Oklahoma and Rodney J Ray covering the employment of Mr Ray as City Manager for the City of Owasso. This agreement was discussed in executive session on Tuesday, December 11, 2001. December 13, 200l DATE: COUNCIL MEMBERS MEMORANDUM 1. Section 2 (C.), Term of Contract. The proposed contract utilizes a contract term beginning on January 1 and ending on December 31. While most contracts use a July 1 to June 30 term, I believe it will be beneficial to all parties to evaluate, counsel and negotiate at a time outside of the normal March through June period. This change will, I believe, allow for a more thoughtful process based on priorities established by the Council rather than have the process caught-up in the time when so many other issues are "on the table." Note: Please note that proposed changes in the contract are indicated with a bold type and underline. Also note that there are several "notations" listed on the contract document to call your attention to areas of difference, either deletions, additions or changes. Those notations are shown by use of italics type. In an effort to ensure you are informed as to my proposal, those differences are outlined below: Pursuant to action taken by the City Council on December 4, 2001, and subsequent discussions with the City Attorney and Mayor, I have prepared for your review, discussion and consideration, a draft contact document that contains language I believe provides a good compensation for my family and protection for the City's taxpayers. While the proposal contains basically the same elements as the contract with the previous manager, there are some changes in the language relating to certain benefits and, in two cases, the method of payment for compensation and deferred compensation. BACKGROUND: December 10, 2001 DATE: J COUNCIL HONORABLE MAYOR OF OW ASSO MEMORANDUM I look forward to discussing these proposals with you and once again serving the citizens of Owasso. If you have questions or concerns, please call me at (918) 396-4041 (home), (918) 396-3941 (office), or (918) 671-1281 (cell). 6. Section 12, Dues and Subscriptions. The proposed contract eliminates payment for dues and trips associated with membership in, and conferences of, the International City Managers Association. I have not belonged to the ICMA in the past and have no desire to become associated at this time. I am a member of the OCMA and do wish to continue to maintain my membership in that association. Insurance. The proposed contract eliminates full dependent coverage The proposed language is consistent with the policy for all other 5. Section paid by the City. employees. 4. Section 8, Vacation. The proposed contract reduces the Managers vacation benefit to two weeks rather than the four contained in the previous contract. That language is consistent with the policy for all other employees. 3. Section 6, Outside Employment. The proposed contract does not contain language relating to spousal owned business as an exemption from prohibition against outside employment. 2. Section 3, Salary and Section 4, Deferred Compensation. The proposed contract contains language that provides for a "lump sum payment" of the retirement benefit, as well as a "lump sum payment" of a portion of the Manager's salary. These requests are made in order to make payment to and enhance my retirement program. I have not and do not intend to utilize the ICMA retirement program. Therefore, I have always maintained a private investment plan for my retirement. The deferred compensation will allow me to take advantage of the earnings for the entire year rather to smaller, monthly investments. The sum salary payment is requested so as to allow me to enhance my plan due to earnings. I always salary should allocated to ones priorities IS a A. Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent, limit or otherwise interfere with the right of the Council to terminate the services of the Manager at any time as provided in Section 3-1 (b) of the Chatier of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, subject only to the provisions set forth in such Charter provision, as well as Section 10 of this Agreement. Term Section 20 The Council, under the telms and conditions hereof, hereby employs Rodney J Ray as City Manager of the City to perform the functions and duties specified in the Charter and Ordinances of said City, and to perform other legally pelmissible and proper duties and functions as the Council pursuant to and in accordance with the City Charter shall from time to time assign. Rodney J Ray hereby, under the terms and provisions hereof, accepts such employment. Duties Section 10 NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the parties agree as follows: WHEREAS, the Manager desires to accept employment as City Manager of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Council to make possible full work productivity and the exercise of professional judgment by assuring the Manager's morale and peace of mind with respect to future security; WHEREAS, the Council wishes to secure and retain the services of the Manager and to provide an inducement for him to remain in such employment; WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Council to provide certain benefits, establish certain conditions of employment and to set working conditions of the Manager; City desires to employ the services of Rodney J as City Manager of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, pursuant to Section 1 of the Charter of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma; WITNESSETH: THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 1st day of January, 2002, by and between the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, a municipal corporation, hereinafter called "City", and Rodney J Ray, hereinafter called "Manager": EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT Employment Agreement RJR Page 2 D. All evaluation sessions will be held in executive session as allowed by the Open Meetings Act. C. The Manager, at his discretion, may discuss the referenced goals and objectives with the Council and may propose modifications or amendments when he deems it in the interest of the City to do so. B. The Council may review and evaluate the performance of the Manager at any time and as often as it deems appropriate. The evaluation should assess the accomplishment of performance objectives and provide feedback and guidance for the Manager with respect to future performance. A. At least, annually, the Council and the Manager shall define in writing performance objectives which they determine necessary for the proper operation of the City in the attainment of the Council's policy goals. The Council and the Manager shall further establish in writing a relative priority among the objectives, and the same shall generally be attainable within the time limitations as specified and the appropriations of the operating and/or capital budgets. Performance Evaluation Section 5. In addition to the base salary paid by the City to Manager, City agrees to pay an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of Manager's annualized base compensation for the purpose of the managers retirement program. Such payment to be made as a one-time lump sum payment due within ten days of the beginning of the contract. Provided, however, that in the event of the separation of Manager from the employment of City, Manager shall be required to return to City a pro rata portion of the lump sum payment. Deferred Compensation Section 4. The City agrees to pay the Manager for his services an annual base salary of Eighty-Six Thousand Dollars ($86,000.00) beginning January 1, 2002. Of that amount $80,000 shall be paid in twenty-six payment of equal amounts; and $6,000 shall be paid in a one-time lump sum payment within sixty days of the effective date of this contract. Provided, however, that in the event of the separation of the manager from the employment of the City, the Manager shall be required to return to the City a pro rata portion of the lump sum payment. Salary Section 3. C. The term of this Agreement shall be from January 1,2002 until December 31,2002. B. Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent, limit or otherwise interfere with the right of the Manager to resign at any time from his position with City. Employment Agreement RJR.. Page 3 A. The City shall pay severance benefit to the Manager during the term of this agreement. From the effective date of this agreement, the Manager will be eligible for a severance benefit equivalent to six (6) months his base salary as defined herein if he is released from service for any reason except cause as defined herein. Section 10. Termination, Severance Benefit and Resignation The City agrees to provide the Manager with the group health, dental, VISIOn and life insurance coverage as is offered to other employees of the City and to pay the premiums thereon. The life insurance coverage shall be in an amount equal to two (2) times the Manager's annual salary. Upon Separation from employment, the Manager shall be eligible for a continuation of coverage under COBRA at his expense, regardless of the reasons for separation from employment. Insurance Section 9. C. The Manager shall receive all other forms of paid leave extended to other employees ofthe City. B. Manager shall be credited with two hundred forty (240) hours sick leave, and shall not begin accming sick leave until such time has passed that Manager would have accmed the original two hundred forty (240) hours. Thereafter, Manager shall accrue sick leave at the same rate as other employees of the City, and the method of accrual and use of such leave shall be governed by the Ordinances of the City and applicable mles and regulations. A. The City Manager will be credited with two (2) weeks vacation leave during the telm hereof. Vacation time shall accrue at a rate of 0.84 days per month. Vacation, Sick and Miscellaneous Paid Leave Section 8. It is recognized that the Manager must devote a great deal of time outside normal office hours to the business of the City, and to that end, he is authorized to take compensatory time off as he deems appropriate during normal office hours. Time Section 7. During the term of this Agreement, the Manager shall be a full time City Manager. The Manager agrees to remain in the exclusive employment of the City until this Agreement is terminated and not to work in the employment of another employer earlier than the date of termination. Outside employment shall not be constmed to include occasional teaching, writing or consulting performed on the Manager's time off. Outside Employment Section 6. Employment Agreement RJR - Page 4 1. Under the terms and conditions set forth in Sections 2 and 10 of this Agreement, the Council retains the right, with or without cause, to tenninate this Agreement. H. Should the Manager resign before the expiration of this Agreement other than under the conditions of paragraph D of this Section and Section 14, the Manager shall give the City written notice at least sixty (60) days in advance of the effective date of termination, unless the pmiies otherwise agree. G. If Manager shall die during any period in which payments are being made in accordance with Section 10A, the balance of the payments shall accrue to Manager's estate. If Manager should die during his regular employment, the payment under Section 10A will not be made and the insurance proceeds available pursuant to the applicable defined benefit plan shall be in lieu thereof. F. If the Manager becomes pennanently disabled or is otherwise unable to perfOlm his duties because of sickness, accident, injury, mental incapacity or health for a period of four (4) successive weeks beyond any accrued sick leave, City shall have the option to telminate this Agreement subject to the severance pay requirements of Section lOA. In addition thereto, Manager shall be compensated for any accrued vacation not used, holidays, and any other accrued benefits. E. The paliies acknowledge that circumstances may arise where, in order to avoid adverse publicity to the Councilor Manager, the Manager may tender his resignation from employment conditioned upon the receipt of severance pay as defined in Section 10A. Should the Council act to accept the conditional resignation, then upon submission of a properly executed claim in the amount of such severance pay, the Council shall approve the claim for payment. In the event the Council at any time during the term of this Agreement reduces the salary or other benefits of the Manager in a greater percentage than an applicable across-the- board reduction for all other employees of the City, or the City Charter of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, is amended to delete the Council/Manager form of government, or the Council acts to terminate, then the Manager may, at his option, be deemed to be telminated effective at the date of such reduction, change or action, and shall be entitled to the severance pay of paragraph of this Section at the rate of pay in effect prior to the reduction, change or action. Upon submission of a properly executed claim in the amount of such severance pay, the Council shall approve the claim for payment. C. Cause shall be defined as including, but not limited to, gross neglect of duty, malfeasance, misfeasance or conviction for any felony or crime of moral turpitude. B. The paliies hereto expressly agree no severance payment as defined in Section 10A shall be paid if the Manager is terminated during the tenn ofthis Agreement for cause. Employment Agreement RJR - Page 5 If, and in the event, the City shall not be desirous of renewing this Agreement upon the expiration hereof, City shall give Manager written notice of such non-renewal no later than sixty (60) days prior to the expiration date hereof. If, and in the event, City shall fail to give written notice of non-renewal with the time provided for above, then, in such event, City shall pay Manager the severance payment set forth in Section 10. Provided, however, if, and in the event, the expiration date arrives without any contractual renewal but nevertheless Manager continues to perfOlID in the capacity of City Manager with compensation and benefits as are provided for herein and/or a successor agreement with an effective date of January 1, 2003, is entered into, then, in such event, the payment provided for in the foregoing sentence shall not be required of City to Manager. Section 140 Notices of Non-Renewal The City shall provide defense and indemnification to the Manager in accordance with the City's statutory authorization therefor, all as set forth in Title 51, Oklahoma Statutes, Section 162, or any amendments or successor provisions pertaining thereto, or other applicable law. Defense and Indemnification Section 130 The City agrees to budget and pay for the professional dues and subscriptions of the Manager necessary for his membership in the Oklahoma Association of City Managers. Section 120 Dues and Subscriptions D. The City will reimburse the Manager not more than $2000 for expenses directly related to relocating Manager's residence to Owasso. The City will pay the premiums of any fidelity bonds required of manager by the Charter and Ordinances of the City or otherwise as may be required by State Law. B. The City recognizes that certain expenses of a generally job~affiliated nature are incurred by the Manager in the course of his duties and agrees to pay the Manager each month for such expenses. Detailed receipts must be presented before reimbursement is approved. A. In addition to the base salary and other benefits provided elsewhere in this Agreement, the Manager shall receive use of a City vehicle maintained by the City for City related business and functions before, during, and after nOlIDal work hours. General Expenses Section 110 Employment Agreement RJR - Page 6 D. Titles of this Agreement are for reference and convenience only, and shall not be constmed to modify the specific terms hereof. C. If any prOVlSlon, section or subsection of this Agreement shall be held unconstitutional, invalid, or unenforceable for any reason, such holding shall not be construed to impair or invalidate the remainder ofthis Agreement, notwithstanding such holding. B. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and the heirs at law and executor of the Manager. A. The text herein shall constitute the entire agreement between the parties. This Agreement supercedes any and all previous agreements between the parties. No part of any previous Agreement either verbal or written between the parties shall carryover into the term hereof except and unless specifically provided for herein, or as provided pursuant to Oklahoma or Federal law. Section 16. General Provisions Alternatively, notices may be personally served on the parties. Notice shall be deemed given as of the date of personal service or as of the date of deposit of written notice in the United States postal service. MANAGER: Rodney J Ray 2117 Western Drive Skiatook, OK 74070 City Council PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 CITY: Notices pursuant to this Agreement shall be given by deposit in the custody of the United States postal service, postage prepaid, addressed as follows: Section Upon affirmative vote by a majority of the governing body prior to December 31, 2002, the terms and provisions of this Agreement shall be in full force and effect. In the event the City has not notified the Manager of its intent to renew the contract as stated above, then the Manager may submit his resignation at any time within the sixty (60) days prior to the end of the contract year upon 15 days notice and such resignation shall not waive the City of any obligations set forth in the first paragraph of this Section and the City shall be obligated for the full six (6) months severance, regardless of the date ofthe Manager's resignation. Employment Agreement RJR - Page 7 Ronald D Cates, City Attorney ,2001. Approved as to form and legality on the ~___ day of Rodney J Ray MANAGER Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk By:_~__~_____~_________ Mary Lou Bamhouse,Mayor CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement, the day and year first above written. Staff recommends City Council approval of Change Order No.5 for the amount of $33,348. RECOMMENDATION: Mr. Peterson will be in attendance Tuesday evening to answer any questions of a technical nature regarding Change Order No.5. The Brazeal Change Order ($10,880), combined with the Work Change Directives approved by Mr. Mitchell under the authority of Resolution No. 2000-10 ($23,718), brings the total amount of changes to $34,598. A Back Charge in the amount of$I,250 due to a tile discrepancy reduces the total amount of Change Order No.5 to $33,348. Once again, a complete list of the Work Change Directives, Back Charges, and Change Orders is attached for your information and review. The request fi:om Brazeal Masonry is submitted as a result ofthe materials for the loading dock and ramp changing from concrete stem wall to split faced block. This change was Oliginally addressed in Change Order No.2, and a credit was provided to the City of Owasso at that time. The detail for the split faced block, however, was not issued until after Change Order No.2 was approved. In order to keep the overall construction proj ect moving forward, Brazeal Masonry made modifications even though no Change Order or Work Order Directives had been issued. The total cost for this change order is $10,880. Mr. Douglas Peterson of Cowen Construction has submitted a complete list of Work Change Directives approved by Mr. Mitchell, as well as Back Charges to and from subcontractors and the City of Owasso, and a constmction summary of costs. Additionally, Brazeal Masonry has also submitted a request for a change order. Resolution No. 2000-10, approved by the City Council on September 19,2000, authorized the former City Manager, Mr. Larry Mitchell, to make Work Change Directives up to $25,000 total ($5,000 per occurrence) as long as provisions of the Public Competitive Bid Act of1974 were adhered to. A copy of Resolution No. 2000-10 is attached for your information and review. BACKGROUND: December 13,2001 DATE: TIMOTHY Do ROONEY ACTING CITY TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OWASSO MEMORANDUM ATT ACHMENTS: 1. Resolution No. 2000-10 2. Contract Summary 3. Change Order No.5 Detail 4. Construction Invoices Enclosure Cc: File Very Truly Yours, It is the opinion of the Construction Manager that the pricing submitted for this work is well within fair market value for work performed and that the City of Owasso accept this request for change order from Brazeal Masonry. The request for change order from Brazeal Masonry is a result of the materials for the loading dock and ramp switching from a concrete stem wall to split faced block. This change was initially addressed in Change Order No.2 and the concrete contractor has given a credit back for the deletion of concrete stem walls. However the detail for the split-faced block was not issued until after Change Order No.2 was approved. In an effort to keep the construction schedule moving, Brazeal Masonry made construction modifications even though a Work Change Directive or Change Order had not been issued for this work. Attached is a copy of Resolution No. 2000-10, a construction summary of costs, a list of approved Work Change Directives, backcharges to and from subcontractors and the City of Owasso, and a request for change order from Brazeal Masonry. I am submitting to you the final project changes as approved by former City Manager, Mr. Larry Mitchell. Resolution No. 2000-10 empowers the City Manager to make Work Change Directives up to $5,000 per occurrence and $25,000 cumulative as long as provisions of the Public Competitive Bidding Act of 1974 are adhered to. Dear Mr. Rooney: Re: Owasso Hall & Change Order No.5 Attn: Timothy City of Ow as so 207 S. Cedar P.O. Box 180 OK 74055 December 10, 2001 n FAX 9 I 8-584-8922 918-582-2220 74101-3465 TULSA OKLAHOMA PO Box 3465 1110 W. 23RD ST. ESTABLISHED 1896 t) P) E C'D ~ ) o I I I I I I I I J I Ronald D Cates, City Attorney APPROVED AS TO FORM: Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk ATTEST: ========- ~ H C "Will" Williams, Mayor '~ ADOPTED this 19th day of September, 2000 by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. I I I In regard to the construction of the City Hall I Police Station Project, the City Manager of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, is hereby authorized to approve, without further authority from the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, work change directives in an amount not to exceed Five Thousand Dollars per occurrence, or Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars cumulative, provided however, such work change directives shall at all times be in compliance with the provisions of the Public Competitive Bidding Act of 1974. BE IT RESOINED BY THE CITY COUNCIl, OF THE CITY OF THAT: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA RELATING TO THE CITY HALL I POLICE STATION CONSTRUCTlON PROJECT, DELEGATING TO THE CITY MANAGER OF THE CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA THE AUTHORITY TO MAKE WORK CHANGE DIRECTIVES IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS PER OCCURRENCE OR TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS CUMULATIVE, SUBJECT TO THE LIMITATIONS OF THE PUBLIC COMPETITIVE BIDDING ACT OF 1974. RESOLUTION NO 2000-10 CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA Owasso City Hall & Police Station Contract Summary 11 -30 -01 A'-f -t Paekanwn See6ee.f-ferAS€ Mi- Pcfimnfw AS_f.ABn Ra¢a Rid AFfaameafwa R.- Pneaframf r°rID b°£ lire �R9 ne) #. r n Perang P.e%�E& '4'nfmP fn R]sfm 1A Temporary Facilities City of Owasso $ 79,350 $ 79,350 $ 79,350.00 $ 79,350.00 1B Safety RKServices $ 11,000 $ 13,700 $ 13,700.00 $ 13,700.00 1 1C Final Clean Jani -Kn $ 7,000 $ 6,900 $ 6,900.00 $ 6,900.00 2A1 Earthwork CarterExcavatin $ 247,025 $ 177,000 $ 177,003.00 $ 555.00 $ 309.00 $ 177,246.00 i2A.2 Site Utilities Landco Included Above $ 103,094.50 $ 103,094.50 $ 103,094.50 2B Asphalt Paving ac Paving $ 47,250 $ 43,000 $ 43,000.00 $ 43,000.00 2C Landscaping NE Irrigation $ 10,ODO $ - $ 57,500 $ 57,500.00 $ 402.25 $ 309.00 $ 57,406.75 2D Termite Treatment Arrow Efdenninators $ 3,470 $ 3,650 $ 3,650.00 $ 3,650.00 2E Building Demolition Arrow Wrecking $ 8,000 $ 13,000 $ 13,000.00 $ 13,000.00 3A Concrete KSM Construction $ 265,965 $ 309,044 $ 4,987 $ 314,031.00 $ 9,601 $ 6,460.00 $ 5,147.00 $ 335,239.00 4A Masonry Brazael Mason $ 285,354 $ 282,800 $ 282,800.00 $ 13,075.00 $ 10,880.00 $ 305,755.00 5A Structural Steel KBM Construction $ 375,000 $ 267,926 $ 9,868 $ 277,794.00 $ 5,175.00 $ `14,479.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 302,448.00 513 Light Gauge Trusses Home Steel Framing $ 26,000 $ 23,922 $ 19,123 $ 43,045.00 $ 43,045.00 6A Rough Carpentry Brown Construction $ 86,800 $ 105,000 $ 26,000 $ 133,000.00 $ 9,675.00 $ 142,675.00 7A Built-Up Roofing Turner Roding $ 93,900 $ 63,555 $ 12,471 $ 51,084.00 { $ 505.00 $ 50,579.00 76 Metal Roofing Turner Roofing $ 65,100 $ 90,969 $ 50,679 $ 141,648.00 $ 3,277.00 $ 144,925.00 7C Waterproofing Trey Waterproofing $ 23,620 $ 6,511 $ 275 $ 6,786.00 $ 6,786.00 7D EIFS EIFS Systems $ 34,450 $ 59,300 $ 2,240 $ 57,060.00 I $ 57,00.00 7E GFRC Column Covers Brown Construction $ 17,600 $ 22,000 $ 22,000.00 $ 22,000.00 SA Hollow Metal Frames & Doors Murray Womble $ 21,520 $ 21,400 $ 21,400.00 $ 427.00 $ 20,973.00 88 Wood Doors Precision Door $ 13,950 $ 11,027 $ 11,027.00 $ 297.00 $ 324.00 $ 11,054.00 8C Aluminum Frames & Glass Robinson Glass $ 47,772 $ 79,202 $ 4,350 $ 83,552.00 $ 555.00 $ 965.00 $ 1,814.00 $ 86,686.00 8O Finish Hardware Murray Womble $ 37,400 $ 47,255 $ 47,258.00 $ 516.00 $ 6,895.00 $ 53,635.00 SE install Doors &Hardware Brown Construction $ 55,396 $ 75,000 $ 75,000.00 $ 75,000.00 8F Overhead Coiling Doors Murray Womble $ 2,000 $ 8,511 $ 8,511-DO $ 8,511.00 9A Drywall M.L.Jones $ 214,855 $ 315,000 $ 315,000.00 $ 7,875.00 $ 366.00 $ 323,243.00 9B Flooring Allen's Floor Systems $ 91,440 $ 91,660 $ 9,690 $ 101,350.00 $ 41068.00 ; $ (1,838.00)1 $ 650.00 $ 102,930.00 9C Painting Vale Painting $ 90,828 $ 39,900 $ 39,940.00 $ 275.00 $ 1,385.00 $ 41,550.00 9D Acoustical Ceilings M.L.Jones $ 41,767 $ 40,000 $ 40,000.00 $ 40,000.00 10A Lockers & Benches Murray Womble $ 4,080 $ 3,338 $ 3,338.00 $ 7,150.00 $ 10,488.00 10B FE Cabinets & Accessories Murray Womble $ 1,225 $ 2,510 $ 2,510.00 $ 2,510.00 10C Toilet & Bath Accessories Murray Womble $ 1,890 $ 3,747 $ 3,747.00 $ 3,747.00 10D Toilet Partitions Murray Womble $ 8,000 $ 4,147 $ 4,147.00 i $ 4,147.00 10E Flagpole Murray Womble $ 1,400 $ 1,868 $ 1,868.00 ( $ 1,868.00 1OF Detention Equipment S er Metals $ 50,000 $ 19,093 $ 19,093.00 G $ 1,120.00 $ 20,213.00 10G Access Flooring Burgess Company $ 3,645 $ 6,950 $ 6,950.00 $ 6,950.00 10H Cubicle Curtains & Track Murray Womble $ 2,000 $ 1,771 $ 1,771.00 ( $ 1,771.00 101 interior Si na a Architectural Signs $ 5,000 $ 4,864 $ 4,854.00 $ 310.00 $ 5,174.00 12A Casework Southern Millwork $ 50,100 $ 41,736 $ 41,736.00 $ 41,736.00 14A Elevator Schindler Elevator $ 34,000 $ 25,490 $ 25,490.00 $ 25,490.00 15A Mechanical Forrest Shoemaker $ 330,000 $ 360,000 $ 360,000.00 $ 1,702.00 $ 351,702.00 15B Plumbing Russell Mechanical $ 155,000 $ 161,848 $ 161,848.00 $ 15,073.00 $ 176,921.00 15C Fire Protection Mac Fire Protection $ 44,000 $ 28,525 $ 28,525.00 1 $ 28,525.00 16A Electrical Oil Capitol Electric $ 381 550 $ 259,575 $ 259,575.00 1 1 068.50 $ 9 972.00 $ 12 985.00 $ 281 463.50 CONSTRUCTION COST $ 3,375,793 $ 3,325,140 $ 169,761 $ 3,494,900.50 $ 9,661 $ 27,452.26 $ 9,972.06 $ 79,083.60 $ 33,348.00 $ 3,645,356.75 Backcharges Remobilization for mechanical equipment crane Forrest Shoemaker $ 505.00 Backcharge to roofer not ready for mechanical equipment Turner Roofing $ (505.00) Correct substrate for wall tile Allen's Floor Systems $ 600.00 Backcharge from Allen's Floor Systems to ML Jones M.L.Jones Acoustical $ (600.00) Repair of irrigation sleeves N.E. Irrigation $ 309.00 Backcharge to Carter Excavating from N.E. Irrigation Carter Excavating $ (309.00) City backcharge to Allen's Floor System for wrong wall tile Allen's Floor Systems $ (1,250.00) Total $ (1,250.00) Request for Change Order Loading dock and ramp wall revisions per Change Oreder NO.2 Brazeal Masonry $ 10,880.00 $ 10,880.00 Total of Construction.Change Directives $ 23,718.00 Total of Backcharges $ (1,250.00) Total of Change Order Requests $ 10,880.00 Total of Change Order NO.5 $ 33,348.00 5,000.00 4,500.00 4,800.00 4,100.00 (3,000.00) 833.00 788.00 662.00 302.00 1,120.00 790.00 572.00 452.00 324.00 968.00 595.00 602.00 310.00 23,718.00 Cost $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 11/30/2001 KBM Construction Oil Capital Electric Oil Capital Electric Oil Capital Oil Capital Electric Oil Capital Electric Oil Capital Electric Oil Capital Electric Oil Capital Electric Sweeper Metal Robinson Glass Robinson Glass Robinson Glass Precision Door M.L.Jones Acoustical Forrest Shoemaker Forrest Shoemaker Architectural Signs Erection of structural steel due to increased detail from engineer Addition of (22) fire alarm devises per state Fire Marshall Addition of (26) wall boxes per state Fire Marshall Plenum rated cable Deduct raceway from original contract Add (4) dedicated circuits for server room Unit heater hook-up Relocate receptacles, switches & data outlets Install (11) multi-outlet receptacle strips for ADT security panels. Prep jail doors for food slots Install insulated metal panel in lieu of glass in booking area Install (2) sliding pass-thru windows in clerical & records Install wire glass in evidence/property room Additional door needed for reverse handing. Framing and drywall furring to accommodate X-bracing. Install dryer vents not shown on plans Revise ductwork after skylight installation Additional signage requested by the City of Owasso Work Change Directives Issued by City Manager per Resolution 2000~1 0 Owasso City Hall and Police Station Change Order No" 5 TOTr::1L P.01 cc.REJ,Job File 00026 Sincerely, ~d ~M Steve Y ~ltes., P .. \; . . We our looking forwarutin working with you on this project, and if you any questions to hesitate to calL We will proceed with proposal after we receive a written order to proceed or purehase ordere. Ifill Item 1- additional Fire Alarm devices $ 4500.00 o@ Item 2- additiomil.wall bOxes and raceway $ 4800.00 e Item plenum rated cable $ 4100.00 o@ Item 4- deduct raceway in original contract $(JOO(tOO) Total cost: $10400.00 I have reviewed the above 'Subject and determined tbe cost will be: Subject: Fire Alarm modification Per State Fire Marshall Ref: Owasso City Hall Doug Phone: (918) Oil Capital Elselrle An Encompass Company 12718 East 55th Street Tulsa, Oklahoma 74146"6221 Phone: 9180317-3255 Fax: 918<117.7490 Oklahoma Eloctrical License 111588 www.encompserv.com Cowen Construction 1110 W. August 20, 2001 ENCOMPASS ...... l"-_i II __-' ---- HUU-~~-~~~L bO'~~ TOTt=iL P.02 P VI:? Ci=::%' C10 -::''1 '1c1C1n n~r_~c-~~r1 ~?:1? Page 1 of2 DOP:mg cc: Allen Kahoa Betsy Hobbs E 0 FAX DEe 0 6 2001 CC',u~) ~ 6916 E:lSt 1ivelf'.h S[ite[ 1iJIS2, Oklahomil 74112 voice: (918) 835.ll4oJ f:L~: (9l8) 83507US emall: p<:nder@lonetnet Thank you for allowing Pendergraph to submit this quotation. Should you have any questions, please call me. Delivery will be four (4) to six (6) weeks and our terms of payment are net thirty (30) days. This price will remain in effect for thirty (30) days. Price " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$10,406.00 15 ~ Hom strobe signals; 26 ~ Strobe signals; 7 ~ Smoke detectors; Please add the following items: Pursuant to your request, we have designed the fire 2.lam.1. :requiremen~s placed on the referenced project by the State Fire Marshal. We completed this design in line with their review comments dated October 20,2000. This design and pricing that follows has also been prepared after OUI December 11, 2000 letter request that the design be completed by the owner'.s architect was not acted upon, Dear Mr. Yates: Mr. Steve Yates Encompass Elerokal Technology 12718 East 55th Street Tulsa, ()kLahorna 74146 FAX: 317-7490 .~ · =~eg~!1~fi~fl8et! August 13, 2001 - - -- ../"-- ~'-' ..:..:-(...... 59% '3188357125 S18 317 7490 6<)16 E~ 1\Iclt'.h Slr\'!et i\l!s~. OKl:lharn:l 7mz voice' (918) 8~S-8403 f~ (915) :m.m.s e.rnell-. pend.a@\oC\€L!\e1. OkJllhom:a M;lfl'lj l.lt:2l1S1l JIOlll DEC~11~2000 13:27 DEC~:1-2000 14:56 P.01 P.02 SS% --- DOP:mg A ttac.h..r:nen t cc: Allen Kahoa Betsy Hobbs Sincerely _ 'i) U QJr. D~ O. Padgett If the change order lIS approved, we will resu.bmit our ~hop drawings 1:0 the Fire Marshal's office. The Stare Fire M~'8 CJffic:.~ h<AB reviewed ou.r shop drawing and provided a list of ib:!nus requiring additional design ccm.siderauons. I've a.ttached a copy of hi!!! review comments, which 1 am :requesting Oil Capital Electric to fOlViaI'd to the architect. Once the ardured provides revised design criteria to meet the tequiremen~ of the fire Marahal, Pendergraph will prepare a change order ~t estimate for any additional WOl'k involved. Dear Mr. Yate.9: Ow<1!SElO City Hall Fire Alann System Refere!lbe: FAX: 317-7490 December 11, 2000 PENDERGRAPH ME /lLIIRM. SfCURITY llM COMlAUHlCAntlN5 ~s ~""';;. P.02 9186357:1.25 Page 1 of 2 5. Smoke Detectors are required in all jail cells per State Statute 74 section 324.11a. 4. Use Group I-3 shall meet the requirements of BOCA 918.4 and NFPA 72. Audible and Visuals Alarms shall be heard and seen throughout. 3. Room Names are required on all Fire Alarm projects. 2. PROVIDE BAIIERY CALCULATIONS AT TIME OF lQ.Q.% lliSPRcnON.. 1. ON STJE iO % A"ND lQO % INSPECTION IS,REQ{JTRED BEFORE OCCillAl'ICY IS ffRMITTED..... PROJE(,~ City Hall Police Station DATE RECEIVED~. October 20, 2000 ADDRESS~ 207 S. Cedar St errY:;. Owasso OK , .olNTRAC'IOB.: Pendergraph-Betsy Hobbs EHONE: (918) 835~g403 PREI;IMINARY;. X SPRINKI,ER PLA~ Disapproved 12-6-00 FINAL AFfROV U;. OCCUlANCY;. B, 1=3 OCCUPAlfI I,OAD;. 280 SQUARE FEETl28,OOO CONS'JlWCTION: 3 REVlEWED BY: 1. C. Curoll SFJUl'fl:O.ER: OKLAHOMA STATE FIRE MARSHAL 4545 Liru::oln Blvd, Suite 280, Ok.Wwma Citjl, OK 73105, (403)522-5005 F;,u (405)$21-:5028 o fA~ TOT~L P.04 P.04 '312 31'7 '74'::0 DEC-::-2000 :4:57 """,,,,--,,,,,,,<,,,,,,=0,,,,,,,,,,= Page 2 of 2 9, or a IS ill 91 If a Fire Alann is required a:ud ins'tilled the Occupancy portion 'must be fully alarmed to meet the requirements ofNFP A 720 a 8. Audible 7. A sound level produced by the fire alarm horns shall able to be heard in all areas, including unoccupied a:rea~:L The sound level shall be 15dba above the ambient sound. 6. Heat Detectors are required in all mechanicaL,_ equipment, etc. instead of smoke detectors due to dust build up. , '0 . ""'.... p vr~ CCa/ cc.REJ,Job File 00026 Steve Yates, PM ~~~ Sincerely, We our looking forward in working witb YOU! on this project, and if you any questions to hesitate to call. @ Item 1- Additional dedicated receptacles in server room~$833.00 ~ ...<!'''Ii''li!'':!oa. ~@,'T I have reviewed tbe above subject and determined the cost will be: #5 Ref: Owasso City Hall Attention: Doug Petersen phone: (918) S82~2220 Fax: (918) 584~8922 74101 Oil Capita! Electric An Encompass Company 12718 Easr 55th SIr!lBt Tulsa, Oklahoma 74146.6221 Phone; 918<117-3255 Fax; 918-317.70190 Oklahoma Electrical LIcense 111588 www,encampserv.eom , ENCOMPASS liLJV-';::'O-..;:.<-...UJ.. _-'10--, TOTAL P.02 P.02 TOTAL P.02 98% C11r:1 ~1'? 7490 ==> ="'""'="<> """",,F,"'f9 ce. REJ,Job File 00026 Steve Yates, PM ~~.dA We our looking forward in working witb you OD this proje~ if you any questions please do Dot hesitDte to eaU. @ Installation of conduit, wire, breaker, :and equipment connection Cost: $ 778JlO cost will be: subject the I Subject: Vlllt Ref: Owa~so City Hall 584m8922 Doug Phonte: (918) 582-2220 011 Capilal Eleclrlc An Encompass Company 1271 B East Ssm Sltael Tulsa. Oklahoma 7411\6.6221 Phone: 918.317':3255 Fax: 918,317.71190 Oxlahoma Eleclllcal License .\I15BB www.encOmp&!!fv.com 20,2001 ~ ENCOMPASS ,-,,-,,iAJC,'1 '-'--'".::;. I r":,,-,,-,, .......11 ~uN-~U-Guul lG;~~ FAXED o C1 - 1 "G: \ C" "D ' ~,'i!A1 -,I .>-. ~ ~ 1'1 Je- - ...)) J ,/' cc.R.EJ File 00026 Steve Yates, PM ~~ f(Mh Sincerely, If you have any comments or questions please don't hesitate to call COR # 1 cost - $662.00 The labor cost is at $ 23.00 per hour for (23) twenty- three hours in labor to relocate devices. llis will include markup and profit of 15% and 10% ~. Encompass is as.king for a COR for additional work., due to incorrect stud layout by ASTA in woms 117, 127, 128, 142, 152, ] 79,208,219, and 2250 The additional work L<; related to relocation of receptacles, switches, and data outlets. Subject: Cb1mge Order Request # 1 Ref: Owasso City Hall Attention: Doug Petersen Phone: (918) 582-2220 Fax: (918) 584-8922 Oil Capital EIGctfle: An Encompass C~mpany 127i3 Esst 55th Street Tulsa. Oklahoma 74146.622 j Phone: 918.317.3255 r3x; 918':31707490 Oklahoma Eiecl1lC31 License 11003338 www,8rn:om~s0rv com Construction 1110 W. 23[d 74101 October 1.2001 ENCOMPASS ~ I j f i j I i I i 1 1 I r r i i P.02 '3'3% 31E 317 '74'30 ~C--0:-~001 14:42 (QY C7/J fJq r.. TAX l-J ~ ~ I TOTAL I nOf"CY acl<nowI0d\JO 10.. ",,".-tac:nry compl9non Of I/'lf\ >OO"@ dOll<:IIDtld _rl<. IgnalUfG r'!( .(e. Work ordered by . IrrlltL~#' TOTAL MATERIALS TOTAL OTHER - TOTAL LA80R I $ , I r ! ! I I i r I I r I I i TOTAL MATERIALS e C:::MPLEnO r"' TERMS: JQll VMONE ,ro ~~~~_~_~ OA1];.OI'01Jl1.ffi_ I l..O-~-o FroMEmJ ORCER NYMeER PHONE (918) 311.3255 FAX (918) 317-1490 ~ ~lQ)@) U~\:Ll(Q)U~~ 37110 OIL CAPITAL ELECTRIC, INC. 12718 East 55th Street TULSA. OKLAHOMA 74146 I I i ! r [ I I J q fA., TAX '_ ~ eJ=J ~~~~ J~I - ~- ";;-\ \iI d I h~refl'f llCj:(rlO~tKigG lYlO lHUlg'6C10ry camgla1lon ot \h6 l1CGV1} asecrJoed wmk, Signature _ .--.. Work ordered by TOTAL OTHER TOTAL MATERIALS TOTAL MAT'ERIALS DATE C:O"'PlEUO TOTAL LABOA TOTAL OTHER . /"'1CX.-7& / f(e~-e #70UeJd J J?f'ceEf Z-~ 4-..~ -- /b1 TERMS: TO _~_ Oi!TEGFORa~ I - t:-CJ -(!J CU61'OMEf1'8 ORO~R NUMBER PH'ONI< (918) 317-3255 FAX (918) 311-1490 r- ~ '...'--') ll.....J) U U ~ \:!J l~) U~LS; 37108 12718 East 55th Street TULSA, OKLAHOMA 74146 -'- --......- 0_ _0"''' Q""W_ -~-~..~_.._, ....."""'<> P.09 98% 918 31'7 '7498 NOU~28-2881 18:05 ~ cc. REJ,Job File 00026 Sincerely, ~~ f{~ Steve Yates, PM We our looking forward in working with yon on this project, if you any qu.estions please do not hesitate to call. @ Installation of mwti~outlet receptacle strips for security panels, (11) eleven outlets needed: Cost: $ 302J)0 will be: I b:ave reviewed the :above subject and determined the Subject: Multi..outlet strips for ADT security Ref: Owasso City Hall PR# 7 (918) 584-8922 Attention: Doug Phone: (918) 582~2220 Oil CapilJI Electric An Encompass Company 12718 Ea5155ln Slroet Tulsa, Oklahoma 74146-6221 PhDne: 918.317-3255 Fax; 918.317.7490 Oklahoma Eleclrical Licen.e #003338 www.ancompserv.com 2001 ENCOMPASS 1;....;'-" ...;...::-..:..1:-1'..--._ r"' -'l F't Thu Sep 27 12:06:44 2001 MSInc. PAGE 1 1.000 Mult UNNAMED AnT UNNAMED security Stat 1 & Owasso City Hall & Police Station Oil Capital Electric, Inc. Cowen Construction 207 South Center sly/ebc 5% bid bond required 1:30 May 2, 2000 CO Price Items CO Extension security PR#7 UNNAMED PR#7 Oil Capital Electric = ROM-DB ~, UNNAMED :rON Job Name: Cont.ractor: Customer: Job Address: Est.imator: Comrnentsl: Comrnents2: Bid Date: Report. Type: Extension Type:: Bid Surnmary: LABELS ~ l.....v -___ '-__~_ P.ll 99% 918 317 7490 NOU-28~2001 10:05 r- Thu Sep 27 12:06:44 2001 MSlnc. PAGE 2 Oil Capital Electric - RDM-DB Itm # Item Name Quantity Price 8xt Price l,anor Av I,hr Fac: 8xt I,ahor CCode JOB COST CATEGORY 2001 RACRWAYS m;s J BOXES 60011 Multi.outlet 3 $50,00 R $150.00 1.00 E 1. 00 3.0Q 2001 Cast Code ,00 1. 00 ],00 $150.00 LOa 3,00 Total Combined Systems. This Breakout: 1 ITEr-:!S Column COMBINED COMBINED COMBINBD COMBINED Yat~ Steve Srr'lt * 1 SYSTEMS EXTENSION '-~<--_ '-_ '-l_ P .12 99% a1q ,1? 74C1V) Thu Sep 27 12:06:44 2001 MSInc. PAGB 3.00 150.00 3,00 150.00 COMBINED Column JOB NAME: OwaS80 City Hall & Police Station TOTAL PRICE TOTAL LABOR '.1111 1_"')0_ ",)C1C11 1 C1: VIe:: ,r-.. Oil capital Electric - RDM-DB SENT TO BID SUMMARY COMBINED COMaDlBD COMBINED ~ lates, Steve 'SUMMARY OF EXTENSION TOTALS 1,-," -...;..__ ......'-''"-'... ,__- S8% ste 352 2!81 ,c:c:.:E;k;~J.FZ~ . C==~~1_~~~1 ~S~0 OFWORK, PLEASE-CONTACT ,.. .fP <. FORANYINFORMATION CONCERNING. THEA8 JOHN SOMERS @"918-3SZ-9180 .cLARIFiCA ilO ~S. *Taxes are not included, *Exdude all finishes or applIed coatings except for manLIfacturef'S standard primer. "Exclude all hardware. 1,1.2q,OO s NET DEL1VERED "Add food pass to doors 1 9a, 199, 200, 201! and 2.02 per addendum #8 CHANGE ORDER' PIJ!nt MFG. DOCK PRICE: P\':ltiee station QTY,l r OrIginal j):l~: 9121/01 P 1=C OVr;:r!' 1\ i~ O~J. . . .---iJ:--if; 'iJ~ "~.~ ,,dl/ifi:' .~..,,___,...,.{jt:,.~.....~,:.: b. .~" ~jt'#-..'tr- o' A.O, --~. ~. METAL' r:AIJlilC):.ralt~: CORF_ {]H'AWQ; 67Z. lJRUMR1GHT;aJE 74OSa:. M1M~ !9U1.! m~1m r~ [m8]' ~-2.:r1l1 .....,J_~~.-4~ ...A ~ ....v -:.J-.l A ~.,dJ..&1...4 ~~ ..I oJl, -'" ~"'~><4~"'''''' ./" FAXED OCT - 3 inm (1; : ue1&1 M(C ROB~N GLASS CO., INC. By --2. \ ._... Note: This prupox.,l "y he w'thdr:,wn by 1I~ irlllll ~~c.eptcd within ~,!;,v, Date of Acceptance . By _ Hy___ ACCEPT!':!). The above prices, specitications and conditions are satistactory and are hereby by accepted. You arc authori7.:ed to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above. WE PROPOSE lo furnish labor and material -- complete in accordance with above specifications, for th~ sum of: ($ 790.00 ) SEVEN lTUNDREU AND N1NTY doll.a.rs Payment to be made as tollows: blli.T 30 DAYS. MA TERIAL AND LABOR TO INSTALL CLEAR ANODIZED INSULA TED PANl-;L FOR DOOR, SIDEl.lTES AND TRAN:::iOM FOR DOOR 194 AS REQUESTED BY ClUFF OF POLlCE IN PT ,ACE OF EXISTING GLAZING. RE: C.ITY HALL & POLICE OWASSO OKLAHOMA COWEN CONSTRUCTION TULSA OKLAHOMA ATT: DOUG PETERSON OCTOBER 3 2001 ARRD\V '" OKL1\HOl\11A 74(J 12~8330 1520 Emai]: ba@rohi!15ongJ.ass.com COwen . :1 ZaO"l (~.~<<: "." d,y 1 Rtt::CEIVFn """- J. ""'Q"____ r ~ ~-L oct-03-01 03:10P ROBINSON GLASS co. , INC. ~~b ~~a ~~~U P.02 9'7/; 918 258 1520 OC--25-2001 13:85 - i-AX/2 . OCT ~ D ec:ll)~1 ~25 2001 By J~N ~~.S CO~.: INC. Note: Tffi..; propo~lll :- n., wilhdwwn hyu., ii'u<,l llCoeptcd witHin liQ UlIYS. Date uf Acceptance _._.. By By.___... ACCEPTliD. The above prices, specifications and conditions arc satisfactory and aft: hereby by accepted. You. are a'uthorized to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined ahove. WE PROPOSE to furnish labor and muterial-- complete in accordance with above specifications, for the sum of: ($ 572,00) FIVE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY.TW.Q Ilollars Payment to be made as follows: NI:!:T 3QDAYS WE PROPOSE TO FURNISH AND INSTALL TWO SLIDING PASS-THRU WINDOWS TO MATCH WTNDOW INSTALLED IN DISPATCH OFFICE. WfNDOWS TO BE INSTALLED IN CLERICAL (AS PER B-A410) AND RECORDS (AS PER C-A41 0). WINDOWS TO BE COMPLETE WIllI LOCKS. RE: OW ASSO CITY HALL, AND OW ASSO O.KL4.HOMA COWEN CONSTRUCTION TULSA OKLAHOMA 233 N. ASPEN 'I< BROKEN ARROW * OKLAHOMA 74()12~IB30 (91 g) (918) 25g~ 1 Email: ba@robinsonglass.com Oct-25-01 11 ::loP. Kl.JD.J.I":;:'UI\l ,-,,'-r-\-'-' '-''-'. , ~"'-'- ---,,- '--- .---- ~ (/\"J q'7~ aiR '~R i~'V1 ~=P-4V1-'V1Vl1 VlR:4S FAXED SfP 1 0 2001 (1. I"" '7::"'\ ...-, n n v'<.../' r, e. r, efL:'l J ByRO~r~Jt~A~~..CO,. INC. Note: '111i" f'ruro:su~ be wnhdJ'nINl1 hi' Ie' i(Il\11 "cc"Vted within (,() diJ.w, Date of Acceptance By. _ By _~____ ACCEP'lTO, The above prices, specificatiuns and condition~ are satistactory and are hereby by accepted. You are authon7.ed to do the work as specified, Payment will be made as outlined above. WE PROPOSE to furnish labor and material -- complete in accurdance with above $pecifications, for the :;um of: ($ 452.00) FOUR HUNDRED AND ELErY-TWQ dollars Payment: to be made as follows: NET 30 DA ys. WE PROPOSE TO FURNISH AND INS'TALL TWO UNITS APX 22 X 70 BRUNZE I" INSULA TED GLASS WITH MTSCO WIRE GLASS ON lNTERTOR UTE IN PI.ACE OF EXISTING GLASS IN GENERAL STORAGE ROOM 156. HALL AND OWASSO OKLAHOMA COWEN CONSTRUCTION TULSA OKLAHOMA ~TII' SEPTEMBER 10 200 I Ph.. (91 _AHOM A 74012-8330 : ba@robinsonglu:i~,com N, CO\tven (':0(, S')>I ~ F i) 1 !: 'I fl n ' It, '-~. ..d. _ .........". J:)-,,-. '~_, ..~_,_ ntGl::! \/ ~, ~ F.0] C'7/: 1C::1C:::'~=::~-:::;::'::; nr--?d_?~~: :::d~ Air Conditioning'" Heating w Sheetmetal .. Piping" Dud Cleaning'" Service" Repairs Rick Sho~ma.ker 7iJJZJ Please call if you bave any questions. Ene Miller, the Superintendent, directed us to forward the price for the above work to Cowen which is in the amount of$505.00. This letter su.percede::; our letter of Au.gust 13,2001. We were directed to set the condensing units on the roof, as the roofer had stated he had completed his work. We procured a crane and manned the job to set these units and discovered the roofer had not completed his work and therefore we could not set the units. Re: Hall Cowen Construction PO Tulsa, August 20, 2001 (918) 585~ 1239 Fax (91B) 585-1569 202 South Guthrie Tulsa. OK 74103-3001 fOfl.fl. J5 S1 $349.65 324JJO 25.65 $349.65 324.00 mvOtces. ~ 00 Subtotal Sales Tax Tutal fnwice Afoomt Payment Receive~ TOT At. DUE o PROJECT !'HAS\: CODE _ SUPERINTENDENT 3.0 x 7..0 Piain Sleed Red Oak & exitdevica 12D9. 1.M Vr..pR03700 324.00 4!!min RHR PHASE CODE SUPERINTENDENT 01413 11/1101 1 PAGE: INVOICE DATE: INVOICE NUMBEn: II \ I \; \.. i i l~'::' NOY () 520(\ RECE1VED COWEN CONSTRUCTION \0\ /J ~ frecision DOOR & WINDOW, INC. 8255 Owasso Expressway Owasso, OK 74055 Ph. (918) 272-3667 Fax 274-0140 P.02 95;C; M.L. Jones Acoustics DEC-07-2001 15:02 Grand Totah 968. 00 %8.00 6,64 5,46 12,10 /LF 1st 11001" Totals 13' 80 LF Total Price Unit Pricing Co~ Mat. Lab, Total Height Quantity No, Condition Name 1st floor 1 Frame at X bracing -- all ,Uf!lajj;, Roof Estimator; ,Job Class: Wage Typer Areas; Bid DateJTime: 1111101 12:00 pm Plans Date: 1111101 Bid Summary Frame at X bracing Bid No, 489 " C/O ID: CO#4 Sase Sid: (489) Owasso City Hall Drywall Package Selected Sid Sections: 9251 Selected Areas: 1 st floor, 2nd floor, all areas, Roof Page 1 M.L. Jones Aooustios Ino. B South 111th East Ave" Tulsa, OK 74128 Phone: 918-742-7011 . Fax: 918-293-9358 December 7,2001 14:40,47 Page 2 of 3 Date: 12/7101 Time: 2:41 :24 PM From: Mike Jones To: Doug Peterson Pcs.! Crt'!w No. Dt'!scription Quantity Af'J~lication Lab.Cod@ Cr@w Day Days 1st floor 1 Framl0 at X braeln!! 13' 80 LF 3-5/8 20ga Track, 10' (T35820) 1.68 bundles 2 rows 3-5/8 20ga Stud, 13' (S35820) 80.00 studs 13' X 16" X 1 3/4 Concrete Pin/Load (SPC) 0.18 boxes 2 rows Frame wall per S/F, labor only (FMSF) 1,040.00 sq feet 13' x 1 9250-FMW 2.00 1,240.00 0.84 Estirnator: Job Class: Wflge Type: Areas: 1st floor, 2nd floor, all ;'U@a$, Roof Statl~s: Bid Date/Time: 11/7101 12:0l:J pm Plans Date: 11/7101 Field Report bracing Bid No, 489 " C/O 10: CO#4 Base Bid: (489) Owasso City Hall Drywall Selected Bid Sections: 9251 Selected Areas: 1 st floo!', 2nd floor, all areas, Roof Page i M.L. Jones Aooustios Ino. B South 1 i 1 th East Ave" Tulsa, OK 74128 Phone: 918-742.7011 . Fax: 918.293-9358 December 7, 2001 14:40.47 Pagll 3 of 3 Datil: 12/7/01 Tlma: 2:41:24 PM From: Mll<a JOMS To: Doug Pat&rson P.04 97/: I9185851563 OC~-24-2001 11:40 """'" ADDITIONAL CALENDAR DAYS; E 0.00 S35]9 0.00 8.19 594.68 595.00 HOURS RATE o 32.18 0.0l! o 3~n ~OO S 32.31. 262.56 2 36.45 72.90 o 33.95 0.00 o 35. n 0.00 o 14.06 0.00 o t~.06 0.00 LABOR TOTAL MATERIAL & LABOR TOTAL 30..34 . 11.14 8.61 OTJiER COSTS DIRECT COST TOTAL OVERHEAD 10'% SU.BTOTAL FEE 10"/" TOTAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL 0.00 FEE 10% 0.00 SUBCONTRACTOR TOTAL SUB-TOTAL BUILDER RISK 0% BOND FEE 1.5'% TOTAL TOTAL CHANGE ORDER SUBCONTRACTORS Crane 50.15 484.11 4R,42 532.63 ~ 585.89 .335.46 433.46 QTHERJ:OSTS Project Administration COmpill'lY Tools &. Eqpt, Gl.lnrlllnty ripe [';'!bor Pipe Foreman Sheetmetml 1.aOo&" Shcetmetml Foreman Technici;,!11 Technician Fore:mfl.l:! Pipe Procurement Shee!me!nl Procurement 98.00 MATERIAL TOT At SUBTOT AL 98.00 SALES TAX '.917"/" 98.00 ~ATER!A1 Equipment Pipf'. V;'!lves, Flttil'!g~, Hanger Weld,solder, ThlfClHI, Materinl &, Gl!!!Jses Sheet Meta! Equipmel1t Dl.!~t 'Woi'k MIIterilll Air dev;ces. Lou\Jtli'g, Etc. Piping Permits &. Licenses Sheetmetai Permib &: Licenses Piping'Rcntll13 Sbeetmetml Renmb Piping Miscellaneous Sheel111etal Misccllnneou$ Tech. Miscellaneous room. W.O. No. Cowen Construction Iua W. 23 St. TulslI, OK 74101 Ow:mo City Hall '\lent FORREST SHOEMAKER AIR CONDo INC. 202 S Gu!hrie A VI:: TULSA OK 14to3~3001 Phone: 918 5B5~ 1239 'TO: Addre:J3: Pro j ect: FA.X.# 918 585~1569 CHANGE ORDER REQUEST SUMMARY Date ~uoted: 10/4/01 No. DateApproved: C.O. No. Approved by: ATTN: Eric Miller P,05 0.00 593.03 0.00 8,.')0 I,Ol.Y) 1>02.UU 52.41 490.ll ;+<,1,0 J 539.12 53.9l 5lJ:1.0.3 371.91 437.70 65.79 96% 101P':::;P"1 nrT-?d-?~~1 1i:4~ ADDITIONAL CALENDAR DAYS: E Sl!B.~ONTRACTOR~ Crant: OTHER COSTS l'ruji:ct Admlnlsctl1tio!l COmpl111Y Tools &. Bqpt. Guaranty Pipe L;IDOi" Pipe l'orenuln Slleetmct.ll L300i" Shcctmem! Forem~ll Technician Techniclllil Foreman Pipe Procurement Slleetml:tal Procuremeni. LABpR MAIIUtIAL F.quipmclH Pipc, Vl1lves, Fittings, 11l1n~er Weld,SoldrCl\ Thrend., Materia! &. GJ11>.W;S Shecl Mcml Equipment Duct wor!> Material Air devices, Dampers, l..o11nrs, Etc. Pipille; Pcrmlts & LIcenses Shcctmemll'ermits &. Licenses PIping RCl1tal~ Slw:nnetn! RC..!ltals Piping M;~cclbill:ous Sheennetal Miscellalleous Tech. Misccllaneolls LAHOR TOTAL MATERIAL & ,CABOR TOTAL .10.64 13.02 ~ OTHER COSTS DIRIi:CT COST TOTAl.. OVIi:RHEAD 10% SUBTOTAL FEE 10% TOTAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL 0.00 FE.\:: 10% 0.00 SUBCONTRACTOR TOTAL SUB-TO'tAL BUIL.D,KR RISK 0% BOND FEE 1.5% TOTAL TOTAL CHANGE ORDER 0.00 0.00 262,56 109,35 0.00 0.00 0.00 O.(J() RATE 32.18 35.72 .32.l12 36045 33.95 35.72 1-4.06 ,14.0ti rIOURS o () 8 3 o o o o MATERIAL TOTAL SUBTOTAL 65.79 SALES TAt"X 7.917% 65.19 FORREST SHOEMAKER AIR COND.INC 202 S Guthrie i\. VF: TULSA OK 74'103-3001 Phone: 918585-1239 F' AX# 918585-1569 To: ~ Cowcn Const. Addrt:ss: Project: OCll Move du(t fOl" skvll!!ht helm! :!ddetl. W,O.No. CHANGE ORD,€R REQUEST SUMMARY Date Quoted: 7117/01 No. DatcAppl'oved: co, .'lv, App..::.oved by: ATTN: P.01 C:::;:r' <> ~ .,/t:;/~ 405 354 :('1029 nc~_~c_?~~' '?:?C ~G: Fjt) D~)~ Please note the following chanqes to Owasso City Hall signage. The Gity - - reQuires 18 additional siQns. The City states we owe them :3 more signs. ~ decided to provide an additional 13 signs at no additional charqe., ~ Please bill the City of Owasso for Qty. 5 si~ns. The price will be an additional FaX#_1-918oo582-222L _Pages. Cowen Construction Date' Com pany: ,John AbreU ~~ Cvnstructic" :""~',,,\ =-==='"=="'~=="'-==,..~'>. ;J-' ,. .' ~ ,,=4., . . Doug Peterson To: ( ~ I; 7 f)' I~ , ' '" ',.~ [; ) ( ) ( FF(Oi1 ; riKl...-: 1 . C__ ! yl",r:..... =. ~ ...;, 1 .:... ..,.,-.i,- r= ,'"1-1 c.e-: F \le., f l'ei1zQ i UCL() Signature: Date Accepted, ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL Proposal may be withdrawn if not ac:;epted within 30 days Authorized Signature: ~1~~ see attm::l1ed letter Approved by Doug Peterson $60000 Back charge to ML Jones Acousiics for substrate grinding in the restrOClf11S 1 unit Sco~ 01 Wow k JOb site 376.2142 Fax Telephone: 582.2220 or Doug Attn: I Owasso City Hall & POlice Station I I I Cowen Construdicm 1110 W 23rd Str!}et TulsEI. OK " '",,:tJ\ven 0010010 1 Date: .: ~!JU1 fax: (9113) 61 (j-{j90 1 5420 South 99th E;;:u'lt AVGnue Tulsa, Oklahoma 74146 Telephone: (918) 810~73J '=-. '- " --. .---;'. ::;=....... ~d I i ~ Coo I s, st loor lien's S.:p-Ob-Ol U/:GO F.02 S7~< TOTAL. P.01 Cc: file, field t~ COWEN CONSTRUCTION Sin~y. Ti.me i:> very much oCtile esaenCflll.nd we need to proceed with tbh work while the paperwork i5 being prol;es~d. ThlU"!.k you far your prompt .ll1J3i5t1mcl:: in this matter, Please provide a Request for Backclw'ge so I can distribute rhi~ to ML Jones AroU!tics, IDe aM prcx:~1iS pilyrn~fit from the City of Owasso. Please proceed immedia.wly with cerwnlc tile 5UD5tm1e grin.ding in the restroomll for the &bove.-meooofield project fonhe amount of $600.00. Deu Steve: RE: Floor SYGtem3, Inc. South 99th &:'il A'l/e. 74 August 21, 200 1 d1~ ? dO S==-8~-~0~1 8G:5~ - ~ >'AX OJ I I9-S640-B92.2 j!J I !9':i/.il;2'2220 74101 '3M'iS "ft;~ Oi1b".AtA.<l"WIA PO ~ 3&.65 II I C1 w, :2;3.,0 :$'" eSTAElI.I$MEO 1896 S€:.p-06-01 Oi:Lb I1l ~ C ~ CI R o TOTAL P.02 TOTAL. P. e2 S 117.50 S 191 ~f!1 T etal Invoice Total WWor Total Material WQ# 1872 D~be.r 22. 2000 """"-~~~ - ~~ <~cltLocation: ~J::~t1"!!L_~_~.. INVOICE ...:..._ --r.... ,_,,:, "-1 "" - - ;" "l,::q~l~'-:i~i ~' 1. '$I F~ -- 'IS' roo \ 4 ~ ",,' I I ' I_"_;~!loll ; .<II,,;,""'.....: ,~ORTHEASTERN fRRIGA nON &: LAND~~~~r;; Il~C!:, E ~ .. ""'" '"'- .....a-. pl9-......E&1 63175, 103 . Ave, ~ ':i=NS3l-:~I.t.~"" T~, OK 1413J..15Ga Phone: 918,,2.50-1214 Fax: 91 a..2SQ-7049 iit'- 9' ",...".. l;t"aL =;p ~ ~~u~U l.~wt:.f"1......wi'1.::: KW",,; .. ',-,,'1 MuG-02-2001 0S:33 P.01 99% 2545708 J'" t: ~<' I ~~ WPft;}J.+ crf ~ I ~lifI}~,,", . II :()(;) ~ , Gc#0.@-L {J 1,,-1: rtJ ..Jp ~. R~c-s,.. MIIC.. ~~..:: nA~€ C-re:... -;J ~A~ 7J" Apt; ~ ~,P~ Ok 01 I'r" J I_S': fb REMARKS: ,~IC ~~~ r 1"0 C~_~T~JC-,.. , _Pe,."e:Jt~€ p~W"~ .d)~"r'€~ dI=' d!U#_4~~ ~~ ..;fJV~ p~IJ^'J<J, IN VtJ ~~ FfJ~ ~~Ll~&N?'.tf.~ (PkCSZlWtib US at (318)ii82.,22:0 if you dD Mt ~ceive all pages; OIr' haw pl'Obkms with thi$ tronmn.~on.) PAGES TO FOLLOW: NUMBER J Hard copy to follow: y \l!5 __--------~ No FACSIMILE ~~MlTTAL ",,,- .::..:,......:..-, 0::; CJwEN CJNS~KuCliuN QUG-02-2001 09:1d dY J:'A)!; ~I \3~OO:t!.l:! oJ) I .JJ'~d!:':;.lilila :J":ile:ll'~!':l Ty,.~ C)o,!~.."" """ eCJ~ ~~G 1110 \III ~~ :$'1'. ~~I~MW I~ "f'i' o - II = o o (fj -1 AUG-02-2001 09:32 1104 East First Street.. Tulsa, O!<laf1oma 74120.2000 .. Ph. # (918) 582-2242 " # (SiB) 582.5321 ~~ ~'t0J TRANSMITTED BY: THANK YOU, ':-'4 Please le~ me know if vou need additional information. eMU - Mat.erials .00 REMARKS: IF THERE ARE ANY PROBLEMS WITH TRANSMISSION OR YOU DO NOT RECEIVE THE NUMBER OF PAGES SPECIFIED ABOVE. CONTACT BRAZEAL MASONRY, INC, @ (918) 582002242 01 NUMBER OF PAGES (COVER INCLUDED) DOCUMENTS TRANSMITTED FROM: (918) 582-5321 Wall TRANSMITTED TO: Cow FACSIMILE COvlR SHEET BRAZEAL MASONRY INC. D .JL ------!' aD aD D:D 08/16/2001 THl 1U:JJ iAA ~lo ~oL ~JLl D~~~L~L ~~~V~~. 1HNOSVW lVJZVHa TZCS ZSS S16 YVd 9Z:80 a3~ TODZ/80/S0 N)()/TOOr])' 1104 East First Street .. Tulsa, Oklahoma 74120-2000 .. Ph. I; (918) 582-2242 .. Fax 1# (918) 58.2-532'1 rJ:?~Ai~ ~ TRANSMITTED BY: THANK YOU, " REMARKS: IF THERE ARE ANY PROBLEMS WITH TRANSMISSION OR YOU DO NOT RECEIVE THE NUMBER OF PAGES SPECIFIED ABOVE, CONTACT BRAZEAL MASONRY, INC. @ (918) 582s2242 NUMBER OF PAGES (COVER INCLUDED DOCUMENTS TRANSMITTED FROM: (918) 582-5321 SUBJECT: 'fRANSMITTED FACSIMILE COVER SHEET AUG 08 ZOOI BRAZfAL MASONRY INC. )OO( a:D n:D aD aD RECEIVED ct!IDIIJ COWEN CONSTRUCTION, CO. "Z. 1I1,?2tt -, I cr 9 170 Ib~ I 'if, l~ 3'5'2.. J 0<7 <; ) I rz. , (5(, ~q 110 7tt Lry.(..~~ /0 j;f t:>/ () <g] ! 'TEWf.s A:$ ~ t/wMstJ Authus."i )~e)) So !JfO~ 7<71A"o':.) f'IlJjl'1t.".S 5, TY ], e:>>" J! S. (2./i1SAR. e ~ ,3:I-:: t11Jo e..? :iJ 1'", Po W ~ # , Z J "':,. '1oC/if 11../ r f)vtJ ~ tI, 'Z tf'5 ':. 107 J2JI /07 IZ" T1~K Pt:; ?J 12. e.f m Oa.7A (2. c_ 11 f c,'1t.!!. =;. ) 1 c-1 r;,(2pU.1 e,.1I '9 ,seJ~ ":: If 0 1/tz,t;.f)IA ~~s. Oad(i:"l.,S c lJ /.Jo"':. 7 'l30 q.: .f) Lf fltz:tlAfl' e 11 ; Zo:: (L it ,1'2.-: ff !.SI ::. 13&-1 f? PPfl ,c.. J1f ','7 <f '::'Jr~ ~ :tj 4,7 e 'Sf J~i.(7 6qfJ ~jp :JIF fL (J. f1 A:saAJfY ~ '01 O/'<, "5 1110 S?', C/)w&-N ~ ~/ ..,1/ IV"!) .'7tJ l~e. l,fJO 11111 ,$1 11ft.. :'). iyP~ D ~~'V v 5: 6, I, ~D ,\1!:-JOSVN lV::rZVtHI Izrs zss SI6 XV.:! 9Z: SO a::r,\\ IOOZ/SO/SO ('oo/roo IfIj 12~ rJh?1 w~ 1< ^(cnt.f ~ fLeM,.1l I/'Zc,:;Uy ;0 wt/(lJ.,q'jlJt:, J,AyS P4~t:: ~ t4s, t</IIaJ J~GV "It) P&eJe:t7::If) w"n' '7')/~,~ * I '1, Cf s <) 7'll? Ac-. I" e:J tt-Nj It::>> /!:~I (!>-frj ft:.2f ~I!:?- -CJ- " ?Jili '" 'If ';. !( !to. '-.!&.j ":: ("tf "1;:' 1 C, 'Y 'f ~~ "it "ij'b /f1! ., :3-c. orPt2- 'Jg' 'f.11j ~ "3 '1/ ~~Q~: it; 4t' ~I-;' ) (:,,:}h'13t It, '!> I <;.~ if!,. e.,- drl. ~ ""-,'if':,., ! v't &1"!&'i.'ft,1J,"'J,~' -. '2.. .- 5'/7.,..- LA BoP, : ltJ.u- 15/t. Hf(S e 11'2.;'. oa ~ 11 ~ 4<:1~ ')($& I '5.?- /~(f. 'fi1/~,Ck) 1,00$ 'Zn;h 5~ OPI2.. I J ':.. 1}?J m(7 If C. ~I /'S.()e) :::.. 1/1144 "J, ~ W~ __ ... v [TXlRZ NO 6:15J] [tJl 001 08/08/2001 WED 08:00 Date: ~!:':::~~~:~~l~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~t;:~~ , ...........~"~l'tllf';' ,.~<"._j:._....~~~:v,m..':'~~,......__t.......;;;&~.:~~~',tt.:_::j~~~.w~ ...~'.&fA_'1'.,..~l\'Il'f'4.l~oJIJIII ." :. Continental Cast Stolle Manuf:acluring, Inc. - 22001 West 83m Sires! ~ Shawnee, KS 6622.7 (913) 422.7575 Fax: (913) 42H272 ACCEPTED BY: Brazeal Masonry BY: cturing, Inc. BY: APPRO Sent to Office Fax (918) 5132-5321 '''-This proposal must be signed 'ancf returned before we begin 'work. We appreciate the opportunity to quote to you. ~a Work for Cast Stone: IManufacture and deliver eleven (11) C1 A"pieces, oCrw"'(i) C2t\piece, two (zy C3A pieces an~d two (2) C4A pieces (sixty-four (64) lineal ft. of wall cap). ------ -- ---.- --- $1,650.00 One Thousand Six Hundred Fifty Dollars Amount of Quotation: --'H~re is our'Change Propo'sa! '# '1' 'for your canfirmaHol1. OWasso City ~1all 102 E. 2nd Owasso. 2182 08/07/2001 1 Job#: Quote To: Robert Conrad Brazeal M:aSr:H1ry 1104 "O~=~==='=' ..0 Tuesday. August 07.2001 3:44:37 PM Change Order Confirmation for Owasso City Hall QlQl NO. 964 CONTINENTHL CRST STONE ~ 918 582 5321 09: 11 08/08/01 ,/, A 11. Clarification: Construction Documents Package dated March 6, 2000, Sheet 403, revise restroom plan. A 10. CI.flrification: Construction Documents Package dated March 6, 2000, Sheet A401 , revise shower area, kitchen, laundry, storage areas. A9. Clarification: Construction Documents Package dated March 6, 2000, Sheets A302A, A303A, REVISE LOBBY AREA, REVISE HOLDING CELL AREA. AS. Clarification: Construction Documents Package dated March 6, 2000, Sheets A203, A205, revise grade line and add dimensions for ceramic tile in brick wall. A7. Clarification: Construction Documents Package. dated March 6, 2000, Sheets A201A, -- A202A, revise grade lines to match the grading pla'n, revise loading dock area. ' A6. ClarificationlModification: Construction Documents Package dated March 6, 2000, Sheet A 1 06A, add overflow roof drains as per plumbing sheets. A5. ClarificationlModification: Construction Documents Package dated March 6, 2000, Sheet A105, revise areas at rooms 212, 210, 228,215,211. A4. ClarificationlModification: Construction Documents Package dated March 6, 2000, Sheet A104. Revise areas at rooms 179, 181, 186, 185. A3. ClarificationlModification: Construction Documents Package dated March 6, 2000, Sheet Ai 02. Revise areas at open area to lobby below, rooms 212, 210, 228, 215, 216, 211 as per owner request A2. ClarificationlModification: Construction Documents Package dated March 6, 2000, Sheet A 101 revise rooms 179, 181, 182, 186, 185 as per owner request, related electrical and hvac. Revise entrance area at door 156A. Revise area at door 154. Revise area at rooms 131, 130. Revise area at room 113, 114. ;.Revise area at elevator and elevator machine room. Ai. Clarification: Contract Documents Package dated March 6, 2000, Sheet G001. Add Sheets l101 and l1 02. New plant list and design. Add sheets Ai 06A, A201 A, A202A, A302A, A303A, A304, A304A, DELETE A510, ADD 602, ADD A703, ADD P302, ADD P303. Architectural Items: Following are verbal descriptions of changes, modifications, and additions to the Project as described in the issued drawings, specifications, and documents. Items are separated into Architectural, Civil, Landscaping, Structural, Mechanical and Electrical. This Addendum forms a the Contract Documents and modifies the original Set of Construction Documents dated 6 March 2000 as noted herein. To: Cowen Construction Company From: Urban Design Group, Inc. 9 East 4th Street, Suite 500 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74103-5119 Re: Owasso City Hall and Police Station Owasso, Oklahoma ADDENDUM NO.8 Dated August 28, 2000 -'j.,' ,/' S5. Clarification: Construction Documents Package dated March 6, 2000, Sheet S501, detail 1 , add additional masonry walls and ceiling slab at the jail area. :3 A ,310$' S4. Clarification: Construction Documents Package dated March 6, 2000, Sheet 402, Details 1, 2, and 3, add pitch to the top chord. Details 1, 2, and 3, add span length to metal stud trusses. Details 1, 2, and 3, revise channel support at base of trusses to a tube. S3. Clarification: Construction Documents Package dated March 6, 2000, Sheet 201, at the elevator shaft, add W6x15 hoist beam and connection note. S2. Clarification: Construction Documents Package dated March 6, 2000, Sheet S200, Add note for reinforcing in second floor slab. ,S1.__, Clarification: Construction Documents Package dated March 6, 2000, .Sheet-SiOO, add dimensions s.hpwjo.g the location and size of the recessed slab; - 'Add additional piers and grad~ beanl.s'"fci'r'si'ipport of th'etmason'rywalls'in the jail area. Structural items: A22. Clarification: Construction Documents Package dated March 6, 2000, Sheet 1402, 1403, 1404, 1405, 1406, revise bases. A21. Clarification: Construction Documents Package dated March 6, 2000, Sheet 1-101, 1102, insert Finishes Key, revise areas changed on previous sheets. A20. Clarification: Construction Documents Package dated March 6, 2000, Sheet A703 revising stairwell configuration. A 19. Clarification: Construction Documents Package dated March 6, 2000, Sheet A603, adding partition types. A 18. Clarification: Construction Documents Package dated March 6, 2000, Sheet A602, adding or modifying window or door frame elevations. A 17. Clarification: Construction Documents Package dated March 6, 2000, Sheet A601, insE:rtlng a revised door schedule and door types elevations. A16. Clarificaticm: Construction Documents Package dated March 6, 2000, Sheet A5 ii, AS12, A513, AS14 revising enlarged plan detail changes, location of brick and block relationship. revise A-15. Clarification: Construction Documents Package dated March 6, 2000, Sheet details modifying the light fixture detail by the guardrail. A 14. Clarification: Construction Documents Package dated March 6, 2000, Sheet ASOe, revise enlarged details modifying gutter detail. A 13. Clarification: Constnlction Documents Package dated March 6, 2000, Sheet A50i:, A502, A503, revise wall sections. A 12. Clarification: Construction Documents Package dated March 6, 2000, Sheet A407, A408, A410, revise notes on interior elevations. : \. P.01 98% 918 582 5321 SEP-20-2000 16:15 Cc: f~\ Ai ~- A2 ~~~ ~~"~-~~-~"~-~~~,~~~~~~-~~~~ - -~ A3 A4 =~===.==~====~== ~ Add b!ock wa!l~ ~n de~ent~on co~~~da~ #183 $11,300.0/ - '-~ AS - ,A- yJ tf ~ ')t ~CO ~('. 14 !!;; .y:, A6 "'~ -;1 No change ~n ma~on~y blockwo~k due to nev~~~on 6o~ load~ng dock and ~amp wall N/C A8 A9 Ai0 Ali A12 " A13 COST fTEM COMPANY: BID PACKAGE: TOTAL COST: SIGNATURE: DATE: r f'lC. Bhaz e Mall 0 VLlUj $ 4A $13,075.00 D ADDENDUM 8 Pleas!'3 r~spond to all it!'3ms that effect your division of work by 9~20..QO. Indicate the associated cost far each IIlle item or respond with No Change. Non reponse to this reqlJ~5t is an indication of acceptance to all changes effecting yeur work at no additional cost. 9-9-00 OWASSO CITY HALL and POLlCE STATION Proposal Request #1 Response Form 4!:J U U ~ 09/20/00 15:57 fAX 91~ 582 5J21 BKAL.b.-\L .ilA::JU.\JU -'-'7 '-0\1):..\ Sh~!.l A201A & A'lO'2A S h~ A 1 0 4 ~- ITEM ~ IIUN C05T A14 V~66e~ence ~n p~~ce 6o~ long b~~ck t~e~ l':25~of whe~e b~~ek ~~ moved out $ A15 A16 A17 ,A18 '-~ ~~-~~ A19 ,"'=.====-"'==" -, ~ A20 A21 ~ - -===== - ~ "~~ A22 ___~r~ - ~ 51 52 83 54 85 Sht A507 9-9-00 OWASSO CITY HALL and POLlCE STATION Proposal Request #1 Response Form '"t::J \j U '- riKALb.1.L .l1t1.;)U.'''l -" -, ,-,v ilL,' 09/20/00 15;58 fAX 918 582 5321 Staff recommends City Council approval of a supplemental appropriation of $10,000 to the Ambulance Capital Fund. RECOMMENDATION: The available unappropriated funds in the Ambulance Capital Fund are sufficient to increase the expenditures by $10,000. After a $10,000 supplemental appropriation, the fiscal year-end fund balance is projected to be $86,000. The approved budget for the Ambulance Capital Fund includes $150,000 for the purchase of an ambulance. The recommendation to be presented to the Council is for the purchase of an ambulance for approximately $160,000. A budget supplement of $10,000 would be needed before that contract for purchase is approved. The Municipal Budget Act, (Title 11, O.S. Section 17-201) prohibits any expenditure or authorization for an expenditure that exceeds the appropriation in that fund, Consequently, funds must be included in the budget before City Council approves a contract or purchase. BACKGROUND: December 14, 2001 DATE: FUND AMBUIJANCE SHERRY BISHOP DIRECTOR HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF OW ASSO TO: MEMORANDUM 1. Midwest Vehicle Professionals This company submitted a bid for a "MedTec" ambulance on a Freightliner chassis. The initial bid required the addition of several "options" in order to be compliant with the specifications developed by the City of Owasso. The vendor provided warTanty Below is a summary of each bid including cost, features, and evaluation points. The ambulance committee used a "points per item" scoring system to conduct an evaluation of the bid packages. A point value from 3 to 10 was assigned to 59 critical items for a total maximum point value of 422. BID REVIEWS On October 23, 2001 the City of Owasso opened sealed bids for the purchase of one (1) new advanced life support ambulance. Following this date the ambulance committee has been reviewing and comparing these bids in order to determine the most appropriate ambulance to fit the needs ofthe Owasso Fire Department. In 1987 the City of Owasso adopted a policy that would insure that the citizens would always have an ambulance in good repair and ready to respond. The progression of this policy and planning is the Owasso Fire Department's ambulances as we see them today; able to respond, cost effective, and fully equipped. The trend to move from the one-ton chassis to the commercial chassis is a direct reflection of the growth of our ambulance and emergency medical services. The commercial chassis offers reduced maintenance cost, lower operating cost, and increased reliability. The commercial chassis provides the Owasso Fire Department additional options after the chassis has finished its service life as an ambulance. BACKGROUND December 11, 2001 DATE: AMBULANCE RECOMMENDATION SUBJECT: AMBULANCE COMMITTEE KRIS DEMAURO, FIRE MARSHAL/EMS EDWARD WOFFORD, PARAMEDIC HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL MEMORANDUM Evaluation Points: 202 Bid Price: $153,000.00 6. AA Emergency Ambulance Sales Braun "Advanced" on a Ford F-650 chassis. Specifications called for a Freightliner FL60 Chassis. Evaluation Points: 241 Bid P11ce: $168,861.00 5. AA Emergency Ambulance sales Braun "Advanced" on a Freightliner chassis. The "Advanced" model is an upgrade from the "Super Chief' ambulance. Evaluation Points: 274 Bid Price: $151,253.00 4. AA Emergency Ambulance Sales Braun "Super Chief' on a Freightliner chassis. Braun is a well-known ambulance builder in the industlY. Braun uses plywood construction on the cabinetry of the ambulance bodies. Another feature of Braun is the use of fonn brake components instead oftubing and extrusions. Evaluation Points: 283 Bid Price: $135,168.48 3. AA Emergency Ambulance Sales This company presented multiple bids for several ambulance styles. The first to be evaluated is the Osage "Super Warrior" ambulance on an International Chassis. Osage ambulance does not use aluminum extrusions their construction (an item specified in the City of Owasso bid specifications). Evaluation Points: 195 Bid Price: $132,453.00 Wheeled Wheeled submitted a a "MA V" amOUlance on a chassis. Wheeled standard is to plywood. The addition aluminum cabinetry is an available from the company. Wheeled Coach did not provided vehicle bid package. Evaluation Points: 331 Base Bid: $131,923.00 Bid Price with options: $136,053.00 and proof of insurance. At the time of the bid opening the manufacturer was licensed to by the state of Oklahoma to sell vehicles but the dealer's applications were still pending. staff the recommend a contract to one (1) 2002 advanced life support modular ambulance, at a purchase price $159,899.77, and that payment be authorized. $1 77 Evaluation Points: 410 7. Excellence, Incorporated Excellence has submitted a bid for a new "Golden Eagle" ambulance mounted on a Freightliner FL60 chassis. This bid more closely matched' the specifications developed by the City of Owasso. C1 " L If'rprli1 ~ . < --;- 0 rUHH~ [ 1 ~ .. ,.. FL60 10 10 .2001 or W;:;Wl;;l 2. 300 hp diesel . 10 10 3. Allison MD3060P Transmission 10 10 4. Ron out oaLlery tray ~~~_,,~"~'^'~_u,,~_'"U ~-~,,~~~,~ 5 5 -~~~- 5.4.11:1 rear axle 5 5 ,~-~-- --~~~,-~,--- 6. Automatic tire chains 5 0 7. Phoenix or equal simulators 5 0 8. Rear swav bar 10 10 - -- 9. Has-120 air ride 10 10 - -~ J._O. Driver's conve~kage 8 0 - -- II. Heated remote mirrors 5 0 <,- ------< 12.60 gallon fu~l tank 10 0 - 13. disc brakes 10 10 < <, <- 14. Tilt wheel 5 0 -- -- Section II. -- I. Whelen 5000 series lightbars 5 5 2. Whelen emergency lighting package 5 0 3. SVP Siren 5 0 4. dual air horns 5 5 Section III. 1. Whelen scene lighting 5 5 2. Illuminated stepwells 10 0 3. Illuminated entry 10 0 4. 300K flood light 5 5 Section IV. 1. Load manager 10 10 2. Wiring labeled every 4" 5 0 3. Use GXL rated wire 5 5 4. Use SXL rated wire-(add) 3 3 5. (2) cigar type 12VDC recepts 5 0 6. Compartment doors wi sealed switches 8 0 7. Analog volt & amp gauges 5 5 Seller: AA EmergencY-Arnbulanc..e_Sales Brand: Braun "Advanced" OW ASSO FIRE DEPARTMENT AMBULANCE BID EV ALUATION FORM Section V. 1. 20 amp 110 V AC Kussmaul at rear of mod 10 0 2. battery maintainer 5 5 -- -- 3. 110 V AC air pump 5 ,-_.,~--------- 0 ----- 1----- ._~-~- --~~_.-_-- Section VI ----------~- ---------- ~,-~-,--~ 1. Separate rear A/C 10 10 2. OXygt;;ll lift ~-~--~~----"~"~--~~- .- 5 0 . ~,,~.~=,,-~-~,~ ------ 3. Stat- Trak -'--- 10 0 4. Femo cot 10 0 , ----------~ -----~-,- ~-~~.~~---~~- Section VII. 1. All aluminum module 10 10 2. Aluminum extrusions 10 0 3. Bonded or glued (-10) 0 4. Lockable drug storage 5 5 5. Total vehicle length <24' 10 0 6, Total vehicle height <115" 10 10 - "~~~ ~~~~- 7. Total vehicle width 96" 10 10 "__A 8. Module no longer than 166" 10 0 9. Continuos welds on body panels 10 0 -- -- 10. Aluminum cabinets 5 0 11. Vertical back board storage on each side 10 0 Section VIII. 1. Full set of drawings 8 8 2. Proof Workman's Como Insurance 10 10 3. Product liability 10 10 4. Ford QVM Certification 10 10 5. OK motor vehicle dealer license 10 10 6. Reference list of 20 buyers 5 5 7. Built 100 units in last five years 5 5 8. Pass AMB 001 standard 10 10 9. 10 year module warranty 3 0 10. 15 year module warranty 5 0 11. 20 year module warranty 5 0 12.25 year module warranty 10 10 TOTAL 420 241 Section 1. Credit Points A ' , r..., '<uuvu 1,2001 or newer n . ,.' FL60 10 0 2. 300 hp diesel 10 0 3. Allison MD3060P Transmission 10 0 4. Roll out 'IJi:UIXil v tray' ._-~~,-~." 5 0 "~~ 5. 4.11: 1 rear axle 5 5 --------,-- 6. Automatic tire chains 5 0 , - -- 7. Phoenix or equal simulators 5 5 8. Rear sway bar 10 0 ", 9. Has-120 air ride 10 0 10. Driver's convenience oackage 8 0 -- II. Heated remote mirrors 5 0 12. 60 gallon fuel tank 10 0 - - 13. disc brakes 10 10 -..-- -- 14. Tilt wheel 5 0 Section II. 1. Whelen 5000 series lil:.!:htbars 5 5 2. Whelen emergencv lighting package 5 5 3. SVP Siren 5 5 4. dual air horns 5 5 Section III. 1. Whelen scene lighting 5 5 2. Illuminated stepwells 10 0 3. Illuminated entry 10 0 4. 300K flood light 5 0 Section IV. 1. Load manager 10 10 2. Wiring labeled every 4" 5 5 3. Use GXL rated wire 5 5 4. Use SXL rated wire(add) 3 3 5, (2) cigar type 12VDC recepts 5 5 6. Compartment doors wI sealed switches 8 0 7. Analog volt & amp gauges 5 5 Seller: AA Emergency Ambulance Sal~ Brand: Braun 2001 Advanced F-650 OW ASSO FIRE DEPARTMENT AMBULANCE BID EVALUATION FORM Section V. 1. 20 amp 110 V AC Kussmaul at rear of mod 10 10 2. battery maintainer 5 5 - 3. 110 V AC au IJUHIIJ 5 0 - ~-~ -~- Section VI 1.("1 rear AlC ' - - -~ 10 0 2. Oxygen lift -~-~~~~--~ 5 0 3. Stat-Trak .^_.~- 10 0 - - ~ 4. Ferno cot 10 0 , ,-~-~---~-,- ~, -~~-~_.~~- .- -~-------- Section VII. - .--- 1. All aluminum module 10 10 2. Aluminum extrusions 10 0 3. Bonded or glued (-10) 0 4. Lockable drug storage 5 0 5. Total vehicle length <24' 10 0 6. Total vehicle hplcrht <115" 10 10 7. Total vehicle width 96" 10 -- 10 8. Module no longer than 166" 10 0 - .,- 9. Continuos welds on body panels 10 0 10. Aluminum cabinets 5 5 11. Vertical back board storage on each side 10 10 Section VIII. 1. Full set of drawings 8 0 2. Proof Workman's Comp Insurance 10 10 3. Product liability 10 10 4. Ford QVM Certification 10 10 5. OK motor vehicle dealer license 10 10 6. Reference list of20 buyers 5 5 7. Built 100 units in last five years 5 0 8. Pass AMB 001 standard 10 10 9. 10 year module warranty 3 0 10. 15 year module warranty 5 0 11. 20 year module warranty 5 0 12. 25 year module warranty 10 10 TOTAL 420 202 Section 1. Credit Points Awarded 1.2001 or newel~"~;-~ ,~.. FL60-----~-~- 10 10 2. 300 hp diesel -;... 10 10 3. Allison MD3060P Transmission 10 10 .~~,~-~~.~,.~~~,~ 4. Roll out battery tray 5 5 5.4.11:1 rear axle ~-~-- 5 5 -- ---,--~.,-- 6. Automatic tire chains 5 10 7. Phoenix or equal simulators 5 5 8. Rear sway bar 10 10 9. Has-120 air ride 10 10 10. Driver's convenience package 8 10 11. Heated remote mirrors 5 5 12. 60 gallon fuel tank 10 10 . -- 13. dISC brakes 10 10 14. Tilt wheel 5 10 Section n. 1. Whelen 5000 series lightbars 5 5 2. Whelen emergency lighting package 5 5 3. SVP Siren 5 5 4. dual air horns 5 5 Section III. 1. Whelen scene lighting 5 5 2. Illuminated stepwells 10 10 3. Illuminated entry 10 lO 4. 300K flood light 5 5 Section IV. 1. Load manager 10 10 2. Wiring labeled every 4" 5 5 3. Use GXL rated wire 5 5 4. Use SXL rated wire (add) 3 3 5. (2) cigar type 12VDC recepts 5 5 6. Compartment doors wi sealed switches 8 8 7. Analog volt & amp gauges 5 5 Seller: Excellence, InCOIDQrate.d Brand: ~le OW ASSO FIRE DEPARTMENT AMBULANCE BID EVALUATION FORM Section V. 1. 20 amp 110 V AC Kussmaul at rear of mod 10 10 -- 2. battery maintainer 5 5 3.110 VAC air~ 5 0 -- -- _. - Section VI 1.0 _~_,~~~__~.~~~~_~_,~,~_u_ ~~~~- rear AlC 10 10 2. (\'\,v~;;u lift 5 ._,-~-- 0 3. StJOlt-Tr:lk ", ".~m 10 ,._~- 10 4. Femo cot 10 -~-'--~~'-'-~ 10 -~--~----~ Section VII. -~~-~. 1. All aluminum module 10 10 2. Aluminum extrusions 10 10 3. Bonded or glued (-10) 0 - 4. Lockable drug storage 5 5 5. Total vehicle length <24' 10 10 6. Total vehicle height <115" 10 10 7. Total vehicle width 96" 10 10 - -- 8. Module no longer than 166" 10 10 . , ~e~~~~~ --- 9. Continuos welds on body panels 10 10 - 10. Aluminum cabinets 5 5 11. Vertical back board storage on each side 10 10 Section VIII. 1. Full set of drawings 8 8 2. Proof Workman's Comp Insurance 10 10 3. Product liability 10 10 4. Ford QVM Certification 10 10 5. OK motor vehicle dealer license 10 10 6. Reference list of20 buyers 5 5 7. Built 100 units in last five years 5 5 8. Pass AMB 001 standard 10 10 9. 10 year module warranty 3 0 10. 15 year module warranty 5 0 11. 20 year module warranty 5 O. 12.25 year module warranty 10 10 TOTAL 420 410 ~ " L I'rpr1it Points A 1. 2001 or newer T" " FL60 10 10 2. 300 hp diesel , -~ 10 10 -~~-,~~- 3. Allison MD3060P Transmission 10 10 ~-~~~~ ~~-~~,,~~ 4. Roll out battery tray 5 0 5. 4.11: 1 rear axle ",- 5 5 ~~~~~~~- 6. Automatic tire chains 5 10 ,- 7. Phoenix or equal simulators 5 5 8. Rear sway bar 10 10 9. Has-120 air ride 10 10 10. Driver's convenience package 8 10 11. Heated remote min-ors 5 0 .,,-~~ 12. 60 gallon fuel tank 10 0 - -, -, 13. disc brakes 10 10 14. Tilt wheel 5 10 Section II. 1. Whelen 5000 series lightbars 5 5 2. Whelen emergency lighting package 5 5 3. SVP Siren 5 5 4. dual air homs 5 5 Section III. 1. Whelen scene lighting 5 5 2. Illuminated stepwells 10 0 3. Illuminated entry 10 0 4. 300K flood light 5 5 Section IV. 1. Load manager 10 10 2. Wiring labeled every 4" 5 5 3. Use GXL rated wire 5 5 4. Use SXL rated wire (add) 3 3 5. (2) cigar type 12VDC recepts 5 5 6. Compartment doors wi sealed switches 8 8 7. Analog volt & amp gauges 5 0 Seller: Midwest Vehicle Professionals Brand: MedTec OW ASSO FIRE DEPARTMENT AMBULANCE BID EVALUATION FORM Section V. 1. 20 amp 110 V AC Kussmaul at rear of mod 10 10 -- 2. battery maintainer 5 ' 5 --~--- -- 3. 110 V AC air pump 5 0 -~~~~-~~~._~.._-~~~-~- ___n_____~__~~ ._~._~ Section VI 1.'"' ~~-~,~~---~ .._~~~._~-,~~-~ rear AlC 10 10 2, Ovvgen ];H 0 I. Lt.._Yl LA A.A..3.t. 1 0 .._.._-~-------~'".. ~~_.~- 3. Stat-Trak u,.,,"vw 10 4. Femo cot ~~.~~-~-~ 10 10 _,~~~~._u___~~_.~__~_~^' -~-~~~" '" -- Section VII. ~~~-~- 1. All aluminum module 10 10 2. Aluminum extrusions 10 10 3. Bonded or glued (-10) -- -- 0 4. Lockable drug storage 5 5 5. Total vehicle length <24' 10 10 -- 6. Total vehicle height <115" 10 10 ... -~--- 7. Total vehicle width 96" 10 10 8. Module no longer than 166" 10 0 . 9. Continuos welds on body panels 10 10 10. Aluminum cabinets 5 0 11. Vertical back board storage on each side 10 0 Section VIII. 1. Full set of drawings 8 0 2. Proof Workman's Comp Insurance 10 10 3. Product liability 10 10 4. Ford QVM Certification 10 10 5. OK motor vehicle dealer license 10 0 6. Reference list of 20 buyers 5 0 7. Built 100 units in last five years 5 0 8. Pass AMB 001 standard 10 10 9. 10 year module warranty 3 0 10. 15 year module warranty 5 5 11. 20 year module warranty 5 0 12.25 year module warranty 10 10 TOTAL 420 331 Section 1. Credit Points , 1. 2001 or newer ~. . . .. FL60 10 0 2. 300 hp diesel , 10 10 3. Allison MD3060P Transmission 10 10 -~ . - 4. Roll out U<iW;;l y tray 5 5 5.4.11: 1 rear axle ~- 5 5 ,.--- 6. Automatic tire chains 5 10 7. Phoenix or equal simulators 5 0 -- 8. Rear swav bar 10 10 9. Has-120 air ride 10 10 10. Driver's convenience package 8 0 11. Heated remote mirrors 5 0 12.60 p':ll1rm fuel tank 10 .~-~- 10 ..- 13. disc brakes 10 10 14. Tilt wheel 5 0 ,. Ci II. 1. Whelen 5000 series lightbars 5 5 2. Whelen emergency lighting package 5 5 3. SVP Siren 5 5 4. dual air horns 5 5 Section III. 1. Whelen scene lighting 5 5 2. Illuminated stepwells 10 10 3. Illuminated entry 10 10 4. 300K flood light 5 5 Section IV. 1. Load manager 10 10 2. Wiring labeled every 4" 5 0 3. Use GXL rated wire 5 0 4. Use SXL rated wire (add)- 3 0 5. (2) cigar type 12VDC recepts 5 0 6. Compartment doors wi sealed switches 8 0 7. Analog volt & amp gauges 5 5 Seller: _ AA Emergency Ambulan~e_Saks Brand: . Osage Super W.J!lIim: OW ASSO FIRE DEPARTMENT AMBULANCE BID EVALUATION FORM Section V. 1. 20 amp 110 V AC Kussmaul at rear of mod 10 0 - 2. battery maintainer 5 5 3. 110 V AC au \JUllllJ-- -- 5 0 ,-- ~~~~~~ ~~~.~~~~_. -~y. ----,--~---~ Section VI I------~~~-,------~---,-~- -~-~"'-~..__......_-- 1. n rear AlC 10 0 2. () lift 5 0 3. Stat-Trak UW.VAH 10 0 4. Ferno cot 10 -- 0 .. ~-~-~~~---~-~~ _.-,--~-~. .u~_~.____ Section VII. 1. All aluminum module 10 10 ....- 2. Aluminum extrusions 10 0 3. Bonded or glued (-10) 0 4. Lockable drug storage 5 5 5. Total vehicle length <24' 10 10 -- 6. Total vehicle height <115" 10 10 - 7. Total vehicle width 96" 10 10 8. Module no longer than 166" 10 10 ~._.. -_.. 9. Continuos welds on body panels 10 0 10. Aluminum cabinets 5 0 11. Vertical back board storage on each side 10 0 Section VIII. 1. Full set of drawings 8 8 2. Proof Workman's Comp Insurance 10 10 3. Product liability 10 10 4. Ford QVM Certification 10 10 5. OK motor vehicle dealer license 10 10 6. Reference list of 20 buyers 5 5 7. Built 100 units in last five years 5 5 8. Pass AMB 001 standard 10 10 9. 10 year module warranty 3 0 10. 15 year module warranty 5 0 11. 20 year module warranty 5 0 12.25 year module warranty 10 10 TOTAL 420 283 Section 1. - .' ~ Awarded 'rprht POInts 1.2001 or newer ~ . ,., FL60 10 10 2. 300 hp diesel 10 10 3. Allison MD3060P Transmission 10 10 4. Roll out batt~rv' tray w.~~_. 5 0 - 5.4.11:1 rear axle 5 5 >~ - ~.n~_ 6. Automatic tire chains 5 10 ~" 7. Phoenix or equal simulators 5 5 8. Rear sway bar 10 10 9. Has-120 air ride 10 10 -- 10. Driver's convenience package 8 10 - 11. Heated remote minors 5 0 12.60 gallon fuel tank -- 10 ~- ---"~--- ,- 13. disc brakes 10 10 - " 14. Tilt wheel 5 10 " " n. -- 1. Whelen 5000 series lightbars 5 0 2. Whelen emergency lighting package 5 0 3. SVP Siren 5 0 - 4. dual air horns 5 5 Section III. 1. Whelen scene lighting 5 5 2. Illuminated stepwells 10 0 3. Illuminated entry 10 0 , 4. 300K flood light 5 5 Section IV. 1. Load manager 10 0 2. Wiring labeled every 4" 5 0 3. Use GXL rated wire 5 0 4. Use SXL rated wire (add) 3 0 5. (2) cigar type 12VDC recepts 5 0 6. Compartment doors wi sealed switches 8 0 7. Analog volt & amp gauges 5 0 Seller: Wheele_d_Coach Brand: MA V OW ASSO FIRE DEPARTMENT AMBULANCE BID EVALUATION FORM - Section V. 1. 20 amp 110 V AC Kussmaul at rear of mod 10 0 -- 2. battery maintainer 5 0 3. 110 V AC au J.lUUlfJ 5 0 -- - - -- Section VI ___~_=.~_~.~.~_~~,~~o.___,~,__ _.~~--.~~~~~~ --~------~- 1.C1 rear l>JC 10 0 2. 0"" Vl.{ldU lift 5 0 3. Stat- Trak 10 0 4. Femo cot 10 0 -,-------~------~ ~~~-~--~ --------------- , Section VII. - -- I. All aluminum module 10 10 2. Aluminum extrusions 10 10 3. Bonded or glued (-10) 0 ~Lockable drug storage 5 5 5. Total vehicle length <24' 10 10 - - 6. Total vehicle height <115" 1 10 -- -- 7. Total vehicle width 96" 10 10 8. Module no longer than 166" 10 0 9. Continuos welds on body panels 10 0 - 10. Aluminum cabinets 5 0 - -- -- II. Vertical back board storage on each side 10 0 Section VIII. 1. Full set of drawings 8 0 2. Proof Workman's Comp Insurance 10 0 -- 3. Product liability 10 10 4. Ford QVM Certification 10 0 5. OK motor vehicle dealer license 10 0 6. Reference list of 20 buyers 5 5 7. Built 100 units in last five years 5 0 8. Pass AMB 001 standard 10 10 9. 10 year module warranty 3 0 10. 15 year module warranty 5 0 11. 20 year module warranty 5 0 12.25 year module warranty 10 0 TOTAL 420 195 - , ~, Section 1. Credit Points , ~- .~ ~ , ' ~~~~~~ 1.2001ornewer~ 0' FL60 10 10 2. 300 hp diesel 10 10 3. Allison MD3060P Transmission 10 10 ~Roll out ~CHL,",~ y LHl,.y ~_~__AV~<~~ " ~- 5 5 ---~ 5.4.11:1 rear axle 5 5 6. Automatic tire chains ~~-~-~---~- -~ ---, 5 O. 7. Phoenix or equal simulators 5 0 8. Rear sway bar 10 10 9. Has-120 air ride 10 10 10. Driver's convenience package 8 0 11. Heated remote mirrors 5 0 ,- 12. 60 gallon fuel tank 10 10 - - 13. disc brakes 10 10 ~._-, -- 14. Tilt wheel 5 0 Section II. 1. Whelen 5000 series lightbars 5 5 2. Whelen emergency lighting package 5 5 3. SVP Siren 5 5 4. dual air horns 5 5 Section III. 1. Whelen scene lighting 5 5 2. Illuminated stepwells 10 10 3. Illuminated entry 10 10 4. 300K flood light 5 5 Section IV. 1. Load manager 10 10 2. Wiring labeled every 4" 5 0 3. Use GXL rated wire 5 0 4. Use SXL rated wire (add) 3 0 5. (2) cigar type 12VDC recepts 5 0 6. Compartment doors wi sealed switches 8 0 7. Analog volt & amp gauges 5 5 Seller: AA Emergency AmbUIDllceSales Brand: Braun "SuQerChief' OW ASSO FIRE DEPARTMENT AMBULANCE BID EV ALUA-TION FORM Section V. 1. 20 amp 110 V AC Kussmaul at rear of mod 10 0 2. battery maintainer 5 5 3. 110 V AC air pump 5 0 h~~_~______ "- --~~--~---~~--- -<-~-"- ~_~_~__u~__ --,-~-"--- Section VI 1.'" - -~-,~~-~--~~-" 10 ' "~__.m<_~__~~~ rear PJC n \J 2. O)t'Y}::,VH lift 5 0 3. S tat- Trak: .~ 10 0 4. Ferno cot ""-~----"~-~ 10 0 "~~_~~_'^~"'U'_'~~~ "--------~-,~~~~~~-,.~,~-~~ , Section VII. -~ " --~~ 1. All aluminum module 10 10 ---~~~- 2. Aluminum extrusions 10 0 3. Bonded or glued (-10) ~ . 0 -~~ 4. Lockable drug storage 5 5 - 5. Total vehicle length <24' 10 10 -- 6. Total vehicle height <115" 10 10 ---~-,."~--- --,~~~~~-~-~- h~.~~_~~~~~__~ 7. Total vehicle width 96" 10 10 -------- 8. Module no longer than 166" 10 0 - 9. Continuos welds on body panels 10 0 10. Aluminum cabinets 5 0 11. Vertical back board storage on each side 10 0 - .. Section VIII. 1. Full set of drawings 8 8 2. Proof Workman's Comp Insurance 10 10 3. Product liability 10 10 4. Ford QVM Certification 10 10 5. OK motor vehicle dealer license 10 10 6. Reference list of 20 buyers 5 5 7. Built 100 units in last five years 5 5 8. Pass AMB 001 standard 10 10 9. 10 year module warranty 3 0 10. 15 year module warranty 5 0 11. 20 year module warranty 5 0 12. 25 year module warranty 10 10 TOTAL 420 274 Water Division A new I-ton truck equipped with service body was budgeted for the Water Division to provide transportation for the main line crew and a convenient, secure storage area for tools and equipment. Presently, the Water Division has only one (1) service vehicle, which was purchased in 1992 (odometer/124,925 miles). Due to distribution system expansion and work demands placed on the division personnel, an additional service vehicle is needed to allow multiple work crews to perform services in simultaneous locations. Streets Division A new service truck equipped with a dump-body was included in the budget for the Streets Division to replace the existing 1985 Ford I-ton truck (odometer/173,323 miles), which has become unreliable due to age and deteriorating mechanical condition. The new service truck will be used to haul small quantities of materials (i.e., dirt, sod, gravel and hot-mix asphalt) and equipment during construction projects and minor street repairs. The FY 01-02 Public Works Department Capital Outlay budget includes provisions for the purchase of four (4) new vehicles: a I-ton service truck for each of the Streets, Water Distribution and Wastewater Collection Divisions and a Yz-ton pickup truck for the Wastewater Treatment Plant. Funds for the Water and Wastewater Collection vehicles were initially budgeted in the FY 00-01; however, the vehicles were not purchased. Subsequently, the funds were approved as a part ofthe FY 01-02 Carry-over Budget. BACKGROUND: December 5, 2001 DATE: VEHICLE PURCHASES FOR THE STREETS, WATER DISTRIBUTION, WASTEWATER COLLECTION DIVISIONS AND WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT SUBJECT: CHRIS ROBERTS FIELD OPERATIONS MANAGER HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF OW ASSO TO: MEMORANDUM Base Bid "Alternate # 1 Alternate #2 Extended Price Available Budget Amount (extra cost) (extra cost) $29,496.46 $3,300,00 $95.00 $32,891.46 $36,000.00 Alternate #1 - Four-wheel drive Alternate #2 - Front and rear all-ten-ain tires Streets Division (2002 Chevrolet Silvera do - Model 3500) Service Trucks On October 11,2001, one (1) bid (submitted by Classic Chevrolet) was received for each of the three (3) service trucks with unit prices as follows: BID PROPOSALS & STATE PURCHASING ALTERNATIVES: Since a base-model pickup truck is all that is required for work at the Wastewater Treatment Plant, technical specifications were not prepared. Staff determined that purchasing options are currently available for a 'l'2-ton pickup truck with standard equipment from the 2002 State of Oklahoma bid list. During specification design, field personnel suggested each service truck be equipped with four- wheel drive and front/rear all-terrain tires. In addition, Water Division personnel requested custom service body features such as a removable, steel overhead ladder rack and storage compartment lighting. Wastewater Collection Division personnel requested an 8.1 liter gasoline engine in-lieu-of the standard 6.1 liter engine for improved towing capability. Due to equipment cost increases associated with these features, staff included them as alternates to the bid proposaL September 2001, technical specifications were prepared for the three (3) service trucks and bid proposals were sent to local vendors. Equipment specifications were developed for I-ton truck to allow for differences in service body features and engine type/size. SPECIFICATION DESIGN: the Wastewater Treatment Plant to rePlace an o (odometerl7 4,240 unreliable to deteriorating condition. new used primarily local transportation personnel, transportation to occasional out-of-town training, collection of weekly stream samples. Wastewater Collection Division A new service truck equipped with a flatbed, contractor body is intended to replace an existing 1985 Ford flatbed truck (odometer/160,670 miles). The 1985 Ford is in poor operating condition due to age and frequent use. The new truck will be used to haul personnel, tools, materials and equipment collection system maintenance and Page 2 Vehic1e Purchases Factory air conditioning Tilt steering/cmise controllintennittent wipers $16,389.00 $15,299,00 2002 Ford Fl50 XL Dealership Boyd Chevrolet, Inc. (Oklahoma City, OK) Country Ford Mercury, Inc. (Oklahoma City, OK) Hudiburg .ford LLC (Oklahoma City, OK) $16,067.50 $14,998.50 2002 Ford F150 XL $14,251.00 $13,316.00 2002 Chevrolet Silverado C1500 ce w/options State Ba Amount Vehicle Description Wastewater Treatment Plant (liZ-ton Picknp Truck) Pickup Truck The FY 01-02 Wastewater Treatment Plant budget includes funds in an amount of $15,000.00 for the purchase of a new pickup truck. The 2002 State of Oklahoma bid listing includes four (4) dealerships, which offer a ~-ton pickup truck. Available purchasing options are summarized below. The bid prices, however, are only considered irrevocable offers for a period of sixty (60) calendar days fmm the bid opening date of October 11, 2001. Since Council and OPW A action will not be requested until December 18, 2001, staff contacted Classic Chevrolet to ensure pricing through the end of December 2001. On December loth, Classic Chevrolet responded with a letter (see attaclnnent) indicating that all prices will remain in effect through December 31, 2001. The bid submitted by Classic Chevrolet, Owasso, Oklahoma for the three (3) service tmcks met all of the required specifications. All of the bid prices quoted in the bid document are F.O.B Requesting Agency and will be delivered within 120 days after receipt of order by the contract holder. Wastewater Collection Division (2002 Chevrolet SiIverado - Model 35(0) d I Alternate #1 Alternate #2 Alternate #~ E t d d' ~A '} bI B d x en e price I A val a e u get (extra cost) (extra cost) (extra cost) $3,300.00 $705.50 $66.00 I $27,765.63 I $26,0_~. Alternate #1 - Four-wheel drive ,_.~" ",'-, Alternate #2 - 8.] liter gasoline engine Alternate #3 - Front and rear all-terrain tires Available Budget ~- $35,000,00 Alternate #1 Four-wheel drive Altemate #2 - Front and rear a1!-terrain tires Alternate #3 - Removable, steel overhead ladder rack for service body Alternate #4 ,- Strip lighting for service body compaliments Water Distribution Division Chevrolet SHverado - Model Base Bid Alternate #1 Alternate #2 Alternate #3 Alternate #4 lEd d . dxten e pnce Amount (extra cost) (extra cost) (extra cost) (extra cost) $29,496.46 $3,300.00 $95.00 $128.75 Page 3 Vehic1e Purchases 1. Bid Documents 2. Bid Proposals 3. Letter form Classic Chevrolet ATTACHMENTS: 3. A current production model, Dodge Ram Y2-ton pickup truck for the Wastewater Treatment Plant in the amount of $13,917.00 from Dodge Town USA, Inc., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. 2. A current production model, Chevrolet Silverado C3500 service truck for the Wastewater Collection Division in the amount of $27,765.63 from Classic Chevrolet, Owasso, Oklahoma. 1. A current production model, Chevrolet Silverado C3500 service truck for the Water Division in the amount of $33,326.46 from Classic Chevrolet, Owasso, Oklahoma. Action Item -- OPW A Staff recommends Trustees approval of the purchase and authorization for payment for the following vehicles: Action Item - City Council Staff recommends Council approval of the purchase of a current production model, Chevrolet Silverado C3500 service truck for the Streets Division in the amount of$32,891.46 from Classic Chevrolet, Owasso, Oklahoma and authorization for payment. RECOMMENDATION: Funds for the purchase of the vehicles are included in the FY 01-02 Capital Outlay budgets for each of the Streets, Water Distribution, Wastewater Collection, and Wastewater Treatment Plant Divisions. Line item adjustments (totaling $1,766.00) within the Wastewater Collection Division budget can be made to purchase a new service truck. The bid submitted by Dodge Town USA provides a vehicle that meets the needs of the Wastewater Treatment Plant and appears to be the most favorable in regards to price. To ensure that the State Bid Listing provides the most competitive pricing for a new 12-ton pickup truck, staff contacted Four (4) additional, local dealerships and requested sealed bids for a model comparable to the State Bid Listing. Only one (1) bid was received on December 3, 200L The was submitted Classic a 2002 Cl with Page 4 Vehicle Purchases Technical Specifications" Street Division Page I (~ C~ 4. COOLING SYSTEM a. Radiafor: Largest capacity available from Manufacturer. b. Include coolant recovery system. ....,r L'rJ'J#/ Zq #f pJ 3. TRANSMISSION a. 6-speed manual with overdrive. b. Include PTO provision (Manufacturer's Standard). c. Include fluid cooler (Manufacturer's Standard). ~ v-~ v-~ ~~ ~. 2. ENGINE a. 8-cylinder diesel engine (7.3 liter turbo). b. Include oil cooler. c. Dry type air cleaner, dual replaceable elements. d. Full flow oil filter with replaceable elements. e. In-dash mounted engine hour meter. f. Air restriction indicator. g. Water separator. h. 120-volt/l000 watt block heater. o~"_ (~ . ~- /../h.,_A ~' ~ ~~~ ~ chassis cab. Bench type seat with seat belts for 3-people. Heavy-duty vinyl seat covering. Driver and passenger side sunvisors. Interior dome light with door activated switch. Electric intennittent windshield wipers with dual washers. One (1) interior wide-angle day/night type mirror; exterior ?,'x 16" West Coast style with 3-inch diameter bolt-on type convex mirrors, mounted on each side. Factory installed air conditioning, througho"dash type. Full in-dash mounted gauge package. Full headliner. Full rubber floor mat. Factory installed AMIFM radio. Tinted glass, all windows. must Please note that these specifications establish minimum criteria and the bidder may exceed the noted specifications. The specifications identify the characteristics desired by the City/OPVV A such that it is the intent to receive bids for a utility truck for the Street Division, which are similar to the specifications. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS = STREET DIVISION c, ~ ."' .r 'L~ u~1:J Compliance Or ExgeQtioTI Technical Specifications - Street Division Page 2 11. TIRES a. Front size: Manufacturer's standard. b. Front tread design: All season radial. c. Rear size: Manufacturer's standard. d. Rear tread design: Mud and snow. e. A full size spare tire and wheel (mounted) shall be included. f. Manufacturer's standard spare tire can-ier with lock shall be included. 10. WHEELBASE a. 60-inch CA chassis to accommodate 9-foot drop side contractor dump body. 9. FRAME a. Two (2) front tow hooks included. 8. SUSPENSIOl'{ a. Heavy-duty suspension, as required by manufacturer to comply with GVWR. b. Front stabilizer bar to be included. c. Heavy-duty front and rear shocks. d. Auxiliary springs to be included. S.TEERINQ a. Power steering with tilt steering wheeL ;I3RAKE SYSTEM a. Heavy-duty service brakes. ManufactuTer's standard parking brakes 5. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM a. 12-volt system b. One maintenance free battery with jump-start stud. Largest amperage capacity available by manufacturer. c. Altemator: Largest amperage capacity available by manufacturer. d. Trailer wiring: S-pin trailer connector. e. Include all lights and reflectors to comply with all Federal and Oklahoma State laws 24-hour Highway operation. f: Automatic engine shut,-down, with waming light low pressure, high temperature low coolant level; include automatic oveIride. g. One (1) headboard mounted waming light bar. Light assembly will include four (4) SOW flashing stationary lights. Two (2) SOW intersection lights adjust to any direction. fucludes four (4) standro.'d-watt halogen rotators, and two (2) full diamond mirrors. , . Extra Cost J;Y/JO /00 7> 5:~tJ lpp ~' Compliance Or Exce11..ti.Qn Technical Specifications - StTeet Division Page 3 Please specify costs associated with optional items. 1. 4-wheel drive (electronic transfer case). 2. Front and rear all terrain tires. ALTERNATES TO BASE BID 17. MISCELLANEOUS a. Five (5) sets of keys to ignition and any other locks provided. b. Two (2) Owner/Operator manuals. 1 {)w Jfe/ / M4HtuY.. UNDERCOATING a. Per manufacturer's standard. 12. FUEL TANK; a. Per manufacturer's standard. d~ /i~/ $ .,2' ~ ~7.6 Jt;,/, TOTAL BASE BID ON UTILITY TRUCK (WATER) ~Z) ALTERNATE #1 BID: $ JJ&tJ ~ ALTERNATE #2 BID: $ -75: "If - / ,78,77 6. $ ALTERNATE #3 BID: ALTERNATE #4 BID: MODEL: ;;ZP.tJ "2- VEHICLE #2 - WATERDNISION _ CURRENT YEAR MODEL 11,000 LB GVW, DUAL REAR WHEEL, 2-DOOR UTILITY TRUCK ,OW ASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY, OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA VEHICLE SUMMARy MAKE: C~r ~~~ J~o ~9 /d 'it ALTERNATE #2 ALTERNATE #1 TOTAL BASE BID ON UTILITY TRUCK (STREET) MODEL: WHEEL, VEHICLE #1 - STREET DIVISION MODEL 11,000 LB GVW, DUAL UTILITY TRUCK CURRENT YENDQRMAY BID ON 1~ 2, OR ALL ~YEIII{:LES BID PROPOSAL - SUBMITTAL PAGE Paul"Shoes" Christian Commercial Fleet Manager Classic Chevrolet Commercial Fleet Dept P.S.C. d/?--- The prices on the three trucks put to bid in Sept. 2001 have extended ootiI12/31/0L Ifthere is any question or concerns please give me a call, Sincerely, Dear Chris, Chris Roberts Field Operations Manager City of Owasso 301 West 2nd Avenue P.O. BOX 180 Owasso, OK 14055 lassi Commercial fleet DBpar1ment @ Owasso, OK 74055 @ 918-272-1101 @ E-Mail: ch.evroletf1eet@msn.com The ISTEA-21 funds are allocated every two years. The funding for fiscal years 2003 and 2004 projects is currently under consideration. The Special Projects Branch of the Oklahoma Department of Transportation has solicited for proposals with the deadline of January 2,2002. Awards are anticipated in the Spring of2002. All eligible will be forwarded to the Transportation Enhancement Advisory Committee (TEAC) for evaluation. Notice of all Transportation Commission approved projects will be announced and programming will occur by July 2002. It is estimated that the funds will be availabl,e beginning in October and the implementation of approved projects will be scheduled accordingly. Proposals originating from within an MPO (INCOG) area must include a resolution from the MPO stating willingness to add the project to there current Transpoliation Improvement Program (TIP). The State of Oklahoma anticipates With passage of the Intermodal Surface TranspOliation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) in 1991, a set of newly established Transportation Enhancement Activities (TEAs) are provided funding through a 10% set-aside of the Surface Transportation Program. ISTEA identifies specific TEAs including development of bicycle and pedestrian facilities, scenic beautification, historic preservation and mitigation of water pollution resulting from highway runoff. In 1998, with the adoption ofthe Transportation Equity Act for the Twenty First Centmy (TEA-2l) the 10 percent set-aside and eligibility for the ten TEAs was continued. Some activity areas were broadened and new activities were added. The 40 percent increase in Transportation Enhancement (TE) funding provided by TEA-21 is further evidence that Congress supports a national policy that includes TE as a core component ofthe intermodal federal-aid transportation program. These enhancements are transportation investments that encourage multimodalism, protect the natural environment and provide significant economic and community benefits. They contribute to livability through development of infrastmcture for walking and bicycling, acquisition of scenic and historic propeliy, preservation of historic and cultural resources and improvement of streetscapes and landscapes. Backgrm,md: December 12, 2001 DATE: transmittal packet) application are located in (Copies Stan Ewing, Director of Community Economic Honorable Mayor and City Councilors TO: MEMORANDUM Attachments: Copies ofthe application are located in your transmittal packet) The City Council needs to determine if they are interested in participating in this program. Staff expects the OEDA to submit a resolution of support. Action needs to be taken on the December 18,2001, City Council meeting to address ODOT's Janumy 2, 2002, cutoff date. Mr. Carr doesn't support the decorative fencing contained in the application due to the cross slope on this section of the service road. We might want to locate the fence on the west side of the service road instead. It can be deleted if so desired. The Mayor's signature on the last page of the application is all that is technically required to accept sponsorship. The staff recommends that the City Council approval the Owasso Streetscape Program and direct the staff to submit the application to the Oklahoma Department of Transportation for consideration for the FY 2003-2004 Enhancement Funds. RECOMMENDATION: The total project cost is expected to be approximately $303,000. Spreadsheets outlining the cost are on pages 8 & 9. The 20 percent share will be $61,000 that can be a combination of direct funding and in-kind services. The staff expects that the allowable in-services expected to be approximately $10,000 leaving the local cash share to be $51,000. Attached is the application for Enhancement Funds which contains three components. components are Gateway Monuments located on 76th street Gateway Monument will be at the northwest comer of 76th Street and US 169 and the other at the southwest comer of 76th Street and the SK&O Railroad. Both these projects are specifically identified in the Downtown District Redevelopment Plan recently adopted by the City Council. The third component is the extension ofthe decorative fencing on the west side of US 169 south to the Owasso Corporate limits. This is the continuation of the initial ISTEA project between 76th Street and 86th Street. Photos of these projects are on page 5 ofthe application. The Plan drawing is on page 6 of the application. receiving apportionment of $12 million annually in Federal funds for the Enhancement Program. The Oklahoma Transportation Commission will utilize a portion or the Enhancement fund for Enhancement Projects deemed to represent the interest of the State of Oklahoma. The funds provided for under Oklahoma's Enhancement Program are on a cost reimbursement basis. The Transportation Enhancement Program is not a grant program. Projects approved for funding under the program are eligible for up to 80 percent ofthe allowable costs, AU cost overruns :are tbe responsibility oftbe Project An emergency clause has been added to the ordinance in order to have the zoning issue resolved by the end of this calendar year, The emergency needs to be approved separately, The staff does not question the applicants concern about the legal non-conforming use status; however the Owasso 2010 Land Use Master Plan supports Medium Intensity residential on this parcel. The development trend along the east side of US 169 leans toward commercial development. We are expecting an application for a Planned Unit Development to the north that is going to redistribute the commercial along the edge of US 169, In most development scenarios, the commercial zoning on this tract will be consistent with future development to the north, The staff supports the request, RECOMMENDATION: The applicant does not want to have the property zoned AG, Agriculture, which will designate the existing use as a "legal non-conforming use," Non-conforming uses are allowed to continue to operate but cannot be expanded and if substantially destroyed cannot be rebuilt without acquiring the proper zoning, On November the City Council ratified an Annexation Ordinance for a triangular tract of land containing 3,94 acres, The parcel is located on the east side service road on US 169 north ofE. 96th Street, Mr, David Charney represents the applicant and he has asked that the City Council include in the annexation request the carryover of the CG, Commercial General, zoning previously approved by the Tulsa County, The Owasso Zoning Ordinance, Section 110,3, provides that" mthe City Council may annex and rezone in one ordinance properties given previous zoning in Tulsa County," BACKGROUND: December 2001 to Stan Ewing, Director of Community Economic Development Honorable Mayor and City Councilors TO: MEMORANDUM A TRACT OF LAND IN TIlE NORTHWEST QUARTER (NW/4) OF TIlE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW/4) OF SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTII, RANGE 14 EAST, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, TO-WIT: COMMENCING AT TIlE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF TIlE NORTHWEST QUARTER (NW/4) OF TIlE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW/4) OF SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTII, RANGE 14 EAST; TIlENCE NOoo02'30"W ALONG THE EAST LINE OF TIlE SAID NORTHWEST " QUARTER (NW/4) OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW/4) A DISTANCE OF 25.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING NOoo02'30"'W A DISTANCE OF 610.98 FEET; THENCE S89053'54"W A DISTANCE OF 12,17 FEET; THENCE S 41 o14'27"W A DISTANCE OF 814.1 0 FEET TO A POINT TRATIS 25.00 FEET NORTII OF TIlE SOUTH LINE OF TIlE NORTHWEST QUARTER (NW/4) OF TIlE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW/4) AND IS ALSO THE NORTIIRIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF EAST 99TH STREET NORTII; Section 1. the following described territory lying in Tulsa County, Oklahoma which is contiguous to the present corporate limits of the City of Ow as so and described in the petition for annexation presented to the City Council in accordance with the provisions of Title 11, Section 21-103, et seq., of the Oklahoma Statutes, and more particularly described as follows, to-wit: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT, TO-WIT: WHEREAS, on October 11, 2001, and October 18,2001, notice of the presentation of said Petition was given by the Petitioner by publication in the Owasso Reporter, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and notice was given that said Petition would be considered by the City Council of the City of Ow as so, at a meeting to be held on November 6, 2001 at 6:30 PM at the Community Center, Owasso, Oklahoma; and WHEREAS, on the 6th day of November, 2001, said Petition was duly considered by the City Council and was determined to have complied with the provisions of Title 11, Section 21- 103, et seq" ofthe Oklahoma Statutes, and further, that proper legal notice of presentation of said petition had been given; and WHEREAS, the City of Owasso received a petition to annex additional territory, signed by not less than three-fourths of the legal voters and owners of not less than three-fourths (in value) of the property hereinafter described, the same being contiguous to the corporate limits of the City of Owasso, requesting that said property be annexed and added to the City of Owasso; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Title 11, Section 21-103, et seq., ofthe Oklahoma Statutes, the City of Owasso is permitted to annex additional tenitory providing a petition in writing, signed by not less than three-fourths of the legal voters and owners of not less than three-fourths (in value) of the property hereinafter described, the same being contiguous to the corporate limits of the City of Ow as so, requesting that said property be annexed and added to the City of Owasso is submitted; and AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING, ADDING AND ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA, ADDITIONAL LANDS AND TERRITORY IN SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST, TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, PROVIDING THAT FROM AND AFTER THE PASSAGE AND PUBLICATION OF THIS ORDINANCE THAT ALL OF THE REAL PROPERTY WITHIN SAID TERRITORY HEREIN DESCRIBED SHALL BE A PART OF THE CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA, AND FURTHER DECLARING A CS,COMMERCIAL GENERAL, ZONING BE APPLIED TO THE LAND, AND FURTHER DECLARING THAT ALL PERSONS RESIDING THEREIN SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE JURISDICTION, CONTROL, LAWS, A.."r..J ORDIl\TM.JCES OF T.HE CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAHOMA, ESTABLISHING THE SAME AS PART OF WARD ONE OF SAID CITY, DIRECTING THE FILING OF THIS ORDINANCE, AND DECLARlNG AN EMERGENCY. CITY OF OW ASSO ORDINANCE NO, 693, AMENDED Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney APPROVED AS TO FORM Marcia Boutwell, City Clerk ATTEST Mary Lou Barnhouse, Mayor City of Owasso, Oklahoma PASSED AND APPROVED this lStll day of December, 2001. Section 5. That by the reason of time, an emergency is declared to exist whereby this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage and the first publication thereof provided by state law. Section 4. That there be filed in the office ofthe County Clerk of Tulsa County, Oklahoma, a true and correct copy of this Ordinance, together with an accurate map of the territory hereby annexed. Section3. That from and after the effective date ofthis Ordinance, the real estate and territory described in Section 1 hereof, shall be deemed to be in a Commercial General, zoning district of the City ofOwasso in accordance with the provisions of Section 1l0.3 ofthe Owasso Zoning Ordinance. ~ That from and after the effective date ofthis Ordinance, the real estate and territory described in Section 1 hereof shall be a part of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and in Ward One thereof, and all persons residing therein, and all property situated thereon, shall be and (JTe hereby declared to be subject to the jurisdiction, control, laws, and ordinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, in all respects mId particul?w:s. be, and the same is hereby annexed to, made a part of, and added to the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, and corporate limits thereof be and are hereby extended to include the above described territory and real estate. THENCE N89052'30"E AND PARALLEL TO THE SAID SOUTH LINE A DISTANCE OF 549.29 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 3.94 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. OUNCIL WITH THIS AGENDA@ THER ITEM ~' {~":;/., /"'~ " c~e{:Y~ Dominic Sokolosky, ~man Passed and Approved this the seventeenth day of December, 2001, by the Owasso Economic Development Authority of the City of Ow as so, Oklahoma. Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Owasso Economic Development Authority of the City of Ow as so, Oklahoma, that the OEDA does support the development of the Primary and Secondary Gateway Monuments and the extension of the decorative fencing on the west side of the Owasso Expressway south of 2nd Avenue, and encourages the City Council ofthe City of Ow as so, Oklahoma, to make application to ODOT for Enhancement Program funds and request that the City Council commit to the required 20% local match funds and or activities. the Development Authority (OEDA) and of Owasso have recently adopted the Use Plan" specifically identifies Primary and Secondary Gateway Monuments and the visual of the Owasso and, Whereas, the Oklahoma Department of Transportation has established a closing of January 2002, the submittal for applications 2003 - 2004 fiscal years; and, Whe'reas, program is a state process in which the proposed projects demonstrate a relationship to the surface transportation system; and, a SUPPORTING THE P ARTICIP ATION OF THE CITY OKLAHOMA, IN THE OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT RESOLUTION # 01-02 OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY CITY OF OW ASSO, OKLAKOMA Printed 12/13/01 Enhancement-App-4 City of Owasso/Oklahoma Department of Transportation (The project sponsor must either own or have a permanent easement on the property in which the federal enhancement money is intended. Property acquisition must occur before the construction can begirt Owner of Property: Indian fiations Council of Governments (lNCOG} Metropolitan Planning Organization (If Applicable) County: Address: FAX/E-Mail: Phone: Title: Sponsor Contact: or (Local Name of title: N OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT of TRANSPORTATION Printed 12/13/0 I 2 Enhancernent-App-4 Describe the location of the project: (A brief and specific description of the candidate project, including title, and location map no larger than 8,5"x11" attached behind this sheet, showing the boundaries of the project.) PART III-LOCATION OF PROJECT Environmental Mitigation to address water pollution due to highway runoff or to reduce vehicle-caused Wildlife mortality while maintaining habitat connectivity Archaeological Research Control and Removal of Outdoor Advertising ___Rehabilitation and Operation of Historic Transportation Buildings, Structures, Facilities including Historic Railroad Facilities and Canals. Historic Preservation 100% Landscaping and other Scenic Beautification or Historic Highway Programs including the Provisions for Tourist __Acquisition of Scenic Easements and scenic or Historic Sites Education activities Does your project at least one of the Enhancement Categories as listed in TEA-21? indicate a the total (les) applies. you are a ~tate Agency, Federal Agency, you submitted resolutions support from local Governing Councils or Authority (Copies of documents of support must be supplied with this application)? at least a or it will not be Review application to ensure it meets these PART II ~ CHECKLIST Printed 12/13/01 3 Enhancement-App-4 The Owasso Streetscape project will be a continuation of the previously constructed decorative fencing using TEA-21 funds on both sides of the Owasso Expressway from Second Avenue north to Twelfth Street (86th Street North), This proposed project will consist of three components: 1) A "Primary Gateway" monuments is proposed to accent entry into the Downtown District at the north west corner of the 2nd Ave. (76th Street North) intersection with the Owasso Expressway. 2) A "Secondary Gateway" monument is proposed at the southwest corner of 2nd Ave, (76th Street North) and the SK&O Railroad. 3) On the west side of the North Owasso Expressway new decorative fencing will be constructed beginning at 2nd Avenue and running (If more space is required, it must be contained on one 8. 5"x 11" page, type written, double-spaced, front only and attached directly after this page, If drawings or maps need to be included for this section, it must be contained on no more than two sheets no larger than 11"x17" and attached to the back of this application.) Purpose, type (bike path, restoration, rehabilitation, landscaping), size, length, other elements affected by the project, other partners, etc. Be specific on what part or parts of the project that will be spent on. PART IV ~ PROJECT DISCRIPTION Owasso Expressway Streetscape Project location Map !\ITS 5K&0 RR. 2ml Ave. The project is located in two areas. At the northwest comer of US 169 and 2nd Ave, (76th Street North) there is a "Primary Gateway" monument. Just south of this is approximately one half mile of decorative fencing extending south along the west side of the expressway from 2nd Ave. (76th Street North) for approximately 2,700 feet. A smaller "Secondary Gateway" monument is located at the southwest comer of 2nd Ave and the SK&O Railroad at the west end the downtown district. Printed 12/13/01 4 Enhancement-App-4 This project is supports the continuation of a previous fence construction north of 76th Street and 86th Street along both sides of the Owasso Expressway which was installed in 1997/98 using What are the benefits resulting from your project? Economic Development, Tourism, Enhanced Safety and or reduced Traffic Volumes.) The project benefits the local residents in that the it will increase the sense of community identity and sense of pride. Regionally, the project will send a message of pride to travelers as well as provide an invitation to shop in Owasso, How does the project benefit the population on a local regional or national level? It is estimated that the entire population of the City of Owasso (20,000 current estimate) will enjoy and benefit from the projects. Daily commuters to and from the Tulsa metropolitan area will also benefit from the calming effect of these improvements for commuters on this limited access roadway. The 1994 traffic count on the Owasso Expressway was 42,750 trips per day, and the 2nd Ave, count was approximately 6,000 trips per day, Based on the 6.5% growth rate for the City of Owasso, these figures are likely to show substantial increase since 1994, Number of people served/benefiting from the project. (If more space is required it must be contained on one additional 8, 5"x 11" page, double-spaced, typewritten, front only, and attached directly after this page. All of part VI is limited to one additional page.) your answers. Explain how you With the the majority the is immediately west of the Expressway. The decorative fencing softens the visual of the urban corridor and will assist motorists in identifying the City of Owasso as they travel along the Owasso Expressway going to or from the Tulsa metropolitan area. These unique fences have become a regional landmark of the City of Owasso and they are proposed to be extended an additional one half mile south. The Secondary Gateway Monument will welcome visitors connecting between US 75 and US 1 along 2nd Ave (76th Street North) including Industrial who will using this roadway which is soon to be widened to four lane by Tulsa County, (If more space is it must be contained on one additional 8. 5"x 11" page, typewritten, front only, and attached directly after this If or In teml!,;) more than one I!';) south 2,700 lineal feet. These Gateway Monuments are supported in the "Owasso Downtown Redevelopment Concept Plan" recently prepared by the Owasso Economic Development Authority and adopted by the Owasso Planning Commission and the Owasso City Council. The following two pages illustrate the project design and the Downtown District Redevelopment Plan. 12/06/01 3, Decorative Fencing on the West Side of the Owasso Expressway 5 2. Secondary Gateway Monument at 2nd Ave. and the SK&O R.R. 1, Primary Gateway ~~onument at 2nd Ave, and the Owasso Expressway u c+- o o c 5: o +" C 5: o o o (/) (/) (1j 5: o (!) E CL o (!) > (!) 6 12/06/01 +-> U c: (1j ll_ Printed 12/13/01 7 Enhancement-App-4 How do you guarantee your match? The City of Owasso will utilize a combination of cash funds and in-kind matches totaling the $60,593.50. In-kind contributions May range from design services, city infrastructure construction and city labor forces. * All R-O-W acquisitions must follow all applicable federal regulations. FUNCTION FERERAL SPONSOR TOTAL FUNDS FUNDS FUNDS DESIGN 12,800 3,200 16,000 CONSTRUCTION COST 186,200 46,550 232,750 RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION 4,000 1,000 5,000 UTILITY RELOCATION 0 0 0 CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERINGIADMIN 7,760 1,940 9,700 15%CONTIGI ENCY 31,614,0 7,903.5 39,517,5 TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 242,374.00 $ 60,593.50 $ 302,967.50 TOTAL PROJECT PERCENTAGE 80% 20% 100% CITY OF OWASSO STREETSCAPE PROJECT TOTAL PROJECT COST ESTIMATES (If this project is selected, the sponsor will only receive the estimated Federal Government share that is listed in this application. The sponsor will be required to match those federal dollars with the percentage of funds that is requested in this application. If the costs go beyond the estimated costs, the sponsor will have to provide 100% of the additional costs, Applicant must provide one sheet of detail cost estimates in addition to the information provided beloVII. Also in the cost estimate, include an estimated percentage of the project to be dedicated to each enhancement category (e,g. 20% - Landscaping, 40% facilities for pedestrians and bicycles, ete.): The City of Owasso will be responsible for all maintenance required for this project. The Parks Department will maintain the Gateway Monuments and the Public Works Department will maintain the decorative fencing. will !n Enhancement Funds. The two Gateway Monuments are specifically identified as implementation components of the Downtown Redevelopment Plan developed by the Owasso Economic Development Authority. Although the redevelopment plan did not emphasize destination tourism, it strongly support retail development and the capturing regional retail activity. Printed 12/13/01 8 Enhancement-App-4 - [GRAND TOTAL $ 39,517.501 $ 302~ [15% Contingency Fencing" Decorative Fencing Lineal Ft. 2,700 10 27,000 Landscaping Lineal Ft. 2,700 2.5 6,750 Construction Cost $ 33,150.00 Construction Engineering/Admin 1 1200 1,200 Sub Total $ 34,950.00 (* ODOT authorization needed for use of ROW) 1,500 1,000 $ 12,500.00 ,500 1,000 Construction Engineering/Admin Design Fee Sub Total ._~".~~, 2,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 $ 10,000.00 Signage and Identification Trees Shrubbery -- Irrigation ~s Construction Costs SI<&O RR 12nd Ave and SI<&O Railroad Monument * 7,000 5.000 15,000 $ 216,000.00 7,000 5,000 15,000 Construction Engineering/Admin. Land Acquisition Design Fees Sub Total 25,000 12,000 12,000 20,000 Totals $ Unit $ Quantity Unit Description [eway Monument* 2nd Avenue City of Owasso Streetscape project Estimated Construction Cost Printed 12/13/01 9 Enhancemenl-App-4 Branch Fax Number (405) 522-1620 Dennis Schieber Special Projects Coordinator (405) 521-4483 dschieber@odot.org Rick Johnson Special Projects Coordinator (405) 522-0990 rjohnson@odot.org Robert Payao Special Project Coordinator (405) 522-3797 rpayao@odot.org Richard Andrews Special Projects Branch Manager (405) 521-2454 randrews@odot.org The Special Projects Branch members will be available to answer any questions you may have, Oklahoma Department of Transportation Special Projects Branch 200 N,E. 21st Street Oklahoma City, OK 73'105-3204 MAIL OR DELIVER TO: Please send 12 copies of your application along with your original, all stapled in U"1e top left corner, bound materials will not be accepted, Applications submitted, including all contents (photographs, maps, drawings, etc,), become the property of the Oklahoma Department of Transportation and will not be returned, By signing this application your organization (local government, state/federal agency or department) agrees to assume all responsibilities for all environmental and cultural resource impacts that this project may have and understands that this program is subject to availability eligibility of federal funds. N.T.S.